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English Review: Research, Advocacy, Language Devices

English Reviewer
-makes use of a formal, academic, and persuasive language to communicate discussions and
present corresponding findings for variables studied
refers to activities that argue, plead, support, or favor a certain cause. Various causes for
advocacy usually aim to influence decision making especially with issues involving social,
political, environmental and economic perspectives.
advocacy speeches present strong points
usually social or political in nature, is technically defined as a planned set of activities that
people carry out to attain a certain goal or objective.
A campaign speech, basically, is a well-planned speaking activity that aims to excite, persuade,
and/or motivate listeners
Convincing the listeners
Language Features or Language Devices
Emotive Language
Modal Verbs
Involving the Reader
Rhetorical Questions
Using Evidence
Adjectives and Adverbs
Emotive Language
This involves the use of words that evoke emotions and make people feel a certain way.
Modal Verbs
The use of words that express modality or how likely something is going to happen helps adjust the level
of certainty of events to suit arguments. (may, might, will, must, shall, can, could, would, ought to)
Involving the Reader
This is done through the use of personal pronouns like you, your, we, our, and indicative words like
Rhetorical Questions
These are questions that are not supposed to be answered. Let the reader think.
Using Evidence
This involves the use of facts, figures, or quotes from experts
Involves repeating keywords, phrases, or ideas to appeal to the readers.
Adjectives and Adverbs
Using carefully selected adjectives and adverbs makes it possible for the writer to influence how the
readers feel.
Commonly used in advertisements, this persuasion technique makes the audience believe the idea that
“everyone is doing it”
This means relying on expert advice from trusted people like doctors, scientists, and other professionals.