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Enterprise Network Design Project: Factory Automation

EEET2368 Network Fundamentals and Applications
Assessment Task 4: Project Assignment (30%)
The objective of this project is to get you a hands-on experience in designing a realistic enterprise
network. As in real-life problems, you have a large degree of flexibility in developing your design
and in making different assumptions. However, both the design and the assumptions should be
sound, and they should be based on literature, standard or industry best practices whenever possible.
There is no single correct answer for this project, marks will be awarded based on the criteria
explained in this document following the rubric on Canvas.
Project Assignment Instructions
Start working on this assignment as soon as possible!
Check Canvas for the due date of this assignment
This written assignment (Project) worth 30% of the total mark
This assignment is individual
This assignment gives a large room for the student to be innovative and to propose their
own ideas
Marks will be awarded as follows (details is in the rubric on Canvas)
o Depth of literature review
o Neat figures, plots, and illustrations (drawn by the student)
o Clarity of writing and equations
o Novelty and innovation
o Sound assumptions and parameters
o Simulation code / Simulation setup
o Proper references Use IEEE citation style
It is expected to have a document of 7-15 pages long (2000-3500 words) – excluding the
code/configuration which should be included as an appendix
 Submission should be a single PDF file.
 Include Matlab code as an appendix to your submission (in the same PDF file), the code
needs to be neatly written with clear annotation (comments). Also, it needs to be
consistent with the assignment text and well explained.
o Coding/scripting language needs to be in Matlab
o It is indeed allowed to use libraries and functions (both built-in and external),
however it should be clearly identified in the code which part was developed by the
student and which part was taken from other sources.
o Since Turnitin is activated, only include the part of the code that you wrote
 Include routers configurations using Cisco Packet Tracer: Running Configuration -> Export.
Delete the default parts of the configuration, and only keep the parts that you have
 State your assumptions inside the assignment document! Marks are awarded to sound
Important note about plagiarism:
o You should write the assignment yourself. Under no circumstances any
part of this assignment can be written by anyone else (unless otherwise
some quoted text is clearly stated and referenced)
o Plagiarism will not be tolerated and heavy loss of marks (or zero mark) will be
incurred with possible wider academic penalties.
o The rules apply similarly to the developed codes
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Report structure
Following is the recommended report structure,
Abstract (min 150 words)
o Provide an interesting motivation for the reader to read the rest of the report!
o Include a quick background/ motivation
o Include a summary of the main contributions of your assignment
o Include the main take-away results
Introduction and Background (min 400 words)
o Background on your topic
o Main contribution of your work (dot points)
Literature review (min 500 words)
o Literature review on the general subject
o Literature review on your particular topic
o (if applicable) Comparison between the literature qualitatively and/ or quantitatively
o Include comparison tables when applicable
System Design*
o Feel free to split this section into multiple sections / subsections
o Also feel free to take some of these points to the next section when needed
o Main assumptions for your work
o Include explanation / justification on why you picked up this model / modelling
o A diagram for your system (or diagrams) – neatly drawn using professional tools
such as Visio, Power point, etc..
o Equations and derivation if needed
o Analytic results when applicable
o Explain your code / algorithms
Results and performance*
o Feel free to call this section something else or to split it into multiple sections /
o Simulation numerical inputs and parameters (why did you pick up these parameters,
add references)
o Figures graphs of your results, properly annotated with legends, units, clear x and y
axis ticks, etc..
o (bonus) to compare your results with existing literature
Conclusion (min 150 words)
o Summary of the paper
o Takeaway message
o Future work that can be done on this topic
*System Design and Results sections both minimum 1300 words
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Design an enterprise network (including Wi-Fi) for factory automation
The objective of this project is to design a data network for factory automation, the network is
composed of both a wired LAN (based on Gigabit/Fast Ethernet) and a Wi-Fi WLAN based on
IEEE802.11n (or better). The factory layout is shown in the below floor plan:
Figure 1. Factory floor plan
The goal of your report is to show an end-to-end solution for the network design including all
needed details with proper justification. Your design should address the following points:
Wi-Fi network design
Assuming your budget is only for
12-16 access points, you will
need to find the best place for the
12-16 Wi-Fi access points and
simulate the coverage of these
access points using the provided
Matlab script (or any external tool
that can do the same or better),
the outcome of the Wi-Fi design:
- Plot for the coverage
(received signal strength
called heatmap] similar to
the example in Fig. 2 (this
one is showing 3 access points,
but yours should show 12-16 APs),
Figure 2. RSSI coverage example
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Plot for the serving access
point number (coded as
different colors) see the
example in Fig. 3 (this one is
showing 3 access points, but
yours should show 12-16
Plot for the theoretical
maximum datarate (using
Shannon capacity formula),
assuming noise power of N= 85 dBm. Do not forget to add
the color bar (units in Mb/s).
Use white color for data rate
below 5 Mbit/s
Figure 3. Serving AP example
Frequency plan assignment i.e., which frequency to use for each access point to minimize
interference between access points, using 2.4 GHz spectrum.
Ethernet network design
Assume that for each production line you need 100 Fast Ethernet ports, your design should have the
following deliverables,
- A cabling diagram for the overall network (also showing the Wi-Fi access points). The
cabling should show the connectivity between the switches, routers, access points, servers,
etc.. also should indicate the IP addressing plan. Hint: You can either take a snapshot from
Cisco Packet Tracer, or you could draw the network using Visio or any other professional
tool for bonus marks.
- The optimal number of the required Ethernet switches, also suggest suitable locations to
place them, and suitable switch models based on Cisco Packet Tracer
- Type of cables should we use (Cat6 cabling for the Fast Ethernet, and single mode optical
cables for the uplink ports of the switches, and the connection between routers)? Also, you
need to make sure that the cables are not exceeding the maximum recommended length.
- Each factory block should have its own router, you will need to design the cable
connectivity between the switches and routers (using single mode optical fiber cables).
- Routers inside the blocks need to be connected to two core routers inside the server room
- The two core routers are connected to two generic servers, one DHCP server, and one HTTP
- Use duplicate connection, i.e., 1+1, for inter-router connection and for the connection
between the core routers and the servers
Network configuration
You will need to develop the network configuration plan including,
- IP addressing of routers, switches, hosts, access points and servers. All IP addresses should
be private IP addresses
- RIP routing protocol configuration (Using OSPF instead will give you a bonus!)
- Configuration of the DHCP server
- Types of switches/access points/ routers.
- Suitable port configuration, etc..
Network services
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The services of the network should include,
- One HTTP server
- One DHCP server
- Two generic central servers
Network Simulation and Validation
You will need to simulate the entire network including the switches, access points, routers, servers
as stated above, for the hosts you just need a couple of hosts in each production line (no need to
simulate 100 host per production line !!). Expected deliverables,
- Snapshot of the overall network layout in Cisco Packet Tracer
- Successful pinging for two hosts within the same production line
- Successful trace-route for 2-3 hosts between different production lines within the same
factory block.
- Successful trace-route for hosts between different factory blocks (A to B / B to A, A to C / C
to A, E to B / B to E are sufficient)
- Successful trace-route toward the HTTP server from one host in each production line
- Successful trace-route toward the central HTTP server and the two generic servers from 12
wireless users (each user associated to an access point)
Note: As this is a real-life design project, not all assumptions and information are available. Your
task is to “assume” missing information using standards/literature/best-practices and explain the
reason for such selection and the references when applicable.
All submissions should be via Canvas in PDF format, email submissions will not be accepted.
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