INSTALLMENT SALES- AAC and BAC The Central Plain Subdivision sells residential subdivision lots in installment. The following information was taken from the accounting records of Central Plain Subdivision as at Dec. 3! "#$% &nstallment Accounts 'eceivable! (an. )"#* contracts+ P,$$!### &nstallment 'eceivable! Dec. 3 )"#$ contract+ *#!### &nstallment Accounts 'eceivable! Dec. 3 )"#* contracts+ ##!### /nreali0ed 1ross Profit! (an. )"#* contracts+ 332!,$# &nstallment Sales 2$#!### "#$ contracts gross 4rofit rate is $5 lower than that of "#*. 6uestion . 1ive the reali0ed gross 4rofit to be recogni0ed in "#$. 6uestion ". 1ive the balances of the unreali0ed gross 4rofit in Dec. 3! "#$. 7ahangin Com4an8 which began o4eration in "#* sells air cooling a44liances and free0ers in installment basis. The following information is given to 8ou for "#$% Total cash collections )a third coming from "#* contracts+ P,"!*"$ Down 4a8ment received in "#$ "$#!### Deferred 1ross Profit! Dec. 3 for "#$ sales *$!$## 1ross Profit 'atio for "#$ 3$5 1P' for "#* was "5 lower than the current ratio &nstallment 'eceivable! Dec 3 )"#* contracts+. P,!$"$ 3. *. $. . ,. 9hat is the total amount of sales revenue for "#$ contracts: 9hat is the cost of sales for "#$ contracts: ;ast " entries at the end of 8ear. /nder accrual method! what will be reali0ed gross 4rofit at the end of "#$: &f instalment sales for "#* was P,$#!###! using cost recover8 method! how much will reali0ed gross 4rofit be in "#$ for the "#* contracts.: S<;/T&<= P'<B;>7 A .+ 1P' )332.,$?,$$+ C<;;>CT&<=S ,$$-## '>A;&@>D 1P 2.) /='>A;&@>D 1P )332.,$-2.,$+ "#* *$5 $$!### )*$-$+ )2$#-*#+ 2!,$# P270,000 P'<B;>7 B 3+ &=STA;;7>=T '>CB;> "?3 *$!$##?3$5 ADD BAC C<;;>CT&<=S ,"!*"$ "?3 &=STA;;7>=T SA;>S (*# *#5+ "#$ *#5 #!### T<TA; **!### P 113,750 P336,000 P!33#!### *,*!2$# P1,804,950 *+ SA;>S !#*!2$# C<ST 'AT&< $5 )##-3$+ C<ST <E SA;>S P1,173,217.50 $+ '1P E'<7 "#* C<=T'ACTS ),"!*"$ ?3 "3,!*,$ 335 P,!3.,$ '1P E'<7 "#$ C<=T'ACTS )*,*!2$# 3$5 P!"3".$# + &=STA;;7>=T SA;>S C<ST <E &=ST SA;>S D>E>''>D 1P- "#$ D>E>''>D 1P-"#* D>E>''>D 1P-"#$ '>A;&@>D 1P P!#*!2$# P!,3!",.$# 3!,3".$# P,!3.,$ !"3".$# P"**!$22."$ 7) SA;>S <E P!#*!2$# ;>SS C<ST <E SA;>S !,3!",.$# '>A;&@>D 1P P631,732.50 8) SA;>S <E ,$#!### ,5 T<TA; C<ST T< B> '>C<F>'>D P$#"!$## B>E<'> '>C<F>'G <E P'<E&T COLLECTIONS IN 2014 P325,000 IN 2015 P237,475 RECOVERY OF COST 325,000 177,500 Add back ending balance to collections beg balance of recble! thus RECOVERY OF PROFIT 59,975 ,!$"$ "3,!*,$ *"$!### INSTALLMENT SALES- CAC and DAC ,$#!### H *"$!### C<;;>CT&<=S &= "#* P3"$!