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Opus Coffee Employee Manual | Training & Policies

Opus Coffee Employee Manual
This handbook and its contents are the property of Opus Coffee and Larson Industries
Incorporated. The information contained within this handbook is to be used solely for
the purpose of educating and guiding Opus Coffee employees. No part of this handbook
may be used to aide in the advancement of a competing business nor be shared with a
third party with a stake in the coffee retail industry. By accepting this handbook, you are
agreeing to these terms.
Quick Tip!
These circles will
appear throughout
this manual to
offer you helpful
Opus ©2011
Introduction, Training, & Disclaimer
Training Block I 4
Employee Handbook, Policies
General Procedures and Operations
Customer Service
End of Shift Duties
Common Beverages to Know 11
Brew Machines & Dispensers 12
Blended Drinks – Forays
Fruit Smoothies
Making Whipped Cream
Cash Register System 14
Taking Drink Orders
Discount Policy
Teas – Mighty Leaf
Prepping Sandwiches at Springhill
Training Block II – Bar Training
Coffee Beverages & Alternatives
Vocabulary for the Barista
Espresso Grinders
Espresso Machine Diagram
Bar Tools
Pulling Espresso Shots
Steaming Milk
Troubleshooting Espresso
Espresso Machine Maintenance
Training Block III – Science of Espresso
Training Block IV – The Roaster
Roaster Demonstration
Opus Cupping Techniques
Defining Characteristics
Brewed Coffee Descriptions
Shift Manager
Measurements Chart
Welcome to the Opus Cafe family. As a member of the Opus team, we hope that you will feel
inspired to work ambitiously in making your coffee bar as successful as possible. Opus Cafe is a coffee
bar known for its fine coffee beverages and customer service. Be a part of making Opus an exciting
place to be. By maintaining a positive attitude, being ambitious, and acting with integrity, you will find
your time at Opus enjoyable and profitable. This manual will guide you in how you are able to
contribute to Opus Cafe. All new employees are in a 90-day probationary phase, and may be
terminated at any time within the 90 days. Termination within the probationary phase is most
commonly a result of employee not working well as part of a team, not making an effort to have
product knowledge, not having good customer service skills, not being punctual, etc.
Training Schedule
Before the first day of work, employees will complete Training Block I with a manager. After one week
of work, progress will be assessed.
Before Training Block II (bar training), employees must know:
• What goes in every drink (number of shots, how much foam, flavors, etc)
• Steps for pulling the perfect shot (how long it should take, what it should look like)
• Why and how to adjust espresso grind
• Steps for steaming milk with microfoam
• The steps for assembling bar drinks
Before bar training each employee must watch the Espresso 101 and Advanced Barista Training DVDs.
Ask a manager for the DVDs.
Employees must get clearance from a manager to do Training Block III (the science of espresso, latte
art). Training Block IV is a roasting demonstration that takes place at the roaster. Employees will
become familiar with the roasting process and will get to roast their own batch of coffee.
This is an employee manual; not a contract, expressed or implied, guaranteeing employment for
any duration. Its sole purpose is to educate current employees about company policy, practices, and
procedures. This manual in no way guarantees employment.
Training Block I
All new employees must complete the following:
Job application completed and signed
Withholdings Form W-4
Sign Worker’s Comp. Insurance Form
Status of Citizenship Form I-9 (If applicable)
Give all paperwork to Tim or place in Tim's folder, located at the atrium under the
bulletin board
Become a fan of Opus Coffee on Facebook and/or Twitter to keep up with current
II. Tour of Facilities:
Location of inventory at location
Restroom facilities
First Aid Kit location
Location of Employee Handbook
Fire extinguisher and exit location
Demonstration of how to safely handle equipment
Location of water source
Kitchen, ice machine and dish washing location
Garbage dump
Opus Coffee Telephone 352.262.0348
Quick Tip!
We sometimes
announce discounts on
social media. Stay
ahead by joining us on
facebook and twitter.
fb: Opus Coffee
twitter: @OpusCoffee
Employee Handbook
Probation Period
Newly hired employees will be on probation for a 90 day period.
Pay Periods
The pay periods are from the 1 st to the 15th and from the 16th to the last day of each month.
Checks will be issued ~5 business days after the end of the pay period, usually on the 5 th and 20th of
each month.
Schedule requests should be emailed to the scheduling manager (gainesvilleschedules@opuscafe.com). In the event that an employee would like to change his/her schedule after it has been
posted, he/she must contact other employees to get the shift/s covered. It is the employee's
responsibility to get his/her shift/s covered; it is not the manager's responsibility. The weekly
schedule will include announcements. Employees are expected to thoroughly read the
Evaluations & Raises
Employees are evaluated on the following criteria:
· Punctuality
· Completing tasks associated with each shift, e.g. restocking everything, going to receiving,
getting ice
· Willingness and eagerness to work as part of a team
· Ability to correctly and efficiently make delicious beverages
· Menu and product knowledge
Daily tips are the responsibility of each employee. Opus Coffee assumes no responsibility in
lost or stolen tips, reporting tips, or in dividing tips amongst employees. Tips are to be counted and
split among employees when necessary at the end of each shift. Opus Cafe will record tip earnings of
approximately $1 per hour when calculating withholdings for paychecks. If different, it is the
responsibility of the employee to notify the general manager.
Hair, and Facial Piercing Policy
In order to comply with the Shands Code of Conduct, we must require that employees do not
wear facial piercings while at work. Loud hair colors are also not permitted. Employees may dye their
hair natural colors.
Dress Code
Name tags
Black collared shirt (polo or button-down)
Solid color brown or black shoes
Provided Opus Apron (for baristas)
Provided Opus name tag
Complaints & Problems
Contact Shift Manager or Manager
Employee dispute, customer service problem,
location cleanliness, dress code problem, etc.
Contact Owners Tim or Bret Larson
Employee Theft, Manager Theft, Sexual
Harassment, Employee-Manager Dispute, etc.
Phone 352.262.0348
Address Larson Industries Incorporated
PO Box 2733
Gainesville, FL 32602-2733
Return Policy for Retail Items (mugs, brewing equipment, etc)
This return policy appears on the bottom of retail item receipts.
Please print out an itemized receipt for customers that purchase mugs, brewing equipment, or other
If the item has a manufacturer defect (lid does not close or seal properly, for example), we would be
happy to replace it within 30 days of purchase with a receipt. After 30 days neither refunds nor
exchanges can be made.
Unfortunately we cannot replace items that have been dropped, lost, or used in ways other than
intended, or items that have been damaged due to user mishandling.
First Paycheck
$14 will be deducted from each new hire's first paycheck to cover the cost of an apron and a
name tag.
Parking is never guaranteed for employees. Not even UF Health employees are guaranteed parking.
We therefore recommend riding a bike or taking the bus.
Buses do not run early enough for the morning shift. In order to get a parking spot we recommend
getting to 16th Ave around 5:30am. After 5:30am parking spots are difficult to find.
View parking map here http://employees.opus-cafe.com/viewtopic.php?t=583
(employees.opus-cafe.com > Manuals and Policies > Opus Locations and Parking Map)
General Procedures and Operations
• Opus has a phone number – 352.262.0348; if customers ask for Tim or Bret's number, use this
• Nutrition facts are online at opuscoffee.com
• Never give out personal information of owners, management, and other baristas to customers or
other third parties. The best practice is to obtain the information of the inquirer so that they can
be contacted instead.
