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Social Studies 10-2: Globalization & Political Cartoons

Name: Tanner Kenney.
Grade: Social Studies 10-1
Lesson Title: Welcome to Social Studies 10-2
Lesson Duration 75
Overview of lesson (100-150 words). Write a clear and concise overview that indicates what the lesson is, the purpose, how it is connected to
the POS, what students will learn and how the lesson will conclude. See example in Instructional video provided.
Welcome to Social Studies 10-2, is a grade ten social studies lesson that acts as an introduction to the course content,
establishes classroom expectations and provides students with the ability to properly analyze Political Cartoons. The
purpose of this lesson is to establish the skill to properly analyze political cartoons in-order to have success throughout the
semester. This lesson will also act to establish classroom relations between the Teacher and their Students as they learn
about the impacts of living within a Globalized world.
Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives. Carefully select GLO and SLO that pertain to your lesson. Do not put in 10 SLO's just
because you find a link. Choose selectively and think carefully about what is achievable for students to learn by the end of the lesson [Maximum 1 GLO
1-2 SLO's]
1.1: Students will explore the impacts of a globalization
on their lives.
SLO: 1.1: acknowledge and appreciate the existence of multiple
perspectives in a globalizing world
Learning Objectives. Translate the SLO's into learning objectives. Using Stem, directing verb and what is to be learned language. Use Blooms
Taxonomy directing words for reference. * See Instructional Video
Students will…
● Acknowledge that an individual’s identity can be influenced by the process of Globalization
● Apricate the different perspectives of living within a Globalized world
Be able to interpret Political Cartoons using the SSTICA method. (Null Curriculum).
Inquiry & Guiding Questions:
Inquiry Questions are broader Question that guides a unit of study, while guiding questions guide the lesson itself and are
specific questions. Guiding questions aim to provoke thinking. Guiding questions are just that - guiding. These types of questions facilitate dialogue. They can be used for
guiding students inquiry and can be used for formative assessment purpose too. A lesson should have several guiding questions.
** See Instructional video on Inquiry and guiding questions.
Inquiry Question:
To what extent does globalization shape your identity?
Lesson Guiding Questions: Formulate several. Remember to use Bloom's Taxonomy, directing verbs apply, analysis contrast, express, appreciate...be clear on
what type of knowledge/skill/attitudes that you are helping students develop and expecting them to do. Guiding questions must support this and provoke student
thinking and help them understand what they are learning, why they are learning, what they have learned, what they still need to learn etc.. * See Instructional Video
Define Globalization? (knowledge)
Define Identity? (knowledge)
What ways does globalization influence Identity? (understand)
If you could create a classroom rule to ensure a safe classroom environment, what would it be? (Create)
Explain why people use Political Cartoons? (analyze)
How does the SSTIC Method of Analyzing Political Cartoons support a good interpretation of the source? (Evaluate)
Annotated Learning Resources List
Analyzing Political Cartoons PDF Handout
http://www.cagle.com/ http://www.mackaycartoons.net/ http://www.mapleleafweb.com/political-cartoons: Websites for
Analyzing Political Cartoons.
Course Syllabus Outline
All About me- Mr. Kenney’s Introduction of self-PowerPoint--- Example of Course Content and how Globalization has shaped
Mr. Kenney’s Identity
Lecture slides/Class PowerPoint.
Material and Equipment
List: Art supplies, manipulatives, smartboard, online white board etc…What you will use AND, therefore what you will organize ahead of time prior to
your lesson
Materials needed prior to class:
Analyzing Political Cartoons PDF Handout
Course Syllabus Outline
All About me- Mr. Kenney’s Introduction of self-PowerPoint--- Example of Course Content and how Globalization has shaped
Mr. Kenney’s Identity
Lecture slides/Class PowerPoint.
Google Chromebooks.
Lesson Procedures
Introduction (25 min): Description of Hook/Attention Grabber; Expectations for Learning and Behavior; Transition to Body.
Indicate the timing for each section.
Welcome to Social 10-2! My Name is Mr. Kenney.
Gathering the class: (1-2-3 all eyes on me)- Attention Grabber.
Question: What is your favorite or least favorite aspect about Social Studies—Assessing prior knowledge.
The teacher will ask each student to introduce themselves to the class and answer this question. After students have shared
their response, the teacher will than introduce the course syllabus (10 min)
Overview of course content/ Setting up classroom expectations – Using the Course Syllabus the teacher will go over the
document, periodically checking students understanding of the document. (5min) Question: If you could create a classroom
rule to ensure a safe classroom environment, what would it be?
After the teacher and students navigate through the course syllabus the teacher will introduce the essential question of the
unit: To what extent does globalization shape your identity?
To answer this, the Teacher will share the All About Me PowerPoint Presentation. (10 min).
If you were to create a presentation all about yourself, what would you put on it that displays your identity?
