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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade

Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Issue 06
Approved on 2021-08-31
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Condential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS, Rel. SRAN21FZ SP2,
Issue 01
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Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Table of Contents
Summary of changes .................................................................................................................... 7
1 Flexi Zone system upgrade overview ......................................................................................... 9
2 Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade .................................... 14
3 Flexi Zone BTS migration from LTE 18A to LTE 19B ............................................................. 17
4 Flexi Zone BTS migration workflow .......................................................................................... 18
4.1 Upgrading NetAct to the supported NetAct release .................................................. 18
4.2 Adding BTSs selected for migration to Migrate - LTE Flexi Zone to Direct Integration
workflow in NetAct .......................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Preparing Flexi Zone BTS migration operations in NetAct ........................................ 21
4.3.1 Creating a working set for software management in NetAct ........................ 22
4.3.2 Downloading the software to the Flexi Zone BTS from NetAct .................... 23
4.3.3 Checking Flexi Zone BTS migration readiness in NetAct ................................ 23
4.4 Performing the Flexi Zone BTS migration procedure ................................................ 25
4.4.1 Activating software on the Flexi Zone BTS using NetAct ............................... 25
4.4.2 Connecting and uploading the configuration from the Flexi Zone BTS ...... 26
4.4.3 Uploading software configuration for the Flexi Zone BTSs ........................... 29
4.4.4 Uploading Flexi Zone BTS alarms from the migrated MRBTSs to NetAct
.................................................................................................................................... 30
4.5 Performing post-migration operations for Flexi Zone BTS ...................................... 31
4.5.1 Uploading Flexi Zone BTS hardware inventory data in NetAct ...................... 31
4.5.2 Deleting old Flexi Zone BTS data from NetAct ................................................ 32
4.5.3 Updating the Administration of Measurement application in NetAct .......... 33
4.5.4 Updating filters and alarm rules to support the migration/upgrade ........... 35
4.5.5 Configuring NE3S PnP Services IP addresses .................................................. 35
4.5.6 Setting oamIPAddr and secOmsIpAddr values ................................................ 35
5 Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from LTE 19, or LTE 19A to LTE 19B .............................................
5.1 Overview of Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from LTE 19, or LTE 19A to LTE 19B ...........
5.2 Upgrading Flexi Zone BTS from LTE 19, or LTE 19A to LTE 19B ..............................
5.2.1 Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade ............
5.2.2 Downloading software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade ...........
5.2.3 Activating software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade .............................................
6 Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from LTE 19, LTE 19A, or LTE 19B to SRAN20FZ SP1 ................
6.1 Overview of Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from LTE 19, LTE 19A, or LTE 19B to
SRAN20FZ SP1 .................................................................................................................
6.2 Upgrading Flexi Zone BTS from LTE 19, LTE 19A, or LTE 19B to SRAN20FZ SP1
6.2.1 Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade ............
6.2.2 Downloading software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade ...........
Issue 06.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
6.2.3 Activating software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade ............................................. 47
7 Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from LTE19B or SRAN20FZ SP1 to SRAN20FZ SP2 .................... 50
7.1 Overview of Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from LTE19B or SRAN20FZ SP1 to SRAN20FZ
SP2 .................................................................................................................................... 50
7.2 Upgrading Flexi Zone BTS from LTE19B or SRAN20FZ SP1 to SRAN20FZ SP2 ..... 50
7.2.1 Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade ............ 51
7.2.2 Downloading software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade ........... 53
7.2.3 Activating software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade ............................................. 55
8 Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP1 or SRAN20FZ SP2 to SRAN21FZ SP1 ....... 57
8.1 Overview of Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP1 or SRAN20FZ SP2 to
SRAN21FZ SP1 ................................................................................................................. 57
8.2 Upgrading Flexi Zone BTS from SRAN20FZ SP1 or SRAN20FZ SP2 to SRAN21FZ SP1
............................................................................................................................................ 58
8.2.1 Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade ............ 58
8.2.2 Downloading the software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade using
NetAct ....................................................................................................................... 60
8.2.3 Activating the software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade in NetAct ..................... 62
9 Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP2 or SRAN21FZ SP1 to SRAN21FZ SP2 ....... 65
9.1 Overview of Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP2 or SRAN21FZ SP1 to
SRAN21FZ SP2 ................................................................................................................. 65
9.2 Upgrading Flexi Zone BTS from SRAN20FZ SP2 or SRAN21FZ SP1 to SRAN21FZ SP2
............................................................................................................................................ 66
9.2.1 Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade ............ 66
9.2.2 Downloading the software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade using
NetAct ....................................................................................................................... 68
9.2.3 Activating the software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade in NetAct ..................... 70
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
List of Figures
Figure 1
System migration and system upgrade paths to LTE 19B supported by the
LTE5148 feature ............................................................................................................ 10
Figure 2 System migration and system upgrade paths to SRAN20FZ SP1 supported by the
LTE5503 feature ............................................................................................................ 11
Figure 3 System upgrade paths to SRAN20FZ SP2 supported by the LTE5504 feature
........................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4 System upgrade paths to SRAN21FZ SP1 supported by the CB007176 feature
........................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 5 Overview of the system migration from LTE 18A to LTE 19B ............................... 17
Figure 6 Overview of the system upgrade from LTE 19, or LTE 19A to LTE 19B .............. 36
Figure 7 Selecting MO type in SW Import Manager ................................................................. 38
Figure 8 Importing SW to NetAct ............................................................................................... 39
Figure 9 New task pop-up window ............................................................................................ 40
Figure 10 New task pop-up window .......................................................................................... 41
Figure 11 System upgrade from LTE 19, LTE 19A, or LTE 19B to SRAN20FZ SP1 overview
........................................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 12 Selecting MO type in SW Import Manager .............................................................. 45
Figure 13 Importing SW to NetAct ............................................................................................ 46
Figure 14 New task pop-up window .......................................................................................... 47
Figure 15 New task pop-up window .......................................................................................... 48
Figure 16 System upgrade from LTE19B or SRAN20FZ SP1 to SRAN20FZ SP2 overview
........................................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 17 Selecting MO type in SW Import Manager .............................................................. 52
Figure 18 Importing software to NetAct .................................................................................. 53
Figure 19 New task pop-up window .......................................................................................... 54
Figure 20 New task pop-up window .......................................................................................... 55
Figure 21 System upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP1 or SRAN20FZ SP2 to SRAN21FZ SP1
overview ........................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 22 Selecting MO type in SW Import Manager .............................................................. 59
Figure 23 Importing software to NetAct with SW Import Manager ...................................... 60
Figure 24 New task pop-up window in NetAct ......................................................................... 62
Figure 25 New Task pop-up window in NetAct ........................................................................ 63
Figure 26 System upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP2 or SRAN21FZ SP1 to SRAN21FZ SP2
overview ........................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 27 Selecting MO type in SW Import Manager .............................................................. 67
Figure 28 Importing software to NetAct with SW Import Manager ...................................... 68
Figure 29 New task pop-up window in NetAct ......................................................................... 70
Figure 30 New Task pop-up window in NetAct ........................................................................ 71
Issue 06.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
List of Tables
Table 1
Data columns for the connection and upload of the configuration operation
........................................................................................................................................... 27
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Summary of changes
A list of changes between document issues. You can navigate through the respective
changed topics.
