Activity 1.1.6: Digital Component Identi cation 9/22/22, 2:33 PM Activity 1.1.6 Digital Component Identi cation Distance Learning Support Check with your teacher about: □Using Multisim Live as your Circuit Design Software □What work you need to turn in and how to submit it □Collaboration strategies INTRODUCTION In this activity, you will investigate both combinational and sequential logic gates. You will be asked to simulate simple circuits using basic logic gates. You will then complete atruth table for each logic gate based on the outputs generated from your simulation. The names of many of the fundamental logic gates in digital electronics are based on the logic output from the gate. From the analysis of atruth table, could you determine the name and understand the function of the gate? You will examine the basic building block of sequential logic: the ip- op. The investigation will conclude with alook at the 555 IC and how it Is used to trigger events in acircuit. fl fl fi fi hltps://]'495d2ced70ec40e9b5d51alfc6a96b07/p/85f72ef58d4441el882add3ee8bdcdla 1/16 9/22/22. 2:33 PM Activity I.I.6: Digital Component Identi cation EQUIPMENT ●Computer with Circuit Design Software (CDS) RESOURCES ^Component Identi cation Digital presentation Digital Component Identi cation Worksheet fi fi fi 2/16 Activity 1.1.6; Digital Component Identi cation 9/22/22, 2:33 PM Procedure Using the Circuit Design Software (CDS), create the circuit for each logic gate shown. Note: In each of the circuits, an input of 0occurs when the switch is at GND. An input of 1occurs when the switch is at +5V. Likewise, when the output probe is on, the output is a1. When the output probe is off, the output is a0. Combinational Logic s i / Presentation: Review Component Identi cation Digital. Create the logic gate below using aswitch to provide an Input for Xand aprobe to indicate the output at Z. Note: To toggleE^ means to change the state of the switch. For example, if alight switch in your home is in the off position, you can toggle it on. Similarly, if the light switch is on, you can toggle it off. As shown in the circuit below, one toggle of the switch changes its state from ground to +5 V. Another toggle would change it from +5 Vback to ground. fi fi https;//!a 3/16 9/22/22, 2:33 PM Activity 1.1.6: Digital Component Identi cation Toggle the switch, observe output Z, and complete the truth table in your notebook. 5 V X z o X o 0 74LS04N z 1 1 o tirGND Figure 1. Logic Gate Circuit and Truth Table ?jDistance Learning Support Create the circuit in Multlsim Live and toggle the switch, observe output Z, and complete the truth table in your notebook. Show circuit From the analysis of the truth table, why do you think this is called an “INVERTER” gate? because the power Is invertec Use switches for the inputs Xand Yand aprobe for the output Z. Toggle the switches to complete the truth table. fi hltps:// 4/16 9/22/22. 2:33 PM Activiw 1.1.6: Digital Component Identi cation 5V X Y z Q 0 Q > X Y 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Z t 74LS08N y v 0 ^GND Figure 2. Logic Gate Circuit and Truth Table * ?0 Distance Learning Support ● Create acircuit in Multisim Live to complete the truth table. Show circuit From the analysis of the truth table, why do you think this is called an “AND” gate? Zis on when xand yare on Use switches for the inputs Xand Yand aprobe for the output Z Toggle the switches to complete the truth table. 5V X Y z Q Q O X Y Z 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 X O 74LS00N 0 ^GNO Hgure 3. Logic Gate Circuit and Truth Table fi bUps://'a/b/495d2ced70ec40e9b5d5Ialfe6a96b07/p/85f72ef58d444Iel882add3ee8bdcdla 5/16 9/22/22. 2:33 PM Activit)’ 1.1.6: Digital Component Identi cation Distance Learning Support ● ● Create acircuit in Multisim Live to complete the truth table. Show circuit From the analysis of the truth table, why do you think this is called a“NAND” gate? (NOT AND) Oppositeofandgate,sois~^(D^K/ Use switches for the inputs Xand Yand aprobe for the output Z. Toggle the switches to complete the truth table. 5 V X Y z Q Q Q E> X Y Z 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 74LS32N > 7 3 ^GND Figure 4. Logic Gate Circuit and Truth Table ?0 Distance Learning Support Create acircuit in Multisim Live to complete the truth table. Show circuit fi hltps://plt\ 6/16 Activity 1.1.6: Digital Component Identi cation 9/22/22, 2:33 PM From the analysis of the truth table, why do you think this Is called an “OR” gate? if Xor Yare on, Zis on Use switches for the inputs Xand Yand aprobe for the output Z. Toggle the switches to complete the truth table. 