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Measuring Health & Safety Performance: A Guide

Measuring performance
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Measuring performance
Measuring performance
Measuring performance
Measuring performance
What’s performance
measurement about?
Measuring performance
Although we may not realise it, we measure
performance in all aspects of our lives
Measuring performance
To measure performance in a useful way,
indicators must be established to answer
questions such as:
Measuring performance
To measure performance in a useful way,
indicators must be established to answer
questions such as:
• What is going on around us?
Measuring performance
To measure performance in a useful way,
indicators must be established to answer
questions such as:
• What has happened so far?
Measuring performance
To measure performance in a useful way,
indicators must be established to answer
questions such as:
• What might we need to respond to?
Measuring performance
Measurements that give us information on
the outcomes of our previous actions are
called reactive indicators
Measuring performance
Measurements of how the current situation
could impact on future performance are
known as proactive indicators
Measuring performance
If you were the manager of a stationery
supply company…
…what reactive indicators would help you to
evaluate your current sales
Measuring performance
If you were the manager of a stationery
supply company…
…what proactive indicators could you
measure in order to provide
information on the future?
Measuring performance
How do you measure health
and safety performance?
Measuring performance
Measuring performance
Reactive measurement focuses on collecting
information on the outputs of your health and
safety management system
Measuring performance
Reactive measurement focuses on collecting
information on the outputs of your health and
safety management system
Measuring performance
Reactive measurement focuses on collecting
information on the outputs of your health and
safety management system
Measuring performance
Reactive measurement focuses on collecting
information on the outputs of your health and
safety management system
Measuring performance
Reactive measurement focuses on collecting
information on the outputs of your health and
safety management system
Measuring performance
You can use this reactive data to calculate
your injury incidence rate (the number of
reportable injuries per 100,000 employees):
Number of reportable injuries in
a given time period (one year)
x 100,000
Average number of employees
during that time period
Measuring performance
You can use this reactive data to calculate
your injury incidence rate (the number of
reportable injuries per 100,000 employees):
2 reportable injuries
50 employees
Measuring performance
You can use this reactive data to calculate
your injury incidence rate (the number of
reportable injuries per 100,000 employees):
2 reportable injuries
x 100,000
50 employees
Measuring performance
You can use this reactive data to calculate
your injury incidence rate (the number of
reportable injuries per 100,000 employees):
Your injury incidence rate:
(per 100,000 employees)
Measuring performance
Once calculated, you’ll be able to compare
your injury incidence rate with other rates in
your industry to measure your performance
Your injury incidence rate:
Other branches/locations:
Measuring performance
Once calculated, you’ll be able to compare
your injury incidence rate with other rates in
your industry to measure your performance
Your company’s overall rate:
National industry rate:
Measuring performance
Fatal injury incidence rates of some industries:
Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing:
Mining, water, gas and electricity:
National incidence rate:
Measuring performance
Non-fatal (major/3-day) injury incidence rates:
Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing:
Mining, water, gas and electricity:
National incidence rate:
Measuring performance
What are the limitations of only measuring
accident, incident and ill health reports?
Measuring performance
Proactive measurement provides information
on how health and safety is being managed
before undesired events occur
Measuring performance
You’ll need to look at the inputs that
contribute to health and safety management:
• quality of the work environment and
Measuring performance
You’ll need to look at the inputs that
contribute to health and safety management:
• quality of the work environment and
• effectiveness of systems and procedures
Measuring performance
You’ll need to look at the inputs that
contribute to health and safety management:
• quality of the work environment and
• effectiveness of systems and procedures
• behaviour and ability of people
Measuring performance
For example, if you intend to carry out an
inspection once a week, you can proactively
measure how many you actually perform
Measuring performance
A good proactive indicator should be:
• objective
• easy to measure
• cost effective to gather
• relevant to the group whose
performance you’re
Measuring performance
What are some indicators that could be used
to proactively measure health and safety?
Measuring performance
Remember: there’s no ‘one size fits all’
when it comes to proactive indicators – find
out what works best for your organisation
Measuring performance
A range of people will be interested in this
information, both internally and externally:
senior management
line managers
• shareholders
Measuring performance
A range of people will be interested in this
information, both internally and externally:
enforcement bodies
insurance company
the public
Measuring performance
What is auditing?
Measuring performance
Auditing aims to find evidence of whether the
current management system complies with
the organisation’s policies and objectives
Measuring performance
An internal audit is performed by staff within
the organisation in order to evaluate the
effectiveness of the current system
Measuring performance
An external audit is undertaken by a third
party to provide an independent view,
usually for interests of other stakeholders
Measuring performance
Audits typically use three types of evidence:
• documentation
Measuring performance
Audits typically use three types of evidence:
• documentation
• interviews
Measuring performance
Audits typically use three types of evidence:
• documentation
• interviews
• observation
Measuring performance
As a manager, you (along with senior
management) may be involved in producing
an action plan to deal with audit findings
Measuring performance
Getting it right:
• Reactive indicators measure your outputs;
easily gathered, but have limitations
• Proactive indicators measure your inputs;
powerful, as they can provide warnings
• Audits provide a check on
whether your systems
are effective
Measuring performance
Key learning points:
• What’s performance measurement about?
• How do you measure health and safety
• What is auditing?
Measuring performance
Key learning points:
• What’s performance measurement about?
• How do you measure health and safety
• What is auditing?
Measuring performance
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