📖 Vocabulary 📖 Substance ● A thing or any physical material Chemical Change ● A reaction among different kinds of matter which creates a new substance. cgpplus.co.uk 💭 Let’s Analyze Chemical Change ⭐ happens when a new substance or product is formed. ⭐ are usually irreversible (can’t get the original form back.) ⭐ change in color, smell, texture, and even taste. Cooking Lighting Fireworks cgpplus.co.uk 📖 Vocabulary 📖 Natural ● happens on its own, no human action needed ● something that comes from nature Man - made ● happens due to action of humans ● caused or made by a person cgpplus.co.uk Burning A common chemical change that we see in our everyday life is burning. When a thing burns it produces heat and light. Burning is a useful chemical change. Examples: cgpplus.co.uk Burning It can also be harmful. When a building burns, it can lead to loss of life and property. Forest fires destroy plants and kill animals. When fuel burns, it produces harmful gases that cause air pollution. Examples: cgpplus.co.uk 📖 Vocabulary 📖 Fuel ● material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or power. Rust ● Brown substance that forms on iron objects due to oxygen. Photosynthesis ● process by which plants make food using water and carbon dioxide. cgpplus.co.uk Chemical Change: Useful Like burning, many other chemical changes are useful for us. ⭐ They help plants to make food by the process of photosynthesis. ⭐ They help us digest the food we eat and produce energy from it. ⭐ They help in making many things we use in daily life such as paper, soap, shampoo, paint, and medicine. ⭐ They help us to cook food and bake. cgpplus.co.uk Chemical Changes Useful ⭐ beneficial to us and makes our lives better. Harmful ⭐ makes us sick or cause damages to the environment. cgpplus.co.uk