Bank Reconciliation Chapter 8 What do you know about Bank Reconciliation? Bank Reconciliation is process compare between the bank statement and cash book record ( business record ) to make sure the amount from the bank statement and cash book record are the same amount. This will help determine if the accounting changes needed, help detect fraud and any cash manipulations. What is bank statement and the purpose? • Bank statement is a copy of monthly statement from the bank that show business activity from the beginning of the month till the end of the month on the period. • Bank statement help to make bank reconciliation. • Bank statement is maintain using the running balance method How to read Bank Statement Debit for bank= Credit in Cash book account Credit for bank= Debit in Cash book account Reason why balance from bank statement with the Business record might not be the same Transaction that record by bank but not by the business a) Bank Charges and Bank Interest- bank will charge some fee to customer bank account.(E.X-fee for maintaining the account/interest on lone and overdraft) b) Standing order- Business can order bank to pay other organization / individual on a stated date with a fixed amount ( E.Xannual insurance premium / monthly loan payment) Transaction that record by bank but not by the business a) Direct Debit- Business can order bank to pay the creditor on a stated date with a vary amount each month. ( E.X. Electricity/ water bill) b) Dishonored Cheque-Cheque that rejected by the bank with some reason. c) Electronic direct payment-now business can direct transfer some money from one bank to the other via internet. This condition might record by the bank on that day but not by the business or the reversal Transaction that record by business but not by the bank a) Uncredited deposit/ amount not yet credited- when the business get cheque from the account receivable and paid to the bank. The business will record cash book account. However the bank haven't cleared and record in bank ( uang yang seharusnya kita terima , tp belom di cairkan ) - A.R ( cash book – debit // bank statement – credit ) a) Unpresented cheque/ Cheque not yet presented- delay in clearing the cheque, but the business already record the transaction as the date state in the cheque( supplier blm masukin cheque ke bank – sehinggga belom ada pencairan ) A.P ( cash book – credit // bank statement – debit ) Errors • Balance in bank account and the bank column in cash book is not balance because of errors. • Error by by: a) the business-error should be corrected as soon as the business discovered b) by the bank- the bank should be notified as soon as possible when there are error • Most business wait till they receive a statement from the bank before balancing the cash book Updating the cash book • Step to balance the cash book: a) Compare the bank statement with bank in the cash book column b) Debit in cash book= Credit in bank statement// Credit in cash book= Debit in bank statement c) if entries appears in the both account than put in a tick, if entries that not appears in both account than give a circle. d) Entries that appears in bank statement , but not in cash book than need to be updated the cash book Example question for update cash book Date 2019 Jan-01 10 16 Details Bal b/d Jones S. Mary Cash book ( bank columns only) $ Date 2019 3000 Jan-02 500 14 450 31 3950 Details $ C Meena James Bal c/d 500 100 3350 3950 Bank Statement 2019 withdrawals Deposits Balance $ $ $ Jan 1 Balance b/d 3000 4 10987 ( c Meena) 13 Jones 16 James 17 Credit transfer received 400 3300 18 S.Mary 450 ( cr bs= dr cb) 3750 31 Bank charges 500 2500 500 100 100 3000 2900 3650 1. We need to Compare the bank statement with bank in the cash book column Note: Debit in cash book= Credit in bank statement// Credit in cash book= Debit in bank statement Date 2019 Jan-01 10 16 Details Bal b/d Jones S. Mary Cash book ( bank columns only) $ Date 2019 3000 Jan-02 500 14 450 31 3950 Details $ C Meena James Bal c/d 500 100 3350 3950 Bank Statement 2019 withdrawals Deposits Balance $ $ $ Jan 1 Balance b/d 3000 4 10987 13 Jones 16 James 17 Credit transfer received 400 3300 18 S.Mary 450 3750 31 Bank charges 500 2500 500 100 100 3000 2900 3650 2. if entries appears in the both account than put in a tick, if entries that not appears in both account than give a circle. Date 2019 Jan-01 13 Details Bal b/d Jones V V 18 S. Mary v Cash book ( bank columns only) $ Date Details 2019 3000 Jan-04 C Meena 500 16 James 450 31 Bank Statement 3950 withdrawals 2019 $ Jan 1 Balance b/d v 4 10987 V 13 Jones V 16 James V 17 Credit transfer received 18 S.Mary 31 Bank charges Bal c/d $ V V v Deposits Balance $ $ 3000 500 2500 500 100 V 100 3000 2900 400 3300 450 3750 3650 500 100 3350 ( yg di pakai untuk update cb) 3950 3. Entries that appears in bank statement , but not in cash book than need to be updated the cash book Date 2019 Feb 1 Feb 1 Update cash book ( bank columns only) Details $ Date Details 2019 Balance b/d 3350 Credit transfer received 400 Balance b/d • Note: • it’s update in the first month after we get the bank statement, so the date will be the first date of the month • Balance b/d in the firs column in debit will be taken from the Cash book c/d that haven’t updated. 