I I TEST CODE FORM TP 203 8L13 01243S10 MAY/JUNE 2O1B CAR.EtsEE,AI{ EXAVTII{.ATIONS CC}UNCIL CARIBtsEAN SECONDARY EDUCATIGN CERTIFICATE(D EXAMIN.AT{MI$ E s s ffi E & E SOCIAE, STUMTES traper 01 I - Gemen:al Pr:ofrciencY treaar 15 witaee€es t0 MAY 2018 (p.m.) READ TIIE F'OT,LOWING IT{STTT.UCTIONS CAR.BF'ULLV" i. This test consists of 60 iterns" You wiil have I hour and 15 minutes to answer them. 2. In addition to this test booklet, you shouid have an answer a J. A strreet. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), are about to answer and decide whioh choice is best. (D). R-ead each itern you space havirag On your answer sheet, find the number whioh comesponds to your itemr and shade the the iame letter as the answer you have chosen' Look at the sample item below' I Sample Itern Which of the f,ollowing terms is used to identifu lines of descent through the father? (A) (B) (C) (D) SarneleAuswel @*@@ Patriarchal Patrilineal Matriarchal Matrilineal The best answer to this item is "Patrilineal," so (B) has been shaded. 5. If you want to change your answer, etrase it cornpletely before you fill in your new choice' 6. When you are told to. begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. you cannot answer an item, go on to ttre next one. Yor.l may return to that iterrr later. DO NGT TUI(N TT{[S PAGE {JNTXL YOU .&R.E TO[,D TO DO SCI" If T" (A) (B) (C) ([)) 2" Which of the following is I-EAST likely to be a concorn of adolescents in the fatnlly? invited his naottrrer to live with hirn, his wit-e and two sons. The new farnily strue:ture would tre termred n noyet (B) Froviding financial support for the home Communicating with adults in the (C) CoPing rvith their emotional (D) probierns BaXancing academic and social acti\-ities (A) joint biended nuclear trrome extencled Whicnr of the f-onlowil'rg are aspects of the soeialization Preleess? L II. IiI" 5. Religious teaching tr{.eproduetion Recreationan activities (A) l and nI ontry (E) I and XItr oniy (C) I{ and orely (D) I,II amd nII {A) (B) (c) Xtrtr -n" (D) Wlaieh ol'ttae following farnily functions are parents perforrnirag wlaen the-v insist tlaat chindrera skrow respect for the propefiy ofl sithers? (A) (B) (C) (D) 4" In the Carit'beair. i-athers have accepted $lore responsibiiit-v for child rearing :'[AI5LY because of the 7. Which ol'the foltrowing statements about the changing features of family life is NOT true of, today"s Caribbean societies? Social (A) Emotionan tsiotrogieal (E) Ecotlomic early death of mothers increase in the divorce rate high employment rate of fathers increase in the number of working rnothers (c) Parents are becoming more autoeratic. Generally, farnilies have fewer children. Men and lvomen choose their own partners. Husbands and lvives usually treat each other as equais. &{axine n-ewis lives witia her unrnan"ied rnotiaer and fattaer. The union between her parents ean tsEST be described as (D) (A) (B) (A) (D) Research suggests that youilg penple are friendlY conjugan eommon iaw comPasslonate influencedto abuse iliegal drugs \'IAINLY because of (A) (B) frustration (c) the generation gaP (D) dropping out nl stililul peer pressure --)9. Which of the following is MOST likely to undetmine the authority of parents in the home? (A) (B) (C) L2, (A) building more foster homes for (B) providing incentives for their abandoned children Setting and enforcing clear rules for conduct trnconsistency in rewarding and punishing children parents to get married (c) G[ving cash allowances to (D) adolescent farnilY rnembers (D) Caribbean govemments have improved the rights of children born out of r,rredlock by relations outside of marriage Allowing children to pafiicipate in family decision-making Item trg is based on the following passage. Which of the following are characteristics of a formal group? Unemployment and hard economic conditions have forced both parents in some Caribbean families to migrate, u. m. 13. 1. leaving an elder son or daughter to care for younger brothers and sisters. (A) (B) (c) 1S. (D) Which of,the foilowing problems is NOT iikely to affect the younger children of such fanailies? 