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Why We Do Research: Intro to Research Methods

Why We Do Research
Chapter 1
Ordinary Versus Systematic
 Biased Question: A question that leads to a
specific response or excludes a certain group
Nonscientific thinking leads to asking
questions that are slanted in a particular
 Limited Sample: can only make conclusions
about the group that was surveyed
Tendency is to generalize to all people
Results only as good as the way the question
was framed and the responding sample
 Selective Attention: Putting emphasis on what
is important to ‘us’
Need to consider what we perceive and what
we retain
Difficulty comes in overgeneralization, based
on a few observations
Scientific Thinking
 It is common to think about in terms of
questions, observations, data, hypotheses,
testing, and theories. These are formal parts
of the scientific method.
 Most important parts of scientific thinking:
using empirical evidence
practicing logical reasoning
possessing a skeptical attitude
Empirical Evidence
 Empirical evidence: evidence that one see,
hear, touch, taste, or smell.
 It is evidence that others can experience.
 It is repeatable.
 Another name for empirical evidence is
natural evidence: the evidence found in
Authoritarian Evidence
 Authoritarian evidence: what authorities (people,
books, billboards, television commercials, etc.) tell
you to believe
 The most common alternative to empirical evidence.
 Education relies almost entirely upon authoritarian
evidence. Teachers, instructors, and professors are
generally considered to be reliable and trustworthy
authorities, but even they should be questioned on
 Logic allows us to reason correctly, but it is a
complex topic and not easily learned.
 Logic is a skill or discipline that must be
learned within
 Often logical reasoning requires a struggle:
 emotions are not evidence
 feelings are not facts
 subjective beliefs are not substantive beliefs
 Skepticism: constant questioning of your
beliefs and conclusions.
 Good researchers constantly examine the
evidence, arguments, and reasons for their
 Question the truth and reliability of the
knowledge claims of others
knowledge you already possess.
Scientific Thinking
 Scientific and critical thinking require that
one reject blind faith, authority, revelation,
and subjective human feelings as a basis for
reliable belief and knowledge.
Purposes of Research
 Exploratory
 gaining some familiarity with a topic, discovering
some of its main dimensions, and possibly
planning more structured research
 Descriptive
 Political poll predicting who will win an election
 Anthropologist’s ethnographic account of a
preliterate tribe
 Census Bureau’s report on number of Americans
 Explanatory
 Take it one step further
 Evaluate specific outcomes and provide
explanations for why and how a particular
result occurred
Research Methods
 “In practice, survey research methods, like
many specific scientific laboratory techniques,
remain more of an art than a science.”
Lauman, etal. (1994:57)
Let’s do a little group work
 Compare/Contrast everyday experiences
and scientific thinking.
 Does correlation imply causation? Explain.
 What research method do you find most
useful, related to your research interest?
Cause and Effect
 Causal Research:
 objective is to determine which variable might
be causing a certain behavior
 Correlation is a measure of association that
tests whether a relationship exists between
two variables.
 it is never possible to prove causality, but only
to show to what degree it is probable.
Establish ‘causal relationship’
Time order: The cause must have occurred before the effect
Co-variation (statistical association): Changes in the value of
the independent variable must be accompanied by changes
in the value of the dependent variable
Rationale: There must be a logical and compelling
explanation for why these two variables are related
Non-spuriousness: It must be established that the
independent variable X, and only X, was the cause of
changes in the dependent variable Y; rival explanations must
be ruled out.
Correlation Does Not Imply Causation
 There is a statistical correlation over months of the
year between ice cream consumption and the
number of assaults. Does this mean ice cream
manufacturers are responsible for crime?
 No! The correlations occurs statistically because the
hot temperatures of summer cause both ice cream
consumption and assaults to increase.
 Thus, correlation does NOT imply causation. Other
factors besides cause and effect can create an
observed correlation.
Choosing Methods
 Must consider the pros and cons
What are you studying?
Set of assumptions
Philosophical questions
 Do not say ‘I want to do survey research, but I
am not sure what I am studying’
 ALWAYS start with a Research Question
Class Focus and other Choices
 Focus will be on quantitative survey methods
 Other choices include:
 Qualitative Methods
 Content Analysis/Archival Research
 Quantitative Methods