2008 Unit 1:200S'Rest IZOR of Region ' I. :"' . . q,-.·;:1'·'~':"(:.~-~~- .. .: - _,. •· -... ~- \Vh!ch Bribe ro: iliw~ iiJ~d~ i)6ftj;~~lt i.~' · ' , ' - --~ : to i Covaler:c Hydrog•;u (C) lonk ( [l) Hydupklic 2 I N I / "u en,-<::.· u,-c-c,_ . I ~ H II cu II th~ structure oc' Sllll';h. Bcitr c<Jnbibute to tl1e strncluI': o;· celb!oO:e. . l ~O;ltri bUes lo the structur~ oi celluLise, ·II contributes to th<; structure 'of starch. or I contrib\ites . to . the structure ' sta<ch, II contributes to tit•) 3 ofcC::llulose. I Ii -c~-c o 0 / .,..'.. n ~ Ni O Which of the 'following is the mo!cc,1k represented by.the structure? (A) (B) (C) (D) ' Which of th0' foilowmg s6teiPents is true i.bout BOTH isolners? Boli• c<calribute to ' N ~ ;( "-11 4. struct\ire ",- \_j.; . HO--CH-C- C/ I (D) ' ll (B) \I\) ~ refers 10 the following chen" '" sl!\icture of amoli:culc. !Lem 2 refers to the slluctures below whicli show rwo isomers iJf glucose. 2. ;- ' ·· 1tci:ii'..A 1:1olecules en ab: !II water ~Xisi Ii$' ii'!iq .1:0 · rather than a ga<: at normal teinperatures? (A} ' .. ·~';>";-' .,!''. ~ .. i~~':e 11T~p~ ~ted nsa 5. e iar1 ' ' Collagen consi$L~ of three polypeptide ;;h~h: held iog~th~r~r H-bonds - NI-! groups nu\ CO- groups. Which of the following tern1, describes the s\fllctme of collagen? (A) (B) (C) (D) A trip!~ helix Anu-llclix A dou~le helix A J3-h<llix i l'hos!'holipiJs will affect the functio11 of .v hie~ of the foliov/i'ng cell st~ctures? l. EntlopLsn.ic reticulwn Centrioks ; IL III. Mitoeh0odrion .IV Nucleolus' I 1\) I anc 11 I ant' Ill II uud .I/ • · lli aad ;V 1 rli) 1C) 11!) tl : I , iI' ' . . . - 3- . . ·' . 1~referii101es11•~e'Jl'&ibiliib-US i8 MlltY•Jl...._P,li.fif\\;~'l'f•"> solution. 'lbe tests we(e carried out and their respective results are shown itl!the table below. ____!~~-----------·~· [===···~~=:: ! BLfre1 test \-·-----,.. --------- R~sult ·····----- Purple colour was obtained - ···----1 ~8-_ene~_"..'..:~~~. ·----Blue colou.r ren)ained 0:1 heating. / Dilute bydroc/iloric acid was added and the Blue colour be<iame brick-red on mixtt1re '.v3". b,.biled, allowe.d to cool, neutralized ( and Benedict's'dest was carried out. . heating. ---------------------- 6. Which ur'1he J,IJowing indicates the food substance(s) present in the.students' solution? 1 S lard~ protein Non-reducing sugar op.ly Reducing and non-reducing sugars Non-re(Jucing sugar and protein (A) . 'lBJ (C') (D) i •i 7. In microsmpy, the terln 'resolution' is used to describe the I (A) (B) ( C) magnificatkn~y the eyepiece lens magnifkatiQn ~'Y the objective lens the ability ofthf microscope to clearly cisnr.gt:ish b~:tween points on the .Spec'Ul\CO (D) Item 8 refers to th,e diagram below which shows the structuJ'.e of a generalised plant cell. ., i the degr~e to !which the specimen under ohserv4tion is magnified I ! 8. Which of the folli)wing options correctly indicates the organelles that contain DNA'' (A) (B) (C) (D) II ,. I lI .. I, 2, 3 2,3,5 2,4,6 J,5,6 '.I 1 -49. 1~10 refer~ to ·1he r,rganti 1ts involved in the manufactt;rc, r ""lficat1 ·n tnd transport of lipa1>~:;, f -;;pcct1 vel_y t1r.~- the figure below wlirn s'1ows the sbubture ofa bacterial cell ;,s using an electibn microscope .. ..... ribo.