Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 103091 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering journal homepage: Dynamic modeling of a full-scale anaerobic mesophilic digester start-up process for the treatment of primary sludge T ⁎ Wenwen Yanga, Stephanie Younga, , Alex Munozb, Matthew J. Palmarina a b Department of Environmental Systems Engineering, University of Regina, 3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada Stantec Consulting Ltd., Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada A R T I C LE I N FO A B S T R A C T Keywords: BioWin Modeling AMD Anaerobic sludge digester Biogas Methane The current start-up procedures for anaerobic sludge digesters offer limited early biogas production. This increases the cost of heating since natural gas must be purchased until methane can be produced onsite. In this research, three simulations were carried out using the BioWin 5.2 software package to expedite the production of biogas during the start-up of a full-scale anaerobic digester treating primary sludge. The first set of simulations was conducted to assess the predictive capabilities of the software when used to model this start-up process. The second set of simulations was conducted to identify which kinetic factors most significantly affect the aforementioned model. The third set of simulations was conducted to evaluate strategies designed to accelerate biogas production. The start-up strategies were developed for use in wastewater treatment plants with limited availability to seed sludge. These strategies aimed to determine the minimum amount of seed sludge, the initial sludge feed rate, and the daily sludge feed rate (with and without the addition of a pH control agent), for early biogas production. BioWin was able to reliably simulate the start-up of a full-scale digester with a relatively good fit to the plant measured data. The overall mean absolute percentage error was less than 25%, and the overall Willmott index was greater than 0.82. The results of the sensitivity analysis indicated that the BioWin outputs were more sensitive to changes in the hydrolysis rate than the acetoclastic maximum specific growth rate or the acetoclastic anaerobic decay rate. 1. Introduction Anaerobic sludge digesters are commonly used to manage the biodegradable waste solids produced at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). In medium to large-scale plants, sewage sludge is anaerobically treated to produce biogas, which can be used for the production of heat and electricity [1,2]. Maximizing biogas production is therefore important, since wastewater treatment plants face continual pressure to reduce their operating costs. For this reason, the recovery of biogas from wastewater treatment processes has been increasing worldwide, particularly in Europe over the last decade [3–9]. Historically, research related to increasing biogas production has focused on manipulating operating parameters, the addition of other waste products, or the pretreatment of sludge prior to anaerobic digestion [10–15]. Research related to modeling has focused on (1) demonstrating that simulated models are accurate enough to describe biogas production; (2) determining the parameters that can be used to calibrate those models [11,12,15–20]; and (3) modeling the impact of nutrient recycling from the anaerobic digesters to the liquid train ⁎ [21,22]. Research related to the start-up of anaerobic digesters has focused on (1) operating strategies for thermophilic upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors treating slaughterhouse wastewater, distillery wastewater, molasses, animal waste, and municipal solid waste [23–28]; (2) process description and operating parameters that govern the start-up process for innovative lab-scale anaerobic reactors for dairy or synthetic wastewater [29,30]; (3) process description and operating parameters that govern the start-up process for anaerobic mesophilic digesters for municipal sludge with very low seed sludge [31]; and (4) microbial population dynamics during the start-up phase of aerobic reactors for municipal solid waste or agricultural waste [32–35]. Few studies have been conducted to model the dynamic behaviour of an anaerobic digester during the start-up process, and those that do typically used a substantial amount of seed sludge [17,36–38]. To the authors’ knowledge, no studies have been conducted to develop strategies that accelerate the start-up of a full-scale anaerobic mesophilic digester for the treatment of municipal primary sludge where the volume of seed sludge was limited. Consequently, these start-up processes are typically Corresponding author. E-mail address: (S. Young). Received 14 November 2018; Received in revised form 9 April 2019; Accepted 12 April 2019 Available online 16 April 2019 2213-3437/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 103091 W. Yang, et al. 2.2. Digester description not optimized for biogas production. The start-up process may account for two to three months of no biogas production every three to five years, depending on the cleaning frequency of the digester. The operational steps for the start-up of an anaerobic digester have been