A MARKETER’S DILEMMA: WHY AREN’T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? Liberate marketing data analysts from manual labor and unleash your competitive advantage. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION: Q U I C K-A CC E S S D ATA PA R A D OX A day in the life of a marketing data analyst.............................................. 05 SIX FACTORS SLOWING DOWN M A R K E T I N G D A T A A N A LY S T S 1) More data than we know what to do with............................................. 08 2) Marketing data analytics: pressure’s on................................................. 10 3) Marketers and data integration firms need the whole story.................. 11 4) Getting results or just getting by?.......................................................... 13 5) When staffing up slows you down.......................................................... 15 6) Disparate solutions are a fact of data life............................................... 16 TAKE BACK YOUR TIME Multiply your analytics power with single-platform conveniece................. 18 Data analysts can’t excel using spreadsheets alone.................................... 19 Checklist: take back valuable analytics time.............................................. 20 Code-free or code-friendly — you decide.................................................... 21 Predict the future and make history........................................................... 22 Alteryx helps marketers rock better results in record time........................ 24 K E Y TA K E AWAYS Cast a wider data net.................................................................................. 26 Get a better customer view with Alteryx.................................................... 27 Alteryx platform power unlocks competitive advantage............................ 28 Case studies................................................................................................ 30 Conclusion................................................................................................. 33 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION: THE QUICK ACCESS D ATA PA R A D OX INTRODUCTION: THE QUICKACCESS DATA PA R A D OX If you’re a marketing data analyst, you know all too well that marketing firms are increasingly expected to make decisions quickly. The pressure to provide faster insights on campaign effectiveness rests squarely on your shoulders, including enabling agile decision-making so campaigns can be adjusted. As a result, the vast majority of your days (and nights) are spent reporting on results, not advising on future opportunities. Although quick access to information and insights is highly valuable, many agencies are so busy collecting, munging, cleansing, and reporting it that they don’t have time to thoughtfully act on it. With so much time being spent on data prep and blend, firms that are able to streamline and automate report generation and analysis will not only enjoy competitive distinction, they’ll liberate data analysts to spend more time delivering unique insights instead of chasing their tails. Let’s dive into where marketing analysts spend the most time and look at those who lead the pack. A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 4 A DAY I N T H E L I F E OF A MARKETING D A T A A N A LY S T 7:50 AM You’re in early to pull together some numbers for a summary report the leadership team needs for their 10 am meeting. 8:30 AM You realize that a key metric for your report is held by someone in another department, and he doesn’t get in until 9:00—if you’re lucky. 9:59 AM 12:00 NOON With a minute to spare, you send the information to the leadership team. The CMO immediately responds, asking if you can join the meeting to walk them through your findings. “Don’t worry, it won’t take long.” The leadership team meeting is finally over, mostly because stomachs started growling. They loved your metrics, but you all grappled with how to proceed based on the data—and now you’re two hours behind. 12:20 PM After a hurried lunch, you pivot to your main task for the day: a monthly lead gen performance report. You’re prepared to spend the next few hours extracting data from spreadsheets, Google Analytics, Kissmetrics, a custom database—even an email exchange—to get it done. 2:00 PM You notice some location-based similarities in the data. If you could easily overlay geo-spatial data, this report would go from impressive to stellar—but it would also take three more days using your current process, so you have to skip GIS for now and get back to data munging. 4 :00 PM You ping a stakeholder in Channel Marketing, because her metrics indicate a different version of the truth than your data. To identify the problem, you need to meet with her at the other end of the building. You determine where the error is and re-import her data. A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 5 5:00 PM You follow up with internal data scientists about a predictive model that isn’t yielding the expected result. Without knowing how to code, you can’t identify the issue. 5:45 PM After an explanation from the data scientist, you have a better understanding of the model and how to apply it this time—but you wouldn’t be able to replicate it in the future. 