>Odl~.i, rough ER, golgi body, "'"''I ~--J ' ly:>cisom,.s nuu~u3; tjytoplasm, rough ER, goli;i ;'--- D -- _, __ 01 ---i.1- bcxly - _: (C) (U) ribosoihe~;, smooth ER, golgi body, iysosom~s lyso1iornef;, ribosomes, smooth ER, golgibOOY .... 10. IV I· 'Jhe structure iilivolved,in genetic engine.e1 iug (A) (B) (C) (D) I II Ill IV i -------- ----'--+- l_!_,;!!1-11 rqfers lo the diagram below which shows_a transverse $ection of a plant struct"• '- ---x It. The area lijbelled X represents (A) (B) (C) (D) n qell a tissue anorg;m asystem ' - . ' . 5!~"-:nJ} re for;; to the diagram below. ) • J ~ "ti • i Higb concentratio~ . .. •• •* • ••• ~ •• Concentration gradient Low concentration • 12. The figurfal>ove BEST demonstrates . (A) (B) (C) ,(D) ~.. diffusion facilitated diffusion active transport e>:ocytosis ' ! -··~------·--··~--------.c..------------"-------- 13. · Item 14 refers to: the gi-aph below showing the effect of pH tjn the activity of enzymes. When a pla•:t cell i~ ~laced in.a soluti~p with . a less negative water potential tliari' 1ts cell sap, the cell beo(lme~ more I ! ; AJ (C (D.1 flaccid becat)se the solution diffuses out oftl1c c¢1L flaccid beca4se water diffuses out of the cell. . . Rate or reaction mrgid hecnute the solution diffuses. into the celi. .urgi(I bed~ water diffuses lnto the ·. cell. ' \ 1-'r--.''!--.-~->..,-::..,-.t:.,........,,....;.,...l 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 pH . i Pepsin is an e~e found in the huma11 alimentary syst¢1Ji. Which of the above a\ltivity curves Jepresents the action of pepsin? ; I (A) (B) (C) (D) .. ,. ", .IV 0 .1 2: 3 14. - m ll .. ' - I II III IV 0 6· !!~m 17 refers lo the diagram below show nt lYm.!) ret~rs toithe graph below which .' \.,,w. the relationship between enzynH; un1ccatratiun l><ld the rate of an enzyme 1. r-.Ldy. .;ed rei~Clic.;n·l '\segment of ii strand of DNA. ( ,, - -~( -- ;;:"'-\~.-Hydrog~n r- ., · bonds I i ------- ---- -·-+--· ----'> 17. The base Xis i' I :n·r.yr:;~e ~·onct>utration 1 !· i 15. lh.cd on th·· di:.gram above, which of the. 1,,:·owing staterne°ls BEST describes the rate of 1.ht enzyme .c~t~lysed reaction? U\1 (I" i~ l 6. cytosil\e (C) uracil · (D) adenini: . Iv (ti' v. n, m; r .rv (..:: J ("'" -- , 18. ) ' l ~ uuu Pror e GGA ACC CAU Which of the followii1g is the amino u..:id sequence code'il for in this part of the geee? (B) Valine rglycine - tryptophan. glyc ne - lysi.Iie Tryptophan · giycine ·lysine - val-ne (C) - gl:Y,cine · Lysin~ - valint - lysine - valillc . · v, ll. 1. rv1 m V !l IV 11 III LysQie Tryptphan Valme (A)V, I, Lil, JI IV ...G~. ,,.~-. glyc' I I I tRNA anttco<lu.1 CGA CCA 1 The ccirrect s~quel' ce of events is (Ai • . ! ' Activate··~d-·lNA nuc. leotides pair 11p ! 1 Am_Ill\) &Cid Alanine . ' Glycfne Hyd1og6n bonds be!Weeribases are broken. The. mizrJiA formed leaves the OllClC:ill( I wit!. exµ sed bases ofDNA. l'art,,fo. , ~Amolecule1mwirnk ( The table below shows tlw anticodons 01 .some tRNA *1olecules and the spc:ci fie amipo acids ea);h would carry. I RN A rtu leotides are bonded togeth«cr. I fl ~ 11te sequenceofbases m one strand ofDnA fr1Jm part of a gene is ' ACC CCA TIT CAT CCA. i . elk f,iJloWillg an: t 1e events in transcription. 