14. (,{) (ts) tr-ow achievement at school Breakdown in disciPline in the horne (C) X-ack of adult role modeis in the home (D) Lack of opportunity forpeer group interaction Wtrrich ofthe following BEST characterizes a prirnary group? (A) (B) (c) (D) n-arge in size Face-to-face interaction ,A cornrnon name or title Shared beliefs and norms Code ofconduct Specific objectives Membership requirements I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III Paul is the captain of his school's chess club. At meetings, he allows members to make whatever decisions they want. What leadership style is he disPlaYing? (A) (B) (c) (D) 11. passing laws to allow them to quali$, for inheritance passing laws to control sexual Traditional Democratic Laissez-faire Authoritarian Items 15-16 refer to the four gatherings people described below. I. of Boys playing football in 19. (A) a community park Students in uniform ata science fair People shopping in the marketplace II. 1II. IV. (B) (C) Party members at a political (D) rneeting I5. In which of the following types of groups would example IV be classified? 24. (A) (B) (C) (D) x6. Peer Primary Voluntary Secondary (C) (D) t7. 21. i. II. Iii. Is able to make decisions Is always lenient u,ith members Does not tolerate disorder (A) (B) (C) (D) I and II only I and III only III only I, II and III trI and Which of the following is the BEST example of, a compromise? (A) (B) I9) /I\\ Workers arguing in a cafeteria line Two students involved in a.,r,riting contest A football team practising together l ! 'rn out anti-social activities encourage each other to always challenge adults' views become involved in guidance and counselling activities Rules and regulations Customs and traditions Suppressionoffreedom Transmission of culture The political party which forms the government in the first-past-the-post system is the pafty that wins the MOST (A) (B) (C) (D) Which of the following are characteristics ofa strong leader? force each other to accept the same values advise each other on how to carryr Which of the following is NOT usually associated with educational institutions? (A) (B) \44fch ofthe gatherings could MOST niketv be classified as peer group? (A) I and II only (B) I and III only (C) II and III only (D) I, II and III {o _f G. Adolescents are MOST likely to influence each other in a positive rvay .when tleey seats votes candidates supporters Which of the following documents do in the Caribbean usually use to inform the public about their potritical parties policies, promises and programmes? (A) (B) (C) (D) Hansard Manifesto Policy statement Conference papers Which of the follorving is a non-taxable source of revenue for governments? Which ofthe following is LEAST likelv to lead to protest bY a trade union? (A) (B) (c) (D) 24. (A) (B) Inadequate benefits for workers Unhealthy working environment Expensive housing for managers More opportunities fbr promotion A political campaign is a method used by parties to (c) (D) 29. Export earoing Patent and licence Grant from donor agencies Earting on goods and services In all CARICOM countries, citizens have the right to vote. This right is preserved because (A) (B) (C) (D) ,{ give voice to the PeoPle encourage PeoPle to vote give donations to the needY get funding from the Public (A) (B) (C) Caribbean countries where the Queen of England is the head of state are described (D) as (A) (B) (c) (D) 26. One MAIN dutY of the SPeaker of the House of RePresentatives is to (A) (B) (c) (D) 27. regulate House debates represent the President make important sPeeches support governmental PolicY MAIN function of a prosecutor in the judicial system is to The (A) (B) (c) (D) i,;efliq,rlli republics monarchies democracies dictatorships issue a summons to a witness provide counsel for the defendant determine the verdict at the end of a trial present arguments against the defendant 30. general elections occur every four or flve years citizensonlyvoteifrequiredbythe law to do so it is enshrined in the constitutions of these countries there are two or more political parties for which citizens vote Which of the following is NOT included in the written constitution of a country? (c) Methods of taxation Responsibilities of citizens Powers and functions of officers of (D) Powers and resPonsibilities of (A) (B) state Parliament Items 31-32 refer to the following table which shows the population figures of four 34. AS countries. Area (km') Country (approx.) 