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Tk GUI Toolkit: Widgets, Configuration, and Commands

Chapter 14
An Introduction to Tk 133
14.1 Widgets and windows 134
14.2 Screens, decorations, and toplevel windows 136
14.3 Applications and processes 137
14.4 Scripts and events 138
14.5 Wish: a windowing shell 138
14.6 Widget creation commands 139
14.7 Geometry managers 140
14.8 Widget commands 141
14.9 Commands for interconnection 142
Chapter 15
Tour Of The Tk Widgets 145
15.1 Frames and toplevels 145
15.2 Labels, buttons, checkbuttons, and radiobuttons 146
15.3 Menus and menubuttons 148
15.3.1 Pull-down menus 150
15.3.2 Pop-up menus 150
15.3.3 Cascaded menus 150
15.3.4 Keyboard traversal and accelerators 151
15.4 Listboxes 151
15.5 Entries 152
15.6 Scrollbars 153
15.7 Text 154
15.8 Canvases 155
15.9 Scales 157
15.10 Messages 157
Chapter 16
Configuration Options 159
16.1 How options are set 159
16.2 Colors 161
16.3 Screen distances 163
16.4 Reliefs 164
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