Learning Task 1: Critical Thing and Discussion Understanding the Environment and Environmental Instructions: This is a group Task, hence every member must share/contribute. Members: Abuyen, Ray Jr Dingcong, Rixienne Jan Jamora, Eisheriel Mhae Juplo, Nazca Eyna Mandadero, Rana Jean Reyes, Carmelo Rex Questions for discussion: 1. Does the world have enough resources for 8-10B people to live decent, secure, happy, fulfilling lives? What do those terms mean to you? try to imagine what they mean to others in our global village. The natural resources of the Earth are critical to the survival and development of the human population. However, the Earth's ability to renew these resources is limited. Freshwater, forests, and harvesting products are all renewable, as long as exploitation does not exceed regeneration. Nevertheless, we are still certain that the current world still have enough resources for 8-10B people to live decent, secure, happy, and fulfilling lives. It doesn’t seem like we’d run out of those things too soon. This claim can also be supported by the study conducted by the University of Chicago of Communications (2020), which states that feeding 10 billion people on Earth is not only possible but it could be done sustainably as well. But as we live, we must ensure that we will be able to make progress in making these resources available in the long run. According to the Living Planet report (2008), humans use 30% more resources annually than the planet can replace, which results in deforestation, damaged soils, contaminated air and water, and sharp losses in fish and other species. To say to live decent, secure, happy, fulfilling lives is a far stretch from the reality that we live in. The same terms that people above the hierarchy can easily say but the hardest words that a person is struggling to utter. There is still a percentage and still an increasing percentage of people that is part of the poverty line. Considering the fact that things get tighter and tighter, the cost of manufactured things goes up. As a result, our materialistic tendencies were kept in check by the impossibility of earning enough money to afford something made with a rare starting material. Additionally, an international study today warns that since people are utilizing the planet's natural resources excessively, the world is on the verge of an "ecological credit crunch" that will be even worse than the current financial crisis. Hence, it is hard to say that we all are having a happy, decent and secure life knowing that there are still people who are worrying about what they could do more just to provide. 2. Suppose you wanted to study the environmental impacts of a rich versus a poor country. What factors would you examine and how would you compare them? One factor affecting the environment between the rich and poor country is their CO2 emissions associated with their individual lifestyles. An example of it may be described as when the more a person eats a lot of meat in a country, the less environmentally friendly it can be. The amount of crops are far greater being transported and grown just for feeding the animals than we ate the crops themselves. A theory is also being stated that poor countries resort to having cheap fast food which means that lower-grade meat is being advertised. A country's wealth is profoundly affected by environmental factors. People are concerned about environmental issues because of the vital role they play in our economy. Pollution is an important factor in determining a country's wealth, and it’s the factor we would like to examine. Many environmental problems, including pollution, are pressing issues in the modern world. Because more people in developed countries can afford automobiles, they contribute more to air pollution here than in less developed countries. However, poorer countries tend to have older vehicles, which produce more harmful emissions. The population of the poorer nation is also likely to be more concentrated, leading to greater environmental damage in a smaller region. Poor countries often have worse air pollution than rich countries because they lack the resources and technology to combat the problem. In addition, millions of people every year suffer from pollutionrelated illnesses, lose their lives to related causes, or become disabled because of them in developing countries. Pollution can be mitigated in developed nations because of their access to necessary tools and resources. The environment has a significant impact on a country's economy, so it's crucial to figure out how to make the most of the natural resources that exist there. Governance is also one of the environmental factor that impacts the rich and poor countries. Governance is very pertinent in every sphere of life, whether it is house or office, good governance is needed to perform effectively. It also provides strong foundation for the developmental process. There are two types of governance, good and weak governance. These types of governance are also linked to how they impact the rich and poor countries. Good governance at all levels is fundamental to economic growth, political, and a key factor for stability, and security. Good governance leads to improved economic benefits in a globalized world and it accelerates economic transitions. Because of good governance, rich countries consistently developed. In fact, a country cannot flourish in the absence of good governance. However, poor governance causes poor country. These countries (poor country) suffers poor economic growth, lack in regulatory quality, government’s ineffectiveness and a lack of control on corruption. Weak governance is a driver of disaster risk, and is linked to many other risk drivers such as poverty and inequality, poorly planned urban development, and globalized economic development. References: Danny DorlingDanny Dorling is Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography at the University of Oxford. This article is excerpted from his new book, Dorling, D., & Danny Dorling is Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography at the University of Oxford. This article is excerpted from his new book. (2017, November 22). Income inequality is not only hurting lives, it's toxic for the planet too, Data Shows. New Internationalist. Retrieved September 9, 2022, from https://newint.org/features/2017/07/01-equality-environment Income inequality is not only hurting lives, it’s toxic for the. (2017, November 22). New Internationalist. Retrieved September 9, 2022, from https://newint.org/features/2017/07/01-equality-environment. Living planet report 2008 - panda. (n.d.). Retrieved September 9, 2022, from https://wwfeu.awsassets.panda.org/downloads/living_planet_report_2008.pdf Omoju, O. (2014, September). Environmental Pollution is Inevitable in Developing Countries. Breaking Energy. https://breakingenergy.com/2014/09/23/environmental-pollution-isinevitable-in-developing-countries/ University of Chicago Office of Communications. (n.d.). Feeding 10 billion people on Earth is possible-and sustainable, scientists say. University of Chicago News. Retrieved September 9, 2022, from https://news.uchicago.edu/story/feeding-10billion-people-earth-possible-and-sustainable-scientists-say