• Customer education of the product is very important. Take the time to politely answer questions
that customers may have. Give explanation and recommendations of beverages.
• Cleanliness of the coffee bar is vital in maintaining the Opus Coffee image.
• Practice FIFO: First In, First Out. Use perishable products as they arrive, do not use goods that are
dated later before goods that are dated sooner.
• If someone demands cash or other goods of value, hand item over and call security. Do not refuse
and do not chase person. Only notify security.
• Personal phone calls and text messaging permitted in emergency situations only.
• Never give out any medical information or advice. Do not recommend certain beverages for
certain ailments or conditions.
• Only punch one hole at a time on the ‘Buy 10 Drinks, Get One Free’ Card. Bottled drinks do not
qualify. Exceptions are if it can ease a tense situation. Customers may order any tall-sized
beverage or grande (brewed or iced) coffee or tea with a fully punched out card.
• There should ALWAYS be someone at the registers in case a customer walks up.
• Try to keep rags hidden from public by placing them under brew machine, between blenders, etc.
• Press all of the oxygen out of any opened coffee bags and tape them shut. Untaped bags will result
in stale coffee.
• It is important to move the line along quickly. Long lines encourage more walk always and fewer
customers. Move the line along as quickly as possible while still being polite.
Customer Service
Customer Service Philosophy:
Make the customer happy! Write down special orders for your customers and make beverages the
way that they like them. Smile. Give the customer what they want. Greet them. Smile at them. You
need to think of your customers and serve them to the best of your abilities.
Customer Service Basics
Connect with the customer through eye-contact and a smile.
The first impression is important. Smile and greet all your guests.
Use the conditional tense of verbs. Instead of asking “What do you want?”, ask “What would you
like?” Or instead of asking, “is that all?”, ask “Would you like anything else?”
Learn the names of your customers.
Relate to every customer as an individual.
Recognize people walking up to the bar or coming into the store by making voice and eye contact,
even when busy.
Acknowledge the presence and patience of customers waiting in line by letting them know that
you will be with them shortly.
Maintain a pleasant and friendly attitude.
Thank them for coming in and invite them to come again.
Go that extra mile at every opportunity.
II. Dealing with difficult customers:
• At some point you will greet a customer and they will respond rudely and curt. You still have to be
nice to them. They still have money in their pockets and they have friends that are not like them,
who may be potential customers. Kill them with kindness! I know that sounds amazingly cheesy,
but it works. It is amazing how kindness moves and changes people.
• When things go wrong, you may give customer an Opus Coffee Guest Card. This action should take
place when a customer complains about waiting too long for their beverage, receives a bad tasting
beverage where they do not have the time to wait for another one, or when he or she receives a
minor burn from spilling coffee, etc.
• When things go really wrong, call the Manager. This action should take place when a customer
severely burns herself, trips and falls, etc.
End of Shift Duties
Atrium Wednesdays @10:30am or later - go to receiving
Restock behind bar:
• foray powders
• fruit forays (1 backup each)
• Pepsi products
• Monins
• caramel/choc sauces (1 full one each)
• whipped cream chargers
• teas
• iced tea boxes (1 each)
• cold cups & lids (restock on counter and under cabinet 2 of each)
• 1 of each behind the bar: house coffee, decaf house, espresso, origin, decaf esp
• knives, forks, spoons (behind counter & at condiment bar)
Restock at Registers:
• money (buy 1s, 5s, and change from bank)
• cups, sleeves, lids
• retail items (Clif Bars, biscotti, Fruition bars, Altoids, bananas)
Espresso Bar:
• cups, sleeves, lids
• espresso beans
• empty, rinse and refill bar spoons pitcher
• refill mochas (the bins under the cabinet and the jars)
• refill chais (the boxes under the cabinet and the bins)
Condiment Bar:
• refill sugar dispensers & cinnamon, cocoa, nutmeg, and vanilla dispensers
• restock Splendas, Sweet&Low, Stevia, Raw, Equal, and Dixie Crystals
• refill milk/cream dispensers
• wipe down condiment bar and all tables
• restock spoons, wood stirrers, napkins, and all straws
• caramel and chocolate sauces
• Atrium - ice chest
• parfaits, fruit cups, chips and dips, Chobanis, Naked Juices, Cheer Wine, and other refrigerated pastry
case items
• pastry case, and remember to adjust the pastry signs
• the boxes of 12, 16, 20 oz hot cups if they are empty
• complete all tasks above, plus
• dump blue bin in trough where we do dishes. Rinse with hot soapy water
• dump the drip pan under the coffee dispensers
• complete all tasks as outlined under “MORNING SHIFT,” plus
• dump and clean the drip pan under the coffee dispensers
• empty unused iced teas and wash carafes
• wash dishes (dishwasher closes at 7pm)
• clean pastry case inside and out
• put all items around the registers underneath the cabinets, and do not block the pastry case vent (NO
FOOD near the pastry case vent; stuff will melt)
• lock up outside tables and chairs after 8pm
• take out trash from behind bar and underneath condiment bar. Atrium - Place trash bags and all
boxes in front of the condiment bar. Other locations – dispose of trash bags in dumpster or trash
• soak Monin lids in hot water and replace and wipe all Monins off so they are not sticky
• spray and wipe down:
- all counters, cabinets (inside and out), and surfaces
- inside and outside of all refrigerators
- blenders
- condiment bar
- trash cans
- coffee grinder, espresso grinders, coffee machine, espresso machine
→ don't forget to wipe down the top of the espresso machine
• backwash the espresso machine as outlined in the Employee Manual on page 26
• soak steam wands overnight in a 16oz hot cup with hot water
• sweep and mop floors behind bar and around condiment bar area
• Vacuum carpets
• replace blue bin underneath cabinet and insert hose into blue bin
• cover registers, blenders, coffee dispenser holder, and espresso grinders/Monins
• DO NOT cover the espresso machine
• leave espresso machine and brewed coffee machines ON overnight
• close out POS system
• fill coffee carafes half full of hot water and let soak overnight
FRIDAYS – complete all tasks under “CLOSING SHIFT,” and:
• soak coffee carafes with detergent overnight
SATURDAYS – cleaning day!
• there will be detergent in the coffee carafes in the morning. You must clean them out with the white
scrub brush to ensure complete detergent removal.
• clean inside coffee dispenser stand
• detail coffee dispensers and refrigerators
• FLUSH BLUE BIN HOSE as outlined on page 32 of the Employee Manual.
• scrub sink, milk pitchers, and brewed coffee grinds holder (the thing you put the filter paper in to brew
regular coffee)
• using the black pipe-cleaner (located under sink, hanging to the right on a nail), clean the cylinder of
the coffee carafes where the coffee pours in during the brewing process
Some Common Beverages
All employees are responsible for knowing what comprises each menu item.
The image below illustrates just a few common beverages.
For the full list of Opus beverages, please see page 22.
Brew Machine and Dispensers
Follow the instructions of the location manager. Brew machines and procedures vary between
Blended Drinks - Opus Frozen Foray
Description for Customer: A smooth, frozen blend of coffee and milk with whipped cream on top.
When preparing frozen drinks, keep the Fruit and Frozen Coffee carafes separate.
Decaf and No Sugar Added options are available in forays made using vanilla and mocha foray powder.
