Uploaded by Rhialyn Valdez

Philosophers on Embodied Spirit

For Online and Modular Students
Activity I.2 Philosophers Perspective of Human Being as Embodied Spirit
Rhialyn Valdez
Ms. Judy Sibayan
1. Plato
My understanding of Plato's point is that
man reflects the nature of the state he
lives in. Plato believed that humans are
made up of three materials – the body, the
mind, and the soul. He also believed that
the soul is distinct from the body, and that
it is indestructible and eternal.
2. Aristotle
What I understood from Aristotle's point is
that the soul and body make up a person.
And the actuality of a living body has its
own sustenance, growth, and
3. St. Augustine
For me, St. is right. Augustine because the
human soul is the reason why we live in
the world we live in. And our soul is one
that sustains our body as the human soul
was created before the body.
4. St. Thomas Aquinas
As said by St. Thomas Aquinas that the
soul has the ability to exist apart from the
living body after the death of the body,
because the soul is indestructible.
Because the soul is a spirit, so even if the
body is lost, our soul will remain forever.
5. Rene Descartes
What I understood from RENE
DESCARTES is that we use reason and
thought to understand the world, because
human understanding allows us to
consider what the world would look like if
everyone acted the same way.
6. Gabriel Marcel
I think for myself, control my decisions,
have a life and plan to keep it. I am in
control of myself and I don't plan on
anything being able to control me. I am a
living breathing human being therefore I
am my own master and I exist for my own
purpose in life and happiness.