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Super German Volume Training 4 Week Program

4 Week Program
Michael Wittig
Super German Volume Training
4 Week Program
Michael Wittig is an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer and Specialist in Exercise Therapy based out of Tulsa, OK.
His areas of specialty include weight loss, bodybuilding, strength training, exercise therapy, and nutrition.
Follow Michael Wittig for daily workouts, motivation, and nutrition tips:
Snapchat: WittigWorks
Copyright 2016 by Michael Wittig
All rights reserved
Published by Wittig Works
This program is intended only for healthy men and women. People with health problems should not follow this
program without a physician’s approval. Before beginning any exercise or dietary program, always consult with
your doctor.
Photography by Justin Greiman, www.greimanphotography.com
Graphic design by Jessica Wittig, www.jessicawittig.com.
Dear Reader,
I am going to warn you straight up this program is highly intense and not for the faint of heart. If you can hit
these workouts with intensity and bring in the proper nutrition, you will add a good amount of lean muscle
mass and increase your strength. It’s also possible to lower body fat levels with this program if you eat
according to my instructions.
German Volume Training, or the Ten Sets Method, has been around since the 1970’s and is not new. GVT is
doing 10 sets of 10 reps of a given exercise. One day while lifting I had the sick idea of doing 10 supersets...
and Super German Volume Training was born. I am sure this is not a fresh idea, but I always have my take on
things. I guarantee this program will push your limits and at the same time give you the results you want.
Have fun ;)

Michael Wittig ISSA CPT SET
Table of Contents
The Program
The Schedule
The Guidelines
Week 1
Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Back
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders/Traps
Day 5: Arms
Day 6: Auxiliary Work*
Day 7: Active Rest*
Week 2
Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Back
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders/Traps
Day 5: Arms
Day 6: Auxiliary Work*
Day 7: Active Rest*
Week 3
Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Back
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders/Traps
Day 5: Arms
Day 6: Auxiliary Work*
Day 7: Active Rest*
Week 4
Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Back
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders/Traps
Day 5: Arms
Day 6: Auxiliary Work*
Day 7: Active Rest*
What’s Next?
Protein Sources
Nutrition Guidelines
Sample Meal Plan
Special Thanks
*These days are interchangeable depending on your
schedule and level of soreness.
The Program
Super German Volume Training is a 4-week program incorporating supersets.
The Schedule
Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Back
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Shoulders/Traps
Day 5: Arms
Day 6: Auxiliary Work
Day 7: Active Rest
Day 1 is always Monday for me personally. Your Day 1 can be any day of the week. Feel free to move the off
day to whatever day best fit your schedule. Just be consistent week to week.
The Guidelines
Journal: I highly recommend, no demand, that you keep a lifting journal noting the day, workout,
exercises, sets, reps, and weights used. Be as detailed as possible. Mine typically looks like:
Date, Body part:
1. Exercise: reps/weight reps/weight reps/weight
2. Exercise: reps/weight reps/weight reps/weight
Do your best to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. You will be working hard and putting a
significant strain on your body. The recovery process is just as important as the lifting.
Weight Selection:
Typically with GVT you pick a weight that can get you through the entire 10 sets
so it feels lighter at the beginning and very heavy near the end. I like to do my GVT sets very intense from the
start. I use a weight that is very near my 10 rep max starting with the very first set. Maybe I can hit 10 again
the next set. The next few sets might involve a forced rep or two with the assistance of my lifting partner
and a pause rest round (setting the weight down and resting for 10-15 seconds then resume lifting). Then
after a handful of sets, I typically drop the weight and start this process all over.
Warming up
It’s always a good idea to warm up before lifting weights. I will typically jog, ride a
stationary bike, or jump on a rowing machine for 5 minutes before lifting. Then on the first exercise of every
superset I recommend doing 1-2 warm up sets with light weight in the 12-15 rep range. No need to do the
superset for the warm up.
Stretching for a few minutes after your warm up is also a good idea especially before
working your legs or back. I always spend time on my lower back and hamstrings.
You should exhale while exerting force and inhale while performing the negative. Never hold
your breath while lifting weights.
Lifting Partner:
I do recommend you find a lifting partner with the same drive as you. Iron sharpens
iron. Not only can lifting partners help motivate you, but they can help keep you safe. A lifting partner is
recommended for a few of the techniques I am going to share with you in this book.
Lifting to failure:
Lifting to failure means to do as many reps as possible with a strict form until
you cannot do another rep. Always ask yourself if your form is correct. Are you isolating the muscle you are
working? It is best to have a lifting partner to spot you. Most importantly be safe!
Many people including myself have strength imbalances. One arm might be stronger
than the other. In these cases only use DB exercises. If I have a barbell exercise listed, switch to a DB version.
Always let your weaker side dictate the weight and number of reps. Don’t ever do more reps on your stronger
side. If you are doing, unilateral exercises start with your weaker side. Eventually, your strength levels will even
out. Make sure you are using proper form on your weaker side otherwise lower the weight.
Weekly Weigh-in:
Before you start this program weight yourself and take key measurements
including calves, thighs, waist, chest, and arms. Note these in your workout journal. Then at the end of each
week weigh yourself again. You can wait until the end of the program to re-do measurements. The goal is to
gain 0.5 to 1.0 lb. of lean muscle per week.
I personally always do cardio even if I am in a gaining cycle. I exercise for health first and then
physique. What good are muscles if you are dead?- ha. I recommend doing interval cardio 3-6 times a week for
at least 15 minutes after weight lifting. Cardio will not only help your cardiovascular system but help condition
you for the tough leg workouts. You want your muscles to give out before your cardiovascular system. If you
are also looking to drop body fat while gaining muscle during this program, do slightly longer cardio sessions if
possible or build your time as you go. By “Interval Cardio” I mean using a 3:1 or 2:1 ratio.
This breaks down to:
3 mins easy: 1 min hard 2 mins easy: 1 min hard
Depending on your level of conditioning cardio can be brisk walking, jogging, running, sprints,
recumbent biking, rowing machine, elliptical, etc.
Lifting belts and straps:
I feel weight lifting belts and straps are useful. But I don’t always
recommend using them. You want your lower back and grip strength to develop naturally. So I personally only
use my belt when I am squatting, deadlifting, or shoulder pressing very heavy weight. My light and moderate
sets I do without a belt, so my lower back strengthens. But also, do what makes you feel safe. When it comes
to wrist straps again, I only use them when necessary. You don’t want your grip to give out before the muscle
you are working. Wrist straps come into play for me on heavy deadlifts, straight leg deadlifts, barbell shrugs,
DB rows, and maybe super heavy pulldowns. If you use them all the time, your grip strength will not develop.
Don’t fool yourself. If you don’t eat properly, you will not get the results you want. Nutrition is
just as important if not more than the exercise in your quest to get fit. Read and follow the Nutrition section
of this book.
Supplements are not necessary to build muscle. If your nutrition and exercise are
not on point supplements are a waste. But if you are eating right and working out with intensity the right
supplements can give you more energy, help you build muscle, and recover. Read the Supplement section of
this book before starting to see which supplements are right for you.
Week 1
Week 1: Day 1: Chest
Get ready for the ride. Today is your first day of Super German Volume Training. The program is going to be
intense, and you will feel completely worn out at the end of every workout. But you are going to love the
results. Make sure always to warm up properly before starting the 10x10. I recommend 1-2 sets of the just the
first exercise 12-15 reps to warm up. Each of these workouts will take approximately 45-60 mins plus cardio
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole program
revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Chest: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 10 sets total.
1A. Incline DB Press: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Don’t hit DB’s together at the top. Stop just shy of lockout keeping tension on your chest. Lower the
DB’s slowly and take this negative with control. If you notice one side is weaker than the other, let the
weaker side dictate the weight used. I would use a 25-35 degree incline. The higher the incline the more
shoulders will be involved. Feel free to experiment with incline angles in the future.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/incline-dumbbell-press.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BE7MHoSgXCE
1B. Cable Cross Overs Mid-Pulley: 10 sets of 10 reps.
There are many variations of Cable Cross Overs depending on the angle of the cables. Let’s use the
terms High Pulley (cable coming from high), Mid Pulley (cable coming from chest high), and Low Pulley
(cable coming from low) to simplify things. For this workout, we will do mid-pulley.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/cable-crossover.
Here is me performing here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFNWQ1jAXI4
Last Rep Tip: I wanted to talk more about the concept of slow negatives. During this eccentric
movement, the negative, you are at your strongest. Take advantage of this and use that eccentric
strength to get more out of your reps and sets. Slow negatives are very similar to squeezing every
ounce of toothpaste out of the bottle. Make that last slow negative more like cutting that bottle open
and scraping out the remaining toothpaste until nothing is left. If you are going to do a set of bicep
curls, get every ounce of results from it you can. I will take the very last negatives as slow as I possibly
can until my muscles give out. Later in this program, we will play more with the concept of negatives.

