Pfizerpen penicillin G potassium Medication Brand Name(s) _____________________ Medication Generic Name ___________________ 5 millions units Ordered Dosage ______________ one time Frequency _____________ IVPB Form ________________ antibiotic prevent fetal contact and infection with GBS Therapeutic Class: ________________________ Reason(s) Given: ______________________________ Nursing Considerations/Patient Teaching: Pre-Administration Assessment Focus: Obtain specimen for culture and sensitivity tests before giving first dose. Begin therapy while awaiting results. Before giving, ask patient about allergic reactions to penicillin. Monitor renal function closely Monitor potassium and sodium monitor liver function observe patient closely Post-Administration Evaluation Focus: Contraindications/Precautions/ Side Effects/Adverse Reactions Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug or other penicillins. Drug may cause CDAD ranging in severity from mild diarrhea to fatal colitis. If CDAD is suspected or confirmed, drug may need to be discontinued and treatment initiated. Observe patient for allergic/adverse reactions promethazine hydrochloride Promethegan Medication Generic Name ___________________ Medication Brand Name(s) _____________________ 12.5 mg Ordered Dosage ______________ q4hrs Frequency _____________ IV Push Form ________________ Antiemetics nausea/vomiting Therapeutic Class: ________________________ Reason(s) Given: ______________________________ Nursing Considerations/Patient Teaching: Pre-Administration Assessment Focus: Monitor patient for NMS Drug is used as an adjunct to analgesics, usually to increase sedation; it has no analgesic activity. IV: If solution is discolored or contains a precipitate, discard. Give injection through a free-flowing IV line; consider giving over 10 to 15 minutes to minimize risk of phlebitis. Contraindications/Precautions/ Side Effects/Adverse Reactions Post-Administration Evaluation Focus: Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug, in those who have experienced adverse reactions to phenothiazines, and in patients who are comatose. May increase blood glucose level. May decrease WBC, platelet, and granulocyte counts. May prevent, reduce, or mask positive result in diagnostic skin test.