Changes between issues 05 (2021-05-15, SRAN21FZ SP1) and 06 (2021-08-31,
Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP2 or SRAN21FZ SP1 to SRAN21FZ SP2
Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP2 or SRAN21FZ SP1 to SRAN21FZ SP2 has
been added.
Overview of Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP2 or SRAN21FZ SP1 to SRAN21FZ
Overview of Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP2 or SRAN21FZ SP1 to SRAN21FZ
Upgrading Flexi Zone BTS from SRAN20FZ SP2 or SRAN21FZ SP1 to SRAN21FZ SP2
Upgrading Flexi Zone BTS from SRAN20FZ SP2 or SRAN21FZ SP1 to SRAN21FZ SP2
Downloading the software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade using NetAct
Downloading the software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade using NetAct
Activating the software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade in NetAct
Activating the software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade in NetAct
Changes between issues 04 (2021-03-15, SRAN21FZ SP1) and 05 (2021-05-15,
Flexi Zone system upgrade overview
The System migration and system upgrade paths to SRAN20FZ SP1 supported by the
LTE5503 feature figure has been updated.
The Flexi Zone BTS migration from LTE 17A, or LTE 18A to SRAN20FZ SP1 section has
Issue 06.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
been removed.
Changes between issues 03 (2020-09-25, SRAN20FZ SP2) and 04
(2021-03-15, SRAN21FZ SP1)
Flexi Zone system upgrade overview
System upgrade to SRAN21FZ SP1 release section has been added.
Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP1 or SRAN20FZ SP2 to SRAN21FZ SP1
Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP1 or SRAN20FZ SP2 to SRAN21FZ SP1 topic
has been added.
Overview of Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP1 or SRAN20FZ SP2 to SRAN21FZ
Overview of Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP1 or SRAN20FZ SP2 to SRAN21FZ
SP1 topic has been added.
Upgrading Flexi Zone BTS from SRAN20FZ SP1 or SRAN20FZ SP2 to SRAN21FZ SP1
Upgrading Flexi Zone BTS from SRAN20FZ SP1 or SRAN20FZ SP2 to SRAN21FZ SP1 topic
has been added.
Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade topic has been added.
Downloading the software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade using NetAct
Downloading software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade using NetAct topic has
been added.
Activating the software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade in NetAct
Activating software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade in NetAct topic has been added.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
1. Flexi Zone system upgrade overview
You can perform a Flexi Zone system upgrade or system migration to LTE19B, SRAN20FZ
SP1,SRAN20FZ SP2 and SRAN21FZ SP1 releases.
The system migration or system upgrade is a process that involves downloading and
activating a new software release on a system, as well as converting the existing system
configuration to be compatible with the new software release. The system migration or
system upgrade can be executed remotely and can only be performed towards the same
hardware platform.
During BTS migration or upgrade scenarios, service degradation and partial service
loss cannot be fully avoided. Therefore, Nokia recommends performing system
migration or system upgrade process during periods of low traffic.
System migration or system upgrade to LTE19B release
The LTE5148: System Upgrade to LTE19B feature allows you to perform a system upgrade
or a system migration from LTE18A, LTE19 or LTE19A to LTE19B release. The migration and
upgrade paths are depicted in System migration and system upgrade paths to LTE 19B
supported by the LTE5148 feature figure.
It supports compatibility between the starting and target releases, as well as the capability
to fall back or roll back to the last active release.
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© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Figure 1: System migration and system upgrade paths to LTE 19B supported by the LTE5148
System migration or system upgrade to SRAN20FZ SP1 release
The LTE5503: FZ System Upgrade to SRAN20FZ SP1 feature allows you to perform a
system upgrade or a system migration from, LTE19, LTE19A or LTE19B to SRAN20FZ SP1
release. The migration and upgrade paths are depicted in System migration and system
upgrade paths to SRAN20FZ SP1 supported by the LTE5503 feature figure.
It supports compatibility between the starting and target releases, as well as the capability
to fall back or roll back to the last active release.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Figure 2: System migration and system upgrade paths to SRAN20FZ SP1 supported by the
LTE5503 feature
System upgrade to SRAN20FZ SP2 release
The LTE5504: FZ System Upgrade to SRAN20FZ SP2 feature allows you to perform a
system upgrade or a system migration from LTE19B or SRAN20FZ SP1 to SRAN20FZ SP2
release. The migration and upgrade paths are depicted in System migration and system
upgrade paths to SRAN20FZ SP2 supported by the LTE5504 feature figure.
It supports compatibility between the starting and target releases, as well as the capability
to fall back or roll back to the last active release.
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© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Figure 3: System upgrade paths to SRAN20FZ SP2 supported by the LTE5504 feature
System upgrade to SRAN21FZ SP1 release
The CB007176: FZM: General system upgrade feature for SRAN21FZ SP1 feature allows you
to perform a system upgrade or a system migration from SRAN20FZ SP1 or SRAN20FZ SP2
to SRAN21FZ SP1. The migration and upgrade paths are depicted in System upgrade paths
to SRAN21FZ SP1 supported by the CB007176 feature.
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Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Figure 4: System upgrade paths to SRAN21FZ SP1 supported by the CB007176 feature
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2. Important notifications for Flexi Zone system
Important information to be taken into account before, during and after the system
migration/upgrade for Flexi Zone
dlOlqcDeltaCqiStepUp parameter value
Starting with the LTE19A release, the default value of the dlOlqcDeltaCqiStepUp
parameter is changed from 0.125 to 0.06. In most live networks, the 0.06 value will provide
better cell DL data throughput performance. But in other cases, like inaccurate channel
quality indicator (CQI) reporting and small-packet data bursts, the 0.06 value will slightly
impact DL BLER and throughput.
Software rollback
If no future rollback to release FDD-LTE 18A, or TD-LTE 18A is planned, the operator must
configure the BTS to reject any accidental rollback requests, by setting the FEATCADM
Activate SW Rollback Rejection (actSWRollbackReject) parameter value to
true. This prevents the BTS from activating and booting onto the previous software load
and configuration that does not support Direct Integration.
