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Mistake Reflection: Learning Strategies for Students

Mistake Reflection - Read all strategies, expose clear faults
1. Identify the mistake
2. Think about how to learn from your mistake
3. Use the suggested strategy to improve
What went wrong
• Not reading carefully enough
• Not answering what is asked
• Not realizing when a question
• Not realizing difference
between explain, describe
and state
Acquisition of knowledge
• Not enough knowledge to
answer the question
• Not knowing key words or
• Not knowing basic concepts
• Identify misconceptions
How can I learn from my mistakes
• Slow down and read question
more carefully
• Before handing in the work,
check again for reading
• If you still can ask “why?” or
“How?” or “What?” you have
not explained the answer
• Determine which knowledge,
procedures, and strategies to
use to solve problems in an
unfamiliar situation
Which strategy to use
• Use a highlighter to
underline keywords, clue
words or instructions
• Use a checking technique –
look at final answer, reread
the question again before
starting the next
• Ask yourself why? How?
Read the lesson on Mrs. Smith
Read the notes
Summarize what you have
Research the internet
Ask for help, teacher, friends,
Study retrieval quizzes
Adjust your categorization of
knowledge and be aware of
Write out misconceptions and
correct knowledge
Practice worded questions and
problem-solving questions in
the textbook or on the lessons
posted on the website
Use Physics tutor or grade
gorilla to practice questions
Show your teacher questions
you keep getting wrong
Spend time learning key terms,
definitions, clue words or
Focus on understanding the
main ideas, techniques, and
procedures at a deeper level
rather than learning how to do
If you struggle with harder
questions, ask the teacher to
Create flash cards of
unknown words or
Create a glossary of key
Create Kahoot quiz
Use Quizlet to create
games for practice
Use dual coding and sketch
noting to retrieve
Use mnemonics, acronym,
or rhyme to help
memorizing steps and
Use flash cards or memory
cards to keep the
knowledge of key terms
and definitions
Create mind maps and
graphical organizers to link
Create retrieval guides
Create practice tests and
Compare and contrast
similar ideas
Re-do any retrieval quizzes
from the beginning of the
Execution of knowledge
• Mistakes in one or more steps
of a well-known procedure or
• Mistakes in the setting up of a
• Mistakes due to sloppy
• Missing formula
• Wrong interpretation of
• Drawing graphs
• Quality of answer
• Not explaining at a deeper
• Errors in mental calculations
• Errors resulting from
operations performed on the
• POT errors
Do more detailed, neat, and
accurate working out
Set your work out more clearly
State the formula used
Use estimations to check if the
answer is reasonable
Write a list of main procedures
during study
Focus on proving why an
answer is correct, not just
writing an answer
Provide working out to
support your answer
What are the criteria for a
high-quality answer?
If you still can ask “why?” or
“How?” or “What?” you have
not explained the answer
Slow down. Avoid rushing and
making mistakes
Pay attention to units and
power of tens
Ensure all quantities are in
fundamental units
Make sure you first solve a
formula for the unknown
before you substitute numbers
• The answer is not presented
in the correct form with
wrong number of significant
digits, missing units or as
fraction when decimals are
• Findings are not represented
to answer the question
Check the least number of
significant digits in the
question and answer
Remember to indicate the final
answer with units
Make sure the final answer is
in the correct format
Follow the GRASS method
Practice the questions that
are hardest
Look at solutions to
homework questions to
learn different techniques
Keep a log about different
Keep a log especially for
graphical interpretations,
definition questions and
any equation that needs to
be manipulated
Review worked out
answers and think about
why? How? What?
Be aware that to explain
does not mean to give an
account of something
Use your data sheet /
booklet to become
accustomed to it
Practice all examples in
class using your calculator
Identify areas in
Mathematics that need
Ask for extra questions or
Create your own questions
Create content guides
To improve overall:
Create a study plan to
review weekly
Conduct spaced and
interleaved practice
Look at your learning
ladder how to learn
Act on feedback
Errors are your friend to improve
and learn