Week 1: Day 2: Back
Yesterday you punished yourself in the gym. There is a good chance your chest is sore today. But now we are
back to repeat the entire process. You already know what is in store.
Accept it. Destroy it.
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole program
revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Back: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
1A. Close Grip Chins: 5 sets of 10 reps.
The warm up should be done using a light weight on a pulldown machine. If you cannot perform a
single Chin Up switch to the Close Grip Pulldowns. These are all done with an underhand grip. If you can
perform a few Chin Ups, this will be a process to increase your strength. Use a close underhand grip. As
you lift yourself up, arch your back and keep your chest out. Try to focus on your lats rather than arms.
Think of your arms as hooks and your lats as the machine lifting you up.
If I can see over the top of the bar, I count the rep, but a perfect rep is making it clear to the top and
holding for a pause to squeeze. On your first set make a note of how many reps you can do. If you can
do 10 reps add weight next week (10lbs) and shoot for another 10 reps. If you cannot do 10 reps, do as
many as you can then rest for 10-20 seconds and try to perform another 1-3 reps. This short rest is
called a “Pause Rest.”
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/chin-up.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/-MqOF2AXP9.
1B. Close Grip Seated Rows: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Use a close grip handle. Don’t lean back as you move the weight. Keep your chest out and back arched.
Bring the handle into your stomach. As you lower the weight, let your lats get a nice stretch.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/seated-cable-rows.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFP3oolgXMa
2. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
2A. Wide Grip Chins: 5 sets of 10 reps.
If you cannot perform a single Wide Grip Chin-Up, switch to the Wide Grip Pulldowns. Do these with a
wide overhand grip. If you can perform a few Chin Ups, this will be a process to increase your strength.
As you lift yourself up, arch your back and keep your chest out. Try to focus on your lats rather than
arms. Think of your arms as hooks and your lats as the machine lifting you up. If I can see over the
top of the bar, I count the rep, but a perfect rep is making it clear to the top and holding for a pause to
squeeze. On your first set make a note of how many reps you can do. If you can do 10 reps add weight
next week (10lbs) and shoot for another 10 reps. If you cannot do 10 reps, do as many as you can then
rest for 10-20 seconds and try to perform another 1-3 reps. This short rest is called a “Pause Rest.”
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/pullups
2B. Wide Grip Seated Rows: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Use a wide grip handle with either a neutral grip or overhand grip. Don’t lean back as you move the
weight. Keep your chest out and back arched. Bring the handle into your stomach. As you lower the
weight, let your lats get a nice stretch.
View here: https://www.instagram.com/p/96iXiugXNw
Pain Tolerance Tip: Typically people don’t lift to failure with strict form. When the burn sets in they just
want to stop. Or they stop at 10, 12, or 15 reps just because it’s the number they set out to do. Muscles
cannot count! While I list rep ranges, you should be lifting a weight that causes you to hit muscular
failure with strict form in that rep range. This is tough. I know. It hurts a little. Then I am asking you to
go beyond failure with Supersets. Yes, I am a little crazy. The typical guy you see lifting weights at your
gym probably doesn’t have a highly impressive physique. You are not working hard to be typical. So we
will NOT do the ordinary things. If you want to look different, you have to do things differently.

Week 1: Day 3: Legs
Working the legs takes tremendous effort. Don’t let fear hold you back from bringing 110% today. These most
challenging workouts will help you gain the most muscle all around and drop body fat. Your overall results will
depend on how you bring it on leg day.
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole program
revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Legs: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 10 sets total.
1A. Leg Press: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Have your feet about shoulder width apart. Don’t lock out legs at the top. Lower the weight until the
legs make a 90-degree angle and even lower if your knees will allow. Later on, you can play with foot
positions (together, high and wide, etc.).
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/leg-press.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEtshWlgXF2
1B. Squats: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Have your feet about shoulder width apart. Keep you hip down and chest up. Don’t look down while
squatting. Look eye level or up at a fixed point. Don’t let your knees pass your toes while squatting
down. Try to squat so your upper legs are parallel to the floor or as low as your knees will allow. Keep
your back straight. Push through your heels. Your feet should not move or come off the ground in any
way. Stop just shy of locking out at the top, but tense and flex the thighs instead of resting before
descending again.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFTpBqbAXGd.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-squat
2. Lying Leg Curls: 5 sets of 10 reps.
As you lift the weight don’t let your hips rise off the bench. Squeeze and hold at the top for a count or
two. Lower the weight slowly with control.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/lying-leg-curls
3. Romanian DB Deadlifts: 5 sets of 10 reps.
As you bend over at the waist it is crucial that you hinge your hip and keep your back straight. Your legs
should remain just shy of a lockout and not bend more as you lower the weight. The DB’s should stay
very close to your legs. You are looking to feel a deep stretch in your hamstrings at the bottom.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFC8aYtgXFs.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/romanian-deadlift
4. Standing Calf Raises: 10 sets of 10 reps (reduce rest between sets to 60 seconds).
Raise up on your toes and hold that topmost position for several counts then lower the weight and your
heels slowly to a deep stretch. Do these feet forward for now. In the future, you can play around with
various foot positioning (toes in and toes out).
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/standing-calf-raises
Constant Tension Tip: This is a mindset and should apply to every rep of every exercise you do from now on.
It will help when trying to build any muscle. Once you get into starting position and decide to begin a set
tense that particular muscle then perform the concentric movement (apply force), instead of relaxing once
you completed the rep. Keep constant tension on the muscle by flexing it for a count or two then take the
eccentric, negative movement slowly. The muscle should be working or flexed/tensed until you take that very
last slow negative repetition. I always take the last repetition of every set as slow as humanly possible. Don’t
just practice this now and then. Make it a habit.

Week 1: Day 4: Shoulders/Traps
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole
program revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Shoulders: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
1A. Standing Military Press: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Hold the barbell in front of you and press upward. Stop just shy of a lockout at the top keeping tension
on the shoulder muscles. Lower the bar slowly below the chin. Don’t lean back.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/standing-military-press.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFVB-NUgXGG
1B. DB Lateral Raises: 5 sets of 10 reps.
As you raise the DB’s to the sides of your body your elbows should be higher than your hands. Your
elbows should lead the way. The inside of your arms should be facing down. Lift the DB’s to around ear
level. Lower the DB’s slowly with control. Keep the delts tense at the bottom rather than resting before
lifting them back up.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/side-lateral-raise.
Here is me performing seated side lateral raises: https://www.instagram.com/p/-2S8BYgXGt.
2. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
2A. Standing Military Press: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Same as above.
2B. Bent Over DB Lateral Raises: 5 sets of 10 reps.
These can be done in a seated position or standing and bending over at the waist. While performing
concentrate on squeezing and feeling that small rear head of the Delt.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/seated-bent-over-rear-delt-raise.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFW70ADAXJ-
3. Barbell Shrugs: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Hold the barbell about shoulder width. Do not roll your shoulders. Just elevate. Hold at the top for
several counts then lower the weight slowly.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-shrug.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFWTfGmAXCT

Shaping Tip: I know it is very clique for weight lifters to flex in the mirror, but when it comes to your arms
flexing does have benefits. Flexing helps give you muscle control. The more muscle control you have, the
better you can mentally lock into a muscle while working it in the gym. Some would say, such as the great
Arnold Schwarzenneger, that flexing often helps harden and shape the muscle. Then current experts such as
Hany Rambod advocate flexing between sets to increase blood flow which brings nutrients to the muscles and
helps export the toxins. So flex those arms often and proudly.
Week 1: Day 5: Arms
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole
program revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Arms: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 10 sets total.
1A. Barbell Curls: 10 sets of 10 reps.
You can use a straight bar for this or if that gives you wrist problems use an EZ bar. Use a shoulder
width grip. Your upper arm and elbows should stay to the side of your body and not move forward at
all as you curl. Don’t elevate your shoulders. The barbell should end up right in front of your lower chest
and not up in front of your neck or chin. Don’t let the front shoulders get involved. Let’s keep these reps
strict for now. Don’t overly lean back to complete reps. Later we will play with “Cheat Reps”. Flex your
biceps hard at the top before lowering slowly and with control.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/_cZ8F6AXCk.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-curl
1B. Parallel Bar Dips: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Note that Bar Dips done for triceps are different than for chest. When doing these for triceps, your
legs should stay behind you, and your head should be up looking straight ahead. As you dip down your
elbows should stay close to your body and not go out to the sides. I like to get a deep stretch at the
bottom then power up flexing the triceps hard at the top. If you can do more than 12 reps add weight by
placing a DB between your feet or use a dip belt (http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/dipbelt.htm). If
you cannot do 10 reps, but can do 6-8 incorporate Pause Rest to get at least 10 reps. If you can only do a
couple of reps, do Bench Dips* instead.
Me performing Bar Dips: https://www.instagram.com/p/_uMod8gXNc.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/dips-triceps-version
*Me performing Bench Dips: https://www.instagram.com/p/-URHz8AXOo.
View Here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/bench-dips
2. Barbell Wrist Curls: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Perform these seated on a bench resting your wrists on the top of your knees or at the edge of the
bench. I typically lower my hands, so they are 90 degrees from the floor, then raise my palm upward
as far as possible holding at the top for a count or two squeezing the forearms. Increase weight as you
go if needed to hit the indicated rep ranges or incorporate Pause Rest if you are a few reps shy of the
suggested rep range. Forearms recover quick so the rest periods for Pause Rest only need to be 5-10
seconds at most.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BAxg17NAXMQ.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/seated-palm-up-barbell-wrist-curl
Vary The Grip Tip: Changing your grip on various Biceps exercises will often stress different areas.
When doing any barbell curls having a closer grip will work the outer Biceps a little more. Holding with an extra
wide grip will stress the inner Biceps. Sometimes strategically changing your grip week to week or even set to
set is beneficial. This concept of changing your grip carries over to other exercises and muscle groups as well.
Experiment and play around with hand placement.
Week 1: Day 6 and 7: Auxiliary Work and Active Rest
Pick one of either day to be your Active Rest day and the other to be Auxiliary Work.
Auxiliary Work:
Make sure to warm up properly and stretch before doing this workout.
1. Sumo Deadlift: 8 sets 10, 10, 8, 6, 4, 6, 8, 10 reps (120 secs rest between sets).
I also stretch between each set to keep my lower back in good shape. You should increase weight and
then after the 4 rep max begin reducing the weight again. On the heavier sets I use wrist straps, lifting
belt, and gloves, but that is your choice. Legs should be wide with toes out. Keep your hip down and
chest up. The bar should remain very slow to your shins.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/sumo-deadlift.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEUPPfygXL8
2. Box Jumps: 5 sets of 10 reps (60 seconds rest between sets).
Pick a step or box height you are comfortable jumping on. I don’t want to hear stories of people hurting
themselves. Let your legs bend upon landing to reduce stress on the knees. Step down off the box.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEjSV0RgXJ6
Active Rest:
Use this time to let your body rest and recover. Get enough sleep. Evaluate this last week and make note
of areas that you can improve. Don’t let areas of weakness consume your thoughts, but concentrate on the
fact that you are moving forward. Remember, nutrition is key to health and muscle building. Don’t let all your
sweat and effort go to waste. Put just as much intensity into making sure you are eating the proper amount
of quality food. Often on my rest days, I will do some light cardio for 20-30 minutes. By the time my next
workout comes I am ready to kick the doors in and lift some weights.