Concurrent internal BTS updates
In case of concurrent internal BTS updates, removal of objects from LNADJ and LNREL
hierarchy via network management system (NMS) or element manager (EM) plan file may
cause a loss of commissioning file from BTS. In such cases Nokia recommends that operator
relies on BTS neighbor detection feature that automatically removes the objects that are
not needed.
Antenna line devices
For RS485 ports with connected antenna line devices (ALDs) and for antenna line ports with
connected ALDs, configure the following parameters:
For RS485 ports with connected ALDs
Set the RSL HDLC communication enabled (hdlcCommunicationAllowed)
parameter value to true.
Set the RSL DC voltage enabled (dcVoltageEnabled) parameter value to true.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
For antenna line ports with connected ALDs
Set the ANTL HDLC communication enabled (hdlcCommunicationAllowed)
parameter value to true.
Set the ANTL DC voltage level (dcVoltage) parameter value to LOW, HIGH, or
If these parameters are not configured before the system upgrade process, the ALDs
connected to the antenna line or those connected to the RS485 ports, or both will not
be detected after the upgrade process.
Virtual IP requirements
When using virtual IP, the IP route setting must include the following parameters to define
the expected source IP address of the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) path:
For IPv4
The IPRT List of static routes (staticRoutes) parameter
The IPRT Preferred source IPv4 address (preSrcIpv4Addr) parameter
For IPv6
The IPRTV6 Static IPv6 routes (staticIpv6Routes) parameter
The IPRTV6 Preferred source IPv6 address (preSrcIpv6Addr) parameter
Flexi Zone BTS with IPsec in use
When upgrading Flexi Zone BTS to FL19A version make sure that:
Before the upgrade to FL19A, you create a bypass policy for management plane (Mplane) in FL19.
This bypass policy change must be made both in BTS and at Security Gateway
This step is required to avoid BTS going inaccessible after upgrade to FL19A,
due to IPSec tear down.
After the upgrade to FL19A, in BTS Site Manager you:
1. Change the IPSECC IPSec Authentication Scheme (authenticationScheme)
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parameter value from CERTIFICATE to PSK.
2. Disable the bypass policy created before upgrade for M-plane, both in BTS and at S-GW.
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Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
3. Flexi Zone BTS migration from LTE 18A to LTE 19B
Migration of several Flexi Zone BTSs from LTE 18A release to LTE 19B is done using
The system migration to LTE 19B is done in one step. The system migration to intermediate
versions (LTE 19, LTE 19A) is not needed.
Figure 5: Overview of the system migration from LTE 18A to LTE 19B
The switchover from iOMS architecture to Direct Integration architecture is performed via
an automated workflow engine provided by NetAct. It enables remote migration of the BTS
O&M interface from iOMS to NE3S (Direct Integration) and software upgrade of the BTSs.
For detailed procedures of the system migration, see Flexi Zone BTS migration
workflow chapter.
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© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
4. Flexi Zone BTS migration workflow
Overview of the Flexi Zone BTS migration workflow
The overall Flexi Zone BTS migration process consist of the following phases:
Upgrading NetAct to the supported NetAct release
Adding BTSs selected for migration to Migrate - LTE Flexi Zone to Direct Integration
Preparing Flexi Zone BTS migration operations in NetAct
Creating a working set for software management in NetAct
Downloading the software to the Flexi Zone BTS from NetAct
Checking Flexi Zone BTS migration readiness in NetAct
Performing the Flexi Zone BTS migration procedure
Activating software on the Flexi Zone BTS using NetAct
Connecting and uploading the configuration from the Flexi Zone BTS
Uploading software configuration for the Flexi Zone BTSs
Uploading Flexi Zone BTS alarms from the migrated MRBTSs to NetAct
Performing post-migration operations for Flexi Zone BTS
Uploading Flexi Zone BTS hardware inventory data in NetAct
Deleting old Flexi Zone BTS data from NetAct
Updating the Administration of Measurement application in NetAct
Updating filters and alarm rules to support the migration/upgrade
4.1 Upgrading NetAct to the supported NetAct release
Overview and references to documentation related to upgrading NetAct, as a phase in the
SRAN system upgrade process
The NetAct upgrade is executed from a locally connected workstation, and must be
performed at low traffic times to minimize the impact on the service.
For the supported NetAct release, see the NetAct Compatibility Matrix/Product
configurations/NetAct and Network Element Compatibility document.
For detailed instructions on upgrading NetAct, see the NetAct Operating Documentation/
Installation/ NetAct Upgrade Overview document.
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Issue 06
4.2 Adding BTSs selected for migration to Migrate - LTE
Flexi Zone to Direct Integration workflow in NetAct
Instructions on how to add BTSs selected for migration to Migrate - LTE Flexi Zone to
Direct Integration workflow procedure
Open the Workflow Engine dialog in CM Operations Manager to execute the Migrate LTE Flexi Zone to Direct Integration workflow.
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
All the prerequisites must be checked before starting the workflow operations in NetAct
Workflow Engine.
Log in to the NetAct Start Page.
Type the following URL address:https://<system_FQDN>/startpage in the
internet browser (Google Chrome is recommended) address field.
<system_FQDN> is the fully qualified domain name of the NetAct cluster load
balancer for WebSphere.
If the browser displays a security warning, continue by confirming the decision
to access NetAct.
For more information, see the Launching the NetAct Start Page section in
the NetAct Operating Documentation/NetAct Administration/NetAct
Administration Operating Procedures/Configuring Start Page document.
Issue 06.
Type the Username and Password, and click Log In.
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Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
If customized terms and conditions appear, select the I have read and
agree to the above terms and conditions checkbox. For more
information, see the Customizing terms and conditions page in the NetAct
Operating Documentation/NetAct Administration/NetAct Administration
Operating Procedures/Configuring Start Page document.
Click Accept.
Click Configuration ► CM Operations Manager.
NetAct applications are Java based. They are started by Java Web Start Launcher using
an JNLP file. Confirm the opening of this file with Java ™ Web Start Launcher.
If a security warning related to JNLP file apears on the bottom bar of the web browser
(Google Chrome is recommended), execute the following steps:
Click Keep.
Click JNLP file name in the bottom bar of the browser.
Click Continue to confirm all security questions related to the digital
signature and software provider.
Click Run
Step result
CM Operations Manager application opens.
Click Tools ► Workflow Engine... to open the Workflow Engine dialog window
from the menu bar.
Start Monitor application.
On NetAct start page click Monitoring.
Click Monitor.
See Click Configuration CM Operations Manager on security warnings.
