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Cyclic Ketogenic Diet Guide: Fat Loss & Muscle Growth

Often one of the most confusing aspects of a healthy lifestyle is diet. Whether
you choose to follow a diet to drop a few pounds, gain some muscle or just
get a healthier, with so much information floating around these days choosing
the correct diet for your goals can be a headache.
The aim of this article is to present one possible style of eating, the cyclic
ketogenic diet, so you may consider for yourself whether diets of this type are
the correct plan for you and your goals. They are most certainly not the be all
and end all of diets, and it is certainly a lifestyle that must be considered
wisely based on your health and overall lifestyle, but hopefully this article will
cut through any confusion surrounding these diets so you can make an
informed decision when attempting to achieve a body worthy of Krypton.
So, before I waffle further ……TO THE KETONE MOBILE!
Before I launch head first into how to set up a ketogenic diet, I’ll give you a
little background into the basics of ketogenesis:
When your body is devoid of carbohydrate for any great length of time, fat is
release into the blood stream and used by cells (through a process call beta
oxidation) to provide a fat specific fuel source called ketone bodies. These
molecules can provide fuel for the cell in the same way carbohydrates do, via
the Krebs cycle. Once your cells are using ketone bodies you are able to
survive quite happily with out carbohydrate, using only fat for fuel in a state
known as Ketosis.
Reference: A shiny easy to find Wikipedia image.
Being in ketosis quite literally has the potential to turn you into a walking fat
burning inferno, and as any inferno requires fuel to burn it is time to make a
very clear point about Keto diets. THEY ARE NOT SUPER LOW CALORIE.
There is a huge difference between being in ketosis when you are starving
yourself, and when you are following a healthy Ketogenic fat loss plan. One
involves your body eating itself to survive; the other involves keeping your
body healthy whilst stripping fat at an accelerated rate.
That difference is simply the amount of food you eat. A true keto diet should
be comprised of at least 65% fat, with protein making up the rest (infact the
“original” keto diet was up to 90% fat. Vegetables are an absolute must in any
diet and can be consumed in large quantities on ketogenic plans too as long
as starchy veg like carrots and root vegetables are eaten sparingly.
When following this breakdown of food, you eat when you are hungry and
stop when you are full. Most people freak out with the amount of fat they have
to eat to get to this point and that phobia is completely unjustified. Fat is the
primary source of fuel on this diet so therefore you must eat it!! No one has
ever gotten fat by eating fat (barring unfortunate metabolic dysfunctions) it is a
chronic excess of food that causes fat gain. Something that is surprisingly
hard to achieve on a keto diet, as you don't have blood sugar changes
constantly tricking your brain into thinking you need food.
Many people following a ketogenic lifestyle find they are much less hungry
throughout the day and eat adequate amounts of food less often, without
deliberately going low calorie. In other words they eat what and when they
need to, not when they think they do! This has the knock on effect of capping
your food intake to what you need and not a lot else. Limiting your potential
for fat storage. You can follow this style of eating with no ill effects long term
providing you make sensible food choices to garner the vitamins and minerals
you require. The Inuit’s are a great example of how humans are able to
survive a long and healthy life whilst ketogenic, they live of a diet of primarily
whale blubber!
So, what is the main benefit of ketogenics you ask? Well there are several
benefits such as better management of inflammation, improved cholesterol
profile and better mental focus (all relating to the effects of elevated and
continuous fluctuations in blood sugar levels). In the context of modern living
and fat loss the main benefit of this form of diet is the effect it has on the way
the body manages Insulin. This is a hormone I am sure most have heard of,
made by your pancreas that governs the uptake of nutrients by the cells of the
body, and as carbohydrates are the easiest and preferred source of fuel in
any situation they cause your body to release a much larger amount of insulin
than either protein or fat in an effort to store them. One of insulin’s many
effects is to stop the release of stored fat and promote storage of all nutrients.
So if you over eat carbs and overload your glycogen stores then carbs are
stored as fat - more on this later....
When you are considering fat loss, reducing the amount and frequency of the
insulin you produce means that you release more fat to be burned for fuel. It
maximizes the amount of fat you burn.
Cyclic Ketogenics.
Now, as I have just highlighted some benefits for the for a ketogenic diet, the
big limitation is whether you are prepared to be on it long term. A pure
ketogenic diet held over a prolonged period is probably not suitable for most if
you intend on going back to eating carbs after you have reached your desired
physique, unless you plan on a life without carbs and move to the Yukon.
Over time your body lowers your metabolism and stops being able to
efficiently use carbohydrate for fuel. This a great mechanism for survival if you
are airdropped into a baron waste ground with nothing but buffalo and whale
blubber to chow down on. As usual your body is an expert at survival. Why
keep your metabolism high to burn through nutrients you wont have access
to? It makes more sense to slow down the usage until you find that food
again! A carbohydrate based metabolism is costly to keep active too if you are
never gonna see another loaf of bread, or heaven forbid a never see a
chocolate bar ever again…??
