Design and Practice of Cruise Ports

Springer Series on Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering,
Shipbuilding and Shipping 4
Zekun Cheng
Lei Gong
Chen Li
Design and
of Cruise
Springer Series on Naval Architecture, Marine
Engineering, Shipbuilding and Shipping
Volume 4
Series Editor
Nikolas I. Xiros, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, USA
The Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering , Shipbuilding and Shipping (NAMESS)
series publishes state-of-art research and applications in the fields of design,
construction, maintenance and operation of marine vessels and structures. The series
publishes monographs, edited books, as well as selected PhD theses and conference
proceedings focusing on all theoretical and technical aspects of naval architecture
(including naval hydrodynamics, ship design, shipbuilding, shipyards, traditional and
non-motorized vessels), marine engineering (including ship propulsion, electric
power shipboard, ancillary machinery, marine engines and gas turbines, control
systems, unmanned surface and underwater marine vehicles) and shipping (including
transport logistics, route-planning as well as legislative and economical aspects).
The books of the series are submitted for indexing to Web of Science.
More information about this series at
Zekun Cheng Lei Gong Chen Li
Design and Practice of Cruise
Zekun Cheng
CCCC Third Harbor Consultants Co., Ltd.
Shanghai, China
Lei Gong
Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen, China
Chen Li
College of Transport and Communications,
Shanghai Maritime University
Shanghai, China
CCCC Third Harbor Consultants Co., Ltd.
Shanghai, China
Translated by
Li Huijuan
CCCC Third Harbor Consultants Co., Ltd.
Shanghai, China
Yao Jianxin
CCCC Third Harbor Consultants Co., Ltd.
Shanghai, China
Qiu Zhaoshan
CCCC Third Harbor Consultants Co., Ltd.
Shanghai, China
Yu Zheng
CCCC Third Harbor Consultants Co., Ltd.
Shanghai, China
ISSN 2194-8445
ISSN 2194-8453 (electronic)
Springer Series on Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, Shipbuilding and Shipping
ISBN 978-981-15-5427-8
ISBN 978-981-15-5428-5 (eBook)
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature
Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
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With the rapid development of China’s economy and society and the continuous
improvement of people’s living standard, the construction of cruise terminals in
China has developed rapidly in recent years. The completion and operation of
cruise terminals in Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao, Hainan, Xiamen, Shenzhen,
Guangzhou and other places have effectively guaranteed the development of cruise
economy in China. The cruise economy refers to the overall economic effects
generated by the development of related industries driven by cruise tourism as the
core product. The basic development model is to build cruise port terminals and
related facilities to attract cruise ships, thus driving the value of the cruise-related
industrial chain.
In order to meet the needs of development of the cruise economy, effectively
guide the layout of cruise terminals and ensure the development and construction of
cruise terminals in an orderly manner, the Ministry of Transport promulgated the
National Coastal Cruise Port Layout Planning Proposal in 2015 and issued the
layout proposal for the coastal cruise ports in China, which have played a great
guiding role in the construction of coastal cruise terminals in China. Due to the late
start of construction of cruise terminals in China, the lack of technical and management experience accumulation, in order to fully absorb the technical achievements and practical experience of foreign cruise terminals, in combination with the
Design Code for Cruise Terminals (JTS170-2015) promulgated and implemented
by the Ministry of Transport in 2016, to provide technical reference for the construction of cruise terminals in China, we compiled this book for reference by
engineers and researchers.
The book is divided into nine chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the construction
status and development trend of cruise terminals, written by Cheng Zekun and Li
Chen. Chapter 2 focuses on the main scale of cruise ships, written by Ma Yanyong,
Cheng Zekun and Li Chen. Chapter 3 focuses on the basic situation of global cruise
ports, mainly written by Li Chen and Cheng Zekun. Chapter 4 is site selection of
cruise terminals, written by Cheng Zekun and Li Chen. Chapter 5 is the plan layout
of cruise terminals, written by Li Chen and Cheng Zekun. Chapter 6 is the cruise
process, written by Tang Qinhua and Li Chen. Chapter 7 is terminal building,
mainly written by Li Chen and Tang Qinhua. Chapter 8 is the terminal structure and
supporting facilities, mainly written by Cheng Zekun, Li Chen, Wang Zhengguo, Li
Huaping and Cai Boni. Chapter 9 is mainly based on the project cases of cruise
terminal construction, written by Li Chen, Tang Zhaoping and so on. Some pictures
in this book are taken by Google Earth free software.
The book is compiled by Cheng Zekun, Gong Lei and Li Chen. We would like
to express our thanks to CCCC Third Harbor Consultants Co., Ltd., China
Merchants (Shekou) Industrial Zone Prince Bay Headquarters and other organizations hereby, who offered strong support in the preparation of this book, which has
played a great role in ensuring the quality and progress of the book.
Owing to the limitation of our knowledge, there must be mistakes and errors in
the book. Your suggestions would be appreciated.
Shanghai, China
Shenzhen, China
Shanghai, China
June 2018
Zekun Cheng
Lei Gong
Chen Li
Executive Summary
This book mainly introduces the design technology and engineering application
practice of the cruise terminal. The main contents of the design technology include
the basic situation of cruise ships, the basic situation of global cruise ports, the
location of cruise terminals, the plane layout of cruise terminals, the technology of
cruise terminals, the cruise terminal building, the structure of cruise terminals and
supporting facilities. The main contents of engineering application practice include
Shenzhen Prince Bay Cruise Terminal Project, Shanghai Wusongkou International
Cruise Terminal Project and other projects. This book is a monograph that introduces the experience and design application technology of domestic and international cruise terminals systematically. It is practical and can be used as reference for
engineers and researchers.