Week 2
Week 2: Day 1: Chest
You already know how intense and draining these workouts are going to be after that week 1. Accept it.
Face it. Destroy it. It is not going to get any easier, but you are going to get tougher. Make sure to warm up
properly before starting the 10x10. Each of these workouts will take approximately 45-60 mins plus cardio
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole program
revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Chest: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 10 sets total.
1A. Incline Barbell Press: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Stop just shy of lockout keeping tension on your chest. Lower the barbell slowly and take this negative
with control. If one side is much weaker than the other, switch back to the Incline DB Press letting the
weaker side dictate the weight used until the imbalance is corrected. Feel free to experiment with
angles of incline. Make note of which you use.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFg-ZXZgXHH.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-incline-bench-pressmedium-grip
1B. Flat FB Flys: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Don’t hit DB’s together at the top. The angle of your bent arms should remain constant during the entire
range of motion. This should not turn into a DB Press. At the bottom of the movement keep the DB’s
outside of your elbows. Flex the chest hard at the top before lowering the weight again.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFhoklwgXES.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/dumbbell-flyes
Instinctive Tip: Some of the most important things to learn when working to build and shape your body
include knowing which muscles and angles specific exercises work, and then to perform the exercises, so you
benefit from them the most. Once you have an understanding of these concepts following strict programs
may not be necessary. Arnold Schwarzenegger worked out very “instinctively” as he called it. He did what felt
right that given day. I pretty much lift the same way nowadays. If a particular exercise is feeling great, I might
do extra sets or throw in beyond failure techniques on the fly. I might have a sudden idea as I walk in the gym
and ultimately change the days workout.
Learn how to feel the muscles you are working. Learn all the different concepts, techniques, and ideas. Then
apply everything you know to design the best workouts you’ve ever done. Confuse your muscles and body by
changing things up and doing things differently. Don’t bound yourself to rules. I tell my workout partners and
clients all the time, “I don’t care about 10.” Meaning if we are set to do 10 reps, but they can do more I say, “I
don’t care about 10”, and have them keep lifting.

Week 2: Day 2: Back
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole
program revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Back: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 10 sets total.
1A. Bent Over Barbell Rows: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Grab the bar with an overhand outside shoulder width grip. Doing any bent over-exercise can be
potentially dangerous. Learning the technique of hinging your hip and keeping your lower back straight
is crucial. When lifting the weight don’t elevate your shoulders. You want to keep the elbows back and
get them high. Lift the bar a couple of inches above your belly button.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/bent-over-barbell-row.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFj495-AXCm.
1B. Wide Grip Pulldown: 10 sets of 10 reps.
My preference for this workout is to use a Hammer Strength Wide Grip Pulldown machine. If your gym
does not have this, a regular pulldown machine will work just fine. Get a nice lat stretch at the top,
then power the bar down below your chin and towards your upper chest, base of your neck. Hold it at
the bottom for a count while you flex your lats and then slowly let the bar rise back to that starting full
stretch position.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/wide-grip-lat-pulldown.
Here is me using the Hammer Strength Machine: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEZqs_qAXLN
2. Deadlifts: 5 sets of 10, 10, 8, 6, 4 reps.
Keep your hip down and chest up. Drive through your heels as you lift the weight. Keep your core tight.
Don’t hyperextend your back at the top (don’t lean back)! No pause rest rounds for this exercise. But
look back at Week 1 Day 2 where you worked in this same rep range. You should be lifting more weight
at this rep range at this time.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-deadlift
Grip Tip: Doing exercises such as Deadlifts, Barbell Shrugs, Barbell Upright Rows, Chin Ups, Barbell Rows, and
Heavy Pulldowns without straps will help strengthen your grip. Of course, once your grip goes and you cannot
perform the exercise grab those straps. You want to hit muscular failure on any exercise before your grip gives
out. But in those earlier sets go without straps to strengthen your grip. I only use straps when necessary.

Week 2: Day 3: Legs
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole
program revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Legs: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 10 sets total.
1A. Squats: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Have your feet about shoulder width apart. Keep you hip down and chest up. Don’t look down while
squatting. Look eye level or up at a fixed point. Don’t let your knees pass your toes while squatting
down. Try to squat so your upper legs are parallel to the floor or as low as your knees will allow. Keep
your back straight. Push through your heels. Your feet should not move or come off the ground in any
way. Stop just shy of locking out at the top, but tense and flex the thighs instead of resting before
descending again.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFTpBqbAXGd.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-squat
1B. Hack Squats: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Make sure your feet are far enough forward that your knees do not pass your toes as you squat down.
Go down low enough so your upper thighs are parallel to the standing platform.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFma8gOgXJm.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/hack-squat
2. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
2A. Seated Leg Curls: 5 sets of 10 reps.
If your gym does not have a Seated Leg Curl machine do Lying Leg Curls instead. Keep your hip on the
pad as you lift the weight up. Flex your hamstrings hard at the top and lower the weight slowly.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/seated-leg-curl
2B. Walking Lunges: 5 sets of 10 reps each leg.
If you do not have room for Walking Lunges do Alternate Lunges in place. Take a full, straight step
forward. Your back knee should not impact the floor. Your foot forward knee should not pass your toes.
If so step wider and make sure you are not leaning forward. Use a strong push off to get back to center
then step with the other leg. Add weight by either holding DB’s or placing a barbell across your back.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/bodyweight-walking-lunge.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/81cbMwAXK3.

3. Calf Presses: 10 sets of 10 reps (reduce rest between sets to 60 seconds).
Raise up on your toes and hold that topmost position for several counts then lower the weight and your
heels slowly to a deep stretch. Do these feet forward for now. In the future, you can play around with
various foot positioning (toes in and toes out).
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/standing-calf-raises
Mindset Tip: Consistency will always trump perfection. Yes, always do your best, but if the inevitable bad day
pops up just continue to do your best. Don’t let an off workout or eating fail cause you to throw in the towel.
Don’t let your lack of perfection be your excuse to quit. Get back up and do better the next day. Be consistent!

Week 2: Day 4: Shoulders/Traps
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole
program revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Shoulders: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
1A. Arnold Press: 5 sets of 10 reps.
If these are new for you watch the video link to see how to perform. Stop just shy of a lockout at the
time. Always take those negatives slow and with control.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/arnold-dumbbell-press.
1B. Wide Grip Upright Rows: 5 sets of 10 reps.
This is one of my favorite exercises. It targets the traps, front and side delts, and gives the upper body
a nice look. Grip the bar with a shoulder-width wider grip. Thr grip helps stress the side delts a little
more than having your hands closer together. Keep your chest out as you raise the bar straight up. Your
elbows should be higher than your hands. Elbows lead the way. Bring the bar about to mid-to-upper
Here is me performing with a wider grip: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFo1iWpAXDp.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/upright-barbell-row
2. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
2A. DB Press: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Do these in a seated position on a bench with back support. Palms should be facing forward. Don’t
completely lock out at the top, but keep tension on your shoulders rather than joints. Lower the weight
slowly with control until your upper arms are at least parallel to the floor if not lower if your shoulder
joints will allow.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFFjULDAXGM.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/dumbbell-shoulder-press.
2B. Face Pulls: 5 sets of 10 reps.
This is your rear delt exercise. Use a rope attachment on a high pulley set up. Stand back and bring your
hands towards your face. Elbows should be high and back. Hold for a count or two at the top before
returning slowly. Concentrate on feeling the squeeze in your rear delts at the top.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/face-pull

3. DB Shrugs: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Do not roll your shoulders. Just elevate. Hold at the top for several counts then lower the weight slowly.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/dumbbell-shrug
Pause Rest Tip: One of my favorite techniques that allows me to lift heavier while doing SGVT is “Pause
Rest.” The method can be incorporated into this program by using a weight where you can get 8 clean reps
upon hitting failure altogether. Well, this is a 10x10 program, so we are 2 reps short. Upon hitting failure
set the weight down and rest for 10-20 seconds then perform another 1-2 reps for 10 total. If you have to
incorporate two Pause Rest rounds on a given set, then you should probably lower the weight for the next
set. When doing Pause Rest with this program, I prefer to do just one Pause Rest round for 1-3 reps. If you
only need 1-2 reps just rest 5-10 seconds. If you need to get 3 or more, you might take a full 20 seconds. Don’t
rest too long, though.

