Inferring Tone & Mood: Mother's Love Poem Worksheet

Week 6
Day 1
Think and Tell
• Do you feel the love and care of you
* What are the instances that show your
mother’s tender loving care?
Find Out and Learn
1. A dagger is thrust into her heart. The word
thrust means
a. To push
b. To play
c. To remain
2. If you feel secure when you are with your
parents, you are
a. Afraid
b. confident
c. angry
3. When a mother caresses her child,
she _____him/her.
a. Touches
b. scolds
c. Reprimand
4. Sheila hurt herself when she touched
the dagger. A dagger is _______.
a. A round and smooth object
b. An elongated and rough object
c. A pointed and sharp object
Listen as the teacher reads the poem.
My Mother Dear
Who brought me to this world
To see the wonder works of God
And enjoy life to the fullest?
Who puts her arms around me
During chilly evenings
To make me feel warm?
Who is in great pain
When I am in sorrow
As if a dagger is thrust into her heart?
Who tell me stories at night
And caresses me as I fall asleep,
Till I dream of beautiful things?
Who is there at my side
Whenever I am sick?
She is awake all night.
Who plays with me
To brighten my day?
She never counts the hours
Till her tired body drops.
Who offers her life
For the sake of her child;
Not thinking of herself;
Not thinking of what it may take?
The woman who gave me this life,
My dearest mother, whom I love so
What do you think is the speaker’s
tone, mood or purpose in the poem?
a. He/ She is happy.
b. He/ She is feeling loved and cared
by his/her mother.
c. He/ She wants to show her
appreciation to his/her mother.
Try and Learn
Listen to the stanza read by the teacher.
Then you will infer the speaker’s tone,
mood or purpose.
1.Stanzas 2 and 3
4. Stanza 6
2. Stanza 4
5. Stanza 8
Listen as the teacher reads the following sentences
then pupil will infer the speaker’s tone, mood or
1.Mr. Ramirez had a dialogue with the boys.
During the interview, he noticed that
Arthur answered his questions politely.
2. One of the applicants was praised as
worthy of confidence by the mayor and was
given a recommendation.
Listen as the teacher reads the paragraph.
Then infer what will be the speaker’s tone,
mood and purpose. Write your answer in
one to three sentences.
“Their cheers energized him and after few
more seconds, he was already on top. “I
did it! I did it! he shouted politely”.
Write About It
Infer what is the speaker’s tone, mood or
“Let’s go Anna. Don’t worry. I’m here”
he said softly.
Mood is defined in poetry as the feelings
or emotions that are evoked in the reader
by the poem. Conversely, tone expresses
the attitude the author has towards the
subject or topic of the poem.
Inferring the speaker’s tone, mood or
purpose may be done by determining the
purpose of the author in writing the poem
or selection. It may be done through keen
observation on the way the speaker’s read
the lines and through analyzing of the
words used in the poem or selection.