Higher Nationals Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF) INTERNAL VERIFICATION – ASSESSMENT DECISIONS Programme title Assessor Unit(s) BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing Tharidu Suraj Internal Verifier Unit 02: Networking Assignment title LAN Design & Implementation for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Student’s name S.A. Chathushka Niwantha Wickramsingha List which assessment criteria the Assessor has awarded. Pass Merit Distinction INTERNAL VERIFIER CHECKLIST Do the assessment criteria awarded match those shown in the assignment brief? Y/N Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded justified by the assessor’s comments on the student work? Y/N Has the work been assessed accurately? Y/N Is the feedback to the student: Give details: • Constructive? • Linked to relevant assessment criteria? • Identifying opportunities for improved performance? • Agreeing actions? Y/N Y/N Y/N Does the assessment decision need amending? Y/N Y/N Assessor signature Date Internal Verifier signature Date Programme Leader signature (if required) Date Confirm action completed Remedial action taken Give details: Assessor signature Date Internal Verifier signature Date Programme Leader signature (if required) Date Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking Page |1 Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form S.A. Chathushka Niwantha Wickramasingha Student Name/ID Unit Title Unit 02: Networking Assignment Number 1 Assessor Submission Date Date Received 1st submission Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission Assessor Feedback: LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols. Pass, Merit & P1 P2 Distinction Descripts M1 LO2 Explain networking devices and operations. Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts P3 P4 M2 D1 P6 M3 D2 M4 D3 LO3 Design efficient networked systems. Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts P5 LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems. Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts Grade: P7 P8 Assessor Signature: Date: Resubmission Feedback: Grade: Assessor Signature: Date: Internal Verifier’s Comments: Signature & Date: * Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking Page |2 Assignment Feedback Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student Action Plan Summative feedback Feedback: Student to Assessor Assessor signature Date niwanthawickramasingha99@gmail.com Student signature Niwantha Wickramasingha 2022/01/31 Date Networking Page |3 Pearson Higher Nationals in Computing Unit 02: Networking Assignment 01 General Guidelines 1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use previous page as your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled. 2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment. 3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software. 4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing. 5. Allow 1” for top, bottom, right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page. Word Processing Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs. Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style. Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No, and Page Number on each page. This is useful if individual sheets become detached for any reason. 5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing your assignment. Important Points: 1. It is strictly prohibited to use textboxes to add texts in the assignments, except for the compulsory information. eg: Figures, tables of comparison etc. Adding text boxes in the body except for the before mentioned compulsory information will result in rejection of your work. 2. Avoid using page borders in your assignment body. 3. Carefully check the hand in date and the instructions given in the assignment. Late submissions will not be accepted. 4. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date. 5. Excuses of any nature will not be accepted for failure to hand in the work on time. 6. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively. 7. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you may apply (in writing) for an extension. 8. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade. 9. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL. You will then be asked to complete an alternative assignment. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking Page |4 10. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using HARVARD referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text citation and a reference list. 11. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking Page |5 Student Declaration I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further understand what it means to copy another’s work. 1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft. 2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Pearson UK. 3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise or copy another’s work in any of the assignments for this program. 4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will be my own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct way. 5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding agreement between myself and Pearson, UK. 6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not attached to the assignment. Student’s Signature: (Provide E-mail ID) Date: (Provide Submission Date) niwanthawickramasingha99@gmail.com Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking 2022/01/31 Page |6 Higher National Diploma in Computing Assignment Brief Student Name /ID Number Unit Number and Title S.A. Chathushka niwantha Wickramasingha Unit 2: Networking Academic Year 2021/22 Unit Tutor Tharidu Suraj Assignment Title LAN Design & Implementation for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS Issue Date 2021/11/17 Submission Date 2022/01/31 IV Name & Date Submission format The submission should be in the form of an individual report written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using Harvard referencing system. Please also provide an end list of references using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word count is 3,000–3,500 words for the report excluding annexures, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit. Unit Learning Outcomes: LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols. LO2 Explain networking devices and operations. LO3 Design