Week 2: Day 5: Arms
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole
program revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Arms: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
1A. Close Grip Bench Press: 5 sets of 10 reps.
I like to do these in the Smith Machine. Lower the bar to your lower chest. Keep your arms and elbows
close to your body. Concentrate on putting as much of the load on your triceps while pressing as
possible. Flex the triceps hard at the top. Take the negatives slow and controlled.
View me performing here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BE1OnQJgXDV.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/close-grip-barbell-bench-press.
1B. Hammer Curls: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Preform these like a standard Biceps Curl except hold the DB in a neutral position meaning the palm
are facing your body. Your upper arms and elbows should stay exactly where they are as you curl the
weights up. Don’t involve the front shoulders and allow your elbow to move forward. The DB’s should
end up on the sides of your lower chest. Flex your biceps hard at the top before lowering slowly and
with control.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEpP3DuAXPF.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/hammer-curls
2. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
2A. Incline DB Curls: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Use an adjustable incline bench and set it around 45 degrees. Holding DB’s at your sides let your arms
hang straight down. In this position, you should feel a gentle stretch in your biceps. Your upper arms and
elbows should stay exactly where they are as you curl the weights up. Don’t involve the front shoulders
and allow your elbow to move forward. The DB’s should end up on the sides of your lower chest. Flex
your biceps hard at the top before lowering slowly and with control to that full stretch position.
View me performing here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEy1NOEgXLK.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/incline-dumbbell-curl
2B. Rope Triceps Pushdowns: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Rope Pushdowns are harder than the regular type so expect to use a lighter weight. Your upper arms
and elbows should lock to the sides of your body. Keep your chest up as your push the ropes downward.
Fully extend your arms and separate the ropes outward. Hold that squeeze for several counts then take
the negatives slowly. During this whole process, your elbows should stay fixed in place. No forward
movement should happen with the elbows ever.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/-ZtErBgXKn.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/triceps-pushdown-rope-attachment
Cheat Tip: Most of the time I stress strict form on all exercises. It not only keeps you safe from injury but
isolates the muscle you are working so that muscle can work harder. But there are a few exceptions to that rule.
Sometimes it ok to do planned “cheat” sets/reps. I learned this from Arnold Schwarzenegger, who had incredible
biceps. I will typically only do planned cheat reps for Upright Rows to target shoulder and traps, and Standing
Barbell or DB curls. My reasons for occasionally doing cheat reps are to shock the Biceps and introduce my
tendons and ligaments to a heavier load. Sock and awe. Cheat reps allow you to lift a heavier weight. While you
may cheat like a mad dog on the positive portion of the lift you should be able to do a strict negative which can
be highly beneficial. Since these cheat reps are very heavy, I will wear my lifting belt just to be careful.
Here are a few form notes for doing cheat curls:
1. Shorten your range of motion. Instead of starting with my arms hanging straight down and the barbell
or DB’s in front of my thighs I have my elbows bent in starting position, so the barbell is at my waist
2. While there will be some swing and lean, I try not to lean back drastically to avoid blowing out my lower
back. I will typically start with my legs slightly bent and use upward momentum with my legs instead
of leaning back.
3. Take the negatives as slow and controlled as possible.
Cheat reps can cause severe trauma to our muscles and nervous system. I wouldn’t recommend doing them
week after week. Just try them with moderate to heavy weight and see how it goes. Then occasionally throw
them into your routine to shock your biceps.

Week 2: Day 6 and 7: Auxiliary Work and Active Rest
Pick one of either day to be your Active Rest day and the other to be Auxiliary Work.
Auxiliary Work:
Make sure to warm up properly and stretch before doing this workout.
1. Squats: 8 sets 10, 10, 10, 8, 6, 6, 8, 10 reps.
(Note: I also stretch between each set to keep my lower back in good shape. You should increase weight
and then after the 6 rep sets start lightening the weight again. Try to go as deep as possible and get a
good stretch at the bottom.)
2. Superset: 4 rounds
2A. Walking Lunges: 40 reps- 20 each leg
2B. Jump Squats: 20 reps
Active Rest: Use this time to let your body rest and recover. Get enough sleep. Evaluate this last week
and make note of areas that can be improved. Don’t let areas of weakness consume your thoughts, but
concentrate on the fact that you are moving forward. Remember, nutrition is key to health and muscle
building. Don’t let all your sweat and effort go to waste. Put just as much intensity into making sure you are
eating the proper amount of quality food. Often on my rest days, I will do some light cardio for 20-30 minutes.
By the time my next workout comes I am ready to kick the doors in and lift some weights.
Week 3
Week 3: Day 1: Chest
Congratulations you have just completed the first half of my SGVT program. Do not expect it to get any easier
from here on out. We are going to step it up a little by adding more volume. Make sure always to warm up
properly before starting the 10x10. Each of these workouts will take approximately 60-90 mins because of the
added volume.
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole program
revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Chest: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 10 sets total.
1A. Flat DB Press: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Don’t hit DB’s together at the top. Stop just shy of lockout keeping tension on your chest. Lower the
DB’s slowly and take this negative with control. If you notice one side is weaker than the other, let the
weaker side dictate the weight used.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BE7MHoSgXCE.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/dumbbell-bench-press
1B. Incline Cable Fly: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Get an incline bench set at a 30-degree angle and place between a cable tower and slightly forward. You
should have a slight angle in your arms that remains constant throughout the entire movement. Start
at the top flexing your chest, slowly lower the weight to a deep stretch. I even like taking a deep breath
at the bottom to get an even deeper stretch. Then power the weight back to starting position again
flexing your chest hard. You should always be flexing or getting that stretch.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEYdsxSAXEg.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/incline-cable-flye.
Optional Extra Work: If you have another 30 minutes to kill here is some optional work you can do on both
your shoulders and triceps will be warmed up and worked from all the Chest sets. I use these extra sets to
concentrate on weak areas such as side Delt width and the Triceps long head.
Strip Set: This is a very demanding “beyond failure” technique that puts you in some serious time under
tension. Pick a weight that allows you to do 2-4 strict reps upon hitting failure, then lower the weight by
5-10lbs and performing another clean 1-4 reps, and continue dropping weight 5-10lbs at a time under all reps
are completed.
2. DB Lateral Raises: 5 sets of 20, 15, 10, 5-7, Strip Set to 20 reps.
As you raise the DB’s to the sides of your body your elbows should be higher than your hands. Your
elbows should lead the way. The inside of your arms should be facing down. Lift the DB’s to around ear
level. Lower the DB’s slowly and with control. Keep the delts tense at the bottom rather than resting
before lifting them back up.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/side-lateral-raise.
Here is me performing seated side lateral raises: https://www.instagram.com/p/-2S8BYgXGt.
3. Overhead Triceps Cable Extensions: 5 sets of 20, 15, 10, 5-7, Strip Set to 20 reps.
I prefer to do these with the rope attachment set at the mid-level position. Stand to face away from
the cable tower and grab the rope attachment behind you to get in starting position. I like these
because you can get a deep stretch at the bottom and you should get on every rep. As you perform
these, your upper arms should be pointed straight up and not move. Isolate those elbows. Squeeze the
triceps hard at the top before slowly lowering to that full, deep stretch.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/_c4tJJgXPA.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/cable-rope-overhead-triceps-extension
Shaping Tip: I get often asked how to build a balanced chest. Firstly make sure your right and left sides look
balanced. If one side it bigger than the other I suggest using primarily DB exercises. Let your weaker side
dictate the weight and rep ranges for both sides. The weaker side should always lead the way. It will take a
while, but eventually they will even out. The key to a well-built and balanced chest is “angles”. Hit the chest at
all angles often including upper (incline), mid (flat), lower chest (decline and dips), and inner and outer (flys and
cable crossovers). If you notice an area of the chest that looks particular underdeveloped, do more exercises
and sets that will hit that area. Prioritize the weakness.
Week 3: Day 2: Back
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole
program revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Back: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
1A. Wide Grip Chin: 5 sets of 10 reps.
If you cannot perform a single Wide Grip Chin-Up switch to the Wide Grip Pulldowns. Do these with a
wide, overhand grip. If you can perform a few Chin Ups, this will be a process to increase your strength.
As you lift yourself up, arch your back and keep your chest out. Try to focus on your lats rather than
arms. Think of your arms as hooks and your lats as the machine lifting you up. If I can see over the bar,
I count the rep, but a perfect rep is making it clear to the top and holding for a pause to squeeze. On
your first set make a note of how many reps you can do. If you can do 10 reps add weight next week
(10lbs) and shoot for another 10 reps. If you cannot do, 10 reps do as many as you can then rest for 10-20
seconds and try to perform another 1-3 reps. This short rest is called a “Pause Rest.”
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/pullups
1B. T-Row: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Pay attention getting into the proper start position. Lift the weight up using a squat position by
dropping your hip and keeping your chest up. Don’t just bend over and round your back. When you have
the weight lifted up bend over by hinging your hip. Keep your back straight. You will have to experiment
with proper foot positioning and find the spot where you feel most balanced. As you lift the weight,
keep your chest out and pull your elbows back. Lock and hold for a count or two at the top before
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/97fYeKgXNt.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/t-bar-row-with-handle
2. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
2A. Neutral Grip Chin: 5 sets of 10 reps.
If you cannot perform a single Chin Up switch to the Neutral Grip Pulldowns. These are all done with a
chin bar or pulldown bar that has a neutral, palms facing each other, grip. If you can perform a few Chin
Ups, this will be a process to increase your strength. Use a close underhand grip. As you lift yourself up,
arch your back and keep your chest out. Try to focus on your lats rather than arms. Think of your arms
as hooks and your lats as the machine lifting you up. If I can see over the top of the bar, I count the rep,
but a perfect rep is making it clear to the top and holding for a pause to squeeze. On your first set make
a note of how many reps you can do. If you can do 10 reps add weight next week (10lbs) and shoot for
another 10 reps. If you cannot do 10 reps do as many as you can then rest for 10-20 seconds and try to
perform another 1-3 reps. This short rest is called a “Pause Rest.”
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/neutral-grip-pull-ups.

2B. T-Rows: 5 sets of 10 reps.
3. Deadlifts: 5 sets of 10, 8, 8, 6, 6 reps.
Keep your hip down and chest up. Drive through your heels as you lift the weight. Keep your core tight.
Don’t hyperextend your back at the top (don’t lean back)! No pause rest rounds for this exercise. But
look back at Week 1 Day 2 where you worked in this same rep range. You should be lifting more weight
at this rep range at this time.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-deadlift
Optional Extra Work:
If you have another 15 minutes to kill here is some optional work you can do since your Biceps and Forearms
will be warmed up and worked from all the back sets.
Strip Set: This is a very demanding “beyond failure” technique that puts you in some serious time under
tension. Pick a weight that allows you to do 2-4 strict reps upon hitting failure, then lower the weight by
5-10lbs and performing another clean 1-4 reps, and continue dropping weight 5-10lbs at a time under all reps
are completed.
4. Alternating Hammer DB Curls: 5 sets of 20, 15, 10, 5-7, Strip Set to 20 reps.
Having your palms facing your body and your thumbs up perform a DB Curl. As you curl the DB’s upward,
your elbows should not move forward at all. Don’t involve the shoulders. The DB’s should stop in front
of your lower chest, and your biceps should flex hard. Lower the DB’s slowly to starting position. Don’t
lean back as your curl. Try not to elevate your shoulders as well. I do often go extra heavy on these and
“cheat” a little using some body language as shown in my video below. But even when I cheat notice I
don’t lean back, and my elbows stay relatively in place.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEpP3DuAXPF.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/hammer-curls
Increase Your Grip Tip: Many people overlook working their forearms, but building their size and strength is
essential for total arm development. Having stronger forearms will enable you to use heavier weight on biceps
work helping with their development. Don’t let weak forearms hold you back from building massive biceps.
Having a firm grip will also help you with many back exercises. You don’t want your grip giving out before the
muscle you are trying to build.