Flavors -
Vanilla Latte, Mocha, Vanilla Mocha, Caramel, Cookies & Cream, Chocolate Peanut
Butter, Strawberries & Cream, Java Chip, Snickers Mocha, Banana Mocha
Sizes -
Tall –
Grande –
16 oz.
24 oz.
In blender carafe, add:
for a
Tall - 16oz
6 oz of 2% milk
2 scoops of mix
16 oz cup of ice
Tall + banana
4 oz of 2% milk
2 scoops of mix
16 oz cup of ice
Caramel on Top
Grande – 24oz
8 oz of 2% milk
3 scoops of mix
24 oz cup of ice
Caramel in cup
Choc on Top
Grande + banana
6 oz of 2% milk
3 scoops of mix
24 oz cup of ice
Choc in cup
Banana Mocha
Java Chip
Choc Peanut Butter
Cookies & Cream
Snickers Mocha
Vanilla or Mocha
Place contents into pitcher in the order as listed above and run blender through cycle 6. Put
whipped cream on top if customer desires.
Always make sure blender motor has completely stopped before removing the blender carafe
from the blender. Failure to do this results in stripping the blender gears.
Note: Very Important. If customer would like an extra shot of espresso in the foray, brew shot over
ice and make sure it is cold before pouring it into pitcher. Top off with milk to usual milk line. If
espresso shot is not cold before blending, the drink will have the wrong consistency and will be
too runny.
Opus Fruit Smoothie
Description for Customer: Crushed Fruit smoothie
Flavors -
Strawberry, Mango, Peach Pear Apricot
→ Customers may add a banana to any foray or smoothie for $0.45
Sizes -
Tall Grande -
16 oz
24 oz
In blender carafe, the recipes for the blended drinks are as follows:
for a
Tall – 16 oz
8 oz of fruit mix
16 oz cup of ice
Tall + banana
6 oz of fruit mix
16 oz cup of ice
Grande – 24 oz
12 oz of fruit mix
24 oz cup of ice
Grande + banana
10 oz of fruit mix
24 oz cup of ice
Place contents into pitcher in the order as listed above and run blender through cycle 6. Put
whipped cream on top if customer desires.
To make the fruit smoothie mix, pour the contents of a single carton into the fruit smoothie
mix container. Fill carton up half way with water, shake, and also pour that into smoothie mix
Shake smoothie mix container before pouring into blender.
Smoothie mix that has just been made and is not yet cold will be more watery. In this case, add
more ice than normal.
Whipped Cream
To make whipped cream, combine the following in a clean whipped cream dispenser:
4 shots of vanilla syrup
1 Quart of heavy whipping cream.
2 Chargers
To make whipped cream, pour into the whip canister 4 shots of syrup and one quart of heavy
whipping cream. Screw top on container making sure that the white gasket is in place and
screw in chargers. Be sure that handle is all the way out. Charge with two NO 2 cartridges.
Hold whipped cream canister vertical when applying whipped cream to a beverage. Do not
hold it sideways or it will let out excess NO 2 gas.
After whipped cream is ready, do not continue to shake every time whipped cream is used. This
will only ruin the whipped cream’s consistency.
Use only Vanilla Monin to make whipped cream.
Cash Register System
Cash Register Operation:
→ Beverages are entered by pressing the following: 1. Size 2. Beverage 3. Flavor
→ Always charge for flavor additions unless beverage is a regular coffee, iced coffee, or a foray
→ Do not charge for Caramel or Chocolate Drizzles
→ Do not charge for whipped cream
→ Do not charge for soy or lactose-free milk
→ Do not enter drink in register if customer has a full punch card or a free beverage card
→ DO charge if beverage is to be made with half and half (breve lattes)
Counting Down the Register
After closing time, tap the back button at the top right of the orders screen to get to the main
Select Reports
Select Daily Sales Recap
Select Business Summary Recap
Press Accept
Press Display
Uncheck everything except for Total Sales
The output 40 col should then appear; accept the recap on the 40 col
The Business Summary Report should print
On the back of the printout, write:
Total Sales with tax
- Credit card charges
- Gift card charges
amount of cash to be put into the blue bag
Put the amount into the blue bag, along with all redeemed coupons/free drink cards
Fill out the form in the blue bag. Count the remaining money in the registers and spare change
(in cabinet underneath the registers).
Leave the blue bag in the cabinet underneath the register. Lock the cabinet before leaving.
Taking Drink Orders
It is important to write drink orders correctly, in this order:
Decaf (if applicable)
Iced (if applicable)
Milk (if not 2%)
Flavor (if any)
Qualifiers (if any)
Drink type
Whipped cream (must be specified for Mochas, White Mochas, Toffeenut Lattes, Snickers Mochas, Hot
cocoas, ALL frozen drinks, and seasonal drinks like Irish Maidens, Nutty Irishmen, and Ciders)
Customers names should follow the order on the next line, circled. It is important to write small yet legibly.
Orders are then either placed on the espresso machine or on the foray counter.
Short - S
Tall - T
Grande - G
Decaf or Iced?
Decaf – Dec
Iced – Iced
Half caffeinated – ½ caff
Milk Option:
Nonfat milk – NF
Half and Half - Breve
Lactaid – Lact
Soy – Soy (no abbreviation)
Flavor Addition:
there are lots of different flavors! Here are a few acceptable abbreviations:
Vanilla - Van
Rasperry - rasp
Peppermint - pep
Hazelnut - Haz
Toffeenut - Tnut
but when in doubt, write it out
Caramel - Car
Salted Caramel – salt car
Sugar Free – SFV, SFHaz, SFCar (vanilla, hazelnut & caramel are the only SF options)
Extra espresso shot - x-shot
Extra flavor - x-car, x-mocha
120º, x-hot, no foam, x-foam,
Type of Drink:
Latte - L
Cappucino - Capp
Mocha - M
White Mocha - WM
Caramel Macchiato - CM
Americano - Amer
Snickers Mocha – Snix
Americano – Amer
Whipped Cream:
With - W/
Spiced Chai - Sp Chai
Vanilla Chai - vchai
Hot Cocoa - HC
Eclipse Mocha – Ecl
Cafe au Lait – au lait (specify house, origin, or decaf)
Iced Coffee - I.C.
*the only drink where “iced” is abbreviated
Without -W/O
– W/lite
Extra – W/extra
Discount Policy
Everything on Menu Board: FREE
Bakery Items in Pastry Case: FREE, but we ask that
you limit yourself to one pastry per day 
Retail & All Packaged Items (Bottled Drinks,
parfaits, fruit cups, spinach & artichoke dips,
hummus & pita chips, etc.) : 50% OFF. This is below
cost for us
Skerton Coffee Grinder: $30.00
Clever Coffee Dripper: $12.50
Hario V60 Ceramic Dripper: $14.00
Hario Kettle Buono: $38.00
White Filter #2: $2.25
White Filter #4: $1.46
Parents/Siblings get 20% off everything except for
the grinding and brewing equipment.
Know if there is a Twitter/Facebook Discount for
the day. They usually involve a phrase and are $1
off. You’ll usually be notified of a
Twitter/Facebook disount by a text the day before.
Specific Dollar
This for a discount of any amount. If there’s a lot
of pastries left at the end of the day, discount
them. Use at wisely at your discretion but not
Skill Check - Opus Brewed Coffee
1. Steps
Insert paper filter into
a clean brew basket, place
under drip coffee grinder and
grind selected roast.