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Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
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Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Drag the BTSs selected for LTE Flexi Zone migration to Direct Integration from the
Objects object explorer pane in Monitor to the MO(s) section in the Workflow
Engine dialog window.
From the Operation List drop-down list, select Migrate - LTE Flexi Zone
to Direct Integration.
Step result
The operations in the Migrate - LTE Flexi Zone to Direct Integration operation list are
displayed in the Operation column.
The Migrate - LTE Flexi Zone to Direct Integration workflow is opened and ready to start.
4.3 Preparing Flexi Zone BTS migration operations in
Procedure that must be performed to prepare the Migrate - LTE Flexi Zone to Direct
Integration workflow
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
The preparation operations are not service-affecting and can be executed outside the
maintenance window during daytime. The following operations are included in the
preparation phase:
Creating a working set for software management
Downloading the software to the BTS
Checking migration readiness
The preparation operations are performed on the MRBTS defined in the output data file,
containing the BTSs listed in the input data file for all the operations.
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4.3.1 Creating a working set for software management in
The operation creates a static working set, with the same name as the input data file,
containing the BTSs listed in the input data file. This working set can be used for the
software management operations during the upgrade procedure.
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
Click the green arrow in Start column, next to the name of the operation to select
the FZ Direct - Create working set for software management operation.
Optionally, fill in the name and description fields.
Step result
A description of the operation is visible on the right side of the dialog. The switchover
and upload configuration operation is performed for the BTSs selected in the Scope
Browse and select the input data file in the Input data file field.
Click Start to trigger the operation.
Click Yes to confirm the operation.
The static working set containing the MRBTSs is created with the same name as the input
data file. The operator can repeat the operation for the same input data file. If the working
set already exists, its content is updated when the content of the input file is different.
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
4.3.2 Downloading the software to the Flexi Zone BTS
from NetAct
The operation downloads the software package to the BTSs given in the input file. The
related column in the input file is SW package version. The column value must match
to the software package ID in Software Manager. The software download result for each
BTS is also visible in Software Manager.
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
Click the green arrow in Start column, next to the name of the operation to select
the FZ Direct - Download software to BTS operation.
Optionally, fill in the name and description fields.
Step result
A description of the operation is visible on the right side of the dialog. The switchover
and upload configuration operation is performed for the BTSs selected in the Scope
Browse and select the input data file in the Input data file field.
Skip this step if the Input data file field is already filled correctly from a previous
operation of the workflow.
Click Start to start the operation.
Click Yes to confirm the operation.
4.3.3 Checking Flexi Zone BTS migration readiness in
The operation checks that the preparation operations are performed before upgrading
BTSs based on the input data file.
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Check that:
a working set with the correct content is available.
for each MRBTS, an IPNO object exists in the actual configuration.
for each MRBTS, an EM object is available.
The operation is performed on the BTSs listed in the input file. Relevant data columns are
used by the check operation.
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
Click the green arrow in Start column, next to the name of the operation to select
the FZ Direct - Check migration readiness operation.
Optionally, fill in the name and description fields.
Step result
A description of the operation is visible on the right side of the dialog. The switchover
and upload configuration operation is performed for the BTSs selected in the Scope
Browse and select the input data file in the Input data file field.
Skip this step if the Input data file field is already filled correctly from a previous
operation of the workflow.
Click Start to start the operation.
Click Yes to confirm the operation.
The FZ Direct - Check migration readiness operation reports errors when something in the
preparation phase is not correct, which can cause issues during the upgrade. The operation
can be run in the daytime after the preparation operations and also before the migration
activity during the maintenance window.
The operator must troubleshoot and correct the errors before activating the LTE 19B
software for the BTSs having errors in preparation. Alternatively, BTSs with errors can be
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
removed from the input data file.
The operation can be rerun for the same input data file.
4.4 Performing the Flexi Zone BTS migration procedure
The upgrade workflow has four suboperations for the upgrade. The upgrade phase
contains a software activation, which is a service-affecting operation and recommended
to be executed during the maintenance window. The rest of the operations are about
connecting the upgraded BTS to NetAct via the Operations, Administrations and
Maintenance (OAM) interface and executing upload operations to synchronize important
OAM data to NetAct.
4.4.1 Activating software on the Flexi Zone BTS using
This operation activates software packages on the BTSs given in the input file and
reports the result of software activation for each BTS. The related column in the input file
is SW package version. The software activation result for each BTS is also visible in
Software Manager.
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
Before starting the operation, ensure that the same software package has already been
downloaded to the BTSs during the preparation operation.
Click the green arrow in Start column, next to the name of the operation to select
the FZ Direct - Activate software in BTS operation.
Step result
A description of the operation is visible on the right side of the dialog. The switchover
and upload configuration operation is performed for the BTSs selected in the Scope
[Optional] Fill in the Name and Description fields.
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Browse and select the input data file in the Input data file field.
Skip this step if the Input data file field is already filled correctly from a previous
operation of the workflow.
Click Start to start the operation.
Click Yes to confirm the operation.
For BTSs reporting a successful software activation, the operation waits and periodically
checks the BTSs that have rebooted and have successfully upgraded.
An indication of a successful upgrade is that the MRBTS release information in NetAct
connectivity database has been changed to FLF 19B / TLF 19B. The MRBTS release
information is changed when NetAct receives a topology event via OMS. The MRBTS release
information is visible in NetAct Monitor.
If a critical error occurs during the software upgrade, or if the BTS connects to the OMS
after a reboot, the BTS falls back to the previous software and configuration and
reestablishes the connection to NetAct via OMS.
If the operation detects any of the following alarms, it reports to the user that a fallback
may have occurred:
4.4.2 Connecting and uploading the configuration from
the Flexi Zone BTS
Connecting and uploading the configuration operation can be started already when the
activation operation starts to report the feedback eNBs upgraded. The scope of the
operation is the BTSs given in the input file. However, the operation handles only those
BTSs that are still integrated via NWI3 (OMS) but have already been upgraded to the LTE
19B software release. The operation can be executed several times.
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
After a successful upgrade, the BTS connects to the operation and maintenance server
(OMS) and waits for NE3S registration request from NetAct (operation and maintenance
(O&M) connection registration). After responding to the NE3S registration request from
NetAct, the BTS releases its connection to OMS and is operable via the NE3S interface.
The Data columns for the connection and upload of the configuration operation table explains
the relevant columns in the input data file for this operation.
Table 1: Data columns for the connection and upload of the configuration operation
Column in input data le
NE3SWS agent security mode
TLS (Transport Layer Security) supported.
Allowed values: 0 - no TLS, 1 - TLS
NE3SWS agent HTTP connection port
The MRBTS HTTP port where the NE3SWS
agent is running.
