What Am I? I’m spherical but I’m not a soccer ball I have a core but I’m not an apple I have a crust but I’m not a loaf of bread I have plates, but on me food isn’t served I have a mantle but I’m not a fireplace I’m mostly covered by water but I’m not an iceberg. What am I? EARTH EARTH AND LIFE SCIENCE Lesson Objective 1: Recognize the uniqueness of Earth, being the only planet in the solar system with properties necessary to support life. Earth Earth is the only planet in the solar system known to harbor life. Our planet’s has molten nickel-iron core that gives rise to an extensive magnetic field, which, along with the atmosphere, shields us from harmful radiation coming from the Sun. What do you think are the characteristics of the planet Earth that make it different from all the other planets? Earth, Venus, and Mars may have similarities: (1) They all are terrestrial planets, made of solid rocks and silicates; (2) They all have an atmosphere; (3) They all almost have the same time to rotate on their axes; (4) Earth and Mars both have water; (5) They all have carbon dioxide; and (6) All have landforms. Activity 1: Understanding Planet Earth How is planet Earth similar and different from Venus and Mars? Activity 1: (By group) Understanding Planet Earth Which of these criteria explain why Earth is a living planet? (Give 5 criteria and explain each.) Example: Gravity Earth’s gravity is just right to keep us on the ground. The gravity on Venus is lower so objects would feel a bit lighter. The gravity on Mars is small so objects will feel a lot lighter (but will not float). SURFACE PRESSURE Earth’s surface pressure is just perfect, it does not crush us down. The surface pressure on Venus is too high that will crush things instantly. The surface pressure on Mars is too small so living things will have difficulty in breathing (apart form the fact that there is a very small oxygen present in air). COMPOSITION OF THE ATMOSPHERE Earth’s atmosphere has enough oxygen to sustain life. The atmospheres of Venus and Mars are mainly carbon dioxide which is toxic to living things, thus there is no life on these planets. Did you know? Venus’s atmosphere is very thick, making it the hottest planet in the Solar system. Mars’s atmosphere is thinner than the Earth which makes it vulnerable to solar radiations. MAJOR GREENHOUSE GASES Earth’s greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide and water vapor. The greenhouse gases of Venus and Mars are mainly carbon dioxide. MEAN TEMPERATURE Earth’s mean temperature is 15 degrees which is enough to maintain life’s processes. Venus’s mean temperature is too high while Mars’s temperature is too low, so life is not possible to flourish. TEMPERATURE IF NO GRENHOUSE GASES (GHG) Earth’s temperature if no greenhouse gases will be -18 degrees Celsius. Venus’s and Mars’s temperature are considerable very low/too cold for living things to survive. DISTANCE FROM THE SUN Earth’s distance from the Sun is perfect, not too hot, not too cold. Venus is near to the Sun, making it a hot planet besides having a think atmosphere. Mars is far from the Sun, making it a cold planet. DISTANCE FROM THE SUN Earth has a magnetic field that protects our planet from cosmic radiation emitted by the Sun. Venus and Mars have no magnetic field, that makes them vulnerable to the harmful effects of the cosmic radiation. Factors That Make the Earth Habitable Temperature Atmosphere Energy Life seems to be limited to a temperature of -15 degrees Celsius to 115 degrees Celsius. In this range, liquid water can still exist under certain conditions. The Earth is not too cold like Neptune and not too hot like Mercury. Earth has the right size to hold a sufficient atmosphere. Earth’s atmosphere is about 100 miles thick. It keeps the surface warm and protects it from radiation and small to medium sized meteorites. The Earth has no thick atmosphere like Jupiter and has no thin atmosphere like Mars. With a steady input of either light or chemical energy, cells can run the chemical reactions necessary for life. Nutrients used to build and maintain an organism’s body All solid planets and moons have the same general chemical make-up, so nutrients are present. Those with a water cycle or volcanic activity can transport and replenish the chemicals required by living organisms. Factors That Make the Earth Habitable Temperature Atmosphere Energy Life seems to be limited to a temperature of -15 degrees Celsius to 115 degrees Celsius. In this range, liquid water can still exist under certain conditions. The Earth is not too cold like Neptune and not too hot like Mercury. Earth has the right size to hold a sufficient atmosphere. Earth’s atmosphere is about 100 miles thick. It keeps the surface warm and protects it from radiation and small to medium sized meteorites. The Earth has no thick atmosphere like Jupiter and has no thin atmosphere like Mars. With a steady input of either light or chemical energy, cells can run the chemical reactions necessary for life. Nutrients used to build and maintain an organism’s body All solid planets and moons have the same general chemical make-up, so nutrients are present. Those with a water cycle or volcanic activity can transport and replenish the chemicals required by living organisms. Factors That Make the Earth Habitable Temperature Atmosphere Energy Life seems to be limited to a temperature of -15 degrees Celsius to 115 degrees Celsius. In this range, liquid water can still exist under certain conditions. The Earth is not too cold like Neptune and not too hot like Mercury. Earth has the right size to hold a sufficient atmosphere. Earth’s atmosphere is about 100 miles thick. It keeps the surface warm and protects it from radiation and small to medium sized meteorites. The Earth has no thick atmosphere like Jupiter and has no thin atmosphere like Mars. With a steady input of either light or chemical energy, cells can run the chemical reactions necessary for life. Nutrients used to build and maintain an organism’s body All solid planets and moons have the same general chemical make-up, so nutrients are present. Those with a water cycle or volcanic activity can transport and replenish the chemicals required by living organisms. Factors That Make the Earth Habitable Temperature Atmosphere Energy Life seems to be limited to a temperature of -15 degrees Celsius to 115 degrees Celsius. In this range, liquid water can still exist under certain conditions. The Earth is not too cold like Neptune and not too hot like Mercury. Earth has the right size to hold a sufficient atmosphere. Earth’s atmosphere is about 100 miles thick. It keeps the surface warm and protects it from radiation and small to medium sized meteorites. The Earth has no thick atmosphere like Jupiter and has no thin atmosphere like Mars. With a steady input of either light or chemical energy, cells can run the chemical reactions necessary for life. Nutrients used to build and maintain an organism’s body All solid planets and moons have the same general chemical make-up, so nutrients are present. Those with a water cycle or volcanic activity can transport and replenish the chemicals required by living organisms. Earth is the only place in the known universe confirmed to host life and is the only one known for sure to have liquid water in the surface. These are the reasons why planet Earth is a unique one: (1) It has liquid water; (2) There are plate tectonics; (3) It has atmosphere that shelters it from the worst of the sun’s rays. ASSIGNMENT 1 List down ten (10) activities that you can do to save planet Earth and identify those activities as a form of recycling, reducing, or reusing.