Slide brew basket
(with grinds) into drip coffee
Place designated
coffee carafe underneath
brew basket.
Ensure the filter is securely placed against the walls of the
brew basket.
Ensure there are no grinds on the outside of the filter.
Ensure the coffee carafe is empty.
Ensure the brew basket is aligned with the coffee carafe
On the drip coffee
machine, select the full pot
setting to begin brewing.
If only brewing a half pot of coffee, select the half pot
Ensure the brewing coffee is aligned properly with the
carafe to avoid spillage.
Close top of carafe
and empty the used grounds
into the trash.
Use caution; the coffee grounds will be hot.
Rinse the brew basket if necessary.
Skill Check – Frozen Forays
1. Obtain blender
pitcher and add
flavor if applicable.
 For Snickers Mochas, cover blender blade with caramel sauce and
add hazelnut syrup.
 For Caramel Forays, cover blender blade with caramel sauce.
2. Add iced espresso
shot(s) if desired.
Espresso shots MUST be put over ice before they are put into the
pitcher, otherwise the consistency of the foray will be too runny.
3. Add milk.
Use 2% unless otherwise specified.
If espresso shots are used, less milk will be needed.
Tall (16 oz) gets milk up to the 6 oz mark on the pitcher.
Grande (24 oz) gets milk up to the 8 oz mark on the pitcher.
4. Scoop in foray
Tall (16 oz) sizes get 2 scoops.
Grande (24 oz) sizes get 3 scoops.
5. Add a full cup of ice
to pitcher.
Use 16 oz ice for Tall size.
Use 24 oz ice for Grande size.
6. Blend. Pour.
Whipped Cream if
7. To drizzle or not to
Press “6” on blender.
Do not open blender cover until cycle is complete.
See page 6 for drizzle info
Skill Check – Fruit Forays
Fill pitcher with
fruit puree mix.
 Tall size – 8 oz fruit mix
 Grande size – 12 oz fruit mix
Add full cup of
ice to pitcher.
Use 16 oz ice for Tall size.
Use 24 oz ice for Grande size.
Blend. Pour.
Whipped cream if
Press “6” on blender.
Wait for blender cycle to stop.
Pour into cup, add whipped cream if desired, add lid, sleeve, and
call out.
Skill Check – Teas:
→ We serve Mighty Leaf Tea. Why? Because Mighty Leaf:
◦ Globally sources the finest ingredients available
◦ Offers whole-leaf tea pouches
◦ Is delicious!
Hot Tea
1. Add tea bag(s)
to cup.
2. Add sleeves.
3. Add hot water.
4. Add lid & finish.
 Short (12 oz) = 1 tea bag.
 Tall (16 oz) = 1 tea bag.
 Grande (20 oz) = 2 tea bags
 Hot teas get double-cupped.
 Fill with water from the brewed coffee machine.
 Ensure lid is on securely.
 Make sure customer knows his/her tea is extremely hot.
Iced Tea
1. Steep tea bag.
2. Time it.
3. Fill with ice.
4. Store.
5. Make an Iced
Tea beverage.
6. Sweeten if
 Place 1 iced tea bag in an empty iced tea carafe.
 Fill half way with boiling water from the hot water spigot.
 Brewing time varies among different teas.
 General brew time rules of thumb:
→ Green teas – 3 minutes
→ Black teas – 4-5 minutes
 Check tea package for exact times.
 After steeping is complete, remove tea bag and discard.
 Fill carafe with ice until full.
 Store new iced tea carafe in refrigerator behind the older carafe.
 Fill cup ¾ full of ice.
 Fill cup with tea.
 Tall size gets 2 pumps Monin Pure Cane Syrup.
 Grande size gets 3 pumps Monin Pure Cane Syrup.
Prepping Sandwiches - Springhill Location Only
Sandwich Options:
All served on fresh ciabatta bread
Lettuce and tomato may be added to any sandwich at no additional charge
Option D is vegetarian-friendly
All convection oven steps are carried out at 572°F for one minute (use the timer)
A. Turkey + Provolone + Avocado Spread + Lettuce + Tomato
1. Preheat oven to 572°F (highest temperature setting)
2. Slice ciabatta bread in half
3. On one bread half, add 3 slices of turkey and one slice of provolone cheese
* place the cheese on top of the meat
4. Place bread halves on oven sheet and bake for 1 minute or until cheese begins to melt
5. Remove tray from oven, place bread slices on cutting board
6. Spread Avocado Spread on the “naked” slice of bread
7. Add 2 slices of tomato and some lettuce on top of the meat and cheese
8. Close the sandwich and slice in half if desired. Wrap it up and place in a bag
B. Ham + Swiss + Pesto
1. Preheat oven to 572°F (highest temperature setting)
2. Slice ciabatta bread in half
3. On one bread half, add 3 slices of ham and one slice of swiss cheese
* place the cheese on top of the meat
4. Place bread halves on oven sheet and bake for 1 minute or until cheese begins to melt
5. Remove tray from oven, place bread slices on cutting board
6. Spread Pesto on the “naked” slice of bread
7. Close the sandwich and slice in half if desired. Wrap it up and place in a bag
C. Chicken + Smoked Gouda + Avocado Spread
1. Preheat oven to 572°F (highest temperature setting)
2. Slice ciabatta bread in half
3. On one bread half, add 3 slices of chicken and one slice of gouda cheese
* place the cheese on top of the meat
4. Place bread halves on oven sheet and bake for 1 minute or until cheese begins to melt
5. Remove tray from oven, place bread slices on cutting board
6. Spread Avocado on the “naked” slice of bread
7. Close the sandwich and slice in half if desired. Wrap it up and place in a bag
D. Hummus + Sprouts + Roasted Peppers + Cucumber Dill Spread
1. Turn on the toaster
2. Slice ciabatta bread in half
3. Run the bread halves through the toaster
4. Spread Hummus on one side, and Cucumber Dill spread on the other side
5. Add some roasted red peppers and sprouts
6. Close the sandwich and slice in half if desired. Wrap it up and place in a bag
Training Block II: Bar Training
Before being bar trained by a manager, employees must know:
• What goes in every drink (number of shots, how much foam, flavors, etc)
• Steps for pulling the perfect shot (how long it should take, what it should look like)
• Steps for steaming milk with microfoam
• The steps for assembling bar drinks
• Why and how to adjust espresso grind
• Espresso machine anatomy
Before bar training each employee must watch the Espresso 101 and Advanced Barista Training DVDs.
Ask a manager for the DVDs.
Coffee Options:
Milk Options:
Caffeinated (default) or Decaffeinated coffee/espresso
2% (default), Nonfat, Lactose-Free, Soy or Half and Half (Breve)
Number of Espresso Shots per Beverage (excluding Americanos)
Hot Beverages
Espresso shots
12 oz
16 oz
20 oz
Cold Beverages
Espresso shots
16 oz
24 oz
Number of Espresso Shots for Americanos
Hot Americanos
Espresso shots
Cold Americanos
12 oz
16 oz
16 oz
20 oz
24 oz
Note: Grande Iced Americanos do not get an extra shot of espresso.
Monin Flavor Measurements – Always use the jigger for Monin measurements.
Short Hot
Tall Hot
Grande Hot
0.75 oz
1.5 oz
1.5 oz
Espresso shots
Tall Iced
Grande Iced
1.5 oz
1.5 oz
Note: the larger side of the jigger holds 1.5 oz.