discussed in various papers [31,35,39–42]. The Technical Practice Committee-Subcommittee on Sludge Digestion [42] recommended a seed quantity equal to 15% of the digester’s volume, and a sludge feed rate of no more than 10% of the anticipated maximum daily load for each day. They also recommended increasing the sludge feed rate by 50–100% of the initial daily feed rate once gas production reaches approximately 50% of its expected production rate. These guiding principles are not feasible for remote WWTPs (those located more than 250 km from another WWTP with anaerobic digesters) due to the cost of hauling seed sludge over long distances. Without publicly available guiding principles for remote WWTPs, the digester start-up process is often sub-optimal with significantly delayed biogas production. This increases the operating costs of the wastewater treatment plant because natural gas must be used as a replacement energy source for heating other active digesters and buildings. This effect is felt most strongly in countries operating digesters in cold climates. Consequently, there is a need to develop a guideline to help these operators start their digesters quickly and efficiently. A calibrated and validated BioWin model [43] was used in this study to optimize the start-up of an anaerobic digester for early biogas production. The optimization was performed by determining the minimum seed sludge volume, initial sludge feed rate, and daily sludge feed rate increase, with and without the addition of a pH control agent. One of the challenges in developing strategies designed to accelerate digester start-up is the difficulty of conducting pilot-scale studies. Often, large-scale studies are too technically difficult or expensive to pursue, limiting much of the research to small-scale studies. Yet, smallscale studies provide limited insight regarding the biological processes that occur inside large-scale digesters. Thus, they are of limited use to wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) operators. Computational modeling has instead been used as an alternative means of predicting the performance of wastewater treatment processes. There are several simulator packages available on the market for wastewater treatment. One of the most recognized simulators in North America is BioWin, developed by EnviroSim Associates Ltd. Several researchers have shown that BioWin simulations for anaerobic digesters follow the measured trend quite well while using the software’s default kinetic and stoichiometric parameters [11,12,15,16,18,19]. For example, a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of less than 10% has been demonstrated for the prediction of biogas production using labscale digesters treating municipal waste activated sludge [11]. The software, therefore, provides a suitable approach for the simulation of digester processes. The Regina WWTP utilizes a two-stage anaerobic mesophilic digestion process to treat the primary sludge removed from the upstream primary sedimentation process. Two high-rate anaerobic digesters are coupled in series with a sludge holding tank. The anaerobic digesters, operated in parallel, are used for sludge digestion and methane gas production. The digester is a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) heated to 35 °C and equipped with a Walker mixing system, which consists of a biogas recirculation compressor, a 1.5 m diameter educator tube, and eight 50 mm diameter gas lines with diffuser assembly. The unheated and unmixed sludge holding tank is used to separate the digested sludge into two streams: the thickened sludge, which is pumped to the belt filter press; and the supernatant/centrate, which flows by gravity to the grit effluent channel. 2.3. Simulation model description In general, the computational modeling of anaerobic digesters in BioWin involves the use of an Activated Sludge/Anaerobic Digestion Model (ASDM). The ASDM enables an integrated simulation of the whole plant, where output from the liquid stream model – in the form of primary/secondary sludge – is input directly into the anaerobic digestion model [16]. This feature of the ASDM facilitates modeling of the digester without the need to characterize the sludge streams in terms of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids, as required by other models. In addition, the ASDM frees the designer from having to map one model’s output to another model’s input, which significantly reduces the complexity of building full-plant models, particularly those incorporating many different processes. In the anaerobic digestion process, the consortium of microorganisms requires careful volatile fatty acid (VFA)/total alkalinity (TA) ratio control during the initial establishment phase to maintain a pH above levels inhibitory to the growth of methanogens. The buffer capacity regulating this pH is a function of the ammonia, calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate concentrations in the anaerobic digester. When the sludge feed rate is beyond the buffer capacity and the amount of seed sludge, hydrolysis and fermentation processes begin to produce too many acids, causing the pH to decrease. The decrease in pH during start-up is