1j . guarun¢ Ite.!1111! refers fo the fo;Jowing info1matic n. The ;ate directly proportional iO lhe 1.'11zyrlie concentration. The rate isl:nversely proportional to Ll c t:n.z)rtj"ie concentration. The 1ateh~s reached equilibriwn. The .at1.e i~ aflectcd by the enzyme conc:entnjtion. 1 ( "" (A) (B) (D). I .. . .. . . -lysine.v;Ju,e .. , . . . • •. 1 . •I .8\\ ·i, ,, J, of tJ1, fo1.lmving statements eJ<plains a nuli hy 1'>0!nesis'! BE~:·r 25. A hypoth·~~swhich'states that ther~ is 111J cl1~iefence between tl1e obse:-ved ~nd expected data. A hypothesjs which states that theN) is sigiufic11tdifference between the item, unrl<; investigHtion. A hypothes.· l~which isnottestable. A l.ypol!c41s which· can only b<c \L:stt«.I 1ry ql1Servahons. (/. i (B) (CJ (P ' i G GATCC CCTAG G 100 80 % 60 Survival 40 --··---- --- ---·-- --:r-r---------- - I! ---- --11-G-,\ATrc knRJ Hp ill i. 1I --1 ---------------- -----1· 11 f' '"' 20 .i-~--r-_,_-,,.--,--,-..---.- 2 err. AA G___, __ 26. ---'----! --··---- ···' - ·------,-+- GTT AAC CAA 'rTG --! ::::l:«,)= DNl~'?. ·I · (BJ '.Cl Col ho''°'" 8 20 A few ,-esistant flies reproducd · more f: successfully and ti e . resistance aliele increased in (D) frequeqcy. At eveit generation an increasi"g . predation of flies caused them i o becomy more resistant. . . Repeate(d exposure to the pesttc1<: e caused[ the flies to become more -· ;1 resistaJft. The alleli: for resistance mutated tio1,, the rec~sive form to the domina: t fortn.i ' Bamlil, hp~II Eco l{.i Oll;tY '. Hpal cnly : Hpal ;1nd Hpal! I I i (B) (C) I '.A} .. -- ,--, JO 12 14 16 Time/ years I G!TAAC~::+aa WOkh ::ut liH~ 8 ' (A) fht ,fri:iram klo-iv ~hows a small piece of . 6 Wfach or the f91Iowing statements BE:- l explains the eff6ct ofthe pesticide? ' I' Dl-~-,\. 4i - CC GG GO CC II I' ADP . RNA pc)lymerase I I . ---- - --- -- ---- . -.-·1-·-.-----4 Target site trauscriptase DNAli~ase llem 26 refers tel the graph which show'; tJ.e elf~ci of a pe!itifide oil' houseflies. A jix: J amol!llt of chehtical was used each' ye 1r during the rainy season, and the data we ·e collected over a:im1mber of years. R">trictk,n euzym;.s cu. t DNA molecule. s oi.ly at specii'.c br et sites with particular buse 9C<Juences. 1ne target sites for son.1e 1 re. stdel;on em1yme$ are shown in the tabk 1 below. ! 1 I I Revers~ (A) (Bl (C) (D) ! ke!11triction L1. t~ddition to th'*' humar1 j.rl':i'Ulin gene., v~ hi !1 of the following'would be re.:1uired to pw •ri :~ a ctcombinant pjasmid? ·· .. -7- .. ite,LJJ refers 10 111<1 di<1grarn below whicll 'hows a cell at mirnt!c anaphase. ,· 21. Mendel crossed.pure-breeding round arll yellC.w peas with pure-breeding wrinkled an1 green peas. The·: F 1 seeds were·Tound anc. yellow. 'The F 1 sel)ds were self-pollinated :mt the seeds of the,,:F, showed the followin 1 characteristics. · i ./- -i:xi'-~ -.. '>' "-.l··.. , (,\ "\ )'( '•, ~\ -~ 315 round ·and yel)ow lo 1 wrinkled and ,yellow 108 round and grqen 32 wrinkled and ireen \~'(\!/ ~-.JJD__/ 19' (~) n~rn~cr of chromosomes for '!he haplo!d this orgamsm is . (A) (13) I .'.