For beverages with two flavors: use half of of each flavor. eg: Tall Nutty Irishman gets 0.75 oz Irish Cream and 0.75 oz Haz.
Mocha and White Mocha Measurements
Short Hot
Tall Hot
1 scoop
1.5 scoops
Grande Hot
Tall Iced
Grande Iced
2 scoops
1 scoop
2 scoops
Note: one scoop holds 2 tablespoons
Hot Cocoa Measurements
Short Hot
Tall Hot
Grande Hot
1.5 scoop
2 scoops
2.5 scoops
Vanilla and Spiced Chai Measurements
Short Hot
Tall Hot
Grande Hot
Tall Iced
Grande Iced
2 scoops
1 scoop
2 scoops
1 scoop
1.5 scoops
Note: one scoop holds 4 tablespoons
Coffee Beverages and What Comprises Them
The Latte and its Variations
The Cappuccino and its
The Mocha and its Variations
Mocha/White Mocha
Espresso Macchiato
Flavored Latte
Flavored Cappucino
Eclipse Mocha
Breve Latte
Caramel Macchiato
Flavored Mocha
Cafe au Lait
Snix Mocha
steamed milk
1 cm foam
Monin syrup
steamed milk
1 cm foam or whipped cream if
steamed half and half
1 cm foam
/3 espresso
/3 steamed milk
/3 foam
/3 espresso
Monin syrup
/3 steamed milk
/3 foam
a cappuccino plus
vanilla Monin
caramel sauce in cup and
cross-hatched on top of foam
Nutty Irishman
half Hazelnut Monin
half Irish Cream Monin
steamed milk
1 cm foam or whipped cream if
steamed milk
milk foam
mocha or white mocha
1 cm foam or whipped cream if desired
steamed milk
hot water
room for cream if desired
1 cm foam or whipped cream if desired
½ brewed coffee
steamed milk
½ steamed milk
Monin Syrup
1 cm foam
mocha or white mocha
1 cm foam or whipped cream if desired
one shot of espresso
steamed milk
brewed coffee*
half Caramel Monin
half Hazelnut Monin
*customer adds
1 cm foam or whipped cream if desired
Caramel and Chocolate drizzle on top
Irish Maiden
half Vanilla Monin
half Irish Cream Monin
steamed milk
1 cm foam or whipped cream if
one shot of espresso
brewed coffee*
*customer adds
Coffee Alternatives and What Comprises Them
Spiced Chai – contains NF milk and
*Spiced Chai Mix
steamed milk
1 cm foam
Monin syrup
steamed milk
1 cm foam
Hot Cocoa
Ground Cocoa
steamed milk
1 cm foam or whipped cream if desired
*Black and Darjeeling Teas, Honey,
Cinnamon, Clove, Cardamon, Anise, Ginger,
Vanilla extract among other things
Vanilla Chai – contains NF milk and
*Vanilla Chai Mix
steamed milk
1 cm foam
Tea Steamer
Tea bag(s)
~1 inch hot water
steamed milk
1 cm foam
*Black Tea, Honey, and Cinnamon among
other things
Vocabulary For The Barista
Arabica - Regarded as the highest quality coffee species available. Grown at higher altitudes of between 2,000 and 6,000
feet, contains less caffeine, is less acidic, and is richer in flavor and aroma than robusta coffee.
Bald - Refers to the preparation of a drink absent the foam from the milk on its surface.
Barista - Italian for bartender
Biscotti - A delicate, semi-crunchy cookie commonly served with and dipped in coffee drinks.
Caffeine Content of Coffee –
Drip Coffee (12 oz) - 180 mg
Caffeinated Tea - 70 mg
Espresso (1.5 oz) - 90 mg
Hot Cocoa (12 oz) - 30 mg
Decaffeinated Coffee (12 0z) - 7 mg
Crema - A light, cinnamon brown froth constituting the crowning layer of the brewed espresso. The aroma of espresso is
trapped in the crema, and is often regarded as a measure of the skill of the brewer. The crema should always be
preserved on the surface of the beverage.
Dry A beverage, especially a cappuccino, that is steamed while breathing a high amount of air into the milk and then
letting it sit to let it separate. Scoop the foam out of the pitcher and onto the surface of the beverage. A
cappuccino with more foam than normal.
Espresso - Regarded as the true essence of coffee. A strong, highly concentrated coffee brewed with 200 degree water at 9
bars of pressure yielding 1 to 1½ ounces of coffee.
Grind - The coffee grind, an essential part of the coffee brewing process. The fineness of the grind directly influences the
quality of the final product- the shot of espresso. Different brewing methods require different degrees of fineness.
Generally the scale is 1 to 10 with a lower number indicating a finer grind. If the espresso is gushing from the
portafilter too quickly, the grind should be adjusted finer. If the espresso is seeping from the portafilter too slowly,
the grind should be adjusted coarser.
Latte - Italian for milk, also a drink made with espresso and steamed milk.
Organic - Refers to coffee that is grown chemical and pesticide free. Certification available through the USDA or an
independent third party. Many poorer countries who are unable to pay for chemicals and other artificial
treatment processes are also unable to pay for organic certification. Much of the coffee from central Africa is
organic although not certified.
Portafilter - Portable filter used in brewing espresso. The piece of equipment espresso is tamped into.
Pull A term applied to the dosage amount from the grinder into the portafilter from pulling the grinder’s lever. One
pull does not necessarily contain the desired amount of grind to brew a shot of espresso.
Ristretto - A shortened shot of espresso that ends before the acidic part of the shot can be brewed. This is the richest shot
of espresso. The first part of the shot is generally regarded as the richest and most flavorful. As the shot
continues, the degree of acidity and bitterness increases. A ristretto shot, although less in volume, generally
ensures a richer and tastier shot of espresso.
Roast- The coffee roast is another essential part of the coffee brewing process and directly influences the quality of the final
product. Refers to the degree to which the coffee beans are roasted. Coffee cherries, or raw beans, come in colors
ranging from lime green to turquoise. The beans are placed in a coffee roaster and roasted in a rotating drum for a
certain amount of time, changing in chemical composition and acidic content. Espresso is most commonly brewed
from darker roasts, meaning that the coffee beans were roasted for a longer period of time.
Types of Roasts
Cinnamon (Light, New England)- Light brown, no visible oil on surface of the beans, Taste reminiscent of
toasted grain
City (American, Medium High)- Medium brown in color, surface is free of oil, Characteristics of coffee
flavor for Americans. Snappy, acidity taste with richer body
Full City - Darker brown in color, slight sheen of oil on surface, Slight bittersweet tang with a slight dark
roasted tone. Less acidity.
Vienna (European, Dark)- Slightly darker brown in color, surface of bean is oily. Rich, bittersweet tang,
virtually all traces of acidity are gone
French - Almost all black in color, surface of bean is very shiny and oily, Sometimes a burnt or charcoal
taste, no acidity
Robusta - One of the most widely used species of coffee and generally regarded as inferior to Arabica. Robusta is a lowland
plant that is less susceptible to disease, less expensive, and contains more caffeine than Arabica. Robusta is less
flavorful than arabica and is widely used in large commercial venues. It is also used as a filler in many arabica
coffees and sold in the retail market.
Shot - A shot of espresso, may be 1 to 1 ½ ounces for a single shot to 2 to 3 ounces for a double shot. A single shot is
sometimes referred to as a solo shot and a double shot is sometimes referred to as a “doppio.” A ristretto shot is
from 3/4 to 1 oz.
