Motivation Test: Theories and Concepts

1. An internal force that drives a worker to perform well is
a. job satisfaction
b. ego needs
c. safety needs
d. motivation
2. ____ determines whether a person can do the job properly and ____ determines
whether that person will do it properly.
a. Satisfaction / motivation
b. Ability / satisfaction
c. Ability / motivation
d. Motivation / satisfaction
3. The personality dimension of _____ is the best predictor of performance whereas
_____ is the best predictor of promotions.
a. openness / conscientiousness
b. conscientiousness / extraversion
c. extraversion / agreeableness
c. conscientiousness / stability
4. Consistency theory states that there is a relationship between work motivation and:
a. self-esteem
b. perceived fairness
c. expectancy
d. salary
5. __ self-esteem focuses on an individual's feelings in a particular situation whereas
_____ self-esteem focuses on how a person feels about himself based on the
expectations of others.
a. Socially influenced / situational
b. Situational / chronic
c. Chronic / socially influenced
d. Situational / socially influenced
6. Janice sends all of her new employees to a self-esteem workshop. She must believe in
a. consistency theory
b. equity theory
c. expectancy theory
d. social learning theory
7. Ruth believes that she can effectively handle any customer complaint, whereas Jill is
worried that she will cry if a customer yells at her. The ______ would predict that
Ruth will perform better than Jill.
a. social learning theory
b. equity theory
c. self-fulfilling prophecy
d. expectancy theory
8. An employee thinks he is an idiot and will never be able to master the new computer
system. The employee takes a training class on the new system and fails. This
situation might best be explained by:
a. social learning theory
b. the Galatea effect
c. expectancy theory
d. equity theory
9. An employee's supervisor places full confidence in the employee and believes that the
employee can handle a fairly difficult task. This boosts the employee's self-esteem
which in turn increases her performance. This phenomena is known as:
a. consistency
b. the Pygmalion effect
c. the Golem effect
d. socially influenced self-esteem
10. Temea spends a lot of effort selecting her employees. Thus, when she hires someone,
she knows they will perform well and has a lot of confidence in them. According to
_______, the employees probably will perform well.
a. equity theory
b. the Pygmalion effect
c. intrinsic motivation theory
d. goal setting theory
11. According to research by Eden (1998), training supervisors to use the Pygmalion
Leadership Style:
a. increases employee self-esteem
b. does not increase subordinate self-esteem
c. has had mixed results
d. will save an organization money
12. Bob hates his work but will work hard if the supervisor is around to punish employees
who are not working. Bob is probably ______ motivation.
a. high in extrinsic
b. high in intrinsic
c. low in both extrinsic and intrinsic
d. high in both extrinsic and intrinsic
13. An individual's orientation toward intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is measured by
a. Employee Personality Inventory
b. Job Descriptive Index
c. Test of Motivational Style
d. Work Preference Inventory
14. Employees with a high need for _______ are motivated by jobs that are challenging
and over which they have some control.
a. Theory Y
b. power
c. achievement
d. affiliation
15. Sue is motivated by jobs in which she can help others, whereas Bob is motivated by
the desire to influence others. Sue has a high need for _______ and Bob has a high
need for _______.
a. affiliation / power
b. affiliation / achievement
c. achievement / affiliation
d. achievement / power
16. Which of the following component of job characteristics theory involves an employee
being able to connect her efforts with an outcome?
a. skill variety
b. task significance
c. autonomy
d. task identification
17. ______ theory states that individuals have five major types of hierarchical needs is:
a. Maslow's
b. McClelland's
d. ERG
18. _______ needs are the third level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
a. Social
b. Safety
c. Ego
d. Biological
19. In general, research on Maslow's theory:
a. has been very supportive
b. has shown that there should be six levels
c. has shown that people skip levels
d. indicates the theory does not make intuitive sense
20. Which need theory has three levels of needs and allows individuals to skip levels?
a. Maslow's theory
b. ERG theory
c. Two-factor Theory
d. McClelland's needs theory
21. According to two-factor theory, ____ is an example of a hygiene factor.
a. growth
b. control
c. responsibility
d. pay
22. Making goals _______ would not increase their effectiveness.
a. specific
b. general
c. high but attainable
d. concrete
23. Fred's parents tell him to try his best in college. Fred's first semester GPA is 1.8 and
his parents are mad. What was wrong with the goal set for Fred?