caused by an imbalance in the acidogenic and methanogenic bacterial populations, where the concentration of methanogenic bacteria is too low in relation to the acidogenic bacteria and no longer capable of assimilating the excessive production of short-chain fatty acids. The decrease in pH can also be attributed to the consumption of alkalinity by carbon dioxide and volatile acids (VA). Due to the partial pressure of the carbon dioxide gas in the digester, it solubilizes and forms carbonic acid, which consumes alkalinity [44]. The carbon dioxide concentration in the digester gas is therefore reflective of the alkalinity requirements. A low pH has a negative impact on the start-up process because it inhibits the growth of methanogens and further delays methane gas production. When the sludge pH is below 6.2, methanogenic bacteria will no longer function [40], and the digester will remain in an acidic condition for a longer period unless a pH control agent is added. Therefore, wastewater treatment practitioners often suggest maintaining a VFA/TA ratio of less than 0.35 (VFA expressed as mg L−1 acetic acid and alkalinity as mg L−1 CaCO3) [45,46]. In this study, BioWin was used to simulate the dynamic operation of a primary treatment plant and the digestion of primary sludge. The simulations focused specifically on the performance of an anaerobic mesophilic digester during start-up. To achieve this objective, the model was calibrated and validated for the dynamic operation of the plant during 2007 [43]. The calibration results identified volatile suspended solids (VSS) as the most critical parameter. VSS is indirectly defined by the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the primary influent, the removal of total suspended solids (TSS) in the primary settling tank, the fraction of influent COD composed of non-biodegradable 2. Methodology 2.1. Plant description For this study, data from the Regina WWTP, located in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, were used to simulate the start-up of an anaerobic digester. The raw sewage flow rate of the Regina WWTP is 70,925 m3 d−1. Regina’s raw sewage is collected at a terminal lift station, where it is screened and pumped to a primary treatment plant. The primary treatment plant consists of two aerated grit removal tanks and three primary sedimentation tanks, where grit, suspended solids, and scum are removed. Primary effluent is then pumped to aerated lagoons. The primary sludge and scum are collected by a bridge collector and pumped to two mesophilic anaerobic digesters. Digested sludge is continuously transferred to a sludge holding tank, and then periodically pumped to a belt filter press to reduce its water content. 2 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 103091 W. Yang, et al. Fig. 1. Configuration of the simulation model during the start-up of digester 2. supplementary materials. The primary sludge, digester sludge, and cake TS concentrations were monitored so that they would remain within the correct range. Typical values for these parameters are 3.2–3.6%, 5–8%, and 22–32%, respectively. The digester start-up processes were monitored by sampling the digester twice daily at 7:30 AM and 2:00 PM during the acid-forming phase and once daily during the methane-forming phase. Gas production (Appleton flowmeter model GR series), methane content (Method 2720B), pH, total alkalinity (Method 2320B), total solids (Method 2540 G), and volatile acids [47] were measured for each sample. particulates (Fup), and the fraction of influent COD composed of slowly biodegradable particulates (Fxsp) [18]. As soon as the VSS was set to match the plant measured data, the model predicted values for biogas production, VFA, and pH fit reasonably well while using default kinetic parameters. The overall MAPE was less than 16%. Afterwards, the calibrated model was used to simulate the digester start-up process. 2.4. Simulation model configuration The configuration of the Regina WWTP start-up process is shown in Fig. 1. The process includes a grit tank, sedimentation tank, digester 1, digester 2, sludge holding tank, and belt filter press. The element dimensions and operating variables are summarized in Table 1. The model inputs were as follows: wastewater influent to grit tank, primary scum to digester 1, and primary scum, bicarbonate, and seed sludge to digester 2. The model outputs were as follows: primary effluent, primary sludge to lagoons, and cake. It should be noted that during the start-up of digester 2, digester 1 experienced a major process upset due to the clogging of its mixing system. Thus, digester 1 was out of service and the majority of the primary sludge was diverted to the aerated lagoons. The dynamic simulations presented here encompass the series of events that occurred since start-up, as listed in Table 2 from April to September 2012. 