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Canteen Ordering System Requirements Document

Catering Industry
What they can do on the software created
Employee/Cus I would like to eat food from a variety of cuisines. The food should be
nutritious and freshly cooked. I like when the food is hot and is
Served at the right time. I don’t like to be kept waiting.
I am so swamped with work it is difficult for me to go to the canteen
and eat. I want options which I can eat at my workstation while
I hate to wait for food to be served and don’t want to eat at my
Work station. I like to take my meals in the canteen.
I can take out a combined list of all the orders, which are sorted out
with sub totals of same dishes people have ordered. For e.g. Fish and
chips 10, Rice with kidney beans -10 etc.
The system should also give a floor wise list of orders to plan deliveries
Data and reports on most ordered items, least ordered items with
quantities for planning the inventory.
Delivery Boy
He should have a list with floor wise open orders. After food is
delivered, he will checkbox the items on his list. After delivering all the
orders he will close the orders on the website
A tablet can also be used for closing orders as and when they get
Payroll system A list of employees with total Price of food items ordered for the
specified period.
Employee wise list of items ordered and price (datewise) which gets
appended with salary statement for employees to check deduction
A list of employees with dates enrolling and leaving the canteen
ordering system.
Most ordered and least ordered items with various drilldowns such as
floor wise, department wise which can be used for forecasting
List of employees enrolled/ left and no of orders placed
Problem Definition and Solution
The people have to be present condition in taken food from Hotel that means people
had to compulsion of goes to Hotel.
Advantages and Objectives
Advantages of the Canteen Ordering System:
Minimizes Food Wastage
Cheap & Easy Maintenance of Records
The main objective of the Project on Canteen Food ordering System is to manage the details of
Canteen, Meal, It's Type, and Canteen Staff.
Existing System
The present system consists of the manual system that involves the paper work of the billing
system and maintaining the files too.
Proposed System
The solution is a user-friendly system having ideal user interface for different food points. It also
manages menu design as well as billing facilities altogether for all the food outlets.
User friendly interface
Cashless canteen system
Scope using use case diagram (UML)
Refer to the link: - https://online.visualparadigm.com/w/gspcrhdh/diagrams/#diagram:workspace=gspcrhdh&proj=0&id=2
Scope using context diagram
Refer to the link: - https://online.visualparadigm.com/w/gspcrhdh/app/diagrams/#diagram:workspace=gspcrhdh&proj=0&id=3
In Scope
Customizable Menu
The Canteen Ordering System is very helpful in saving time and doing more than one work at a
time. It allows the administrator to create different menu items with full accuracy. Creation and
addition of different items can be done at a time.
Menu Schedule
It helps in scheduling the menus. The administrator can pre-schedule the menu according to the
festivals or other events and the user can select the items and order them from the menu. It is
convenient for both users as well as administrators.
Cashless Transactions
Another feature of the Canteen Ordering System, it allows cashless transactions and offers the
option of a postpaid and prepaid accounting system. It also offers cashless canteen processing.
Auto Selected Item
The feature of the auto-selected item is also available in this device. One item in every menu will
be defined as default. The administrator can change the default items and orders will be placed by
showing credentials.
Out of Scope
Better food
selection; time
Improved employee
productivity; cost
savings for canteen
Strong enthusiasm,
but might not use it
as much as
expected because
of social value of
eating lunches in
Increased sales;
marketing exposure
to generate new
Simplicity of use;
reliability of
delivery; availability
of food choices
Access to corporate
Intranet is needed
Cost savings must
development and
usage costs
Training for staff in
Internet usage
needed; delivery
staff and vehicles
Activity Diagram for the System:
ER Diagram for the System:
Refer to the link:- https://online.visualparadigm.com/w/gspcrhdh/diagrams/#diagram:workspace=gspcrhdh&proj=0&id=
Business Requirements:
Business objective – 1:
To increase efficiency and improve services provided to the customers through better application of
technology in daily operations.
Business objective – 2:
To be able to stand out from competitors in the food service industry.
Business objective - 3:
To enable customers to order custom meals that aren’t in the menu
To reduce restaurant’s food wastage
Functional Requirements
User should be able to enter sales data.
Sales report should be generated every 24 hours.
API interface to invoice system.
Nonfunctional Requirements
System Requirement:
Operating system:- Windows 7/8/19/11
Minimum CPU or processor speed: - 1 GHz processor or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)
Minimum GPU or video memory. 1 GB of RAM for 32-bit or 2 GB of RAM for 64-bit
Minimum system memory (RAM):- 1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
Minimum free storage space. 16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
Audio hardware (sound card, speakers, etc)