a. It was not specific
b. It was not general enough
c. It was too high
d. Fred did not help set the goal
24. Three meta-analyses indicate that allowing an employee to participate in goal setting
will result in:
a. an increase in performance
b. a decrease in performance
c. no effect on performance
d. decreased job satisfaction
25. Brian assigns tasks that are challenging, yet achievable and specifically tells
employees what he expects from them. It sounds like Brian believes in:
a. providing feedback
b. the Pygmalion effect
c. intrinsic motivation theory
d. goal setting theory
26. The supervisor at a local grocery store schedules individual monthly meetings with
her four employees to let them know how they are doing in their respective areas. The
supervisor is using a technique known as:
a. social learning
b. modelling
c. feedback
d. goal setting
27. Matt constantly posts charts and graphs indicating the latest production statistics. Matt
seems to believe in:
a. providing feedback
b. the Pygmalion effect
c. intrinsic motivation theory
d. goal setting theory
28. Feedback is most effective when it focuses on an employee's ______ and the
supervisor explains how the behavior impacts _____ .
a. behavior / others
b. personality / the employee
c. behavior / the employee
d. personality / others
29. Self-regulation theory states that employees:
a. do not like to receive feedback
b. want feedback but tend to ignore it
c. monitor their own progress toward goals
d. consistently set unrealistic goals
30. Operant conditioning focuses on:
a. modelling of behavior
b. self-esteem
c. reinforcement of behavior
d. employee needs
31. Which of the following types of rewards has been shown not to increase
a. Financial
b. Non-financial
c. Social
d. All three can increase performance
32. A supervisor rewards a restaurant employee for cleaning the bathrooms by allowing
the employee to stock the salad bar. ______ would predict that the opportunity to
stock the salad bar would actually be reinforcing.
a. Gainsharing
b. The Premark principle
c. Social loafing
d. Classical conditioning
33. Managers constructing a reinforcement hierarchy for employees are probably using:
a. gainsharing
b. the Premack principle
c. social loafing
d. classical conditioning
34. An individual does not like to do laundry but prefers to do laundry over studying for
exams. Because doing laundry is liked more than studying, _______ predicts that the
opportunity to do laundry will motivate a person to study.
a. equity theory
b. the Anderson adage
c. the Thompson tenet
d. the Premack principle
35. Which part of a pay plan is designed to motivate employees?
a. Benefits
b. Base pay
c. Shift and location adjustments
d. Variable pay
36. Benefits provide ______ and variable pay provides _____.
a. incentive / security
b. security / security
c. incentive / incentive
d. security / incentive
37. Lona gives her employees attention, smiles at them, and nods her head in approval
when they perform well. She is using _____ to motivate her employees.
a. social recognition
b. social learning
c. equity
d. valence
38. Employees at Denton Electronics receive $3 for each electrical switch they assemble.
Denton is using a _____ system.
a. pay-for-performance
b. merit pay
c. gainsharing
d. profit sharing
39. _______ plans are also called earnings-at-risk plans.
a. Pay-for-performance
b. Merit pay
c. Stock options
d. Profit sharing
40. Which of the following incentive plans is most geared toward short term
a. Pay-for-performance
b. Profit sharing
c. Stock options
d. All three are short-term oriented
41. Janelle will receive $1,000 if her performance appraisal score is at least a 4.0. It
sounds like Janelle is under a _____ plan.
