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Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination Essay

Student: Linah B Sumo
Assignment 2 BUS5113
Date: September 9,2022
Stereotype, Prejudice, and Discrimination
write an essay as to how your attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors are affected positively or
negatively by them in a personal and organizational context.
In an organizational setting, people always face positively and negatively behaviors of their
colleagues’ attitudes and perceptions. These behaviors are affected by some negative elements such
as stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice. People’s experiences over time have caused them to
develop those elements. Other elements factors such as selective perception, projection, halo effect,
tokenism, and intersectionality also impact people’s perception.
Perception affects the way people communicate and collaborate. Stereotypes, discrimination, and
prejudice make people difficult to understand the truth in the message of other people, thus
affecting their behavior and, in turn, the positive or negative results in the organization. In this
writing, the three elements will be defined and discussed in this topic and how those elements
affect positively or negatively attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors in a personal and organizational
Stereotypes are beliefs that are imposed on people based on race, nationality, and sexual
orientation (Nittle, 2019). These characteristics are often oversimplifications of a person or groups
involved, and all stereotypes are considered as generalizations, but not all generalizations are
stereotypes. Overall, it is our thought that is about beliefs, attributes, characteristics, and behaviors
of a specific group. For example: ‘black people have a great smile’. This statement refers to our
assumption we believe in another specific group of people and use it to bias our expectations of a
specific person because they belong to that group. Every individual or organization needs to limit
the use of stereotypes to templates, so they must be adjusted to reflect one’s perception and reality.
Otherwise, as he has observed (Jussim, 2012), stereotypes can produce false, biased, and powerful
self-actualization perceptions.
According to Dean (2021), prejudice is a person’s attitude based on opinions and stereotypes
rather than facts and evidence. In another word, prejudice is an attitude of people that are
influenced by biased feelings, moods, and experiences to a particular social group. Overall, it has
positive and negative associations about a specific group. For example, ‘I love British’, refers to a
positive prejudice whereas “I hate this group” and that refers to a negative prejudice to a particular
group. Hence,
According to American Psychological Association (2019), discrimination is Unfair or prejudicial
treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, age, or sexual
orientation. Discrimination is what happens when someone treating other particular people
differently based on the group or statue they belong to. If there is a reliable pattern where a person
treating another one different in terms of better or worse than others and the primary difference
between them is their social identity/category of the specific group they belong to, thus it is
discrimination. For example, someone who gives higher tips for white waiters than black waiters in
a restaurant. This is driven by the race of the person that is receiving. Overall, discrimination is a
behavior in terms of action that is biased by the social category/status/identity of a particular
person they belong to.
In sum, everyone has the characteristics of a stereotype, discrimination, and prejudice in one way
or another. For many people, stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice have become everyday life
and we can see them clearly around us. Experience has influenced our life the way we perceive and
receive things that affect our interpretation, meaning, and judgment. We can develop or shape our
perception to be as objective, fair, and progressive as possible. Being aware of our prejudices and
stereotypes will help eliminate any discrimination. Furthermore, any unfounded discrimination is
eliminated by verifying legal or justified discrimination. Diversity makes our society and our
organization thrive.
American Psychological Association. (2019). Discrimination: What it is, and
how to cope. Retrieved from: https://www.apa.org/topics/racism-biasdiscrimination/types-stress
Dean. E., M. (2021). What Is Prejudice? Psychology, Definition, and Examples. Retrieved
from: https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/psychologists/what-is-
Jussim, L. (2012). Social Perception and Social Reality: Why Accuracy Dominates Bias and SelfFulfilling Prophecy. Oxford: Oxford Scholarship Online
Management Study Guide. (2019). Communication Flows in an Organization. Retrieved from
Management Study
Guide: https://www.managementstudyguide.com/communication-
Mukendi, Dan. (2019). Can eliminate stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination. Retrieved
from: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/can-eliminate-stereotypes-
Nitte, K., Nadra. (2019) What Is Stereotypes? Retrieved
from: https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-the-meaning-of-stereotype-