Mary Jones, Richard Harwood, Ian Lodge and David Sang Cambridge IGCSE® Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Coursebook Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution s es w ie y op s w ie ev -R rs ve ni U w ie ev R y op C ge id br am -C y op ity s es Pr w ie ev -R w y C op y w y ve rs ity op ni U C ge ev ie -R am br id -C Pr es s op C ve rs ity ni U ev ie R Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences C ge id br am -C es Pr op y C ity ni ve rs U C e id g ev -R br am -C w ie ev R Mary Jones, Richard Harwood, Ian Lodge and David Sang Cambridge IGCSE® Coursebook op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge am br id University Printing House, Cambridge CB2 8BS, United Kingdom -R One Liberty Plaza, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10006, USA -C 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia Pr es s 4843/24, 2nd Floor, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, Delhi – 110002, India op y 79 Anson Road, #06–04/06, Singapore 079906 C ve rs ity Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge. 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Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U vii Pr es s ix y Introduction ve rs ity C ni U ge B1.01 Characteristics of living things w 91 B8.01 Respiration 91 B8.02 Gas exchange in humans 93 B8.03 Tobacco smoking 98 ie B8 Respiration and gas exchange ev B9 Coordination and homeostasis 105 21 B9.02 The human nervous system 106 22 B9.03 The eye 109 24 B9.04 Hormones 112 26 B9.05 Coordination and response in plants 27 B9.06 Homeostasis 36 B10 Reproduction in plants B4.01 Types of nutrition 36 B10.01 Asexual and sexual reproduction B4.02 Photosynthesis 37 37 w ie 41 49 B11.02 Fertilisation and development 138 49 B11.03 The menstrual cycle 140 54 B11.04 HIV/AIDS id g br op C 55 B6 Transport in plants y 136 58 B12 Inheritance 141 146 B12.01 Chromosomes 146 67 B12.02 Cell division 147 67 B12.03 Inheritance 149 s es am 132 B11.01 Human reproductive organs B5.04 The alimentary canal B6.01 Plant transport systems B10.03 Comparing sexual and asexual reproduction w e B5.03 Teeth 126 ie ni ve rs U B5.02 Digestion B10.02 Flowers ev C B5.01 Diet 124 136 42 ity B4.05 Testing leaves for starch 124 B11 Reproduction in humans Pr op y B4.04 Uses of glucose B5 Animal nutrition 113 116 ev es s B4.03 Leaves -C op ni U ge am br id B4 Plant nutrition C ity rs ve B3.02 Carbohydrates y 105 op B9.01 Coordination in animals -C Pr y es s -C 78 21 B3.04 Proteins w B7.02 The heart -R 13 am B2.02 Osmosis B3.05 Enzymes ie 77 84 10 C w ie ev B7.01 The circulatory system B7.04 Blood B2.01 Difusion B3.03 Fats R 77 1 10 B3.01 What are you made of? ev B7 Transport in mammals 82 B2 Movement in and out of cells B3 Biological molecules R 74 B7.03 Blood vessels 8 br B1.03 Cells and organisms B6.04 Transport of manufactured food 1 3 id B1.02 Cells 71 -R R B1 Cells B6.03 Transpiration -R w ev ie Biology 69 y xi op How to use this book B6.02 Water uptake C op -C Acknowledgements -R am br id ev ie w ge Contents Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution iii ve rs ity -C B14 Organisms and their environment y 275 C5.06 Characteristic reactions of acids 276 C5.07 Acids and alkalis in chemical analysis 279 C5.08 Salts 280 C5.09 Preparing soluble salts 281 w ie ev C2.01 The states of matter Pr ity rs ve 207 ni C2.05 Electron arrangements in atoms 244 244 C4.02 Equations for chemical reactions 246 C4.03 Types of chemical reaction C8.03 The transition elements 332 C8.04 The reactivity of metals 334 C9 Industrial inorganic chemistry 343 C9.01 The extraction of metals by carbon reduction 344 C9.02 The extraction of metals by electrolysis 348 350 C9.03 Ammonia and fertilisers 353 252 C9.06 Limestone 354 C4.05 Electrolysis 254 C9.07 Recycling metals 355 s -R ev C9.05 The chlor-alkali industry es -C am br id g C4.04 A closer look at reactions, particularly redox reactions w 352 248 ie C9.04 Sulfur and sulfuric acid e U C4.01 Chemical reactions and equations 331 ev Pr 235 328 C8.02 Aluminium y C4 Chemical reactions 232 320 328 C w ni ve rs C ity C3.06 Metals, alloys and crystals es -C op y C3.05 The chemical formulae of elements and compounds 316 C8.01 The alkali metals -R 224 311 s br C3.04 Chemical bonding in elements and compounds am 222 C7.02 Rates of reaction C8 Patterns and properties of metals 219 C3.03 Trends across a period 306 C7.04 Reversible reactions 215 306 C7.01 Energy changes in chemical reactions C ge id C3.01 The Periodic Table – classifying the elements 300 C7.03 Catalysts 214 U C3 Elements and compounds C6.05 Moles and solution chemistry w C w 203 295 299 C7 How far? How fast? 198 288 C6.04 Calculations involving gases ie op 193 288 297 y y 188 283 C6.03 The mole and chemical equations s -C -R 187 am C2 The nature of matter es C6.02 The mole and chemical formulae 184 op id C6.01 Chemical analysis and formulae 182 C2.04 The structure of the atom ie C5.05 Alkalis and bases C6 Quantitative chemistry 177 C2.03 Atoms and molecules ie 273 y ni U ge 177 C2.02 Separating and purifying substances ev 171 C1.03 The Earth’s crust C3.02 Trends in groups C5.04 Acid reactions in everyday life C5.10 Choosing a method of salt preparation br C1.02 Water treatment 271 C op ve rs ity C w ev ie R Chemistry C1.01 The atmosphere C5.03 Metal oxides and non-metal oxides op op 170 C1 Planet Earth R 270 167 B14.04 Human influences on ecosystems ev C5.02 Acid and alkali solutions 168 B14.03 The carbon cycle R 160 167 B14.02 Energy flow iv 266 Pr es s B14.01 Ecology C5.01 What is an acid? ev ie B13.02 Selection 266 157 -R am br id B13.01 Variation C5 Acids, bases and salts w 157 ge B13 Variation and selection C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity 360 C10.03 Alkenes 364 C10.04 Hydrocarbon structure 366 Pr es s -C 366 y C10.05 Chemical reactions of the alkanes ni C11.03 Addition polymerisation 380 br y 389 op Pr C12.02 Inorganic analysis 395 C12.05 Practical skills 398 P5.03 Hooke’s law 454 455 462 P6.01 Energy for life 462 P6.02 Forms of energy 463 P6.03 Energy conversions 465 P6.04 Conservation of energy 466 P6.05 Energy calculations 469 P7 Energy resources 476 P7.01 The energy we use 476 P7.02 Energy from the Sun w 403 P8 Work and power 484 P1.02 Measuring length 404 P8.01 Doing work 484 P1.03 Density 406 P8.02 Calculating work done 485 P1.04 Measuring time 409 P8.03 Power 488 P8.04 Calculating power 489 ie ev es s -R id br am -C Pr op y 414 C ity P2 Describing motion P9 The kinetic model of matter 419 P9.01 States of matter P2.03 Understanding acceleration 419 P9.02 The kinetic model of matter 496 P2.04 Calculating speed and acceleration 422 P9.03 Forces and the kinetic theory 499 P9.04 Gases and the kinetic theory 501 op C w ni ve rs e U P2.02 Distance–time graphs y 414 P2.01 Understanding speed P3.01 Roller-coaster forces 430 P10 Thermal properties of matter P3.02 We have lit-of 430 P10.01 Thermal expansion ev -R s br am ie 430 id g P3 Forces and motion -C w 452 480 403 P1.01 How measurement improves ie 451 P5.02 Stretching springs C U ge R Physics 451 op ve rs C12.04 Experimental design and investigation P1 Making measurements ev 394 ni ev ie w C ity C12.03 Organic analysis P5 Forces and matter y 388 es C12.01 Chemical analysis R 388 446 P6 Energy transformations and energy transfers s -C C12 Chemical analysis and investigation P4.04 Stability and centre of mass P5.04 Pressure 382 am C11.04 Condensation polymerisation 444 ie ge 379 id C11.02 Alternative fuels and energy sources P4.03 Calculating moments w 373 U C11.01 Petroleum 441 P5.01 Forces acting on solids 373 es R C11 Petrochemicals and polymers 370 P4.02 The moment of a force ev C10.08 The reactions of ethanol 367 441 441 C op ve rs ity C w ev ie 367 435 P4.01 Keeping upright -R op C10.06 Chemical reactions of the alkenes C10.07 Alcohols P4 Turning efects of forces 433 y 362 w C10.02 Alkanes P3.04 Force, mass and acceleration ev ie 360 am br id C10.01 The unique properties of carbon P3.03 Mass, weight and gravity -R ge C10 Organic chemistry C U ni op y Contents Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 494 494 506 506 v ve rs ity P18 Electrical quantities P10.03 Designing a thermometer 511 P18.01 Current in electric circuits 596 P18.02 Electrical resistance 600 ni 541 P13.02 Reflecting light 542 ity rs ve 567 575 br y w ie ev P22.01 Atomic structure 641 P22.02 Radioactivity all around 645 P22.03 The microscopic picture 647 P22.04 Radioactive decay 651 P22.05 Using radioisotopes 653 Glossary 660 Index 663 CD-Rom op C 589 w 589 591 es s -R id g 641 y 583 P17.03 Explaining static electricity br P22 Atomic physics ie ni ve rs U e 581 590 am 633 Revision checklists Multiple-choice tests Glossary (matches the coursebook) Notes on activities for teachers/technicians Self-assessment checklists Activities Answers to end-of-chapter questions Answers to questions Study and revision skills Helps notes and terms and conditions 581 P17.02 Charging and discharging -C P21.02 Power lines and transformers ev ity C 630 y Pr op y 577 w P17.01 A bright spark 630 P21.01 Generating electricity C P15.02 Electromagnetic waves P17 Electric charge 625 s 575 es -C P15.01 Infrared, ultraviolet P16.02 Magnetic fields P20.03 Force on a current-carrying conductor w P14.04 Explaining wave phenomena id 566 P16.01 Permanent magnets 621 622 ie ge 562 P14.03 Speed, frequency and wavelength P16 Magnetism 621 P20.02 The magnetic efect of a current op ni 561 P15 Spectra ie 552 am P14.02 Describing waves 616 550 561 U P14.01 All at sea! 613 ev w ie ev P14 Properties of waves P19.03 Combinations of resistors P21 Electromagnetic induction Pr y op C P13.05 Lenses 609 P20.01 Electricity meets magnetism 546 P13.04 Total internal reflection P19.02 Circuit components P20 Electromagnetic forces es -C P13.01 How far to the Moon? 609 -R br am 541 609 P19.01 An international language P19.04 Electrical safety 530 536 P13.03 Refraction of light R 530 534 id P12.04 How sounds travel 523 -R P12.03 Seeing sounds 604 P19 Electric circuits 532 U P12.02 At the speed of sound P18.04 Electricity and energy s P12.01 Making sounds ge R ev ie w C ve rs ity P11.04 Some consequences of thermal (heat) energy transfer P12 Sound 602 C op op y 521 596 P18.03 More about electrical resistance Pr es s 519 P11.03 Radiation ev -R -C 516 P11.02 Convection R ev ie am br id 516 P11.01 Conduction P13 Light w 509 ge P10.02 Temperature and temperature scales P11 Thermal (heat) energy transfers vi C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni U -R am br id ev ie w ge C Acknowledgements Pr es s Cover image: Pery Burge/Science Photo Library Biology B1 unit opener, B1.05 JOHN DURHAM/SPL; B1.01, B1.02, 4.01, B5 unit opener, B5.07 Eleanor Jones; B1.03, B8.03 BIOPHOTO ASSOCIATES/SPL; B1.04, B2 unit opener, B2.01, B5.01-5.04, B9.01, B10.03, B13 unit opener, B13.01, B13.05a, B14 unit opener, B14.02, B14.03 Geof Jones; B3 unit opener, B3.03 Top-Pics TBK/Alamy Stock Photo; B3.01 MARTYN F. 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Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni U -R This book has been written to help you obtain the knowledge and skills required for your Cambridge IGCSE® Combined Science 0653 or Cambridge IGCSE® Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award) 0654 course. We hope that you enjoy using it. Pr es s y -C am br id ev ie w ge C Introduction ev ie w C ve rs ity op All the Biology topics come first, then Chemistry and then Physics. However, you almost certainly won’t follow this sequence in your lessons. You will probably find that you study Biology, Chemistry and Physics alongside each other, so you will use diferent parts of the book in diferent lessons. ni C op y Core and Supplement U R Your teacher will tell you whether you are studying: or Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences Double Award w ge • Cambridge IGCSE Combined Science br ev id ie • only the Core part of the syllabus, or the Supplement as well. -R s es If you study the Core only, you will be entered for Papers 1 (Multiple Choice (Core)) and 3 (Theory (Core)) and either Paper 5 (Practical Test) or 6 (Alternative to Practical). If you also study the Supplement, you may be entered for Papers 2 (Multiple Choice (Extended)) and 4 (Theory (Extended)), and either Paper 5 (Practical Test) or 6 (Alternative to Practical). C ity op Pr y -C am Cambridge IGCSE Combined Science 0653 is a single award syllabus. This means that your final papers are the equivalent of one IGCSE subject. Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences 0654 is a double award syllabus. In this case, your final papers are the equivalent of two IGCSE subjects. y ev ve ie w rs There are sidebars in the margins of the coursebook to show which material relates to each syllabus and paper. If there is no sidebar, it means that everyone will study this material. Core Core Supplement You will study the material: You will study everything. This includes the material: w Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences (0654) ge Cambridge IGCSE Combined Science (0653) es am ie Without a sidebar ev Without a sidebar s You will study the material: br You will study the material: -R id Supplement With a single blue sidebar With a double black sidebar With a double blue sidebar ity With a single blue sidebar op C U w e ev ie id g es s -R br am -C Without a sidebar y ni ve rs C w ie ev R Without a sidebar With a double blue sidebar Pr op y -C C U R ni op Use this table to ensure that you study the right material for your syllabus and paper: Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution With a double blue sidebar With a single black sidebar With a double black sidebar ix ve rs ity C ev ie w ge Questions U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences -R am br id Each chapter has several sets of questions within it. Most of these require quite short answers and simply test if you have understood what you have just read or what you have just been taught. Activities ve rs ity C op y Pr es s -C At the end of each chapter, there are some longer questions testing a range of material from the chapter. Some of these are past questions from Cambridge exam papers, or similar in style to Cambridge questions. We would like to thank Cambridge International Examinations for permission to reproduce exam questions. ev ie w Each chapter contains activities. These will help you to develop the practical skills you will need in your course. There are further activities on the CD-ROM. These are marked with this symbol: id ie w ge U R ni C op y There are two possible papers aimed at testing your practical skills, called Paper 5 and Paper 6 (Practical Test and Alternative to Practical, respectively). Your teacher will tell you which of these you will be entered for. You should try to do the activities in this coursebook no matter which of these papers you are entered for. -R am br ev Summary C Pr x CD-ROM ity op y es s -C At the end of each chapter, there is a short list of the main points covered in the chapter. Remember, though, that these are only very short summaries and you will need to know more detail than this for your course. y ve ie w rs There is a CD-ROM in the back of the book. You can use the revision checklists on the CD-ROM to check of how far you have got with learning and understanding each idea. op C U R ni ev The CD-ROM also contains a set of interactive multiple-choice questions which test whether you know and understand the material from each chapter. -R am br ev id ie w ge You will find some self-assessment checklists on the CD-ROM too, which you can print of and use to assess yourself each time you observe and draw a specimen, construct a results chart, draw a graph from a set of results or plan an experiment. These are all very important skills, and by using these checklists you should be able to improve your performance until you can do them almost perfectly every time. s es Pr Workbooks op -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R y ni ve rs ity There are three workbooks to go with this coursebook – one for each science. If you have the workbooks, you will find them really helpful in developing your skills, such as handling information and solving problems, as well as some of the practical skills. ev ie w C op y -C There are some suggestions on the CD-ROM about how you can do well in your course by studying and revising carefully. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni U -R am br id ev ie w ge C How to use this book This chapter covers C op y ve rs ity B9 Coordination and homeostasis U R ni ev ie w C op y Pr es s -C sections set out the key topics within each unit, and help with navigation through the chapter. w ie ev ■ xi ity op C Worked examples boxes contain clear definitions of important scientific terms in each chapter. rs are featured throughout to provide step-by-step guidance for answering questions. ni op y ve ie w Key terms ev ■ Pr y ■ ■ s -C ■ the hormones insulin and glucagon how humans maintain a constant internal body temperature how plants respond to stimuli the role of auxin in shoot growth. es ■ ■ -R am ■ id ■ the human nervous system neurones and how they work the diference between voluntary and involuntary actions reflex actions the structure and function of the eye the hormone adrenaline br ■ ge This chapter covers: WORKED EXAMPLE C4.01 C U R KEY TERMS ge A solution is made up of two parts: ■ the solute: the solid that dissolves ■ the solvent: the liquid in which it dissolves. br ev id ie w What is the balanced equation for the reaction between magnesium and oxygen? Pr op y es s -C -R am Step 1: Make sure you know what the reactants and products are. For example, magnesium burns in air (oxygen) to form magnesium oxide. Tip boxes contain advice for students to avoid common Step 2: From this you can write out the word equation: magnesium + oxygen Step 3: Write out the equation using the formulae of the elements and compounds: y Remember that oxygen exists as diatomic molecules. This equation is not balanced: there are two oxygen atoms on the let, but only one on the right. U C Remember that ice is not always at 0 °C – it may be colder than that. When you take ice from a freezer, it may be as cold as −20 °C. 2Mg + O2 ev ie id g w e Step 4: Balance the equation: es s -R br am -C MgO op w ie ev R Mg + O2 ni ve rs C ity misconceptions and provide support for answering questions. TIP magnesium oxide Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 2MgO ve rs ity Questions w ge Activity are featured throughout each chapter to assess students’ knowledge and understanding of science. -R am br id ev ie sections throughout each chapter provide guidance for conducting practical investigations. aCtIVITY C7.05 Pr es s -C questiOns B2.01 Define difusion. B2.02 List three examples of difusion in living organisms. B2.03 You will need to think about your knowledge of particle theory to answer this question. ve rs ity op y The factors afecting reaction rate Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.2 Plan experiments and investigations AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data AO3.5 Evaluate methods and suggest possible improvements ! Wear eye protection. Sulfuric acid is corrosive. You must plan an investigation to discover how one chosen factor afects the rate of a chemical reaction. MgSO4 + H2 Mg + H2SO4 3 1 Measure 10 cm of 2 mol/dm3 sulfuric acid into a boiling tube. 2 Add a 5 cm strip of magnesium ribbon and start a stopclock. 3 When the reaction stops, record the time taken. 4 List the factors that could speed up or slow down this reaction. 5 Choose one of these factors and plan an investigation to discover how it afects the rate. 6 Your investigation should produce suficient results to enable you to draw a graph. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. The Notes on activities for teachers/technicians contain details of how this experiment can be used as an assessment of skills AO3.2 and AO3.5. y a What efect does an increase in temperature have on the kinetic energy of molecules of a gas or a solute? b Predict and explain how an increase in temperature will afect the rate of difusion of a solute. ni C op C U ie w ge ev id es s -R br am -C Pr y ity op ve rs C ■ ■ ev -R s es Pr At the end of each chapter, a Summary is included to recap the key topics. ity ie id g ■ es s -R br am the importance of water as a solvent about osmosis, which is a special kind of difusion, involving water molecules how osmosis afects animal cells and plant cells. w e ■ C U ■ op y ni ve rs how difusion results from the random movement of particles the factors that afect the rate of difusion why difusion is important to cells and living organisms -C ■ w ge C U ■ id You should know: ■ op ni ■ br am -C op y C w ie Summary ■ y ■ ev w ie ev R ev R Check the introduction and the cover flap for information on how to use the sidebars in the margins. ie w ev ie R xii C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ■ C U ■ op ni y How to use this book am br id ev ie questions on the IGCSE Combined or IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences exams. Pr es s -C -R End-of-chapter questions When a force moves, it does work. Copy and complete the following sentences, writing more or less in the spaces. U y -R am br ev Write this equation in words. Copy and complete the table to show the units of each quantity in the equation. es F Pr y op xiii ity d Omar and Ahmed are liting weights in the gym. Each lits a weight of 200 N. Omar lits the weight to a height of 2.0 m, whereas Ahmed lits it to a height of 2.1 m. Who does more work in liting the weight? Explain how you know. rs w ni id ie w ge C U Millie and Lily are identical twins who enjoy swimming. Their arms and legs provide the force needed to move them through the water. Millie can swim 25 m in 50 s. Lily can swim 100 m in 250 s. [2] [2] Write a word equation showing how work done and energy transferred are related. [2] y op -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev Calculate the swimming speed of each twin. Which twin has the greater power when swimming? Explain how you can tell. a b 6 [2] op y ve ie ev 5 R [2] [3] s -C Unit W C ie We can calculate work done using this equation: W = F × d. Quantity [1] [1] w ge is transferred. is done. id R C op Power is the rate at which Power is the rate at which a b 4 [1] [1] Power tells us about how quickly work is done. Copy and complete the following sentences, writing work or energy in the spaces. a b 3 When it moves, a bigger force does work than a smaller force. The greater the distance moved by the force, the work it does. ve rs ity a b ni 2 ev ie w C op y 1 w ge ■ ■ Following the summary, there will be selection of exam-style End of chapter questions to help students to prepare for the type of Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution s es w ie y op s w ie ev -R y op s w ie ev -R w y y w y ve rs ity op ni U C ge ev ie -R am br id -C Pr es s op C ve rs ity ni U ev ie R C op ge id br am -C es Pr y op C ity rs ve ni U w ie ev R C ge id br am -C es Pr op y C ity ni ve rs U w ie ev R C e id g ev -R br am -C Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie am br ev id ie w ge U R C rs ve y op ni C w br ev id ■ ie ■ U ev R ■ the characteristics of living things the structure of animal cells and plant cells the functions of the diferent parts of cells how to calculate magnification. ge w ie This chapter covers: ■ 1 ity op Pr y es s -C -R B1 Cells es s -C -R am B1.01 Characteristics of living things y growth: a permanent increase in size C U movement: an action by an organism causing a change of position or place e reproduction: the processes that make more of the same kind of organism id g w respiration: the chemical reactions in cells that break down nutrient molecules and release energy ie excretion: removal from organisms of toxic materials and substances in excess of requirements br ev sensitivity: the ability to detect and respond to changes in the environment s -R nutrition: taking in of materials for energy, growth and development es am of these characteristics are shown in the key terms box. You should learn these definitions now, but you will find out much more about each of them later in this book. op KEY TERMS -C R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y Biology is the study of living things, which are oten called organisms. Living organisms have seven features or characteristics which make them diferent from objects that are not alive (Figure B1.01). The definitions Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Movement All organisms are able to move to some extent. Most animals can move their whole body from place to place, and plants can slowly move parts of themselves. Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie op y ve ni C w ie br id Nutrition Organisms take substances from their environment and use them to provide energy or materials to make new cells. Reproduction Organisms are able to make new organisms of the same species as themselves. s -C -R am Figure B1.01 Characteristics of living organisms. op y es KEY TERMS respiration: the chemical reactions in cells that break down nutrient molecules and release energy for metabolism reproduction: the processes that make more of the same kind of organism ni ve rs excretion: removal from organisms of the waste products of metabolism (chemical reactions in cells including respiration), toxic materials and substances in excess of requirements sensitivity: the ability to detect or sense stimuli in the internal or external environment and to make appropriate responses U op y nutrition: taking in of materials for energy, growth and development; plants require light, carbon dioxide, water and ions; animals need organic compounds and ions and usually need water br ev ie id g w e C growth: a permanent increase in size and dry mass by an increase in cell number or cell size or both s -R organisms under a microscope, we can see that they are all made of cells. es am In addition to these seven characteristics, living organisms have another feature in common: when we study living -C ev ie w C ity Pr movement: an action by an organism or part of an organism causing a change of position or place R Respiration All organisms break down glucose and other substances inside their cells, to release energy that they can use. ev U Excretion All organisms produce unwanted or toxic waste products as a result of their metabolic reactions, and these must be removed from the body. ge R ev ie w rs C ity op Pr y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge U R 2 Sensitivity All organisms pick up information about changes in their environment, and react to the changes. -R am br id ev ie w ge Growth All organisms begin small and get larger, by the growth of their cells and by adding new cells to their bodies. C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity cell membrane ev ie w ge B1.02 Cells C U ni op y B1: Cells y op Microscopes ve rs ity To see cells clearly, you need to use a microscope (Figure B1.02). The kind of microscope used in a school laboratory is called a light microscope because it shines light through the piece of animal or plant you are looking at. It uses glass lenses to magnify and focus the image. A very good light microscope can magnify about 1500 times, so that all the structures in Figures B1.03 and B1.04 can be seen. nucleus y ni U R nuclear envelope ie w ge ev id instead of light and can magnify up to 500 000 times. This means that a lot more detail can be seen inside a cell. We can see many structures more clearly, and also some structures that could not be seen at all with a light microscope. Pictures made using an electron microscope are called electron micrographs. Pr es s -R br am -C y ity op rs C w ni op y ve ie ev -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R y op An electron microscope magnifies up to × 10 million. With an electron microscope much more detail can be seen. -R am C w ie ev e The light microscope magnifies up to × 1500. With a light microscope you can see some structures inside a cell, such as a nucleus. br id g A hand lens magnifies about × 10. Cells can oten be seen as dots. U ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C The human eye cannot see most cells. es s Figure B1.02 Equipment used for looking at biological material. -C R cytoplasm Figure B1.03 A typical animal cell – a liver cell – as seen using a light microscope. Photomicrographs of plant and animal cells are shown in Images B1.01 and B1.02. A micrograph is a picture made using a microscope. A photomicrograph is a picture made using a light microscope. To see even smaller things inside a cell, an electron microscope is used. This uses a beam of electrons small vacuole C op C w ev ie -R Pr es s -C am br id All organisms are made of cells. Cells are very small, so large organisms contain millions of cells. Some organisms are unicellular, which means that they are made of just a single cell. Bacteria and yeast are examples of single-celled organisms. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 3 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences cell membrane ev ie am br id w ge cell wall w C ve rs ity cytoplasm Pr es s op y -C nuclear envelope -R nucleus y C op U R ni ev ie chloroplast w ie ev am br id ge large vacuole containing cell sap Image B1.02 Cells from the trachea (windpipe) of a mammal, seen through a light microscope (× 300). s es y starch grain inside chloroplast -R -C membrane around vacuole ACtivity B1.01 Making drawings of biological specimens Skill: AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording Scientists need to be able to look closely at specimens – either with the naked eye or using a microscope – and note significant features in them. It is also important to be able to make scientific drawings. These need to be simple but clear. y op am br ev id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w rs C ity op Pr Figure B1.04 A typical plant cell – a palisade cell – as seen using a light microscope. 4 y op e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R In this Activity, you will be provided with a specimen of an animal to draw. ev ie id g w Here are some points to bear in mind when you draw: ■ Make good use of the space on your sheet of paper. Your drawing should be large, but do leave space around it so that you have room for labels. -R s es -C am br Image B1.01 Many plant cells contain green structures, called chloroplasts. Even if it does not have chloroplasts, you can still identify a plant cell because it has a cell wall around it (× 2000). Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge C U ni op y B1: Cells y w ev ie ■ You must use the same units for all the measurements. Usually, millimetres are the best units to use. You should not include any units with the final answer. ■ Magnification does not have a unit. However, you must include the ‘times’ sign. If you read it out loud, you would say ‘times five’. -R Here are some points to bear in mind when you label a diagram: ■ Use a ruler to draw each label line. ■ Make sure the end of the label line actually touches the structure being labelled. ■ Write the labels horizontally. ■ Keep the labels well away from the edges of your drawing. Questions A1 Measure the length of the lowest ‘tail’ (it is really called an appendage) on the centipede below. Write your answer in millimetres. ity y QuEStiONS ge B1.01 w ie id ev y Cell membrane Whatever sort of animal or plant they come from, all cells have a cell membrane (sometimes called the cell surface membrane) around the outside. Inside the cell membrane is a jelly-like substance called cytoplasm, in which are found many small structures called organelles. The most obvious of these organelles is usually the nucleus. In a plant cell, the nucleus is very dificult to see, because it is right against the cell wall. op length of real spider w 40 mm id g ie The cell membrane is a very thin layer of protein and fat. It is very important to the cell because it controls what goes in and out of it. It is partially permeable, which means that it will let some substances through but not others. ev 8 mm s -R =×5 es br = Cell structure C U length in drawing e magnification = am If an object was 1 mm across, how big would it look if it were magnified ten times? -R s es Pr ity ni ve rs The real spider was 8 mm long. So we can calculate the magnification like this: -C How many times can a good light microscope magnify? B1.02 br am -C op y C w ie ev C size of the real object op ni size in drawing or photograph U ev R magnification = For example, measure the length of the spider’s body in the diagram. You should find that it is 40 mm long. R A2 The real length of the appendage was 10 mm. Use this, and your answer to question A1, to calculate the magnification of the drawing of the centipede. ve ie w rs C op Pr y es -C Calculating magnification Skill: AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording Drawings and photographs of biological specimens are usually made at a diferent size from the actual object. The magnification of a diagram or photograph is how much larger it is than the real thing: -R ACtivity B1.02 s am br ev id ie w ge U R ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie The following are two very important things to notice: Pr es s -C am br id ■ Always use a sharp HB (medium hard) pencil and have a good eraser with you. Keep all lines single and clear. ■ ■ Don’t use shading unless it is absolutely necessary. ■ Don’t use colours. ■ Take time to get the outline of your drawing correct first, showing the right proportions. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 5 ve rs ity Chloroplasts Chloroplasts are never found in animal cells, but most of the cells in the green parts of plants have them. They contain a green colouring or pigment called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs energy from sunlight, and this energy is then used for making food for the plant by photosynthesis (Chapter B4). C w w ev ie -R C op y Because of the spaces between fibres, even very large molecules are able to go through the cellulose cell wall. It is therefore said to be fully permeable. U ni ev ie R Chloroplasts oten contain starch grains, which have been made by photosynthesis. Animal cells never contain starch grains. Some animal cells, however, do have granules (tiny grains) of another substance similar to starch, called glycogen. These granules are found in the cytoplasm, not inside chloroplasts. ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C am br id ge Cell wall All plant cells are surrounded by a cell wall made mainly of cellulose. Paper, which is made from cell walls, is also made of cellulose. Animal cells never have cell walls made of cellulose. Cellulose belongs to a group of substances called polysaccharides, which are described in Chapter B2. Cellulose forms fibres that criss-cross over one another to form a very strong covering to the cell (Image B1.03). This helps to protect and support the cell. If the cell absorbs a lot of water and swells, the cell wall stops it from bursting. C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences ie Chromosomes are very long, but so thin that they cannot easily be seen even using the electron microscope. However, when the cell is dividing, they become short and thick and can be seen with a good light microscope. rs Table B1.01 compares some features of plant cells and animal cells. id ie w ge C U ni op y ve w ie ev R -R ity op Pr y vacuoles A vacuole is a space in a cell, surrounded by a membrane and containing a solution. Plant cells have very large vacuoles, which contain a solution of sugars and other substances, called cell sap. A full vacuole presses outwards on the rest of the cell, and helps to keep it in shape. Animal cells have much smaller membrane-bound spaces, called vesicles, which may contain nutrients or water. C 6 s es -C am br ev id Cytoplasm Cytoplasm is a clear jelly. It is nearly all water; about 70% is water in many cells. Many substances are dissolved in it, especially proteins. Many diferent metabolic reactions (the chemical reactions of life) take place in the cytoplasm. w ge Nucleus The nucleus is where the genetic information is stored. This helps the cell to make the right sorts of proteins. The information is kept on the chromosomes, which are inherited from the organism’s parents. The chromosomes are made of DNA. br have no cell wall have a cell membrane have a cell membrane have cytoplasm have cytoplasm have a nucleus have a nucleus oten have chloroplasts containing chlorophyll have no chloroplasts oten have large vacuoles containing cell sap have only small vacuoles oten have starch grains never have starch grains; sometimes have glycogen granules y op ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am have a cellulose cell wall outside the cell membrane are oten irregular in shape s Table B1.01 A comparison of plant and animal cells. es am -R br ev are oten regular in shape Image B1.03 Cellulose fibres from a plant cell wall. This picture was taken using an electron microscope (× 50 000). -C Animal cells ev Plant cells Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge C U ni op y B1: Cells ev ie w ACtivity B1.05 am br id ACtivity B1.03 using a microscope y Pr es s -C -R Practise using a microscope to look at very small things. C op y ve rs ity Looking at animal cells Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording ! Wash your hands thoroughly ater handling the trachea and cells. Some simple animal cells line the mouth and trachea (or windpipe). If you colour or stain the cells, they are quite easy to see using a light microscope (see Image B1.02 and the drawing below). ni ev ie w C op ACtivity B1.04 -R es s nucleus Pr cell wall rs w ni op y ve ie ev C U w ge id ie A drawing of onion epidermis cells seen through a light microscope ater staining with iodine. ev es s -R br am -C Pr op y 3 Put on a few drops of methylene blue. ity 7 Look at the slide under the low power of the microscope. Note any diferences between what you can see now and what it looked like before adding the iodine solution. ni ve rs 5 Use filter paper or blotting paper to clean up the slide, and then look at it under the low power of a microscope. Questions op 6 Make a labelled drawing of a few cells. e C U A1 Name two structures which you can see in these cells, but which you could not see in the tracheal cells (Activity B1.04). A2 Most plant cells have chloroplasts, but these onion cells do not. Suggest a reason for this. id g w A1 Which part of the cell stained the darkest blue? ie A2 Is the cell membrane permeable or impermeable to methylene blue? Explain how you worked out your answer. ev A3 Iodine solution turns blue-black in the presence of starch. Did any of the onion cells contain starch? es s -R br am -C w C 4 Gently lower a coverslip over the stained cells, trying not to trap any air bubbles. Questions 6 Using a pipette, take up a small amount of iodine solution. Very carefully place some iodine solution next to the edge of the coverslip. The iodine solution will seep under the edge of the coverslip. To help it do this, you can place a small piece of filter paper next to the opposite side of the coverslip, which will soak up some of the liquid and draw it through. y R 2 Put your cells onto the middle of a clean microscope slide, and gently spread them out. You will probably not be able to see anything at all at this stage. ie nucleus cytoplasm A drawing of tracheal cells seen through a light microscope ater staining with methylene blue. ev vacuole small vacuole 1 Using a section liter, gently rub of a little of the lining from the inside of the trachea provided. R cytoplasm ity cell membrane C op y -C am br ev id ie w ge U R Looking at plant cells Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording ! Take care with the sharp blade when cutting the onion. To be able to see cells clearly under a microscope, you need a very thin layer. It is best if it is only one cell thick. An easy place to find such a layer is inside an onion bulb. 1 Cut a small piece from an onion bulb, and use forceps to peel a small piece of thin skin, called epidermis, from the inside of it. Do not let it get dry. 2 Put a drop or two of water onto the centre of a clean microscope slide. Put the piece of epidermis into it, and spread it flat. 3 Gently lower a coverslip onto it. 4 Use filter paper or blotting paper to clean up the slide, and then look at it under the low power of a microscope. 5 Make a labelled drawing of a few cells. The drawing below may help you, but do not just copy it. Do remember not to colour your drawing. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 7 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences What sort of cells are surrounded by a cell membrane? B1.04 What are plant cell walls made of? What is the main constituent of cytoplasm? op What is a vacuole? What is cell sap? B1.10 Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll. What does chlorophyll do? B1.11 What is stored in the nucleus? B1.12 Why can chromosomes be seen only when a cell is dividing? ve rs ity B1.08 B1.09 C op y Table B1.02 lists examples of specialised cells and the parts of the book where you will find information about how their structures help them to carry out their functions. br Function near the ends of plant roots absorb water and mineral salts Chapter B6, Section B6.02 photosynthesis Chapter B4, Section B4.03 transport oxygen Chapter B7, Section B7.04 sperm and egg cells in testes and ovaries ciliated cells lining the trachea and bronchi ity rs C w move mucus upward Chapter B8, Section B8.02 op y ve ni -R ■ s es ■ ity op y ni ve rs Without looking back at the beginning of this chapter, decide which five of the following characteristics are found in all living things: br ie w photosynthesis -R s es am ev e growth excretion speech List the other two characteristics of all living organisms. -C b blood system sight sensitivity id g movement nutrition C U R a the functions of the diferent parts of animal cells and plant cells how to calculate magnification using millimetres (mm) some examples of specialised cells. Pr op y C w End-of-chapter questions 1 ev ie w ge id br ■ -C ■ the seven characteristics of living organisms the structure of an animal cell and a plant cell as seen using a microscope, and be able to compare them am ■ C U R You should know: ie fuse together to produce a zygote Chapter B11, Section B11.01 Table B1.02 Some examples of specialised cells. ev ie Pr in the blood of mammals op red blood cells Summary ev es y palisade mesophyll cells beneath the epidermis of a leaf 8 Where you can find out more -R Where it is found s -C root hair cells am Type of cell ev id ie w ge U ni C w ev ie R Pr es s What does ‘partially permeable’ mean? y B1.07 What does ‘fully permeable’ mean? -C B1.06 A large organism such as yourself may contain many millions of cells, but not all the cells are alike. Almost all of them can carry out the activities which are characteristic of living things, but many of them specialise in doing some of these better than other cells do. Muscle cells, for example, are specially adapted for movement. Most cells in the leaf of a plant are specially adapted for making food by photosynthesis. -R B1.03 B1.05 ev ie w ge B1.03 Cells and organisms am br id QuEStiONS Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w ge Pr es s y y The photograph shows a section through a fruit. -R Make a large diagram of the fruit. You do not need to label your diagram. The photograph shows the fruit at a magnification of x 0.6. Calculate the diameter of the actual fruit at the point indicated by the dotted line. Show your working, and remember to include the unit. s es 9 ity rs w -R am br ev id ie w ge C U X es s -C ity Pr op y B ni ve rs C y Name the parts of the cell labelled A and B. State two ways in which you can tell that the cells in the micrograph are plant cells and not animal cells. i Measure the maximum diameter of the cell labelled X. Record your measurement in millimetres. ii The micrograph has been magnified 250 times. Calculate the real maximum diameter of the cell labelled X. Show your working clearly. w e -R s es -C am br ev ie id g c C U op w ie a b op ni y ve ie ev R A R ev [3] The micrograph shows a group of cells from a plant. C 5 [5] Pr op y -C a b am br ev id ie w ge U R ni 4 chloroplast, chlorophyll cell wall, cell membrane C op ev ie w C a b ve rs ity Distinguish between each of the following pairs of terms: op 3 -R makes food by photosynthesis controls what goes in and out of the cell stores information about making proteins contains cell sap protects the outside of the cell -C a b c d e ev ie State which part of a plant cell: am br id 2 C U ni op y B1: Cells Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [2] [2] [1] [2] op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie am br ev id ie w ge U R C ve y op ni C U w ie es s -C ■ ev ■ -R ■ ge ■ id ■ movement of materials by difusion how substances move into and out of cells by difusion through the cell membrane the efects of osmosis in moving water in and out of cells through the cell membrane how to investigate the efects of surface area, temperature, concentration gradients and difusion distance on the rate of difusion movement of water by osmosis (a special kind of difusion) how osmosis afects plant tissues. br ■ am Pr op y B2.01 Difusion y op ie id g w e C U w s -R br am -C ie ev R When they can move freely, particles tend to spread themselves out as evenly as they can (Figure B2.01). This happens with gases, solutions, and mixtures of liquids. Imagine, for example, a rotten egg in one corner of a room, giving of hydrogen sulfide gas. To begin with, there will be a very high concentration of the gas near ni ve rs C ity Atoms, molecules and ions are always moving. The higher the temperature, the faster they move. In a solid substance the particles cannot move very far, because they are held together by attractive forces between them. In a liquid they can move more freely, knocking into one another and rebounding. In a gas they are freer still, with no attractive forces between the molecules or atoms. Molecules and ions can also move freely when they are in solution. ev R ev ie w rs This chapter covers: es 10 ity op Pr y es s -C -R B2 Movement in and out of cells Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity am br id ev ie w ge C U ni op y B2: Movement in and out of cells y y C op id ie w ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op low concentration of oxygen br ev Figure B2.02 Difusion of oxygen into a cell. The red dots represent oxygen molecules. ity op Pr y es the egg, but none in the rest of the room. However, before long the hydrogen sulfide molecules have spread throughout the air in the room. Soon, you will not be able to tell where the smell first came from – the whole room will smell of hydrogen sulfide. y op ni ev ve The hydrogen sulfide molecules have spread out, or difused, through the air. ie TIP id KEy tERM ev Remember that difusion is simply the result of particles moving about randomly. Cells don’t have to do anything to make it happen. Difusion and living organisms ity Living organisms obtain many of their requirements by difusion. They also get rid of many of their waste products in this way. For example, plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. This difuses from the air into the leaves, through the stomata. It does this because there is a lower concentration of carbon dioxide inside the leaf, as the cells are using it up. Outside the leaf in the air, there is a higher concentration. Carbon dioxide molecules therefore difuse into the leaf, down this concentration gradient. QuEStiONS B2.01 Define difusion. B2.02 List three examples of difusion in living organisms. B2.03 You will need to think about your knowledge of particle theory to answer this question. y ni ve rs C b Predict and explain how an increase in temperature will afect the rate of difusion of a solute. ev ie id g w e C U op a What efect does an increase in temperature have on the kinetic energy of molecules of a gas or a solute? es s -R br am -C w ie ev -R Pr op y es s -C am br difusion: the net movement of molecules and ions from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration down a concentration gradient, as a result of their random movement w ge C U R Oxygen, which is a waste product of photosynthesis, difuses out in the same way. There is a higher concentration of oxygen inside the leaf, because it is being made there. Oxygen therefore difuses out through the stomata into the air. Difusion is also important in gas exchange for respiration in animals and plants (Figure B2.02). Cell membranes are freely permeable to oxygen and carbon dioxide, so these easily difuse into and out of cells. rs C w ie -R s -C am Figure B2.01 Difusion is the result of the random movement of particles. R oxygen difuses down a concentration gradient Pr es s -C -R high concentration of oxygen Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 11 ve rs ity ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences w ev ie y C op ni 1 Collect a piece of Visking tubing. Moisten it and rub it until it opens. ge w ev -R s es ve op ni A1 What colour were the liquids inside and outside the tubing at the start of the experiment? U R C id ie w ge A2 What colour were the liquids inside and outside the tubing at the end of the investigation? -C Pr op y es Difusion of substances through a membrane Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data You are going to investigate difusion of two diferent substances dissolved in water (solutes). When a substance is dissolved, its particles are free to move around. In this investigation, you will use starch solution and iodine solution. The solutions will be separated by a membrane made out of Visking tubing. Visking tubing has microscopic holes in it. The holes are big enough to let water molecules ity At the start of the experiment, there were starch molecules inside the tubing but none outside the tubing. Starch particles are too to go through Visking tubing. y id g w e C U op At the start of the experiment, there were iodine molecules the tubing but none the tubing. The iodine molecules difused into the tubing, down their gradient. ev ie When the starch and iodine molecules mixed, a colour was produced. es s -R br am -C A4 Did either the starch particles or the iodine particles difuse through the Visking tubing? How can you tell? A5 Copy and complete these sentences. ni ve rs C w s -R am br ev A3 When starch and iodine mix, a blue-black colour is produced. Where did the starch and iodine mix in your experiment? ACtivity B2.03 ie 7 Gently put the Visking tubing into the iodine solution, so that it is completely covered, as shown in the diagram. Questions investigating factors that afect the rate of difusion ev 6 Put some iodine solution into a beaker. y w ACtivity B2.02 5 Rinse the tubing in water, just in case you got any starch on the outside of it. 8 Leave the apparatus for about 10 minutes. rs C ity op Pr A3 Suggest three things that you could have done to make the colour spread more quickly. ie ie id br 4 Tie the top of the tubing very tightly, using thread. am -C y A2 Why had the colour spread through the water at the end of your experiment? ev 2 Tie a knot in one end of the tubing. 3 Using a dropper pipette, carefully fill the tubing with some starch solution. A1 Why was it important to leave the water to become completely still before the crystal was put in? R Visking tubing starch solution U R Questions 12 iodine solution ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C Demonstrating difusion in a solution Skill: AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording 1 Fill a gas jar with water. Leave it for several hours to let the water become very still. 2 Carefully place a small crystal of potassium permanganate into the water. 3 Make a labelled drawing of the gas jar to show how the colour is distributed at the start of your experiment. 4 Leave the gas jar completely undisturbed for several days. 5 Make a second drawing to show how the colour is distributed. You can try this with other coloured salts as well, such as copper sulfate or potassium dichromate. C w ev ie and iodine molecules through, but not starch molecules, which are bigger than the holes. -R am br id ACtivity B2.01 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity dilute sugar solution y ev ie ni br ev id ie w ge U R -R water molecules op Pr y es s -C am You can think of a concentration gradient as an imaginary ‘slope’ from high concentration to low concentration. The net movement of particles is down the slope. 13 It is easiest to think about this if we consider a simple situation involving just one solute. ity op y ve Figure B2.03 illustrates a concentrated sugar solution, separated from a dilute sugar solution by a membrane. The membrane has holes or pores in it which are very small. An example of a membrane like this is Visking tubing. ni ev ie w ge ev id -R br am es s -C Pr op y ity y op C U w e You can see that osmosis is really just a kind of difusion. It is the difusion of water molecules, in a situation where the water molecules but not the solute molecules can pass through a membrane. ev ie id g es s -R br am -C On the right-hand side, the concentration of water molecules is lower because a lot of space is taken up by sugar molecules. Because there are more water molecules on the let-hand side, at any one moment more of them will ‘hit’ a hole in the membrane and move through to the other side than will go the other way (right to let). Over time, there will be an overall, or net, movement of water from let to right. This is called osmosis. ni ve rs C w ie Figure B2.03 Osmosis. There is a higher concentration of sugar molecules on the right-hand side of the membrane in Figure B2.03, and a lower concentration on the let-hand side. If the membrane was not there, the sugar molecules would difuse from the concentrated solution into the dilute one until they were evenly spread out. However, they cannot do this because the pores in the membrane are too small for them to get through. There is also a concentration gradient for the water molecules. On the let-hand side of the membrane, there is a high concentration of water molecules. concentration gradient C U R ev partially permeable membrane rs C w ie diffusion of water molecules Water molecules are also very small. Each one is made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Sugar molecules are many times larger than this. In Visking tubing, the holes are big enough to let the water molecules through, but not the sugar molecules. Visking tubing is called a partially permeable membrane because it will let some molecules through but not others. R sugar molecule C op y ve rs ity op Every cell in an organism’s body has water inside it and outside it. Various substances are dissolved in this water, and their concentrations may be diferent inside and outside the cell. This creates concentration gradients, down which water and solutes will difuse, if they are able to pass through the membrane. C w ev ie -R Pr es s -C am br id Water is one of the most important compounds in living organisms. It can make up around 80% of some organisms’ bodies. It has many functions, including acting as a solvent for many diferent substances. For example, substances are transported around the body dissolved in the water in blood plasma. TIP concentrated sugar solution w ge B2.02 Osmosis C U ni op y B2: Movement in and out of cells Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Osmosis and animal cells y ev ie -R ve rs ity op y cell membrane ie ev id QuEStiONS w ge U ni C op C In Figure B2.03, there is a high water potential on the lethand side and a low water potential on the right-hand side. There is a water potential gradient between the two sides. The water molecules difuse down this gradient, from a high water potential to a low water potential. w ev ie R Figure B2.04 illustrates an animal cell in pure water. The cytoplasm inside the cell is a fairly concentrated solution. The proteins and many other substances dissolved in it are too large to get through the cell membrane. Water molecules, though, can get through. Pr es s -C am br id It is actually rather confusing to talk about the ‘concentration’ of water molecules, because the term ‘concentration’ is normally used to mean the concentration of the solute dissolved in the water. It is much better to use a diferent term instead. We say that a dilute solution (where there is a lot of water) has a high water potential. A concentrated solution (where there is less water) has a low water potential. w ge Water potential C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences What is meant by a partially permeable membrane? es Pr ity rs C w y ve ie Figure B2.04 Animal cells burst in pure water. U ni op ev Osmosis takes place. Water diffuses into the cell through the partially permeable cell membrane. ie ev id br -R am Pr ity C ie id g w e C U op Figure B2.05 illustrates an animal cell in a concentrated solution. If this solution is more concentrated than the cytoplasm, then water molecules will difuse out of the cell. Look at Figure B2.03 to see why. ev As the water molecules go out through the cell membrane, the cytoplasm shrinks. The cell shrivels up. -R s es -C am br So, cell membranes oten separate two diferent solutions – the cytoplasm and the solution around the cell. If the solutions are of diferent concentrations, then osmosis will occur. Water molecules will difuse (by osmosis) from the dilute solution into the concentrated solution. What happens to the cell? As more and more water enters the cell, it swells. The cell membrane has to stretch as the cell gets bigger, until eventually the strain is too much, and the cell bursts. y ni ve rs There is always cytoplasm on one side of any cell membrane. Cytoplasm is a solution of proteins and other substances in water. There is usually a solution on the other side of the membrane, too. Inside large animals, cells are surrounded by tissue fluid. In the soil, the roots of plants are oten surrounded by a film of water. w ie es s -C op y Cell membranes behave very much like Visking tubing. They let some substances pass through them, but not others. They are partially permeable membranes. ev If you compare this situation with Figure B2.03, you will see that they are similar. The dilute solution in Figure B2.03 and the pure water in Figure B2.04 are each separated from a concentrated solution by a partially permeable membrane. In Figure B2.04, the concentrated solution is the cytoplasm and the partially permeable membrane is the cell membrane. Therefore, osmosis will occur. w ge C osmosis: the net movement of water molecules from a region of higher water potential (dilute solution) to a region of lower water potential (concentrated solution), through a partially permeable membrane Cell membranes R more concentrated solution inside the cell How would you describe a solution that has a high concentration of water molecules? KEy tERM R s -C y Give two examples of partially permeable membranes. op B2.07 14 -R B2.05 B2.06 pure water outside the cell br Which is larger – a water molecule or a sugar molecule? am B2.04 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y B2: Movement in and out of cells ev ie w ge Although it is not easy to see, a plant cell also has a cell surface membrane just like an animal cell. The cell membrane is partially permeable. A plant cell in pure water will take in water by osmosis through its partially permeable cell membrane in the same way as an animal cell. As the water goes in, the cytoplasm and vacuole will swell. Pr es s -C -R am br id cell membrane y A plant cell in this state is rather like a blown-up tyre – tight and firm. It is said to be turgid. The outward pressure of the cytoplasm on the cell wall is called turgor pressure. The turgidity of its cells helps a plant that has no wood in it to stay upright and keeps the leaves firm. Plant cells are usually turgid. ni ev ie more dilute solution inside the cell id ie w ge U R Osmosis takes place. Water diffuses out of the cell through the partially permeable cell membrane. es -C Pr y ity op If the solution is very concentrated, then a lot of water will difuse out of the cell. The cytoplasm and vacuole go on shrinking. The cell wall, though, is too stif to be able to shrink much. As the cytoplasm shrinks further and further into the centre of the cell, the cell wall gets let behind. rs C op y ve ni U -R am br ev id ie w ge C w ev ie cell wall R s Osmosis and plant cells Plant cells do not burst in pure water. Figure B2.06 illustrates a plant cell in pure water. Plant cells are surrounded by a cell wall. This is fully permeable, which means that it will let any molecules go through it. Image B2.01 and Figure B2.07 illustrate plant cells in a concentrated solution. Like the animal cell in Figure B2.05, the plant cells will lose water by osmosis. The cytoplasm shrinks and stops pushing outwards on the cell wall. Like a tyre when some of the air has leaked out, the cell becomes floppy. It is said to be flaccid. If the cells in a plant become flaccid, the plant loses its firmness and begins to wilt. -R am br ev Figure B2.05 Animal cells shrink in a concentrated solution. cell membrane However, the plant cell has a very strong cell wall around it. The cell wall is much stronger than the cell membrane and it stops the plant cell from bursting. The cytoplasm presses out against the cell wall, but the wall resists and presses back on the contents. C op w C ve rs ity op y concentrated solution outside the cell w e C U op y ni ve rs more concentrated solution inside the cell R ie id g Osmosis takes place. Water diffuses into the cytoplasm and vacuole through the partially permeable cell surface membrane. The cell swells and becomes firm. ev Image B2.01 These onion cells have been placed in a concentrated solution. The cytoplasm has shrunk inwards, leaving big gaps between itself and the cell walls (× 300). s -R br am -C Figure B2.06 Plant cells become swollen and firm in pure water. es ev ie w C ity Pr op y es s -C pure water outside the cell Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 15 ve rs ity surrounded by very concentrated solutions. However, you can make cells become plasmolysed if you do Activity B2.04. Plasmolysis usually kills a plant cell because the cell membrane is damaged as it tears away from the cell wall. am br id ev ie w ge -R cell wall y ni id ge U QuEStiONS What happens to an animal cell in pure water? Explain why this does not happen to a plant cell in pure water. ev -R b partially permeable? s es Pr ity a fully permeable? B2.11 What is meant by a turgid cell? B2.12 What is plasmolysis? B2.13 How can plasmolysis be brought about? B2.14 In Figure B2.07, what fills space X? Explain your answer. B2.15 Describe the events shown in Figures B2.04 and B2.05 in terms of water potential. rs ve Which part of a plant cell is: -R s es ruler ity C ni ve rs 1 Collect a piece of Visking tubing. Moisten it and rub it between your fingers to open it. Tie one end tightly. water ie id g w e C U 3 Place a long, narrow glass tube into the tubing, as shown in the diagram. Tie it very, very tightly, using thread. es s -R br ev 4 Place the tubing inside a beaker of water, as shown in the diagram. am op y 2 Use a dropper pipette to put some concentrated sugar solution into the tubing. -C w ie ev narrow glass tube Pr op y -C am br Measuring rate of osmosis Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.2 Planning AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data ev id ie w ge C U ni op A cell like this is said to be plasmolysed. This does not normally happen because plant cells are not usually y br C The cell membrane, surrounding the cytoplasm, tears away from the cell wall. w ie ev R B2.08 B2.09 B2.10 am -C op y Figure B2.07 Plant cells become flaccid and may plasmolyse in a concentrated solution. ACtivity B2.05 R investigate and describe the efects on plant tissues of immersing them in diferent solutions w C w R ev ie less concentrated solution inside the cell Osmosis takes place. Water diffuses out of the cytoplasm and vacuole through the partially permeable cell membrane. First, the cell shrinks slightly and becomes flaccid. The cell membrane pulls away from the cell wall, and the cell is plasmolysed. 16 ACtivity B2.04 ve rs ity op concentrated solution outside the cell C op y Pr es s -C cell membrane ie space X C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution tube held tightly by thread Visking tubing concentrated sugar solution ve rs ity ge C U ni op y B2: Movement in and out of cells 5 Mark the level of liquid inside the glass tube. w A3 Use your graph to work out the mean (average) rate at which the liquid moved up the tube, in mm per second. (Ask your teacher for help if you are not sure how to do this.) 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 7 Collect a sheet of graph paper. Draw a line graph of your results. Put time in minutes on the x-axis, and height in mm on the y-axis. ve rs ity ■ ■ ■ ni Questions A5 When temperature rises, particles move more quickly. Describe how you could use this apparatus to carry out an experiment to investigate the efect of temperature on the rate of osmosis. Think about the following things. U ge ■ A2 Explain why this happened. -R am br ev id ie ■ s -C ACtivity B2.06 ity Summary ge ■ ev s -C -R am br ■ id ■ ■ es ity C U op y ni ve rs Water moves from a dilute solution in the soil into the cells in a plant’s roots. Saliva flows out of the salivary glands into your mouth. A spot of blue ink dropped into a glass of still water quickly colours all the water blue. Carbon dioxide goes into a plant’s leaves when it is photosynthesising. ie id g ev If Visking tubing containing a sugar solution is put into a beaker of water, the sugar solution moves out of the tubing by osmosis. (continued) -R s es -C am a w e Each of these statements was made by a candidate in an examination. Each one contains at least one error. Decide what is wrong with each statement, and rewrite it correctly. br C w ie ev R Which of a–d below is an example of i difusion, ii osmosis, or iii neither? Explain your answer in each case. a b c d 2 Pr op y End-of-chapter questions 1 the importance of water as a solvent about osmosis, which is a special kind of difusion, involving water molecules how osmosis afects animal cells and plant cells. C ■ op y ve how difusion results from the random movement of particles the factors that afect the rate of difusion why difusion is important to cells and living organisms U R ni ev You should know: ■ 17 rs ie w C op Pr y es Osmosis and potato strips w R A1 Describe what happened to the liquid level inside the glass tube. What will you vary in your experiment? What will you keep the same? What will you measure, when will you measure it and how will you measure it? How will you record and display your results? Predict the results that you would expect. ie w C op y Every 2 minutes, record the level of the liquid in the glass tube. y Pr es s -C Height of liquid / mm ev ie A4 Predict what would have happened to the rate of osmosis in this experiment if you had used a kind of Visking tubing with ridges and grooves in it, giving it a larger surface area. Explain your answer. C op 2 w 0 ev ie Time / minutes -R am br id 6 Make a copy of this results chart. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w ge b c -R am br id ev ie Plant cells do not burst in pure water because the cell wall stops water getting into the cell. When a plant cell is placed in a concentrated sugar solution, water moves out of the cell by osmosis, through the partially permeable cell wall. Animal cells plasmolyse in a concentrated sugar solution. Pr es s Difusion happens faster when the temperature rises. Oxygen difuses out of a plant leaf during daylight hours. Water molecules can pass through Visking tubing, but starch molecules cannot. An animal cell bursts if placed in pure water. If a plant is short of water, its leaves lose their firmness and the plant wilts. ve rs ity a b ni w ie ev id -R am br s es Pr ity op The graph below shows the results for two samples of ammonium hydroxide that were investigated. C 60 y w ge C U R op ni ev ve ie w 70 rs 18 cork pieces of damp red litmus paper at 2 cm intervals cotton wool soaked in ammonium hydroxide y -C cork [2] C op Define difusion. The diagram below shows an apparatus that was set up to investigate difusion. ge R 4 U ev ie w C op y a b c d e -C Explain each of the following. y d 3 C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences 40 es Pr ity sample B w id g e C U R 10 y ni ve rs ie w 20 op C op y 30 ev sample A s -C Time for litmus to go blue / s -R am br ev id ie 50 4 6 8 10 12 ev 2 s -R Distance along tube / cm es -C am br 0 ie 0 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 14 16 ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y B2: Movement in and out of cells ev ie 2 6 4 10 15 21 ve rs ity C w ev ie 14 29 35 41 U ni 16 ie w ge ev id br -R s -C [Cambridge IGCSE Biology 0610 Paper 2 Q8 November 2004] es A student investigates the movement of acid into diferent sized blocks of agar. The agar contains the indicator phenolphthalein. This indicator is purple in a pH of greater than 8 and colourless in a pH of less than 8. 19 ity Two agar blocks of dimensions 2 cm × 2 cm × 2 cm and 1 cm × 1 cm × 1 cm are labelled A and B, respectively, and placed in separate beakers as shown in the diagram. op C ni U w beaker B ie ge beaker A At the beginning of the experiment the colour of the indicator in the agar was purple. Explain what this colour indicates. ev [1] -R am br a agar cube 1 cm × 1 cm × 1 cm id R agar cube 2 cm × 2 cm × 2 cm y ve ev ie w rs C op Pr y 5 [3] [1] [1] [2] Plot the data in the table on a copy of the graph. Suggest what has caused the litmus paper to go blue. State which sample of ammonium hydroxide took longest to travel 10 cm along the tube. What can you suggest about the concentration of sample C? Explain your answer. am i ii iii iv 25 y 8 10 C op op y 6 12 R Time for red litmus paper to go blue / s Pr es s -C Distance of red litmus paper along tube / cm -R am br id The table below gives data for a third sample, C, of ammonium hydroxide that was investigated. y op C -R s es am -C w ev ie beaker B br id g beaker A e U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C The student adds 10 cm3 hydrochloric acid to each of the beakers to cover the blocks and then starts the stopclock. She records the time taken for the blocks to become colourless. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution (continued) ve rs ity ev ie Use a ruler to construct a table for the results. Your table should show the dimensions of each block and the time taken, in seconds, for each block to go colourless. Read the stopclocks shown in the diagram. Record the time taken, in seconds, to complete your table. i Name the process by which the acid moves into the agar from the solution. ii Explain the colour change of the agar. Explain the diference between the times taken for the colour changes in blocks A and B. Pr es s -C y y ve rs ity w ni ev ie y op y op -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w rs C ity op Pr y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge U R 20 [3] [1] [1] [1] [Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences 0654 Paper 62 Q1 a, b, c & d(i) June 2014] C op d C op c -R am br id b w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie -R es s -C Pr y rs ve y op ni C U w ie Pr ity C ni ve rs U Water C In most organisms, almost 80% of the body is made up of water. We have seen that cytoplasm is a solution of many diferent substances in water. The spaces between our cells are also filled with a watery liquid. -R s es am br ev ie id g w e In this chapter, we will look at each of these kinds of substances in turn. As you work through your biology course, you will keep meeting them over and over again. -C w ie ev R The bodies of all living things are made of many diferent kinds of chemicals. Most of our bodies are made up of water. We also contain carbohydrates, proteins and fats. These substances are what our cells are made of. Each of them is vital for life. y It will help if you have a basic understanding of the meanings of the terms atom, element and molecule. If you are not sure about these, ask your biology or chemistry teacher to explain them to you. B3.01 What are you made of? op op y es s -C ■ ev ■ -R ■ ge ■ id ■ br ■ why water is important to living organisms what carbohydrates, fats (lipids) and proteins are made of how to test for the presence of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins enzymes and how they act as catalysts how enzymes are afected by temperature and pH how to carry out experiments to investigate the efects of changes in temperature and pH on enzyme activity why enzymes are afected by temperature and pH planing, carrying out and evaluating your own experiments on enzyme activity. am ev R ■ 21 ity op C w ie This chapter covers: ■ ev am br id ie w ge U R B3 Biological molecules Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity its molecular formula can be written C6H12O6. This formula stands for one molecule of this simple sugar, and tells you which atoms it contains, and how many of each kind. w ev ie -R y C op ni w C ve rs ity op y Water is also needed for other reasons. For example, plasma, the liquid part of blood, contains a lot of water, so that substances like glucose can dissolve in it. These dissolved substances are transported around the body. Water is also need to dissolve enzymes and nutrients in the alimentary canal, so that digestion can take place. ge U R ev ie Although they contain many atoms, simple sugar molecules are very small (Figure B3.02). They are soluble in water, and they taste sweet. Pr es s -C am br id ge Inside every living organism, chemical reactions are going on all the time. These reactions are called metabolism. Metabolic reactions can only take place if the chemicals which are reacting are dissolved in water. Water is an important solvent. This is one reason why water is so important to living organisms. If their cells dry out, the reactions stop and the organism dies. C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Figure B3.02 Simple sugars, or monosaccharides, have small molecules and are soluble in water. w TIP -R ie es B3.02 Carbohydrates Carbohydrates include starches and sugars. Their molecules contain three kinds of atom – carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O). A carbohydrate molecule has about twice as many hydrogen atoms as carbon or oxygen atoms. op y ve ni ie -R s Pr op y es -C am br ev id The simplest kinds of carbohydrates are the simple sugars or monosaccharides. Glucose is a simple sugar. A glucose molecule is made of six carbon atoms joined in a ring, with the hydrogen and oxygen atoms pointing out from and into the ring (Figure B3.01). (You don’t need to know this structure in detail, but you may be interested to see how the atoms are organised.) w ge Sugars C U ev w rs C ity op Pr y 22 R If two simple sugar molecules join together, a larger molecule called a complex sugar or disaccharide is made (Figure B3.03). Two examples of complex sugars are sucrose (the sugar we use in hot drinks, or on breakfast cereal, for example) and maltose (malt sugar). Like simple sugars, they are soluble in water and taste sweet. s -C am br ev id ie When asked why water is important to organisms, many students answer ‘so that they do not dry out’. This is not a good answer – make sure you explain why the water is needed. C w OH s Figure B3.01 The structure of a glucose molecule. -C ie OH ev C -R am H C es br C y H If many simple sugars join together, a very large molecule called a polysaccharide is made. Some polysaccharide molecules contain thousands of sugar molecules joined together in a long chain. The cellulose of plant cell walls is a polysaccharide and so is starch, which is oten found inside plant cells (Figure B3.04). Animal cells oten contain a polysaccharide called glycogen. Most polysaccharides are insoluble, and they do not taste sweet. H op H OH id g HO O U C C Polysaccharides e H R ev ie CH2OH ni ve rs w C ity A glucose molecule contains six carbon atoms, twelve hydrogen atoms and six oxygen atoms. To show this, Figure B3.03 Complex sugars (disaccharides), such as maltose, are made from two simple sugars that have been joined together. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y B3: Biological molecules w ge Testing for carbohydrates y C op br ev id ie w ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie We can test for the presence of sugars by adding Benedict’s solution to a food, and heating it. If the food contains reducing sugar (such as glucose or maltose), then a brick-red colour will be produced. The mixture changes gradually from blue, through green, yellow and orange, and finally to brick red (Image B3.01). If there is no reducing sugar, then the Benedict’s solution remains blue. Pr y Functions of carbohydrates 23 ity op Carbohydrates are needed for energy. One gram of carbohydrate releases 17 kJ (kilojoules) of energy. The energy is released by respiration (Chapter B8). rs C w The carbohydrate that is normally used in respiration is glucose. This is also the form in which carbohydrate is transported around an animal’s body. Human blood plasma contains dissolved glucose, being transported to all the cells. The cells then use the glucose to release the energy that they need to carry out the processes of life. y op w ge C U R ni ev ve ie -R es s -C am Figure B3.04 This is just a small part of a molecule of a polysaccharide, such as starch. es ity Pr op y Plants store carbohydrates as starch. It is quick and easy to change glucose into starch, or starch into glucose. Some plants store large quantities of starch in their seeds or tubers, and we use these as food. ni ve rs C op C U w e ev ie id g -R s es am br The polysaccharide cellulose is used to make the crisscrossing fibres from which plant cell walls are constructed. Cellulose fibres are very strong, so the cell wall helps to maintain the shape of the plant cell. testing foods for sugars Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording ! Wear eye protection. If possible, heat the tubes using a water bath. If you have to heat directly over a Bunsen flame, use a test-tube holder and point the opening of the tube away from people. Take care if using a sharp blade to cut the food. All simple sugars, and some complex sugars such as maltose, are reducing sugars. This means that they will react with a blue liquid called Benedict’s solution. We can use this reaction to find out if a food or other substance contains a reducing sugar. y Animals do not store starch. Instead, they store carbohydrates in the form of the polysaccharide glycogen. However, only small quantities of glycogen can be stored. It is mostly stored in the cells in the liver and the muscles. -C w ie ev R ACtivity B3.01 s -C am Plants also use glucose in respiration, to provide them with energy. However, they do not transport glucose around their bodies. Instead, they transport sucrose. The cells change the sucrose to glucose when they need to use it. -R br ev id ie Image B3.01 Benedict’s test for carbohydrates. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge w Pr es s ve rs ity U w ge A1 How could you test a solution to see if it contained iodine? br ev id ie 5 Record your result in your results chart. If the Benedict’s solution does not change colour, do not write ‘no change’. Write down the actual colour that you see – for example, blue. Then write down your conclusion from the result of the test. w -R s What is metabolism? B3.02 Why do organisms die if they do not have enough water? B3.03 Which three elements are contained in all carbohydrates? B3.04 The molecular formula for glucose is C6H12O6. What does this tell you about a glucose molecule? B3.05 To which group of carbohydrates does each of these substances belong: a glucose, b starch and c glycogen? B3.06 In what form: op ve The test for starch is easier, as it does not involve heating. You simply add iodine solution to a sample of the food. If there is starch present, a blue-black colour is obtained (Image B3.02). If there is no starch, the iodine solution remains orange-brown. w ge U ni ie ev R B3.01 rs C ity op Pr y This test works because the reducing sugar reduces the blue copper salts to a red compound. es -C am QuEStiONS y R Questions C op ni y 3 Add some Benedict’s solution. Benedict’s solution is blue, because it contains copper salts. 4 Heat the tube to about 80 °C, in a water bath. If there is reducing sugar in the food, a brick-red precipitate will form. 24 testing foods for starch Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording There is no need to dissolve the food for this test. 1 Draw a results chart. 2 Put a small piece of the food onto a white tile. 3 Add a drop or two of iodine solution. Iodine solution is brown, but it turns blue-black if there is starch in the food. Record each of your results and conclusions. C y op 2 Cut or grind a little of the food into very small pieces. Put these into a test tube. Add some water, and shake it up to try to dissolve it. C w ev ie ev ie Simple sugar present -R Colour with Benedict’s solution -C Food ACtivity B3.02 am br id 1 Draw a results chart. C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences c do animals store carbohydrates in their cells? es e do plants store carbohydrates in their cells? y B3.03 Fats op Fats are also known as lipids. Like carbohydrates, fats contain only three kinds of atom – carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. A fat molecule is made of four smaller molecules joined together. One of these is glycerol. Attached to the glycerol are three long molecules called fatty acids (Figure B3.05). br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y b do animals transport carbohydrates in their blood? d do plants transport carbohydrates round their bodies? s -C -R am br ev id ie a do most organisms use carbohydrates in respiration? s -R Fats are insoluble in water. Fats that are liquid at room temperature are called oils. es -C am Image B3.02 The black colour shows that the potato contains starch. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w Pr es s y ve rs ity op C fat molecule y Figure B3.05 The structure of a fat molecule. Image B3.03 A walrus on the Arctic island Spitzbergen. U w -R ity y op id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve rs C w ie s Pr y op The extra energy that fats contain makes them very useful for storing energy. In mammals, some cells, particularly ones underneath the skin, become filled with large drops of fats or oils. These stores can be used to release energy when needed. This layer of fat also helps to keep heat inside the body – that is, it insulates the body. Animals such as walruses, which live in very cold places, oten have especially thick layers of fat, called blubber (Image B3.03). Many plants store oils in their seeds – for example, peanut, coconut and castor oil. The oils provide a good store of energy for germination. Pr ity C ni ve rs Firstly, you chop the food and shake it up with ethanol. Although fats will not dissolve in water, they do dissolve in ethanol. Next, you pour the ethanol into water. If there is any fat in the food, then the fat–ethanol mixture breaks up into millions of tiny droplets when it is mixed with the water. This mixture is called an emulsion. It looks white and opaque, like milk (Image B3.04). If there is no fat in the food, the mixture of water and ethanol remains transparent. testing foods for fats Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording y 1 Draw a results chart. e C U op 2 Chop or grind a small amount of food, and put some into a very clean, dry test tube. Add some absolute (pure) ethanol. Shake it thoroughly. id g w 3 Put some distilled water in another tube. ev ie 4 Pour some of the liquid part, but not any solid, from the first tube into the water. A milky appearance shows that there is fat in the food. es s -R br am -C w ie es s -C op y There are several diferent tests for fats. One of the best is the ethanol emulsion test. ev -R am br ev Image B3.04 A positive result for the emulsion test. ACtivity B3.03 Testing for fats and oils R emulsion of fat droplets in the ethanol/water mixture es -C am br ev id Like carbohydrates, fats and oils can be used in a cell to release energy. A gram of fat gives about 39 kJ of energy. This is more than twice as much energy as that released by a gram of carbohydrate. However, most cells use carbohydrates first when they need energy and only use fats when all the available carbohydrates have been used. ie Functions of fats ge R ni C op w ev ie ev ie fatty acid molecule -C glycerol molecule -R am br id ge C U ni op y B3: Biological molecules Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 25 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences State two uses of fats to living organisms. B3.09 We get cooking oil mostly from the seeds of plants. Why do plant seeds contain oil? y op ve rs ity C For most protein molecules, their shape directly afects their function. For example, as you will see in Section B3.05, the shape of an enzyme molecule determines which reactions it can catalyse. ge U ni C op y Protein molecules contain some kinds of atoms which carbohydrates and fats do not (Figure B3.06). As well as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, they also contain nitrogen (N) and small amounts of sulfur (S). w ev ie -R B3.08 The long chains of amino acids from which protein molecules are formed can curl up into diferent shapes. The way in which the chain curls up, and therefore the three-dimensional shape of the protein molecule, is determined by the sequence of amino acids in the chain. Diferent sequences of amino acids result in diferent shapes of protein molecules. Pr es s Which three elements are found in all fats and oils? -C B3.07 B3.04 Proteins R ev ie w ge protein. Enzymes are also proteins. You will find out a lot more about enzymes in Section B3.05. am br id QuEStiONS w ev -R B3.13 Give two examples of proteins. B3.14 State three functions of proteins in living organisms. y -R s Pr op y es -C am br ev id ie w ge C U ni op The test for proteins is called the biuret test (Image B3.05). This involves mixing the food in water, and then adding dilute copper sulfate solution. Then dilute potassium hydroxide solution is gently added. A purple colour indicates that protein is present. If there is no protein, the mixture stays blue. ity C s -R Image B3.05 The tube on the let shows a negative result for the biuret test. The tube on the right shows a positive result. es -C am br ev ie id g w e Unlike carbohydrates, proteins are not normally used to provide energy. Many of the proteins in the food you eat are used for making new cells. New cells are needed for growing, and for repairing damaged parts of the body. In particular, cell membranes and cytoplasm contain a lot of C U op y ni ve rs Some proteins are soluble in water; an example is haemoglobin, the red pigment in blood. Others are insoluble in water; for example, keratin. Hair and fingernails are made of keratin. w ie In what way are protein molecules similar to polysaccharides? rs ve w ie ev R B3.12 Testing for proteins Figure B3.06 Structure of a protein molecule. Like polysaccharides, protein molecules are made of long chains of smaller molecules joined end to end. These smaller molecules are called amino acids. There are about 20 diferent kinds of amino acid. Any of these 20 can be joined together in any order to make a protein molecule. Each protein is made of molecules with amino acids in a precise order. Even a small diference in the order of amino acids makes a diferent protein, so there are millions of diferent proteins which could be made. ev How many diferent amino acids are there? s es C a small protein molecule Functions of proteins R Name two elements found in proteins that are not found in carbohydrates. B3.11 ity op Pr y one kind of amino acid molecule 26 ie id -C H COOH am C B3.10 br H H 2N QuEStiONS Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C, H, O C, H, O Smaller molecules of which they are made simple sugars (monosaccharides) fatty acids and glycerol Solubility in water sugars are soluble; polysaccharides are insoluble ev ie -R am br id Pr es s -C ve rs ity op C Table B3.01 A comparison of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. ni C op KEy tERMS U w ge catalyst: a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction and is not changed by the reaction ie enzymes: proteins that function as biological catalysts w -R s ity ni op y ve ie ev op y Pr ity C op ev ie id g es s -R br am Not all enzymes help to break things down. Many enzymes help to make large molecules from small ones. One example of this kind of enzyme is starch phosphorylase, which builds starch molecules from glucose molecules inside plant cells. w e C U Within any living organism, chemical reactions take place all the time. They are sometimes called metabolic reactions. Almost every metabolic reaction is controlled by catalysts called enzymes. Enzymes are proteins. Without enzymes, the reactions would take place very slowly, or not at all. Enzymes ensure that the rates of metabolic reactions are great enough to sustain life. Another enzyme which speeds up the breakdown of a substance is catalase. Catalase works inside the cells of most living organisms – including both animals and plants – for example, in liver cells or potato cells. It breaks down hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. This is necessary because hydrogen peroxide is produced by many of the chemical reactions that take place inside cells. Hydrogen peroxide is a very dangerous substance, and it must be broken down immediately. y ni ve rs Many chemical reactions can be speeded up by substances called catalysts. A catalyst alters the rate of a chemical reaction, without being changed itself. -C w -R es s -C am br ev id ie w ge C U R B3.05 Enzymes For example, inside the alimentary canal, large molecules are broken down to smaller ones in the process of digestion. These reactions are speeded up by enzymes. A diferent enzyme is needed for each kind of food. For example, starch is digested to the sugar maltose by an enzyme called amylase. Protein is digested to amino acids by protease. These enzymes are also found in plants – for example, in germinating seeds, where they digest the food stores for the growing seedling. Many seeds contain stores of starch. As the seed soaks up water, the amylase is activated and breaks down the starch to maltose. The maltose is soluble, and it is transported to the embryo in the seed. The embryo uses it to provide energy for growth, and also to provide glucose molecules that can be strung together to make cellulose molecules, for the cell walls of the new cells produced as it grows. rs C op Pr y es -C am br testing foods for protein Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording ! Wear eye protection if available. Potassium hydroxide is a strong alkali. If you get it on your skin, wash with plenty of cold water. Take care if using a sharp blade to cut the food. The biuret test uses potassium hydroxide solution and copper sulfate solution. You can also use a ready-mixed reagent called biuret reagent, which contains these two substances already mixed together. 1 Draw a results chart. 2 Put the food into a test tube, and add a little water. 3 Add some potassium hydroxide solution. 4 Add two drops of copper sulfate solution. 5 Shake the tube gently. If a purple colour appears, then protein is present. ev id ACtivity B3.04 ie making cells, enzymes, haemoglobin; also used for energy y w ev ie amino acids some are soluble and some are insoluble storage of energy (39 kJ/g); insulation; making cell membranes Table B3.01 compares some properties of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. R C, H, O, N insoluble easily available energy (17 kJ/g) y Why organisms need them ev Proteins w Fats ge Carbohydrates Elements they contain R C U ni op y B3: Biological molecules Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 27 ve rs ity C w ev ie -R y This is oten known as the lock and key mechanism. You can think of the enzyme as a lock, and the substrate as a key that has to perfectly fit into the lock before anything can happen. ni C op C ve rs ity op y Sometimes, they are given more specific names than this. For example, we have seen that the carbohydrase that breaks down starch is called amylase. The carbohydrase that breaks down maltose is called maltase. The carbohydrase that breaks down sucrose is called sucrase. w How an enzyme works U ev ie All enzymes have active sites. Each enzyme has an active site that exactly fits its substrate. This means that each enzyme can only act on a particular kind of substrate. Amylase, for example, can break down starch molecules but cannot break down protein molecules, because they do not fit into its active site. Pr es s -C am br id Enzymes are named according to the reaction that they catalyse. For example, enzymes which catalyse the breakdown of carbohydrates are called carbohydrases. If they break down proteins, they are proteases. If they break down fats (lipids), they are lipases. R that is complementary to the shape of its substrate. The substrate fits into the active site of the enzyme, forming an enzyme–substrate complex. When the substrate molecule is in the active site, the enzyme makes it react – for example, by breaking apart. ge Naming enzymes U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences starch maltose -R s B3.15 What is a catalyst? B3.16 What are the catalysts inside a living organism called? B3.17 Which kinds of reaction inside a living organism are controlled by enzymes? B3.18 Name the substrate and product of a reaction involving a carbohydrase. U R ni op y ve w rs C ity Figure B3.07 shows how an enzyme causes the substrate to react. Every enzyme molecule has a dent in it called its active site. This has a shape ev ie Pr amylase y op 28 QuEStiONS es -C am br ev id ie w ge A chemical reaction always involves one substance changing into another. In an enzyme-controlled reaction, the substance which is present at the beginning of the reaction is called the substrate. The substance which is made by the reaction is called the product. For example, the substrate for the enzyme amylase is starch, and the product is maltose. C An enzyme molecule is like a lock. ie The enzyme changes the substrate into new molecules called products. s -C -R am br ev id enzyme w ge The substrate molecule has a complementary shape to the enzyme, and can fit into it like a key. y op w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es The substrate must be a perfect fit. -R s es -C am br ev ie id g Figure B3.07 How an enzyme works. This is oten known as the lock and key mechanism. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity 5 Enzymes are catalysts They are not changed in the chemical reactions which they control. They can be used over and over again, so a small amount of enzyme can change a lot of substrate into product. w ge Properties of enzymes C U ni op y B3: Biological molecules -R Pr es s -C 2 Enzymes are made inactive by high temperature This is because they are protein molecules, which are damaged by heat. ev ie am br id 1 All enzymes are proteins This may seem rather odd, because some enzymes actually digest proteins. the efect of catalase on hydrogen peroxide Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data Wear eye protection if available. Hydrogen peroxide is ! a powerful bleach. Wash it of with plenty of water if you get it on your skin. Catalase is found in almost every kind of living cell. It catalyses this reaction: catalase water + oxygen hydrogen peroxide C op es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge U R ACtivity B3.05 y 4 Enzymes work best at a particular pH pH is a measure of how acid or alkaline a solution is. Some enzymes work best in acid conditions (low pH). Others work best in neutral or alkaline conditions (high pH) (Figure B3.09). ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y 3 Enzymes work best at a particular temperature Enzymes which are found in the human body usually work best at about 37 °C (Figure B3.08). 6 Enzymes are specific This means that each kind of enzyme will only catalyse one kind of chemical reaction. 1 Read through the instructions. Decide what you will observe and measure, and draw a results table. 2 Measure 10 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide into each of five test tubes or boiling tubes. op y 3 To each tube, add one of the following substances: 10 20 30 a some chopped raw potato 40 50 60 C 0 U R ni ev ve ie w rs C ity op Pr y Rate of reaction b some chopped boiled potato ge Temperature / °C w c some fruit juice id ie Figure B3.08 How temperature afects enzyme activity. br ev d a small piece of liver 4 Light a wooden splint, and then blow it out so that it is glowing. Gently push the glowing splint down through the bubbles in your tubes. 5 Record your observations, and explain them as fully as you can. ity Pr es s most enzymes ni ve rs Most chemical reactions happen faster at higher temperatures. This is because the molecules have more kinetic energy – they are moving around faster, so they bump into each other more frequently. This means that at higher temperatures an enzyme is likely to bump into its substrate more oten than at lower temperatures. They will also hit each other with more energy, so the reaction is more likely to take place. y ev w 10 s -C Figure B3.09 How pH afects enzyme activity. ie 8 ev 6 pH -R 4 es am br 2 id g e C U R Temperature and enzyme activity op C Rate of reaction ie w -R pepsin (a protease in the stomach) op y -C am e some yeast suspension. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 29 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences However, enzymes are damaged by high temperatures. For most human enzymes, this begins to happen from about 40 °C upwards. As the temperature increases beyond this, the enzyme molecules start to lose their shape. The active site no longer fits perfectly with the substrate. The enzyme is said to be denatured. It can no longer catalyse the reaction. -R TIP U ni y Do not say that enzymes are ‘killed’ by high temperatures. Enzymes are chemicals, not living organisms. id pH and enzyme activity br -R In this investigation, you will test this hypothesis: Catalase works best at a pH of 7 (neutral). rs investigating the efect of pH on the activity of catalase Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data ! Wear eye protection if available. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful bleach. Wash it of with plenty of water if you get it on your skin. Catalase is a common enzyme which is the catalyst in the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide, H2O2. Catalase is found in almost every kind of living cell. Hydrogen peroxide is a toxic substance formed in cells. The breakdown reaction is as follows: 2H2O + O2 2H2O2 The rate of the reaction can be determined from the rate of oxygen production. One indirect but simple way to measure rate of oxygen production is to soak up a catalase solution onto a little square of filter paper and then drop it into a beaker containing a solution of H2O2. The paper sinks at first, but as the reaction proceeds, bubbles of oxygen collect on its surface and it floats up. The time between placing the paper in the beaker and it floating to the surface is a measure of the rate of the reaction. y ve 1 Label five 50 cm3 beakers pH 5.6, 6.2, 6.8, 7.4, 8.0. op 2 Measure 5 cm3 of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution into each beaker. ni ev C U R id ie w ge 3 Add 10 cm3 of the correct bufer solution to each beaker. (A bufer solution keeps the pH constant at a particular value.) ev 4 Cut out 20 squares of filter paper exactly 5 mm × 5 mm. Alternatively, use a hole punch to cut out circles of filter paper all exactly the same size. Avoid handling the paper with your fingers, as you may get grease onto it. Use forceps (tweezers) instead. es s -R br am -C Pr op y ity 7 Prepare a results table like the one below. op y 8 Pick up a filter paper square with forceps and dip it into the leaf extract. ev ie id g w e C U 9 Make sure you are ready to start timing. Then place the filter paper square at the bottom of the beaker containing H2O2 and pH 5.6 bufer solution. (Do not let it fall near the side of the beaker.) As you put the square into the beaker, start a stopwatch. Stop the watch when the paper floats horizontally at the surface. es s -R br am -C 5 Prepare a leaf extract by grinding the leaves in a pestle and mortar. Add 25 cm3 of water and stir well. 6 Allow the remains of the leaves to settle and then pour the fluid into a beaker. This fluid contains catalase. ni ve rs C w ie ev R Why are enzymes damaged by high temperatures? s ity C w ie B3.21 What is the optimum temperature for the enzyme in Figure B3.08? Pr y op ACtivity B3.06 30 B3.20 es -C am The pH of a solution afects the shape of an enzyme. Most enzymes are their correct shape at a pH of about 7 – that is, neutral. If the pH becomes very acidic or very alkaline, then they are denatured. This means that the active site What is meant by an optimum temperature? ev B3.19 ie w ge QuEStiONS C op C ve rs ity op y The temperature at which an enzyme works fastest is called its optimum temperature. Diferent enzymes have diferent optimum temperatures. For example, enzymes from the human digestive system generally have an optimum of around 37 °C. Enzymes from plants oten have optimums around 28 °C to 30 °C. Enzymes from bacteria that live in hot springs may have optimums as high as 75 °C. w ev ie R Some enzymes have an optimum pH that is not neutral. For example, there is a protease enzyme in the human stomach that has an optimum pH of about 2. This is because we have hydrochloric acid in our stomachs. This protease must be able to work well in these very acidic conditions. Pr es s -C am br id ev ie w ge no longer fits the substrate, so the enzyme can no longer catalyse its reaction. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge C U ni op y B3: Biological molecules 10 Record the time in your table and repeat steps 8 and 9 twice more. w Questions 12 Pour some of the remaining leaf extract into a test tube and boil for 2 minutes. Cool under a tap. A2 Do your results support the hypothesis you were testing, or do they disprove it? Explain your answer. Pr es s A3 What is the efect of boiling the extract? A4 Why do the filter paper squares have to be exactly the same size? 15 Draw a graph to show time taken for flotation plotted against pH and compare it with Figure B3.09. A5 In most experiments in biology, we can never be quite sure that we would get exactly the same results if we did it again. There are always some limitations on the reliability of the data that we collect. Can you think of any reasons why there may be uncertainty in your results? For example: ■ Might there have been any variables that were not controlled and that might have afected the results? ■ Were you able to measure the volumes and times as accurately as you would have liked? ve rs ity op y 14 Calculate the mean (average) time taken at each pH and enter it into your table. w C -R -C 13 Repeat steps 8–10, using the boiled extract. ev ie A1 Does the enzyme have an optimum pH? If it does, what do your results suggest it to be? am br id 11 Follow steps 8–10 for each of the other pHs. 7.4 8.0 U Tests 1 br ev id 3 w ge 2 Mean 6.8 y 6.2 C op 5.6 ie R pH ni ev ie Time taken for paper to float in seconds Pr y es s -C -R am Boiled extract ACtivity B3.08 ity C op ACtivity B3.07 investigate the efect of temperature on the activity of catalase y op br You should know: es s -R why enzymes are specific for their particular substrates how temperature and pH afect enzyme activity why temperature and pH afect enzyme activity how to investigate the efect of temperature and pH on enzyme activity how to plan and carry out an investigation into enzyme activity. Pr y op -R s -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ■ ■ es ■ ■ ■ ity ■ ■ ni ve rs ■ ev ie w C op y ■ am ■ the functions of water in living organisms the structure and uses of carbohydrates, and the Benedict’s test and iodine test to identify them the structure and uses of fats, and the ethanol emulsion test the structure and uses of proteins, and the biuret test how enzymes work as biological catalysts about active sites, substrates and products -C ■ ev ie w ge id Summary C U R ni ev ve ie w rs investigate the efect of temperature on the activity of amylase 31 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences am br id Name: Imagine that you have been given two colourless solutions. -R ev br id ie w ge U ni C op an element found in proteins but not in carbohydrates or lipids the small molecules that are linked together to form a protein molecule the reagent used for testing for reducing sugars the substance which the emulsion test detects the form in which carbohydrate is transported in a plant the term that describes all the chemical reactions taking place in an organism. am R a b c d e f 3 ve rs ity op C w ev ie 2 y Pr es s glucose starch cellulose glycogen y a b c d -R For each of these carbohydrates, state: i whether it is a monosaccharide, disaccharide or polysaccharide; ii whether it is found in plants only, animals only or in both plants and animals; iii one function. -C 1 ev ie End-of-chapter questions Elements it contains y es s -C -R am enzyme denatured substrate product active site Pr op y ni ve rs y op C U w e ev ie id g es s -R br c d Suggest the optimum temperature for the activity of this protease enzyme. The stomach contains hydrochloric acid. Suggest the optimum pH for the activity of this protease enzyme. Explain why the rate of an enzyme-controlled reaction is relatively slow at low temperatures. Explain why the rate of the reaction slows down above the enzyme’s optimum temperature. am a b ity A protease enzyme is found in the stomachs of humans. It catalyses the breakdown of long chains of amino acids (proteins) into individual amino acid molecules. -C C w ie ev op br ev id Explain the meaning of each of these terms: a b c d e R ie w ge enzyme One function C U R starch 6 Pr ni ev glucose 5 How to test for it ve ie haemoglobin Carbohydrate, fat or protein ity Substance rs w C 32 es y Copy and complete the table below. op 4 s -C Describe how you could find out which of them contains the greater concentration of reducing sugar. You will need to think carefully about all the diferent variables that you would need to keep constant. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity 7 w ge C U ni op y B3: Biological molecules ev ie am br id Milk is liquid produced by cows and other mammals, on which they feed their young. Cow’s milk 3.2 Fat / g 3.9 Carbohydrate / g 4.8 120 y C op ni U w ie [1] ev [1] [2] [1] -R am es s -C Pr 33 y ev ve ie w rs ity A circle of plain paper was placed into a Petri dish as shown in the diagram below. Iodine solution was used to stain the starch in the plain paper. -R 3 s 2 7 5 4 ten small discs of filter paper soaked in different samples of goat amylase Pr 6 ity y [1] ev ie id g w e C U op Ten amylase soaked filter paper discs were placed into one of the Petri dishes as shown in the diagram above. Ten Petri dishes were set up as in the diagram. The students lited the filter paper discs at one-minute intervals and recorded the number of areas where there had been a reaction. es s -R br • • 1 When iodine solution reacts with the starch in the plain paper, what colour would you see? am • circle of plain paper in the bottom of the Petri dish -C ie a 10 ni ve rs w C op y -C 9 8 es am br ev id ie w ge C U R ni op lid of Petri dish R ev [1] Students investigated samples of amylase from 100 goats. 100 small filter paper discs were each soaked in a diferent sample of goat amylase. The students tested the activity of these amylase samples using plain paper. Plain paper contains starch. op C 195 [Cambridge IGCSE Combined Science 0653 Paper 21 Q5 a, b, c, d & e June 2013] y 8 4.9 ge br d e 8.0 Which substance shown in the table is present in the samples of milk in the smallest quantity? Suggest which substance, not shown in the table, is present in the samples of milk in the largest quantity. Explain why both cow’s milk and water-bufalo’s milk produce a violet colour when tested with biuret solution. Predict the colour you would see if you added iodine solution to cow’s milk. Explain your answer. List the components of milk, shown in the table, that provide energy. id w ev ie c 4.5 ve rs ity Calcium / mg C op y -C Protein / g a b R Water-bufalo’s milk Pr es s Substance -R The table shows the mass of some of the substances in 100 g samples of milk from two mammals. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution (continued) ve rs ity b w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences [1] am br id ev ie How would the students know that a reaction had taken place? C 60 12 C op c y 6 ni 5 i Copy and complete the table by calculating the total number of areas where there had been a reaction ater 4 and 5 minutes. Show your working. ii Plot a graph using the data from the first two columns, to show the diferences in the activity of amylase. iii Suggest two reasons for the diferences in amylase activity of the samples. Suggest three ways in which you could improve this investigation. [5] [2] [3] es [Cambridge IGCSE Biology 0610 Paper 61 Q1 June 2011] Pr y ity y op ev ie H2O -R es Describe how sucrase catalyses the breakdown of sucrose. You should refer to the diagram above in your answer. y op -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y a s -C fructose am br id glucose w ge C U sucrase R sucrose ni ev ve ie w rs C 34 [2] Enzymes are biological catalysts. The diagram below shows how the enzyme sucrase breaks down a molecule of sucrose. op 9 s -C d -R am br ev id ie w ge U w ev ie 42 18 4 R 14 ve rs ity 3 Total number of areas where there had been a reaction Pr es s 28 op 2 14 y 1 Number of new areas where there had been a reaction -C Time / minutes -R If a reaction had not taken place, the students replaced the disc of filter paper for another minute. This procedure was repeated for five minutes. Their results are recorded in the table below. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [3] ve rs ity w ge R U R ni 25 C op 50 y ve rs ity Rate of enzyme activity /arbitrary units Q Pr es s -C 75 y op C P 100 ev ie w -R ev ie Three enzymes, P, Q and R, were extracted from diferent regions of the alimentary canal of a mammal. The efect of pH on the activity of the enzymes was investigated at 40 °C. The results are shown in the diagram below. am br id b C U ni op y B3: Biological molecules 2 3 4 5 6 pH 8 9 10 11 ev br [3] s -R am [2] es [Cambridge IGCSE Biology 0610 Paper 33 Q3 a, b(i) (ii) November 2010] Pr 35 ity op rs C w ni op y ve ie ev y -R s es am br ev ie id g w e C U op ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ev R -C 12 Explain why the investigation was carried out at 40 °C. Using information in the diagram above, describe the efects of increasing pH on the rate of activity of enzyme Q. y -C i ii 7 w 1 ie 0 id ge 0 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie am br ev id ie w ge U R C ■ C ity substances passing from one animal to another were first made by plants. Animal nutrition is described in Chapter B5. ni ve rs All living organisms need to take many diferent substances into their bodies. Some of these may be used to make new parts, or repair old parts. Others may be used to release energy. Taking in useful substances is called feeding, or nutrition. op y Green plants make their own food. They use simple inorganic substances – carbon dioxide, water and minerals – from the air and soil. Plants build these substances into complex materials, making all the carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and vitamins that they need. C U w -R s es am br ev ie id g w e Animals and fungi cannot make their own food. They feed on organic substances that have originally been made by plants. Some animals eat other animals, but all the -C ie ev y C w ie s es Pr op y B4.01 types of nutrition R op ve ni U -C ■ ev ■ -R ■ ge ■ id ■ br ■ how plants make carbohydrates by photosynthesis the structure of a leaf the role of chlorophyll in transferring light energy to chemical energy how a leaf is adapted for photosynthesis how to test a leaf for starch investigating the need for chlorophyll, light and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis investigating the efect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis why plants need nitrate ions and magnesium ions. am R ev ie w rs This chapter covers: ■ Pr 36 ity op y es s -C -R B4 Plant nutrition Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y B4: Plant nutrition ge B4.02 Photosynthesis ev ie w QuEStiONS y ve rs ity op w ie ev id br -R s es -C Pr y op ity Chlorophyll is the pigment which makes plants look green. It is kept inside the chloroplasts of plant cells. When sunlight falls on a chlorophyll molecule, some of the energy in the light is absorbed. The chlorophyll molecule then releases the energy. The released energy makes carbon dioxide combine with water, with the help of enzymes inside the chloroplast. The glucose that is made contains energy that was originally in the sunlight. So, in this processs, light energy is transferred to chemical energy. Leaf structure A leaf consists of a broad, flat part called the lamina (Figure B4.01), which is joined to the rest of the plant by a leaf stalk. Running through the leaf stalk are vascular bundles, which then form the veins in the leaf. These contain tubes that carry substances to and from the leaf. y op midrib C U R ni ev ve rs C w ie B4.03 Leaves Leaves are therefore specially adapted to allow photosynthesis to take place as quickly and eficiently as possible. am However, sunlight shining onto water and carbon dioxide still will not make them react together to make glucose. The sunlight energy has to be trapped, and then used in the reaction. Green plants have a substance which does this. It is called chlorophyll. w ge C ie -R s es ni ve rs w e C U op y Although a leaf looks thin, it is in fact made up of several layers of cells. You can see these if you look at a transverse section (TS) of a leaf under a microscope (Figure B4.02, and Images B4.01 and B4.02). id g The top and bottom of the leaf are covered with a layer of closely fitting cells called the epidermis (Figures B4.02 and B4.03, and Image B4.03). These cells do not contain chloroplasts. Their function is to protect the inner layers ev s C6H12O6 + 6O2 es am chlorophyll -R br sunlight ie The balanced equation for photosynthesis is this: 6CO2 + 6H2O cross-section of vein Figure B4.01 The structure of a leaf. To show the number of molecules involved in the reaction, a balanced equation needs to be written. Carbon dioxide contains two atoms of oxygen and one of carbon, so its molecular formula is CO2. Water has the formula H2O. Glucose has the formula C6H12O6. Oxygen molecules contain two atoms of oxygen, and so they are written O2. -C w ie ev transverse section of leaf glucose + oxygen ity chlorophyll Pr sunlight vein ev id op y The full equation for photosynthesis is written like this: carbon dioxide + water margin lamina br am -C The photosynthesis equation R What is chlorophyll, and how does it help the plant? C op ni ge U R Which inorganic substances does a plant use to make carbohydrates? Photosynthesis happens inside chloroplasts. This is where the enzymes and chlorophyll are that catalyse and supply energy for the reaction. In a typical plant, most chloroplasts are in the cells in the leaves. A leaf is a factory for making carbohydrates. photosynthesis: the process by which plants manufacture carbohydrates from raw materials using energy from light Chlorophyll B4.02 y C w ev ie KEy tERM Give one example of an organic substance. B4.03 Pr es s -C If you just mix carbon dioxide and water together, they will not make glucose. They have to be given energy before they will combine. Green plants use the energy of sunlight for this. The reaction is therefore called photosynthesis (‘photo’ means light, and ‘synthesis’ means manufacture). B4.01 -R am br id Green plants make the carbohydrate glucose from carbon dioxide and water. At the same time, oxygen is produced. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 37 ve rs ity ev ie -R ve rs ity y C op ni vein phloem br ev id ie w ge U spongy mesophyll R chloroplast xylem s -C -R am lower epidermis y es guard cell stoma air space C y op ity Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w rs C ity op Pr Figure B4.02 Transverse section through a small part of a leaf. 38 e of cells in the leaf. The cells of the upper epidermis oten secrete a waxy substance that lies on top of them. It is called the cuticle, and it helps to stop water evaporating from the leaf. There is sometimes a cuticle on the underside of the leaf as well. C U op y ni ve rs Image B4.01 A photograph taken with a scanning electron microscope, showing the cells inside a leaf. Scanning electron microscopes provide 3D images (× 400). w ev ie id g w Image B4.02 This photograph was taken using a light microscope. It shows a transverse section of a leaf from a tea plant. Can you identify all the diferent layers of cells labelled in Figure B4.02? es s -R br am -C ie ev R nucleus Pr es s -C y C op palisade mesophyll mesophyll layer ev ie w cytoplasm C vacuole w cell wall am br id upper epidermis ge cuticle U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y B4: Plant nutrition ev ie Pr es s nucleus cytoplasm C op y Running through the mesophyll are veins or vascular bundles. Each vein contains large, thick-walled xylem vessels (Figure B6.01) for carrying water. There are also smaller, thin-walled phloem tubes (Figure B6.03) for carrying away sucrose and other substances that the leaf has made. U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y cell wall -R am br id -C epidermal cell The middle layers of the leaf are called the mesophyll (‘meso’ means middle, and ‘phyll’ means leaf). These cells all contain chloroplasts. The cells nearer to the top of the leaf are arranged like a fence or palisade, and they form the palisade mesophyll. The cells beneath them are rounder, and arranged quite loosely, with large air spaces between them. They form the spongy mesophyll (Figure B4.02). w ge In the lower epidermis, there are small openings called stomata (singular: stoma). Each stoma is surrounded by a pair of sausage-shaped guard cells which can open or close the hole. Guard cells, unlike other cells in the epidermis, do contain chloroplasts. What is the function of the cuticle? B4.06 What are stomata? B4.07 What are guard cells? B4.08 List three kinds of cell in a leaf which contain chloroplasts, and one kind which does not. -R am Pr es s -C 39 ity y guard cell Leaf adaptations rs w Figure B4.03 Surface view of the lower epidermis of a leaf. Leaves are adapted to obtain carbon dioxide, water and sunlight. y op ie ev id br -R am es s -C ity Pr op y op C U w e ie id g ev Water Water is obtained from the soil. It is absorbed by the root hairs, and carried up to the leaf in the xylem vessels. es s -R br am The cells which need the carbon dioxide are the mesophyll cells, inside the leaf. The carbon dioxide can get into the leaf through the stomata. It does this by difusion, which is described in Chapter B2. Behind each stoma is an air space (Figure B4.02) which connects up with other air spaces between the spongy mesophyll cells. The carbon dioxide can therefore difuse to all the cells in the leaf. It can then difuse through the cell wall and cell membrane of each cell, and into the chloroplasts. y ni ve rs C w ie ev R Image B4.03 The lower surface of a leaf, showing the closely fitting cells of the epidermis. The oval openings are stomata, and the two curved cells around each stoma are guard cells (× 450). -C Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide is obtained from the air. There is not very much available, because only about 0.04% of the air is carbon dioxide. Therefore, the leaf must be very eficient at absorbing it. The leaf is held out into the air by the stem and the leaf stalk, and its large surface area helps to expose it to as much air as possible (Figure B4.04). w ge C U R ni ev ve ie Which kind of cell makes the cuticle on a leaf? B4.05 thick cytoplasm cell wall nucleus chloroplast C op stoma B4.04 ev br id ie w ge QuEStiONS Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie -R am br id Pr es s ve rs ity ni y w ev ie Carbon dioxide diffuses through air spaces. ev id op Pr y es s -R br am -C Water in the soil is absorbed through root tips. ve It then travels from the xylem vessels to the mesophyll cells by osmosis, which was described in Chapter B2. The path it takes is shown in Figures B4.04 and B4.05. br ev id ie w ge C U Note that chlorophyll does not ‘attract’ light. It absorbs energy from light. -R ACtivity B4.01 es s am -C use a microscope to observe the cells that cover a leaf Pr op y op ni TIP The cells that need the sunlight are the mesophyll cells. The thinness of the leaf allows the sunlight to penetrate right through it, and reach all the cells. To help this, the epidermal cells are transparent, with no chloroplasts. br What percentage of the air is carbon dioxide? B4.11 How does carbon dioxide get into a leaf? B4.12 How does a leaf obtain its water? B4.13 Give two reasons why the large surface area of leaves is advantageous to the plant. w C op y B4.10 Leaves are thin. What purpose does this serve? s -R B4.14 es -C am Adaptations of leaves for photosynthesis are shown in Table B4.01. What are the raw materials needed for photosynthesis? ev id g e U In the mesophyll cells, the chloroplasts are arranged to get as much sunlight as possible, particularly those in the palisade cells. The chloroplasts can lie broadside on to do this, but in strong sunlight, they oten arrange themselves end on. This reduces the amount of light absorbed. B4.09 ie ity QuEStiONS ni ve rs C w ie y rs C w ie ev R Figure B4.05 How the raw materials for photosynthesis get into a palisade cell. ity Figure B4.04 How the materials for photosynthesis get into a leaf. ev Water is brought from the roots in xylem vessels. ie w ge U Carbon dioxide diffuses through stomata from the atmosphere. Sunlight The position of a leaf and its broad, flat surface help it to obtain as much sunlight as possible. If you look up through the branches of a tree, you will see that the leaves are arranged so that they do not cut of light from one another more than necessary. Plants that live in shady places oten have particularly big leaves. R Water travels to chloroplasts by osmosis. C op y -C Sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll. C op Carbon dioxide diffuses through stomata. R 40 sunlight w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity to expose as much of the leaf as possible to the sunlight and air large surface area to expose as large an area as possible to the sunlight and air -C -R am br id ev ie supported by stem and leaf stalk Pr es s to allow sunlight to penetrate to all cells; to allow CO2 to difuse in and O2 to difuse out as quickly as possible no chloroplasts in epidermal cells to allow CO2 and O2 to difuse to and from all cells to allow sunlight to penetrate to the mesophyll layer y air spaces in spongy mesophyll to allow CO2 to difuse in and O2 to difuse out chloroplasts containing chlorophyll present in the mesophyll layer to absorb energy from sunlight, so that CO2 will combine with H2O palisade cells arranged end on to keep as few cell walls as possible between sunlight and the chloroplasts ni C op ev ie w C stomata in lower epidermis ve rs ity op y thin id ie w ge U R w Function ge Adaptation C U ni op y B4: Plant nutrition to expose as much chlorophyll as possible to sunlight -R am br ev chloroplasts inside palisade cells oten arranged broadside on s to expose as much chlorophyll as possible to sunlight es -C chlorophyll arranged on flat membranes inside the chloroplasts op Pr y xylem vessels within short distance of every mesophyll cell to supply water to the cells in the leaf, some of which will be used in photosynthesis rs Table B4.01 Adaptations of leaves for photosynthesis. y op U R ni ev ve ie w C ity phloem tubes within short distance of every mesophyll cell to take away sucrose and other organic products of photosynthesis w ge C B4.04 uses of glucose br s es sucrose ity starch Sucrose is used for root growth or stored in roots as starch. op -R Figure B4.06 The products of photosynthesis. s es -C am br ev ie id g w e Glucose may be turned into starch and stored in the leaf. Glucose is a simple sugar (Section B3.02). It is soluble in water, and quite a reactive substance. It is not, therefore, a very good storage molecule. First, being reactive, it might get involved in chemical reactions where it is not wanted. Secondly, it would dissolve in the water in and around Sucrose is transported in phloem tubes. C U Stored as starch y ni ve rs C w glucose Pr op y Energy may be released from glucose in the leaf. All cells need energy, which they obtain by the process of respiration (Chapter B8). Some of the glucose which a leaf makes will be broken down by respiration, to release energy. ie ev R Sucrose is used for fruit growth or stored in fruits. -R am -C Used for energy Sucrose is used for shoot growth. ev id ie One of the first carbohydrates to be made in photosynthesis is glucose. There are several things that may then happen to it (Figure B4.06). Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 41 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences C w y Used to make proteins and other organic substances w Image B4.04 This stunted, yellow maize seedling is sufering from nitrogen deficiency. C op Glucose may be used to make other organic substances. The plant can use glucose as a starting point for making all the other organic substances it needs. These include the carbohydrates sucrose and cellulose. Plants also make fats and oils. ge U ni ev ie R ev ie ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C The glucose is therefore converted into starch to be stored. Starch is a polysaccharide, made of many glucose molecules joined together. Being such a large molecule, it is not very reactive, and not very soluble. It can be made into granules which can be easily stored inside the chloroplasts. -R am br id ge the plant cells, and might be lost from the cell. Thirdly, when dissolved, it would increase the concentration of the solution in the cell, which could afect osmosis. br ev id ie w their crops are growing, to make sure that they do not run short of these essential substances. -R ity rs ni op y ve w ie ev The sucrose may later be turned back into glucose again, to be broken down to release energy, or turned into starch and stored, or used to make other substances which are needed for growth. C U R A molecule has to be small and soluble to be transported easily. Glucose has both of these properties, but it is also rather reactive. It is therefore converted to the complex sugar sucrose to be transported to other parts of the plant. Sucrose molecules are also quite small and soluble, but less reactive than glucose. They dissolve in the sap in the phloem vessels and can be distributed to whichever parts of the plant need them (Figure B4.06). s Pr y op C 42 Changed to sucrose for transport es -C am Plants can also use the sugars they have made in photosynthesis to make amino acids, which can be built up into proteins. To do this, they need nitrogen. Unfortunately, even though the air around us is 78% nitrogen, this is completely useless to plants because it is very unreactive. Plants have to be supplied with nitrogen in a more reactive form, usually as nitrate ions. They absorb nitrate ions from the soil, through their root hairs, by difusion and active transport. The nitrate ions combine with glucose to make amino acids. The amino acids are then strung together to form protein molecules. nitrate ions -R magnesium ions What substances does a plant need to be able to convert glucose into proteins? B4.17 Explain why a plant that does not get enough nitrate ions has weak growth. B4.18 How do parts of the plant such as the roots, which cannot photosynthesise, obtain food? to make chlorophyll C U Why needed to make amino acids, which can then be used for making proteins Why is glucose not very good for storage in a leaf? B4.16 y Mineral salt magnesium B4.15 op nitrogen ni ve rs Element ity Pr op y C w B4.05 testing leaves for starch -R ev Iodine solution is used to test for starch. A blue-black colour shows that starch is present. However, if you put iodine solution onto a leaf which contains starch, s Table B4.02 Mineral ions required by plants. ie yellowing between the veins of leaves es am w e id g weak growth, yellow leaves br Deficiency -C ie ev R QuEStiONS es -C Table B4.02 shows what happens to a plant if it does not have enough of these ions. Image B4.04 shows what happens when a plant does not have enough nitrogen. Farmers oten add extra mineral ions to the soil in which s am br ev id ie w ge Another substance that plants make is chlorophyll. Once again, they need nitrogen to do this, and also another element – magnesium. The magnesium, like the nitrate ions, is obtained from the soil. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity y ev ie y C op ni ie ev id br A1 Why was the leaf put into boiling water? A2 Why did the alcohol become green? Pr ity 43 it will not immediately turn black. This is because the starch is inside the chloroplasts in the cells. The iodine solution cannot get through the cell membranes to reach the starch and react with it. ni op y ve rs Both plants (or leaves) are then treated in exactly the same way. Any diferences between them at the end of the investigation, therefore, must be because of the substance being tested. U ie w ge C At the end of the investigation, test a leaf from your experimental plant and one from your control to see if they have made starch. By comparing them, you can find out which substances are necessary for photosynthesis. -R es Pr op y C ity Controls op So, before doing any of these investigations, you must destarch the plants. The easiest way to do this is to leave them in a dark cupboard for at least 24 hours. The plants cannot photosynthesise while they are in the cupboard because there is no light. So they use up their stores of starch. To be certain that they are thoroughly destarched, test a leaf for starch before you begin. C U w e ev ie id g es s -R br am It is very important that the leaves you are testing should not have any starch in them at the beginning of the investigation. If they did, and you found that the leaves contained starch at the end of the investigation, you could not be sure that they had been photosynthesising. The starch might have been made before the investigation began. y ni ve rs If you do Activities B4.03, B4.04 and B4.05, you can find out for yourself which substances a plant needs for photosynthesis. In each investigation, the plant is given everything it needs, except for one substance. Another plant is used at the same time. This is a control. The control is given everything it needs, including the substance being tested for. Sometimes the control is a leaf, or even a part of a leaf, from the experimental plant. The important thing is that the control has all the substances it needs, while the experimental plant – or leaf – is lacking one substance. -C w Destarching plants s -C am br ev id Therefore, before testing a leaf for starch, you must break down the cell membranes, and get rid of the green colour (chlorophyll). The way this is done is described in Activity B4.02. The cell membranes are first broken down by boiling water, and then the chlorophyll is removed by dissolving it out with alcohol. ie A3 Why was the leaf put into alcohol ater being put into boiling water? es s -R am -C y op C w ie ev R beaker Questions Another dificulty is that the green colour of the leaf and the brown iodine solution can look black together. ev alcohol w ge U R 3 The leaf will now be brittle. Remove it from the alcohol, and dip it into hot water again to soten it. boiling tube leaf 1 Take a leaf from a healthy plant, and drop it into boiling water in a water bath. Leave for about 30 s. Turn out the Bunsen flame. 2 Remove the leaf, which will be very sot, and drop it into a tube of alcohol in the water bath. Leave it until all the chlorophyll has come out of the leaf. R boiling water ve rs ity op C w ev ie 4 Spread out the leaf on a white tile, and cover it with iodine solution. A blue-black colour shows that the leaf contains starch. Pr es s -C testing a leaf for starch Skill: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials Leaves turn some of the glucose that they make in photosynthesis into starch. If we find starch in a leaf, that tells us if it has been photosynthesising. ! Wear eye protection if available. Take care with the boiling water. Alcohol is very flammable. Turn out your Bunsen flame before putting the tube of alcohol into the hot water. Use forceps to handle the leaf. -R am br id ACtivity B4.02 w ge C U ni op y B4: Plant nutrition Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie C op 4 Leave the plant near a warm, sunny window for a few days. U R w ge 5 Remove the cover from your leaf, and test the leaf for starch. ev id ie 6 Make a labelled drawing of the appearance of your leaf ater testing for starch. br -R Questions A1 Why was the plant destarched before the beginning of the experiment? es s am -C Pr y A2 Why was part of the leaf let uncovered? A3 What do your results tell you about light and photosynthesis? ity op ACtivity B4.04 y -R s ni ve rs op y Questions U A1 What was the control in this investigation? ev ie id g w e C A2 What do your results tell you about chlorophyll and photosynthesis? es s -R br am -C R ev ie w C ity Pr op y es -C am br ev id ie w ge to see if chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data ! Wear eye protection if available. Take care with the boiling water. Alcohol is very flammable. Turn out your Bunsen flame before putting the tube of alcohol into the hot water. Use forceps to handle the leaf. 1 Destarch a plant with variegated (green and white) leaves. Then leave your plant in a warm, sunny spot for a few days. 2 Test one of the leaves for starch (Activity B4.02). 3 Make a drawing of your leaf before and ater testing. C U R op ni ev ve ie w rs C 44 leaf y black paper stencil ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C to see if light is needed for photosynthesis Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data ! Wear eye protection if available. Take care with the boiling water. Alcohol is very flammable. Turn out your Bunsen flame before putting the tube of alcohol into the hot water. Use forceps to handle the leaf. 1 Take a healthy bean or Pelargonium plant, growing in a pot. Leave it in a cupboard for a few days, to destarch it. 2 Test one of its leaves for starch, to check that it does not contain any. 3 Using a folded piece of black paper or aluminium foil, a little larger than a leaf, cut out a shape (see diagram). Fasten the paper or foil over both sides of a leaf on your plant, making sure that the edges are held firmly together. Don’t take the leaf of the plant! -R am br id ACtivity B4.03 w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie ve rs ity ni Questions U A1 Why was this investigation done under water? ie w ge A2 This investigation has no control. Try to design one. ev id -R s es Pr ity rs ve op y 2 Once you have an idea about how you will do your experiment, write it down as a list of points. Then think through it again, and make improvements to your plan. Once you are fairly happy with it, show your teacher. You must not try to do your experiment until your teacher says that you may begin. C U ie w ge ev id -R ■ What will you keep the same in all the tubes or beakers in your experiment? How will you do this? ■ What will you measure in your experiment? How will you measure it? When will you measure it? Will you do repeat measurements and calculate a mean? ■ How will you record your results? (You can sketch out a results chart, ready to fill in.) ■ How will you display your results? (You can sketch the axes of the graph you plan to draw.) ■ What will your results be if your hypothesis is correct? (You can sketch the shape of the graph you think you will get.) op C es Pr ity ni ve rs U y What will you vary in your experiment? How will you vary it? s ■ e ev id g es s -R br am -C What apparatus and other materials will you need for your experiment? w br am -C ■ ie investigating the efect of light intensity on photosynthesis Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.2 Planning AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data AO3.5 Evaluating methods ! If you use an electric lamp, keep water well away from it. If you did Activity B4.06, you may have noticed that the plant seemed to produce more bubbles in bright sunlight than when it was in the shade. This could mean that the rate of photosynthesis is afected by light intensity. 1 Write down a hypothesis that you will investigate. The hypothesis should be one sentence, and it should describe the relationship that you think exists between light intensity and the rate of photosynthesis. You can vary light intensity by moving a light source closer to the plant. The shorter the distance between the light and the plant, the greater the light intensity. You can use a water plant in your investigation. op y C w ie Photosynthesis in pond weed 45 ni ev y water plant photosynthesising br am -C y op C ie w ACtivity B4.08 R inverted funnel ACtivity B4.07 to see if carbon dioxide is needed for photosynthesis ev beaker containing water C op y op C w ev ie R ACtivity B4.06 R oxygen collecting in the tube Pr es s -C to show that oxygen is produced in photosynthesis Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording 1 Set up the apparatus shown in the diagram. Make sure that the test tube is completely full of water. 2 Leave the apparatus near a warm, sunny window for a few days. 3 Carefully remove the test tube from the top of the funnel, allowing the water to run out, but not allowing the gas to escape. 4 Light a wooden splint, and then blow it out so that it is just glowing. Carefully put it into the gas in the test tube. If it bursts into flame, then the gas is oxygen. -R am br id ACtivity B4.05 w ge C U ni op y B4: Plant nutrition Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ■ a neat and carefully headed line graph of your results ■ a conclusion, in which you say whether or not your results support your hypothesis ■ a discussion, in which you use what you know about photosynthesis to try to explain the pattern in your results op y 4 Finally, write up your experiment in the usual way, including: a heading, and the hypothesis that you tested ■ an evaluation of the reliability of your data ■ a diagram of the apparatus that you used, and a full description of your method ■ an evaluation of your method. y C op U w ev ie w ■ y op U R ni ev ve ie why plants need nitrate ions and magnesium ions how to test a leaf for starch how to do experiments to investigate the need for chlorophyll, light and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis about the importance of a control in an experiment how to investigate the efect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis. -R s ■ rs C ■ ity op ■ 46 ■ Pr y ■ ■ es ■ the equation for photosynthesis the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis the structure of a leaf how a leaf is adapted to carry out photosynthesis eficiently how a plant uses and stores the carbohydrates made in photosynthesis am ■ -C ■ br You should know: ge Summary id R ni ev ie ve rs ity ■ w C a neat and carefully headed table of results, including means if you decided to do repeats ev ie Pr es s -C This is a good thing to do. Make careful notes about all the changes that you make. ■ -R am br id 3 Once you have approval from your teacher, you should do your experiment. Most scientific researchers find that they want to make changes to their experiment once they actually begin doing it. w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences ie id ev Copy and complete this table to show how, and for what purpose, plants obtain these substances. Obtained from Used for -R am br 1 w ge C End-of-chapter questions s -C Nitrates es Water Pr op y Magnesium ity ni ve rs chloroplast and chlorophyll palisade mesophyll and spongy mesophyll organic substances and inorganic substances guard cell and stoma a b c Write the word equation for photosynthesis. Describe how a leaf obtains the two substances on the let hand side of your equation. Describe what happens to the two substances on the right hand side of your equation. es s -R br ev ie id g w e C U op y a b c d am ev R 3 Explain the diference between each of these pairs of terms. -C 2 ie w C Carbon dioxide Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity 6 ev ie -R Pr es s a b transport storage ve rs ity A student did an experiment with two potted plants, each of which had been enclosed in a transparent polythene bag for a period of two days. During this time, the plants were exposed to bright light. y C op y Which carbohydrate does a plant use for each of these purposes? Explain why. ev ie w There is an air space behind each stoma. The epidermal cells of a leaf do not have chloroplasts. Leaves have a large surface area. The veins in a leaf branch repeatedly. -C a b c d am br id Explain how each of the following helps a leaf to photosynthesise. w ge 4 5 C U ni op y B4: Plant nutrition U R ni C op In one of the polythene bags there was a chemical which absorbs carbon dioxide. ie ev Pr rs y ve plant B id -R br -C am leaf from plant B without chemical that absorbs carbon dioxide es The black paper was removed from each leaf. The leaves were placed in hot water for two minutes. The leaves were removed from the hot water, and placed in a test-tube of hot alcohol for five minutes. The leaves were dipped briefly back into the hot water. The leaves were spread out on a white tile, and covered with iodine solution. a Make a copy of the diagrams of the two leaves. Label the diferent areas of each leaf to show the colours that you would expect to see ater each leaf had been treated with iodine solution. In the starch test, explain the reasons for i placing the leaf in the hot water at the beginning, ii placing the leaf in hot alcohol ity op y ni ve rs C U -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e R b Pr • • • • • op y C w s Both leaves were then tested for starch. ie C part covered with black paper w part covered with black paper ie uncovered part ge uncovered part ev U R ni op One leaf was removed from each plant, and labelled drawings of the two leaves were made as shown below. leaf from plant A with chemical that absorbs carbon dioxide ev 47 ity op y chemical to absorb carbon dioxide C w es s -C black paper soil ie -R am br id transparent polythene bag plant A ev w ge Both plants had part of their leaves covered with black paper, as shown in the diagram below. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [3] [1] [1] (continued) ve rs ity w ge i ev ie The purpose of the experiment with the black paper was to see if light is needed for photosynthesis. However, another student criticised this experiment, saying that the black paper might have prevented photosynthesis by preventing gas exchange. Suggest a modification of the experiment that would overcome this criticism. ii Another modification of the experiment would be to use just one plant, and enclose diferent part-covered leaves on this plant with and without the chemical that absorbs carbon dioxide. Explain why this might be considered to be a better experiment. Describe an experiment that you could do to show that chlorophyll in a leaf is needed for photosynthesis. y The diagram shows a section through a leaf. A U R br -R am es Pr ity y ve E ni op Give the letters that indicate i a stoma, ii the cuticle and iii a vascular bundle. i The upper layers of a leaf are transparent. Suggest an advantage to a plant of this feature. ii The cuticle is made of a waxy material. Suggest an advantage to a plant of this feature. iii State two functions of vascular bundles in leaves. Most photosynthesis in plants happens in leaves. i Name the two raw materials needed for photosynthesis. ii Photosynthesis produces glucose. Describe how plants make use of this glucose. -R s -C [2] [4] y -R s es am br ev ie id g w e C U op ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es Adapted from [Cambridge IGCSE Biology 0610 Paper 21 Q4 November 2010] R -C [3] [1] [1] [2] ie ev id am br c w ge C U ev rs C w ie F R D s -C op G a b C ev id ie w ge B y H 48 [1] [3] C op 7 [1] [Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences 0654 Paper 62 Q1 June 2013] ni ev ie w C op d ve rs ity y Pr es s -C -R am br id c C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie C s es Pr rs y op C w • minerals • water • fibre roughage ity C ni ve rs Animals get their food from other organisms – from plants or other animals. They cannot make their own food as plants do. op y A diet which contains all of these seven types of nutrient, in the correct amounts and proportions, is called a balanced diet. e ie id g w Energy needs ev Every day, a person uses up energy. The amount you use partly depends on how old you are, which sex you are and what job you do. A few examples are shown in Figure B5.01. es s -R br carbohydrates proteins fats vitamins am • • • • C U The food an animal eats every day is called its diet. Most animals need seven types of nutrient in their diet. These are: -C w ie ev ie s es Pr op y B5.01 Diet R ■ ev ve ni U -C ■ ■ the functions of amylase, protease and lipase and where they are secreted the functions of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice the role of bile the significance of villi and the structure of a villus the roles of capillaries and lacteals in villi. -R ■ ■ ge ■ ■ id ■ ■ br ev R ■ a balanced diet nutrients and their sources the needs of diferent people for diferent amounts of energy in their diet why we need to digest the food that we eat teeth the structure of the alimentary canal, and the functions of each of its parts am w ie This chapter covers: ■ 49 ity op y -C -R am br ev id ie w ge U R B5 Animal nutrition Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ve rs ity w 339 948 66 C op y 2214 chocolate biscuits 2197 cornflakes 1567 402 custard 496 w cottage cheese ev 1016 fish (fresh) 340 french fries 1065 es Pr ity fried liver 1016 fruit yoghurt 405 ice cream 698 rs 1293 ve lettuce 36 y op ni marmalade C U melon 150 pawpaw 160 ev id oranges -R peas 161 1925 rice 1536 es s plain biscuits Pr ity ni ve rs roast chicken 599 roast peanuts 2364 sardines 906 spaghetti 1612 y op C U sugar w e tomatoes 932 1682 60 unsweetened fruit juice 143 white bread 991 ev ie id g 96 1698 ie oatmeal 1035 272 w ge milk br s -R Table B5.01 Energy content of some diferent kinds of food. es am chocolate stewed steak As well as providing you with energy, food is needed for many other reasons. To make sure that you eat a balanced diet you must eat foods containing carbohydrate, fat and protein. You also need each kind of vitamin and mineral, fibre and water. These substances are called nutrients. -C 1682 lentils br am -C op y cheddar cheese s -C y op A person’s diet may need to change at diferent times of their life. For example, a woman will need to eat a little more each day when she is pregnant, and make sure that she has extra calcium and iron in her diet, to help to build her baby’s bones, teeth and blood. She will also need to eat more while she is breast feeding. Most people find that they need to eat less as they reach their 50s and 60s, because their metabolism slows down. C 98 fish (dried, salt) All food contains some energy. Scientists have worked out how much energy there is in particular kinds of food. You can look up this information. A few examples are given in Table B5.01. You may remember that one gram of fat contains about twice as much energy as one gram of protein or carbohydrate (Section B3.03). This is why fried foods should be avoided if you are worried about putting on weight. Nutrients 373 -R adult pregnant female female C w ie boiled white (Irish) potatoes ie ni U ge id br am child teenage teenage adult (aged 8) male female male w ie 612 ev ie y op C w ev ie 4 R ev boiled egg carrots The energy you use each day comes from the food you eat. If you eat too much food, some of the extra will probably be stored as fat. If you eat too little, you may not be able to obtain as much energy as you need. This will make you feel tired. R 326 canned peaches 2 ev bananas cabbage Figure B5.01 Daily energy requirements. R 270 brown bread Daily energy requirements 6 / MJ 50 baked beans Pr es s 8 0 Energy content / kJ/100 g -R am br id -C 10 Food ge 12 C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity If your diet doesn’t contain all of these nutrients, your body will not be able to work properly. w ev ie Vitamins are organic substances which are only needed in tiny amounts. If you do not have enough of a vitamin, you may get a deficiency disease. Table B5.02 provides information about vitamins C and D. y C op -R am br ev id ie w ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C The structures of molecules of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and their uses in the body, are described in sections B3.02 to B3.04. Images B5.01, B5.02, B5.03 and B5.04 show foods that are good sources of these nutrients. -R am br id ge Vitamins s Image B5.03 Some good sources of fats. 51 y op -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w rs C ity op Pr y es -C Image B5.01 Some good sources of carbohydrates. s es Why it is needed Deficiency disease C citrus fruits (such as oranges, limes), raw vegetables to make the stretchy protein collagen, found in skin and other tissues; keeps tissues in good repair scurvy, which causes pain in joints and muscles, and bleeding from gums and other places; this used to be a common disease of sailors, who had no fresh vegetables during long voyages D butter, egg yolk (and helps calcium to be absorbed, can be made by the skin for making bones and teeth when sunlight falls on it) op ev ie w C rickets, in which the bones become sot and deformed; this disease was common in young children in industrial areas, who rarely got out into the sunshine es s -R br am -C Table B5.02 Vitamins. y ni ve rs U id g e ev ity Foods that contain it C Vitamin ie w Image B5.04 Some good sources of fibre. Pr op y Image B5.02 Some good sources of proteins. R C U ni op y B5: Animal nutrition Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity calcium, Ca milk and other dairy products, bread for bones and teeth; for blood clotting iron, Fe liver, red meat, egg yolk, dark green vegetables for making haemoglobin, the red pigment in blood which carries oxygen Deficiency disease ev ie -R Pr es s am br id op y -C Why it is needed w Foods that contain it ge Mineral element C ve rs ity Table B5.03 Minerals. w Minerals y w ie Fish and white meat such as chicken do not contain much saturated fat, so eating more of these and less red meat may help to cut down the risk of heart disease. -R ity rs w op Most people can control their weight by eating normal, well-balanced meals and taking regular exercise. Crash diets are not a good idea, except for someone who is very overweight. Although a person may manage to lose a lot of weight quickly, he or she will almost certainly put it on again once he or she stops dieting. U -C y op C U w e id g ev ie Image B5.05 Being very overweight increases the risk of many diferent, and serious, health problems. Weight around your middle has been shown to be linked to heart disease. es s -R br am Dairy products such as milk, cream, butter and cheese contain a lot of saturated fat. So do red meat and eggs. -C ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es The kind of fat found in animal foods is called saturated fat. These foods also contain cholesterol. Some research suggests that people who eat a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol are more likely to get heart disease than people who do not. This is because fat deposits build up on the inside of arteries, making them stifer and narrower. If this happens in the coronary arteries supplying the heart muscle with blood, then not enough blood can get through. The heart muscles run short of oxygen and cannot work properly. This is called coronary heart disease. The deposits can also cause a blood clot, which results in a heart attack (Section B7.02). s -R am br ev id ie w ge C One common form of fibre is the outer husk of cereal grains, such as oats, wheat and barley. This is called bran. Some of this husk is found in wholemeal bread. Brown or unpolished rice is also a good source of fibre. Fat and heart disease R People who take in more energy than they use up get fat. Being very fat is called obesity (Image B5.05). Obesity is dangerous to health. Obese people are more likely to get heart disease, strokes and diabetes. The extra weight placed on the legs can cause problems with the joints, especially knees. y ve All plant foods, such as fruits and vegetables, contain fibre (Image B5.04). This is because the plant cells have cellulose cell walls. Humans cannot digest cellulose. ni ie ev R s Pr y op C 52 Obesity es -C am br ev id Fibre helps to keep the alimentary canal working properly. Food moves through the alimentary canal because the muscles contract and relax to squeeze it along. This is called peristalsis. The muscles are stimulated to do this when there is food in the alimentary canal. Sot foods do not stimulate the muscles very much. The muscles work more strongly when there is harder, less digestible food, like fibre, in the alimentary canal. Fibre keeps the digestive system in good working order and helps to prevent constipation. anaemia, in which there are not enough red blood cells so the tissues do not get enough oxygen delivered to them C op ni U ge Fibre brittle bones and teeth; poor blood clotting But vegetable oils are usually unsaturated fats. These, and also oils from fish, do not increase the risk of heart disease, so it is sensible to use these instead of animal fats when possible. Vegetable oil can be used for frying instead of butter or lard. Polyunsaturated spreads can be used instead of butter. Minerals are inorganic substances. Once again, only small amounts of them are needed in the diet. Table B5.03 shows two of the most important ones. R ev ie C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge C U ni op y B5: Animal nutrition Pr es s -C y y C op w ie id ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op Image B5.06 The older boy is thin, but has a swollen abdomen, suggesting that he is sufering from kwashiorkor. This photo was taken at a refugee camp in Ethiopia. rs Malnutrition is caused by not eating a balanced diet. One common form of malnutrition is kwashiorkor (Image B5.06). This is caused by a lack of protein in the diet. It is most common in children between the ages of nine months and two years, ater they have stopped feeding on breast milk. y op ie B5.01 es A balanced diet contains these nutrients: carbohydrates vitamins Pr op y fats minerals proteins water a Which of these nutrients are organic, and which are inorganic? ity ni ve rs The most severe forms of malnutrition result from a lack of both protein and energy in the diet. Severe shortage of energy in the diet causes marasmus, in which a child has body weight much lower than normal, and looks emaciated. b Which of these nutrients can provide energy? c What is the role of fibre in the diet? B5.03 What is coronary heart disease? B5.04 What is the diference between starvation and malnutrition? Malnutrition can also be the result of having too much of something in your diet, e.g. too much fat, leading to obesity. ev C ie w U id g What is meant by a deficiency disease? Give two examples of deficiency diseases. -R B5.05 B5.06 s es -C am br TIP op List three health problems associated with obesity. R B5.02 e y C w ie QuEStiONS s -C Children sufering from kwashiorkor are always underweight for their age. But they may oten look quite fat, because their diet may contain a lot of carbohydrate. If they are put onto a high-protein diet, they usually begin to grow normally again. -R am br ev id Kwashiorkor is oten caused by poverty, because the child’s carers do not have any high-protein food to give to the child. But sometimes it is caused by a lack of knowledge about the right kinds of food that should be eaten. w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w C ity op Pr y es s -C am In some parts of Africa, for example, several years of drought can mean that the harvests do not provide enough food to feed all the people. Despite help from other countries, many people have died from starvation. Even if there is enough food to keep people alive, they may sufer from malnutrition. -R br ev Starvation and malnutrition ev testing foods for vitamin C Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.2 Planning AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data AO3.5 Evaluating methods The DCPIP test is used to find out if a food contains vitamin C. DCPIP is a blue liquid. Vitamin C causes DCPIP to lose this colour. First, try out the test: 1 Measure 2 cm3 of DCPIP into a clean test tube. 2 Use a dropper pipette to add lemon juice to the DCPIP. Count how many drops you need to add before the DCPIP loses its colour. You can use this test to compare the concentration of vitamin C in diferent liquids. The less liquid you have to add to the DCPIP to make it lose its colour, the more vitamin C there is in the liquid. 3 Plan and carry out an experiment to test one of the following hypotheses. a Fresh lemon juice contains more vitamin C than other types of lemon juice. b Raw potato contains more vitamin C per g than boiled or baked potato. c Freezing vegetables or fruit juices reduces their vitamin C content. d Storing vegetables in a refrigerator retains more vitamin C than storing them at room temperature. -R am br id ev ie w ACtivity B5.01 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 53 ve rs ity starch amylase simple sugars protein protease amino acids fat lipase fatty acids and glycerol y op ev ie -R Table B5.04 Functions of digestive enzymes. Once pieces of food have been ground up, the large molecules present are then broken down into small ones. This is called chemical digestion. It involves a chemical change from one sort of molecule to another. Enzymes are involved in this process (Chapter B3). Figure B5.03 summarises how mechanical and chemical digestion work together to produce small molecules the body can use. y ni C op C ve rs ity The food that is eaten by mammals usually contains some large molecules of protein, carbohydrate and fat. Before these molecules can be absorbed, they must be broken down into small ones. This is called digestion. w ev ie Figure B5.03 shows what happens to the three kinds of nutrients that need to be digested – fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Look at one column at a time, and work down it, to follow what happens to that type of food as it passes through the alimentary canal. id ie w ge U R Small molecules produced Pr es s -C am br id The alimentary canal of a mammal is a long tube running from one end of its body to the other (Figure B5.02). Before food can be of any use to the animal, it has to get out of the alimentary canal and into the bloodstream. This is called absorption. To be absorbed, molecules of food have to get through the walls of the alimentary canal. They need to be quite small to be able to do this. Enzyme that breaks it down ev KEy tERMS br -R es Pr y op ity chemical digestion: the breakdown of large insoluble molecules into small soluble molecules rs C ve ni op y absorption: the movement of digested food molecules through the wall of the intestine into the blood U Mechanical and chemical digestion C assimilation: the movement of digested food molecules into the cells of the body where they are used, becoming part of the cells w ge Oten the food an animal eats is in quite large pieces. These pieces of food need to be broken up by teeth, and by churning movements of the alimentary canal. This is called mechanical digestion. ev id ie egestion: passing out of food that has not been digested, as faeces, through the anus br -R am digestion: the breakdown of large, insoluble food molecules into small, water-soluble molecules using mechanical and chemical processes mechanical digestion: the breakdown of food into smaller pieces without chemical change to the food molecules Simple sugars, water, vitamins and minerals are already small molecules, and they can be absorbed just as they are. They do not need to be digested. w ie ev R ingestion: taking substances (e.g. food, drink) into the body through the mouth s am -C Large carbohydrate molecules, such as polysaccharides, have to be broken down into simple sugars (monosaccharides). Proteins are broken down to amino acids. Fats are broken down to fatty acids and glycerol (Table B5.04). 54 w Nutrient ge B5.02 Digestion C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences 2 Digestion Large, insoluble molecules of food are broken down to small molecules. 3 Absorption The small molecules are absorbed into the blood. y op w e ev ie id g es s -R br am -C Figure B5.02 How an animal deals with food. 4 Egestion Food which could not be digested or absorbed is removed from the body. C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C 1 ingestion Food is taken into the alimentary canal. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Proteins ev ie -R am br id Water in digestive juices dissolves some food. Water in digestive juices dissolves some food. Pr es s Teeth break down large pieces of food into smaller ones. C op small pieces of food and some food in solution ie id ev -R br am Pr Proteases break down protein molecules to polypeptide molecules. y C Peptidases break down polypeptides to amino acid molecules. ie w ge id br -R am -C s es Pr op y B5.03 teeth ity QuEStiONS What is digestion? B5.08 Name two groups of food that do not need to be digested. B5.09 What does digestion change each of these kinds of food into: a polysaccharides, b proteins and c fats? B5.10 What is meant by chemical digestion? Teeth help with the ingestion and mechanical digestion of the food we eat. y ni ve rs B5.07 ev ie id g w e C U op Teeth can be used to bite of pieces of food. They then chop, crush or grind them into smaller pieces. This gives the food a larger surface area, which makes it easier for enzymes to work on the food in the digestive system. It also helps soluble parts of the food to dissolve. es s -R br am -C C w Maltase breaks maltose down to glucose molecules. glucose ev amino acid Figure B5.03 Digestion. ie maltose op U ni ev R Amylase breaks starch molecules down to maltose molecules. polypeptides ve ie w rs C op Lipase breaks down fat molecules to fatty acid and glycerol molecules. ity y es s -C fat molecules glycerol ev starch molecule protein molecules fatty acid R small pieces of food and some food in solution w ge U ni ev ie w Bile salts break down large drops of fat into smaller ones. R Teeth break down large pieces of food into smaller ones. y C ve rs ity op y -C Teeth break down large pieces of food into smaller ones. fat droplets Carbohydrates w ge Fats C U ni op y B5: Animal nutrition Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 55 ve rs ity ev ie w ACtivity B5.02 -R Checking your teeth Types of teeth op y Pr es s -C am br id ge The structure of a tooth is shown in Figure B5.04. The part of the tooth which is embedded in the gum is called the root. The part which can be seen is the crown. The crown is covered with enamel. Enamel is the hardest substance made by animals. It is very dificult to break or chip it. However, it can be dissolved by acids. Bacteria feed on sweet foods let on the teeth. This makes acids, which dissolve the enamel, and decay sets in. C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Most mammals have four kinds of teeth (Figures B5.05 and B5.06). Incisors are the sharp-edged, chisel-shaped teeth at the front of the mouth. They are used for biting of pieces of food. Canines are the more pointed teeth at either side of the incisors, used for gripping food. Premolars and molars are the large teeth towards the back of the mouth. They are used for chewing food, crushing it into smaller pieces to help with mechanical digestion. In humans, the molars right at the back are sometimes called wisdom teeth. They do not grow until much later in the person’s development than the others. ni C op y In the middle of the tooth is the pulp cavity. It contains nerves and blood vessels. These supply the cytoplasm in the dentine with food and oxygen. U br ev id ie w ge The root of the tooth is covered with cement. This has fibres growing out of it. These attach the tooth to the jawbone, but allow it to move slightly when biting or chewing. es Plaque is sot and easy to remove at first, but if it is let it hardens to form tartar, which cannot be removed by brushing. y ve id C es s -C -R am br ev orbit w cranium gum ie ge U R ni op pulp cavity containing nerves and blood vessels Pr op y cement C ity root upper jaw incisor molar premolar canine ev Figure B5.05 A human skull, showing the diferent types of teeth. es s -R id g br am -C lower jaw blood supply for the tooth Figure B5.04 Longitudinal section of an incisor tooth. jaw articulation y op C jawbone e U R ev ie w ni ve rs fibres attaching tooth to jawbone w ie w rs dentine crown ev Pr ity op y enamel C 56 Tooth decay is a common problem. It is caused by bacteria. You have large numbers of bacteria living in your mouth, most of which are harmless. However, some of these bacteria, together with substances from your saliva, form a sticky film over your teeth, especially next to the gums and in between the teeth. This is called plaque. s -C -R am Dental decay ie R ev ie w C ve rs ity Under the enamel is a layer of dentine, which is rather like bone. Dentine is quite hard, but not as hard as enamel. It has channels in it which contain living cytoplasm. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity side view Canines are very similar to incisors in humans. y -R es Pr y op 57 ity 1 Don’t eat too much sugar. If you never eat any sugar, you will not have tooth decay. But nearly everyone enjoys sweet foods, and if you are careful you can still eat them without damaging your teeth. The rule is to eat sweet things only once or twice a day, preferably with your meals. The worst thing you can do is to suck or chew sweet things all day long. And don’t forget that many drinks also contain a lot of sugar. y op 1 Particles of sugary foods get trapped in cracks in the teeth. ev id ity 3 Make regular visits to a dentist. Regular dental check-ups will make sure that any gum disease or tooth decay is stopped before it really gets a hold. op 3 There are nerves in the pulp cavity, so the tooth becomes very painful if the infection gets this far. What are incisors, and what are they used for? B5.12 What is plaque? B5.13 Explain how plaque can cause tooth decay. s -R Figure B5.07 Tooth decay. es -C am br ev ie id g w e B5.11 C U QuEStiONS y ni ve rs C w ie ev -R Pr op y es s -C am br 2 Use a fluoride toothpaste regularly. Fluoride makes your teeth more resistant to decay. Drinking water which contains fluoride, or brushing teeth with a fluoride toothpaste, makes it much less likely that you will have to have teeth filled or extracted. Regular and thorough brushing also helps to remove plaque, which will prevent gum disease and reduce decay. 2 Bacteria feeding on the sugar form acids, which dissolve a hole in the enamel and dentine. ie w ge C U R ni ev ve rs C w ie s -C am br ev id ie w ge U R If sugar is let on the teeth, bacteria in the plaque will feed on it. They use it in respiration, changing it into acid. The acid gradually dissolves the enamel covering the tooth, and works its way into the dentine (Figure B5.07). Dentine is dissolved away more rapidly than the enamel. If nothing is done about it, the tooth will eventually have to be taken out. There are several easy things which you can do to keep your teeth healthy and free from pain. R Molars, like premolars, are used for grinding. C op Figure B5.06 Types of human teeth. Premolars have wide surfaces, for grinding food. ve rs ity Incisors are chisel shaped, for biting off pieces of food. ni ev ie w C op y Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie w ge front view C U ni op y B5: Animal nutrition Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 4 The infection can spread rapidly through the pulp cavity, and may form an abscess at the root of the tooth. ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences The mouth The alimentary canal is a long tube which runs from the mouth to the anus. It is part of the digestive system. The digestive system also includes the liver and the pancreas. Food is ingested using the teeth, lips and tongue. The teeth then bite or grind the food into smaller pieces, increasing its surface area. The tongue mixes the food with saliva and forms it into a bolus. The bolus is then swallowed. ev ie Saliva is made in the salivary glands. It is a mixture of water, mucus and the enzyme amylase. The water helps to dissolve substances in the food, allowing us to taste them. The mucus helps the chewed food to bind together to form y C op U w br -R am salivary duct epiglottis es s -C salivary gland Pr oesophagus ity op y trachea y op w ge gall bladder ev br pancreas -R am sphincter muscle s -C pancreatic duct es duodenum Pr op y ileum ni ve rs y op ie ev colon U rectum ie ev anus s Figure B5.08 The human digestive system. -R anal sphincter es am br id g w e C appendix -C small intestine ity C caecum w stomach ie id bile duct R sphincter muscle C U R ni liver ev diaphragm ve ie w rs C 58 bolus of food ev id tongue palate ge nasal cavity ie R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C Each section of the alimentary canal has its own part to play in the digestion, absorption and egestion of food. Figure B5.08 shows the main organs of the digestive system. -R am br id w ge B5.04 the alimentary canal Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution large intestine ve rs ity A tube called the pancreatic duct leads from the pancreas into the duodenum. Pancreatic juice, which is a fluid made by the pancreas, flows along this tube. op The oesophagus w ev ie -R Bile U R When you swallow, a piece of cartilage covers the entrance to the trachea. It is called the epiglottis, and it stops food from going down into the lungs. ev id ie w ge As well as pancreatic juice, another fluid flows into the small intestine. It is called bile. Bile is a yellowish green, alkaline, watery liquid, which helps to neutralise the acidic mixture from the stomach. It is made in the liver, and then stored in the gall bladder. It flows to the small intestine along the bile duct. s -R br am -C y es The stomach rs Like all parts of the alimentary canal, the stomach wall contains goblet cells which secrete mucus. It also contains other cells which produce protease enzymes and others which make hydrochloric acid. y op C ge w ie ev id br Pr op y es s Villi The stomach can store food for quite a long time. Ater one or two hours, the sphincter at the bottom of the stomach opens and lets the chyme into the duodenum. ity y op The small intestine The carbohydrase enzyme maltase breaks down maltose to glucose. Proteases finish breaking down any polypeptides into amino acids. Lipase completes the breakdown of fats to fatty acids and glycerol. ev -R s es am br Several enzymes are secreted into the small intestine. They are made in the pancreas, which is a creamcoloured gland, lying just underneath the stomach. ie id g w e C U The small intestine is the part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the colon. It is about 5 m long. It is called the small intestine because it is quite narrow. -C As well as receiving enzymes made in the pancreas, the small intestine makes some enzymes itself. They are made by cells in its walls. The inner wall of the small intestine is covered with millions of tiny projections. They are called villi (singular: villus). Each villus is about 1 mm long (Figures B5.09 and B5.10, and Image B5.07). Cells covering the villi make enzymes. The enzymes do not come out into the lumen of the small intestine; they stay close to the cells which make them. These enzymes complete the digestion of food. ni ve rs C w ie ev R -R am -C The acid also helps to protect you from harmful microorganisms that may be in the food, by denaturing enzymes in them. Bile does not contain any enzymes. It does, however, help to digest fats. It does this by breaking up the large drops of fat into very small ones, increasing their surface area and making it easier for the lipase in the pancreatic juice to digest them into fatty acids and glycerol. This is called emulsification, and it is done by salts in the bile called bile salts. Emulsification is a type of mechanical digestion. Bile also contains sodium hydrogencarbonate, which helps to neutralise the acidic chyme from the stomach and therefore provides a suitable pH for the activity of the enzymes in pancreatic juice. U R ni ev ve ie w C ity op Pr The stomach has strong, muscular walls. The muscles contract and relax to churn the food and mix it with the enzymes and mucus. The mixture is called chyme. The main protease enzyme in the stomach is pepsin. It begins to digest proteins by breaking them down into polypeptides. Pepsin works best in acid conditions. The acid also helps to kill any bacteria in the food. These enzymes do not work well in acid environments, but the chyme which has come from the stomach contains hydrochloric acid. Pancreatic juice contains sodium hydrogencarbonate which partially neutralises the acid. y ni ev ie w C ve rs ity There are two tubes leading down from the back of the mouth. The one in front is the trachea or windpipe, which takes air down to the lungs. Behind the trachea is the oesophagus, which takes food down to the stomach. The entrance to the stomach from the oesophagus is guarded by a ring of muscle called a sphincter. This muscle relaxes to let the food pass into the stomach. This fluid contains many enzymes, including amylase, protease and lipase. Amylase breaks down starch to maltose. Trypsin is a protease, which breaks down proteins to polypeptides. Lipase breaks down fats (lipids) to fatty acids and glycerol. C op y Pr es s -C am br id ge a bolus, and lubricates it so that it slides easily down the oesophagus when it is swallowed. Amylase begins to digest starch in the food to the sugar maltose. Usually, it does not have time to finish this because the food is not kept in the mouth for very long. However, if you chew something starchy (such as a piece of bread) for a long time, you may be able to taste the sweet maltose that is produced. C U ni op y B5: Animal nutrition Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 59 ve rs ity C ev ie w goblet cell, which makes mucus -R am br id ge U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C lacteal, which absorbs digested fats C op y Image B5.07 This micrograph shows thousands of villi covering the inner wall of the small intestine. It is magnified about 20 times. w ge U R ni ev ie w blood capillaries, which absorb small molecules such as amino acids and sugars es s -C ve 0.1 mm Figure B5.09 Longitudinal section through a villus. ni br Pr es s -R am -C op y blood from aorta blood to hepatic portal vein y op Key w ie diffusion down a concentration gradient ev 6 m -R active transport Figure B5.11 Absorption of digested nutrients into a villus. s Figure B5.10 Detail of the surface of a villus. lymph to lymphatic vessels and then the heart mass flow es am br id g e U mucus goblet cell C ev ie w ni ve rs C ity nucleus -C Some fats are absorbed into lacteals. ev id ie w ge C U R basement membrane microvilli R op ity Small molecules, such as water, amino acids, sugars and some fats, minerals and vitamins, are absorbed into capillaries through diffusion and active transport. rs vein, returning blood to the liver y Pr y op artery, bringing blood from the heart ev ie w C 60 By now, most carbohydrates have been broken down to simple sugars, proteins to amino acids, and fats to fatty acids and glycerol. These molecules are small enough to pass through the wall of the small intestine and into the blood. This is called absorption (Figure B5.11). -R am br ev id ie Absorption of digested food Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity How this helps absorption take place w ge Feature C U ni op y B5: Animal nutrition This gives plenty of time for digestion to be completed, and for digested food to be absorbed as it slowly passes through. It has villi. Each villus is covered with cells which have even smaller projections on them, called microvilli. This gives the inner surface of the small intestine a very large surface area. -R ve rs ity The larger the surface area, the faster nutrients can be absorbed. Monosaccharides, amino acids, water, minerals and vitamins, and some fats, pass into the blood, to be taken to the liver and then round the body. Fats are absorbed into lacteals. Villi have walls only one cell thick. The digested nutrients can easily cross the wall to reach the blood capillaries and lacteals. C op U R y Villi contain lacteals, which are part of the lymphatic system. ni ev ie w C op y Villi contain blood capillaries. Pr es s -C am br id ev ie It is very long – about 5 m in an adult human. id ie w ge Table B5.05 How the small intestine is adapted for absorbing digested nutrients. The small intestine is especially adapted to allow absorption to take place very eficiently. Some of its features are listed in Table B5.05. -R -C am br ev Table B5.06 gives a summary of digestion in the human alimentary canal. rs The large intestine The large intestine is given this name because it is a wider tube than the small intestine. y C ie w ge The liver has an especially important role in the metabolism of glucose. If there is more glucose than necessary in the blood, the liver will convert some of it to the polysaccharide glycogen, and store it. You can find out more about this in Section B9.06. ev id s -R br am -C Pr op y es By the time the food reaches the last part of the large intestine, called the rectum, most of the substances which can be absorbed have gone into the blood. All that remains is indigestible food (fibre, or roughage), bacteria, and some dead cells from the inside of the alimentary canal. This mixture forms the faeces, which are passed out at intervals through the anus. This process is called egestion. A model of absorption Why do the walls of the stomach secrete hydrochloric acid? B5.16 Which two digestive juices are secreted into the small intestine? op y B5.15 How do bile salts help in digestion? ev ie B5.17 es s -R br am -C Name two parts of the alimentary canal where amylase is secreted. What does it do? C U id g e ACtivity B5.03 B5.14 w ity QuEStiONS ni ve rs C w ie ev R Ater they have been absorbed into the blood in the villi, the nutrients are taken to the liver. The liver processes some of them, before they go any further. Some of these nutrients can be broken down, some converted into other substances, some stored and the remainder let unchanged. The nutrients, dissolved in the blood plasma, are then taken to other parts of the body where they may become assimilated as part of a cell. U R Not all the food that is eaten can be digested, and this undigested food cannot be absorbed in the small intestine. It travels on, through the caecum, past the appendix and into the first part of the large intestine, the colon. In humans, the caecum and appendix have no function. In the colon, more water and salt are absorbed. However, the colon absorbs much less water than the small intestine. Assimilation op ni ev ve ie w C ity op Pr y es s Water, mineral salts and vitamins are also absorbed in the small intestine. The small intestine absorbs between 5 and 10 dm3 of water each day. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 61 ve rs ity Substrate salivary glands amylase starch in pits in wall of stomach pepsin starch maltose trypsin proteins lipase fats ie ev -R s es Pr bile salts emulsify fats bile pigments excretory products sucrase sucrose glucose and fructose lactase lactose glucose and galactose peptidase polypeptides amino acids lipase fats fatty acids and glycerol es s -R ev ie w C glucose op y rs ity fatty acids and glycerol maltose -C am br id ge U R sodium reduces hydrogencarbonate acidity of chyme polypeptides maltase ni no juice by cells secreted; covering enzymes the villi remain in or on the cells covering the villi ve w ie ev ileum none acid environment for pepsin; kills bacteria in food y amylase br am -C liver, stored in gall bladder hydrochloric acid C op curdled milk protein y op bile C 62 polypeptides rennin milk protein (only in young mammals) ni pancreas id pancreatic juice ge U R duodenum Functions of other substances -R proteins w w ev ie Pr es s gastric juice C op y stomach Other substances in juice maltose ve rs ity oesophagus none Product w Enzymes in juice ev ie Where made ge saliva -C mouth Juices secreted am br id Part of the canal C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences C ity Pr op y All of the digestive juices contain water and mucus. The water is used for the digestion of large molecules to small ones. It is also a solvent for the nutrients and enzymes. Mucus acts as a lubricant. It also forms a covering over the inner surface of the alimentary canal, preventing enzymes from digesting the cells. y op -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs Table B5.06 Summary of digestion in the human alimentary canal. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie am br id Summary w ge C U ni op y B5: Animal nutrition ■ ■ ■ C op y the functions of amylase, protease and lipase the structure and functions of the alimentary canal and other organs of the digestive system the diferent types of teeth, and how to care for them the structure of teeth the causes of dental decay. ni w Match each function described below with one or more of the nutrients in the list. Some of the nutrients will match up with more than one function, and some of the functions will match up to more than one nutrient. ie a fibre calcium iron es water Pr make bones strong provides energy used to make enzymes, haemoglobin and hair keeps the muscles in the alimentary canal working well used to make haemoglobin dissolves substances in cells, so that metabolic reactions can take place helps calcium to be absorbed from the digestive system C U ni op ve rs ity 63 For each of the nutrients listed in part a, state one food that is a good source of this nutrient. w digestion, absorption small intestine, large intestine enamel, dentine bile, pancreatic juice -R s es Pr ity y op -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C op y -C a b c d ev id ie With the aid of examples wherever possible, explain the diferences between each of the following pairs of terms. br 2 vitamin C ge b i ii iii iv v vi vii protein am R ev ie w C op y vitamin D fat -R -C carbohydrate s am br ev id 1 ge U R End-of-chapter questions y ev ie w C ■ ■ ve rs ity op y ■ ■ Pr es s ■ that balanced diets difer for diferent people how poor diet can afect health, including starvation, obesity and coronary heart disease the causes and efects of protein-energy malnutrition why food needs to be digested before it can be absorbed -C ■ -R You should know: Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie -R B op y Pr es s -C A w C ve rs ity C D J ev ie w ge The diagram below shows the human digestive system. am br id 3 C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences ie w ge H ev br Name each of the parts labelled A to J on the diagram. Give the letters (not the name) of each of the following parts: i two parts where amylase is secreted ii two parts where protease is secreted iii one part where lipase is secreted iv the part where hydrochloric acid is secreted v two parts where water is absorbed vi the part where egestion takes place. Pr rs C ve w y Copy and complete these sentences about digestion, using words from the list. You may use each word once, more than once or not at all. duodenum fatty glycerol hydrochloric ileum ingestion large pancreas proteins small starch trachea urinary id br ie oesophagus C carbohydrates fats w amylase ev gall U amino ge acids am R ni op ie 4 ev ity op y es s -C -R am a b 64 y F G id i C op U R ni E mucus -R The teeth, lips and tongue help to take food into the mouth. This is called es , which Pr op y ity The food travels down the to the stomach. Here, acid is secreted, which provides ideal conditions for the enzyme pepsin to work. Pepsin is a protease, and begins the digestion of ni ve rs C w ie , s -C The food is mixed with saliva from the salivary glands. Saliva contains the enzyme which digests to the sugar maltose. Saliva also contains lubricates the chewed food making it easy to swallow. y op id g ev es s -R br Which two of these nutrients are organic substances? Explain why none of these nutrients need to be digested before they are absorbed. am a b ie Calcium, iron, vitamin C and vitamin D are nutrients required in small amounts in the diet. -C 5 w e C U R ev Ater leaving the stomach, the food enters the , which is the first part of the intestine. Here, juices from the and bladder flow in. They contain amylase, protease and lipase. Lipase digests fats to and Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [1] [2] ve rs ity w ge ev ie -R Pr es s A y C w ge U C op ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y B R [3] [4] [6] br ev id ie Name the teeth labelled A, B and C. Outline the functions of tooth A and tooth C. Draw and label a diagram to show the internal structure of the tooth labelled C. -R am a b c 65 C ity op Pr glass rod es s -C Two experiments were set up as in the diagram below. The apparatus is a model of the digestion and absorption of starch in the alimentary canal. y 7 [1] [2] [3] The diagram shows the teeth in the upper jaw of a human. -C 6 Name two foods that contain calcium. Describe the role of vitamin D in the body. Describe and explain the deficiency symptoms of a lack of iron in the diet. am br id c d e C U ni op y B5: Animal nutrition ve ie w rs visking tubing y op C starch and amylase w ge U R ni ev water br ev id ie The piece of visking tubing represents the alimentary canal. The visking tubing is a selectively permeable membrane, which allows smaller molecules to pass through it but not larger molecules. -R am In experiment 1, the liquid inside the visking tubing was starch solution. s -C In experiment 2, this liquid was a mixture of starch solution and amylase solution. Pr e es y op s -R id g br am -C blue brown blue brown red brown red Conclusion C U R 2 Colour obtained w Test iodine test Benedict’s test water in the beaker iodine test Benedict’s test inside visking iodine test tubing Benedict’s test water in the beaker iodine test Benedict’s test ie ity Liquid tested inside visking tubing ni ve rs Experiment 1 ev ie w C The results are shown in the table. ev op y es Both experiments were let for one hour. Ater this time, the liquid inside the visking tubing and the water in the beaker were each tested with iodine solution and with Benedict’s solution. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution (continued) ve rs ity w ge ev ie i Copy the table, and then fill in the colour that was obtained for the top row. ii In the top row of the last column of the table, state what can be concluded from this result. iii Fill in the remainder of the last column of the table, stating in each case whether starch or sugar is present or absent. i Explain what the results from experiment 2 tell you about the efect of amylase on starch molecules. ii What do the results from experiment 2 tell you about the ability of sugar molecules to pass through visking tubing? Explain your answer. For the experiment shown in the diagram: i state which part of the alimentary canal is represented by the visking tubing ii state what the beaker of water represents. Using the results of these experiments, explain why starch needs to be digested in the alimentary canal. U R w ge a b c [2] [1] [1] [1] [2] [1] s es y Pr ity rs op amount of starch remaining in the test-tube op y ve ni ev w 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ev 1 ie id ge C U R time / minutes -R am br 0 [1] [1] ity Pr op y es s -C i State the time at which the rate of digestion of starch is fastest. ii Name the product of the digestion of starch in this test-tube. iii Make a copy of the graph. On the same axes, sketch a graph to show the result that would be expected if the experiment is repeated at 25 °C. Explain why starch is digested by the body. C [2] [1] y op -R s -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs [Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences 0654 Paper 22 Q4 November 2014] es d [1] -R am br ev id ie Define the term digestion. Name the enzyme that digests starch in the alimentary canal. In an experiment, a starch-digesting enzyme was added to a starch suspension in a test-tube at 35 °C. The graph shows how the amount of starch remaining in the test-tube changed over the next eight minutes. ie w C 66 [2] [Cambridge IGCSE Combined Science 0653 Paper 61 Q1 November 2013] -C 8 [1] [1] y ni C op ev ie d ve rs ity c w C op y Pr es s -C -R am br id a b C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie -R ity rs transpiration the efects of temperature and humidity on transpiration rate how sucrose and amino acids are transported through a plant. ■ C op y ve ■ br ev id ie w ge R ■ ■ ni ev ■ why plants need transport systems the position and function of xylem how plants absorb and transport water how the surface area of root hairs increases the rate of absorption of water and ions U ■ s Pr y op ie w C This chapter covers: ■ 67 es -C am br ev id ie w ge U R B6 Transport in plants es Pr op y Xylem ity A xylem vessel is like a long drainpipe (Image B6.01 and Figure B6.01). It is made of many hollow, dead cells, joined end to end. The end walls of the cells have disappeared, so a long, open tube is formed. Xylem vessels run from the roots of the plant, right up through the stem. They branch out into every leaf. ni ve rs C Xylem vessels contain no cytoplasm or nuclei. Their walls are made of cellulose and lignin. Lignin is very strong, so xylem vessels help to keep plants upright. Wood is made almost entirely of lignified xylem vessels. -R s es am br ev ie id g Water, though, comes from further away. Plants absorb water through their roots, and this water must be transported up to the leaves. The transport system that does this is made up of xylem. w e C U op y Plants have branching shapes. This gives them a large surface area in relation to their volume. It means that most cells are close to the surface. Carbon dioxide can easily reach them by difusion from the air. -C w ie ev s -C All organisms need to obtain various substances from their environment. For plants, these substances are carbon dioxide and water for photosynthesis, and mineral ions, which they absorb from the ground. R Plants also have a second transport system, made up of phloem. Phloem transports sucrose and amino acids from the leaves where they are made, to other parts of the plant such as its roots and flowers. -R am B6.01 Plant transport systems Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences y C w C op w ie id ev Vascular bundles br transverse section ge U ni ev ie R Like xylem vessels, phloem tubes are made of many cells joined end to end. However, their end walls have not completely broken down. The cells are called sieve tube elements. Sieve tube elements contain cytoplasm, but no nucleus. They do not have lignin in their cell walls. The cells in phloem are still alive, whereas those in xylem are hollow and dead. ve rs ity op y Phloem Image B6.01 This is a scanning electron micrograph of xylem vessels (× 1800). ity op Pr y es s -C -R am Xylem vessels and phloem tubes are usually found close together. A group of xylem vessels and phloem tubes is called a vascular bundle. op endodermis cortex phloem w ni ve rs C ity thick cell wall, containing lignin Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ni ev Longitudinal section The positions of vascular bundles in roots and shoots are shown in Figures B6.02 and B6.03. In a root, vascular tissue is found at the centre, whereas in a shoot vascular bundles are arranged in a ring near the outside edge. Vascular bundles are also found in leaves (Figure B4.01). They help to support the plant. y ve ie w rs C 68 identify the positions of xylem vessels in roots, stems and leaves Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie w ACtivity B6.01 y w cambium ie ev -R stele Figure B6.02 Transverse section of a root. s -C gap where end wall of cell has been lost es am br id g e C U R space, containing no cytoplasm Figure B6.01 Xylem vessels. xylem op ev ie thin area of cell wall, which is called a pit Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity vascular bundle xylem w 5 Use a razor blade to cut across the stem of the plant about half-way up. Take great care when using a razor blade and do not touch its edges. am br id ev ie ge cortex phloem C U ni op y B6: Transport in plants y C op U R ge A2 Why was it important to wash the roots of the plant: ie id b before cutting sections? ev br am B6.03 What is a vascular bundle? Pr What do phloem tubes carry? ity B6.02 y op ie id to see which part of a stem transports water and solutes Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.2 Planning AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data AO3.5 Evaluating methods ! Take care with the sharp blade when cutting the stem sections. 1 Take a plant, such as Impatiens, with a root system intact. Wash the roots thoroughly. 2 Put the roots of the plant into eosin solution. Leave overnight. 3 Set up a microscope. 4 Remove the plant from the eosin solution, and wash the roots thoroughly. w ge C U ni ev ve rs What do xylem vessels carry? ie B6.01 A3 Design an experiment to investigate the efect of one factor (for example, light intensity, temperature, wind speed) on the rate at which the dye is transported up the stem. Remember to write down your hypothesis, and to think about variables. When you have completed your plan, ask your teacher to check it for you. Then carry out your experiment and record and display your results. Write down your conclusions, and discuss them in the light of your knowledge about transport in plants. You should also evaluate the reliability of your results and suggest how to improve your experiment if you were able to do it again. -R es s -C C op y QuEStiONS w w a before putting it into the eosin solution? epidermis Figure B6.03 Transverse section of a stem. R 8 Observe the section under a microscope. Make a labelled drawing of your section. A1 Which part of the stem contained the dye? What does this tell you about the transport of water and solutes (substances dissolved in water) up a stem? cambium ACtivity B6.02 7 Choose your thinnest section, and mount it in a drop of water on a microscope slide. Cover with a coverslip. Questions ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R 6 Now cut very thin sections across the stem. Try to get them so thin that you can see through them. It does not matter if your section is not a complete circle. -R s ni ve rs ity Pr op y Image B6.02 shows the end of a root, magnified. At the very tip is a root cap. This is a layer of cells which protects the root as it grows through the soil. The rest of the root is covered by a layer of cells called the epidermis. w e C U op y The root hairs are a little way up from the root tip. Each root hair is a long epidermal cell (Images B6.02 and B6.03). Root hairs do not live for very long. As the root grows, they are replaced by new ones. ev ie id g Root hairs are very tiny, but there is a very large number of them. This means that they have a very large surface area, which increases the rate at which they can absorb water and ions. es s -R br am -C C w ie ev R Plants roots have root hairs. The function of root hairs is to absorb water and mineral ions from the soil. es -C am br ev B6.02 Water uptake Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 69 ve rs ity ev ie op y Pr es s -C -R am br id root hairs w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences y C op Image B6.03 Part of a transverse section across a root, showing root hairs (× 100). ni ev ie w C ve rs ity epidermis br am rs C ve w y op C w ge U ni ie ev R The root hairs are on the edge of the root. The xylem vessels are in the centre. Before the water can be taken to the rest of the plant, it must travel to these xylem vessels. -R am br ev id ie Water passes across the root, from cell to cell, by osmosis. It also seeps between the cells. epidermis of root Water is drawn up the xylem vessels, because transpiration is constantly removing water from the top of them. y op cortex of root es s -R ev film of water Figure B6.04 How water is absorbed by a plant. -C ie id g br am soil particle w e root hair C U ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C Water enters the root hairs by osmosis. R Once water reaches the xylem, it moves up the xylem vessels in the same way that a drink moves up a straw when you suck it. When you suck a straw, you are reducing the pressure at the top of the straw. The liquid at the bottom of the straw is at a higher pressure, so it flows up the straw into your mouth. ity op Pr y es Water moves into a root hair by osmosis. The cytoplasm and cell sap inside it are quite concentrated solutions. The water in the soil is normally a more dilute solution. Water therefore difuses into the root hair, down its concentration gradient, through the partially permeable cell surface membrane (Section B2.02). s -C -R Image B6.02 A root tip (× 70). 70 The path it takes is shown in Figure B6.04. It travels by osmosis through the cortex, from cell to cell. Some of it may also just seep through the spaces between the cells, or through the cell walls, never actually entering a cell at all. Eventually it reaches the xylem vessels in the middle of the root. These transport it all the way up through the stem and into the leaves. ev id ie w ge U R root cap Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution xylem vessel ve rs ity The same thing happens with the water in xylem vessels. The pressure at the top of the vessels is lowered, while the pressure at the bottom stays high. Water therefore flows up the xylem vessels. op y B6.03 transpiration w ve rs ity Transpiration is the loss of water vapour from a plant. Most of this loss takes place from the leaves. C You can think of the way that water moves into a root hair, across to the xylem vessels, up to the leaves and then out into the air in terms of water potential. ni w ge U R ie -R s es rs y op ni ev C U w ge s -C es Water containing dissolved minerals moves up the root and stem in the xylem vessels. Water evaporates from the leaves. Pr ity y op C w ie • The stomata, when open, allow water vapour to difuse easily out of the leaf. This reduces the water potential inside the leaf, which encourages more water to evaporate from the surfaces of the mesophyll cells. ev U e id g Water enters root hairs by osmosis. es s -R br am • The hollow, narrow xylem vessels provide an easy pathway for water to flow all the way up from the roots to the very top of the plant. • The many air spaces inside the leaf mean that there is a large surface area of wet cells from which water can evaporate into the air. This increases the rate of evaporation, drawing more water out of the xylem and speeding up the flow of water up the plant. ni ve rs w ie ev R Figure B6.05 The transpiration stream. -C • The root hair cells provide a huge surface area through which water can be absorbed. This increases the quantity of water that can move into the plant at any one moment. -R am br ev id ie We can now see how well the structure of a plant is adapted to help it to take up water and move it up through the plant. op y C The low water potential in the leaves is caused by the loss of water vapour from the leaves by transpiration. This produces a ‘pull’ from above, drawing water up the plant. Water molecules have a strong tendency to stick together. This is called cohesion. When the water is ‘pulled’ up the xylem vessels, the whole column of water stays together. Without cohesion, the water column would break apart and the whole system would not work. ve ie w C ity op Pr y The movement of water from the roots, up through the xylem vessels, to the mesophyll cells and then out through the stomata, is known as the transpiration stream (Figure B6.05). R You may remember that water moves down a water potential gradient, from a high water potential to a low water potential (Section B2.02). All along this pathway, the water is moving down a water potential gradient from one place to another. The highest water potential is in the solution in the soil, and the lowest water potential is in the air. ev id -C am br Some of this film of moisture evaporates from the cells, and this water vapour difuses out of the leaf through the stomata. Water from the xylem vessels in the leaf will travel to the mesophyll cells by osmosis to replace it. The constant loss of water from the leaves reduces the efective pressure at the top of the xylem vessels, so that water flows up them. So it is transpiration that is ultimately responsible for causing water to move up through a plant. y If you look back at Figure B4.03, you will see that there are openings on the surface of the leaf called stomata. There are usually more stomata on the underside of the leaf, in the lower epidermis. The mesophyll cells inside the leaf are each covered with a thin film of moisture. Water potential gradient C op w ev ie Pr es s -C How is the pressure at the top of the xylem vessels reduced? It happens because of transpiration. ev ie transpiration: loss of water vapour from plant leaves by evaporation of water at the surfaces of the mesophyll cells followed by difusion of water vapour through the stomata -R am br id ge KEy tERM C U ni op y B6: Transport in plants Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 71 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences w ge Measuring transpiration rates y ev ie Figure B6.06 illustrates apparatus which can be used to compare the rate of transpiration in diferent conditions. It is called a potometer. By recording how fast the air/water meniscus moves along the capillary tube you can compare how fast the plant takes up water in diferent conditions. ve rs ity op y There are many diferent kinds of potometer, so yours may not look like this. The simplest kind is just a long glass tube which you can fill with water. A piece of rubber tubing slid over one end allows you to fix the cut end of a shoot into it, making an airtight connection. This works just as well as the one in Figure B6.06, but is much harder to refill with water. U w ge Questions w es y op C U ie w ge ev ity screw clip ni ve rs C capillary tube -R s -C Figure B6.06 A potometer. es am br ev ie id g w e C U op w ie airtight seal R ev reservoir containing water Pr op y es s -C -R am br transpiring branch of the plant, drawing up water from the potometer id R ni ev ve ie Transpiration is increased by high temperatures and low humidity. temperature On a hot day, water will evaporate quickly from the leaves of a plant. Transpiration increases as temperature increases. rs C 72 ity op Pr y -C A3 Why is it important to use forceps, not fingers, for handling cobalt chloride paper? Conditions that afect transpiration rate s A2 Why does this surface lose water faster than the other? -R am br ev id ie A1 Which piece of cobalt chloride paper turned pink first? What does this tell you about the loss of water from a leaf? y R ni C op C w ev ie It is not easy to measure how much water is lost from the leaves of a plant. It is much easier to measure how fast the plant takes up water. The rate at which a plant takes up water depends on the rate of transpiration – the faster a plant transpires, the faster it takes up water. Pr es s -C to see which surface of a leaf loses most water Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data Cobalt chloride paper is blue when dry and pink when wet. Use forceps to handle it. 1 Use a healthy, well-watered potted plant, with leaves which are not too hairy. Fix a small square of blue cobalt chloride paper onto each surface of one leaf, using clear sticky tape. Make sure there are no air spaces around the paper. 2 Leave the paper on the leaf for a few minutes. -R am br id ACtivity B6.03 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution air/water meniscus ruler ve rs ity y w ev ie What is a potometer used for? B6.08 Explain how a temperature, and b humidity afect the rate of transpiration. y using a potometer to compare rates of transpiration under diferent conditions Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data 1 Set up the potometer as in Figure B6.06. The stem of the plant must fit exactly into the rubber tubing, with no air gaps. Petroleum jelly will help to make an airtight seal. 2 Fill the apparatus with water, by opening the clip. 3 Close the clip again, and leave the apparatus in a light, airy place. As the plant transpires, the water it loses is replaced by water taken up the stem. Air will be drawn in at the end of the capillary tube. 4 When the air/water meniscus reaches the scale, begin to record the position of the meniscus every two minutes. 5 When the meniscus reaches the end of the scale, refill the apparatus with water from the reservoir as before. 6 Now repeat the investigation, but with the apparatus in a diferent situation. You could try each of these: ■ blowing it with a fan ■ putting it in a cupboard ■ putting it in a refrigerator ■ putting it into very dry or very moist air w ie y op C w ie ev -R s es Pr ni ve rs Questions 4 Record the mass of each plant every day, at the same time, for at least a week. op y A1 Under which conditions did the plant transpire a most quickly, and b most slowly? A2 You have been using the potometer to compare the rate of uptake of water under diferent conditions. Does this really give you a good measurement of the rate of transpiration? Explain your answer. U Questions e C A1 Which plant lost mass? Why? es s -R br ev ie id g w A2 Do you think this is a good method of measuring transpiration rate? How could it be improved? am What are stomata? 7 Draw graphs of your results. ity 3 Place both plants on balances, and record their masses. -C B6.06 B6.07 -R s es Pr ity rs ve ni U ge id br am -C op y C What is transpiration? ev id br am -C y op C w ie w ie B6.05 C op ni ge U R ev Explain how water goes into root hairs. ACtivity B6.05 to measure the rate of transpiration of a potted plant Skills: AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data 1 Use two similar well-watered potted plants. Enclose one plant entirely in a polythene bag, including its pot. This is the control. 2 Enclose only the pot of the second plant in a polythene bag. Fix the bag firmly around the stem of the plant, as in the diagram, and seal with petroleum jelly. R ev R B6.04 -R ve rs ity op C ACtivity B6.04 w ev ie QuEStiONS Pr es s -C am br id ge Humidity Humidity means the moisture content of the air. The higher the humidity, the less water will evaporate from the leaves. This is because there is not much of a difusion gradient for the water between the air spaces inside the leaf, and the wet air outside it. Transpiration decreases as humidity increases. C U ni op y B6: Transport in plants Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 73 ve rs ity B6.04 transport of manufactured food w ev ie Pr es s -C Leaves make carbohydrates by photosynthesis. They also use some of these carbohydrates to make amino acids, proteins, oils and other organic substances. translocation: the movement of sucrose and amino acids in phloem, from regions of production (source) to regions of storage, or to regions of utilisation in respiration or growth (sink) -R am br id ge KEy tERM y ni Sources and sinks C op C w U The part of a plant from which sucrose and amino acids are being translocated is called a source. The part of the plant to which they are being translocated is called a sink. y op Pr Summary -R s es Pr potometer stoma transpiration es s -R br ev ie id g w e C U op a long tube made of empty cells joined end to end hard, strong tubes that help to support a plant an extension from a cell near the tip of a root, which absorbs water from the soil the loss of water vapour from the leaves of a plant a small gap between the cells of the epidermis of a plant a piece of apparatus used for measuring the rate at which a plant shoot takes up water am a b c d e f xylem vessel y root hair ni ve rs ity Match each of the following terms with its description. For some of the terms, there may be more than one description that matches them. -C C w ie ev R y ev br am op y -C End-of-chapter questions 1 op U ■ id ■ ■ ge R ■ C ■ about transpiration and the conditions that afect its rate how transpiration moves water up xylem vessels the role of phloem tubes in translocation of sucrose and amino acids about sources and sinks. w rs ■ ni ev ■ why plants need transport systems where xylem and phloem are found in roots, stems and leaves how xylem vessels transport water and mineral ions the adaptations of root hairs for rapid uptake of water and ions ve ie w C ity You should know: ■ -R es s -C am br When a plant is actively photosynthesising and growing, the leaves are generally the major sources of translocated material. They are constantly producing sucrose, which is ev id ie w ge Phloem can transfer sucrose in either direction – up or down the plant. This is not true for the transport of water in the xylem vessels. That can only go upwards, because transpiration always happens at the leaf surface, and it is this that provides the ‘pull’ to draw water up the plant. ie ev ie R carried in the phloem to all other parts of the plant. These parts – the sinks – include the roots and flowers. The roots may change some of the sucrose to starch and store it. The flowers use the sucrose to make fructose (an especially sweet-tasting sugar found in nectar). Later, when the fruits are developing, quite large amounts of sucrose may be used to produce sweet, juicy fruits to attract animals. ve rs ity op y Some of the organic food material, especially sugar, that the plant makes is transported in phloem tubes. It is carried from the leaves to whichever part of the plant needs it. This is called translocation. The sap inside the phloem tubes therefore contains a lot of sugar, particularly sucrose. 74 C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity 2 w ge C U ni op y B6: Transport in plants root cortex cells air spaces in leaf root hairs leaf mesophyll cells Pr es s Write these parts in the correct order, to describe the pathway of water through a plant. For each part in your list, state whether the water is in the form of a liquid or a gas as it passes through it. y The diagrams show a transverse section of a stem, and a transverse section of a root. y C op Explain what is meant by the term transverse section. Make a copy of the diagram that shows a transverse section of a stem. Label the xylem tissue. Make a copy of the diagram that shows a transverse section of a root. Label the xylem tissue. On your two diagrams, label the position of the phloem tissue. s es Pr Most of the water taken up by plants replaces water lost in transpiration. w y op R ni ev ve ie A student used a potometer to investigate the efect of wind speed on the rate of water uptake by a leafy shoot. As the shoot absorbs water the air bubble moves upwards. Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U The student’s apparatus is shown in the diagram below. ity -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e beaker of water C U op air bubble y ni ve rs coloured water ev ie w C capillary tube R 75 A potometer is a piece of apparatus that is used to measure water uptake by plants. rs C 4 ity op y -C a b c d -R am br ev id ie w ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op -R stomata -C xylem a b 3 ev ie am br id The list below includes some of the parts of a plant through which water moves as it passes from the soil into the air. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution (continued) ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences 35 8 40 ev ie 0.4 5 2.4 5 4.0 5 7.0 2 U ni C op Calculate the rate of water uptake at the highest wind speed. Describe the efect of increasing wind speed on the rate of water uptake. You may use figures from the table to support your answer. State two environmental factors, other than wind speed, that the student should keep constant during the investigation. br -R am The roots of most plants have root hairs near their tips. Researchers grew two types of plants, A and B, in soil with diferent concentrations of phosphate ions. They measured the mean number of root hairs in a small area of the roots, and also the mean length of the root hairs. The table shows their results. es s -C Pr ity 149 1.41 high 1.85 br ev 52 -R es s -C Pr ity [2] [2] [3] [2] -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U op ie ev R y ni ve rs [Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences 0654 Paper 22 Q3 b & c November 2013] w C op y b 225 Describe two ways in which the addition of phosphate ions to the soil afects the root hairs in type A plants. ii Compare the efect of adding phosphate ions to the soil for type A plants and for type B plants. iii Explain why a reduction in the length of its root hairs could reduce the rate of growth of a plant. Farmers oten add fertilisers containing phosphate ions, potassium ions and nitrate ions to the soil in which they grow crops. Explain why adding nitrate ions to the soil helps the crop plants to grow faster and larger. am i y 1.70 op 175 low id B 1.26 C ge high Mean length of root hairs / micrometres w ve ni low R A Mean number of root hairs per unit area U ev ie Type of plant Phosphate concentration rs op w C 76 ie a [2] [Cambridge IGCSE Biology 0610 Paper 31 Q4 b, c & d June 2009] y 5 [2] ev id c [1] w ge R 10 y 20 6 Rate of water uptake / mm per minute ie C w ev ie 4 ve rs ity 12 op 2 a b Pr es s 4 y 0 Distance travelled by Time / the air bubble / mm minutes -C Wind speed / metres per second -R am br id The student used a fan with five diferent settings and measured the wind speed. The results are shown in the table below. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie br ev id ie w ge U R ity op C rs op C The blood in the let-hand side of the heart has come from the lungs. It contains oxygen, which was picked up by the capillaries surrounding the alveoli. It is called oxygenated blood. This oxygenated blood is then sent around the body. Some of the oxygen in it is taken up by the body cells, which need oxygen for respiration (Chapter B8). When this happens, the blood becomes deoxygenated. The deoxygenated blood is brought back to the right-hand side of the heart. It then goes to the lungs, where it becomes oxygenated again. op C w ev ie id g es s -R br am Oxygenating the blood y ni ve rs U e Figure B7.01 illustrates the general layout of the human circulatory system. The arrows show the direction of blood flow. If you follow the arrows, beginning at the lungs, you can see that blood flows into the let-hand side of the heart, and then out to the rest of the body. It is brought back to the righthand side of the heart, before going back to the lungs again. -C w -R s ity Pr The main transport system of all mammals, including humans, is the blood system, also known as the circulatory system. It is a network of tubes, called blood vessels. A pump, the heart, keeps blood flowing through the vessels. Valves in the heart and blood vessels make sure the blood flows in the right direction. C w ie ev es -C op y B7.01 the circulatory system R y ve ni am ■ ie ■ ev ■ U ■ ge R ■ id ev ■ the double circulatory system and its advantages the structure and function of the heart how the atria, ventricles and valves function how exercise afects the heart coronary heart disease and possible risk factors the structure and functions of arteries, veins and capillaries what blood contains, and its functions in the body. br ie w This chapter covers: ■ 77 Pr y es s -C -R am B7 Transport in mammals Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences am br id Pr es s Oxygenated blood is carried to all the cells in the body from the left side of the heart. heart C op ie ev id br -R am Figure B7.02 The circulatory system of a fish. right side of heart y op In a fish, though, the low-pressure blood just carries on around the fish’s body. This means that blood travels much more slowly to a fish’s body organs than it does in a mammal. U R ni ev ve ie w rs C ity op Pr y es Deoxygenated blood is returned to the right side of the heart. w ge C Oxygen diffuses from the blood to the body cells. ie -R s es Pr op y The circulatory system shown in Figure B7.01 is a double circulatory system. This means that the blood passes through the heart twice on one complete circuit of the body. We can think of the circulatory system being made up of two parts – the blood vessels that take the blood to the lungs and back, called the pulmonary system, and the blood vessels that take the blood to the rest of the body and back, called the systemic system. Double circulatory systems are found in all mammals, and also in birds and reptiles. However, fish have a circulatory system in which the blood passes through the heart only once on a complete circuit. This is called a single circulatory system and is shown in Figure B7.02. ity B7.02 the heart The function of the heart is to pump blood around the body. It is made of a special type of muscle called cardiac muscle. This muscle contracts and relaxes regularly, throughout life. C U op y ni ve rs C w ev ie id g w e Figure B7.03 is a section through a heart. It is divided into four chambers. The two upper chambers are called atria. The two lower chambers are ventricles. The chambers on the let-hand side are completely separated from the ones on the right-hand side by a septum. es s -R br am -C ie This is particularly important when you think about the delivery of oxygen for respiration. Any tissues that are metabolically very active need a lot of oxygen delivered to them as quickly as possible, and this delivery is much more efective in a mammal than in a fish. ev id br am -C The double circulatory system ev Double circulatory systems have some advantages over single circulatory systems. When blood flows through the tiny blood vessels in a fish’s gills, or a mammal’s lungs, it loses a lot of the pressure that was given to it by the pumping of the heart. In a mammal, this low-pressure blood is delivered back to the heart, which raises its pressure again before sending it of to the rest of the body. s -C left side of heart Figure B7.01 The general layout of the circulatory system of a human, as seen from the front. R Oxygen diffuses from the blood to the body cells. w ge U R ni ev ie y ve rs ity Deoxygenated blood is carried to the lungs. w C op y -C -R Oxygen diffuses into the blood. 78 Oxygen diffuses into the blood from the gills. ev ie w ge alveolus in the lung Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie y U ie ev let ventricle -R br am tendon supporting valve w ge id vena cava s from body -C C one-way valve ni right atrium let atrium C op w ev ie to body pulmonary vein from lungs ve rs ity C op y vena cava one-way valve aorta -R from head one-way valve R w to head pulmonary to lungs artery Pr es s -C am br id ge U ni op y B7: Transport in mammals es septum op Pr y right ventricle 79 If you look at Figures B7.01 and B7.03, you will see that blood flows into the heart at the top, into the atria. Both of the atria receive blood. The let atrium receives blood from the pulmonary veins, which come from the lungs. The right atrium receives blood from the rest of the body, arriving through the venae cavae (singular: vena cava). rs The let ventricle, however, pumps blood all around the body. The let ventricle has an especially thick wall of muscle to enable it to do this. The blood flowing to the lungs in the pulmonary artery has a much lower pressure than the blood in the aorta. y op ie ACtivity B7.01 -R Describe the human circulatory system, using the words blood vessels, pump and valves. B7.02 What is oxygenated blood? B7.03 Where does blood become oxygenated? B7.04 Which side of the heart contains oxygenated blood? B7.05 Explain the diference between a double circulatory system and a single circulatory system. y B7.01 C -R What are the advantages of a double circulatory system? s es am -C w ev B7.06 br There is also a diference in the thickness of the walls of the right and let ventricles. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs, which are very close to the heart. ie id g e U ni ve rs The function of the ventricles is quite diferent from the function of the atria. The atria simply receive blood, from either the lungs or the body, and supply it to the ventricles. The ventricles pump blood out of the heart to other parts of the body. To help them do this, the ventricles have much thicker, more muscular walls than the atria. QuEStiONS op es ity Pr op y C w ie ev R Dissecting a heart s -C am br ev id From the atria, the blood flows into the ventricles. The ventricles then pump it out of the heart. They do this by contracting the muscle in their walls. The strong cardiac muscle contracts with considerable force, squeezing inwards on the blood inside the heart and pushing it out. The blood in the let ventricle is pumped into the aorta, which takes the blood around the body. The right ventricle pumps blood into the pulmonary artery, which takes it to the lungs. w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w C ity Figure B7.03 Vertical section through a human heart. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences B7.08 Where are the one-way valves found in the heart? B7.09 Which parts of the heart pump blood into a the pulmonary artery, and b the aorta? ev ie Pr es s ve rs ity Coronary heart disease • Smoking cigarettes Several components of cigarette smoke, including nicotine, cause damage to the circulatory system. Stopping smoking is the single most important thing a smoker can do in order to reduce their chances of getting coronary heart disease. y C op Blockage of the coronary arteries is called coronary heart disease (CHD). It is a very common cause of illness and death, especially in developed countries. We know several factors that increase a person’s risk of getting coronary heart disease. Why does the let ventricle have a thicker wall than the right ventricle? w C op In Figure B7.04, you can see that there are blood vessels on the outside of the heart. They are called the coronary arteries. These vessels supply blood to the heart muscles. w ge U ni ev ie -R am br id -C y Why do the ventricles have thicker walls than the atria? B7.11 R w Which parts of the heart receive blood from a the lungs, and b the body? B7.10 If a coronary artery gets blocked – for example, by a blood clot – the cardiac muscles run short of oxygen. They cannot respire, so they cannot obtain energy to allow them to contract. The heart therefore stops beating. This is called a heart attack or cardiac arrest. ge B7.07 ie -R s es Pr y ity op w rs C aorta y pulmonary artery s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie vena cava from head op 80 • Diet There is evidence that a diet high in salt, saturated fats (fats from animals) or cholesterol increases the chances of getting coronary heart disease. To reduce the risk, it is good to eat a diet containing a very wide variety of foods, with not too many fats in it (though we do need some fat in the diet to stay healthy). Oils from plants and fish, on the other hand, can help to prevent heart disease. ev id -C am br It may seem odd that this is necessary, when the heart is full of blood. However, the muscles of the heart are so thick that the nutrients and oxygen in the blood inside the heart would not be able to difuse to all the muscles quickly enough. The heart muscle needs a constant supply of nutrients and oxygen, so that it can keep contracting and relaxing. The coronary arteries supply this. ie w es Pr ni ve rs C ity op y pulmonary veins y op C ev ie w vena cava from body -R muscle of let ventricle s Figure B7.04 External appearance of a human heart. es -C am br id g e U R ev coronary artery Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y B7: Transport in mammals • Obesity Being very overweight increases the risk of coronary heart disease. Keeping your body weight at a suitable level, and taking plenty of exercise, helps to maintain the coronary arteries in a healthy condition. y • Genes Some people have genes that make it more likely they will get coronary heart disease. We say that they have a genetic predisposition towards it. There is not really anything you can do about this. However, if several people in your family have had problems with their hearts, then this could mean that you have these genes. In that case, it is important to try hard to reduce the other risk factors by having a healthy life-style. C op Valves in the heart We have seen that the heart beats as the cardiac muscles in its walls contract and relax. When they contract, the heart becomes smaller, squeezing blood out. When they relax, the heart becomes larger, allowing blood to flow into the atria and ventricles. -R am br ev id ie w ge U ni op y ve rs C A good way to measure the rate of your heart beat is to take your pulse rate. A pulse is caused by the expansion and relaxation of an artery, caused by the heart pushing blood through it. Your pulse rate is therefore the same as your heart rate. You can find a pulse wherever there is an artery fairly near to the surface of the skin. Two suitable places are inside your wrist, and just to the side of the big tendons in your neck. C U ie w ge id -R es ity Pr Explain why your pulse rate is the same as your heart rate. B7.13 Why does your heart need to beat faster when you do exercise? B7.14 Where and what is the pacemaker? B7.15 Explain what makes your heart beat faster when you exercise. y ni ve rs B7.12 id g e U The rate at which the heart beats is controlled by a patch of muscle in the right atrium called the pacemaker. The pacemaker sends electrical signals through the walls of the heart at regular intervals, which make the muscle contract. The pacemaker’s rate, and therefore the rate of heart beat, changes according to the needs of the body. For example, during exercise, when extra oxygen is needed QuEStiONS ev es s -R br am -C Describe and explain the action of the atrioventricular valves when the ventricles contract. ie B7.16 op op y When a person exercises, their heart beats faster. This is because their muscles are using up oxygen more quickly in respiration, to supply the energy needed for movement. A faster heart rate means faster delivery of blood to the muscles, providing oxygen. C w ie ev R to find the efect of exercise on the rate of heart beat s -C am br ev ACtivity B7.02 C w ie ev There are one-way valves between the let atrium and ventricle and between the right atrium and ventricle (Figure B7.05). These valves are called atrioventricular valves. The function of these valves is to stop blood flowing from the ventricles back to the atria. This is important, so that when the ventricles contract, the blood is pushed up into the arteries, not back into the atria. When the ventricles contract, the pressure of the blood pushes the valves upwards. The tendons attached to them stop them from going up too far. ity op Pr y es You may be able to feel your heart beating if you put your hand on your chest. Most people’s hearts beat about 60 to 75 times a minute when they are resting. If you put your head against a friend’s chest, or use a stethoscope, you can also hear the sounds of the valves closing with each heart beat. They sound rather like ‘lub-dup’. Each complete ‘lub-dup’ represents one heart beat. s -C Heart beat w R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C • Stress We all need some stress in our lives, or they would be very dull. However, unmanageable or longterm stress appears to increase the risk of developing heart disease. Avoiding severe or long-term stress is a good idea, if you can manage it. Otherwise, it is important to find ways to manage stress. R The signal for this is an increase in the pH of the blood. During exercise, muscles respire more quickly than usual, in order to release the energy needed for movement. This increase in respiration rate means that more carbon dioxide is produced, and this dissolves in the blood. A weak acid is formed, lowering the pH of the blood. Receptor cells in the brain sense this drop in pH, and this triggers an increase in the frequency of the nerve impulse sent to the pacemaker. -R am br id ev ie w ge by the muscles, the brain sends impulses along nerves to the pacemaker, to make the heart beat faster. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 81 ve rs ity ni U R -R s -C y es B7.03 Blood vessels rs C s -R Do not say that capillaries are one cell thick. It is their walls that are one cell thick. Pr op y Veins The capillaries gradually join up again to form veins. By the time the blood gets to the veins, it is at a much lower pressure than it was in the arteries. The blood flows more slowly and smoothly now. There is no need for veins to have such thick, strong, elastic walls. C U op y ni ve rs C ity The blood does not flow smoothly through the arteries. It pulses through, as the ventricles contract and relax. The arteries have elastic tissue in their walls which can stretch and recoil with the force of the blood. This helps to make the flow of blood smoother. You can feel your arteries stretch and recoil when you feel your pulse in your wrist. w w e If the veins were narrow, this would slow down the blood even more. To help keep the blood moving easily through them, the space inside the veins, called the lumen, is much wider than the lumen of the arteries. ie id g Capillaries -R s es am br ev The arteries gradually divide to form smaller and smaller vessels (Figure B7.07 and Image B7.01). -C ie ev TIP es -C am br ev id ie w ge C U ni op y ve w ie ev R These are the capillaries, which are very small and penetrate to every part of the body. No cell is very far away from a capillary. The function of the capillaries is to take nutrients, oxygen and other materials to all the cells in the body, and to take away waste materials. To do this, their walls must be very thin so that substances can get in and out easily. The walls of the smallest capillaries are only one cell thick. ity op Pr There are three main kinds of blood vessels: arteries, capillaries and veins (Figure B7.06). Arteries carry blood away from the heart. They divide again and again, and eventually form very tiny vessels called capillaries. The capillaries gradually join up with one another to form large vessels called veins. Veins carry blood towards the heart. These vessels are compared in Table B7.01. When blood flows out of the heart, it enters the arteries. The blood is then at very high pressure, because it has been forced out of the heart by the contraction of the muscular ventricles. Arteries therefore need very strong walls to withstand the high pressure of the blood flowing through them. R ventricular contraction: the muscles of the atria relax. The muscles of the ventricles contract. Blood is forced out of the ventricles into the arteries. w ev id br am Figure B7.05 How the heart pumps blood. Arteries The muscles of the ventricles contract, forcing blood out of the ventricles. ie ge Atrial contraction: the muscles of the atria contract. The muscles of the ventricles remain relaxed. Blood is forced from the atria into the ventricles. y ve rs ity w The atrioventricular valves open. C op y op C The muscles of the atria contract, squeezing the blood into the ventricles. The muscles of the atria relax, allowing blood to flow into the heart from the veins. Relaxation: all muscles are relaxed. Blood flows into the heart. 82 The semilunar valves are forced open by the pressure of the blood. The atrioventricular valves are forced shut by the pressure of the blood. Pr es s -C -R ev ie The semilunar valves remain shut. am br id The semilunar valves shut, preventing blood from flowing into the ventricles. ev ie The valves in the veins are forced shut by the pressure of the blood, stopping the blood from flowing back into the veins. w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge thick outer wall smooth lining ev ie -R am br id y w -R ev pressure from body muscles open valve Pr y es -C smooth lining op ity thin layer of muscles and elastic fibres ve ie rs y op U ni large lumen closed valve ie w ge C C ie id am br wall made of a single layer of cells A vein fairly thin outer wall w C op ni ge A capillary very small lumen ev Image B7.01 A capillary, shown in blue, snakes its way through muscle tissue (× 600). U R thick layer of muscles and elastic fibres s ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C small lumen R w An artery C U ni op y B7: Transport in mammals id Figure B7.06 Sections through three types of blood vessels. -R -C am br ev Figure B7.08 Valves in a vein: the valves are like pockets set in the wall of the vein. es s artery Pr op y arteriole (small artery) y C w vein Naming blood vessels ie id g e U op w ie ev R capillary network br ev Figures B7.09 and B7.10 illustrate the positions of the main arteries and veins in the body. es s -R Figure B7.07 A capillary network. am Veins have valves in them to stop the blood flowing backwards (Figure B7.08). Valves are not needed in the arteries, because the force of the heart beat keeps blood moving forwards through them. Blood is also kept moving in the veins by the contraction of skeletal muscles around them. The large veins in your legs are squeezed by your leg muscles when you walk. This helps to push the blood back up to your heart. ni ve rs C ity venule (small vein) -C pressure from body muscles Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 83 ve rs ity Arteries carry blood away from the heart Capillaries supply all cells with their requirements, and take away waste products very thin, only one cell thick return blood to the heart quite thin, containing far less muscle and elastic tissue than arteries ev ie -R am br id no need for strong walls, as most of the blood pressure has been lost; thin walls and narrow lumen bring blood into close contact with body tissues wide; contains valves no need for strong walls, as most of the blood pressure has been lost; wide lumen ofers less resistance to blood flow; valves prevent backflow y U ni C op ve rs ity Pr es s -C y op C very narrow, just wide enough for a red blood cell to pass through id ie w ge Table B7.01 Arteries, veins and capillaries. pulmonary artery Why do arteries have elastic walls? B7.20 What is the function of capillaries? B7.21 Why do veins have a large lumen? B7.22 How is blood kept moving in the large veins of the legs? op ni C ge w ie ev id br -R am s es Pr artery to legs ity vein from legs y op C U id g w e Red blood cells ev ie Red blood cells are made in the bone marrow of some bones, including the ribs, vertebrae and some limb bones. They are produced at a very fast rate – about 9000 million per hour. es s -R br am Figure B7.09 Plan of the main blood vessels in the human body. Plasma is mostly water. Many substances are dissolved in it. Soluble nutrients such as glucose, amino acids and mineral ions are carried in the plasma. Plasma also transports hormones and carbon dioxide. More details about the substances carried in blood plasma are provided in Table B7.02. The functions of components of blood are summarised in Table B7.03. ni ve rs renal artery -C B7.19 The liquid part of blood is called plasma. Floating in the plasma are cells. Most of these are red blood cells. A much smaller number are white blood cells. There are also small fragments formed from special cells in the bone marrow, called platelets (Figure B7.11 and Image B7.02). -C op y renal vein w C Why do arteries need strong walls? B7.04 Blood artery to liver ie ev R B7.18 aorta U R vein from liver Which type of blood vessels carry blood a away from, and b towards the heart? y ve ie w rs C ity pulmonary vein vena cava from body ev s Pr y es artery to head op 84 B7.17 -R am br ev QuEStiONS -C vena cava from head How structure fits function thick and strong, relatively narrow; it strength and elasticity needed to containing muscles varies with heart beat, as withstand the pulsing of the blood as it and elastic tissues it can stretch and recoil is pumped through the heart ev ie w Veins R Width of lumen w Structure of wall ge Function C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C w artery to head ev ie vein from head am br id ge U ni op y B7: Transport in mammals -C y pulmonary artery U br ev id ie w ge R ni C op y ve rs ity op C ev ie w pulmonary veins -R Pr artery to small intestine 85 renal vein op ev -R s es Pr op y Red cells are red because they contain the pigment haemoglobin. This carries oxygen. Haemoglobin is a protein, and contains iron. It is this iron that readily combines with oxygen where the gas is in good supply. It just as readily gives it up where the oxygen supply is low, as in active tissues. ity doughnut-shaped red blood cell, with no nucleus white blood cell op y ni ve rs C Figure B7.11 Blood cells. Another unusual feature of red blood cells is their shape. They are biconcave discs – like a flat disc that has been pinched in on both sides. This, together with their small size, gives them a relatively large surface area compared with their volume. This high surface area to volume ratio speeds up the rate at which oxygen can difuse in and out of the red blood cell. ev ie id g es s -R br am platelets w e C U The lack of a nucleus in a red blood cell means that there is more space for packing in millions of molecules of haemoglobin. -C w ie w ge id br am -C Red cells have to be made so quickly because they do not live for very long. Each red cell only lives for about four months. One reason for this is that they do not have a nucleus (Figure B7.11). ie artery to leg C U R ni vein from leg y ve ev ie w rs C ity op renal artery s hepatic portal vein Figure B7.10 The main arteries and veins in the human body. ev hepatic artery es y -C am hepatic vein R aorta Pr es s vena cava from head vena cava from body artery to arm -R vein from arm Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Destination water absorbed in small intestine and colon all cells plasma proteins (including fibrinogen and antibodies) fibrinogen made in the liver; antibodies made by lymphocytes remain in the blood lipids including cholesterol and fatty acids absorbed in the ileum; also derived from fat reserves in the body ve rs ity ev ie Pr es s -R am br id -C y op C w to the liver, for breakdown; to adipose tissue, for storage; to respiring cells, as an energy source mineral ions, e.g. Na+, Cl– absorbed in the ileum and colon to all cells secreted into the blood by endocrine glands to all parts of the body carbon dioxide is released by all cells as a waste product of respiration to the lungs for excretion y Excess glucose is converted to glycogen and stored in the liver. Excess ions are excreted by the kidneys. ie w U ge Hormones only afect their target cells. Hormones are broken down by the liver, and their remains are excreted by the kidneys. ev id s -R br Most carbon dioxide is carried as hydrogencarbonate ions (HCO3–) in the blood plasma. Pr es am -C y ity op C 86 Breakdown of fats yields energy – heart muscle depends largely on fatty acids for its energy supply. High cholesterol levels in the blood increase the risk of developing heart disease. C op ni absorbed in the ileum; also to all cells, for energy produced by the breakdown of release by respiration glycogen in the liver dissolved gases, e.g. carbon dioxide Excess is removed by the kidneys. Fibrinogen helps in blood clotting. Antibodies kill invading pathogens. carbohydrates, especially glucose hormones Notes w Source ge Component R ev ie C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences y plasma water, containing many substances in solution Functions C w ge 1 liquid medium in which cells and platelets can float ie 2 transports CO2 in solution ev -R am br 3 transports nutrients in solution 4 transports hormones in solution 5 transports heat es 2 make antibodies help in blood clotting C U small fragments of cells, with no nucleus -R s es am br ev ie id g w e Table B7.03 Components of blood. -C ev R platelets 1 engulf and destroy pathogens y ni ve rs variable shapes, with nucleus op C white cells 1 transport oxygen 2 transport small amount of CO2 ity biconcave discs with no nucleus, containing haemoglobin Pr 6 transports antibodies ie w s -C op y red cells op ni Structure U Component id R ev ve ie w rs Table B7.02 Some of the main components of blood plasma. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y B7: Transport in mammals ni w ge List five substances that are transported in plasma. B7.24 What is the function of red blood cells? B7.25 What is unusual about the structure of red blood cells? B7.26 What is haemoglobin? y op ve ni id g e ■ es y s -R ■ ev ie ■ op U ■ C ■ the mechanism by which heart rate is changed during exercise the structure and functions of arteries, veins and capillaries how the structures of arteries, veins and capillaries help them to carry out their functions the names of the major blood vessels how to recognise red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma the functions of these components of blood. w ni ve rs ity ■ br am ■ w ie -R s es Pr about the double circulatory system the advantages of a double circulatory system the structure of the heart and how it works reasons for the diference in thickness of the walls of the heart chambers factors that increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD) what happens during one heart beat, including the roles of the valves how exercise afects heart rate -C ■ What are platelets? ev id ■ C U ge B7.27 br am -C op y C w ie ■ ev R B7.23 rs C w ie ev R You should know: ■ 87 QuEStiONS ity op Pr y es s -C -R am br ev id ie Blood clotting stops pathogens getting into the body through breaks in the skin. Normally, your skin provides a very efective barrier against the entry of bacteria and viruses. Blood clotting also prevents too much blood loss. Summary ■ y C op Platelets are small fragments of cells, with no nucleus. They are made in the red bone marrow, and they are involved in blood clotting. Image B7.02 Blood seen through a microscope. The large cell is a white cell. The others are all red cells. There are also a few platelets (× 1700). ■ phagocyte, with lobed nucleus; it can engulf bacteria Platelets U R lymphocyte, with a large nucleus Figure B7.12 Two types of white blood cell. ve rs ity op y White cells are easily recognised, because, unlike red blood cells, they do have a nucleus, which is oten quite large and lobed (Figures B7.11 and B7.12 and Image B7.02). They can move around and can squeeze out through the walls of blood capillaries into all parts of the body. Their function is to fight pathogens (disease-causing bacteria and viruses) and to clear up any dead body cells. Some of them do this by taking in and digesting bacteria, in a process called phagocytosis. Others produce chemicals called antibodies. C w w Pr es s -C White blood cells ev ie ev ie -R am br id ge The small size of the red blood cell is also useful in enabling it to squeeze through even the tiniest capillaries. This means that oxygen can be taken very close to every cell in the body. