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Grade 6 Western Music Exam - July 2020

Second Semester Examination - July 2020
Western Music
Candidate's name
Date : ........................................
Answer all the questions.
All answers must be written in ink.
Admission no : ..........................
Underline the most suitable answer.
A staff is made up of
(a) 5 lines and 5 spaces.
(b) 4 lines and 5 spaces.
(c) 5 lines and 4 spaces.
(d) 4 lines and 4 spaces.
(ii) The bottom number of a time signature tells
(a) the number of notes in a bar.
(b) the number of notes in a staff.
(c) the number of beats in a bar.
(d) the type of beat in a bar.
(iii) The number of quaver notes in a semibreve is
(a) 16.
(b) 2.
(c) 8.
(d) 4.
(iv) The number of beats in a measure indicated by the following time signature is
(a) 4.
(b) 3.
(c) 12.
(d) 7.
(v) What note is this in G clef?
(a) F
(b) A
(c) G
(d) E
(vi) What is the name of the 4th note of a scale?
(a) Ray
(b) Soh
(c) Loh
(d) Fah
(c) Quaver
(d) Semibreve
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(vii) Which note has the longest time value?
(a) Minim
(b) Crotchet
Grade 6 Western Music July 2020
(viii)How many notes make an octave?
(a) 8
(b) 5
(c) 10
(d) 11
(ix) Which of the following is in the middle of the Great staff?
(a) Time signature
Key signature
(c) Sharp
Middle C
(x) Which key has one flat as its key signature?
(a) C major
G major
F major
(d) D major
[Total = 2 × 10 = 20 marks]
Part - II
Answer all the questions.
(1) (i)
Write the following notes as Minims.
D flat on a
A in a
M C sharp
E natural in a space
(2 × 4 = 8 marks)
(ii) Write the correct note or rest in the blank space.
(1 ½ × 4 = 6 marks)
[Total = 14 marks]
(2) (i)
Write a single note equal to each group.
(1 ½ × 4 = 6marks)
Grade 6 Western Music July 2020
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(ii) Write in figures, the number of quavers contained in each note.
(1 ½ × 4 = 6 marks)
[Total = 12 marks]
(3) (i)
Complete the following by adding a suitable rest in the proper place according to the given
time signature.
(2 ½ × 4 = 10 marks)
(ii) Add the upper figure to each of the following time signatures.
(1 ½ × 4 = 6 marks)
[Total = 16 marks]
(4) (i)
Add bar lines to the melody given below.
(5 marks)
Grade 6 Western Music July 2020
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(ii) Write 2 bar rhythms on the following time signatures.
(4 × 2 = 8 marks)
[Total = 13 marks]
(5) Write the following scales.
Scale of G major descending without key signature.
(4 marks)
(ii) Scale of F major descending with key signature.
(4 marks)
(iii) Identify these notes as a tone or semitone by marking a tick (✓) against each correct answer
in the box provided.
(4 marks)
[Total = 12 marks]
Grade 6 Western Music July 2020
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(6) (i)
Write the first period and the last period in the history of Western Music. (Use the four main
----------------------------------------(1 ½ × 2 = 3 marks)
(ii) Name one composer of the Romantic period.
--------------------------------------------------------------(2 ½ marks)
(iii) Name the period of music to which Bach belong.
---------------------------------------------------------------(2 ½ marks)
(iv) Mention one composition by Beethoven.
----------------------------------------------------------------(2 ½ marks)
(v) To which period does Mozart belong?
----------------------------------------------------------------(2 ½ marks)
[Total = 13 marks]
Ref : CT / CP
Grade 6 Western Music July 2020
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