31. Population (A) (B) Qarc) (c) (D) I 750 70 000 n 100 1s0 000 m 300 100 000 IV 25 000 1s0 000 Which country has (c) (D) ?1 36. I II ru IV (A) (B) (C) qualifled to work and are currently seeking emPloYment The introduction ofmachines in agriculture results in the unemployment of f-arm workers. The type of unemployment these lr"orkers (A) (B) /r1^1\ (D) ernPloYed and those activelY suffer is norrnal cyclical Traffic congestion AvailabilitY of trand DeveloPment of slums Increased dernand on sociatr services Which of the fbllowing BEST explains why birth rates hawe been falling in some Caribbean countries? at the age of retirement f,rom rvork qualified, willing and able to rvork seeking emPloYment (D) Which of the following is NOT a result of, PoPulation growth? (A) (B) (C) (D) The term'labour force'is BEST defined as all persons who are (A) (ts) (C) -3J. 35. depopulation overpopulation underpopulation population growth the HIGHEST population density? (A) (B) Lack of sufficient resources to stlpport the demands of a nation's population is known 37. Fewer babies are dying in the first year of life. The quality of mectrical care has declined in son:le countl'ies Familyplanning is now encouraged in several countries' Larger numbers of PeoPle are migrating fiom some countries' Which of the following is MOST iikely to result from rising levels of unemployment in a country'? (A) (B) (C) (D) High bifth rate Increased emigration Increase in workel's'salaries Increased sporting activities 38. The attractive social conditions offered by some countries have influenced the movement of people from the Caribbean. 42. These conditions may BEST be described as (A) (B) (C) (D) incentives Which ofthe following are MOST likelv tcr happen in a country where there is a high ernployment rate? I. Greater demand tr'or goods and IX. services Improvernent in the quality of life An upsurge in orirninal activities m. push factors pull factors encouragements (A) (B) (c) 39. (D) Which of the following are problems usually associated with rapid urban growth in developing countries? 43. Unemployment Shortage of housing Shortage of motor vehicles important part in a goverrunent's efforts to increase consumption of trocatly procluaed food? (A) I and II only I and III onlY II and III onlY I, II and III (A) (D) (B) (c) Healthy inclividuals are beneficial to a country's developinent because such individuals are MORE likely to be workers (D) who are 44. (A) (B) (C) (D) 41. Which of the tbllowing wouid play an I. II. m. (B) (C) 4$. I and II ontry I ancl iII only II and III only I, Itr and IItr less critical satisfied and contented productive and effective self:sufficientandself-centred Which of the following is based on exploiting nonrenewable natural resources? (A) (B) (C) (D) Fishing Lumbering Bauxite mining Hydroelectric Power Increasing taxes on agricuitural lands Irnposing traeavy duties on imported farrn tools Increasing the price on irnPorled food Cutting down forest trees to obtain rnore lands for housing It is true to say tnrat rtrarine nit-e im tnre Caribbean is (A) (B) ara (c) tuseless as a tounis[ (D) not a contributor to persoms' diets unlin:lited resource a reelewahle resot}rce attraction 4s. trVhich of the following are ways bywhich peoptre have caused Caribbean? i!q!E 49 refers to the follovving tabte wtrich shows population figures for Country X in soil erosion in the 2416. I. Crop rotation Births No. of Deaths iYo. of Immigrants No. +f flmignants (A) and trI only I and III only Xi and trII only tr, II and