NE3SWS agent HTTPS connection port
The MRBTS HTTPS port where the NE3SWS
agent is running.
Click the green arrow in Start column, next to the name of the operation to select
the FZ Direct - Connect and upload configuration operation.
Step result
A description of the operation is visible on the right side of the dialog. The switchover
and upload configuration operation is performed for the BTSs selected in the Scope
[Optional] Fill in the Name and Description fields.
Browse and select the input data file in the Input data file field.
Skip this step if the Input data file field is already filled correctly from a previous
operation of the workflow.
Click Start to start the operation.
Click Yes to confirm the operation.
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The operation handles those BTSs that are still integrated via NWI3 (OMS) but have already
been upgraded to the LTE19B software release. The operation performs the following:
Configures the MRBTS object's integration data in NetAct.
Configures the NE3SWS object for the MRBTS, which initiates an O&M connection
registration between NetAct and the BTS.
Check and corrects the EM object if needed (only for standalone base stations).
Deletes the MRBTS from OMS.
For standalone base stations, the NE3SWS object is configured according to the
Management plane IP address parameter in the actual IPNO object of the base
station. For Flexi Zone Controllers, the NE3SWS object is configured according to the EM
object of the base station.
After a successful O&M interface connection for a standalone base station, the operation
checks that the EM object matches the NE3SWS object. If not, then the operation
reconfigures the EM object. This is the case when a standalone base station changes its
Management plane IP address during software upgrade and reports the new Management
plane IP address to NetAct via OMS.
After a successful O&M interface connection, the workflow operation launches the
configuration data upload operation from the upgraded BTS to synchronize the
Configurator actual configuration database.
The CM Operations Manager's operation history tab must be followed in order to see the
end status of the upload operation. If it fails, the upload can be rerun manually.
The connect and upload operation ends after the O&M connection is opened and the
configuration upload is launched for all the scoped BTSs.
If the operation cannot establish a successful O&M interface connection via NE3S interface
for a BTS, it removes the NE3SWS object and restores the MRBTS object's integration data
in NetAct. After that, the BTS is operational via OMS.
The operation can be repeated for the same input data file. The operation handles only
those BTSs that are still integrated via NWI3 (OMS) but have already been upgraded to
LTE19B software release.
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
4.4.3 Uploading software configuration for the Flexi Zone
Instructions on how to upload the software configuration for the BTSs
The process reports the result of the upload operation for each BTS. The upload operation
for each BTS is also visible in Software Manager. As an alternative, the software can be
uploaded using NetAct Software Manager and the working set created by the Migrate - LTE
Flexi Zone to Direct Integration workflow as the scope for the software upload operation. If
Software Manager is used, MRBTS must be selected as the managed object type for the
software configuration upload.
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
Click the green arrow in Start column, next to the name of the operation to select
the FZ Direct - Upload software configuration operation.
Step result
A description of the operation is visible on the right side of the dialog. The switchover
and upload configuration operation is performed for the BTSs selected in the Scope
[Optional] Fill in the Name and Description fields.
Browse and select the input data file in the Input data file field.
Skip this step if the Input data file field is already filled correctly from a previous
operation of the workflow.
Click Start to start the operation.
Click Yes to confirm the operation.
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4.4.4 Uploading Flexi Zone BTS alarms from the migrated
MRBTSs to NetAct
Instructions on how to upload alarms from the migrated MRBTSs
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
The operation is performed on the BTSs listed in the input file. None of the other data
columns are relevant.
Click the green arrow in Start column, next to the name of the operation to select
the FZ Direct - Upload alarms operation.
Step result
A description of the operation is visible on the right side of the dialog. The switchover
and upload configuration operation is performed for the BTSs selected in the Scope
[Optional] Fill in the Name and Description fields.
Browse and select the input data file in the Input data file field.
Skip this step if the Input data file field is already filled correctly from a previous
operation of the workflow.
Click Start to start the operation.
Click Yes to confirm the operation.
The MRBTS alarms are updated in NetAct. The operation can be rerun for the same input
data file.
Additionally, the operation and maintenance server (OMS) alarms must be uploaded to
cancel the old alarms related to the migrated MRBTSs. This must be done manually with
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
4.5 Performing post-migration operations for Flexi Zone
There are four operations in post-migratiom workflow. The post-migrate operations are
performed on the BTSs defined in the input data file. The same mapping file must be used
for all the operations.
4.5.1 Uploading Flexi Zone BTS hardware inventory data in
Hardware (HW) inventory data upload updates the HW inventory objects in NetAct. The
operation is performed on the BTSs listed in the input data file. None of the other data
columns are relevant.
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
Click the green arrow in Start column, next to the name of the operation to select
the FZ Direct - Upload hardware inventory data operation.
Step result
A description of the operation is visible on the right side of the dialog. The switchover
and upload configuration operation is performed for the BTSs selected in the Scope
[Optional] Fill in the Name and Description fields.
Browse and select the input data file in the Input data file field.
Skip this step if the Input data file field is already filled correctly from a previous
operation of the workflow.
Click Start to start the operation.
Click Yes to confirm the operation.
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
The hardware inventory data for MRBTSs is updated in NetAct. The operation can be rerun
for the same input data file.
4.5.2 Deleting old Flexi Zone BTS data from NetAct
The operation is performed on the BTSs listed in the input data file. None of the other
data columns are relevant.
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
This operation performs the following:
Deletes the working set created in the preparation phase.
Deletes the MRBTS/INTSYNCH object if it exists in the BTS, because this object is not
relevant for the LTE 19B BTS.
To select the FZ Direct - Delete old BTS data from NetAct operation click the green
arrow in Start column, next to the name of the operation.
Step result
A description of the operation is visible on the right side of the dialog. The switchover
and upload configuration operation is performed for the BTSs selected in the Scope
[Optional] Fill in the Name and Description fields.
Browse and select the input data file in the Input data file field.
Skip this step if the Input data file field is already filled correctly from a previous
operation of the workflow.
To start the operation, click Start.
To confirm the operation, click Yes.
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
The working set created in the preparation phase is deleted. The MRBTS/INTSYNCH object is
removed if it existed.
The input data file is not deleted.
The operation can be rerun for the same input data file.
4.5.3 Updating the Administration of Measurement
application in NetAct
Measurements must be enabled to ensure Performance Monitoring (PM) data collection.
They are uploaded to NetAct so the user can know their status on the network element.
These measurements can be activated or deactivated.
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
The following permissions must be ensured:
Administration of Measurements (AoM) Application Launch
AoM Plan Management
Upload network data
These permissions are associated with the PM role.
Log in to the NetAct Start Page.
