Uploaded by Theodore Fackrell

Pangea Proxima: Climate, Landscape & Lathrek Species

Pangea Proxima
Very extreme seasons. Hot summers, cold winters. Need adaptive lifeforms to thrive.
Very distinct areas of aridity with giant deserts. Possible megamonsoons with extreme
transitions between wet and dry periods with a seasonal reversal of winds. These
megamonsoons contribute heavily to the immense aridity of the deserts at the interior of the
continent. The coasts are perhaps more seasonal with rainy weather in the summer and
occasional dryness in winter. Average global temperature of 28 degrees Celsius.
What does this mean for the proximians?
The relatively temperate coasts seem to be the best places for our species to have adapted to
life, potential religious connotations for the sea and the very frequent flooding that likely occurs.
At this point in the species development (if they aren’t amphibious), they have acquired
advanced infrasturctural abilities surrounding the mitigation of tidal and flood damage, in
addition to building structures which can withstand high winds and extreme weather.
Contact with other civilizations will have been difficult due to the difficulty of traversing the arid
and hot terrains that lay inland. This could have led to the early invention of water crafts, most
likely pontoons or barges that never stray far from the coasts. On a non relevant note, there are
likely many distinct groups of people all over the world that have never come into contact for
these reasons (and geological ones). This would also have led to distinctive language families
to develop. If these beings use language similar to ours. Additionally, as a result of this very
diverse and difficult to traverse world, there is the very likely possibility for more than one
sentient race to evolve over the course of the last 300 million years or so. Perhaps a species
more suited for the very hot climates like reptilians? Or perhaps a subterranean species?
Over time, the Atlantic and Indian Oceans will continue to get wider until new subduction zones
bring the continents back together, forming a future Pangaea. Most continents and
microcontinents are predicted to collide with Eurasia. Africa is predicted to collide with Europe
and Arabia, closing the Mediterranean Sea (thus completely closing the Tethys Ocean (or
Neotethys)) and the Red Sea. A long mountain range (the Mediterranean Alps) would then
extend from Iberia, across Southern Europe and into Asia, reaching peaks higher than Mount
Everest. Similarly, Australia is predicted to beach itself past the doorstep of Southeast Asia,
causing the islands to be compressed inland, forming another potential mountain range.
Meanwhile, Southern and Baja California are predicted to have already collided with Alaska with
new mountain ranges formed between them.
What does this mean for the proximians?
The arid regions of the planet already act as a deterrent from exploration, travel, and
cross-cultural contact. With the large mountain ranges that have divided the land, it is almost
impossible to traverse the supercontinent by land. Perhaps adaptation for the cold and high
altitude have occurred? Perhaps the beings have invented sophisticated road building and
mountain taming techniques?
The Atlantic is predicted to have closed, with only small vestiges of the former ocean remaining.
North America is predicted to have collided with Africa, but be in a more southerly position than
where it rifted away during the Mesozoic. South America is predicted to be wrapped around the
southern tip of Africa and Antarctica, completely enclosing the Medi-Pangaean Sea, which
becomes a supertoxic inland sea that begins to poison the surrounding oceans, lands and
atmosphere. The supercontinent is encircled by a global ocean, the Propanthalassic Ocean,
which encircles half the Earth.
What does this mean for the proximians?
The areas immediately surrounding the Medi-Pangaean Sea are antithetical to all life but the
most resilient. No cultures form on its shores and it is revered by the closest species as a place
where the damned are tormented, or---by others--- as an entrance to another world. In Eurasia,
the only way to this almost mythical place is across the vast desert and through the Great pass
between the Himalayas and the Mediterranean Alps. Strange ruins dot the landscape of the
toxic wasteland (what was once India), and are thought by many to be the ancient and
abandoned cities of the Gods. Many of these ruins are found all over the world, but these are
the most sacred as they reside amongst the toxic fumes and uninhabitable bogs on the shores
of the Lake of Death.
The Proximians (Lathrek)
Known as the Lathrek in their own tongue. They are a tall, amphibious race of humanoids
equipped with a dual respiratory system. Over the course of millions of years, the smaller
cetaceans of the ocean (dolphins specifically) re-evolved to survive on land (having evolved to
be sea dwelling creatures from land dwelling creatures). In this instance, the evolution was
different. Having faced near extinction due to rapidly rising carbon dioxide levels, they evolved
organs to supplement their lack of surface oxygen with dissolved oceanic oxygen. Over time,
the dual respiratory system evolved to be able to support the Lathrek both on land and in the
sea. As a result of their adaptations, they are quasi-nomadic---moving from their submerged,
coastal homes, which they reside in in the summer---to their above-water winter villages where
they can utilize fire to stay warm. They are bipedal and boast strong legs much longer than any
human which end in wide, three toed feet. After many millennia of natural selection, the flukes
(which would normally be present at the end of the tail for dolphins) have migrated up to the
calves---and aid in the quick propulsion of the Lathrek through the water. A dorsal fin just
between the shoulder blades aid in stabilization in the water. Additionally, they have long arms
(reaching far past the pelvis) that end in five fingered hands, with opposable thumbs. The length
of the arms and legs, with the help of a long, flexible spine, allow the Lathrek to undulate their
bodies through the water to swim. In the winters, they ritualistically binge eat to build up a layer
of blubber to insulate their body heat. To assist in this, nature caused them to obtain hair follicles
which produce a thick sea lion-like fur, that traps the air to keep them warm---and also repels
water. The coat is shed in the spring, as the ice thaws.
Our Story (As it is in my brain right now)
Our narrative follows an individual (yet to be named) who lives with her community in the
northern reaches of Eurasia, near the slopes of the Mediterranean Alps and the shores of the
Propanthallasic Ocean. We will follow her in a year or so of her life as she migrates from sea to
land, and as our protagonist travels trading her wares (precious gems and metals from the
mountains and spices from the hot, summer spice fields) along the coastal trade routes---with
whatever dangers that may bring both geographically and environmentally. Additionally, we may
follow her south through the desert and to the borders of the Deadlands.
Ice fishers and miners
Where she is going and what she is taking with her from her home area to trade.
What she in bringing back, beryls, emeralds, aquamarines, tourmalines, garnets,
spinels, and sapphires. Iron, copper, lead, tin, gold, and nickel.