Week 3: Day 3: Legs
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole
program revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Legs: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 10 sets total.
1A. Leg Extensions: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Before you start to make sure your seat (forward/back position) is correctly adjusted, so you are
comfortable. Also, check the pad that goes in front of your shin. Power the weight up and flex the
thighs hard at the top. Lower the weight slowly and don’t rest at the bottom. Keep your back against
the backrest and don’t come out of your seat while performing.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/leg-extensions.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BE_959bAXIz.
1B. Leg Press: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Have your feet about shoulder width apart. Don’t lock out legs at the top. Lower the weight until the
legs make a 90-degree angle and even lower if your knees will allow. Later on, you can play with foot
positions (together, high and wide, etc.).
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/leg-press.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEtshWlgXF2
2. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
2A. Lying Leg Curls: 5 sets of 10 reps.
As you lift the weight don’t let your hips rise off the bench. Squeeze and hold at the top for a count or
two. Lower the weight slowly with control.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/lying-leg-curls
2B. Barbell Romanian Deadlifts: 5 sets of 10 reps each leg.
As you bend over at the waist it is crucial that you hinge your hip and keep your back straight. Your legs
Should remain just shy of a lockout and not bend more as you lower the weight. The barbell should stay
very close to your legs. You are looking to feel a deep stretch in your hamstrings at the bottom.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFC8aYtgXFs.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/romanian-deadlift

3. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
3A. Standing Calf Raise: 5 sets of 10 reps (reduce rest between sets to 60 seconds).
Raise up on your toes and hold that topmost position for several counts then lower the weight and your
heels slowly to a deep stretch. Do these feet forward for now. In the future, you can play around with
various foot positioning (toes in and toes out).
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/standing-calf-raises
3B. Seated Calf Raise: 5 sets of 10 reps (reduce rest between sets to 60 seconds).
Start allowing your heel to dip down as low as possible stretching your calf muscles. Raise up on your
toes and hold that topmost position for several counts then lower the weight and your heels slowly to a
deep stretch.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/seated-calf-raise.
Endurance Tip: Leg workouts are tough! There is just no way around it. One of the problems many people
encounter is just running out of breath during sets because of the sheer amount of energy legwork takes.
Keeping up with your cardio is important, so you have the endurance to hit those rounds of squats and lunges.
Even if you are a hard gainer trying to put on muscle, you should do minimal cardio just to help you make it
through those brutal leg sessions. If you worry about burning too many calories because of the cardio, just eat
an extra PB sandwich that day. Minimal cardio is 3 times a week for 20 minutes of intervals. If you are trying
to lose body fat, you should consider doing cardio daily.
Week 3: Day 4: Shoulders/Traps
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole
program revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Shoulders: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
1A. Machine Press: 5 sets of 10 reps.
This can be a Hammer Strength, Smith Machine, or whatever machine shoulder press you have
available. Stop just shy of a lockout at the top. Take the negative slowly.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BAiMoCEAXFM.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/machine-shoulder-military-press.
1B. Reverse Machine Fly: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Perform this in a Chest Fly/Reverse Fly Machine. Sit facing the machine with your hands on the handle
grips. I sometimes like to reverse my hands, so my palms are open, facing away from me, and flat
against the handles. As you power the weight back, concentrate on squeeze your rear delt at the back.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/reverse-machine-flyes.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEOrsdagXKG.
2. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
2A. Machine Press: 5 sets of 10 reps.
This can be a Hammer Strength, Smith Machine, or whatever machine shoulder press you have
available. If you are able, consider a switch to a different machine press variation for this second round
of 5 sets. Stop just shy of a lockout at the top. Take the negative slowly.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BAiMoCEAXFM.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/machine-shoulder-military-press.
2B. Archer Side Raises: 5 sets of 10 reps
This is a particular type of alternating side/front raise. One side is performed like a standard DB side
lateral raise. Your elbow should be higher than your hand, and your thumb should be down. The other
side should form a nearly 90-degree angle and come upward like you are checking a watch. Alternate
sides each rep. The technique is highly effective in working your front and side delt.
Here is me performing here: https://www.instagram.com/p/-wEysQgXLb.
3. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
3A. Reverse Barbell Shrugs: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Hold the barbell behind your back about shoulder width. Do not roll your shoulders. Just elevate. Hold at
the top for several counts then lower the weight slowly.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-shrug-behind-the-back.
3B. Barbell Shrugs: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Hold the barbell about shoulder width. Do not roll your shoulders. Just elevate. Hold at the top for
several counts then lower the weight slowly.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFWTfGmAXCT.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-shrug.
Optional Extra Work:
If you have another 15 minutes to kill here is some optional work you can do to get some extra chest work in
for the week. Your shoulders will be tired. Next, we will start a chest isolation exercise.
4. Incline DB Fly: 4 sets of 5 sets of 20, 15, 10, 5-7 reps.
Don’t hit DB’s together at the top. The angle of your bent arms should remain constant during the entire
range of motion. The angle should not turn into a DB Press. At the bottom of the movement keep the
DB’s outside of your elbows. Flex the chest hard at the top before lowering the weight again. I would
use a 25-35 degree incline. The higher the incline, the more shoulders will be involved. Feel free to
experiment with incline angles in the future.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/incline-dumbbell-flyes.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/-cpUofAXH5.
5. Cable Cross Over Low-Pulley: 4 sets of 5 sets of 20, 15, 10, 5-7 reps.
Set the cables at the lowest setting on both sides of the cable tower. Stand slightly forward in the
middle of the towers with a slight bend in your elbows. Your elbows should be behind your shoulders
and hands in starting position. You should feel a nice stretch where your chest ties into your shoulders.
Keeping the angle in your arms bring your hands forward until your hands come together. Keep your
chest out and flexed during the movement. Don’t slam your hands together, but lightly touch while
giving your chest an extra hard flex. Return to starting position.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/low-cable-crossover.
Stretching Tip: It’s always a good idea to warm your body up before lifting with a 5-minute jog or stationary
bike. Then I recommend doing some basic static stretching on the muscle groups to be worked for that
session. Hold each stretch 30-60 seconds. On bigger lifts I perform better when I do a little stretching between
each set as well. Not only does it keep me flexible, but helps keep good blood flow in the area worked.

Week 3: Day 5: Arms
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole
program revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Arms: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 10 sets total.
1A. Overhead DB Extension: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Do these with a slight twist. Instead of keeping the elbows closer to your head like standard have them
out to the sides. You will be able to push more weight in this way to stress the triceps. The elbows stay
isolated, but they are out to the sides of your head. Lower the weight with control, then power it up. Be
careful with your form as getting sloppy on overhead movements can tweak your neck.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BD8bqfLAXGe.
1B. Lying DB Extensions: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Lay flat on a bench holding a pair of DB’s more over your face than the chest. Palms are facing each
other. Slowly lower the DB’s to the sides of your head until your triceps stretch fully. Then power back
up to starting position.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/lying-dumbbell-tricep-extension.
2. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
2A. DB Curl: 5 sets of 10 reps.
These can be done performing alternately or curling both at the same time. I prefer doing both at the
same time to eliminate that extra rest each arm gets doing them alternately. Your upper arm and
elbows should stay to the side of your body and not move forward at all as you curl. Don’t elevate your
shoulders. The DB’s should end up right in front of your lower chest and not up in front of your neck or
chin. Don’t let the front shoulders get involved. Let’s keep these reps strict for now. Flex your biceps
hard at the top before lowering slowly and with control.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/_zXCXQAXCs.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/dumbbell-bicep-curl
2B. Lying DB Curl: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Lay back flat on a bench. Your arms should be hanging down towards the floor on each side holding a
lighter DB. You should feel a big stretch in your Biceps in this position. Keeping your upper arms pointed
down and elbows isolated curl the DB up and flex hard at the top. As you curl up imagine pushing your
elbows back to keep them from moving forward. Lower the DB slowly to that full stretch position at the
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BAki5aBgXPD.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/lying-supine-dumbbell-curl
Supination Tip: When doing any DB curl, with the exception of Hammer Curls, you can contract your
biceps a little better if you supinate your wrists. Supinate!? What the heck does that mean? Start any
DB Curls with your arms hanging down at your sides and your palms facing your body. As you curl the
weight up, slowly twist your wrist so your palms are facing upward. Then as your curl down twist your
wrist again so they are facing your body once again.
Week 3: Day 6 and 7: Auxiliary Work and Active Rest
Pick one of either day to be your Active Rest day and the other to be Auxiliary Work.
Auxiliary Work:
Make sure to warm up properly and stretch before doing this workout.
1. Deadlifts: 8 sets 10, 10, 8, 6, 4, 6, 8, 10 reps.
I stretch between each set to keep my lower back in good shape. You should increase weight and then
after the 4 rep max, start dropping the weight again. On the heavier sets I use wrist straps, lifting belt,
and gloves, but that is your choice).
2. Power Cleans: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Do these more for cardio than powerlifting. If you’ve never done these before, start off with extremely
light weight and learn the form.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/power-clean.
Active Rest:
Use this time to let your body rest and recover. Get enough sleep. Evaluate this last week and make note
of areas that can be improved. Don’t let areas of weakness consume your thoughts, but concentrate on the
fact that you are moving forward. Remember nutrition is key to health and muscle building. Don’t let all your
sweat and effort go to waste. Put just as much intensity into making sure you are eating the proper amount
of quality food. Often on my rest days, I will do some light cardio for 20-30 minutes. By the time my next
workout comes I am ready to kick the doors in and lift some weights.
Week 4
Week 4: Day 1: Chest
This is the last week of Super German Volume Training. By now your level of toughness and pain tolerance has
increased. Do the “Extra Work” if you have time. Bring this program home strong. Each of these workouts will
take approximately 60-90 mins because of the added volume.
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole program
revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Chest: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 10 sets total.
1A. Incline DB Press: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Look back at your Week 1 poundages. See if you can do these sets slightly heavier. Don’t hit DB’s
together at the top. Stop just shy of a lockout keeping tension on your chest. Lower the DB’s slowly
and take this negative with control. If you notice one side is weaker than the other, let the weaker side
dictate the weight used. I would use a 25-35 degree incline. The higher the incline the more shoulders
will be involved. Feel free to experiment with incline angles in the future.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/incline-dumbbell-press.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BE7MHoSgXCE
1B. Parallel Bar Dips: 10 sets of 10 reps.
When doing Parallel Bar Dips to target your chest keep your chin down and feet forward. Lower yourself
until you have a deep stretch in your chest. There are several ways to add weight while doing this
exercise: placing a DB between your feet or using a special belt with a chain to loop around plates. I
prefer the chain belt, and I carry one around in my gym bag for these and weighted chin ups.
View the belt here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/dipbelt.htm.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/939uPeAXPL.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/dips-chest-version
Optional Extra Work:
If you have another 30 minutes to kill here is some optional work you can do on both your shoulders and
triceps will be warmed up and worked from all the Chest sets. I use these extra sets to concentrate on weak
areas such as side Delt width and the Triceps long head.
Strip Set: This is a very demanding “beyond failure” technique that puts you in some serious time under tension.
Pick a weight that allows you to do 2-4 strict reps upon hitting failure, then lower the weight by 5-10lbs and
performing another clean 1-4 reps, and continue dropping weight 5-10lbs at a time under all reps are completed.
2. DB Lateral Raises: 5 sets of 20, 15, 10, 5-7, Strip Set to 20 reps.