2.6. Input parameters The input wastewater characteristics and wastewater fractions used for the simulations are summarized in Tables S2 and S3 in the supplementary materials. In addition to the wastewater, scum collected in the primary sedimentation tanks at the Regina WWTP was also pumped to the digester and contributed to biogas production. Therefore, scum 1 and scum 2 were considered two additional streams of influent to the digesters. The wastewater fractions that were adjusted include the readily biodegradable fraction, Fbs, the acetate fraction, Fac, and the ammonia fraction, Fna. These values were adjusted because the Regina force mains from the terminal lift station act as fermenters and thus increase the Fbs and Fac fractions in the primary influent. It should be noted that it was considered unacceptable to change the influent Fup and Fxsp fractions, since it was important to maintain a balance between all of the wastewater parameters. This was especially the case since the treatment of the liquid train was not modelled in this study. 2.5. Dynamic simulation of start-up To ensure a successful simulation, the digester was flushed with 759 m3 of water (two digester volumes) for the first 10 days of the simulation. This step was required to flush out the consortium of bacteria responsible for anaerobic digestion, and to set the digester alkalinity and pH to the measured values before sludge seeding. The digester was then flushed with 2 m3 of water for the next 5 days of the simulation. This step was required to ensure that the simulation reached stable values before sludge seeding. The state variables for the flushing water, sludge seed, and bicarbonate solution, are provided in Table S1 in the 2.7. Base case simulation The base case was constructed using data from the start-up of an actual digester at the Regina WWTP. A list of events that occurred during this start-up is provided in Table 2. The plant measured values from this start-up are shown with red squares in the simulation results. Table 1 Element dimensions and operating variables. Parameter Grit tank Volume, m3 Area, m2 Depth, m Width, m TSS removal, % Sludge blanket fraction Underflow fraction split, m3 d−1 Headspace, m3 Pressure, kPa Temperature, °C 940 4 4 65 0.1 3.4 × 10−5 Sedimentation tank Digester (1 or 2) Sludge holding tank 2106 3.6 3796 405 9.36 3796 405 9.36 65 0.1 4.0 × 10−3 70 0.4 0.1 492 103 35 3 Belt filter press 90 0.2 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 103091 W. Yang, et al. Table 2 List of events that occurred following the start-up of digester 2. Event Date Week The digester was filled with primary sludge and tertiary effluent. This was done to minimize the presence of dissolved oxygen, COD, sulfate, and toxins. The digester was seeded with 40 m3 of seed sludge (1.05% digester volume). The feed rate was set to 2 m3 d−1 of primary sludge. The feed rate was increased from 2 m3 d−1 to 16 m3 d−1 at a rate of 1.4 m3 d−1. The feed rate was halted at 8 m3 d−1 due to a rapid increase in VFA concentration. The feed rate was stopped as the VFA concentration approached the threshold of irreversible acidic conditions (300 mg L−1 VFA). This threshold corresponded to a VFA/TA ratio of 0.5 and a pH of 6.4. The feed rate was set to 2 m3 d−1 of primary sludge. A pH control agent was added at a dose = 910 kg of sodium bicarbonate dissolved in 10 m3 of solution (1085 mmol L−1 of CO2 and Na). A pH control agent was added at a dose of 455 kg sodium bicarbonate dissolved in 5 m3 of solution (1085 mmol L−1 of CO2 and Na). A pH control agent was added at a dose of 182 kg sodium bicarbonate dissolved in 2 m3 of solution (1085 mmol L−1 of CO2 and Na). A pH control agent was added at a dose of 91 kg sodium bicarbonate dissolved in 1 m3 of solution (1085 mmol L−1 of CO2 and Na). The feed rate was increased from 2 m3 d−1 to 24 m3 d−1 at a rate of 0.9 m3 d−1. The feed rate was increased from 24 m3 d−1 to 56 m3 d−1 at a rate of 0.7 m3 d−1. The gas production reached 500 m3 d−1. The feed rate was increased from 56 m3 d−1 to 110 m3 d−1 at a rate of 2.0 m3 d−1. The feed rate was increased from 110 m3 d−1 to 250 m3 d−1 at a rate of 3.1 m3 d−1. Feed scum was added at a variable flow rate ranging from 5 to 12 m3 d−1. April 14 1 April 16 April 16 April 17–27 April 28–May 1 May 1–15 1 1 1–2 2–3 3–4 May 16 May 17 May 18 May 28 September 26 May 17–June 10 June 11–24 June 24 June 25–July 21 July 22–September 2 August 27 4 4 4 4 4 4–8 9–10 11 11–14 14–20 19 digester start-up preparations took place. In terms of simulations, digester flushing reset the bacteria populations to the levels measured before seeding. (2) Initial feed rate: The initial feed rate was set to 1.7 m3 d−1 after seeding on day 16. This corresponded to 0.045% of the digester’s volume, or an initial Organic Loading Rate (OLR) of 0.012 kg VS m−3 d−1 or 0.02 kg COD m−3 d−1 (April 17, 2012). (3) Feed rate increase during the acid-forming phase: The feed rate increased by 0.75 m3 d−1 for the next 35 d until a feed rate of 28 m3 d−1 was reached on day 51 (May 22, 2012). The increase in feed rate corresponded to 0.02% of the digester’s volume (or an OLR increase of 0.0054 kg VS m−3 d−1 or 0.0093 kg COD m−3 d−1). (4) Feed rate increase during the methane-production phase: The feed rate was increased by 6.35 m3 d−1 for the next 36 d until the maximum feed rate was reached on day 87 (June 27, 2012). The increase in feed rate corresponded to 0.167% of the digester’s volume (or an OLR increase of 0.046 kg VS m−3 d−1 or 0.079 kg COD m−3 d−1). A maximum feed rate of 250 m3 d−1 (or