Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Cordillera Administrative Region Schools Division of Apayao MAYOR GUILLERMO BARSATAN SCHOOL OF ARTS AND TRADE Panay, Sta. Marcela, Apayao Weekly Learning Delivery Plan Quarter 1, Week 7 (October 25-29, 2021) Day and Time M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y 6:00 am- 7:30 am 7: 31 am12:00 pm 12:01 pm- 1:00 pm 1:001 pm- 5:00 pm 6:00 am- 7:30 am 7: 31 am12:00 pm Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery Morning Routines (Eating Breakfast, Doing Personal Hygiene, Grooming, Setting the mood for Learning) Sorting/preparing modules for distribution Lunch Break… Lunch Break… Lunch Break Distributing and retrieving of Learning Modules and Answers Morning Routines (Eating Breakfast, Doing Personal Hygiene, Grooming, Setting the mood for Learning) SCIENCE 7 ORANGE After going through this module the students are expected to: 1. Express concentrations of solutions quantitatively by preparing different concentrations of mixtures according to uses and availability of materials Let the students answer and accomplish the following part of the module: modality -offline(modular) -the Learner will Good morning dear learners! accomplish the How are you doing today? given activities I hope you are excited and ready to continue your studies with the and learn while at home. guidance of God bless and stay safe always. parents. - at the end of Reminder: the week the Use your notebook in answering the given parents will activities. hand the output Activities, questions, directions, exercise, and to the drop point discussions are carefully stated for you to area. understand each lesson. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next. If you have some questions in using the SLM or any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module do not hesitate to consult your parents or any other members of the family and you can also call, text or chat me in the messenger. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks. I hope that you’ll be the one to answer all the activities in the module, not your parents/siblings. Pass your answer sheets on time. Extension for the submission must be given for students with valid reason like those who are infected with Covid19. What I Know Let the students answer to assess or measure their prior knowledge about the lesson. What’s In To help the learners to link in the current lesson with the previous one, let them answer the given activity. WHAT TO DO: 1. From the given everyday items used at home (coffee, salt, sugar, water) combine and make a solution Let the students try if you they can describe the given solutions qualitatively. 2. Let them write their answer using the data given. What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be introduced to the students in a form of activity. ACTIVITY 1: COUNT ME IN! What to Do: 1. Read and analyze them situations given. SITUATION #1: One way to prevent the pandemic COVID-19 is to wash our hands with soap and applying alcohol as a disinfectant. The active ingredient in alcohol is ethanol. As you read the label of the alcohol, it is 70% ethyl alcohol in a 250mL bottle. With your curious mind, you want to know how many mL of ethyl alcohol is present in a 250mL. What would you do? 2. Answer and solve what is asked in each problem. What is It Let the students read the discussion about the quantitative methods of expressing concentration of solutions. What’s More To check if students are getting familiar with the whole process, give them more practice exercises to enhance their mathematical skill. Let them answer the problem solving activity and ask them to show the complete process of computation to obtain a correct answer. What I Have Learned Now that they have learned a lot from the module, let us test their familiarity with their lesson by simply answering the mind cracking problem. What I Can Do Appreciate the efforts of the students in answering all the given tasks in their module by saying: “Congratulations! You are fantastic and really enjoyed your exploration in the world of chemistry. Here is your final challenge to prove what you got.” Let the students answer the last two problem solving. Assessment To check the learning of the students, ask them to answer the Assessment test. Do not let the students answer the given additional activity in their module, but let them do the given performance task attached at the back of their module instead. Performance Task For this activity, let the students make documentation or let them take a video of themselves while doing it and after that, let them make a video presentation (using any application that they know) as their output to be submitted to me via messenger. Directions: 1. During this pandemic, it is very important that we will continually disinfect the things that are commonly used by people outside or inside at home to avoid spreading infectious diseases. Thus, this time we will make a Do It Yourself (DIY) disinfectant. 2. Materials Needed: Water, Bleach, Glass Container, Spray Container 3. CAUTION: DO NOT TASTE THE BLEACH. Hazardous when taken internally. 4. Procedure: Pour 1 glass of bleach into the container. Add 9 glasses of water and mix the two substances thoroughly. Put the resulting solution to a spray container. Apply/spray the resulting solution to the things that are commonly used by people such as door knobs, kitchen sinks and in the toilet. Scoring Rubric: Encourage the learners to continue their studies and learn while at home. Agreement: Whoever students who got a very low score must be given a remedial activities using the LAS made by the teacher. W E D N E S D A Y T H U 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm 1:01 pm- 5:00 pm 6:00 am- 7:30 am 7: 31 am12:00 pm 12:01 pm- 1:00 pm 1:01 pm- 4:30 pm 7:00 am- 12:00 pm Lunch Break… Lunch Break… Lunch Break MAPEH 7 Morning Routines (Eating Breakfast, Doing Personal Hygiene, Grooming, Setting the mood for Learning) Monitoring of learners Checking of answer sheets Printing of learning modules Lunch Break… Lunch Break… Lunch Break Monitoring of learners Checking of answer sheets Printing of learning modules Monitoring of learners Checking of answer sheets Printing of learning modules R S D A Y F R I D A Y 12:01 pm- 1:00 pm 12:01 pm- 5:00 pm 6:00 am- 7:30 am 7: 31 am12:00 pm Lunch Break… Lunch Break… Lunch Break Monitoring of learners Checking of answer sheets Printing of learning modules Morning Routines (Eating Breakfast, Doing Personal Hygiene, Grooming, Setting the mood for Learning) 12:01 pm- 1:00 pm 1:001 pm- 5:00 pm Prepared by: Monitoring of learners Checking of answer sheets Printing of learning modules Lunch Break… Lunch Break… Lunch Break Monitoring of learners Checking of answer sheets Printing of learning modules Approved: FRANCES ANN F. AGBAYANI Teacher-III ALFONSO C. ARNEDO Head Teacher I