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences U Identify the components of blood that have each of the following functions. a b c d e Arteries, veins, capillaries, xylem vessels and phloem tubes are all tubes used for transporting substances in mammals or flowering plants. Describe how each of these tubes is adapted for its particular function. 5 es s -C 4 y -R am br ev id ie w ge transporting carbon dioxide destroying bacteria transporting oxygen clotting transporting glucose ity op Pr The diagram shows a section through a blood capillary. y op C w ie br -R am op y es s [Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences 0654 Paper 22 Q6 June 2013] ity Pr The diagram shows two cells found in human blood. y op C U The actual diameter of a red blood cell is 0.007 mm (7 µm). Calculate the magnification of the diagram. Show your working. Describe three diferences between the structure of a red blood cell and a white blood cell. i State the function of a red blood cell. ii Explain how the structure of a red blood cell helps it to carry out this function. ev ie id g es s -R br am b c w e a -C R ev ie w ni ve rs C 6 [2] [2] [2] ev Describe how cell A transports oxygen. Describe the function of cell B. Outline the functions of a blood capillary. -C a b c cell B id cell A ge U R ni ev ve ie w rs C 88 y ve rs ity artery, vein deoxygenated blood, oxygenated blood atrium, ventricle red blood cell, white blood cell ni a b c d C op y Explain the diference between each of the following pairs. op C w ev ie R 3 -R a glucose molecule would travel through on its way from your digestive system to a muscle in your leg a carbon dioxide molecule would travel through on its way from the leg muscle to your lungs. Pr es s a b 2 am br id Using Figure B7.11 to help you, list in order the blood vessels and parts of the heart which: -C 1 ev ie End-of-chapter questions Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [3] [3] [1] [3] ve rs ity 7 w ge C U ni op y B7: Transport in mammals am br id ev ie The diagram shows how the volume of the let ventricle changes over a time period of 1.3 seconds. -R A -C y 0.1 0.2 C 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Time in seconds 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 [1] [1] [2] [2] y w ie [3] ev -R [2] y es s -C Heart surgeons may stop the heart beating during operations. While this happens, blood is pumped through a heart-lung machine that oxygenates the blood. The diagram below shows a heart-lung machine in use. 89 C ity op Pr E oxygenated blood returned to body F rs w ni op y ve ie C U w B -R am br ev id ge pump es s -C Pr reservoir of deoxygenated C ity op y blood removed ni ve rs from body y ev ie id g w e D s -R br am -C let ventricle op C U R ev ie drainage tubes es C A ie ev R oxygenator w 1.1 C op ni U am 8 1.0 How many complete heart beats are shown in the diagram? i Use the graph to calculate how long one heart beat takes. Show your working. ii Use your answer to b i to calculate the heart rate in beats per minute. Show your working. Describe what is happening between points A and B on the graph. Describe how the valves between the atria and ventricles help to ensure a one-way flow of blood through the heart. Make a copy of the graph shown above. On your graph, sketch a line to show the volume of the right ventricle during this time period. br e 0.5 ge R c d 0.4 id ev ie w a b 0.3 ve rs ity op 0 Pr es s B Volume of let ventricle Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution (continued) ve rs ity w ge ev ie Name the structures labelled A to D. Name the blood vessels E and F. The heart-lung machine is used so that surgeons can operate on the arteries supplying heart muscle. These arteries may be diseased. Name these arteries and explain how they may become diseased. Suggest why a patient is put on a heart-lung machine during such an operation. Humans have a double circulatory system. There is a low pressure circulation and a high pressure circulation. Explain how the structure of the heart enables it to pump blood into two circulations at diferent pressures. ve rs ity y C op y op y op -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w rs C ity op Pr y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge U R 90 [4] [2] [3] [2] [4] [Cambridge IGCSE Biology 0610 Paper 32 Q1 November 2011] ni ev ie w C op y Pr es s -C -R am br id a b c d e C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie am br ev id ie w ge U R s es op y Pr Every living cell needs energy. In humans, our cells need energy for: ni ve rs U y op y • making protein molecules by linking together amino acids into long chains C The main nutrient used to provide energy in cells is glucose. Glucose contains a lot of chemical energy. In order to make use of this energy, cells have to break down the glucose molecules and release the energy from them. id g w e • making new cells, so that we can grow es s -R br ev ie • cell division, so that we can repair damaged tissues and can grow am op The food is digested – that is, broken down into smaller molecules – which are absorbed from the intestine into the blood. The blood transports the nutrients to all the cells in the body. The cells take up the nutrients that they need. • contracting muscles, so that we can move parts of the body -C • producing heat inside the body, to keep the body temperature constant even if the environment is cold. All of this energy comes from the food that we eat. ity C w ie ev C -R -C B8.01 Respiration R w ve ni ■ am ■ ■ ie ■ ■ the features of gas exchange surfaces in animals the diferences between inspired and expired air the efects of physical activity on breathing how the gas exchange system is protected from pathogens and particles the efects of smoking tobacco. ev ■ ■ U ■ ■ ge R ■ why organisms need energy how respiration provides organisms with energy aerobic respiration anaerobic respiration gas exchange in humans the structure and function of the gas exchange system id ev ■ rs This chapter covers: br ie w C ity op Pr y es s -C -R B8 Respiration and gas exchange Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 91 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences They do this in a series of metabolic reactions called respiration. Like all metabolic reactions, respiration involves the action of enzymes. w ge Using yeast to make bread Aerobic respiration Flour contains a lot of starch, and also protein – especially a protein called gluten. To make bread, the flour is mixed with water and yeast to make dough (Image B8.01). y Pr es s -C Most of the time, our cells release energy from glucose by combining it with oxygen. This is called aerobic respiration. -R am br id ev ie Bread is made from flour, which is made by grinding the grains (seeds) of cereal crops. Most bread is made from wheat flour. C op ni The balanced equation is: y carbon dioxide + water glucose + oxygen 6CO2 + 6H2O ie es s -C am aerobic respiration: the chemical reactions in cells that use oxygen to break down nutrient molecules to release energy Pr y Anaerobic respiration rs C U ni op y ve w ie ev R Anaerobic respiration also makes alcohol, but this is all broken down when the bread is baked. Baking also kills the yeast. w ge KEy tERM alcohol + carbon dioxide Aerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration uses oxygen does not use oxygen no alcohol or lactic acid made alcohol (in yeast and plants) or lactic acid (in animals) is made large amount of energy released from each molecule of glucose much less energy released from each molecule of glucose carbon dioxide made carbon dioxide is made by yeast and plants, but not by animals s Pr y ni ve rs C ity As in aerobic respiration, carbon dioxide is made. Plants can also respire anaerobically like this, but only for short periods of time. w Table B8.01 A comparison of aerobic and anaerobic respiration. -R lactic acid s glucose es am br ev ie id g w e C U op Some of the cells in your body, particularly muscle cells, can respire anaerobically for a short time. They make lactic acid instead of alcohol and no carbon dioxide is produced. This happens when you do vigorous exercise and your lungs and heart cannot supply oxygen to your muscles as quickly as they are using it. -C ie ev R es op y -C Yeast, a single-celled fungus, can respire anaerobically. It breaks down glucose to alcohol. Table B8.01 compares aerobic and anaerobic respiration. -R am br ev id ie anaerobic respiration: the chemical reactions in cells that break down nutrient molecules to release energy without using oxygen glucose Image B8.01 Making bread dough in a bakery in Iran. Amylase enzymes break down some of the starch in the dough to make maltose and glucose, which the yeast can use in anaerobic respiration. It produces bubbles of carbon dioxide. These get trapped in the dough. Gluten makes the dough stretchy, so the carbon dioxide bubbles cause the dough to rise. ity op It is possible to release energy from sugar without using oxygen. It is not such an eficient process as aerobic respiration and not much energy is released per glucose molecule, but the process is used by some organisms. It is called anaerobic respiration (‘an’ means without). C 92 -R br ev id KEy tERM w ge U C6H12O6 + 6O2 R ev ie w C ve rs ity op This happens in a series of small steps, each one controlled by enzymes. We can summarise the reactions of aerobic respiration as a word equation: Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge C U ni op y B8: Respiration and gas exchange ev ie w A4 What happened to the limewater in each of your pieces of apparatus? What does this show? am br id investigating heat production by germinating peas ve rs ity id What is the purpose of respiration? B8.02 What is the energy released by respiration used for? B8.03 What is anaerobic respiration? B8.04 Name an organism which can respire anaerobically. B8.05 List three ways in which anaerobic respiration in humans difers from aerobic respiration. B8.06 List two ways in which anaerobic respiration in humans difers from anaerobic respiration in yeast. es s -R br am -C Pr y ni op ACtivity B8.03 C U ev id ie w ge Comparing the energy content of two kinds of food br B8.02 Gas exchange in humans limewater Pr es s yeast in boiled, cooled sugar solution -R liquid paraffin ni ve rs 6 Leave your apparatus in a warm place. ity am -C op y op C id g w e A1 Why is it important to boil the water? ie A2 Why must the sugar solution be cooled before adding the yeast? br ev If you look again at the aerobic respiration equation, you can see that carbon dioxide is made. This is a waste product and it must be removed from the organism. es s -R A3 What is the liquid parafin for? am If you look back at the aerobic respiration equation in Section B8.01, you will see that two substances are needed. They are glucose and oxygen. The way in which cells obtain glucose is described in Chapters B4 and B5. Animals get sugar from carbohydrates which they eat. Plants make theirs by photosynthesis. Oxygen is obtained in a diferent way. Animals and plants get their oxygen directly from their surroundings. For humans, and most plants, this is the air. U Questions Gas exchange surfaces y 7 Observe what happens to the limewater ater half an hour. -C C w ie y ve ie w rs ity op C B8.01 ie ge U R ev R ev R C op QuEStiONS w investigating the production of carbon dioxide by anaerobic respiration in yeast Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.2 Planning AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data 1 Boil some water, to drive of any dissolved air. 2 Dissolve a small amount of sugar in the boiled water, and allow it to cool. 3 When it is cool, add yeast and stir with a glass rod. 4 Set up the apparatus as in the diagram. Add the liquid parafin by trickling it gently down the side of the tube, using a pipette. 5 Set up an identical piece of apparatus, but use boiled yeast instead of living yeast. ni ev ie w C op y ACtivity B8.02 A6 Describe a method you could use to compare the rate of carbon dioxide production by yeast using diferent kinds of sugar. Remember to describe the variables you will change, those you will control and how, and how you will collect, record and analyse your results. y Pr es s -C -R A5 What new substance would you expect to find in the sugar solution containing living yeast at the end of the experiment? ev ACtivity B8.01 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 93 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences In organisms, there are special areas where the oxygen enters and carbon dioxide leaves. One gas is entering and the other leaving, so these are surfaces for gas exchange. -C w ev ie Gas exchange surfaces have special characteristics that help the process to be quick and eficient. the trachea From the nose or mouth, the air passes into the windpipe or trachea. At the top of the trachea is a piece of cartilage called the epiglottis. This closes the trachea and stops food going down the trachea when you swallow. This is a reflex action that happens automatically when food touches the sot palate. -R am br id ge The pathway to the lungs Pr es s 1 They are thin to allow gases to difuse across them quickly. op y 2 They are close to an eficient transport system to take gases to and from the exchange surface. Just below the epiglottis is the voice box or larynx. This contains the vocal cords. The vocal cords can be tightened by muscles so that they make sounds when air passes over them. The trachea has rings of cartilage around it which keep it open. ni C op y 4 They have a good supply of oxygen (oten brought by breathing movements). U R ev ie w C ve rs ity 3 They have a large surface area, so that a lot of gas can difuse across at the same time. ie s es Pr the alveoli At the end of each bronchiole are many tiny air sacs or alveoli (Figure B8.02). This is where gas exchange takes place. rs C ity ACtivity B8.04 w -R br am -C y op 94 y op C U R ni ev ve ie Examining lungs the bronchi The trachea goes down through the neck and into the thorax. The thorax is the upper part of your body from the neck down to the bottom of the ribs and diaphragm. In the thorax, the trachea divides into two. The two branches are called the right and let bronchi (singular: bronchus). One bronchus goes to each lung and then branches out into smaller tubes called bronchioles. ev id Figure B8.01 shows the structures which are involved in gas exchange in a human. The most important are the two lungs. Each lung is filled with many tiny air spaces called air sacs or alveoli. It is here that oxygen difuses into the blood. Because they are so full of spaces, lungs feel very light and spongy to touch. The lungs are supplied with air through the windpipe or trachea. w ge The human gas exchange system w ge larynx -C s es let bronchus id g w e bronchiole C U pleural fluid -R s -C es am br ev ie alveoli (air sacs) Figure B8.01 The human gas exchange system. heart op pleural membranes y ni ve rs ity rib cross-section ev let lung Pr internal intercostal muscle ie w C op y external intercostal muscle R cartilage supporting trachea -R am br ev id ie trachea Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution diaphragm ve rs ity ge w ev ie -R am br id Pr es s y ve rs ity alveolus ni C op y op C w ev ie w ge U R ie es Pr y op basement membrane ity rs C ie -R s es ity Pr op y y Gas exchange in the lungs ni ve rs C ie id g w e C U op The walls of the alveoli are the gas exchange surface. Tiny capillaries are closely wrapped around the outside of the alveoli (Figure B8.04). Oxygen difuses across the walls of the alveoli into the blood (Figure B8.05). Carbon dioxide difuses the other way. ev air space in alveolus red blood cell -R br blood plasma elastic fibres s Figure B8.04 Section through part of the lung, magnified. es am The walls of the alveoli have several features which make them an eficient gas exchange surface. -C w white blood cell which can destroy bacteria that get into the alveolus ev id br am -C This protects the lungs from any harmful microorganisms – pathogens – that might be in the air, reducing the chance of getting infections in the lungs. It also stops too many particles (for example soot, dust) from reaching the lungs, where they might cause inflammation. cell in wall of alveolus w ge U cell in wall of capillary op y ve ni ev R There are other cells that have microscopic hair-like extensions called cilia. These beat in a synchronised wave (like a Mexican wave), sweeping the mucus up towards the back of the throat. Once there, it is swallowed. ie nucleus ciliated cell Figure B8.03 Part of the lining of the respiratory passages. Goblet cells Some of the cells that line the passages through which air moves towards the alveoli are goblet cells (Figure B8.03). These cells secrete sticky mucus. As the air passes over the mucus, microorganisms and particles of dust in the air get trapped in it. C w ie -R s -C am Blood vessels return oxygenated blood to the pulmonary veins. Figure B8.02 Alveoli. ev goblet cell ev id br Blood vessels bring blood without much oxygen from the pulmonary arteries. R mucus released from goblet cell cilia beating air -C bronchiole C U ni op y B8: Respiration and gas exchange Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 95 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences ge air moves in and out w Pr es s y C op -R am br ev id ie w ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity carbon dioxide diffuses out of blood oxygen diffuses into blood C s rs op y ve ni C U ev -R es s Questions Pr op y • They have a good supply of oxygen. Your breathing movements keep your lungs well supplied with oxygen. A1 In which tube did bubbles appear when you breathed out? Explain why. A2 In which tube did bubbles appear when you breathed in? Explain why. ity A3 What happened to the liquid in tube A? A4 What happened to the liquid in tube B? ni ve rs C A5 What do your results tell you about the relative amounts of carbon dioxide in inspired air and expired air? What is the larynx? B8.08 What is the function of the cilia in the respiratory passages? B8.09 Where does gas exchange take place in a human? B8.10 How many cells does an oxygen molecule have to pass through, to get from an alveolus into the blood? C U op y B8.07 ie id g w e ACtivity B8.06 ev investigating the efect of exercise on rate and depth of breathing es s -R br am -C w ie ev QuEStiONS limewater or hydrogencarbonate indicator solution ie w ge id br -C am • They have a large surface area. In fact, the surface area is enormous. The total surface area of all the alveoli in your lungs is over 100 m2. R B ity op A • They have an excellent transport system. Blood is constantly pumped to the lungs along the pulmonary artery. This branches into thousands of capillaries which take blood to all parts of the lungs. Carbon dioxide in the blood can difuse out into the air spaces in the alveoli and oxygen can difuse into the blood. The blood is then taken back to the heart in the pulmonary vein, ready to be pumped to the rest of the body. w ie ev R rubber tubing Pr y • They are very thin. They are only one cell thick. The capillary walls are also only one cell thick. An oxygen molecule only has to difuse across this small thickness to get into the blood. es -C Figure B8.05 Gas exchange in an alveolus. 96 Comparing the carbon dioxide content of inspired air and expired air Skills: AO3.1 Using techniques, apparatus and materials AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data The rubber tubing must be sterilised before you use it. Don’t blow or suck hard when doing this experiment, just breathe gently. You can use either limewater or hydrogencarbonate indicator solution for this experiment. Limewater changes from clear to cloudy when carbon dioxide dissolves in it. Hydrogencarbonate indicator solution changes from red to yellow. 1 Set up the apparatus as in the diagram. 2 Breathe in and out gently through the rubber tubing. Do not breathe too hard. Keep doing this until the liquid in one of the tubes changes colour. -R moist surface y op ev ie am br id wall of capillary -C wall of alveolus ACtivity B8.05 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Reason for diference 21% 16% Oxygen is absorbed across the gas exchange surface, then used by cells in respiration. 0.04% 4% Carbon dioxide is made inside respiring cells and difuses out across the gas exchange surface. variable always high op y Water content (humidity) ev ie -R Pr es s -C Carbon dioxide w Expired air ge Inspired air am br id Oxygen C U ni op y B8: Respiration and gas exchange Gas exchange surfaces are made of living cells, so must be kept moist; some of this moisture evaporates into the air. Table B8.02 compares the composition of inspired and expired air. C op y (aerobic respiration) in the liver. So, even though you do not need the energy any more, you go on breathing faster and more deeply, and your heart rate continues to be high. You are taking in and transporting extra oxygen to break down the lactic acid. The faster heart rate also helps to transport lactic acid as quickly as possible from the muscles to the liver. ni ev ie w C ve rs ity Table B8.02 A comparison of inspired and expired air. U R Exercise and breathing rate op Pr y es s -C am Sometimes, cells may need a lot of oxygen very quickly. Imagine you are running in a race. The muscles in your legs are using up a lot of energy. The cells in the muscles will be respiring – combining oxygen with glucose – as fast as they can, to release energy for muscle contraction. ity A lot of oxygen is needed to work as hard as this. You breathe deeper and faster to get more oxygen into your blood. Your heart beats faster to get the oxygen to the leg muscles as quickly as possible. y ev ve rs C w ie While you were running, you built up an oxygen debt. You ‘borrowed’ some extra energy, without ‘paying’ for it with oxygen. Now, as the lactic acid is combined with oxygen, you are paying of the debt. Not until all the lactic acid has been used up does your breathing rate and rate of heart beat return to normal (Image B8.02). -R br ev id ie w ge All the cells in your body need oxygen for respiration and all of this oxygen is supplied by the lungs. The oxygen is carried by the blood to every part of the body. Pr op y es s -C am But however much the breathing rate is increased, eventually a limit is reached. The heart and lungs simply cannot supply oxygen to the muscles any faster. But more energy is still needed for the race. How can that extra energy be found? ity Extra energy can be produced by anaerobic respiration. Some glucose is broken down without combining it with oxygen. op y lactic acid + energy glucose ev -R s es am br When you stop running, you will have quite a lot of lactic acid in your muscles and your blood. This lactic acid must be broken down by combining it with oxygen ie id g w e C U As explained in Section B8.01, this does not release very much energy, but a little extra might make all the diference. -C Image B8.02 These sprinters will pay back their oxygen debts ater the race. The rate at which your breathing muscles work – and therefore your breathing rate – is controlled by the brain. The brain constantly monitors the pH of the blood that flows through it. If there is a lot of carbon dioxide or lactic acid in the blood, this causes the pH to fall. When the brain senses this, it sends nerve impulses to the muscles that cause breathing movements, the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles. The nerve impulses stimulate these muscles to contract harder and more oten. The result is a faster breathing rate and deeper breaths. ni ve rs C w ie ev R -R br ev id ie w ge C U R ni op This happens because the high rate of respiration in the muscles produces a lot of carbon dioxide. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood therefore increases. This is sensed by the brain, which responds by increasing the breathing rate. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 97 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences leading to hypertension. Smokers have a much greater chance of developing coronary heart disease than non-smokers. y C op ni U R ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C One public health concern is that these dangers exist for both smokers and non-smokers. The possible damage is just as real for non-smokers who are in a smokers’ environment. They breathe in smoke from burning cigarettes, and from smoke exhaled by smokers. This is termed passive smoking. In many countries, smoking is now banned in all public places. It is also very strongly recommended that parents do not smoke anywhere near their children. tar Tar contains many diferent chemicals, some of which are carcinogens – that is, they can cause cancer. The chemicals can afect the behaviour of some of the cells in the respiratory passages and the lungs, causing them to divide uncontrollably. -R am br id Everyone knows that smoking damages your health, but still people do it. Figure B8.06 shows smoking rates in some countries. ev ie w ge B8.03 tobacco smoking ie Carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. -R ve w y op Figure B8.07 Some of the substances in cigarette smoke. ni ie Particulates damage lung surfaces. Nicotine damages the circulatory system, making blood vessels get narrower. This can increase blood pressure, Pr ity op y ni ve rs C U w e ev ie id g -R am br 2750 and more 2500–2749 2250–2499 2000–2249 1750–1999 1500–1749 1250–1499 1000–1249 750–999 500–749 250–499 0–249 Unknown es s Figure B8.06 The map shows the mean number of cigarettes smoked per person, per year. -C R ev ie w C op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ev Tar causes lung cancer and many other kinds of cancer. rs C 98 ity op Pr y es Nicotine Nicotine afects the brain. It is a stimulant, which means it makes a person feel more alert. Nicotine is an addictive drug. This is why smokers oten find it extremely dificult to give up. s -C am br ev id Figure B8.07 shows the main components of tobacco smoke. There are, in fact, many more substances in tobacco smoke, and researchers are still finding out more about them and the damage that each of them can do to the smoker’s health. Nicotine is addictive. w ge Components of tobacco smoke Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity There is therefore less surface area across which gas exchange can take place. The person is said to have emphysema. They find it dificult to get enough oxygen into their blood. A person with emphysema may not be able to do anything at all active, and eventually they may not even have the energy to walk. w ev ie -R y ie ev id es s -R br am -C Pr y ity op rs C w Smoking and lung cancer ve ie op y It was in the 1950s that people first began to realise that there was a link between smoking cigarettes and getting lung cancer. The person at the forefront of this new understanding was a medical researcher called Richard Doll (Image B8.04). ni ev -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R Smoking increases the risk of developing high blood pressure. As the blood passes through the lungs, it absorbs many substances from cigarette smoke. Some of these make the walls of the arteries get thicker and harder. The walls cannot stretch and recoil as easily as the blood surges through them. Smoking also makes it more likely that a blood clot will form inside blood vessels, including the coronary arteries that supply the wall of the heart with oxygenated blood. People who smoke have a greatly increased risk of developing coronary heart disease. w ge U R Smoking and heart disease Smoke particles Smoke particles are little particles of carbon and other materials that are present in cigarette smoke. They get trapped inside the lungs. White blood cells try to remove them and secrete chemicals that are intended to get rid of these invading particles. Unfortunately, the chemicals secreted by the white blood cells can do serious damage to the lungs themselves, resulting in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The delicate walls of the alveoli tend to break down (Image B8.03). b y op br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C a Several of the chemicals in cigarette smoke harm the cells lining the respiratory passages. You may remember that these cells clean the air as it passes through, stopping bacteria and dust particles from getting down to the lungs (Section B8.02). Figure B8.08 shows how smoking afects this cleaning mechanism. C op Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas which afects the blood. The carbon monoxide difuses from the lungs into the blood and combines with haemoglobin inside the red blood cells. This means that less oxygen can be carried. The body cells are therefore deprived of oxygen. This is not good for anyone, but it is especially harmful for a baby growing in its mother’s uterus. When the mother smokes, these harmful chemicals go into the baby’s blood. The carbon monoxide can prevent it from growing properly. ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C am br id ge The cells divide over and over again, forming a lump or tumour. If this tumour is malignant, this is cancer. Cells may break away from the first tumour and spread to other parts of the body, where new tumours will grow. Almost everyone who gets lung cancer is a smoker, or has lived or worked in an environment where they have been breathing in other people’s cigarette smoke. Smoking cigarettes increases the risk of developing many diferent kinds of cancer. All forms of cancer are more common in smokers than in non-smokers. C U ni op y B8: Respiration and gas exchange -R s es -C am Image B8.03 a Healthy lung tissue with many small air spaces, b lung tissue with emphysema – air spaces are fewer, larger and have thicker walls between them (× 60). Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 99 ve rs ity C U ni C op y Goblet cells work faster than usual, producing extra mucus. ev 2500 15 2000 1500 10 1000 500 5 op ni C U 30 ev br 4000 females 25 ity Pr es s Cigarettes smoked per year -R am -C op y ni ve rs C ie w ge id 4500 3500 3000 20 2500 15 2000 1500 10 1000 5 500 U op y 0 0 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 Year C Figure B8.09 Lung cancer deaths and smoking rates in the UK between 1911 and 2001. ie id g w e Doll published the results of his research in a journal in 1950, but it was many years before everyone was prepared to accept the link between smoking and lung cancer. The dificulty was that you could not really do a controlled experiment on it. Instead, researchers had to rely on looking for a correlation between these two factors. ev The graphs in Figure B8.09 show that there is a correlation between the number of cigarettes smoked per year and the number of deaths from lung cancer. es s -R br am 20 y ity rs ve 3000 0 0 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 Year At that time, doctors were becoming concerned about the rapid rise of lung cancer in the British population. No one knew why this was happening. Richard Doll interviewed lung cancer patients in 20 hospitals in London, trying to find out if they had anything in common. His initial theory was that this was something to do with the new substance, tarmac, that was being used to build roads. However, it rapidly became clear to him that all of these people were smokers. Very quickly, he himself stopped smoking. -C 25 3500 Figure B8.08 How smoking damages the respiratory system. w ie ev R 30 males Deaths per year / thousands -R Pr y op w ie ev R 4000 The mucus provides a good place for bacteria to live. The bacteria can cause chronic (long-term) infections in the lungs and bronchi. Mucus in the lungs makes it difficult for oxygen and carbon dioxide to diffuse between the alveoli and the blood. C 100 4500 es -C am Mucus trickles down to the lungs and stays there. s br id ie w ge Image B8.04 Richard Doll, who was the first person to realise that smoking causes lung cancer. Deaths per year / thousands There are fewer cilia and those that remain work less well. Cigarettes smoked per year ev ie w Airway of a smoker R ev ie ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C Cilia beat and sweep mucus up to the mouth. -R am br id w ge Normal airway C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity For example, we know that tar contains chemicals that afect the genes in cell nuclei. These chemicals can damage the normal control mechanisms of a cell, so that it begins to divide over and over again. This is how cancer begins. ■ w ev ie -R ■ ■ ev -R ■ ■ es s am ve ie w rs C ity op Pr y ■ -C ■ ie id ■ br ■ w ge ■ the diferences between the composition of inspired air and expired air the reasons for these diferences the diferences in composition between inspired and expired air the reasons for these diferences why breathing rate and depth increases during exercise, and remains high for some time aterwards the efects of smoking on the gas exchange system and on the risk of developing coronary heart disease. ■ y ■ why humans and other organisms need energy about the release of energy from food in respiration the equation for aerobic respiration the equations for anaerobic respiration in yeast and in humans the structure and functions of the organs of the human respiratory system the features of the human gas exchange surface that adapt it for its function how goblet cells, mucus and ciliated cells help to protect the gas exchange surface from pathogens and particles ni ev ie ■ R ve rs ity You should know: U w C op Summary C op y Pr es s -C am br id ge For many years, tobacco companies tried to play down this link. They suggested many other possible reasons for the correlation, because they did not want people to stop smoking. However, much research has now been done on the efects of smoking on health, and we now understand how smoking – both passive and active – can cause lung and other cancers. C U ni op y B8: Respiration and gas exchange y op C List five diferent uses of energy in the human body. Name the process that releases energy from food, so that the body can use it. Write a word equation for the process that you have named in b. 2 a b List three diferences between inspired air and expired air. Explain the reasons for these diferences. 3 a b c w ie ev id br -R s es Pr ity op y ni ve rs lactic acid or alcohol made energy released from glucose carbon dioxide made heat released C -R s es am br ev ie id g w e Describe, in detail, the pathway of an oxygen molecule as it moves from the air outside your body, into your blood, and to a cell in a muscle in your arm. You could write your answer in words, or use a flow diagram, or perhaps a mixture of both. You will need to think about what you have learnt about the human transport system, as well as what you have learnt in this chapter. -C ie ev R am -C For each description, state whether it applies to aerobic respiration, to anaerobic respiration or to both. a b c d 5 Explain what is meant by the term gas exchange. Where is the gas exchange surface in humans? List three features of the human gas exchange surface that help it work eficiently. U 4 w C U a b c ge 1 op y R ni ev End-of-chapter questions Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 101 ve rs ity w ge -R air drawn out y 3 insects 4 limewater ie w ge U 2 limewater id R 1 potassium hydroxide solution C op ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C air in ev ie A student is investigating one of the characteristics of living things using insects. She sets up the apparatus shown in the diagram below. am br id 6 C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences s es Pr c d op C ge w ie id br ev A girl breathed into a machine that recorded the volume of the air that she breathed in and out. The results were recorded as a graph of volume against time. The diagrams show results obtained when she was resting and when she was exercising. -R -C es s During exercise Pr 30 40 50 Time / seconds y 60 0 70 10 20 30 w ev -R s es 40 Time / seconds ie id g br am -C op 20 U 10 e 0 C ni ve rs Volume ie ev Volume ity 0.5 dm3 w C op y At rest R [1] [Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences 0654 Paper 62 Q4 November 2014] am 7 [1] [3] y ve U R e ni ev ie w rs C 102 ity op y b [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] i State the purpose of the limewater in flask 2. ii Predict the appearance of the limewater in flask 2 ater 10 minutes. i State the purpose of the limewater in flask 4. ii Predict the appearance of the limewater in flask 4 ater 10 minutes. Suggest a control for this experiment. i State the appearance of the liquid in flask 4 at the end of the experiment if it had contained water and Universal (full range) Indicator rather than limewater. ii Explain your answer to d i. Name the process inside living cells that is responsible for the changes that are observed in this experiment. -C a -R am br ev Air is drawn through the apparatus from let to right as shown. The potassium hydroxide in flask 1 removes any carbon dioxide from the air. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 50 60 70 ve rs ity w ge ev ie -R [1] [1] [1] [1] [4] [4] C op U R ni 30 y The graph shows how a student’s breathing rate changed during and ater exercise. ev ie w 8 ve rs ity C op y e f Pr es s -C d Use the first graph to find how many breaths per minute the girl took while she was resting. Use the second graph to find how many breaths per minute the girl took while she was exercising. Use the first graph to find the volume of the first breath that she took while she was resting. (Remember to include the unit in your answer.) Use the second graph to find the volume of the second breath that she took while she was exercising. Explain how these changes in rate and depth of breathing helped the girl to do the exercise. Describe the mechanism that brought about these changes in rate and depth of breathing in the girl’s body. am br id a b c C U ni op y B8: Respiration and gas exchange id ie w ge 25 -R am br ev 20 Pr y es s -C Breaths per minute 15 103 exercise stops ity op 10 C exercise starts rs y 4 6 12 14 16 ie id ev br -R am s es Pr ity y op -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C op y 10 Calculate the increase in the student’s breathing rate from when he started to exercise, to its maximum rate. Calculate how long it took, ater he finished exercise, for his breathing rate to return to normal. Explain why his breathing rate did not return to normal immediately ater exercise stopped. Describe and explain how you would expect the student’s heart rate to change during the 16-minute period shown on the graph. -C b c d 8 Time / minutes C 2 ge 0 w U R 0 a op ni ev ve ie w 5 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [2] [2] [4] [4] ve rs ity w ge ev ie Information was collected about the relative death rates of men in diferent categories. The men were divided into categories according to whether they smoked or not, and if they did smoke, at what age they started. The data are shown in the bar chart below. -R am br id 9 C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences 2 ve rs ity 1 ev ie w C op y Relative death rate in men 40–60 years Pr es s -C 3 U R ni C op y 20 –24 2 2 –29 29 non-smoker 100 –14 15 –199 20 25 Age in years regular smoking started 1.6 es 1–9 2.0 20–29 Pr y 10–19 30–39 2.4 2.2 rs op y -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U op ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ev R [4] y ve Using the data in the table, draw a bar chart similar to the one provided earlier in this question. Using the information in the graph provided earlier and the graph you drew, state three diferent conclusions about the connection between cigarette smoking and risk of dying between ages 40–60 years. ni ev ie a b ity op w C 104 ie ev 1.0 -C 0 Relative death rates in men 40–60 years -R am br Number of cigarettes smoked each day s id w ge The men in the study were also divided into categories according to the number of cigarettes smoked per day. These data are shown in the table below. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [3] op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie am br ev id ie w ge U R ni ve rs y op Animals need fast and eficient communication systems between their receptors and efectors. This is partly because most animals move in search of food. Many animals need to be able to respond very quickly to catch their food or to avoid predators. ev ie id g w e C U op y To make sure that the right efectors respond at the right time, there needs to be some kind of communication system between receptors and efectors. If you touch something hot, pain receptors on your fingertips send an impulse to your arm muscles to tell them to contract, pulling your hand away from the hot surface. es s -R br am -C C -R s ity Pr One of the characteristics of all living things is the ability to detect and respond to changes in its environment. This is known as sensitivity. Changes in an organism’s environment are called stimuli (singular: stimulus) and are sensed by specialised cells called receptors. The organism responds using efectors. Muscles are efectors, and they may respond to a stimulus by contracting. Glands can also be efectors. For example, if you smell good food cooking, your salivary glands may respond by secreting saliva. C w ie ev es -C op y B9.01 Coordination in animals R w ve ni am ■ ■ ie ■ ■ the hormones insulin and glucagon how humans maintain a constant internal body temperature how plants respond to stimuli the role of auxin in shoot growth. ev ■ ■ U ■ ■ ge R ■ the human nervous system neurones and how they work the diference between voluntary and involuntary actions reflex actions the structure and function of the eye the hormone adrenaline id ev ■ rs This chapter covers: br ie w C ity op Pr y es s -C -R B9 Coordination and homeostasis Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 105 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences The way in which receptors pick up stimuli, and then pass information on to efectors, is called coordination. w ev ie The dendrites pick up electrical signals from other neurones lying nearby. These electrical signals are called nerve impulses. The signal passes to the cell body, then along the axon, which might pass it to another neurone. op y Pr es s -C Most animals have two methods of sending information from receptors to efectors. The fastest is by means of nerves. The receptors and nerves make up the animal’s nervous system. A slower method, but still a very important one, is by means of chemicals called hormones. Hormones are part of the endocrine system. -R am br id ge To enable them to do this, they have long, thin fibres of cytoplasm stretching out from the cell body. The longest fibre in Figure B9.01 is called an axon. Axons can be more than a metre long. The shorter fibres are called dendrons or dendrites. The central nervous system All mammals (and many other animals) have a central nervous system (CNS) and a peripheral nervous system. The CNS is made up of the brain and spinal cord (Figure B9.02). The peripheral nervous brain system is made up of nerves and receptors. ni C op y The human nervous system is made of special cells called neurones. Figure B9.01 illustrates a particular type of neurone called a motor neurone. U R ev ie w C ve rs ity B9.02 the human nervous system br -R am es Pr When a receptor detects a stimulus, it sends an electrical impulse to the brain or spinal cord. The brain or spinal cord receives the impulse and sends an impulse on, along the appropriate nerve fibres, to Figure B9.02 The human central nervous system. the appropriate efector. cell body ity cell membrane w rs nucleus y op -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie cytoplasm -C Reflex arcs es Pr op y ity C In the spinal cord, the neurone passes an impulse on to several other neurones. Only one is shown in Figure B9.04. These neurones are called relay neurones, because they relay the impulse on to other neurones. The relay neurones pass the impulse on to the brain. They also pass it on to an efector. y U op ev ie w ni ve rs myelin sheath R ev ie In this case, the efectors are the muscles in your arm. The impulse travels to the muscle along the axon of a motor neurone. The muscle then contracts, so that your hand is pulled away. s Figure B9.01 A human motor neurone. -R nerve ending es br id g w e C nucleus of cell which makes myelin sheath am Figures B9.03 and B9.04 show how these impulses are sent. If your hand touches a hot plate, this information is detected by a sensory receptor in your finger. The receptor generates a nerve impulse, which travels to the spinal cord along the axon of a sensory neurone (Figure B9.05). s axon node of Ranvier -C spinal cord s -C op y dendrite C 106 Like the rest of the nervous system, the CNS is made up of neurones. Its role is to coordinate the information travelling through the nervous system. ev id ie w ge Neurones contain the same basic parts as any animal cell. Each has a nucleus, cytoplasm and a cell membrane. However, their structure is specially adapted to be able to carry signals very quickly. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y B9: Coordination and homeostasis This sort of reaction is called a reflex action. You do not need to think about it. Your brain is made aware of it, but you only consciously realise what is happening ater the message has been sent on to your muscles. y w ev ie ve rs ity op y ni U -R am br ev id ie w ge reflex action: a means of automatically and rapidly integrating and coordinating stimuli with the responses of efectors (muscles and glands) relay neurone Relay neurone ity rs y effector ni op ve ie ev ie id Figure B9.05 The structure of sensory, motor and relay neurones. ev br -R am cell body of the relay neurone s spinal nerve cell body of the sensory neurone ity Pr es -C op y A nerve impulse from the motor neurone makes the muscle contract. y -R ev sensory neurone ie w e C U cell body of the motor neurone s -C Figure B9.04 A reflex arc. axon of the motor neurone es am br id g The hand touches a hot plate. ni ve rs pain receptor op C w cell body w ge C U R ie 107 receptor direction of travel of electrical impulse w C op Pr y es s -C sensory neurone Figure B9.03 Schematic diagram of a reflex arc. ev impulses C op C w ev ie KEy tERM R impulses cell body motor neurone R cell body Pr es s -C Reflex actions are very useful, because information gets from the receptor to the efector as quickly as possible. You do not waste time in thinking about what to do. The pathway along which the nerve impulse passes – the sensory neurone, relay neurone and motor neurone – is called a reflex arc. Figure B9.05 shows the structure of these three types of neurone. Motor neurone -R am br id ge Sensory neurone Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution spinal cord ve rs ity am br id B9.06 Where are the cell bodies of each of these types of neurone found: a sensory neurone, b relay neurone, and c motor neurone? B9.07 What is the value of reflex actions? B9.08 Describe two reflex actions, other than the response to touching something hot, and the knee jerk reflex. C op y What is the function of the central nervous system? br ev id ie w ge U R List three ways in which neurones are specialised to carry out their function of transmitting electrical impulses very quickly. B9.05 ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R B9.04 -R es Pr y ity op rs C op y Pr ity C U op ie QuEStiONS y ni ve rs Measuring reaction time using a ruler w Give two examples of efectors. B9.02 What are the two main communication systems in an animal’s body? id g w e B9.01 -R s es -C am br ev ie C ACtivity B9.01 ev -R es s -C am br ev id ie w ge C U ni op Image B9.01 shows a person’s reflex actions being tested – you may have had this test yourself. Another reflex action is described in Section B9.03. Reflex actions are examples of involuntary actions. They are not under conscious control. Many of our actions, however, are voluntary. They happen because we decide to carry them out. For example, reading this book is a voluntary action. to measure mean reaction time Skills: AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data The time taken for a nerve impulse to travel from a receptor, through your CNS and back to an efector is very short. It can be measured, but only with special equipment. However, you can get a reasonable idea of the time it takes if you use a large number of people and work out an average time. 1 Get as many people as possible to stand in a circle, holding hands. 2 One person lets go of his or her neighbour with the let hand, and holds a stopwatch in it. When everyone is ready, this person simultaneously starts the stopwatch, and squeezes his or her neighbour’s hand with the right hand. 3 As soon as each person’s let hand is squeezed, he or she should squeeze his or her neighbour with the right hand. The message of squeezes goes all round the circle. 4 While the message is going round, the person with the stopwatch puts it into the right hand, and holds his or her neighbour’s hand with the let hand. When the squeeze arrives, he or she should stop the watch. 5 Keep repeating this, until the message is going round as fast as possible. Record the time taken, and also the number of people in the circle. y ve w ie ev R s -C am ACtivity B9.02 Image B9.01 The knee jerk reflex is an example of a reflex action. A sharp tap just below the knee stimulates a receptor. This sends impulses along a sensory neurone into the spinal cord. The impulse then travels along a motor neurone to the thigh muscle, which quickly contracts and raises the lower leg. 108 R List three ways in which neurones are similar to other cells. ev ie B9.03 w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge C U ni op y B9: Coordination and homeostasis conjunctiva Questions iris -R am br id ev ie w 6 Now try again, but this time make the message of squeezes go the other way around the circle. Pr es s -C A1 Using the fastest time you obtained, work out the mean time it took for one person to respond to the stimulus they received. A3 Did the nerve impulse go as quickly when you changed direction? Explain your answer. ve rs ity w C op y A2 Did people respond faster as the experiment went on? Why might this happen? C op y The rest of the eye simply helps to protect the retina, or to focus light onto it. ni ev ie U R ev id ie w ge Each eye is set in a bony socket in the skull, called the orbit. Only the very front of the eye is not surrounded by bone (Figure B9.07). The fluid is washed across your eye by your eyelids when you blink. The eyelids, eyebrows and eyelashes also help to stop dirt from landing on the surface of your eyes. ity C Figure B9.06 shows the internal structure of the eye. The part of the eye that contains the receptor cells is the retina. This is the part which is actually sensitive to light. rs w s es Pr y op The structure of the human eye ni op y ve Even the part of the eye inside the orbit is protected. There is a very tough coat surrounding it called the sclera. w ge C U R The front of the eye is covered by a thin, transparent membrane called the conjunctiva, which helps to protect the parts behind it. The conjunctiva is always kept moist by a fluid made in the tear glands. This fluid contains an enzyme called lysozyme, which can kill bacteria. -R br am -C The eye is a receptor organ. Its function it to detect light, and to transfer the energy in the light to electrical energy in a nerve impulse. ie tear duct Figure B9.07 The eye from the front. A4 If you have access to the internet, find a site that allows you to measure your reaction time and try it out. Do you think the website gives you more reliable results than the ‘circle’ method? Compare the results you obtain, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method. B9.03 the eye ev pupil id ie muscle attaching eye to skull choroid -R br retina s am -C es fovea Pr op y optic nerve ity pupil C lens ni ve rs op y aqueous humour with salts to nourish the lens U blind spot w e C ciliary muscle semi-solid vitreous humour supporting the eyeball br ev ie id g suspensory ligament -R s -C am Figure B9.06 Section through a human eye (seen from above). (Note: you do not need to learn the labels for sclera, choroid, aqueous humour and vitreous humour, but you may find these helpful if you do Activity B9.05.) es w ie cornea iris R ev sclera ev conjunctiva Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 109 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences the retina The retina is at the back of the eye. When light falls on a receptor cell in the retina, the cell sends an electrical impulse along the optic nerve to the brain. The brain sorts out all the impulses from each receptor cell, and builds up an image. Some of these receptor cells are sensitive to light of diferent colours, enabling us to see coloured images. op y These two sets of muscles are said to be antagonistic muscles. This means that they work together but have opposite efects. When one contracts, the other relaxes. y The responses of the iris to diferent light intensities are examples of a reflex action. Although the nerve impulses go into the brain, we do not need to think consciously about what to do. The response of the iris to light intensity (the stimulus) is fast and automatic. Like many reflex actions, this is very advantageous: it prevents damage to the retina that could be caused by very bright light falling onto it. ni C op C ve rs ity The closer together the receptor cells are, the clearer the image the brain will get. The part of the retina where the receptor cells are packed most closely together is called the fovea. This is the part of the retina where light is focused when you look straight at an object. w -R am br ev id ie w ge U There are no receptor cells where the optic nerve leaves the retina. This part is called the blind spot. If light falls on this place, no impulses will be sent to the brain. Try Activity B9.03. s TIP Remember that some reflex actions can involve the brain rather than the spinal cord. However, they do not involve the parts of the brain that are involved in making conscious decisions. y op s -R s Figure B9.08 The iris reflex. es -C am br ev ie id g w e In the middle of the iris is a gap called the pupil. The size of the pupil can be adjusted. The wider the pupil is, the more light can get through to the retina. In strong light, the iris closes in and makes the pupil small. This stops too much light getting in and damaging the retina. op ni ve rs U In dim light, the radial muscles in the iris contract. y ity Pr op y C the iris In front of the lens is a circular piece of tissue called the iris. This is the coloured part of your eye. The iris contains pigments, which absorb light and stop it getting through to the retina. w ie ev R In bright light, the circular muscles in the iris contract. es -C am Behind the retina is a black layer called the choroid. The choroid absorbs all the light ater it has been through the retina, so it does not get scattered around the inside of the eye. The choroid is also rich in blood vessels which nourish the eye. -R br ev id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w rs C 110 ity op Pr y Can you always see the image? Hold this page about 45 cm from your face. Close the let eye, and look at the cross with your right eye. Gradually bring the page closer to you. What happens? Can you explain it? es -C ACtivity B9.03 C ev ie R -R Pr es s -C am br id ev ie w ge To allow it to adjust the size of the pupil, the iris contains muscles. Circular muscles lie in circles around the pupil. When they contract, they make the pupil constrict, or get smaller. Radial muscles run outwards from the edge of the pupil. When they contract, they make the pupil dilate, or get larger (Figure B9.08). This is called the iris reflex (or sometimes the pupil reflex). Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y B9: Coordination and homeostasis w ge Focusing light ev ie ve rs ity y ev id ie w ge Adjusting the focus Not all light rays need bending by the same amount to focus them onto the retina. Light rays coming from an object in the distance will be almost parallel to one another. They will not need much bending (Figure B9.10). es s -R br am -C Pr y Light rays coming from a nearby object are going away from one another, or diverging. They will need to be bent inwards quite strongly (Figure B9.11). 111 op ni ev ge C U R ev id ie w The cornea bends the light rays. Dissecting a sheep’s eye es s -C Pr op y light focused on the retina The thin lens bends the light rays slightly. U op ev R -R s Figure B9.10 Focusing on a distant object. es am br ev ie id g w e The cornea bends the light rays. C object y ni ve rs C ity light rays diverging only slightly -C An upside-down image is formed on the retina. Figure B9.09 How an image is focused onto the retina. ie w The lens bends the light rays. -R am br ACtivity B9.05 y light rays from object ve ie w rs ity op C The cornea is responsible for most of the refraction of the light. The lens makes fine adjustments. C op U R For the brain to see a clear image, there must be a clear image focused on the retina. Light rays must be bent, or refracted, so that they focus exactly onto the retina. The humours inside the eye are transparent and colourless so that light can pass through them easily. Figure B9.09 shows how the cornea and lens focus light onto the retina. The image on the retina is upside down. The brain interprets this so that you see it the right way up. ni ev ie w C op y Pr es s -C Looking at human eyes Skills: AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data It is best to perform this experiment with a partner, although it is possible to use a mirror and look at your own eyes. 1 First identify all the following structures: eyebrows; eyelashes; eyelids; conjunctiva; pupil; iris; cornea; sclera; small blood vessels; openings to tear ducts. Figure B9.06 will help you to do this. 2 Make a diagram of a front view of the eye and label each of these structures on it. 3 Use this book to find out the functions of each structure you have labelled. Write down these functions, as briefly as you can, next to each label or beneath your diagram. 4 Ask your partner to close his or her eyes, and cover them with something dark to cut out as much light as possible. (Alternatively, you may be able to darken the whole room.) Ater about 3 or 4 minutes, quickly remove the cover (or switch on the lights) and look at your partner’s eyes as they adapt to the light. What happens? What is the purpose of this change? 5 Explain how this change is brought about. -R am br id ACtivity B9.04 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w ve rs ity The cornea bends the light rays. What is meant by the term stimulus? B9.10 Which part of the eye contains cells which are sensitive to light? List, in order, the parts of the eye through which light passes to reach the retina. B9.12 Name two parts of the eye which refract light rays. B9.13 What is meant by the term accommodation? B9.14 a What do the ciliary muscles do when you are focusing on a nearby object? b What efect does this have on: y i the suspensory ligaments? ni The thick lens bends the light rays greatly. B9.11 C op C w ev ie ii the lens? Figure B9.11 Focusing on a nearby object. ie id The shape of the lens can be adjusted to bend light rays more, or less. The thicker the lens, the more it will bend the light rays. The thinner it is, the less it will bend them. This adjustment in the shape of the lens, to focus light coming from diferent distances, is called accommodation. w ge U R B9.09 -R op y Pr es s -C object QuEStiONS ev ie ge light focused on the retina am br id light rays diverging greatly C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences -R s rs y ve w op Once the hormone is in the blood, it is carried to all parts of the body, dissolved in the blood plasma. Although the blood carries many hormones, each afects only certain parts of the body. These are called its target organs. br ev id ie w ge C U ni ie ev R So far, we have seen how nerves can carry electrical impulses very quickly from one part of an animal’s body to another. But animals also use chemicals to transmit information from one part of the body to another. The chemicals are called hormones. Hormones are made in special glands called endocrine glands, which secrete (release) the hormones directly into blood capillaries. ity op Pr Figure B9.12 shows how the shape of the lens is changed. It is held in position by a ring of suspensory ligaments. The tension on the suspensory ligaments, and thus the shape of the lens, is altered by means of the ciliary muscle. When this muscle contracts, the suspensory ligaments are loosened. When it relaxes, they are pulled tight. When the suspensory ligaments are tight, the lens is pulled thin. When they are loosened, the lens gets thicker. C 112 Endocrine glands es y -C am br ev B9.04 Hormones -R Nearby object The suspensory ligaments are slackened. ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr The suspensory ligaments are pulled tight. op y The ciliary muscle contracts. s The ciliary muscle relaxes. es -C am Distant object The lens is allowed to bulge. y op C w ie Side view of eye ev Side view of eye Front view of eye id g e U R ev The lens is pulled thin. -R s es -C am br Figure B9.12 How the shape of the lens is changed. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution Front view of eye ve rs ity Nervous system Describe two situations in which adrenaline is likely to be secreted. B9.17 How does adrenaline help to prepare the body for action? y C op ie ev Like animals, plants are able to respond to their environment, although usually with much slower responses than those of animals. y op C w ie ev -R s es Pr ity B9.16 B9.05 Coordination and response in plants Two important stimuli for plants are light and gravity. Shoots normally grow towards light. Roots do not usually respond to light, but a few grow away from it. Shoots tend to grow away from the pull of gravity, while roots normally grow towards it (Figures B9.13 and B9.14). It is very important to the plant that its roots and shoots grow in appropriate directions. Shoots must grow upwards, away from gravity and towards the light, so that the leaves are held out into the sunlight. The more light they have, the better they can photosynthesise. Flowers, too, need to be held up in the air, where insects, birds or the wind can pollinate them. es s -R br ev ie id g w e C U op y ni ve rs How are hormones transported around the body? efect of a hormone may last longer -R s es Pr ity rs ve ni U ge B9.15 am chemicals travel more slowly These responses are called tropisms. A tropism is a growth response by a plant, in which the direction of the growth is afected by the direction of the stimulus. id QuEStiONS -C impulses travel very quickly In general, plants respond to stimuli by changing their rate or direction of growth. They may grow either towards or away from a stimulus. Growth towards a stimulus is said to be a positive response, and growth away from a stimulus is a negative response. br am -C op y C chemicals carried dissolved in the blood plasma w ge id br am -C y op C w ie The blood vessels in your skin and digestive system contract so that they carry very little blood. This makes you go pale, and gives you ‘butterflies in your stomach’. As much blood as possible is needed for your brain and muscles in the emergency. Table B9.01 compares the nervous and endocrine systems. w impulses transmitted along nerve fibres (axons and dendrons) Table B9.01 A comparison of the nervous and endocrine systems of a mammal. Adrenaline also causes the liver to release glucose into the blood. This provides extra glucose for the muscles, so that they can release energy from it (by respiration) and use the energy for contracting. ie information transmitted in the form of chemicals called hormones efect of a nerve impulse usually only lasts for a very short time U R Adrenaline causes the pupils in the eye to widen. This allows more light into the eye, which might help you to see the danger more clearly. ev information transmitted in the form of electrical impulses -R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity There are two adrenal glands, one above each kidney. They make a hormone called adrenaline. When you are frightened, excited or keyed up, your brain sends impulses along a nerve to your adrenal glands. This makes them secrete adrenaline into the blood. Adrenaline has several efects which are designed to help you to cope with danger known as the ‘fight or flight’ response. For example, it makes your heart beat faster, supplying oxygen to your brain and muscles more quickly. This gives them more energy for fighting or running away. It also increases breathing rate, so that more oxygen can enter the blood in the lungs. R made up of secretory cells made up of neurones Pr es s -C op y Adrenaline ev ev ie am br id hormone: a chemical substance produced by a gland, carried by the blood, which alters the activity of one or more specific target organs and is then destroyed by the liver R Endocrine system w ge KEy tERM C U ni op y B9: Coordination and homeostasis Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 113 ve rs ity ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences C y C op Petri dish B seedling op y moist cotton wool w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w rs Whichever way up a seed is planted, its radicle always grows downwards. ity op Pr y Figure B9.13 The response to gravity in a Coleus shoot. 114 es s -C -R am br ater ev id ie w ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C before -R am br ev id ie clinostat s -C 7 Make labelled drawings of one seedling from each dish. es Roots, though, need to grow downwards, into the soil in order to anchor the plant in the soil, and to absorb water and minerals from between the soil particles. ity A2 Why was dish B put onto a clinostat and not simply let in a light place? ni ve rs C A3 Explain what happened to the seedlings in dish C. y A4 What was the control in this experiment? C U op w ie Plant hormones phototropism: a response in which a plant grows towards or away from the direction from which light is coming We have seen that for an organism to respond to a stimulus, there must be a receptor to pick up the stimulus, an efector to respond to it, and some kind of -R s es am br ev ie id g w e gravitropism: a response in which a plant grows towards or away from gravity -C ev KEy tERMS Questions A1 How did the seedlings in dish A respond to light from one side? What is the name for this response? Pr op y Figure B9.14 The response to gravity in a root. R to find out how shoots respond to light Skills: AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data 1 Label three Petri dishes A, B and C. Line each with moist cotton wool or filter paper, and put about six peas or beans in each. 2 Leave all three dishes in a warm place for a day or two, until the seeds begin to germinate. Check that they do not dry out. 3 Now put dish A into a light-proof box with a slit in one side, so that the seedlings get light from one side only. 4 Put dish B onto a clinostat (see diagram) in a light place. The clinostat will slowly turn the seedlings around, so that they get light from all sides equally. If you do not have a clinostat, arrange to turn the dish by hand three or four times per day to achieve a similar efect. 5 Put dish C into a completely light-proof box. 6 Leave all the dishes for a week, checking that they do not dry out. -R am br id ev ie w ACtivity B9.06 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie C op If the tip is cut off and separated from the rest of the coleoptile by a piece of agar jelly, the coleoptile still grows towards the light. ie w ge -R s es Pr rs ni op y ve Tropisms are controlled by hormone-like chemicals in the plant. Tropisms are examples of chemical control of plant growth. C U Figure B9.15 An experiment to investigate the method by which shoots respond to light. id ie w ge Figure B9.15 shows an experiment that can be done to find out which part of a shoot picks up the stimulus of light shining onto it. The sensitive region is the tip of the shoot. This is where the receptor is. Even light s Cells on this side grow quickly. es Cells on this side grow slowly. ity Pr op y C U op y ni ve rs Auxin One kind of plant hormone is called auxin. Auxin is being made all the time by the cells in the tip of a shoot. The auxin difuses downwards from the tip, into the rest of the shoot. w e C Auxin made in the tip diffuses evenly down the shoot. The shoot grows straight up. -R Auxin concentrates on the shady side. This causes the shady side to grow faster than the light side, so the shoot bends towards the light. s Figure B9.16 Auxin and phototropism. es -C am br ev ie id g Auxin makes the cells just behind the tip get longer. The more auxin there is, the faster the cells grow. As they grow, they get longer (elongate). Without auxin, they will not grow (Figure B9.16). light Auxin is made here. These two parts of the shoot must be communicating with one another somehow. They do it by means of chemicals called plant hormones. w unidirectional light ev -R br am -C The part of the shoot which responds to the stimulus is the part just below the tip. This is the efector. ie light But if a piece of mica separates the tip from the rest of the coleoptile, then it does not grow towards the light. This suggests that the response to light is caused by a substance which is made in the tip and diffuses down the coleoptile. ity op C w ie ev R Mica; substances cannot diffuse through this. ev id br am -C y Plants, however, do not have complex sense organs, muscles or nervous systems. So how do they manage to respond to stimuli like light and gravity? ev light y ve rs ity Agar jelly; most substances can diffuse through this. U R communication system in between. In mammals, the receptor is oten part of a sense organ, and the efector is a muscle or gland. Information is sent between them along nerves, or sometimes by means of hormones. R light If the tip of the coleoptile is cut off and then replaced, the coleoptile will still grow towards the light. ni ev ie w C op y Pr es s -C to find out how roots respond to gravity Skills: AO3.2 Planning AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data AO3.5 Evaluating methods You are going to design this investigation yourself. You can use similar techniques to those in Activity B9.06. This is the hypothesis you are going to test: Roots grow towards gravity. When you have written your plan, get it checked by your teacher before you try to carry it out. Write it up in the usual way, including a discussion and evaluation. -R am br id ACtivity B9.07 w ge C U ni op y B9: Coordination and homeostasis Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 115 ve rs ity B9.06 Homeostasis y C w ev ie ve rs ity op The cells inside your body, however, do not have a changing environment. Your body keeps the environment inside you almost the same, all the time. In the fluid surrounding your cells, the temperature and amount of water are kept almost constant. So is the concentration of glucose. Keeping this internal environment constant is called homeostasis. Pr ity In this section, you will see two examples of how homeostasis is carried out in humans. The nervous system and various endocrine glands are involved, as well as the skin, pancreas and liver. rs C to find out how auxin afects shoots br ev id ie w ge homeostasis: the maintenance of a constant internal environment ni ve rs What part of the shoot is sensitive to light? B9.19 What part of the shoot responds to light? B9.20 How do these parts communicate with each other? How is this like or unlike a similar system in a mammal? B9.21 How does the normal response of a shoot to light help the plant? B9.22 How does a root respond to gravity? the skin One of the most important organs involved in temperature regulation in mammals is the skin. Figure B9.17 shows a section through human skin. w e C U op y B9.18 ev ie id g Human skin is made up of two layers. The top layer is called the epidermis, and the lower layer is the dermis. br s -R All the cells in the epidermis have been made in the layer of cells at the base of it. These cells are always dividing. es am -C Some animals - including ourselves - are very good at controlling their body temperature. They can keep their temperature almost constant, even though the temperature of their environment changes. All mammals can do this, and so can birds. s es ity C ev ie w QuEStiONS R Control of body temperature Pr op y -C to find out which part of a shoot is sensitive to light -R am ACtivity B9.09 op KEy tERM U R ni y ve w ie ACtivity B9.08 ev -R es -C y op C 116 s am br ev id ie With the stem in the horizontal position, auxin tends to collect on the lower side of the stem, causing faster growth there. Therefore, the stem curves upward. In the same way, in the bean seedlings shown in Figure B9.14, auxin has built up on the lower surface of the root. The efect here, however, is the opposite to that in the Coleus shoot. This amount of auxin slows down the growth on this side, so the radicle bends downwards. Homeostasis is very important. It helps your cells to work as eficiently as possible. Keeping a constant temperature of around 37 °C helps enzymes to work at the optimum rate. Keeping a constant amount of water means that your cells are not damaged by absorbing or losing too much water by osmosis. Keeping a constant concentration of glucose means that there is always enough fuel for respiration. w ge U ni C op y This explains why, if a potted Coleus plant is placed on its side in a dark room overnight, the shoot will bend upwards (Figure B9.13). Since there is no light, we can presume the result to be a response to gravity. (What other precaution should we take to be sure of this?) w ev ie R The environment (surroundings) of a living organism is always changing. Think about your own environment. The temperature of the air around you changes. For example, if you live in a temperate country, it might be –10 °C outside on a cold day in winter, and 23 °C indoors. If you live in the tropics, the outside temperature may be over 40 °C. Pr es s -C When, however, light shines onto a shoot from one side, the auxin at the tip concentrates on the shady side. This makes the cells on the shady side elongate faster than the ones on the bright side, so the shoot bends towards the light. Maintaining the internal environment -R am br id ge When light shines onto a shoot from all around, auxin is distributed evenly around the tip of the shoot. The cells all grow at about the same rate, so the shoot grows straight upwards. This is what normally happens in plants growing outside. C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C w hair erector muscle hair ni U w ge ev br venule (small vein) id R fat cells -C -R am arteriole (small artery) op Pr y es s Figure B9.17 A section through human skin. The new cells that are made gradually move towards the surface of the skin. As they go, they die, and fill up with a protein called keratin. The top layer of the skin is made up of these dead cells. It is called the cornified layer. ity Beneath the skin is a layer of fat, called adipose tissue. This fatty tissue is made up of cells which contain large drops of oil. This layer helps to insulate your body against heat loss, and it also acts as an energy reserve. y ve rs C w ie ev ni op The cornified layer protects the soter, living cells underneath, because it is hard and waterproof. It is always being worn away and replaced by cells from beneath. On the parts of the body which get most wear – for example, the soles of the feet – it grows thicker. ev id ie w ge C U the hypothalamus A part of the brain called the hypothalamus is at the centre of the control mechanism that keeps internal temperature constant. The hypothalamus coordinates the activities of the parts of the body that can bring about temperature changes. es s -R br -C am Some of the cells in the epidermis contain a dark brown pigment, called melanin. Melanin absorbs the harmful ultraviolet rays in sunlight, which would damage the living cells in the deeper layers of the skin. ni ve rs You can see sweat glands in Figure B9.17. These secrete a liquid called sweat. Sweat is mostly water, with small amounts of salts and urea dissolved in it. It travels up the sweat ducts, and out onto the surface of the skin through the sweat pores. As we will see, sweat helps in temperature regulation. y op C U • Muscles in some parts of the body contract and relax very quickly. This produces heat. It is called shivering. The heat generated in the muscles warms the blood as it flows through them. The blood distributes this heat all over the body. w e ev ie id g -R s es am The hypothalamus acts like a thermostat. It contains temperature receptors that sense the temperature of the blood running through it. If this is above or below 37 °C, then the hypothalamus sends electrical impulses, along nerves, to the parts of the body which have the function of regulating your body temperature. If your body temperature drops below 37 °C, nerve impulses from the hypothalamus cause the following things to happen (Figure B9.18). br There are also blood vessels and nerve endings. These nerve endings are sensitive to touch, pain, pressure and temperature, so they help to keep you aware of changes in your environment. -C w C ity Pr op y Here and there, the epidermis is folded inwards, forming a hair follicle. A hair grows from each one. Hairs are made of keratin. ie dermis ie ev ie shunt vessel y ve rs ity w C pressure receptor blood capillary R epidermis C op op y neurone ev sweat gland Pr es s -C -R temperature receptors R sweat pore hair follicle ev ie am br id cornified layer ge U ni op y B9: Coordination and homeostasis Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 117 ve rs ity • The arterioles supplying the capillaries near the surface of the skin get wider – they become dilated. This is called vasodilation. More blood therefore flows through them. Because a lot of blood is so near the surface of the skin, heat is readily lost from the blood into the air. w ev ie y ni U Figure B9.19 summarises the way in which the hypothalamus, skin and muscles work together to keep your internal body temperature constant. In fact, it is not possible to keep it perfectly constant – the system only manages to keep it within narrow set limits. ie w ge id Pr ity rs Sweat evaporates from the skin surface, cooling it. ni op y ve Arterioles in the skin constrict, so not much blood flows through them. C ge -R ev More blood is brought to the surface capillaries where it can lose heat. es s br am Erector muscles contract, pulling hairs up on end. Arterioles supplying the capillaries dilate, bringing more blood to the capillaries. ie id w Erector muscles relax, so the hairs lie flat on the skin and trap less air. Capillaries are supplied with less blood from arterioles, so they remain narrow. y op id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y -C When the body is too hot U ev ie The upright hairs trap a layer of warm air next to the skin, which insulates it. R -R es -C y op C w When the body is too cold We have seen that, when the temperature of your blood rises above the norm, the hypothalamus senses this. It responds by sending nerve impulses to your skin that bring about actions to help cool the blood. s am br ev • The erector muscles in the skin relax, so that the hairs lie flat on the skin. 118 The blood vessels do not move up and down through the skin. They just get wider and narrower. Negative feedback If body temperature rises above 37 °C, nerve impulses from the hypothalamus cause the following things to happen. • The sweat glands secrete sweat. The sweat lies on the surface of the hot skin. The water in it then evaporates, taking heat from the skin with it, thus cooling the body. TIP C op C ve rs ity op y • The arterioles that supply the blood capillaries near the surface of the skin become narrower, or constricted. This is called vasoconstriction. Only a very little blood can flow in them. The blood flows through shunt vessels and the deep-lying capillaries instead. Because these are deep under the skin, beneath the insulating fatty tissue, the blood does not lose so much heat to the air. w ev ie R -R Pr es s -C am br id ge • The erector muscles in the skin contract, pulling the hairs up on end. In humans, this does not do anything very useful – it just produces ‘goose pimples’. In a hairy animal such as a cat, though, it traps a thicker layer of warm air next to the skin. This prevents the skin from losing more warmth. It acts as an insulator. C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences s es -C Figure B9.18 How skin helps with temperature regulation. -R am br ev ie The arteriole supplying the sweat gland dilates, bringing more blood so the gland can make more sweat. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y B9: Coordination and homeostasis w ge The body gains heat. mechanisms to lose heat respiration slows hair lies flat surface blood vessels dilate sweating ev ie respiration increases muscles work hair stands up surface blood vessels contract -R am br id Pr es s temperature receptors in the skin hypothalamus (control centre) ni C op w ev ie y ve rs ity The body is too cold. C op y -C The body is too hot. ge U R The body loses heat. ie ev id taking place and starts of another set of actions that help to raise the blood temperature. -R ity op So, all the time, the hypothalamus is monitoring small changes in the temperature of your blood. As soon as this rises above normal, actions take place that help to reduce the temperature. Then, as soon as the hypothalamus senses the lowered temperature, it stops these actions y op ie 3 Now collect some hot water. Pour water into each of your containers until they are almost full. Immediately take the temperature of each one and record your results for time 0. -R es Pr op y 5 Draw a line graph to display your results. Questions ni ve rs ity A1 a State two variables that are kept constant in this experiment. y b Why is it important to keep these variables constant? C U op A2 a Calculate the number of °C by which the large container cooled during your experiment. ie id g w e b Calculate the number of °C by which the small container cooled during your experiment. ev A3 Do your results support the hypothesis that you were testing? Explain your answer. es s -R br am -C C w 4 Take readings every 2 minutes for at least 14 minutes. s -C am br ev id Experiment to investigate the efect of size on rate of cooling Skills: AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data Temperature regulation is an important part of homeostasis. We lose heat from our bodies to the air around us. Cells produce more heat to prevent the body temperature from dropping. In this investigation, you will use containers of hot water to represent a human body. The experiment will test this hypothesis: A large body cools more slowly than a small one. 1 Take two test tubes or other containers, identical except that one is large and one is small. You will also need two thermometers. 2 Read through what you are going to do. Draw a results chart in which you can write your results as you go along. Remember to put the units in your table headings. w ge C U R ACtivity B9.10 ie This process is called negative feedback. The term ‘feedback’ refers to the fact that, when the hypothalamus has made your skin take action to increase heat loss, information about the efects of these actions is ‘fed back’ to it, as it senses the drop in the blood temperature. It is called ‘negative’ because the information that the blood has cooled down stops the hypothalamus making your skin do these things. ni ev ve rs C w ie s Pr y es -C am br When the cooler blood reaches the hypothalamus, this responds by sending nerve impulses to your skin that bring about actions to help reduce the rate at which heat is lost from the blood. At the same time, the rate of heat production in the muscles is increased. ev w Figure B9.19 Maintaining body temperature in a steady state. R mechanisms to gain or save heat Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 119 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences ev ie w ge On the other hand, too much glucose in the blood is not good either, as it can cause water to move out of cells and into the blood by osmosis. This leaves the cells with too little water for them to carry out their normal metabolic processes. am br id ACtivity B9.11 Pr es s -C The control of blood glucose concentration is carried out by the pancreas and the liver (Figure B9.20). Give two functions of the fatty tissue beneath the skin. B9.24 Explain how sweating helps to cool the body. B9.25 Name the organ which coordinates temperature regulation. C op y Scattered through the pancreas, however, are groups of cells called islets of Langerhans. These cells do not make pancreatic juice. They make two hormones called insulin and glucagon. These hormones help the liver to control the amount of glucose in the blood. Insulin has the efect of lowering blood glucose concentration, and glucagon does the opposite. ni Explain what vasodilation is, and how it helps to cool the body. B9.27 Explain what is meant by negative feedback. U ie w ge ev id s If you eat a meal that provides a lot of glucose, the glucose is absorbed through the walls of the small intestine, and the concentration of glucose in the blood goes up. The islets of Langerhans detect this rise in the blood glucose concentration and secrete insulin into the blood. When insulin reaches the liver, it causes the liver to absorb -R s es Pr y Glucose is released from the liver into the blood and the blood glucose concentration rises. op C U ev ie id g e normal levels of blood glucose The liver breaks down glycogen into glucose. es s Figure B9.20 How blood glucose concentration is regulated. -R br am high blood glucose low blood glucose ity ni ve rs Glucagon is secreted. -C y ev br am -C op y C w ie ev op ie id The blood glucose concentration falls. pancreas R C ge U R Insulin is secreted. w Liver cells use some glucose in respiration and store some glucose as glycogen. ni ev ve ie w rs C 120 ity op Pr y es -C The control of the concentration of glucose in the blood is a very important part of homeostasis. Cells need a steady supply of glucose to allow them to respire; without this, they cannot release the energy they need. Brain cells are especially dependent on glucose for respiration, and they die quite quickly if they are deprived of it. -R br am Control of blood glucose concentration w w C B9.26 R ev ie The pancreas is two glands in one. Most of it is an ordinary gland with a duct. It makes pancreatic juice, which flows along the pancreatic duct into the duodenum (Section B5.04). ve rs ity op y QuEStiONS B9.23 -R investigating the efect of evaporation on the rate of cooling Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y B9: Coordination and homeostasis glucose from the blood. Some of this glucose is used for respiration, but some is converted into the insoluble polysaccharide glycogen. This is stored in the liver. -C -R am br id ev ie w ge If the blood glucose concentration falls too low, the pancreas secretes glucagon. This causes liver cells to break down glycogen to glucose, and release it into the blood. y ni U ie ev -R s es Pr ity rs y ve op ni am ie ev sensory neurone w C U relay neurone -R ni ve rs ity Pr es has its cell body in the central nervous system carries nerve impulses away from a receptor carries nerve impulses towards its cell body carries nerve impulses away from its cell body is entirely inside the central nervous system s -C op y motor neurone radial muscles relaxation relay neurone retina -R suspensory ligaments s am sensory neurone es br receptor y lens id g efector op cornea C contraction ev conjunctiva e circular muscles U Choose the term from the list that matches each of the descriptions. You may use each term once, more than once or not at all. -C C w ge motor neurone Identify the type of neurone – sensory, relay or motor – that matches each of these descriptions. For some descriptions, more than one type of neurone may match. a b c d e w ie 121 electrical impulse br receptor 3 ■ What is the correct term for this type of reaction? Using each of the following words at least once, but not necessarily in this order, explain how this reaction is brought about. ge R a b 2 ■ If you step on a sharp object, muscles in your leg will rapidly pull your foot away. id ev ie 1 ■ id y op C w End-of-chapter questions efector ev ■ br -C ■ am R ■ ■ R ■ w ev ie ■ about gravitropism and phototropism in plants how to do experiments to investigate gravitropism and phototropism in plants the role of auxin in controlling gravitropism and phototropism what homeostasis is, and how the skin and brain help to keep body temperature constant about the concept of negative feedback how the pancreas and liver help to regulate the concentration of glucose in the blood. ■ ie ■ the structure of the human nervous system how information is passed as electrical impulses along neurones about reflex actions, and the diferent kinds of neurone involved in a reflex arc the structure and function of the eye, including the pupil reflex and accommodation what hormones are, and how the hormone adrenaline is involved in the fight or flight response diferences and similarities between the nervous and hormonal control systems ve rs ity ■ w C op You should know: C op y Pr es s Summary Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution (continued) ve rs ity w ge ev ie -R am br id Pr es s ve rs ity w ge U ni C op Homeostasis means keeping your body temperature constant. When we are cold, our hairs stand on end, which keeps us warm. The fatty layer under the skin stops cold air getting into the body. When we are too hot, our sweat glands secrete a cold liquid that cools us down. When you are too hot, your blood capillaries move closer to the skin surface. Insulin is an enzyme that changes glucose to glycogen. ie When a person is submerged in cold water, their body temperature can drop very quickly. This is because heat is transferred quickly, by conduction, from the warm body into the cold water. An experiment was carried out to see if it is better to stay still if you fall into cold water, or to try to swim. -R es s -C Two men sat for minutes, in air at a temperature of °C. They then got into a swimming pool, where the water was also at a temperature of °C. Person A swam for the next 30 minutes. Person B lay still in the water. The body temperatures of both men were measured at minute intervals throughout the experiment. The results are shown in the graph. Pr ity y ve lay still U R ev 37.0 B ni ie 37.5 op w C 122 rs op y • • • • am br ev id C w ev ie R 5 a b c d e f ge C 36.5 36.0 ie -R 35.0 34.0 10 20 30 40 Time / minutes swam 50 60 ity Pr 0 es s -C 34.5 w e ev ie id g es s -R br am [2] [4] [2] C U op y ni ve rs State the body temperature of each man at the start of the experiment. Explain why their body temperatures remained roughly constant for the first 30 minutes of the experiment. Explain why the body temperatures of both men dropped between 30 minutes and 60 minutes. Suggest why person A’s temperature dropped faster than person B’s temperature during this time period. (This is quite a dificult question! You may find thinking about exchange surfaces is helpful.) -C c d ev id br am 35.5 op y C w ev ie a b w A Body temperature /°C R y y Each of these sentences contains incorrect information. Identify what is wrong, and then write a sentence that provides correct information. op 4 a nerve cell that transmits impulses from the central nervous system to an efector a cell that is sensitive to a stimulus the part of the eye that refracts light rays most strongly the part of the eye that contains receptor cells the action of the ciliary muscle when the eye is focusing on a nearby object the muscles in the iris that contract to reduce the amount of light entering the eye -C a b c d e f C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [3] ve rs ity w ni y A C U ev ie w ge id br 50 1.00 pm 2.00 pm 3.00 pm -R am i Explain why the concentration of glucose in the blood rises between A and B. ii Explain why the concentration of glucose in the blood falls between B and C The graph shows that the blood glucose concentration remains fairly constant between C and D. Explain the role of negative feedback in keeping blood glucose level constant. [3] [3] Define the term sensitivity. Some seedlings are supported on their sides in a light-proof container and let for five days. The diagram below shows what happens. [2] s es Pr ity y op C ie w ge id br ev ater five days -R am stand stem root es s -C i ii op C w ev ie id g es s -R br am -C [1] [2] [2] [3] [Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences 0654 Paper 32 Q10 November 2014] e U R y ity Pr Name the response of the seedlings shown in the diagram. With reference to the diagram, describe how the survival chances of a plant are increased by the type of response shown by: • the roots • the stems iii Explain the role of auxin in the responses of the roots and stems shown by these seedlings. ni ve rs op y C w ie [3] rs ve U R ni ev light-proof vertical cork mat container seedlings pinned to cork mat ev 4.00 pm Time of day -C y op C w a b ie 7 D C op w ev ie ve rs ity C op y B R d [1] Pr es s 150 Blood glucose 100 concentration / mg per 100 cm3 [3] -R ev ie Explain why body cells need a constant supply of glucose. In healthy humans, the blood normally contains about 90 mg of glucose per 100 cm3 of blood. Name the gland that secretes the hormones that help to keep this concentration fairly constant. The graph below shows the changes in concentration of blood glucose ater a meal containing starch. -C c ge a b am br id 6 C U ni op y B9: Coordination and homeostasis Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 123 op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie br s es Pr ity rs ve ni ■ ■ w ie ev id br Asexual reproduction y In reproduction, each new organism obtains a set of chromosomes from its parent or parents. Chromosomes are long threads, made of DNA, found in the nucleus of every cell, and they contain sets of instructions known as genes. As you will find out in Chapter B12, these genes vary slightly from one another in diferent individuals. op Sexual reproduction ev ie id g w e C U In sexual reproduction, the parent organism produces sex cells called gametes. Eggs and sperm are examples of gametes. Two of these gametes join and their nuclei fuse together. This is called fertilisation. The new cell formed by fertilisation is called a zygote. The zygote divides again and again, and eventually grows into a new organism. es s -R br am -C ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es Reproduction is one of the fundamental characteristics of all living things. Each kind of organism has its own particular method of reproducing, but all of these methods fit into one of two categories – asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction involves just one parent. Some of the parent organism’s cells divide by a kind of cell division that produces new cells containing exactly the same genes as the parent cell. The new cells are therefore genetically identical to the parent cell and to each other. They grow into new organisms, which are all genetically identical to each other and to their single parent. Look at Images B10.01 and B10.02. s -C -R am B10.01 Asexual and sexual reproduction R the structure and function of the parts of a flower the diferences between insect-pollinated and wind-pollinated flowers how pollination and fertilisation take place the conditions that seeds need for germination. y ■ ge ■ ■ U ■ asexual and sexual reproduction the nuclei of gametes and zygotes the advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction the advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction op C w ie ev R ■ C op This chapter covers: ■ ie -R am -C y 124 ev id w ge U R B10 Reproduction in plants Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y B10: Reproduction in plants KEy tERMS asexual reproduction: a process resulting in the production of genetically identical ofspring from one parent U R w ge Gametes ev id ie Gametes are diferent from ordinary cells, because they contain only half as many chromosomes as usual. This is so that when two of them fuse together, the zygote they form will have the correct number of chromosomes. y op es s -C ity Pr op y op y ni ve rs C w ie ev In many organisms, there are two diferent kinds of gamete. One kind is quite large, and does not move much. This is called the female gamete. In humans, the female gamete is the egg. In flowering plants the female gamete is a nucleus inside the ovule (Figures B10.02 and B10.03). es s -R br ev ie id g w e C U R The same is true for plants. For example, the cells of a eucalyptus tree have 22 chromosomes. Their male and female gametes each have 11 chromosomes. When these fuse together, they produce a zygote, inside a seed, that has 22 chromosomes. Male gametes and female gametes Image B10.02 This photograph shows a leaf from a plant called Kalanchoe. It grows tiny plantlets along the edges of its leaves, which will eventually drop of and grow their own roots, becoming separate plants. am An egg or sperm, though, only has 23 chromosomes – a single set. It is called a haploid cell. Gametes are always haploid. When two gametes fuse together, they form a diploid zygote. -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R Humans, for example, have 46 chromosomes in each of their body cells. But human egg and sperm cells only have 23 chromosomes each. When an egg and sperm fuse together at fertilisation, the zygote which is formed will therefore have 46 chromosomes, the normal number (Figure B10.01). The 46 chromosomes in an ordinary human cell are of 23 diferent kinds. There are two of each kind. This is because there are two sets of chromosomes in the cell. One set came from the father, and one set from the mother. A cell which has the full number of chromosomes, with two complete sets, is called a diploid cell. ni ev ve ie w rs C ity op Pr y es s -R br am -C Image B10.01 Hydra is a tiny animal that lives in freshwater ponds and lakes. This one is reproducing by growing a bud from itself. The bud will eventually break away to form a separate Hydra. -C C op y sexual reproduction: a process involving the fusion of the nuclei of two gametes (sex cells) to form a zygote, and the production of ofspring that are genetically diferent from each other ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie w ge The zygote contains chromosomes from both its parents. It can have any combination of their genes. Sexual reproduction therefore produces ofspring that are genetically diferent from each other and from their parents. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 125 ve rs ity w ni ge U R 23 In sexual reproduction, cells in testes and ovaries divide by meiosis, producing gametes, with half the number of chromosomes. ev id br -R ity On the outside of the flower are the sepals. The sepals protect the flower while it is a bud. Sepals are oten green. rs Just inside the sepals are the petals. These are oten brightly coloured. The petals attract insects to the flower. The petals of some flowers have lines running from top to bottom. These lines are called guide-lines, because they guide insects to the base of the petal. Here, there is a gland called a nectary. The nectary makes a sugary liquid called nectar, which insects feed on. y ge C U R op ni ev ve B10.01 Explain why ofspring produced by asexual reproduction are genetically identical. B10.03 What is a zygote? id ie w B10.04 Why do gametes contain only half the normal number of chromosomes? br ev B10.05 What is meant by a diploid cell? -R -C am B10.06 Name one part of your body where you have diploid cells. es Pr op y B10.08 Give one example of a haploid cell. ity ni ve rs C w y op C U ie id g w e The female parts of diferent kinds of flower vary. One of the diferences is the arrangement of the ovules in the ovary. Figure B10.03 shows one arrangement. -R s -C am br ev Do not use the word ‘flower’ when you mean ‘plant’. A plant is a complete organism. A flower is just part of a plant. es ie R ev The female part of the flower is in the centre. It consists of one or more carpels. A carpel contains an ovary. Inside the ovary are many ovules, which contain the female gametes. At the top of the ovary is the style, with a stigma at the tip. The function of the stigma is to catch pollen grains. Many flowering plants can reproduce in more than one way. Oten, they can reproduce asexually and also sexually, by means of flowers. TIP Inside the petals are the stamens. These are the male parts of the flower. Each stamen is made up of a long filament, with an anther at the top. The anthers contain pollen grains, which contain the male gametes. s B10.07 What is meant by a haploid cell? B10.02 Flowers The function of a flower is to make gametes, and to ensure that fertilisation will take place. Figure B10.02 illustrates the structure of an insect-pollinated flower. Image B10.03 shows flowers of Eucryphia. s Pr y op C w ie Flower structure es -C am The other sort of gamete is smaller, and usually moves actively in search of the female gamete. This is called the male gamete. In humans, the male gamete is the sperm. In flowering plants, the male gamete is found inside the pollen grain. It does not move by itself, but is carried to the female gamete by a pollen tube (Figure B10.06). B10.02 What is a gamete? When the male and female gametes join together, a zygote is formed which has the full number of chromosomes. ie Figure B10.01 Sexual reproduction in humans. QuEStiONS y egg w w ev ie The cells in a human body each contain 46 chromosomes. 46 C op meiosis ve rs ity C op y female body cell 46 fertilisation Pr es s -C male body cell 126 zygote -R 23 ev ie am br id ge sperm meiosis 46 C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Pr es s style y ovule filament sepal U ni ev ie stamen ve rs ity w C ovary anther y op carpel C op -C stigma R petal -R am br id ev ie w ge C U ni op y B10: Reproduction in plants nectary w ge receptacle br ev id ie flower stalk pollen grains caught by stigma stigma style 127 ovary wall y op ovule placenta es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w rs C ity op Pr y es s -C -R am Figure B10.02 A generalised flower. Pr op y Image B10.03 Eucryphia flowers. Eucryphia is a tree that grows wild in South America. receptacle op Figure B10.03 Section through the female part of a flower. ev ie id g es s -R br am Pollen looks like a fine powder. It is oten yellow. Under the microscope, you can see the shape of individual grains (Image B10.04). Pollen grains from diferent kinds of flower have diferent shapes. Each grain is surrounded by a hard coat, so that it can survive in dificult conditions w e C U Figure B10.04a illustrates a young anther, as it looks before the flower bud opens. You can see in Figure B10.04b that the anther has four spaces or pollen sacs inside it. Some of the cells around the edge of the pollen sacs divide to make pollen grains. When the flower bud opens, the anthers split open (Figure B10.04c). Now the pollen is on the outside of the anther. y ni ve rs The male gametes are inside the pollen grains, which are made in the anthers. -C R ev ie w C ity Pollen grains and ovules Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie y C op w ge U -R s rs es s -C op y Pr ity mature pollen grains op ev ie id g es s -R br am Figure B10.04 How pollen is made. -C w e C U R anther y ni ve rs C c Transverse section through a mature flower anther pollen sac, containing developing pollen grains ie w Pollination is oten carried out by insects (Image B10.05). Insects such as bees come to the flowers, attracted by -R am br ev id ie w ge C U For fertilisation to take place, the male gametes must travel to the female gametes. The first stage of this journey is for pollen to be taken from the anther where it was made to a stigma. This is called pollination. b Transverse section through a young flower anther lines along which the anther will split filament y Pollination ni ev R a A young flower anther ev if necessary. The coat protects the male gametes that are inside the grains, as the pollen is carried from one flower to another. The female gametes are inside the ovules, in the ovary. Each ovule contains a nucleus. Fertilisation happens when a pollen grain nucleus fuses with an ovule nucleus. ve ie w C 128 ity op Pr y es -C am br ev id ie Image B10.04 These pollen grains from a daisy flower are sticking to the surface of a petal. The electron micrograph is magnified about × 800. op R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C investigating the structure of a flower Skills: AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data ! Take care with the sharp knife blade. During this investigation, make large, labelled drawings of the structures that you observe. 1 Take an open, fresh-looking flower. Suggest two ways in which the flower advertises itself to insects. 2 Gently remove the sepals from the outside of the flower. Look at the sepals on a flower bud, near the top of the stem. What is the function of the sepals? 3 Now remove the petals from your flower. Make a labelled drawing of one of them, to show the markings. What is the function of these markings? 4 Find the stamens. If you have a young flower, there will be pollen on the anthers at the top of the stamens. Dust some onto a microscope slide, and look at it under a microscope. Draw a few pollen grains. 5 Now remove the stamens. What do you think is the function of the filaments? 6 Using a hand lens, try to find the nectaries at the bottom of the flower. What is their function? 7 The carpel is now all that is let of the flower. Find an ovary, style and stigma. Look at the stigma under a binocular microscope or a lens. What is its function, and how is it adapted to perform it? 8 Using a sharp blade, make a clean cut lengthways through the ovary, style and stigma. You have made a longitudinal section. Find the ovules inside the ovary. How big are they? What colour are they? About how many are there? -R am br id ACtivity B10.01 w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge C U ni op y B10: Reproduction in plants Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie w ge U R Pr y es s -C their colour and strong sweet scent. The bee follows the guide-lines to the nectaries, brushing past the anthers as it goes. Some of the pollen sticks to its body. ity op The bee then goes to another flower, looking for more nectar. Some of the pollen it picked up at the first flower sticks onto the stigma of the second flower when the bee brushes past it. The stigma is sticky, and many pollen grains get stuck on it. If the second flower is from the same species of plant as the first, pollination has taken place. y op w ge KEy tERM C U R ni ev ve rs C w ie -R am br ev id ie Image B10.05 The bee has come to the flower to collect nectar. Pollen gets stuck to its body, and the bee will then carry this to the next flower it visits. ev id br s es Pr op y In some plants, it is the wind which carries the pollen between flowers. Figure B10.05 shows a grass flower, which is an example of a wind-pollinated flower. Image B10.06 shows pollen grains from a grass flower. ity large amounts of light pollen ni ve rs C op C U Figure B10.05 An example of a wind-pollinated flower. ev ie id g -R s es am br Ater pollination, the male gamete inside the pollen grain on the stigma still has not reached the female gamete. The female gamete is inside the ovule, and the ovule is inside the ovary. If the pollen grain has landed on the right kind of stigma, it begins to grow a tube. You can try growing some pollen tubes, in Activity B10.03. The pollen tube grows down through the style and the ovary, towards the ovule (Figure B10.06). It secretes enzymes to digest a pathway through the style. w e Fertilisation large feathery stigma hanging outside the flower y Table B10.01 compares insect-pollinated and windpollinated flowers. -C w ie -R am -C Wind pollination ev anthers dangling outside the flower ie pollination: the transfer of pollen grains from the male part of the plant (anther of stamen) to the female part of the plant (stigma) R Pollination Skills: AO3.2 Planning AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data You are going to design and carry out an investigation to test this hypothesis: Bees visit yellow flowers more oten than flowers of other colours. You will need to carry out this investigation outdoors. It will be much easier to control variables if you make artificial flowers rather than using real ones. You can make them using coloured plastic to make ‘petals’, surrounding a central area where you can put a little pot of sugar solution. You will need to do your experiment on a sunny day, when there are plenty of bees flying. Remember to think about controlling variables. Think about exactly how you will count the bee visits, how you will record them and how you will display your results. Write a simple conclusion from your results, and then discuss the results in the light of what you know about pollination. (You might also be interested in finding out about how bees see colour.) Evaluate your experiment, and suggest improvements you could make. -R am br id ev ie w ACtivity B10.02 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 129 ve rs ity y ie w ge ev id br ovule integuments (outer covering) of ovule -R am ity Pr es s -C small, inconspicuous petals, or no petals at all rs no scent no nectaries ve oten have nectaries at the base of petals Wind-pollinated y y op C stigma inside flower, where insect has to brush past it to reach nectar stigmas large and feathery and dangling outside the flower, where pollen in the air may land on it C U id ie ge op anthers dangling outside the flower, where they catch the wind ni anthers inside flower, where insect has to brush past them to reach nectar w w oten strongly scented ie micropyle Figure B10.06 Fertilisation in a flower. large, conspicuous petals, oten with guide-lines ev C op U R female nucleus in ovule Insect-pollinated R wall of ovary male nucleus travelling down tube Image B10.06 Grass pollen (× 35 000). 130 style pollen tube beginning to grow ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie stigma pollen grain w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences smooth, light pollen, which can be blown in the wind br ev sticky or spiky pollen grains, which stick to insects s -C -R am quite large quantities of pollen made, because some will be very large quantities of pollen made, because most will be eaten or will be delivered to the wrong kind of flower blown away and lost Pr op y es Table B10.01 A comparison between insect-pollinated and wind-pollinated flowers. The pollen nucleus (male gamete) travels along the pollen tube, and into the ovule. It fuses with the ovule nucleus (female gamete). Fertilisation has now taken place. ity Once the ovules have been fertilised, many of the parts of the flower are not needed any more. The sepals, petals and stamens have all done their job. They wither and fall of. ni ve rs C w op y One pollen grain can only fertilise one ovule. If there are many ovules in the ovary, then many pollen grains will be needed to fertilise them all. ie id g w e C U Inside the ovary, the ovules start to grow. Each ovule now contains a zygote, which was formed at fertilisation. The ovule is now called a seed. ev The seed contains a tiny embryo plant and also food for the embryo. In a bean seed, the food is stored in two cream-coloured cotyledons containing starch and protein. br ACtivity B10.03 -R s es am Growing pollen tubes -C ie ev R Seeds Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie w QuEStiONS B10.09 What is the function of a flower? -R B10.10 In which part of a flower are male gametes made? B10.11 In which part of a flower are female gametes made? Pr es s -C am br id ge A seed contains hardly any water. When it was formed on the plant, the water in it was drawn out, so that it became dehydrated. Without water, almost no metabolic reactions can go on inside it. The seed is inactive or dormant. This is very useful, because it means that the seed can survive harsh conditions, such as cold or drought, which would kill a growing plant. C U ni op y B10: Reproduction in plants y U ni C op C w ev ie w ge 3 Put tube B in a refrigerator. id ie R ACtivity B10.04 to find the conditions necessary for the germination of tomato seeds Skills: AO3.2 Planning AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data ! Pyrogallol is very caustic. Your teacher will handle it for you. You should not use it yourself. -R es Pr y rs w A2 Suggest why each of these conditions is needed for successful germination. ve ie 131 A1 What three conditions do tomato seeds need for germination? -R es s -C am br ev id ie w ge C U R ni op y 2 Put tubes A, D and E in a warm place in the laboratory, in the light. ev 6 Leave your seeds for a day or so. Then complete your results table to show which seeds have germinated. Questions ity op C 5 Construct a results table and begin to fill it in to show what conditions the seeds in each tube have. s -C am br ev 4 Put tube C in a warm, dark cupboard. 1 Set up five tubes as shown in the diagram. Pyrogallol absorbs oxygen. cotton wool Pr ity op y In warm, dark place ie w C E pyrogallol in sodium hydroxide solution In warm, In warm, light place light place -R id g In cold, dark place D water s -C am br In warm, light place C water ev B water e A U perforated zinc platform wet cotton wool wet cotton wool wet cotton wool ni ve rs ie w C wet cotton wool es op y tomato seeds ev R B10.13 Why do wind-pollinated flowers usually produce more pollen than insect-pollinated ones? B10.14 Ater pollination, how does the male gamete reach the ovule? ve rs ity op y A seed must be in certain conditions before it will begin to germinate. You can find out what they are if you do Activity B10.04. B10.12 What is pollination? Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution dry cotton wool ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences ev ie w ge equally well adapted and are likely to grow well. This is especially true if there is plenty of space for them in that area. However, if it is getting crowded, then it may not be a good thing for the parent to produce new ofspring that grow all around it. am br id ACtivity B10.05 op y B10.03 Comparing sexual and asexual reproduction -R Another advantage of asexual reproduction is that a single organism can reproduce on its own. It does not need to wait to be pollinated, or to find a mate. This can be good if there are not many of those organisms around – perhaps there is only a single one growing in an isolated place. In that case, asexual reproduction is definitely the best option. Do remember, though, that even a single plant may be able to reproduce sexually, by pollinating its flowers with its own pollen. Pr es s -C to find the efect of storage time on the germination rate of seeds ni C op y In asexual reproduction, some of the parents’ cells divide in a way that makes new cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell. They are clones. Asexual reproduction does not produce genetic variation. U R ev ie w C ve rs ity Many plants can reproduce in two ways – asexually and sexually. Which is better? C ie -R rs Sometimes, it is a good thing not to have any variation. If a plant, for example, is growing well in a particular place, then it must be well adapted to its environment. If its ofspring all inherit the same genes, then they will be ve w y op C U ie w ge ev id s es ■ ■ op y ni ve rs ity ■ how insect pollination and wind pollination take place the diferences between insect-pollinated and wind-pollinated flowers how fertilisation happens in a flower how to investigate the environmental conditions that seeds need to make them germinate. -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w C ■ ■ Pr op y ■ the diferences between asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction the advantages to a species of asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction the names and functions of the parts of a flower -C ■ am You should know: -R br Summary In flowering plants, sexual reproduction produces seeds, which are likely to be dispersed over a wide area. This spreads the ofspring far away from the parents, so that they are less likely to compete with them. It also allows them to colonise new areas. You will find out more about variation, and its importance for evolution, in Chapter B13. ni ie ev R s ity op Is it useful or not to have genetic variation among ofspring? This depends on the circumstances. 132 Pr y es -C am br ev id But in sexual reproduction, some of the parents’ cells divide by a method that produces gametes, which have only half as many chromosomes as the parent cell. When two sets of chromosomes in the two gametes combine at fertilisation, a new combination of genes is produced. So sexual reproduction produces ofspring that are genetically diferent from their parents. w ge However, if the plant is not doing very well in its environment, or if a new disease or pest has come along to which it is not resistant, then it could be an advantage for its ofspring to be genetically diferent from it. There is a good chance that at least some of the ofspring may be better adapted to that environment, or be resistant to that disease. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y B10: Reproduction in plants 1 fertilisation gamete -C seed sexual reproduction C op y ve rs ity a sex cell; it can be male or female a cell formed by the fusion of the nuclei of two gametes a type of reproduction that produces new individuals that are genetically identical to their parent the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma an ovule ater fertilisation the fusion of the nuclei of two gametes a type of reproduction that produces genetically diferent ofspring U 2 ie w ge Construct a two-column table, with the headings Asexual reproduction and Sexual reproduction. Write each of these statements in the correct column. only one parent involved one or two parents involved involves gametes involves fertilisation zygote formed all ofspring genetically identical genetic variation among ofspring a A student investigated the conditions needed for the germination of mustard seeds. The diagram below shows the apparatus at the start of his experiment. s es Pr 133 ity rs B D E – 4 °C op y C id ie w ge C U R ni ev ie A ve op y -C -R am br ev id • • • • • • • w C zygote ni w C op y a b c d e f g Pr es s asexual reproduction ev ie R -R Match each of these words with its definition. pollination 3 ev ie am br id End-of-chapter questions -R es Pr moist cotton wool moist cotton wool ni ve rs C op i y Tubes A to D were placed in the laboratory at room temperature. Tube E was placed in a freezer at –4 °C. [1] w -R s es -C am br ev ie id g ii C U Which one of these factors should the student have kept the same for all of the tubes? Choose from the list: age of seeds, amount of water, temperature. Ater three days, the seeds in tubes B and D had germinated. The seeds in all the other tubes had not germinated. Use these results to deduce the conditions needed for the germination of mustard seeds. e w ie boiled water ity op y seeds dry cotton wool R ev oil s -C am br ev black card Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [3] (continued) ve rs ity b w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie In a tropical rainforest, the trees oten grow very closely together, which reduces the amount of light reaching the forest floor. The seeds of many species of rainforest trees will not germinate unless they get plenty of light. i Suggest why this is an advantage to the seedlings. ii In a separate experiment, the student used seeds of rainforest trees. State the tube in the diagram above in which the result would difer from those he obtained for mustard seeds. C op y ve rs ity U R ni ev ie The ovary of a flower contains one or more ovules. The ovules contain female gametes. Ater fertilisation, an ovule becomes a seed containing an embryo plant. The diagram shows a pea seed developing inside a pod. Pr C ity op y es s -C -R am br B ev id ie w ge A pea seed y op br ev id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w rs C 134 i es s -C -R am Explain the meaning of each of the following terms: gamete fertilisation ii Parts A and B in the diagram remain from the flower. State the name of part A and the function of part B of these parts in the flower. iii Suggest the part of the flower from which structure C developed. Four sets of pea seeds were placed in Petri dishes containing either damp soil or damp filter paper. They were let in diferent conditions, shown in the table below. [2] [2] [1] ity C warm light damp filter paper warm dark damp soil cold light e id g br D ev damp filter paper U dark op B cold C damp soil w A ie Conditions y ni ve rs Set -R s es am Predict which sets of seeds will germinate. Explain your answer. -C b Pr op y C w ie ev R [1] [Cambridge IGCSE Combined Science 0653 Paper 22 Q4 a & b June 2010] y op a w C 4 [1] Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [3] ve rs ity w ge ev ie A pea seed was planted in a pot. When the seed had grown into a young plant, the pot was placed on its side, in a room where light was coming from all sides. The diagram shows the young pea plant three days ater the pot had been placed on its side. ni U y w ie id br The diagram below shows a banana plant producing suckers. -R es s -C Pr y 135 ity op rs C w ni op y ve ie ev y w [2] ev ie id g -R s es -C am br c [1] C U Name the type of reproduction that is shown in the diagram. Suggest two advantages to the growers of banana plants of using this type of reproduction to propagate their plants. Banana plants can be killed by fungal diseases, such as black sigatoka and Panama disease. Explain why a population of bananas produced by the method shown in the diagram could all be wiped out by the same disease. e a b op ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ev R [2] [3] [Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences 0654 Paper 22 Q8 June 2013] am 5 C op Name the response shown by the pea plant in the diagram above. Suggest how this response will help the plant to reproduce sexually. ge R i ii ev ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R am br id c C U ni op y B10: Reproduction in plants Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [2] op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie am br ev id ie w ge U R C ■ y op C U At the base of the uterus is a narrow opening, guarded by muscles. This is the neck of the uterus, or cervix. It leads to the vagina, which opens to the outside. ev The opening from the bladder, called the urethra, runs in front of the vagina, while the rectum is just behind it. The three tubes open separately to the outside. -R s am br Figure B11.01 shows the reproductive organs of a woman. The female gametes, called eggs, are made in the two ovaries. Leading away from the ovaries are the oviducts, sometimes called Fallopian tubes. They do not connect ie id g w e The female reproductive organs -C y C w ie Pr ni ve rs w ie es s C Humans, like all mammals, reproduce sexually. A new life begins when a male gamete fuses with a female one, forming a zygote. This is how you and every other human being was formed. R directly to the ovaries, but have a funnel-shaped opening just a short distance away. The two oviducts lead to the womb or uterus. This has very thick walls, made of muscle. It is quite small – only about the size of a clenched fist – but it can stretch a great deal when a woman is pregnant. ity op y B11.01 Human reproductive organs ev op ve ni U -C ■ ev ■ -R ■ ge ■ id ■ the structure and functions of the male and female human reproductive systems adaptations of egg and sperm cells fertilisation and implantation the diferences between male and female gametes the functions of the placenta and amnion the menstrual cycle HIV/AIDS. br ■ am R ev ie w rs This chapter covers: es 136 ity op Pr y es s -C -R B11 Reproduction in humans Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie oviduct or Fallopian tube uterus wall ie br ev id vagina -R am ity Pr es s -C y op C rs w Figures B11.02 and B11.03 show the reproductive organs of a man. The male gametes, called spermatozoa or sperm, are made in two testes (singular: testis). These are outside the body, in two sacs of skin called the scrotum. ve ie The sperm are carried away from each testis in a tube called the sperm duct. The sperm ducts from the testes join up with the urethra just below the bladder. The urethra continues downwards and opens at the tip of the penis. The urethra can carry both urine and sperm at diferent times. y op w ie br ev Gamete production -R am es s -C Pr op y ni ve rs Sperm are made continually in the testes from the age of about 12 to 14 years old. Figure B11.05 shows the structure of a sperm. op C w sperm duct Sperm production is very sensitive to heat. If they get too hot, the cells in the tubules will not develop into sperm. This is why the testes are outside the body, where they are cooler than they would be inside. ie id g e U penis When she reaches the age of around 10 to 14 years old, some of these eggs will begin to mature. Usually, only one develops at a time. When it is mature (Figure B11.04), an egg cell bursts out of the ovary and into the funnel at the end of the oviduct. This is called ovulation. In humans, it happens once a month. y ity prostate gland epididymis scrotum es s Figure B11.02 Side view of the male reproductive organs. -R br ev testis am Figure B11.03 The male reproductive organs. C U ge id bladder C urethra -C penis Eggs begin to be formed inside a girl’s ovaries before she is born. At birth, she will already have thousands of partly developed eggs inside her ovaries. ie w scrotum Where the sperm ducts join the urethra, there is a gland called the prostate gland. This makes a fluid which the sperm swim in. ni ev R epididymis testis The male reproductive organs ev sperm duct w ge U R ni ev ie erectile tissue cervix Figure B11.01 The female reproductive organs. R prostate gland y w C ve rs ity urethra C op op y ovary uterus lining (endometrium) erectile tissue bladder w ge C U ni op y B11: Reproduction in humans Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 137 ve rs ity C ev ie w ge begins in the testes, travels along the sperm ducts, and into the penis. The sperm are squeezed along, out of the man’s urethra and into the woman’s vagina. This is called ejaculation. am br id layer of jelly U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences -R cell surface membrane cytoplasm containing yolk – an energy store Pr es s -C The fluid containing the sperm is called semen. Ejaculation deposits the semen at the top of the vagina, near the cervix. y Sperm can only swim at a rate of about 4 mm per minute, so it takes quite a while for them to get as far as the oviducts. Many will never get there at all. But one ejaculation deposits about a million sperm in the vagina, so there is a good chance that some of them will reach the egg. U ni Figure B11.04 A human egg cell. C op C diameter 0.1 mm w op Pr y es Very slowly, the egg travels towards the uterus. Cilia lining the oviduct help to sweep it along. ity If the egg is not fertilised by a sperm within 8–24 hours ater ovulation, it will die. By this time, it has only travelled a short way along the oviduct. So a sperm must reach an egg while it is quite near the top of the oviduct if fertilisation is to be successful. op y ve ni When the man is sexually excited, blood is pumped into spaces inside the penis, so that it becomes erect. To bring the sperm as close as possible to the egg, the man’s penis is placed inside the vagina of the woman. This is called sexual intercourse. -R Image 11.01 This sperm cell is swimming over the surfaces of the ciliated cells in the oviduct. Pr op y es -C Sperm are pushed out of the penis into the vagina. This happens when muscles in the walls of the tubes containing the sperm contract rhythmically. The wave of contraction s am br ev id ie w ge C U R ev ie w rs C 138 s -C am Ater ovulation, the egg is caught in the funnel of the oviduct. The funnel is lined with cilia which beat rhythmically, wating the egg into the entrance of the oviduct. -R br ev id ie w ge B11.02 Fertilisation and development op middle piece, containing mitochondria to release energy for swimming -R s -C Figure B11.05 A human sperm. length 0.05 mm es am br ev ie id g w e U R ev tail (flagellum), which produces swimming movements nucleus, containing chromosomes C ie w ni ve rs C ity head y ev ie R The sperm are still quite a long way from the egg. They swim, using their tails, up through the cervix, through the uterus, and into the oviduct (Image B11.01 and Figure B11.06). ve rs ity op y nucleus containing chromosomes Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution acrosome – a vesicle containing enzymes, to dissolve a way through the jelly surrounding the egg cell ve rs ity C U ni op y B11: Reproduction in humans ev ie -R am br id Pr es s -C y ve rs ity op C Sperm are let in the top of the vagina. w Implantation ev id es s -R br am -C Pr y op ity rs C y ve op ni C U ie w ge ev id br -R am es s -C Pr 3 The zygote divides. 5 The cells in the ball keep dividing as it moves down the oviduct. It is now called an embryo. ie ev placenta forming es s -R br am -C op U id g e 6 Implantation. The embryo sinks into the sot lining of the uterus. w ie ev R y ity 1 Ovulation. A mature follicle bursts, and releases an egg into the oviduct. ni ve rs op y C 4 Ater several hours, a ball of cells is formed. C w ie 2 Fertilisation. A sperm nucleus fuses with the egg nucleus, forming a zygote. w It takes several hours for the embryo to reach the uterus, and by this time it is a ball of 16 or 32 cells. The uterus has a thin, spongy lining, and the embryo sinks into it. This is called implantation (Figure B11.08). The embryo grows and develops in the uterus for approximately nine months. Ater that time, muscles in the wall of uterus contract and push the baby out through the cervix and vagina. The baby is still attached to the uterus by the umbilical cord and the placenta. The placenta falls away from the uterus wall and passes out through the vagina. It is called the aterbirth. As soon as the successful sperm enters the egg, the egg membrane becomes impenetrable, so that no other sperm can get in. The unsuccessful sperm will all die. ev When the sperm nucleus and the egg nucleus have fused together, they form a zygote. The zygote continues to move slowly down the oviduct. As it goes, it divides to form a ball of cells. This is called an embryo. The embryo obtains food from the yolk of the egg. ie ge U R Figure B11.07 Fertilisation. One sperm enters the egg. Only the head of the sperm goes in; the tail is let outside. The nucleus of the sperm fuses with the nucleus of the egg. This is fertilisation (Figure B11.07). Figure B11.08 Implantation. The nucleus of the successful sperm fuses with the egg nucleus. C op y The head of one sperm penetrates the egg membrane. ni ev ie w Sperm swim through the uterus and into the oviduct. Figure B11.06 How sperm get to the egg (sperm and egg are drawn to diferent scales). R The egg membrane stops more sperm getting through. w ge If there is an egg in the oviduct, it will be fertilised. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 139 ve rs ity ev ie B11.02 Where is the prostate gland, and what is its function? op y Pr es s -R am br id -C B11.01 What is the name for the narrow opening between the uterus and the vagina? y w ge U ni C op C ve rs ity B11.08 What is implantation? B11.07 Study Figures B11.04 and B11.05. Construct a table to compare the size, structure, numbers and ability to move of sperm and eggs, and explain how these features adapt them to carry out their functions. id ie B11.09 What is a fetus? s -R B11.11 List two substances which pass from the mother’s blood into the fetus’s blood. Pr y es -C am br ev B11.10 How is the fetus connected to the placenta? The fetus is surrounded by a strong membrane, called the amnion. This makes a liquid called amniotic fluid. This fluid helps to support the embryo and to protect it. ity op y ve ie ev br -R am es s -C Pr ity y ni ve rs C w U QuEStiONS e thin wall of placenta ie id g w B11.12 Why does the uterus wall become thick and spongy before ovulation? ev B11.13 What happens if the egg is not fertilised? -R s es am br Figure B11.09 Part of the placenta. (Note that you do not need to know about the structure of the placenta, but this may help you to understand what it does.) C umbilical cord -C ie Figure B11.10 shows what happens in the ovaries and the lining of the uterus during the human menstrual cycle. vein op op y artery fetus’s blood separated from mother’s blood by thin wall of placenta If the egg cell is not fertilised, it is dead by the time it reaches the uterus. It does not sink into the spongy wall, but continues onwards, down through the vagina. As the spongy lining is not needed now, it gradually disintegrates. It, too, is slowly lost through the vagina. This is called menstruation, or a period. It usually lasts for about five days. Ater menstruation, the lining of the uterus builds up again, so that it will be ready to receive the next egg, if it is fertilised. w from mother id ge to mother C ni U vein B11.03 the menstrual cycle Usually, one egg is released into the oviduct every month in an adult woman. Before the egg cell is released, the lining of the uterus becomes thick and spongy, to prepare itself for a fertilised egg cell. It is full of tiny blood vessels, ready to supply the embryo with food and oxygen if it should arrive. rs C w ie ev R space filled with the mother’s blood ev B11.05 How does an egg travel along the oviduct? Oxygen and dissolved nutrients in the mother’s blood difuse across the placenta into the fetus’s blood, and are then carried along the umbilical cord to the fetus. Carbon dioxide and other waste materials (excretory products) difuse the other way, and are carried away in the mother’s blood. As the fetus grows, the placenta grows too. By the time of birth, the placenta will be a flat disc, about 12 cm in diameter and 3 cm thick. lining of uterus R B11.04 Where are sperm made? B11.06 Where does fertilisation take place? op 140 B11.03 Explain how ovulation happens. Ater eleven weeks, the embryo has developed into a fetus. The placenta is joined to the fetus by the umbilical cord. Inside the cord are two arteries and a vein. The arteries take blood from the fetus into the placenta, and the vein returns the blood to the fetus. w ev ie R w QuEStiONS The cells in the embryo, now buried in the sot wall of the uterus, continue to divide. As the embryo grows, a placenta also grows, which connects it to the wall of the uterus (Figure B11.09). The placenta is sot and dark red, and has finger-like projections called villi. The villi fit closely into the uterus wall. The placenta is where substances are exchanged between the mother’s blood and the embryo’s. It is the embryo’s life support system. C ge The placenta and amnion U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y B11: Reproduction in humans -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie -R am br ev id ie w ge U R s es Pr C ev -R s es ity Pr op y HIV infects a particular a type of white blood cell. Over a long period of time, HIV slowly destroys these cells. Several years ater infection with the virus, the numbers of certain kinds of white blood cells are so low that they are unable to fight against other pathogens (disease-causing organisms) efectively. op y ni ve rs C A person who has the virus in their body is said to be HIV-positive. Several years ater initial infection with HIV, a person is likely to develop symptoms of AIDS unless they are given efective treatment. They become very vulnerable to other infections, such as pneumonia. w e C U genetic material (RNA) 10 nm ev ie id g Figure B11.11 The human immunodeficiency virus, HIV. A nanometre (nm) is 1 × 10 –9 m, so this virus is very, very small. es s -R br am -C w ie y C ie w ge id br am -C The disease AIDS, or acquired immune deficiency syndrome, is caused by HIV. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. Figure B11.11 shows this virus. op ve U ni protein Sexually transmitted infections are caused by bacteria or viruses that can be passed from one person to another during sexual intercourse. By far the most important of these infections is HIV/AIDS. ev 141 rs w ie ev B11.04 Hiv/AiDS R The follicle turns into a corpus luteum. The lining of the uterus becomes more vascular, ready to receive the embryo if the egg is fertilised. ity op y -C Menstruation. As the egg has not been fertilised, the thick uterus lining is not needed. It breaks down, and is gradually lost through the vagina. Figure B11.10 The menstrual cycle. R Ovulation. The follicle bursts, releasing an egg cell from the ovary. Fertilisation could take place. ev ie Inside the ovary, a follicle containing an egg cell develops. The uterus lining is repaired. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences They may develop cancer, because one function of white blood cells is to destroy body cells which may be beginning to produce cancers. Brain cells are also quite oten damaged by HIV. A person with AIDS usually dies from a collection of several illnesses. y Preventing HIV transmission ve rs ity y op C w C op The virus that causes AIDS cannot live outside the human body. In fact, it is an especially fragile virus – much less tough than the cold virus, for example. You can only become infected with HIV through direct contact of your body fluids with those of someone with the virus. This can be in one of the following ways. U ni C -R y ve From mother to baby The virus, HIV, can pass from a mother to her baby during pregnancy, during birth, or during breast-feeding. ni U R ev ie w rs The more sexual partners a person has, the higher the chance of them becoming infected with HIV. In some parts of the world, where it is common practice for men to have many diferent sexual partners, very high percentages of people have developed AIDS. This is so in some parts of Africa and Asia, and also amongst some homosexual communities in parts of Europe and the USA. ev id ie w ge C The best way of decreasing the risk of transmission of the virus to a baby is to treat an HIV-positive woman with antiretroviral drugs before and during her pregnancy. Mothers who are HIV-positive may also be advised not to breast feed their baby. Pr op y Summary ni ve rs ■ the functions of the amnion and the placenta about the changes in the ovaries and the uterus during the menstrual cycle about HIV/AIDS and ways in which it can be prevented from spreading. y ■ ev ie id g w e C U ■ es s -R br ■ am ■ the structure and functions of the male and female reproductive organs how and where fertilisation takes place how the structures of sperm and egg cells are adapted to their functions -C R ev ie w C ity You should know: ■ -R es s -C am br The best way of avoiding infection with HIV is never to have more than one sexual partner. If everyone did that, People who have to deal with accidents, such as police and paramedics, must always be on their guard against HIV if there is blood around. They oten wear protective clothing, just in case a bleeding accident victim is infected with HIV. op 142 ity op Pr y es -C through sexual activity HIV can live in the fluid inside the vagina, rectum and urethra, and also in the blood. During sexual intercourse, fluids from one partner come into contact with fluids of the other. It is very easy for the virus to be passed on in this way. s am br ev id ie w ge Blood can also be transferred from one person to another if they share hypodermic needles. This most commonly happens in people who inject drugs, such as heroin. Many drug users have died from AIDS. It is essential that any hypodermic needle used for injection is sterile. op ev ie R through blood contact Many cases of AIDS have been caused by HIV being transferred from one person’s blood to another. In the 1970s and 1980s, when AIDS first appeared, and before anyone knew what was causing it, blood containing HIV was used in transfusions. People being given the transfusions were infected with HIV, and later developed AIDS. Now all blood used in transfusions in most countries is screened for HIV before it is used. Pr es s -C There is still no cure for AIDS, though drugs can greatly increase the life expectancy of a person infected with HIV. These are called antiretroviral drugs. Researchers are always trying to develop new drugs and vaccines which will kill the virus without damaging the person’s own cells. -R am br id ev ie w ge then the virus would immediately stop spreading. Using condoms is a good way of lowering the chances of the virus passing from one person to another during sexual intercourse – though it does not rule it out. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y B11: Reproduction in humans am br id 1 the place where an egg is fertilised the organ where eggs are made the organ in which an embryo develops a ring of muscle at the base of the uterus Pr es s The diagram shows a fetus developing in the uterus. D E ie ev id F -R am br A w ge U R ni B y ev ie C C op 2 ve rs ity op y -C a b c d -R Write the name of the parts of the female reproductive system that match each description. w C ev ie End-of-chapter questions es ve a The diagram below shows two gametes: a sperm cell and an egg cell. C U ni op y Name each of the parts labelled A to I. Describe the function of part C. Outline the function of part F. w ie br ev id 3 a b c ge R ev ie w rs i 143 ity C op H Pr y s -C G op y egg cell ev ie id g es s -R br am [1] [1] w e C U i State one way in which both of these cells difer from other cells of the body. ii Suggest an advantage of the egg cell being larger than the sperm cell. iii A fertilised egg divides into a ball of cells and becomes attached to the lining of the uterus. Explain why it is important that this ball of cells soon becomes attached to the lining of the uterus. -C R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am sperm cell Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [4] (continued) ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Pr es s -C placenta -R am br id ev ie b The diagram below shows a developing fetus inside its mother’s body. y B C op C ie ev id -R am br Identify the parts labelled A, B and C. State what causes blood to flow along A. State a function of the fluid inside structure B. State two substances which pass from the mother to the fetus, and two waste substances which pass from the fetus to the mother. es y op es s -C flagellum digestive enzymes ity nucleus With reference to your diagram, explain how the structure of a sperm adapts it for its function. Describe how a human egg cell is adapted for its function. op -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R y ni ve rs C w ie cytoplasm ev b c cell membrane Pr Make a copy of the diagram. On your diagram label the following parts: op y a -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie rs The diagram shows a human sperm. ity [Cambridge O Level Human and Social Biology 5096 Paper 21 Q1 a & b November 2011] w 4 [4] Pr y op C 144 [3] [1] [1] s -C i ii iii iv w ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y A Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [3] [4] [3] ve rs ity 5 w ge C U ni op y B11: Reproduction in humans am br id ev ie The graph shows the number of people in the Caribbean who were known to be infected with HIV, who had AIDS and who died from AIDS, between 1982 and 2008. -R 2000 Pr es s y AIDS deaths ni 500 U 1986 1990 1994 1998 Year 2006 ev br -R s es Pr rs op y ve ni C U ie w ge ev id br -R am es s -C ity Pr op y -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U op y ni ve rs C w ie [3] [2] [4] 145 ity op C w ie ev R ev R 2010 ie id With reference to the graph, describe the changes in the number of people infected with HIV between 1982 and 2008. Suggest why the actual number of people infected with HIV may be greater than the numbers shown on the graph. Suggest the reasons for the shape of the graphs between 2004 and 2008. y c 2002 w 0 1982 -C b AIDS cases C op 1000 am a HIV cases ve rs ity 1500 ge R ev ie w C op y -C Number per 100 000 of population 2500 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie am br ev id ie w ge U R C ve br y op s Most of the time, the chromosomes are too thin to be seen except with an electron microscope. But when a cell is dividing, they get shorter and fatter so they can be seen with a light microscope. Image B12.01 shows human chromosomes seen with a powerful electron microscope. ity Each species of organism has its own number and variety of genes. This is what makes their body chemistry, their appearance and their behaviour diferent from those of other organisms. op y ni ve rs C Humans have a large number of genes. You have 46 chromosomes inside each of your cells, all with many genes on them. Every cell in your body has an exact copy of all your genes. But, unless you are an identical twin, there is no one else in the world with exactly the same combination of genes that you have. Your genes make you unique. -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e Each chromosome contains one very long molecule of DNA. The DNA molecule carries a code that instructs the cell about which kinds of proteins it should make. Each chromosome carries instructions for making many diferent proteins. A part of a DNA molecule coding for one protein is called a gene. C U w ie ev es Pr op y -C In the nucleus of every cell there are a number of long threads called chromosomes. The genes on your chromosomes determine all sorts of things about you – what colour your eyes or hair are, whether you have a snub nose or a straight one, and whether you have a genetic disease such as cystic fibrosis. You inherited these genes from your parents. -R am B12.01 Chromosomes R C ev id ■ ie ■ ni ■ chromosomes and genes haploid and diploid nuclei cell division by mitosis and meiosis how to use genetic diagrams to predict and explain inheritance. U ■ ge R ev ie w rs This chapter covers: w 146 ity op Pr y es s -C -R B12 Inheritance Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity y C op ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie w ge C U ni op y B12: Inheritance br -R am KEy tERMS ev id ie w ge U R Image B12.01 A scanning electron micrograph of human chromosomes. You can see that each one is made of two identical chromatids, linked at a point called the centromere. s -C chromosome: a thread-like structure of DNA, carrying genetic information in the form of genes op rs C w 147 ity B12.02 Cell division You began your life as a single cell – a zygote – formed by the fusion of an egg cell and a sperm cell. The nuclei of each of these gametes contained a single complete set of 23 chromosomes. When they fused together, they produced a zygote with 46 chromosomes. y op ie Pr e C U op Image B12.03 Chromosomes of a woman, arranged in order. ie id g Mitosis ev Soon ater the zygote was formed, it began to divide over and over again, producing a ball of cells that eventually grew into you. Each time a cell divided, the two new cells es s -R br am -C w ie ev R Images B12.02 and B12.03 show the chromosomes in a cell of a man and of a woman. They have been arranged in order, largest first. You can see that there are two chromosomes of each kind, because they are from diploid cells. In each pair, one is from the person’s mother and the other from their father. The two chromosomes of a pair are called homologous chromosomes. y ni ve rs ity diploid nucleus: a nucleus containing two sets of chromosomes (e.g. in body cells) w C op y haploid nucleus: a nucleus containing a single set of unpaired chromosomes (e.g. in gametes) es s KEy tERMS -R -C am br ev id A cell with a single set of chromosomes, such as a gamete, is said to be haploid. The nucleus of the zygote contained two sets of chromosomes. It was a diploid cell. w ge C U R ni ev ve ie Image B12.02 Chromosomes of a man, arranged in order. Pr y es gene: a length of DNA that codes for a protein Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity produced were provided with a perfect copy of the two sets of chromosomes in the original zygote. The new cells produced were all genetically identical. w Meiosis Gametes have only half the number of chromosomes of a normal body cell. They have one set of chromosomes instead of two. This is so that when they fuse together, the zygote formed has two sets. ni Just before mitosis takes place, the chromosomes in the parent cell are copied. centromere which joins Each copy remains attached the two chromatids to the original one, so each together chromosome is made up of two identical threads joined together (Figure B12.01). two identical chromatids The two threads are called chromatids, and the point where they are Figure B12.01 A chromosome held together is called the centromere. just before division. y chromosome Human gametes are formed by the division of cells in the ovaries and testes. The cells divide by a special type of cell division called meiosis. Meiosis shares out the chromosomes so that each new cell gets only one of each type. C op C ve rs ity op y Pr es s Mitosis is the way in which any cell – plant or animal – divides when an organism is growing, or repairing a damaged part of its body. It produces new cells to replace damaged ones. For example, if you cut yourself, new skin cells will be made by mitosis to help to heal the wound. Mitosis is also used in asexual reproduction. w ev ie Figure B12.03 summarises what happens during meiosis. ie ev id s es Pr ity rs w KEy tERM y ve Figure B12.02 shows what happens when a cell with four chromosomes (two sets of two) divides by mitosis. Two new cells are formed, each with one copy of each of the four chromosomes. As the new cells grow, they make new copies of each chromosome, ready to divide again. op meiosis: reduction division in which the chromosome number is halved from diploid to haploid, resulting in genetically diferent cells op y ni ve rs ie id g w e C U The parent cell contains four chromosomes. During growth of the cell, an exact copy is made of each chromosome. The cells are now ready to divide again. -R am br ev During mitosis, each chromosome splits. One chromatid from each chromosome goes into each daughter cell. es s Figure B12.02 Chromosomes during the life of a cell dividing by mitosis. -C R ev ie w C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U ni ie ev R -R br am -C y op C 148 You may remember that one of each pair of homologous chromosomes came from the person’s mother, and one from their father. During meiosis, the new cells get a mixture of these. So a sperm cell could contain a chromosome 1 from the man’s father and a chromosome 2 from his mother, and so on. There are all sorts of diferent possible combinations. This is one of the reasons why gametes are genetically diferent from the parent cell. Meiosis produces genetic variation. w ge U R -R -C This type of cell division, which produces genetically identical cells, is called mitosis. mitosis: nuclear division giving rise to genetically identical cells ev ie am br id ge KEy tERM C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge C U ni op y B12: Inheritance -R The parent cell contains four chromosomes. Pr es s -C am br id ev ie w First division – meiosis i y C op U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Homologous chromosomes pair together. Crossing over takes place. br ev id ie w ge Homologous chromosomes separate. One from each pair goes into each daughter cell. -R s -C am Second division – meiosis ii 149 y op C U R ni ev ve ie w rs C ity op Pr y es Each chromosome separates into two chromatids. One chromatid of each kind goes into each daughter cell. id ie w ge Figure B12.03 Summary of chromosome behaviour during meiosis. br -R ity centromere ni ve rs C ie id g KEy tERM w e C U op y position of eye colour genes Figure B12.04 You have two copies of each kind of chromosome in your cells. Each copy carries genes for the same characteristic in the same position. -R s -C am br ev inheritance: the transmission of genetic information from generation to generation es w ie s Pr op y Because you have two complete sets of chromosomes in each of your cells, you have two complete sets of genes. Each chromosome in a homologous pair contains genes for the same characteristic in the same positions (Figure B12.04). This is true for all animals and most plants. Let us look at one kind of gene to see how it behaves, and how it is inherited. R ev two chromatids of one chromosome es -C am We have seen that chromosomes each contain many genes. We think there are about 20 000 human genes, carried on our two sets of 23 chromosomes. a pair of homologous chromosomes ev B12.03 inheritance Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity y C op es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences C ity op Pr y Image B12.04 Chinchillas can have grey fur or charcoal (black) fur. 150 ni op y ve In chinchillas, genes determine the colour of the fur. The genes are sets of instructions for producing the proteins that cause diferent fur colours. U For example, we can call the allele that gives grey fur G, and the allele that gives charcoal fur g. -R g g ity Pr op y Figure B12.05 Genotypes for the fur colour gene in chinchillas. ni ve rs y If the two alleles for this gene in its cells are the same – that is, GG or gg – the chinchilla is said to be homozygous. If the two alleles are diferent – that is, Gg – then it is heterozygous. e U KEy tERMS ie id g w homozygous: having two identical alleles of a particular gene ev heterozygous: having two diferent alleles of a particular gene br KEy tERM -R s es am allele: a version of a gene -C op C w ie ev R G es -C In each cell in a chinchilla’s body, there are two copies of the gene giving instructions about which kind of fur colour protein to make. This means that there are three possible combinations of alleles. A chinchilla might have two G alleles, GG. It might have one of each, Gg. Or it might have two g alleles, gg (Figure B12.05). G s am G ev br id ie w ge C There are several diferent forms of the fur colour gene. The diferent forms are called alleles. We can refer to these alleles using letters as symbols. C R ev ie w rs Genes and alleles Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution g ve rs ity C U ni op y B12: Inheritance Genotype and phenotype w ge Only chinchillas with the genotype gg – homozygous recessive – have charcoal fur. -C ev ie If its genotype is GG, then it has grey fur. If its genotype is gg it has charcoal fur. If its genotype is Gg it has grey fur. Alleles in gametes -R am br id The genes that a chinchilla has are its genotype. Its genotype for fur colour could be GG, Gg or gg. Imagine a male chinchilla that has the genotype Gg. It is a carrier for charcoal fur. In its testes, sperm are made by meiosis. Each sperm cell gets either a G allele or g allele. Half of his sperm cells have the genotype G and half have the genotype g. C op y You can see that, in this example, the chinchilla’s phenotype for colour depends entirely on its genotype. This is not always true. Some features, such as how big it grows, can be afected by what it eats, as well as by its genotype. However, for the moment, we will only consider the efect that genotype has on phenotype, and not worry about efects that the environment might have. w ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s The features the chinchilla has are called its phenotype. This can include what it looks like – for example, the colour of its fur – as well as things which we cannot actually see, such as what kind of protein it has in its cell membranes. br ev id ie QuEStiONS B12.01 What are chromosomes made of? es -C C We have seen that there are three diferent possible genotypes for chinchilla fur colour, but only two phenotypes. We can summarise this as follows: op y ve B12.05 If a normal human cell has 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes are there in a human sperm cell? C grey grey charcoal B12.06 Using the symbols N for normal wings, and n for vestigial (very small) wings, write down the following: es Pr op y ity The allele g is recessive. A recessive allele only afects the phenotype when there is no dominant allele present. y op C U When the chinchillas mate, hundreds of thousands of sperm will begin a journey towards the egg. Half of them will carry a G allele, and half will carry a g allele. If there is an egg in the female’s oviduct, it will probably be fertilised. There is an equal chance of either kind of sperm getting there first. w id g ie dominant: an allele that is expressed if it is present es s -R br ev recessive: an allele that is only expressed when there is no dominant allele of the gene present am Genes and fertilisation The eggs that are made in the female’s ovaries are also made by meiosis. She can only make one kind of egg. All of the eggs will contain a g allele. e KEy tERMS -C b the possible genotypes of its gametes. If this heterozygous chinchilla is crossed with a female with charcoal fur (genotype gg), will their ofspring have charcoal fur? ni ve rs C w ie ev R a the genotype of a fly which is heterozygous for this characteristic. s -C This happens because the allele G is dominant to the allele g. A dominant allele has just as much efect on phenotype when there is only one of it as when there are two of it. A chinchilla that is homozygous for a dominant allele has the same phenotype as a chinchilla that is heterozygous. A heterozygous chinchilla is said to be a carrier of the charcoal colour, because it has the allele for it but does not have charcoal fur. -R am br ev id ie w ge GG Gg gg U ni ev R phenotype B12.04 a The allele for brown eyes is dominant to the allele for blue eyes. Write down suitable symbols for these alleles. b What is the phenotype of a person who is heterozygous for this characteristic? rs Dominant and recessive alleles genotype B12.03 What are alleles? ity op Pr y phenotype: the observable features of an organism w s B12.02 What are homologous chromosomes? genotype: the genetic makeup of an organism in terms of the alleles present ie -R am KEy tERMS Each gamete has only one of each kind of chromosome instead of two, as in the body cells. So, for example, human egg and sperm cells have 23 chromosomes, not 46 as in other cells. These cells, therefore, only carry one of each pair of alleles of all the genes. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 151 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences If a sperm carrying a G allele wins the race, then the zygote will have a G allele from its father and a g allele from its mother. Its genotype will be Gg. When the baby chinchilla is born, it will have the genotype Gg. op y w ve rs ity y C op ni ge U w ie ev id br -R am -C s es Pr y ity op C rs ve w ie What happens if both parents are heterozygous? g zygotes ni g Parents’ phenotypes grey grey Parents’ genotypes Gg Gg G or g G or g Gametes ge C U R Another cross w Figure B12.06 Fertilisation between a heterozygous grey chinchilla and a chinchilla with charcoal fur. op y First, write down the phenotypes and genotypes of the parents. Next, write down the diferent types of gametes they can make, like this. Pr gg g gg charcoal w id g ie ev es s -R br am Gg grey This example illustrates the inheritance of one pair only of contrasting characteristics. This is known as monohybrid inheritance. The next step is to write down what might happen during fertilisation. Either kind of sperm might fuse with an egg. -C g About one quarter of the ofspring would be expected to have charcoal fur, and three quarters would have grey fur. e G or g Gg grey y Gg GG grey op Parents’ genotypes G C charcoal g sperm ity grey U ni ve rs C w Parents’ phenotypes G -R s es -C There is a standard way of writing out all this information. It is called a genetic diagram. ie eggs ev id ie Ofspring genotypes and phenotypes br am Genetic diagrams Gametes y R g g ev gg charcoal So we would expect approximately half of the ofspring to be heterozygous with grey fur, and half to be homozygous, with charcoal fur. Another way of putting this is to say that the expected ratio of grey fur to charcoal fur would be 1:1. g G ev g sperm To finish your summary of the genetic cross, write out in words what you would expect the ofspring from this cross to be. g g R Gg grey op C w ev ie g G G This part of the genetic diagram is called a Punnett square. fertilisation 152 g A female of genotype gg produces eggs of genotype g . A male of genotype Gg produces equal numbers of G and g sperm. G ev ie Pr es s -C But if a sperm carrying a g allele manages to fertilise the egg, then the baby will have the genotype gg, like its mother (Figure B12.06). egg -R am br id ge Ofspring genotypes and phenotypes Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y B12: Inheritance am br id ev ie w ge to be charcoal. But we should not be too surprised if they have three ofspring with charcoal fur. However, if the rabbits are heterozygous, then they are likely to produce ofspring with diferent coat colours. They are not pure-breeding. Heterozygous individuals are not pure-breeding. br ev id ie w ge U R ni C op Image B12.05 Genetic diagrams do not tell us how many ofspring there will be – just the probabilities of any one ofspring having a particular phenotype. There are five kittens in this family, and it looks as though the ratio of grey to black-and-white fur is approximately 1:1. Sex determination -R am es s -C Probabilities in genetics rs y ev The last pairs of chromosomes in Images B12.03 and B12.04 are responsible for determining what sex a person will be. They are called the sex chromosomes (Figure B12.07). A woman’s chromosomes are both alike and are called X chromosomes. She has the genotype XX. A man, though, only has one X chromosome. The other, smaller one is a Y chromosome. He has the genotype XY. You can work out sex inheritance in just the same way as for any other characteristic, but using the letter symbols to describe whole chromosomes, rather than individual alleles. ve ie w C ity op Pr y In the last example, there were four possible ofspring genotypes at the end of the cross. This does not mean that the two chinchillas will have four ofspring. It simply means that each time they have ofspring, these are the possible genotypes that they might have (Image B12.05). ni op For any one ofspring, there is a 1 in 4 chance that its genotype will be GG, and a 1 in 4 chance that its genotype will be gg. There is a 2 in 4, or rather 1 in 2, chance that its genotype will be Gg. female male ity Pr op y With small numbers like this, probabilities do not always match reality. If you had the patience to toss your coin up a few thousand times, though, you will almost certainly find that you get much more nearly equal numbers of heads and tails. X X ni ve rs C ev -R Figure B12.07 The sex chromosomes. s es am br So, if the parent chinchillas in the last example had eight ofspring, we might expect six of them to be grey and two ie id g w e C U op y The same thing applies in genetics. The ofspring genotypes which you work out are only probabilities. With small numbers, they are unlikely to work out exactly. With very large numbers of ofspring from one cross, they are more likely to be accurate. -C w ie ev R -R es s -C am br However, as you know, probabilities do not always work out. If you toss a coin up four times, you might expect it to turn up heads twice and tails twice. But does it always do this? Try it and see. ev id ie w ge C U R Some populations of animals or plants always have ofspring just like themselves. For example, a rabbit breeder might have a strain of rabbits which all have brown coats. If he or she interbreeds them with one another, all the ofspring always have brown coats as well. The breeder has a pure-breeding strain of brown rabbits. Pure-breeding strains are always homozygous for the pure-breeding characteristics. y ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R Pure breeding Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution X y 153 ve rs ity XX X or Y X y egg C ve rs ity op X XX female sperm XY male ni Y ge U R ACtivity B12.01 y w X ev ie Pr es s -C Ofspring genotypes and phenotypes ie ev id br s es Pr op ity B12.08 a In humans, the allele for red hair, b, is recessive to the allele for brown hair, B. A man and his wife both have brown hair. They have five children, three of whom have red hair, while two have brown hair. Explain how this may happen, using a genetic diagram. y op C U R ni ev ve rs C w ie -R am -C y B12.07 Using a complete genetic diagram, work out what kind of ofspring would be produced if the heterozygous fly in question B12.06 mated with a fly homozygous for normal wings. 154 brown -R am br ev id ie w ge b The pedigree diagram shows hair colour in three generations of a family. Squares represent males and circles represent females. 1 s es 3 red red A2 Is this what you would have expected? Explain your answer. y red C U op A3 Why must you close your eyes when choosing the beads? What are the genotypes of persons 1 and 3? What is the phenotype of person 2? ev ie id g w e A4 Why must you put the beads back into the beakers ater they have ‘mated’? es s -R br am -C Questions A1 In the first cross, what kinds of ofspring were produced, and in what ratios? ity ni ve rs C w ie brown ev R Pr op y -C red 2 red ‘Breeding’ beads Skills: AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data In this investigation, you will use two beakers of beads. Each beakers represents a parent. The beads represent the gametes they make. The colour of a bead represents the genotype of the gamete. For example, a red bead might represent a gamete with genotype A, for ‘tongue rolling’. A yellow bead might represent a gamete with the genotype a, for ‘non-tongue rolling’. 1 Put 100 red beads into the first beaker. These represent the gametes of a person who is homozygous for ‘tongue rolling’, AA. 2 Put 50 red beads and 50 yellow beads into the second beaker. These represent the gametes of a heterozygous person with the genotype Aa. 3 Close your eyes, and pick out one bead from the first beaker, and one from the second. Write down the genotype of the ‘ofspring’ they produce. Put the two beads back. 4 Repeat step 3 100 times. 5 Now try a diferent cross – for example, Aa crossed with Aa. w So each time a child is conceived, there is a 1:1 chance of it being either sex. QuEStiONS B12.09 In Dalmatian dogs, the allele for black spots is dominant to the allele for liver spots. If a breeder has a black-spotted dog, how can he or she find out whether it is homozygous or heterozygous for this characteristic? (Hint: the breeder will need to cross the dog with another one, and look at the ofspring.) Use genetic diagrams to explain your answer. C op Gametes w XY Parents’ genotypes ev ie female -R male ge am br id Parents’ phenotypes C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie am br id Summary w ge C U ni op y B12: Inheritance C w ev ie U R ni C op End-of-chapter questions w ie ev id -R s es Pr ity rs ie w ge C U ni op y ve gene, allele dominant, recessive homozygous, heterozygous genotype, phenotype mitosis, meiosis haploid, diploid ev br The leaves of tomato plants can have leaves with smooth or indented edges. The allele for indented edges is dominant, and the allele for smooth edges is recessive. -R Write down the genotypes of a homozygous smooth plant and a homozygous indented plant. A pure-breeding (homozygous) smooth plant was crossed with a homozygous indented plant. All of the ofspring had indented leaves. Construct a complete genetic diagram to explain how this happened. Several of these indented ofspring were crossed together. There were 302 plants with indented leaves and 99 with smooth leaves. Construct a complete genetic diagram to explain this result. s Pr es [2] [4] ity c y op -R s -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ni ve rs w C op y -C a b es ie ev R 155 Explain the diference between each of the following pairs of terms: a b c d e f 4 Choose suitable symbols for the alleles of the flower colour gene. Which allele is dominant, and which is recessive? Explain how you worked this out. Write down all the possible genotypes for flower colour in this plant, and the phenotypes they will produce. id w C op y a b c 3 br In a species of plant, flower colour can be red or white. Heterozygous plants have red flowers. -C 2 Suggest suitable symbols for these two alleles. Write down the three possible genotypes for these alleles. Write down the phenotype that each of these genotypes will produce. am a b c ge In guinea pigs, the allele for smooth fur is dominant to the allele for rough fur. am 1 ie ■ ve rs ity op y ■ ■ about genotypes and phenotypes involving dominant and recessive alleles how to use genetic diagrams to predict or explain the results of crosses how to interpret pedigree diagrams. y ■ ■ Pr es s ■ about chromosomes and genes how and why cells divide by mitosis how and why cells divide by meiosis about haploid and diploid nuclei -C ■ -R You should know: Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [5] ve rs ity w ge ev ie Rabbits are oten kept as pets. People try to breed rabbits with unusual colours, such as himalayan colouring. The diagram shows a rabbit with himalayan fur colour. The rabbit’s fur is white with some black areas. C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R am br id 5 C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences ev id br s es [2] [2] y op C ie ev id br -R am es s -C ity Pr op y -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U op y ni ve rs C w ie ev R [2] [Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences 0654 Paper 32 Q9 November 2013] w ge U R ni ev ve ie w rs ity Pr y op C 156 [4] -R am Rabbits, like humans, keep their internal body temperature constant. The body temperature of a rabbit is 38.5 °C. i Explain how a rabbit generates heat within its body. ii Suggest how the fur of a rabbit helps to maintain its body temperature higher than that of its environment. iii When himalayan rabbits are first born, they are white all over. The black colour develops gradually. The black pigment is produced by the action of an enzyme that is only active at temperatures below 25 °C. Use this information to suggest a reason for the distribution of black fur on the body of a himalayan rabbit. -C b [2] ie w ge U R ni C op y Completely white fur and himalayan-coloured fur are produced by two alleles of a gene. When a white rabbit and a himalayan rabbit are bred together, all the ofspring are white. When two of these white ofspring are bred together, one quarter of their ofspring are himalayan and three quarters are white. i Identify which allele is dominant and which is recessive, and suggest suitable symbols for the two alleles. ii Two rabbits that are heterozygous for these alleles are crossed. Construct a genetic diagram, using your symbols from part i, to explain the results of this cross. ev ie w a Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie am br ev id ie w ge U R C rs ve y op ni C w ie -R am br ■ ev ■ U ■ ge ev R ■ continuous and discontinuous variation genetic and environmental variation mutation and what causes it natural selection and adaptation selective breeding. id w ie This chapter covers: ■ es s -C B13.01 variation Pr op y You have only to look around a group of people to see that they are diferent from one another. Some of the more obvious diferences are in height or hair type. We also vary in intelligence, blood groups, whether we can roll our tongues or not, and many other ways. Diferences between the features of diferent individuals are called phenotypic variation. ity y op C U id g w e There are two basic kinds of variation. One kind is discontinuous variation. Blood groups are an example of discontinuous variation. Everyone fits into one of four definite categories – each of us has group A, B, AB or O. There are no in-between categories. ev ie By describing variation as continuous or discontinuous, we can begin to explain how organisms vary. But the cause of the variation is another question altogether. es s -R br am -C The other kind is continuous variation. Height is an example of continuous variation. There are no definite heights that a person must be. People vary in height, between the lowest and highest extremes. You can try measuring and recording discontinuous and continuous variation in Activity B13.01. Your results for continuous variation will probably look similar to Figure B13.01. This is called a normal distribution. Most people come in the middle of the range, with fewer at the lower or upper ends. Human height (Image B13.01) shows a normal distribution. ni ve rs C w ie ev R 157 ity op Pr y es s -C -R B13 Variation and selection Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie -R am br id Pr es s -C ve rs ity Height ni C op y Figure B13.01 A normal distribution curve. This is a graph that shows the numbers of people of diferent heights. ni op y ve Image B13.02 a The presence of horns in cattle is controlled by a dominant allele of a gene. b Polled (hornless) cattle have two copies of the recessive allele of this gene. Image B13.01 Human height shows continuous variation. What characteristic here shows discontinuous variation? ge C U R ev ie w rs C 158 ity op Pr y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge U R ev ie w C op y Number of people at each height w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences ie w (Figure B13.02). The tree’s genotype gives it the potential to grow tall, but it will not realise this potential unless its roots are given plenty of space and it is allowed to grow freely. br ev id KEy tERM Pr op y One reason for the diferences between individuals is that their genotypes are diferent. This is called genetic variation. Blood groups, for example, are controlled by genes. There are also genes for hair colour, eye colour, height and many other characteristics (Image B13.02). ity QuEStiONS B13.01 Decide whether each of these features shows continuous variation or discontinuous variation ni ve rs C y b foot size in humans U Environmental variation a blood group in humans op w C c leaf length in a species of tree e Another important reason for variation is the diference between the environments of individuals. Pine trees possess genes that enable them to grow to a height of about 30 m. But if a pine tree is grown in a very small pot, and has its roots regularly pruned, it will be permanently stunted id g w d presence of horns in cattle ev ie B13.02 For each of the examples in a to d above, suggest whether the variation is caused by genes alone, or by both genes and environment. es s -R br am -C ie ev es Genetic variation R In general, discontinuous variation is caused by genes alone. Continuous variation is oten influenced by both genes and the environment. s -C -R am variation: diferences between individuals of the same species Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y B13: Variation and selection ge Causes of genetic variation w Variation caused by the environment is not inherited. A cutting from a bonsai pine tree would grow into a full size tree, if given sufficient space. Pr es s -C y ve rs ity C op y Another type of mutation afects whole chromosomes. For example, when eggs are being made by meiosis in a woman’s ovaries, the chromosome 21s sometimes do not separate from one another. One of the daughter cells therefore gets two chromosome 21s and the other one gets none. The cell with none dies. The other one may survive, and eventually be fertilised by a sperm. The zygote from this fertilisation will have three copies of chromosome 21. The child that grows from the zygote has Down’s syndrome. rs C w ni op y ve ie C U w ge A bonsai pine tree is dwarfed by being grown in a very small pot, and continually pruned. Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie Many diferent chemicals are known to increase the risk of a mutation happening. The heavy metals lead and mercury and their compounds can interfere with the process in which DNA is copied. If this process goes wrong, the daughter cells will get faulty DNA when the cell divides. Chemicals that cause mutations are called mutagens. mutation: a change in a gene or chromosome y op Meiosis During sexual reproduction, gametes are formed by meiosis. In meiosis, homologous chromosomes exchange genes, and separate from one another, so the gametes which are formed are not all exactly the same. Meiosis produces new cells that are genetically diferent from the parent cell. id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity KEy tERM -R s Figure B13.02 The inheritance of variation. es am br ev ie A dwarf pony, such as a Shetland pony, is small because of its genes. The offspring of Shetland ponies are small like their parents, no matter how well they are fed and cared for. -C Children with Down’s have characteristic facial features and are usually very happy and friendly people. However, they oten have heart problems and other physical and physiological dificulties. Mutations oten happen for no apparent reason. However, we do know of many factors which make mutation more likely. One of the most important of these is ionising radiation. Radiation can damage the bases in DNA molecules. If this happens in the ovaries or testes, then the altered DNA may be passed on to the ofspring. ity op Pr y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge U R ni ev ie w C op bonsai ev R Mutation Sometimes, a gene may suddenly change. This is called mutation. Mutation is how new alleles are formed. Mutations are the only source of brand-new characteristics in the gene pool. So mutations are really the source of all genetic variation. -R am br id ev ie There are several ways in which genetic variation occurs. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 159 ve rs ity In the 19th century, several ideas were put forward to suggest how this might have happened. By far the most important was suggested by Charles Darwin (Image B13.03). He put forward his theory in a book called On the Origin of Species, published in 1859. op y w ev ie 8.0–8.4 2 y -R s 4 ni op y ve 8.5–8.9 ie ev Number of measurements rs w C Length / cm ity 160 Pr op y es -C am br ev id ie w ge U R ni Measuring variation Skills: AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data 1 Make a survey of at least 30 people, to find out whether or not they can roll their tongue. Record your results. 2 Measure the length of the third finger of the let hand of 30 people. Take the measurement from the knuckle to the finger tip, not including the nail. 3 Divide the finger lengths into suitable categories, and record the numbers in each category, like this. C op w C ve rs ity ACtivity B13.01 ev ie -R Pr es s -C am br id ge Fertilisation Any two gametes of opposite types can fuse together at fertilisation, so there are many possible combinations of genes which may be produced in the zygote. In an organism with a large number of genes, the possibility of two ofspring having identical genotypes is so small that it can be considered almost zero. C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences U C Image B13.03 A portrait of Charles Darwin at the age of 72. ge Questions w R 4 Draw a histogram of your results. A1 Which characteristic shows continuous variation, and which shows discontinuous variation? y C U op w ie Struggle for existence Most populations do not generally increase rapidly in size, so there must be considerable competition for survival between the organisms. -R s es am br ev ie id g w e Over the many millions of years that living things have existed, there have been gradual changes in organisms and populations. Fossils tell us that many animals and plants that once lived no longer exist. -C ev R Over-production Most organisms produce more young than will survive to adulthood. ni ve rs C ity Pr op y A3 The mean finger length is the total of all the finger lengths, divided by the number of people in your sample. What is the mean finger length of the sample? B13.02 Selection variation Most populations of organisms contain individuals which vary slightly from one to another. Some slight variations may better adapt some organisms to their environment than others. s es -C am A2 Your histogram may be a similar shape to the curve in Figure B13.01. This is called a normal distribution. The category, or class, which has the largest number of individuals in it is called the modal class. What is the modal class for finger length in your results? -R br ev id ie Darwin’s theory of how evolution could have happened may be summarised like this. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y B13: Variation and selection C w ev ie y Gradual change In this way, over a period of time, the population will lose all the poorly adapted individuals. The population will gradually become better adapted to its environment. ni C op w ev ie Darwin proposed his theory before anyone understood how characteristics were inherited. Now that we know something about genetics, his theory can be stated slightly diferently. We can say that natural selection results in the alleles producing advantageous phenotypes being passed on to the next generation more frequently than the alleles which produce less advantageous phenotypes. -R 161 y op 2 Over-production. The cacti produce large numbers of offspring. In the wet season they flower. y op C ie w 4 Survival of the fittest. The cacti with the longest roots are able to obtain water, while the others die of dehydration. 5 Advantageous characteristics passed on to offspring. The long-rooted cacti reproduce, producing offspring more likely to be long-rooted themselves. -R am br id g 3 Struggle for existence. During the dry season, there is competition for water. ev e U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am 1 Genetic variation. In a population of cacti, some have longer roots than others. ev br id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w rs C ity op Pr y es s -C am br ev id The theory is called the theory of natural selection, because it suggests that the best-adapted organisms are selected to pass on their characteristics to the next generation. ie w ge U R KEy tERM process of adaptation: the process resulting from natural selection, by which populations become more suited to their environment over many generations ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C Advantageous characteristics passed on to ofspring Only these well-adapted organisms will survive and be able to reproduce successfully, and will pass on the alleles that produce advantageous characteristics to their ofspring. This process continues over time, generation ater generation. Gradually, the individuals in successive generations of a species gain more and more advantageous features – that is, features that adapt them to their environment. We can describe evolution as the change in adaptive features over time, as the result of natural selection. -R am br id ge Survival of the fittest Only the organisms which are really well adapted to their environment will survive (Figures B13.03 and Image B13.04). s es -C Figure B13.03 An example of how natural selection might occur. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity y C op ni op y ve Image B13.04 When large numbers of organisms, such as these wildebeest of the East African plains, live together, there is competition for food, and the weaker ones are likely to be killed by predators. Individuals best adapted to their environment survive and reproduce. C U R ev ie w rs C 162 ity op Pr y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences An example of natural selection ie -R y op C U w e id g es s -R br ev ie The population of bacteria in the person’s body may be several million. The chances of any one of them mutating am This does, in fact, happen quite frequently. This is one reason why pharmaceutical companies have developed many diferent antibiotics – if some bacteria become resistant to one, they can be treated with another. The more we use an antibiotic, the more we are exerting a selection pressure that favours the resistant forms. If antibiotics are used too oten, we may end up with resistant strains of bacteria that are very dificult to control. A form of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus has become resistant to several diferent antibiotics, and is known as MRSA. This can cause infections that are very dificult to treat. Many diferent kinds of bacteria are no longer afected by antibiotics such as penicillin. They are said to be resistant to the antibiotic. -C R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es -C Antibiotics are substances that kill bacteria, or stop them reproducing, but do not harm human cells. For example, the antibiotic penicillin works by stopping bacteria from forming cell walls. When a person who is infected with bacteria is treated with penicillin, the bacteria are unable to grow new cell walls, and the bacterial cells burst open. Antibiotics are used globally to cure people of bacterial infections, many of which might otherwise be fatal. s am br ev id Darwin’s theory of natural selection provides a good explanation of how resistance to antibiotics has arisen and spread in populations of bacteria. w ge to a form which is not afected by penicillin is quite low, but because there are so many bacteria, it could well happen. If it does, the mutant bacterium will have a tremendous advantage. It will be able to go on reproducing while all the others cannot. Soon, its descendants may form a huge population of penicillin-resistant bacteria (Figure B13.04). Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge C U ni op y B13: Variation and selection bacterium resistant to antibiotic Antibiotic is added, which kills the bacteria that are not resistant. ve rs ity op C Humans can also bring about changes in living organisms, by selecting certain individuals for breeding. Figure B13.05 and Images B13.05a and b show examples of the results of this kind of selection. For example, from the varied individuals amongst a herd of cattle, the breeder chooses the ones with the characteristics he or she wants to appear in the next generation. He or she then allows these individuals, and not the others, to breed. If this selection process is repeated over many generations, these characteristics will become the most common ones in the population. -R a 163 y op br ev id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w rs C ity op Pr y es s -C am br ev id ie w ge U R However, what humans think are desirable characteristics would oten not be at all advantageous to the plant or animal if it was living in the wild. Modern varieties of cattle, for example, selected over hundreds of years for high milk yield or fast meat production, would stand little chance of surviving for long in the wild. ni Selective breeding y Figure B13.04 How resistance to antibiotics increases in a population of bacteria. ni ve rs id g w e C U This process is called artificial selection. It has been going on for thousands of years, ever since humans first began to cultivate plants and to domesticate animals. It works in just the same way as natural selection. Individuals with ‘advantageous’ characteristics breed, while those with ‘disadvantageous’ ones do not. op y Figure B13.05 Wild and cultivated apples. ie -R s -C am br ev ie Image B13.05 a White Park cattle, like these in England, are a very old breed. They are thought to be quite similar to original wild cattle. b Friesian cattle have been bred for high milk yield. es w C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am b ev R The resistant one multiplies and forms a population of resistant bacteria just like itself. C op w ev ie Pr es s y -C bacteria not resistant to antibiotic In a population of bacteria, not every one is alike. By chance, one may have a gene that makes it resistant to an antibiotic. bacteria resistant to antibiotic -R antibiotic ev ie am br id w bacterium resistant to antibiotic Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie w QuEStiONS B13.03 Why is it unwise to use antibiotics unnecessarily? -R B13.04 Imagine you are a farmer with a herd of dairy cattle. You want to build up a herd with a very high production of milk. You have access to sperm samples from bulls, for each of which there are records of the milk production of his ofspring. What will you do? B13.05 Wheat is attacked by many diferent pests, including a fungus called yellow rust. y a Describe how you could use artificial selection to produce a new variety of wheat which is naturally resistant to yellow rust. C op b When resistant varieties of wheat are produced, it is found that ater a few years they are infected by yellow rust again. Explain how this might happen. ie ev id br -R am Summary w ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C am br id ge Some farmers are now beginning to think diferently about the characteristics they want in their animals and plants. Instead of enormous yields as their first priority, they are now looking for varieties that can grow well with less fertiliser or pesticides in the case of food plants, and with less expensive housing and feeding in the case of animals. Luckily, many of the older breeds with these characteristics have been conserved, and these can now be used to breed new varieties with ‘easy-care’ characteristics. You should know: -C w s es ■ ve ie ■ how natural selection results in adaptation and evolution how antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria develop about selective breeding. rs C ■ Pr 164 ■ ity op ■ about continuous and discontinuous variation, and what causes them about mutation how natural selection happens y ■ C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences y op U C environment matched mutation selection sex genes w discontinuous ev continuous id adapted ie ge Copy and complete the following sentences, using words from the list. You may use each word once, more than once or not at all. am 1 br R ni ev End-of-chapter questions Pr ni ve rs op y Distinguish between each of these pairs of terms. w e C U continuous variation, discontinuous variation natural selection, artificial selection id g a b ev A population of organisms that can reproduce sexually oten becomes adapted to a new environment more quickly than a population that can only reproduce asexually. es s -R br a ie Suggest explanations for each of the following. am 3 ity Cell division by mitosis does not usually produce variation, unless there is a change in the DNA, called Most mutations are harmful, because they make an organism less well to its environment. -C 2 R ev ie w C op y es s -C -R Variation can be defined as diferences between individuals of the same Sometimes, the diferences are clear-cut, and each individual fits into one of a small number of defined categories. This is called variation. This kind of variation is caused by the organisms’ In other cases, the diferences have no definite categories. This is called variation. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w ge ev ie -R There is variation in the way in which human ear lobes are naturally joined to the head. The diagram below shows the two versions. y C op ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C 4 Changes in the characteristics of a species may continue to happen even ater it has become well adapted to its environment. am br id b C U ni op y B13: Variation and selection w ie [1] ev Feel your own ear lobes and record whether you have attached or free ear lobes. br a free id attached 4 2 14 3 5 8 4 3 13 10 2 5 43 44 13 ni U ie w ge ev id br [2] [2] [2] -R am 165 15 i What can you conclude from these results? ii Calculate the approximate ratio of free to attached ear lobes in this group. iii Explain how this ratio might help in understanding the way in which the attachment of ear lobes is inherited. -C [Cambridge O Level Biology 5090 Paper 62 Q2 June 2010] es s Reed warblers are small birds that migrate over long distances between western Africa and northern Europe. Pr op y 5 y 10 female op 14 male C ev R es 9 Pr 13 Number of students with attached ear lobes 12 ity 11 rs 12 Total b female ve ie w C op y male 15 s Number of students with free ear lobes -C Age / year -R am The results of a survey of the ear lobes of some students are shown in the table below. y op -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity The photograph below shows a reed warbler, Acrocephalus scirpaceus. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution (continued) ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences am br id ev ie A study was carried out in Sweden into the efects of natural selection on wing length in reed warblers. -R The wings of young reed warblers reach their maximum length a few days ater leaving the nest. Pr es s -C At this age the wing length in millimetres of each bird was recorded. Each bird was identified by putting a small ring around one of its legs. ve rs ity ev ie w C op y When the birds were caught in net traps as adults, the information on the rings was used to identify specific birds and their ages. The length of time between ringing and trapping was recorded for each bird that was identified before it was released. 69 66 70 or more 23 s y 106 es 68 Pr 167 w 297 183 67 op 346 349 270 237 199 w rs C y ve a i ii b The researchers concluded that reed warblers with a wing length of 66–67 mm had the best chance of survival. i Describe the evidence from the table that supports this conclusion. ii The researchers also suggested that more evidence was needed to make this conclusion. Suggest what other evidence would show that birds with wings 66–67 mm in length have the best chance of survival. w ge ev br -R am [3] Pr ity y op ni ve rs C w e ev ie id g es s -R br am -C [4] [Cambridge IGCSE Biology 0610 Paper 32 Q5 b, c & d November 2011] U R ev ie w C [4] es s -C Scientists have discovered that genes are responsible for wing length in reed warblers. The most common length of wing has been 66–67 mm for many generations of these birds. Explain how natural selection may be responsible for maintaining the mean wing length of reed warblers at 66–67 mm. op y c [2] [1] C U ni op Explain why wing length is an example of continuous variation. Suggest a feature of reed warblers, other than wing length, that shows continuous variation. id R ev ie total = 771 ie 166 256 130 -C 66 72 ity 65 253 ev am 64 24 -R br 63 or less Mean age at trapping / days ie U Number of birds trapped id Wing length at ringing / mm ge R ni C op y The mean age at trapping was calculated for birds with each wing length. The results are shown in the table. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie am br ev id ie w ge U R ve y op C w am B14.01 Ecology Pr ity ni ve rs C U op y There are many words used in ecology with which it is useful to be familiar. KEy tERM id g w e The area where an organism lives is called its habitat. The habitat of a tadpole might be a pond. There will probably be many tadpoles in the pond, forming a population of tadpoles. A population is a group of organisms of the same species, living in the same area at the same time. ev ie ecosystem: a unit containing all of the organisms and their environment, interacting together, in a given area, e.g. a lake es s -R br am -C w ie ev R The living organisms in the pond, the water in it, the stones and the mud at the bottom make up an ecosystem. An ecosystem consists of a community and its environment (Figure B14.01). C op y es s -C One very important way of studying living things is to study them where they live. Animals and plants do not live in complete isolation. They are afected by their surroundings, or environment. Their environment is also afected by them. The study of the interaction between living organisms and their environment is called ecology. But tadpoles will not be the only organisms living in the pond. There will be many other kinds of animals and plants making up the pond community. A community is all the organisms, of all the diferent species, living in the same habitat. -R br ev id ■ ie ■ ni R ■ food chains, webs and ecosystems eficiency of energy transfer in food chains the carbon cycle and how human activities afect it water pollution. U ev ■ rs This chapter covers: ge ie w C ity op Pr y es s -C -R B14 Organisms and their environment Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 167 ve rs ity C ev ie The pond is a habitat. All the inhabitants of the pond make up a community. y C op -R am br ev Figure B14.01 A pond and its inhabitants – an example of an ecosystem. ve ni op y KEy tERMS producer: an organism that makes its own organic nutrients, usually using energy from sunlight, through photosynthesis Animals get their food, and therefore their energy, by ingesting (eating) plants, or by eating animals which have eaten plants. C U R ev ie w rs C ity op Pr y es All living organisms need energy. They get energy from food, by respiration. All the energy in an ecosystem originates from the Sun. Some of the energy in sunlight is captured by plants, and used to make food – glucose, starch and other organic substances such as fats and proteins. These contain some of the energy from the sunlight. When the plant needs energy, it breaks down some of this food by respiration. Animals are consumers. An animal which eats plants is a primary consumer, because it is the first consumer in a food chain. An animal which eats that animal is a secondary consumer, and so on along the chain. Primary consumers are also called herbivores, and higher level consumers are carnivores. s -C B14.02 Energy flow 168 id ie w ge consumer: an organism that gets its energy by feeding on other organisms ev herbivore: an animal that gets its energy by eating plants C -R es Pr • When an organism uses food for respiration, some of the energy released from the food is lost as heat energy to the environment. ni ve rs op y food chain: a diagram showing the flow of energy from one organism to the next, beginning with a producer • When one organism eats another, it rarely eats absolutely all of it. For example, the grasshopper in the food chain in Figure B14.02 may eat almost all of the parts of the plant above ground, but it will not eat the roots. So not all of the energy in the plant is transferred to the grasshopper. w e C U R food web: a network of interconnected food chains ev -R s -C am br Every food chain begins with green plants because only they can capture the energy from sunlight. They are called producers, because they produce food. ie id g Producers and consumers es ie w KEy tERMS Energy losses As energy is passed along a food chain, some of it is lost to the environment. This happens in many ways. ity op y Many diferent food chains link to form a food web. Figure B14.03 shows an example of a food web. carnivore: an animal that gets its energy by eating other animals s -C am br The sequence by which energy, in the form of chemical energy in food, passes from a plant to an animal and then to other animals is called a food chain. Figure B14.02 shows one example of a food chain. ev ie id w ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C All the organisms of one species make up a population. w The pond and its inhabitants make up an ecosystem. -R am br id ge U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity grasshopper – a primary consumer ev ie -R am br id Pr es s -C flycatcher y broad-winged hawk ie id w ge U R ni ev ie ocelot C op w C ve rs ity op y Figure B14.02 A food chain. ev br iguana grasshopper op Pr y es s -C -R am squirrel plant material including leaves, fruits and seeds ity 169 caterpillar rs C w ni op y ve ie U br ev id ie w ge C ev Figure B14.03 A food web. R flycatcher – a secondary consumer w ge plants – primary producers C U ni op y B14: Organisms and their environment am energy from Sun -R es available energy available energy C ity Pr op y heat lost in respiration s -C heat lost in respiration op y This means that, the further you go along a food chain, the less energy is available for each successive group of organisms (Figure B14.04). The plants get a lot of energy from the Sun, but only a fraction of this energy is absorbed by the grasshoppers, and only a fraction of that is absorbed by the flycatchers. This explains why predators are usually much rarer than herbivores, and why there are usually many more plants than animals in an ecosystem. -R s es am br ev ie id g w e C U • When an animal eats another organism as food, enzymes in its digestive system break down most of the large food molecules, so that they can be absorbed. But not all of the food molecules are digested and absorbed, and the ones that are not are eventually lost from the body in the faeces. These faeces contain energy that is lost from this food chain. -C R ev ie w ni ve rs Figure B14.04 Energy losses in a food chain. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge w QuEStiONS am br id ev ie Each stage in a food chain is called a trophic level (‘trophic’ means feeding). B14.01 Where does all the energy in living organisms originate from? op y C op ni id ie w ge One very important group of organisms, which is easy to overlook when you are studying an ecosystem, is the decomposers. They feed on waste material from animals and plants, and on their dead bodies. Many fungi and bacteria are decomposers. ev br -R am es Pr y ity op Studying an ecosystem Skills: AO3.3 Observing, measuring and recording AO3.4 Interpreting and evaluating observations and data In this activity, you will try to work out some food chains in an ecosystem. Remember that you must disturb the ecosystem as little as possible. Do not take plants or animals away from the ecosystem unless your teacher tells you that you can do this. If you have a digital camera, take photographs of the organisms rather than collecting them. 1 Search the area thoroughly and try to identify all the types of plants in the area. If you cannot identify a plant, and there appears to be a lot of it, then collect samples of leaves and flowers to take back to your laboratory, where you can spend longer trying to find out what it is. Better still, take photographs of the plant so that you do not need to take samples from it. 2 Try to identify any small animals you see. Where possible, take photographs of each kind of animal. 3 Make notes about the large animals in the area, such as the types of bird present and what they are feeding on. 4 In the laboratory, with your teacher’s assistance, try to identify all the organisms you found. 5 Use books or the internet to find out what some of the animals feed on. 6 Construct a food web for this ecosystem. KEy tERM rs C w decomposer: an organism that gets its energy from dead or waste organic matter y op ge C U R ni ev ve ie Decomposers are extremely important, because they help to release substances from dead organisms, so that they can be used again by living ones. One of these substances is carbon. s -C ACtivity B14.01 w The carbon cycle ev id ie Carbon is a very important component of living things, because it is an essential part of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. -R br es Pr ity Some of the glucose is then broken down by the plant in respiration. The carbon in the glucose becomes part of a carbon dioxide molecule again, and is released back into the air. op y ni ve rs ie id g w e C U Some of the carbon in the plant will be eaten by animals. The animals respire, releasing some of it back into the air as carbon dioxide. ev When the plant or animal dies, decomposers will feed on them. The carbon becomes part of the decomposers’ bodies. When they respire, they release carbon dioxide into the air again. es s -R br am -C Figure B14.05 shows how carbon circulates through an ecosystem. The air contains about 0.04% carbon dioxide. When plants photosynthesise, carbon atoms from carbon dioxide become part of glucose or starch molecules in the plant. s am -C op y C w ie ev R B14.04 Why are there rarely more than five links in a food chain? Decomposers trophic level: the position of an organism in a food chain, food web or pyramid of biomass or numbers 170 B14.03 Why are green plants called producers? B14.03 the carbon cycle U R ev ie w C ve rs ity Many organisms feed at more than one trophic level. You, for example, are a primary consumer when you eat vegetables, a secondary consumer when you eat meat or drink milk, and a tertiary consumer when you eat a predatory fish such as a salmon. KEy tERM B14.02 Write down a food chain a which ends with humans, b is in the sea, and c that has five links in it. -R Pr es s -C Because there is less energy available as you go up the trophic levels, there are fewer organisms at each level. This loss of energy limits the length of food chains. They rarely have more than five trophic levels, as there is not enough energy let to support a sixth. y Trophic levels C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie am br id carbon dioxide in the air combustion op y Pr es s -C -R carbon compounds in fossil fuels photosynthesis respiration combustion respiration y U R gas ge br w ie -R am -C s es Pr y ity 171 B14.05 Name the only process shown in Figure B14.05 that removes carbon dioxide from the air. w rs C op QuEStiONS y op ni ev ve ie B14.06 Name two carbon compounds that are found in the body tissues of animals. br ev id ie w ge C U R B14.07 Explain what will happen to the quantity of carbon dioxide in the air if fossil fuels are burnt faster than they are formed. es Deforestation Pr op y Humans have always cut down trees. Wood is an excellent fuel and building material. The land on which trees grow can be used for growing crops for food, or to sell. One thousand years ago, most of Europe was covered by forests. Now, most of them have been cut down. The cutting down of large numbers of trees is called deforestation (Image B14.01). ity y op C U Deforestation destroys the habitats of many organisms. This can lead to extinction of species. Deforestation also causes loss of soil, flooding, and an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. ev ie id g w e A rainforest is a very special place, full of many diferent species of plants and animals. More diferent species live in a small area of rainforest than in an equivalent area of any other habitat in the world. We say that rainforest has a high species diversity. es s -R br am -C Image B14.01 When rainforest is cut down and burnt, as here in Brazil, habitats are destroyed, large amounts of carbon dioxide are released and soil nutrients are lost. Rainforests occur in temperate and tropical regions of the world (Image B14.02). Recently, most concern about deforestation has been about the loss of tropical rainforests. In the tropics, the relatively high and constant temperatures, and high rainfall, provide perfect conditions for the growth of plants (Image B14.03). ni ve rs C w -R s -C am B14.04 Human influences on ecosystems ie urine, faeces, death ev id carbon compounds in microorganisms and other decomposers in soil Figure B14.05 The carbon cycle. ev carbon compounds in plants feeding ni gasolene carbon compounds in animals C op ev ie w C ve rs ity coal death and longterm subjection to high pressures and temperatures R w ge C U ni op y B14: Organisms and their environment Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences The loss of part of a rainforest means a loss of a habitat for many diferent species of animals. Even if small ‘islands’ of forest are let as reserves, these may not be large enough to support a breeding population of the animals. Deforestation threatens many species of animals and plants with extinction. y C op ie -R Oxygen concentrations in the atmosphere are also afected. With fewer trees photosynthesising, less oxygen is released by them, so atmospheric oxygen concentrations may fall. y op ie w ge ev id br -R am es s -C ity Pr op y op C U w e ev ie id g es s -R br am When people in industrialised countries get concerned about the rate at which some countries are cutting down their forests, it is very important they should remember that they have already cut down most of theirs. Most tropical rainforests grow in developing countries, and in some countries many of the people are very poor. The people may cut down the forests to clear land on which they can grow food. It is dificult to expect someone who is desperately trying to produce food, to keep their family alive, not to do this, unless you can ofer some alternative. International conservation groups such as the World Wide Fund for Nature, and y ni ve rs C w ie ev R Image B14.03 Unspoilt tropical rainforest in Sarawak, Malaysia. -C The loss of so many trees can also afect the water cycle. While trees are present and rain falls, a lot of it is taken up by the trees, and transported into their leaves. It then evaporates, and goes back into the atmosphere in the process of transpiration. If the trees have gone, then the rain simply runs of the soil and into rivers. Much less goes back into the air as water vapour. The air becomes drier, and less rain falls. This can make it much more dificult for people to grow crops and keep livestock. C U R ni ev ve ie w rs C 172 ity op Pr y es s -C am br ev id Image B14.02 This rainforest is growing in a part of Chile where the climate is temperate (with cold winters and warm summers) and there is very high rainfall. It has an enormous species diversity. Deforestation also afects the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The forest trees take carbon dioxide from the air to use in photosynthesis, and they return oxygen to the air. When the trees are cut down, there are fewer plants to remove carbon dioxide. Moreover, as the cut-down trees decay or are burnt, the carbon in their bodies is converted to carbon dioxide and is released into the air. w ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie w ge When an area of rainforest is cut down, the soil under the trees is exposed to the rain. The soil of a rainforest is very thin. It is quickly washed away once it loses its cover of plants. This soil erosion may make it very dificult for the rainforest to grow back again, even if the land is let alone. The soil can also be washed into rivers, silting them and causing flooding (Figure B14.06). Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie -R am br id Pr es s y ve rs ity op y C w The land is overgrazed. ni w ie The removal of grass cover allows soil to be blown or washed away. ev The soil structure is impoverished and is blown or washed away. -R am br id ge U R The thin soil is washed away by the rain. C op -C Wheat crops are grown every year. Rivers carry the topsoil away. ev ie Trees are cut down. w ge C U ni op y B14: Organisms and their environment es s -C Figure B14.06 How human activities can increase soil erosion. y ve rs C w ie op Most organisms that live in water respire aerobically, and so need oxygen. They obtain their oxygen from oxygen gas which has dissolved in the water. Anything which reduces the amount of oxygen available in the water can make it impossible for fish or other aquatic organisms to live there. ni ev -R es ity Pr op y op C U w e B14.08 Explain how extensive deforestation can afect the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. ie id g Algae and green plants in the river grow faster when they are supplied with these extra nitrates. They may grow so much that they completely cover the water. They block out the light for plants growing beneath them, which die. -R s es am br ev B14.09 Explain how deforestation can cause soil erosion and flooding. -C Farmers and horticulturists use fertilisers to increase the yield of their crops. The fertilisers usually contain nitrates and phosphates. Nitrates are very soluble in water. If nitrate fertiliser is put onto soil, it may be washed out in solution when it rains. This is called leaching. The leached nitrates may run into streams and rivers. This causes a reduction in the oxygen levels in the water, which kills fish and other aquatic organisms. Untreated sewage has a similar efect. y ni ve rs C w ie ev R There are two main sources of pollution which can reduce oxygen levels in fresh water. They are fertilisers and untreated sewage. s -C am br ev id ie w ge C U R The greatest pressure on the rainforest may come from the country’s government in the big cities, rather than the people living in or near the rainforest. The government may be able to obtain large amounts of money by allowing logging companies to cut down forests and extract the timber. A way of getting round this could be to allow countries to sell ‘carbon credits’ to other, richer countries. In 2009, Indonesia did this. The idea is that other countries give money to Indonesia to use in conserving their forests, and that these countries are then allowed to produce more carbon dioxide from their industrial activities. QuEStiONS Water pollution Many organisms live in water. They are called aquatic organisms. Aquatic habitats include fresh water, such as streams, rivers, ponds and lakes, and also marine environments – the sea and oceans. ity op Pr y governments of the richer, developed countries such as the USA, can help by providing funds to the people or governments of developing countries to try to help them to provide alternative sources of income for people. Many of the most successful projects involve helping local people to make use of the rainforest in a sustainable way. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 173 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Even the plants on the top of the water eventually die. When they do, their remains are a good source of food for bacteria, which are decomposers. op y w y Sunlight can penetrate deep into the water, allowing water plants to grow. ni C op C ve rs ity This whole process is called eutrophication (Image B14.04 and Figure B14.07). It can happen whenever nutrients for plants or bacteria are added to water. As well as fertilisers, other pollutants from farms, such as slurry from buildings where cattle or pigs are kept, or from pits where grass is rotted down to make silage, can cause eutrophication. w ev ie Water with high concentrations of nutrients is low in oxygen, so few animals can live in it. ge U R ev ie Pr es s -C The bacteria breed rapidly. The large population of bacteria respires aerobically, using up oxygen from the water. Soon, there is very little oxygen let for other living things. Those which need a lot of oxygen, such as fish, have to move to other areas, or die. -R am br id ge Water with few nutrients is rich in oxygen, and supports a variety of animal life. clear water run-off from fertilisers, animal waste and silage containing nitrates and other nutrients w ie ev id br -R am es s -C Pr y ity op y Large populations of algae and bacteria grow. op ni ev Figure B14.07 Eutrophication. Nutrients flowing into the water increase algal and bacterial growth. This reduces oxygen concentration, killing fish. C U R No light gets through the water, so no water plants grow. ve ie w rs C 174 No fish can live in this water. s dissolved oxygen Pr op y es -C am Untreated sewage can also cause eutrophication (Figure B14.08). Sewage does not usually increase the growth of algae, but it does provide a good food source for many kinds of bacteria. Once again, their population grows, depleting the oxygen levels. -R br ev id ie w ge Image B14.04 The huge growth of algae in this polluted pond has provided food for aerobic bacteria. These have used up most of the oxygen in the water, so the fish died. fish Amount y op w e id g TIP ev point at which untreated sewage is discharged -R br s Figure B14.08 The efect of raw sewage on a stream. es am Distance downstream ie Efluent from properly treated sewage does not cause eutrophication. It is raw (untreated) sewage that causes problems. -C bacteria C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity A very diferent kind of water pollution may result from the discharge of chemical waste into waterways. Chemical waste may contain heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium or mercury. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y B14: Organisms and their environment C op y Discarded rubbish is another source of water pollution. Some of the worst problems arise from plastics. One big problem with plastics is that most of them are non-biodegradable. This means that decomposers cannot break them down. When a plastic item is thrown away, it does not rot. Discarded plastic objects just accumulate (Image B14.05). QuEStiONS ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie w ge These substances are very poisonous (toxic) to living organisms, because heavy metals stop enzymes from working. If they get into streams, rivers or the sea, they may kill almost every living thing in that area of water. id ie w B14.10 List two substances that can cause eutrophication if they get into waterways. B14.12 Explain why throwing away a plastic bag is likely to cause more harm to the environment than throwing away a paper bag. es s -C -R am br ev B14.11 Eutrophication reduces the concentration of a dissolved gas in a river or lake. Name this gas. C rs ■ op w ie -R s es Pr ity ni ve rs Explain the diference between each of the following pairs of terms, giving examples where you can: producer, consumer primary consumer, secondary consumer food chain, food web a b c d Why do living organisms need carbon? Explain how carbon atoms become part of a plant. What happens to some of these carbon atoms when a plant respires? Explain the role of decomposers in the carbon cycle. C -R s es am br ev ie id g w e U op y a b c -C 2 ev id -C op y R ev ie w C End-of-chapter questions 1 ■ br am ■ how deforestation afects the environment the sources and efects of pollution by chemical waste, discarded rubbish, untreated sewage and fertilisers about eutrophication. C ni ■ U R ■ how food chains and food webs describe energy flow between living organisms how energy is lost in the transfer between trophic levels about the carbon cycle ge ev You should know: y ve ie w Summary ■ 175 ity op Pr y Image B14.05 Non-biodegradable plastics never rot away. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge -R ticks y Pr es s -C 5% of this energy stored in tissue 60% of this energy passes through the wildebeest C op U w ie ev [1] [3] -R ii ge b [1] [1] State the source of the energy in the food eaten by the ox. State the form in which the energy is present in the carbohydrate eaten by the ox. Name the process that makes the remaining 35% of the energy in the food available to the ox. State three ways in which the energy may be used within the ox. id i ii i br a am R ni energy contained within food y ve rs ity op C w ev ie ev ie w The diagram below shows what happens to energy as it passes through a herbivorous mammal (an ox). am br id 3 C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences s es rs ve The graph shows the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water of a river in a city. y C w ie ev -R s es 10 0 1890 1930 Year 1950 ity 1910 op y ni ve rs C U w e 1970 [2] [4] [2] [2] [1] ev ie id g es s -R br am e 20 Give two ways in which water obtains dissolved oxygen. Explain how pollution by sewage causes dissolved oxygen levels to decrease. Suggest why dissolved oxygen levels in the river: i decreased until 1948 ii have increased since the 1950s. What efect would you expect a decrease in dissolved oxygen to have on the fish population in the river? Apart from afecting the levels of dissolved oxygen, what other harmful efects can the discharge of untreated sewage into rivers have? -C d 60 Degree of saturation 50 with dissolved 40 oxygen / % 30 Pr op y C w a b c op ni -C am br id ge U R ie 80 70 In the 19th century, sewage from the city drained directly into the river. At the beginning of the 20th century sewage treatment works were installed, which removed some of the organic material from the sewage before it entered the river. These sewage treatment works have gradually become more eficient. ev R [Cambridge O Level Biology 5090 Paper 21 Q1 June 2010] ity op 4 ev ie w C 176 [1] [3] Draw a food web to show the feeding relationships of the organisms in the diagram. Explain why there must always be fewer oxpeckers than ticks in this food web. Pr i ii y c -C The bird on the ox’s back is an oxpecker that feeds both on blood-sucking parasites (ticks) living on the ox, and on blood from the ox’s wounds. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [2] op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie am br ev id ie w ge U R C rs ve y op ni C U w ie ev es s -C Pr Nitrogen is used in the manufacture of ammonia and fertilisers in the Haber process. Liquid nitrogen is used in cryogenics (the storing of embryos and other types of living tissue at very low temperatures). Nitrogen is also sometimes used where an unreactive gas is needed to keep air away from certain products; for example, it is used to fill bags of crisps (chips) to ensure that the crisps do not get crushed or go rancid as a result of contact with oxygen in the air. op C U w e ie id g br s es am Carbon dioxide is an important part of the air but makes up only about 0.04% of it. The carbon dioxide which is used by humans is not usually obtained from the air. y ni ve rs The atmosphere of the Earth has developed over geological time and various changes have taken place (Figure C1.01). The most significant of these changes was the introduction of oxygen into the atmosphere by the appearance of photosynthesising life forms. Clean air has the following approximate composition: nitrogen 78%, oxygen 21%, argon 0.9% and other gases (including carbon dioxide, water vapour, neon and other noble gases) 0.1% (see Table C1.01). -C R ev ie w C Uses of the gases of the air ity op y C1.01 the atmosphere ev ■ -R ■ -R ■ ge ■ id ■ br ev R ■ the composition and uses of the gases in the air the sources of air pollution; particularly carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and the oxides of nitrogen (NOx) the problems of air pollution, and their solution ‘greenhouse gases’ and climate change water treatment metal ores and limestone fossil fuels and the problems they cause. am w ie This chapter covers: ■ 177 ity op Pr y es s -C -R C1 Planet Earth Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity -R EARLy vOLCANiC AtMOSPHERE reacted with early oxygen carbon dioxide CO2 y condensed as the Earth cooled down ge U R ni C op C w ev ie CO2 dissolved in oceans, then concentrated into the shells of sea creatures as calcium carbonate w plants (photosynthesis) ev id ie reacted with oxygen + denitrifying bacteria in the soil Pr y ity op rs w s OuR AtMOSPHERE NOW y ve ie op ni C -R ni ve rs w C —(a) (a) All the other gases in the air make up 0.06% of the total. The biggest single use of oxygen is in the production of steel from cast iron. It is also used in oxyacetylene torches to produce the high-temperature flames needed to cut and weld metals. In hospitals, oxygen in cylinders is used to help the breathing of sick people. id g w e ACtivity C1.01 C U op y Table C1.01 The composition of the air. ie Estimating the amount of oxygen in air This is a demonstration of the reduction in volume when air is passed over heated copper. ev Argon and other noble gases are used in diferent types of lighting. Argon is used to ‘fill’ light bulbs to prevent the tungsten filament burning away (Image C1.02). es s -R br am -C ie s —(a) helium At the beginning of each chapter you will find a list of the topics in the chapter that you need to know about. This is material which is included in the syllabus and therefore could appear in examination questions. Pr op y 78 neon ev es 0.9 nitrogen This chapter sets the chemistry you will study in context. The Earth (Image C.01) is the only source we have for all of the chemicals we use. The air in our atmosphere, the water in our seas and lakes and the chemicals in the rocks of the Earth’s crust provide us with all that we need. ev br 21 ity argon —(a) -C krypton oxygen —(a) am xenon TIP 0.04 id carbon dioxide (sublimes) w Proportion in mixture / % ie ge U R ev nitrogen N2 (78%) oxygen O2 (21%) Figure C1.01 The development of the Earth’s atmosphere. Gas R oceans es some carbon trapped as fossil fuels -R br am -C sedimentary rocks such as limestone or chalk C 178 steam H 2O ammonia NH3 ve rs ity op y methane CH4 Pr es s -C am br id ev ie w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity am br id ev ie TIP y Many gases are accidentally or deliberately released into the air. Some are harmless but many create problems for the environment. The main source of ‘problem’ gases is the burning of fossil fuels. Most countries produce electricity by burning coal or oil. Both these fuels are contaminated with sulfur. ni C op When these fuels are burnt in power stations to generate energy, the sulfur content reacts with oxygen to produce sulfur dioxide: ge U w ie ev id br + SO2 O2 -R am es s -C Limestone buildings, statues, etc., are worn away. ■ Lakes are acidified, and metal ions (for example, Al3+ ions) that are leached (washed) out of the soil damage the gills of fish, which may die. ■ Nutrients are leached out of the soil and from leaves. Trees are deprived of these nutrients. Aluminium ions are freed from clays as aluminium sulfate, which damages tree roots. The tree is unable to draw up enough water through the damaged roots, and it dies. ■ ity op Pr y There are numerous efects of acid rain. rs C U R ni op y ve Image C1.02 Filament light bulbs contain argon, which does not react with the hot tungsten filament. -R s chemical reactions in the air and in the clouds nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons Pr op y -C sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides es am br ev id ie w ge It does not react with tungsten even at very high temperatures. The other noble gases are used in advertising signs because they glow with diferent colours when electricity flows through them. effects on trees and buildings ity acid rain run-off ni ve rs C w ie ev effects on soil chemistry effects on water chemistry and water biology -R s es am br ev ie id g w e C U R Figure C1.02 The formation of acid rain. -C S Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) (for example, nitrogen dioxide, NO2) are also produced when air is heated in furnaces. These gases dissolve in rainwater to produce ‘acid rain’ (Figure C1.02). C w ie sulfur dioxide sulfur + oxygen y R Pollution of the air op ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R If you are asked for a use of oxygen, ‘breathing’ is not considered to be a correct answer because it is air rather than oxygen that we breathe. You need to give a use of pure oxygen. Image C1.01 A satellite image over Africa: one view of the ‘blue marble’. This image emphasises the presence of water on the planet surface, and in the atmosphere. ev w ge C U ni op y C1: Planet Earth Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 179 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie w ge This is a particular problem in diesel-powered cars, as the operating temperature is significantly higher. Because of the lack of oxygen in the enclosed space of an engine, the fuel does not usually burn completely and carbon monoxide (CO) is formed. This toxic gas is formed from the incomplete combustion of the hydrocarbon fuel. • Nitrogen dioxide causes acid rain and can combine with other gases in very hot weather to cause photochemical smog. This contains low-level ozone and is likely to cause breathing problems, especially in people with asthma. C ve rs ity op y The dangers of these pollutants are as follows. ni C op y The wind can carry acid rain clouds away from the industrialised areas, causing the pollution to fall on other countries. U R ev ie w Image C1.03 Fumes from a car exhaust. C ie -R s In a car fitted with a catalytic converter, the exhaust gases are passed through a heated ‘honeycombed’ bed of the transition metal catalyst and the potential pollutants take part in several diferent reactions, converting them to carbon dioxide and nitrogen. rs Petrol (gasoline) and diesel for use in road transport have most of their sulfur removed when they are refined, producing low sulfur fuels. Sulfur dioxide is not a serious problem with motor vehicles but the other contents of vehicle exhaust fumes (Image C1.03) can cause problems. Nitrogen dioxide, for example, is still produced. y ve w C U ni ie ev R There are solutions to some of these problems. Catalytic converters can be attached to the exhaust systems of cars (Figure C1.03). These convert carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide into carbon dioxide and nitrogen. op 180 ity op Pr y es -C am br ev id One way to remedy the efects of acid rain is to add lime to lakes and the surrounding land to decrease the acidity. The best solution, however, is to prevent the acidic gases from being released in the first place. ‘Scrubbers’ are fitted to power station furnaces. In these devices, the acidic gases are passed through an alkaline substance such as lime (calcium oxide). This removes the acids, making the escaping gases much less harmful. In many countries acidic gases from power stations are still a serious problem. w ge • Carbon monoxide is a highly toxic gas. It combines with the haemoglobin in blood and stops it from carrying oxygen. Even very small amounts of carbon monoxide can cause dizziness and headaches. Larger quantities cause death. + 2NO2 N2 + O2 es Pr C U w e ev ie id g -R br am catalytic converter y ev R exhaust gases: carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen op ity ni ve rs C exhaust gases: unburnt fuel, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, with carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen ie w 2NO s 2O2 op y -C N2 + 2CO2 -R nitrogen dioxide N2 ev id br am nitrogen + oxygen 2CO2 2NO + 2CO ie The high temperature inside the engine’s cylinders causes the nitrogen and oxygen in the air to react together: O2 w ge 2CO + s es -C Figure C1.03 A catalytic converter changes harmful exhaust gases into safer gases. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C1: Planet Earth ge global warming w ev ie am br id -R acid rain C op y methane, CH4 carbon dioxide, CO2 ve rs ity w ie -R s Pr op ity Try to keep these diferent atmospheric pollution problems clear and distinct in your mind rather than letting them merge together into one (confused?) problem. They each have distinct causes and clear consequences. y op U R ge C • The surface temperature of the Earth will increase. Deserts will spread and millions of people will have less water. Pr op y es -C There are two gases in Figure C1.04, carbon dioxide and methane, which are not in the list of pollutants given so far. These gases, together with water vapour and oxides of nitrogen, are causing global warming due to the ‘greenhouse efect’. The Earth is warmed by the Sun but this heat would quickly escape if it were not for our atmosphere. It is always colder on a clear night because there are no clouds to keep the heat in. Some gases are better at keeping heat in than others; if there is too much of these gases in the atmosphere, the Earth gets warmer and this causes problems (Figure C1.05). -R Global warming and the ‘greenhouse efect’ • Severe weather events will increase in frequency, and hurricanes and flooding will become more common. s am br ev id ie w Figure C1.04 summarises the efects of the main pollutants of the air. ity ev ie id g w e C U op y Carbon dioxide enters the air through respiration and burning and it is removed by plants during photosynthesis. Burning more fuel and cutting down the forests increase the problem. Burning less fossil fuel and planting more trees would help to solve it. es s -R br am -C • In some areas it may become easier to grow food crops but in others it will certainly become more dificult. Carbon dioxide and methane are the two main problem gases; methane is around 20 times more efective at stopping heat escaping than carbon dioxide is. ni ve rs C w The raised levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution is giving rise to additional problems in the environment, including climate change. Some of the problems global warming (or the ‘enhanced greenhouse efect’) will cause are listed below. • Glaciers and polar ice will melt. This will cause a rise in sea level, and low-lying land will be flooded. ni ev ve ie w rs C Figure C1.05 The greenhouse efect. es y TIP ie Burning fossil fuels, forest fires, industry and human activities produce various ’greenhouse gases‘. As these increase, more and more of the Sun’s energy is trapped. The Earth warms up. ev id -C am br Figure C1.04 A summary of various atmospheric pollution problems caused by human activity. ev EARTH ge U ni sulfur dioxide, SO2 carbon monoxide, CO unburnt hydrocarbon fuels, HC R ev ie w oxides of nitrogen, NOx C op y Pr es s -C photochemical smog R Some energy is radiated back into space as light and heat. energy Some energy is radiated absorbed in the by the Sun atmosphere. Energy radiated by the Sun Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 181 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Methane is a product of the anaerobic decay of organic matter and is produced in large quantities in rice paddy fields and landfill rubbish sites. It is also produced by the digestive systems of animals, ranging from cattle to termites. Pr es s C1.03 What are the problems caused by acid rain? C1.04 What is photochemical smog and why is it a problem? C1.05 How does carbon monoxide stop the blood from carrying oxygen? C1.06 Why are light bulbs filled with argon? C1.07 What is the ‘greenhouse efect’? C1.08 What does a catalytic converter do to the exhaust gases from a car? y C op ni U ge ie w In some parts of the world, seawater is made drinkable by desalination (taking the salt out). This can be done by distillation or by forcing the water through special membranes using high pressures (reverse osmosis). Desalination is particularly important in countries such as Saudi Arabia. -R am br ev id es s -C C1.02 Water treatment op C precipitators to clear solid particles ie storage reservoir pump -R treated with a small amount of ozone to disinfect the water chlorine microstrainers y activated carbon granules absorb some of the chemicals op a small amount of chlorine is used to disinfect water ev ie id g service reservoir -R br am w e U main ozone pumps C ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s screens for straining floating rubbish R drinking water es s Figure C1.06 Purifying water for the domestic and industrial supply. -C rapid gravity sand filters ev id ge river water pumping station br am y ve U river -C Our water supply is very important. Not only is it used in the home, as shown in Figure C1.07, but it is also used in large quantities by industry. Most of the water used by industry is utilised as a solvent for other substances, to cool down reactions or to transfer heat from one part of a factory to another. ni R ev ie w rs C 182 ity op Pr y Water is essential to life but it can also carry disease. Polluted water kills many millions of people every year. It is important that the water we drink is treated to make it safe, and even more important that sewage (human and animal waste) is treated before being allowed back into rivers used for drinking water. w w ev ie Figure C1.06 shows a modern water treatment process. The main diference from the simple treatment is in the use of ozone to remove pesticides and some other dissolved substances which can cause health problems. The water is still not totally pure as it contains some dissolved solids. Some of these, such as calcium salts, can aid health, whereas others, such as nitrate fertilisers, can be harmful. ve rs ity How do the gases responsible for acid rain get into the atmosphere? C op C1.02 R ev ie -R am br id Which gases contribute most significantly to acid rain? y C1.01 -C QuEStiONS w ge Water from rivers and lakes, and from underground, can contain dissolved salts, solid particles and bacteria. The water purification process is designed to remove the last two of these. At its simplest, water treatment involves filtering the water to remove solid particles and adding chlorine to kill any bacteria that could cause disease. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution the main dose of ozone to break down pesticides and other materials ve rs ity ve rs ity C 15 dm3 w ev ie ev ie drinking 12 dm3 10 dm3 This experiment is designed to show that seawater contains a mixture of diferent salts. ie -R s es C1.11 Why is distillation of seawater an expensive way of making drinking water? Pr Why is chlorine added to water? 1 Place 200 cm3 of seawater in a 250 cm3 beaker. 2 Heat and boil the seawater. ity 4 Allow to cool and let any solids settle. ni op y ve 5 Pour the clear liquid into a 100 cm3 beaker, leaving the solids behind. ge C U 6 Add a few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid to the solids let behind and observe what happens. ev id ie w 7 Put the 100 cm3 beaker on the tripod and gauze and heat the liquid until another solid appears. This will occur when about 30–40 cm3 of liquid remains. s -R 8 Carefully filter the liquid into a conical flask. es -C am br Chemicals from seawater Skills: A03.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) A03.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates A03.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data Pr op y 9 Wash out the 100 cm3 beaker and pour the filtrate into the beaker. 10 Boil the liquid again until there is almost none let. 11 Let it cool and note what you observe. ity Questions ni ve rs A1 What evidence is there that seawater is a mixture of salts? A2 What gas is likely to have been given of when hydrochloric acid is added to the solids first collected? Take care with hot apparatus and solutions. A3 What does this tell you about the identity of these solids? U op y Wear eye protection throughout. A4 Search the internet to try to find information about the solubilities of sodium chloride and calcium sulfate – two common compounds present in seawater. Use this information to predict the possible identity of the final solid let at the end of your experiment. -R s es am br ev ie id g w e C The sea is mainly water but there are lots of other things in it too. The most common substance in seawater is sodium chloride, or common salt. Other substances in it include calcium sulfate, magnesium sulfate and tiny amounts of metals such as copper and iron. -C C w ie beaker with first solids 3 Stop heating when about 60–70 cm3 of liquid remains. Solid will be precipitated during this evaporation process. rs w ie ev R ev tripod Bunsen burner ev id br am -C y C1.10 op C Why is water filtered before other treatments? ACtivity C1.02 beaker seawater gauze w ge U R ni C op Figure C1.07 The main uses of water in a UK home. The numbers show how much water is used on average per person for each activity every day. ! 96.5% water 3 dm3 QuEStiONS R 100 dm3 seawater 2.6% sodium chloride 0.3% magnesium chloride 0.2% magnesium sulfate 0.1% calcium sulfate 0.1% potassium chloride 0.01% potassium bromide small amounts of most other elements dishwashing gardening cooking 20 dm3 C1.09 3.5% dissolved minerals y op -R washing clothes y -C 55 dm3 Pr es s 65 dm3 am br id personal washing w ge toilet C U ni op y C1: Planet Earth Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 183 ve rs ity Limestone w ge C1.03 the Earth’s crust op y ev ie Pr es s -C From this thin layer we get the soil we need for growing crops, the ores from which metals are extracted, the rocks we need for building, and the fossil fuels we use. Limestone is an important resource from which a useful range of compounds can be made. Figure C1.08 shows some of the important uses of limestone and the related compounds quicklime and slaked lime. The reactions involved in producing these compounds can be imitated in the laboratory (Figure C1.09). -R am br id Only the top layer of the Earth is used to obtain the chemicals we need. This layer is known as the Earth’s crust and its thickness varies from about 5 km to about 50 km. A piece of calcium carbonate can be heated strongly for some time to produce lime (quicklime, calcium oxide). The piece of lime is allowed to cool and then a few drops of water are added. The solid flakes and expands, crumbling into ‘slaked lime’. This reaction is strongly exothermic. If more water is added, an alkaline solution (limewater) is obtained. ni C op y Rocks can be used for building and for the extraction of useful chemicals other than metals. The most useful of these is limestone. w ev -R s Pr es LiMEStONE rs C w neutralise acidic soil and lakes affected by acid rain y ve ie ni U id ie w ge C Figure C1.08 Some of the uses of limestone (calcium carbonate). ev pieces of limestone (calcium carbonate) dropper with water Pr op y es s -C -R am br concrete cement water + sand mortar paper (used to whiten and provide bulk) ity op glass gravel + sand + water op am y -C heat with sand and sodium carbonate ev wire support steam cool id g e Bunsen flame ie quicklime br ev Limestone changes into quicklime (calcium oxide). heatproof mat Slaked lime is formed from quicklime. -R am y dropper with water C U R ev limestone w ie w ni ve rs C ity Nothing happens with limestone. op R steel (limestone removes impurities in furnace) ie buildings and roads br id ge U R ev ie w C ve rs ity Metal ores are rocks that have a relatively high concentration of a mineral containing a metal. For more details of ores and obtaining metals from them see Chapters C8 and C9. 184 C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences s es -C Figure C1.09 The formation of quicklime and slaked lime in the laboratory. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C1: Planet Earth w ge The Earth’s resources y thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate This activity illustrates some of the chemistry of limestone (calcium carbonate) and other materials made from it. The experiment demonstrates the ‘limestone cycle’. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. Other resources should last forever but, if we misuse them, problems arise. Clean air can be lost if we pollute it, as can fresh water. Even the energy from the Sun and the energy in the wind and waves can be adversely afected by the pollution causing the ‘greenhouse efect’. C op ni C1.13 ev id es Pr y ity that the air is composed predominantly of nitrogen and oxygen, but that other gases have major roles to play too about the major atmospheric pollution problems that are changing the nature of our world, including global climate change and acid rain that global warming is caused by an increase in the atmosphere of certain ‘greenhouse gases’ such as carbon dioxide and methane rs ■ ve ■ ni s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ■ es Pr nitrogen............% ni ve rs ie w op y oxygen............% ev -R s -C ie id g Copy and complete the chart by labelling the percentages of nitrogen, oxygen and other gases. Name one of the other gases that exists in unpolluted air. br i ii am a other gases............% w e C U R ev Percentage in unpolluted air es C The bar chart shows the approximate composition of clean air. ity op y End-of-chapter questions 1 how the availability of clean fresh water is one of the major problems in the world that limestone, one of these mineral resources, has a range of uses, from the making of cement and concrete to the extraction of iron in the blast furnace. op w ie ev 185 y op C You should know: ■ What makes a gas a ‘greenhouse gas’? s -C -R am C1.14 Summary ■ What is the diference between lime and slaked lime? ie What makes an ore diferent from any other type of rock? br C1.12 ge QuEStiONS w U R More details about recycling metals can be found in Chapter C9. y ve rs ity op C w ev ie -R Pr es s -C More detail on the importance of limestone and the chemicals derived from it can be found in Chapter C9. This includes the method of making lime industrially. ACtivity C1.03 Fossil fuels are only one of the Earth’s important resources but they are a ‘non-renewable’ resource. When we have used up all of the fossil fuels, they are gone. Metal ores are also ‘non-renewable’ and so it important that we recycle the metals we use in order to conserve the limited supplies of metal ores in the Earth’s crust. ev ie am br id TIP Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [2] [1] (continued) ve rs ity b y NO C op ni ie w ge ev id br -R am es s -C Describe a chemical test for water. Give the test and the result. State one use of water in industry. Water is a good solvent. What do you understand by the term solvent? Water vapour in the atmosphere reacts with sulfur dioxide, SO2, to produce acid rain. i State one source of sulfur dioxide. ii State two adverse efects of acid rain. iii Calculate the relative molecular mass of sulfur dioxide. Water from lakes and rivers can be treated to make the water safer to drink. Describe two of the steps in water purification. For each of these steps, give an explanation of its purpose. Water is formed when hydrogen burns in air. State the percentage of oxygen present in the air. ity rs op C w ge ie ev id br Gas -R am es s -C Pr op y 15 nitrogen 60 carbon dioxide 15 water vapour 10 ity op y ni ve rs C U w e ev ie id g es s -R br g am f Quantity / % oxygen sulfur dioxide 2 How does the quantity of the first three gases difer from that on Earth? What problems could be caused on the surface of the planet by the presence of the final two gases listed? Give a test to show the presence of water in the condensation from the air on a window on a cold day. Which pollutant gas in the atmosphere has the same efect on the climate as carbon dioxide? Sulfur dioxide is not present in pure air on Earth. What process can cause sulfur dioxide to enter the Earth’s atmosphere? Lime can be used to remove sulfur dioxide from gases entering the atmosphere. What name is given to the process which removes the sulfur dioxide? How is lime manufactured from limestone? Write a word equation for the reaction. -C C w ie ev R b c d e [4] [1] [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 21 Q3 a–e & f(i) June 2011] The atmosphere of a newly discovered Earth-like planet had been analysed. It has the composition shown in the table. a [1] [2] [1] y ve ni U R f [2] [1] [1] Pr y op C w ie ev e 3 [3] Water is present in the atmosphere, in the seas and in ice and snow. a b c d 186 [2] y Write a balanced chemical equation for the formation of nitric oxide (NO) during a thunderstorm. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) dissolves and reacts Sample of rainwater pH with rainwater. A student carried out an pure water obtained in laboratory 7 experiment to investigate what happened to rainwater collected when no storm had occurred 5 the acidity of rainwater during a thunderstorm. rainwater collected during thunderstorm 4 His results are shown in the table. What conclusions can the student make from these results? Include the name of any new compound formed during the storm. U R 2 NO2 NO2 ve rs ity op C ev ie w i ii NO Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie Nitrogen and oxygen exist in the air in the form of the diatomic molecules, N2 and O2. When lightning passes through the air, the gaseous compounds nitric oxide, NO, and nitrogen dioxide, NO2, are formed. w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [1] [2] [2] [1] [1] [1] [2] op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie -R es s -C Pr y rs op C w ie ev -R Pr ity op y ni ve rs C w ie -R ■ s ■ U ■ e ■ id g ■ br ■ am R ev ie w C ■ -C ■ y ve ni U ge op y ■ ev ■ s ■ es ■ es ■ id ■ br ■ am ■ the three states of matter, and changes of state atoms, molecules and ions separating and purifying substances filtration use of a separating funnel crystallisation distillation paper chromatography criteria of purity elements and compounds atomic theory the kinetic model and changes of state difusion atomic structure and sub-atomic particles proton (atomic) number and nucleon (mass) number isotopes relative atomic mass the arrangement of electrons in atoms. -C ev R ■ 187 ity op C w ie This chapter covers: ■ ev am br id ie w ge U R C2 The nature of matter Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Changes in physical state w ge C2.01 the states of matter ev ie -R Melting and freezing y The temperature at which a pure substance turns to a liquid is called the melting point (m.p.). This always happens at one particular temperature for each pure substance (Figure C2.02). The process is reversed at precisely the same temperature if a liquid is cooled down. It is then called the freezing point (f.p.). The melting point and freezing point of any given substance are both the same temperature. For example, the melting and freezing of pure water take place at 0 °C. U ni C op C ve rs ity op y Chemistry is the study of how matter behaves, and of how one kind of substance can be changed into another. Whichever chemical substance we study, we find it can exist in three diferent forms (or physical states) depending on the conditions. These three diferent states of matter are known as solid, liquid and gas. Changing temperature and/or pressure can change the state of a substance. w ev ie R Large changes in temperature and pressure can cause changes that are more dramatic than expansion or contraction. They can cause a substance to change its physical state. The changes between the three states of matter are shown in Figure C2.01. At atmospheric pressure, these changes can be brought about by raising or lowering the temperature of the substance. Pr es s -C am br id There are many diferent kinds of matter. The word is used to cover all the substances and materials of which the Universe is composed. Samples of all of these materials have two properties in common: they each occupy space (they have volume) and they have mass. op 188 Sublimation A few solids, such as carbon dioxide (‘dry ice’), do not melt when they are heated at normal pressures. Instead, they turn directly into gas. This change of state is called sublimation: the solid sublimes. Like melting, this also happens at one particular temperature for each pure solid. Iodine is another solid that sublimes. It produces a purple vapour, but then condenses again on a cold surface (Image C2.02). rs C ity The three physical states show diferences in the way they respond to changes in temperature and pressure. All three show an increase in volume (an expansion) when the temperature is increased, and a decrease in volume (a contraction) when the temperature is lowered. The efect is much bigger for a gas than for either a solid or a liquid. id ie w ge C U ni op y ve w ie ev R -R Pr y es -C matter: anything that has mass and takes up space. There are three physical states: solid, liquid and gas. ev Evaporation, boiling and condensation has a fixed volume liquid has a fixed volume gas no fixed volume – expands to fill the container -R s Shape Fluidity high has a definite shape does not flow moderate to high no definite shape – takes the shape of the container generally flows easily(a) low no definite shape – takes the shape of the container flows easily(a) (a) op C ie id g w e U y ni ve rs w am br ev Liquids and gases are called fluids. -R s -C Table C2.01 Diferences in the properties of the three states of matter. es ie Pr solid Density ity op y Volume C Physical state ev R If a liquid is let with its surface exposed to the air, it evaporates. Splashes of water evaporate at room temperature. Ater rain, puddles dry up! es -C am br The volume of a gas at a fixed temperature can easily be reduced by increasing the pressure on the gas. Gases are easy to ‘squash’ – they are easily compressed. Liquids, on the other hand, are only slightly compressible, and the volume of a solid is unafected by changing the pressure. Gallium is a metal that has a melting point just above room temperature. Because of this it will melt in a person’s hand (Image C2.01). s KEy tERM am br ev id ie w ge The diferent physical states have certain general characteristics that are true whatever chemical substance is being considered. These are summarised in Table C2.01. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie y C op Freezing: the reverse takes place sharply at the same temperature. -R ev ie w freezing or solidification U ge am br id solid Melting: a pure substance melts suddenly at a particular temperature. increasing temperature -R condensation or liquefaction evaporation or vaporisation Pr es s melting ve rs ity sublimation Evaporation and condensation take place over a range of temperatures; boiling takes place at a specific temperature. liquid ni ev ie w C op y -C am br id gas Sublimation: a few solids change directly from solid to gas on heating; the term sublimation is used for the change in either direction. R w ge C U ni op y C2: The nature of matter es s -C Figure C2.01 Changes of physical state and the efect of increasing temperature at atmospheric pressure. Note that the direct conversion from gas into solid can also be called reverse sublimation or deposition. liquid 189 gas y C boiling point (b.p.) w ge U melting point (m.p.) R op ni ev ve ie w rs C ity solid Pr op y increasing temperature -R Pr op y es s -C am br Figure C2.02 The relationship between the melting point and boiling point of a substance. ev id ie decreasing temperature y op When liquids change into gases in this way, the process is called evaporation. Evaporation takes place from the surface of the liquid. The larger the surface area, the faster the liquid evaporates. ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Image C2.02 Iodine sublimes. On warming, it produces a purple vapour, which then condenses again on the cool part of the tube. s es -C am Image C2.01 The metal gallium has a melting point just above room temperature. It will literally melt in the hand. -R br ev The warmer the liquid is, the faster it evaporates. Eventually, at a certain temperature, it becomes hot enough for gas to form within the liquid and not just at the surface. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Substance w ev ie -R ni U gas –210 –196 ethanol (alcohol) liquid –117 78 water liquid 0 100 sulfur solid 115 444 common salt (sodium chloride) solid 801 1465 1083 2600 (a) ity The values for the melting point and boiling point of a pure substance are precise and predictable. This means that we can use them to test the purity of a sample. They can also be used to check the identity of an unknown substance. The melting point can be measured using an electrically heated melting-point apparatus or the apparatus shown in Figure C2.03. A small amount of powdered solid is put in a narrow (capillary) melting-point tube so that it can be heated easily. A water bath is used to heat the tube; or an oil bath can be used if melting points above 100 °C need to be measured. rs op y ve ni C U w ie ev s -R br am thermometer es -C stirrer Pr op y ity melting-point tube rubber band ni ve rs C Figure C2.03 Apparatus for measuring the melting point of a solid. A water bath can be used for melting points below 100 °C and an oil bath for those above 100 °C. es s -R br ev Be careful with temperatures below 0 °C; –100 °C is a higher temperature than –150 °C. am heat ie id g w e C U Remember to practise using melting and boiling point data to decide whether a particular substance is a solid, a liquid or a gas at room temperature. These are quite common questions. -C solid y TIP oil or water op w ie w -R s es Pr if the m.p. is below 20 °C and the b.p. is above 20 °C, the substance will be a liquid at room temperature. A substance’s melting and boiling points in relation to room temperature (taken as 20 °C) determine whether it is usually seen as a solid, a liquid or a gas. For example, ev –78(a) gas Table C2.02 The melting and boiling points of some common chemical substances. id A pure substance consists of only one substance. There is nothing else in it: it has no contaminating impurities. A pure substance melts and boils at definite temperatures. Table C2.02 shows the melting points and boiling points of some common substances at atmospheric pressure. R solid Sublimes. ge Pure substances y nitrogen ie ge w ie R ev –183 carbon dioxide id y op C 190 –219 copper br am -C The boiling point of a liquid can change if the surrounding pressure changes. The value given for the boiling point is usually stated at the pressure of the atmosphere at sea level (atmospheric pressure or standard pressure). If the surrounding pressure falls, the boiling point falls. The boiling point of water at standard pressure is 100 °C. On a high mountain it is lower than 100 °C. If the surrounding pressure is increased, the boiling point rises. In a pressure cooker, the boiling point of water is raised to around 120 °C and food cooks more quickly at this higher temperature. Boiling point / °C gas C op ve rs ity C w ev ie R The reverse of evaporation is condensation. This is usually brought about by cooling. However, we saw earlier that the gas state is the one most afected by changes in pressure. It is possible, at normal temperatures, to condense a gas into a liquid by increasing the pressure, without cooling. Melting point / °C ev y op A volatile liquid is one which evaporates easily and has a relatively low boiling point. ■ Ethanol (b.p. 78 °C) is a more volatile liquid than water (b.p. 100 °C). ■ Physical state at room temperature (20 °C) oxygen Pr es s -C am br id ge Bubbles of gas appear inside the liquid. This process is known as boiling. It takes place at a specific temperature, known as the boiling point (b.p.) for each pure liquid (Figure C2.02). Water evaporates fairly easily and has a relatively low boiling point – it is quite a volatile liquid. Ethanol, with a boiling point of 78 °C, is more volatile than water. It has a higher volatility than water. C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C 90 ev ie -R y C op R U ie ev Temperature / ºC ity rs ve gas 191 liquid y 0 op ni C U Time w ge ie ev id -R br am -C solid Figure C2.05 The cooling curve for a substance. The temperature stays constant while the gas condenses, and while the liquid freezes. A cooling mixture of ice and salt could be used to lower the temperature below 0 °C. The level portions of the curve occur where the gas condenses to a liquid, and when the liquid freezes. These experiments show that heat energy is needed to change a solid into a liquid, or a liquid into a gas. During the reverse processes, heat energy is given out. When a solid is melted, or a liquid is boiled, the temperature stays constant until the process is complete. The same is true in reverse when a gas condenses or a liquid freezes. -R s es am br ev ie id g w e It is possible to heat a liquid in the same apparatus until its boiling point is reached. Again, the temperature stays the same until all the liquid has boiled. The reverse processes can be shown if a sample of gas is allowed to cool. This produces a cooling curve (Figure C2.05). C U op y ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s Figure C2.04 shows how the temperature changes when a sample of solid naphthalene (a single pure substance) is heated steadily. The solid melts at precisely 80 °C. Notice that, while the solid is melting, the temperature stops rising. It will only begin to rise again when all the naphthalene has melted. Generally, the heating curve for a pure solid stops rising at its melting point. The heating curve for wax, which is a mixture of substances, shows the solid wax melting over a range of temperatures. -C 10 -R s es Pr y op C 8 78 –15 Using the melting point apparatus shown in Figure C2.03, we can follow the temperature of the sample before and ater melting. These results can then be used to produce a heating curve (Figure C2.04). Similar apparatus can be used to produce a cooling curve, but the thermometer must be placed in a test tube containing the solid being studied. w ie 4 6 Time / minutes w ge id br am -C Remember that pure substances have definite, sharp melting and boiling points. The presence of an impurity means that these changes will be spread over a range of temperatures in each case. w ie ev 2 Figure C2.04 The heating curves for naphthalene (a pure substance) and wax (a mixture of substances). Heating and cooling curves R wax 0 lowers the melting point ■ raises the boiling point. ev 70 50 The presence of an impurity in a substance: TIP naphthalene 80 60 ni ev ie w C ve rs ity In addition, the impurity can also reduce the ‘sharpness’ of the melting or boiling point. An impure substance sometimes melts or boils over a range of temperatures, not at a particular point. ■ R Temperature / ºC op y Pr es s -C am br id Seawater is impure water. You can show this if you put some seawater in an evaporating dish and boil away the water, because a solid residue of salt is let behind in the dish. Seawater freezes at a temperature well below the freezing point of pure water (0 °C) and boils at a temperature above the boiling point of pure water (100 °C). Other impure substances show similar diferences. w ge The efect of impurities U ni op y C2: The nature of matter Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity liquid solvent In this experiment, you will plot cooling curves for two diferent substances. y C op ni U ge a solid dissolved in a liquid. Two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered by a solution of various salts in water. The salts are totally dispersed in the water and cannot be seen. However, other substances that are not normally solid are dissolved in seawater. For example, the dissolved gases, oxygen and carbon dioxide, are important for life to exist in the oceans. w ie ev id br es Pr ity rs y ve ni op Alloys are similar mixtures of metals, though we do not usually call them solutions. They are made by mixing the liquid metals together (dissolving one metal in the other) before solidifying the alloy. ev id ie w ge C U Each mixture must be made from at least two parts, which may be solid, liquid or gas. There are a number of diferent ways in which the three states can be combined. In some, the states are completely mixed to become one single state or phase – ‘you cannot see the join’. Technically, the term solution is used for this type of mixture. Less obvious perhaps, but quite common, are solutions of one liquid in another. Alcohol mixes (dissolves) completely with water. Beer, wine and whisky do not separate out into layers of alcohol and water (even when the alcohol content is quite high). Alcohol and water are completely miscible: they make a solution. -R ity d solid to gas directly C2.02 What efect does the presence of an impurity have on the freezing point of a liquid? C2.03 Sketch a cooling curve for water from 80 °C to –20 °C, noting what is taking place in the diferent regions of the graph. C2.04 What do you understand by the word volatile when used in chemistry? C2.05 Put these three liquids in order of volatility, with the most volatile first: water (b.p. 100 °C), ethanoic acid (b.p. 128 °C), ethanol (b.p. 78 °C). op y ni ve rs U ev id g -R s es -C am br There are various ways in which substances in diferent states can combine. Perhaps the most important idea here is that of one substance dissolving in another – the idea of a solution. We most oten think of a solution as being made of a liquid to solid c gas to liquid e Solutions Give the names for the following physical changes: b liquid to gas at a precise temperature Pr op y C w ie ev C2.01 es -C Solid salt dissolves in liquid water to produce a liquid mixture – a salt solution (Figure C2.06). In general terms, the solid that dissolves in the liquid is called the solute. The liquid in which the solid dissolves is called the solvent. In other types of mixture, the states remain separate. One phase is broken up into small particles, droplets, or bubbles, within the main phase. Perhaps the most obvious example of this type of mixture is a suspension of fine particles of a solid in a liquid, such as we oten get ater a precipitation reaction. s am br QUESTIONS C y op C w ie ev R s -R am -C Our world is very complex, owing to the vast range of pure substances available and to the variety of ways in which these pure substances can mix with each other. In everyday life, we do not ‘handle’ pure substances very oten. The air we breathe is not a single, pure substance – and we could not live in it if it were! Water would be rather tasteless if we drank it pure (distilled). w R A worksheet, with a self-assessment checklist, is included on the accompanying CD-ROM. Types of mixture R solution – solute particles cannot be seen Figure C2.06 When a solute dissolves in a solvent, the solute particles are completely dispersed in the liquid. Adaptations of this experiment and details of the use of it in assessing practical skills AO3.3 and AO3.4 are given in the Notes on activities for teachers/technicians. 192 dissolving ie ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C A03.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) A03.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates A03.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data -R Plotting a cooling curve Skills: C ev ie ge solid solute am br id ACTIVITY C2.01 w U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity a w ge C2.02 Separating and purifying substances -R ve rs ity support The liquid filters through: it is called the filtrate. y C op ni U ie ev -R s ity ni op y ve rs A more generally useful method for separating solids from liquids is filtration (Figure C2.07a). Here the insoluble material is collected as a residue on filter paper. Filtration is useful because both phases can be obtained in one process. The liquid phase is collected as the filtrate. The process can be speeded up by using a vacuum pump to ‘suck’ the liquid through the filter paper in a Buchner funnel and flask (Figure C2.07b). Various large-scale filtration methods are used in industry. Perhaps the most useful of these are the filter beds used to treat water for household use. C U w ge ie ev -R am es -C s use some diference in properties, e.g. density, solubility, sublimation, magnetism br solid + solid (powdered mixture) Method of separation id Mixture Pr op y suspension of solid in liquid filtration or centrifugation use a separating funnel or decantation C ity liquid + liquid (immiscible) to obtain solid: use evaporation (crystallisation) to obtain liquid: use distillation ni ve rs solution of solid in liquid y op w e ie -R s -C es am br ev id g chromatography Table C2.03 Separating diferent types of mixture. Mixtures of two immiscible liquids can be separated if the mixture is placed in a separating funnel and allowed to stand. The liquids separate into diferent layers. The lower, denser layer is then ‘tapped’ of at the bottom. This type of separation is useful in industry. For example, at the base of the blast furnace the molten slag forms a separate layer on top of the liquid iron. The two can then be ‘tapped’ of separately. C two (or more) liquids mixed fractional distillation together (miscible) solution of two (or more) solids in a liquid Another method of separating an insoluble solid from a liquid is centrifugation where the mixture is spun at high speed in a centrifuge. This causes the solid to be deposited at the bottom of the centrifuge tube. The liquid can be carefully decanted of. Separating immiscible liquids U ev ie w A vacuum pump is connected to the side-arm flask; it speeds up the flow of liquid through the funnel. es Pr op ev A Buchner funnel has a perforated plate, which is covered by a circle of filter paper. Figure C2.07 Filtration separates an insoluble solid from a liquid. In some ways these are the easiest mixtures to separate. Quite oten, just leaving a suspension of a solid in a liquid to stand achieves a separation – especially if the particles of solid are large enough. Once the solid has settled to the bottom, the liquid can be carefully poured of – a process called decanting. C w ie w ge id br am y Separating insoluble solids from liquids R The solid remains in the filter as the residue. b the type of mixture which substance in the mixture we are most interested in. -C ■ filter funnel Pr es s y op C w ev ie R ■ filter paper ev ie am br id -C To make sense of the material world around us, we need methods for physically separating the many and varied mixtures that we come across. Being able to purify and identify the many substances present in these mixtures not only satisfies our curiosity but is crucial to our well-being and health. There is a range of physical techniques available to make the necessary separations (Table C2.03). They all depend in some way on a diference in the physical properties of the substances in the mixture. The most useful separation method for a particular mixture depends on: R C U ni op y C2: The nature of matter Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 193 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences ev ie -R y w ie ev -R s es seawater Pr water in ity The separation of this type of mixture is oten slightly more complicated because there is no physical separation of the phases in the original mixture. The methods of separation usually depend on solubility properties or on diferences in boiling point (or volatility). ni op y ve Figure C2.09 The distillation of seawater. ev id ie w ge C U Separating a liquid from a solution is usually carried out by distillation (Figure C2.09). The boiling point of the liquid is usually very much lower than that of the dissolved solid. The liquid is more volatile than the dissolved solid and can easily be evaporated of in a distillation flask. It is condensed by passing it down a water-cooled condenser, and then collected as the distillate. -R br es Pr ity y ni ve rs For example, ethanol boils at 78 °C whereas water boils at 100 °C. When a mixture of the two is heated, ethanol and water vapours enter the fractionating column. Glass beads in the column provide a large surface area for condensation. Evaporation and condensation take place many times as the vapours rise up the column. Ethanol passes through the condenser first as the temperature of the column is raised op ACTIVITY C2.02 -R s es am br ev ie id g w e C U Separating common salt and sand The aim of this activity is to separate a mixture of salt and sand. The method uses the diference in solubility of the two solids and the technique of filtration. A worksheet, with a self-assessment checklist, is included on the accompanying CD-ROM. -C Separating the liquids from a mixture of two (or more) miscible liquids is again based on the fact that the liquids will have diferent boiling points. However, the boiling points are closer together than for a solid-in-liquid solution and fractional distillation must be used (Figure C2.10). In fractional distillation the most volatile liquid in the mixture distils over first and the least volatile liquid boils over last. s am -C op y C w ie condenser pure water rs w ie ev R water out heat Separating a solid from solution in a liquid can be carried out by evaporation or crystallisation. Evaporation gives only a powder, but crystallisation can result in proper crystals. Both processes begin by evaporating away the liquid but, when crystals are needed, evaporation is stopped when the solution has been concentrated enough. Figure C2.08 shows how this can be judged and done safely. The concentrated solution is allowed to cool slowly. The crystals formed can then be filtered of and dried. ev gauze C op ni ge id Separating solutions R boiling water thermometer br am -C y op C 194 solution in evaporating basin Figure C2.08 An evaporation method. This method should not be used if the solvent is flammable. Instead, use an electrical heating element and an oil or water bath. Separations based on diferences in solubility One very useful way of separating a soluble substance from a solid mixture is as follows. The mixture is first ground to a powder. A suitable liquid solvent is added. The solvent must dissolve one of the solid substances present, but not the others. The solvent is oten water, but other liquids can be useful. The mixture in the solvent is then warmed and stirred. Care must be taken at the warming stage when using solvents other than water. The warm mixture is then filtered (Figure C2.07). This leaves the insoluble substances as a residue on the filter paper, which can be dried. The soluble substance is in the liquid filtrate. Dry crystals can be obtained by evaporation and crystallisation (see Figure C2.08). While the solvent is evaporating, dip a glass rod into the solution from time to time. When small crystals form on the rod, take the solution off the water bath and leave it to cool. U R ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C am br id The separation of a solid from a mixture of solids depends largely on the particular substance being purified. Some suitable diference in physical properties needs to be found. Separations can be based on diferences in density, magnetic properties (separating iron objects from other metals in a scrapyard, for instance), or sublimation. In the laboratory it usually helps if the mixture is ground to a powder before any separation is attempted. By far the most important method for separating this type of mixture is based on diferences in solubility. w ge Separating mixtures of solids Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge C U ni op y C2: The nature of matter ACTIVITY C2.03 ev ie am br id w thermometer Distillation of mixtures op water drips back into flask C ve rs ity solution of ethanol and water w ev ie water in -R 80 °C 79 °C Skills: condenser Pr es s 78 °C -C fractionating column (glass beads) y water out AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates In this experiment, several mixtures will be separated using diferent types of distillation apparatus, including a microscale distillation apparatus. ethanol y electrical heater ni C op A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. Figure C2.10 Separating a mixture of ethanol (alcohol) and water by fractional distillation. ie A drop of concentrated solution is usually placed on a pencil line near the bottom edge of a strip of chromatography paper. The paper is then dipped in the solvent. The level of the solvent must start below the sample. Figure C2.11 shows the process in action. ve ie w rs C ity op Pr y es s -R br am -C The temperature on the thermometer stays at 78 °C until all the ethanol has distilled over. Only then does the temperature on the thermometer rise to 100 °C and the water distil over. By watching the temperature carefully the two liquids (fractions) can be collected separately. substances present in a solution. For example, it can tell us whether a solution has become contaminated. This can be very important because contamination of food or drinking water, for instance, may be dangerous to our health. ev id above its boiling point. Water condenses in the column and flows back into the flask because the temperature of the column is below its boiling point of 100 °C. w ge U R AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) y op Stage 2 • The solvent moves up the paper, taking diferent components along at diferent rates. es -C ity Pr op y A ni ve rs In fractional distillation, remember that it is the liquid with the lowest boiling point that distils over first. C U Figure C2.11 Various stages during paper chromatography. The sample is separated as it moves up the paper. es s -R br am -C A ev ie id g w e Separating two or more dissolved solids in solution can be carried out by chromatography. There are several types of chromatography, but they all follow the same basic principles. Paper chromatography is probably the simplest form to set up and is very useful if we want to analyse the Stage 3 • The separation of the mixture is complete. • The diferent components string out along the paper like runners in a race. y solvent front op C w ie TIP R ev A s the various fractions from petroleum (Section C11.01) ■ the diferent gases from liquid air. ■ Stage 1 • The solution is spotted and allowed to dry. The original spot is identified as A. • The solvent begins to move up the paper by capillary action. -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ni ev Fractional distillation is used to separate any solution containing liquids with diferent boiling points. The liquid in the mixture with the lowest boiling point (the most volatile) distils over first. The final liquid to distil over is the one with the highest boiling point (the least volatile). Fractional distillation can be adapted as a continuous process and is used industrially to separate: Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 195 ve rs ity are carried with it and begin to separate. The substance that is most soluble moves fastest up the paper. An insoluble substance would remain at the origin. The run is stopped just before the solvent front reaches the top of the paper. w ev ie -R The distance moved by a particular spot is measured and related to the position of the solvent front. The ratio of these distances is called the Rf value, or retention factor. This value is used to identify the substance: Pr es s -C am br id ge Many diferent solvents are used in chromatography. Water and organic solvents (carbon-containing solvents) such as ethanol, ethanoic acid solution and propanone are common. Organic solvents are useful because they dissolve many substances that are insoluble in water. When an organic solvent is used, the process is carried out in a tank with a lid to stop the solvent evaporating. C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Originally, paper chromatography was used to separate solutions of coloured substances (dyes and pigments) since they could be seen as they moved up the paper. However, the usefulness of chromatography has been greatly increased by the use of locating agents (Figure C2.12). These mean that the method can also be used for separating substances that are not coloured. The paper is treated with locating agent ater the chromatography run. The agent reacts with the samples to produce coloured spots. y C -R s rs y op U -R am br ev id ie w ge C Paper chromatography is one test that can be used to check for the purity of a substance. If the sample is pure, it should only give one spot when run in several diferent solvents. The identity of the sample can also be checked by comparing its Rf value to that of a sample we know to be pure. es s level reached by the solvent (the solvent front) paper being drawn through locating agent Pr thermometer C ity oven A U e id g 2 Running the chromatogram shallow dish solvent 3 Treating with the locating agent br 1 Preparing the paper and spotting on the samples y glass jar pencil line and letters op E 4 Heating the paper to bring up the colour of the spots ev M R G locating agent G M E A C ie w ni ve rs paper coiled in a cylinder w R -C cover op y fine tube for spotting samples onto the paper chromatography paper 5 The developed chromatogram -R s -C am Figure C2.12 Chromatography using a locating agent to detect the spots on the paper. Alternatively, the locating agent can be sprayed on the paper. es ev Chromatography has proved very useful in the analysis of biologically important molecules such as sugars, amino acids and nucleotide bases. In fact, molecules such as amino acids can be ‘seen’ if the paper chromatogram is viewed under ultraviolet light. The purity and identity of substances ni ev ve ie w C 196 ity op Pr y es -C am br ev id ie w ge U R ni C op investigation of food dyes by chromatography Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.2 Plan experiments and investigations AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data AO3.5 Evaluate methods and suggest possible improvements This experiment involves testing some food colours with paper chromatography to find out if they are pure colours or mixtures of several dyes. These food colours are used in cake making, for instance, and there is quite a wide range of permitted colours readily available. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. Adaptations of this experiment are given in the Notes on activities for teachers/technicians. ie w ev ie ACTIVITY C2.04 distance moved by the substance distance moved by the solvent front Rf = ve rs ity op y The substances separate according to their solubility in the solvent. As the solvent moves up the paper, the substances Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity The concentration of a solution is the mass of solute dissolved in a particular volume of solvent, usually 1 dm3. op y w ev ie y C op ie -R s es Pr ity The solubility of gases increases with pressure. Sparkling drinks contain carbon dioxide dissolved under pressure. They ‘fizz’ when the pressure is released by opening the container. They go ‘flat’ if the container is let to stand open, and more quickly if let to stand in a warm place. rs y op Carbon dioxide is more soluble than either nitrogen or oxygen. This is because it reacts with water to produce carbonic acid. The world is not chemically static. Substances are not only mixing with each other but also chemically reacting. This produces a world that is continuously changing. To gain a better understanding of this, we need to look more deeply into the ‘makeup’ of chemical substances. br ev id ie w ge C U op y es s -C -R am A solution is made up of two parts: ■ the solute: the solid that dissolves ■ the solvent: the liquid in which it dissolves. C2.06 If we try to dissolve a substance such as copper(II) sulfate in a fixed volume of water, the solution becomes more concentrated as we add more solid. A concentrated solution contains a high proportion of solute; a dilute solution contains a small proportion of solute. Pr Water is the commonest solvent in use, but other liquids are also important. Most of these other solvents are organic liquids, such as ethanol, propanone and trichloroethane. These organic solvents are important because they will oten dissolve substances that do not dissolve in water. If a substance dissolves in a solvent, it is said to be soluble: if it does not dissolve, it is insoluble. How would you separate the following? ity a water from seawater b ethanol from an ethanol/water mixture ni ve rs What type of substance was chromatography originally designed to separate? C2.09 How can we now extend the use of chromatography to separate colourless substances? y C2.08 e ie id g ev C2.10 Define the term Rf value in connection with chromatography. es s -R br am -C What do you understand by the term sublimation? C U c sugar crystals from a sugar solution C2.07 op C w ie ev R QUESTIONS w R ni ev ve the solubility of solids in liquids Probably the most important and common examples of mixtures are solutions of solids in liquids. KEy tERMS the solubility of gases in liquids Unlike most solids, gases become less soluble in water as the temperature rises. The solubility of gases from the air in water is quite small, but the amount of dissolved oxygen is enough to support fish and other aquatic life. Interestingly, oxygen is more soluble in water than nitrogen is. So when air is dissolved in water, the proportions of the two gases become 61% nitrogen and 37% oxygen. This is an enrichment in life-supporting oxygen compared to air (78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen). ev id br am -C y op C w ie A closer look at solutions The solubility of most solids increases with temperature. The process of crystallisation depends on these observations. When a saturated solution is cooled, it can hold less solute at the lower temperature, and some solute crystallises out. w ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity The process of purification is of crucial importance in many areas of the chemical industry. Medicinal drugs (pharmaceuticals) must be of the highest possible purity. Any contaminating substances, even in very small amounts, may have harmful side efects. Coloured dyes (food colourings) are added to food and drinks to improve their appearance. The colourings added need to be carefully controlled. In Europe the permitted colourings are listed as E100 to E180. Many dyes that were once added are now banned. Even those which are permitted may still cause problems for some people. The yellow colouring tartrazine (E102) is found in many drinks, sauces, sweets and snacks. To most people it is harmless, but in some children it appears to cause hyperactivity and allergic reactions, for example asthma. Even where there is overall government regulation, individuals need to be aware of how particular foods afect them. If we keep adding more solid, a point is reached when no more will dissolve at that temperature. This is a saturated solution. To get more solid to dissolve, the temperature must be increased. The concentration of solute in a saturated solution is the solubility of the solute at that temperature. -R Pr es s -C am br id ge Probably the most generally used tests for purity are measurements of melting point or boiling point. As we saw earlier, impurities would lower the melting point or raise the boiling point of the substance. They would also make these temperatures less precise. These temperatures have been measured for a very wide range of substances. The identity of an unknown substance can be found by checking against these measured values for known pure substances. C U ni op y C2: The nature of matter Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 197 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Chemical reactions and physical changes w ge C2.03 Atoms and molecules Substances can mix in a variety of ways, and they can also react chemically with each other. In a reaction, one substance can be transformed (changed) into another. Copper(II) carbonate is a green solid, but on heating it is changed into a black powder (Image C2.03). Closer investigation shows that the gas carbon dioxide is also produced. This type of chemical reaction, where a compound breaks down to form two or more substances, is known as decomposition. am br id ev ie Elements and compounds Pr es s -C KEy tERMS -R What are ‘pure substances’? ni C op y Decomposition can also be brought about by electricity. Some substances, although they do not conduct electricity when solid, do conduct when they are melted or in solution. In the process of conduction, they are broken down into simpler substances. Thus, lead(II) bromide, which is a white powder, can be melted. When a current is passed through molten lead(II) bromide, a silver-grey metal (lead) and a brown vapour (bromine) are formed. Neither product can be split into any simpler substances. Figure C2.13 summarises what we now know about matter in simple terms. Elements are the ‘building blocks’ from which the Universe is constructed. There are over 100 known elements, but most of the Universe consists of just two. Hydrogen (92%) and helium (7%) make up most of the mass of the Universe, with all the other elements contributing only 1% to the total. The concentration, or ‘coming together’, of certain of these elements to make the Earth is of great interest and significance. There are a total of 94 elements found naturally on Earth but just eight account for more than 98% of the mass of the Earth’s crust. Two elements, silicon and oxygen, which are bound together in silicate rocks, make up almost three-quarters of the crust. Only certain elements are able to form the complex compounds that are found in living things. For example, the human body contains 65% oxygen, 18% carbon, 10% hydrogen, 3% nitrogen, 2% calcium and 2% of other elements. -R The opposite type of reaction, where the substance is formed by the combination of two or more other substances, is known as synthesis. For example, if a piece of burning magnesium is plunged into a gas jar of oxygen, the intensity (brightness) of the brilliant white flame increases. When the reaction has burnt out, a white ash remains (Image C2.04). The ash has totally diferent properties from the original silver-grey metal strip and colourless gas we started with. A new compound, magnesium oxide, has been formed from magnesium and oxygen. s op y ve ni -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ev ie w rs C 198 ity op Pr y es -C am br ev id ie w ge U R ev ie w C ve rs ity op y There are two types of pure substance – elements and compounds: ■ elements: substances that cannot be chemically broken down into simpler substances ■ compounds: pure substances made from two, or more, elements chemically combined together s es Pr MIXTURES More than one substance present; substances may be in different physical states (phases) y ev s -R Image C2.03 Heating copper(II) carbonate. es -C am br Figure C2.13 Schematic representation of the diferent types of matter, including elements and compounds. ie id g w e C U COMPOUNDS Made from elements chemically bonded together op ie ev R ELEMENTS Cannot be divided into simpler substances ni ve rs ity PURE SUBSTANCES Only one substance present; no impurities w C op y -C MATTER Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C2: The nature of matter am br id ev ie w ge When a mixture forms... y ie ev -R ve ni op y Elements and compounds mix and react to produce the world around us. They produce massive objects such as the ‘gas giants’ (the planets Jupiter and Saturn), and tiny highly structured crystals of solid sugar. How do the elements organise themselves to give this variety? How can any one element exist in the three diferent states of matter simply through a change in temperature? C U ie w ge ev id es s -R br am -C ity Pr op y op C U w e ev ie id g es s -R br am Our modern understanding is based on the atomic theory put forward by John Dalton in 1807. His theory reintroduced the ideas of Democritus (460–370 BCE) and other Greek philosophers who suggested that all matter was infinitely divided into very small particles known as atoms. These ideas were not widely accepted at the time. They were only revived when Dalton developed them further and experimental observations under the microscope showed the random motion of dust particles in suspension in water or smoke particles in air (Brownian motion). y ni ve rs C the final product of the reaction). The general diferences between making a mixture of substances and forming a new compound are shown in Table C2.04. Atomic theory Another synthesis reaction takes place between powdered iron and sulfur. The two solids are finely ground and well mixed. The mixture is heated with a Bunsen burner. The reaction mixture continues to glow ater the Bunsen burner is removed. Heat energy is given out. There has been a reaction and we are let with a black non-magnetic solid, iron(II) sulfide, which cannot easily be changed back to iron and sulfur. This example also illustrates some important diferences between a mixture (in this case the powders of iron and sulfur) and a compound (in this case -C the compound cannot easily be separated into its elements s es Pr ity rs w ie ev w the properties of the new compound are very diferent from those of the elements in it Table C2.04 The diferences between mixtures and pure compounds. new chemical substance(s) are formed ■ usually the process is not easily reversed ■ energy is oten given out. ■ These characteristics of a chemical reaction contrast with those of a simple physical change such as melting or dissolving. In a physical change the substances involved do not change identity. They can be easily returned to their original form by some physical process such as cooling or evaporation. Sugar dissolves in water, but we can get the solid sugar back by evaporating of the water. ie the properties of the substances present remain the same w ge id br am -C y C op In a chemical reaction: R the composition of the new compound is always the same C op U R Although many other reactions are not as spectacular as this, the burning of magnesium shows the general features of chemical reactions. ev the composition of the mixture can be varied the substances in the mixture can be separated by physical methods such as filtration, distillation or magnetic attraction ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R the substances are simply the substances chemically mixed together; no reaction react together to form a takes place new compound Image C2.04 Burning magnesium produces a brilliant white flame. R When a compound forms... Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 199 ve rs ity -R C calcium Ca ve rs ity Cl nitrogen N natrium U potassium id w ev silver ie ge iron lead y C op ni phosphorus -R gold Na P kalium K ferrum Fe plumbum Pb argentum Ag aurum Au es s Table C2.05 The symbols of some chemical elements. Pr ity use symbols, and how they can be combined to show the formulae of complex chemical compounds. rs The kinetic model of matter ev id ie w ge C U ni op y ve The idea that all substances consist of very small particles begins to explain the structure of the three diferent states of matter. The kinetic theory of matter describes these states, and the changes between them, in terms of the movement of particles. -R The main points of the kinetic model All matter is made up of very small particles (diferent substances contain diferent types of particles – such as atoms or molecules). ■ The particles are moving all the time (the higher the temperature, the higher the average energy of the particles). In a gas, the faster the particles are moving, the higher the temperature. ■ The freedom of movement and the arrangement of the particles is diferent for the three states of matter (Figure C2.14). ■ The pressure of a gas is produced by the atoms or molecules of the gas hitting the walls of the container. The more oten the particles collide with the walls, the greater the pressure. es s ■ Pr ity op y ni ve rs C U w e ev ie id g es s -R br -C am Image C2.05 An ‘atomic logo’ produced by xenon atoms on a nickel surface ‘seen’ using scanning tunnelling microscopy. Cu chlorine br am -C op y C w ie cuprum sodium br am -C y op C w ie carbon Pr es s -C y op C w ev ie R ev R The symbol for an element consists of one or two letters. Where the names of several elements begin with the same letter, the second letter of the name is usually included in lower case (Table C2.05). As more elements were discovered, they were named ater a wider range of people, cities, countries and even particular universities. We shall see in Chapter C3 how useful it is to be able to ev H He copper Dalton suggested that each element should have its own symbol – a form of chemical shorthand. He could then write the formulae of compounds without writing out the name every time. Our modern system uses letters taken from the name of the element. This is an international code. Some elements have been known for a long time and their symbol is taken from their Latin name. R Symbol helium Certain parts of the theory may have needed to change as a result of what we have discovered since Dalton’s time. However, Dalton’s theory was one of the great leaps of understanding in chemistry. It meant that we could explain many natural processes. Whereas Dalton only had theories for the existence of atoms, modern techniques (such as scanning tunnelling microscopy) can now directly reveal the presence of individual atoms. It has even been possible to create an ‘atomic logo’ (Image C2.05) by using individual atoms, and it may soon be possible to ‘see’ a reaction between individual atoms. A chemical language 200 Latin name ev ie hydrogen a pure element is composed of atoms ■ the atoms of each element are diferent in size and mass ■ atoms are the smallest particles that take part in a chemical reaction ■ atoms of diferent elements can combine to make molecules of a compound. ■ w ge Element am br id Dalton suggested that: C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity -R It’s important to realise that even in a liquid, the particles are still close together, although they can move around and past each other. y C op The idea that fluids are made up of moving particles helps us to explain processes involving difusion. w ie ev s es Pr rs ity melting y op C w op ni C w Melting: the temperature stays constant. The energy put in is used to overcome the forces holding the lattice together. es ie s -R B liquid In regions A, B and C the temperature rises with heating. The energy of the particles increases and they vibrate or move faster. In region B, the rate of evaporation increases with temperature. ity Pr A solid op y ni ve rs Time ev ie id g w e C U Reversing the experiment gives a cooling curve. The temperature stays constant during condensation and freezing – energy is given out. Condensation and freezing are exothermic processes. Melting, evaporation and boiling are endothermic processes. Figure C2.15 Energy changes taking place during heating and cooling. es s -R br am -C C gas ev Temperature U ge id br am -C op y Figure C2.14 is a summary of the organisation of the particles in the three states of matter, and helps to explain their diferent overall physical properties. The highly structured, ordered microscopic arrangements (lattices) in solids can produce the regular crystal structures seen in this state. The ability of the particles to move in the liquid and gas phases produces their fluid properties. The particles are very widely separated in a gas, but are close together in a liquid or solid. The space between the particles can be called the intermolecular space (IMS). In a gas, the intermolecular space is large and can be reduced by increasing the external pressure – gases are compressible. In liquids, this space is very much smaller – liquids are not very compressible. C w ie ev Boiling: the temperature stays constant. The energy put in makes the particles move faster and overcomes the forces holding the liquid together. y ve ie ev R Solid The particles in a solid are: • packed close together • in a regular arrangement or lattice • not able to move freely, but simply vibrate in their fixed positions. Figure C2.14 Applying the kinetic model to changes in physical state. R Dissolving A potassium manganate(VII) crystal is placed at the bottom of a dish of water. It is then let to stand. At first the water around the crystal becomes purple as the solid dissolves (Image C2.06). Particles move of the surface of the crystal into the water. Eventually the crystal dissolves completely and the whole solution becomes purple. The particles from the solid become evenly spread through the water. -R ge id br am -C Liquid The particles in a liquid are: • closely packed together • in an irregular arrangement • able to move around past each other. When the temperature is raised, the particles gain energy and vibrate more strongly; the particles occupy more space – this causes the solid to expand. Eventually the particles have enough energy to break the forces holding the lattice together, and they can move around – the solid melts. The way the particles in the three states are arranged also helps to explain the temperature changes when a substance is heated or cooled. Figure C2.15 summarises the energy changes taking place at the diferent stages of a heating-curve or cooling-curve experiment. Difusion in fluids U R ni ve rs ity evaporation and boiling y On heating, the particles move faster and the liquid expands. In the liquid, some particles have enough energy to escape from the surface – evaporation takes place. As the temperature rises, more particles have enough energy to escape – evaporation is faster at higher temperatures. At the boiling point, the particles have enough energy to break the forces attracting them together – the particles move very fast and separate from each other – the liquid boils. w ev ie TIP Pr es s -C am br id ge Gas The particles in a gas are: • arranged totally irregularly • spread very far apart compared to solids and liquids • able to move randomly. op C w ev ie C U ni op y C2: The nature of matter Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 201 ve rs ity ni C op y Image C2.06 The difusion of potassium manganate(VII) in water as it dissolves. U R ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences C -R rs A few drops of liquid bromine are put into a gas jar and the lid is replaced. Ater a short time the jar becomes full of brown gas. Bromine vaporises easily and its gas will completely fill the container (Image C2.07). (Note that bromine is useful to illustrate the process of difusion as its vapour is coloured. However, its use is now prohibited for student use in UK schools, and examination questions on its use will not be set.) Gases difuse to fill all the space available to them. Difusion is important for our ‘sensing’ of br -R am Pr cotton wool soaked in ammonia solution white smoke forms here op y difusion: the process by which diferent fluids mix as a result of the random motions of their particles ■ Difusion involves the movement of particles from a region of higher concentration towards a region of lower concentration. Eventually the particles are evenly spread – their concentration is the same throughout. ■ It does not take place in solids. ■ Difusion in liquids is much slower than in gases. Heavier particles move more slowly than lighter particles at the same temperature; larger molecules difuse more slowly than smaller ones. ev ie ■ w id g e C U Three important points derived from kinetic theory are relevant here: es s -R br am cotton wool soaked in hydrochloric acid Figure C2.16 Ammonia and hydrochloric acid fumes difuse at diferent rates. ni ve rs KEy tERM -C R ev ie w C ity op y The key idea about difusion is the idea of particles spreading to fill the space available to the molecules. es s -C TIP glass tubing ev id ie w ge C U ni op y ve w ie ev the world around us. It is the way smells reach us, whether they are pleasant or harmful. Not all gases difuse at the same rate. This is shown by the experiment in Figure C2.16. The ammonia and hydrochloric acid fumes react when they meet, producing a white ‘smoke ring’ of ammonium chloride. The fact that the ring is not formed halfway along the tube shows that ammonia, the lighter molecule of the two, difuses faster. ity The difusion of gases R s Pr y op 202 Image C2.07 Bromine vapour difuses (spreads) throughout the container to fill all the space. es -C am br ev id ie w ge Whether a solid begins to break up like this in a liquid depends on the particular solid and liquid involved. But the spreading of the solute particles throughout the liquid is an example of difusion. Difusion in solution is also important when the solute is a gas. This is especially important in breathing! Difusion contributes to the movement of oxygen from the lungs to the blood, and of carbon dioxide from the blood to the lungs. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y C2: The nature of matter -R am br id Methane, CH4 Pr es s -C y op C ve rs ity ACtivity C2.05 Hydrogen chloride, HCl Figure C2.17 Simple compounds consisting of molecules made up of atoms of two diferent elements. y ev ie w investigating difusion – a demonstration Skills: w ge U R ni C op AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) QUESTIONS es Pr y ity op Define a compound. C2.13 Summarise the diferences between the three states of matter in terms of the arrangement of the particles and their movement. C2.14 Which gas difuses faster, ammonia or hydrogen chloride? Briefly describe an experiment that demonstrates this diference. C2.15 Which gas will difuse fastest of all? y op ni ev C2.04 the structure of the atom Details of other demonstrations and experiments on difusion are given in the Notes on activities for teachers/technicians. ge C U R id ie w Atomic structure ev How can atoms join together to make molecules? What makes certain atoms more ready to do this? Why do hydrogen atoms pair up but helium atoms remain single? ity Pr op y es s -R br am -C The behaviour of some gaseous elements (their difusion and pressure) shows that they are made up of molecules, not separate atoms. This is true of hydrogen (H2), nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2) and others. But, as we discussed earlier in this section, Dalton had originally introduced the idea of molecules to explain the particles making up compounds such as water, carbon dioxide and methane. Molecules of these compounds consist of atoms of diferent elements chemically bonded together. Water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen bonded to one atom of oxygen, giving the formula H2O. Methane (CH4) has one atom of carbon bonded to four atoms of hydrogen, and hydrogen chloride (HCl) has one atom of hydrogen and one atom of chlorine bonded together. Models of these are shown in Figure C2.17. op C U w e ev ie id g es s -R br am -C To find answers to questions like these, we need first to consider the structure of atoms in general. Dalton thought they were solid, indivisible particles. But research since then has shown that atoms are made up of various sub-atomic particles. J. J. Thomson discovered the electron (in 1897) and the proton. Crucial experiments were then carried out in Rutherford’s laboratory in Manchester in 1909 that showed that the atom is largely empty space. Rutherford calculated that an atom is mostly space occupied by the negatively charged electrons, surrounding a very small, positively charged nucleus. The nucleus is at the centre of the atom and contains almost all the mass of the atom. By 1932, when the neutron was discovered, it was clear that atoms consisted y ni ve rs C w ie Define an element. ve ie w rs C Worksheets are included on the accompanying CD-ROM for both the teacher demonstration and a microscale version of the experiment which could be carried out by students. Atoms and molecules ev C2.11 C2.12 s This is the classic demonstration of the difusion of gases in which ammonia and hydrogen chloride meet in a long tube. The demonstration shows how the progress of the gases can be tracked using indicator. Measurements can be made to give an estimate of the rate of difusion of the two gases. ev -C am AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data -R br id ie AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates R Water, H2O ev ie The pressure of a gas is the result of collisions of the fast-moving particles with the walls of the container. ■ The average speed of the particles increases with an increase in temperature. ■ Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 203 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences ev ie w ACtivity C2.06 Pr es s y Questions w ge A1 What was remarkable about the structure of the atom suggested by the Geiger–Marsden experiments? ev id ie A2 What is it about the nature of the neutron that made it the last of the particles to be discovered? -R br es Pr ity rs ve C U ni op y Imagine this size comparison. If the atom were the size of a football stadium, the nucleus (at the centre-spot) would be the size of a pea! ie w ge The next simplest atom is that of helium. This has two protons and two neutrons in the nucleus, and two orbiting electrons (Figure C2.18). oxygen O calcium Ca -R s ity neutron Cu 64 electron Au 197 ev ie 40 U proton Location in atom +1 in nucleus 1 0 in nucleus 1 (negligible) 1840 –1 outside nucleus s Table C2.07 Properties of the sub-atomic particles. es -C Table C2.06 The relative atomic masses of some elements. Relative charge 1 -R am br gold 1 16 e copper Sub-atomic Relative particle mass y H 12 op hydrogen The next, lithium, has three protons, four neutrons and three electrons. The arrangements in the following atoms get more complicated with the addition of more protons and electrons. The number of neutrons required to hold the nucleus together increases as the atomic size increases. Thus, an atom of gold consists of 79 protons (p+), 118 neutrons (n0) and 79 electrons (e–). C C id g w ie ev carbon Relative atomic mass ni ve rs Atomic symbol C Element R es Pr op y -C am br ev id Protons and neutrons have almost the same mass. 1 of the mass Electrons have virtually no mass at all ( 1840 of a proton). The other important feature of these particles is their electric charge. Protons and electrons have equal and opposite charges, while neutrons are electrically neutral (have no charge). The characteristics of these three sub-atomic particles are listed in Table C2.07. A single atom is electrically neutral (it has no overall electric charge). This means that in any atom there must be equal numbers of protons and electrons. In this way the total positive charge on the nucleus (due to the protons) is balanced by the total negative charge of the orbiting electrons. The simplest atom of all has one proton in its nucleus. This is the hydrogen atom. It is the only atom that has no neutrons; it has one proton and one electron. Atoms of diferent elements are increasingly complex. s am -C y op C w ie ev R Sub-atomic particles C op ni A single atom is so small that it cannot be weighed on a balance. However, the mass of one atom can be compared with that of another using a mass spectrometer. The element carbon is chosen as the standard. The masses of atoms of all other elements are compared to the mass of a carbon atom. This gives a series of values of relative atomic mass for the elements. Carbon is given a relative atomic mass of exactly 12, which can be written as carbon-12. Table C2.06 gives some examples of the values obtained for other elements. It shows that carbon atoms are 12 times as heavy as hydrogen atoms, which are the lightest atoms of all. Calcium atoms are 40 times as heavy as hydrogen atoms. U R ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Modern methods such as scanning tunnelling microscopy have allowed us to ‘see’ individual atoms in a structure. However, atoms are amazingly small! A magnification of 100 million times is necessary to show the stacking pattern of the atoms that make up a gold bar. w -C Measuring the size of atoms 204 Discovering the structure of the atom Skills: Research skills ICT skills The discovery of the nature of the sub-atomic particles that make up all atoms took place in a relatively short space of time around the beginning of the 20th century. Investigate this key period in the history of science using library and internet sources. Devise a PowerPoint or poster presentation on the significant discoveries and the scientists involved. Key scientists to research are J. J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford and James Chadwick. -R am br id ge of three sub-atomic particles – protons, neutrons and electrons. These particles are universal – all atoms are made from them. The atom remains the smallest particle that shows the characteristics of a particular element. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C 4 y This is the atomic number (proton number). U -R am br ev id w ge number of electrons = number of protons = atomic (proton) number ■ number of neutrons = nucleon number – proton number =A–Z ■ es s -C y Pr Table C2.08 shows the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in some diferent atoms. Note that the rules apply even to the largest, most complicated atom found naturally in substantial amounts. ity op C Only hydrogen atoms have one proton in their nuclei. Only helium atoms have two protons. Indeed, only gold atoms have 79 protons. This shows that the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom decides which element it is. This very important number is known as the proton number (or atomic number, given the symbol Z) of an atom. y ve rs w ie ni U ie w ge Remember that you can use the Periodic Table you have in the exam for information on these numbers for any atom. Magnesium is the twelth atom in the table, so it must have 12 protons and 12 electrons in its atoms. ev id -R am s Isotopes es -C ity Pr op y C TIP br Protons alone do not make up all the mass of an atom. The neutrons in the nucleus also contribute to the total mass. The mass of the electrons can be regarded as so small that it can be ignored. Because a proton and a neutron have the same mass, the mass of a particular atom depends on the total number of protons and neutrons present. This number is called the nucleon number (or mass number, given the symbol A) of an atom. ni ve rs C Measurements of the atomic masses of some elements using the mass spectrometer were puzzling. Pure samples of elements such as carbon, chlorine and many others were found to contain atoms with diferent masses even though they contained the same numbers of protons and electrons. The diferent masses were caused by diferent numbers of neutrons in their nuclei. Such atoms are called isotopes. id g ev ie Remember that it is just the number of neutrons in the atoms that is the diference between isotopes. They have the same number of protons and electrons. -R s es am br If these two important numbers for any atom are known, then its sub-atomic composition can be worked out. C TIP w e U op y The atomic number Z and mass number A of an atom of an element can be written alongside the symbol for that element, in the general way as ZAX. So the symbol for an atom of lithium is 73Li. The symbols for carbon, oxygen and uranium atoms are 126 C, 168O and 238 92U. -C w ie He These two relationships are useful: Proton (atomic) number and nucleon number ev 2 ie R ni C op We say the charges balance. The atom has no overall electrical charge. R This is the symbol for helium. op w ev ie A helium atom has these charged particles in it: 2 protons charge +2 these charges 2 electrons charge –2 cancel out A helium atom has: 2 protons mass 2 units 2 neutrons mass 2 units 2 electrons with hardly any mass So a helium atom has a total mass of: 2 + 2 = 4 units ev This is the mass number, the number of protons and neutrons together. ve rs ity op y Pr es s The neutron has no electrical charge and a mass of one unit. Figure C2.18 The structure of a helium atom. R proton (atomic) number (Z) = number of protons in the nucleus ■ nucleon (mass) number (A) = number of protons + number of neutrons ■ -R -C + For proton number and nucleon number we have: ev ie am br id electron This has one negative electrical charge (–1). It has hardly any mass. The proton + has one positive charge (+1) and a mass of one unit. + w ge nucleus made of protons + and neutrons C U ni op y C2: The nature of matter Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 205 ve rs ity Neutrons (A – Z) 1 He 2 4 2 2 2 Li 3 7 3 4 3 beryllium Be 4 9 4 5 4 carbon C 6 12 6 6 6 O 8 16 8 8 8 sodium Na 11 23 11 12 11 calcium Cl 20 40 20 20 20 gold Au 79 197 79 118 79 uranium U 92 238 92 146 92 y C op Pr es s ve rs ity U ni tritium(a) 1 1 2 1 3 1 ge y Ne 10 protons 12 neutrons 10 electrons ie ev -R s id br am -C 37 17 Pr es Cl 17 protons 20 neutrons 17 electrons ni ve rs ity op y C w Tritium and carbon-14 atoms are radioactive isotopes because their nuclei are unstable. op e C U KEy tERM y Table C2.09 Several elements that exist as mixtures of isotopes. -R s es am br ev ie id g w isotopes: atoms of the same element which have the same proton number but a diferent nucleon number ■ The atoms have the same number of protons and electrons, but diferent numbers of neutrons in their nuclei. ■ Isotopes of an element have the same chemical properties because they have the same electron structure. ■ Some isotopes have unstable nuclei; they are radioisotopes and emit various forms of radiation. -C ie ev -R s ve ni U R ev op w ie ev 35 17 (a) C 6 protons 8 neutrons 6 electrons neon-21 (0.3%) 22 10 Ne 10 protons 11 neutrons 10 electrons chlorine-37 (25%) Ne 10 protons 10 neutrons 10 electrons chlorine-35 (75%) Cl 17 protons 18 neutrons 17 electrons 14 6 21 10 20 10 Chlorine 13 6 C 6 protons 7 protons 6 electrons neon-21 (0.3%) rs C 6 protons 6 protons 6 neutrons neon-20 (90.5%) Neon H 1 proton 2 neutrons 1 electron carbon-14(a) (trace) w 12 6 H 1 proton 1 neutrons 1 electron carbon-13 (1.1%) es ity -C y C Carbon ie deuterium (0.01%) H 1 proton 0 neutrons 1 electron carbon-12 (98.9%) op 206 Isotopes hydrogen (99.99%) Pr am br id Element Hydrogen w ge Table C2.08 The sub-atomic composition and structure of certain atoms. C -C y op C -R 0 am br id 1 oxygen R w Protons (Z) Outside the nucleus: Electrons (Z) 1 lithium w Inside the nucleus 1 helium ev ie Mass number, A H hydrogen R Atomic number, Z ev ie Symbol ge Atoms C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity The fact that there is more of the lighter isotope moves the value lower than 36. The actual value is 35.5. The relative atomic mass of chlorine can be calculated by finding the total mass of 100 atoms: C w ev ie -R y ni U ge QuEStiONS ev id br -R am -C s es What are the relative masses of a proton, neutron and electron, given that a proton has a mass of 1? C2.18 What is the diference in terms of sub-atomic particles between an atom of chlorine-35 and an atom of chlorine-37? Pr y ity op rs C w U ni op y ve ie w ge C The aurora borealis (Image C2.08) is a spectacular display seen in the sky in the far north (a similar phenomenon – the aurora australis – occurs in the far south). It is caused by radiation from the Sun moving the electrons in atoms of the gases of the atmosphere. ie ev id ity Pr op y es s -R br am -C Because there are several isotopes of carbon, the standard against which all atomic masses are measured has to be defined precisely. The isotope carbon-12 is used as the standard. One atom of carbon-12 is given the mass of 12 precisely. From this we get that 1 atomic mass unit 1 (a.m.u.) = × mass of one atom of carbon-12. 12 The existence of isotopes also explains why most relative atomic masses are not whole numbers. But, to make calculations easier, in this book they are rounded to the nearest whole number. There is one exception, chlorine, where this would be misleading. Chlorine contains two isotopes, chlorine-35 and chlorine-37, in a ratio of 3 : 1 (or 75% : 25%). If the mixture were 50% : 50%, then the relative atomic mass of chlorine would be 36. -R Image C2.08 The aurora borealis, or northern lights, as seen from Finland. s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U op y ni ve rs C w C2.17 C2.05 Electron arrangements in atoms relative atomic mass (Ar): the average mass of naturally occurring atoms of an element on a scale where the carbon-12 atom has a mass of exactly 12 units ie How many protons, neutrons and electrons are there in an atom of phosphorus, which has a proton number of 15 and a nucleon number of 31? ie C2.16 w R ev R 3550 = 35.5 100 C op w ev ie Then, Ar(Cl) = 35.5 Most elements exist naturally as a mixture of isotopes. Therefore, the value we use for the atomic mass of an element is an average mass. This takes into account the proportions (abundance) of all the naturally occurring isotopes. If a particular isotope is present in high proportion, it will make a large contribution to the average. This average value for the mass of an atom of an element is known as the relative atomic mass (Ar). KEy tERM ev = 3550 Thus, for chlorine: Tritium and carbon-14 illustrate another diference in physical properties that can occur between isotopes, as they are radioactive. The imbalance of neutrons and protons in their nuclei causes them to be unstable so the nuclei break up spontaneously (that is, without any external energy being supplied), emitting certain types of radiation. They are known as radioisotopes. Relative atomic masses R mass of 100 atoms = (35 × 75) + (37 × 25) average mass of one atom = ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C am br id ge The isotopes of an element have the same chemical properties because they contain the same number of electrons. It is the number of electrons in an atom that decides the way in which it forms bonds and reacts with other atoms. However, some physical properties of the isotopes are diferent. The masses of the atoms difer and therefore other properties, such as density and rate of difusion, also vary. The modern mass spectrometer shows that most elements have several diferent isotopes that occur naturally. Others, such as tritium – an isotope of hydrogen (Table C2.09) – can be made artificially. C U ni op y C2: The nature of matter Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 207 ve rs ity w ev ie y Figure C2.20 Possibly the most versatile atom in the Universe – the carbon-12 atom. ni C op • Electrons are in orbit around the central nucleus of the atom. a sub-atomic picture can be drawn. Figure C2.20 shows such a picture for perhaps the most versatile atom in the Universe, an atom of carbon-12. Studying the organisation of the electrons of an atom is valuable. It begins to explain the patterns in properties of the elements that are the basis of the Periodic Table. This will be discussed in Chapter C3. ge U br ev id ie w • The electron orbits are called shells (or energy levels) and have diferent energies. -R am • Shells which are further from the nucleus have higher energies. s rs C ity • The second and subsequent shells can hold eight electrons to give a stable (noble gas) arrangement of electrons. How many electrons are there in the outer shells of the atoms of the noble gases, argon and neon? C2.22 Carbon-12 and carbon-14 are diferent isotopes of carbon. How many electrons are there in an atom of each isotope? ev s es Pr ity TIP op y ni ve rs C w ie ev U e id g C2.21 You can see from these elements that the number of outer electrons in an atom is the same as the number of the group in the Periodic Table that the element is in. The number of shells of electrons in an atom tells you the period (row) of the element in the table. We will look at this further in the next chapter. es s -R br am What is the electron arrangement of a calcium atom, which has an atomic number of 20? Make sure that you remember how to work out the electron arrangements of the first 20 elements and can draw them in rings (shells) as in Figure C2.21. Also remember that you can give the electron arrangement or electronic structure simply in terms of numbers: 2,8,4 for silicon, for example. Third energy level. Eight electrons can fit into this level to give a stable arrangement. Figure C2.19 Bohr’s theory of the arrangement of electrons in an atom. -C C2.20 -R br am -C op y C w ie ev R nucleus made of protons and neutrons What are the maximum numbers of electrons that can fill the first and the second shells (energy levels) of an atom? ie ge id When the two essential numbers describing a particular atom are known, the numbers of protons and neutrons, Second energy level. Eight electrons can fit into this level. C2.19 C U ni Other evidence was found that supported these ideas of how the electrons are arranged in atoms. The number and arrangement of the electrons in the atoms of the first 20 elements in the Periodic Table are shown in Table C2.10. First or lowest energy level. Only two electrons can fit into this level. QUESTIONS y ve w ie ev R Pr op • The first shell can hold only two electrons. 208 es y -C • The shells are filled starting with the one with lowest energy (closest to the nucleus). op R ev ie w A simplified version of Bohr’s theory of the arrangement of electrons in an atom can be summarised as follows (see also Figure C2.19): nucleus contains 6 protons and 6 neutrons w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C In 1913, Niels Bohr, working with Rutherford in Manchester, developed a theory to explain how electrons were arranged in atoms. This theory helps to explain how the colours referred to above come about. 6 electrons outside nucleus -R am br id ge Similar colour efects can be created in a simpler way in the laboratory by heating the compounds of some metals in a Bunsen flame (see Section C8.01). These colours are also seen in fireworks. The colours produced are due to electrons in the atom moving between two diferent energy levels. C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C w ev ie 2 ●● lithium Li 3 ●● ● 2,1 beryllium Be 4 ●● ●● 2,2 B 5 ●● ●●● 2,3 fluorine F Pr es s 2,4 7 ●● ●●●●● 2,5 8 ●● ●●●●●● 9 ●● ●●●●●●● 10 ●● ●●●●●●●● y O ●●●● 2,6 C op oxygen ●● 2,7 w N ve rs ity nitrogen 2 6 ni C U -C y op C carbon -R He 2,8 sodium Na 11 ●● ●●●●●●●● ● 2,8,1 magnesium Mg 12 ●● ●●●●●●●● ●● 2,8,2 aluminium Al 13 ●● ●●●●●●●● ●●● 2,8,3 silicon Si 14 ●● ●●●●●●●● ●●●● 2,8,4 P 15 ●● ●●●●●●●● ●●●●● 2,8,5 sulfur S 16 ●●●●●●●● ●●●●●● 2,8,6 chlorine Cl 17 ●● ●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●● 2,8,7 argon Ar 18 ●● ●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●● potassium K 19 ●● ●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●● ● 2,8,8,1 calcium Ca 20 ●● ●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●● ●● 2,8,8,2 ev -R op C w ie ev 19K es s -C 2,8,8 potassium -R am br Table C2.10 The electron arrangements of the first 20 elements. sodium 11Na 3Li y op w We can write this: [2,8,8,1] es s Figure C2.21 Diferent ways of showing electron structure. -C ie We can write this: [2,8,1] ev am br We can write this: [2,1] -R id g e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs lithium ity Pr op y C y s ni U id ge es Pr ity rs ●● ve br am -C y ie Ne id neon C w 1 ● phosphorus ie Fourth shell Electron configuration op w ev ie R Second shell Third shell 1 boron ev First shell H helium R Atomic number, Z ge hydrogen Symbol am br id Elements ge U ni op y C2: The nature of matter Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 209 ve rs ity ev ie U R -R s es ve rs ity ■ op y ■ U R ■ ■ ni C w ev ie ■ ■ Pr y op ■ 210 ie w ge ■ es s -C -R am br ev id ■ Pr The word particle can be used to describe a speck of dust, a molecule, an atom or an electron. How can we avoid confusion in using the word particle? y op C U id g ev ie Describe the arrangement and movement of the particles in a solid. Describe how you could separate the sand from a mixture of sand and salt. Give full details of how this is carried out. -R s es i ii br a w e Sand and salt (sodium chloride) are both solids. am ie ev R 2 ity b ni ve rs Substances can be categorised in two ways: as an element, mixture or compound or as a solid, liquid or gas. Which of these methods is of most use to a chemist? w a -C C op y End-of-chapter questions 1 y ie w ge -C ■ am br id ■ ■ C op Pr es s ■ their properties are very diferent from those of the elements they are made from how each element is made from atoms and that atoms can join together to make the molecules either of an element or of a compound how the atoms of the elements are made up of diferent combinations of the sub-atomic particles – protons, neutrons and electrons the electrical charges and relative masses of these sub-atomic particles how, in any atom, the protons and neutrons are bound together in a central nucleus, and the electrons ‘orbit’ the nucleus in diferent energy levels (or shells) that the number of protons in an atom is defined as the proton (atomic) number (Z) of the element that the nucleon (mass) number (A) is defined as the total number of protons and neutrons in any atom how isotopes of the same element can exist which difer only in the number of neutrons in their nuclei how the electrons in atoms are arranged in diferent energy levels that are at diferent distances from the nucleus of the atom how each energy level has a maximum number of electrons that it can contain, and that the electrons fill the shells closest to the nucleus first. C ■ ■ ni ev ie w C ■ ■ ve rs ity op y ■ that there are three diferent physical states in which a substance can exist about the diferent changes in state that can take place, including sublimation, where the liquid phase is bypassed how these changes of state can be produced by changing conditions of temperature and/or pressure how the kinetic model describes the idea that the particles of a substance are in constant motion and that the nature and amount of motion of these particles difer in a solid, liquid or gas how changing physical state involves energy being absorbed or given out, the temperature of the substance staying constant while the change takes place how pure substances have precise melting and boiling points – their sharpness can be taken as an indication of the degree of purity of the substance that diferent separation methods – such as filtration, distillation and chromatography – can be used to purify a substance from a mixture how pure chemical substances can be either elements or compounds that elements are the basic building units of the material world – they cannot be chemically broken down into anything simpler how compounds are made from two or more elements chemically combined together, and that -C ■ -R You should know: ev am br id Summary w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [2] [3] ve rs ity w ge -R ev ie The diagram below shows the apparatus used to separate ethanol and water from a mixture of ethanol and water. am br id b C U ni op y C2: The nature of matter water out op y Pr es s -C fractionating column y U R ni ev ie ethanol and water C op w C ve rs ity water in w ge heat distillation flask higher lower solid volatile vapour rs C ity Pr es Fractional is used to separate a mixture of water and ethanol. The temperature at the top of the fractionating column is than the temperature at the bottom. The more liquid evaporates and moves further up the column. It eventually reaches the where the changes to a liquid. ve y op w ge water vapour in air ie -R am br ev id ice [1] ity Pr es Which of the materials named in the diagram best fits the following statement describing the organisation of the particles present? ‘The particles are able to move, are randomly arranged and are closely packed.’ Name the processes by which water molecules in the sea become: ■ water molecules in the air ■ water molecules in the ice. y op -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ni ve rs b s -C w C op y a [5] C ni U R seawater 211 [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 21 Q3 c, d November 2012] The diagram below shows an iceberg floating in the sea. air ie heavy s -C y op -R crystallisation am condenser w ie ev 3 ev br id ie Write out and complete the following sentences about this separation using words from the list below. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [2] ve rs ity w ge ev ie Stearic acid is a solid at room temperature. The diagram below shows the apparatus used for finding the melting point of stearic acid. The apparatus was heated at a steady rate and the temperature recorded every minute. -R am br id 4 C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences y ni U w ge State the names of the pieces of apparatus labelled A, B. Suggest why the water needs to be kept stirred during this experiment. A graph of temperature of stearic acid against time of heating is shown below. br s -C -R am 100 Pr rs ity 60 op 6 Time / minutes 8 12 es s i What was the temperature of the stearic acid ater 3 minutes heating? ii Use the information on the graph to determine the melting point of stearic acid. Describe the arrangement and motion of the particles in liquid stearic acid. A sample of stearic acid contained 1% of another compound with a higher relative molecular mass. i Which one of the following statements about this sample of stearic acid is correct? Its density is exactly the same as that of pure stearic acid. Its boiling point is the same as that of pure stearic acid. Its melting point is diferent from pure stearic acid. Its melting point is the same as that of pure stearic acid. ii Describe one area of everyday life where the purity of substances is important. [1] [1] [2] w ie ev -R s es am -C [1] [1] [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 21 Q1 a, b(i), c–e June 2012] br id g e C U op y ni ve rs ity Pr op y C w ie ev R d e 10 ev 4 -R 2 -C am 0 br id ie w ge 20 C U R ni 40 y ve C w ie ev Temperature / ºC op y es 80 212 [2] [1] ev id ie w ev ie heat R C op water ve rs ity stirrer C op y B stearic acid a b c Pr es s -C A Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w ge -R State the name of the central part of the atom, labelled X. Which one of these statements about helium and argon is correct? Argon has an incomplete inner shell of electrons. An atom of argon has 16 electrons. Helium has a complete outer shell of electrons. Helium has an incomplete outer shell of electrons. iii How many protons are there in an atom of argon? iv The symbol for a particular isotope of helium is written as 42He. Write a similar symbol for the isotope of argon which has 16 neutrons. Argon is a liquid at a temperature of –188 °C. Complete the diagram below to show how the atoms of argon are arranged at –188 °C. ni U ie ev id br -R am Pr ity op y ve ni C U w ge br ev id ie [2] [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 21 Q3 November 2010] 2 2 3 4 3 R 1 0 S 4 5 -R ity 1 ni ve rs 4 ev ie id g w e C U op y Which particles named in the table are not classed as nucleons? Explain which one of the atoms, P, Q, R and S, has a nucleon number (mass number) of four. Explain why all atoms are electrically neutral, having no overall electrical charge. Which of these atoms is an atom of hydrogen? What would be the arrangement of electrons in an atom of S? -R s es -C am br a b c d e Pr 2 Q s Electrons es am -C Neutrons op y Protons P C w 213 rs w ie ev ie [1] The table below shows the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in four atoms, P, Q, R and S. Atom ev [1] [1] es s -C y op C represents one atom of argon R 6 R [1] w ge R i ii C op ev ie argon y w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s X helium c [1] State one use of helium. The atomic structures of helium and argon are shown below. -C a b ev ie Helium and argon are noble gases. am br id 5 C U ni op y C2: The nature of matter Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [1] [1] [2] [1] [1] op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie am br ev id ie w ge U R C op y ve ni C U w ie ev -R y op C U w -R ■ s ■ e ■ id g ■ br ■ am ■ -C R ev ie w ■ ni ve rs C ■ ie ■ ev ■ s ■ es ■ es ■ ity ■ ge ■ id ■ br ■ am ■ the structure of the Periodic Table metals and non-metals in the Periodic Table electron arrangement in the Periodic Table trends in Group I – the alkali metals trends in Group VII – the halogens the noble gases trends across a period the transition elements bonding in metals bonding in covalent compounds bonding in ionic compounds formulae and names of ionic compounds formulae and names of covalent compounds alloys and their uses the nature of ionic crystals the structure of metal crystals and alloys the nature of giant covalent structures the diferent forms of carbon macromolecules. -C ■ op y R ev ie w rs This chapter covers: Pr 214 ity op Pr y es s -C -R C3 Elements and compounds Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C3: Elements and compounds Mendeleev’s great achievement lay in predicting the properties of elements that had not yet been discovered. y ev ie the elements are arranged in order of increasing proton number (atomic number) ■ the vertical columns of elements with similar properties are called groups ■ the horizontal rows are called periods. ■ C op ni ie ev id br -R am es s -C Pr y ity op rs C w y op ie w ge ev id br -R am es s -C Pr op y ity The chemical properties of metals and non-metals are also very diferent, as is the type of bonding present in their compounds. The distinction is therefore a very important one. ni ve rs C y The Periodic Table does not list substances such as steel, bronze and brass, which in everyday terms we call metals and which share the properties listed for metals. They are not elements! They are in fact alloys, mixtures of elements (usually metals) designed to have properties that are useful for a particular purpose. e C U op w ie ev R w ev ie id g es s -R br am There are 94 naturally occurring elements. Some are very rare. Francium, for instance, has never been seen. The radioactive metals neptunium and plutonium, which we make artificially in quite large amounts, occur only in very small (trace) quantities naturally. Most of the elements (70) can be classified as metals. Together they form a group of elements whose structures are held together by a particular type of bonding between the atoms. The metals have a number of physical properties that are broadly the same for all of them (Table C3.01). C U R ni ev ve ie Metals and non-metals Image C3.01 Mendeleev’s early Periodic Table carved on the wall of a university building in St Petersburg, with a statue of Mendeleev in front. -C The main distinction in the table is between metals and non-metals. Metals are clearly separated from non-metals. The non-metals are grouped into the top right-hand region of the table, above the thick stepped line in Figure C3.01. One of the first uses of the Periodic Table now becomes clear. Although we may never have seen a sample of the element hafnium (Hf), we know from a glance at the table that it is a metal. We may also be able to predict some of its properties. w ge U R In the Periodic Table: y ve rs ity op C w ev ie All modern versions of the Periodic Table are based on the one put forward by Mendeleev. An example is given in Figure C3.01. Pr es s -C Building up the modern Periodic Table has been a major scientific achievement. The first steps towards working out this table were taken long before anyone had any ideas about the structure of atoms. But, although they were partly successful, these groupings were limited or flawed. The breakthrough came in 1869 when Mendeleev put forward his ideas of a periodic table. In his first attempt he used 32 of the 61 elements known at that time (Image C3.01). He drew up his table based on atomic masses, as others had done before him. But his success was mainly due to his leaving gaps for possible elements still to be discovered. He did not try to force the elements into patterns for which there was no evidence. -R am br id w ge C3.01 the Periodic table – classifying the elements Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 215 ve rs ity 9 12 Na Mg Sodium Magnesium 23 19 24 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 Group VIII/0 Group VII Group VI Group V Group III ev ie 27 Group IV C w ge Group II Beryllium 7 11 2 He Helium 29 30 5 6 7 8 9 4 10 B C N O F Ne Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon 11 13 12 14 14 15 16 16 19 17 20 18 Al Si P S Cl Ar Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon 27 31 28 32 31 33 32 34 35.5 35 40 36 Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton 40 38 45 39 48 40 51 41 52 42 55 43 56 44 59 45 59 46 64 47 65 48 70 49 73 50 75 51 79 52 80 53 84 54 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon 86 55 88 56 89 91 72 93 73 96 74 – 75 101 76 103 77 106 78 108 79 112 80 115 81 119 82 122 83 128 84 127 85 131 86 Radium – – W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon 184 186 190 192 195 197 201 204 207 209 – – – 181 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium 175 103 139 89 140 90 141 91 144 92 – 93 150 94 152 95 157 96 159 97 163 98 165 99 167 100 169 101 173 102 Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – es -C am br 57 C op Francium Ac to Lr Tantalum w Ra Ta 178 ie Fr Hf Hafnium ev 137 88 -R Ba Barium 133 87 s Cs Caesium La to Lu y Ca Calcium 39 37 ve rs ity K Potassium id Period 7 1 ni R Period 6 1 H Hydrogen U ev ie Period 5 = relative atomic mass ge op w C Period 4 b Be Lithium y Period 3 b 4 -C Period 2 Name -R 3 Li = atomic number X = symbol a a X Pr es s Period 1 Key: am br id Group I U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Pr The reactive metals: Group I – the alkali metals; Group II – the alkaline earth metals ity The metalloids: includes semiconductors, e.g. silicon and germanium y op ni C U w ge ev id ie Non-metals They are solids or gases (except for bromine, which is a liquid) at room temperature. Their melting and boiling points are oten low. They are generally poor thermal conductors. ni ve rs C y Their shape can be changed by hammering (they are malleable). Most non-metals are brittle when solid. They can also be pulled out into wires (they are ductile). op w They vary in colour. They oten have a dull surface when solid. e C U They are grey in colour (except gold and copper). They can be polished. They are not sonorous. ev br -R Electrical conductivity is usually taken as the simplest test of whether a substance is metallic or not. am (a) ie id g w They usually make a ringing sound when struck (they are sonorous). es s Table C3.01 Comparison of the physical properties of metals and non-metals. -C ie They are good conductors of heat. Most non-metals are soter than metals (but diamond is very hard). Their densities are oten low. They are poor conductors of electricity (except graphite, a form of carbon). They tend to be insulators. ity All metals are good conductors of electricity.(a) Pr op y es s They are usually hard and dense. -R -C am br They are usually solids (except for mercury, which is a liquid) at room temperature. Their melting and boiling points are usually high. ev The noble gases: very unreactive Figure C3.01 The Periodic Table, showing the major regions. (Except for chlorine, the relative atomic masses are given to the nearest whole number.) Metals R The non-metals: includes Group VII – the halogens The ‘poor’ metals ve The transition elements: hard, strong and dense metals R ev ie w C 216 rs op y Elements in Groups I to 0 are sometimes known as the main-group elements. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie TIP am br id ACtivity C3.01 -R If asked to say how you would test to see whether an element was a metal or a non-metal, the key test is electrical conductivity. Describe the setting up of a simple circuit using a battery and a light bulb, and then connect in a sample of the element and see if the bulb lights up (Figure C3.02). C op y ve rs ity The other properties which are most clearly those of a metal are malleability and ductility. These, and electrical conductivity, are the properties where there are fewest exceptions. battery br -R am -C s es Pr y ity op KEy tERMS rs C w ie Figure C3.02 Testing the electrical conductivity of a possible metal. y op Groups and periods in the Periodic Table ni ev ve metal: an element that conducts electricity and is malleable and ductile non-metal: an element that does not conduct electricity well and is neither malleable nor ductile ie w ge ev id -R ity Pr op y es s -C am br The change from metallic to non-metallic properties in the elements is not as clear-cut as suggested by drawing the line between the two regions of the Periodic Table. The elements close to the line show properties that lie between these extremes. These elements are now oten referred to as metalloids (or semi-metals). Such elements have some of the properties of metals and others that are more characteristic of non-metals. There are eight elements that are called metalloids. They oten look like metals, but are Image C3.02 brittle like non-metals. They are A sample of the neither conductors nor insulators, element silicon, but make excellent semiconductors. the basis of the The prime example of this type of semiconductor element is silicon (Image C3.02). industry. y ni ve rs C op The noble gases, in Group VIII/0 on the right-hand side of the table, are the least reactive elements in the table. However, the group next to them, Group VII which are also known as the halogens, and the group on the let-hand side of the table, Group I or the alkali metals, are the most reactive elements. The more unreactive elements, whether metals or non-metals, are in the centre of the table. C U w e ev ie id g es s -R br am -C w ie The Periodic Table allows us to make even more useful subdivisions of elements than simply deciding which are metals and which are non-metals. The elements present in Groups I to VIII/0 of the table are sometimes known as the main-group elements. These vertical groups show most clearly how elements within the same group have similar chemical and physical properties. Some of these groups have particular names as well as numbers. These are given in Figure C3.01. Between Groups II and III of these main groups of elements is a block of metals known as the transition elements (or transition metals). The first row of these elements occurs in Period 4. This row includes such important metals as iron, copper and zinc. C U R ev sodium ev id ie w ge U R ni ev ie w C op y Pr es s -C testing metals and non-metals Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.2 Plan experiments and investigations AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data The key test to distinguish between metals and nonmetals is electrical conductivity. A simple circuit is set up using either a light bulb or an ammeter. Power is supplied by batteries or a power pack. Examine a range of solid elements and alloys including magnesium, zinc, tin, iron, nickel, roll sulfur, graphite, brass and solder. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. Non-metals are a less uniform group of elements. They show a much wider range of properties. This reflects the wider diferences in the types of structure shown by non-metals. R w ge C U ni op y C3: Elements and compounds Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 217 ve rs ity -R ni He 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 Li Be B C N O F Ne 2,8,1 2,8,2 2,8,3 2,8,4 2,8,5 2,8,6 2,8,7 2,8,8 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar 2,8,8,1 2,8,8,2 K Ca 5 Sr 6 Ba 7 Ra y 4 U an argon atom ie w ge ev -R s es Pr ity rs The electron arrangements of atoms are linked to position in the Periodic Table. op y ve ni C U ie w ge ev id -R There are links between the organisation of particles in the atom and the regular variation in properties of the elements in the Periodic Table. This means that we can see certain broad trends in the table (Figure C3.04). These trends become most obvious if we leave aside the noble gases in Group VIII/0. Individual groups show certain ‘group characteristics’. These properties follow a trend in particular groups. The awareness of these broad trends (Figure C3.04) means that the properties of any one element in a group can be predicted from data and observations about the other elements in that group. The trends in Groups I and VII are described in more detail in the following sections. However, even for, say, Group IV, it is possible to see that the elements lower in the group will be more metallic since metallic character increases down a group. s es Pr ity op y ni ve rs C U w e ev ie id g es s -R br am -C 2 H Elements in the same group have the same number of electrons in their outer shell. ■ For the main-group elements, the number of the group is the number of electrons in the outer shell. ■ The periods also have numbers. This number shows us how many shells of electrons the atom has. br am -C op y C w ie ev VIII/0 ■ It is the outer electrons of an atom that are mainly responsible for the chemical properties of any element. Therefore, elements in the same group will have similar properties. Certain electron arrangements are found to be more stable than others. This makes them more dificult to break up. The most stable arrangements are those of the noble gases, and this fits in with the fact that they are so unreactive. VII Figure C3.03 The relationship between an element’s position in the Periodic Table and the electron arrangement of its atoms. id y op w ie ev R This link between electron arrangement and position in the Periodic Table shows itself in the essential nature of the element as a metal or a non-metal. Elements in Groups I to III, with low numbers of electrons in there outer shell, are metals. These elements can lose their outer electrons relatively easily, contributing them to the ‘sea of electrons’ that forms the metallic bond. In contrast, elements with higher numbers of outer electrons (Groups IV to VII) form covalent bonds between the atoms and are therefore non-metals. VI a potassium atom br -C am There is a clear relationship between electron arrangement and position in the Periodic Table for the main-group elements. The elements in Group II have two outer electrons. The elements in Period 3 have three shells of electrons. A magnesium atom has two electrons in its third, outer shell, and is in Group II. An argon atom has an outer shell containing eight electrons – a very stable arrangement – and is in Group VIII/0. A potassium atom has one electron in its fourth, outer shell, and is in Group I and Period 4. C 218 R 3 V 1 C op C ve rs ity When the first attempts were made to construct a Periodic Table, nobody knew about the structure of the atom. We can now directly link the properties of an element with its position in the table and its electron arrangement (Figure C3.03). The number of outer electrons in the atoms of each element has been found. Elements in the same group have the same number of outer electrons. We also know that, as you move across a period in the table, a shell of electrons is being filled. w ev ie 2 PERIODS op y Electron arrangement and the Periodic Table R 1 Pr es s -C If you are asked a question about an element in the Periodic Table, use the table at the back of the examination paper to help you answer it. GROUPS III IV II ev ie I am br id TIP w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w w C ve rs ity transition elements F ni C op y caesium – the most reactive metal available in useful amounts ev ie U R atoms getting larger, more metallic ev ie -R Pr es s metals getting more reactive densities and melting points increase down any group am br id -C y op Cs br What is the name of the most reactive non-metal? C3.02 How many elements are there in Period 1? C3.03 Where in the Periodic Table will the largest atom be found? -R s es -C am C3.01 C3.04 Pr y Sort the following properties into those characteristic of a metal, and those typical of a non-metal. is an insulator can be beaten into sheets gives a ringing sound when hit conducts heat has a dull surface conducts electricity 219 ity op Image C3.03 The alkali metals are all sot and can be cut with a knife. This is a sample of lithium. y op only 17 atoms of francium in existence on Earth at any one moment in time. What is the similarity in the electron arrangement in the noble gases? C U R C3.05 ni ev ve ie w rs C ev id ie w ge Figure C3.04 General trends in the Periodic Table, leaving aside the noble gases in Group VIII/0. QuEStiONS id ie w ge The physical properties of the alkali metals also change as we go down the group. The melting points become lower while the density of the metals increases. Group I – the alkali metals The alkali metals (Group I) are the most reactive metals that occur. They are known as the alkali metals because they react vigorously with water to produce hydrogen and an alkaline solution. The most reactive non-metals are the halogens in Group VII of the table (Figure C3.05). In contrast with Group I, here reactivity decreases down the group. For example, fluorine is a dangerously reactive, pale yellow gas at room temperature. There is a steady increase in melting points and boiling points as we go down the group, and the elements change from gases to solids as the atomic number increases. Interestingly, the lowest element in this group is also a highly radioactive ev ie id g w e C U op y ni ve rs Group VII – the halogens es s -R br am -C ev ie w C ity Pr op y es s -C The metals in Group I are oten called the alkali metals. They are sot solids with relatively low melting points and low densities (Image C3.03). They are highly reactive and are stored in oil to prevent them reacting with the oxygen and water vapour in the air. When freshly cut with a knife, all these metals have a light-grey, silvery surface, which quickly tarnishes (becomes dull). Reactivity increases as we go down the group. All Group I metals react with water to form hydrogen and an alkaline solution of the metal hydroxide. The reactions range from vigorous in the case of lithium to explosive in the case of caesium. You might predict that francium, at the bottom of Group I, would be the most reactive of all the metals. However, it is highly radioactive and very rare because it decays with a half-life of 5 minutes. It has been estimated that there are -R am br ev C3.02 trends in groups R fluorine – the most reactive non-metal atoms getting smaller, less metallic non-metals getting more reactive ge C U ni op y C3: Elements and compounds Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w Chlorine (Cl2) -R ev ie • dense pale-green gas • smelly and poisonous • occurs as chlorides, especially sodium chloride in the sea • relative atomic mass . Pr es s -C am br id ge and rare element, astatine. The actual properties of astatine remain a mystery to us, but we could make a good guess at some of them. The suggestion would be that astatine would be a black solid, non-metallic but with some metallic character. We would not expect astatine to vapourise as easily as iodine does. C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences C y w ie ev -R es s • grey solid with purple vapour • smelly and poisonous • occurs as iodides and iodates in some rocks and in seaweed • relative atomic mass Pr rs op y ve -R y op C U The chemical reactivity of the halogens HClO ie Image C3.04 Bromine is displaced by chlorine from a colourless solution of potassium bromide. s hypochlorous acid ev + -R HCl hydrochloric acid es am Cl2 + H2O br id g w e Fluorine and chlorine are very reactive. Chlorine dissolves in water to give an acidic solution. This mixture is called chlorine water and contains two acids: -C ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es There are gradual changes in properties between the halogens (see Figure C3.05). As you go down the group, the boiling points increase. Also there is a change from gas to liquid to solid. The intensity of the colour of the element also increases, from pale to dark. Following these trends, it should not surprise you to know that fluorine is a pale yellow gas at room temperature. s -C am br ev id ie w ge C U ni ev R ■ ■ R iodine (i2) Figure C3.05 The general properties of some of the halogens (Group VII). ity op C w ie ■ C op ni U y ■ -C am ■ ge ■ id R ■ They are all poisonous and have a similar strong smell. They are all non-metals. They all form diatomic molecules (for example Cl2, Br2, I2). They all have a valency (combining power of an atom or group of atoms) of 1 and form compounds with similar formulae, for example hydrogen chloride (HCl), hydrogen bromide (HBr), hydrogen iodide (HI). Their compounds with hydrogen are usually strong acids when dissolved in water, for example hydrochloric acid (HCl), hydrobromic acid (HBr), hydriodic acid (HI). They each produce a series of compounds with other elements: chlorides, bromides and iodides. Together these are known as halides. The halogens themselves can react directly with metals to form metal halides (or salts). They all form negative ions carrying a single charge, for example chloride ions (Cl–), bromide ions (Br–), iodide ions (I–). • deep-red liquid with red-brown vapour • smelly and poisonous • occurs as bromides, especially magnesium bromide in the sea • relative atomic mass br w ev ie Common properties of the halogens ■ 220 Bromine (Br2) ve rs ity op y The halogen family found in Group VII of the Periodic Table shows clearly the similarities of elements in the group. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity iodides bleaches easily bleaches slowly bleaches very slowly — no reaction no reaction displaces bromine, e.g. Cl2 + 2KBr → 2KCl + Br2 — no reaction w ie ev id es s -R br am Pr y ity op op ni U w ge C orange ev 2KCl + I2 yellow-brown es s -C am colourless -R br id ie Chlorine will also displace iodine from potassium iodide: Cl2 + 2KI Pr ni ve rs ity If you are asked to put elements from a group in order of reactivity, you must be very careful when reading the question to see whether the answer should be in order of increasing or decreasing reactivity. op y The atoms of the noble gases do not combine with each other to form molecules or any other form of structure. Their melting points and boiling points are extremely low (Image C3.05). Helium has the lowest melting point of any element, and cannot be solidified by cooling alone (pressure is needed also). All these properties point to the atoms of the noble gases being particularly stable. C U Group VIII/0 – the noble gases -R s es am br ev ie id g w e When Mendeleev first constructed his table, part of his triumph was to predict the existence and properties of some undiscovered elements. However, there was no -C ev ie w C op y TIP R All the noble gases are present in the Earth’s atmosphere. Together they make up about 1% of the total, though argon is the most common. These gases are particularly unreactive. They were sometimes referred to as the inert gases, meaning they did not react at all. However, since the 1960s, some compounds of xenon and krypton have been made and their name was changed to the noble gases. The uses of the noble gases depend on this unreactivity. Helium is used in airships and balloons because it is both light and unreactive. Argon is used to fill light bulbs because it will not react with the filament even at high temperatures. The best known use of the noble gases is, perhaps, its use in ‘neon’ lights . The brightly coloured advertising lights work when an electric discharge takes place in a tube containg a little of a noble gas. Diferent gases give diferent colours. y ve rs C w ie ev R 2KCl + Br colourless ev ie C op ni ge U R -C The displacement reactions shown in the lower part of Table C3.02 demonstrate the order of reactivity of the three major halogens. For example, if you add chlorine to a solution of potassium bromide, the chlorine displaces bromine (Image C3.04). Chlorine is more reactive than bromine, so it replaces it and potassium chloride is formed. Potassium bromide solution is colourless. It turns orange when chlorine is bubbled through it: indication that a whole group of elements (Group VIII/0) remained to be discovered! Because of their lack of reactivity, there was no clear sign of their existence. However, analysis of the gases in air led to the discovery of argon. There was no suitable place in the table for an individual element with argon’s properties. This pointed to the existence of an entirely new group! In the 1890s, helium, which had first been detected by spectroscopy of light from the Sun during an eclipse, and the other noble gases in the group (Group VIII/0) were isolated. The radioactive gas radon was the last to be purified, in 1908. One man, William Ramsay, was involved in the isolation of all the elements in the group. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for this major contribution. y ve rs ity Pr es s y op C w ev ie Chlorine water acts as an oxidising agent – hypochlorous acid can give up its oxygen to other substances. It also acts as a bleach because some coloured substances lose their colour when they are oxidised. This reaction is used as the chemical test for chlorine gas. Damp litmus or Universal Indicator paper is bleached when held in the gas. The halogens become steadily less reactive as you go down the group. Table C3.02 gives some examples of the reactivity of the halogens. Cl2 + 2KBr — displaces iodine, e.g. Br2 + 2KI → 2KBr + I2 displaces iodine, e.g. Cl2 + 2KI → 2KCl + I2 Table C3.02 Some reactions of the halogens. Iodine w Bromine -R -C bromides am br id coloured dyes chlorides Chlorine ge Reaction with C U ni op y C3: Elements and compounds Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 221 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences ev ie w ge C3.03 trends across a period y C op w ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R am br id The vertical groups of elements show similar properties, but following a period across the table highlights the trend from metallic to non-metallic properties. This can be explored by looking across a period. The first period of the table contains just two elements, hydrogen and helium, both of which are distinctive in diferent ways. The final period in the table is as yet incomplete. Each of the five remaining periods of elements starts with a reactive alkali metal and finishes with an unreactive, non-metallic, noble gas. In Period 3, for example, from sodium to argon, there appears to be a gradual change in physical properties across the period. The change in properties seems to centre around silicon; elements before this behave as metals and those ater it as non-metals (Figure C3.06). id ie The changeover in properties is emphasised if we look at Group IV as well. As we go down this group, the change is from non-metal to metal. The metalloids, silicon and germanium, are in the centre of the group (Figure C3.06). Pr y atomic size decreasing ity op rs IV y op Al w C Mg Si S Cl Ar Ge ie metals -R P metalloids Sn All elements except Cl and Ar are solids at room temperature. non-metals s Pb Figure C3.06 The changes in properties of the elements in Period 3 and in Group IV. C ni ve rs The transition elements What is the name of the alkali formed when potassium reacts with water? Write a word equation for the reaction between lithium and water. C3.08 Give a use and a test for chlorine. C3.09 Which halogen(s) will displace bromine from a solution of potassium bromide? y If we look at Period 4 in the Periodic Table, we see that there is a whole ‘block’ of elements in the centre of the table. This block of elements falls outside the main groups of elements that we have talked about so far. They are best considered not as a vertical group of elements but as a row or block. They are usually referred to as the transition elements (or transition metals). -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U op C3.07 R ev ie w QuEStiONS C3.06 Na gases C ity Pr op y es -C am br id The elements of Group VIII/0 are between the two most reactive groups of elements (Groups I and VII). Indeed, it is their closeness to this group with stable electron arrangements that makes the alkali metals and the halogens so reactive. They can fairly easily achieve a noble-gas electron structure. Group VII elements gain or share electrons and Group I elements lose electrons to reach a noble-gas electron arrangement. 3 ev atomic size decreasing ge U R ni ev ve ie w C 222 s The electron arrangements of the atoms of the noble gases are very stable. ■ This means that they do not react readily with other atoms. ■ In many situations where atoms of other elements bond or react chemically, they are trying to achieve that stable arrangement of electrons found in the noble gases. ■ es -C -R am br ev Image C3.05 A small piece of rapidly melting ‘argon ice’. The melting point is –189 °C. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C3: Elements and compounds am br id ev ie w ge One important feature of transition metals is that their compounds are oten coloured (Image C3.07). Two of their distinctive properties: Many of their compounds are coloured. ■ They oten show more than one valency (variable oxidation state) – they form more than one type of ion. For example, iron can form compounds containing iron(II) ions (Fe2+) or iron(III) ions (Fe3+). y ■ ie -R U ge C3.11 Which metal has the highest melting point in Period 3? C3.12 Which metal is the sotest and least dense in Period 3? C3.13 What is the formula of chlorine? C3.14 Which of the elements in Period 3 has the highest melting point? Why is copper(II) sulfate blue? s -C -R am br ev id ie C3.15 y In which direction does the change in element type run, when going across a period from let to right? op ity rs ve ni ev R These general properties mean that the transition metals are useful in a number of diferent ways. In addition, there are particular properties that make these metals distinctive and useful for more specific purposes. C3.10 C s Pr y op Many familiar objects are made from transition metals. Image C3.06 shows a range of these: steel nails, chrome bottle stopper, copper pipe joints, iron horseshoe magnet, cupro-nickel coins (a mix of 75% copper, 25% nickel) and copper-plated steel coins. C w ie QuEStiONS es -C am br ev id Their properties make them among the most useful metallic elements available to us (Image C3.06). They are much less reactive than the metals in Groups I and II. Many have excellent corrosion resistance, for example chromium. The very high melting point of tungsten (3410 °C) has led to its use in the filaments of light bulbs. w ge U R ni C op Image C3.06 Some everyday objects made from transition metals. es b op y Coloured transition metal salts dissolve to give coloured solutions. ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y a They are hard and strong. ■ They have high density. ■ They have high melting and boiling points. ■ w ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R General features of transition metals (or transition elements) -R s es -C am br ev Image C3.07 a Many of the compounds of transition metals are coloured; b when dissolved, they give coloured solutions. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 223 ve rs ity Pr es s -C ve rs ity U ni C op Bonding in metals ie w ge Metal atoms have relatively few electrons in their outer shells. When they are packed together, each metal atom loses its outer electrons into a ‘sea’ of free electrons (or mobile electrons). Having lost electrons, the atoms are no longer electrically neutral. They become positive ions because they have lost electrons but the number of protons in the nucleus has remained unchanged. op 224 C rs Earlier we saw that some elements are not simply made up of separate atoms individually arranged. Elements such as oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2) consist of diatomic molecules. Indeed, the only elements that are made up of individual atoms moving almost independently of each other are the noble gases (Group VIII/0). These are the elements whose electron arrangements are most stable and so their atoms do not combine with each other. Therefore the structure of a metal is made up of positive ions packed together. These ions are surrounded by electrons, which can move freely between the ions. These free electrons are delocalised (not restricted to orbiting one positive ion) and form a kind of electrostatic ‘glue’ holding the structure together (Figure C3.07). In an electrical circuit, metals can conduct electricity because the mobile electrons can move through the structure, carrying the current. This type of bonding (called metallic bonding) is present in alloys as well. Alloys such as solder and brass, for example, will conduct electricity. s ion: a charged particle; an atom that has lost or gained electrons ity Pr op y Metal atoms more easily lose electrons than gain them. So, they become positive ions. In doing so, they achieve a more stable electron arrangement, usually that of the nearest noble gas. Bonding in the elements y ni ve rs C w e C U op Metallic elements are held together by metallic bonding, which results in metallic lattices. ■ Non-metallic elements are held together by covalent bonding or exist as separate atoms (the noble gases). Covalent bonding results in simple molecules or giant molecular lattices. ■ ie id g Bonding in non-metals ev Hydrogen normally exists as diatomic molecules (H2). Two atoms bond together by sharing their electrons. The orbits overlap and a molecule is formed (Figure C3.08). es s -R br am -C w ie ev R KEy tERM es -C am Most of the elements do form structures. Their atoms are linked by some type of bonding. Most elements are metals. The structures in this case are held together by metallic bonding. The non-metallic elements to the right of the Periodic Table are held together by covalent bonding. Both these types of bonding use the outer electrons in some way. -R br ev id ie w ge C U ni op y ve w ie ev -R ity Bonding in the elements R s Pr y es -C am br ev id Chemical bonding involves the outer electrons of each atom. As we examine a range of substances, we shall see that, whatever type of bonding holds the structure together, it is the outer electrons that are used. The diversity of the material world is produced by the diferent ways in which atoms can join together. y y op C Figure C3.07 Metallic bonding – the metal ions are surrounded by a ‘sea’ of mobile electrons. Simple compounds such as water, ammonia and methane begin to show the variety that can be achieved when the atoms of elements combine together. Water is formed from hydrogen and oxygen. Each water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms bonded to an oxygen atom. In fact, the formula of water (H2O) is perhaps the best-known chemical formula. w ev ie -R electron We live on the ‘water planet’. The surface of the Earth is distinctive because so much of it is covered with water. From space, it is the blue colours of water in seas and oceans and the white of the moisture-laden clouds that distinguish the Earth from other planets. The Earth is unique in being the only planet in our solar system where conditions allow water to exist in all three states of matter. R ev ie am br id ge positive metal ion C C3.04 Chemical bonding in elements and compounds w U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity H C w Pr es s -C two hydrogen atoms op y hydrogen molecule (H2) ni C op displayed formula model Figure C3.08 The hydrogen molecule is formed by sharing the electrons from the atoms. A space-filling model can be used to show the atoms overlapping. Cl op U ge C chlorine molecule (each chlorine is now 2,8,8) w ie ev id br Cl2 displayed formula 0.19 nm es s -R am -C Cl Cl b ity Pr op y Many non-metallic elements form diatomic molecules. However, elements other than hydrogen form bonds in order to gain a share of eight electrons in their outer shells. This is the number of electrons in the outer shell of all the noble gases apart from helium. Thus, the halogens (Group VII) form covalent molecules (Figure C3.09). Br2 y op Figure C3.09 a The formation of the covalent bond in chlorine molecules (Cl2). Each atom gains a share in eight electrons in its outer shell. The diagram can be drawn showing the outer electrons only, because the inner electrons are not involved in the bonding. b Molecules of Br2 and I2 are formed in the same way. They are larger because the original atoms are bigger. w e ev ie id g es s -R br am -C 0.27 nm C U Molecules of hydrogen and the halogens are each held together by a single covalent bond. Such a single bond uses two electrons, one from each atom. The bond can be drawn as a single line between the two atoms. Note that, when we draw diagrams showing the overlap of the outer shells, we can show the outer electrons only, I2 0.22 nm ni ve rs C w ie Cl y ve ni ev R Cl two chlorine atoms (2,8,7) The bond is formed by the sharing of a pair of electrons between two atoms. ■ Each atom contributes one electron to each bond. ■ Molecules are formed from atoms linked together by covalent bonds. ev + Cl Features of covalent bonding ■ R 225 rs C w ie a ity op Pr y es s -C am Through this sharing, each atom gains a share in two electrons. This is the number of electrons in the outer shell of helium, the nearest noble gas to hydrogen. (Remember that the electron arrangement of helium is very stable; helium atoms do not form He2 molecules.) Sharing electrons like this is known as covalent bonding. It has been shown that in a hydrogen molecule, the electrons are more likely to be found between the two nuclei. The forces of attraction between the shared electrons and the nuclei are greater than any repulsive forces. The molecule is held together by the bond. -R br ev id ie w ge U R The non-metals in the middle of the main-group elements, for example carbon and silicon, do not form simple molecules. They exist as giant molecular structures held together by single covalent bonds. In these structures, the atoms are joined to each other in an extensive network or giant covalent (molecular) lattice (see Figure C3.34). Such structures are very strong because all the atoms are interlinked by strong covalent bonds. The structure of the carbon atoms in diamond is a three-dimensional lattice structure in which each carbon atom is joined to four others by strong covalent bonds. A similar structure exists in silicon, an important element in the electronics industry. y C ve rs ity H H w ev ie ev ie H H When molecules of oxygen (O2) or nitrogen (N2) are formed, more electrons have to be used in bonding if the atoms are to gain a share of eight electrons. These molecules are held together by a double bond (O2) or a triple bond (N2) (Figure C3.10). Note that the structure of oxygen is not required for the syllabus, but is included here as an example of a double covalent bond, which you will need to be able to draw for carbon dioxide later. -R + H because the inner electrons are not involved in the bonding. Each atom gains a share in eight electrons in its outer shell. a shared pair of electrons makes a covalent bond am br id ge U ni op y C3: Elements and compounds Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity N N am br id N N N -R displayed formula A hydrogen atom has just one electron in its first energy level. Pr es s -C nitrogen, N2 If the two atoms share one pair of electrons: ... hydrogen can fill its first energy level... ni Diferent elements combine together to form the vast range of compounds that make up our world. They vary from inert and heat-resistant ceramic materials to high explosives, and from lethal poisons to the molecules of life. All depend on the means of chemical bonding. Two major types of bond hold compounds together. The first is covalent bonding, which, as we have seen, involves sharing electrons between atoms. However, the behaviour of metal plus non-metal compounds arises from a diferent type of bonding. Here electrons are transferred from one atom to another. This transfer of electrons between atoms produces oppositely charged particles known as ions. The formation of these ions results in a diferent type of chemical bonding: ionic bonding. ie -R s es a shared pair of electrons Pr ity We can also draw the molecule like this: rs H Cl y ve w op Figure C3.11 Hydrogen and chlorine atoms share a pair of electrons to form a molecule of hydrogen chloride. ni Non-metal plus non-metal compounds are held together by covalent bonding, which results in the simple molecules which make up the compound. ■ Metal plus non-metal compounds are held together by ionic bonding between positive and negative ions. ■ In some elements and compounds (C and SiO2, for example) covalent bonding can result in the formation of giant covalent lattices. ■ In ionic bonding the ions are held together by electrostatic forces of attraction, forming giant ionic lattices in the solid crystal. U ■ w ge C ie ev Bonding in compounds R br ev id ie The formation of hydrogen chloride (HCl) involves the two atoms sharing a pair of electrons (Figure C3.11). s es Pr ity ni ve rs y op -R s es am br ev ie id g w e C In covalent compounds, bonds are again made by sharing electrons between atoms. In simple molecules, the atoms combine to achieve a more stable arrangement of electrons, most oten that of a noble gas. -C In each case, the atoms achieve a share in the same number of electrons as the noble gas nearest to that element in the Periodic Table. In all but the case of hydrogen, this means a share of eight electrons in their outer shell. Earlier we saw that multiple covalent bonds can exist in molecules of the elements oxygen and nitrogen. They can exist in compounds too. The carbon dioxide molecule is held together by double bonds between the atoms (Figure C3.13). This figure also shows some other examples of bonding in compounds that you will meet again in Chapter C10. U Covalent compounds The examples shown in Figure C3.12 illustrate diferent ways of representing this sharing. They also show how the formula of the compound corresponds to the numbers of each atom in a molecule. -R am -C op y C w ie ev R This is a molecule of hydrogen chloride. ev id br am -C y op C 226 ... and chlorine can fill its third energy level. w ge U R ev ie w Chemical bonding in compounds A chlorine atom has seven electrons in its third energy level. y C ve rs ity op y Figure C3.10 The structure of nitrogen (N2) molecules involves multiple covalent bonding. A nitrogen molecule contains a triple bond. The nitrogen molecule is the drawing required for the syllabus. C op N ev ie w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C H y H H C H C -R H four hydrogen carbon atom atoms (1) (2,4) C H H displayed formula H H methane molecule Each hydrogen now shares two electrons with carbon. 3 H H N + N ve rs ity op ev ie + ammonia (NH3) C H H Pr es s am br id -C H w H methane (CH4) 4 C ge U ni op y C3: Elements and compounds N H H H three hydrogen nitrogen atom atoms (1) (2,5) N H H H H H displayed formula y ev ie w ammonia molecule Hydrogen and nitrogen both fill their outer shells by sharing electrons. H H O w H oxygen atom (2,6) displayed formula water molecule Hydrogen and oxygen both fill their outer shells by sharing electrons. + H Cl H H Cl Cl carbon dioxide (CO2) hydrogen chloride molecule displayed formula Pr op y one hydrogen chlorine atom atom (1) (2,8,7) es s Cl -R hydrogen chloride (HCl) -C O ie two hydrogen atoms (1) H H O H ge id br am H O C op + ev H U R 2 ni water (H2O) 227 O C O y C carbon dioxide molecule (CO2) op carbon atom C two oxygen atoms w ge U R + O ni ev ve ie w rs C ity O O C O s -C displayed formula -R am br ev id ie model Pr AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data In this activity, you will make models of simple molecular structures of certain elements and compounds to demonstrate the importance of single, double and triple covalent bonds in molecules. The modelling can be extended to show the processes of bond breaking and bond making that take place during a chemical reaction. This serves as an introduction to balancing chemical equations. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. ni ve rs ity ACtivity C3.02 -R s es am br ev ie id g w e C U op y Modelling the bonding in covalent substances Skills: A03.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates -C R ev ie w C op y es Figure C3.12 Examples of the formation of simple covalent molecules. Again, only the outer electrons of the atoms are shown. More complex examples are shown in Figure C3.13. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences w H C + H H Pr es s ethene molecule (C2H4) ve rs ity op C H w six hydrogen atoms y C op ev br H C H am H O + ie ge + id H C w ni U R H two carbon atoms H H C C H H O H ethanol molecule (C2H5OH) rs ni op y ve C ev ie w HH H C C OH HH ity op Pr y es s -C oxygen atom -R ev ie displayed formula H displayed formula C U R C HC CH H H H id ie w ge Figure C3.13 The formation of ethene and ethanol molecules, showing the outer electrons only. Ball-and-stick models can be used to show the structure. ev A common example of a compound that involves ionic bonding is sodium chloride (Figure C3.14). Each of the sodium atoms, which have an electron arrangement of 2,8,1, loses its one outer electron to form a sodium ion (Na+) (Figure C3.15). C The electrons involved in the formation of ions are those in the outer shell of the atoms. ■ Metal atoms lose their outer electrons to become positive ions. In doing so they achieve the more stable electron arrangement of the nearest noble gas. ■ Generally, atoms of non-metals gain electrons to become negative ions. Again, in doing so, they achieve the stable electron arrangement of the nearest noble gas to them in the Periodic Table. op y ni ve rs The sodium ion then has the stable electron arrangement (2,8) of a neon atom – the element just before it in the Periodic Table. The electron released is transferred to a chlorine atom. The sodium ion has a single positive charge because it now has just 10 electrons in total, but there are still 11 protons in the nucleus of the atom. ev ie id g w e C U The chlorine atoms, electron arrangement 2,8,7, each gain an electron released from the sodium atoms and they become chloride ions (Cl–) (Figure C3.16). The chloride ion (electron arrangement 2,8,8) has the electron arrangement of an argon atom. The chloride ion has a negative charge because it has one more electron (18) than there are protons in the nucleus. es s -R br am -C ie w ■ ev s ity Pr op y es -C am Compounds of a metal plus a non-metal generally adopt a third type of bonding. This involves the transfer of electrons from one atom to another. This transfer of electrons results in the formation of positive and negative ions. The oppositely charged ions are then held together by forces of attraction. -R br Ionic compounds R H C two carbon atoms y -C four hydrogen atoms ethanol (C2H5OH) 228 C H H ev ie H -R am br id ge ethene (C2H4) Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C w [Na]+ Mg ev ie Cl – Cl Cl y op ve rs ity Cl Cl y Figure C3.17 Diagrams showing the formation of ionic bonds in magnesium oxide and calcium chloride. Again, only the outer electrons are shown. ni U id ie w ge Figure C3.15 A sodium atom loses an electron to become a sodium ion. br ev More complex ionic compounds than those formed between the alkali metals and the halogens require care in working out the transfer of a greater number of electrons. Figure C3.17 shows two examples of such compounds. -R am Features common to ionic bonding ■ ity The chlorine atom [2,8,7] needs to gain an electron to make it more stable. Pr es s -C y rs y ve ni ev ge C U R ■ ■ br ev id ie – This is an ion of chlorine [2,8,8] . -R ■ es The positive and negative ions in sodium chloride are held together by the electrostatic attraction between opposite charges. ■ s -C am Figure C3.16 A chlorine atom gains an electron to become a chloride ion. TIP TIP op For the Core syllabus, the examples of ionic bonding you need to be familiar with are those between Group I metals and Group VII non-metals – the alkali metals and the halogens. Try drawing diagrams like the one in Figure C3.14 for compounds such as lithium fluoride or potassium bromide. You will see that there is a great similarity in the diagrams. id g w e C U Do practise drawing the diagrams for both covalent and ionic bonding so that you can draw them accurately in the examination. ev ie When you draw the diagrams of ionic bonding, make sure you remember to put in the charges outside the brackets on each ion. es s -R br am -C y w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y op w ie ■ Metal atoms always lose their outer electrons to form positive ions. The number of positive charges on a metal ion is equal to the number of electrons lost. Non-metal atoms, with the exception of hydrogen, always gain electrons to become negative ions. The number of negative charges on a non-metal ion is equal to the number of electrons gained. In both cases, the ions formed have a more stable electron arrangement, usually that of the noble gas nearest to the element concerned. Ionic (electrovalent) bonds result from the attraction between oppositely charged ions. w op – C op C w ev ie R Cl calcium chloride (CaCl2) When the sodium atom loses an electron, it forms a sodium ion. C O [Ca]2+ + Ca + an ion of sodium, Na + [2,8] an atom of sodium [2,8,1] ie [Mg]2+ O – Pr es s -C Figure C3.14 The transfer of electrons from a sodium atom to a chlorine atom to form ions. ev + magnesium oxide (MgO) sodium chloride (NaCl) R 2– -R + am br id Na ge U ni op y C3: Elements and compounds Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 229 ve rs ity – + + – + – + + 2– C w y ev id ie w ge U Figure C3.19 Three examples of negatively charged ionic groups and a positively charged ionic group. The numbers of atoms and the overall charge carried by each group of atoms are shown. Note that you are not expected to know the shapes of these ions; the diagrams are simply to show you why the formulae are as they are listed in Table C3.03. br es Pr y rs op y ve ni w ie ev -R s es Pr ity ie id g w e C U op y ni ve rs metallic bonding ■ ionic bonding ■ covalent bonding. The diferences we observe between the physical properties (Table C3.04) of ionic and simple covalent compounds depend on the interactive forces between the particles present in the compound. The ions making up an ionic compound interact through the electrostatic attraction of the full chemical bonding. These forces work in all directions in the solid and strongly hold the ions in place in the structure. Simple covalent compounds are made up of molecules. The full chemical bonding works within the molecules holding them together. However, importantly, this bonding does not act between one molecule and the others around it. The forces between molecules are just weak intermolecular forces. Therefore, such substances have lower melting points and boiling points as it takes less energy to separate the molecules from each other than to separate the ions in an ionic compound. C U ge id br am -C op y C -R s es am br ev The types of structure based on these methods of bonding are summarised in Figure C3.20. -C w ie Through our discussion of elements and compounds we have seen that there are three major types of chemical bonding: ■ The physical properties of ionic and covalent compounds Knowledge of how atoms combine to make diferent types of structure helps us begin to understand why substances have diferent physical properties. Table C3.04 shows the broad diferences in properties of ionic and simple covalent compounds. ity op C w ie ev R s -R am -C The ionic compounds mentioned so far have been made from simple ions, for example Na+, K+, Mg2+, Cl–, O2–. However, in many important ionic compounds the metal ion is combined with a negative ion containing a group of atoms (for example, SO42−, NO3−, CO32−). These ionic groups are made up of atoms covalently bonded together. These groups have a negative charge because they have gained electrons to make a stable structure. Examples of such ions are shown in Figure C3.19. In addition to these negative ionic groups, there is one important ionic group that is positively charged, the ammonium ion, NH4+ (Figure C3.19). Table C3.03 gives a summary of some simple ions and ionic groups. The formulae of compounds involving the ions listed in this table can be worked out by remembering that the overall change of a formula is zero. The total positive charge must equal the total negative charge. ev one nitrogen + four hydrogens, with overall charge of 1+ C op ni ev ie R Ionic compounds (such as sodium chloride) are solids at room temperature. The ions arrange themselves into a regular lattice (Figure C3.18). In the lattice, each ion is surrounded by ions of the opposite charge. The whole giant ionic structure is held together by the electrostatic forces of attraction that occur between particles of opposite charge (see Section C3.06). Ionic groups R + one sulfur + four oxygens, with overall charge of 2– ve rs ity – one nitrogen + three oxygens, with overall charge of 1– NH4+ SO42– Figure C3.18 A giant ionic lattice where each ion is surrounded by ions of opposite charge. 230 – one carbon + three oxygens, with overall charge of 2– -R – Pr es s -C y – NO3– 2– + – + – op + – + – CO32– ev ie am br id – + – + – w + ge – + C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Ionic groups (+ve) (+ve) (–ve) (+ve) (–ve) hydrogen, H+ hydride, H– ammonium, NH4+ hydroxide, OH– nitrate, NO3– silver, Ag+ bromide, Br– hydrogencarbonate, HCO3– Pr es s -R chloride, Cl– + calcium, Ca2+ zinc, Zn2+ ev ie w iron(II), Fe2+ ni copper(II), Cu2+ R sulfide, S2– carbonate, CO32– 3+ nitride, N3– ev giant metallic lattices metallic bonding s -C metals -R am br id ie Table C3.03 Some common simple ions and ionic groups. giant ionic lattices es Pr y op phosphate, PO43– w ge iron(III), Fe sulfate, SO42– U aluminium, Al3+ 3 oxide, O2– y magnesium, Mg ve rs ity y op C iodide, I 2+ – C op -C potassium, K+ copper(I), Cu 2 ev ie sodium, Na+ 1 w Simple non-metallic ions ge Simple metal ions am br id Valency C U ni op y C3: Elements and compounds COMPOuNDS op covalent bonding w C non-metal + non-metal(s) br ev ie ge separate atoms (noble gases) id y ve giant molecular lattices covalent bonding U R non-metals ni ev ie w rs C 231 simple molecules ity ELEMENtS metal + nonmetal(s) ionic bonding -R am Figure C3.20 An overall summary of the bonding in elements and compounds. es a sulfur and chlorine a hydrogen b water c ammonia d methane. ity c magnesium and nitrogen y What force holds the sodium and chlorine together in sodium chloride? Why is it true to say that calcium carbonate has both ionic and covalent bonds? C3.22 Draw diagrams of the ionic bonding in the following compounds: ev br s -R a magnesium oxide es am b lithium fluoride. C3.21 e id g Draw diagrams of the covalent bonding in the following elements and compounds -C op C3.18 a sodium chloride C Why is the formula of hydrogen always written as H2? U C3.17 C3.19 Draw diagrams of the ionic bonding in the following compounds: w d zinc and copper C3.20 ie w Pr (showing the outer electrons only in your diagrams): b carbon and oxygen ie ev R What type of bond would be found between the following pairs of elements? ni ve rs C op y C3.16 s -C QuEStiONS Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution b calcium chloride. ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Reason for these properties They are crystalline solids at room temperature. There is a regular arrangement of the ions in a lattice. Ions with opposite charge are next to each other. They have high melting and boiling points. Ions are attracted to each other by strong electrostatic forces. Large amounts of energy are needed to separate them. -C -R am br id ev ie w ge Properties of typical ionic compounds y Properties of simple covalent compounds Reason for these properties They are oten liquids or gases at room temperature. These substances are made of simple molecules. The atoms are joined together by covalent bonds. ni C op ve rs ity C w ev ie y In the liquid or solution, the ions are free to move about. They can move towards the electrodes when a voltage is applied. op They conduct electricity when molten or dissolved in water (not when solid). They have low melting and boiling points. The forces between the molecules (intermolecular forces) are only very weak. Not much energy is needed to move the molecules further apart. w ge U R Water is attracted to charged ions and therefore many ionic solids dissolve. Pr es s They are oten soluble in water (not usually soluble in organic solvents, e.g. ethanol, methylbenzene). br ev id ie They are soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol Covalent molecular substances dissolve in covalent solvents. or methylbenzene (very few are soluble in water). There are no ions present to carry the current. -R am They do not conduct electricity. Pr y es s -C Table C3.04 The properties of ionic and simple covalent compounds. For convenience, the same applies to elements such as phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S). In these cases, the molecules contain more than three atoms. ve The chemical ‘shorthand’ of representing an element by its symbol can be taken further. It is even more useful to be able quickly to sum up the basic structure of an element or compound using its chemical formula. ni op y The formulae of ionic compounds Ionic compounds are solids at room temperature, and their formulae are simply the whole-number ratio of the positive to negative ions in the structure. Thus, in magnesium chloride, there are two chloride ions (Cl–) for each magnesium ion (Mg2+). w ge C U R ev ie w rs C ity op C3.05 the chemical formulae of elements and compounds 232 Cu Zn Si Ga Ge (P4) P (S8) S Cl2 Ar As Se Br2 Kr id g e Ti simple molecules -R s single atoms -R s es -C am Figure C3.21 The formulae of the elements are linked to their structure and their position in the Periodic Table. 2− The size of the charge on an ion is a measure of its valency (see Table C3.03) or combining power. Mg2+ ions can combine with Cl– ions in a ratio of 1 : 2, but Na+ ions can only bond in a 1 : 1 ratio with Cl– ions. This idea of valency can be used to ensure that you always use the correct formula for an ionic compound. Follow the examples of aluminium oxide and calcium oxide below (Figures C3.22 and C3.23), and make sure you understand how this works. br giant molecular lattice Ne y Ca F2 op K O2 C Al N2 2+ The formula is MgCl2. The overall structure must be neutral. The positive and negative charges must balance each other. w Mg C total charge ie Na giant metallic lattice Cl− ev B He ni ve rs Be U Li ity Pr op y C w ie ev R H2 Sc ions present Mg2+ Cl− es -C am br Those elements which are made up of individual atoms or small molecules (up to three atoms covalently bonded together) are represented by the formula of the particle present (Figure C3.21). Where elements exist as giant structures, whether held together by metallic or covalent bonding, the formula is simply the symbol of the element (for example Cu, Mg, Fe, Na, K, etc., and C, Si, Ge). ev id ie The formulae of elements Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity 2– y Formula for calcium oxide op Ca ve rs ity C w 2 – Ca2O2 Simplify the ratio: Formula CaO ni ev ie O 2 + Write down the charges on the ions ammonium nitrate NH4NO3 NH4+ NO3– 1:1 potassium sulfate K 2SO4 K+ SO42– 2:1 calcium hydrogencarbonate Ca(HCO3)2 Ca2+ HCO3– 1:2 CuSO4 Cu2+ SO42– 1:1 magnesium nitrate Mg(NO3)2 Mg2+ NO3– 1:2 aluminium chloride AlCl3 Al3+ Cl– 1:3 ie ev s Table C3.05 The formulae of some ionic compounds. es Pr ity rs op 2– Na2CO3 C ni The brackets are not needed if there is only one ion present. • simple molecules with a central atom, for example water, methane, carbon dioxide (Figure C3.26) and ammonia: w ge U R Formula ie ev id Formula for carbon dioxide C Formula 1 + 2– (NH4)2SO4 Pr op y Write down the charges on the ions es s (SO4) -R br am -C (NH4) Write down the correct ‘symbols’ 2 4 Write down the valencies ity Formula ni ve rs C C2O4 Can simplify: CO2 y Figure C3.26 The formula for carbon dioxide. op w TIP O Write down the symbols Figure C3.25 The formula for ammonium sulfate. Be very careful when writing chemical formulae to get the symbols of the elements correct. Remember the unusual symbols: that sodium is Na and not So, for example. id g w e C U • giant covalent molecules, where the formula is simply the whole-number ratio of the atoms present in the giant lattice, for example silica. ie Remember that the second letter in any symbol is lower case, not a capital letter: Na not NA, Cl not CL and Co not CO, for instance. ev The valency of an element in the main groups of the Periodic Table can be worked out from the group number of the element. The relationship is shown below. es s -R br am 233 y ve 1 + Write down the charges on the ions -C 1:1 The idea of an atom having a valency, or combining power, can also be applied to working out the formulae of covalent compounds. Here the valency of an atom is the number of covalent bonds it can form. The ‘cross-over’ method for working out chemical formulae can be applied to covalent compounds in two situations: (CO3) Na Write down the correct ‘symbols’ Formula for ammonium sulfate ie Cl The formulae of covalent compounds Figure C3.24 The formula for sodium carbonate. ev Ratio – Na -R br am -C y op C ie w Formula for sodium carbonate R + NaCl w ge id The same rules apply when writing the formulae of compounds containing ionic groups because each of them has an overall charge (see Table C3.03). It is useful to put the formula of the ionic group in brackets. This emphasises that it cannot be changed. For example, the formula of the carbonate ion is always CO32–. Work through the examples for sodium carbonate and ammonium sulfate in Figures C3.24 and C3.25. Ions present sodium chloride copper(II) sulfate U R Figure C3.23 The formula for calcium oxide. ev Formula y Pr es s -C Figure C3.22 The formula for aluminium oxide. Write down the correct symbols Name -R Al 2O3 Formula C op am br id O 3 + Write down the charges on the ions w Al Write down the correct symbols Table C3.05 summarises the formulae of some important ionic compounds. ev ie ge Formula for aluminium oxide C U ni op y C3: Elements and compounds Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences ev ie am br id Working out valency w ge systems do aim to be consistent. Some common and important compounds have historical names that do not seem to fit into a system. Examples of these include water (H2O), ammonia (NH3) and methane (CH4). These apart, there are some basic generalisations that are useful. For elements in Groups I–IV, -R valency = group number For elements in Groups V–VII, Pr es s -C • If there is a metal in the compound, it is named first. y valency = 8 – the group number op Elements in Group VIII/0 have a valency of 0. ve rs ity This trend in valency with the group number can be seen by looking at typical compounds of the elements of Period 3. You can see that the valency rises to a value of 4 and then decreases to 0 as we cross the period. III IV V VI VII VIII/0 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 SiCl4 PH3 H2 S HCl – y ie • Compounds containing an ionic group usually containing oxygen) have names that end with –ate; for example, calcium carbonate (CaCO3), potassium nitrate (KNO3), magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), sodium ethanoate (CH3COONa). ev id NaCl MgCl2 AlCl3 br op Pr y Examples of writing formulae ity The method for working out formulae above does not work for the many covalent molecules that do not have a single central atom, for example H2O2, C2H6, C3H6, etc. The formulae of these compounds still obey the valency rules. However, the numbers in the formula represent the actual number of atoms of each element present in a molecule of the compound (Figure C3.27). op y ve ni C ie w ge id br -R am s ity C3.24 y d Li3N f NO g NO2 h SO3 Use your Periodic Table to help you give the formula of each of these compounds: a silicon chloride b c phosphorus chloride d silicon oxide s es am Figure C3.27 The structures of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and ethane (C2H6), showing the bonds made. -C c K 2O -R br ethane MgS ie H H b ev H e Ca(OH)2 U C What names would you give these compounds? a NaI Each carbon atom makes four bonds; each hydrogen makes one bond. e C C3.23 op H id g ev R H QuEStiONS ni ve rs hydrogen peroxide C H es Each oxygen atom makes two bonds; each hydrogen makes one bond. O ie w C H Pr op y -C Giving a name to a compound is a way of classifying it. Not all names are as informative as others, but modern H Two important oxidising agents contain polyatomic negative ions involving metal and oxygen atoms. Their modern names (potassium manganate(VII) (KMnO4) and potassium dichromate(VI) (K 2Cr2O7)) include the oxidation state of the metal. At this stage you will not need to write equations using these compounds, but you will need to recognise their names and formulae. ev ‘What’s in a name?’ – naming chemical compounds O • The names of some compounds use prefixes to tell you the number of that particular atom in the molecule. This is useful if two elements form more than one compound; for example, carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and dinitrogen tetraoxide (N2O4), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and sulfur trioxide (SO3). The names for the important mineral acids are systematic but are best simply learnt at this stage; for example, sulfuric acid (H2SO4). U R ev ie w rs C 234 -R es s -C am For example, carbon is in Group IV, so its valency is 4, and oxygen is in Group VI, so its valency is 8 – 6 = 2. w Typical compound C op II 1 • Compounds containing only two elements have names ending in –ide; for example, sodium chloride (NaCl), calcium bromide (CaBr2), magnesium nitride (Mg3N2). The important exception to this is the hydroxides, which contain the hydroxide (OH–) ion. w I Valency ge Group U ni C w ev ie R • Where the metal can form more than one ion, then the name indicates which ion is present; for example, iron(II) chloride contains the Fe2+ ion, while iron(III) chloride contains the Fe3+ ion. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution carbon sulfide ve rs ity w ev ie ve rs ity C op y HNO3 SiCl4 FeSO4 CH4 H2SO4 KEy tERMS ge c Give the formulae for the following compounds: -R s es Pr ity ve The diagram shows the arrangement of the outer electrons only in a molecule of ethanoic acid. y op ni C w ie ge id ev -R H Pr b What is the total number of atoms present in this molecule? ity op y ni ve rs c Between which two atoms is there a double covalent bond? U op y d How many covalent bonds does each carbon atom make? ev ie id g -R br Ethanoic acid will dissolve in methylbenzene. Would you expect the solution to conduct electricity? Give a reason for your answer. s Image C3.08 A snowflake crystal. es am f w e C e Would you expect this compound to be a solid or a liquid at room temperature? Give a reason for your answer. -C C w ie ev a Name the diferent elements found in this compound. s O es H -C am O C C br H R Structures of these diferent types are found all around us. In some cases, we use and adapt their physical properties to engineer materials to suit a particular purpose. U R H w ev id rs -C y op C w ev ie C3.26 giant metallic lattice: a lattice of positive ions in a ‘sea’ of electrons ■ giant ionic lattice: a lattice of alternating positive and negative ions ■ giant covalent (molecular) lattice: a giant molecule (macromolecule) making the lattice ■ simple molecular substances: consisting of simple molecules in a lattice held together by weak forces (Figure C3.28) ■ br potassium sulfate aluminium fluoride iron(III) oxide calcium nitrate zinc chloride ammonia hydrochloric acid copper(II) sulfate sulfur trioxide. am i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix The four diferent types of solid physical structure are: ie vi vii viii ix x ni KBr Al(OH)3 CuCO3 Mg3N2 PCl3 U R ev ie w i ii iii iv v The hexagonal shapes of snowflake crystals demonstrate how simple molecules can combine to produce complex and beautiful solid structures (Image C3.08). The regularity of a snowflake suggests that the water molecules it contains are arranged in an organised way. In general, there are three basic units from which solids are constructed – atoms, ions and molecules. These diferent particles produce a range of structures in the solid state, which can be classified into four broad types. -R Pr es s -C y b What are the names of the compounds that have the following formulae? C op C3.06 Metals, alloys and crystals ge a How many atoms of the diferent elements are there in the formulae of these compounds? i sodium hydroxide, NaOH ii ethane, C2H6 iii sulfuric acid, H2SO4 iv copper nitrate, Cu(NO3)2 v sucrose (sugar), C12H22O11 am br id C3.25 C U ni op y C3: Elements and compounds Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 235 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences am br id ev ie w ge Substances that consist of simple molecules have relativity low melting points and boiling points. H H H op H H H H H C H C H H C H H C y C op ni -R s rs op y ve ni Particular properties brass copper 70% zinc 30% harder than pure copper; ‘gold’ coloured copper 90% harder than pure copper tin 10% iron 99.7% stronger and harder 0.3% than pure iron es Pr ity bronze mild steel ni ve rs w Making alloys with other metals is one of the commonest ways of changing the properties of metals. Alloys are formed by mixing the molten metals together thoroughly and then allowing them to cool and form a solid. 74% op C U e 18% nickel 8% tin 50% lead 50% ev solder -R br harder than pure iron; does not rust lower melting point than either tin or lead s Table C3.06 Some important alloys. es am carbon stainless iron steel chromium id g Alloying oten results in a metal that is stronger than the original individual metals. ‘Silver’ coins are minted from cupro-nickel alloy, which is much harder than copper itself. Aluminium is a low-density metal that is not very strong. -C ie Typical composition s am -C op y C Alloys ev Alloy -R br ev id ie w ge C U Strength is not the only property to think about when designing an alloy. For example, solder is an alloy of tin and lead. It is useful for making electrical connections because its melting point is lower than that of either of w C w ie ev R Figure C3.30 shows how the presence of the ‘impurity’ atoms makes it more dificult for the metal ions to slip over each other. This makes the alloy stronger but more brittle than the metals it is made from. ity op Pr The layers of identical ions in a pure metal can be moved over one another without breaking the structure (Figure C3.29). This flexibility in the layered structure means that metals can be beaten or rolled into sheets (they are malleable). Metals are more malleable when hot, and steel, for instance, is rolled when hot. They can also be stretched into wires (they are ductile). The strength of the metallic bonds means that the metal does not easily break under these forces. The bonds are strong but not rigid. This means that metals generally have a high tensile strength. The mobility of the delocalised electrons in a metal means that metals conduct electricity very well. Copper is a particularly good conductor, and most electrical wires are made from it. For overhead power lines, aluminium is used, as it is lighter. However, because aluminium is not strong, a steel core has to be used. When mixed with 4% copper and smaller amounts of other elements, it gives a metal (duralumin) that combines strength and lightness and is ideal for aircrat building. Other examples of alloys and their properties are given in Table C3.06. ie y es -C am br ev id ie w ge Figure C3.29 The layers in a metal lattice can slide over each other. y Metal crystals U R ev ie w Figure C3.28 Simple molecular substances have low melting points. The idea of the regular packing of metal ions into a lattice surrounded by a ‘sea’ of mobile electrons helps to explain many of the physical properties of metals. In most metals, the packing is as close as possible. This explains why metals usually have a high density. In some metals the ions are less closely packed. These metals, for example the alkali metals, have the lowest densities of all metals. So, lithium and sodium will float on water. 236 R The layers of atoms can carry on slipping past each other. ve rs ity y H H C Pr es s -C H force -R This is because there are only weak forces between the molecules. They don’t conduct electricity. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity force applied here w Pr es s y w ie alloy -R rs the two separate metals. Also, steel, which rusts when in contact with oxygen and water, can be prevented from doing so when alloyed with chromium and nickel. This forms stainless steel (see Table C3.06). y op ie ev -R C U op y ni ve rs Ionic compounds form lattices consisting of positive and negative ions. In an ionic lattice, the nearest neighbours of an ion are always of the opposite charge. Thus, in sodium chloride, each sodium (Na+) ion is surrounded by six chloride (Cl–) ions (Figure C3.31), and each Cl– ion is surrounded by six Na+ ions. Overall, there are equal numbers of Na+ and Cl– ions, so the charges balance. id g w e Giant covalent crystals (macromolecules) ev ie Giant covalent crystals are held together by strong covalent bonds. This type of structure is shown by some elements (such as carbon, in the form of diamond and graphite), and also by some compounds (for example, SiO2). es s -R br am The actual arrangement of the ions in other compounds depends on the numbers of ions involved and on -C Disruption of an ionic lattice is also brought about by water. Many ionic compounds dissolve in water. Water molecules are able to interact with both positive and negative ions. When an ionic crystal dissolves, each ion becomes surrounded by water molecules. This breaks up the lattice and keeps the ions apart (Figure C3.33). For those ionic compounds that do not dissolve in water, the forces between the ions must be very strong. Ions in solution are able to move, so the solution can carry an electric current. Ionic compounds can conduct electricity when dissolved in water. This is also true when they are melted because, here again, the ions are able to move through the liquid and carry the current. ity C w ie s es Pr op y Ionic crystals ev Ionic crystals are hard but much more brittle than metallic crystals. This is a result of the structure of the layers. In a metallic crystal, the ions are identical and held together by the mobile electrons. This remains true if one layer is slid against the next. However, pushing one layer against another in an ionic crystal brings ions of the same charge next to each other. The repulsions force the layers apart (Figure C3.32). w ge id -C am br It is important that you learn which elements are present in certain alloys, such as brass, bronze, mild steel and stainless steel, and you should be familiar with certain key uses for each alloy. The syllabus gives uses for mild steel (car bodies and machinery) and stainless steel (chemical plant and cutlery) – make sure you are aware of these. R their sizes. However, it is important to remember that all ionic compounds are electrically neutral. C U R ni ev ve ie w C ity op Pr y es s -C am br Figure C3.30 a The positions of atoms in a pure metal crystal before a force is applied. b Ater the force is applied, slippage has taken place. The layers in a pure metal can slide over each other. c In an alloy, slippage is prevented because the atoms of diferent size cannot slide over each other. ev ge id C op ni force applied here U R y ve rs ity op C ev ie w c TIP intriguing alloys! Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data This activity consists of three sections, each of which illustrates how the combination of metal elements into an alloy results in useful and novel properties. The alloys investigated are solder, Fields metal and nitinol. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. -R pure metal -C b ACtivity C3.03 ev ie am br id ge a C U ni op y C3: Elements and compounds Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 237 ve rs ity chlorine atom (Cl ) am br id y op Pr es s -C e– sodium ion (Na+) Cl – Na+ unit cell – + – + – + – + + – + – + – + – – + – + – + – + + – + -C – + + – – + + – – + diamond b ity op rs C w y op C U R ni ev ve ie es Pr op y ity op y ni ve rs Graphite is a diferent form of carbon that does conduct electricity (Table C3.07). The carbon atoms are arranged in a diferent way in the molecular structure of graphite. They are arranged in flat layers of linked hexagons (Figure C3.34b). Each graphite layer is a two-dimensional giant molecule. Within these layers, each carbon atom is bonded to three others by strong covalent bonds. Between the layers there are weaker forces of attraction. The layers are able to slide over each other easily. This means that graphite feels slippery and can be used -R s es am br ev ie id g w e C U The properties of diamond are due to the fact that the strong covalent bonds extend in all directions through the whole crystal. Each carbon atom is attached to four others – the atoms are arranged tetrahedrally (Figure C3.34). Diamond has a very high melting point and, because the bonding extends throughout the whole structure, it is very hard and is used in cutting tools. The bonds are rigid, however, and these structures are much more brittle than -C giant metallic lattices. All the outer electrons of the atoms in these structures are used to form covalent bonds. There are no electrons free to move. Diamond is therefore a typical non-metallic element. It does not conduct electricity. s -C -R am br ev id ie Figure C3.34 a The tetrahedral structure of diamond and silicon(IV) oxide (silicon dioxide). b The layered structure of graphite. C w ie how the layers fit together w ge one layer Figure C3.33 Water molecules form ‘shells’ around metal (yellow) and non-metal (green) ions. This helps ionic substances (like sodium chloride, NaCl) to dissolve in water. ev silicon(IV) oxide Pr y Figure C3.32 In ionic crystals, when one layer is forced to slide against another, repulsions cause the crystal to fracture. C op – w + ie – ev + -R – s + es – repulsion + U – id + ge + br – am + a ni force applied here y Figure C3.31 The arrangement of the positive and negative ions in a sodium chloride crystal. R ev ie w C ve rs ity sodium atom (Na) R – -R gains one electron 238 Cl ev ie chloride ion – (Cl ) loses one electron Na+ w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C3: Elements and compounds Appearance colourless, transparent crystals that sparkle in light in jewellery and ornamental objects Hardness the hardest natural substance in drill bits, diamond sot – the layers can slide saws and glass-cutters over each other – and solid has a slippery feel -R ve rs ity conducts electricity C op y does not conduct electricity U R as electrodes and for the brushes in electric motors id ie w ge Table C3.07 A comparison of the properties and uses of diamond and graphite. ev Molecular crystals op rs ve op y A summary of the physical properties of the diferent types of structure ni C U es Pr ity ni ve rs C3.27 How does molten sodium chloride conduct electricity? C3.28 Why does sodium chloride not conduct when it is solid? C3.29 Why can graphite: a conduct electricity? b be used as a lubricant? Why is diamond much harder than graphite? C3.31 Why do molecular crystals never conduct electricity? id g ev C3.33 How is the structure of silicon(IV) oxide similar to that of diamond? es s -R br am Why can metals conduct electricity? ie C3.32 Graphite can be used as a solid lubricant because molecular layers in graphite can slide over each other. -C op C3.30 e U y The electrical conductivity of graphite is explained in terms of the mobile electrons not used in the bonding of the layers. It is these ‘free’ electrons that are able to move and carry the current, not those involved in the covalent bonding of the layers. C -C s QuEStiONS It is important that you can recognise the structures of diamond and graphite if you are presented with the diagrams in an exam question. Make sure that you can describe the essential features of the two structures and link them to the properties of the two forms. So you should be able to explain the hardness of diamond in terms of the strongly bonded three-dimensional network of the structure. op y C w ie ev -R am br ev id ie w ge The properties of a substance can be related to the type of structure it has. The four diferent types of structure are summarised in Figure C3.35. w ev R TIP Some non-metals (e.g. iodine and sulfur) and some covalently bonded compounds exist as solids with low melting points. In these crystals, molecules of these elements or compounds are held together by weak intermolecular forces to form a crystal that is easily broken down by heat. The molecules are then free to move but, unlike the particles in an ionic crystal, they have no charge. Neither the liquid nor the solid forms of these substances conduct electricity. -R ity The giant structures of diamond and silicon(IV) oxide are very similar (Figure C3.34a). As a result, they show similar physical properties. They are both very hard and have high melting points. Sand and quartz are examples of silica (silicon(IV) oxide or silicon dioxide, SiO2). The whole structure of silicon and oxygen atoms is held together throughout by strong covalent bonds. C w ie s Pr y es -C am br as a lubricant. Pencil ‘lead’ is, in fact, graphite. When we write with a pencil, thin layers of graphite are let stuck to the paper. The most distinctive property, however, arises from the free electrons not used by the layered atoms in covalent bonding. These electrons can move between the layers, carrying charge, so that graphite can conduct electricity in a similar way to metals. R in pencils and as a lubricant less dense than diamond (2.25 g/cm3) ni Electrical conductivity Uses dark grey, shiny solid Pr es s -C y w C op more dense than graphite (3.51 g/cm3) Properties ev ie Uses am br id Properties Density ev ie w Graphite ge Diamond Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 239 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Substances that consist of simple molecules have relatively low melting points and boiling points. This is because there are only weak forces between the molecules. They don’t conduct electricity. y w ev ie ve rs ity op C H Metals conduct heat and electricity because their structures contain delocalised (free) electrons. The layers of atoms in metals are able to slide over each other. This is why we can bend and shape metals. H w ie ev -R y op C w ie ev -R es s ■ ity Pr ■ ■ y op U ev ie id g w e ■ es s -R br am -C the ‘sharing’ of electrons between atoms to form stable molecules how covalent bonding produces two types of structure – simple molecules and giant covalent (macromolecular) structures that electrostatic forces of attraction between positive and negative ions are the basis of ionic bonding in compounds between metals and non-metals how the physical properties of a substance are related to the type of bonding present that diamond and graphite are two diferent forms of carbon with diferent giant covalent structures and distinctly diferent properties that alloys can be made to show properties that are adapted to a particular purpose; for example, strength (steel), resistance to corrosion (stainless steel) or low melting point about metallic bonding in which the closely packed metal atoms lose their outer electrons into a ‘sea’ of mobile electrons C w ie ev R ■ H s ■ ni ve rs ■ H H C es id op y C ■ H H Pr ni U ■ br am -C ■ H C ity rs ve how the Periodic Table lists the elements of the Universe in order of increasing proton number about the diferent characteristics of metallic and nonmetallic elements how the Periodic Table is divided into vertical groups and horizontal periods, with clear trends in properties as we move down a group or across a period that certain groups, such as the alkali metals (Group I) and the halogens (Group VII), have distinctive names and contain the most reactive metals and non-metals respectively how the structures of all substances are made up of atoms, ions or molecules about the three main types of bonding that hold these structures together: ● metallic bonding ● ionic bonding ● covalent bonding about covalent bonding, which occurs in some elements and non-metallic compounds and involves ge ev R ■ H y ni ge id C w ie You should know: ■ H H C Compounds made from ions are called ionic compounds. The ions are arranged in a giant lattice. Ionic compounds have very high melting points and boiling points. When they are dissolved in water or melted, they can conduct electricity. This is because their ions are free to move about and carry the current. br am -C y op Summary ■ H H U R Figure C3.35 Summary of the diferent types of structure. 240 H H C C op w ev ie H Pr es s -C -R am br id ge Atoms that share electrons can form giant covalent structures called macromolecules. These have very high melting points because their atoms are linked together with strong covalent bonds. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie -R y C op w ge copper sulfur Use of element id Element chlorine potassium U aluminium helium sterilising drinking water Melting point/ °C Electrical conductivity Reaction with water Pr A –39 B none –220 very low reacts quickly C –112 very low none D 181 high reacts quickly ni ve rs ity high 241 y Element es s The following table shows properties of four elements A, B, C and D. br ev id ie w ge C Use the information in the table to suggest which of the elements A, B, C and D could be: i non-metals, ii an element in Group 0 of the Periodic Table, iii an element in Group I of the Periodic Table. [Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences 0654 Paper 22 Q1 a & b June 2014] -R am s C es B N O F Ne Pr Be [1] ity To which period of the Periodic Table do these elements belong? Answer these questions using only the elements shown in the diagram. Each element can be used once, more than once or not at all. Write down the symbol for the element which: i has six electrons in its outer shell ii is a halogen iii is a metal which reacts rapidly with cold water iv has two forms, graphite and diamond v is in Group II of the Periodic Table vi makes up about 80% of the air. -R s es am br ev ie id g w e C U op y ni ve rs a b -C ie w C op y Li ev [1] [1] [1] The diagram below shows the elements in a period of the Periodic Table. -C 2 R [3] U R ev ie w C op y b making food containers -R -C am br ev filling weather balloons op R Pr es s Select elements from the list below to complete the let-hand column in the table shown. Each element may be used once, more than once or not at all. ie a ■ ve rs ity ev ie 1 about the diferences in structure and properties between simple molecular and giant molecular covalent structures. w ge End-of-chapter questions ni w C op y -C ■ how the closely packed structure of metals can explain the characteristic properties of metals, and how one metal can strengthen another when the two form an alloy about the nature of ionic lattices and how it gives rise to the properties of salts am br id ■ C U ni op y C3: Elements and compounds Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [6] (continued) ve rs ity c w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences atoms electrons -C [2] y Pr es s [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 21 Q1 November 2010] An element is a substance that is made of atoms which have the same proton number. Most atoms contain protons, neutrons and electrons. ve rs ity a b i C op Q 2,8 U R P 2,8,1 R 2,7 op Pr y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge Use the electronic structures to state and explain the group numbers in the Periodic Table that contain elements P, Q and R. P Group Q Group R Group explanation ii State and explain which of the elements, P, Q or R, is the least reactive. iii State and explain which one of the elements, P, Q or R, is a good conductor of electricity. ity A 2,5 B 2,8,4 C 2,8,8,2 D 2,8,18,8 E 2,8,18,8,1 w ie ev -R -C 2,8,18,18,7 es s Choose an element from the list for each of the following descriptions. i It is a noble gas. ii It is a sot metal with a low density. iii It can form a covalent compound with element A. iv It has a giant covalent structure similar to diamond. v It can form a negative ion of the type X3−. Elements C and F can form an ionic compound. i Draw a diagram that shows the formula of this compound, the charges on the ions and the arrangement of the valency electrons around the negative ion. Use o to represent an electron from an atom of C. Use × to represent an electron from an atom of F. ii Predict two properties of this compound. op C U w e ie id g [3] [2] ev [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 31 Q3 June 2009] es s -R br am -C [5] y ni ve rs ity Pr op y C w ie ev R b C U ge id br F a op Electron distribution ni Element y ve rs The following is a list of the electron distributions of atoms of unknown elements. am w R ev ie 4 [2] [1] [1] [Cambridge IGCSE Combined Science 0653 Paper 22 Q2 a & b June 2012] C 242 [1] y Name the element whose atoms do not usually contain any neutrons. The electronic structures (configurations) of atoms of three elements, P, Q and R, are shown below. ni C w ev ie protons of the elements in the Periodic Table are arranged in order of increasing op 3 neutrons -R The number of molecules ev ie am br id Write out and complete the following sentence using words from the list below. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity III IV V Y Z The element represented by X is a solid at room temperature and the elements represented by Y and Z are gases. i Suggest one diference, other than physical state at room temperature, between the properties of elements X and Y. ii Suggest one diference between the chemical properties of elements Y and Z. Sodium chloride is a compound of the alkali metal sodium and the halogen chlorine. i Explain why the elements sodium and chlorine are only ever found combined with other elements in the Earth’s crust. ii Describe the changes in electron configuration when sodium atoms (2,8,1) react with chlorine atoms (2,8,7) to form sodium chloride. [1] [2] ie ev id br -R am es s -C Pr y 243 ity op rs C w ni op y ve ie ev y -R s es am br ev ie id g w e C U op ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ev R -C [1] [1] w ge U R ni C op y ve rs ity Pr es s -C y op C w VII 0 X Period 2 ev ie VI -R II ev ie The table below shows Period 2 of the Periodic Table. I b w ge a am br id 5 C U ni op y C3: Elements and compounds Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie Pr ity op y ve ni C U w ie ev Pr op y ■ -R ■ s ■ es ■ ge ■ id ■ br ■ am ■ the diferences between physical and chemical changes how to write word and chemical equations the diferent types of chemical reaction the definition of oxidation and reduction how to use state symbols in an equation the writing of ionic equations electricity and chemistry – conductivity of metals electrolysis oxidising agents, reducing agents and redox reactions. -C R ev ie w rs This chapter covers: ■ -R es -C y op C 244 s am br ev id ie w ge U R C4 Chemical reactions Physical change w ev -R s es am br But what is a chemical reaction? How does it difer from a simple physical change? ie id g w e C U op y The Chinese character for chemistry literally means ‘change study’ (Figure C4.01). Chemistry deals with how substances react with each other. Chemical reactions range from the very simple through to the interconnecting reactions that keep our bodies alive. -C ie ev R Ice, snow and water may look diferent, but they are all made of water molecules (H2O). They are diferent physical forms of the same substance – water – existing under diferent conditions of temperature and pressure. One form can change into another if those conditions change. In such changes, no new chemical substances are formed. Dissolving sugar in ethanol or water is another example of a physical change. It produces a solution, but the substances can easily be separated again by distillation. ni ve rs C ity C4.01 Chemical reactions and equations Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ve rs ity w C op y Figure C4.01 The Chinese symbols for ‘change’. Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie w ge C U ni op y C4: Chemical reactions This is what we know about physical changes: C op br ev id ie w ge U R ni ev ie y In a physical change, the substances present remain chemically the same: no new substances are formed. ■ Physical changes are oten easy to reverse. Any mixtures produced are usually easy to separate. ■ -R rs y op C ie w ge ev id br -R am y op w e ev ie id g es s -R br am The major feature of a chemical change, or reaction, is that new substance(s) are made during the reaction. ■ Many reactions, but not all of them, are dificult to reverse. ■ During a chemical reaction, energy can be given out or taken in: ● when energy is given out, the reaction is exothermic ● when energy is taken in, the reaction is endothermic. ■ There are many more exothermic reactions than endothermic reactions. ■ C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C This is what we know about chemical changes: Image C4.01 Magnesium burns strongly in oxygen. -C Image C4.02 Glow-in-the-dark bracelets. Glow bracelets are single-use, see-through, plastic tubes containing isolated chemicals. When the tube is squeezed, a glass partition keeping the chemicals apart breaks, and a reaction takes place that produces chemiluminescence. During the reaction between nitrogen and oxygen to make nitrogen monoxide, heat energy is taken in from the surroundings. The reaction is an endothermic change. Such reactions are much less common than exothermic ones. U R ni ev ve ie w C ity op Pr y es -C When magnesium burns in oxygen (Image C4.01), the white ash produced is a new substance – the compound, magnesium oxide. Burning magnesium produces a brilliant white flame. Energy is given out in the form of heat and light. The reaction is an exothermic change. The combination of the two elements, magnesium and oxygen, to form the new compound is dificult to reverse. Some other chemical reactions, such as those in fluorescent ‘glow bracelets’ (Image C4.02), produce chemiluminescence. They give out energy in the form of light. s am Chemical change Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 245 ve rs ity C4.01 ev ie am br id QUESTIONS w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences State whether the following changes are physical or chemical: -R a the melting of ice c the sublimation of solid carbon dioxide C C4.02 State whether the following changes are exothermic or endothermic: ve rs ity op y d the dissolving of sugar in water. Pr es s -C b the burning of magnesium w a the condensation of steam to water ev ie b the burning of magnesium U R ni C op y c the addition of concentrated sulfuric acid to water ge d the evaporation of a volatile liquid. C4.03 am br ev id ie w What is the most important thing that shows us that a chemical reaction has taken place? -R Image C4.03 The decomposition of ammonium dichromate – the ‘volcano reaction’ – produces heat, light and an apparently large amount of powder. rs op ni C U ev id ie Note that, although a large amount of energy is produced in this reaction, it is not included in the equation. An equation includes only the chemical substances involved, and energy is not a chemical substance. -R This type of equation gives us some information. But equations can be made even more useful if we write them using chemical formulae. s es Pr We can write out descriptions of chemical reactions, but these would be quite long. To understand and group similar reactions together, it is useful to have a shorter way of describing them. The simplest way to do this is in the form of a word equation. ity Balanced symbol equations From investigations of a large number of diferent chemical reactions, a very important point about all reactions has been discovered. It is summed up in a law, known as the law of conservation of mass. op y ni ve rs C w w e C U This type of equation links together the names of the substances that react (the reactants) with those of the new substances formed (the products). The word equation for burning magnesium in oxygen would be: KEy tERM ev -R product law of conservation of mass: the total mass of all the products of a chemical reaction is equal to the total mass of all the reactants es s reactants ie id g br magnesium oxide am magnesium + oxygen -C ie ev water w ge hydrogen + oxygen br am -C op y Word equations R The reaction between hydrogen and oxygen is another highly exothermic reaction. The reaction has been used to fuel rockets, most notably the now-retired Space Shuttle. Large tanks beneath the Shuttle contained liquid hydrogen and oxygen. In 1986, cracked rubber seals on the fuel tanks of the shuttle Challenger caused a catastrophic explosion and loss of life. The word equation for this reaction is: y ve w ie ev R s ity op When some chemical reactions occur, it is obvious that ‘something has happened’. But this is not the case for others. When a solid explosive reacts to produce large amounts of gas products, the rapid expansion may blast the surroundings apart. The volcano reaction, in which ammonium dichromate is decomposed, gives out a large amount of energy and produces nitrogen gas (Image C4.03). Other reactions produce gases much less violently. The neutralisation of an acid solution with an alkali produces no change that you can see. However, a reaction has happened. The temperature of the mixture increases, and new substances have formed which can be separated and purified. C 246 es Pr y -C C4.02 Equations for chemical reactions Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity b ev ie w H am br id ge a C U ni op y C4: Chemical reactions H Pr es s -C y op ev ie w C ve rs ity Image C4.04 a A balloon filled with hydrogen and oxygen b is ignited spectacularly. y w ge ie ev id -R s es Pr WORKED EXAMPLE C4.01 ity rs ve ni op y water Step 2: From this you can write out the word equation: U R ge C magnesium + oxygen w ie ev id -R s es Pr MgO Remember that oxygen exists as diatomic molecules. This equation is not balanced: there are two oxygen atoms on the let, but only one on the right. Step 4: Balance the equation: ity 2MgO ni ve rs id g w e C U op y We cannot alter the formulae of the substances involved in the reaction. These are fixed by the bonding in the substance itself. We can only put multiplying numbers in front of each formula where necessary. ev ie Chemical reactions do not only involve elements reacting together. In most reactions, compounds are involved. For example, potassium metal is very reactive and gives hydrogen gas when it comes into contact with water. es s -R br am Figure C4.02 The reaction between hydrogen and oxygen molecules. -C Mg + O2 2Mg + O2 This is a balanced equation. The numbers of each type of atom are the same on both the reactant side and the H magnesium oxide Step 3: Write out the equation using the formulae of the elements and compounds: br am -C op y C w ie ev R Figure C4.03 Summary of the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. Step 1: Make sure you know what the reactants and products are. For example, magnesium burns in air (oxygen) to form magnesium oxide. The symbol equation for the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen is therefore written: 2H2O water 2H2O hydrogen + oxygen 2H2 + O2 What is the balanced equation for the reaction between magnesium and oxygen? Each molecule of water (formula H2O) contains only one oxygen atom (O). It follows that one molecule of oxygen (O2) has enough oxygen atoms to produce two molecules of water (H2O). Therefore, two molecules of hydrogen (H2) will be needed to provide enough hydrogen atoms (H) to react with each oxygen molecule. The numbers of hydrogen and oxygen atoms are then the same on both sides of the equation. 2H2 + O2 H H A balanced equation gives us more information about a reaction than we can get from a simple word equation. Below is a step-by-step approach to working out the balanced equation for a reaction. br ev hydrogen + oxygen H Writing balanced equations am -C y op C w ie Look more closely at Figure C4.02: O C op ni U R This important law becomes clear if we consider what is happening to the atoms and molecules involved in a reaction. During a chemical reaction, the atoms of one element are not changed into those of another element. Nor do atoms disappear from the mixture, or appear from nowhere. A reaction involves the breaking of some bonds between atoms, and then the making of new bonds between atoms to give the new products. During a chemical reaction, some of the atoms present ‘change partners’, sometimes spectacularly (Image C4.04). O O product side of the equation: four hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms on each side (Figure C4.03). No matter how spectacular the reaction, this statement is always true – though it is easier to collect all the products in some cases than in others! O H O -R H H Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 247 ve rs ity y ve rs ity a …Cu + O2 ni U w ge id ie e …Al + …Cl2 ev f -R C4.03 types of chemical reaction y op C w ge ie id ev It is possible to distinguish reactions in which complex compounds are built from simpler substances (synthesis) from those where the reverse happens (decomposition). -R s es ity Pr op y Synthesis (or direct combination) reactions occur where two or more substances react together to form just one product. The reaction between iron and sulfur is an example of this (Image C4.06): ni ve rs C iron + sulfur Fe + FeS ie id g w e Heat is required to start the reaction but, once started, it continues exothermically. Most synthesis reactions are exothermic. However, there is one very important synthesis reaction, which is endothermic: namely photosynthesis. es s -R br ev The only things that you can change when balancing are the numbers in front of the formulae. am iron(II) sulfide C U It is important to remember that you cannot change the formulae of the substances themselves when balancing equations. These are fixed by the nature of the atoms and their bonding. -C S op w ie ev …Fe3O4 + …H2 Synthesis and decomposition br am -C 2KOH + H2 This equation is now balanced. Check for yourself that the numbers of the three types of atom are the same on both sides. R …Fe + …H2O s es Pr ity rs ve ni U This symbol equation needs to be balanced. An even number of H atoms is needed on the product side, because on the reactant side the hydrogen occurs as H20. Therefore, the amount of KOH must be doubled. Then the number of potassium atoms and water molecules must be doubled on the let: TIP Na2SO4 + …H2O …AlCl3 There are very many diferent chemical reactions. To make sense of them, it is useful to try to group certain types of reaction together. These types do not cover all reactions; and some reactions, such as redox reactions, may fit into more than one category. Organic reactions such as polymerisation have been let until later chapters. KOH + H2 2K + 2H2O …Na2O d …NaOH + H2SO4 br w ie ev R K + H2O …NH3 c …Na + O2 potassium hydroxide + hydrogen Then: …CuO C op b N2 + …H2 am -C y op C potassium + water Copy out and balance the following equations: y op C w ev ie R Therefore: 248 a Iron rusts because it reacts with oxygen in the air to form a compound called iron(III) oxide. c Sodium reacts strongly with water to give a solution of sodium hydroxide; hydrogen gas is also given of. C4.05 Potassium reacts with water to produce potassium hydroxide and hydrogen (Image C4.05). All the alkali metals do this. So, if you know one of these reactions, you know them all. In fact, you could learn the general equation: metal hydroxide + hydrogen Write word equations for the reactions described below. b Sodium hydroxide neutralises sulfuric acid to form sodium sulfate and water. Pr es s -C -R C4.04 y am br id ev ie w QuEStiONS Image C4.05 Potassium reacts strongly with water to produce hydrogen. alkali metal + water C ge U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C4: Chemical reactions w ge Neutralisation and precipitation ie ev id br -R s Pr C6H12O6 + This type of reaction can be used to prepare insoluble salts and is also the basis for many analytical tests for both metal cations and non-metal anions (see Chapter C12). The limewater test for carbon dioxide depends on precipitation. Here the insoluble product is calcium carbonate (Image C4.07). A milky suspension of insoluble calcium carbonate is formed: 6O2 rs y ve ev CaO + CO2 ev + H2O es -C CaCO3 lime heat CaCO3 s am calcium oxide + carbon dioxide CO2 + Ca(OH)2 -R br id ie w ge C U R ni op Decomposition reactions have just one reactant, which breaks down to give two or more simpler products. Lime for agriculture and for making cement is manufactured industrially by the decomposition of limestone (calcium carbonate): limestone precipitation: the sudden formation of a solid, either when two solutions are mixed or when a gas is bubbled into a solution glucose + oxygen ity op C w ie es -C am KEy tERM The green pigment chlorophyll is essential for this reaction because it traps energy from the Sun. heat + water w ge U R y sunlight chlorophyll + 6H2O calcium carbonate salt Precipitation reactions involve the formation of an insoluble product. This reaction is essential for life on Earth. It takes place in the green leaves of plants and requires energy from sunlight. It is a photochemical reaction. Small molecules of carbon dioxide and water are used to make the larger molecule glucose: 6CO2 CuSO4 + H2O C op y acid + base Image C4.06 The synthesis reaction between iron and sulfur. carbon dioxide + water Neutralisation reactions involve acids. When acids react with bases or alkalis, their acidity is destroyed. They are neutralised and a salt is produced. Such reactions are known as neutralisation reactions. An example is: H2SO4 + CuO ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie Salts are a useful type of chemical compound that we will meet in detail in Chapter C5. A few salts, mainly chlorides, bromides and iodides, can be made by synthesis (direct combination) as mentioned above. The majority have to be made either by neutralisation or by precipitation. + Cl2 y op 2Ag C chlorine w + -R Image C4.07 Calcium carbonate is precipitated from limewater by carbon dioxide. s es am br Silver bromide and silver iodide behave in the same way. These photochemical reactions are the basis of film used in non-digital photography and movie-making. ie id g 2AgCl silver ev light U light e silver chloride ni ve rs Decomposition can also be caused by light energy. For example, silver chloride, a white solid, turns grey in sunlight because silver metal is formed: -C R ev ie w C ity Pr op y These reactions are endothermic. They require heat energy. Decomposition caused by heat energy is called thermal decomposition. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 249 ve rs ity mainly methane. Its complete combustion produces carbon dioxide and water vapour: am br id ev ie w ge a C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences -R methane + oxygen ni C op y ve rs ity Our bodies need energy to make the reactions that take place in our cells possible. These reactions allow us to carry out our everyday activities. We need energy to stay alive. We get this energy from food. During digestion, food is broken down into simpler substances. For example, the carbohydrates in rice, potatoes and bread are broken down to form glucose. The combustion of glucose with oxygen in the cells of our body provides energy: U ie w ge -R glucose + oxygen es Pr rs op y ve ni U ie w ge C This reaction is exothermic and is known by a special name: respiration. In combustion reactions, the substance involved is oxidised. Oxygen is added and oxides are formed. Not all reactions with oxygen produce a great amount of energy. For example, when air is passed over heated copper, the surface becomes coated with black copper(II) oxide. There is no flame, nor is the reaction very exothermic. But it is still an oxidation reaction (Figure C4.04a): ev id -R s es Pr op y ity copper copper(II) oxide O2 heat 2CuO + y C e id g w Combustion reactions are of great importance and can be very useful or destructive. ev ie copper(II) oxide + hydrogen br heat copper + water s -R During this reaction, the copper(II) oxide is losing oxygen. The copper(II) oxide is undergoing reduction – it is losing es am heat op U Combustion, oxidation and reduction -C oxygen This process can be reversed, and the copper surface regenerated, if hydrogen gas is passed over the heated material. The black coating on the surface turns pink as the reaction takes place (Figure C4.04b): 2KCl + I2 The combustion of natural gas is an important source of energy for homes and industry. Natural gas is + 2Cu ni ve rs C w ie + 6H2O burning: combustion in which a flame is produced The halogens can be placed in order of reactivity using displacement reactions. Thus, chlorine gas will displace iodine from potassium iodide solution. The colourless solution turns yellow-brown as iodine appears (Image C4.08b): Cl2 + 2KI 6CO2 combustion: the reaction of a substance with oxygen causing the release of energy; it is exothermic and oten involves a flame br am -C ZnSO4 + Cu 6O2 KEy tERMS ity C Zn + CuSO4 carbon dioxide + water s C6H12O6 + Displacement reactions are useful in working out the patterns of reactivity of elements of the same type. A displacement reaction occurs because a more reactive element will displace a less reactive one from a solution of one of its compounds. w ie ev R ev id br am -C y op Displacement reactions ev + 2H2O Pr es s -C y op C Image C4.08 Displacement reactions. a Zinc will displace copper from copper(II) sulfate solution, and the colour of the solution fades as the copper forms on the zinc surface. b Chlorine displaces iodine from a potassium iodide solution. The colourless solution turns yellow-brown. Zinc is a more reactive metal than copper. If a piece of zinc is placed in a copper(II) sulfate solution, a red-brown deposit of copper forms on the zinc (Image C4.08a). The blue colour of the copper(II) sulfate solution fades. Zinc displaces copper from copper(II) sulfate solution: R CO2 2O2 Substances such as methane, which undergo combustion readily and give out a large amount of energy, are known as fuels. w ev ie b R 250 + CH4 carbon dioxide + water Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge copper powder am br id ev ie w a C U ni op y C4: Chemical reactions Pr es s heat b ni U R excess hydrogen burning C op w ev ie hydrogen in y ve rs ity black copper(II) oxide C op y -C -R air in w ge heat -R am br ev id ie Figure C4.04 a The oxidation of copper to copper(II) oxide. b The reduction of copper(II) oxide back to copper using hydrogen. s Pr Cu + H2O Reduction is very important in industry as it provides a way of extracting metals from the metal oxide ores that occur in the Earth’s crust. A good example is the blast furnace for extracting iron from hematite (Fe2O3) (Chapter C9). y ve ie w rs reduction ni id ie w ge C U R op ev If a substance gains oxygen during a reaction, it is oxidised. ■ If a substance loses oxygen during a reaction, it is reduced. ■ op y es s -C am Notice that the two processes of oxidation and reduction take place together during the same reaction. This is true for a whole range of similar reactions. Consider the following reaction: zinc + carbon monoxide y op U Again, in this reaction, the two processes occur together. Since oxidation never takes place without reduction, it is better to call these reactions oxidation–reduction reactions or redox reactions. e TIP ev ie id g w Remember that, in the process of acting as a reducing agent, that substance will itself be oxidised. The reducing agent will gain the oxygen it is removing from the other compound. The reverse is true for an oxidising agent. es s -R br In this last example, carbon removes oxygen from zinc oxide. Carbon is an example of a reducing agent. am oxidising agent: a substance that will add oxygen to another substance. The commonest oxidising agents are oxygen (or air), hydrogen peroxide, potassium manganate(VII) and potassium dichromate(VI). Zn + CO reduction -C ev ie w ZnO + C KEy tERM ni ve rs C oxidation ity Pr zinc oxide + carbon R -R br ev Some substances are capable of giving oxygen to others. These substances are known as oxidising agents. C C heat reducing agent: an element or compound that will remove oxygen from other substances. The commonest reducing agents are hydrogen, carbon and carbon monoxide. ity op y oxidation CuO + H2 KEy tERM es -C oxygen and being reduced. The hydrogen is gaining oxygen. It is being oxidised: Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 251 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences There are two common examples of oxidation reactions that we might meet in our everyday lives. w ev ie So far, our equations have told us nothing about the physical state of the reactants and products. y C ve rs ity op Chemical equations can be made more useful by including symbols that give us this information. These are called state symbols. They show clearly whether a gas is given of or a solid precipitate is formed during a reaction. The four symbols used are shown in Table C4.01. • Rancidity. Oxidation also has damaging efects on food. When the fats and oils in butter and margarine are oxidised, they become rancid. Their taste and smell change and become very unpleasant. Manufacturers sometimes add antioxidants to fatty foods and oils to prevent oxidation. Keeping foods in a refrigerator can slow down the oxidation process. Storage in airtight containers also helps. Crisp (chip) manufacturers fill bags of crisps with nitrogen to prevent the crisps being oxidised. C op y The following examples show how they can be used. They can show clearly when a gas or a precipitate is produced in a reaction (the points of particular interest are shown in bold type). Note that, when water itself is produced in a reaction, it has the symbol (l) for liquid, not (aq). id ie w ge U ni w -R s Pr rs ve y op ni C U Ionic equations decomposition combustion The last two examples above are useful for showing a further modification in writing equations. This modification identifies more clearly those particles that are actually taking part in a particular reaction. These two reactions involve mixing solutions that contain ions. Only some of the ions present actually change their status – by changing either their bonding or their physical state. The other ions present are simply spectator ions to the change; they do not take part in the reaction. w ge br ev id ie neutralisation oxidation–reduction (redox) -R Pr ity c magnesium + copper oxide magnesium oxide + copper ni ve rs d hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide sodium chloride + water Meaning s solid e b magnesium and steam l liquid g d bromine and potassium iodide solution aq op aqueous solution, i.e. dissolved in water s Table C4.01 The state symbols used in chemical equations. es am e zinc and copper sulfate solution. gas -R br id g c calcium and oxygen C U a sodium and water Symbol y Write word and balanced chemical equations for the reactions between: -C ie w C op y es b calcium carbonate calcium oxide + carbon dioxide s am -C carbon dioxide + water w R Cu(OH)2(s) + Na2SO4(aq) Some types of chemical reaction are listed below. a hexane + oxygen ev NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) ie w ie ev CuSO4(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) Which reaction type best describes the following changes? R Mg(NO3)2(aq) + H2(g) hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide sodium chloride + water b Explain why an aqueous solution of iodine does not react with potassium chloride. C4.08 Mg(s) + 2HNO3(aq) copper(II) sulfate + sodium hydroxide copper(II) hydroxide + sodium sulfate chlorine + potassium bromide C4.07 magnesium nitrate + hydrogen HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) a Copy and complete the word equation for the reaction of chlorine with aqueous potassium bromide. ity op C 252 es The halogens are a group of elements showing trends in colour, state and reaction with other halide ions. y C4.06 -C QuEStiONS am br ev magnesium + nitric acid ev ev ie R State symbols Pr es s -C • Corrosion. If a metal is reactive, its surface may be attacked by air, water or other substances around it. The efect is called corrosion. When iron or steel slowly corrodes in damp air, the product is a brown, flaky substance we call rust. Rust is a form of iron(III) oxide. Rusting weakens structures such as car bodies, iron railings, ships’ hulls and bridges. Rust prevention is a major economic cost. -R am br id ge C4.04 A closer look at reactions, particularly redox reactions Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Redox reactions w ge a C U ni op y C4: Chemical reactions op y Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie Chemists’ ideas about oxidation and reduction have expanded as a wider range of reactions have been studied. Look again at the reaction between copper and oxygen: y ie w ge id w ev -R s es Pr ity rs C y op ni C U ie ev -R This new definition of redox changes increases the number of reactions that can be called redox reactions. For instance, displacement reactions where there is no transfer of oxygen are now included. This is best seen by looking at an ionic equation. For example: y for the precipitation of copper(II) hydroxide, which was given above, becomes: U op Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) C w e ev ie id g reduction Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) oxidation es s -R br am ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s) As an ionic equation this becomes: Cu(OH)2(s) This is the essential ionic equation for the precipitation of copper(II) hydroxide; the spectator ions (sulfate and sodium ions) have been let out. -C Oxidation is the Loss of electrons Reduction is the Gain of electrons s es Pr ity ni ve rs Cu(OH)2(s) + Na2SO4(aq) Cu2+(aq) + 2OH–(aq) OiL RiG w ge id br am op y C w ie ev R Oxidation is the loss of electrons. Reduction is the gain of electrons. We can remember this by using the memory aid ‘OIL RIG’: ve ie ev R -C H2O(l) Applying the same principles to a precipitation reaction again gives us a clear picture of which ions are reacting (Figure C4.05). CuSO4(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) 2CuO A new, broader definition of oxidation and reduction can now be put forward. ■ The use of state symbols clearly shows which ions have not changed during the reaction. They have been crossed out (like this) and can be let out of the equation. This leaves us with the essential ionic equation for all neutralisation reactions: The equation: O2 + It is clear that copper has been oxidised; but what has been reduced? We can apply the ideas behind ionic equations to analyse the changes taking place during this reaction. It then becomes clear that: ■ [H+(aq) + Cl−(aq)] + [Na+(aq) + OH−(aq)] [Na+(aq) + Cl−(aq)] + H2O(l) H+(aq) + OH–(aq) copper(II) oxide heat The copper atoms, which clearly were oxidised during the reaction, have in the process lost electrons. The oxygen atoms have gained electrons in the process. br Writing out all the ions present, we get: heat • the oxygen molecules in the gas have split and become oxide ions (O2–) in the black solid copper(II) oxide. am op y -C The equation given above for neutralising hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide solution is: NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) oxygen C op U R Figure C4.05 A precipitation reaction in which two solutions containing ions are mixed: a the overall reaction, and b the net reaction with the spectator ions not shown. HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) 2Cu + • the copper atoms in the metal have become copper ions (Cu2+) in copper(II) oxide ni ev ie w C ve rs ity b copper Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s) 253 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Zinc has lost two electrons and copper has gained them. This reaction is a redox reaction as there has been both loss and gain of electrons by diferent elements during the reaction. 2Cl−(aq) + I2(aq) w ev ie The ability to conduct electricity is the major simple diference between elements that are metals and elements that are non-metals. All metals conduct electricity, but carbon in the form of graphite is the only non-metallic element that conducts electricity. A simple circuit can be used to test whether any solid conducts or not (Figure C4.06). The circuit is made up of a battery (a source of direct current), some connecting copper wires fitted with clips, and a light bulb to show when a current is flowing. The material to be tested is clipped into the circuit. If the bulb lights up, then the material is an electrical conductor. C y C op ni w From the ionic equation we can see that chlorine atoms have gained electrons to become chloride ions. They have been reduced. The iodide ions have lost electrons to form iodine. They have been oxidised. ie ev Explain the meaning of the symbols (s), (l), (aq) and (g) in the following equation, with reference to each reactant and product: s Pr i silver nitrate solution + sodium chloride solution silver chloride + silver nitrate solution ve ie w rs C 254 ity op y b Write an ionic equation, including state symbols, for each of the following reactions: es -C Na2CO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) 2NaCl(aq) + H2O(I) + CO2(g) -R br a am C4.09 id QUESTIONS w ge U R ev ie Conductivity in solids – conductors and insulators ve rs ity Cl2(aq) + 2I−(aq) Pr es s op y -C It is on the basis of this definition that chlorine, for instance, is a good oxidising agent. It displaces iodine from potassium iodide solution (see Image C4.08). Is this reaction a redox reaction? -R am br id ge of the large-scale supply of electricity can be seen in the pylons and power lines that mark our landscape. But electricity is also important on the very small scale. The silicon chip enables a vast range of products to work, and many people now have access to products containing electronic circuits – from MP3 players to washing machines. y op ge C U R ni ev ii sodium sulfate solution + barium nitrate solution sodium nitrate solution + barium sulfate s Pr ity electrons repelled into wire from negative – terminal of battery ni ve rs y C br bulb s -R Figure C4.06 Testing a solid material to see if it conducts electricity, by whether it lights a bulb. es am -C carbon rod ev ie id g w e C4.05 Electrolysis Electricity has had a great efect on our way of living. Large urban areas, such as Hong Kong, could not function without the electricity supply. The results e– battery U R e– + electrons attracted to positive terminal of battery op C w is the gain of electrons; is the loss of electrons. During a redox reaction the oxidising agent electrons; the oxidising agent is itself during the reaction. ev ie es am -C Copy and complete the following statement: op y C4.10 -R br ev id ie w iii dilute hydrochloric acid + potassium hydroxide solution potassium chloride solution + water iv dilute hydrochloric acid + copper carbonate copper chloride solution + water + carbon dioxide For a solid to conduct, it must have a structure that contains ‘free’ electrons that are able to flow through it. There is a flow of electrons in the completed circuit. The battery acts as an ‘electron pump’. Electrons are repelled (pushed) into the circuit from the negative terminal of the battery. They are attracted to the positive terminal. Metals (and graphite) conduct electricity because they have mobile free electrons in their structure. The battery ‘pumps’ all the free electrons in one direction. Metallic alloys are held together by the same type of bonding as the metal elements, so they also can conduct electricity. Solid covalent non-metals do not conduct electricity. Whether they are giant molecular or simple molecular structures, there are no electrons that are not involved in bonding – there are no free electrons. Such substances are called non-conductors or insulators (Table C4.02). Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Non-electrolytes Giant molecular Simple molecular sulfuric acid distilled water diamond sulfur molten lead bromide ethanol poly(ethene) iodine sodium chloride solution petrol hydrochloric acid parafin copper(II) chloride solution molten sulfur sodium hydroxide solution sugar solution brass C ev ie ve rs ity graphite y C op If liquid compounds or solutions are tested using the apparatus in Figure C4.07, then the result will depend on the type of bonding holding the compound together. U R KEy tERM s es The conductivity of liquids can be tested in a similar way to solids, but the simple testing circuit is changed (Figure C4.07). Instead of clipping the solid material to be tested into the circuit, graphite rods are dipped into the test liquid. Liquid compounds, solutions and molten materials can all be tested in this way. Molten metals, and mercury, which is liquid at room temperature, conduct electricity. Electrons are still able to move through the liquid metal to carry the charge. As in solid metals, When these liquids conduct, they do so in a diferent way from metals. In this case, they conduct because the ions present can move through the liquid; when metals conduct, electrons move through the metal. y op C U R ni ev ve rs w C ity op Pr y Conductivity in liquids – electrolytes and non-electrolytes ie -R br -C am There is no chemical change when an electric current is passed through a metal or graphite. The copper wire is still copper when the current is switched of! ev id ie w ge Ionic compounds will not conduct electricity when they are solid because their ions are fixed in position and cannot move. Liquids that conduct electricity by movement of ions are called electrolytes. Liquids that do not conduct in this way are called non-electrolytes. -R br am + Pr op y es s -C battery ammeter A ni ve rs C op C U liquid under test KEy tERM ie id g e This type of change is called electrolysis and is described in more detail below. heat if necessary ev electrolysis: the breakdown of an ionic compound, molten or in aqueous solution, by the use of electricity es s -R br am Figure C4.07 The apparatus for testing the conductivity of liquids. -C Pb(l) + Br2(g) y graphite rod R ev PbBr2(l) + graphite rod w w ie – When electrolytes conduct electricity, chemical change takes place and the ionic compound is split up. For example, lead bromide is changed to lead and bromine: ity bulb If the compound is bonded covalently, then it will not conduct electricity as a liquid or as a solution. Examples of such liquids are ethanol, petrol, pure water and sugar solution (Table C4.03). Ionic compounds will conduct electricity if they are either molten or dissolved in water. Examples of these are molten lead bromide, sodium chloride solution and copper(II) sulfate solution. ev id ie w ge electrical conductor: a substance that conducts electricity but is not chemically changed in the process – Table C4.03 Some electrolytes and non-electrolytes. no chemical change takes place when liquid metals conduct electricity. Table C4.02 Solid electrical conductors and insulators. ni w -R Pr es s poly(tetrafluoroethene), PTFE op y steel poly(chloroethene), PVC -C aluminium am br id silver w Electrolytes ge Conductors Insulators (non-conductors) copper ev ie C U ni op y C4: Chemical reactions Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 255 ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences op y Pr es s -C ■ graphite cathode graphite anode The two distinct types of electrical conductivity are called metallic and electrolytic conductivity. They difer from each other in important ways. dilute hydrochloric acid U ni C op y copper(II) chromate(VI) Figure C4.08 A demonstration to show ionic movement by using a salt solution containing coloured ions. The acid solution was colourless at the start of the experiment. electrons flow ■ a property of elements (metals, and carbon as graphite) and alloys ■ takes place in solids and liquids ■ no chemical change takes place. -R am br ev id ie w ge ■ ACTIVITY C4.01 es y ity op rs C w ge C U ni op the movement of ions The conductivity of ionic compounds is explained by the fact that ions move in a particular direction in an electric field. This can be shown in experiments with coloured salts. ev id ie This experiment tests which of a series of liquids and solutions will conduct electricity, i.e. whether they are electrolytes or non-electrolytes. -R s Pr ity experiments is not now advised in school laboratories, but a similar experiment could be carried out using potassium manganate(VII). In this case the purple colour of the manganate ions would accumulate at the anode. op y ni ve rs positive ions (metal ions or H+ ions) move towards the cathode; they are known as cations ■ negative ions (non-metal ions) move towards the anode; they are known as anions. ev ie id g e ■ es s -R br am -C C U During electrolysis: w op y C Ater passing the current for a short time, the solution around the cathode becomes blue. Around the anode the solution becomes yellow. These colours are produced by the movement (migration) of the ions in the salt. The positive copper ions (Cu2+) are blue in solution. They are attracted to the cathode (the negative electrode). The negative chromate ions (CrO42–) are yellow in solution. They are attracted to the anode (the positive electrode). The use of coloured ions in solution has shown the direction that positive and negative ions move in an electric field. The use of chromates in w ie ev R A worksheet, with a self-assessment checklist, is included on the CD-ROM. es -C am br For example, copper(II) chromate(VI) (CuCrO4) dissolves in water to give a green solution. This solution is placed in the lower part of a U-tube. A colourless solution of dilute hydrochloric acid is then layered on top of the salt solution in each arm, and graphite rods are fitted (Figure C4.08). These rods carry the current into and out of the solution. They are known as electrodes. In electrolysis, the negative electrode is called the cathode; the positive electrode is the anode. the conductivity of liquids and aqueous solutions Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.2 Plan experiments and investigations AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates y ve w ie ev R Pr ions flow ■ a property of ionic compounds ■ takes place in liquids and solutions (not solids) ■ chemical decomposition takes place. s -C Electrolytic conductivity: 256 U-tube ve rs ity C w ev ie R Metallic conductivity: ■ + -R molten salts solutions of salts in water ■ solutions of acids ■ solutions of alkalis. ■ battery ev ie am br id In summary, the following substances are electrolytes: – Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity y A solid ionic compound will not conduct electricity, because the ions are in fixed positions in a solid; they cannot move. The electrolyte must be melted or dissolved in water for it to conduct. Electrolysis of molten compounds An electrolytic cell can be used to electrolyse molten compounds. Heat must be supplied to keep the salt molten. The electrolysis of lead(II) bromide to form lead and bromine vapour is summarised diagrammatically in Figure C4.09. Electrolysis of molten salts is easier if the melting point of the salt is not too high. ve rs ity op ni C op y the electrolytic cell The apparatus in which electrolysis is carried out is known as an electrolytic cell. The direct current is supplied by a battery or power pack. Graphite electrodes U w ge -R lead atoms are released at the negative electrode bromine molecules are released at the positive electrode. Pb2+ + e– → Pb But an ion with a charge of 2+ needs to gain two electrons to become an atom. We have to balance the half-equation like this: y You must use a fume cupboard. Pb2+ + 2e– → Pb U R ni ev ve ie w rs heat In the electrolysis of molten lead bromide: At the negative electrode, lead ions gain electrons (e–) to become lead atoms: ity op C molten lead bromide Pr strong heatproof container es s carbon electrodes y -C am br ev id ie bromine vapour electricity lead + bromine w ie ev s lead bromide 2Br– → Br2 + 2e– ity y w Br– ie Pb2+ ev bromide ion es s -R U e lead ion n id g br am Br– Br Figure C4.09 The electrolysis of lead(II) bromide. -C molten lead bromide one bromine molecule (no charge) C Br– two bromide ions op ni ve rs C w ie ev Each bromide ion needs to lose one electron to become an atom. Bromine atoms form molecules containing two atoms. We have to balance the half-equation like this: + electrode 2+ Pb2+ Pb R Br– → Br2 + e– Pr op y electrode – lead atom (no charge) At the positive electrode, bromide ions lose electrons to form bromine molecules: -R bead of lead metal es -C am br id ge at the end of the experiment heatproof mat two electrons from the electrode C lead ion op C w ev ie -R Pr es s -C It is important to remember that it is the electrons that move through the wire when a metal conducts. However, when a salt solution conducts, it is the ions in the solution that move to the electrodes. They are then discharged at the electrodes. R carry the current into and out of the liquid electrolyte. Graphite is chosen because it is quite unreactive (inert). It will not react with the electrolyte or with the products of electrolysis. Electrons flow from the negative terminal of the battery around the circuit and back to the positive terminal. In the electrolyte it is the ions that move to carry the current. ev ie am br id TIP w ge C U ni op y C4: Chemical reactions Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution two electrons to the electrode 257 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences am br id ev ie When a molten ionic compound is electrolysed: electron flow Pr es s -C w ie ev -R s es Pr ity rs op y ve ni C U One of the most important discoveries in industrial electrolysis was finding suitable conditions for extracting aluminium from its mineral ore, bauxite. The bauxite ore is first treated to produce pure aluminium oxide. This is then dissolved in molten cryolite (sodium aluminium fluoride). The melting point of the mixture is much lower than that of pure aluminium oxide. The mixture is electrolysed between graphite electrodes (Figure C4.11). ie w ge ev id br es s -R am -C Pr op y heat industrial electrolysis of molten compounds Electrolysis is important industrially because it is the only method of extraction available for the most reactive metals. Metals in Groups I and II, and aluminium, are too reactive to be extracted by chemical reduction using carbon like other metals. Metals such as sodium and magnesium are obtained by electrolysis of their molten chlorides. The metal is produced at the cathode. Decomposition products lead bromide, PbBr2 lead (Pb) and bromine (Br2) Pb2+ + 2e– sodium chloride, NaCl sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl2) Na+ + e– potassium iodide, KI potassium (K) and iodine (I2) copper(II) bromide, CuBr2 copper (Cu) and bromine (Br2) Anode reactions(a) Cathode reactions ity Electrolyte Pb 2Br– Br2 + 2e– Na 2Cl– Cl2 + 2e– K+ + e – K Cu2+ + 2e– C Cu 2I– 2Br I2+ 2e– Br2 + 2e– ie id g w e U y ni ve rs C Zn Zn 2+ y C op ni U ge id br am -C y op C w ie w es s Table C4.04 Some examples of the electrolysis of molten salts. -R am br ev These anode reactions are the sum of the two stages written in the text. The loss of an electron from a negative ion like Cl– can also be written 2Cl– – 2e– Cl2. -C ie ev Cl – molten zinc chloride (ZnCl 2) Figure C4.10 The movement of ions in the electrolysis of a molten salt, zinc chloride. Zn During electrolysis, the flow of electrons continues through the circuit. For every two electrons taken from the cathode by a zinc ion, two electrons are set free at the anode by two chloride ions. So, overall, the electrons released at the anode flow through the circuit towards the cathode. During the electrolysis of molten salts, the metal ions, which are always positive (cations), move to the cathode and are discharged. Non-metal ions (except hydrogen), however, are always negative. They are anions and move to the anode to be discharged. (a) Cl – op C w ev ie R ev R Zn2+ + 2e− at the cathode Zn Cl Cl – Zn2+ Cl The zinc ions (Zn2+) move to the cathode. There, each zinc ion picks up (accepts) two electrons and becomes a zinc atom: 258 Cl – Cl Table C4.04 shows some further examples of this type of electrolysis. Cl2 Cl + Cl graphite cathode Cl Cl + e– Cl– Then two chlorine atoms bond together to make a chlorine molecule: R graphite anode ve rs ity op y Figure C4.10 shows the electrolysis of molten zinc chloride. When the switch is closed, the current flows and chlorine gas (which is pale green) begins to bubble of at the anode. Ater a little time, a bead of molten zinc collects at the cathode. The electrical energy from the cell has caused a chemical change (decomposition). The cell decomposes the molten zinc chloride because the ions present move to opposite electrodes where they lose their charge (they are discharged). Figure C4.10 shows this movement. The chloride ions (Cl–) move to the anode. Each chloride ion gives up (donates) one electron to become a chlorine atom: at the anode electron flow -R the metal is always formed at the cathode ■ the non-metal is always formed at the anode. ■ battery or power pack – + w ge switch Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C + op y Pr es s aluminium oxide dissolved in cryolite -R -C solid crust forming on mixture ev ie d.c. supply – ve rs ity molten aluminium C ni w Al ie id Al3+ + 3e– ev ge U R Molten aluminium is attracted to the cathode and collects at the bottom of the cell: at the cathode O2 + 4e– ity 259 rs y op br ev id ie At the anode: op y ni ve rs ity Pr es s -R am -C ie w C op y Metals or hydrogen are released at the negative electrode (cathode). ■ Non-metals (other than hydrogen) are formed at the positive electrode (anode). U Although water is a simple molecular substance, a very small fraction of its molecules split into hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH–): C Electrolysis of dilute sulfuric acid solution As mentioned above, pure water is a very poor conductor of electricity. However, it can be made to decompose if some dilute sulfuric acid is added. A cell such as the one shown in ie ev H+ + OH− s -R only a very few molecules split into ions es -C am most molecules intact w e id g br H2O If the ions of a halogen (Cl–, Br– or I–) are present in a high enough concentration, they will give up electrons more readily than OH– ions will. Molecules of chlorine, bromine or iodine are formed. The OH– ions remain in solution. ■ If no halogen ions are present, the OH– ions will give up electrons more easily than any other non-metal anion. Sulfate and nitrate ions are not discharged in preference to OH– ions. When OH– ions are discharged, oxygen is formed. ■ The following general principles apply to the electrolysis of solutions of ionic compounds. ■ Image C4.09 Copper is quite unreactive so it can be seen deposited on the cathode when copper(II) sulfate solution is electrolysed. w ge C U R ni ev ve The electrolysis of ionic solutions also produces chemical change. However, the products from electrolysis of a solution of a salt may be diferent from those obtained by electrolysis of the molten salt. This is because water itself produces ions. TIP ev (–) Pr y op C w Electrolysis of solutions R (+) es -C At the operating temperature of about 1000 °C, the graphite anodes burn away in the oxygen to give carbon dioxide. So they have to be replaced regularly. ie -R 2O2– s am br Oxygen is released at the anodes: at the anode The more reactive a metal, the more it tends to stay as ions and not be discharged. The H+ ions will accept electrons instead. Hydrogen molecules will be formed, leaving the ions of the reactive metal, for example Na+ ions, in solution. ■ In contrast, the ions of less reactive metals, for example Cu2+ ions, will accept electrons readily and form metal atoms. In this case, the metal will be discharged, leaving the H+ ions in solution (Image C4.09). ■ y Figure C4.11 The industrial electrolysis of molten aluminium oxide to produce aluminium. At the cathode: C op w ev ie Not enough ions are produced for pure water to conduct electricity very well. During electrolysis, however, these hydrogen and hydroxide ions are also able to move to the electrodes. They compete with the ions from the acid or salt to be discharged at the electrodes. But at each electrode just one type of ion gets discharged. w ge graphite anodes am br id graphite lining (cathode) U ni op y C4: Chemical reactions Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity e– e– – e Na+ op y OH– H+ + – U R d.c. power supply y electron flow ni ev ie electron flow C op w C ve rs ity Cl – br ev id ie w ge Figure C4.12 The movement and discharge of ions in the electrolysis of concentrated sodium chloride solution. s -R There are four diferent ions present in the solution. The positive ions (cations), Na+ and H+, flow to the cathode, attracted by its negative charge. The negative ions (anions), Cl– and OH–, travel to the anode. H+ + e– rs C w y ni op hydrogen C w ie br am -R Cl– Pr es s Cl + e– Cl2 ni ve rs So, overall, pale green chlorine gas bubbles of at the anode: y Figure C4.13 The Hofmann voltameter for the electrolysis of dilute sulfuric acid. U op 2Cl– Cl2 + 2e– C Let behind in solution are Na+ and OH– ions; this is sodium hydroxide solution. The solution therefore becomes alkaline. This can be shown by adding indicator to the solution. These products – hydrogen, chlorine and sodium hydroxide – are very important industrially as es s -R br ev ie id g w e Electrolysis of concentrated sodium chloride solution A concentrated solution of sodium chloride can be electrolysed in the laboratory (Figure C4.12). am Then two chlorine atoms combine to make a chlorine molecule: Cl + Cl ity – cathode power supply -C H2 At the anode, the Cl– ions are discharged more readily than the OH– ions: -C + C op y 2H+ + 2e– ev id ge So, overall, hydrogen gas bubbles of at the cathode: dilute sulfuric acid platinum electrodes w ie H2 H+H U R anode H Then two hydrogen atoms combine to form a hydrogen molecule: ve ie ev oxygen R ev At the cathode, it is the H+ ions that accept electrons, as sodium is more reactive than hydrogen: ity op Pr y es -C am Figure C4.12 or a Hofmann voltameter (Figure C4.13) can be used to keep the gases produced separate. Ater a short time, the volume of gas in each arm can be measured and tested. The gas collected above the cathode is hydrogen. Oxygen collects at the anode. The ratio of the volumes is approximately 2 : 1. This experiment is efectively the electrolysis of water. 