maximum OLR of 1.7 kg VS m−3 d−1 or 3.1 kg COD m−3 d−1) was selected because it corresponded to a solids retention time of 15 d. Fig. 2 also presents the estimated food-to-mass ratio, which was calculated by dividing the primary sludge volatile solids mass rate by the mass of volatile solids in the digester as estimated by the simulation model. The food-to-mass ratio increased until it reached a plateau of 0.070 d−1 during the acid-forming phase, and 0.135 d−1 during the methane-production phase. The food-to-mass ratio then stabilized at 0.115 d−1 after two weeks of reaching a maximum feed rate of 250 m3 d−1. All of the dynamic simulation results for digester VFA, gas flow rate, alkalinity, TSS, methane content, and pH are presented in Figs. 3–14. In Figs. 3–8, the BioWin results for the base case scenario are depicted with solid red lines. The results for the sensitivity analysis with a modified acetoclastic maximum specific growth rate are depicted with solid green lines and full circles. The results for the sensitivity analysis with a modified acetoclastic anaerobic decay rate are depicted with dashed blue lines. The results for the sensitivity analysis with a The base case constructed from this data is shown with a solid red line. The base case utilized the kinetic parameters set in BioWin by default. 2.8. Sensitivity analysis A sensitivity analysis for the base case simulation was conducted to determine which kinetic factors most significantly affected the dynamic simulation. Methanogen kinetic parameters, such as the hydrolysis rate, acetoclastic maximum specific growth rate coefficient, and the acetoclastic anaerobic decay rate, were adjusted from their default values of 1.05 d−1, 0.30 d−1, and 0.13 d−1, to 1.36 d−1, 0.31 d−1, and 0.11 d−1, respectively. It should be noted that the hydrolysis rate constant was adjusted by modifying the anaerobic hydrolysis factor from its default value of 0.50 to 0.65. It should also be noted that other studies have identified anaerobic digestion simulations as being most sensitive to influent COD, primary settling tank efficiency, influent Fxsp and Fup fractions [16,18], and the hydrolysis rate constant [17,38]. 2.9. Simulation of start-up strategies Various start-up strategies were simulated with the aim of accelerating the digester start-up process. The results of the simulated strategies were then compared against the base case scenario. An acceptable simulated strategy should also satisfy the following criteria: (1) the VFA concentration during the acid-forming phase should be less than 300 mg L−1 – the threshold of an irreversible acidic condition. This concentration corresponds to a VFA/TA ratio of 0.5; (2) the pH should be greater than 6.2; and (3) the biogas production should be equal to 10% of the expected average gas production achieved 35 d after start-up. It should be noted that these criteria are specific to Regina’s primary sludge, which contains very low alkalinity. The conditions that produced the most successful strategies are listed in Table 3 and presented in Fig. 2. The feed rate used for optimizing the digester start-up can be interpreted as four different events: (1) Digester flushing: This process lasted 15 d during which Table 3 Dynamic simulation conditions for the optimization of the start-up of an anaerobic digester. Simulation name Seed V (as % of digester V) Sludge feed rate NaHCO3 addition NaHCO3 solution V (91 g L−1) (O) Base case (A) 80 m3 of seed sludge (B) Early NaHCO3 addition 1.05% (40 m3) 2.1% (80 m3) 1.05% (40 m3) Slow: actual plant feed rate Flow proportional Flow proportional Added on day 46 None Added after seeding 18 m3 0 m3 15 m3 4 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 103091 W. Yang, et al. Fig. 2. Feed rate used for the optimization of the digester start-up. Table 2. Ideally, VFA should be measured using gas chromatography since it is the most accurate method. However, this method requires specialized equipment which was not available at the WWTP. For convenience, the DiLallo titration method [47] was used, which loses some accuracy as the bicarbonate concentration in the digester increases while the VFA concentration is less than 250 mg L−1 [48]. These conditions occurred after the addition of bicarbonate on May 17, 18, and 28, and during the methane-forming phase. In addition, the DiLallo method is susceptible to VA volatilization. Thus, samples low in VFA generally produced results with high deviation. For VFA results of less than 180 mg L−1, the modified DiLallo method was used, and the values were corrected by multiplying them by 1.41 [49]. The performance of a biogas flow meter can be significantly affected by the moisture content and temperature of the gas. Ideally, the flow meter should be located downstream of a biogas conditioning system which chills the gas to reduce its moisture content. BioWin does not include the moisture content of the mixture and consequently the discrepancy between the simulation results and the plant data could be attributed to the variable moisture content of the biogas during startup. Biogas flow rate predictions also differed from the values measured modified hydrolysis rate are depicted with dotted magenta lines. The plant measured values are shown with red squares. In Figs. 9–14, the BioWin results for the base case scenario are depicted with solid red lines; the results for the 80 m3 of seed sludge scenario are depicted with solid green lines and full circles. The results for the early bicarbonate addition scenario are depicted with dashed blue lines. 