5 V X Y z 0 Q Q I > X Y 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 74LS02N y v Z e> ^GND Figure 5. Logic Gate Circuit and Truth Table ●●<55 Distance Learning Support Create acircuit in Multisim Live to complete the truth table. Show circuit From the analysis of the truth table, why do you think this Is called a“NOR” gate? (NOT OR) if either one is on then zIs off' Use switches for the inputs Xand Yand aprobe for the output Z. Toggle the switches to complete the truth table. fi htlps://plt«‘. 7/16 9/22/22. 2:33 PM Activity 1.1.6: Digital Component Identi cation 5 V X Y z Q Q Q X Y Z 0 0 O 0 1 1 0 I I 1 1 74LS86N ^gnd Figure 6. Logic Gate Circuit and Truth Table ● To Distance Learning Support ● Create acircuit in Multlsim Live to complete the truth table. Show circuit From the analysis of the truth table, why do you think this is called an “XOR” gate? (EXCLUSIVE OR) Only if one is on iszon In this course, we will use 2-lnput gates predominantly. However, gates are available that have more than two inputs. Figure 7. A3Input AND Gate hip-h ops fi hups:// 8/16 9/22/22. 2:33 PM Activity 1.1.6: Digital Compooent Identi cation In the combinational logidi3i) circuits above, acircuit immediately produces an output when an input is changed. As aswitch is toggled to generate anew input, anew output is generated, and the previous output is discarded. To have more functionality, you can combine logic gates to create acircuit that remembers the previous output, in effect, creating memory. These types of circuits are called sequential logicli^ devices, where the output states depend not only on the state of the inputs but also on the sequence in which they reached their present states. The D ip- op is one such device. C L K > > > > > 0 Figure 8. DFlip- op made from NAND gates AD ip- op has an input Dand aclock signal CLK. The clock signal is periodic and constantly changes between 0(low) and 1(high). When it changes, it triggers the ip- op to process input D. The ip- op generates two outputs, Qand ~Q (pronounced “not Q”). If Qis 1, '“Q is 0, and if Qis 0, ~Q is 1. With every pulse of the clock, the ip- op reads its inputs and generates output. If the input changes before anew clock pulse, the ip- op ignores the change, keeping its current output state until the next clock pulse. This con guration makes the device “sequential,” allowing it to store data and act as memory. fl fl fl fl fi fl fi fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl faups:// 9/16 Activity 1.1.6: Digital Component Identi cation A A ip- op is represented in acircuit by a PR simpli ed symbol shown at right This NANDgate diagram simpli cation hides the ~Q ● » C L K additional inputs called preset (PR) and clear C L R T (CLR). These inputs are not synchronized to the clock pulse and are used to force the ip- Figure 9. DFlipop to apreset state (high or 1), or to aclear op symbol state (low or 0). Sequential Logic You will observe a ip- op in action using the simpli ed ip- op circuit Using the Circuit Design Software (CDS), enter the test circuit shown. Use aswitch for the input Tand probes for the outputs Oand NOT_Q. ●The 74LS74N has two inputs (Data in and aclock signal CLK). In this circuit the clock signal input will be aswitch 7 that you ip. The Data in is tied to the NOT_Q. ●The 74LS74 also has preset and clear inputs. In this circuit the PR (preset) and CLR (clear) are connected to 5V (high), which makes them both inactive. These PR and CLR inputs on the 74LS74 are said to be “ocf/Ve /oiv” inputs. (It takes a low signal to activate them.) fl fl fi fl fi fl fi fl fl fi fl hltps:// fl fl fl 9/22/22. 2:33 PM 10/16 Activity 1.1.6; Digital Component Identi cation 9/22/22, 2:33 PM Data Q - Q o o in o v c c 1 C L K V C C O - I P R ID IQ ,ICLK-IQ > ~ 1 C L R 74LS74N ^GND Figure 10.74LS74N Test Circuit - ● Distance Learning Support Create the circuit in Multisim Live, oUse aDFlip-Flop from the Digital >Flip-Flops & Latches subpalette. You can also use the magnifying glass icon at the top of the components palette to search for components, oOpen the con guration pane for the DFlip-Flop, oCheck the box ACTIVE_LOW_SET_and_RESET. Notice, the inverted oand ~symbols appear on the ip- ip when you make this con guration change. Setting the ip- op to active low makes it behave like the 74LS74N ip- op circuit. Show circuit Also notice that the ~PR and ~CLR pins are named SET and