In the NetAct Start Page, click on Reporting ► Administration of
Step result
The Administration of Measurements screen appears.
Click on the Plans tab.
Step result
The Plans page with a list of plans and their details appears.
Click Upload.
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Step result
The Manual upload dialog box appears.
In the Select managed objects for upload section, select the managed object
class from the Select MO class drop-down list.
[Optional] From the Select adaptation drop-down list, select the adaptation.
[Optional] From the Select maintenance region drop-down list, select the
maintenance region.
Click Submit.
Step result
A list of managed objects appears in the table.
In the table, select the checkbox of the required managed object.
The name of the managed object can also be typed in the search box and the
managed object can be selected. Multiple managed objects can be selected.
To upload the managed objects, click Upload.
The Operational overview screen appears and the status of the upload performed
on the managed objects is displayed.
After a successful upload, AoM checks the measurement schedule received from the
managed object and updates the existing AoM plans for measurement that have the
same schedule. It also creates new Uploaded Plans (UPLs) for the measurements
schedules that are not available in the AoM plans.
After a failed upload, AoM checks the measurement schedule in the Configurator
applications and updates the existing AoM plans for the measurements that have the
same schedule. It also creates new UPLs for the measurement schedules that are not
available in the AoM plans.
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
4.5.4 Updating filters and alarm rules to support the
Filters and rules must be modified to support the upgrade, because the MRBTS and its
child object's Agent object class is changed from operation and maintenance server (OMS)
to MRBTS. The Rule Analyzer tool in Monitor can be used to search the rules having this
criteria. Filters can be exported to a file and searched in files. Add MRBTS: MRBTS or
LNCEL: MRBTS as the object class criteria for the alarm filter and alarm rules.
4.5.5 Configuring NE3S PnP Services IP addresses
NE3S PnP Services IP addresses parameter configuration
After successful integration with NetAct and planfile upload, the operator must configure
the CM MRBTS/LNBTS/FTM/IPNO NE3S PnP Services IP addresses
(ne3sPnpIPAddresses). It is used to start Agent Discovery procedure and perform
reintegration with NMS over NE3S interface in scenarios like manual integration or recovery
from integration error. The list of IP addresses contains the IP Addresses of the NetAct WAS
load balancer. This parameter supports up to eight elements (IP addresses - one IP address
for one NetAct). In commissioning we suggest to configure one IP address valid for the
currently managing NetAct.
4.5.6 Setting oamIPAddr and secOmsIpAddr values
After successful integration with NetAct and planfile upload, if the operator doesn’t
want to fallback to iOMS connection again, he should check if the
values are set to
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
5. Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from LTE 19, or LTE 19A to LTE
Process to upgrade a Flexi Zone BTS from release LTE 19, or LTE 19A to release LTE 19B
5.1 Overview of Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from LTE 19, or
LTE 19A to LTE 19B
Overview of the Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from LTE 19, or LTE 19A to LTE 19B process
The system upgrade to LTE 19B is done in one step. The system upgrade to intermediate
version (LTE 19A) is not needed.
Figure 6: Overview of the system upgrade from LTE 19, or LTE 19A to LTE 19B
5.2 Upgrading Flexi Zone BTS from LTE 19, or LTE 19A to
Procedure to upgrade a Flexi Zone BTS from LTE 19, or LTE 19A to LTE 19B
The overall Flexi Zone BTS upgrade process from LTE 19, or LTE 19A to LTE 19B consist of
the following procedures:
1. Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
2. Downloading software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
3. Activating software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
5.2.1 Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone
BTS upgrade
Procedure to import the software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
Ensure the following:
All network elements (NE) in the system are available and active with release LTE 19 or
LTE 19A.
All interfaces between NetAct and BTS are up and running.
All software (SW) packages including the SW files for the LTE 19B release are available.
There are no hardware (HW) outages that would cause any upgrade steps to fail.
The NetAct supported release is installed.
For details on supported releases, see the Single RAN Operating Documentation /
Single RAN Compatibility document.
Open the NetAct start page.
Go to Configuration ► Software Manager.
Open the Software Archive tab.
Click Add software package....
Step result
A new application window is opened.
If the application is not opened automatically, double-click the downloaded
application launcher icon.
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Select the MRBTS object from the MO type drop-down list.
Figure 7: Selecting MO type in SW Import Manager
Click the Add local file... button and select the desired SW package.
The file name of the SW package must be formatted as in the example:
Click the Import button.
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Figure 8: Importing SW to NetAct
Close the SW Import Manager tab.
5.2.2 Downloading software package to BTS for Flexi Zone
BTS upgrade
Procedure to download software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
Ensure that the Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
procedure is finished.
Open the NetAct start page.
Go to Configuration ► Software Manager.
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Go to the Network Status tab.
Select the MRBTS object from the MO type drop-down list.
Mark the check-box next to BTSs to be upgraded.
Click the New Task... button.
In the pop-up window select Download from the Software Operations tree.
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Figure 9: New task pop-up window
Select the SW package and click Finish.
To configure additional properties of the operation, like scheduling, click Next and fill in
the information requested by the user interface.
Step result
The software is downloaded to the BTS.
5.2.3 Activating software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
Procedure to activate software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Before you start
Ensure that Downloading software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade procedure is
Open the NetAct start page.
Go to Configuration ► Software Manager.
Click the New Task... button.
In the pop-up window select Activate from the Software Operations tree.
Figure 10: New task pop-up window
Select the SW package and click Finish.
Select the software package that was previously downloaded to the BTS.
To configure additional properties of the operation, like scheduling, click Next and fill
in the information requested by the user interface.
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Step result
The software is activated on the BTS.
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
6. Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from LTE 19, LTE 19A, or LTE
19B to SRAN20FZ SP1
Process to upgrade a Flexi Zone BTS from release LTE 19, LTE 19A, or LTE 19B to
6.1 Overview of Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from LTE 19, LTE
19A, or LTE 19B to SRAN20FZ SP1
Overview of the Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from LTE 19, LTE 19A, or LTE 19B to SRAN20FZ
SP1 process
The system upgrade to SRAN20FZ SP1 is done in one step. The system upgrade to
intermediate version is not needed.
Figure 11: System upgrade from LTE 19, LTE 19A, or LTE 19B to SRAN20FZ SP1 overview
6.2 Upgrading Flexi Zone BTS from LTE 19, LTE 19A, or LTE
19B to SRAN20FZ SP1
Procedure to upgrade a Flexi Zone BTS from LTE 19, LTE 19A, or LTE 19B to SRAN20FZ
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The overall Flexi Zone BTS upgrade process from LTE 19, LTE 19A, or LTE 19B to SRAN20FZ
SP1 consists of the following procedures:
1. Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
2. Downloading software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
3. Activating software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
6.2.1 Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone
BTS upgrade
Procedure to import software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
Ensure the following:
All network elements (NE) in the system are available and active with release LTE 19, LTE
19A, or LTE 19B.