3. Results and discussion In general, the first set of simulations (base case scenario) indicated that the model results fit relatively well with the measured values, with an overall MAPE of 25% and Willmott index of 0.82. The BioWin model was able to accurately predict pH, alkalinity, and methane content, with a MAPE of less than 6% for each of these parameters. The base case simulation was also able to predict the effect of sodium bicarbonate addition on the digester’s pH and alkalinity. Certainly, there are some discrepancies between the model results and the measured values on Figs. 6–8. These discrepancies were attributed to the methods used to measure biogas, VFA, and TSS at the WWTP, and to the significant number of operational events listed in Fig. 3. Simulation results and sensitivity analysis for digester pH. 5 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 103091 W. Yang, et al. Fig. 4. Simulation results and sensitivity analysis for digester alkalinity. The simulation for the base case scenario provided a good fit between the predicted methane content and the measured values shown in Fig. 5. At the plant, methane was introduced into the digester before start-up, in order to purge air from the digester headspace and to provide the minimum pressure required to operate the gas recirculation compressor. Consequently, the methane content was relatively high. It is interesting to note that the model predicted the gradual increase in methane content after the digester was seeded and fed. After three weeks of start-up, the simulation also predicted the measured methane content of 82%. The methane content gradually decreased as the digester was fed primary sludge, due to the generation of carbon dioxide by the microorganisms during that time. After five weeks, the feed rate was stopped in response to the rapid increase in the VFA concentration which approached the threshold limit of 300 mg L−1. Primary sludge was reintroduced into the reactor on May 16 at a rate of 2 m3 d−1, followed by the addition of sodium bicarbonate to increase the pH. During the intervening time, the methane content rose to 80% before gradually decreasing to 62% for the remainder of the start-up. The subsequent drop in methane content was attributed to the resumption of the sludge feed and the release of carbon dioxide from the after July 9, due to the limited control the plant operators exercised over the sludge feed mass. This was reflected in the rapid increase in the measured TSS concentration in the digester. This is because the sludge feed rate was controlled manually by the plant operators and the total solids concentration decreased from 4.5% at the beginning of the pumping cycle to 3.4% by the end of the pumping cycle. Most importantly, the simulation was able to predict the acidforming phase that occurred during the first four weeks, with an estimated peak VFA concentration of 270 mg L−1 versus a measured VFA concentration of 410 mg L−1. The simulation was able to predict the effect caused by halting the sludge feed from April 28 to May 15 on VFA concentration. Remarkably, neither the digester nor the simulation reached the point of an irreversible acidic condition even though the VFA/TA ratio exceeded the threshold value of 0.5. In addition, the increase in VFA corresponded to a decrease in pH as shown in Figs. 3 and 7. This suggests that BioWin was able to successfully represent the hydrolysis inhibition caused by the high VFA concentration. Researchers using other simulation packages have found that it is necessary to modify the model to improve its predictive ability in this regard [37]. Fig. 5. Simulation results and sensitivity analysis for digester biogas methane content. 6 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 103091 W. Yang, et al. Fig. 6. Simulation results and sensitivity analysis for digester biogas flow rate. but had no significant effect on the digester’s alkalinity, biogas flow rate, or methane content. The default kinetic values in BioWin provide a relatively accurate prediction of the VFA concentration, without over predicting the VFA concentration during the methane-forming phase. They also accurately predicted the likelihood of developing an irreversible acidic condition during the acid-forming phase. These values may therefore be used when evaluating start-up strategies. Both of the simulated start-up strategies exhibited different pH, alkalinity, and VFA profiles, as shown in Figs. 9, 10 and 13. From Fig. 13, a rapid increase in VFA can be seen to occur between April 17, 2012 and May 7, 2012, with a peak concentration occurring approximately 18 d after the introduction of the seed sludge. Strategies A and B, listed in Table 3, did not shorten the acid-forming phase, but they did provide better control over the VFA concentration by reducing the peak concentration to below 200 mg L−1. Strategies