~.. "" ' (A) (D) I ,, (CJ (')) 20 df The appearance the new combinationt o • characteristics, round and green, and wrinkle<'. and yellow is due1,,)o ' I (C) .. (D) The diagram beloiv shows a pair of hon1(Jiogous chrnmo41mes heterozygous for two gene loci, .>\a audj Bb. ~"~:·:n n __~J ....-:rr.__ B £.1--':i--- :...,R..,egJ='c:::on.... a 1· · place · b lfcrossing over t.Jces in Regfori I, which o:' t:ie following a1191es will segregate at mei,>sis l" I (A) (B) A from a (C} (D) H from b - , He!ght A from A Pink White Tall plants ~2 158 qS Dwarf plants ·l2 54 24 '---· ·.. Which of the folltjwing plan:s will produc~ identical otfspringiwhen self-fertilised? Dwarf, piQk-flowered q . Dwarf, wljito-flowered Tall, red-flpwered Tall, white."flowered , l tI " ---·-----·- ,, Flowu colour R.~d (A) (B) (C) (D) I s/une multiple al,leles A plant breeder::crossed two tall, pink flowered plants, the offspring of which an . ' shown belciw. i Al dominanl'l:pistasis independent assortment of the allele, for coldur and shape the genes for colour and shape betng on the chromosome j 27. ·· 9- I Wlu~ h forJ, ofchromosomal murntiim is illuscrated_,n diagrams t- 3 below'> l -f' l '· ~ A B A - COEF(; -----~·---·--,·----·-··C D r·-•) ----~ E .F G '·---'+-·. • A B r1: G F J ---<1•>--•11-~w----· (A) (B) (C) (I)) lnsprtion tn~i:rsion Duflicaton · De1ctk,n ":;i..: 2il ---- ! ' . fn ffi-i A r..x1c>mbinant technology specific genes are harvested thenireplicat!!d. Which sequ encc; ~EST represents the COiTect sequence of i:nsul in produ~ti~n? ,, i . ' ,. P31creas cell --+ mRNA -+ ~DNA ....;bacterial DNA -f. restriction .1donuclease....; reinsertion -t protein synthesis -t in~ulin (A) ,. (B) Paxj~reas cell ....; cDNA -1 t>acterial DNA 1 --+ mRNA ....; restriction ~1donuclease-> reinseriion -t protein syntllesis -t insulin (C) hujcreas cell--; insulin--> restriction endonuclease....; sDNA ·-1 _ ~acterial DNA-t mRNA -t reinsertion--+ protein sxpthesis .., insulin (D) Pm*;reas cell ....; mRNA ___ --· _______ j\do:uclease -t 29. .! (L) (C) (D) cDNA -tbacterial DNA ....;:restriction reinse:~:n --t insulin -t' protein synthesis One implication of the tse of genetically modified org:mism•; on humans is (t\) --l· . 30. ···---- Which three of the following statements fonn the basis ofthelJi'I"Win-WallaceTheory of evolut;on by natura1 selection? \,;o many humarul might be produced I organisms ciesig.o,6d for use in humans mightlescape and cause lturrnful Gons uences ·· t "" fow huruans ight be produced crganisms design d for use in humans migfo e produced in large nul!lbers I. II. III. IV C'haracteristiqs acquired during an organism 's}ifetime are passed to its offsprin~. . Iildividuals in'ji s(lXlla)ly reproducing population show va1iation. More offspring are produced than can possibly sw·vi vc lo sexual maturity. : Offspring tend to ,:esem ble their parents. { C,'.~llEHDt l\V (A) . N HIGH SCJiOOL LIBR RY (B) (0) (l)) l, II and III o~y I, II and IV orl)y i; £µ IDCI. IV oJ!y. . n,.1J1. _,JV lfa1Y r . • - 10 i l· \V id. o( tht following methocfa :i··asexu,tJ reprod~ction is INCpRRECT, either by it5 tleLtllion or its example? ·-·-r I 1' --·--- < ' _ ! 1--- - ' . !'p•ragmentallon I I I (,lJ 1-(·,~; ··- -----------<t-"l~ I I ' I (D) -, 3 't. ~oeba Ejacteria ~pliltjrig into sev~ral pieces, or:· whicl11"'$fOWS 1 atwomis spirogyra. . ijydra - ~--.