Student-Generated Success Criteria Workshop Template 1st Activity: Create a Student-Generated PROCEDURAL Scoring Guide 2nd Activity: Create a TASK-SPECIFIC Scoring Guide 3rd Activity (Optional): Create a GENERIC Scoring Guide Remember to use OBJECTIVE wording in the Success Criteria. Activity #1: Choose a Grade-Level Classroom Procedure; Create a PROCEDURAL Scoring Guide. Grade Level and Classroom Procedure: Names of Levels Student-Generated Success Criteria Activity #2: Choose a Task-Specific Assignment or Performance Task; Create a TASK-SPECIFIC Scoring Guide. Grade Level and Content Area: 4 Science Name of Task: Brochure Research project Task-Specific Directions: Create a brochure about diabetes. Step 1 – Using online materials and book resources research the topic. Step 2 – Write down your findings in point form notes in your own words. Step 3 – Collect relevant pictures from online or by drawing. Step 4 – Create an appropriate title for your brochure. Step 5 – Organize your gathered information and pictures into 4 categories (What is diabetes ? What symptoms does diabetes have ? How can you prevent diabetes ? How to treat diabetes? ) on your brochure template provided. Step 6 – Ensure the font is evenly spaced and content is visible to the reader. Student-Generated Success Criteria for Each Category and Level: K = Knowledge and Understanding of subject-specific content Ideas Adapted from Student Generated Rubrics: An Assessment Model to Help All Students Succeed By Larry Ainsworth and Jan Christinson; © Larry Ainsworth 2022. All rights reserved. Please copy or distribute only w/ permission. T = Thinking Use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes C = Communication Conveying meaning thru various forms (oral, visual, written, media) & effective use of conventions A = Application Knowledge and skills in familiar contexts, new contexts, and between contexts Level 4 - Meets 4 or more of proficient criteria - Level 3 Proficient - Used a combination of online materials and book resources research the topic. Write down your findings in point form notes in your own words. - T - C A K Level 2 Level 1 - - - - - - - - - - - Cite your resources - - - Transferable Skills: Students should demonstrate implementation of any of these transferable skills for skill development: Critical thinking and problem solving Innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship Self-directed learning Collaboration Ideas Adapted from Student Generated Rubrics: An Assessment Model to Help All Students Succeed By Larry Ainsworth and Jan Christinson; © Larry Ainsworth 2022. All rights reserved. Please copy or distribute only w/ permission. Communication Global citizenship and sustainability Digital literacy Optional Activity #3: Choose a Topic Applicable to More Than One Assignment or Task (Science Experiment Write-Ups; Math Problem Solving Procedure, etc.) Create a GENERIC Scoring Guide. Grade Level and Content Area: Name of Task: Task-Specific Directions: Student-Generated Success Criteria for Each Category and Level: K = Knowledge and Understanding of subject-specific content T = Thinking Use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes C = Communication Conveying meaning thru various forms (oral, visual, written, media) & effective use of conventions A = Application Knowledge and skills in familiar contexts, new contexts, and between contexts Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 K - - - - T - - - - C - - - - - - - - Ideas Adapted from Student Generated Rubrics: An Assessment Model to Help All Students Succeed By Larry Ainsworth and Jan Christinson; © Larry Ainsworth 2022. All rights reserved. Please copy or distribute only w/ permission. A - - - - Ideas Adapted from Student Generated Rubrics: An Assessment Model to Help All Students Succeed By Larry Ainsworth and Jan Christinson; © Larry Ainsworth 2022. All rights reserved. Please copy or distribute only w/ permission.