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Workday, Goals & Philippine Culture Analysis

Writing Assignment
My typical workday
What I like/ don’t like about my work
My goals for the year
I work at Our Lady of Fatima University Laguna Campus as Accounting staff. On my
average day of work, I start the day by eating breakfast then traveling to work every
day. I usually leave the house around 7am because my work hours are 8’oclock in the
morning to 5’oclock in the afternoon. When there's a traffic jam, I feel so stressed
because I'm going to be late. That’s what I hate, being late and I feel like all my
colleagues are looking at me saying "Why are you late today?”. Therefore, I will wake
up much earlier than before because my goal is to be in the much better and higher
position, I'm in right now. I want to pass the Licensure Exam and teach students in
public school.
Reading Assignment
On Writing by Danton Remoto
A Heritage of Smallness by Nick Joaquin
What was Nick Joaquin’s main point in the essay?
Do you agree or disagree with his ideas? Why or why not?
How did Nick Joaquin support his main idea? Where is this support found?
The main point on this essay is the Philippine population increases much faster than
our economy. Our progress is very slow than the other country so they have no
choice but to go back at the flow because we can’t afford to compete because we are
stagnant with the poor economy. Instead of actions we are looking for more creditors
to led us money so our economy will still be functioning and moving slowly. Nick
Joaquins points in the “A Heritafe of smallness” is we adapt and still adapting the
culture of retailed or buying small is enough. For me, I agree with Nick Joaquin,
because we are settled and practicing the small is good or “Tingi” is very wisely than
buying it whole. We are not all capable in life, that’s the true reality in the Philippines.
If you’re not degree holder or no attainment at all you are less qualified to the job that
you are applying so you will end up buying less because you can’t afford to buy the
whole product.
And also, Filipino start working at five or six in the morning and ended up late. But in
other country they manage their time to do more other task or jobs so they can afford
to buy or to have better income. Are we really productive or are we just pretending
doing our task for our salary? That’s the mentality of others, we work less to get
salaries. That’s the Filipino Ningas-kugon mentality small effort but big expectations.
Lastly, we are crab mentality here in the Philippines. Why? Because instead of lifting
and helping each other we tend to put them down, we are not happy for others to
grow and to spread their talents. Nick Joaquins once said “splits like amoeba” we
don’t have unity at all. That’s the main reason why we are smaller and smaller, no
growth at all. Because in our mind all you need is to be much higher or to be much
richer to others so the country and the economy left the small individuals to the low
rate of living.
In this, I want to reiterate two things. Filipino should strive for the betterment of one
another. Don’t let others left behind, strive us all to success. And secondly, unity.
Unity of the Filipino citizen, to be more cooperative and aiming one goal for our
country. Let us avoid excuses that we are less fortunate than others we should strive
to our goals, we need to be ONE.