260 the electrolysis of concentrated sodium chloride solution Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data Investigate the products formed when a solution of sodium chloride is electrolysed. The experiment is summarised in Figure C4.12. -R electrolysis cell fitted with graphite electrodes ev ie hydrogen Pr es s e– e– – e ACTIVITY C4.02 w ge -C am br id chlorine sodium chloride solution C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Electroplating The fact that an unreactive metal can be coated on to the surface of the cathode by electrolysis (see Image C4.09) means that useful metal objects can be ‘plated’ with a chosen metal. Electroplating can be used to coat one metal with another. hydrogen out w ion-exchange membrane bubbles of hydrogen Pr es s ve rs ity C op Na+ w + – anode sodium hydroxide solution out cathode The most commonly used metals for electroplating are copper, chromium, silver and tin. To electroplate a metal object with copper, the object must be made the negative electrode. The anode is made of pure copper and a solution of copper(II) sulfate used as the electrolyte. id ie w ge U TIP The membrane cell has a titanium anode and a nickel cathode. Titanium is chosen for the anode as it is not attacked by chlorine. The anode and cathode compartments are separated by a membrane. This membrane is selective; it allows Na+ ions and water to flow through, but no other ions. This means that the products are kept separate and cannot react with each other. The Na+ and OH– ions collect in the cathode compartment. The sodium hydroxide solution is removed and purified. U The anode dissolves away. ■ The electrolyte solution maintains the same concentration (thus, if it is coloured, the intensity of the colour stays the same). w ie ev id es s -R br am -C ity Pr op y op The basic rules for electroplating an object with a metal M: e C U For these examples of industrial electrolysis, you will not be expected to draw a diagram. You will need to be able to recognise and label a diagram and give the electrode half-equations. The object must be made the cathode. ■ The electrolyte must be a solution of a salt of metal M. ■ The anode is made of a strip of metal M. ie id g ■ -R s es am br ev You will also be expected to know the major reasons for the distinctive aspects of the process. -C One purpose of electroplating is to give a protective coating to the metal underneath; an example is the tin-plating of steel cans to prevent them rusting. This is also the idea behind chromium-plating articles such as car bumpers, kettles and bath taps, etc. Chromium does not corrode; it is a hard metal that resists scratching and wear, and it can also be polished to give an attractive finish. y ni ve rs C w ie ev R TIP y The object thickens as it becomes plated. ■ ge ■ op rs ve ni ev Usually the electrodes used in electrolysis are inert (graphite or platinum). However, in electroplating the anode is made of the metal to be plated. It is not inert, and it reacts. Remember the key observations during electroplating: C ity op Pr y es the industrial electrolysis of brine Several diferent types of electrolytic cell have been used for the electrolysis of brine. The modern membrane cell (Figure C4.14) is the safest for the environment and uses the least electricity. Other types of cell use either a flowing mercury cathode, or a diaphragm (partition) made from asbestos. C w ie -R s -C am br ev the basis for the chlor-alkali industry. So the electrolysis of concentrated brine (salt water) is a very important manufacturing process. w R ni C op Figure C4.14 The membrane cell for the electrolysis of concentrated brine. The selective ion-exchange membrane allows only Na+ ions to pass through it. R For electroplating, the electrolysis cell is adapted from the type usually used. The cathode is the object to be plated and the anode is made from the metal being used to plate it. The electrolyte is a salt of the same metal. As the process proceeds, the anode dissolves away into the solution, replacing the metal plated on to the object, and the concentration of the solution remains the same. y y nickel titanium ev ie ev ie OH– -C bubbles of chlorine Cl – -R brine in am br id ge chlorine out C U ni op y C4: Chemical reactions Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 261 ve rs ity ev ie am br id QuEStiONS w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences An experiment was carried out to investigate the efect of electricity on molten lead(II) bromide (PbBr2). c What colour is the vapour seen at the positive electrode? -R ve rs ity Pb2+ + 2e– b Why is the reaction taking place at the negative electrode viewed as a reduction reaction? C4.14 ni U ge w R Use the information in the first table to complete the second table. The solutions were electrolysed under exactly the same conditions as the ones above. A metal object is to be copper plated. sodium sulfate oxygen silver nitrate oxygen concentrated sodium chloride chlorine copper(II) nitrate Solution (electrolyte) Gas given of at the anode Substance let in solution at the end of electrolysis copper sulfuric acid sodium sulfate silver nitric acid hydrogen sodium hydroxide oxygen copper nitric acid Gas given of or metal deposited at the cathode Substance let in solution at the end of electrolysis ity Pr es hydrogen rs y ve y op C w ie ev oxygen ni U R silver sulfate Gas given of or metal deposited at the cathode s oxygen -C copper(II) sulfate ev Gas given of at the anode am Solution (electrolyte) -R br id ie a Which electrode should the object be made? 262 hydrogen ie ev id br -R am es Pr op y AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data s -C Electrolysis of copper(II) sulfate solution Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.2 Plan experiments and investigations AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.5 Evaluate methods and suggest possible improvements ity This experiment is designed to demonstrate the diferent products obtained when the electrolysis of copper(II) sulfate solution is carried out first with inert graphite electrodes and then with copper electrodes. The use of copper electrodes illustrates how copper is refined industrially. op y ni ve rs C ev ie id g w e C U A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. es s -R br am -C w ie ev sodium nitrate w ge sodium nitrate ACTIVITY C4.03 R The tables list the results of the electrolysis of a number of aqueous solutions using inert electrodes. C op e What is the alternative name for the negative electrode? C4.12 Pb a Write the equation for the reaction taking place at the positive electrode. y ev ie w d Give one reason why this electrolysis should be carried out in a fume cupboard. In the electrolysis of molten lead(II) bromide, the reaction occurring at the negative electrode was: op C op y b Why does solid lead(II) bromide not allow the passage of electricity? C4.13 Pr es s -C a What happens to a compound during electrolysis? b Name a solution that could be used as the electrolyte. C C4.11 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity – C -R c In industry, some plastics are electroplated. Why must the plastic be coated with a thin film of graphite before plating? y -R am br ev id ie w ge U R ni electrolyte C op w b If graphite were used instead of the copper electrode in a, what change would you notice to the electrolyte during the experiment? Y ev ie X -C Summary es s You should know: Pr rs es s ■ Pr op y ni ve rs ity ■ -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w C ■ ■ -R am op y ■ -C ■ w C id ie ■ br ■ op y ve ni ■ ge R ■ ■ U ev ie ■ ■ ity op C w ■ electrons – oxidation being the loss of electrons and reduction the gain of electrons about the electrical conductivity of metals and graphite about the conductivity of ionic compounds when molten or dissolved in water that results in a chemical change (electrolysis) that electrolytic cells consist of positive (anode) and negative (cathode) electrodes and an electrolyte about the factors that decide which ions are discharged at the electrodes how to write the reactions taking place at the electrodes as ionic half-equations about electroplating, which can be used to produce a protective and/or decorative layer of one metal on another how electrolysis is industrially important for the extraction of very reactive metals such as aluminium and the production of sodium hydroxide and chlorine. ev about the nature of chemical reactions and how they difer from physical changes how to represent the changes in a reaction using word equations and balanced chemical equations how equations can be made more informative by including state symbols how equations for reactions involving ions can be simplified to include only those ions taking part in the reaction about the exothermic or endothermic energy changes involved in reactions about the variety of diferent types of chemical reaction such as combustion, neutralisation, and displacement reactions about the importance of oxidation and reduction reactions (redox) how the definitions of oxidation and reduction can be extended to include reactions involving the transfer of y ■ Which electrode, X or Y, is the metal strip? ii Is the metal strip an anode or a cathode? ve rs ity op y d.c. supply i Pr es s + ev ie w ge The apparatus below was used to plate a strip of metal with copper. One electrode was made of copper and the other was the metal strip to be plated. -C a am br id QuEStiONS C4.15 C U ni op y C4: Chemical reactions Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 263 ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences am br id -R A group of students is conducting an experiment investigating the action of heat on solid copper carbonate and zinc carbonate. The two experiments gave them the results summarised here: Pr es s -C y positive test for carbon dioxide gas given off heat black powder y C ni ev ie w black powder -R es s -C Pr rs e ity op op C w ie ev -R s es y op C e w SO3 + O2 ie ev SO2 + O3 id g B SO2 -R s es -C am br S + O2 [1] [1] [2] Pr The equations A and B below show two reactions which lead to the formation of acid rain. A [1] [1] [2] [2] Write an ionic equation for this reaction. Explain why magnesium is a reducing agent in this reaction. ni ve rs C i ii w ni MgSO4 + Zn Mg + ZnSO4 ie ev 3 U ge id br op y e ity d What observation would show that carbon had been produced? Write a word equation for this reaction. Which substances have been: i reduced in this reaction? ii oxidised in this reaction? Magnesium oxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to make the salt magnesium chloride and water. Write the symbol equation for this reaction. Magnesium sulfate is produced when magnesium is added to zinc sulfate solution. am a b c 2MgO + C -C R 2Mg + CO2 y ve When a strip of burning magnesium ribbon is lowered into a gas jar of carbon dioxide, the following reaction takes place: U 2 ev ie w C 264 white powder What evidence is there that a chemical reaction has taken place in both cases? What is the major and most reliable evidence of a reaction here? Write word equations for the two reactions. Write a brief description of what you would see happen if zinc oxide powder were heated strongly and then allowed to cool down. Would this change have been a chemical reaction? y a b c d cool down am br yellow powder ev id heat ie w ge U R positive test for carbon dioxide gas given off zinc carbonate white powder R cool down ve rs ity op copper carbonate green powder C op 1 ev ie End-of-chapter questions Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y C4: Chemical reactions Pr es s w ie s es Pr y ity cathode cation [1] ve w anode rs op C 265 Choose a word from the list below which describes the positive electrode. anion ie -R br am -C negative electrode molten zinc chloride i ii y op ni ev State the name of the product formed during this electrolysis at • the negative electrode. • the positive electrode. iii Suggest the name of a non-metal which can be used for the electrodes in this electrolysis. [2] [1] w ge C U R [3] [1] ev — positive electrode br ev id ie [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 21 Q8 June 2010] -R am The diagram shows the apparatus used to electrolyse concentrated aqueous sodium chloride. anode + U op ie — ev y ni ve rs cathode ity Pr op y concentrated aqueous sodium chloride es s -C gases w ie ev [2] [2] [2] -R [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 22 Q5 c November 2011] s -C am br id g w e C Give a description of this electrolysis. In your description include: a what substance the electrodes are made from and the reason for using this substance b what you would observe during the electrolysis c the names of the substances produced at each electrode. es C [1] y C op U id b c ge R ni ev ie Which three of the following conduct electricity? aqueous sodium chloride; ceramics; copper; graphite; sodium chloride crystals; sulfur State the name given to a substance, such as plastic, which does not conduct electricity. Molten zinc chloride was electrolysed using the apparatus shown below. + R [2] Some substances conduct electricity, others do not. a 5 [2] [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 21 Q7 a June 2012] ve rs ity 4 w C op y -C -R am br id ev ie a Write a word equation for reaction A. b Which two of the following statements about reaction B are correct? SO2 is oxidised to SO3; SO2 is reduced to SO3 O3 is reduced to O2; O3 is oxidised to O2 c Complete the equation to show how an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid, H2SO4, is formed from SO3 SO3 + H2SO4 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie br ev id ie w ge U R es ity op Pr y y op op y ni ve rs C U w ev ie id g w e The easiest way to detect whether a solution is acidic or not is to use an indicator. Indicators are substances that change colour if they are put into an acid or alkaline solution. Two commonly used indicators are litmus and methyl orange. s -R br am -C C -R es s C The word acid was originally applied to substances with a ‘sour’ taste. Vinegar, lemon juice, grapefruit juice and spoilt milk are all sour tasting because of the presence of acids (Image C5.01). These acids are present in animal and plant material and are known as organic acids (Table C5.01). Carbonic acid from carbon dioxide dissolved in water is present in Coca Cola®, Pepsi® and other fizzy drinks. The acids present in these circumstances are weak and dilute. But taste is not a test that should be tried – some acids would be dangerous, even deadly, to taste! A number of acids are also corrosive. They can eat their way through clothing, are dangerous on the skin, and some are able to attack stonework and metals. These powerful acids are oten called mineral acids (Table C5.01). Table C5.01 also gives us some idea of how commonly acids occur. ity The major acids ie ■ Pr op y C5.01 What is an acid? ev ■ w ni U -C ■ ■ the acid–base properties of non-metal oxides and metal oxides neutral and amphoteric oxides the ions present in acid and alkali solutions acids and alkalis in the analysis of salts the preparation of soluble salts by various methods, including titration the choice of the method for preparing a particular salt the preparation of insoluble salts by precipitation. ie ve ■ ■ ge ■ ■ id ■ ■ br ■ ■ R ■ ev common acids – their characteristics, where and how they occur the pH scale and indicators the colour changes of useful indicators the characteristic reactions of acids the treatment of acid soils and waste water treatment proton (H+) transfer in aqueous solutions the characteristic properties of bases and alkalis am R ev ie ■ rs w C This chapter covers: es 266 s -C -R am C5 Acids, bases and salts Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Litmus is purple in neutral solution. When added to an acidic solution, it turns red. This colour change of litmus needs a chemical reaction. The molecules of the indicator are actually changed in the presence of the acid. Substances with the opposite chemical efect to acids are needed to reverse the change, and these are called alkalis. They turn litmus solution blue. You can also use litmus paper. This is paper that has been soaked in litmus solution. It comes in blue and red forms. The blue form of litmus paper changes colour to red when dipped into acid solutions. Red litmus paper turns blue in alkali solutions. Note that litmus just gives a single colour change. y es s -C Pr y What are indicators? ity op Certain coloured substances (many extracted from plants) have been found to change colour if added to an acid solution. This colour change is reversed if the acid is ‘cancelled out’ or neutralised. Substances that do this are known as indicators. Coloured extracts can be made from red cabbage or blackberries, but probably the most used indicator historically is litmus. This is extracted from lichens. The presence of water is very important in the action of acids and alkalis. One practical consequence of this is that, when we use litmus paper to test gases, it must always be damp. The gas needs to dissolve in the moisture to bring about the colour change. This is important in your practical work. ni op y ve rs C w ie ev r e acid / base l u e -R am br ev id ie w ge It may seem simple to remember the colour change that litmus shows in acid and alkali, but it is important. This simple visual memory aid may help you to remember: Image C5.01 Citrus fruits have a sour or sharp taste because they contain acids. Where found or used ethanoic acid CH3COOH weak in vinegar methanoic acid HCOOH weak lactic acid CH3CCH(OH) weak H2CO3 Pr carbonic acid ev weak in lemons, oranges and other citrus fruits weak in fizzy sot drinks HCl weak used in cleaning metal surfaces; found as the dilute acid in the stomach nitric acid HNO3 weak H2SO4 weak H3PO4 weak y hydrochloric acid used in making fertilisers and explosives C in car batteries; used in making fertilisers, paints and detergents w ie -R in anti-rust paint; used in making fertilisers s Table C5.01 Some common acids. es am br phosphoric acid ev id g e sulfuric acid -C in sour milk op ni ve rs ity C6H8O7 U R ev ie w Mineral acids citric acid -R br am -C C op y COOH in ant and nettle stings; used in kettle descaler s Organic acids C Strong or weak? ie Formula es Name id Type w ge U R C op TIP U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie w ge C U ni op y C5: Acids, bases and salts Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 267 ve rs ity red purple blue thymolphthalein colourless colourless blue methyl orange red orange yellow am br id The more acidic solutions (for example, battery acid) turn Universal Indicator bright red. A less acidic solution (for example, vinegar) will only turn it orange-yellow. There are also colour diferences produced with diferent alkali solutions. The most alkaline solutions give a violet colour. op y Table C5.02 Some common indicator colour changes. ni C op ACtivity C5.01 Litmus is not the only single indicator that chemists find useful. Others that have been frequently used are phenolphthalein and methyl orange. Phenolphthalein is no longer recommended for use in school laboratories. It can be replaced by thymolphthalein and the colour change for that indicator is included in Table C5.02. They give diferent colour changes from litmus (Table C5.02). These changes are sometimes easier to ‘see’ than that of litmus. ie ev id s es Pr op y ve ni ie w rs C ity Another commonly used indicator, Universal Indicator (or full-range indicator), is a mixture of indicator dyes. The idea of a Universal Indicator mixture is to imitate the colours of the rainbow when measuring acidity. Such an indicator is useful because it gives a range of colours (a ‘spectrum’) orange yellow 7 blue 9 10 ie 11 12 13 14 violet y op -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr green 8 strongly alkaline ev 6 weakly alkaline -R 5 neutral s id 4 op y red 3 weakly acidic es am 2 -C 1 br strongly acidic pH 0 w ge C U R ev -R br am -C y op Universal Indicator 268 Extracting an indicator from red cabbage Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.2 Plan experiments and investigations AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates Dye is extracted from chopped-up red cabbage leaves (or other coloured plant material) and then tested to see the colour change when it is added to acidic and alkaline solutions. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. w ge U R ev ie w C ve rs ity Litmus is not the only single indicator that chemists find useful. Others that have been frequently used are phenolphthalein and methyl orange. They give diferent colour changes from litmus (Table C5.02). These changes are sometimes easier to ‘see’ than that of litmus. y Pr es s -C litmus depending on the strength of the acid or alkali added (Image C5.02). When you use Universal Indicator, you see that solutions of diferent acids produce diferent colours. Indeed, solutions of the same acid with diferent concentrations will also give diferent colours. w Colour in alkali ev ie Neutral colour -R Colour in acid ge Indicator C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution Image C5.02 How the colour of Universal Indicator changes in solutions of diferent pH values. ve rs ity ev ie -R C op ie ev es s -R br am -C Pr y ity op rs C w ni op y ve ie ev Rainbow fizz! Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates This activity creates a Universal Indicator pH scale in a boiling tube. Set up a test-tube rack containing the following: ■ Tube A: a boiling tube containing half a spatula of sodium hydrogencarbonate ■ Tube B: a test tube containing 5 cm3 of distilled water ■ Tube C: a test tube containing 0.5 cm3 of Universal Indicator solution ■ Tube D: a test tube containing 5 cm3 of dilute ethanoic acid ■ Tube E: a test tube containing 5 cm3 of dilute sulfuric acid Then follow this sequence, making careful observations at each stage. 1 Add the water from tube B to the solid in tube A. 2 Then add the indicator solution from tube C to tube A. 3 Tilt tube A. Very carefully pour the ethanoic acid from tube D into tube A down the side of the tube. Do not shake the tube. 4 Finally, add the sulfuric acid from tube E to tube A. Again, pour this acid very carefully down the side of the tilted tube A. Do not shake the tube. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. w ge id The pH of a solution can be measured in several ways. Universal Indicator papers that are sensitive over the full range of values can be used. Alternatively, if the approximate pH value is known, then we can use a more accurate test paper that is sensitive over a narrow range. The most accurate method is to use a pH meter (Image C5.03), which uses an electrode to measure pH electrically. The pH values of some common solutions are shown in Table C5.03. y op id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ■ As we move down from 7, the solution is getting more acidic. ■ Moving up from pH 7, the solution is getting more alkaline. ACtivity C5.02 U R ■ ve rs ity ■ Acids have a pH less than 7. The more acidic a solution, the lower the pH. Neutral substances, such as pure water, have a pH of 7. Alkalis have a pH greater than 7. ni ev ie ■ It’s very important to remember that the ‘reference point’ when measuring pH is neutrality, pH 7 – the mid-point of the scale. ie Question ev A1 Explain the colour changes you observe at each addition. es s -R br am Image C5.03 pH meter for testing soil. -C y y op w C Rules for the pH scale ■ TIP Pr es s -C am br id The most useful measure of the strength of an acid solution was worked out by the Danish biochemist Søren Sørensen. He worked in the laboratories of the Carlsberg breweries and was interested in checking the acidity of beer. The scale he introduced was the pH scale. The scale runs from 1 to 14, and the following general rules apply. w ge The pH scale C U ni op y C5: Acids, bases and salts Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 269 ve rs ity wine 3.5 tomato juice 4.1 1.0 lemon juice Pr es s 5.0 am baking soda solution 8.5 toothpaste 9.0 borax solution 9.2 10.5 y op 14.0 ge sodium hydroxide (NaOH) C U 12.0 w household ammonia 11.0 ni br -R am es Which acid is present in orange or lemon juice? ity Is a solution acidic, alkaline or neutral if its pH is: d 3? Methyl orange is an indicator. What does this mean? U pH higher than 7, litmus turns blue Which solution is more acidic: one with a pH of 4, or one with a pH of 1? C5.06 What colour is Universal Indicator in a sugar solution? C5.07 What acid is present in vinegar? c Alkali solution: OH– > H+ H ev ie id g br s -R Figure C5.01 pH and the balance of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions in solution. es am -C + w e C5.05 y c 8 7 H+ pH lower than 7, litmus turns red op b 11 – OH ni ve rs w ie ev R b Acid solution: H+ > OH– Pr C5.02 C5.04 OH– s -C op y What do you understand by the word corrosive? C C5.01 a H+ pH = 7 QuEStiONS C5.03 a Pure water: H+ = OH– ev id ie Table C5.03 The pH values of some common solutions. C ev limewater R The hydrogen ions (H+) in acid solutions make litmus go red. ■ The hydroxide ions (OH–) in alkali solutions make litmus go blue. ■ rs ve ie w Milk of Magnesia strongly alkaline C op Pr ity op y -C 7.4 ie blood ev weakly alkaline Alkali solutions also conduct electricity better than distilled water. All alkalis dissolve in water to produce hydroxide ions (OH– ions). Therefore, all alkali solutions contain an excess of OH– ions. An indicator, like litmus, is afected by the presence of H+ or OH– ions (Figure C5.01). -R 7.0 s pure water, sugar solution es id NEUTRAL br 6.5 w 6.5 ge rainwater C 270 6.0 U R urine y 5.6 ni acid rain milk If we look again at the chemical formulae of some of the best known acids (Table C5.01), we see that one element is common to them all. They all contain hydrogen. If solutions of these acids are checked to see if they conduct electricity, we find that they all do. Also, they conduct electricity much better than distilled water does. This shows that the solutions contain ions. Water itself contains very few ions. In pure water, the concentrations of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH–) are equal. All acids dissolve in water to produce hydrogen ions (H+ ions). Therefore, all acid solutions contain more H+ ions than OH– ions. The pH scale is designed around the fact that acid solutions have this excess of hydrogen ions. The term pH is taken from the German ‘potenz H(ydrogen)’, meaning the power of the hydrogen-ion concentration of a solution. ve rs ity y op C ev ie w black cofee weakly acidic w 3.0 gastric juices The importance of hydrogen ions ev ie vinegar 0.0 -R 2.5 hydrochloric acid (HCl) -C strongly acidic C5.02 Acid and alkali solutions pH am br id Substance C ge U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution OH– ve rs ity C U ni op y C5: Acids, bases and salts hydrochloric acid H+(aq) and Cl–(aq) nitric acid H+(aq) and NO3–(aq) H (aq), HSO4 (aq) and SO42–(aq) y Which ions are present in: a calcium hydroxide solution b ammonia solution? C5.11 What is the formula for: a sulfuric acid C5.12 NH4+(aq) and OH–(aq) U R What statement can we make about the concentrations of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions in water? ie w ge C5.03 Metal oxides and non-metal oxides id ev Acidic and basic oxides s es Pr y ity op rs y ve ni op The sulfuric acid clouds of Venus are the product of great volcanic activity (Image C5.04). This has thrown out huge amounts of water vapour and the oxides of sulfur into the C U ie w ge ev id br es s -R am -C Pr op y ity KEy tERMS C U op y ni ve rs acid: a substance that dissolves in water to produce a solution that: ■ turns litmus red ■ has a pH lower than 7 ■ contains an excess of H+ ions. alkali: a substance that dissolves in water to produce a solution that: ■ turns litmus blue ■ has a pH higher than 7 ■ contains an excess of OH– ions. ev ie id g w e Image C5.04 Image of the European Space Agency probe orbiting above the clouds of the Venus atmosphere. The Venus Express spacecrat was launched to study the thick atmosphere responsible for the intense greenhouse efect on the planet. es s -R br am -C C w Venus, the Earth’s nearest neighbour, is identical in size and density to the Earth. But Venus has yielded its secrets reluctantly, because it is veiled in clouds and has an atmosphere that destroys space probes. Magellan, the latest space probe to Venus, has looked from a distance. If it went into the atmosphere, it would meet with thick clouds of sulfuric acid and temperatures similar to those in a self-cleaning oven – acid rain with a vengeance! The probe would not last long! -R br -C am When is an acid not an acid, but simply an ‘acid-inwaiting’? Hydrochloric acid is a good example to illustrate this problem. The gas hydrogen chloride is made up of covalently bonded molecules. If the gas is dissolved in an organic solvent, such as methylbenzene, it does not show any of the properties of an acid. For example, it does not conduct electricity. However, when the gas is dissolved in water, a strongly acidic solution is produced. The acidic oxides of sulfur, phosphorus and carbon listed in Table C5.05 are similar. They are covalent molecules when pure, but produce acids when dissolved in water. C w ie ev hydrochloric acid? y ammonia solution b C op Ca2+(aq) and OH–(aq) Table C5.04 The ions present in solutions of some acids and alkalis. R ie Which ion is in excess in an alkali solution? ni calcium hydroxide Thus, in our most useful definition of an acid, the characteristic properties of an acid are shown when dissolved in water. Alkalis are also normally used in aqueous solution. Both acids and alkalis can be used in dilute or concentrated solutions. If a large volume of water is added to a small amount of acid or alkali, then the solution is dilute; using less water gives a more concentrated solution. ev C5.09 Na (aq) and OH (aq) sodium hydroxide The importance of water R Which element do all acids contain? – + ve rs ity op C – Pr es s + C5.08 C5.10 potassium hydroxide K+(aq) and OH–(aq) w ev ie w Ions present sulfuric acid Alkalis ev ie Name -C Acids QuEStiONS -R am br id ge The ions present in some important acid and alkali solutions are given in Table C5.04. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 271 ve rs ity a C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences give solutions that turn litmus paper blue. The metal oxides produced in these reactions react with acids to neutralise them – they are said to be basic oxides. am br id ev ie w ge b -R combustion spoon The characteristics of oxides Pr es s -C sulfur dioxide oxygen ve rs ity gas jar y ni C op Neutral and amphoteric oxides planet’s atmosphere. Similar acidic clouds can be made in a gas jar by lowering burning sulfur into oxygen (Figure C5.02): ge S(s) + O2(g) ie id -C CO2(g) op ev Pr y es When water is added to the gas jars, it dissolves the gases and gives solutions that turn blue litmus paper red. Metals burning in oxygen produce solid products. Some of these dissolve in water to give solutions that turn red litmus paper blue. You might be able to work out a pattern in the reactions of some elements with oxygen, as shown in Table C5.05. ity Of more importance is the unusual behaviour of some metal oxides. These metal oxides react and neutralise acids, which would be expected. However, they also neutralise alkalis, which is unusual. rs C y ve w op The most important examples of metals that have amphoteric compounds are zinc and aluminium. The fact that zinc hydroxide and aluminium hydroxide are amphoteric helps in the identification of salts of these metals using sodium hydroxide. ni ev s phosphorus burns with yellow flame white solid (phosphorus(V) oxide, P2O5) dissolves, turns litmus red carbon glows red colourless gas (carbon dioxide, CO2) Metals white solid (sodium oxide, Na2O) dissolves slightly, slowly turns litmus red y ity ni ve rs op y Pr colourless gas (sulfur dioxide, SO2) C dissolves, turns litmus blue burns with yellow flame magnesium burns with bright white flame white solid (magnesium oxide, MgO) dissolves slightly, turns litmus blue calcium burns with red flame white solid (calcium oxide, CaO) dissolves, turns litmus blue iron burns with yellow sparks blue-black solid (iron oxide, FeO) insoluble copper does not burn, turns black black solid (copper oxide, CuO) insoluble C w ie ev s es -C Table C5.05 The reactions of certain elements with oxygen. -R br id g e U sodium am w ie dissolves, turns litmus red burns with bright blue flame sulfur ev es Non-metals R Efect of adding water and testing with litmus -R Product am How it reacts -C Element br id ie w ge C U Turning litmus paper red shows that some of these solutions contain acids. These solutions are the product of burning non-metals to produce acidic oxides. Burning metals produces oxides that, if they dissolve, op ie ev R s -R br am C(s) + O2(g) Water can be thought of as hydrogen oxide. It has a pH of 7 and is therefore a neutral oxide. It is an exception to the broad ‘rule’ that the oxides of non-metals are acidic oxides. Neutral oxides do not react with either acids or alkalis. There are a few other exceptions to this ‘rule’ (see Figure C5.03). The most important is carbon monoxide (CO), noted for being poisonous. The ‘rule’ that most non-metal oxides are acidic remains useful and important, however. w SO2(g) Other burning non-metals (carbon, for example) react in the same way to produce acidic gases: 272 Non-metals generally form acidic oxides that dissolve in water to form acidic solutions. ■ Metals form oxides that are solids. If they dissolve in water, these oxides give alkaline solutions. These metal oxides neutralise acids and are basic oxides. ■ Figure C5.02 Burning sulfur in a gas jar of oxygen. U R ev ie w C op y sulfur Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C5: Acids, bases and salts Zn(OH)2(s) w Pr es s zinc hydroxide + sodium hydroxide sodium zincate + water ve rs ity ev ie w C op y However, this precipitate will re-dissolve if excess sodium hydroxide is added, because zinc hydroxide is amphoteric: Na2ZnO2(aq) + 2H2O(I) Zn(OH)2(s) + 2NaOH(aq) What colour is the flame when sulfur burns? C5.14 What colour flame is produced when magnesium burns? C5.15 Write the word equation for the reaction when sulfur burns in oxygen. C5.16 What is the chemical equation for the reaction in question C5.15? C5.17 Write the word equation for magnesium burning in air. C5.18 Which oxide of carbon is neutral? C5.19 Name one amphoteric metal hydroxide and write the word and symbol equations for its reaction with sodium hydroxide solution. ie id w ge U R ni C op Aluminium salts will give a similar set of reactions. This test distinguishes zinc and aluminium salts from others, but not from each other (see Sections C5.07 and C12.01). C5.04 Acid reactions in everyday life ev Metal oxides -R s Basic oxides e.g. CaO, MgO, CuO, K2O, Na2O, FeO, Fe2O3 etc. rs ity y Soil pH and plant growth Pr Neutral oxides e.g. H2O, CO, NO Acidic oxides e.g. CO2, SO2, SO3, NO2, P2O5, SiO2 etc. op C w Figure C5.03 The classification of non-metal and metal oxides. y C U ge R KEy tERM id ie w amphoteric hydroxide (or amphoteric metal oxide): a hydroxide or metal oxide that reacts with both an acid and an alkali to give a salt and water ev ACtivity C5.03 br s es Pr ity y op salt + water ni ve rs They are reacting as acids with the sodium hydroxide and producing a salt and water as the products. e C U zinc hydroxide + sodium hydroxide sodium zincate (Na2ZnO2) + water br ev ie id g w aluminium hydroxide + sodium hydroxide sodium aluminate (NaAlO2) + water -R s es am Do notice how these rather unusual salts are named. -C ie w C op y In these last reactions, the zinc hydroxide and aluminium hydroxide precipitates re-dissolve in excess sodium hydroxide because they are amphoteric. ev testing the pH of everyday substances Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (induding following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.2 Plan experiments and investigations AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates In this introductory experiment to the ideas of acids and alkalis, household and everyday products are tested for their pH using Universal Indicator. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. A follow-up experiment on neutralising vinegar with slaked lime or powdered limestone is included on the Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM. -R am -C TIP acid + alkali Plant growth is afected by the acidity or alkalinity of the soil. Soils with high peat content, or with minerals such as iron compounds, or with rotting vegetation and lack of oxygen, tend to be acidic. Their soil pH can reach as low as pH 4. Soils in limestone or chalky areas are alkaline – up to pH 8.3. The soil pH is also afected by the use of fertilisers and the acidity of rainfall. Diferent plants prefer diferent pH conditions (Table C5.06). Farmers and gardeners can test the soil pH to see whether it suits the needs of particular plants. op ni ev ve ie Amphoteric oxides e.g. ZnO, Al2O3 es -C am br Non-metal oxides R C5.13 y Zn2+(aq) + 2OH−(aq) ev ie Zn(OH)2(s) + 2NaCl(aq) -C ZnCl2(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) QuEStiONS -R am br id ge If sodium hydroxide solution is added to a solution of a salt of either of these metals, a white precipitate of the metal hydroxide is formed. For example: Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 273 ve rs ity 5.5–6.5 cauliflower, garlic, tomato 5.5–7.5 broad bean, onion, cabbage and many others 6.0–7.5 y op w ni C op y If the soil is too acidic, it is usually treated by ‘liming’. ‘Lime’ here is a loose term meaning either calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide, or powdered chalk or limestone (calcium carbonate). These compounds all have the efect of neutralising the acidity of the soil. If the soil is too alkaline, it helps to dig in some peat or decaying organic matter (compost or manure). U id ie w ge Image C5.06 Controlled addition of lime to a stream in Sweden to neutralise the efects of acidity. -R QuEStiONS Ant stings contain methanoic acid. What household substance could be used to ease the efect of the sting? C5.21 Which acid is present in our stomachs, and why is it there? C5.22 Indigestion tablets contain antacid. Name two compounds that we use in these tablets. ve ni U ie w ge ev id br -R am ity Pr es s -C op y op -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U Efluent and waste water treatment Liquid waste from factories is oten acidic. If such waste gets into a river, the acid will kill fish and other river life. Slaked lime is oten added to the waste to neutralise it. Slaked lime is similarly used to treat streams, rivers and lakes afected by acid rain (Image C5.06). Comparing the efectiveness of diferent antacid tablets Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data This activity involves titrating powdered samples of antacid tablets with dilute hydrochloric acid. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. y ni ve rs C w ie ev op w ie ev R ACtivity C5.04 Image C5.05 The colour of the flowers of some types of hydrangea depend on soil pH. Here the flowers are showing signs of the colour change between pink and blue. R y C5.20 rs C 274 ity op Pr y es -C Some flowering plants carry their own ‘built-in’ pH indicator. The flowers of a hydrangea bush are blue when grown on acid soil and pink when the soil pH is alkaline (Image C5.05). s am br ev To reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide, many modern factories and power stations now spray acidic waste gases with jets of slaked lime in a flue-gas desulfuriser (or ‘scrubber’) to neutralise them before they leave the chimneys. C R ev ie w C ve rs ity Table C5.06 Preferred soil pH conditions for diferent vegetables. -R carrot, sweet potato Pr es s 5.0–6.5 -C chicory, parsley ev ie 4.5–6.0 am br id potatoes Preferred pH range ge Vegetables C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C5: Acids, bases and salts w ge C5.05 Alkalis and bases y op y U R ni C op C w ev ie br ev id ie w ge Figure C5.04 This Venn diagram shows the relationship between bases and alkalis. All alkalis are bases, but not all bases are alkalis. -R am The common alkalis are: s -C • sodium hydroxide solution es Pr y • calcium hydroxide solution oten known as limewater rs C w ev id ie w ge C The four solutions listed above are the alkalis you will need to know for your course. They are the commonest, and they are likely to be the only ones you refer to. s es Pr These solutions contain OH– ions, turn litmus blue and have a pH higher than 7. The first two are stronger alkalis than the others. ity C Most bases are insoluble in water. This makes the few bases that do dissolve in water more significant. They are given a special name – alkalis. y op Properties and uses of alkalis and bases C U R ni ve rs w e Alkalis feel soapy to the skin. They convert the oils in your skin into soap. They are used as degreasing agents because they convert oil and grease into soluble soaps, which can be washed away easily. The common uses of some alkalis and bases are shown in Table C5.07. ie id g KEy tERM -R s -C am br ev alkali: a base that is soluble in water. Alkalis are generally used in the laboratory as aqueous solutions. es w salt + water acid + base It is worth making sure that you learn their names and formulae! And you should do the same for the four commonest acids you’ll need to know: hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid and ethanoic acid. -R br am op y -C A base will neutralise an acid, and in the process a salt is formed. This type of reaction is known as a neutralisation reaction. It can be summed up in a general equation: op TIP U R ni ev The relationship of alkalis to bases can be summed up in a mathematical device known as a Venn diagram (Figure C5.04). In more general terms it is something like the diference between our immediate family and our extended family. The bases are the extended family of compounds. The alkalis are a particular small group within that extended family. y ve ie • potassium hydroxide solution • ammonia solution also known as ammonium hydroxide . ity op base: a substance that reacts with an acid to form a salt and water only ie alkalis are soluble bases (e.g. NaOH, KOH) ve rs ity However, among the antacids we use to relieve indigestion is insoluble magnesium hydroxide, which also neutralises acids. As we investigate further, it is found that all metal oxides and hydroxides will neutralise acids, whether they dissolve in water or not. Therefore the soluble alkalis are just a small part of a group of substances – the oxides and hydroxides of metals – that neutralise acids. These substances are known as bases. These bases all react in the same way with acids. KEy tERM ev bases (e.g. CuO, MgO, CaO, NaOH, Cu(OH)2) all neutralise acids Pr es s -C In Section C5.04 we saw that the efects of acids could be neutralised by alkalis. Alkalis are substances that dissolve in water to give solutions with a pH greater than 7 and turn litmus blue. The solutions contain an excess of hydroxide, OH–, ions. -R am br id ev ie What types of substance are alkalis and bases? Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 275 ve rs ity Name Alkalis sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) NaOH strong potassium hydroxide (caustic potash) KOH strong calcium hydroxide (limewater) Ca(OH)2 Pr es s ev ie in making sot soaps and biodiesel to neutralise soil acidity and acidic gases produced by power stations; has limited solubility NH3(aq) or weak NH4OH in cleaning fluids in the home (degreasing agent); in making fertilisers CaO for neutralising soil acidity and industrial waste; in making cement and concrete MgO in antacid indigestion tablets y C op U magnesium oxide strong ve rs ity ni calcium oxide in oven cleaners (degreasing agent); in making soap and paper; other industrial uses -R am br id -C y op C w ev ie R Bases ammonia solution (ammonium hydroxide) Strong Where found or used or weak? w Type ge Formula C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences id ie w ge Table C5.07 Some common alkalis and bases. The properties of bases, alkalis and antacids can be summarised as follows. The reactions of acids y ity op feel soapy to the skin ■ turn litmus blue ■ give solutions with a pH greater than 7 ■ give solutions that contain OH– ions. op • a reactive metal for example, magnesium or zinc – Image C5.07) C U R w ge • a base or alkali – a neutralisation reaction Antacids are compounds that are used to neutralise acid indigestion and include: br ev id ie • a metal carbonate or metal hydrogencarbonate . magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide ■ sodium carbonate and sodium hydrogencarbonate ■ calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. -R es Pr op y ity Normally, we use the word ‘salt’ to mean ‘common salt’, which is sodium chloride. This is the salt we put on our food, the main salt found in seawater, and the salt used over centuries to preserve food. However, in chemistry, the word has a more general meaning. Give the names of two examples of insoluble bases and two examples of alkalis. C5.24 Write word and balanced symbol equations for the reaction between: U op y ni ve rs C5.23 C a sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid w e b potassium hydroxide and sulfuric acid. KEy tERM Which of the four alkalis in question C5.25 is only a weak alkali? salt: a compound made from an acid when a metal takes the place of the hydrogen in the acid ev C5.26 ie id g Name the four main alkalis. -R s es am br C5.25 -C ev ie w C QuEStiONS R One type of product is common to all these reactions. They all produce a metal compound called a salt. In all of them, the hydrogen present in the acid is replaced by a metal to give the salt. The acid from which the salt is made is oten called the parent acid of the salt. s -C am ■ All acids can take part in neutralisation reactions. But are there any other reactions that are characteristic of all acids? The answer is ‘Yes’. There are three major chemical reactions in which all acids will take part. These reactions are best seen using dilute acid solutions. In these reactions, the acid reacts with: y ve ■ rs Alkalis are bases that dissolve in water, and: ni ev ie w C 276 Pr neutralise acids to give a salt and water only ■ are the oxides and hydroxides of metals ■ are mainly insoluble in water. ■ es s -C Bases: -R am br ev C5.06 Characteristic reactions of acids Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w b ge a C U ni op y C5: Acids, bases and salts am br id ev ie The salt made depends on the acid: TIP C op y You may be asked a question where you have to suggest a metal that will react with an acid to give hydrogen. Do not give any of the very reactive metals, such as calcium, as an answer. Your answer will be marked as wrong, as this reaction is unsafe! w ge U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R ■ br ev id ie Image C5.07 a Magnesium ribbon and b zinc granules, reacting with hydrochloric acid – giving of hydrogen. es Pr y This is the neutralisation reaction that we saw in Section C5.05: ity op acid + base rs C w ve ie The reaction of acids with bases and alkalis y op ni ev ie ev id br s -R am Other examples of salts made from diferent combinations of acid and base are shown in Table C5.08. Pr es -C NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) ity Salt made with ... C Nitric acid (HN03) Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) sodium hydroxide (NaOH) sodium chloride, NaCl sodium nitrate, NaNO3 sodium sulfate, Na2SO4 potassium hydroxide (KOH) potassium chloride, KCl potassium nitrate, KNO3 magnesium oxide (MgO) magnesium chloride, MgCl2 magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO3)2 magnesium sulfate, MgSO4 copper chloride, CuCl2 copper nitrate, Cu(NO3)2 y op C U id g w e copper oxide (CuO) ni ve rs Hydrochloric acid (HCl) -R s es am br ev ie Table C5.08 Some examples of making salts. -C w w ge C U R op y Mg(NO3)2(aq) + H2(g) Base ie sodium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid sodium chloride + water NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) magnesium nitrate + hydrogen salt + water The salt produced by this reaction will again depend on the combination of reactants used. To make a particular salt, you choose a suitable acid and base to give a solution of the salt you want. For example: It is unsafe to try this reaction with very reactive metals such as sodium or calcium. The reaction is too violent. No reaction occurs with metals, such as copper, which are less reactive than lead. Even with lead, it is dificult to see any reaction in a short time. Mg(s) + 2HNO3(aq) ev ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g) Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) salt + hydrogen metal + acid magnesium + nitric acid R zinc chloride + hydrogen s -C Metals that are quite reactive (not the very reactive ones, see sections C8.01 and C8.04) can be used to displace the hydrogen from an acid safely. Hydrogen gas is given of. The salt made depends on the combination of metal and acid used: -R am zinc + hydrochloric acid The reaction of acids with metals For example: hydrochloric acid always gives a chloride nitric acid always gives a nitrate ■ sulfuric acid always gives a sulfate ■ ethanoic acid always gives an ethanoate. ■ Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution potassium sulfate, K 2SO4 copper sulfate, CuSO4 277 ve rs ity ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences ev ie w AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates am br id -R AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data y C op w ge ie id hydrochloric acid in this case C All carbonates give of carbon dioxide when they react with acids. We have seen that this reaction occurs with efervescent antacid tablets. The result is to neutralise the acid and produce a salt solution: rs y ve w C U ni op 9 Plot a graph with volume of acid added on the x-axis and temperature on the y-axis. 10 Indicate using colour or a bar chart how the pH changed during the experiment. s ni ve rs U Questions id g w e C A1 Explain how and why the temperature changed during the experiment. ev ie A2 How could the experiment be changed to obtain more accurate results? es s -R br am A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. y the reaction between an acid and an alkali Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) -C Estimate the volume of acid needed to neutralise the alkali. Explain how you arrived at your answer. The Notes on activities for teachers/technicians contain details of how this experiment can be used as an assessment of skill AO3.3, and ways in which the experiment can be made more accurate. ity C ev ie w ACtivity C5.05 R es Pr CaCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) NaCl + H2O -R br am -C op y 2HCl(aq) + CaCO3(s) NaOH + HCl ev id ie w ge ie ev hydrochloric acid + calcium carbonate calcium chloride + water + carbon dioxide 6 Stir and record the new temperature and pH. 8 Repeat this process until a total of 20 cm3 of acid have been added. salt + water + carbon dioxide The normal method of preparing carbon dioxide in the laboratory is based on this reaction. Dilute hydrochloric acid is reacted with marble chips (calcium carbonate): 5 Using a plastic pipette, add 1 cm3 of hydrochloric acid to the mixture. 7 Add a further 1 cm3 of acid and again record the temperature and pH. ity The reaction of acids with carbonates Pr op y es sodium hydroxide in this case R -R -C the non-metallic part comes from the acid s am br ev 4 Use a pH chart to record the pH of the solution. the metal comes from the base or alkali acid + metal carbonate This activity investigates what happens to pH and temperature as an acid reacts with an alkali. 3 Place a thermometer in the solution and record its temperature. NaCl 278 ! Wear eye protection. 2 Add a few drops of Universal Indicator – suficient to produce an obvious colour. U R SODIUM CHLORIDE AO3.5 Evaluate methods and suggest possible improvements 1 Measure 10 cm3 of aqueous sodium hydroxide into a beaker using a measuring cylinder. ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C It’s useful to realise the origins of a salt because it helps you predict which salt you get from a particular combination of acid and base. The cubic crystals of sodium chloride come from the neutralisation of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide solution. For example: op TIP Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie w ge TIP am br id These analytical tests are very important – particularly the tests for metal ions that give coloured precipitates. Also important is the way that we can identify zinc and aluminium salts using alkali. -R It is important to be able to give word equations for the reactions in this section. What are the formulae of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids? C5.28 Write word equations for the reaction of hydrochloric acid with: ni C5.27 bung b copper oxide br ev id ie antacid tablet s Pr y rs ity op C5.07 Acids and alkalis in chemical analysis y All salts are ionic compounds. They are made up of a positive metal ion, combined with a negative non-metal ion. Thus, common salt, sodium chloride, is made up of sodium metal ions (Na+ ions) and chloride non-metal ions (Cl− ions). Table C5.09 shows the ions that form certain important salts. op ni C U ie w ge ev id br -R am s -C Pr op y es All carbonates will react with acids to give of carbon dioxide. We can use this as a test to find out if an unknown substance is a carbonate or not. A piece of rock that we think is limestone can be checked by dripping a few drops of vinegar on it. If it ‘fizzes’, then it could be limestone. A more usual test would be to add dilute hydrochloric acid to the powdered substance. Any gas given of would be passed into limewater (calcium hydroxide solution) to see if it went cloudy. If the limewater does turn cloudy, the gas is carbon dioxide, and the substance is a carbonate. Figure C5.05 shows how an antacid tablet can be tested to see if it contains a carbonate. ity Salt Na+ Cl– potassium nitrate K+ NO3– Cu2+ SO42– Ca2+ CO32– Na+ CH3COO– C U w e calcium carbonate id g Negative ion sodium chloride copper(II) sulfate ev ie sodium ethanoate br s -R Table C5.09 The ions making up certain important salts. es am -C Positive ion op ni ve rs C w ie In analysis it would be useful to have tests for the metal ions in salts. We have seen that most metal hydroxides are insoluble. By adding an alkali to a solution of the unknown salt we can begin to identify the salt. y ev ve Tests for metal ions in salts using alkalis One important part of chemistry is the analysis of unknown substances to find out what they are. There is a series of tests that is important for this (see Section C12.01). Acids and alkalis play an important part in some of these tests. The chemistry of these tests is discussed here. R ev limewater (calcium hydroxide solution) Figure C5.05 Testing an antacid tablet containing a carbonate as the active ingredient. The test for carbonates using acid R dilute hydrochloric acid es -C Write balanced chemical equations for the reactions listed in question C5.28. C w ie -R am d sodium carbonate. C5.29 test tube w ge a potassium hydroxide c zinc delivery tube y ve rs ity QuEStiONS These tests come up frequently in exams because they are so distinctive, so it would be good to learn them. The ability to tell an iron(II) salt from an iron(III) salt is important. U R ev ie w C op y Pr es s -C Being able to give balanced chemical equation will be even more useful. C op TIP C U ni op y C5: Acids, bases and salts Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 279 ve rs ity w ev ie ge -R Pr es s The test for ammonium salts using alkali Ammonium salts are important as fertilisers. For example, ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate are used extensively as fertilisers. These are industrially important chemicals made by reacting ammonia with nitric acid or sulfuric acid, respectively. They are salts containing ammonium ions, NH4+ ions. These salts react with alkali solutions to produce ammonia gas, which can be detected because it turns damp red litmus paper blue: and OH ions combine to form a precipitate of Fe(OH)2; Na+ and SO42– ions stay in solution. y – ie w ge U ni C op Figure C5.06 a The precipitation of iron(II) hydroxide. b The precipitation of iron(III) hydroxide. Note the diferent colour of the precipitates. ev id ammonium nitrate + sodium hydroxide sodium nitrate + water + ammonia -R C5.31 What colour precipitate is produced when testing for copper ions with sodium hydroxide solution? What is the name of this precipitate? ev -R s es Which alkali solution must be used to distinguish between zinc ions and aluminium ions in solution? What is the observation that distinguishes between the two? ity Pr op y C5.08 Salts ni ve rs C zinc sulfate + sodium hydroxide zinc hydroxide + sodium sulfate y op A salt is a compound formed from an acid by the replacement of the hydrogen in the acid by a metal. Salts are ionic compounds. There is a wide range of types of salt. Zn(OH)2(s) + Na2SO4(aq) id g w e Even though the precipitates are all white, the test is still useful. When an excess of sodium hydroxide is added, the zinc and aluminium hydroxide precipitates re-dissolve to give colourless solutions. The calcium hydroxide precipitate does not re-dissolve. C ZnSO4(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) The importance of salts – an introduction U s es -C am br ev ie Sodium chloride is essential for life and is an important raw material for industries. Biologically, it has a number of functions: it is involved in muscle contraction; it enables the conduction of nerve impulses in the -R w ie ev Write the word equation for the reaction between a carbonate and hydrochloric acid. C5.32 White hydroxide precipitates Certain hydroxide precipitates are white. They are the hydroxides of calcium, zinc and aluminium. The addition of sodium hydroxide to a solution of a salt of these metals produces a white precipitate in each case. For example: R C5.30 C ni U ge id br am -C Fe(OH)2(s) + Na2SO4(aq) op QuEStiONS iron(II) sulfate + sodium hydroxide iron(II) hydroxide + sodium sulfate FeSO4(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) y s es rs ve w ie ev R This reaction occurs because ammonia is a more volatile base than sodium hydroxide. Ammonia is therefore easily displaced from its salts by sodium hydroxide. The reaction can be used to test an unknown substance for ammonium ions. It can also be used to prepare ammonia in the laboratory. • Iron(III) salts give a red-brown precipitate of iron(III) hydroxide. For example: NaNO3(aq) + H2O(l) + NH3(g) w C • Iron(II) salts give a light green precipitate of iron(II) hydroxide. ity op • Copper(II) salts give a light blue precipitate of copper(II) hydroxide. 280 NH4NO3(s) + NaOH(aq) Pr y -C am br Coloured hydroxide precipitates Some of the hydroxide precipitates are coloured. As a result, a solution of a salt can be tested by adding an alkali to it and checking the colour of the precipitate (Figure C5.06): ie Fe(OH)2(s) ve rs ity op R ev ie w C Fe2+ iron(II) sulfate solution Na+ Na+ SO42– y sodium hydroxide solution Fe2+ 2– SO4 -C Na+ Na+ OH– OH– To identify a zinc or aluminium salt, the test needs to be repeated with ammonia solution. The same white precipitates of zinc or aluminium hydroxide are produced. However, with excess ammonia solution it is only the zinc hydroxide precipitate that re-dissolves, not the aluminium hydroxide. Therefore we can tell the two apart using ammonia solution. b am br id a C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Method A – Acid plus solid metal, base or carbonate op y w ev ie Two things are important in working out a method of preparation: U R ni C op • Stage 2: The excess solid is filtered out. • Stage 3: The filtrate is gently evaporated to concentrate the salt solution. This can be done on a heated water bath (Figure C5.07) or sand tray (Image C5.08). w ge • Is the salt soluble or insoluble in water? rs ve • Stage 5: The concentrated solution is cooled to let the crystals form. The crystals are filtered of and washed with a little distilled water. Then the crystals are dried carefully between filter papers. op y glass rod ie hydrogen metal heat (ii) Add an excess of the metal oxide to the acid. Wait until the solution no longer turns blue litmus paper red. es Pr A glass rod is dipped into the solution and then taken out to cool; when small crystals form on the rod, the solution is ready to remove from the bath. ity ni ve rs w mixture c evaporating basin y C U R d op ie residue left in filter paper (the excess of the solid reactant) evaporating dish metal carbonate (iii) Add an excess of the metal carbonate to the acid. Wait until no more carbon dioxide is given off. s -C op y C filter funnel carbon dioxide -R am br ev id metal oxide (i) Warm the acid. Switch off the Bunsen burner. Add an excess of the metal to the acid. Wait until no more hydrogen is given off. b glass rod w ge dilute acid C U R ni ev ie w C ity op Soluble salts can be made from their parent acid using any of the three characteristic reactions of acids we outlined earlier (Section C5.06). filtrate br ev ie id g w e filtrate (a solution of the salt) Crystals form as solution cools; filter, wash and then dry them. -R s -C am Figure C5.07 Method A for preparing a soluble salt. a Stage 1: the acid is reacted with either (i) a metal, (ii) a base or (iii) a carbonate. b Stage 2: the excess solid is filtered out. c Stage 3: the solution is carefully evaporated. d Stage 4: the crystals are allowed to form. es ev • Stage 4: When crystals can be seen forming (crystallisation point), heating is stopped and the solution is let to crystallise. -R s Pr y es -C am br The first point influences the preparation method chosen. The second point afects how the crystals are handled at the end of the experiment. ev id ie • Do crystals of the salt contain water of crystallisation? a • Stage 1: An excess (more than enough) of the solid is added to the acid and allowed to react. Using an excess of the solid makes sure that all the acid is used up. If it is not used up at this stage, the acid would become more concentrated when the water is evaporated later (stage 3). y ev ie w C ve rs ity While a number of salts can be obtained by mining, others must be made by industry. Therefore, it is worth considering the methods available to make salts. Some of these can be investigated in the laboratory. C5.09 Preparing soluble salts Method A is essentially the same whether you are starting with a solid metal, a solid base or a solid carbonate. The method can be divided into four stages (Figure C5.07). -R Pr es s -C am br id ge nervous system; it regulates osmosis (the passage of solvent molecules through membranes); and it is converted into the hydrochloric acid that aids digestion in the stomach. When we sweat, we lose both water and sodium chloride. Loss of too much salt during sport and exercise can give us muscle cramp. Isotonic drinks are designed to replace this loss of water and to restore energy and the balance of mineral ions in our body. C U ni op y C5: Acids, bases and salts Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 281 ve rs ity ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences am br id ev ie w 7 Filter of the unreacted solid, collecting the clear blue solution in a 100 cm3 conical flask A fluted filter paper can be used to speed up the filtration. Questions A1 Write word and balanced chemical equations for the reaction taking place. y C op The preparation of magnesium sulfate crystals (Epsom salts) is included in the Notes on activities for teachers/technicians. ge U R 9 Pour the hot solution into a clean, dry dish and watch the crystals grow! A2 What does the fact that there is some unreacted solid let ater the reaction tell you about the proportions of reactants used? Why is it useful that the reaction is carried out with these proportions? ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R 8 Boil the solution for 2–3 minutes. br ev id ie w Image C5.08 Evaporating of the water to obtain salt crystals. Here a sand tray is being used to heat the solution carefully. s rs colourless acid pipette w ge ev id ie alkali br -R burette es s am -C conical flask ity indicator U op y ni ve rs ater adding the indicator evaporation of the solution and crystallisation as in method A c ev ie id g w e C Figure C5.08 Method B (the titration method) for preparing a soluble salt. a Stage 1: the burette is filled with acid and a known volume of alkali is added to the conical flask. b Stage 2: the acid is added to the alkali until the endpoint is reached. c Stage 3: the solution is evaporated and crystallised as for method A. es s -R br am -C end-point has been reached tap Pr op y C w ie b C U R ev R y a ni ev Quick and easy copper(II) sulfate crystals Skill: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) Wear eye protection. Note that sulfuric acid ! is an irritant at the concentration used in this activity. This activity is an adaptation of the larger-scale method of preparing a soluble salt (see Figure C5.07). 1 Pour 15 cm3 of 2 mol/dm3 sulfuric acid into a boiling tube. 2 Place the tube in a beaker half-filled with boiling water from a kettle. 3 Weigh out between 1.8 g and 2.0 g of copper(II) oxide. 4 Add half the copper(II) oxide to the acid in the boiling tube. Agitate the boiling tube and return it to the hot water. 5 When the solid has dissolved, add the remaining portion of copper(II) oxide. 6 Keep the tube in the hot water for 5 more minutes, taking it out occasionally to agitate. op ACtivity C5.06 Method B (the titration method) involves the neutralisation of an acid with an alkali (for example, sodium hydroxide) or a soluble carbonate (for example, sodium carbonate). Since both the reactants and the products are colourless, an indicator is used to find the neutralisation point or end-point (when all the acid has just been neutralised). The method is divided into three stages (Figure C5.08). ve ie w C 282 ity op Pr y Always remember to finish your description of a method of preparing salt crystals with at least the words ‘filter, wash and carefully dry the crystals’ to cover the final stages of the preparation. es -C TIP -R am Method B – Acid plus alkali by titration Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C5: Acids, bases and salts ge • Stage 1: The acid solution is poured into a burette. The burette is used to accurately measure the volume of solution added. A known volume of alkali solution is placed in a conical flask using a pipette. The pipette delivers a fixed volume accurately. A few drops of an indicator (for example, thymolphthalein or methyl orange, Figure C5.09) are added to the flask. What colour is the indicator methyl orange in alkali? C5.34 In the methods of preparing a salt using a solid metal, base or carbonate, why is the solid used in excess? C5.35 In such methods, what method is used to remove the excess solid once the reaction has finished? C5.36 Name the two important pieces of graduated glassware used in the titration method of preparing a salt. C5.37 Why should the crystals prepared at the end of these experiments not be heated too strongly when drying them? U R ni C op y ve rs ity op y • Stage 2: The acid solution is run into the flask from the burette until the indicator just changes colour. Having found the end-point for the reaction, the volume of acid run into the flask is noted. The experiment is then repeated without using the indicator. The same known volume of alkali is used in the flask The same volume of acid as noted in the first part is then run into the flask. Alternatively, activated charcoal can be added to remove the coloured indicator. The charcoal can then be filtered of. C w ev ie C5.33 -R Pr es s -C am br id ev ie w QuEStiONS ie w ge C5.10 Choosing a method of salt preparation id • Stage 3: The salt solution is evaporated and cooled to form crystals as described in method A. br ev Soluble salts The choice of method for preparing a soluble salt (see Section C5.09) depends on two things: s es Pr y op a red Making salts by precipitation y op U blue colourless w ge R thymolphthalein The reaction between marble chips (calcium carbonate) and sulfuric acid would be expected to produce a strong reaction, with large amounts of carbon dioxide being given of. However, the reaction quickly stops ater a very short time. This is caused by the fact that calcium sulfate is insoluble. It soon forms a layer on the surface of the marble chips, stopping any further reaction. C ni ev ve ie rs yellow methyl orange y e C U op w ie ev R ie id g w KEy tERMS ev precipitation: the sudden formation of a solid, either: ■ when two solutions are mixed, or ■ when a gas is bubbled into a solution es s -R br am Figure C5.09 a The colour changes for the indicators methyl orange and thymolphthalein. b The actual colours of methyl orange in acid and alkali. -C This reaction emphasises that some salts are insoluble in water (for example, silver chloride and barium sulfate – precipitations that are important in analysis). Such salts cannot be made by the crystallisation methods we have described earlier. They are generally made by ionic precipitation. For example, barium sulfate can be made by taking a solution of a soluble sulfate (such as sodium sulfate). This is added to a solution of a soluble barium salt (for example, barium nitrate). The insoluble barium sulfate is formed immediately. ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie Add acid until the colour just changes. b • Is the metal reactive enough to displace the hydrogen in the acid? If it is, is it too reactive and therefore unsafe? • Is the base or carbonate soluble or insoluble? Figure C . shows a flow chart summarising the choices. acid ity alkali w C -R am -C This titration method is very useful not simply for preparing salts but also for finding the concentration of a particular acid or alkali solution (see Section C6.05). Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 283 ve rs ity Does it react safely ? Yes No Pr es s -C No Is the base or carbonate soluble? Method A: can prepare salt by reacting acid with excess solid, followed by filtration, e.g. CuSO4. 5H2O ve rs ity Method B: can use titration method, e.g. NaCl, K2SO4, NH4NO3 y C Yes ni w ge U Figure C5.10 Flow chart showing which method to use for preparing soluble salts. The two methods A and B are described in the text and in Figures C5.07 and C5.08. ie What happens to ions in neutralisation? id This solid ‘falls’ to the bottom of the tube or beaker as a precipitate. The precipitate can be filtered of. It is then washed with distilled water and dried in a warm oven. The equation for this reaction is: ev An acid can be neutralised by an alkali to produce a salt and water only, according to the general equation: -R br es Pr y op ve op y All these compounds are completely ionised, except for the water produced. ni C5.38 C U There are two general methods of preparing soluble salts: ge The hydrogen ions from the acid and the hydroxide ions from the alkali combine to form water molecules. w br ev id ie Method B – add an excess of base or metal to a dilute acid and remove the excess by filtration. method -R s es + iii word equation. H op C U water molecule id g ii reagent w e method O ie -R ev H H s KCl + H2O es am br iii copy and complete the following symbol equation + – O b the soluble salt, potassium chloride, from the soluble base, potassium hydroxide i both containing a few drops of Universal Indicator hydroxide ion ni ve rs ii reagent acidic solution H+ ity i -C ie w C op y a the soluble salt, zinc sulfate, from the insoluble base, zinc oxide hydrogen ion Pr -C am For each of the following salt preparations, choose one of the methods, A or B, name any additional reagent needed and then write or complete the equation asked for. y w ie ev QuEStiONS R hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide sodium chloride + water HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) rs C ity This equation shows how important state symbols can be – it is the only way we can tell that this equation shows a precipitation. ev salt + water For example: Method A – use a burette and an indicator. R acid + alkali s am -C barium nitrate + sodium sulfate barium sulfate + sodium nitrate Ba(NO3)2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq) BaSO4(s) + 2NaNO3(aq) 284 Salt crystals prepared by evaporation and crystallisation C op op y No w ev ie R Method A: can prepare salt by using excess metal and acid, followed by filtration, e.g. MgSO4. 7H2O, ZnCl2 Yes -R Does the metal react with acids ? ev ie am br id Start w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution alkaline solution ve rs ity C U ni op y C5: Acids, bases and salts We can show this in the following equation: H2O(l) water y acid: a molecule or ion that is able to donate a proton (H+ ion) to a base base: a molecule or ion that is able to accept a proton ni C op C w U H+ ions in hydrochloric acid ge + TIP ie id – br Cl – It is important to realise that a hydrogen ion (H+) is simply a proton. Once the single electron of a hydrogen atom has been removed to form the positive ion, all that is let is the proton of the nucleus (Figure C5.12). ev ev ie R Na+ O KEy tERMS ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C This is the ionic equation for this neutralisation reaction. The spectator ions (chloride and sodium ions) remain in solution – which becomes a solution of sodium chloride (Figure C5.11). ions in sodium hydroxide In these reactions, the acid is providing hydrogen ions to react with the hydroxide ions. In turn, the base is supplying hydroxide ions to accept the H+ ions and form water. This leads to a further definition of an acid and a base in terms of hydrogen ion (proton) transfer: -R hydroxide ions (in water) hydrogen ions (in water) 'spectator ions' rs + O a hydrogen atom op y H water U ni ev H ve ie w C ity Na+ Cl – R + Pr op y es s -C -R am H C ie w ge ev id br -R am Summary s ity ■ ni ve rs U op y ■ id g w e ■ ev ■ es s -R br am -C ■ that bases are the ‘chemical opposites’ of acids and they neutralise the efects of acids; alkalis are bases that dissolve in water that neutralisation between an acid and a base produces a salt and water only that acids have certain characteristic reactions with some metals to give a salt and hydrogen gas, and with metal carbonates to give a salt, water and carbon dioxide gas how salts are produced when the hydrogen in the acid is replaced by a metal that salts are prepared in the laboratory by a series of methods depending on the compound reacted with the acid C C w ie R ev ■ ■ Pr op y es how all acids contain hydrogen and dissolve in water to give solutions with a pH below 7 that pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution; acids have a pH below 7, alkalis above 7 and a neutral solution a pH of 7 that indicators change colour depending on the pH of the solution they are added to; some show a single colour change (litmus, for example), while Universal Indicator shows a range of colours depending on the solution tested how the dissolved oxides of non-metals usually form acidic solutions and that metal oxides, if they dissolve, usually form alkaline solutions ie -C You should know: ■ a hydrogen ion (H+) (the electron has been lost, leaving just the proton of the nucleus) Figure C5.12 A hydrogen ion is simply a proton. Figure C5.11 The reaction of the ions when hydrochloric acid is mixed with sodium hydroxide. ■ w am br id H+(aq) + OH− (aq) ev ie w ge By evaporating some of the water, the salt can be crystallised out. In fact, the same ionic equation can be used for any reaction between an acid and an alkali. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 285 ve rs ity -R ■ Pr es s y ve rs ity op how the neutralisation reaction between any acid and alkali can be represented by the ionic equation: H2O(l) H+(aq) + OH–(aq) how some non-metal oxides are neutral, and some metal oxides and hydroxides are amphoteric. ev ie ■ w ge -C ■ that acid solutions have an excess of H+ ions, while alkali solutions have an excess of OH– ions that the pH of a solution depends on the balance of the H+ and OH– ion concentrations present; water is neutral because these concentrations are equal in pure water am br id ■ C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences pH 7 pH 11 b quicklime slaked lime -R es Pr ity op C ie w ge id [3] s -C solution of calcium hydroxide -R am br ev flask es [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 21 Q (part) November 2010] Pr op y ity Which one of the following is a pH value for an acidic solution? pH 3 pH 9 pH 13 es s -R br ev ie id g w e C U op y Describe how you would use litmus to test if a solution is acidic. Acids react with metal carbonates. i Write a word equation for the reaction of calcium carbonate with hydrochloric acid. ii Calcium carbonate can be used to treat acidic soil. State one other use of calcium carbonate. iii Name one other compound that can be used to treat acidic soil. am b c pH 7 ni ve rs a -C C burette Hydrochloric acid and ethanoic acid are both acidic in nature. w ie ev [1] y rs ve ni U R 2 [1] [3] s -C y op C w ie ev hydrochloric acid Describe how you would carry out this titration. R [1] Some farmers use calcium hydroxide to control soil acidity. i Why is it important to control soil acidity? ii Acid rain can cause soil to become acidic. Describe how acid rain is formed. Calcium hydroxide reacts with hydrochloric acid. calcium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid calcium chloride + water i State the name of this type of chemical reaction. ii A dilute solution of calcium hydroxide can be titrated with hydrochloric acid using the apparatus shown. am c limestone ev cement ie Which of the following is the common name for calcium hydroxide? [1] w pH 6 ge pH 3 286 C op ni Which one of the pH values below is alkaline? U R a d y A solution of calcium hydroxide in water is alkaline. id 1 br ev ie w C End-of-chapter questions Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [1] [3] [3] [1] [1] ve rs ity w ge ev ie Hydrochloric acid reacts with iron to form iron(II) chloride and hydrogen. Complete the equation for this reaction. Fe + HCl FeCl2 + Pr es s -C [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 21 Q3 a–d June 2012] Soluble salts can be made using a base and an acid. y 3 [2] -R am br id d C U ni op y C5: Acids, bases and salts ve rs ity C op Complete the method of preparing dry crystals of the soluble salt cobalt(II) chloride-6-water from the insoluble base cobalt(II) carbonate. The method involves four steps. The first is as follows: y [4] [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 31 Q8 a November 2010] U R ni ev ie What are Steps 2, 3 and 4? C op w Step 1: Add an excess of cobalt(II) carbonate to hot dilute hydrochloric acid. Ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate are both commercially produced fertilisers. ie w ge damp red A student is given a white solid and is told litmus paper that it is either ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate. She adds sodium hydroxide solution to some of the solid contained in a test-tube, and then warms the mixture gently. The figure shows what the student observed. mixture of white -R s es ity op 287 solid and sodium hydroxide solution ve ni op gentle heat [2] -R am br ev id ie w ge C U Explain the observation shown in the figure. ii The student then makes an aqueous solution of the white solid and adds hydrochloric acid and barium chloride solution. State what would be observed, if anything, if the white solid is ammonium nitrate, or if it is ammonium sulfate. Calcium carbonate is another compound that is sometimes added to soil. State and explain how calcium carbonate can improve the quality of soil used for crops. [2] [2] es s -C [Cambridge IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences 0654 Paper 22 Q12 b, c May 2014] Copy and complete the table. ity pH of solution of oxide i ii y op C U neutral e Explain the term amphoteric. Name two reagents that are needed to show that an oxide is amphoteric. id g w ev basic ie ie acidic -R s es am -C [6] [1] [2] [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 31 Q2 November 2009] br b Example ni ve rs w Type of oxide ev C a Pr Oxides are classified as acidic, basic, neutral and amphoteric. op y 5 y rs C w ie ev R b R litmus paper turns blue Pr y -C am br i ev a id 4 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie -R es s -C Pr y ity op C ■ ve y C w ie ev ni ve rs C w w e C U op y In many diferent situations it is important to know not only what is in a chemical product but also how much of each substance there is. The fertiliser bags found around a farm oten carry three numbers (Image C6.01). The numbers tell the farmer the amounts of the three key elements present in the fertiliser: that is, the percentages ev ie id g The same demands apply in many areas of chemistry. Environmental chemists need to check levels of es s -R br am -C ie ev of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). The same idea lies behind the rules controlling the food industry. For instance, European Union regulations require all breakfast cereal packets to show the amounts of various chemical substances (such as protein, fat and vitamins) present in the cereal. ity C6.01 Chemical analysis and formulae R op ni U op y ■ -R ■ s ■ es ■ ge ■ id ■ br ■ the relative atomic mass of elements the relative formula mass of compounds that substances react in fixed proportions by mass the mole as the ‘accounting unit’ in chemistry simple calculations involving the mole calculations involving the mole and reacting masses calculations involving gases the concentration of solutions the titration of acid and alkali solutions. am ■ -C R ev ie w rs This chapter covers: Pr 288 ev am br id ie w ge U R C6 Quantitative chemistry Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w 1.7 × 10–24 1 carbon-12 2.0 × 10–23 12 fluorine 3.2 × 10–23 19 -R am br id Pr es s -C y Table C6.01 The relative masses of some atoms. ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie w ge U R ie id ev 1 carbon atom mass 12 units Ar = 12 289 ity op rs op y ve ni ie ev id -R s es Pr ity ni ve rs = 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 7 g H hydrogen (H) Figure C6.01 The relative mass of atoms. Twelve hydrogen atoms have the same mass as one atom of carbon-12. A helium atom has the same mass as four hydrogens. op This must be taken into account. The relative atomic mass (Ar) of an element is the average mass of an atom of the element, taking into account the diferent natural isotopes of that element (Table C6.02). So most relative atomic masses are not whole numbers. But in this book, with the exception of chlorine, they are rounded to the nearest whole number to make our calculations easier. C U w e ev ie id g es s -R br am helium (He) H y It is much more useful and convenient to measure the masses of atoms relative to each other (Table C6.01). To do this, a standard atom has been chosen, against which all others are then compared. This standard atom is an atom of the carbon-12 isotope, the ‘mass’ of which is given the value of exactly 12 (Figure C6.01). -C H H element that have diferent masses because they have diferent numbers of neutrons in the nucleus (see Section C2.04). The majority of elements have several isotopes (Figure C6.02). mass of one hydrogen atom = 1.7 × 10 –24 g The use of the mass spectrometer first showed the existence of isotopes. These are atoms of the same w C U ge He br am -C op y C w 12 hydrogen atoms mass 1 unit each Ar = 1 Pr y es s -R br -C am pollutants in the air caused by burning a particular fuel. Polymer chemists require an estimate of how much material a new and diferent reaction method will yield. They need to check on losses through the purification process. Medical researchers must find a safe dose for an experimental drug. They must consider its possible side efects by measuring the amounts of its metabolic products in cells. A chemical formula or equation not only tells us what happens but puts ‘numbers’ to it. This is vital to modern chemistry. The mass of a single hydrogen atom is incredibly small when measured in grams (g): ie H H H H H H H H H H H H C C w ie ev R Whole-number ratio hydrogen Image C6.01 NPK fertiliser contains the plant nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The 5–10–5 on the bag refers to the ratio of these nutrients in the fertiliser: 5% nitrogen; 10% phosphorus; 5% potassium. We need to be able to predict the amounts of substances involved in chemical reactions. To do this, we must have a good understanding of the atom. For some time now we have been able to use the mass spectrometer as a way of ‘weighing’ atoms. ev Mass in grams ev ie ge Atom Relative atomic mass R C U ni op y C6: Quantitative chemistry Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Relative formula mass ge F Cl w ev ie 7 -C 35 Kr 83 37 84 86 117 118 119 120 y U O 16 fluorine F 19 sodium Na 23 magnesium Mg aluminium Al sulfur S chlorine Cl op y • Sodium chloride: Sodium chloride is an ionic solid. It contains one chloride ion for each sodium ion present. The formula unit of sodium chloride is therefore Na+Cl–. So its relative formula mass is the relative atomic mass of sodium plus the relative atomic mass of chlorine: C 32 35.5 ie 64 br ev Except for chlorine, all values have been rounded to the nearest Mr(NaCl) = 23 + 35.5 = 58.5 op y es s -C Table C6.02 The relative atomic masses of some elements. KEy tERM Pr KEy tERM relative molecular mass: (Mr) of a covalent substance; the sum of the relative atomic masses of the elements present in a molecule of the substance. ni ve rs C ity relative atomic mass: (Ar) of an element; the average mass of naturally occurring atoms of the element on a scale where the carbon-12 atom has a mass of exactly 12 units y If the substance is an ionic compound, this mass is called the relative formula mass (Mr). op ie w -R whole number. e C U It is important to note that the mass of an ion will be the same as that of the parent atom. The mass of the electron(s) gained or lost in forming the ion can be ignored in comparison to the total mass of the atom. ev ie id g w The practical result of these definitions can be seen by looking at further examples (Table C6.03). es s -R br am -C ev w 27 w ni ve rs Mr(H20) = (2 × 1) + 16 = 18 am (a) Cu id copper • Water: Water is a liquid made up of H2O molecules (H—O—H). Each molecule contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. So its relative molecular mass is twice the relative atomic mass of hydrogen plus the relative atomic mass of oxygen: 24 ge R ev ie w C 290 U am -C op y oxygen ie 14 ev N nitrogen Mr(H2) = 2 × 1 = 2 -R 12 s C carbon ity 1 es id H br hydrogen • Hydrogen: Hydrogen gas is made up of H2 molecules (H—H). Each molecule contains two hydrogen atoms. So its relative molecular mass is twice the relative atomic mass of hydrogen: Relative atomic mass, Ar(a) Pr Symbol ge Element R C op ni w Figure C6.02 Many diferent elements have more than one isotope. These bars show the proportions of diferent isotopes for some elements. Fluorine is rare in having just one. R ev ie 122 124 116 C Sn ve rs ity op y 82 -R 6 Atoms combine to form molecules or groups of ions. The total masses of these molecules or groups of ions provide useful information on the way the elements have combined with each other. The formula of an element or compound is taken as the basic unit (the formula unit). The masses of the atoms or ions in the formula are added together. The mass of a substance found in this way is called the relative formula mass (Mr). For covalent elements or compounds, where the substance is made up of molecules, this mass is also referred to as the relative molecular mass (Mr). Here we illustrate the method by calculating the relative formula masses of three simple substances. Pr es s Li am br id 19 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity CO2 1C 2O 2 C = 12 1 × 12 = 12 O = 16 2 × 16 = 32 44 = 40 1 × 40 = 40 1C C = 12 1 × 12 = 12 3O O = 16 3 × 16 = 48 y 1S 2 × 14 = 28 = 1 8×1 = 8 = 32 1 × 32 = 32 O = 16 4 × 16 = 64 ie ev -R 132 Mg = 24 1 × 24 = 24 1S S = 32 1 × 32 = 32 4O O = 16 4 × 16 = 64 14H H = 1 14 × 1 = 14 7O O = 16 7 × 16 = 112 s Pr ity op rs C 14 S 1Mg es MgSO4 · 7H2O (one Mg2+ ion, one SO42– ion, seven H2O molecules) y ve 246 ni op The figure 2 outside the brackets multiplies everything in the brackets; there are two ammonium ions in this formula. (b) C U R The 7 means there are seven H2O molecules per MgSO4 formula unit. ie w ge ev id br AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates Pr es s -R am ity AO3.5 Evaluate methods and suggest possible improvements op y Reacting marble chips with acid Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.2 Plan experiments and investigations e C U A worksheet, with a self-assessment checklist, is included on the CD-ROM. ev ie id g w Follow-up experiment: Is eggshell pure calcium carbonate? A worksheet on this activity is included in the Notes on activities for teachers/technicians. es s -R br am AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data When marble is reacted with acid, it decomposes, giving of carbon dioxide. This activity is designed to find the percentage of the mass of marble released as carbon dioxide. ni ve rs ACtivity C6.01 -C w C op y -C Pay particular attention to the example of ammonium sulfate in Table C6.03. This is an example of a formula that has brackets. Remember to take into account the number outside the bracket when counting up all the atoms of a particular type. ie C op H 40 = Table C6.03 The relative formula masses of some compounds. ev 100 w ni 8H U N id y = 2N w ie ev 2×1 (NH4)2SO4 (two NH4+ ions, one SO42– ion) (a) TIP R 1 Ca br am -C hydrated magnesium sulfate(b) = ge ammonium sulfate H 1Ca ve rs ity C w ev ie (a) R Pr es s y CaCO3 (one Ca2+ ion, one CO32– ion) op calcium carbonate Relative formula mass, Mr w -R 2H -C carbon dioxide H2 Relative atomic masses ev ie Atoms in formula am br id hydrogen Formula ge Substance C U ni op y C6: Quantitative chemistry Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 291 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences The increase in mass is due to the oxygen that has now combined with the magnesium. The mass of magnesium used and the mass of magnesium oxide produced can be found from the results. y WORKED EXAMPLE C6.01 How much magnesium oxide is produced from a given mass of magnesium? Here are some results obtained from this experiment: a mass of empty crucible + lid = 8.52 g b mass of crucible + lid + magnesium = 8.88 g y c mass of crucible + lid + magnesium oxide = 9.12 g ni C op C ve rs ity op Several diferent groups in a class can prepare magnesium oxide by heating a coil of magnesium in a crucible (Figure C6.03). The crucible must first be weighed empty, and then re-weighed with the magnesium in it. The crucible is then heated strongly. Air is allowed in by occasionally liting the lid very carefully. Solid must not be allowed to escape as a white smoke. Ater a while, the lid may be taken of and the open crucible heated strongly. The crucible and products are then allowed to cool before re-weighing. w U d mass of magnesium (b – a) = 0.36 g ge mass of magnesium oxide (c – a) = 0.60 g id ie w mass of oxygen combined with magnesium = 0.60 – 0.36 = 0.24 g op • the more magnesium used, the more oxygen combines with it from the air and the more magnesium oxide is produced ie • the graph is a straight line, showing that the ratio of magnesium to oxygen in magnesium oxide is fixed. A definite compound is formed by a chemical reaction. heat Mass of oxygen / g es Pr 0.2 0.1 y TIP 0 U Make sure you are familar with this type of quantitative experiment, particularly the need to re-weigh until there is no further change in mass. This ‘heating to constant mass’ is a way of making sure that the reaction has completely finished. 0.1 0.2 0.3 Mass of magnesium / g id g w e C 0 0.4 ev ie Figure C6.04 A graph of the results obtained from heating magnesium in air. The graph shows the mass of oxygen (from the air) that reacts with various masses of magnesium. es s -R br am -C ev ie w ni ve rs C ity op y Figure C6.03 Heating magnesium in a crucible. R 0.3 s -C tripod -R am br ev id pipe-clay triangle w ge C U R The results show that: magnesium ribbon ni ev ve ie w rs crucible The results of the various experiments in the class can be plotted on a graph. The mass of oxygen combined with the magnesium (y-axis) is plotted against the mass of magnesium used (x-axis). Figure C6.04 shows some results obtained from this experiment. y C 292 ity op Pr y es s -C -R am br ev 0.60 g of magnesium oxide is produced from heating 0.36 g of magnesium op ev ie R ev ie Pr es s -C The idea that compounds are made up of elements combined in fixed amounts can be shown experimentally. Samples of the same compound made in diferent ways always contain the same elements. Also, the masses of the elements present are always in the same ratio. -R am br id w ge Compound formation and chemical formulae Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge C U ni op y C6: Quantitative chemistry w WORKED EXAMPLE C6.02 y -R We have: 0.24 g Mg producing 0.40 g MgO ve rs ity op C so 1 g Mg produces For example, magnesium oxide always contains 60% magnesium and 40% oxygen by mass; and ammonium nitrate always contains 35% nitrogen, 60% oxygen and 5% hydrogen by mass. y = 1.67 g MgO ni U R so 12 g Mg produces 12 × 1.67 g MgO ge Similar experiments can be done to show that the water of crystallisation present in a particular hydrated salt, such as hydrated copper(II) sulfate (CuSO4 · 5H2O), is always the same fraction of the total mass of the salt. ev id ie w = 20 g MgO br -R am s -C Pr y es ACtivity C6.02 ity Calculations of quantities like these are a very important part of chemistry. These calculations show how there is a great deal of information ‘stored’ in chemical formulae and equations. The equation for the reaction between magnesium and oxygen defines the proportions in which the two elements always react (Figure C6.05). y op Magnesium reacts with oxygen to form magnesium oxide. Work out the reacting masses and the product mass. ev id br -R am -C 2 magnesium atoms + 2 oxygen atoms s Calculate the formula of magnesium oxide formed when magnesium is heated in a crucible. Group results can be processed as shown in the text and compared with a novel method using a ‘bottle-top crucible’ rather than the conventional apparatus. es Mg = 24 O = 16 ity ni ve rs op y 48 + 32 → 80 C U 48 grams of magnesium react with 32 grams of oxygen to form 80 grams of magnesium oxide. id g w e Reacting amounts of substance Relative formula masses can also be used to calculate the amounts of compounds reacted together or produced in reactions. Here is an example. ev ie Figure C6.05 The proportions in which magnesium and oxygen react are defined by the chemical equation for the reaction. es s -R br am 2 magnesium atoms + 2 oxygen atoms For the product, work out the inner brackets first. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. -C → 2MgO (2 × 24) + (2 × 16) = [(2 × 24) + (2 × 16)] + 32 = [48 + 32] 48 + 32 = 80 48 Pr op y C w ie + O2 → 2Mg ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w rs C op Finding the composition of magnesium oxide Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.2 Plan experiments and investigations AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data AO3.5 Evaluate methods and suggest possible improvements ev R 0.40 g MgO 0.24 C op w ev ie If 0.24 g of magnesium react with 0.16 g of oxygen to produce 0.40 g of magnesium oxide (Figure C6.04), how much magnesium oxide (MgO) will be produced by burning 12 g of magnesium? Pr es s -C am br id ev ie A particular compound always contains the same elements. ■ These elements are always present in the same proportions by mass. ■ It does not matter where the compound is found or how it is made. ■ These proportions cannot be changed. ■ Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 293 ve rs ity The diagrams represent the structure of six diferent compounds (A–F). I– Na+ U C I Na Cl 0.16 0.24 0.40 0.16 0.30 0.50 I 0.28 0.46 0.10 0.18 0.20 0.32 – 6 a Write down the correct mass of oxygen that reacts with the magnesium in the last four experiments. b Plot a graph of the mass of oxygen reacted against the mass of magnesium used. Draw in the best-fit line for these points. rs y ve ni op c Comment on what this graph line shows about the composition of magnesium oxide. C w ie Br ev br id H F ACtivity C6.03 -R s Pr op y es -C Calculate the relative formula masses (Mr) of the following substances: a oxygen, O2 b ammonia, NH3 ity c sulfur dioxide, SO2 e sulfuric acid, H2SO4 op potassium bromide, KBr C U g copper nitrate, Cu(NO3)2 w e h aluminium chloride, AlCl3 es s -R br ev ie id g (Relative atomic masses: H = 1, C = 12, N = 14, O = 16, Al = 27, S = 32, Cl = 35.5, K = 39, Cu = 64, Br = 80) am the efect of varying the quantity of a reactant Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data This investigation uses the reaction between magnesium and dilute sulfuric acid to study the efect of varying the amount of one reactant on the amount of product formed. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. y ni ve rs d octane, C8Hl8 -C C 0.38 4 am E w 0.22 U ge F F ie 3 -R Cl D Br ev 0.10 7 Cl ie w + I H F R 0.25 8 F f 0.15 w Na H ev Na+ B F R I– – C C6.02 Na+ 2 s C I– 0.04 es H Na+ 0.10 5 + br – I– am H C 294 I I– 0.06 Pr y C op H -C A H H H id H Na+ Oxygen 1 ie ge Na+ C I– Mass/g Magnesium Magnesium oxide ity R H Na+ Experiment y I– ni w ev ie Na+ ve rs ity c State the simplest formula for each compound A to F. C op y Pr es s b What type of bonding is present in compound B? C op -C -R a What type of bonding is present in compounds A, C, D, E and F? ev C6.01 A class of students carry out an experiment heating magnesium in a crucible (as described earlier in this section). The table shows the results of the experiments from the diferent groups in the class. ev ie C6.03 am br id QUESTIONS w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C6: Quantitative chemistry op C op w ie ev es 3 4 Pr 2 Mass of iron / g y 1 y ie ev id es s -R br am -C Relative formula mass, Mr Mass of one mole (molar mass) This mass (1 mol) contains 12 g 6.02 × 1023 carbon atoms 56 g 6.02 × 1023 iron atoms C 12 iron Fe 56 hydrogen H2 2×1=2 oxygen O2 2 × 16 = 32 32 g water H2O (2 × 1) + 16= 18 18 g 6.02 × 1023 H2O molecules magnesium oxide MgO 24 + 16 = 40 40 g 6.02 × 1023 MgO ‘formula units’ 100 g 6.02 × 1023 CaCO3 ‘formula units’ SiO2 y op C w 40 + 12 + (3 × 16) = 100 28 + (2 × 16) = 60 ev id g CaCO3 2g 60 g 6.02 × 1023 H2 molecules 6.02 × 1023 O2 molecules 6.02 × 1023 SiO2 ‘formula units’ -R am silicon(IV) oxide br calcium carbonate e ni ve rs ity carbon U Pr op y Formula C es s Table C6.04 Calculating the mass of one mole of various substances. -C w ie ev w has a mass equal to its relative formula mass in grams ■ contains 6.02 × 1023 (the Avogadro constant) atoms, molecules or formula units, depending on the substance considered. ■ ge When carrying out an experiment, a chemist cannot weigh out a single atom or molecule and then react it with another one. Atoms and molecules are simply too small. A ‘counting unit’ must be found that is useful in practical chemistry. This idea is not unusual when dealing with large numbers of small objects. For example, banks weigh coins rather than C One mole of a substance: U R ni op The mole – the chemical counting unit ie ev ve ie rs C ity Figure C6.06 Experiments on heating iron with sulfur show that the two elements react in a fixed ratio by mass to produce iron sulfide. Substance R One mole of each of these diferent substances contains the same number of atoms, molecules or formula units. That number per mole has been worked out by several diferent experimental methods. It is named ater the 19th-century Italian chemist, Amedeo Avogadro, and is 6.02 × 1023 per mole (this is called the Avogadro constant, and it is given the symbol L). The vast size of this constant shows just how small atoms are! For instance, it has been estimated that 6.02 × 1023 sot-drink cans stacked together would cover the surface of the Earth to a depth of 200 miles. -R s -C 0 0 Chemists count atoms and molecules by weighing them. The standard ‘unit’ of the ‘amount’ of a substance is taken as the relative formula mass of the substance in grams. This ‘unit’ is called one mole (1 mol) of the substance (mol is the symbol or shortened form of mole or moles). The unit ‘moles’ is used to measure amounts of elements and compounds. The idea becomes clearer if we consider some examples (Table C6.04). y ve rs ity ni U ge id br 1.0 am Mass of sulfur / g 1.5 0.5 w ev ie Pr es s y op C w ev ie 2.0 R -R am br id -C A particular compound always contains the same elements. They are always present in a fixed ratio by mass (Figure C6.06). These two experimental results were of great historical importance in developing the ideas of chemical formulae and the bonding of atoms. How can we make the link between mass ratios and the chemical formula of a compound? To do this, we need to use the idea of the mole. 2.5 count them – they know that a fixed number of a particular coin will always have the same mass. The number of sweets in a jar can be estimated from their mass. Assuming that you know the mass of one sweet, you could calculate how many sweets were in the jar from their total mass. How can we estimate the number of iron atoms in an iron block? Again, we can try to link mass to the number of items present. w ge C6.02 the mole and chemical formulae Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 295 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences w ge Calculations involving the mole -C -R number of moles = 1 Write down the formula of the substance; for example, ethanol is C2H5OH. 2 What is the mass of 0.5 mol of copper(II) sulfate crystals? We have: the relative formula mass of hydrated copper(II) sulfate is: C ve rs ity op y Pr es s 2 Work out its relative formula mass; for example, ethanol contains two carbon atoms (Ar = 12), six hydrogen atoms (Ar = 1) and one oxygen atom (Ar = 16). So for ethanol Mr = (2 × 12) + (6 × 1) + 16 = 46. y molar mass of CuSO4 · 5H2O = 250 g/mol ie -R s es mass 250 g / mol mass = 0.5 × 250 = 125g 0.5 mol = rs y ve This shows that, if we need to calculate the mass of one mole of some substance, the straightforward way is to work out the relative formula mass of the substance and write the word ‘grams’ ater it. Using the above equation it is possible to convert any mass of a particular substance into moles, or vice versa. We shall look at two examples. ni op Working out chemical formulae ev id ie w ge C U The idea of the mole means that we can now work out chemical formulae from experimental data on combining masses. It provides the link between the mass of an element in a compound and the number of its atoms present. br es Pr y C U op ie ev e For giant structures, the formula of the compound is the simplest whole-number formula – in this example, MgO. Silicon(IV) oxide is a giant molecular structure. A sample of silicon oxide with a mass of 10.0 g is found to contain 4.7 g of silicon. How can we find its formula? This is done in Figure C6.07b. id g w R 60 g no. of moles The formula of magnesium oxide tells us that 1 mol of magnesium atoms combine with 1 mol of oxygen atoms. The atoms react in a 1 : 1 ratio to form a giant ionic structure (lattice) of Mg2+ and O2– ions. ni ve rs molar mass of NaOH = 40 g/mol ity op y -R s -C am br ev ie 40 g/mol es C Mr(NaOH) = 23 + 16 + 1 = 40 s -C 1 How many moles are there in 60 g of sodium hydroxide? We have: the relative formula mass of sodium hydroxide is: In the experiment to make magnesium oxide (see Section 6.01), a constant ratio was found between the reacting amounts of magnesium and oxygen. If 0.24 g of magnesium is burnt, then 0.40 g of magnesium oxide is formed. This means that 0.24 g of magnesium combines with 0.16 g of oxygen (0.40 – 0.24 = 0.16 g). We can now use these results to find the formula of magnesium oxide (Figure C6.07a). -R am WORKED EXAMPLE C6.03 w mass molar mass Therefore, ity molar mass w ie ev R number of moles = Pr y op no. of moles C 296 0.5 mol 250 g/mol ev id br am -C mass mass w ge U R ni For any given mass of a substance: mass number of moles = molar mass where the mass is in grams and the molar mass is in grams per mole. The triangle shown below can be a useful aid to memory: cover the quantity to be found and you are let with how to work it out. Mr(CuSO4 · 5H2O) = 64 + 32+(4 × 16) + (5 × 18) = 250 C op w 3 Express this in grams per mole; for example, the molar mass of ethanol is 46 g/mol. ev ie mass molar mass 60 g = 40 g / mol number of moles = 1.5 ev ie am br id You can find the molar mass (mass of one mole) of any substance by following these steps. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Find the number of moles of atoms of each element that combine. 0.16 g molar mass 24 g/mol 16 g/mol number of moles 0.01 mol 0.01 mol simplest ratio 1 w ev ie y C op ni 0.331 mol 1 2 If we tried to react 5 g of sulfur with 5.6 g of iron, the excess sulfur would remain unreacted. Only 3.2 g of sulfur could react with 5.6 g of iron: 1.8 g of sulfur (5.0 – 3.2 = 1.8 g) would remain unreacted. w 0.168 mol am SiO2 rs The formula of silicon(IV) oxide is SiO2. It consists of a giant molecular lattice of covalently bonded silicon and oxygen atoms in a ratio 1 : 2. Since it is a giant structure, the formula we use for this compound is SiO2. The reacting amounts given by an equation can also be scaled up (that is, use larger amounts). In industry, tonnes of chemical reactants may be used, but the ratios given by the equation still apply. The manufacture of lime is important for the cement industry and agriculture. Lime is made by heating limestone in lime kilns. The reaction is an example of thermal decomposition: op calcium carbonate 1 mol 1 mol 1 mol 40 + 12 + (3 × 16) 40 + 16 12 + (2 × 16) = 100 g = 56 g = 44 g w CaO -R s CO2 ity When we write a chemical equation, we are indicating the number of moles of reactants and products involved in the reaction. op y ni ve rs This indicates that we need equal numbers of atoms of iron and sulfur to react. We know that 1 mol of iron (56 g) and 1 mol of sulfur (32 g) contain the same numbers of atoms. Reacting these amounts should give us 1 mol of iron(II) sulfide (88 g). The equation is showing us that: C U This can be scaled up to work in tonnes: 100 tonnes 88 g ie 32 g 44 tonnes Similarly, if 10 tonnes of calcium carbonate were heated, we should expect to produce 5.6 tonnes of lime (calcium oxide). ev 1 mol -R 1 mol 56 tonnes s 56 g FeS es am 1 mol S w e id g + br Fe -C + es Pr op y FeS Fe + S C w ie ev dioxide CaCO3 ev id br -C am We can now see that the chemical equation for a reaction is more than simply a record of what is produced. In addition to telling us what the reactants and products are, it tells us how much product we can expect from particular amounts of reactants. When iron reacts with sulfur, the equation is: carbon + ie ge C6.03 the mole and chemical equations calcium oxide C U R ni ev ve ie w C ity op Pr y es s -C Figure C6.07 a Calculating the formula of magnesium oxide from experimental data on the masses of magnesium and oxygen that react together. b Calculating the formula of silicon(IV) oxide from mass data. R 8.8 g ie 16 g/mol 3.2 g ev 28 g/mol FeS y U br simplest ratio 10.0 – 4.7 = 5.3 g ge number of moles id molar mass S + 5.6 g O 4.7 g mass in 10.0 g Fe -R C op y MgO ev ie w We could use: 1 Si Formula The mass of the product is equal to the total mass of the reactants. This is the law of conservation of mass, which we met in Chapter C4. Although the atoms have rearranged themselves, their total mass remains the same. A chemical equation must be balanced. In practice, we may not want to react such large amounts. We could scale down the quantities (that is, use smaller amounts). However, the mass of iron and the mass of sulfur must always be in the ratio 56 : 32. -R 0.24 g ve rs ity mass combined Pr es s am br id O -C Mg Formula R Find the simplest whole-number ratio. ge Find the number of grams of the elements that combine. C U ni op y C6: Quantitative chemistry Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 297 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Pr es s -C y br y w -R am s 2Al2O3 3O2 y C U R ration = 4 mol : 2 mol mass = ? w ge 9.2 g id br ev Step 1 (the ‘up’ stage): Convert 9.2 g of Al into moles: -R am 9.2 g = 0.34 mol 27 g / mol es ity C ni ve rs 0.34 mol of Al produce 0.17 mol of Al2O3 C U w ie ev br so iii Why was it necessary to repeat the process until there was no further change in mass? es s -R mass of Al2O3 produced = 0.17 × 102 g = 17.3 g am Where is the most suitable place to clamp the tube? ii Why was the hydrogen passed through for 15 seconds before the gas was lit? e mass 102 g / mol a i id g 0.17 mol = y Step 3 (the ‘down’ stage): Work out the mass of this amount of aluminium oxide (the relative formula mass of Al2O3 is 102): -C ev ie w so R Hydrogen was passed through the tube for 15 seconds before the escaping gas was lit. The tube was heated for a few minutes. The apparatus was then allowed to cool with hydrogen still passing through. The tube was re-weighed. The process was repeated until there was no further change in mass. Pr op y 4 mol of Al produce 2 mol of Al2O3 heat s -C dry hydrogen from a cylinder Step 2 (the ‘across’ stage): Use the ratio from the equation to work out how many moles of Al2O3 are produced: unused hydrogen burning copper(II) oxide ie Then we work through the steps of the ‘footbridge’. number of moles = Copper(II) oxide can be reduced to copper metal by heating it in a stream of hydrogen gas. Dry copper(II) oxide was placed in a tube which had previously been weighed empty. The tube was re-weighed containing the copper(II) oxide and then set up as in the diagram. op ni ev + C6.04 ve 4Al QUESTIONS rs C To answer this question, we first work out the balanced equation: ity op Pr es -C y What mass of aluminium oxide is produced when 9.2 g of aluminium metal reacts completely with oxygen gas? w The limiting reactant is the one that is not in excess – there will be a smaller number of moles of this reactant present, taking into account the reacting ratio from the equation. ev P4O10 WORKED EXAMPLE C6.04 ie ie O O In carrying out a reaction, one of the reactants may be present in excess. Some of this reactant will be let over at the end of the reaction. id R U O O 298 TIP ge P O P C op O O op P Figure C6.09 A chemical ‘footbridge’. Following the sequence ‘up–across–down’ helps to relate the mass of product made to the mass of reactant used. The ‘bridge’ can, of course, be used in the reverse direction. ni ev ie w O P Remember also to take the balancing numbers into account in making your calculation (this is called the stoichiometry of the equation). ve rs ity C op We shall consider an example. O Remember to read questions on reacting masses carefully. If you set out the calculation carefully, using the equation as we have done here, you will be able to see which substances are relevant to your calculation. -R am br id TIP We can use the idea of the mole to find reactant or product masses from the equation for a reaction. There are various ways of doing these calculations. The balanced equation itself can be used as a numerical ‘footbridge between the two sides of the reaction (Figure C6.09). O ev ie w ge Calculating reacting amounts – a chemical ‘footbridge’ Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y C6: Quantitative chemistry am br id TIP = .......g = 47.40 g E Mass of copper produced (D – A) F Mass of oxygen in the copper(II) oxide = .......g = .......g ve rs ity y op C w Pr es s = 47.72 g C Mass of copper(II) oxide (B – A) -C B Mass of tube + copper(II) oxide D Mass of tube + copper ev ie Remember that the molar gas volume is given at the bottom of the Periodic Table you are given in the exam. The value is given as 24 dm3 at r.t.p. Do not forget that 1 dm3 = 1000 cm3. = 46.12 g -R A Mass of empty tube i ev ie b The results for the experiment are given below. Copy out and complete the results table above. number of moles = y ii How many moles of copper atoms are involved in the reaction? (Relative atomic mass: Cu = 64) C op ni es Pr rs op ni C U R WORKED EXAMPLE C6.05 id ie w ge If 8 g of sulfur are burnt, what volume of SO2 is produced? es 1 mol ity sulfur dioxide SO2(g) O2(g) 1 mol 24 dm 1 mol 3 24 dm3 ni ve rs We have 8g 32 g / mol = 0.25 mol y number of moles of sulfur burnt = op C U From the equation: id g w e 1 mol of sulfur 1 mol of SO2 ev ie Therefore: 0.25 mol of sulfur es s -R br am + 32 g One mole of any gas occupies a volume of approximately 24 dm3 (24 litres) at room temperature and pressure (r.t.p.). ■ The molar volume of any gas therefore has the value 24 dm3/mol at r.t.p. ■ Remember that 1 dm3 (1 litre) = 1000 cm3. -C sulfur + oxygen S(s) Pr op y C ie w -R s -C am br ev First consider the reaction of sulfur burning in oxygen. In a gas, the particles are relatively far apart. Indeed, any gas can be regarded as largely empty space. Equal volumes of gases are found to contain the same number of particles (Table C6.05); this is Avogadro’s law. This leads to a simple rule about the volume of one mole of a gas. ■ 299 y ev C6.04 Calculations involving gases The volume of one mole of a gas ev molar volume For reactions in which gases are produced, the calculation of product volume is similar to those we have seen already. ve ie w no. of moles Reactions involving gases ity y op C vi Write a word equation for the reaction and then, using the calculated formula for copper(II) oxide, write a full balanced equation for the reaction with hydrogen. Many reactions, including some of those we have just considered, involve gases. Weighing solids or liquids is relatively straightforward. In contrast, weighing a gas is quite dificult. It is much easier to measure the volume of a gas. But how does gas volume relate to the number of atoms or molecules present? R volume s -C am iv From the results of the experiment, how many moles of oxygen atoms have combined with one mole of copper atoms? -R br ev id ie w ge iii How many moles of oxygen atoms are involved in the reaction? (Relative atomic mass: O = 16) v From the results of the experiment, what is the formula of copper(II) oxide? volume molar volume where the volume is in cubic decimetres (dm3) and the molar volume is 24 dm3/mol. U R This rule applies to all gases. This makes it easy to convert the volume of any gas into moles, or moles into volume: Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 0.25 mol of SO2 ve rs ity am br id ev ie So, from the above rule: volume molar volume C 6.02 × 1023 ethane molecules y C op ie y C When a chemical substance (the solute) is dissolved in a volume of solvent, we can measure the ‘quantity’ of solute in two ways. We can measure either its mass (in grams) or its amount (in moles). The final volume of the solution is normally measured in cubic decimetres, dm3 (1 dm3 = 1 litre or 1000 cm3). When we measure the mass of the solute in grams, it is the mass concentration that we obtain, in grams per cubic decimetre of solution (g/dm3). w ity y op C w ie ev U e mass or volume of gaseous product es s -R br id g Colourful tricks can be played with chemical substances. A simple reaction can produce a ‘water into wine’ colour change – when two colourless solutions mixed together produce a wine-coloured mixture. These reactions all take place in solution, as do many others. The usual solvent is water. When setting up such reactions, we normally measure out the solutions by volume. To know how much of the reactants we are actually mixing, we need to know the concentrations of the solutions. But it is more useful to measure the amount in moles, in which case we get the molar concentration in moles per cubic decimetre of solution (mol/dm3): amount of solute concentration = volume of solution For example, a 1 mol/dm3 solution of sodium chloride contains 58.5 g of NaCl (1 mol) dissolved in water and made up to a final volume of 1000 cm3. Figure C6.11 shows how the units are expressed for solutions of difering concentrations. It also shows how solutions of the same final concentration can be made up in diferent ways. ni ve rs C w ie am 24 ie es Pr moles of product Figure C6.10 An outline of the ‘footbridge’ method for calculations involving gases. -C 30 ev br -C op y ethane (C2H6) -R 2 volumes ev R 6.02 × 1023 carbon dioxide molecules s 1 volume use ratio from the equation volume of gas 24 The concentration of solutions ge id 2HCl(g) Cl2(g) So, if we react 20 cm3 of hydrogen with suficient chlorine, it will produce 40 cm3 of hydrogen chloride gas. moles of reactant 44 ev 48 dm3 am 1 volume + carbon dioxide (CO2) -R 2 mol 3 The volumes of the gases involved are in the same ratio as the number of moles given by the equation: H2(g) 6.02 × 1023 oxygen molecules op 24 dm 24 s es Pr ity rs ve 1 mol 3 U 24 dm 2HCl(g) Cl2(g) ni w ie ev R hydrogen chloride hydrogen + chlorine 1 mol 32 w ge id y op C For example: + oxygen (O2) C6.05 Moles and solution chemistry br am -C Some important reactions involve only gases. For such reactions, the calculations of expected yield are simplified by the fact that the value for molar volume applies to any gas. H2(g) 6.02 × 1023 hydrogen molecules Table C6.05 The molar mass and molar volume of various gases. U R ni ev ie w volume 0.25 mol = 24 dm3 / mol volume of sulfur dioxide = 0.25 × 24 dm3 = 6 dm3 at r.t.p. The approach used is an adaptation of the ‘footbridge’ method used earlier for calculations involving solids. It is shown in Figure C6.10. 300 24 -R 24 dm3/ mol 0.25 mol ve rs ity op y volume Number of particles Molar volume / dm3/mol 2 hydrogen (H2) Pr es s -C number of moles = Molar mass / g/mol w ge Substance C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C6: Quantitative chemistry w ge number of moles in solution concentration × volume of solution (in cm3) = 1000 y -R ve rs ity op C w concentration 1000 ie ev dissolve to make 1 dm3 of solution, concentration = 2 mol/dm3 dissolve to make 2 dm3 of solution, concentration = 1 mol/dm3 es rs y ve op U R ni ev Step 1: Find out how many moles of NaOH are present: C Calculations using solution concentrations ge relative formula mass of NaOH = 23 + 16 + 1 = 40 10 = 0.25 mol number of moles of NaOH = 40 w ie ev id br number of moles = Pr op y es s This equation can be represented by this triangle: -C Step 2: Find the concentration: number of moles -R am number of moles in solution = molar concentration × volume of solution (in dm3) 0.25 = ni ve rs volume/ dm3 0.25 × 1000 250 = 1 mol / dm3 ev ie id g es s -R br am concentration × 250 1000 w e C U In practice, however, we are usually dealing with solution volumes in cubic centimetres (cm3). The equation is therefore usefully adapted to: -C concentration × volume (in cm3) 1000 y concentration = op w C ity moles ie ev In practice, a chemist still has to weigh out a substance in grams. So questions and experiments may also involve converting between moles and grams. Calculate the concentration of a solution of sodium hydroxide, NaOH, that contains 10 g of NaOH in a final volume of 250 cm3. Figure C6.11 Making copper(II) sulfate solutions of diferent concentrations. concentration/ mol/dm3 3.0 × 500 = 1.5 mol 1000 WORKED EXAMPLE C6.06 The following equation is useful when working out the number of moles present in a particular solution: R number of moles = -R 1 Pr dissolve to make 2 dm3 of solution, concentration = 0.5 mol/dm3 1 ity 1 2 s ge id y dissolve to make 1 dm3 of solution, concentration = 1 mol/dm3 op C w ie 2 br am -C 1 2 We get: C op For example, how many moles of sugar are there in 500 cm3 of a 3.0 mol/dm3 sugar solution? U R 2 volume/ cm3 y 2 mol of copper sulfate, CuSO4 ni 1 mol of copper sulfate, CuSO4 moles w ev ie where concentration is in moles per cubic decimetre, but volume is in cubic centimetres. Pr es s -C am br id ev ie The mass concentration of a solution is measured in grams per cubic decimetre (g/dm3). ■ The molar concentration of a solution is measured in moles per cubic decimetre (mol/dm3). ■ When 1 mol of a substance is dissolved in water and the solution is made up to 1 dm3 (1000 cm3), a solution with a concentration of 1 mol/dm3 is produced. ■ Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 301 ve rs ity C w ev ie -R The method uses a further variation of the ‘footbridge’ approach to link the reactants and products (Figure C6.13). ve rs ity C op ni Wash out apparatus – repeat several times, and take average. w op ie moles of product concentration of product solution ev id w ge use ratio from the equation moles of reactant -R am br concentration and volume of reactant solution C U R ni ev ve ie volume of gas y mass or volume of gaseous product rs C ity op Pr y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge U R Figure C6.12 Summary of the titration method. 302 Run acid into flask until indicator just changes colour – read burette again. Put acid in burette – read starting value. y y op C Pipette 25 cm3 of alkali into a conical flask – add indicator. Make standard alkali solution accurately. w We shall now look at an example of the type of calculation that can be carried out. Pr es s -C am br id The concentration of an unknown acid solution can be found if it is reacted with a standard solution of an alkali. A standard solution is one that has been carefully made up so that its concentration is known precisely. The reaction is carried out in a carefully controlled way. The volumes are measured accurately using a pipette and a burette. Just suficient acid is added to the alkali to neutralise the alkali. ev ie This end-point is found using an indicator. The method is known as titration, and can be adapted to prepare a soluble salt. It is summarised in Figure C6.12. ge Acid–base titrations U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences s mass of product Pr op y es -C mass of reactant y op -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Figure C6.13 A summary of the diferent ways in which a balanced equation acts as a ‘footbridge’ in calculations. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge C U ni op y C6: Quantitative chemistry concentration × volume (in cm3) 1000 U So: number of moles = w ie ev br -R am s -C concentration × 20.0 1000 2.5 × 10−3 × 1000 20 es = 0.125 mol / dm3 303 ity op Pr y concentration × volume (in cm3) 1000 rs ve y op U R ni ev Calculation questions are oten structured for you, so make sure you work your way through the question as far as you can go. -R Pr In this activity, a hydrochloric acid solution of unknown concentration is standardised against a solution of sodium carbonate of known concentration. This is done using the titration method. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. ev ie id g w e C U op y ni ve rs ity Details of a microscale version of the experiment are given in the Notes on activities for teachers/ technicians. es s -R br am -C ev ie w C op y es Determining the concentration of a hydrochloric acid solution Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data s -C am br ev id ie w ge C Always show your working when responding to a calculation question, because you may still get credit even if you make a mistake in the final stage – it will also help you work out where you went wrong. ACtivity C6.04 R 2.5 × 10−3 = concentration of acid = C w 2.5 × 10 –3 mol of NaOH neutralise 2.5 × 10 –3 mol of HCl 0.10 × 2.5 = 2.5 × 10−3 mol 1000 TIP ie 1 mol of NaOH neutralises 1 mol of HCl and so: The acid solution contains 2.5 × 10 –3 mol in 20.0 cm3. id = 1 mol 1 mol ge R = NaCl + H2O Step 3: Use the titration value. What is the concentration of the acid? ni number of moles of NaOH HCl + NaOH y We have ev ie ev ie ve rs ity w C op Step 1: Use information about the standard solution. How many moles of alkali are in the flask? The equation is: C op y The calculation goes like this. Step 2: Use the chemical equation. How many moles of acid are used? Pr es s -C A solution of hydrochloric acid is titrated against a standard sodium hydroxide solution. It is found that 20.0 cm3 of acid neutralise 25.0 cm3 of 0.10 mol/ dm3 NaOH solution. What is the concentration of the hydrochloric acid solution? -R am br id w WORKED EXAMPLE C6.07 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ev ie am br id QuEStiONS w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences C6.05 Calculate the number of moles of gas there are in the following: -R a 480 cm3 of argon b 48 dm3 of carbon dioxide Pr es s C6.06 -C c 1689 cm3 of oxygen. Calculate the volume in cm3 of the following at r.t.p. ve rs ity b 0.06 moles of ammonia c 0.5 moles of chlorine. Calculate the concentration (in mol/dm3) of the following solutions. C6.07 ev ie w C op y a 1.5 moles of nitrogen y a 1.0 mol of sodium hydroxide is dissolved in distilled water to make 500 cm3 of solution. ni C op b 0.2 mol of sodium chloride is dissolved in distilled water to make 1000 cm3 of solution. U R c 0.1 mol of sodium nitrate is dissolved in distilled water to make 100 cm3 of solution. es s -C Summary ity y ni C ie ■ s es Pr op y y ev es s -R What mass would 3.4 g of ammonia produce? am [1] [1] [1] ie id g w e C U Write a word equation for this reaction. How many hydrogen atoms are there in the formula for ammonium sulfate? What is the formula mass of sulfuric acid? In this reaction, 17 g of ammonia produce 33 g of ammonium sulfate. br a b c d (NH4)2SO4 op 2NH3 + H2SO4 ni ve rs The equation below shows how the fertiliser ammonium sulfate is manufactured. -C R ev ie w C ity End-of-chapter questions 1 -R br -C am ■ ev id ■ ■ U R ■ ge ev ve ■ substance and is used to express the amount of a substance taking part in a reaction how the balanced chemical equation for a reaction can be used to calculate the reacting masses of substances involved and the amount of product formed that one mole of any gas has a volume of 24 dm3 at room temperature and pressure (r.t.p.) how the concentration of a solution can be expressed in moles per cubic decimetre (mol/dm3) and that these values are useful in calculating the results of titration experiments. op how it has been possible to find the masses of the atoms of the elements, including isotopes that these atomic masses are measured relative to a standard – a carbon-12 atom is fixed as having a mass of 12 exactly how the relative atomic mass is the average mass of an atom of an element about calculating the relative formula mass as the sum of all the atomic masses in a formula that the mole is the unit which contains Avogadro’s constant number of constituent particles of a rs ■ ie w C ■ w op Pr y You should know: 304 w -R am br ev id (Relative atomic masses: H = 1, O = 16, Na = 23, N= 14, Cl = 35.5) ie ge d 0.8 g of solid sodium hydroxide is dissolved in distilled water to a final volume of 1 dm3. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [2] ve rs ity w ev ie Sulfuric acid is produced industrially by the Contact process. A 1.00 kg sample of concentrated sulfuric acid contains 98% by mass of sulfuric acid molecules. Calculate the number of moles of H2SO4 molecules in this 1.00 kg sample of concentrated sulfuric acid. You should show your working. -R Pr es s y op CaO(s) + H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2(aq) ve rs ity y C op ni R ii The can is designed to hold 168 g of calcium oxide. Calculate how many moles of calcium oxide this is. Calculate the mass of water needed to react with the 168 g of calcium oxide. U ev ie w C The equation shows that one mole of calcium oxide reacts with one mole of water. A design of self-heating can uses this reaction to heat the contents when necessary. i ie w ge ev id br es = = = = 238 g = 305 ity y op C (use value from above) w U ge id br = = 119 g = [1] [1] ie ni To show that cobalt(II) carbonate is in excess Number of moles of HCl used Mass of one mole of CoCO3 Number of moles of CoCO3 in 6.0 g of cobalt(II) carbonate Explain why cobalt(II) carbonate is in excess. am [4] g ev ve ie w rs C op y Maximum yield Number of moles of HCl used Number of moles of CoCl2 formed Number of moles of CoCl2 · 6H2O formed Mass of one mole of CoCl2 · 6H2O Maximum yield of CoCl2 · 6H2O s -R CoCl2 + CO2 + H2O CoCl2 · 6H2O Pr -C am CoCO3 + 2HCl CoCl2 + 6H2O ev [2] [2] 6.0 g of cobalt(II) carbonate was added to 40 cm3 of hydrochloric acid, concentration 2.0 mol/dm3. Calculate the maximum yield of cobalt(II) chloride-6-water and show that the cobalt(II) carbonate was in excess. 3 R [3] The balanced chemical equation for the exothermic reaction between calcium oxide (quicklime) and water is: -C b ge a am br id 2 C U ni op y C6: Quantitative chemistry y op -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 31 Q8 b November 2010] Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie es Pr ity op C rs op C w s es Pr ity into glass. Forest fires can rage impressively, producing overpowering waves of heat (Image C7.01). Bringing such fires under control requires great expertise, and a great deal of courage! id g w e Some chemical reactions are capable of releasing vast amounts of energy. For example, at the end of the Gulf War in 1991, oil and gas fires in the oilfields were let burning out of control. The heat given out was suficient to turn the sand around the burning wells C U op y C7.01 Energy changes in chemical reactions ev ie Yet we use similar reactions, under control, to provide heat for the home and for industry. Natural gas, which is mainly methane, is burnt under controlled conditions to produce heat for cooking in millions of homes (Image C7.02). es s -R br am -C R ev ie w ni ve rs C ■ op y ■ -C ● ■ ie am ● ■ y ve ni br ● ev ■ -R ■ U ■ ge ■ exothermic and endothermic reactions the drawing of energy profiles for exothermic and endothermic reactions the idea of the activation energy for a reaction suitable apparatus for experiments factors afecting the rate of reaction surface area of reactants reactant concentration temperature the role of catalysts in a reaction experiments on rates of reaction collision theory and activation energy that some reactions are reversible. id R ev ie w This chapter covers: ■ s am -C y 306 -R br ev id ie w ge U R C7 How far? How fast? Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C7: How far? How fast? w ge The reaction between methane and oxygen Such combustion reactions are exothermic reactions. They give out heat and raise the temperature of the surroundings. C op y During this reaction, as with all others, bonds are first broken and then new bonds are made (Figure C7.01). In methane molecules, carbon atoms are covalently bonded to hydrogen atoms. In oxygen gas, the atoms are held together in diatomic molecules. During the reaction, all these bonds must be broken. Chemical bonds are forces of attraction between atoms or ions. To break these bonds requires energy; energy must be taken in to pull the atoms apart. ie ev id br -R am es s -C Pr y y op id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w rs C ity op Breaking chemical bonds takes in energy from the surroundings. This is an endothermic process. New bonds are then formed: between carbon and oxygen to make carbon dioxide, and between hydrogen and oxygen to form water. Forming bonds gives out energy. am br ev Making chemical bonds gives out energy to the surroundings. This is an exothermic process. H O e O -R H Figure C7.01 The burning of methane first involves the breaking of bonds in the reactants. This is followed by the formation of the new bonds of the products. s es am H O H Progress of reaction op y C br id g H O C O U H bond making gives out energy w O O ev O H es s H O H ni ve rs H -C Energy / kJ O H + C w ie ev O C Pr H O ity bond breaking takes in energy C op y -C -R Image C7.02 A lighted gas ring on a cooker. R carbon dioxide + water CO2(g) + 2H2O(g) w ge U R ni Image C7.01 A forest fire. methane + oxygen CH4(g) + 2O2(g) ie ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie Hydrocarbon molecules contain only the elements carbon and hydrogen (see Section C10.02). Methane is the simplest hydrocarbon molecule. When it burns, it reacts with oxygen. The products are carbon dioxide and water vapour: Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 307 ve rs ity am br id ev ie w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences -R Pr es s y ve rs ity op y ni C op C w Figure C7.03 An energy profile for the reaction between nitrogen and oxygen. The products are less stable than the reactants. Energy is taken in from the surroundings. This is an endothermic reaction. br ev id ie w ge U Figure C7.02 An energy profile for the burning of methane. The products are more stable than the reactants. Energy is given out to the surroundings. This is an exothermic reaction. -R es Pr N2(g) rs y ve ni C U ie w ge ev id br -R es s am -C op y Pr ity ni ve rs C w op y The reaction between nitrogen and oxygen s es am -R br ev ie id g w e C U Endothermic reactions are far less common than exothermic ones. Here, energy is absorbed from the surroundings and the temperature of the surroundings is lowered. The reaction between nitrogen and oxygen is endothermic. It is one of the reactions that take place ACtivity C7.01 Exothermic and endothermic reactions Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data • they are capable of releasing large amounts of energy as heat. -C 2NO(g) EXothermic means that heat EXits the reaction; ENdothermic means that heat ENters the reaction. • they are easy to ignite and burn ie O2(g) nitrogen monoxide When you try to remember the terms exothermic and endothermic, concentrate on the first letters of the words involved: As mentioned earlier, the combustion reactions of fossil fuels such as oil and gas are exothermic. Indeed, the major characteristics that make these fuels so useful are that: ev + TIP Some bonds are stronger than others. They require more energy to break them, but they give out more energy when they are formed. R nitrogen + oxygen Here the bonding in the products in weaker than the reactants. Overall energy is taken in by the reaction (Figure C7.03). ity op C w ie s am -C y The overall change in energy for this exothermic reaction can be shown in an energy level diagram (or energy profile) (Figure C7.02). In this reaction, energy is given out because the bonds in the products (CO2 and H2O) are stronger than those in the reactants (CH4 and O2). This means that the products are more stable than the reactants. R ev when fuel is burnt in car engines. The equation for this reaction is: op ev ie R Progress of reaction When methane reacts with oxygen, the total energy given out is greater than the total energy taken in. So, overall, this reaction gives out energy – it is an exothermic reaction. The energy is released as heat. 308 heat taken in N2(g) + O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(g) Progress of reaction 2NO(g) Energy / kJ heat given out -C Energy / kJ CH4(g) + 2O2(g) Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C7: How far? How fast? w ge Experimental thermochemistry am br id -R Pr es s -C There is always an overall energy change in any chemical reaction. This activity investigates whether heat is taken in (endothermic) or given out (exothermic) during three diferent reactions. 1 Prepare a results table like the one shown below. 3 Add three spatula measures of anhydrous copper(II) sulfate to the water. Stir with a thermometer. Keep checking the temperature. ve rs ity w C op y 2 Put 50 cm3 of water into a polystyrene cup. Measure its temperature and record it in the results table. y ie ev id br es s -R am -C y Pr op 309 thermometer ity Exper- Temperature/°C Obser- Exothermic iment vations or Before Ater Change endothermic ve draught shield -R spirit burner es Figure C7.04 Apparatus for finding the heat of combustion of ethanol. ity A2 Why is an expanded polystyrene cup used for these reactions? Pr op y A1 Which of these reactions are exothermic and which are endothermic? A3 How would the temperature change be afected if the amount of water used was halved from 50 cm3 to 25 cm3? op y ACtivity C7.02 Comparing the energy from diferent fuels Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) TIP ie id g w e C U R ev ni ve rs -R s -C am br ev It is useful to remember that combustion reactions are always exothermic. es C ethanol s Questions ev id -C am br Details of a related teacher demonstration that results in the freezing of a beaker to a wooden board are given in the Notes on activities for teachers/technicians. w water ie A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. ie y op ge 3 C U 2 R clamp ni ev 1 metal calorimeter w ie w rs C This type of experiment can be useful, though, for comparing diferent fuels to see which would give the most heat to warm a known amount of water. The amount of liquid fuel put into the spirit burner would need to be controlled. The method could also be adapted to compare the heat produced by the same mass of diferent solid fuels. w ge 5 Allow the solution from step 4 to cool down. Then add three spatula measures of zinc powder to that solution. Stir the mixture. Note the maximum temperature and record your observations in the table, as before (experiment 2). Results table The experiment involves heating a known volume of water with the flame from burning ethanol. The temperature rise of the water is measured. From this, the heat energy given to the water by burning a known amount of ethanol can be worked out. There is a method for working out a precise value for the heat of combustion of a fuel from this type of experiment. However, that is currently beyond the requirements of the syllabus. C op U R ni ev ie 4 In your table, record the maximum temperature reached. This is the temperature when the reaction has just finished. Record your other observations too (experiment 1). 6 Empty and rinse the polystyrene cup and put 50 cm3 of water into it. Then add three spatula measures of sherbet. Record the temperature as before (experiment 3) together with your observations. Heat of combustion The heat of combustion is the energy change of a reaction when a substance is burnt. For liquid fuels such as ethanol, it can be found using a metal calorimeter and a spirit burner (Figure C7.04). ev ie ! Wear eye protection. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences w A more reactive metal will displace a less reactive one from solutions of its salts. am br id ev ie AO3.2 Plan experiments and investigations -C AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data op y Pr es s This activity compares the energy given out by several liquid fuels by measuring the mass of each fuel that will heat a given volume of water to a given temperature. y Although the vast majority of reactions are exothermic, only a few are totally spontaneous and begin without help at normal temperatures; for example, sodium or potassium reacting with water. More usually, energy is required to start the reaction. When fuels are burnt, for example, energy is needed to ignite them (Figure C7.05). This energy may come from a spark, a match or sunlight. It is called the activation energy (given the symbol EA). It is required because initially some bonds must be broken before any reaction can take place. Suficient atoms or fragments of molecules must be freed for the new bonds to begin forming. Once started, the energy released as new bonds are formed causes the reaction to continue. ie w ge ev id br es s -R am -C Pr y ity op rs C C ge • a solid carbonate and an acid U ni op y ve w w • displacement reactions between a metal and a solution of a salt of a less reactive metal. ie id Energy / kJ s -R heat of reaction (heat of combustion) CO2(g) + 2H2O(g) Pr op y es Energy changes in metal displacement reactions Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.2 Plan experiments and investigations AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data AO3.5 Evaluate methods and suggest possible improvements ity Progress of reaction Figure C7.05 An energy profile for the burning of methane, showing the need for activation energy to start the reaction. id g TIP ev ie For a chemical reaction to happen, some bonds in the reactants must first break before any new bonds can be formed. That is why all reactions have an activation energy. es s -R br am -C C e U op y ni ve rs C w ie ev ev CH4(g) + 2O2(g) br am -C ACtivity C7.03 R activation energy w ie ev R Details of a data-logging version of this experiment using a temperature sensor are given in the Notes on activities for teachers/technicians. Activation energy This equipment can be used to measure the heat energy given out during the neutralisation reactions between acids and alkalis. This energy change is known as the heat of neutralisation. The method can also be adapted for reactions involving: • a solid base and an acid A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. C op ni Heat of neutralisation Polystyrene is a good heat insulator and is used to make disposable cups for warm drinks. These cups can be used as simple calorimeters to measure the temperature rise of exothermic reactions between solutions. The solutions are mixed in a polystyrene cup and the initial temperature is measured quickly. The mixture is then stirred well with the thermometer. The temperature is checked oten during the reaction, and the maximum temperature is recorded. U R ev ie w C ve rs ity A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. 310 In this activity, you will plan an experiment to see which combination of metal and solution provided generates the most heat energy by observing the maximum temperature rise in each case. The order of heat evolved for the diferent combinations can be compared with the voltages generated by electrochemical cells involving the metals. -R AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Is bond breaking an endothermic or an exothermic process? C7.03 Why is a polystyrene cup useful for carrying out thermochemistry experiments with solutions? y ie ev id br Pr es s -R am Draw a reaction profile for the following reaction, which is exothermic. op y w C op C7.02 w Which type of reaction takes in heat from its surroundings? Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) 311 ity ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s) y C U R ni On 7 May 1915, the British liner Lusitania was sunk of the south-west coast of Ireland (Image C7.03). The liner was torpedoed by a German submarine and 1198 passengers lost their lives. The sinking was accompanied by a second explosion. This explosion gave possible support to the idea that the ship was carrying explosives to Britain for use in the war. The wreck of the Lusitania has now been Image C7.04 A fireball produced by dropping powdered flour into a flame. op ev ve C7.02 Rates of reaction rs C w ie ev ie U ge C7.01 -C R QuEStiONS C7.04 -R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C am br id ge All reactions require some activation energy. For the reaction of sodium or potassium with water, the activation energy is low, and there is enough energy available from the surroundings at room temperature for the reaction to begin spontaneously. Other exothermic reactions have a higher activation energy; for example, the burning of magnesium can be started with heat from a Bunsen burner. Reactions can be thought of as the result of collisions between atoms, molecules or ions. In many of these collisions, the colliding particles do not have enough energy to react, and just bounce apart, rather like ‘dodgem cars’. A chemical reaction will only happen if the total energy of the colliding particles is greater than the required activation energy of the reaction. C U ni op y C7: How far? How fast? -R This type of explosion can also occur with fine powders in flour mills (Image C7.04), in mines when dangerous gases collect, and with dust. Dust particles have a large surface area in contact with the air. A simple spark can set of an explosive reaction. For example, powdered Lycopodium moss piled in a dish does not burn easily – but if it is sprayed across a Bunsen flame, it produces a spectacular reaction. Even metal powders can produce quite spectacular efects (Image C7.05). y op The same idea does have a more positive use. In some modern coal-fired power stations, powdered coal is burnt instead of the usual lumps of coal because it burns very eficiently. ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C am br ev id ie w ge investigated by divers. Evidence suggests that the second explosion was caused by coal dust exploding in the hold. If so, this is a dramatic example of explosive combustion. -R Explosive reactions represent one end of the ‘spectrum’ of reaction rates. Other reactions, such as rusting, take place s -C Image C7.03 The sinking of the Lusitania. es am br ev Factors afecting the rate of reaction Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences am br id ev ie w ge between limestone or marble chips (two forms of calcium carbonate) and dilute hydrochloric acid: -R calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid calcium chloride + water + carbon dioxide y The experiment can be done as shown in Image C7.06. Using this arrangement, we can compare two samples of marble chips, one sample (B) being in smaller pieces than the other (A). The experiment is carried out twice, once with sample A and once with sample B. In each experiment the mass of sample used is the same, and the same volume and concentration of hydrochloric acid is used. The flask sits on the balance during the reaction. A loose cotton wool plug prevents liquid spraying out of the flask but allows the carbon dioxide gas to escape into the air. This means that the flask will lose mass during the reaction. Balance readings are taken at regular time intervals and the loss in mass can be worked out. When the loss in mass is plotted against time, curves such as those in Figure C7.06 are obtained. ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie -C -R am br ev id ie w ge U R s es Pr y Image C7.05 Iron dust ignited in a Bunsen flame. ve C w ge • the temperature at which the reaction is carried out br ev id ie • The total volume of gas released is the same in both experiments. The mass of CaCO3 and the amount of acid are the same in both cases. Both curves flatten out at the same final volume. Sample B reaches the horizontal part of the curve (the plateau) first. ity These results show that: the rate (speed) of a reaction increases when the surface area of a solid reactant is increased. y ni ve rs C w ie TIP ev It is important that you understand how to interpret the diferent regions of the graphs obtained. -R s es am br If a solid is being reacted with a liquid (or solution), the greater the surface area, the more the solid is exposed to the liquid. A good demonstration of this is the reaction w id g e C U op For reactions involving two solids, grinding the reactants means that they can be better mixed. The mixed powders are then in greater contact with each other and are more likely to react. -C ie ev -R Pr op y es -C the surface area of solid reactants Where one or more of the reactants is a solid, the more finely powdered (or finely divided) the solid(s) are, the greater is the rate of reaction. This is because reactions involving solids take place on the surface of the solids. A solid has a much larger surface area when it is powdered than when it is in larger pieces. s am • the influence of light on some reactions. R • The reaction is fastest at the start. This is shown by the steepness of the curves over the first few minutes. Curve B is steeper than curve A. This means that gas (CO2) is being produced faster with sample B. The sample with smaller chips, with a greater surface area, reacts faster. Beyond this part of the graph, both reactions slow down as the reactants are used up (Figure C7.07). op ni • the concentration of the reactants • the use of a catalyst There are several important points about the graph, y • the surface area of any solid reactants U R ev ie w rs C ity op over much longer time periods. What factors influence the speed of a reaction? Experiments have been carried out to study a wide range of reactions, and there seem to be five major influences on reaction rate: 312 CaCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) Pr es s -C CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity b Pr es s -C y marble chips ve rs ity op y balance ni C op C w ev ie dilute hydrochloric acid -R am br ev id ie w ge U R Image C7.06 Apparatus for experiments A and B: the reaction of marble chips with dilute hydrochloric acid. The loss of carbon dioxide from the flask produces a loss in mass. This is detected by the balance. 2.0 B (small chips) Pr ity 313 rs C y ve C 4 5 br -R es ity Pr op y C AO3.5 Evaluate methods and suggest possible improvements op y ni ve rs C w e ie id g ev A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. es s -R br am AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data The aim of this activity is to investigate the efect of a change in surface area on the rate of a reaction, measuring how the diference in surface area of the marble chips will influence the rate of the reaction with hydrochloric acid. The activity follows the rate of production of carbon dioxide, and involves the evaluation and planning of methods to collect the gas, measuring its volume. U Reaction rate and surface area; following the rate of production of a gas Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) -C w ie ev 7 AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates s -C am The experiment described here uses a balance to study the rate of a reaction producing a gas. There are other methods to assess the rate of gas production (see Activity C7.04, below and later experiments in this chapter). Chapter 12 discusses ways of collecting gases and these, particularly the use of a gas syringe, can be used to follow the volume of gas produced with time (see below). ACtivity C7.04 6 w 3 Time / min ie 2 ev 1 id 0 ge U ni ev R 0 Figure C7.06 The graph shows the loss in mass against time for experiments A and B. The reaction is faster if the marble chips are broken into smaller pieces (curve B). op w 0.5 ie es s -C y A (large chips) 1.0 op Loss in mass / g 1.5 R cotton wool to stop acid ‘spray’ escaping -R am br id ev ie w ge a C U ni op y C7: How far? How fast? Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences w ge the concentration of reactants Reactions that produce gases are also very useful in studying the efect of solution concentration on the reaction rate. The reaction between marble chips and acid could be adapted for this. Another reaction that can be used to study this is the reaction between magnesium and excess dilute hydrochloric acid: magnesium + hydrochloric acid magnesium chloride + hydrogen Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g) The apparatus is shown in Figure C7.08. As in the previous experiment, we will compare two diferent experiments, which we will call C and D. The acid in experiment C is twice as concentrated as in experiment D. Apart from changing the concentration of the acid, everything else must stay the same. So the volume of acid, the temperature and the mass of magnesium used must be the same in both experiments. The gas produced in this reaction is hydrogen and is collected in a gas syringe. The volume of gas produced is measured at frequent time intervals. We can then plot a graph of volume of gas collected against time, like that in Figure C7.09. -R no more product is formed reaction is slowing down Pr es s -C small change in amount of product in a large time op y y U br ev id w large change in amount of product in a small time ge reaction is fastest at the start ie R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity smaller change in amount of product in a larger time C op Amount of product ev ie am br id reaction has finished -R Time am 0 s op y ve • The curve for experiment C starts of twice as steeply as for D. This means that the reaction in C is twice as fast as in experiment D initially. So doubling the concentration of the acid doubles the rate of reaction. ni gas syringe magnesium Again the graph shows some important points. • The curve for experiment C is steeper than for D. This shows clearly that reaction C, using more concentrated acid, is faster than reaction D. Plunger moves out when reaction starts. C U R ev ie w rs C 314 ity op Pr y es -C Figure C7.07 A chemical reaction is fastest at the start. It slows down as the reactants are used up. w ge glass wall divides flask in two id ie • The total volume of hydrogen produced is the same in both experiments, although experiment C produces it faster. s es ity C (1 mol / dm3 acid) 40 y ni ve rs 50 20 30 40 50 ev 60 70 Time / s 80 90 100 110 -R 10 Figure C7.09 The graph shows the volume of hydrogen against time for experiments C and D. The reaction is faster if the acid solution is more concentrated (curve C). 120 130 s 0 es 0 am br 10 ie id g w e 20 C U 30 op 3 D (0.5 mol / dm acid) -C 3 Volume of hydrogen / cm R ev ie w C 60 These results show that: the rate (speed) of a reaction increases when the concentration of a reactant in solution is increased. Pr op y -C Figure C7.08 Apparatus for experiments C and D: the reaction of magnesium with dilute hydrochloric acid. The hydrogen given of can be collected and measured in a gas syringe. -R am br ev excess dilute hydrochloric acid Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity op y w y ve rs ity An alternative approach is to use the reaction between sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid. In this case (which we shall call experiment E), the formation of a precipitate is used to measure the rate of reaction. C w ev ie ev ie Pr es s -C The previously described experiments (A/B or C/D) could be altered to study the efect of temperature on the rate of production of gas. ge U R ni C op sodium thiosulfate + hydrochloric acid sodium chloride + sulfur + sulfur dioxide + water w Na2S2O3(aq) + 2HCl(aq) ACtivity C7.05 y op C ie w ge ev id br s -R am es add dilute acid and start timing Pr op y -C U cross drawn on paper op ni ve rs sodium thiosulfate solution y ity C w e -R s es am br ev ie id g Image C7.07 Apparatus for experiment E: the reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulfate. This can be studied by following the appearance of the precipitate. The cross drawn on the paper appears fainter with time. Time how long it takes for the cross to disappear. -C w ie ev view from above the flask C b the factors afecting reaction rate Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.2 Plan experiments and investigations AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data AO3.5 Evaluate methods and suggest possible improvements Wear eye protection. Sulfuric acid is corrosive. ! You must plan an investigation to discover how one chosen factor afects the rate of a chemical reaction. MgSO4 + H2 Mg + H2SO4 1 Measure 10 cm3 of 2 mol/dm3 sulfuric acid into a boiling tube. 2 Add a 5 cm strip of magnesium ribbon and start a stopclock. 3 When the reaction stops, record the time taken. 4 List the factors that could speed up or slow down this reaction. 5 Choose one of these factors and plan an investigation to discover how it afects the rate. 6 Your investigation should produce suficient results to enable you to draw a graph. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. The Notes on activities for teachers/technicians contain details of how this experiment can be used as an assessment of skills AO3.2 and AO3.5. -R s es U R ni ev ve ie w rs C ity op Pr y a -C am br The experiment is shown in Image C7.07. A cross is marked on a piece of paper. A flask containing sodium thiosulfate ev id ie 2NaCl(aq) + S(s) + SO2(g) + H2O(l) R solution is placed on top of the paper. Hydrochloric acid is added quickly. The yellow precipitate of sulfur produced is very fine and stays suspended in the liquid. With time, as more and more sulfur is formed, the liquid becomes cloudier and more dificult to see through. The time taken for the cross to ‘disappear’ is measured. The faster the reaction, the shorter the length of time during which the cross is visible. The experiment is carried out several times with solutions pre-warmed to diferent temperatures. The solutions and conditions of the experiment must remain the same; only the temperature is altered. A graph can then be plotted of the time taken for the cross to disappear against temperature, like that shown in Figure C7.10. -R am br id ge temperature A reaction can be made to go faster or slower by changing the temperature of the reactants. Some food is stored in a refrigerator, because the food ‘keeps better’. The rate of decay and oxidation is slower at lower temperatures. C U ni op y C7: How far? How fast? Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 315 ve rs ity w ev ie -R am br id Pr es s 80 U QuEStiONS w 50 60 ie 30 40 Temperature / ºC a an increase in temperature b an increase in the surface area of a solid reactant op The graph shows two important points. -R s C7.08 Why does the rate of a chemical reaction slow down at the end? ity rs op y ve ni id ie w ge C U Hydrogen peroxide is a colourless liquid with the formula H2O2. It is a very reactive oxidising agent. Hydrogen peroxide decomposes to form water and oxygen: ev hydrogen peroxide -R + oxygen O2(g) We can follow the rate of this reaction by collecting the oxygen in a gas syringe. The formation of oxygen is very slow at room temperature. However, the addition of 0.5 g of powdered manganese(IV) oxide (MnO2) makes the reaction go much faster (we shall call this experiment F). The black powder does not disappear during the reaction (Figure C7.11). Indeed, if the solid is filtered and dried at the end of the reaction, the same mass of powder remains. If the amount of MnO2 powder added is doubled (experiment G), the rate of reaction increases (Figure C7.12). If the powder is more finely divided (powdered), the reaction also speeds up. Both these results suggest that it is the surface of the manganese(IV) oxide powder that is important here. By increasing the surface area, the rate of reaction is increased. We say that manganese(IV) oxide is a catalyst for this reaction. op C w ie ev -R s es water 2H2O(l) + y ni ve rs U e id g br am -C 2H2O2(l) s ity Pr op y es -C am br the efect of concentration on rate of reaction Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data This microscale experiment investigates the efect of concentration on the rate of the reaction between sodium thiosulfate and dilute hydrochloric acid. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. Details of a scaled-up version of the experiment are given in the Notes on activities for teachers/ technicians. C w ie When is a chemical reaction at its fastest? The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide w ie ev Why is perishable food kept in a refrigerator? C7.07 • The curve is not a straight line. R ev C7.06 C7.03 Catalysts ACtivity C7.06 R c an increased concentration of a reacting solution • The cross disappears more quickly at higher temperatures. The shorter the time needed for the cross to disappear, the faster the reaction. C 316 es Pr y -C am Figure C7.10 The graph for experiment E. As the temperature is increased, the time taken for the cross to disappear is shortened. The reaction speeds up at higher temperature. What do we observe happen to the rate of a chemical reaction in response to the following? ev 20 br 10 C7.05 ge 0 id R 20 It is important to realise in this experiment that the shorter the time taken for the cross to disappear, the faster the reaction has taken place. y ve rs ity ni C op 40 ev ie w 60 TIP C op -C 100 These results show that: the rate of a reaction increases when the temperature of the reaction mixture is increased. y Time for cross to disappear / s 120 ge 140 C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity Many catalysts work by providing a surface on which other molecules or atoms can react. However, others work in more complex ways. Thus it is wrong to say that catalysts do not take part in the reaction: some do. But at the end of the reaction, there is the same amount of catalyst as at the beginning, and it is chemically unchanged. w ge KEy tERM C U ni op y C7: How far? How fast? Pr es s -C y op oxygen b black powder ni ev rs op ni ie id 50 C F (0.5 g MnO2) ge 60 br 40 ev Volume of oxygen / cm U 3 70 -C 20 -R am 30 es s 10 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 ni ve rs y op C w e id g ev ie fermentation of sugars (alcoholic drinks industry) -R br vanadium(V) oxide enzymes (in yeast) Table C7.01 Some examples of industrial catalysts. s am 2CO2(g) Catalyst sulfuric acid manufacture (Contact process) Remember to give a full definition of a catalyst. Include in your answer the fact that the catalyst itself remains unchanged at the end of the reaction. -C carbon dioxide ammonia manufacture (Haber process) iron U R + O2(g) Industrial process es w Figure C7.12 Increasing the amount of catalyst increases the rate of reaction. Here the amount of manganese(IV) oxide has been doubled in experiment G compared to F. TIP carbon monoxide + oxygen 2CO(g) ity Time / s ev ie Pr 20 C op y 0 0 One way to reduce the polluting efects of car exhaust fumes is to fit the car with a catalytic converter (Image C7.08). In many countries these converters are a legal requirement. Car exhaust fumes contain gases such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen monoxide (nitrogen(II) oxide, NO) and unburnt hydrocarbons (HC) from the fuel which cause pollution in the air. The catalytic converter converts these to less harmful products such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen (N2) and water (H2O). Some of the reactions that occur are: y ve ie ev R Catalytic converters G (1 g MnO2) 80 Table C7.01 shows some examples of industrial catalysts. You should notice that transition elements (see Chapter C8) or their compounds make particularly good catalysts. w w C ity op Pr y es s -C Figure C7.11 Apparatus for experiments F and G: the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. The decomposition is very slow at room temperature. a It can be speeded up by adding a catalyst, manganese(IV) oxide. b The catalyst is unchanged at the end, and can be separated from the water by filtration. -R am br id ie w ge U R water 90 Catalysts have been found for a wide range of reactions. They are useful because a small amount of catalyst can produce a large change in the rate of a reaction. Also, since they are unchanged at the end of a reaction, they can be re-used. Industrially, they are very important. Industrial chemists use catalysts to make everything from polythene and painkillers, to fertilisers and fabrics. If catalysts did not exist, many chemical processes would go very slowly and some reactions would need much higher temperatures and pressures to proceed at a reasonable rate. All these factors would make these processes more expensive, so that the product would cost much more. If it cost more than people wanted to pay for it, it would be uneconomic. C op ev ie w manganese(IV) oxide Other examples of catalysts y C hydrogen peroxide solution ve rs ity a -R am br id ev ie catalyst: a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction. The catalyst remains chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 317 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences y U ni C op C w ev ie R Collision theory The importance of surface area in reactions involving solids helps us understand how reactions take place. In these cases, reactions can only occur when particles collide with the surface of a solid. If a solid is broken into smaller pieces, there is more surface exposed. This means there are more places where collisions can take place, and so there is more chance of a reaction taking place. Iron reacts more readily with oxygen if it is powdered (Figure C7.13a). ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R am br id ev ie w ge The process of adsorption is also thought to weaken the bonds in the reactant molecules. This makes them more likely to react. Some of the most important examples of industrial catalysts work in this way, for example iron in the Haber process, vanadium(V) oxide in the Contact process, and finely divided nickel where hydrogen is added to unsaturated hydrocarbons. y op 318 ity C op y ve ge C U ni ev ie w rs The catalytic converter therefore ‘removes’ polluting oxides and completes the oxidation of unburnt hydrocarbon fuel. It speeds up these reactions considerably by providing a ‘honeycombed’ surface on which the gases can react. The converter contains a thin coating of rhodium and platinum catalysts on a solid honeycomb surface. These catalysts have many tiny pores which provide a large surface area for the reactions. ev id ie w For reactions involving gases, increasing the pressure has the same efect as increasing the concentration, so the rate of a reaction between gases increases with pressure (Figure C7.13c). br es ity op y ni ve rs C w ie Surface catalysts and collision theory C U In a lump of iron, oxygen can’t get to most of the atoms. id g w e Solid catalysts Diferent chemical reactions need diferent catalysts. One broad group of catalysts works by adsorbing molecules on to a solid surface. This process of adsorption brings the molecules of reactants closer together. ev ie oxygen molecule iron atom -R br s Figure C7.13 (Continued) es am -C ev R a Pr op y The equations for the reactions taking place in the catalytic converter are quite dificult to remember but it will help you if you do remember that the reactions finish back at components that are present in normal air – carbon dioxide and nitrogen. s -R am -C TIP We can see how these ideas – sometimes referred to as the collision theory – apply in other situations. When solutions are more concentrated, the speed of a reaction is faster. A more concentrated solution means that there are more reactant particles in a given volume. Collisions will occur more oten. The more oten they collide, the more chance the particles have of reacting. This means that the rate of a chemical reaction will increase if the concentration of the reactants is increased. A more concentrated acid reacts more vigorously with a piece of magnesium ribbon than a dilute one (Figure C7.13b). s carbon dioxide + water hydrocarbons + oxygen R es nitrogen + oxygen N2(g) + O2(g) nitrogen monoxide 2NO(g) Pr -C am nitrogen monoxide + carbon monoxide nitrogen + carbon dioxide 2NO(g) + 2CO(g) N2(g) + 2CO2(g) -R br ev id ie w ge Image C7.08 A catalytic converter can be fitted to a car exhaust system. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution If the iron is in small bits, the oxygen molecules can collide with many more iron atoms. The iron now has a much bigger surface area. ve rs ity ev ie w have more energy at the higher temperature. This increases the chances that a collision will result in bonds in the reactants breaking and new bonds forming to make the products. If we look at the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid, we can see how the rate of reaction changes with changes in collision frequency (Figure C7.14). -R Pr es s -C Collisions between particles from the acid and the magnesium are more frequent. ve rs ity y high pressure es s -C -R Collisions between different molecules are much more frequent. am Collisions between different molecules do not happen very often. ev br id ie w ge U R ni C op low pressure op Pr y Figure C7.13 The efect of changing conditions on the frequency of collisions. ity When the temperature is raised, a reaction takes place faster. At higher temperatures, the particles are moving faster. Again, this means that collisions will occur more oten, giving more chance of reaction. Also, the particles TIP When explaining the efects of concentration and temperature using the collision theory, remember that it is collision frequency that is the key factor – don’t talk vaguely about ‘more collisions’: it is the fact that there are more frequent collisions of the particles that is important. y ve rs C w ie a b Concentration of acid c Temperature y op w ie more chance of particles colliding br more zinc exposed to collisions more collisions and particles collide with more energy ev id g e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge Surface area of zinc C U R ni ev When solutions are more concentrated, the speed of a reaction is faster. A more concentrated solution means that there are more reactant particles in a given volume. Collisions will occur more oten. The more oten they collide, the more chance the particles have of reacting. This means that the rate of a chemical reaction will increase if the concentration of the reactants is increased (Figure C7.14b). When the temperature is raised, a reaction takes place faster. At higher temperatures, the particles are moving faster. Again, this means that collisions will occur more oten, giving more chance of reaction. Also, the particles have more energy at the higher temperature. This increases the chances that a collision will result in bonds in the reactants breaking and new bonds forming to make the products (Figure C7.14c). op y op C There are not very many collisions between particles from the acid and the magnesium. ev ie w c magnesium ribbon concentrated acid am br id dilute acid ge particle from acid water molecule b C U ni op y C7: How far? How fast? -R s es -C am Figure C7.14 The collision theory can be used to explain how various factors afect the rate of the reaction. Here we use the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid as an example. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 319 ve rs ity -R catalysed path = pass route C op ni y product(s) Reaction path U R ev ie w C ve rs ity op y reactant(s) br ev id ie w ge Figure C7.15 The barrier between reactant(s) and product(s) may be so high that it defeats all but the most energetic. The catalyst’s route is an easy pass through the mountains. A closer look at activation energy -R es Pr ity Which solid catalyst will speed up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide? C7.12 What are the catalysts used in: rs What changes in physical conditions are enzymes particularly sensitive to? C7.14 Does the presence of a catalyst increase or decrease the activation energy for a reaction? C7.15 In terms of the collision theory, explain why the rate of a reaction increases with: op ev es s -R a an increase in temperature Pr ity b an increase in the surface area of a solid reactant c an increased concentration of a reacting solution. C7.04 Reversible reactions ni ve rs The reversible hydration of salts op y Thermal decomposition of salts such as hydrated copper(II) sulfate (CuSO4 · 5H2O) results in the dehydration of the salt: C U CuSO4 · 5H2O(s) heat CuSO4(s) + 5H2O(g) white powder id g w e light blue crystals ev ie In this case, the reaction results in a colour change from blue to white. The physical structure of the crystals is also destroyed. The water driven of can be condensed separately (Figure C7.16). es s -R br am -C C U ge id C y C7.13 w ve b the Contact process? br am -C op y We can think of an ‘analogy’ for this. Suppose we are hiking in the Alps (Figure C7.15). We start on one side of a mountain and want to get to the other side. We could go right over the summit of the mountain. This would require us to be very energetic. What we might prefer to do would be to find an alternative route along a pass through the mountains. This would be less energetic. In our analogy, the starting point corresponds to the reactants and the finishing point to the products. The route over the top of the mountain would be the uncatalysed path. The easier route through the pass would be a catalysed path. w ie What is an enzyme? C7.11 ni ev R A catalyst increases the rate of reaction by reducing the amount of energy that is needed to break the bonds. This reduces the activation energy of the reaction and makes sure that more collisions are likely to give products. The rate of the reaction is therefore increased. ev C7.10 a the Haber process? Each reaction has its own diferent value of activation energy. ■ When particles collide, they must have a combined energy greater than this activation energy, otherwise they will not react. ■ Chemical reactions occur when the reactant particles collide with each other. ■ What is a catalyst? ie -C y op C w ie C7.09 s am QuEStiONS Not every collision between particles in a reaction mixture produces a reaction. We have seen earlier that a certain amount of energy is needed to begin to break bonds. This minimum amount of energy is known as the activation energy of the reaction. 320 R uncatalysed path = over-the-hill route Pr es s Energy -C am br id ev ie w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C ev ie w ge -R Image C7.10 The reversible reaction involving ammonium chloride. U R ni water y ev ie w ice-cold water C op C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C heat am br id hydrated copper(II) sulfate U ni op y C7: How far? How fast? The decomposition of ammonium chloride is a further example of this type of change (Image C7.10). When warmed in a test tube, the white solid decomposes to ammonia and hydrogen chloride: NH4Cl(s) ity op NH3(g) + HCl(g) NH4Cl(s) ACtivity C7.07 op y A reversible reaction involving copper(II) sulfate Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.2 Plan experiments and investigations AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data The water of crystallisation is removed from hydrated copper(II) sulfate by heating. Condensing the vapour produced in a second test tube collects the water. The white anhydrous copper(II) sulfate is then rehydrated and the blue colour returns. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. y op C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie Some reactions, for example the dehydration of hydrated salts, can be reversed if the conditions are changed. id g e QuEStiONS ev br What can this colour change be used as a test for? s -R C7.17 es -C am Image C7.09 Adding water back to dehydrated copper(ii) sulfate. What colour change do we see when water is added to anhydrous copper(II) sulfate powder? ie C7.16 w w rs C NH3(g) + HCl(g) However, on the cooler surface of the upper part of the tube, the white solid is re-formed: Pr y es s -C The white anhydrous copper(II) sulfate and the water are cooled down. Then the dehydration reaction can be reversed by slowly adding the water back to the powder (Image C7.09). This reaction is strongly exothermic and the colour of the powder returns to blue. -R am br ev id ie w ge Figure C7.16 Apparatus for condensing the water vapour driven of from blue crystals of hydrated copper(II) sulfate by heating. The change can be reversed by adding the liquid water back to the white anhydrous copper(II) sulfate. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 321 ve rs ity ev ie am br id ■ ie w ge rs 1 Sometimes, in chemical factories, ‘runaway reactions’ occur. These are reactions which begin to take place much too quickly and can cause explosions which are very dangerous. In what ways can reactions be slowed down? 2 When iron(II) sulfate crystals are heated in a test tube, they change to a white powder and condensation collects at the top of the tube. y op C U ie id ev FeSO4 + 7H2O br FeSO4 · 7H2O w ge R ni ev ve ie w C End-of-chapter questions Pr 322 ity op y es s -C -R am br ev id ■ ■ how certain reactions can be reversed if the conditions are changed that chemical reactions involve the initial breaking of bonds in the reactants so that new bonds can be formed, giving rise to products how the breaking of bonds is an endothermic process requiring energy, while the making of bonds is an exothermic process releasing energy that the activation energy of a reaction is the minimum energy required to start a particular reaction that changes which increase the frequency of collision between reactant particles give rise to an increased rate of reaction. y ve rs ity ■ U R ■ ■ ni ev ie w C ■ ■ Pr es s -C op ■ how all chemical reactions involve changes in energy, with most giving out energy to the surroundings (exothermic) how some reactions take in energy and are endothermic that diferent chemical reactions occur at vastly diferent rates and that the rate of a particular reaction can be altered by changing conditions, including temperature how some reactions are speeded up by the presence of a catalyst that catalysts are significant in several key industrial processes y ■ -R You should know: C op Summary w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences [3] ni ve rs ity Pr op y -R s -C am br ev ie id g w e C U op y What is the meaning of the symbol ? Explain how this reaction can be used as a test for water. es C w ie CoCl2 + 6H2O R ev COCl2 · 6H2O e f [1] [2] [1] es s -C -R am a Write a word equation for the reaction. b Is the reaction exothermic or endothermic? Explain your answer. c What colour are iron(II) sulfate crystals? When water is added to the white iron sulfate, there is a hissing sound as steam is produced and the iron sulfate changes back to its original colour. d Explain these observations. This equation shows a similar reaction. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [1] [2] ve rs ity 3 w ge C U ni op y C7: How far? How fast? -R CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O cotton wool Pr es s -C CaCO3 + 2HCl ev ie am br id A student used the apparatus shown below to investigate the rate of reaction of calcium carbonate with dilute hydrochloric acid. dilute hydrochloric acid ve rs ity C op y calcium carbonate y Use the information in the equation to suggest why the mass of the flask and contents decreases with time. The graph shows how the mass of the flask and its contents changes with time. w ie ev 100.2 -R s es 100 200 300 400 500 Time / seconds 600 323 700 rs C Pr 100.0 ity op y -C 100.1 0 w [1] C op ni U id 100.3 ge 100.4 am R b balance br ev ie a Mass of flask and contents/grams w 100.4 i ii op C ie ev -R s es Pr expansion large rapid slow small In flour mills, there is oten the risk of an explosion due to the rapid very particles which have a very to react. of the op y surface area C U w e ev ie id g es s -R br am -C [2] [1] [1] ni ve rs combustion ity op y -C How does the speed (rate) of this reaction change when: i the temperature is increased ii smaller pieces of calcium carbonate are used? Copy and complete the following sentence using words from the list. R ev ie w C d [1] w ge id br am On a copy of the graph, draw a curve to show how the mass of the flask and contents changes with time when hydrochloric acid of half the concentration was used. c [1] y ve ni U R ev ie At what time was the reaction just complete? On a copy of the graph, mark with an X the point where the speed (rate) of reaction was fastest. iii The student repeated the experiment but altered the concentration of the hydrochloric acid so that it was half the original value. In both experiments, calcium carbonate was in excess and all other conditions were kept the same. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [3] (continued) ve rs ity e w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water -R State the name of this process. In this process enzymes act as catalysts. What do you understand by the term catalyst? y [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 2 Q5 June 2009] ve rs ity C w 2H2O2 ev ie 2H2O + O2 U R ni C op y A student used the apparatus shown below to study how changing the concentration of hydrogen peroxide afects the speed of this reaction. -R am br ev id ie w ge oxygen collects here es s -C gas syringe Pr y hydrogen peroxide op ni C 40 C ie 1 ity 20 40 30 Time / s 60 -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U 50 y 20 op w 10 R ev ev -R s Pr 2 es B 60 ni ve rs op y 3 A 80 0 w ge am br id Concentration of hydrogen peroxide in g/dm3 -C Volume of oxygen/cm3 100 C y ve Apart from the volume of hydrogen peroxide, state two things that the student must keep the same in each experiment. The student measured the volume of oxygen produced using three diferent concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. The results are shown on the graph below. U ie ev b rs manganese(IV) oxide a R ity op w C 324 ie [1] [1] Hydrogen peroxide decomposes slowly at room temperature to form water and oxygen. The reaction is catalysed by manganese(IV) oxide. op 4 Pr es s -C i ii ev ie am br id Cells in plants and animals break down glucose to carbon dioxide and water. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [2] ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y C7: How far? How fast? Pr es s y 130 15 did not produce any oxygen manganese(IV) oxide 18 ge magnesium oxide br ev id C op ni U lead(IV) oxide es s -C [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 22 Q3 November 2011] op Pr y The equation for the reaction between sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid is given below. 325 2NaCl(aq) + S(s) + SO2(g) + H2O(l) ity Na2S2O3(aq) + 2HCl(aq) The speed of this reaction was investigated using the following experiment. A beaker containing 50 cm3 of 0.2 mol/dm3 sodium thiosulfate was placed on a black cross. 5.0 cm3 of 2.0 mol/dm3 hydrochloric acid was added and the clock was started. y op ni ev ve ie w rs C [1] -R am Put these compounds in order of their efectiveness as catalysts. worst catalyst best catalyst ie w ge id -R am ev sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid br solution turns from colourless to cloudy C U R look down at cross on paper -C paper s es Pr view looking down ity Initially the cross was clearly visible. When the solution became cloudy and the cross could no longer be seen, the clock was stopped and the time recorded. ni ve rs y -R s -C am br ev ie id g w e C U op ev R (continued) es C op y cross on paper ie w [1] w ev ie copper(II) oxide R [1] Time taken to produce 20cm3 of oxygen / s Compound 5 [1] [1] ie w C op c ve rs ity y -C -R am br id ev ie i Describe how the speed of the reaction varies with the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. ii Explain why the final volume of oxygen given of is less for graph B than for graph A. iii From the graph, determine: ■ the time taken for the reaction to be completed when 3 g/dm3 hydrogen peroxide (line A) was used. ■ the volume of oxygen produced by 2 g/dm3 hydrogen peroxide (line B) in the first 15 seconds. The student then tested various compounds to see how well they catalysed the reaction. He used the same concentration of hydrogen peroxide in each experiment. The table shows the time taken to produce 20 cm3 of oxygen using each compound as a catalyst. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences -C Volume of thiosulfate / cm op y Volume of water / cm 40 25 10 0 10 25 40 5 5 5 55 55 55 60 96 55 ve rs ity 48 y w 5 ie 25 5 s 42 40 Pr y es 96 [4] [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 32 Q3 June 2011] ity op The diagram below shows the apparatus a student used to investigate the efect of changing the acid concentration on the rate of reaction between excess dilute hydrochloric acid and magnesium. At the start of the experiment the measuring cylinder contained no gas and was full of water. y op C ie ev id measuring cylinder br side-arm test-tube gas ge bung w U R ni ev ve rs C w 25 ev am Time / s ie 25 20 -C Temperature / °C 25 -R am dilute hydrochloric acid -C water es s magnesium Pr ity -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U op ev R y ni ve rs C op y To carry out his investigation the student used the following method. • He dropped the magnesium into the dilute acid. • He immediately placed the bung into the side-arm test-tube and started a stopclock. • He measured the volume of gas in the measuring cylinder every half minute, for eight minutes. ie w [2] [1] [3] -R br Volume of water / cm 3 Volume of acid / cm3 6 C op ni U ge id Volume of sodium thiosulfate / cm3 326 4 50 5 3 Time / s C w ev ie Total volume / cm 3 3 i Explain why it is necessary to keep the total volume the same in all the experiments. ii Copy and complete the table. iii How and why does the speed of the reaction vary from experiment 1 to 4? The idea of collisions between reacting particles is used to explain changes in the speed of reactions. Use this idea to explain the following results. b R Volume of acid / cm 3 2 -R 1 3 Pr es s am br id Experiment ev ie The experiment was repeated with 25 cm3 of 0.2 mol/dm3 sodium thiosulfate and 25 cm3 of water. Typical results for this experiment and a further two experiments are given in the table. a Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity w ge C U ni op y C7: How far? How fast? am br id -R State two other variables that the student needed to keep the same in experiments A and B. The following graph shows the results the student obtained for experiments A and B. -C experiment B op y 40 35 C [1] Pr es s 45 ve rs ity a b ev ie He carried out two experiments, A and B, in which the only variable that he changed was the concentration of the hydrochloric acid. C op ni 25 20 U w ev ie R volume of gas collected / cm3 y experiment A 30 w ge 15 ev 0 0 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 time / minutes Pr y In which experiment, A or B, did the student use hydrochloric acid which had the higher concentration? Explain your answer. The student was told that he could calculate the average rate of reaction using: maximum volume of gas collected average rate of reaction = minimum time taken to collect maximum value ity op C i [1] ni op y ve ie ev [3] w ge C U R Use the information in the graph to calculate the average rate of reaction for experiment A. Show your working and state the units. ie The balanced symbolic equation for the reaction between hydrochloric acid and magnesium is shown below. id ev -R s What is meant by the state symbol (aq) in this equation? Suggest why the reaction in both experiments A and B above produced the same volume of gas. es Pr ity -R s am br ev ie id g w e C U op y ni ve rs C w ie ev R -C [1] [2] [Cambridge IGCSE Combined Science 0653 Paper 31 Q4 June 2012] op y -C i ii MgCl2(aq) + H2(g) am br Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) es c 327 rs ii w 5 s 1 es -C 0 -R am br id ie 10 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie am br ev id ie w ge U R C ve y C -R -C IV V VI VII B C N O F Ne y op C id g Ra -R s es am br Fr The melting points of the alkali metals decrease gradually as you go down the group. There is a similar trend in the hardness of the metals. They are all sot, low-density metals. e Cs Ba w Sr ie Rb ev Ca U Na Mg The distinctive metals of Group I are called the alkali metals. The most memorable thing about them is their spectacular reaction with cold water (Image C8.01). These metals do not have many uses because they are so reactive and tarnish easily. They have to be stored under oil. The one familiar use of sodium is in sodium vapour lamps. These are the yellow street and motorway lights seen throughout towns and cities. s es III Be K Pr II Li ni ve rs I He ity 0 H -C ev ie w C op y C8.01 the alkali metals R op ni am ■ w ■ ie ■ U ■ ge ■ the alkali metals – trends in properties aluminium and its protective oxide layer the transition elements – distinctive properties of these metals the reactivity series methods of extraction in relation to reactivity metal displacement reactions. id ■ br R ev ie w rs This chapter covers: ev 328 ity op Pr y es s -C -R C8 Patterns and properties of metals Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity am br id ev ie TIP y C op ie ev id es s -R br am -C Pr y op ity rs C 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g) The reaction gets more vigorous as you move down the group. The reaction of lithium with water is quite steady: the metal does not melt and the hydrogen does not ignite. Sodium reacts more strongly: the metal melts but, if the sodium is free to move, the hydrogen does not usually ignite. Restricting the movement of the sodium, by placing it on a piece of filter paper on the water surface, results in the hydrogen gas igniting. The flame is coloured yellow by the sodium. Potassium reacts so strongly with water that the hydrogen gas ignites spontaneously. The potassium may even explode dangerously. The flame is coloured lilac. Rubidium and caesium explode as soon as they are put into water. The metal hydroxide produced in each case makes the water become alkaline. op C w ie ev -R s es Pr ity y ni ve rs C U TIP ev ie id g w e Remember to read any questions carefully. When asked, ‘What would you observe?’, make sure that you give your observations carefully – talk about what you see, hear and smell. If there is a gas given of, then state its colour, for instance. Make sure you give detail. es s -R br am -C sodium hydroxide + hydrogen water y ve U ge id br am -C They are all reactive metals. They have to be stored under oil to stop them reacting with the oxygen and water vapour in the air (Table C8.01). They are sot and can be cut with a knife. Like all metals, they form positive ions. The metals of Group I form ions with a single positive charge (for example, Li+, Na+, K+). As a result, they form compounds that have similar formulae; for example, their carbonates are lithium carbonate (Li2CO3), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and potassium carbonate (K2CO3). They all react strongly and directly with non-metals to form salts. These salts are all white, crystalline, ionic solids that dissolve in water. op y C w ie 329 2Na(s) + 2H2O(l) ni ev R ev R ■ metal hydroxide + hydrogen op w ie sodium + The common properties of the alkali metals ■ metal + water For example: There are many ways in which the diferent elements of Group I show similar properties. Some of these common characteristics are given in the box that follows. ■ All the alkali metals react spontaneously with water to produce hydrogen gas and the metal hydroxide (Table C8.01). The reactions are exothermic. The heat produced is suficient to melt sodium and potassium as they skid over the surface of the water. Lithium does not melt as it reacts. This begins to show the gradual diferences in reactivity between the metals as you go down the group. Lithium (at the top) is the least reactive and caesium (at the bottom) is the most reactive. The reaction with water is the same in each case: w ge U R Lithium is the hardest, but it can still be cut with a knife. The metals get easier to cut going down the group. The density of the metals tends to increase down the group, though potassium is an exception, being slightly less dense than sodium. ■ Remember that you can be asked to ‘predict’ properties of these elements by comparison with others in the group, so practise that type of question. The reaction of the alkali metals with water ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R Make sure of the wording of your comments when discussing these metals. The alkali metals have ‘similar’ properties to each other, they are not the same. There is a gradual change in properties as you go down the group. Image C8.01 The reaction of sodium with water. Note that the hydrogen released burns with the metal’s characteristic flame colour. ■ w ge C U ni op y C8: Patterns and properties of metals Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Reaction with water Reaction with air lithium reacts steadily 2Li + 2H2O 2LiOH + H2 tarnishes slowly to give a layer of oxide reacts strongly 2Na + 2H2O 2NaOH + H2 tarnishes quickly to give a layer of oxide reacts violently 2K + 2H2O 2KOH + H2 tarnishes very quickly to give a layer of oxide -C sodium increasing reactivity op y Pr es s potassium -R am br id ev ie w ge Element Na+ potassium K+ y ni C op yellow Magnesium reacts very slowly when placed in cold water. A much more vigorous reaction is obtained if steam is passed over heated magnesium. The magnesium glows brightly to form hydrogen and magnesium oxide: U lilac id ie w Table C8.02 Flame colours of Group I metals. br ev Flame tests for the alkali metals II III IV V VI VII Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al K Ca Ga Rb Sr In Cs Ba Tl -R s Pr op C w ie Pr ity ni ve rs e State two physical characteristics of the alkali metals. C8.02 Give the colours of lithium, sodium and potassium if their salts are tested in the flame test. C8.03 What gas is given of when the alkali metals are reacted with water? C8.04 Name the product, other than hydrogen, when potassium is reacted with water. C8.05 Write a word equation for the reaction of sodium with water. C8.06 Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of potassium with water. y id g 2MgO(s) Which of the alkali metals does not melt when a piece of it is placed on the surface of water? es s -R br ev C8.07 As in Group I, the reactivity of the alkaline earth metals increases going down the group. Beryllium (at the top) is am C8.01 U magnesium oxide Trends in reactivity -C H2(g) ev -R s es op y C w ie ev R It burns even brighter in pure oxygen, producing a white ash, magnesium oxide: + O2(g) + QuEStiONS Magnesium metal burns fiercely with a brilliant (very bright) white light. For this reason it is used in distress flares, in flashbulbs and in fireworks that give a white light. 2Mg(s) Ca(OH)2(aq) y ve ni U -C am The Group II metals are called the alkaline earth metals. Group II shows similar trends in reactivity to Group I. They are less reactive than the metals in Group I, but still take part in a wide range of reactions. magnesium + oxygen H2(g) Calcium hydroxide is more soluble than magnesium hydroxide, so an alkaline solution is produced (limewater). As the reaction proceeds, a white suspension is obtained because not all the calcium hydroxide dissolves. ge Ra + calcium hydroxide + hydrogen + 2H2O(l) Ca(s) br Fr calcium + water rs I He MgO(s) Calcium, however, reacts strongly with cold water, giving of hydrogen rapidly: id C w ie ev R 0 H + H2O(g) Mg(s) ity op y Group II metals 330 magnesium oxide + hydrogen magnesium + steam es -C am Compounds of the alkali metals can be detected by a flame test. All alkali-metal ions give characteristic colours in a Bunsen flame. Table C8.02 lists the colours obtained. op sodium red C Li+ w lithium the least reactive and barium (at the bottom) is the most reactive. Again the change in reactivity is best shown by using their reactions with water. Flame colour ie Formula ve rs ity Metal ion ge R ev ie w C Table C8.01 Reactions of lithium, sodium and potassium with air and water. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C8: Patterns and properties of metals w IV V VI VII B C N O F Ne Mg Al Si Ca Ga Ge Sr In Sn Ba Tl Pb ve rs ity y op C ev ie III Be Pr es s II Li -C I He Ra w ev ie 0 H -R am br id ge C8.02 Aluminium U R ni C op y Aluminium was, for a long time, an expensive and littleused metal. In France, around the 1860s, at the Court of Napoleon III (the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte), honoured guests used cutlery made of aluminium rather than gold. At that time the metal was expensively extracted from aluminium chloride using sodium or potassium: 3NaCl(s) + Al(s) s AlCl3(s) + 3Na(s) es -C am aluminium chloride + sodium sodium chloride + aluminium -R br ev id ie w ge Image C8.02 The supersonic passenger jet Concorde was built out of an aluminium alloy. transport (aircrat, etc.) 17% building (windows, etc.) 22% ity op C y packaging (foil, etc.) 16% ie ev id consumer goods 9% Figure C8.01 The widespread and increasing uses of the aluminium produced in the USA. es s -R br am -C ity Pr op y Aluminium is particularly useful because it is protected from corrosion by the stable layer of aluminium oxide that forms on its surface. This protective layer stops the aluminium (a reactive metal) from reacting. This makes aluminium foil containers ideal for food packaging because they resist corrosion by natural acids. Aluminium is also used for external structures such as window frames because they resist weathering. Figure C8.01 shows the uses made of aluminium produced in the USA. ni ve rs y C8.09 Why does aluminium have to be extracted by electrolysis? op Give two characteristic properties of aluminium that make it very useful for construction. ie id g Why does aluminium not corrode like iron? ev C8.10 es s -R br am -C C8.08 w e U QuEStiONS C C w ie op w ge machinery 8% Aluminium is a light, strong metal and has good electrical conductivity. Increasingly it is being used for construction purposes. The Lunar Rover ‘moon-buggy’ was built out of aluminium, and so too are some modern cars. For use in aeroplanes, it is usually alloyed with other metals such as copper (Image C8.02). Its low density and good conductivity have led to its use in overhead power lines. ev C export 7% U R ni ev ve rs w ie others 7% Aluminium is the most common metal in the Earth’s crust. The one major ore of aluminium is bauxite, and aluminium oxide is purified from this. Electrolysis of molten aluminium oxide produces aluminium at the cathode. Aluminium’s usefulness R electrical cables 14% Pr y The breakthrough came in 1886 when Charles Hall and Paul Héroult independently found a way to obtain the metal by electrolysis. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 331 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences -C Sr Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Hf Tl Ta Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga W Re Os Ir Au Hg w y ni C op Ra w ev ie The famous bridge at Ironbridge in Shropshire, England (Image C8.03), marks a historic industrial revolution in Europe. Made from cast iron and opened in 1781, it was the first iron bridge in the world. The metal iron is a transition element (or transition metal). We use about nine times more iron than all the other metals put together. Modern bridges (such as the first Forth Road Bridge and the new Queensferry Crossing, in Scotland) are now made of steel, where iron is alloyed with other transition elements and carbon to make it stronger. -R s rs These general properties mean that the transition elements are useful in a number of diferent ways. In addition there are particular properties that make these metals distinctive and useful for more specific purposes. br ev id ie w ge C U ni op y ve w ie ev R Image C8.03 The bridge at Ironbridge was the first ever built of iron. The general features of transition elements make them the most useful metallic elements available to us. They are much less reactive than the metals in Groups I and II. Many have excellent corrosion resistance, for example chromium. The very high melting point of tungsten (3410 °C) has led to its use in the filaments of light bulbs. C 332 ity op Pr y es -C am br ev id ie w ge U R Pt ve rs ity op y Ti Ba C Al Ca Sc Y V B -R Be Mg III Pr es s II ev ie am br id ge C8.03 the transition elements -R am The distinctive properties of the transition elements: s es y op ie id g w e C U R Many of their compounds are coloured. ■ These metals oten show more than one valency – they form more than one type of ion. ■ The metals or their compounds oten make useful catalysts. ■ A few of the metals are strongly magnetic (iron, cobalt and nickel). ■ -R s -C am br ev ■ es ■ ev ie w ■ ity C ■ are hard and strong have high melting points have high densities are good conductors of heat and electricity are malleable and ductile. ni ve rs ■ Pr op y -C The transition elements have all the major properties we think of as being characteristic of metals. They: Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity copper(II) Cu2+ blue Fe Fe3+ green cobalt(II) Co2+ pink MnO4– purple 2– 4 yellow y op CrO dichromate(vı) Cr2O72– ve rs ity chromate(vı) orange C op ge U R Table C8.03 The colours of some transition-element ions in solution. w Catalytic properties -R iron Iron is only a moderately reactive metal, but it will still react with steam or acids to displace hydrogen gas. For example: rs C w ie The reactions of certain transition elements y op ni ev ve The transition elements are one of the major contributors to colour in our lives. The impressive colours of stained glass windows are produced by the presence of these metal ions in the glass (Image C8.04). w ge C U R Catalysts are substances that speed up a chemical reaction without themselves being used up or changed at the end of the reaction. Many of the important industrial catalysts are either transition elements or their compounds, for example iron in the Haber process. 333 ity op Pr y es s -C am br The salts of the metals in Groups I, II and III are generally white solids. They give colourless solutions if they dissolve in water. In contrast, the salts of the transition elements are oten coloured and produce coloured solutions when dissolved. For example, vanadium compounds in solution can be yellow, blue, green or purple. Some other examples of the colours produced by transition-element ions are given in Table C8.03. The presence of such metals in negative ions also gives rise to colour. ev id ie Coloured compounds id ie iron + hydrochloric acid es s -C ity Pr op y + H2(g) Copper Copper has a distinctive colour. It is one of the least reactive metals in common use. It does not react with dilute acids to produce hydrogen. If the metal is heated in air, a black layer of copper(II) oxide is formed on the metal: ni ve rs C y C U op w ie heat copper(II) oxide 2CuO(s) Copper statues and roofs become coated in a green layer of basic copper(II) carbonate (Image C8.05) when exposed to the atmosphere for a long time. w e ev ie id g es s -R br am FeCl2(aq) 2HCl(aq) Copper + oxygen 2Cu(s) + O2(g) Image C8.04 Meherangarah Fort stained glass windows, Jodhpur, India. The colours of the stained glass are due to the presence of transition metal ions in the glass. -C iron(II) chloride + hydrogen -R am br ev Fe(s) + ev R The colours associated with transition elements also help in chemical analysis. When testing a salt solution by adding sodium hydroxide, the transition elements give hydroxide precipitates with a characteristic colour. For example, iron(II) hydroxide is grey-green whereas iron(III) hydroxide is red-brown. y Including some negative ions that contain these metals. ni (a) Pr es s Cr -C chromium(III) C w red-brown 3+ manganate(vıı) ev ie green -R iron(III) am br id iron(II) 2+ Similar trace amounts (very small amounts) of metals produce the colours of gemstones such as sapphire and ruby. These stones are corundum, the naturally occurring crystalline form of aluminium oxide (A12O3). Pure corundum is colourless but trace amounts of titanium and iron ions together produce the blue colour of sapphires, while chromium ions (Cr3+) produce the red colour of rubies. w Colour ev ie Formula ge Metal ion in solution(a) C U ni op y C8: Patterns and properties of metals Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences am br id ev ie w ge This is simply a physical change that occurs on heating; it is not a chemical reaction. Give three distinctive properties of the transition metals. C8.12 What are the two oxidation states (valencies) of iron in its compounds? C8.13 What colour do you associate with copper compounds? C8.14 Iron corrodes to form rust. What is the chemical name and formula for ‘rust’? C8.15 Name an important industrial process for which iron is the catalyst. ev s es Pr ity op rs C w y CO2(g) op ve black ni CuO(s) green C U ie copper(II) oxide + carbon dioxide CuCO3(s) R ev copper(II) carbonate zinc oxide + hydrogen ZnO es + H2(g) C ity op y H2(g) ZnCl2(aq) 2HCl(aq) zinc oxide + carbon dioxide ZnO(s) + CO2(g) white w e white op heat C ZnCO3(s) heat U zinc carbonate y ni ve rs Zinc carbonate decomposes on heating to give of carbon dioxide: w ie id g Image C8.06 This Viking sword has a handle made from gold and silver and an iron blade. The blade has corroded but the handle is untouched. -R s es am br ev Interestingly, when hot, the zinc oxide produced is yellow. However, when it cools down it turns white again. -C ie + zinc chloride + hydrogen zinc + hydrochloric acid ev -R Zn(s) + H2O(g) heat s heat -C zinc + steam Pr am br ev id ie w ge Zinc Zinc is a moderately reactive metal that will displace hydrogen from steam or dilute acids: R Most of the elements in the Periodic Table are metals. Many of them are useful for a wide variety of purposes; some, such as iron, have an enormous number of uses. The early history of human life is marked by the metals used in making jewellery, ornaments and tools. Early civilisations used metals that could be found ‘native’ (for example, gold) for decorative items, and then alloys such as bronze. Later, iron was used for tools. Even ater the Bronze and Iron Ages, only a few metals continued to be used widely. Other more reactive metals could not be obtained until the 19th century. Even among the metals that were available, there were obvious diferences in resistance to corrosion. The Viking sword in Image C8.06 emphasises the diferent reactivities of the gold and silver of the hilt and the iron of the blade. -R br am -C y Copper(II) carbonate is also found in the Earth’s crust as the mineral malachite. Like most other carbonates, copper(II) carbonate will decompose on heating to release carbon dioxide: Zn(s) + C op ie w ge id C8.04 the reactivity of metals Image C8.05 The copper sheets of this roof have become coated in a layer of green copper(II) carbonate. 334 y C8.11 U R ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C -R QuEStiONS Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C8: Patterns and properties of metals w ev ie -R am br id ge We have seen how reactivity changes in a particular group. But the more important metals we use come from more than one group. Is there a broader picture in which we can compare these? Pr es s -C An overview of reactivity op y We can get information on reactivity by investigating the following aspects of metal chemistry: • reactions with water Image C8.07 A piece of copper found ‘native’. ni U R • reactions with dilute acids y • reactions with air or oxygen C op ev ie w C ve rs ity • ease of extraction • metal displacement reactions w ge copper (Image C8.07), gold and silver. The metals that occur native form the first broad group of metals. They are found as metals in the Earth’s crust. C U Pb (hydrogen H) copper Cu silver Ag ie ev -R s lead es Sn Pr tin w r e a c t i v i t y Fe Metal copper pyrites copper iron sulfide, CuFeS2 iron hematite iron(III) oxide, Fe2O3 sodium rock salt sodium chloride, NaCl Au tin cassiterite tin(IV) oxide, SnO2 zinc-blende zinc sulfide, ZnS galena lead(II) sulfide, PbS op C e -R s Table C8.04 Some metals and their ores. es am w ev lead ie zinc Pt y copper U aluminium oxide, Al2O3 Figure C8.02 The reactivity series of metals. -C Compound present aluminium bauxite br platinum id g gold Name of ore ni ve rs iron ity Zn i n c r e a s i n g C) -C op y C w ie Al (carbon zinc ev Mg am br id aluminium ge magnesium R y Ca Extracting metals with charcoal Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates In this activity, copper is extracted from its oxide using powdered charcoal. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. op calcium ity Na rs sodium ACtivity C8.01 ve K 335 ni potassium R ev ie w C op Pr y A few metals are so unreactive that they occur in an uncombined state. These unreactive metals include es s -C The extraction of metals However, most metals are too reactive to exist on their own in the ground. They exist combined with other elements as compounds called ores (Table C8.04). These are the raw materials for making metals. The metals that must be mined as ores can be subdivided into two other broad groups. -R am br The overall picture that emerges is summarised in Figure C8.02. This is known as the reactivity series of metals. ev id ie • heat stability of metal compounds. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity 2ZnO(s) + w ev ie -R ve rs ity lead copper silver ni U gold w ge ev id ie Table C8.05 Methods of extraction in relation to the reactivity series. es s -R br am -C Pr y ACtivity C8.02 Reacting iron wool with steam Skill: AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates In this demonstration, steam is passed over red-hot iron wool. The gas produced in the reaction is collected and tested with a lighted splint. ity op rs C w ni op y ve ie ev C U R occur native (uncombined) in the ground C op C However, some metals are too reactive to be extracted by this method. The very reactive metals such as aluminium, magnesium and sodium have to be extracted by electrolysis of their molten ores. The three broad groups are summarised in Table C8.05. reduction of oxides with carbon (sulfide ores heated to give oxide) iron tin So this group of moderately reactive metals can be extracted by reduction with carbon using essentially the blast furnace method (Section C9.01). w ge Image C8.08 The major ores or iron: limonite, hematite and magnetite. id ie iron wool safety tube water -R am br ev hydrogen heat y heat A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C steam generator e Questions id g w A1 What colour is the surface of the iron ater the reaction? ev ie A2 The form of iron oxide produced in this reaction has the formula Fe3O4. Write a balanced symbol equation for the reaction taking place. es s -R br am Image C8.09 ‘Fool’s gold’ – a notorious ore of iron called iron pyrites (FeS2). -C op 336 zinc decreasing reactivity 2SO2(g) electrolysis of molten ores aluminium The oxide must then be reduced to give the metal. Carbon, in the form of coke, is used for this. Coke can be made cheaply from coal. At high temperatures, carbon has a strong tendency to react with oxygen. It is a good reducing agent and will remove oxygen from these metal ores. w ev ie R magnesium y + 3O2(g) potassium C y op 2ZnS(s) Method of extraction calcium zinc oxide + sulfur dioxide zinc sulfide + oxygen Metal sodium Pr es s -C am br id ge The moderately reactive metals such as iron, occur as oxide or as sulfide ores (Image C8.08). One sulfide ore that is quite noteworthy is iron pyrites which, because of its colour, became known as ‘fool’s gold’ (Image C8.09). The sulfide ores can easily be converted to the oxide by heating in air. For example: C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C8: Patterns and properties of metals ge Reactions of metals with air, water and dilute acids op y Metal displacement reactions C op ni U R ZnSO4(aq) + CuSO4(aq) colourless Pr rs C ity op The observed efect of the reaction is that the zinc metal becomes coated with a red-brown layer of copper. The blue colour of the solution fades. The solution will eventually become colourless zinc sulfate (Image C8.10). y op ni ev ve ie w Cu(s) red-brown es blue y grey -R Zn(s) + -C zinc sulfate + copper s am br ev id ie w ge In this type of reaction, the two metals are in direct competition. If a piece of zinc is let to stand in a solution of copper(II) sulfate, a reaction occurs: zinc + copper(II) sulfate ev br id ie w ge C U R Zinc displaces copper from solution, so zinc is more reactive than copper. b Pr op y es s -C -R am a Displacement reactions of metals Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data AO3.5 Evaluate methods and suggest possible improvements Wear eye protection. ! In this experiment, you will investigate the reactions between metals and solutions of their salts. 1 Using a measuring cylinder, pour 10 cm3 of zinc sulfate solution into a boiling tube. 2 Place the tube in a rack and, using a stirring thermometer, record the temperature of the solution. 3 Add one spatula measure of magnesium powder to the tube, start a stopclock and stir. 4 Record the temperature every 30 seconds for 5 minutes, stirring between each reading. 5 Using a fresh tube, repeat the above experiment using copper sulfate solution and zinc powder. 6 Again, record the temperature change over 5 minutes. 7 Repeat the experiment again, this time using copper sulfate solution and iron powder. 8 Plot three graphs on the same grid showing the temperature change over time for each metal. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. The Notes on activities for teachers/technicians contain details of how this experiment can be used as an assessment of skill AO3.4. This activity could be used as a pilot for Activity C7.03. y ve rs ity A displacement reaction can help us to place particular metals more precisely in the reactivity series. We can use it to compare directly the reactivity of two metals. In a displacement reaction, a more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal from solutions of salts of the less reactive metal. C w ev ie ev ie Pr es s -C Considering the methods of extraction of the metals gives a broad pattern of reactivity. More detail can be found by looking at certain basic reactions of metals. The results are summarised in Table C8.06. -R am br id w ACtivity C8.03 Questions op y A2 How could you improve the accuracy of your experiment? e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity A1 What would you expect to happen if the experiment was carried out using iron(II) sulfate solution and zinc powder? Explain your answer. ev ie id g w The reverse reaction does not happen. A piece of copper does not react with zinc sulfate solution. -R It is possible to confirm the reactivity series using displacement reactions of this type. For example, s es -C am br Image C8.10 Zinc is more reactive than copper and displaces copper from copper(II) sulfate solution. Note the brown deposit of copper, and the fact that the blue colour of the solution has faded. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 337 ve rs ity aluminium(a) do not react do not react copper react slowly to form oxide layer when heated silver do not react do not react do not react ve rs ity U ni gold C op op C w lead y react less strongly to give hydrogen y burn less strongly in air to form oxide iron ev ie react very strongly to give hydrogen react with steam, when heated, to give hydrogen zinc R w react with cold water to give hydrogen ev ie burn very strongly in air to form oxide Dilute HCl Pr es s -C magnesium Water -R calcium Air am br id sodium Reaction with … ge Reactivity series C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences (a) ge These reactions only occur if the protective oxide layer is removed from the aluminium. id ie w Table C8.06 The reaction of metals with air, water and dilute hydrochloric acid. ev REDUCING AGENT • Zn loses electrons • Zn is oxidised • Oxidation number increases -R s op U C ie w ge id ev -R br Other redox competition reactions es Pr op y ity ni ve rs zinc + copper(II) ions y Cu(s) id g w e C U op This shows that the reaction is a redox reaction involving the transfer of two electrons from zinc atoms to copper(II) ions. Zinc atoms are oxidised to zinc ions, while copper(II) ions are reduced (Figure C8.03). In general, the atoms of the more reactive metal lose electrons to become positive ions. es s -R br ev ie A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. am zinc ions + copper Zn2+(aq) + Cu2+(aq) Zn(s) + This activity uses microscale Comboplates® or white spotting tiles to investigate the reactions between powdered metals and their solutions. This observational exercise allows the metals to be placed in series depending on their reactivity. -C ev ie w C AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data Reactive metals are good reducing agents. The nature of the reaction taking place between zinc and copper sulfate can be explored in more detail by looking at the ionic equation: s am -C AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) R Cu Figure C8.03 The displacement reaction between zinc and copper(II) sulfate is a redox reaction. A summary of the redox change in terms of oxidation number and electron exchange is shown. the reactivity series Skills: Cu2+ y ity rs ni ev R ACtivity C8.04 2e– OXIDISING AGENT • Cu2+ gains electrons • Cu2+ is reduced • Oxidation number decreases Copper displaces silver from solution, so copper is more reactive than silver. ve ie w C 338 es Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 2Ag(s) op y 2AgNO3(aq) + Cu(s) Zn2+ Zn Pr -C am br if copper metal is put into colourless silver nitrate solution, the copper will become coated with silver, and the solution becomes blue because of the formation of copper nitrate solution: Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C8.17 Select from this list a metal that will not react with hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen: magnesium, iron, copper. Pr es s y w ie -R s es Pr ity ■ ■ ■ rs w y op U R ni ev ve ie that the transition metals are less reactive than the metals in Groups I and II and have certain distinctive properties how metals can be arranged into a series based on their reactivity, with the most reactive metals lying to the let of the Periodic Table how a more reactive metal will displace a less reactive metal from its oxide how a more reactive metal can displace a less reactive metal from a solution of one of its salts that these displacement reactions are redox reactions involving the transfer of electrons. ev id ■ br am -C op C ■ C op U ■ ge that the alkali metals (Group I) are sot metals with low densities – they are the most reactive group of metals, displacing hydrogen from cold water and having to be stored under oil how reactivity increases as you move down a group and that this is true for both Group I and Group II (the alkaline earth metals) that aluminium is a useful construction metal because it is strong but has a low density that aluminium is resistant to corrosion because of its protective oxide coating y ■ ie id ev Which properties of metals and their alloys are important when selecting the right metal for a particular job? Brass conducts electricity less well than copper. Explain why it is used in plugs and switches. Reaction with cold water calcium reacts rapidly copper no reaction magnesium reacts very slowly reacts rapidly zinc no reaction reacts y no reaction op ity ni ve rs reacts very rapidly Put these metals in order of their reactivity. least reactive most reactive Iron is a metal between zinc and copper in the reactivity series. Predict the reactivity of iron with cold water and with steam. C U i Reaction with steam ev ie id g -R s es am br ii [1] w e a Pr Metal -C C w ie ev es s -C A student observed the reaction of various metals with both cold water and steam. Her results are shown below. op y 2 -R b am br a w ge C End-of-chapter questions 1 R Write a balanced chemical equation and an ionic equation for the reaction between magnesium and copper(II) sulfate solution. ni You should know: R C8.20 ve rs ity w ev ie Summary ■ State two observations you would see when a piece of magnesium ribbon is placed in copper(II) sulfate solution. Write a word equation for the reaction between magnesium and copper(II) sulfate solution. C op y C8.18 C8.19 -R Write a word equation for the reaction of zinc and dilute hydrochloric acid. -C C8.16 ■ ev ie am br id QuEStiONS w ge C U ni op y C8: Patterns and properties of metals Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [2] (continued) 339 ve rs ity ev ie Zn + H2O ZnO + H2 -R Pr es s Melting point / °C Hardness lithium Density / g/cm3 fairly hard 63 rubidium 39 caesium 29 sot 1.53 extremely sot 1.88 U very sot ie w ge ev id br -R am s -C es ity rs y op ie -R es Pr op y ity – y E e U op R + C A ni ve rs w ie ev the electrolyte? s -C am br the anode? -R id g Which letter in the diagram above represents: es C – w ie [5] s -C D B ev [1] ev br am C i [2] w ge id c C U R ni ev i Write a word equation for this reaction. ii Sodium reacts with water in a similar way to lithium. Write a symbol equation for the reaction of sodium with water. Describe the reactions of lithium, sodium and potassium with water. In your description, write about: i the diference in the reactivity of the metals ii the observations you would make when these metals react with water. The diagram below shows an electrolysis cell used to manufacture sodium from molten sodium chloride. ve b Pr 2LiOH + H2 y op C w [Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 21 Q6 June 2011] The equation for the reaction of lithium with water is 2Li + 2H2O ie [1] [1] [1] Lithium, sodium and potassium are in Group I of the Periodic Table. a 340 y potassium fairly sot ve rs ity 98 ni sodium 0.53 C op -C op C w ev ie R Metal i Estimate the melting point of lithium. ii How does the hardness of these metals change down the group? iii Estimate the density of potassium. 3 [1] [3] Write a word equation for this reaction. State three physical properties that are characteristic of most metals. Some properties of the Group I metals are shown in the table. y c d w ge The equation for the reaction of zinc with steam is: am br id b C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [2] ve rs ity w ge ev ie State the name of the product formed: am br id ii C U ni op y C8: Patterns and properties of metals at the positive electrode [2] -R at the negative electrode iodine sodium [1] [Cambridge ICCSE Chemistry 0620 Paper 21 Q6 June 2012] y w ie ev id br -R am es s -C Pr y op 341 ity C In two of the test-tubes, bubbles of hydrogen gas are produced. i y op [1] ie magnesium chloride solution y test-tube B op ni ve rs test-tube A w e C U Describe how the appearance of the contents of test-tube A would change ater one hour. Explain why you would not expect a chemical change in the contents of test-tube B. -R s es -C am br ev ie id g i ii ity C Pr op y es s -C -R ev id br am metal X copper chloride solution w ie [2] w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w rs Complete the balanced symbol equation for the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid. + MgCl2 + ii List the three metals X, copper and magnesium, in order of reactivity, from the most reactive to the least reactive. The diagram below shows an experiment in which the metal X is placed in solutions of copper chloride and magnesium chloride. metal X ev C op U magnesium copper ge R X b R [2] The diagram below shows an experiment to compare how three metals react with dilute hydrochloric acid. ni a magnesium Lithium, sodium and potassium are metals with a low density. State two other physical properties of these metals. w ev ie 4 Pr es s graphite ve rs ity d C op y -C iii Which one of the following substances is most likely to be used for the anode? Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution [2] [1] (continued) ve rs ity w ge [2] ev ie y C op ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y [Cambridge IGCSE Combined Science 0653 Paper 33 Q1 June 2014] y op y op -R s es -C am br ev ie id g w e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w rs C ity op Pr y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge U R 342 [1] -R Pr es s -C i ii Copper can be extracted from copper oxide by heating it with carbon. The process involves the reduction of copper oxide. State what is meant by the term reduction. Aluminium is extracted by the process of electrolysis of molten aluminium oxide. Aluminium metal is deposited at the cathode of the electrolytic cell. Explain why metals are always deposited at the cathode, rather than the anode, during electrolysis. am br id c C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution op y ve rs ity ni C U ev ie w ge -R am br id Pr es s -C y ni C op y ve rs ity op C w ev ie am br ev id ie w ge U R op C w ie ev Pr ity y op ie id g w e C U R ev ie w C ■ ni ve rs ■ y ve ni U op y ■ -R s -C am br ev ■ -R ■ s ■ es ■ es ■ ge ■ id ■ br R ■ the production of iron in the blast furnace steel making rusting of iron and barrier methods for its prevention sacrificial protection and galvanization as rust prevention methods the extraction of aluminium the Haber–Bosch process for the manufacture of ammonia the manufacture and use of fertilisers the manufacture of sulfuric acid the commercial electrolysis of brine limestone and its uses the production of lime and its uses recycling. am ev ■ rs This chapter covers: -C ie w C ity op Pr y es s -C -R C9 Industrial inorganic chemistry Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 343 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences C sealing valves ie id ev Figure C9.01 The blast furnace reduction of iron ore to iron. s es Pr y A series of chemical reactions takes place to produce molten iron (Figure C9.02). The most important reaction that occurs is the reduction of the ore by carbon monoxide: ity op rs C op y ve ni 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g) C U Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) One of the major impurities in iron ore is sand (silica, SiO2). The limestone added to the furnace helps to remove this impurity. The limestone decomposes to lime in the furnace. This then reacts with the silica: CaCO3(s) heat lime op + silica C w e id g + carbon dioxide CaO(s) + y heat CO2(g) calcium silicate CaSiO3(l) ev ie The calcium silicate formed is also molten. It flows down the furnace and forms a molten layer of slag on top of the iron. It does not mix with the iron, as it is less dense. The molten slag is ‘tapped of’ separately. es s -R br am limestone CaO(s) + SiO2(s) U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge The iron produced flows to the bottom of the furnace where it can be ‘tapped of’ because the temperature at the bottom of the furnace is higher than the melting point of iron. lime Image C9.01 A worker in protective clothing takes a sample from a blast furnace in a steel works. -C molten iron -R br am -C The main ore of iron is hematite (Fe2O3). The iron is obtained by reduction with carbon in a blast furnace (Image C9.01 and Figure C9.01). The furnace is a steel tower about 30 metres high. It is lined with refractory (heat-resistant) bricks of magnesium oxide which are cooled by water. The furnace is loaded with the ‘charge’, which consists of iron ore, coke (a form of carbon made from coal) and limestone (calcium carbonate). The charge is sintered (the ore is heated with coke and limestone) to make sure the solids mix well, and it is mixed with more coke. Blasts of hot air are sent in through holes near the bottom of the furnace. The carbon burns in the air blast and the furnace gets very hot. w ie ev R hot air w ge hot air molten slag The production of iron in the blast furnace 344 walls of heatresistant magnesium oxide bricks, cooled by water y ni U R ev ie w Steel is mainly iron with between 0.2 and 1.5% carbon. The carbon makes the iron harder and stronger. Small quantities of other transition metals can also be added to make special steels. Steels are alloys in which the main metal is iron. The magnetic properties of iron make it easy to separate steel products from other waste, so the metal can be easily recycled. waste gas to heat exchanger, to heat incoming air limestone, coke, iron ore ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C In our modern world, we have invented and shaped many machines and clever devices. These are oten made of steel. It is the most widely used of all metals. The durability, tensile strength and low cost of steel make it the basis of countless industries, from ship-building to watch-making. Iron and steel making are at the centre of our heavy industries. -R Iron and steel C op am br id ev ie w ge C9.01 the extraction of metals by carbon reduction Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C9: Industrial inorganic chemistry w ge Steel-making U y ge C s a The hot waste gases escape from the top of the furnace. They are used in heat exchangers to heat the incoming air. This helps to reduce the energy costs of the process. The extraction of iron is a continuous process. C U ie molten iron and scrap steel, lime molten iron ev scrap steel -R br c es s am -C slag Pr op y ity slag ni ve rs C TIP molten steel y w Figure C9.03 The diferent stages of the steel-making process (the basic oxygen process). a The furnace is charged with scrap steel and molten iron. b Oxygen is blown in through an ‘oxygen lance’. c The molten steel, and then the slag, are poured from the furnace by tilting it in diferent directions. w e C U op For the blast furnace it is important that you are aware of the diferent aspects of how it works. You should be able to label a diagram of it and know what is fed into it. -R s es am br ev ie id g Importantly, you should also know the key reactions of the furnace, including the formation of slag. -C ie ev R water-cooled oxygen lance w ge id uses iron ore, coke, limestone and hot air ■ involves the reduction of iron(III) oxide by carbon monoxide ■ uses limestone to remove the main impurity (sand) as slag (calcium silicate). fumecollecting hood op y ve ni ev R The blast furnace extraction of iron: ■ oxygen b rs w 345 ity op Pr y es -C Figure C9.02 Iron is produced in the blast furnace by a series of reactions. Carbon monoxide is thought to be the main reducing agent. -R am br ev id ie w Carbon burns strongly at the base of the furnace (temperatures reach 1900 ºC). carbon + oxygen carbon dioxide C + O2 CO2 ie Most of the pig iron produced is taken to make steel. The carbon content is reduced by burning it of as carbon dioxide. This basic oxygen process is carried out in a tilting furnace (Figure C9.03). Scrap steel is added to the molten pig iron for recycling. A high-speed jet of oxygen is blown into the vessel through a water-cooled lance. Some impurities, for example silicon and phosphorus, do not produce gaseous oxides, so lime (CaO) is added to the furnace. The impurities form a ‘slag’, which floats on top of the molten iron. The molten iron is poured of by tilting the furnace. Controlled amounts of other elements such as chromium, manganese, tungsten or other transition metals are added to make diferent types of steel (see Tables C9.01 and C9.02). C op ni ve rs ity Pr es s -C op y Hot gases rise up the furnace. C w R Molten iron flows down the furnace. Carbon dioxide is reduced as it rises through the furnace – carbon monoxide is produced (temperature about 1000 ºC). carbon carbon + carbon monoxide dioxide 2CO CO2 + C -R carbon iron + dioxide 2Fe + 3CO2 iron(III) carbon + oxide monoxide Fe2O3 + 3CO ev ie The iron produced by the blast furnace is known as ‘pig iron’ or ‘cast iron’ and is not pure. It contains about 4% carbon, and other impurities. This amount of carbon makes the iron brittle. ev ie am br id The iron ore is reduced by carbon monoxide (temperature about 600 ºC). Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity < 0.25 easily worked; not brittle car bodies, chains, pylons 0.25–0.45 tougher than mild steel car springs, axles, bridges 0.45–1.5 hard and brittle iron 74% chromium 18% 5% 87% drill bits, springs -R es s Rust is a red-brown powder consisting mainly of hydrated iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3 · xH2O). Water and oxygen are essential for iron to rust (Figure C9.04). rs ve tube 1 (control experiment) ni C U ie very rusty iron nails -R s distilled water distilled water ity ni ve rs C w anhydrous calcium chloride (drying agent) y op C U When a metal is attacked by air, water or other surrounding substances, it is said to corrode. In the case of iron and steel, the corrosion process is also known as rusting. Rusting is a serious economic problem. Large sums of money are spent each year replacing damaged iron and steel structures, or protecting structures from such damage. boiled distilled water (boiled to remove any dissolved air) ev ie id g w e Figure C9.04 The results of an experiment to investigate the factors that are involved in rusting. In tube 2, the air is dry, so the nails do not rust. In tube 3, there is no oxygen in the water, so the nails do not rust. In tube 4, pure oxygen and water are present, so the nails are very rusty. es s -R br am -C ie ev rusty iron nails The rusting of iron and its prevention pure oxygen layer of olive oil (prevents air dissolving in the water) es Pr op y The uses of other substances are also explicitly stated in the syllabus – so go through and make a list of these and specifically learn them. R air ev id -C The syllabus very clearly states some examples of the major uses of mild and stainless steel. Make sure that you are aware of these. tube 4 dry air w ge air br am TIP tube 3 op But carbon steels tend to rust unless protected. So other metals, for example chromium, are added to prevent corrosion and to make the steel harder. Some of these alloy steels are listed in Table C9.02. tube 2 y C ity op Pr y There is a wide variety of steels to suit particular applications. Some steels are alloys of iron and carbon only. The amount of carbon in steels can vary between 0.2% and 1.5%. These carbon steels, which include the mild steel used for car bodies, are listed in Table C9.01. w ie ev tough; springy br am -C Carbon steels and alloy steels R edges of high-speed cutting tools All these alloys have a low content of carbon (< 0.45%). Table C9.02 Some typical alloy steels. 346 tough; hard, even at high temperatures 13% id manganese (a) cutlery, surgical instruments, kitchen sinks, chemical plant y 95% ge tungsten manganese steel iron tough; does not corrode C op iron U R tungsten steel Uses 8% ni nickel Properties w ev ie w stainless steel ve rs ity C Typical composition ie op y Table C9.01 Cast iron and carbon steels. Steele(a) chisels, cutting tools, razor blades ev -C high-carbon steel ev ie gear boxes, engine blocks, brake discs -R medium steel cheaper than steel; easily moulded Pr es s mild steel Uses 2.5–4.5 am br id cast iron w Carbon content / % Properties ge Metal C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C9: Industrial inorganic chemistry Pr es s -C y C op ni U ev id ie w ge • Galvanising: An object may be coated with a layer of the more reactive metal, zinc. This is called galvanising. It has the advantage over other plating methods in that the protection still works even if the zinc layer is badly scratched. -R ity op Pr y Aluminium is more reactive than iron, but it does not corrode in the damaging way that iron does. Both metals react with air. In the case of aluminium, a very thin single layer of aluminium oxide forms, which sticks strongly to the surface of the metal. This micro-layer seals the metal surface and protects it from further attack. • Sacrificial protection: This is a method of rust prevention in which blocks of a reactive metal are attached to the iron surface. Zinc or magnesium blocks are attached to oil rigs and to the hulls of ships (Figure C9.05). These metals are more reactive than iron and will be corroded in preference to it. Underground gas and water pipes are connected by wire to blocks of magnesium to obtain the same protection. In all cases, an electrochemical cell is set up. The metal blocks lose electrons in preference to the iron and so prevent the iron forming iron(III) oxide. ni op y ve rs C w ie s es -C am br The problem is made worse by the presence of salt; seawater increases the rate of corrosion. Pictures from the seabed of the wreck of the Titanic show that it has a huge amount of rust (see Image C9.02). Acid rain also increases the rate at which iron objects rust. ev • Electroplating: An iron or steel object can be electroplated with a layer of chromium or tin to protect against rusting. A ‘tin can’ is made of steel coated on both sides with a fine layer of tin. Tin is used because it is unreactive and non-toxic. However, this does raise a problem. With both these metals, if the protective layer is broken, then the steel beneath will begin to rust. y ve rs ity op C w ev ie R Image C9.02 Photograph of the highly rusted bow of the Titanic taken from a submersible. In contrast, when iron corrodes, the rust forms in flakes. It does not form a single layer. The attack on the metal can continue over time as the rust flakes come of. Indeed, a sheet of iron can be eaten right through by the rusting process. -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R • Plastic coatings: These are used to form a protective layer on items such as refrigerators and garden chairs. The plastic poly(vinyl chloride), PVC, is oten used for this purpose. -R am br id ev ie w ge film, preventing rusting. Again, the treatment must be repeated to continue the protection. zinc bar ity C ni ve rs • Painting: This method is widespread, and is used for objects ranging in size from ships and bridges to garden gates. Painting only protects the metal as long as the paint layer is unscratched. Regular re-painting is oten necessary to keep this protection intact. C U op y 2e– • Oiling and greasing: The oiling and/or greasing of the moving parts of machinery forms a protective zinc (Zn) Zn 2+ iron (Fe) hull ev ie id g w e Figure C9.05 Blocks of zinc (or magnesium) are used for the sacrificial protection of the hulls of ships. es s -R br am -C w ie ev R water Pr op y es The need to protect iron and steel from rusting has led to many methods being devised. Some of these are outlined here. s -C Rust prevention ship’s hull made of steel (mainly iron) Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 347 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences -R C9.02 Write an equation for the reduction of iron(III) oxide. C9.03 Which element is used to remove the carbon from cast iron? C9.04 Why is chromium sometimes added to steel? C9.05 Which two substances are essential for the rusting of iron? C9.06 Give two ways in which zinc can be used to stop the rusting of iron. ie w ge id ev C9.02 the extraction of metals by electrolysis -R br am es Pr The copper produced from this ore is suitable for piping, boilers and cooking utensils. When it is to be used for y ve • mining the ore ni op • purification of the ore U R ev ie w rs C ity op Copper is less reactive than the other metals we have considered so far. It can be found native in the USA, but most copper is extracted from copper pyrites, CuFeS2. C • electrolysis of the molten ore. ie ev id -R s ity Pr op y es -C am br the extraction of copper and the reactivity series Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data This activity explores the reactivities of copper, hydrogen and carbon using microscale apparatus. The aim is to see whether copper(II) oxide can be reduced to copper by either hydrogen or carbon. A worksheet is included on the CD-ROM. Details of a scaled-up version of this experiment are given in the Notes on activities for teachers/ technicians. The extraction of aluminium ni ve rs C ev ie id g w e C U op y Bauxite, the major ore of aluminium, takes its name from the mediaeval village of Les Baux in France, where it was first mined. Napoleon III saw its possibilities for military purposes and ordered studies on its commercial production. A method of extraction using sodium to displace aluminium from aluminium chloride existed at that time. However, in 1886, the Hall–Héroult electrolytic method for extracting aluminium was invented by Hall (an American) and Héroult (a Frenchman). es s -R br am -C w ie ev The extraction of a metal by electrolysis is expensive. Energy costs to keep the ore molten and to separate the ions can be very high. Because of this, many of these metals are extracted in regions where hydroelectric power is available. Aluminium plants are the most important examples. They produce suficient aluminium to make it the second most widely used metal ater iron. w ge ACtivity C9.02 R Reduction with carbon does not work for more reactive metals. The metals are held in their compounds (oxides or chlorides) by stronger bonds which need a lot of energy to break them. This energy is best supplied by electricity. Extracting metals in this way is a three-stage process: s -C y The extraction of copper 348 y ve rs ity ni Why is limestone added to the blast furnace? U R C9.01 C op y op C w ev ie QuEStiONS Pr es s -C Preventing rusting Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.2 Plan experiments and investigations AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data In this activity, iron nails are protected from rusting using a variety of methods, including painting, greasing and sacrificial protection. By using corrosion indicator solution, the efectiveness of the diferent types of protection can be assessed. A worksheet, with a self-assessment checklist, is included on the CD-ROM. ev ie w ge electrical wiring, it must be refined (purified) by electrolysis (see Section C4.05). am br id ACtivity C9.01 Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity ve rs ity y C op ni U w ge ie ev id br -R es s carbon + oxygen Pr C(s) ity rs op C w ie ev es s -R When electrolytic cells are set up with appropriate metal electrodes, metal can be efectively transferred from the anode to the cathode. Such methods can be used to plate objects with metals such as chromium or tin, or to refine copper to a very high degree of purity. Pr ity C9.08 Why is cryolite added to the cell as well as alumina? C9.09 Why do the anodes need replacing regularly? y Why is aluminium expensive to extract? op ni ve rs C9.07 w Write an equation for the reaction at the cathode. ie C9.10 C U e Al C9.11 Aluminium is a reactive metal. Why, then, is it useful for window frames and aircrat? es s Oxide ions are attracted to the anode where they are discharged to form oxygen gas. At the high temperature of -R br ev id g CO2(g) y ve ni U ge id Aluminium ions are attracted to the cathode where they are discharged to form liquid aluminium metal: am O2(g) carbon dioxide heat QuEStiONS 3 The molten mixture of aluminium oxide and cryolite is electrolysed in a cell fitted with graphite electrodes (Figure C9.06). -C + heat Electroplating and copper refining br am -C op y C – The Hall–Héroult process uses a great deal of energy. It is also costly to replace the anodes, which are burnt away during the process. It is much cheaper to recycle the metal than to manufacture it. The energy requirement for recycling is about 5% of that needed to manufacture the same amount of ‘new’ metal. 1 The bauxite is treated with sodium hydroxide to obtain pure aluminium oxide (alumina). The alumina produced is shipped to the electrolysis plant. w carbon cathode brick insulation The anodes burn away and have to be replaced regularly. 2 The purified aluminium oxide (Al2O3) is dissolved in molten cryolite (sodium aluminium fluoride, Na3AlF6). Cryolite is a mineral found naturally in Greenland. It is no longer mined commercially there, and all the cryolite now used is made synthetically. Cryolite is used to lower the working temperature of the electrolytic cell. The melting point of aluminium oxide is 2030 °C. This is reduced to 900–1000 °C by dissolving it in cryolite. The cryolite thus provides a considerable saving in energy costs. ie anode + the cell this reacts with the carbon of the anode to form carbon dioxide: The Hall–Héroult process involves the following stages. Al3+ + 3e– frozen crust Figure C9.06 A cross-section of the electrolytic cell for extracting aluminium. At the cathode: Al3+ + 3e– Al. At the anode: 2O2– O2 + 4e–. am -C y op C w ie ev molten electrolyte containing alumina steel shell carbon block lining liquid aluminium – Bauxite (Image C9.03) is an impure form of aluminium oxide. Up to 25% of bauxite consists of the impurities iron(III) oxide and sand. The iron(III) oxide gives it a red-brown colour. R hood Pr es s -C y op C w ev ie R The Hall–Héroult process ev + alumina hopper anode + Image C9.03 The major ore of aluminium is bauxite. It is usually mixed with iron(III) oxide, which gives the ore its brown colour. R + -R am br id ev ie w ge C U ni op y C9: Industrial inorganic chemistry Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 349 ve rs ity C U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences is important for agriculture. Most plants cannot directly use (or fix) nitrogen from the air. The main purpose of industrial manufacture of manufacture of ammonia is to make agricultural fertilisers. am br id ev ie w ge C9.03 Ammonia and fertilisers -R Ammonia has the following general properties as a gas: In the Haber process (Figure C9.07), nitrogen and hydrogen are directly combined to form ammonia: N2(g) + 3H2(g) ammonia 2NH3(g) ni C op y As a raw material for both fertilisers and explosives, ammonia played a large part in human history. It helped to feed a growing population in peacetime, and it was used to manufacture explosives in wartime. ge -C -R am br ev id ie w Nitrogen is an unreactive gas, and changing it into compounds useful for plant growth (nitrogen fixation) s pump es N2, H2 Pr y ity op C 350 nitrogen + hydrogen Nitrogen is obtained from air, and hydrogen from natural gas by reaction with steam. The two gases are mixed in a 1 : 3 ratio and compressed to 200 atmospheres. They are then passed over a series of catalyst beds containing finely divided iron. The temperature of the converter is about 450 °C. The reaction is reversible and does not go to completion. A mixture of nitrogen, hydrogen and ammonia leaves the converter. The proportion of U R ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C colourless ■ distinctive smell ■ less dense than air ■ very soluble in water to give an alkaline solution. ■ beds of catalyst y ev ve ie w rs pump converter es s -C -R am br ev id ie w ge C U R ni op compressor Pr N2, H2, NH3 N2 , H 2 w ni ve rs C ity op y gases mixed and scrubbed cooler y op C H2 w liquid ammonia ie storage tanks br id g e N2 ev U R ev ie pump -R s es -C am Figure C9.07 A schematic drawing of the diferent stages of the Haber process. Nitrogen and hydrogen are mixed in a ratio of 1 : 3 at the start of the process. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity The ammonium nitrate can be crystallised into pellet form suitable for spreading on the land. w ev ie For the Haber process, and the Contact process for making sulfuric acid, it is important that you know the conditions used and how these are chosen. Remember these are both reversible reactions that reach an equilibrium under the conditions used (see Section C7.05). C op y Ammonium salts tend to make the soil slightly acidic. To overcome this, they can be mixed with chalk (calcium carbonate), which will neutralise this efect. ‘Nitro-chalk’ is an example of a compound fertiliser. id ie w ge U R Ammonium nitrate is soluble in water, as are all other ammonium salts, for example ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4. This solubility is important because plants need soluble nitrogen compounds that they can take up through their roots. There are two types of nitrogen compounds that plants can use – ammonium compounds (which contain the NH4+ ion) and nitrates (which contain the NO3– ion). Ammonium nitrate provides these ions. -R ve rs ity TIP ni ev ie w C op y Pr es s -C am br id ge ammonia in the mixture is about 15%. This is separated from the other gases by cooling the mixture. Ammonia has a much higher boiling point than nitrogen or hydrogen, so it condenses easily. The unchanged nitrogen and hydrogen gases are re-circulated over the catalyst. By re-circulating in this way, an eventual yield of 98% can be achieved. The ammonia produced is stored as a liquid under pressure. C U ni op y C9: Industrial inorganic chemistry ev A modern fertiliser factory will produce two main types of product: -R s Pr y ity op C rs w Ammonium nitrate (‘Nitram’) is the most important of the nitrogenous fertilisers. It contains 35% by mass of nitrogen. It is produced when ammonia solution reacts with nitric acid: y op es op y s -C -R am br ie NH4NO3(aq) ev NH3(aq) + HNO3(aq) id ammonium nitrate w ge C U R ni ev ve ie Ammonium nitrate and other fertilisers ammonia + nitric acid straight N fertilisers are solid nitrogen-containing fertilisers sold in pellet form, for example ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) and urea (CO(NH2)2) ■ NPK compound fertilisers (Image C9.04) are mixtures that supply the three most essential elements lost from the soil by extensive use, namely nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). They are usually a mixture of ammonium nitrate, ammonium phosphate and potassium chloride, in diferent proportions to suit diferent conditions. ■ es -C am br Most of the ammonia produced is used to manufacture fertilisers. Liquid ammonia itself can in fact be used directly as a fertiliser, but it is an unpleasant liquid to handle and to transport. The majority is converted into a variety of solid fertilisers. A substantial amount of ammonia is converted into nitric acid by oxidation (Figure C9.08). y op others 10% br ev ie id g nylon 5% w e C U R nitric acid 10% ni ve rs ev ie w C ity Pr fertilisers 75% s -R Image C9.04 Some fertiliser products; note the three key numbers (N : P : K) on the fertiliser bags. es -C am Figure C9.08 The uses of ammonia produced by the Haber process. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution 351 ve rs ity C9.13 What conditions are needed to ensure the Haber process works eficiently? C9.14 Why are the unreacted gases re-circulated? C9.15 Why do many fertilisers contain N, P and K? C9.16 How can fertilisers cause pollution? -R y C op Sulfur is burnt in air to form sulfur dioxide. The main reaction in the Contact process (Figure C9.09a) is the one in which sulfur dioxide and oxygen combine to form sulfur trioxide. This reaction is reversible. The conditions needed to give the best equilibrium position are carefully considered. A temperature of 450 °C and 1–2 atmospheres pressure are used. The gases are passed over a catalyst of vanadium(V) oxide. A yield of 98% sulfur trioxide is achieved. ie w ge ev id es s -R br am -C Pr y ity op C b sulfur rs air y op sulfur burnt to form sulfur dioxide S(s) + O2(g) SO2(g) w ge C U R ni ev ve ie w a How is hydrogen obtained for use in the Haber process? Sulfuric acid is a major product of the chemical industry. It is made from sulfur by the Contact process. U R 352 C9.12 C9.04 Sulfur and sulfuric acid ni ev ie w C ve rs ity op y Pr es s -C Making a fertiliser Skills: AO3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how to safely use techniques, apparatus and materials (including following a sequence of instructions where appropriate) AO3.3 Make and record observations, measurements and estimates AO3.4 Interpret and evaluate experimental observations and data The introduction of the Haber process revolutionised agriculture by making it possible to manufacture artificial fertilisers. An example is ammonium sulfate and it is made in this activity by neutralising sulfuric acid with ammonia solution: (NH4)2SO4(aq) H2SO4(aq) + 2NH3(aq) The ammonium sulfate solution can be concentrated by heating. It is then cooled to allow crystals to form. A worksheet is included on the accompanying CD-ROM. ev ie w QuEStiONS am br id ACtivity C9.03 C ge U ni op y Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences id ie air mixture of gases reacted 2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g) conditions: 450ºC, 1–2 atmospheres, vanadium(V) oxide catalyst yield: 98% SO3 unreacted gases recycled op y SO3 dissolved in 98% H2SO4 SO3 + H2SO4 H2S2O7 (or SO3 + H2O H2SO4) e C U R ev ie w ni ve rs C ity Pr op y es s -C -R am br ev gases mixed and cleaned by electrostatic precipitation br ev ie id g w concentrated sulfuric acid diluted when needed -R s es -C am Figure C9.09 a The Contact process plant at Billingham, Teesside, in the UK. b A flow chart for making sulfuric acid by this process. Copyright Material - Review Only - Not for Redistribution ve rs ity C U ni op y C9: Industrial inorganic chemistry ev ie Pr es s ve rs ity y y ni C op op C w ev ie w ge U R ie Pr ity op op ni w ge C U We have seen earlier in Chapter C1 that chlorine is used on a large scale in producing a clean domestic water supply. You will probably also be familiar with its similar use in killing microbial organisms in swimming pools. Chlorine has a wide range of other uses in industry. ie ev id br -R am es s -C Sodium hydroxide solution alkaline and corrosive Pr op y op Hydrogen a colourless, flammable gas C -R used for making margarine nylon hydrogen chloride and hydrochloric acid s -C es am br ev ie id g w e also used for killing bacteria in the water supply killing bacteria in swimming pools Figure C9.11 The chlor–alkali industry. y ELECtROLySiS OF BRiNE U ni ve rs used for making PVC (poly(chloroethene)) solvents for dry-cleaning (e.g. trichloroethane) pain