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Resonance Lab Report: Electrical Engineering Experiment

Experiment #6
Engy Elhamzawy
Bench 5
Partners: Marco Vittozzi, Noah Viti
Experiment performed date: 3/24/2022
Finished date: 3/24/2022
Figure 1: Theoretical Current
Figure 2: Theoretical Voltage
Figure 3: Theoretical reactance’s
Figure 4: Resistance vs Frequency Actual Graph
Table 1:
% Error
-9.09 %
316 Ω
315 Ω
0.3175 %
-316 Ω
-315 Ω
0.3175 %
 We can understand resonance by looking at the graphs above. In an
electrical circuit, resonance occurs when the inductive and capacitive
reactances are of similar magnitude. This causes electrical energy to
fluctuate between the inductor's magnetic field and the capacitor's electric
field. This might be seen by looking at the magnitude of the graphs.
Analysis of results:
The goal of this experiment was to see and understand what resonance
means when the current, voltage, and reactance values in the circuit vary
owing to variations in the sinusoidal input frequency. Then the Function
Generator was connected in series with the resistor, inductor, and capacitor
to conduct this experiment. Then the multimeter was used to double-check
that the values of each component are correct. The components have
relatively little mistake connected with them. The internal resistance of the
inductor is the margin where you observe error. This is to be anticipated, as a
resistor will progressively lose resistance over time. We double-check the
settings and then attach the oscilloscope to channel 1 before the first resistor,
and channel 2 after the capacitor. After that, we employ frequencies ranging
from 200Hz to 20kHz to compute Vr(rms), which is then used to compute
Irms values. When these numbers are shown in Figure 4 for each of the
frequencies tested, information is provided on each value reported, especially
when compared to the theoretical resistance versus frequency graph. We can
see from Figure 3 that each number has a distinct maximum, but that they all
occur at different frequency. Fo denotes the maximum, the frequency at which
each curve achieves its most efficient resonance. Q is best understood as a
technique of classifying the many frequencies with which each system
resonates. Values that are substantially identical to the theoretical current vs
frequency and the actual current vs frequency will have a frequency
determined by Q. When trying to identify the resonance of a variety of
systems, this might be useful. The results obtained from Figures 3 and 4
show that the theoretical data marginally differs from the actual data. The
inaccuracy varies from 9 percent to 0.3 percent, according to Table 1. People
don't aware that when determining the magnitude of the mistake, it might be
purely machine error. When looking at the oscilloscope for the correct values,
you'll see that there are a lot of moving numbers. You'll have to make a
decision and pick one precise value that you feel is accurate. This can
change our results, making it more difficult to discover the best bargain.
Given the challenges we faced, the results we obtained were quite near to
the theoretical numbers we computed previously.
The procedure was successful in determining the definition of resonance as it
pertains to the change in current values with frequency shift in this lab.
Regardless of the differences we noticed while using the oscilloscope.