III 30 000 15 000 t4 000 8 000 (B) (c) (D) 46. of iIi. II. No. Slash and burn tr 48. The natural increase in population for Country X in 2016 u,as (d) 15 000 (B) 2t 0a0 Which of,the fotrlowing rnethods of,fishing is MOST'daneaging to the eco_system? (A) (B) (C) (D) (c) (D) Using dynarnite Trawling the seas Setring of fisle pors Dropping of seines 24 }Aa 4s 000 Item 49 refers to the follorving graph which shows the birth rate accordi"* ," sex for Caun1ry Z. 47. Birth Rate per'0G8 55 Most Caribbean countries remain expoffiers of primary products IdAINLY because (A) (B) 50 45 40 they possess iimited minenal J3 resources 30 )1 their econornies are agriculturally based (C) their labour forces are largely (D) unskilled they lack tlae means to proaess their - 20 -Fcrnale l5 10 -lVIate 1950 195s resources 49. *7A $1s 19E0 198s n990 The graph abor,e shows that in Cowtry Z the (A) fems-le birlh rate increased steadily (B) betn.een 196A and 1990 female birth rate reached its highest level around the mid-1970s (c) male birth rate was always lower than the female birth rate (D) male birth rate was lrielr." 'female [r", {L" birth rate between 1975 and 1980 . -950, fhe reaqr'*'hich led to the establishmenr oiC-{RICOM is an example of tAt (.8I (C.) (D) 51. \Mhich CAITICOM group is rnade up of prime ministers, executive presidents and chief rninisters of mernber countries? a bilateral agreement unilateralagreement functional agreement multilateral agreement (A) (B) (C) (D) of Caribbean integration 55. movements? (A) (B) (C) (D) Carihbean oountries MOST likely to attract CAI{IFTA + C.A.RICOM FEDERAIIO}d FEDERATION CARIFTA FEDERATION CARICOM CARICOM -* CARIFTA --> CARIFTA ---+ ---+ ---+ (A) CARtrCOM --> Which of the following factors hinders cooperation arnong CARICOM states? (A) (E) (C) (D) (ts) (C) (D) 3$. Frermotingeconomicdeveioprnent ira the region Xncreasing travetr among the people of the region Increasing market access for the large territories Ensur:iirg the pulchase of cheapel goods fl'orn ol- tsi<Ie the region "Individual countries in the regicln are too small to make their preserrce fetrt on the Cornlrron economic policies The ctrrailenges of globalizatian wortrd stage." Diftbrences in cutrtural traditions Cornpetitiorittx'foreigninvestments trmpiied in this statement is the need for indivirluan coruatries to (A) (B) (C) (D) Between i958 and 1962 Caribbean goverlments made an attempt to unify the region politically by (A) (B) (C) (D) Fol which of the fbllowing reasons are foreign investors? FEDERATION 3J. Standing Committee of Ministers Heads of Govemment Cr:nference Which of the following shows the progression 52. The Secretariat Comnaon Market Council netur:n to colonialisrn espouse reputrtricanisral harmonize foreign policies demanel their dernocratic freedom forming a federation seeking independence establishing CARIFTA organizing CAzuCOM 3/. The CAR-{COM Single h,tflarlket and Econorny (CSh4E) was oreated to deepen tlae integration movement and to respond to the otraatrienges arrd opportunities o1' (A) (ts) (C) (D) communisna giohanization independence repuhtrieainism ) ) - 1058. Which of the following does NOT 6a. result from industrial development in the Caribbean? (A) (B) (C) (D) 59. (A) Increased export High standard of living (B) Declining employment Increasedtrainingopportunity (C) If a CARICOM country imposes restrictions on CARICOM products which ofthe followingprovisions, is being violated? (A) (B) (c) (D) Which of t}:e follorving is a firncrion of ttre Caribbean Development Bank? (D) Regulating foreign exchange rates in CARICOM countries Providing loans to individuals in the Caribbean for constructing homes Serving as a central bank for commercial banks in the CARICOM region Organizing and supervising loans for developmental work to member states Liberalization of trade Functional cooperation Common external tariff Special regime of LCDs END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH tsEFOR.E TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WOR.I< ON THIS TEST.