Department of Education Region III Division of Pampanga Gutad National High School Floridablanca Date: September 5-9, 2022 I. Objectives A. Content Standard B. Performance Standard C. Learning Competencies/Objective(s) Session 1 Define the word medieval. Discuss the historical and cultural background of medieval period. The learner demonstrates understanding of characteristics features of the medieval, renaissance and baroque music. Performs selected songs from medieval, renaissance and baroque periods; a. chants c. oratorio b. madrigals d. chorales e. troubadours The learner explains the performance practice during medieval, renaissance and baroque periods. Describes musical elements of given medieval, renaissance and baroque music. Explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of composers/performers, and Session 2 Define the word medieval. Discuss the historical and cultural background of medieval period. Know the famous composer, Adam de la Halle. The learner demonstrates understanding of characteristics features of the medieval, renaissance and baroque music. Performs selected songs from medieval, renaissance and baroque periods; a. chants c. oratorio b. madrigals d. chorales e. troubadours The learner explains the performance practice during medieval, renaissance and baroque periods. Describes musical elements of given medieval, renaissance and baroque music. Explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of composers/performers, and Session 3 explain the concept of community health and environmental health describe the characteristics of a healthy community Session 4 explain the concept of community health and environmental health describe the characteristics of a healthy community The learner demonstrates understanding of the principles in protecting the environment for community wellness. The learner demonstrates understanding of the principles in protecting the environment for community wellness. The learner consistently demonstrates healthful practices to protect the environment for community wellness. The learner consistently demonstrates healthful practices to protect the environment for community wellness. defines community and environmental health describes a healthy community defines community and environmental health describes a healthy community II. Content III. Learning Resources A. References 1. Teacher’s Guide pages 2. Learners Material pages audience) during medieval, renaissance and baroque periods. Music of the Medieval Period (700-1400) Pages 6-8 audience) during medieval, renaissance and baroque periods. Music of the Medieval Period (700-1400) Pages 6-8 The Concepts of Community and Environmental Health The Concepts of Community and Environmental Health Pages 216-217 Pages 222-224 Pages 216-217 Pages 222-224 3. Textbook pages 4. Additional Materials from learning resources portal B. Other learning resources IV. Procedures A. Review B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson Let the students describe the word Let the students describe the word Let the students talking about their Let the students talking about their medieval. medieval. ideal and present community. ideal and present community. VENN DIAGRAM VENN DIAGRAM Dream Existing Community Community - Can you say that your Discuss the historical and cultural Discuss the historical and cultural community is an ideal background of medieval period. background of medieval period. one? Explain. - What characteristics of a dream community would you like to have in your community? How can you make your community an ideal one? What is community? What is Medieval Period (700-1400) Medieval Period (700-1400) Health? What is community health? - also known as Middle Ages also known as Middle Ages or Dark or Dark Ages. Ages. Dream Existing Community Community Can you say that your community is an ideal one? Explain. What characteristics of a dream community would you like to have in your community? How can you make your community an ideal one? What is community? What is Health? What is community health? D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills 1 E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills 2 Characteristics of Gregorian Chant. Characteristics Music. of Troubadour F. Developing Mastery Listening Activity: Let the students analyze and describe the elements of music. G. Finding practical Applications of concepts and skills in daily living Let the students appreciate music and music catches the mood of people. Music is part of our daily living. H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson During medieval period, the Christian church influenced Europe’s culture and political affairs. I. Evaluating learning Making Reflections: Differentiate Gregorian chant and Troubadour music. The learners’ responses should be processed. Invite them to share their answers in front of the class. Characteristics of Gregorian Chant. Community- a sociological group in Characteristics of Troubadour Music. a large place sharing one environment. Health- a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not just the absence of disease or infirmity. Community Health- science of maintaining, protecting and improving the health of all the members of the community. Environmental Health- aspects of human health. Medieval Famous composer Characteristics of a healthy Adam de la Halle also known as community. Adam the Hunchback and Adam le Bossu. His works includes: 1. Le Jeu de Robin et de Marion 2. La Chanson du roi de Sicile Listening Activity: Let the students write on the board Let the students analyze and at least three keywords that describe the elements of music. expresses on what you have learned. Let the students appreciate music It is important to introduce the and music catches the mood of concepts of community and people. Music is part of our daily environmental health, to make living. students aware of the importance of having a healthy community. During medieval period, the Always remember the concepts of Christian church influenced Europe’s and environmental health as well culture and political affairs. as the characteristics of healthy community. Making Reflections: Individual Activity: Differentiate Gregorian chant and The Health Expert Troubadour music. See on page 226 The learners’ responses should be processed. Invite them to share their answers in front of the class. Community- a sociological group in a large place sharing one environment. Health- a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not just the absence of disease or infirmity. Community Health- science of maintaining, protecting and improving the health of all the members of the community. Environmental Health- aspects of human health. Characteristics of a healthy community. Let the students write on the board at least three keywords that expresses on what you have learned. It is important to introduce the concepts of community and environmental health, to make students aware of the importance of having a healthy community. Always remember the concepts of and environmental health as well as the characteristics of healthy community. Individual Activity: The Health Expert See on page 226 J. Additional Activities V. Remarks VI. Reflection Comparison Table Comparison Table After listening to the music students After listening to the music students able to identify the Gregorian chant able to identify the Gregorian chant, and Troubadour music. Troubadour music and musical works of Adam de la Halle. Students realized that medieval Students realized that medieval music are too old to be useful and music are too old to be useful and acceptable. acceptable. A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation Prepared by: CRISTINE NICDAO LALIC MAPEH TEACHER Checked by: VIRGILIO S. VALDEZ Principal II Making Reflections Making Reflections Students shared their ideas or answers in front of the class. Students shared their ideas or answers in front of the class. Students realized how important to have a healthy community. Students realized how important to have a healthy community.