efficient networked systems. LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems. Assignment Brief and Guidance: Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking Page |7 Scenario SYNTAX SOLUTIONS is a privately owned, well-known Software company located in Colombo. The Management of SYNTAX SOLUTIONS has purchased a 3-story building in the heart of Matara. They are planning to make it one of the state-of-the-art companies in Matara with the latest facilities. It is expected to have nearly 150 employees in Matara branch. Department Number of Users Customer Care 10 Sales and Marketing 20 Finance 25 Legal 5 HR 10 Developers 55 Network Team 5 Server Room Servers +ISP connections Following requi rement s are gi ven by t he Management . All the depar t ments must be separ ated wit h unique subnet and shoul d not communi cate wit h each ot her unl ess there i s a special requi rement. is given and should be used f or all t he department s except the ser ver r oom. IPs should assi gn using DHCP. ERP and CRM Systems need t o be i mplement ed in Matar a branch in l ocal ser vers. Number of ser vers requir ed f or the Ser ver r oom need t o be decided by t he Net wor k desi gner and shoul d be assi gned with 24 subnet . ( Uses st ati c IPs) Hi gh level of r edundancy is expected i n networ k desi gn to eli mi nate singl e poi nt of fai lures and traffi c bot tle necks. Sal es and Mar keting Team need to access Net wor k resour ces usi ng WIFI connect i vi t y. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking Page |8 Pr oper methods f or net wor king moni toring and troubleshooting need t o be est abl ished. All possi bl e net wor k securit y mechani sms shoul d be i mpl ement ed. Assume you have been appoi nt ed as the new net wor k consult ant of SYNT AX SOLUT IONS. Prepare a net wor k ar chitect ur al desi gn and i mplement it wi th your suggest ions and r ecommendat ions t o meet t he company r equir ement s. (Note: Cl early stat e your assumpti ons. You are all owed t o desi gn t he net work accordi ng t o your assumpti ons, but mai n requirements shoul d not be vi olated) Acti vit y 01 Di scuss the benefit s and const rai nts of different net wor k system t ypes t hat can be i mpl emented i n the Matar a branch and t he mai n IEEE Ether net st andards that can be u sed in above LAN and WLAN desi gn. Di scuss t he i mport ance and i mpact of networ k t opol ogies and net wor k pr ot ocol suit es whil e compari ng t he mai n net wor k topol ogi es and net work pr ot ocol suit es t hat are used i n networ k desi gn usi ng examples. Recommend suit able net wor k t opol ogies and net work pr ot ocol sui tes for above scenari o and j usti f y your answer wit h vali d points. Acti vit y 02 Di scuss t he oper ati ng pri ncipl es of net work devices (Ex: Router, Swit ch, Etc.) and ser ver t ypes t hat can be used f or above sc enar io while explori ng diff erent ser ver s that are avail able in today’ s mar ket wi th their specifi cat ions. Recommend ser ver /ser ver s f or t he above scenario and j ust if y your selecti on wi th vali d poi nts. Di scuss the inter -dependence of wor kstation har dware wit h net wor ki ng soft war e and provi de exampl es f or net wor king soft ware that can be used in above net wor k desi gn. Acti vit y 03 Prepare a wri tten networ k desi gn pl an t o meet t he above menti oned user r equir ement s i ncl uding a blueprint drawn using a modeling t o ol . ( Ex: Mi cr osoft Visi o, EdrawMax) . Suppor t your answer by provi di ng t he V LAN and IP subnetti ng scheme f or the above scenario and t he li st of devices, net wor k components and sof t ware used to desi gn t he net wor k for above scenar io and while j ustifyi ng your sel ections. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking Page |9 Test and eval uate t he proposed desi gn t o meet t he requir ements and anal yse user f ee dback by using a User f eedback for m. Inst all and confi gur e Net wor k ser vi ces, devi ces and applicati ons ( Ex: V LAN,DHCP, DNS,Pr oxy, Web, Etc.) accor di ng to t he proposed desi gn t o accompl ish t he user r equir ement s and design a det ail ed Maintenance schedule f or above Net wor k. *Not e: - Scr een shots of Confi gurati on scr ipt s should be presented. Acti vit y 04 Impl ement a net wor ked syst em based on your prepar ed desi gn wit h vali d evidences and recommend potenti al f uture enhancements f or t he net wor ked syst em with val id j ust ifi cat ions t o your r ecommendati ons. Use criti cal r efl ection t o criti cal l y evaluat e t he desi gn, pl an, configur ati on, and testi ng of your net wor k while justi f ying wit h vali d concl usions. Develop t est cases and conduct verifi cat ion ( Ex: Ping, exten ded ping, trace rout e, t elnet , SSH, et c.) t o test the above Net work and anal yse t he test result s against the expected resul ts. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 10 Acknowledgment I would like to express my special thanks to my networking lecturer who guild us in the whole semester on networking subjects. Also my heartfelt thanks goes to my parents and my family members who give their support as in my entire life. Finally, all of my batch mates in the HND 31 batch who with me in this semester, all the academic and non-academic staff in ESOFT Metro Campus Gampaha. Niwantha Wickramasingha Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 11 Table of Contents Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................... 11 Activity 1 ........................................................................................................................... 13 Advantage of Networking .......................................................................................... 13 Disadvantage of Networking...................................................................................... 13 Advantages of LAN .................................................................................................... 14 Disadvantages of LAN ................................................................................................ 14 MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) ......................................................................... 16 Activity 2 ........................................................................................................................... 25 Activity 3 ........................................................................................................................... 