As you raise the DB’s to the sides of your body your elbows should be higher than your hands. Your
elbows should lead the way. The inside of your arms should be facing down. Lift the DB’s to around ear
level. Lower the DB’s slowly and with control. Keep the delts tense at the bottom rather than resting
before lifting them back up.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/side-lateral-raise.
Here is me performing seated side lateral raises: https://www.instagram.com/p/-2S8BYgXGt.
3. Overhead Triceps Cable Extensions: 5 sets of 20, 15, 10, 5-7, Strip Set to 20 reps.
I prefer to do these with the Rope attachment set at the mid-level position. Stand to face away from
the cable tower and grab the rope attachment behind you to get in starting position. I like these
because you can get a deep stretch at the bottom and you should get on every rep. As you perform
these, your upper arms should be pointed straight up and not move. Isolate those elbows. Squeeze the
triceps hard at the top before slowly lowering to that full, deep stretch.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/_c4tJJgXPA.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/cable-rope-overhead-triceps-extension
Tempo Tip: Increase the intensity by not only adding weight but also by slowing down the tempo of your lifts.
There are three distinct phases of a lift you can manipulate speed.
1. The lifting of the weight or the concentric/positive phase.
2. The peak or contraction phase.
3. The lowering of the weight or the eccentric/negative phase.
Consider an exercise like the Biceps Curl. You could lower the weight over a 5 count, raise it back up over a 2
count, and flex it at the top for a 3 count before lowering again. I would notate this tempo 5-2-3. There are
no rules and you can play around with the speeds. I take most negatives slower than normal because it helps
build strength and muscle.

Week 4: Day 2: Back
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole
program revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Back: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
1A. Wide Neutral Grip Seated Row: 5 sets of 10 reps.
If your gym does not have a wide neutral grip bar attachment just use whatever wide grip on hand.
Neutral grip is palms facing each other. Don’t lean back as you move the weight. Keep your chest out
and back arched. Bring the handle into your stomach. As you lower the weight, let your lats get a nice
View here: https://www.instagram.com/p/96iXiugXNw
1B. Close Grip Pulldown: 5 sets of 10 reps.
These are all done with a close underhand grip. As you pull the bar down towards your upper chest, arch
your back and keep your chest out. Try to focus on your lats rather than arms. Think of your arms as
hooks and your lats as the machine pulling the weight down. At the bottom pull your elbows back as
far as possible to contract the lats. Take the negative slow all the way to a full stretch at the top before
repeating. If your grip gives out on these before your lats, use wrist straps.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/underhand-cable-pulldowns.
2. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
2A. Close Grip Seated Row: 5 sets of 10 reps
Use a close grip handle. Don’t lean back as you move the weight. Keep your chest out and back arched.
Bring the handle into your stomach. As you lower the weight, let your lats get a nice stretch.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/seated-cable-rows.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFP3oolgXMa
2B. Straight Arm Pulldown: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Grip a pulldown bar about shoulder width facing the cable tower. Before you even start, imagine your
arms as just rods connecting your lats to the bar. Feel the stretch in your lats, under your armpits,
before starting. Focus on that muscle group as you pull the weight down in front of your hips. Try not to
involve your triceps. Keep your chest out as you perform this exercise.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BE_IKMQAXN7.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/straight-arm-pulldown.
3. Deadlifts: 5 sets of 20, 15, 12, 10, 10 reps.
Keep your hip down and chest up. Drive through your heels as you lift the weight. Keep your core tight.
Don’t hyperextend your back at the top (don’t lean back)! No pause rest rounds for this exercise. But
look back at Week 1 Day 2 where you worked in this same rep range. You should be lifting more weight
at this rep range at this time.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-deadlift
Optional Extra Work:
If you have another 15 minutes to kill here is some optional work you can do since your biceps and forearms will
be warmed up and worked from all the back sets.
Pause Rest: Once you hit failure set the weight down and rest for 10-15 seconds. Then immediately do a few
more strict reps, typically 1-4, to finish your set. I call one round of this a “Pause Rest Round” since you may do
more than one rep.
4. Barbell Reverse Curls: 5 sets of 20, 15, 10, 8, 6 + pause rest rounds to 15 reps.
Keep your upper arms and elbows fixed while lifting the weight and don’t let your shoulders come into
play. Don’t lean back as you lift. Do as many pause rest rounds as it takes to hit 15 reps in the final set.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/reverse-barbell-curl.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/-g3_vTAXFa.
Grip Tip: If your forearms give out before your lats when doing rows and pull downs use wrist straps. You don’t
want your bigger muscle groups to suffer because of your grip. But also don’t use straps all the time. Do all
the sets you can without them to build that forearm strength, but when the forearms start to fail strap up so
you can work the bigger muscle groups to the max. I typically use straps for heavy rows, pulldowns, deadlifts,
upright rows, and shrugs

Week 4: Day 3: Legs
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole
program revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Legs: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 10 sets total.
1A. Squats: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Lifting Notes: Have your feet about shoulder width apart. Keep you hip down and chest up. Don’t look
down while squatting. Look eye level or up at a fixed point. Don’t let your knees pass your toes while
squatting down. Try to squat so your upper legs are parallel to the floor or as low as your knees will
allow. Keep your back straight. Push through your heels. Your feet should not move or come off the
ground in any way. Stop just shy of locking out at the top, but tense and flex the thighs instead of
resting before descending again.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFTpBqbAXGd.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-squat
1B. Alternate Bench Step Ups: 10 sets of 10 reps.
You can use a barbell or DB’s for these. For this program alternate legs for each repetition. As you step
up, be sure your knees stay before your toes. Try to keep your torso upright and not lean forward. Here
is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEvrbNEgXBF.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-step-ups.
2. Romanian Barbell Deadlifts: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Hold a barbell shoulder width in front of your hips. As you bend over at the waist, it is crucial that you
hinge your hip keeping your back straight. Your legs should remain just shy of a lockout and not bend
more as you lower the weight. The barbell should stay very close to your legs the entire movement. You
are looking to feel a deep stretch in your hamstrings at the bottom.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/romanian-deadlift.
3. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
3A. Seated Calf Raise: 5 sets of 10 (reduce rest between sets to 60 seconds)
Start allowing your heel to dip down as low as possible stretching your calf muscles. Raise up on your
toes and hold that topmost position for several counts then lower the weight and your heels slowly to a
deep stretch.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/seated-calf-raise.
3B. Calf Press: 5 sets of 10 (reduce rest between sets to 60 seconds)
Push the weight up on your toes and hold that topmost position for several counts then lower the
weight and your heels slowly to a deep stretch. Do these feet forward for now. In the future, you can
play around with various foot positioning (toes in and toes out).
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/calf-press-on-the-leg-press-machine
Warm Up Tip: To correctly perform, and stay injury free on big lift days that involve squats and deadlifts, I
always suggest warming up and stretching. It also mentally prepares me to do my best. My warm ups are
typically just a 5-minute run or recumbent biking. Stretch after the warm-up. I always stretch my lower back
and hamstrings well. When doing heavier deadlift and squat work, I will typically do a few stretching between
every set as well. Stretching has kept me injury free and performing my best. Do it!
Here are just a few of the lower back stretches I do: https://www.instagram.com/p/BBIF4iQgXAT.