-- 1 ,j Splillir,g into twodaughter cells 0 f sinlihir size each Budding 'Examples - ~--- Binary fission -----------.~- Dellnltion i Reproduction (A) -- - I .Type 9f ·---- Prodi;c ing an outgrowth from the par ~nt, wl1ich breaks off and becomes a separate individual · Yeast thngus 'f . ·: i ·~-c----~--t--T­ Spore ......\formation Pro<ltiC es small, lightweight spores, to assist air dispersal Ii amboyant ---~-t----~ i : ,ffiic~of the following represi:1tls a possible s·equence in tis~e <:ulture? (.\) i Meristems-t stimuh,t~ moting -+ shoot growth--t 11lantlet .._, yoW1g plant ' ('1) .. - I '1 Young plant -t merist.em -t shoot growth--> stim~ate rooting --J> plantlet ' '. Plantlet --; stimulate r,ooting _, young plant -t merjistems --t shoot growth (D) i I I . 'i . . Young plant -t shoot growth-t meristems --J> stiinµlate rooting -t plantlei . I I, , - -- • , , - , , -" t· ·~ • Il<m:t.~ refers to the diagram. below which shows the 'tran8~erse section of an anthcT. I 3J. 1: j Whfohiofthe labellerl structures will produce. the gametes? -~- l ·fr/\i-:c:r.-ct·h·!···;·-0, -\1i 1 ____ ) ../'; ;;{~ i U I ,<;: ,,v<' c' ' t..f 1 ,.--n- · F ,,,!;,y; 55 ---Ill i - IV i (I\) I I (B) (C) (D) I1i1II [(I' :. »''•r'1 ,- -\ (_"}y t --- liv I.i : . j •.. j • 'iii i. . .- 11 . Hs:m ;'!'! refers to the clia~am below which shows the development of the embryo sac and female .,., gamete. I . - ! --- enf~;--L'~ : }-0egenerate ·-~~ -~---? 8 sac ® ~±-- i.riotht-r cell - - - - -- (D embryo ".3 ~ @ sac mature ~mbryo sac The proc"ssos ~ccuring at Stages I, 2,3, ~cl 4 are : J4. I (A) weio.sis, mitosis, nuclear fusion, growth ruitosis: growth, meiosis, nuc]e~fµsion rnciosi~, growth, mitosis, nucleru: fusion nuckoarlfusion, growth, mitosis, ri1eiosis (B) (C) (])) -----·-·-·---···-·-_j· .15. . _-_ __ Th' l'c!:.w.i.ng arc adv3f1tages of two types ofpo!Linatwn.• ' · ' I. ll. III. IV. 37. No neeµ for anqtlwr plaut Increases vigour Widens gene jJopl D<1es n<>I lo~e advantageous phenotypes ' Which of the following is the cofrec1 1 sequence of eve nts that follows _the fertilisation of a flmver of an endo'fu_ennou• : ·-·-· plant? - - -- -- (A) I ! (B) Which of the abovt ale specific to cross pollin:uion 9 ! (A> (ll) (C) (DJ J and II only l and IV ,)[]ly II and Ill only I, !!, Ill and [V (C) ! ! 36. (D) I When :11e pollen grai;1 fliights on the stigma and Slarts (o) grow, the, first action is that (A) a male nucleus fuses with the I ,B) (CJ a d·Juble rertilis4tion takes place eLdospenn nuoleus fuscis . !truP.2$ refers to tbe table below which shows results beforefand after fertilisation iri plant•. the generative ttucleus ·divides to form two male1gametes the zygote divi~es to form a row of cells , I · . A male gam~te fuses with the diploit.! nucleus to ~nn a·zygote; the pollen tube nucleys fo,ses with the ovum to form (:flcjospenn. A male garn~te fuses with the diploi<i nucleus to form endospem1; the pollen tube nucleus fuses with tht ovum kl fo~ a zygote. The pollen tube nucleus fuses with the diploid nucleus to form endosperm!; a male gamete fuses with the ovj.un to form a zygote .. A male gam~te fuses with the diploid nuclws to fpm1 endosperm; amale gamete with the ovum to fom1 a zygote. Before Fertilisation \ After Fertilisa tioo ' Ovary and contents Ovary wall Structw-e A. foteguments I I Fruit Peri carp ·Seed S lructure B -i' -·-··-------~--;----- J8. ,,_; ·------- Which ofthe followiitg is Structure A? (A) · Twlil (B-) .