7:00 PM 9:15 PM You realize that a mislabeling error in an Excel spreadsheet means that all the data from one source is off by two rows. Your data isn’t clean, and you have to rework the report. Time to go. You had to skip dinner and any semblance of a home life, but the monthly report is finally ready. You head to the nearly empty parking lot. Your report could have been so much better if most of your time hadn’t been eaten up with data prep and blend. Maybe next month will be different. WHAT IF ? … Y O U C O U L D P R O D U C E M O R E I N S I G H T F U L R E S U LT S B U T M O R E Q U I C K LY A N D WI T H F EWE R H E A DAC H E S? YO U WO U L D H AVE T I M E FO R D E E PE R A N A LY S I S . ( A N D Y O U M I G H T A C T U A L LY L E A V E O N T I M E F O R O N C E ! ) A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 6 SECTION 2 SIX FACTORS SLOWING DOWN MARKETING D A T A A N A LY S T S 1)MORE DATA THAN WE KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH Marketers contend with data streaming to them from more and more diverse sources, including social, Google Analytics, banner campaigns, Nielsen, events, and countless other data-capture opportunities. EVE RY H O U R , WA L M A RT CU STO M E R S’ T R A N S A C T I O N S P R OVI D E T H E CO M PA N Y WI T H ABOUT 2 .5 PETABYTES OF DATA .1 And, as technology evolves, the volume of data collected from customers and users will continue to explode, yielding unprecedented data wealth. Marketing data analysts are already struggling to leverage data effectively for decision-making; what happens when you have exponentially more? According to a study by IDC (sponsored by storage company Seagate), data creation is likely to increase tenfold to 163 zettabytes (zb) per year by 2025.2 1 2 DeZyre Learning Platform Blog, November 2017 https://www.seagate.com/www-content/our-story/trends/files/Seagate-WP-DataAge2025-March-2017.pdf A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 8 It’s not just data volume that presents challenges; data complexity is also an enormous factor. There’s been a significant upswing in the creation of unstructured data such as video and audio, and it all needs to be stored and measured. In addition, a growing amount of data is housed in disparate systems and across multiple services. Today’s data lives everywhere, including the cloud, social media, third-party providers, in-house databases, and siloed in different departments of the same organization. Including the inboxes of hundreds of your co-workers. Based on this chaotic and far-flung data, marketers are expected to learn about consumers and prospects to make informed decisions about communication strategies, campaign budgets, and performance metrics. Oh, by the way…that meeting starts in 30 minutes! TYPES OF DATA STRUCTURED DATA Structured data includes clearly defined content—think alphanumeric and numeric characters—and is traditionally stored in a neat record format. UNSTRUCTURED DATA Unstructured data refers to data that doesn’t fit neatly into the traditional row and column structure of relational databases. Examples of unstructured data include: emails, videos, audio files, web pages, and social media messages. SEMI-STRUCTURED DATA Semi-structured data includes loosely formatted numbers or characters contained in a field that is itself unstructured, and not as easy to process as structured data. For example, a Tweet or user comment posted to a web page. A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 9 2 )M A R K E T I N G D A T A A N A LY T I C S : T H E PRESSURE’ S ON At the dawn of the age of data-driven marketing, gaining insight via relevant data was limited in scope, was usually a function of IT, and required specialized programming skill, often in Python or SQL, to manipulate and understand relevant data. Expectations were contained, because stakeholders knew that insights were drawn from limited data sets that sometimes took considerable time to analyze. The age of innocence is over. Technology has since matured; companies expect to gain powerful insights from data quickly. Additionally, customers expect their interactions to be personalized, in that the system they’re engaging with should already know basic, if not detailed, information about them. This rise of accelerated, data-centric marketing has prompted agencies to transform into data analysis powerhouses. Agencies must make metrics-based decisions that connect with consumers, make wise use of budgets, and yield speedy results throughout. To meet these expectations for clients, agencies need to offer advanced marketing analytics that draw on up-to-date information. And, the data integration companies that serve those agencies must be able to deliver advanced analytics on-demand as well. Marketers—and the data providers who work with them—are presented with an urgent challenge: you need better and faster ways of acting on information to remain competitive, without the need to rely on IT specialists. A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 10 3) MARKETERS AND DATA INTEGRATION FIRMS NEED THE WHOLE STORY Often, the data being leveraged paints only a partial picture due to gaps in a company’s ability to source needed information. Even when marketing data analysts do have access to as many data resources as they believe to be necessary, methods for extracting