Skinny - Refers to the fabrication of a drink using skim milk in place of milk with a higher fat content.
Steaming - Also called frothing, steaming is the warming of milk using the steam wand of the espresso machine. The steam
wand should be placed on the surface of the milk, pointed in a direction so that the milk steams in a circular
direction, until the milk reaches approximately 100 degrees and then submerged. Leaving the steam wand at the
surface of the milk during steaming past 100 degrees results in undesirable ‘sea bubbles.’ When the desired
temperature is reached (170 degrees), it can then be poured over the shot of espresso.
Tamping - The process of compacting and packing the coffee grounds into the portafilter. Thirty lbs. of pressure should be
used in tamping coffee. It is generally advised that each barista maintain constant tamping pressure and change
only the fineness and coarseness of the grind when variation is required. Tamping creates better extraction of
desired coffee oils and flavor and results in a better shot of espresso.
Wet - A beverage, especially a cappuccino, that is steamed while breathing a medium amount of air into the milk and
then letting it sit to let it separate. Stir the foam back into the milk and pour onto the beverage. The foam is
supposed to be semi mixed into the milk.
Espresso Grinders
Bar Tools
Steps for Making Bar Drinks
These steps must be followed in order while making bar drinks.
Notes: For hot drinks, pull shots directly into the cup.
If there is a third or fourth shot for a hot beverage, pull those into an extraction pitcher.
Always use the jigger for Monin measurements.
Always pull shots before adding flavors/mochas.
Hot Lattes and Cappuccinos
1. Pull shot(s) directly into the cup
2. Steam milk
3. Add flavor(s) to cup if applicable
4. Pour milk into cup
5. Add a lid and sleeve
6. Call out beverage and customer's name
Mochas, White Mochas and Eclipse Mochas
1. Pull shot(s) directly into the cup
2. Steam milk
3. Add mocha and/or white mocha to cup
4. Mix very well
5. Pour milk into cup while continuing to stir
6. Add whipped cream if desired
7. Add a lid and sleeve
8. Call out beverage and customer's name
Snickers Mochas
1. Pull shot(s) directly into the cup
2. Steam milk
3. Add mocha to cup
4. Add Hazelnut and Caramel Monin to cup
5. Mix very well
6. Pour milk into cup while continuing to stir
7. If desired, add whipped cream + caramel and chocolate drizzle
8. Add a lid and sleeve
9. Call out beverage and customer's name
Caramel Macchiatos (vanilla cappuccinos with caramel sauce)
1. Pull shot(s) directly into the cup
2. Steam milk
3. Add Vanilla Monin to cup
4. Drizzle caramel sauce in cup, mix
5. Pour milk into cup
6. Cross-hatch caramel sauce on top of foam
7. Add a lid and sleeve
8. Call out beverage and customer's name
1. Pull shots directly into the cup
2. Pull additional shots (if necessary) into the smaller extraction pitcher
3. Once all shots are in the cup, add hot water from the coffee dispenser to the cup, leaving room for cream if desired
4. Add a lid and sleeve
5. Call out beverage and customer's name
Chais and Hot Cocoas
1. Add chai or cocoa to cup
2. Steam milk
3. Add some milk to the cup (about 1/3 full)
4. Mix thoroughly until powder is nearly all dissolved
5. Pour milk into cup while continuing to stir
6. Add whipped cream if desired
7. Add a lid and sleeve
8. Call out beverage and customer's name
Iced Lattes
1. Pull shot(s) into an extraction pitcher
2. Prepare cup (ice then milk up to arrow in Figure 1)
3. Add flavor(s) to espresso in extraction pitcher
4. Pour espresso + flavor(s) into cup
5. Mix quickly with a bar spoon
6. Add a lid and sleeve
7. Call out beverage and customer's name
Iced Coffees and Americanos
1. Pull shot into an extraction pitcher
2. Prepare ice cup (ice up to arrow in Figure 2)
3. Pour espresso shots over ice
4. Rinse extraction pitcher with water from the water spout and pour the
water over the ice, leaving room for cream if desired
5. Mix quickly with a bar spoon
6. Add a lid and sleeve
7. Call out beverage and customer's name
Iced Mochas, White Mochas and Eclipse Mochas
1. Pull 2 shots into the larger extraction pitcher
2. Pull third shot (if necessary) into the smaller extraction pitcher
3. Prepare cup (ice then milk up to arrow in Figure 1)
4. Add mocha and/or white mocha to espresso in extraction pitcher, mix
very well
5. Position the strainer over the ice cup
6. Pour espresso + mocha through the strainer into the ice cup + milk
7. Pour third espresso shot (if necessary) into cup
8. Mix quickly using a bar spoon
9. Add whipped cream if desired
10. Add a lid and sleeve
11. Call out beverage and customer's name
Iced Chais
1. Add spiced or vanilla chai to the large extraction pitcher
2. Add just enough hot water to the extraction pitcher to dissolve the chai powder
3. Mix thoroughly until nearly all of the chai has dissolved
4. Prepare cup (ice then milk up to arrow in Figure 1)
5. Position the strainer over the ice cup
6. Pour the dissolved chai through the strainer into the ice cup + milk
7. Mix quickly using a bar spoon
8. Add a lid and sleeve
9. Call out beverage and customer's name
Cafe au Laits
1. Steam milk
2. Fill the cup half way with brewed coffee of customer's choice
3. Fill the other half of the cup with steamed milk
4. Add a lid and sleeve
5. Call out beverage and customer's name
Espresso Macchiatos
1. Pull shot(s) directly into an 8 oz cup
2. Steam milk in the larger extraction pitcher
3. Add flavor(s) to cup + espresso if applicable
4. Pour milk into cup
5. Add a lid
6. Call out beverage and customer's name
Redeyes and Blackeyes
1. Pull shot(s) directly into the cup
2. Add a sleeve, place a lid upside down on top of the drink
3. Call out beverage and customer's name
Pulling Shots
Baristas will not move on in bar training until he/she can consistently pull the perfect shot of espresso
1. Remove the portafilter
from the grouphead and
empty the grinds into the
knock box
2. Dose the coffee using the
3. Use the lid of the ground
coffee chamber to remove
excess coffee grinds before
 Rinsing the portafilter is only necessary when a poor quality
shot was just pulled (the portafilter will be soupy with grinds)
4. Place portafilter on rubber
mat and tamp the coffee
firmly and evenly.
5. Wipe away excess grinds
with brush.
6. Position portafilter into
7. Place cup or extraction
pitcher under portafilter.
8. Press appropriate button
to pull shots.
Use single portafilter for 1 shot.
Use double portafilter for 2 shots.
For single shots, use lid to scoop out grinds back into the
doser shaft.
For double shots, use lid to evenly and horizontally scoop off
the grinds back into the doser shaft.
This technique is not required for the regular espresso
grinder at the atrium; simply select the single or double shot
button and it doses out the correct amount of espresso.
If pour is too fast, tamp harder. If the pour is still too fast
after a few more shots, adjust for a finer grind.
If pour is too slow, tamp more softly. If the pour is still too
slow after a few more shots, adjust for a more coarse grind.
Ensure rim of portafilter is free of grounds. This ensures a
seal will be created between the portafilter and the
grouphead. Failure to do this step will result in grinds in your
Make sure to tighten the portafilter into the group head as
much as possible. Failure to do this step will result in grinds
in your shot.
