La Haine - Hate a film by Mathieu Kassovitz Things to look for: Conditions in the banlieue (suburb) and ZUP (Zone à urbaniser à priorité) (a multiethnic housing project in the suburbs) Interactions of people with the same ethnic background as Vinz, Hubert, Said. Relationships Language Americanization Things to listen for: Music Life sounds The trio: black,blanc, beur 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Which of the characters do you like, and why? Which do you dislike, and why? Do you identify in any way with Vinz, Hubert, or Saîd? How? What positive activities do we see the boys involved in? The central character in a film is often the hero. Do you see Vinz as a hero? Would you call him an anti-hero? What villains do you see in the film? Could you class any of the three central characters as a villain? Explain. Women: 1. What women do you see portrayed in the film? 2. Describe their dress and behavior. Are there major differences between the young and old? 3. How does each of the men react to the women that are portrayed? What does this imply about their character? 4. Does the inclusion of the main female characters show different sides of the men’s characters and personalities? What differences do you see? Is this side of their personality sustained through the film or is it compartmentalized? Youth and old people 1. Are there any older people portrayed throughout the film? Who are they? What role do they play in the story (or character development of Vinz, Hubert and/or Saîd)? 2. How are the youth of the banlieue portrayed? Do you feel that it is fair? Defend your point of view. 3. Are there any old people in the film? Who are they? What is their role in the development of the characters? 4. Have you seen films where youth are portrayed in a similar way? Name them. The Police: 1. 2. What part do the police play in the overall narrative of the film? Think about the scene where Said and Hubert are held by the police: What can you say about the appearance of the police? How is our image of the police supported by what we see? What is the recurring point that the officer makes to his colleague? Describe the manner in which he behaves while making it. What is the effect of having an onlooker at the scene? 3. Do you think films that portray the police in a negative light, should be screened to the general public? Why or why not? General questions: 1. All of the action has taken place during a 24-hour period. What effect does that have on the movie? What “life-lesson” can you deduce from that fact? 2. Have you ever had a day that felt like it would never end? What elements added to the pressure/frustration/anger that you felt? Can you see those elements in La Haine? 3. The director establishes tension from the very beginning as the men await news of Abdel’s condition. How is that tension maintained throughout the film? 4. How does the directory break the tension so that it doesn’t become “stale”? 5. Why do you think that the film was made in black and white? Why do you think that a grainy film stock was used? 6. How did the camera add to the personal involvement of the audience in the action? Did you feel as if you were part of what was going on? 7. The violence of the final scene is preceded by progressive scenes of lesser violence. What are they? How do they fit into the final scene? 8. The director does not tell us what happened – what do you think happened? Why? 9. Do you consider this film a tragedy? Explain.