3750 3650 Feb 1 Bank Charges Balance c/d $ 100 3650 3750 Bank reconciliation statement • If there are circle in cash book account, then we need to make the bank reconciliation. • This reconciliation explain the difference between cash book and the balance on the bank statement. • Step by step to make bank reconciliation: a) Compare the bank statement with bank in the cash book column b) Debit in cash book= Credit in bank statement// Credit in cash book= Debit in bank statement c) if entries appears in the both account than put in a tick, if entries that not appears in both account than give a circle. d) we still need to update the cash book account first using the step by step update cash book e) After we found the circle in cash at bank statement, then we need to make letter to notify the bank f) There will be 2 template. –using cash at bank as cash book /balance as bank statement Example question for Bank Reconciliation • Information given as at 31 December 2018: • Cash at bank as per updated cash book $750 • Unpresented cheques $250 • Cheques paid into the bank but not yet entered in the bank statement $160 • Cash at bank as per bank statement $840 1. We need to update the cash book Note: we skip the step by step update cash book, because in this question they already give us the cash at bank per updated cash book 2. After we found the circle in cash at bank in cash book, then we need to make letter to notify the bank Note: In this question they already provide everything. 3.Make the Bank reconciliation. Note: Choose within begin with cash bank as per cash book / balance as per bank statement. 1. Cash at bank as per updated cash book $750 2. Unpresented cheques $250 3. Cheques paid into the bank but not yet entered in the bank statement $160 4. Cash at bank as per bank statement $840 Start with the Cash at bank as per updated cash book Bank reconciliation statement as at 31 December 2019 $ Cash book 750 Add: Unpresented cheques 250 (cr – cb = dr b.s dr berarti bertambah di bank statement) 1000 Less: Uncredited deposits not entered in cash book ( dr – cb = cr- b.s ( berkurang untuk bank statement) This balance Cash at bank as per bank statement should agree with Add everything in the balance on the credit side of the cash bank statement book 160 840 Deduct everything in debit side on the cash book Example question for update both account The leather trader Cash book ( Bank columns only) Date Detail $ June 2018 Date Detail $ June 2018 1 Balance b/d 7900 3 S.Koh Ltd- Supplies 1500 8 P. Masters 500 4 C.patel- repairs 410 15 Sales 1900 16 P. Saghir- Cleaning 230 28 J.Kasim 200 21 T.afzal- Supplier 800 30 K.Bandara 24 Hightec- It. Service 140 30 Sales 600 1220 28 Telcel- Telepone 300 30 Balance c/d 8940 12320 Jul 1 Balance b/d 8940 12320 Dr cash book = cr bank statement The Leather Trader Bank Statement Date Detail June 2018 Debit Credit Balance $ $ $ 1 Balance 7900 CR 9 Deposit ( p. masters) 12 Cheque NO.6211 ( c. patel ) 410 V 7990 17 Credit transfer ( p. saghir) 230 V 7760 18 Deposit ( sales) 1900 V 9660 18 Interest 60 9720 20 Dividends Received 100 9820 26 Deposit ( j. kasim ) 200 V 10020 28 Credit transfer received 760 10780 29 Cheque No. 6213 ( hightec) 140 V 10640 29 Cheque No. 6210 ( s.koh) 1500 V 9140 30 Direct Debit 700 8440 30 Standing order 250 8190 30 Bank Charge 30 8160 di pakai u/ bank recon 500 V 8400 1. We need to Compare the bank statement with bank in the cash book column Note: Debit in cash book= Credit in bank statement// Credit in cash book= Debit in bank statement 2. if entries appears in the both account than put in a tick, if entries that not appears in both account than give a circle. The leather trader Cash book ( Bank columns only) Date Detail $ June 2018 Date Detail $ June 2018 1 Balance b/d 7900 3 S.Koh Ltd- Supplies V 1500 8 P. Masters V 500 4 C.patel- repairs V 410 15 Sales V 1900 16 P. Saghir- Cleaning V 230 28 J.Kasim V 200 21 T.afzal- Supplier 30 K.Bandara 24 Hightec- It. Service 30 Sales 600 1220 28 Telcel- Telepone 300 30 Balance c/d 8940 12320 Jul 1 Balance b/d 8940 800 V 140 12320 The Leather Trader Bank Statement Date Detail June 2018 Debit Credit Balance $ $ $ 1 Balance V 7900 CR 9 Deposit V 12 Cheque NO.6211 V 410 7990 17 Credit transfer V 230 7760 18 Deposit V 18 500 8400 1900 9660 Interest 60 9720 20 Dividends Received 100 9820 26 Deposit 200 10020 28 Credit transfer received 760 10780 29 Cheque No. 6213 V 140 10640 29 Cheque No. 6210 V 1500 9140 30 Direct Debit 700 8440 30 Standing order 250 8190 30 Bank Charge 30 8160 V Entries that not correspond • In cash book but not in Bank statement. 