30 Activity 4 ........................................................................................................................... 52 References .......................................................................................................................... 55 Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 12 Activity 1 What is a network? A network is an interconnection of two or more hosts or nodes for purpose of sharing resources and information with each other. The Internet can be taken as the best example of a network. With over a million devices within people can interact with each other and exchange data and information. That is the best example of a network. Advantages and disadvantages of networking There are many pros and cons to networking. (BBC Bitesize, 2019) Advantage of Networking The advantages of networking are as below. Ability to use shared resources. An example, networking to a location that requires a large number of printers and scanners allows one printer and scanner machine to do all the work, saving time and money. Ability to exchange files very efficiently. Software is generally used. Backup is easy because all the data is backed up on a file server. Disadvantage of Networking The disadvantages of networking are as below. Networking equipment such as network cables, routers, server computers, etc. be costly. The network requires trained staff to manage, so it costs a lot of money for it. A virus attack on the network it's affects all computers on the network.. The network requires trained staff to manage, so it costs a lot of money for it. Network System There are a number of network systems depending on how devices connect to a network and how they are geographically spread across the network. A network system has basically four types. That is LAN, WAN, MAN, and WLAN. The network system is important for building the network of the above Syntax Solution Company. The entire network is a LAN (LOCAL AREA NETWORK). WAN (WIDE AREA NETWORK) is required for communication between Colombo and Mathara branch and internet connection. Also, the Customer Care Department requires Wi-Fi connectivity so it requires WLAN (WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORK). Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 13 LAN (Local Area Network) (Router-switch.com, 2020) A LAN is a network of two or more devices spread over a small geographical area with or without wires. A LAN can be small or large. That is, a network is a network of interconnected devices spread over a single finite geographical area. And LAN provides high-speed bandwidth for devices connected to the network. Advantages of LAN The following are the advantages of a LAN Networking has made it easier to use resources such as printers. That saves money. In a normal situation, need to buy a software license for all computers. After networking only need one license for one computer and can use this software on other computers within a network. Files can be easily shared with other users Data is easy to back up. Disadvantages of LAN The following are the disadvantages of a LAN Setting up a network can cost a lot of equipment, such as servers, routers, and cables. In a normal situation, need to buy a software license for all computers. After networking only need one license for one computer and can use this software on other computers within a network. Files can be easily shared with other users Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 14 Data is easy to back up. AN (Wide Area Network) (www.guru99.com, n.d.) WAN is a network that covers a large area. It is made up of a large number of LANs. The Internet is the best example of a WAN. Wire or radio waves or both are used to communicate between two LANs. Advantages of WAN The following are the advantages of a WAN WAN covers a large geographical area. Normally it same or more than 1000 kilometers. Data, information, and files can be easily and quickly exchanged, even when people are far away. Data is secure because it can be managed from one place. Disadvantages of WAN The following are the advantages of a WAN Network setup costs be a lot. Network maintenance and administration require skilled technicians and network administrators. Due to the use of multi-wire and wireless technology, it takes a long time to solve a problem. WANs are less secure than other networks Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 15 MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) (www.sciencedirect.com, n.d.) A MAN is a larger network than a LAN. A cable television network in a city is a prime example. This is a combination of several LANs. This is a smaller network than WAN. Network size ranges from 5 to 50 km. Advantages of MAN MAN installation costs less compared to WAN. Provides an efficient service for MAN data transfer. Features higher speeds than WAN. It has higher security than LAN. Disadvantages of MAN If the number of LAN networks increases, it will be very difficult to manage. MAN security is less than LAN. Network maintenance and administration require skilled technicians and network administrators. It’s costly. MAN requires a larger number of cables than a LAN. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 16 WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) (Techterms.com, 2017) Wireless local area network that allows wireless devices to communicate within a limited geographical area, mainly through Wi-Fi. WLANs are very similar to LANs. The difference here is that IP ADDRESS is provided via DHCP for devices connected to the WLAN. And also communicates wirelessly. Advantages of WLAN The cost is lower because cables are not required. Devices can be connected of any size as they are not limited by physical ports. Can be extended to any extent by using repeaters. Disadvantages of WLAN The following are the disadvantages of a MAN A wireless network is less secure than a wired network. The strength of the signal decreases as it passes through the concrete-like walls. IEEE Standards IEEE mean is an “Institute OF Electrical and Electronics Engineering ". That is established in the United States. With such a standard, device manufacturers, as well as users, can access the service without any problems. It saves time, money, and much more. Below are some IEEE standards for the Syntax Solution network. IEEE Wi-Fi standard IEEE VLAN standard IEEE Ethernet standard IEEE Spanning tree Standard Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 17 IEEE Wi-Fi Standard This standard was first introduced in 1997. Originally 802.11, but later variants were added. Syntax Solution Sales and Marketing requires a Wi-Fi connection. Below are some IEEE Wi-Fi standards IEEE 802.11 – 1997 This standard was released in 1997. It was developed to operate on the 2.4 GHz ISM band and supported speeds of 1 Mbps - 2 Mbps. The speed is slow compared to the current speed. (SignalBoosters, n.d.) IEEE 802.11a This standard was released in 1999. When the frequency of 5 GHz was used instead of 2.4 GHz. Speed higher than 802.11 but extends to a shorter range. (SignalBoosters, n.d.) IEEE 802.11ah This standard was released in May 2017. 