A and B also maintained the VFA concentration above 120 mg L−1 throughout the acid-forming phase. Strategy B provided better control over the alkalinity than Strategy A. Fig. 10 shows an abrupt change in alkalinity after the addition of bicarbonate. The alkalinity profiles for both strategies converged 13 weeks after start-up. Both strategies produced a higher neutralization of the sodium bicarbonate. Methane content stabilized for both the model prediction and the measured values on June 16, after which the digester consistently produced more than 20 m3 h−1 of biogas. The sensitivity analysis indicated that the simulation results were most significantly affected by the hydrolysis rate and the acetoclastic anaerobic decay rate. The acetoclastic maximum specific growth rate coefficient had a less significant influence. The results of the sensitivity analysis are summarized in Table 4 and depicted in Figs. 3–8. The adjustment of the hydrolysis rate from 1.05 d−1 to 1.36 d−1 resulted in an accurate prediction of the VFA and alkalinity concentration during the acid-forming phase, but caused an over prediction of these two parameters during the methane-forming phase. However, the adjustments made to the hydrolysis rate provided a better fit to the digester’s pH, biogas, methane, and TSS during the methane-forming phase. The adjustment of the acetoclastic anaerobic decay rate from 0.13 d−1 to 0.11 d−1 resulted in an under prediction of the VFA concentration by 50% during the acid-forming phase, but provided a better fit to the digester’s pH. The adjustments made to the acetoclastic maximum specific growth rate or the acetoclastic anaerobic decay rate had a small effect on VFA, Fig. 7. Simulation results and sensitivity analysis for digester VFA. 7 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 103091 W. Yang, et al. Fig. 8. Simulation results and sensitivity analysis for digester TSS. production was achieved within only 12 weeks of start-up. The addition of bicarbonate was required only when less than 2% of the seed volume was available. In this case, 1,365 kg d−1 of sodium bicarbonate dissolved in 15 m3 of water was required for a 3,796 m3 digester. This strategy provided better pH control during the acid-forming phase by increasing the digester’s alkalinity by 4 mmol/L, which helped to maintain the VFA/TA ratio below 0.25 mg L−1. alkalinity profile than the base case scenario. Both strategies provided better control of the pH profile by maintaining the minimum pH above 6.35 compared to the base case scenario of 6.25. However, the early addition of bicarbonate in Strategy B provided the best pH control throughout the entire start-up period. The simulated start-up also indicated that both strategies exhibited identical methane content, biogas flow rate, and TSS concentration profiles, as shown in Figs. 11,12, and 14. Starting on May 30, 2012, the biogas production rate rapidly increased for 6 weeks until reaching a stable rate of 135 m3 h−1 on July 09, 2012. These strategies reduced the period of time to gas production by approximately 7 weeks compared to the base case scenario. Strategies A and B reached a stable methane content of 62%, 8 weeks after start-up (June 11, 2012). Both strategies reduced the fluctuations in methane content compared to the base case scenario. The strategies also increased the TSS in the digester 6 weeks after start-up (May 30, 2012). The TSS concentration continued to increase until reaching a stable concentration of 21,000 mg L−1 6 weeks later (July 09, 2012). From these simulation results, it was concluded that both strategies could enhance the start-up process of an anaerobic digester. Biogas 3.1. Guiding principles for digester start-up According to the simulation results depicted in Figs. 9–14, a set of guiding principles for the optimal start-up of an anaerobic digester were developed. These principles apply to anaerobic mesophilic digesters started with limited seed sludge and fed with primary sludge collected during wastewater treatment. 1 Guiding principles for WWTPs able to haul as much seed sludge from a neighboring plant as possible up until the end of the methane-forming phase: a The minimum amount of seed sludge required is 18% of the Fig. 9. Simulation results of start-up strategies for digester pH. 8 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 103091 W. Yang, et al. Fig. 10. Simulation results of start-up strategies for digester alkalinity. digester’s volume at 2.0% VS (or 3.64 kg VS m−3). b The initial sludge feed rate can be determined using a food-tomass ratio of 0.13 d−1 at the start of the methane-production phase, which corresponds to 1.87% of the digester’s volume at 2.5% VS. This corresponds to an initial OLR of 0.47 kg VS m−3 d−1 or 0.82 kg COD m−3 d−1. These values are about half of the values suggested by [29,36,41]. These studies were developed with a seed sludge volume greater than 50% of the digester’s volume. c The sludge feed rate can be increased at a rate of 0.15% of the digester’s volume. This corresponds to an increase in OLR of 0.038 kg VS m−3 d−1 or 0.066 kg COD m−3 d−1. d The maximum daily feed rate at the end of the methane-production phase should not exceed the feed rate estimated by dividing the digester’s volume by the recommended solids retention rate of 15 d. This corresponds to a maximum OLR of 1.8 kg VS m−3 d−1 or 3.1 kg COD m−3 d−1. e Gas production can be increased by the addition of scum after the digester has reached its maximum design feed rate. This is because the early addition of scum can increase the VFA/TA ratio above the maximum threshold of 0.5. 