meaning from those resources can vary widely within the company--with equally varied results. RESTING DATA ISN’ T QUICK ENOUGH At one time, “data lakes” — massive data sets held in storage —seemed to be the zenith of data collection. However, these static collections make governance and regulatory compliance challenging. And, in recent years, accelerated access to data has become the primary goal for many companies, and that can’t be accomplished when data is parked. To achieve differentiation and improve products, services, and customer experiences, you need to understand the deeper narrative created by connections between multiple customer data sets, including geospatial data. A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 11 Viewing data narratives from a variety of perspectives allows data analysts and data scientists to perform deep analysis of that data and gain a more comprehensive understanding of their customers. With that comprehensive understanding comes the ability to forge more enduring partnerships and client loyalty. This is a challenge when some data must be parsed by other departments within the same organization. Marketers are burdened with the responsibility to make decisions based on data over which they have little control. 4 “The Un-Tapped Power of Self-Service Analytics,” -- Harvard Business Review 62% of data analysts must depend on others within their organization to perform at least some steps in the analytics process.4 A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 12 4 ) G E T T I N G R E S U LT S OR JUST GETTING BY? Many marketing data analysts are still spending 80% of their time manually preparing data. If this sounds like you, it means only 20% of your time is available for actual analysis, resulting in insights that may represent an incomplete picture. According to the 2018 Marketing Analytics Survey by Gartner, nearly half of the 500 leaders surveyed report that some of their most expensive and experienced data analysts spend the bulk of their time preparing data to be analyzed rather than analyzing that data. Data workers in these scenarios would love to be making better use of information drawn from Google Analytics, DoubleClick, and other sources, including GIS data. Instead, the outmoded approaches available for data prep and blending force data analysts to spend more time generating reports than insights. Gartner continues to note that even though analytics teams have grown significantly compared to a few years ago, they’re still spending a majority of their time on data wrangling, along with data formatting and integration. Clearly, adding staff isn’t addressing the core problem. 5 5 https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/key-findings-from-gartner-marketing-analytics-survey-2018/ A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 13 C O M M O N R E A S O N S D A T A A N A LY S T S F I N D T H E Y L A C K T I M E T O P R O V I D E N U A N C E D A N A LY S I S I N C L U D E : • Time spent looking for data they know exists but are not sure where • Time spent normalizing data for consistency, so it can be easily compared • Time spent waiting for other individuals and teams to provide data, access to data, or some other component of the data cleansing process • Reliance on systems that are likely to cause confusion or duplication – for example, sharing marketing data in separate emails instead of via a centralized collaboration space If marketing data required less time to prep than is currently demanded by traditional processes, data analysts would have time for more thoughtful application of skills, such as A/B testing and strategies around media buys. You could use this recaptured time to overlay nuanced details, such as time of day and neighborhood relevance, to leverage deeper insights for more impactful, targeted creative development and overall planning. 69% 6 “The Un-Tapped Power of Self-Service Analytics,” -- Harvard Business Review of data analysts are not satisfied with the quality of final output.6 A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 14 5) WHEN STAFFING UP SLOWS YOU DOWN Hiring more data analysts isn’t always the answer, because the data worker you hire today may not be skilled at the specialty you need tomorrow. In addition, marketing data analysts often have to work weekends and pull all-nighters in order to meet client reporting demands. Although you may be able to produce quality analytics using this approach temporarily, over time, output will suffer. This “damn the torpedoes” mindset is narrowly focused on inefficient data prep-and-blend approaches and contributes to high dissatisfaction and turnover rates for data analysts. High turnover rates only frustrate company goals, because it takes time to onboard new staff and it’s difficult to maintain skill parity between exiting workers and new hires. A CCO R D I N G T O T H E L I N K E D I N TA L E N T B LO G , D ATA A N A LY S T S H A D T H E 2 N D H I G H E S T T U R N O V E R R A T E WI T H I N T H E T E C H N O L O G Y ( S O F TWA R E ) S E C T O R I N 2 0 1 7. 