1. Uncredited deposit- K.Bandara $600 & Sales $1.220 2. Unpresented Cheques- T. Afzal $800 & Telcel $300 • In Bank Statement but not in cash book. 1. Interest received $60 2. Dividends received $100 3. A credit transfer received of $760 4. A direct debit payment (guard insurance )$700 5. Standing order $250 6. Bank Charges deducted $30 The leather trader Update Cash book ( Bank columns only) Date Detail $ 2018 Jun 30 Date Detail $ Guard insurance 700 2018 Bal b/d 8940 Jun 30 Interest Received 60 Standing Order 250 Dividends Received 100 Bank Charges 30 Cr transfer Received 760 Balance c/d 8880 9860 Jul 1 Balance b/d Balance B/d from cash book that haven’t updated 9860 8880 The updated cash book balance. we will use this balance for adjust Bank statement if we use cash at bank per cash book 4. Update Bank Reconciliation. Note: Choose within begin with cash bank as per cash book / balance as per bank statement. In cash book but not in Bank statement. 1. Uncredited deposit- K.Bandara $600 & Sales $1.220 2. Unpresented Cheques- T. Afzal $800 & Telcel $300 Bank reconciliaiton use balance as per cash book The Leather Trader Add everything in Bank reconciliation statement as at 30 June 2018 Start with the Cash at credit side of the cash $ bank as per updated book cash book Balance as per update cash book 8880 ( bukan pakek 8.940 tapi 8.880 sesuai update cash book ) Add: Unpresented cheques dr bank statement T.Afzal 800 Telcel 300 1100 9980 Less: Uncredited deposits not entered in cash book credit bank K.Bandara 600 Sales 1220 Cash at bank as per bank statement 1820 840 Deduct everything in debit side on the cash book This balance should agree with the balance on the bank statement In cash book but not in Bank statement. 1. Uncredited deposit- K.Bandara $600 & Sales $1.220 2. Unpresented Cheques- T. Afzal $800 & Telcel $300 Bank reconciliaiton use balance as per bank statement Add everything in debit side on the cash book The Leather Trader Bank reconciliation statement as at 30 June 2018 $ Balance as per bank statemen 8160 Start with balance as bank statement Add: Uncredited deposits not entered in cash book K.Bandara 600 Sales 1220 1820 9980 Deduct everything in credit side of the cash book Less: Unpresented cheques T.Afzal 800 Telcel 300 Cash at bank as per updated cash book 1100 8880 This balance should agree with the balance Cash book Treatment of Errors committed in cash book/ bank statement • Error should correct before prepare the bank reconciliation. • Error made by the bank: Error by the bank What do we do? In Debit side Deduct from balance as per cash book In Credit side Added to balance as per cash book • Error made by the business in the cash book: Error resulted in What should we do? Credit total being understated Credit side need to update on the cash book Debit total being understated Debit side need to update on the cash book Example question for update cash book Date 2018 Jun 1 11 20 25 Balakrishna Cash book ( bank columns only) $ Date Details 2018 5000 Jun 15 Malti 550 26 Dolly 150 29 Moon 460 30 Balance c/d 6160 Details Balance b/d Cash Sales S. Stanson Blosom $ 2000 250 300 3610 6160 Balakrishna Add info: - Balakrishna discovered that he made an error in the 11 June entry. The amount should have been $150 and not $550 as recorded in the cash book. Bank Statement Date Detail 2018 Debit Credit Balance $ $ $ Jun 1 Balance 5000 CR 11 Cash 17 Malti 22 S. Stanson 26 Dolly 28 Insurance Premium 50 3000 29 Bank Charges 2950 150 2000 3150 150 250 50 5150 3300 3050 1. We need to Compare the bank statement with bank in the cash book column Note: Debit in cash book= Credit in bank statement// Credit in cash book= Debit in bank statement Date 2018 Jun 1 11 20 25 Details Balance b/d Cash Sales S. Stanson Blosom Balakrishna Cash book ( bank columns only) $ Date Details 2018 5000 Jun 15 Malti 550 26 Dolly 150 29 Moon 460 30 Balance c/d 6160 $ 2000 250 300 3610 6160 Balakrishna Add info: - Balakrishna discovered that he made an error in the 11 June entry. The amount should have been $150 and not $550 as recorded in the cash book. Bank Statement Date Detail 2018 Debit Credit Balance $ $ $ Jun 1 Balance 5000 CR 11 Cash 17 Malti 22 S. Stanson 26 Dolly 28 Insurance Premium 50 3000 29 Bank Charges 2950 150 2000 3150 150 250 50 5150 3300 3050 2. if entries appears in the both account than put in a tick, if entries that not appears in both account than give a circle. Date 2018 Jun 1 11 20 25 Balakrishna Cash book ( bank columns only) $ Date Details 2018 5000 Jun 15 Malti 550 26 Dolly 150 29 Moon 460 30 Balance c/d 6160 Details Balance b/d Cash Sales S. Stanson Blosom V V v $ V V 2000 250 300 3610 6160 Balakrishna Add info: - Balakrishna discovered that he made an error in the 11 June entry. The amount should have been $150 and not $550 as recorded in the cash book. Bank Statement Date Detail 2018 Jun 1 Balance V 11 Cash V 17 Malti V 22 S. Stanson 26 Dolly 28 29 Debit Credit Balance $ $ $ 5000 CR 150 2000 3150 150 V 5150 3300 250 3050 Insurance Premium 50 3000 Bank Charges 50 2950 Entries that not correspond • In cash book but not in Bank statement. 1. Uncredited deposit-Blossom $460 2. Unpresented Cheques-Moon $300 • In Bank Statement but not in cash book. 1. Insurance premium $50 2. Bank Charges $50 3. Entries that appears in bank statement , but not in cash book than need to be updated the cash book Balakrishna Update Cash book ( Bank columns only) Date Detail $ 2018 Jul 1 Date $ Insurance Premium 50 Bank Charges 50 Correction of error 400 Balance c/d 3110 2018 Balance b/d 3610 Jul 1 3610 Jul 1 Detail Balance b/d Balance B/d from cash book that haven’t updated 3610 3110 The updated cash book balance. we will use this balance for adjust Bank statement if we use cash at bank per cash book This amount is correction from 11 June entry that Cash sale false record. 4. Update Bank Reconciliation. Note: Choose within begin with cash bank as per cash book / balance as per bank statement. In cash book but not in Bank statement. 1. Uncredited deposit-Blossom $460 2. Unpresented Cheques-Moon $300 Bank reconciliaiton use balance as per cash book Add everything in credit side of the cash book The Leather Trader Bank reconciliation statement as at 30 June 2018 Balance as per Cash book $ 3110 Add: Unpresented cheques Moon Start with balance ase per updated cash book 300 3410 Less: Uncredited deposits not entered in cash book Deduct everything in debit side on the cash book Blossom 460 Cash at bank as per Bank statemen 2950 This balance should agree with the balance on the bank statement In cash book but not in Bank statement. 1. Uncredited deposit-Blossom $460 2. Unpresented Cheques-Moon $300 Bank reconciliaiton use balance as per bank statement Add everything in debit side on the cash book The Leather Trader Bank reconciliation statement as at 30 June 2018 $ Balance as per bank statement 2950 Add: Uncredited deposits not entered in cash book Blossom Start with the Balance in bank statement 460 3410 Deduct everything in credit side of the cash book Less: Unpresented cheques Moon 300 Cash at bank as per Cash statement 3110 This balance should agree with the balance Cash book Bank reconciliation statement and bank overdraft • Overdraft means overdrawing( take money more than you have in bank) of a bank. account. It is the nature of a loan granted by the bank • Position statement: Bank statement Cash book account Debit balance Credit balance • For update- same as update the bank reconciliation. Start with balance as per cash book Uncredited deposit add Unpresented deposit less Example question for bank reconciliation for overdraft • On 31 March 2018, Edward, a trader, had a credit balance of $1,250in the bank column of his cash book. This differed from the balance on his bank statement due to the following reasons: • Unpresented cheque amounting to $2,450 • Uncredited deposits amounting to $500 was not credited to his account in the bank statement Because the question already state the unpresented cheques and uncredited deposit. So we don’t need to make update the cash book Bank reconciliation use balance as per cash book • In cash book but not in Bank statement. • Unpresented cheque amounting to $2,450 • Uncredited deposits amounting to $500 was not credited to his account in the bank statement The Leather Trader Bank reconciliation statement as at 30 June 2018 $ Balance as Cash at bank as per update cash book 1250 (O/D) Add: Unpresented cheques 500 1750 Less: Uncredited deposits not entered in cash book 2450 Cash at bank as per bank statement 700 (Cr)