Professional Learning 2021-2022 Vision and Aims We aim to develop a school culture where all adults and children are learners, creating an innovative dynamic learning community, facilitating highly effective, research based professional development. Using Sherrington’s ‘Teaching Walkthrus’ as a key resource in structuring our professional learning. We will place teacher learning at the centre of our school so that ‘learning problems’ can be solved and children’s outcomes transformed. Areas we will be focussing on include; behaviour & relationships, curriculum planning, explaining & modelling, questioning & feedback and practice & retrieval. All staff involved with teaching and learning will be provided with their own copy of ‘Walkthrus’ and a professional learning cycle will be established which will give time for all adults to read, discuss, plan, action and review their learning from the texts, facilitated by teaching partners and an instructional coaching approach. This feeds into our structure for performance management, which we call professional growth. Outcomes: Wellbeing of staff promoted to enable the accelerated development of informed, confident and innovative practitioners. Development of learning focused leaders who have establish the conditions that enables adults to flourish. Teachers are confident in their ability to teach and have a willingness to research and try new things as part of their own professional growth. Staff professional learning is inclusive, empowering, useful, and has a positive impact on children’s learning outcomes. All staff are responsible for their own professional growth. Researching, communicating, sharing and supporting each other in developing good practice. There is a collaborative coaching culture at every level, where professional learning conversations reach beyond weekly staff meetings e.g. Phase meetings, PPA, Teacher & TA interaction. All stakeholders have a shared language and understanding of learning creating opportunities for open dialogues between both adults and children. All subject leaders are making links and supporting research based strategies through the development of their individual subject areas. Professional Learning Cycle Teacher’s PL Cycle: Minimum of 1x Professional Learning Meeting per half term + 0.25 of each weekly PLM. Staff Voice and reflection to build CPD cycle to meet needs of context. • Read: Staff will be set the reading linked to the half term’s priority • Discuss and Plan: Teachers to meet, discuss their learning and then plan in their learning trios how they intend to use their learning in their daily practice. Build learning clusters based on student’s ‘Learning problems’. • Trial: staff will then trial the strategies in classrooms using the unseen observation techniques and with at least one drop-in from a member of their learning pair. • Review: Weekly review for staff to meet in their pairs and review their progress with the strategies and plan next steps. Extra inputs will be scheduled as and when needed. Professional Learning Calendar Teaching Assistant’s PL Cycle: 3x Professional Learning Meetings + 0.25 of alternate weekly PLM. Staff Voice and reflection to build CPD cycle to meet needs of context and specific job role. • Read: Staff will be set the reading linked to the half term’s priority with a new focus strategy every two weeks. • Discuss and Plan: TAs to meet, discuss their learning and then plan in their learning pairs how they intend to use their learning in their daily practice • Trial: staff will then trial the strategies in classrooms using the unseen observation techniques and with at least one drop-in from a member of their learning pair. • Review: Weekly review for staff to meet in their pairs and review their progress with the strategies and plan next steps. Professional Learning 2021-2022 Spring 2: Explaining and Modelling Summer 1: Explaining and Modelling Summer 2: Curriculum Planning Autumn 1: Behaviour and Relationships Autumn 2: Practice and retrieval Spring 1: Practice and retrieval Spring 2: Questioning and Feedback Summer 1: Questioning and Feedback Summer 2: Mode B Teaching • First PLM will be used to set the scene and the ‘WHY’ and ‘How’ behind the Walkthrus, instructional coaching will be introduced as a new approach for CPD and workbooks will be shared. •CPD Lead will attend training for instructional coaching and support staff with developing the approach. • Each half term will have a key focus, using chapters from Walkthrus. These chapters will be the focus for staff development, PLM’s and monitoring. • Staff will be responsible for building opportunities into lessons to trial strategies as well as ongoing professional dialogues and observations within their trios as part of day-to-day practice. Summer 1: Explaining and Modelling Summer 2: Curriculum Planning Autumn 1: Behaviour and Relationships Autumn 2: Practice and retrieval Spring 1: Practice and retrieval Spring 2: Questioning and Feedback Summer 1: Questioning and Feedback Summer 2: Mode B Teaching Assessment of Impact Learning walks, pupil voice and audits conducted by leaders will show all teaching staff in all year groups making use of the key learning from the texts and the impact this is having on children’s outcomes. Summer 2021 Autumn 2021 Spring 2022 Summer 2022 1.Learning Walks/drop-ins: Summer 1 Explaining and modelling – learning walks will evidence 2. Pupil Voice: Summer 1 children will articulate their experience with explaining and modelling. 3. Planning Audit: Summer 2 audit will evidence clear planning across the curriculum which applies key principles. 4. Ongoing Staff Voice, Reflections and Professional growth : PLMs to be used to measure staff engagement, progress and next steps. 5.SEFS and Action Plans: Summer 2 monitoring shows evidence of focused strategies 6.Pupil progress meetings: show progress in children’s learning and themes are monitored to plan for next steps. 1.Learning Walks/drop-ins: Autumn 1 Behaviour & Relationships – learning walk will evidence well established routines and positive relationships 2.Planning Audit: Autumn 2 will evidence Practice and Retrieval strategies planned for across the curriculum. 3.Pupil Voice: Autumn 2 children will articulate their experience of retrieval and positive relationships in class. 4. Ongoing Staff Voice, Reflections and Professional growth : PLMs to be used to measure staff engagement, progress and next steps. 5. SEFS and Action Plans: monitoring shows evidence of focused strategies 6.Pupil progress meetings: show progress in children’s learning and themes are monitored to plan for next steps. 1.Learning Walks/drop-ins: Practice and Retrieval – learning walk will evidence strategies being used. 2.Planning Audit: audit will evidence clear planning across the curriculum which applies key strategies. 3.Pupil Voice: Feedback – children will report live feedback being a routine part of their lessons 4.Pupil progress meetings &provision map show progress in children’s learning and themes are monitored to plan for next steps. 5. SEFS and Action Plans: monitoring shows evidence of focused strategies 6. Ongoing Staff Voice, Reflections and Professional growth : PLMs to be used to measure staff engagement, progress and next steps. 1.Learning Walks/drop-ins: Questioning and Feedback – learning walk will evidence quality questioning and live feedback embedded in daily practice 2.Planning Audit: audit will evidence clear planning across the curriculum which applies key strategies. 3.Pupil Voice: Feedback – children will report live feedback being a routine part of their lessons 4.Pupil progress meetings & provision map show progress in children’s learning and themes are monitored to plan for next steps. 5. SEFS and Action Plans: monitoring shows evidence of focused strategies 6.Ongoing Staff Voice, Reflections and Professional growth : PLMs to be used to measure staff engagement, progress and next steps.