Innovative trends in Educational Entrepreneurship() By Badar Habib Session III: Role of Technology in Education Page 1 House Keeping – before we begin • • • • • General Feedback Team formation Book Selection Making up our missed lecture Grading philosophy • Marks distribution • Exam policies Page 2 Feedback • Have a sense of pride in everything you do. • Do not hesitate to ask questions from previous discussions. • Structure of your portfolio • What you must include in your assignment submission Page 3 We must finalize today • Teams • Book Selection/Reading Assignment • Missed lecture rescheduling Page 4 Teams • Diverse • 3-5 members Research/project topics to be decided soon Page 5 Reading Assignment Suggested Books/chapters (must be finalized today) 1.The missing link by Sydney Banks 1 (whole book) 2.The inside out revolution by Michael Neill 1 (whole book) 3.Creative Spirit by D. Goleman, Et. al. 4 (one chapter each) 4.7 habits of highly ------- by S. Covey 7 (one habits each) 5.HBR on Innovation 4 ( one paper each) 6.Republic by Plato 1( Chapter 7) 7.Eighth Habit by S. Covey 5 (one chapter each) 8.Emotional Intelligence by D. Goleman 4 (two chapters each) You may also suggest any book of your choice and use it if it is approved by the professor. Page 6 Lecture Rescheduling • Do we have to? • If yes, when Page 7 Grading Philosophy We will keep our grading philosophy, marks distribution, and exam methodologies while respecting the NUST policies. I assume you come to class because you want to learn not because you need attendance. Page 8 Review of previous discussion • What were the basic points? • What do you remember? • What did you like the best about the past discussion Page 9 Today’s topic of discussion Role of Technology in Education Today we will work in teams and explore together the role of technology in education. We will submit our findings to Prof Ashraf who will be offering a course on this subject in the next semester Page 10 Technology • What is technology? • The definition has been evolving with time Page 11 Our Focus • Technology as it relates to Education and its role in Education • Technology has to do with scientific discoveries and inventions such as fiber optics transmission leading to a revolution in telecommunication that made the Internet feasible. It resulted in new gadgets like smart phones, which play a role in education. It is that role we want to explore. Page 12 Fruits of Technologies of the past • • • • • • Paper brushes, pens Printing press Typewriter Blackboard and chalk Ink pens And disruptions such as Wheal, Steam engine, etc. Some of the items you probably never saw in your lifePage 13 Fruits of Technologies today • Radio • Television • Internet and its online resources such as search engines and social networking, Youtube, Ted Talk, blogs, etc. ** • Devices such as computers, smart tablets, video games, ebook readers, and smart phones. • Others Page 14 Fruits of Technologies today: Contd • Don’t forget the software behind almost everything Page 15 Role of Technology in Education We will discuss the role of each of these results of technologies in education By education here we mean inexpensive (almost free, up to K12) basic education to masses. Page 16 Radio • Radio is probably the oldest gadgets on the list. However, it has played a significant role in education, formal and informal. It is effective in remote areas where either there is no TV signal or TV is still expensive compare to Radio. • It offers: Discussions, seminars, and other educational programs • Can it be a useful instrument in educating the masses ** Page 17 Television Similar to radio Pros: •Visual Cons: •More expensive than radio •Expensive transmitters How can we use it for mass education? ** Page 18 Internet • Internet and its online resources such as search engines and social networking, Youtube, Ted Talk, blogs, etc. ** We will discuss some of these Internet resources in details. Page 19 Search engines • Started Yahoo in a student dorm, now Google leads the way. • Works even if search word or phrase is spelled wrong and find anything you want to learn about. • Excellent research tool • One must avoid copyright infringements and plagiarism. How can it be used for mass education? ** Page 20 Youtube An effective tool for teaching: •Lectures at any level (basic science to advance concepts like black holes) •Crafts •How to? •Cooking, etc. Used by Khan Academy. What are the pros and cons of it? ** Page 21 Ted Talk Excellent teaching tool for a variety of topics. Can it play a role in helping mass education? How about awareness? ** Page 22 Facebook Can it be used to teach masses? ** Page 23 Twitter • Teachers can send tweets to students. • Good learning to be brief • How else can it be used ** Page 24 Linkedin Learning through sharing. Can these be used to teach masses? ** Page 25 Blogs Educational Blogs can be in the form of text, audio or video. How can blogging take a role in mass education ** Page 26 Devices • Devices such as computers, video games, smart tablets, and smart phones. ** Page 27 Computers • Desktop • Laptop Provide connection to the internet and local or cloud storing Require basic computer usage literacy an basic ability to type. Page 28 Smart Tablets Inexpensive tablets can be used as an excellent teaching tool with the right software. How do you suggest they may be used ** What are the Pros and cons ** Page 29 Smart Phones Becoming available to almost every home/individual. What type of Apps can be developed as teaching aids ** Text messages can play a role among the students and between teacher and students. Suggest an App ** Page 30 Cloud Computing • Available any place, anytime Page 31 Future • Wearable devices Google glass Many still unknown to us • Integrated in the home Page 32 The End What did we learn today? Page 33