7 7 https://business.linkedin.com/talent-solutions/blog/trends-and-research/2018/the-3-industries-with-the-highest-turnover-rates A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 15 MARIA F. TOMKINS 1234 Baker Street, Los Angeles, CA 90010 6 ) D I S PA R AT E S O L UT I O N S A R E A FACT OF DATA LIFE MARIA THOMPKINS 1234 Baker Street, Los Angeles, CA 90010 M. TOMKINS 1234 Baker Street, Los Angeles, CA 90010 Frequently, organizations draw data from multiple systems that rely on each other, with varying degrees of success. Without a unifying platform, analytics teams are unable to tackle more advanced results. For example, using SQL programming to extract data, Python to clean it up, Excel for vlookups, SAS for predictive modeling, GIS for mapping, and Tableau for visualization output. Not only is it rare to have all these skills in-house, each tool requires moving data from one location and format to another. This is time-consuming and requires considerable oversight to manage all the moving parts. And, some marketing agencies are organizationally complex, with business units positioned hierarchically within others. These types of enterprises are especially prone to feel the slowdown from multiple analytics solutions being cobbled together. LET ’ S GET CLEAR ABOUT FUZZY MATCHING MARIA F. TOMKINS 1234 Baker Street, Los Angeles, CA 90010 MARIA THOMPKINS 1234 Baker ST, Los Angeles, CA 90010 M. TOMKINS 1234 Baker Street, Los Angeles, CA 91010 The advanced technology known as “fuzzy matching” closes a gap that would be hard to conquer with human review. For example, across data sources. Let’s say there are entries for “Maria F. Tomkins,” “Maria Thompkins” and “M. Tomkins.” When viewed from a strict data-matching algorithm, these would appear to be unrelated values. If they all shared a street address, they would count as three people. But fuzzy matching is smart enough to notice the similarities and conclude that this is likely a single individual. A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 16 SECTION 3 TAKE BACK YOUR TIME M U LT I P LY Y O U R A N A LY T I C S POWER WITH SINGLEPL ATFORM CONVENIENCE The “products bolted together” analytics landscape is a reality for many marketing organizations and is unlikely to change overnight. But the makeshift solutions required to draw useful data from these disparate systems really falter when it comes to repeatable processes that could be automated—for example, weekly or monthly reports. Pulling and prepping data from multiple sources almost always requires significant manual intervention, opposing the goals of marketing and agency teams that must strive for agility in highly competitive markets. Instead of yet another add-on solution that must be managed among all the rest, forward-looking agencies are investing in single-platform solutions that connect multiple sources of data—from Excel spreadsheets to advanced reporting apps— and can quickly prep and blend them for thorough analytical review. This type of platform solution also outputs seamlessly to business intelligence tools like Tableau, Qlik, and Power BI. CLICK HERE TO TEST OUT ALTERYX A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 18 D A T A A N A LY S T S C A N ’ T E X C E L USING SPREADSHEETS ALONE You can’t live without it, but you can’t effectively solely use it for analytics, either. While Excel is a powerful program used in marketing agencies the world over, it just can’t flex to the demands of advanced data prep and blend. WHERE SPREADSHEETS FALL SHORT Spreadsheets have size limitations Data is constrained to rows and columns SPREADSHEET Joining data from multiple spreadsheets requires complex formulas The more complex the spreadsheet, the more error-prone it is Excel is a must-have for many marketers, but it still represents time-consuming grunt work when compared to more sophisticated solutions. It’s time to free yourself from spreadsheet servitude so you can get to deeper insights. A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 19 CHECKLIST: TAKE BACK V A L U A B L E A N A LY T I C S T I M E T I M E I S A P R E C I O U S C O M M O D I T Y W H E N I T C O M E S T O A C T I O N A B L E A N A LY T I C S . DOES YOUR AGENCY OR MARKETING TEAM SPEND TOO MUCH TIME: Searching for data they know exists, including investigating email conversations and siloed files Prepping and blending data derived from Excel spreadsheets, homegrown databases, and other sources Asking for help from IT to extract, transform, or load data Waiting for other departments to take their own steps in the analytics process Completing tasks that require manual intervention—like generating reports—which could be automated A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 20 CODE-FREE OR CODEF R I E N D LY — YOU DECIDE Uncovering and delivering key findings about your customers and business shouldn’t require going back to school to learn code. After all, you’re a marketing data analyst, not a coder. Code-intensive solutions will only slow down results further. Code-based approaches demand that analysts spend their time on testing and debugging, as well as writing SQL queries and other tasks that leverage existing code. Instead, construct a repeatable workflow that visually depicts how you extracted and transformed data. For marketing analytics, this approach is more efficient, intuitive, transparent, and shareable than generating and testing blocks of code. And, for those who prefer to write their own code, choose a solution that doesn’t require code, but is code-friendly. For