### The Central Plain Subdivision sells residential subdivision lots in installment. The following information was taken from the accounting records of Central Plain Subdivision as at Dec. 3! "#$% &nstallment Accounts 'eceivable! (an. )"#* contracts+ &nstallment 'eceivable! Dec. 3 )"#$ contract+ &nstallment Accounts 'eceivable! Dec. 3 )"#* contracts+ /nreali0ed 1ross Profit! (an. )"#* contracts+ &nstallment Sales P,$$!### *#!### ##!### "*!"$# 2$#!### "# contracts gross 4rofit rate is $5 lower than that of "#*. 6uestion . 1ive the reali0ed gross 4rofit to be recogni0ed in "#$. 6uestion ". 1ive the balances of the unreali0ed gross 4rofit in Dec. 3! "#$. 7ahangin Com4an8 which began o4eration in "#* sells air cooling a44liances and free0ers in installment basis. The following information is given to 8ou for "#$% Total cash collections )a third coming from "#* contracts+ P,"!*"$ Down 4a8ment received in "#$ "$#!### Deferred 1ross Profit! Dec. 3 for "#$ sales *$!$## 1ross Profit 'atio for "#$ *#5 1P' for "#* was "5 lower than the current ratio &nstallment 'eceivable! Dec 3 )"#* contracts+. P,!$"$ . 2. #. . ". 9hat is the total amount of sales revenue for "#$ contracts: 9hat is the cost of sales for "#$ contracts: ;ast " entries at the end of 8ear. /nder accrual method! what will be reali0ed gross 4rofit at the end of "#$: &f instalment sales for "#* was P,$#!###! using cost recover8 method! how much will reali0ed gross 4rofit be in "#$ for the "#* contracts.: S<;/T&<= P'<B;>7 A .+ 1P' )"*."$?,$$+ C<;;>CT&<=S ,$$-## '>A;&@>D 1P 2.) /='>A;&@>D 1P )"*."$-$*."$+ OR 600,000 X 35 "#* 3$5 $$!### )3$-$+ )2$#-*#+ $*!"$# P210,000 P'<B;>7 B 3+ &=STA;;7>=T '>CB;> "?3 *$!$##?*#5 ADD BAC C<;;>CT&<=S ,"!*"$ "?3 &=STA;;7>=T SA;>S (*# 3#5+ "#$ 3#5 #!### T<TA; 33!### P, ,250 P252,000 P!3!,$# *,*!2$# P1,638,700 *+ SA;>S !3!,## C<ST 'AT&< #5 )##-*#+ C<ST <E SA;>S P983,220 $+ '1P E'<7 "#* C<=T'ACTS ),"!*"$ ?3 "3,!*,$ 35 P2#!"*#.$# '1P E'<7 "#$ C<=T'ACTS )*,*!2$# *#5 P2!2# &=STA;;7>=T SA;>S C<ST <E &=ST SA;>S D>E>''>D 1P- "#$ P!3!,## D>E>''>D 1P-"#* D>E>''>D 1P-"#$ '>A;&@>D 1P P2#!"*#.$# 2!2#.## P23!""# $$!*# P"#!""#.$# 6) '>A;&@>D 1P P655,480 !"#"! $% "&$!' #%! "#"!!") !%** +!%#$ & &%. 5 7) SA;>S <E ,$#!### "5 T<TA; C<ST T< B> '>C<F>'>D P*$!### B>E<'> '>C<F>'G <E P'<E&T COLLECTIONS IN 2014 P325,000 IN 2015 P237,475 RECOVERY OF COST 325,000 140,000 RECOVERY OF PROFIT 97,475 Add back ending balance to collections beg balance of recble! thus ,!$"$ I "3,!*,$ *"$!### ,$#!### H *"$!### C<;;>CT&<=S &= "#* P3"$!### as recover8 of cost! balance of cost to be recovered in "#$