A (single or double) espresso shot should take 18-23 seconds
to extract.
Single or double shot, must correspond to portafilter
A (single or double) espresso shot should take 18-23 seconds
to extract.
Steaming Milk
Baristas will not move on in bar training until he/she can consistently create velvety microfoam milk
1. Pour milk.
 Pour milk according to beverage size.
2. Aerate milk
until milk is a
little warmer
than room
3. Continue
4. Turn knob
clockwise to
turn off steam
5. Wipe wand.
 Temperature continues to rise about 5 degrees after turning wand off.
Keep this in mind if using a thermometer.
6. Assess
 Steamed milk should always be smooth and silky, with very microfoam on
top. Milk becomes flat when not enough air is aerated into it at the
beginning of the steaming process. Milk contains large bubbles when
there is no whirlpool created by the steam wand.
7. Purge wand
 Purge wand to remove residual water and milk.
Purge wand to remove residual water and milk.
Fully submerge steam wand in milk.
Turn knob counter-clockwise to begin steaming.
Create a whirlpool.
Lower pitcher until only the tip of the wand is submerged. This should
create a paper-tearing sound called aeration, or milk stretching, which
foams the milk.
 Aerate milk until it has reached just above room temperature.
Submerge wand while keeping whirlpool effect in pitcher.
Continue to steam until milk reaches 165° F.
Use thermometer if needed.
Eventually you will be able to tell when the milk reaches the correct
temperature range by feeling the side of the pitcher for temperature and
by listening to the sound the wand is making.
 Remove wand from pitcher and immediately and thoroughly wipe off with
a clean, warm wet rag.
 Be sure to remove any residual milk on wand.
Troubleshooting Espresso
Symptom: Espresso flows from portafilter too quickly. Result: Thin, bitter tasting espresso.
Causes: Not enough pressure is used in tamp, grind is too coarse, diffuser is blocked, water
pressure may be set too high, boiler pressure may be too low.
Solutions: Tamp grounds to 30 pounds per square inch, increase the amount of grind in
portafilter, adjust coffee grinder finer, backflush machine, reduce pump pressure, increase
boiler pressure.
Symptom: Espresso extracts too slowly. Result: Burnt tasting espresso, crema too thin.
Causes: Grounds may be tamped using too much pressure, coffee grounds too fine, too much
coffee in portafilter, screens or filter blocked.
Solutions: Reduce tamp pressure, adjust grind coarser, reduce the amount of coffee in
portafilter, clean screens and filter basket.
Symptom: Portafilter filled with water after extraction.
Causes: Grind may be too fine, coffee grind may have been tamped using too much pressure.
Solutions: Adjust coffee grinder coarser, Tamp coffee using less pressure, increase volume of
coffee in filter basket.
Symptom: Coffee grind in cup.
Causes: Portafilter not tightened in group head. Too fine grind, pump pressure set too high,
screens blocked with espresso, worn grinder burrs, diffuser soiled with coffee grind.
Solutions: Position portafilter into grouphead and tighten as much as possible. Adjust coffee
grinder coarser, reduce pump pressure, clean or replace screens, replace burrs.
Symptom: Crema fails to maintain.
Causes: Prolonged extraction, restricted water flow, water temperature set too high.
Solutions: Clean or replace screens, clean or replace filter, reduce boiler temperature.
Espresso Machine Maintenance
Daily (closing shift)
• Backflush all groupheads. Run 10 second cycles until all coffee residue is gone.
• Backflush all groupheads with one tiny scoop of espresso machine detergent, repeat until all
detergent residue is gone.
• Wipe down gaskets and screens under groupheads.
• Fill cup with hot water and soak steam wand overnight.
• Remove and clean drip tray, portafilters, filter baskets, and outside casing.
• Clean under machine.
• Do everything listed above, plus:
• Unscrew groupheads and screens. Soak groupheads and screens in pitcher filled with hot water
and 2 scoops of espresso machine detergent. Scrub clean and replace.
• Detail coffee dispensers.
• Flush the hose that leads from the espresso machine to the blue bin:
Detach the hose from the espresso machine and bring it to the janitor's closet (bring the blue bin and a rag
along with you).
There is a hose attached to a dispenser on the janitor's closet wall with 4 different cleaning solutions.
→ Turn the knob to select the bottom left cleaning solution.
Connect the cleaning solution hose to the espresso machine hose and pull the lever to begin flushing the
hose out. Flush out all the espresso gook.
Also remember to rinse and wipe down the blue bin.
Put the blue bin back underneath the espresso machine, attach the hose back to the espresso machine, and
aim the end of the hose into the blue bin.
Clean under the espresso machine.
Skill Check – Adjusting Espresso Grind
1. Espresso shot pulls
too quickly.
2. Espresso shot pulls
too slowly.
Adjust for a finer grind, or
Tamp harder.
● Adjust for a coarser grind, or
● Tamp more softly.
Skill Check – Troubleshoot Pulling Shots
1. Portafilter filled with
water after extraction.
2. Coffee grind in cup.
3. Crema fails to maintain.
Adjust for a coarser grind, or
Tamp more softly.
Adjust for a coarser grind, or
Remove filter portion of portafilter and clean out.
● Clean or replace screens, or
● Clean or replace filter.
Skill Check – Espresso Machine Maintenance
Time Frame
1. Daily
2. Fridays
3. Saturday
 Backflush all groupheads - Run 10 second cycles until all coffee residue is
 Wipe down gaskets and screens under groupheads.
 Fill cup with hot water and soak steam wand overnight
 Remove and clean drip tray, portafilters, filter baskets, and outside
 Clean under machine.
 Backflush all groupheads - Run 10 second cycles until all coffee residue is
 Backflush all groupheads with espresso one scoop of machine detergent,
repeat until all detergent residue is gone
 Remove and clean drip tray, portafilters, filter baskets, and outside casing
 Clean under machine.
 Unscrew groupheads and screens. Soak groupheads and screens in
pitcher filled with hot water and 2 scoops of espresso machine detergent.
**Keep screws in machine overnight so they do not get lost
Training Block III
The Science of Espresso
You will demonstrate your espresso skills to the training manager. The training manager will provide
advanced technique tips and correct any bad habits that have developed.
Grinding Principles
Having a proper grind is essential in brewing perfect espresso. Coffee should only be ground
when needed and only enough for the shot to be brewed. Do not preemptively grind espresso unless
there are many drinks to be made immediately. Minute adjustments to the grinder may be required
throughout the course of the day depending on the humidity level. Coffee grounds expand when the
humidity level rises; therefore, the grind must be adjusted finer. A symptom of the coffee grind being
too coarse would be if the espresso shot flows out too quickly and did not last its full 18-22 seconds
recommended brewing time. On the contrary, during times of low humidity, the grind must be
adjusted to be coarser. If the coffee grind is too fine, the espresso shot drip out very slowly, brew for
longer than the recommended cycle, and taste bitter. Use the doser to release the coffee into the
portafilter. Although not difficult, it still takes practice to know exactly how much ground should be in
the portafilter to brew the perfect shot. The tamped grind should be even with the line inside the
portafilter. A recommended thirty pounds of pressure per square inch should be used to tamp the
coffee grind into the portafilter. Knock the portafilter on the side with the tamper to loosen the grind
and tamp again until surface is flat and smooth. Ripples on the surface of the tamped grind will result
in an unequal espresso extraction.