example, leading solutions let you do things like add R code into a workflow, or build a marketing attribution model using Markov chains, creating a personal answer engine for your company. This code-friendly option allows non-coders to communicate and collaborate with data scientists in the same, transparent environment. So, make sure to choose a robust solution that don’t require writing a single line of code, while still including the option. The fact is, a platform that’s code-free—while remaining code-friendly—is the most efficient platform for analytics collaboration. A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 21 PREDICT THE FUTURE AND MAKE HISTORY Leading analytics solutions aren’t just about prepping and blending data. You also have to be able to use them to accurately predict outcomes and take prescriptive action. It’s these advanced analytics capabilities that can differentiate your company—and you—in a competitive market. Predictive analytics entails using techniques like regression and decision trees to build predictive models. While these efforts often require skilled data scientists, there are also approaches that use pre-built tools and macros for data investigation, predictive modeling, grouping, and time series analysis. And, once you’ve run various predictive models, your analytics solution should also be able to prescribe a course of action. This is known as prescriptive analytics, and uses a range of mathematical models, as well as built-in Monte Carlo simulation capabilities, with a drag-and-drop workflow environment. Tools with visual, intuitive tools make it easier to apply advanced analytics to make decisions—without the need to learn a single line of code. A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 22 G E O S PAT I A L I S WHERE IT ’ S AT Understanding customers and planning resources across locales calls for blending demographic and spatial analytics. Using outmoded approaches, this can require a GIS specialist to work with in-house and third-party data, including manual coding and spreadsheet work. When you understand the difference in buying patterns between consumers in Tucson and Tuscaloosa, or you can easily determine whether your ad pulled better in Seattle or Cincinnati, you enjoy competitive advantage. The trick is, for this extra dimension of data to provide real benefit, it has to be applied quickly—and older analytics solutions can’t accomplish this. Make sure you’re using a solution that can quickly geocode large volumes of data and enrich it with spatial analytics for metrics like travel time, physical proximity, and potential opportunity. You’ll also want the capability to connect to industry data sources, to enhance household and demographic analysis. A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 23 A LT E R Y X H E L P S M A R K E T E R S R O C K B E T T E R R E S U LT S I N RECORD TIME A LT E R Y X I N A C T I O N : D E L I V E R I N G B U S I N E S S CRITICAL SUCCESS FOR WESTERN UNION “ • Blend all your marketing data—from social media, Salesforce.com, marketing automation systems, and more—in hours, not weeks One of the most beneficial projects I’ve been able to do with Alteryx has been the ‘Voice of the Customer,’ analyzing our unstructured survey data using the Alteryx text analytics tools that are available… I couldn’t do this at all before we had Alteryx. We just didn’t have a way to do it other than sitting down, having teams of people reading the surveys line by line to get the content out… With Alteryx, it’s automated… It saves a ton of time and has paid for itself just because of that process. It’s a fantastic success story for us… I would not be willing to do my job without it. • Segment and profile your customers to target prospects with the most potential — BOB BULKLEY As a marketer, you need to attract and retain customers—but you also want to build profitable interactions over the lifecycle of the customer relationship. You can only do this with a deep understanding of which customers to target, the types of campaigns they respond to and which marketing efforts to invest in. Using marketing analytics from Alteryx empowers you to combine all relevant marketing, sales, and customer data so you can achieve sophisticated analytics— widening your customer view and making it easier to assess marketing ROI. Use marketing analytics from Alteryx to: • Improve campaign performance and promotional effectiveness, with . easy-to-use analytics that include response modeling and A/B testing ” Manager, Reporting and Analytics, Western Union A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 24 SECTION 4 K E Y TA K E AWAYS CAST A WIDER DATA NET Your data likely sits across multiple, disparate systems and is updated in a constant stream from social media, clickstream, loyalty cards, and more. So how can you combine and analyze it efficiently enough to apply the insights gained to make vital marketing decisions? Marketing analytics from Alteryx takes you from days to hours to minutes, by making it easier for you to access, prep, and blend relevant marketing, sales and customer data from disparate systems without any coding or IT delays. Use Alteryx marketing analytics to get: •Direct access to all relevant marketing data via pre-built data connectors—including pre-packaged