802.11ah aims to use unlicensed frequencies below 1GHz. The 802.11ah goal is to use less power and provide WLAN for longer distances. It has an indoor range of 543 m (1,781.5 ft.) and a theoretical range of up to 347 Mbps. (SignalBoosters, n.d.) "The latest version of "802.11ah" is recommended for Syntax Solution Network. IEEE VLAN Standard VLAN is a virtual LAN (Local Area Network). IEEE 802.1Q is a VLAN tagging protocol supported by Cisco Switches. This standard was developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), so it is an open standard and can be used on non-Cisco switches (Study CCNA, 2016). Here you can create multiple different LANs in one switch. When allocating a department in a syntax solution, it is more expensive to purchase a separate switch for each department. This requires VLAN. Here you can allocate the required number of departments in one switch. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 18 IEEE Ethernet Standard IEEE 802.3 is the standard number for an Ethernet-based network. This is mainly used on LANs and can also be used on networks such as MAN. IEEE 802.3 defines the physical layer of the data connection layer and the Central Access Control (MAC) sublayer for wired Ethernet networks( Lantronix.com, 2019.( Name Ethernet Fast Ethernet/ 100Base-T Gigabit Ethernet/ GigE 10 Gigabit Ethernet IEEE Standard 802.3 802.3u 802.3z IEEE 802.3ae Data Rate 10 Mbps 100 Mbps 1000 Mbps 10 Gbps Media Type Maximum Distance 10Base-T 100Base-TX 100Base-FX 1000Base-T 1000Base-SX 1000Base-LX 10GBase-SR 10GBase-LX4 10GBase-LR/ER 10GBaseSW/LW/EW 100 meters 100 meters 2000 meters 100 meters 275/550 meters 550/5000 meters 300 meters 300m MMF/ 10km SMF 10km/40km 300m/10km/40km Below are some versions of IEEE 802.3. IEEE Spanning Tree Standard The 802.1D Spanning Tree protocol eliminates loops in a network. For example, when three switches are connected to each other, this protocol temporarily disables one connection. This is done to eliminate loops between the data packets that travel in this network. Syntax Solution requires more switches when installing the network. This is important to minimize collision domains. What Is The Network Topology? Network topology is the physical or logical way in which computers or network devices are connected to each other. Topologies present both the physical layout and the logical layout of the network. This network topology is required when building the above network. These topologies depend on how switches and nodes are connected to each other, as well as switch switches. This is commonly referred to as the Hybrid topology as it uses both star and bus topology. That is, the hybrid topology is used to build this network. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 19 Why Network Topology is Important? The layout of a network allows you to understand the layout of the network, as well as to facilitate data transfer and minimize errors. Also, if there is a network error, it can be fixed quickly. There are several types of topologies are below. Bus topology Star topology Ring topology Mesh topology Hybrid topology Bus topology (Singh, 2019) This network configuration is created by connecting computers or devices to a backbone cable. The Terminator is connected to the two ends of that backbone cable. This will prevent signal loss. Advantages of Bus topology The cost of setting up the network is minimal. Because each device is connected to a separate backbone cable, an error in one device does not affect the other. A lower number of cables is required. Networking devices such as hub switches are not required, so the cost is very low. Disadvantages of Bus topology The problem cannot be detected if the network is down. If the backbone cable is damaged, the network will crash. Network speeds down during large data transfers. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 20 Star topology (Singh, 2019) Here all the devices are connected to one centralized device i.e. a hub or a switch. Computers cannot communicate directly with each other. All communication takes place through a centralized device. Advantages of Star topology Network building is easy. The required number of cables is less than the bus topology. So the cost is low. Even if one device connected to the network is disabled, the network will not crash completely. Disadvantages of Star topology If the centralized device goes down, the entire network crashes. Proper maintenance is mandatory as there is a centralized device. Ring topology (Singh, 2019) Here the devices are connected to each other like a ring. One device connects to the other two devices on either side. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 21 Advantages of Ring topology Network building is easy. Network upgrades are easy to downgrade. Disadvantages of Ring topology A crash on one device affects the entire network. When moving data in one direction, conflicts occur. Larger amounts of data travel slow down the network. Mesh topology (Singh, 2019) In this network, every device is connected to every device in the network. If the network has n devices, this network is built by connecting each device to a number of (n1( devices. Advantages of Mesh topology Data traffic is minimized because every two devices are connected to each other. Network upgrades are easy to downgrade. Even if one link is inactive, the network will not go down because there are other links. Disadvantages of Mesh topology The number of wires required to build the network is very high. A large number of I / O ports are required as each device must be connected to each other. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 22 Hybrid topology (Singh, 2019) This topology is created by combining two or more topologies. Advantages of Hybrid topology This network topology can be scaled. Therefore it can be scaled at any time as required. Even if one link is inactive, the network will not go down because there are other links. Disadvantages of Hybrid topology Errors are difficult to identify. Network installation is difficult. What Is The Network Protocol? A network protocol is an established set of rules that determine how data is transmitted between different devices in the same network (Default, 2019). The following are some examples of protocols. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Internet Protocol (IP) User Datagram Protocol (UDP) HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 23 Internet Protocol (IP) IP is a protocol used to connect networks. This is used with TCP. This IP protocol allows you to navigate through different nodes to reach the destination with the IP addresses contained in a data packet. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) This is similar to the TCP protocol and is used for loss-tolerating and low-latency. HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) HTTP is designed to switch overheads between two or more systems. This is done in hypertext format. This is the exchange that takes place between the server browser and the webserver. HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) This is also the latest version of HTTP. HTTPS takes the same process as HTTP and is more secure than HTTP. Here the data is encrypted and sent. Data is decoded and retrieved by the destination browser. This protocol reduces data theft along the way. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) ARP (Address resolution protocol) main role is the connecting to frequently changing IP addresses and the device's physical number (MAC address) each other. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (ARP) DHCP is used on IP networks. The DHCP server can efficiently communicate efficiently by automatically providing IP to all devices connected to the network. The above protocols such as TCP / UDP Protocol, ARP Protocol, FTP are mainly used for network communication during network building. The IP protocol is also primarily required for communication between Internet connections and VLANs. The Internet also requires HTTP and HTTPS protocols. Details about these protocols and network topology are mentioned above. IEEE Wi-Fi standard, IEEE VLAN Standard, IEEE Ethernet Standard, IEEE Spanning tree protocol are also used as IEEE Standards to build the above network. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 24 Activity 2 Network Devices and Their Operating Principle. Network devices are devices that connect to the network during networking. Switches, hubs, repeaters, routers are examples of these network devices. The functionality of these devices varies from one to another. These devices operate in layers on the OSI Reference Model. Repeaters This is a device that operates on the physical layer. When a moving signal is weakened on the way, this device copies weak data regenerates the signal and sends that signal. This device has 2 ports. The Sales and marketing department requires Wi-Fi to set up the above network. The existing building has 3 floors so the signal strength decreases with increasing distance. Using Wireless repeaters can minimize that problem. Hubs A hub is a centralized device used by several computers to network with each other. Since no controls are performed here, a data packet from one device is sent to all connected devices. Data loss can also occur as data packets collide here. The hub is not currently used. Bridge This operates on the Datalink layer. Works with MAC addresses. It is used to connect two LANs running similar protocols. Switch This device also works on the Datalink layer. Although similar in operating to the hub, this is an improved device on the hub. Data packets are sent only to the relevant device. This minimizes collision domains. It is also possible to diagnose errors before sending data packets. The switch requires a connect pc each other to the above network. Router A router is a device that runs on the network layer. Similar to the switch, these devices are functional with IP addresses. It also includes a dynamically updating routing table for routing data packets when connecting a LAN to a WAN. Communication between the Internet connection and Inter-VLAN requires a router above scenario. Gateway This Device is used to connect two different network models. Basically, take data from one system, interpret it, and transfer it to another system. The gateway can operate in any network layer. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 25 What are the Servers? Servers are devices that store or process data Connecting to the network and providing services to another device on the network. Computers or software systems act as servers that connect to a network. Type of Servers Web Server These servers are used to store data on websites. The main function here is to store, edit and distribute web pages to users. HTTP / HTTPS protocol Used for communication. Proxy Server A proxy server acts as a bridge between clients and the host server. This server can also filter the IP address of various websites. It can filter out harmful internet entities. File Server This server allows to store and download of data on network users. It also provides a faster service to the users. Can backup data anytime and this server is optimizing the data reading and writing process. Database Server The database server is used to store data files for multiple users. Allows for faster data transfer, writing, and Storing data. Mail Server Mail servers are used to exchange emails over the network. It also does mail storage. Select the server for syntax solution Server computers are manufactured by different manufacturers, and several of these manufacturers are at the forefront of quality. Manufacturers such as HP, DELL, INSPURA, LENOVO and IBM are at the forefront. The DELL brand can be selected as the server computer when building the network at Syntax Solutions. Below are some details about DELL server computers. PowerEdge R240 Futures Processor Niwantha Wickramasingha Specification 1 processor from the following: Intel® Xeon® E-2200 product family, Intel Pentium®, Intel Core i3®, Intel Celeron® Networking P a g