There dear reader lays the problem. You are going to see those lovely carbs
again, probably every day in fact, because to most of the developed world
carbs are plentiful, and with them come a very large range of benefits such as
hydration, a strong growth stimulus and an easily accessible fuel source for
exercise. Plus they often come packed with nutrients that are hard to come by
when ketogenic (like vitamin C and fiber for example).
Not to mention they have a habit of keeping your metabolism purring a long
nicely... Unfortunately, after the carb metabolism is down regulated it takes a
little while for carbs to be used as fuel again, which may lead to some
unfortunate digest issues as well as potentially some fat gain. Also, it sucks
that everyone is able to eat normal food and you are only ever stuck with a
Cesar salad or a lunch box full of boiled eggs and cucumber....
Enter the cyclic ketogenic diet.
This form of eating typically allows you to gain all the benefits of ketogenic
living whilst retaining the benefits and convenience of eating carbs without the
worry of getting fat.
The ‘magic’ behind cyclic keto diets lies in the sensitizing effects that were
mentioned earlier and the body’s rather overzealous response to
burning/storing carbs and raising the metabolism.
If you reintroduce carbohydrate for a short time the very first place it will get
sent is the muscle and liver for storage as glycogen, carbs will only be stored
as fat if you over spill your glycogen stores and do not use the fuel
immediately. This is particularly efficient if you have been ketogenic for a few
days as the body stops producing the enzymes needed to convert carbs to fat
after a short period of carbohydrate restriction, meaning in an ideal setting
when you eat just the right amount, the carbs will ONLY get stored in
glycogen containing tissue not in the fat tissue. Basically your muscles soak
them up like a sponge before your body has even considered feeding those
hungry fat cells....
The effect of boosted insulin sensitivity results in improved hydration as the
carbohydrate carries water into the muscles. The insulin also signals the
muscle tissue to use the carbohydrates for growth and repair which at the
very least with result in you keeping more muscle if your calories have been
lowered. This has the knock on effect of keeping your metabolism higher as
muscles take a lot of fuel to run, the bigger they are the more they burn!
Lets not forget also, that having carbs in your system also keeps your
metabolism high by keeping your thyroid functioning well and elevate
hormones responsible for efficient fuel metabolism.
This is coupled with a fall of insulin levels following your carb intake, which
stimulates a release of growth hormone (GH), which is the metabolic
equivalent of taking a flamethrower to your fat cells. At this point not only are
your fat cells unable to store the carbs they are also being forced to break
down and shrink, these fatty acids are then used for energy and growth along
side the carbs.
Put very simply, a short-term intake of carbohydrate following a period of
restriction can set up your metabolism for accelerated muscle growth and fat
loss, limiting the possibility of fat gain.
The essential catalyst for your journey into the world of simultaneous muscle
growth and fat loss is...TRAINING.
If you train ketogenic the muscles will only have fat to burn for fuel and it will
be burned even faster in an effort to power your intense gut busting workouts.
Also, as I said at the very beginning, over eating anything will lead to fat gain.
Although you are less likely to store things when ketogenic, if you aren’t using
those ketones for something (like brain power, or movement) they will get
stored. The energy in/energy out still applies to a degree, its just more difficult
for the body to store fat. Training helps to prevent this by really eating through
those ketones and kicks fat burning into overdrive through a greater adrenal
response to the exercise.
When it comes to training on days you eat carbs you should train ketogenic as
normal. This gives you that little bit extra in terms of fat burning before you
really crank it up with the carbs. Training before you eat those carbs is also
recommended because when muscle tissue is stressed it automagically
increases the ability to soak up carbohydrate and it doesn’t need insulin to do
This means when you do eat carbs your muscles are extra extra sensitive to
taking them up and they will do so even before insulin has started to do it’s
work. They sit there and soak up the glucose nice and politely and then insulin
comes along and tells them to REALLY go to town like a fat man at a Chinese
buffet. Meaning you get to store (and eat) even more carbs, helping you grow
and keep that metabolism high. This is a process known as glycogen super
compensation and it happens every time you train. It’s just more effective if
you haven't eat carbs for a while as your muscles are so empty to begin with.
OK... so far we have covered the pros and cons of using ketones for fuel,
touched on some of the benefits and downfalls of carb in the diet and
hopefully highlighted why it is sensible to keep eating them somehow.
Hopefully everything up to this point is clear and that everyone reading this is
still conscious, I have a tendency to ramble!
In Part 2 we’ll move on to how you should set up your body through diet and
training to take advantage of cyclic ketogenic diets. In the mean time fire over
any questions or opinions on what you have heard so far! See you next week.
Same Bat-Time, same Bat-Channel!