third-party data • Advanced tools for data prep and blend, reducing the time to insight . from weeks to hours or even minutes “ Alteryx enables me to do far more than I ever thought I could a lot faster than I ever thought I could. — MARC PONICK Cisco Operations Analyst ” • An intuitive drag-and-drop interface to help you create data blending workflows—no coding required A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 26 GET A BETTER CUSTOMER V I E W W I T H A LT E R Y X How do you know which segments of your customer base are the most profitable, and which prospects to target for the best ROI? How do you know what their brand and channel preferences are? Marketing analytics from Alteryx help you segment your prospects and customers based on past purchase behavior, attitudes, life stage, social group affinities, and more—so you can plan marketing initiatives that have real impact on the customers and prospects who hold the most potential. With Alteryx marketing analytics you can: • Blend your customer data from all sources, whether structured, unstructured, or semi-structured—to get one view of the customer • Enrich your customer view with third-party consumer data from Experian Marketing Services about lifestyle, attitude, brand preference, and more • Create predictive models in a drag-and-drop environment—without any coding—to determine future buying behavior and campaign response A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 27 A LT E R Y X P L A T F O R M POWER UNLOCKS COMPETITIVE A DVA N TAG E Because Alteryx has purpose-built an entire platform for analytics, you can gain insights that aren’t possible with older technologies. For example, powerful search capabilities help you find and reuse information contained in data files, databases, analytics apps, workflows, macros, visualizations, dashboards, and more. By using the Alteryx platform, you’ll spend less time searching for impactful data and assets, and you can easily bypass information that’s rated poorly by others in your organization. The Alteryx platform empowers data analysts to connect to and cleanse data from data warehouses, cloud applications, spreadsheets, and other sources. Spatial data files? No problem with the Alteryx analytics platform—blend and output spatial data files and easily join them with third-party data, such as demographics. A LT E R Y X I N A C T I O N : S E R V I N G U P S W E E T P R O X I M I T Y D A T A F O R D U N K I N ’ B R A N D S “ We use Alteryx for all of our geospatial analysis — anything from looking at proximity of our existing restaurants to one another to understanding pockets of opportunity… Alteryx has been a gift to us… Things that used to take us a day to process we can now do in less than ten minutes. In addition to that, we are now able to identify relationships in the data we didn’t even see before. — CHANNING LACKLAND Manager, Market Planner, Dunkin’ Brands ” A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 28 Alteryx Analytics empowers both data analysts and data scientists with visual insights at every step of their analytic process to get answers faster, bring insights to life, and elevate analytics to more discerning levels. With more than 200 easy to use, drag-and-drop tools, Alteryx puts the power in your hands to utilize predictive analytics tools for powerful insights into areas like sales and consumer trends or product and inventory forecasts. T H E A LT E R Y X A N A LY T I C S P L A T F O R M I N C L U D E S : A LT E R Y X C O N N E C T A LT E R Y X D E S I G N E R A LT E R Y X S E R V E R A LT E R Y X P R O M O T E Data Analysts Can Find and Catalog All the Needed Data Data Analysts Can Experience the Thrill of Solving Marketers and Agencies Can Achieve Analytics at Scale Data Scientists Can Deploy Models with Ease A LT E R Y X I N A C T I O N : H O M E D E P O T N A I L S W H I C H S K U S G O W H E R E “ Each store carries approximately 100,000 SKUs, so our job is to tell the store what those 100,000 SKUs should be at any given time. We were pulling [data] in with SQL, combining them in Excel and using that to present to the Merchant Group… With Alteryx, we were able to combine all that data in a small fraction of the time it was taking before. For our product localization and clustering process, it was taking about two weeks per use, per user. And now, it takes roughly half an hour to an hour. We are able to localize better, price better…from that, we’ve been able to gain not only thousands of hours, but 2-4% in our bottom line… What Alteryx lets me do is not work 80-90 hours a week anymore… On a corporate level, we are able to use Alteryx now to pinpoint where we should sell any product at any time. — CHARLES COLEMAN Sr. Analyst, Special Projects and Assortment Planning ” A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 29 CASE STUDY MARKETING AGENCY ANSIRA TURNS AROUND KEY REPORT I N A DAY I N ST E A D O F A WE E K Ansira, an industry-leading marketing agency in integrated customer engagement, heavily utilized media and consumer research that comes from the MRI Survey of the American Consumer to create Customer Behavior Reports. The data yielding the insights necessary for the reports, exported into an Excel format, was not easy to manipulate, interpret, or analyze. In about two days, one team