Espresso Principles
Secure the portafilter in the grouphead. Place the proper size cup underneath the portafilter
and press the single or double shot button. The cup should be aligned so that the espresso lands on
the inside side wall of the cup and then flows to the bottom; this helps to preserve the crema. A shot
of espresso should extract for 18 to 22 seconds. Do not let espresso sit in cup for longer than thirty
seconds before neutralizing it with either steamed milk, Monin, or cocoa. Espresso left in cup for over
thirty seconds will lose its crema and will be bitter – throw it away and pull another shot of espresso.
If only a single or double shot of espresso is ordered (without milk or Monin), call it out immediately
once it finishes extracting to prevent it from turning bitter.
Steaming and Beverage Preparation Principles
Preparing each beverage properly is vital to customer satisfaction. If a beverage has been
poorly or carelessly prepared, it needs to be thrown away and prepared over again. Serving even one
poorly prepared beverage may lose a customer which may equate to a substantial yearly volume. The
following tips will aid you in preparing perfect beverages every time:
Brew espresso directly into cup, do not brew into small pitchers and then transferred into
cup. Each time espresso changes containers it loses some of its properties and freshness.
Steamed milk should never be flat. Steamed milk should always be smooth and silky,
with very smooth foam on top. Milk becomes flat when not enough air is breathed into it
at the beginning of the steaming process and when there is no whirlpool created by the
steam wand. Milk should be steamed to 165 degrees.
Presentation Principles
Beverage presentation holds an equal value to taste in customer satisfaction. The surface of a
shot of espresso should be light brown in color and last for several minutes. The surface of a milk
based espresso drink should show a deep contrast between white foam and brown crema. Preserving
the brown crema on the beverage surface is accomplished by slowly pouring the steamed milk on the
side of the cup. Make an effort to prepare every beverage as if it’s the best one that you’ve ever
Training Block IV; The Roaster
Roaster Demonstration
Observe and learn more about coffee, and more specifically, about the coffee that you serve
and how it is roasted. Bret will choose dates of roasting demonstrations, and the first five people to
sign up will be able to attend and even help roast some coffee.
Participate in Opus Cupping
Cupping coffee is the evaluation of the aroma and taste characteristics of coffee. Cupping
involves either several roast levels of the same coffee, or a variety of several different coffees. During
the cupping process, Bret will demonstrate the physical motions involved with profiling coffee, such as
sniffing, slurping, and swallowing, and why these are important in the cupping process.
Fundamentals of Taste
Aroma - Refers to the odor of the prepared coffee beverage. It may be lacking, faint, delicate,
moderate, strong, or fragrant and distinctive in character.
Acidity - This should not be confused with sour, bitter, or pH level. High-acid (or acidic) coffees have a
sharp, pleasing, piquant quality highlights their flavor and gives them sharp liveliness in the cup.
Body - The tactile impression of weight and texture in the mouth. Coffees may be watery, thin, slight,
light, medium, full, heavy, thick, or even in texture. Body is easiest to detect in full strength coffees.
Flavor · The total impression of aroma, acidity, and body: The impression may be strong, fine, pleasant,
or flavorful. It is ranked on a scale from poor to fair, good, and fine-flavored.
· Specific taste flavors may suggest spices, chocolate, nuts, or something less complimentary:
straw, grass, earth, rubber, etc.
Defining Characteristics
Balance - This signifies that no one quality overwhelms the remaining qualities.
Bitter -A harsh, unpleasant taste detected on the back of the tongue, usually found in over extracted
brews as well as in over-roasted coffees and those with various taste defects.
Buttery - Used to describe the buttery feel created in the mouth by the oils and fats transferred from
the bean to the brew.
Cinnamon - Underlying spicy accent sometimes detected in the aroma of fine coffee; a flavorful
Complexity - Used to describe flavor shifts and simultaneous multiple sensations.
Light - Used to qualify aroma, acidity, or body; a light coffee would be delicate in flavor.
Mellow - Full, well-balanced, satisfying coffee; implies low or medium acidity.
Nutty -
1. Said of coffees that lack flavor; also “peanutty.”
2. A specific flavor nuance suggesting almonds.
Rich - Indicates depth and complexity of flavor and full, buttery body; term is often overused.
Spicy - Said of fine aroma or flavor suggestive of spices.
Strong 1) Technically, refers to the degree of presence of various taste defects and virtues, or the
relative proportion of coffee soluble to water in a given brew.
2) It’s often the assertive flavor of dark roasted beans.
3) Incorrectly associated with high caffeine content.
Sweet - Said of smooth, palatable coffee, free from taints or harshness. Also “soft.”
Winy - A desirable flavor reminiscent of fine red wine. Sometimes used to indicate thick body and
mellow quality, but also used to denote snappy, vinous acidity. Characteristics of certain fine
Opus Brewed Coffee Descriptions
This section describes our coffees and their tastes in order to make you more knowledge about the
product and so you can accurately describe the coffees to the customers.
The origin coffees are generally lighter roasted coffees. The House Blend is roasted to Full City
level. The Espresso Blend is a French (dark) Roast.
Most coffees are blends of a variety of origin coffees (technically called varietals). Blends
contain a majority percentage of a type origin bean thus classifying it as that type of blend, i.e.
the Opus House Blend is a Colombian Blend whereas our Espresso Blend is a Sumatra Blend.
Opus House Blend •
The signature blend of Opus Cafe
Smooth, rich, caramel texture
Sweet floral aroma
Full City Roast
Won the 1996 Best of Seattle Award
House Blend Decaf •
Balanced and satisfying with a subtle dark flavor
Shift Manager
This section describes the responsibilities and expectations of the Shift Manager.
Shift Manager Responsibilities and Expectations:
DELEGATE. Delegating the responsibilities of the coffee bar to other employees is perhaps the
most important role that as a shift manager you are assuming. You are not responsible for all
the work. You are only responsible that all the work and tasks are completed. You are expected
to equally distribute your work load amongst your staff through fair delegation.
You are responsible and accountable for what takes place during your shift.
You need to make sure that your shift restocks all items, and unpacks all boxes, and stocks
Maintain a professional level of service and integrity at Opus and among your staff.
Deliver great customer service at all times.
Follow the guidelines and specifications of Opus.
Follow any advice or instructions as delegated by the Manager.
Maintain sales at a peak level. You are expected and responsible for keeping sales at a high
Satisfy minor customer complaints and issues as company policy specifies. This means issuing
an Opus Coffee Guest Card to any guest with a beverage issue, extended wait time, etc. For any
major complaints, such as if a guest falls or burns him/herself, you must contact the Manager
immediately and take notes on the incident that took place.
Keep coffee bar AND condiment bar clean.
Quick Tip!
You did it! We’re
proud of you!
Beverage Measurement Chart
Scoops must be even and level, not heaping.
Mocha / White Mocha
1 scoop
1 ½ scoops
2 scoops
Van / Spiced Chai
1 scoops
1 ½ scoops
2 scoops
Hot Cocoa
1 ½ scoops
2 scoops
2½ scoops
Iced Mocha/White Mocha
1 scoop
2 scoops
Iced Van/Spiced Chai
1 scoop
2 scoops
Opus Coffee Bar & Micro Roaster
Larson Industries Incorporated
PO Box 2733
Gainesville, FL 32602-2733
t: 352.262.0348
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