e | 26 Memory Storage controllers Internal boot Drive bays Power supplies I/O & Ports 4 x DDR4 DIMM slots, Supports UDIMM, up to 2666MT/s, 64GB Max. Supports registered ECC Internal controllers: PERC H730P, H330, HBA330 Software RAID: PERC S140 External controllers: 12Gbps SAS HBA Boot Optimized Storage Subsystem (BOSS): 2 x M.2 240GB (RAID 1 or No RAID) or 1 x M.2 240GB (No RAID only) Internal Dual SD Module3 : 2x microSD (16GB, 32GB or 64GB) or 1x microSD (16GB, 32GB or 64GB) Up to 4 x 3.5 cabled SATA, SAS (optional) or SSD* Up to 4 x 3.5 or 2.5 hot-plug SATA, SAS (optional) or SSD* *available in the hot-plug configuration Single 250W (Bronze) or 450W (Platinum) power supply Networking Options: 2 x 1GbE LOM Network Interface Controller (NIC) ports Front ports: 1x USB 2.0, 1 x IDRAC micro USB 2.0 management port Rear ports: 2 x USB 3.0, VGA, serial connector (Designed for budget-conscious businesses, n.d.) PowerEdge R440 Rack Server Futures Specification Up to two 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processor processors, up to 24 cores per processor 16 DDR4 DIMM slots, Supports RDIMM /LRDIMM, Memory speeds up to 2666MT/s, 1TB max Internal Controllers: PERC H330, H730P, H740P, Storage controllers HBA330 External Controllers: H840, 12 Gbps SAS HBA Software RAID:S140 Boot Optimized Storage Subsystem (BOSS):HWRAID 2 Internal boot x M.2 SSDs 240GB, 480GB Internal Dual SD Module Front drive bays: Up to 10 x 2.5” SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD) with up to 4 NVMe SSD max 76.8TB or up to 4 x 3.5 Drive bays SAS/SATA HDD max 64TB Optional DVD-ROM, DVD+RW Bronze 450W (Cabled PSU), Platinum 550W (Hot plug Power supplies PSU with full redundancy option) Network options 2 x 1GbE LOM + (optional) LOM Riser 2 x 1GbE or 2x 10GbE SFP+ or 2 x 10GbE BaseT Front ports: 1 x Dedicated iDRAC Direct USB, 1 x USB 2.0, 1 x I/O & Ports Video Rear ports: 1 x Dedicated iDRAC network port, 1 x Serial, 2 x USB 3.0, 1 x Video Up to 2 x PCIe Gen 3 slots all x16 (Deliver performance at scale with the Dell EMC PowerEdge portfolio, n.d.) Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 27 PowerEdge R640 Rack Server Futures Processor Memory Storage controllers Drive bays Power supplies I/O & Ports Specification Up to two 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, up to 28 cores per processor 24 DDR4 DIMM slots, Supports RDIMM /LRDIMM, speeds up to 2933MT/s, 3TB max Up to 12 NVDIMM, 192 GB Max Up to 12 Intel® Optane™ DC persistent memory DCPMM, 6.14TB max, (7.68TB max with DPCMM + LRDIMM) Supports registered ECC DDR4 DIMMs only Internal controllers: PERC H330, H730p, H740p, Software RAID (SWRAID) S140 Boot Optimized Storage Subsystem: HWRAID 2 x M.2 SSDs 240GB, 480GB External PERC (RAID): H840 12Gbps SAS HBAs (nonRAID): External - 12Gbps SAS HBA (non-RAID), Internal - HBA330 (non-RAID) Front drive bays: Up to 10 x 2.5” SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD) with up to 8 NVMe SSD max 76.8TB or up to 10 NVMe drives max 64TB, or up to 4 x 3.5” SAS/SATA HDD max 64TB Rear drive bays: Up to 2 x 2.5” SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD), NVMe SSD max 15.36TB Optional DVDROM, DVD+RW 495W Platinum , 750W Platinum , 750W 240HVDC Platinum*, 1100W 48VDC , 1100W Platinum , 1100W 380HVDC Platinum* , 1600W Platinum , 750W Titanium , Hot plug power supplies with full redundancy option, Up to 8 hot plugs fans with full redundancy, *Available in China and Japan only Network Options: 4 x 1GbE ,2 x 10GbE +, 2 x 1GbE ,4 x 10GbE, 2 x 25GbE Front Ports: 1 x Dedicated iDRAC direct USB , 1 x USB 2.0, 1 x USB 3.0 (optional), 1 x Video Rear Ports: 1 x Dedicated iDRAC network port, 1 x Serial , 2 x USB 3.0 1 x Video PCIe: 3 x Gen3 slots all x16 Video Card: 2 x VGA (Maximize application performance and density, n.d.) You can select the DELL PowerEdge R640 Rack Server computer when building the network at Syntax Solutions. It can be expanded up to two processors. 28 core processors can be used. It also allows the network to get a more efficient and faster service. It also has 24 RAM slots so as the size of the network devices increases, this server will be able to use the computer without any problems in the future. With up to 8 hot plug fans, overheating problems are minimized. It is more suitable for a country like Sri Lanka. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 28 Network Software Network software is software used to design, execute, operate, and monitor computer networks. This software is also commonly referred to as a server operating system. This server operating system can perform more functions than a standard operating system. Example for Server OS Red Hat Enterprise Linux Windows Server Mac OS X Server Key features of a server operating system Ability to access the GUI and command-level interface. Advanced-level hardware, software, and network configuration services. Provides central interface to manage users, implement security and other administrative processes. (Techopedia.com, n.d.) Even if a server operating system is installed on a standard computer, it must have at least the following hardware facilities to get the required performance (docs.oracle.com, n.d.). Processor: Intel Xeon 5600 Series or equal AMD CPU Memory: 16 GB RAM Operating System Disk: Dual HDD drives, 1 TB each Connection: Gigabit Ethernet For the following reasons, Windows Server 2019 operating system is selected for the above scenario. Hybrid cloud-focused with lots of new features covering security and crossmanaged Azure services. (PCMAG, n.d.) Do-it-yourself software-defined storage can radically decrease costs compared to on-site hardware-based solutions. (PCMAG, n.d.) Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 29 Activity 3 The plan for installing the above network is as follows. Switch, Routers, Gateways, servers were required to create the above network configuration. Symbol S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 R1 R2 Name Switch 1 Switch 2 Switch 3 Switch 4 Switch 5 Switch 6 Switch 7 Switch 8 Switch 9 Router 1 Router 2 The following are the switch distribution for each department during the network installation. Eight switches are used for this network. The ports of those switches are reserved for the department as follows. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 30 Switch Name Switch 1 Ports for Department f0/1 – f0/10 = VLAN 10 (Customer care Department) f0/11 - f0/24 = VLAN 20 (Sales and Marketing) Switch 2 f0/1- f0/7 = VLAN 20 (Sales and Marketing) f0/08 - f0/17 = VLAN 50 (HR Department) f0/18 - f0/23 = VLAN 60 (Developer Department) Switch 3 f0/24 = S3 Backup (Switch 2 to Switch 3 Backup Line) f0/1- f0/23 = VLAN 60 (Developers Department) Switch 4 f0/24 = S4 Backup (Switch 3 to Switch 4 Backup Line) f0/1- f0/23 = VLAN 60(Developers Department) Switch 5 f0/24 = S5 Backup (Switch 4 to Switch 5 Backup Line) f0/1 - f0/3 = VLAN 60 (Developers Department) f0/4 - f0/23 = VLAN 30(Finance Department) Switch 6 f0/24 = S6 Backup (Switch 5 to Switch 6 Backup Line) f0/1 - f0/10 = VLAN 30 (Finance Department) f0/11 - f015 = VLAN 70 (Network Department) f0/16 - f0/20 = VLAN 40 (Legal Department) Switch 7 f0/21 - f0/23 = VLAN 80 (Server Department) f0/1- f0/4 = VLAN 80 (Server Department) Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 31 IP and Subnetting Syntax Solution uses the below IP address to install the network. Here every department needs a unique subnet according to the user requirements. Department Name Customer care Sales&Marketi. Finance Legal HR Developer Network Server Room Hosts 10 21 25 05 10 55 05 IP Range Subnet - - - - - Usable Host 14 30 30 6 14 62 6 255 User requirements state that the number of employees will increase to 150 in the future. When subnetting, Additional IP addresses are assigned to each department. It is clearly mentioned in the table above (Different of Usable host and host count) Type of Devices Used in this scenario Switch 8 switches are required to build the above network. The Cisco brand has been selected for this. Cisco is one of the world's leading manufacturers of high-quality network devices. Only 7 switches Cisco catalyst 2960 and PT-Switch are used for this. Another Cisco catalyst 2960 switch will be needed in the future as the number of employees increases. Why Cisco Catalyst 2960 o o o o o o o o o o 24x Ethernet 10/100 Ports 2x Dual-Purpose Ports Uplinks 1 RU Fixed-Configuration Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switching Borderless Network Architecture SNMP Management Auto Smart Ports DHCP Auto configuration Cisco Energy Wise Technology Efficient Switch Operation (www.bhphotovideo.com, n.d.) Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 32 VLAN 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Router Syntax Solution requires two routers. VLANs require one router for communication and another router for internet connection. Boasting an aggregate data throughput of up to 100 Mb/s that's upgradeable to up to 300 Mb/s, the ISR 4331 router is equipped with a total of three WAN/LAN ports, including one Gigabit Ethernet RJ45/SFP port, a Gigabit (www.bhphotovideo.com, n.d.). Key feature In Cisco ISR 4331 Router 1 x 10/100/1000 Mb/s RJ45/SFP Port 1 x 10/100/1000 Mb/s RJ45 Port 1 x 10/100/1000 Mb/s SFP Port 1 x 10/100/1000 Mb/s Management Port/;pl Mini-USB & USB 2.0 Type-A Ports x Network Interface Module Slots 1 x Enhanced Service Module Slot Up to 100 Mb/s Default Data Throughput Cisco Software-Defined WAN Intent-Based DNA Network Wireless Access point An access point is required to provide wireless support for Syntax Solution. The company also has three floors so each floor requires 3 Access points and 3 wireless repeaters. The D-Link brand is suitable for this. This is best matched in terms of price and durability. Suitable for Wireless AC1750 Dual Band Access Point and N300 Wireless Repeater. AC1750 Dual-Band Access Point (Dlinkmea.com, 2022) Gigabit LAN Port (One PoE port supported) 2.4/5 GHz wireless WPA-Personal SSID broadcast disable WPA-Enterprise MAC address access control WPA2-Personal Network Access Protection (NAP) WEP 64/128-bit encryption Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 33 N300 Wireless Repeater (Dlinkmea.com, 2022) Device Interfaces: Wireless LAN; Combined WPS/Reset button LEDs: Status/WPS; Signal strength Standards : IEEE 802.11n ; IEEE 802.11g ; IEEE 802.11b Antennas: Two internal antennas Wireless Security : Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA/WPA2) ; WEP 64/128-bit encryption ; WPS (PBC) Advanced Features: D-Link One-Touch; D-Link Home zone Device Management: Supports D-Link One-Touch Mobile app for iPhone; iPad, iPod Touch, and Android mobile devices; Web UI User Feedback and Requirement User Requirements Internet speed and Continues connection High-level Redundancy Mail system for local uses Security Niwantha Wickramasingha Solution Assign 2 Internet Service providers to this network.(Dialog And Slt) Used 2 Pt Switch with all gigabit Ethernet ports. All 2960 Switches are connected to these two PT switches. One PT Switch line goes Down, Nothing to worry about it. Automatically Second PT Switch Getting up in several minutes. Pop3 or IMAP mail services can host locally. Below choose Server Can do it. All Routers And Switches ports and loggings password was encrypted. Relief Ethernet ports on the switch were temporarily disabled. Networking P a g e | 34 Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 35 VLAN Setup in this Network Below Configure VLAN in Cisco router using CLI Mode. Create VLAN in every Switch Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 36 Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 37 Successful Switching VLAN Separation and Port Assignment as follows. The data packet must be trunked to transfer correctly between switches. It is as follows. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 38 VLAN table on Switch 1 VLAN table on Switch 2 Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 39 VLAN table on Switch 3 Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 40 VLAN table on Switch 4 Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 41 VLAN table on Switch 5 Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 42 VLAN table on Switch 6 Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 43 VLAN table on Switch 7 Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 44 VLAN table on PT-Switch Below is how the CLI configuration of the Router is done to communicate between the VLANs. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 45 Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 46 The following is how to configure a web server. Here can enable HTTP / HTTPS service and add other web pages. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 47 The following is how to configure a DHCP Server. Service: DHCP Function enable disable Pool name: Can create multiple DHCP pools for different networks. Here Show Name of DHCP Pool Default gateway: IP address of the main router. DNS server: IP address of main DNS server in the network. Start IP address: starting IP address for nodes. Subnet mask: subnet mask for the nodes. The Maximum number of users: here can limit issuing IP addresses. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 48 The following is how to configure a DNS Server. DNS service on /off: Function Enable, Disable Name: Server Name Address: IP Address of the server. Add Button clicked, Records are added to the table. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 49 Proxy Server For the proxy server, Can use “CCproxy” Software. IP address : IP address for Proxy rules Mac address : Mac address for Proxy rules User/password: proxy rule can be set per individual user. User/password + IP : proxy rule can be set per individual user and IP address User/password + MAC :proxy rule can be set per individual user and IP MAC Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 50 Below Functions help to limit user bandwidth and deny website access. Daily Server and Network Equipment Checking Instruction Physical check equipment. Cables and Devices Check and create backups and replications to the cloud. Check the windows server Configuration (DNS, DHCP) Firewall and Virus guard updates. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 51 Monthly Server and Network Equipment Checking Instruction Test backups and Delete unnecessary temp files. Check for windows updates and install them. Check the status of main server ups and all power backup solutions. Check firmware of Switches and Firewall, Raid controllers on server. Check all cables and connectors. Activity 4 Implement System of Syntax Solution The network of Syntax Solution is as above. Hybrid topology has been used as a topology. Used 7 switches and 1 PT-Switch with Gigabit Ethernet port. Each switch is interconnected and all of those switches are connected to the PT-Switch. This means that a fault in one switch does not affect the other switches, and even if one cable is damaged, the entire network can be maintained without crashing until it is rebuilt. Also, unconnected ports are turned off on all switches. And every switch and router can be password protected. Also, the configuration files of each switch and router are stored on the server, so there is no need to configure the device again when replacing a device with a fault on one device. Can be restored very quickly. It also uses two ISP connections for a stable Internet connection. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 52 Testing Result Test Unit Expected Result Actual Result Connectivity to the server room Every node can communicate with the server room Unauthorized person can’t be logging in to the network. DNS server able to convert URL to IP. Server must have all switches and router configuration files. Within 5 – 10 minutes can be getting up it Every node can communicate with the server room Unauthorized person can’t be logging in to the network. DNS server able to convert URL to IP. Server must have all switches and router configuration files. Within 5 – 10 minutes can be getting up it. Security Test DNS server test If one switch fails, the backup switch will be replaced, and how much time spend to configure? Latency check to Server Packet return time is 0ms. But the actual environment may be 15ms – 25ms. Data packet router passing count Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 53 SSH Connect to the Switch or Router Using remote management port with “putty” or any emulator console. Future Enhancements for Syntax Solution Switch Multilayer switch is the most recommended switch for this network. Because multilayer switch can handle 1tbps+ traffic and communicate and create VLAN without support from the router. Media Type Fiber optic cable is recommended for fast communication. But it was the most expensive. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 54 References Arsal Jahejo (2019). Metropolitan Area Network (MAN Network) | Computer Network Topology. [online] Computer Network Topology. Available at: https://computernetworktopology.com/metropolitan-area-network/ [Accessed 8 Jan. 2022]. BBC Bitesize. (2019). Network types and topologies - Revision 2 - GCSE ICT - BBC Bitesize. [online] Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z36nb9q/revision/2 [Accessed 4 Jan. 2022]. 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[online] Available at: Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 56 https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/computer-science/metropolitan-area-networks [Accessed 8 Jan. 2022]. Zeus Kerravala (2018). DHCP defined and how it works. [online] Network World. Available at: https://www.networkworld.com/article/3299438/dhcp-defined-and-how-itworks.html [Accessed 16 Jan. 2022]. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 57 Grading Rubric Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback LO1 : Examine networking principles and their protoco P1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards. P2 Explain the impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements. M1 Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the effectiveness of networked systems. LO2 : Explain networking devices and operations P3 Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types. P4 Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software. M2 Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario regarding cost and performance optimization. LO 1 & LO2 D1 Critically evaluate the topology protocol selected for a given scenario to demonstrate the efficient utilisation of a networking system. LO3 : Design efficient networked systems Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 58 P5 Design a networked system to meet a given specification. P6 Test and evaluate the design to meet the requirements and analyze user feedback. M3 Install and configure network services and applications on your choice. D2 Design a maintenance schedule to support the networked system. LO4 : Implement and diagnose networked systems P7 Implement a networked system based on a prepared design. P8 Document and analyze test results against expected results. M4 Recommend potential enhancements for the networked systems. D3 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions. Niwantha Wickramasingha Networking P a g e | 59