Week 4: Day 4: Shoulders/Traps
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole
program revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Shoulders: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
1A. Reverse Grip Front Press: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Grab a barbell slightly outside shoulder width with a reverse grip (palms facing you). Lean against
something to support your body as you press the barbell up and slightly out.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFE1F2rgXC4.
1B. DB Lateral Raise: 5 sets of 10 reps.
As you raise the DB’s to the sides of your body your elbows should be higher than your hands. Your
elbows should lead the way. The inside of your arms should be facing down. Lift the DB’s to around ear
level. Lower the DB’s slowly with control. Keep the delts tense at the bottom rather than resting before
lifting them back up.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/side-lateral-raise.
Here is me performing seated side lateral raises: https://www.instagram.com/p/-2S8BYgXGt.
2. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
2A. Push Press: 5 sets of 10 reps.
These are very similar to the Military Press, except that the legs are involved in helping press the weight
overhead allowing for heavier weight. Bend your knees and use your legs to help generate upward
momentum. Fully extend your legs and then use your calves as you press the weight overhead. The
video below demonstrates this form. The only difference is that I typically hold the barbell in Military
Press starting position rather than the Olympic lift position (bar resting on shoulders and wrists
stretched back).
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/push-press.
2B. Prone Lateral Raise: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Lay face down on an incline bench. Raise the DB’s upward and keep elbows higher than your hands.
Your elbows should lead the way. Tilt your hands so your thumbs are more downward as your raise the
weight. Lower the DB’s slowly with control.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/dumbbell-lying-rear-lateral-raise.
3. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 5 sets total.
3A. DB Shrugs: 5 sets of 10 reps.

Do not roll your shoulders. Just elevate. Hold at the top for several counts then lower the weight slowly.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/dumbbell-shrug
3B. Close Grip Upright Row: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Grip the bar with your hands fairly close together. Keep your chest out as you raise the bar straight up.
Your elbows should be higher than your hands. Elbows lead the way. Lift the bar towards your upper
Here is me performing with a wider grip: https://www.instagram.com/p/-1wRxPAXHn.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/upright-barbell-row
Optional Extra Work:
If you have another 20 minutes to kill here is some optional work you can do to get some extra Chest work in
for the week. Your shoulders are tired at this point. Next, we will start with a chest isolation exercise.
4. Cable Cross Overs: Done as straight sets. Reduce rest between sets to 60seconds.
4A. Low Pulley: 3 sets of 20
4B. Mid Pulley: 3 sets of 30
4C. High Pulley: 3 sets of 40
You’ve done cable crossovers earlier in this program. The low, mid, and high refers to the location the
cables, each targeting a different angle of the chest. Always get a good stretch at the back of the
movement and then flex the chest hard as you bring the hands together.
Low Pulley view here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/low-cable-crossover.
High Pulley view here: http://www.jimstoppani.com/home/exercises/1171?preview.
Partial Rep Tip: Typically for the best development you want to do an exercise through the full range of motion.
But there are times when just partial reps are highly beneficial. This is especially true with lateral raises. I will
often incorporate partial reps to take a set “beyond failure”. Do your side lateral raises through the full range of
motion until you hit failure. While you cannot lift the DB’s all the way up you can still lift them 3⁄4 or 1⁄2 way.
Sometimes I will continue lifting doing these partial reps until I cannot see even more my arms. The secret is to
keep good form and not get sloppy. This partial rep technique will work on many exercises. Just be careful.

Week 4: Day 5: Arms
Superset: This is the process of doing two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. This whole
program revolves around combining German Volume Training (10x10’s) with supersets.
Arms: Rest between sets 120 seconds.
1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 10 sets total.
1A. Barbell Preacher Curls: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Make sure your upper arms are really on that preacher arm pad and not just your elbows. Take the
negative slow and controlled and stop shy of a lockout. Power the barbell up flexing the biceps hard at
the top. As you are lifting up, be sure not to lean back. I like actually to lean into the pad while lifting up,
so I don’t cheat.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/_PvhWwgXJW.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/preacher-curl
1B. Seated Barbell Curls: 10 sets of 10 reps.
Sit upright with good posture on a bench. Your upper thighs should be parallel to the floor. Hold a
straight barbell right above your thighs. Your arms should be making a 90-degree angle in this position.
Curl the weight up and flex your biceps hard at the top. Slowly lower the barbell to starting position.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/86gK0TgXLQ.
2. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back without rest for 1 set. Do 10 sets total.
2A. Close Grip Machine Press: 10 sets of 10 reps.
I prefer to do to these in a Smith Machine. Hold the bar with a close grip no wider than shoulder width
(hands in line with shoulders) if not a little closer. Unlike a bench press as you lower the bar your arms
and elbows should stay close to the body. Lower the bar to your lower chest and press up using the
triceps squeezing them hard at the top. Take the negatives nice as slow. If you hit failure right at 12 reps
on set one, I would shoot to increase weight 10lbs total each set (5lb plate on each side). If you increase
weight and cannot hit the desired rep range that is ok, just use a lighter weight on the next set. Make
sure to keep detailed notes in your workout journal so you can adjust and progress next time you do this
View me performing a Close Grip Bench Press: https://www.instagram.com/p/_Kbhh2gXEa.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/close-grip-barbell-bench-press
2B. Triceps Pushdowns V Handle: 10 sets of 10 reps.
There are several handle variations that can be used on these. Let’s use the V handle or an EZ type
handle. You will be able to move more weight using this particular handle. The first step is to get into
proper starting position. Your upper arms and elbows should lock to the sides of your body. Keep your
chest up and power the weight down flexing your triceps hard at the bottom. Hold that squeeze for
several counts then take the negatives slowly. During this whole process, your elbows should stay fixed
in place. No forward movement should happen with the elbows ever.
Here is me performing: https://www.instagram.com/p/_MpM_kAXNX.
View here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/triceps-pushdown
Mind-Set Tip: Yes, there should be NO days off! That does not mean you need to be in the gym lifting weights
every single day. But you should remain active every day. Make this a lifestyle and not a duty. On my off days,
I still go on a light jog and do some home ab work. Going outside and playing ball with the kids or friends
counts as well. Stay active!

Week 4: Day 6 and 7: Auxiliary Work and Active Rest
Pick one of either day to be your Active Rest day and the other to be Auxiliary Work.
Auxiliary Work:
Make sure to warm up properly and stretch before doing this workout.
1. Squats: 8 sets 10, 10, 8, 8, 6, 6, 8, 10
(Note: I also stretch between each set to keep my lower back in good shape.)
2. Sumo Deadlifts: 4 sets of 10, 10, 8, 8
3. Superset: Do these 2 exercises back-to-back with no rest for 1 set. Do 5 setstotal.
3A. High Jumps: 10 reps.
Start by doing a squat and as you jump, lift your knees as high as possible.
View here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFckJL1AXOn.
3B. Short Sprint: 25-30 yards.
This can be an undefined distance as well such as the length of your backyard or your mailbox to your neighbor's.
Active Rest:
Use this time to let your body rest and recover. Get enough sleep. Evaluate this last week and make note
of areas that can be improved. Don’t let areas of weakness consume your thoughts, but concentrate on the
fact that you are moving forward. Remember nutrition is key to health and muscle building. Don’t let all your
sweat and effort go to waste. Put just as much intensity into making sure you are eating the proper amount
of quality food. Often on my rest days, I will do some light cardio for 20-30 minutes. By the time my next
workout comes I am ready to kick the doors in and lift some weights.

What’s Next?
Congratulations on making it through SGVT alive. If you can handle this program, you can do just about
anything. So what’s next? After a tough program like this, I recommend one lighter week of lifting. Do only
60-70% of the volume and weights used, and stay in the 13-15 rep range. Stop a few reps shy of failure. This
will allow your muscles and joints a chance to rest and heal.
After this recovery week you can do one of several things:
1. Check out my other ebook programs “Genesis,” ABsolute,” and “Armageddon” to do next. Releasing soon
will be my “5-10-15 System” which would be a great follow-up to the program you just finished. Check
them all out on www.WittigWorks.com.
2. Follow me on www.Facebook.com/WittigWorks and www.Instagram.com/WittigWorks. I post my
personal daily workouts. You can try to do my personal workouts that change from week to week.
3. If you need a more personal touch, I design custom nutrition plans and workout programs for people all
over the world. Visit my www.WittigWorks.com for more information.
4. I am available for 30-minute phone consultations to discuss your nutrition and workouts needs. Email
me at Michael@WittigWorks.com forinformation.
5. Communicate with me:
Snapchat: WittigWorks

