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1 John Study Guide: Obedience, Love, Light

1 John
A. book a3ributed to John
1. similar in style/structure of the Gospel of John
B. eyewitness account
C. connects Jesus as the ‘life’—1:2
D. contrast between darkness and light
E. obedience means we confess our sins, walk in light
F. when we do sin, Jesus serves as our advocate
1. He did the work as the atoning sacrifice
2. it’s up to us to confess, put work in to our faith!
1 John 2:3-11—read
A. similar to chapter 1
B. John repeats
C. NT Wright says he just wants John to ‘get on with it’
v. 3-6
A. How does John explain obedience as a ma3er of the heart?
B. v. 4—similar to 1:8, 10
C. v. 5
1. similar to 1:7, 9
2. talk is cheap, belief/faith produces ac.on
D. v. 6: NIV ‘Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did’
1. why is this such a struggle?
E. Why does obedience to God give us assurance that we know Him?
v. 7-8
A. John doesn’t state what this ‘old commandment’ is…so, what is he referring to?
B. from the context, what is this commandment?
1. see Lev. 19:18—specifically part ‘b’ of the verse
2. the old command was to love others
C. John is saying this ‘old command’ is also the ‘new command’, but while there is similarity
between the two, in what way is the new command actually new?
1. the new command is to love like Jesus did!—see vs. 6!
D. what is the ‘darkness is passing away’?
E. what is the ‘true light is already shining’?
F. Jackson: ‘This new level of love was a token of the new age illumina.on that was replacing an
era of darkness that was progressively passing away (v. 8). The influence of Chris.anity was
G. focus on the LIGHT of the WORLD
1. see John 8:12
2. how do we spread/show the light of Jesus?
3. what can we do to be be3er at showing the light of Jesus?
4. rhetorical—what can YOU do to be be3er at showing the light of Jesus?
v. 9-11
A. In verses 3-6, John writes that if we say we know God but don’t keep his commands, we’re
liars. How does v. 9 offer a similar thought, but in a different way?
1. possible answer—you cannot be in the light and hate…PERIOD!
B. It’s one thing to say we love, yet another to live contrary to that
C. John writes serious warning about ha.ng a family member in Christ. How are conflicts
destruc.ve for those on both sides of a dispute as well as for the church as a whole?
D. For John, and for Paul, and of course for Jesus, Himself…the commandments are all summed
up in one word: LOVE
E. All other commandments are the oujlowing of love…the love was revealed in Jesus and is
F. See Ma3hew 22:37-40
G. See Luke 10:25-28
H. ‘ALL OF ME’—point that out
I. So, given John’s warnings about ha.ng a fellow believer, how should we respond instead when
we find ourselves in deep disagreement with people in our fellowship or the church, in
VI. v. 12-14
A. this becomes extended repe..on—like a song, rhyme, hymn
B. this passage targets 3 groups
1. children
2. fathers
3. young men
C. each group has known or experienced something…what do they know and what did they
1. children: forgiveness—ex. a new Chris.an
2. father: knowledge—longevity in the faith
3. young men: overcome—matured in their faith
D. he repeats this—why?
E. broader point
1. it’s encouragement!
2. he gives a warning in v. 3-9
3. how is this encouraging? contrast with vs. 3-9
F. what effect does vs. 12-14 have on you?
G. how can this be applied, given the broader context of v. 3-14?
H. how doe the themes in v. 12-14 offer a summary of what John has wri3en about so far?
VII. vs. 13-14
A. the phrase ‘you have overcome the evil one’ is men.oned 2x
B. in case God’s love is star.ng to sound cozy or easy…remember, LOVE demands a victory over
the old enemy who does his best work through human hatred