- (C) OW!c ~ - •• .1 t I - 12 ,,... ·;-· _, - :,_ .. _.-. , ,· . -•, - ·. .I l!<m!J.9 reid'i to the follo~'mg diagram which illustrates a section of the humru'i female reprmkctive system. Which ofthe following correctly identifies the'.i,, structures lal>elied P, Q, Rand S? ' 39. ·-+--- p s :. R Q Cervix Myometriurn Enc!ome~iull'I Ovary Cervix Endom etrium M yometmum '· ((::) :.. Ovary U1erus Endometriurr1 M yomet~ium Ulcru:; Myometriwm Endo1nettiu1n --. Oviduct -,-;_ (. ~)i (lJ)1 l~ - ~ ~ (I)' l r; __. Oviduct -· I I ' -·---*·-~fte:r" 4Q refers !o the 'rliagram below showing . a trans\ crse section ~U'Ough the middle piece . Th~ structure o(the human sperm is suitcod to .its functio. n'J!.j Wh .. 'ich of the follow>11g 41. oft11e sperm. stmctures ofthJ sperm is NOT accurately matched with.i~~ction? · . . ~- . (A) Structure {B) - Fuoction Rflcascs on2yme~·-.;h ich a pathway into ilit cliii! cytoplasm i!ij:esi Acroso·me -- ---n k I. '·! . M ifochond ria l'rrvid.~ energy fr rf;- 'P_(f8tion for movemcn th tail (C) 4 () (D) Tho ,;!rnoturc l :.beilet H is. lAJ \B) (Cl (Dj Nucleus Ctjntains 46 chromosom th~t carry genetic information from the ma:: ___j an acre sor11ei tn!~ •. anu ..·__ ,;-.:.ll.'.-·: .·. ·.'t a n.)tub·i·····.···.' . - i·· ,_- ; .. ,'·'.; '). ·-,' 1~~;1 Centriole Prbduccs m icrotu bu !es arf used for movement - a flagellum (' I 1:_\~ ! ·1 1 t ---~-1 . L; - l'he DNA of~ woman contains a de foe live gene for gonadotroplrin releasing hormone. 42. Which hom1tj1!e and site of production will be affected by this defe<)t? -·-···--· I h Honuone Production Site (A) A~~(-pifrelic honno_n_e____i Hypothalamus _ (B) ~-o~liclei (C) 2'.~:'.'._L_?_s~:one _ (0) !.eutt;ni~ing stimulating hormone Pituitary • _T_e_st_e_s ____ _ hom1one -~-vary _ _ __ --:1---------1 Item 44 refers to ilib diagram below showing the structure of a ~ection of the placenta. !.!JillL"-1 refers to the graphs below surrunarizing the honJ,onal changes during the ir.enstmal cy7le woman. j of a i lllood levels of pituil•IJ' -~----~ :1orn10(ll~S _jk_ 'f\ . I ~-Fs!T--~--~I ~- - -- - - -- --- I ' I ' ;~:~~::~: Oest~~!!!l//'~/ /~~oE~~~~· t -.::'1-"f' t i..v 1•·.,:...::11 I I I I I I Which labelled ~tructure contains many mitochondria? 'I 1 4 6 8 JO 12114 16 18 20 ~2 24 26 28 End of Menstruation 43. I 44. (A) (B) (C) (D) .Qays Whc:i w1JI ovulntion 1ccurifthereis a surge ofLH and FSH ondarr 12 of the cycle? ' I 2 3 4 ' (A) (B) (C) (D) i Wilhln 24 hol,\rs of tho surge et 36 hours an_. the surge 48 hours after the surge Befor~ dayl 12, the hormones I mentiirned :have no impact on ovuLt-i(rn 45. Which of the folfuwing is NOT a function ofarnniotic fluid? i ' {A) I (B) ( C) · " foetus from physical Pn>tects ti.le shock I Allows fr~e movement which heips bone development M~iiltain, a constant temperatur~ aro1.ltld_}he foetm; (D) SuP.plies yxygen to the foetus . ' ·lf.YOV. -"· . -:1{-'>•ti!~ ... ~ :· .:.: . i:-.• . ;._ ,-: .. , ·, .,.·. i I ! I