All interfaces between NetAct and BTS are up and running.
All software (SW) packages including the SW files for the SRAN20FZ SP1 release are
There are no hardware (HW) outages that would cause any upgrade steps to fail.
The NetAct supported release is installed.
The examples and screenshots in this procedure are specific to SRAN, but the
procedure can be used for Flexi Zone as well.
Open the NetAct start page.
Go to Configuration ► Software Manager.
Open the Software Archive tab.
Click Add software package....
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Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Step result
A new application window is opened.
If the application is not opened automatically, double-click the downloaded
application launcher icon.
Select the MRBTS object from the MO type drop-down list.
Figure 12: Selecting MO type in SW Import Manager
Click the Add local file... button and select the desired SW package.
The file name of the SW package must be formatted as in the example:
Click the Import button.
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Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Figure 13: Importing SW to NetAct
Close the SW Import Manager tab.
6.2.2 Downloading software package to BTS for Flexi Zone
BTS upgrade
Procedure to download software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
Ensure that the Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
procedure is finished.
Open the NetAct start page.
Go to Configuration ► Software Manager.
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Go to the Network Status tab.
Select the MRBTS object from the MO type drop-down list.
Mark the check-box next to BTSs to be upgraded.
Click the New Task... button.
In the pop-up window select Download from the Software Operations tree.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Figure 14: New task pop-up window
Select the SW package and click Finish.
To configure additional properties of the operation, like scheduling, click Next and fill in
the information requested by the user interface.
Step result
The software is downloaded to the BTS.
6.2.3 Activating software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
Procedure to activate software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
Issue 06.
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Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade chapter.
Ensure that Downloading software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade procedure is
Open the NetAct start page.
Go to Configuration ► Software Manager.
Click the New Task... button.
In the pop-up window select Activate from the Software Operations tree.
Figure 15: New task pop-up window
Select the SW package and click Finish.
Select the software package that was previously downloaded to the BTS.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
To configure additional properties of the operation, like scheduling, click Next and fill
in the information requested by the user interface.
Step result
The software is activated on the BTS.
Issue 06.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
7. Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from LTE19B or SRAN20FZ SP1
Upgrading a Flexi Zone BTS from release, LTE19B or SRAN20FZ SP1 to SRAN20FZ SP2
7.1 Overview of Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from LTE19B or
The LTE5504: FZ System Upgrade to SRAN20FZ SP2 feature introduces Flexi Zone BTS
software upgrade from LTE19B or SRAN20FZ SP1 to SRAN20FZ SP2.
The system upgrade to the SRAN20FZ SP2 release is done in one step. The system upgrade
to an intermediate version is not needed.
The system upgrade can be done by NetAct for several BTS or by Element Manager for a
single BTS.
Figure 16: System upgrade from LTE19B or SRAN20FZ SP1 to SRAN20FZ SP2 overview
7.2 Upgrading Flexi Zone BTS from LTE19B or SRAN20FZ
The overall procedure for Flexi Zone BTS software upgrade from LTE19B or SRAN20FZ
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Import the software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade.
Download the software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade.
Activate the software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade.
7.2.1 Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone
BTS upgrade
Procedure for importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade.
Ensure the following:
All network elements in the system are available and active with release LTE19B or
All interfaces between NetAct and BTS are up and running.
All software packages including the software files for the SRAN20FZ SP2 release are
There are no hardware outages that would cause any upgrade steps to fail.
NetAct 20 is installed.
The examples and screenshots used in this procedure are specific to SRAN, but the
procedure is applicable for Flexi Zone as well.
Open the NetAct start page.
Go to Configuration ► Software Manager.
Open the Software Archive tab.
Issue 06.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Click Add software package....
Step result
A new application window is opened.
If the application is not opened automatically, double-click the downloaded
application launcher icon.
Select the MRBTS object from the MO type drop-down list.
Figure 17: Selecting MO type in SW Import Manager
Click the Add local file... button and select the desired software package.
The file name of the software package must be formatted as in the example:
Click the Import button.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Figure 18: Importing software to NetAct
Close the SW Import Manager tab.
Step result
The software is imported to the BTS.
7.2.2 Downloading software package to BTS for Flexi Zone
BTS upgrade
Procedure for downloading the software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade.
Ensure that the Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
procedure is finished.
Issue 06.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Open the NetAct start page.
Go to Configuration ► Software Manager.
Go to the Network Status tab.
Select the MRBTS object from the MO type drop-down list.
Mark the check-boxes next to the BTSs you want to upgrade.
Click the New Task... button.
In the New Task pop-up window select Download from the Software Operations
Figure 19: New task pop-up window
Select the SRAN20FZ SP2 software from the software package list and click Finish.
To configure additional properties of the operation, like scheduling, click Next and fill in
the information requested by the user interface.
Step result
The software is downloaded to the BTS.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
7.2.3 Activating software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
Procedure for activating software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade.
Ensure that Downloading software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade procedure is
Open the NetAct start page.
Go to Configuration ► Software Manager.
Click the New Task... button.
In the New Task pop-up window select Activate from the Software Operations
Figure 20: New task pop-up window
Issue 06.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Select the software package and click Finish.
Select the software package that you previously downloaded to the BTS.
To configure additional properties of the operation, like scheduling, click Next and fill
in the information requested by the user interface.
Step result
The software is activated on the BTS.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
8. Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP1 or
Upgrading a Flexi Zone BTS from release SRAN20FZ SP1 or SRAN20FZ SP2 to SRAN21FZ
8.1 Overview of Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from SRAN20FZ
The CB007176: FZM: General system upgrade feature for SRAN21FZ SP1 feature
introduces Flexi Zone BTS software upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP1 or SRAN20FZ SP2 to
The system upgrade to the SRAN21FZ SP1 release is done in one step. The system upgrade
to an intermediate version is not needed.
The system upgrade can be done by NetAct for several BTSs or by BTS Element Manager for
a single BTS.
Figure 21: System upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP1 or SRAN20FZ SP2 to SRAN21FZ SP1
Issue 06.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
8.2 Upgrading Flexi Zone BTS from SRAN20FZ SP1 or
The overall procedure for Flexi Zone BTS software upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP1 or
Import the software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade.
Download the software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade.
Activate the software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade.
8.2.1 Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone
BTS upgrade
Importing a software package to NetAct is the first step in performing a system upgrade
for Flexi Zone BTS
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade.