2 Guiding principles for WWTPs able to haul as much seed sludge from a neighboring plant as possible to avoid the acid-forming phase: a The minimum amount of seed sludge required is 13% of the digester’s volume at 2.0% VS (or 2.6 kg VS m−3). b The initial sludge feed rate can be determined using a food-tomass ratio of 0.07 d−1 at the start of the methane-production phase, which corresponds to 0.720% of the digester volume at 2.5% VS. This corresponds to an initial OLR of 0.18 kg VS m−3 d−1 or 0.31 kg COD m−3 d−1. c The sludge feed rate can be increased at a rate of 0.12% of the digester’s volume. This corresponds to an increase in OLR of 0.030 kg VS m−3 d−1 or 0.052 kg COD m−3 d−1 for 10 days. d The sludge feed rate can be increased at a rate of 0.15% of the digester’s volume during the methane-production phase. This corresponds to an increase in OLR of 0.038 kg VS m−3 d−1 or 0.066 kg COD m−3 d−1. 3 Guiding principles for WWTPs unable to haul a substantial amount of seed sludge from a neighboring plant: Fig. 11. Simulation results of start-up strategies for digester methane content. 9 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 103091 W. Yang, et al. Fig. 12. Simulation results of start-up strategies for digester biogas flow rate. Fig. 13. Simulation results of start-up strategies for digester VFA. c The initial sludge feed rate and sludge feed rate increase are listed above (guideline 3b–3d). a The minimum amount of seed sludge required is 2.1% of the digester’s volume at 2.02% VS (or 0.43 kg VS m−3) without the addition of a pH control agent. b The initial sludge feed rate should be less than 0.045% of the digester’s volume at 2.7% VS during the acid-forming phase. This corresponds to an initial OLR of 0.012 kg VS m−3 d−1 or 0.021 kg COD m−3 d−1. c The sludge feed rate can be increased at a rate of 0.02% of the digester’s volume during the acid-forming phase. This corresponds to an increase in OLR of 0.0053 kg VS m−3 d−1 or 0.0091 kg COD m−3 d−1 for the first 35 days. d The sludge feed rate can be increased during the methane-production phase as listed above (guideline 2c and 2d). 4 Guiding principles for WWTPs unable to haul a large amount of seed sludge from a neighboring plant, with the addition of a pH control agent: a The minimum amount of bicarbonate is 0.359 kg NaHCO3 per m3 of the digester’s volume at 91 g NaHCO3 L−1. b The minimum amount of seed sludge required is 1.05% of the digester’s volume at 2.02% VS (0.21 kg VS m−3 d−1). 4. Conclusions This study demonstrated that it is feasible to predict the performance of an anaerobic sludge digester during its start-up using BioWin 5.2. Different indexes were used to measure the agreement between the measured and predicted data, including R-squared, multiple R, Willmott index, and MAPE. These indexes indicate that the BioWin results fit reasonably well with the measured values with an overall MAPE of 25% and Willmott index of 0.82. The BioWin model was able to accurately predict changes in alkalinity, methane content, and pH with a MAPE of less than 6%. The ability of the BioWin model to produce accurate predictions depended on the correct specification of the wastewater fractions and kinetic parameters. This research identified that the anaerobic hydrolysis rate and the acetoclastic anaerobic decay rate have a significant effect on the predicted VFA concentration and pH. The strategies identified in this research may be used to determine 10 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 103091 W. Yang, et al. Fig. 14. Simulation results of start-up strategies for digester TSS. Table 4 Sensitivity analysis for anaerobic digestion in BioWin. Parameter Sensitivity index pH Alkalinity VFA Gas Methane content TSS Overall Default kinetic values Observations Multiple R R Square Willmott index MAPE Multiple R R Square Willmott index MAPE Multiple R R Square Willmott index MAPE Multiple R R Square Willmott index MAPE 146 0.70 0.48 0.70 1.9 0.64 0.41 0.75 1.7 0.68 0.47 0.70 1.8 0.66 0.44 0.70 1.7 146 0.70 0.96 0.99 6.7 0.64 0.92 0.84 23.2 0.68 0.96 0.99 6.7 0.66 0.96 0.99 6.6 146 0.12 0.01 0.42 64.4 0.07 0.01 0.46 87.3 0.08 0.01 0.39 59.1 0.02 0.00 0.37 46.8 146 0.96 0.91 0.97 51.4 0.95 0.90 0.94 72.9 0.96 0.91 0.97 51.2 0.96 0.91 0.97 50.2 21 0.91 0.83 0.85 5.9 0.90 0.80 0.84 5.8 0.91 0.83 0.85 5.9 0.91 0.83 0.85 5.9 45 0.99 0.98 0.97 21.7 0.98 0.97 0.98 12.6 0.99 0.98 0.97 21.8 0.99 0.98 0.97 21.9 0.73 0.70 0.82 25.3 0.70 0.67 0.80 33.9 0.72 0.69 0.81 24.4 0.70 0.68 0.81 22.2 Hydrolysis rate Acetoclastic maximum specific growth rate Acetoclastic anaerobic decay rate References the appropriate initial sludge feed rate for the available amount of seed sludge, as well as the sludge feed rate increment to use during each phase of the start-up process. 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