INTRODUCTION TO THEATER WEEK#1 Gizem Gürer The Seagull of the Anton Chekhov at National Theatre. Photograph: Johan Persson Hamlet of William Shakespeare. Shakespeare Globe Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett Japan- Noh Theatre India - Kathakali Turkish - Meddah WESTERN DRAMA Ancient Greek theater of Dionysus of Athens Dramatic Tragic Drama And Theatre - “dran”: act and play “theatron” : viewing place, seating - Actors Playwrights Designers Directors Spectators Theater - a literary document live event across time and space here and now ephemeral unrepeatability real time Origins of Theatre - - Rites and rituals Early forms of theater were the products of social, political and religious forces. There are some debates about its origins hunting, fertility or any other rituals. The concensus is that the ritual’s symbolic form turns into a non-ritualistic form as performance. The resurrection of Osiris in Egypt (2500 BCE) USES OF RITUALS It can be said that the ritual has 5 different uses. 1- Ritual is a form of knowledge. It shows understanding of the universe. 2- Ritual can be educational, initiation ceremonies. 3- Ritual is thought to influence or control events (keep the soil fertile, etc.) 4- Ritual is used for praise. Heroism, totems etc… 5- Ritual entertains and pleases. Rituals of adolescent Ndembu males undergoing ritual initiation into manhood experience According to Joseph Campbell, Western myths focuses on two main issues; divine and human. So gods and humans; the tension between these roles. Their importance changes over time. It was the Greeks who expanded the aspect of the human and placed it as a dominant endeavor. Eastern thought, unlike Western thought, does not see a fundamental conflict between the divine and the human. They seek to be one in the mystery of an existence in which all these divisions will be disappeared and lost in each other. (Brockett, 2014: 5) THANKS FOR LISTENING