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Improvised Materials in Science Education Research

This chapter presents the summary, conclusion, recommendations and suggestions for further studies.
The basic focus behind the study is to compare the effectiveness or how useful is the use of improvised
materials are to the original teaching and learning materials to the understanding of the learning in science, and
physics to be specific. So action research was considered to be the most effective in finding answers to the
questions. The total population (sample) used for the research was (55), having fifty two (52) pupils, two (2)
science teachers on the staff, and the head teacher.
The findings of the study are group under the following headings
Research Question1: What is meant by improvised materials?
Research Question 2: What instructional materials can be improvised by teachers in Gbi Central R.C Boys JHS
to teach light energy?
Research Question1 3: What are the attitudes of science teachers in improvisation of teaching materials.
Research Question 4: What problems are faced by science teachers when improvising instructional materials.
Improvised Materials
Out of the study, it was underlined that improvised materials can be attained from the local environment using
discard materials and any useful material from the environment. Again, it was brought to light from the study
that in the absence of the original materials, improvised materials can be used to help the learners understand
the topic especially physic making the subject less abstract and less difficult to understand.
Instructional materials can be improvised in the teaching of light energy.
It was made clear and well understood in that a lazy or unclear atmosphere can be improvise to allow a good
amount of light to pass through it. Using a plane bottle or container with a reasonable amount of fine sand.
Attitude of science teachers toward the production of improvised materials
The study has brought to light that teachers prepare the improvised instructional materials by themselves with
sometimes little involvement of the students or no involvement of them.
And out of the study it made clear that materials from the environment are used in the preparation of improvised
The study also reveals that the teachers do not prepare the improvised instructional materials to make money
but rather to teach by helping the pupils to understand what they are teaching, bring to the understanding that in
basic school instructional materials are used to teach. In which the teacher does the majority of the work in the
preparation before bringing it to the class for teaching.
Problems faced by science teachers when improvising instructional materials.
Bringing up something new to solve a problem will surely encounter problem. Among the problems faced and
are likely to be faced by the science teachers in the preparation of improvised materials is lack of readily
available resources which therefore involve more work to be done to get the needed sources for the work.
Lack of support and financial commitment by the school authority in most cases and assistance from colleagues,
making it the sole responsibility of the science teacher and end-up being a burden for the teacher to solve. Gbi
Central R.C Boys do not have a resource centre or a separate room as store room to keep such improvised
instructional materials after use for future use again.
The effective and proper use of instructional materials increases the understanding of the students in the
teaching and learning process, it was identify that improvised instructional materials also has the same
understanding of the students.
The school, Gbi Central R.C Boys JHS lack a resource centre making the production of the improvised
instructional materials difficult and their storage difficult.
The producing of the improvised instructional materials was quiet challenging despite its success due to a
certain problem encountered by the teacher which are: Lack of readily availability of resources, lack of support
and financial support from the school authorities and lack of assistance from colleagues and students.
Another issue is that most of the students do not like science especially the physics topic which they presume it
was difficult due to lack of proper understanding of the subject.
The study has helped to reveal how effective the improvised material contributed to the better understanding of
the concept light energy. Hence science teachers should be recommended to use improvised materials in
teaching in the absences of the original teaching and learning materials especially topics with less or no
teaching and learning materials. By instilling the desire in them through workshops or in-service training or preservice training.
Again the basic school specifically Gbi Central R.C Boys JHS should be equipped with a small science resource
centre to help in the production and storing of the materials when produced to limit the financial cost in the
product of such instructional materials.
Since the improvisation of the teaching and learning materials increase the understanding and ability to apply
the knowledge the students should be involved in preparation or production of such improvised materials to
widen their understanding of science in general.
Last but not the least, the school headship and the stakeholders of the school especially the Roman Catholic
Church (St. Augustine) because of the school being a mission school should also accessionally produce
assistance to the school and the teaching for works like producing instructional materials to the school either by
financially, or purchasing the items for the school.
Suggestion for further studies
It’s much work has done by the teacher about the topic, but great vacuum is left to be filled and much more
simple improvised instructional materials can be studied to bring more and varies materials in teaching science
and physics to be more specific. They can undertake similar topics as there is a great vacuum in different basic
schools; to get a better representation of the entire production if similar result will be attained.
The researcher would also like to suggest that emphasis should be placed on improvising instructional materials
for teaching in different topics in science and for teaching different subject area.
Azzara C.P. (1999). Audition-based Improvisation techniques and elementary instructional students music