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Robust & Adaptive Control for Aerospace Systems Course Overview

Course Overview
Lecture 1-A
Robust and Adaptive Control for Aerospace Systems
Ben Dickinson, PhD
Air Force Research Laboratory
Munitions Directorate
Eglin AFB, FL 32542
Robust and Adaptive Control for Aerospace Systems
B. Dickinson
About me
2009 PhD Oregon State
University, Mechanical
Engineering focus in
Dynamics and control,
Minor in mathematics
NRC Post Doctoral Associate 20092010 at the Air Force Research
Laboratory Munitions Directorate
(AFRL/RW), Eglin AFB
Senior Research Mechanical
Engineer AFRL (2010 to
Interests in: High speed
morphing aircraft
Adjunct Instructor @ UF REEF
(Research and Engineering Education Facility)
Since 2013
Robust and Adaptive Control for Aerospace Systems
B. Dickinson
This is an EDGE (eLearning/online) course!
• Lectures are pre-recorded and uploaded to Canvas.
– Join lecture recordings Fridays from 9-12 at UF REEF
• Check Canvas (course website) often.
– Announcements
– Homework & Project
– Exams
• Remote communication
– benjamin.dickinson.1@us.af.mil and dickinsb@gmail.com
– Google Workspace group office hours or by appointment
– Do not hesitate to reach out!
Robust and Adaptive Control for Aerospace Systems
B. Dickinson
High-level course objectives
1. Understand state of the art optimal, robust, and adaptive control
theory and application to aircraft
2. Provide a basis for systematic tuning of optimal and robust control
3. Synthesize robust flight controllers rapidly and efficiently
4. Learn control techniques that can mitigate effects of catastrophic events
Tupelov Tu-154 midair control system failure
F-15 Lands with one wing
5. Develop a tool sets for implementation of the robust control methods
Robust and Adaptive Control for Aerospace Systems
B. Dickinson
Rundown of Course Topics
(Review) Aero models, aircraft equilibrium, linearization, modes (Ch 1)
Linear quadratic theory and methods (Ch 2)
Asymptotic command tracking controllers (Ch 3)
H-Infinity control (Ch 4)
LQR, SISO frequency domain analysis (Ch 5)
MIMO frequency domain analysis, LQG (Ch 5, 6)
LQG and loop transfer recovery (Ch 6)
Guidance fundamentals (notes provided)
Direct model reference adaptive control (Ch 7)
“The Orange Book”
Lyapunov stability theory, Barbalat’s lemma (Ch 8)
â–ªText: Lavretsky and
Wise, Robust and
State feedback direct MRAC (Ch 9)
Adaptive Control:
With Aerospace
MRAC with integral feedback (Ch 10)
Applications, Springer
Robust and Adaptive Control for Aerospace Systems
B. Dickinson
Course Details
• Grading breakdown
Final Exam
• Grade on curve as warranted
• Lectures
• 70% on whiteboard
• 10% slides
• 20% coded examples
• Course content builds upon itself
• Course project is comprehensive
• Homework
• Opportunity to build
comprehensive tools
• Suggestion: write Matlab scripts
• Final Exam
• Date/Time TBD
• Online
• Open book/notes
Robust and Adaptive Control for Aerospace Systems
B. Dickinson
Expectations of Performance
• Maintain academic honesty
• Keeping up with the material
–Reading assigned chapters
–Watching lectures weekly
• Reaching out as needed
• Submit professional quality homework on time
Robust and Adaptive Control for Aerospace Systems
B. Dickinson
What Can you Expect of Me?
• Delivery of clear and accurate technical content
–Three lectures / week
–Supplementary materials on course website
• Timely response to your email
• Weekly office hour engagement over Google Workspace
• Interest in you succeeding
Robust and Adaptive Control for Aerospace Systems
B. Dickinson
All models are
wrong, but some
are useful –
George Box
How do we get to useful
plant models for flight
Start with the
governing equations of
motion for aircraft.
Reduce to salient
Robust and Adaptive Control for Aerospace Systems
B. Dickinson
Week 1: Drilling down to useful models for flight control
1. Flight Control History and Motivation
2. Aircraft Rigid Body Equations of Motion (EOM)
3. Directional Decoupling of EOM
4. Aircraft Rigid Body Modes
5. Trim and Linearization of Aircraft EOM
6. Example: Short Period Modeling of Aircraft Dynamics
7. Robust and Adaptive Control Overview
Robust and Adaptive Control for Aerospace Systems
B. Dickinson