Introduction to Accounting Mr. Hassan Javed Lecturer, MS Department PhD Scholar (Finance) From Capital University of Science & Technology, Islamabad MS (Finance) From Capital University of Science & Technology, Islamabad MBA (Finance) From Capital University of Science & Technology, Islamabad Email ID: Course Introduction Course Code: ACC-121 Credit Hours: 3+0 Pre-Requisites: None Fundamentals of Accounting is a course that covers the fundamentals of accounting with the newcomer in mind. Accounting is more than just memorizing terms and procedures. This course assumes students have no prior knowledge about accounting or finance, and delivers lessons and examples to build accounting skills. Specifically, this class addresses accounting terminology, revenue, expenses, net income, the accounting equation, debits, credits, and balancing the accounting formula, the accounting structure, the accounting cycle, journals, ledgers, the trial balance and more. It also guides students to learn how to read financial statements properly, and how to grab meaningful information from the balance sheet, income statements and cash flow statements. Course Objectives • The objective of the course is to provide an introductory knowledge of accounting to first-Semester students. While a general overview of accounting principles relating to the preparation of financial and managerial reports will be presented, the primary focus is to illuminate how accounting information is utilized by a variety of stakeholders in planning, controlling and investing decisions. • After completing this course, students will have a solid understanding of accounting in today's world. They will understand how and why financial transactions are documented, they will know what cash flow is and how to improve it, and they will know what profit is, how it's interpreted, and what influences its growth Texts Books Recommended Text Book “Financial & Managerial Accounting (The Basis for Business Decisions) - 15th edition (Chapter 1-5) by “Robert F. Meigs, Walter B Meigs, Jan R. Williams, Susan F. Haka, Mark S. Bettner, Joseph V. Carcello”. Assessment Instrument With Weights Sr. No Items Marks 1 Mid Term Exam 25% 2 End Term Exam 40% 3 Internal Evaluation Breakdown Quiz(s) Assignment(s) 35% Project / Presentations / Research Total 100% Course Contents Click here for the brief course contents … Instructions & Requests • While in the classroom you are expected to maintain a business-like conduct. • Please be respectful of both me and the other students in the class. • Please try to come in the class on time. Once your attendance is left, don’t say again and again for marking the attendance. Once it is left, is left. Very Important !!! Please !!! don’t “beg” for the grades and don’t come over for negotiations. Grade is totally dependent on the performance in the course.