Republic of the Philippines Department of Education (Region) (Division) (Name of School) Introduction: Brigada Eskwela is an annual program of Department of Education that aims to bring together all education stakeholders to participate and contribute their time, effort and resources to prepare public schools facilities for the opening of school year. The school is an institution, which is responsible in molding the learners into a responsible individual in the society. This is where one is crafted into a better person, who will be an emblem of the kind of learning center where he was raised. “MakaDiyos, Makatao, Makalipunan at Makakalikasan para sa mga Mag-aaral” This year Brigada Eskwela’s vision that advocates the spirit of volunteerism in among all aspects in society. Our school is responsible in molding the learners. With the Grace of God, the Administrator, faculty and staff dedicate their efforts to continue to strive for the excellence in academic field for the benefit and welfare of our learners. The Department of Education conducted this years’ Brigada Eskwela also known as the “National School Maintenance Week” on August 1-22, 2022, as early as July, our school recruited who were participate in brigade. Believing that the community cannot stand without the school, and likewise the school without community. We greatly that the school is face of the barangay. Therefore the teachers’ are most indebted to the barangay folks for without them, the following would have not been made possible. Cleaning of the School grounds Trimming of trees Repairing of classrooms Fixing of garbage disposal Repair of dilapidated chairs Repairing and Fixing of bulletin boards Cleaning of rooms and buildings Also Include the Health Guidelines and Prevention Protocols 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Encouraged to eat a balanced diet and adopt healthy eating practices. Encouraged to exercise regularly and provide opportunity to exercise; Provide activities that cater to mental health. Wearing of face mask is a must. Imposed regular hand washing and encourage proper hygiene. II. MOV’s and Activities Date Target/Area Mode of Verification Persons Involved August 1, 2022 Cleaning of the classrooms’ floors and walls Floor cleaned and waxed. Teachers’ Volunteer Students August 2, 2022 Moving of chairs and repairing of roofs Chairs transferred and repaired. Teachers’ Volunteer Students Staffs Teachers’ Volunteer Students Staffs Teachers’ Volunteer Students Staffs Teachers’ Volunteer Students Staffs August 3, 2022 Fixing of doors and walls partitions and ceilings. Doors and walls repaired and cleaned ceiling. August 4, 2022 Repairing Teachers’ tables, black boards and cabinets. Teachers’ table cleaned August 5, 2022 Arranging of chairs, books, windows and decorating of rooms Chairs and books arranged and decorated room. Prepared By: