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Women Empowerment: Concepts, Challenges & Initiatives

Women Empowerment
“To awaken the people, it is the women who must be awakened. Once she is on
the move, the family moves, the village moves, the nation moves”.
― Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (1st PM of India)
Women empowerment has become one of the much-talked issues held in both
national and international atmosphere in the couple of the years. It is an
essential precondition for the removal of poverty. Women empowerment can
ensure the salvation and liberty of the women in true sense. It also upholds
human rights. Women are the half of the world’s population and we can’t
succeed when half of us are held back. Women empowerment is an aid to help
women to achieve equality or at least to reduce gender gap considerably.
Bangladesh achieved remarkable success in gender parity across all part of the
society under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. She said,
“We have to work together to create a safer environment for women and girls.”
Concept of Women Empowerment:
The issue ‘Women Empowerment’ was revealed for the first time in ‘Women’s
role in economic development’ a famous book written by renowned Danish
economist Easter Boserup in 1970. But this concept emerged conspicuously in
Women Empowerment:
According to Easter Boserup, “Women empowerment means giving power and
authority to the women as though they can exercise their internal knowledge
and decision making.”
It refers to impowering women in every sector keeping pace with male
counterpart. It includes participating in social, political and cultural activity,
making decent decision and economic development etc.
Causes of disempowerment of Women (In BD):
From the world’s history we came to know that women are persecuted by their
male counterpart. They are tortured socially, politically, mentally, bodily,
sexually, economically etc. The common causes of disempowerment are given
Founder of ‘World Economic Forum’ (WEF), cited in his book
that, “Poverty is the main obstacle of women’s empowerment.”
According to WEF, women are the most victim of persecution in
BD. In 2017, BD Bureau of Statistics (BBS) revealed in a report that 72.7%
women are tortured in BD. This was 87.2% in 2015. They are mostly persecuted
by closed known persons, neighbours, friends, relatives.
BD loses 2.13% GDP for women persecution. [Source: BRAC-2017]
Access to resources:
The women of BD have been deprived of father’s house to
husband’s abode in terms of access to resources. Women are the owner of only
7% land property in BD. [Source: Prothom Alo, 8 March 2019)
According to ILO, 5.5% male and 6.2% female are unemployed in
the world. As BD is a poor country where man have limited opportunity for
employment, women suffer most for it.
[Source: Prothom Alo]
Social outlook:
Majority of women in BD face gender discrimination at work
place as well as in the society. Our society often restrict women from leaving
the house, due to their orthodox belief and old traditions. Women in such
societies are not allowed to go outside either for education or for employment
and are forced to live an isolated and dejected life. Women living under such
conditions become accustomed to being inferior to men and are unable to
change their present social and economical state.
Lack of education:
Female illiteracy and their high dropout rate are one of the major
obstacles to the empowerment of women. Lot of girls who join school, dropout
in the initial years without having passed even 10th grade. Napoleon also said
“Give me an educated mother, I will give you an educated nation.”
Crimes against Women:
Women have been subjected to domestic violence and other
crimes such as – dowry, honor killing, trafficking etc.
Dowry System: It is a curse of the society. The society of BD is
plagued with this catastrophic system. At least 160 women are killed every year
for dowry.
Rape: Rape means forceful sexual intercourse with women
without her consent. Almost every day we find the news of this heinous crime in
newspaper. 594 women are raped till July,2019. Many rape cases are associated
with murder.
[Source: Ain O Salish Kendra (ASK), 2018]
It’s strange that the women in urban areas are more prone to criminal assault
than the women in rural areas. Even working women in big cities avoid using
public transport in late hours, fearing their modesty and life. Woman
empowerment can only be achieved in true sense if we ensure safety of our
women, providing them the liberty to roam free and without fear as the men in
the society do.
Religious Shackles:
Fatwa delivered by religious personnel harms women empowerment.
This type of bigotry conception are great shackles for women empowerment in
Pay disparity:
Women in BD are paid less than their male counterparts. The situation
is worst in unorganized sectors where women are employed as daily wage
labors. Women working for the same number of hours and doing the same work
are paid less than the men, which implies unequal powers between men and
women. Even the women who are employed in organized sectors are paid less
than their male counterparts having equivalent qualification and experience.
Unfriendly work environment:
In many organization women don’t get friendly environment to
work. Moreover, absence of baby care center in most of the offices force
women to leave jobs when they became mother.
Child Marriage:
Though, BD has successfully reduced child marriages in the past
few decades, through a number of laws and initiatives taken by the
government; still a report in early 2017 by the UNICEF (United Nations Children
Emergency Fund) states that nearly 47 percent (47%) girls get married before
they turn 18. Early marriage reduces the growth prospects of girls who soon be
moving onto adulthood.
Female Infanticide
Female infanticide or sex selective abortion is also one of the major obstacles to
woman empowerment in BD. Female infanticide means identifying the gender
of the fetus and aborting it when it is revealed to be a female; often without the
mother’s consent. Our claims on woman empowerment will not be
substantiated unless we eradicate female infanticide or sex selective abortion.
World contribution in empowering women:
Women have been suffering from deprivation, discrimination,
disparity, defamation, negligence, ignorance, misbehavior, mistreatment and
even exploitation not only in developing countries but also in some developed
countries of the world for ages. To minimize these discriminations, many
world’s organizations and countries have taken some initiatives. For instance---------
Voting Rights:
Country name
Year of sanctioning voting right
New Zealand
Formulation of Convention:
In 1953 “UN Convention on the Political Rights of Women
In 1962 “UN Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage
and Registration of Marriage”
In 1979 “UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination
Against Women
In 1991, ILO established “UN Convention on Equal Remuneration” to remove
pay disparity
Establishment of organization:
1. The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) was established
in December 1976.
2. This New York based organization was formed for ensuring social and
economic rights of women.
3. In 2010 UN Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women
( UN Woman).
It works for holding women rights and empowering women.
World Conference on Women:
UNO’s initiatives were unveiled by organizing four world women conferences as
following------------Serial No.
Host country
country number
Mexico City
[ Source: UNO’s Annual Report]
In Beijing conference four major initiatives and three factors of women
development were emphasized.
Four major initiatives are------------
Three factors are---------1. Pay equal salary like their male counterpart.
2. Ensure social and economic safety of women
3. Provide health security to the women.
Empowerment of the Woman and BD:
The Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibar Rahman started the
process of uplifting the women status by establishing equal rights of woman
with man in all spheres of the state and of public life as constitutional
BD has been working relentlessly to ensure women’s overall development by
ensuring their equal and active participation in the mainstream socio-economic
activities and removing the various impediments to their empowerment.
1. Constitutional Rights for Women:
Women’s rights have been established in “The Constitution of the People's
Republic of Bangladesh” The constitutional provisions in
Article 19 (3): Ensure women’s participation in all sphere of national life.
Article 28(1), 28(2), 28 (3): The state shall not discriminate against any citizen
on ground only religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.
Article 29(1), 29(2): Equal opportunity in public employment.
Article 65(2), 65(3): The principle of affirmative action for fifty reserved seats
for women representation in the parliament.
2.Administrative Empowerment of Women :
Secretary and similar post
Divisional Commissioner
District Commissioner
Additional District Commissioner
Admin Cadre
Justice of HC
Justice in other court
Total Number
[Source: The Daily Janakantha, 02 August, 2019]
• A number of Ambassadors are women.
• Women are posted in the Field level Administrative capacities as Deputy
Commissioner & Superintendent of Police and Upazila Nirbahi Officer.
• Many women are appointed in the Armed Forces (Army, Navy & Air
Force), police forces and different cadre services.
• Vice Chancellor of Jahangir Nagar University and Pro-Vice Chancellor of
Dhaka University are woman.
• Human Rights Commission consists of a Chairman, a regular member and
five women honorary members.
• Information Commission consists of three members of which one is
• 10% quota for Gazetted and 15% for non-Gazetted post are reserved for
• 60% women quota is reserved for Primary School Teachers.
3.Political Empowerment of Women:
Head of political party
Elected MP
Speaker of the Parliament
[Source: Ministry of Public Administration]
• 1/3 of the seats of union parishad, municipality and City Corporation are
kept reserved for women.
• Political parties must reserve at least 33% positions of all committees for
women as per law.
• A prominent female politician has been elected as Mayor of the
Narayanganj City Corporation.
4.Economic Empowerment of Women:
• 2019-20 fiscal year Govt has allotted 100 crores in the women
Entrepreneur sector and another 25 crores in Women development
special fund.
• 4 million women are contributing a lot in Readymade Garments (RMG)
• Ministry of Labor and Employment trained 10,800 female garments
• Bangladesh Bank is providing collateral free loan up to Tk. 2.5 million for
women entrepreneurs.
• Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) disbursed Tk 3939 crore to the
women entrepreneurs.
5. Employment and Education:
1. Female worker:
2010: 16.2 Million
2017: 18.6 Million
2. Primary School Admission:
2008: 57 %
2017: 95.4%
3. 2.7 million girls receiving stipend
4. 40% quota has been reserved for girls in Jahangirnagar University.
6. Gender Gap Report-2018:
[Source: WEF’s Global Gender Gap report-2018]
7. Life Skill Training for Women Development:
• Women receive sewing, computer and beautification training at Shaheed
Fazilatunnesa Mujib Training Academy, Gazipur.
• Women receive horticulture, fisheries and livestock etc. integrated trades
training for 3 months in Village Women Agriculture Training Centre, Savar.
• Food processing, beautification, embroidery, sewing, mobile phone servicing,
nursery / kitchen gardening, etc. are taught in 64 district offices of the DWA.
• In 34 districts 3 months long training is organized for the women on
• Residential training for women on self-employment at Begum Rokeya Training
Center, Mymensingh, Dinajpur and Bagerhat Training Centre.
• Non-residential training programmes are organized at 136 Upazila offices of
Department of Women Affairs for distressed women.
• Vocational training on tailoring, block and embroidery training are organized
at the National Training and Development Academy, DWA.
• Basic computer and ICT training is being imparted in 64 District Computer
7. Health of Women:
• Maternal mortality ratio 1.94 (per 1000 live birth).
• Contraceptive prevalence rate (%): 62.4 (BDHs 2014); 62.4 (SVRS 2013).
• Birth attended by skilled health personnel (%): 42.1 (BDHS 2014), 42 (UN
• Antenatal care coverage (at least 4 visits):31.2 (BDHS 2014).
• Number of Community Clinic: More than 13500 at Rural Level.
• Established 100 bedded specialized Diabetic, Endocrine and Metabolic
Hospital for women and children in Dhaka.
• Established 150 bedded specialized Cardiac Hospital for women and children.
• Established women friendly hospital at 10 districts and 3 Upazila health
• Introduced Maternal Health Voucher Scheme in 53 Upazila for 0.175 million
pregnant women at the rate of Tk. 2000.
• Primary Health, Nutrition and Family Planning Services are ensured for 32
million women through 13500 Community Clinics.
• 22.5 million women are receiving nutritional service through strengthening
community based nutrition programme.
• Emergency Anti-natal care is provided to 2.89 million pregnant mothers
Upazila health complex and 97 Women and Children Welfare Centres.
8. Social Security and Social Empowerment of Women:
• At present 11.13 million poor, widow and distressed women received
allowance at the rate of Tk. 400 in a month.
• Under Vulnerable Group Development Programme 10.40 lakhs women receive
30 Kg. food grains for ensuring food security.
• A total of 7 lakhs pregnant mothers receive an allowance of Tk. 800 per month
for cycle of 3 years for ensuring nutrition.
• A total of 2.5 lakhs lactating mothers receive an allowance of Tk. 800 per
month for cycle of 3 years for ensuring food security.
• A total of 3.00 million old age persons received allowance at the rate of Tk 400
per month.
• A total of 0.6 million disabled persons received allowance at the rate of Tk.
500 per
• 74 Child Day Care Centres are set up for children of low income working
• 8 Working Women Hostels are established to ensure safe residence.
• Residential Hostel for Garments women workers are under construction at
Ashulia of Dhaka and Nalitabari.
• 379 Adolescent Clubs have been established in 44 Upazila for social awareness
on early marriage, prevention of dowry, etc.
9. Acts and Policies:
• Women and Children Repression Prevention Act, 2000.
• Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act, 2010.
• Acid Crime Prevention (Amended) Act, 2010.
• National Children Policy 2011.
• National Action Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women and Children 2013
• Children Act, 2013.
• Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Act, 2014.
• Child Marriage Restraint Act, 2017
• Dowry Prohibition Act, 2018
10. Rehabilitation and Legal Aid for Women Victims:
• Violence Against Women Prevention Cell in divisional headquarters.
• Temporary shelter for women victims of violence where they can stay up to
months with two children below 12 years.
• A legal aid cell established to support victim of violence at JMS head office.
• Safe custody for women and children prisoners in Gazipur District.
11. Prevention of Women Oppression:
• 8 One-Stop Crisis Centers established in Public Medical College Hospitals.
• 40 One-Stop Crisis Cells at district general hospital and 20 One-Stop Crisis Cell
at Upazila health complex to provide services for women and children victims.
• National Forensic DNA Profiling Laboratory in Dhaka and seven Divisional DNA
Screening Laboratory established in divisional level.
• National Trauma Counseling Centre provides psychosocial counseling to the
women and children victims.
• 8 victim support centers established in divisional headquarters.
• National Toll Free 24 hours Helpline 10921 for women and children victims of
• National Database on Violence Against Women and Children has been
12. Institutional Mechanism for Women’s Development:
• National Council for Women and Children Development (NCWCD) led by
Hon’ble Prime Minister is a platform of 50 members.
• Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MoWCA) is working as a lead
Ministry for the development of women and children.
• WID Focal Point mechanism has been created in all ministries to monitor
women issues.
• National Coordination Committee to prevent women and children trafficking
• Acid Cases Monitoring Cell has been formed.
• Established 54 Women and Children Repression Prevention Tribunal across
• Six months maternity allowance with full benefit.
• Included mother’s name with the father in all administrative process in 2010.
13. Sports and Women:
• Women Cricket Team achieved One Day Status in 2011.
• Women Cricket Team achieved Silver Medal in Asian Games 2011.
• Mabia Akhter earns gold medal in women's weightlifting in South Asian
Games 2016.
• Swimmer Mahfuza Khatun Shila won the second gold medal in the 12th South
Asian Games 2016.
• Women Football Team won the Asian Football Confederation under 14
Championship 2016.
• Nishat Mazumder and Wasfia Nazreen the two prominent women climbed the
highest peak of the Mount Everest.
International Recognition and Worth Mentioning Awards of
Due to astonishing progress made by BD in empowering women, especially
under the leadership of PM Sheikh Hasina, our country has recognized globally.
Such as------Award Name
MDG Award (2010)
South-South Award (2011
& 2013)
Tree of Peace (2014)
WIP Global Forum Award
Champions of the Earth
Planet 50-50 Champion
Agent of change Award
The Global Leadership
Award (2018)
Lifetime Contribution for
Women Empowerment
Award (2019)
For reducing child
mortality by 50 percent
Effective use of ICT to
reduce MMR
Promoting girls' and
women's education
Role in reducing gender
For Policy Leadership in
women empowerment
Gender Equality
Role in women
For outstanding leadership
Global Partnership Forum
Contribution for Women
UN Women
The Global Summit of
Institute of South Asian
Still need to do:
1. The complete approval of CEDAW
2. Sustainable Women Policy and its implementation
3. Stop child marriage:
According to UNICEF report, 59% child marriage occur before 18 yrs. of age
22% child marriage occur before 15 yrs. Of age
4. Active participation in politics:
22 Female MP among 300 MP (07%)
05 Female Ministers among 48 Ministers (40%)
5. Removal of pay disparity in private sectors.
In present decade, BD has made remarkable progress in women empowerment. The
women of BD moving ahead fast following the path of Begum Rokeya, the pioneer of
the women awakening of BD. Now, its time to change the outlook about women. Under
the visionary leadership of PM Sheikh Hasina, BD has come a long way in achieving 2030
agenda of gender equality for SDG.
“There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of
― Kofi Annan (Ex secretary general of UN)