Let me just say plainly that if you are not eating right, you won't get the results you want. You have
to take nutrition seriously. This will be difficult for some of you, but if you are going to sweat in the
gym don't you want maximum results? I will break this down for you and make it as simple as possible.
Our bodies need the macronutrients: Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fats. I recommend determining food
intake by macronutrient amounts rather than calories. Read labels and use Google to figure out what
macronutrient profile your food contains.
Gaining Maximum Muscle:
Protein: 1.5 to 2.0 grams per pound of body weight
Carbs: 1.5 to 2.0 grams per pound of body weight
Fats: 0.65 grams per pound of body weight
*1 pound = 0.454 kg
I recommend starting with 2.0 grams of protein per pound of body weight and the same for carbs. If you
start gaining too much body fat lower the amount of carbs down to 1.5g. If you are overweight, out of
shape, and over 230lbs use 230 for your calculations until you are below 230lbs. If you are over 230lbs,
but muscular, use your own body weight.
Dropping Body Fat:
Protein: 1.5 grams per pound of body weight
Carbs: 1.0 grams per pound of body weight
Fats: 0.50 grams per pound of body weight
*1 pound = 0.454 kg
If you are overweight, out of shape, and over 230lbs use 230 for your calculations until you are below
230. If you are over 230lbs, but muscular, use your own body weight. If you eat like this and are working
out hard, but not losing body fat or eventually stall you can drop carbs down to 0.50 grams. Once you
drop down to that low carb diet of 0.50 grams per pound of body weight, you must have one high carb
day a week of 1.5-2.0 grams per pound of body weight.
180 pound person (81.6kg)
Protein: 180 x 2.0 = 360 grams of protein per day
Carbohydrate: 180 x 2.0 = 360 grams of carbs per day
Fat: 180 x 0.65 = 117 grams of fat per day
Protein Sources:
Eating enough protein will be a challenge for some of you especially if you are a vegetarian, but do not worry.
In addition to meat protein sources, I also have a short list of diary, vegetables, and fruits that are high in
protein as well. These are just ideas and not all the possible foods in the world. I recommend reading labels and
Googling the nutritional content of any foods you plan to eat. Make sure the foods you eat fit into your daily
macronutrient requirements. Whole eggs and egg whites are a great source of protein and should be included
into any muscle building diet if at all possible.
Non-fat Greek Yogurt
Non-fat Cottage
Lean Ground
Lean Ground
Lean Steak
Lean Pork Loin
Beef Jerky
Carbohydrate Vegetable**
Sweet Potatoes
Brown Rice
Soy Beans
Dried Apricots Tempeh
Low-fat String Cheese Whole Wheat
Lima Beans
Re-Kaged Post
Workout Whey
Low-fat Milk
Green Peas
Collard Greens
Pumpkin Seeds
Bean Sprouts
Bread Products
Veggie Soy
*I realize that some of you may be vegetarians. Any of the meats below can be switched out with dairy or
whey protein powder.
**All variety of fruits and vegetables are good for you and should be eaten. The ones listed just happen to be
higher in protein and should be considered if you are a vegetarian.
***Other nuts are a great source of protein as well. Just be careful to not exceed your total fat amount for the
day as nuts are high in fat.
Nutrition Guidelines:
1. Drink more water. The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake of water is roughly 3
liters (about 13 cups or 1 gallon) per day.
2. Avoid processed foods. This includes most things in boxes, cans, and wrappers.
3. Don't add salt, sugar, or butter. Use natural seasonings whenever possible. Check out www.flavorgod.
com for natural seasonings that taste incredible.
4. Spread your meals, snacks, and shakes out over 6-8 servings a day. Upon waking try to eat every 2-3
hours. You should bring in more calories before high energy events. Fewer calories before long periods of
sitting or sleeping.
5. Depending on your goals, fat loss or maximum muscle gain, you can allow yourself several planned cheat
meals a week. Eat and drink whatever you want until you are comfortably full. Plan ahead and eat a
little less before and after these planned cheat meals. I typically give myself 2 cheat meals a week plus
a sweet treat.
6. The key to eating healthy and bringing in the proper amount of food on a daily basis is proper planning.
Always think ahead and make sure you have the foods available and prepared before you run into
7. Drinking a high quality Whey protein shake immediately after workouts is always a good idea for
recovery. I personally take two scoops of Kaged Muscle’s Re-Kaged (50 grams of protein) after every
workout. More information on this in the supplement section.
8. Try to avoid fast food unless it is for a planned cheat meal. Even the “healthy” choices are typically not
very healthy.

9. Eating properly and exercising with intensity are priority. If you are doing both of those things some
supplements can help assist with your goals. They are not a requirement, but can definitely help. Read
the Supplement section of this book for my recommendations.
Sample Meal Plan:
Here is an example of what I currently personally eat in a given day. This is based on my weight and current
goals which are to stay lean and build muscle slowly. If you are wanting to build maximum muscle during this
program you will want to bring in more carbs than I am currently. Below is the process I go through to plan my
personal eating. I do this every time I start a new cutting or gaining cycle and then adjust as necessary. Once I
do this, I just eat close to this on a daily basis. Things don't have to be super exact.
1. Calculate macronutrient amounts in grams like shown above.
2. Set a schedule based on my typical day (waking up, working out, sleeping).
3. Using Google, I determine the nutritional content of the foods I plan to eat and make note of the
Protein, Carb, and Fat content.
4. I total up the Protein, Carb, and Fat grams and adjust as necessary.
5. Stick to the plan and schedule eating similar things foods. I do switch things out for variety.
6. Once I have lost or gained 10lbs I adjust slightly for the new weight.
6:30am (Breakfast):
7:30am (Breakfast):
10:00am (Workout):
11:30am (PostWorkout):
1:00pm (Lunch):
3:30pm (Snack):
6:00pm (Dinner):
9:00pm (Snack):
1 scoop of Re-Kaged Whey protein upon waking. I sip on this while preparing
1⁄2 cup oatmeal (dry measurement) with raisins, crushed walnuts, and a
drizzle of honey.
3 whole eggs and 1 egg white*
*I have to split breakfast up unto shifts since I take my children to school.
1 scoop of Re-Kaged Whey protein. I sip on this while I am working out.
2 scoops of Re-Kaged Whey protein and 30 grams of Dextrose. The dextrose
is mixed into the protein shake.
8oz lean protein, 2 cups of vegetables, 1 fruit. I try to eat a good meal as
close to one hour after my workout as possible.
1 cup of non-fat Greek Yogurt with 1/4cup of crushed walnuts and drizzle of
8oz of lean protein, 2 cups of vegetables, 1 large sweet potato
2 slices of P28 high protein bread with P28 high protein peanut butter
I have never taken steroids or any illegal performance enhancing drugs and do not recommend that you
consider taking them. I exercise for health first and then physique. Supplements are not absolutely necessary
to reach your goals, but they can surely help if used properly. Remember if you are not eating correctly or
working out with intensity, supplements can be a waste.I am honored to an official ambassador of Kaged
Muscle supplements. When I stand behind any company it’s because I am personally passionate about it.
Here is why I am a Kaged Muscle Ambassador:
*Manufactured in FDA inspected and NSF certified facility.
*Banned substance free- BSCG certified.
*3rd party tested for label accuracy.
*No artificial flavors, colors, or dyes.
*Highest quality ingredients in the correct dosages for maximum results.
*Every ingredient and dosage is on the label.
Kaged Muscle supplements are not just for bodybuilders. They will help anybody build lean muscle which
everybody will want to do to some degree as lean muscle helps our bodies burn fat more efficiently. Kaged
Muscle products can help burn body fat.
Get 10% off www.KagedMuscle.com with code “Wittig10”.
Here is a list of my favorite Kaged Muscle products:
Pre-Kaged: The
In-Kaged: Amino
Re-Kaged: Build
best pre-workout to
help increase
intensity, focus,
pump, and
acids plus organic
caffeine to train
with more intensity
and increased
muscle and recover
with post-workout
bcaa's and 28g of
pure whey.
Flavor all your
beverages! hydrate,
recover, and defend!
Muscle Gain:
Weight Loss:
Creatine Hcl:
Bcaa Powder:
Clean Burn:
Build muscle with
the ONLY patented
creatine hcl!
Promote muscle
growth and reduce
muscle breakdown
after intense
Carve your body
Patented carnipure
l-carnitune improves
health and aids in
Other Supplements:
Multi-vitamin: It’s always a good idea to take a good multi-vitamin to make sure all your vitamin and
mineral bases are covered.
Dextrose: It is important to replenish glucose supplies after a hard workout for maximum muscle gain.
Dextrose is a super quick burning carb that helps accomplish this process. I buy a huge tub of dextrose and
add 30 grams into my post-workout Kaged Muscle Re-Kaged protein shake. A giant Wonka Pixi stick will also
accomplish the same goal.
*Supplements are not regulated by the FDA. Take at your own risk. I take these products and have had no
adverse side effects. But honestly, the long term use of supplements are being studied daily. Nobody can
universally say they are 100% safe. Wittig just being honest with you all.
Order directly from KagedMuscle.com and get 10% off
all orders using code “Wittig10”. They ship world-wide.
Special Thanks
The following companies have given me great support and have been game changers in my personal fitness
journal. I encourage you to check them out in hopes they will help you as much as they have me.
Kaged Muscle: I personally use Kaged Muscle supplements because of their
quality, purity, and safety. FDA inspected and NSF certified. 3rd party tested and
every ingredient and dosage is on the label. No artificial flavors, colors, or dyes.
They have products to help men/women gain lean muscle and/or lose fat. These
are a highest quality supplements in the correct dosages for maximum results.
Order directly from KagedMuscle.com and get 10% off all orders using code
“Wittig10”. They ship world-wide.
Ryder Wear: High quality fitness and street apparel. They also make the best
Official Athlete
lifting shoes in the market "D-Maks" and "Raptors". I currently own 2 pairs with
more on the way. These shoes will help you perform better, protect your feet, and
help your other day shoes last longer. Get 10% off all orders on www.RyderWear.
com using code "WW10".
Extreme Rush Apparel: I wear their clothing almost exclusively in and out
of the gym. You will see me wearing their gear in all my Facebook and Instagram
posts. This company has supported me like no other. I believe in looking killer
while killing workouts. Check them out at extremerush.com. Get 30% off all
orders using my code “WW” during checkout.
Shields Of Strength: In most of my pictures you will see me wearing a Plate
necklace. This necklace has the verse Phil 4:13 engraved on it, “I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me”. This company makes jewelry and other
products with powerful verses printed on them. This company donates thousands
of dog tags with verses to the US military every year. Get 15% off all orders on
ShieldsofStrength.com using code “Wittig”.
P28 Foods: These guys make high protein bread, spreads, pancake mixes, flat
breads, and more. Their products have been a game changer for me and my eating.
On my Instagram ,you will occasionally see the pizzas, chimichangas, and Belgium
waffles I make often using their products. This is stuff I can eat while staying cut.
P28 products make eating healthy easy. Check out them at P28Foods.com.
Flavor God: They make healthy seasonings that are amazing. Low sodium and
no preservatives. All natural. Their seasonings have been another game change
for me when it comes to eating. There is no reason healthy food has to be bland.
Do yourself a favor and check out FlavorGod.com.
Six Pack Bags: My meal management bags have been some of the biggest
game changers in my fitness lifestyle. Before I was an official Six Pack Bags
ambassador, I used my Innovator bag every single day for 2 years. These bags can
keep a day worth of food, drinks, and snacks cool the entire day. They will help
keep you on track regardless of your situation and especially if you are away from
home. Check them out at www.sixpackbags.com. They are worth the investment.
Swole O'Clock: Heavy duty time pieces that reflect strength, aesthetics,
Official Ambassador
and toughness. SWOLE= Strength Will Overcome Limitations Everytime!
Order through my special think to get free shipping: http://swoleoclock.refr.cc/