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Group Work Worksheet: Survey Response Analysis

1. Make a copy of this document: File ↠ Make a Copy↠ Rename your document (Question#_Period#)
2. Share with members of your group and Ms. Gattrell so everyone can edit
a. click on blue share button in upper right hand corner of document,
3. Individually, read through the responses 2 times (5 minutes)
4. Collectively, discuss what you notice about responses. What themes/categories emerge in the
responses? (10-15 minutes)
5. Choose 2-3 themes/categories (type them into the Theme column) (5 minutes)
6. Decide which responses belong in the categories. (15-20 minutes)
7. Provide text evidence from the responses for your chosen themes/categories (type them into the Text
Evidence column). (15 minutes)
8. Return to MAIN ROOM when you are finished to check-out with Ms. Haight
Question from Survey:
Names of Group Members:
Text Evidence From Responses