Define Globalization? (knowledge)
Define Identity? (knowledge)
Steps and Procedures: Lessons are divided into portions. in a 45 min lesson
body there should be a least two activities and one transition. You may have 3
Identify Teaching Strategies/Rational
activities and 2 transitions. An activity can be reading - transition - partner dialogue
(as an example). Each activity and transition are structured and timed. Be explicit
* Style of writing is descriptive and concise. You are not narrating, rather you are
describing in detail, the activity, the learning, critical information to carry out the
Direct instruction
Pair/Share- Collaboration:
40 Minutes
Transition: Throughout this semester we will be looking at several
different sources--- Political Cartoons being one of the main sources
we will use as we navigate throughout this semester. Before we dive
into these kinds of sources it is important, we know what they are and
how can we accurately interpret them. – What is a Political Cartoon?
Where have you seen them prior? Do they mean anything?
Activity #1: Lecture: SSTICA method of Analyzing Political Cartoons.
Lecture: SSTICA method of Analyzing Political Cartoons. (15min)
Political Cartoon Analyzing Activity: Small group
collaboration. Formal Assessment.
Formative/Teacher led questioning / informal
formal assessment:
AS the teacher navigates through the SSTICA method of analyzing
Political Cartoons, the teacher will provide a Political Cartoon after
each step of the method and will lead the class through a discussion of
what the political cartoon is displaying based on it’s: Symbolism, Size,
Text, Irony, Colour and Analogy.
S-Symbolism: Symbolism is perhaps the most common tool
used by editorial cartoonists. Symbols liberate cartoonists by
allowing them share concepts and ideas in visual form. A
symbol, or object, can be used as a simple representation of a
larger concept or idea for example, a cartoonist might use the
image of a beaver to symbolize Canada or a Canadian citizen.
(First Political Cartoon)
- S-Size: Cartoonists will often exaggerate features within a
cartoon to underscore its relative importance to the message
being conveyed. Objects can be drawn excessively large to
communicate importance or prominence, whereas smaller
objects might be construed as less important. Cartoonists
caricature famous people by exaggerating their physical
features, which allows viewers to make easy connections to
the subjects being used.
(Second Political Cartoon)
- T-Text: Even though cartoons are visual, reading the text is
crucial to understanding. Cartoonists will often label objects
or people within a cartoon to make it clear what they stand
(Third Political Cartoon)
- I – Irony: A cartoonist uses irony when they express
something different from and often opposite to their literal
meaning. Irony is an expression or utterance marked by a
deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.
Cartoonists will often use irony to express their opinion on a
topic or issue. An example of irony could be found in a
cartoon that shows a politician who introduces a bill on ethics
and then is caught doing something unethical.
(Fourth Political Cartoon)
- C - Colour: Although most political cartoons are black and
white, the use of dark and light can add to the tone and the
meaning of the cartoon. A dark cartoon can evoke a more
serious or somber tone, whereas a brighter cartoon can reveal
less serious context.
(Fifth Political Cartoon)
- A-Analogy: The use of analogy is a more complex version of
symbolism. An analogy is a comparison between two unlike
things that share some characteristics. The cartoonist can use
analogy to compare a complex issue or concept with a more
familiar one. Usually, the analogy is drawn with something
that would be well known to most people, but if the necessary
context is not understood then a cartoon using analogy can be
difficult to understand.
(Final Political Cartoon)
Political Cartoons used will be on Slides Via Google Classroom.
Activity: In groups of 3 (20min): Find a minimum of three
cartoons that use each of the techniques described on the
previous page. Each cartoon may not use all of the techniques,
but all of the techniques should be found within the three
cartoons. You need to interpret each cartoon and write a
summary (see exemplar on handout) that references the SSTICA
method. Formal Assessment—Developing students ability to
analyze sources.
Handout Available for students to access on
GoogleChrome via GoogleClassroom.
Websites for Political Cartoons: http://www.cagle.com/
After each group has finished finding 3 political Cartoons
and describing the techniques used on the SSTICA
method, the teacher will ask students to submit their
work Via Google Classroom.
Transition: How does this all tie into Identity and
Just like each of us may have different perspectives on
Political Cartoons, each of us have different realities on
how Globalization influences Identity.
For instance, when analyzing political Cartoons, you
might be influenced by your own Bias’. This leads to the
question of why these biases may exist? Are you aware
of them? Have you ever thought about what influenced
your position? - Think big picture “How does
Globalization Influence Identity” (Five min).
Transition: Clean up and gather for closure (5 min)
Introduction to Source Analysis Assignments. (Summative)
Consolidating and Closure: (10 mins)
For tomorrows Class we will be talking more in depth about how Globalization Influences Identity.
We will be discussing topics such has Individual and Collective Identity, for this I will ask you to think about all the things that
influence who you are and what makes up your own Identity. What would be some examples:
Differentiation: Identify your approaches and how these support student learning.
1) Direct Instruction/Teacher Read-Aloud. (Content Differentiation)
2) Collaborative learning Think/Pair/Share. (Learning environment)