member was able to create an Alteryx workflow that did all of the Excel formatting in just three seconds, versus over an hour. The Ansira team used Alteryx to effect similar process improvements to all the steps in their report preparation. With Alteryx, the Ansira Analytics team is now able to turn around their Customer Behavior Reports to New Business and Strategy departments in a day instead of a week. And, when a full analysis isn’t needed, the analytics team can turn around a data report in PDF format in as little as 15 minutes. This gives Ansira agility in understanding their targeted consumer—instrumental when creating a new campaign. READ THE CASE STUDY A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 30 CASE STUDY B O O K M Y S H O W U S E S A LT E R Y X TO PL AY TO T H E I R C U STO M E R B A S E S U C C E S S F U L LY BookMyShow is the largest online entertainment ticketing portal in India, and over a two-year period, the number of events BookMyShow was handling— including movies, sporting, and cultural events—more than tripled. The company was having a hard time identifying a tool that could deal with their enormous database and run analytics on complex data, including overall market share and revenue potential—not just on a geographic basis across India, but for specific showtimes and venues. Before Alteryx, analytics team leader Anujay Mathur had to onboard people with six to eight years of experience because he needed their extensive coding proficiency. Now he hires people with little to no experience because he knows that new hires can become proficient in Alteryx in about two weeks. Mathur says, “Instead of making someone learn SQL and Mongo, and taking about six months of time [for training], the guys who are joining the team today usually take about a week or two to get on the line of work and they are able to make their own workflows.” Now, the analytics team for BookMyShow can generate reports in just a few hours instead of two full days, vastly improving their marketing agility. READ THE CASE STUDY A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 31 CASE STUDY WA S S E R M A N AUTO M AT E S VA LUAT I O N PR O C E S S AC R O S S M U LT I P L E C H A N N E L S Wasserman collected KPIs from multiple channels such as social, digital, and TV (national and local) to provide cohesive marketing ROI for their clients. Marketing data analysts accomplished this process using Excel, manually generating all of the requests to collect KPIs. With Alteryx, Wasserman was able to offer non-technical users an intuitive interface, achieving the same result without modifying workflows. As a result, Wasserman’s business users now have the ability to modify their scenarios and perform their own analysis. This has eliminated significant bottlenecks and driven up efficiency. READ THE CASE STUDY A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 32 CONCLUSION: SHRINK DATA PREP AND GET B A C K T O A N A LY Z I N G The depth of detail now available in marketing analytics offers impressive forecasting and decision-making power—but when marketing data analysts devote 80 percent of their time to prepping data, these opportunities can be lost for good. Alteryx makes creating workflows easier, with drag-and-drop convenience, automated processes, and advanced capabilities like fuzzy matching and geo-spatial overlays. Alteryx democratizes data analytics and puts the power in the hands of more marketers. Even new data analysts can create complex workflows quickly. Whether you’re working with structured, unstructured, or semi-structured data, Alteryx offers a visually intuitive, drag-and-drop workflow that uses common fields as well as geographic proximity. A M A R K E T E R ’ S D I L E M M A : W H Y A R E N ’ T A N A LY S T S A N A LY Z I N G ? | 33 A B O U T A LT E R Y X Revolutionizing business through data science and analytics, Alteryx offers an end-to-end ROCK YOUR M A R K E T I N G R E S U LT S W I T H A LT E R Y X analytics platform that empowers data analysts and scientists alike to break data barriers, actionable insights. Data analysts who are interested in predictive modeling but who don’t have a statistician’s training will appreciate Alteryx’s incredible flexibility--all in a no-code (but code-friendly) environment. With Alteryx, you can use blended marketing data in hours, not weeks. This includes data from social media, marketing automation systems, Salesforce.com, and more. Analytics are easy to use, even for non-data analysts, so you can more easily segment and profile customers, target desirable prospects, and use response modeling and A/B testing to improve campaign performance and promotional effectiveness. +1 888 836 4274 www.alteryx.com Deeper insights are a competitive advantage for agencies looking to stand out in a field of other agencies. When you have the right tools to minimize data prep, you can get back to analyzing, produce deeper insights…and take back your day. deliver insights, and experience the thrill of getting to the answer faster. Organizations all over the world rely on Alteryx daily to deliver D I S C O V E R S E L F - S E R V I C E A N A LY T I C S A N D Y O U R CO M PE T I T I VE A DVA N TAG E . DOWNLOAD FREE TRIAL ©2019 Alteryx, Inc. All rights reserved. Alteryx is a registered trademark of Alteryx, Inc.