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Natural Selection & Biodiversity Worksheet

Name: _______________
Natural Selection: Biodiversity
Engage – Which famous scientist do you think said this quote?
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the
most intelligent. It is the one most adaptable to
- __________________
Explore –
What are 3 things that you notice from these images?
What are 2 questions that it makes you think to ask?
What is 1 similarity and 1 difference between these images?
Similarities: ______________________________________
Differences: ______________________________________
What are some factors that you think affect or contribute to
the number of animals in each ecosystem?
Come up with a hypothesis that supports your answers!
***Think about what these places have in common. What are the
factors that could lead to them having more diverse species?***
Explain: Natural Selection - Organisms that are better suited for their
environment are __________ ____________ based upon which variants can survive and
reproduce at greater numbers.
 What does this look like though?
The classic example is the Peppered Moth. At the time of the industrial revolution
the trees became darker from the coal ash which then affected the survival of the
moths and changed their genes over time. Natural Selection in action!
What would be the problem of having a phenotype for lighter coloration as a
Peppered Moth?
Lamarck’s Giraffe vs Modern Idea: The prevailing idea previously before natural
selection was that an organism could affect the outcome of future generations
based upon its behaviors. The idea that a giraffe stretching would then cause the
next generation to have longer necks for instance.
Biodiversity – Put simply: ____________________________.
The earth is estimated to have around 10 million unique species on the planet.
Types of Biodiversity:
1. ___________ Biodiversity -
2. ___________ Biodiversity –
3. ___________ Biodiversity -
In what ways does this article relate to the topics of Natural Selection and
Evaluate: Explain how the constant use of hand
sanitizer could be an example for natural selection.
What are some ways that higher Biodiversity can help the survival of
other species in the ecosystem?
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