a. pay-for-performance
b. merit pay
c. gainsharing
d. profit sharing
42. Which of the following incentive plans is not a group incentive plan?
a. Merit pay
b. Gainsharing
c. Profit sharing
d. Stock options
43. A problem with _____ plans, is that they are based on subjective supervisor ratings.
a. pay-for-performance
b. merit pay
c. stock option
d. profit sharing
44. _______ incentive plans often result in social loafing.
a. Individual
b. Group
c. Both individual and group
d. Neither individual nor group
45. Employees at Roth Robotics receive a bonus at the end of each year. The bonus is
based on the amount of money the company made during the year. Roth is using a
_______ system.
a. pay-for-performance
b. merit pay
c. gainsharing
d. profit sharing
46. In 2011, Harris Optical lost $450,000 in missing merchandise. As a result, it
developed a plan in which employees in 2012 would share half of each dollar under
$450,000 that was lost. Harris Optical is using a ______ plan.
a. pay-for-performance
b. merit pay
c. gainsharing
d. profit sharing
47. Approximately what percentage of organizations have gainsharing plans?
a. 3%
b. 11%
c. 41%
d. 83%
48. Which of the following is the most complicated incentive plan?
a. Merit pay
b. Profit sharing
c. Stock options
d. Pay for performance
49. Which of the following plans is most geared toward long-term organizational
a. Merit pay
b. Profit sharing
c. Stock options
d. Gainsharing
50. In expectancy theory, _____ is the perceived relationship between the amount of
effort an employee puts in and the resulting outcome, and ______ is the extent to
which the outcome of a worker's performance will result in a particular consequence.
a. instrumentality / expectancy
b. expectancy / instrumentality
c. instrumentality / valence
d. valence / expectancy
51. In expectancy theory, the three components are ____ to get an overall motivation
a. added
b. divided
c. subtracted
d. multiplied
52. An employer will give $3 each month to every employee with perfect attendance.
According to the ____ component of expectancy theory, this plan will not motivate
a. equity
b. expectancy
c. instrumentality
d. valence
53. The president of Peso Bank tries to motivate employees by giving them $1,000 every
time he notices them providing excellent customer service. The problem is that the
president is never in the branch offices. According to the ____ component of
expectancy theory, this plan will not motivate employees.
a. equity
b. expectancy
c. instrumentality
d. valence
54. The sales manager for Clinton Inhalants has promised a $5,000 bonus to any sales
representative who increases sales by 500%. According to the ____ component of
expectancy theory, this plan will not motivate employees.
a. equity
b. expectancy
c. instrumentality
d. valence
55. A waiter is asked to increase his check average by "suggestively selling" appetizers,
salads, and desserts. It has been explained to the waiter that the larger his check
average, the more he will make in tips. However, the waiter does not believe that
suggestive selling will actually result in increased tips. In this scenario, the waiter's
belief that suggestive selling is not likely to result in more tips exemplifies:
a. equity
b. expectancy
c. instrumentality
d. valence
56. Dave is the owner of Cohen's Sassy Designs. He takes great effort to make sure that
his employees know that if he promises a reward, he will always keep his word. Dave
seems to believe in:
a. consistency theory
b. equity theory
c. expectancy theory
d. social learning theory
57. According to _______, an employee's motivation is related to how fairly she believes
she is being treated compared to other employees.
a. Maslow's theory
b. equity theory
c. consistency theory
d. ERG theory
58. If an employee feels she is underpaid for the effort she exerts, she will probably:
a. work harder
b. not change her effort
c. reduce her effort
d. feel guilty
59. All of Armand's employees make the same amount of money but he thinks they lie to
each other about how much they make. To stop this, he posts all salary information on
the bulletin board. Armand seems to believe in _______.
a. consistency theory
b. equity theory
c. expectancy theory
d. social learning theory
60. Employees who work with highly motivated employees are likely to be _______ than
employees who work with unmotivated co-workers.
a. less challenged
b. less satisfied
c. more resentful
d. more motivated