RESET. This is just adifferent naming convention; the pins behave like the 74LS74N. a. Toggle the input Tseveral times until 7is /oivand N0T_0 is low. fi fl fl fi fl fl fi fl fl 11 / 1 6 9/22/22, 2:33 PM Activity 1.1.6: Digital Component Identi cation b. Starting with the switch on GROUND, what happens to output Owhen the switch is moved from GROUND to VCC (5V)? This is one toggle of the switch. it Is Increased c. What happens to output Owhen the switch is moved from 5V to GROUND? This is one toggle of the switch. output is turned off d. Toggle the switch one more time. What happened to output O? What does this tell you about when Qchanges (toggles) In relation to when the input at the CLK Changes. (Helpful hint It might help to cycle through anumber of changes to spot this relationship of when Qchanges.) toggled again e. What Is the relationship of DData in to Qalways? output of the que f. What Is the relationship of Qto NOT_Q always? opposite in value g. The 74LS74N is called a“ ip- op”. Based on your observations, can you explain the relationship between the DData In, Q, NOT_Q, and the CLK signal? What does a ip- op do? it ips the output Later in this course, we will learn how to combine transitions to desired outputs. The ip- ops to make ip- op is holding abit of information, waiting for asignal to change (memory). But in this example, you are making the transition by we make the ipping aswitch. How can ip- op change without us providing the input directly? fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fi fl fl fl fl fl bttps:// 12/16 Activity 1.1.6: Digital Component Identi cation 9/22/22, 2:33 PM aclock can do It automatically A Clock Signals (The 555 Timer) Using the Circuit Design Software (CDS), create the three LM555CN test circuits shown below on the same sheet. The 555 Timer Oscillator is one of the most common circuits used in introductory electronics. We will use this design to generate aclock signal in aRandom Number Generator (our rst full circuit design). We will look more closely at this circuit in the next lesson. In each of the three circuits, the only value that is changed is capacitor C2. v c c v % 100Q R A T O c 100Q RA c I O B U m 3 3 0 0 T ^ e c u R B XiOnf Tc i Figure 11. Circuit A V t 3300 R R B u B LM5S5CN ..enF ■' C 2 XiOiiF TC1 Figure 12. Circuit B LMSS9CN ■* C 2 fi XiOnF T C 1 Figure 13. Circuit C faUps:// fi r B I B 3300 LMSS5CN T C 2 R A n t % 1900 T nar OCT D v c c % 13/16 9/22/22, 2:33 PM Activity i.1.6: Digital Component Identi cation ● ● Distance Learning Support In Multisim Live, ●Select the TLC555 Timer from the Analog >Timers subpaiette. ●Select aCapacitor from the Passive subpalette. Show circuit Due to different optimization times in Multisim Live, use a value of 50 pF for capacitor C2. For part (a) below, use a value of 5pF. For part (b), use avalue of 250 pF. a. When C2 is changed from 12 pF to 6pF, what happens? speeeds up b. When C2 is changed from 12 pF to 24 pF, what happens? slows down fi hUps:// 14/16 9/22/22, 2:33 PM Activity 1.1.6: Digital Component Identi cation ^CAREER CONNECTIONS Combining Analog and Digital Technology Jack Dorsey and Jim McKelvey co¬ founded Square, Inc—now Block, Inc—in 2009. Their rst product, the Square card reader, opened an opportunity for small businesses to securely process acredit Square Reader Attached to Smartphone Source card payment using amobile device. The card reader is an integral part of the credit card processing system. How do card readers work? The Square reader is an adaption of technology previously perfected to allow asound recording stored on along magnetic tape to be played through speakers. The Square functions similarly, where instead of along magnetic tape, ashort magnetic stripeti^ on acredit card is swiped through a Analog Square Reader slot on the reader. As the magnetic stripe moves past areader in the slot, it induces avoltage, which the reader detects as analog signals and passes through an analog audio plug. The Square app converts the analog signals into adigital format that represents the card information, which the Square POS app uses to process the payment. fi fi https://pltw,read,!fc6a96b07/p/85f72ef58d4441cl882add3cc8bdcdla 15/16 9/22/22, 2:33 PM Activity 1.1.6: Digital Component Identi cation CONCLUSION 1Can you combine the 555 Timer circuit with the ip- op circuit so the changes on the ip- op happen without your input at arate you desire? Share this simulation with your instructor. Proceed to next activity fl fl fi fl fl 16/16