Ensure the following:
All network elements in the system are available and active with release SRAN20FZ SP1 or
All interfaces between NetAct and BTS are up and running.
All software packages including the software files for the SRAN21FZ SP1 release are
There are no hardware outages that would cause any upgrade steps to fail.
NetAct 20 with SP2101 + FP764 package is installed.
The examples and screenshots used in this procedure are specific to SRAN, but the
procedure is applicable for Flexi Zone as well.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Open the NetAct start page.
Go to Configuration ► Software Manager.
Open the Software Archive tab.
Click Add software package....
Step result
A new application window is opened.
If the application does not open automatically, double-click the downloaded
application launcher icon.
Select the MRBTS object from the MO type drop-down list.
Step result
Figure 22: Selecting MO type in SW Import Manager
Issue 06.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Click the Add local file... button and select the desired software package.
The file name of the software package must be formatted as in the example:
Click the Import button.
Step result
Figure 23: Importing software to NetAct with SW Import Manager
Close the SW Import Manager tab.
The software is imported to the BTS.
8.2.2 Downloading the software package to BTS for Flexi
Zone BTS upgrade using NetAct
Downloading the software package to BTS is the second step in performing a system
upgrade for Flexi Zone BTS
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade.
Ensure that the Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
procedure is finished.
Open the NetAct start page.
Go to Configuration ► Software Manager.
Go to the Network Status tab.
Select the MRBTS object from the MO type drop-down list.
Mark the check-boxes next to the BTSs you want to upgrade.
Click the New Task... button.
Step result
The New Task... pop-up window opens.
Select Download from the Software Operations tree in the New Task pop-up
Step result
Issue 06.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Figure 24: New task pop-up window in NetAct
Select the SRAN21FZ SP1 software from the software package list and click Finish.
To configure additional properties of the operation, like scheduling, click Next and fill in
the information requested by the user interface.
The software is downloaded to the BTS.
8.2.3 Activating the software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
in NetAct
Activating the software is the third step in performing a system upgrade for Flexi Zone
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade.
Ensure that Downloading software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade procedure is
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Open the NetAct start page.
Go to Configuration ► Software Manager.
Click the New Task... button.
Step result
The New Task... pop-up window opens.
Select Activate from the Software Operations tree in the New Task pop-up
Step result
Figure 25: New Task pop-up window in NetAct
Select the software package and click Finish.
Select the software package that you previously downloaded to the BTS.
To configure additional properties of the operation, like scheduling, click Next and fill in
the information requested by the user interface.
Issue 06.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
The software is activated on the BTS.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
9. Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP2 or
Upgrading a Flexi Zone BTS from release SRAN20FZ SP2 or SRAN21FZ SP1 to SRAN21FZ
9.1 Overview of Flexi Zone BTS upgrade from SRAN20FZ
The CB007529: FZM: General system upgrade feature for SRAN21FZ SP2 feature
introduces Flexi Zone BTS software upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP2 or SRAN21FZ SP1 to
The system upgrade to the SRAN21FZ SP2 release is direct, requiring no intermediate
transition to another version. The system upgrade to an intermediate version is not needed.
The system upgrade can be done by NetAct for several BTSs at once or by BTS Element
Manager for a single BTS.
Figure 26: System upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP2 or SRAN21FZ SP1 to SRAN21FZ SP2
Issue 06.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
9.2 Upgrading Flexi Zone BTS from SRAN20FZ SP2 or
The overall procedure for Flexi Zone BTS software upgrade from SRAN20FZ SP2 or
Import the software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade.
Download the software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade.
Activate the software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade.
9.2.1 Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone
BTS upgrade
Importing a software package to NetAct is the first phase in performing a system upgrade
for Flexi Zone BTS
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade.
Ensure the following:
All network elements in the system are available and active with release SRAN20FZ SP2 or
All interfaces between NetAct and BTS are up and running.
All software packages including the software files for the SRAN21FZ SP2 release are
There are no hardware outages that would cause any upgrade steps to fail.
NetAct 20 with SP2101 + FP764 package is installed.
The examples and screenshots used in this procedure are specific to SRAN, but the
procedure is applicable for Flexi Zone as well.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Start from the NetAct home page.
Go to Configuration ► Software Manager.
Open the Software Archive tab.
Click Add software package....
Step result
A new application window is opened.
If the application does not open automatically, double-click the downloaded
application launcher icon.
Select the MRBTS object from the MO type drop-down list.
Step result
Figure 27: Selecting MO type in SW Import Manager
Issue 06.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Click the Add local file... button and select the desired software package.
The file name of the software package must be formatted as in the example:
Click the Import button.
Step result
Figure 28: Importing software to NetAct with SW Import Manager
Close the SW Import Manager tab.
The software is imported to the BTS.
9.2.2 Downloading the software package to BTS for Flexi
Zone BTS upgrade using NetAct
Downloading the software package to BTS is the second phase in performing a system
upgrade for Flexi Zone BTS
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade.
Ensure that the Importing software package to NetAct for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
procedure is finished.
Start from the NetAct home page.
Go to Configuration ► Software Manager.
Go to the Network Status tab.
Select the MRBTS object from the MO type drop-down list.
Mark the check-boxes next to the BTSs you want to upgrade.
Click the New Task... button.
Step result
The New Task... pop-up window opens.
Select Download from the Software Operations tree in the New Task pop-up
Step result
Issue 06.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Figure 29: New task pop-up window in NetAct
Select the SRAN21FZ SP2 software from the software package list and click Finish.
To perform additional operations, like scheduling, click Next and fill in the information
requested by the user interface.
The software is downloaded to the BTS.
9.2.3 Activating the software for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade
in NetAct
Activating the software is the third phase in performing a system upgrade for Flexi Zone
Before you start
Get familiar with Important notifications for Flexi Zone system migration/upgrade.
Ensure that Downloading software package to BTS for Flexi Zone BTS upgrade procedure is
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
Start from the NetAct home page.
Go to Configuration ► Software Manager.
Click the New Task... button.
Step result
The New Task... pop-up window opens.
Select Activate from the Software Operations tree in the New Task pop-up
Step result
Figure 30: New Task pop-up window in NetAct
Select the software package and click Finish.
Select the same software package that you previously downloaded to the BTS.
To perform additional operations, like scheduling, click Next and fill in the information
requested by the user interface.
Issue 06.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Copyrighted material licensed to vicente.correa@claro.com.br on 18-08-2022.
No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Nokia.
Flexi Zone BTS System Upgrade
The software is activated on the BTS.
© 2021 Nokia. Nokia Confidential Information
Use subject to agreed restrictions on disclosure and use.
Issue 06