1. Ron Finley is a gardener, activist, and community leader who set out to make a change in the whole food availability in his town of South Central, Los Angeles. According to his personal website he grew up in this town, which is one of the many food deserts in our country("The Ron Finley Project", 2021) . This means that access to fresh whole foods is extremely limited, forcing the members of a particular community to buy foods lacking in nutritional content from places like convenience stores. South LA is also deemed to be the most dangerous place in all of LA, with a dense population and high poverty rate (Rastegar, 2017). Ron Finley knew that food was the problem contributing the poor health and chronic disease rates among his neighbors, as well as knowing that it was also the solution. He started a food revolution in his town, which has earned international attention and praise. This revolution started with using the city-owned strip of land between the street and the sidewalk called the “parkways” in front of his own home. He transformed this into a community garden where he encouraged people to grab their own fresh produce, and has since started over 20 more gardens in his community. He is redefining the what “gangsta” means and has encouraged community members and the youth to use their abilities and efforts into reshaping the landscape and giving health back to their community (Ted-Ed, 2011). He also started The Ron Finley Project, which envisions the food deserts of our nation becoming food forests("The Ron Finley Project", 2021) . 2. I am startled by how much fresh produce could be planted on land others have considered “unusable”! A tomato has truly earned its “super food” title, with amazing nutritional value. In the article “Tomatoes 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits” by RDN Adda Bjarnadottir. she notes that one small whole tomato is a great source for water soluble vitamin C,and B9 (folate) as well as fat soluble vitamin K. It is also loaded with potassium. Tomatoes are excellent sources of healthy carbohydrates with 3.9 grams packed into one. It also contains about 95% water, and is a mere 18 calories. There are 2.6 grams of natural sugar, 1.2 grams of fiber, 0.9 grams of protein, and 0.2 grams fat. There are an abundance of health benefits associated with eating tomatoes, including reduced risk of heart disease and certain types of caners. Since they are rich in lycopene, which has been linked with protecting the skin from sunburns (Bjarnadottir, 2019) . 3. When Ron Finely described the return on investment he noted that investing in one cheap plant will provide thousands of seeds. This then turns into more plants, all while they are providing the community with an abundance of food. He notes that a simple dollars worth of green beans will give us seventy-five dollars worth of produce (Ted-Ed, 2011). Money aside though, he is also saying that this return on investment goes much deeper than that. When we invest in our health, we will reap enormous benefits including prevention of chronic disease. Small investments today like eating whole fruits and vegetables allows us to experience a healthier body in both the present and in the future. 4. It is startling to me that the city pushed back so hard on this beautiful initiative by Mr. Finley. The garden he planted was entirely more beautiful than plain old grass, as well as providing community members with nutritious fruits and vegetables. There were many action steps that Ron Finley did to earn this respect of the community including transforming his own parkway into a food forest, creating a petition on Change.org that gained over 900 signatures, interviewing with Steve Lopez and the LA times to raise awareness, risking citations, risking warrens for his arrest. Luckily after this national attention a city councilmen backed his case and after a drawn out in a five year battle many beautiful outcomes were generated. There are now over 20 gardens in the city, they are able to help feeding the hungry community members, he is helping homeless shelters, travels the world do workshops and seminars. He even teaches a master gardening class online now. He is also teaching children life skills and reshaping the idea of gardening as being gangsta and cool. He also envisions creating large oasis garden filled with a myriad of fruits and veggies, which will in turn help provide jobs to community members. 5. It struck me to hear that LA city owns the equivalent to 20 central parks and were over 725 million tomato plants could be grown, yet how most of it is currently wasted space. It made me think of all the parkways in my own neighborhood, and how they could be reshaped into usable areas. I was sickened to hear how hard the city pushed back against such a simple yet amazing movement, and it made me wonder how many people would be preventing from making a positive a change because of fear of arrest. The ray of sunshine I see is that Mr. Finley was able to garner a huge national and international backing, and that his movement is so successful that he is able to travel the country doing seminars and inspiring change in communities outside of LA. Chronic food insecurity has many devastating effects. The USDA National Health Interview Survey concluded that food insecure households were 18% more likely to suffer chronic conditions ("Food Insecurity and Chronic Disease | The Institute for Functional Medicine", n.d.) . These include cancer, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease, asthma, coronary heart disease. Children who grow up with food insecurity are much more likely to develop one of these chronic diseases, as well as demonstrating poorer eating behavior. Food insecurity also increases healthcare costs, and forces families to have to choose between eating and other necessities like shelter and medical interventions. 6. I chose this picture because I think it is another great example of how we can transform urban areas into food forests instead of deserts. This is an example of rooftop farming, and takes the often wasted space on flat city buildings, and turns them into areas where food can be grown. This is another great option because there is an abundance of sun on the rooftops, making it an ideal “farm”. References Bjarnadottir, A. (2019). Tomatoes 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits. Retrieved 11 January 2021, from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods/tomatoes#benefits Food Insecurity and Chronic Disease | The Institute for Functional Medicine. Retrieved 11 January 2021, from https://www.ifm.org/news-insights/food-insecurity-chronic-disease/ Rastegar, M. (2017). 50 Most Dangerous Areas in Los Angeles California | Criminal Statistics. Retrieved 11 January 2021, from https://esfandilawfirm.com/most-dangerous-neighborhoods-losangeles/ Ted-Ed. (2011). A Guerilla Garden in South Central LA-Ron Finley. [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/ron_finley_a_guerilla_gardener_in_south_central_la The Ron Finley Project. (2021). Retrieved 11 January 2021, from http://ronfinley.com/the-ron-finleyproject/