2 Cruise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1 Cruise Tonnage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1.1 Development History . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1.2 Gross Tonnage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1.3 Tonnage of Cruises in Major Cruise
2.1.4 Division of Cruise Tonnage . . . . . .
2.2 Main Dimensions of Cruises . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.1 Overall Length and Beam . . . . . . .
2.2.2 Load Draft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.3 Passenger Carrying Capacity . . . . .
2.2.4 Crew Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.5 Main Dimensions of Cruises . . . . .
2.3 Development Trend of Cruises . . . . . . . . .
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
3.1 North America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.1 Northeast . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.2 Southeast . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.3 Northwest . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.4 Southwest . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1 Cruise and Cruise Line . . . . . . . .
1.2 Cruise Economy and Cruise Ports
1.2.1 Cruise Economy . . . . . . .
1.2.2 Cruise Port . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Development of Cruise Ports . . . .
1.4 Main Contents of This Book . . . .
3.2 Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.1 Mediterranean Region . . . . . . .
3.2.2 Northern Europe . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.3 U.K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 Oceania and Southeast Asia . . . . . . . .
3.4 Japan, South Korea and Northeast Asia
3.5 China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5.1 Mainland China . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5.2 Hongkong and Taiwan . . . . . . .
3.6 Analysis of Cruise Port Status . . . . . . .
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4 Site Selection of Cruise Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1 Orientation and Site of a Cruise Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1.1 Site Selection Considerations for Ports of Turnaround . .
4.1.2 Site Selection Considerations for Ports of Call . . . . . . .
4.2 Urban Planning and Site Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.1 Distribution of Coastal Resources of Cruise Terminals
in Urban Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.2 Land Use Scale of Cruise Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.3 Impact of Cruise Terminal Location on Urban Functional
Planning and Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.4 Impact of Cruise Terminal Location on Urban Traffic
Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Construction Conditions and Site Selection of Cruise
Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.1 Reference Standards for Cruise Operation . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.2 Wind Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.3 Water Area Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.4 Geology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.5 Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4 Site Selection Method of Cruise Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5 A Typical Example—Cruise Port of Barcelona . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.1 Functions of Cruise Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Designed Passenger Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 General Layout of Water Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.1 Layout of Cruise Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.2 Berth Length of a Cruise Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.3 Apron Width of a Cruise Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.4 Turning Basin of a Cruise Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.5 Cruise Approach Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.6 Elevation of a Cruise Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.7 The Relationship Between Layout of Cruise Terminals
and Other Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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5.3.8 Example 1—Layout of Water Area for Phase I
of Wusongkou International Cruise Port . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.9 Example 2—Layout of Water Area Arrangement
for the Cruise Port at Northern Jeju Island . . . . . . . . . .
5.4 General Layout of Land Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4.1 Representative Functional Zones of Cruise Terminals . .
5.4.2 Terminal Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4.3 Curbside Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4.4 Parking Lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4.5 Collection and Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4.6 Other Functional Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4.7 Land Area Layout of Shanghai Wusongkou International
Cruise Terminal Phase I Project (Port of Turnaround) . .
5.5 Layout of the Site Behind the Land Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Cruise Terminal Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1 Embarkation and Disembarkation Equipment and Process
of Passengers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.1 Gangway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.2 Boarding Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.3 Tender Lighterage Boarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 Customs Inspection Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.1 Exit Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.2 Entry Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.3 Customs Inspection Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.4 Inspeciton at One Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3 Checked Baggage Handling Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.1 Handling Process for Baggage Cabin Door Bottom
Flush with or Higher Than the Terminal Deck . . . . . .
6.3.2 Handling Process for Baggage Cabin Door Bottom
Lower Than the Terminal Deck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.3 Handling Process of Belt Conveyor Transport Baggage
6.4 Provisions and Waste Handling Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4.1 Cruise Provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4.2 Wastes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4.3 Fuel Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5 Passenger Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.6 Traffic Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.6.1 Organization Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.6.2 Traffic Organization Design Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.6.3 Commonly Used Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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7 Terminal Buliding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.1 Functional Zone Inside the Customs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.1.1 Security Screening Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.1.2 Tour Leader Handover Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.1.3 Ticket/Room Card Service Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.1.4 Waiting Lounge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2 Functional Zones at the Port of Entry and Outside
the Customs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2.1 Customs Inspection Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2.2 Embarkation and Disembarkation Channel Area . . .
7.2.3 Baggage Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3 Terminal Building Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3.1 Shenzhen Prince Bay International Cruise Terminal .
7.3.2 Shanghai Wusong International Cruise Terminal
Phase 1 Terminal Building—The Oriental Eye . . . .
7.3.3 Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal
Phase 2 Terminal Building—Sea Scroll . . . . . . . . .
7.3.4 Restoring the Old as the Old—No. 1 Terminal
Building of Dover Cruise Terminal, UK . . . . . . . . .
7.3.5 Terminal Building of Tilbury Cruise Terminal,
London, UK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.1 Marine Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.1.1 Structural Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.1.2 Structural Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.1.3 Fender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.1.4 Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.2 Power Supply and Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.2.1 Power Supply and Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.2.2 Power Supply and Distribution System . . . . . . .
8.2.3 Onshore Power Supply Facility . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.2.4 Lighting Design of Cruise Terminals . . . . . . . .
8.3 Communication and Information System . . . . . . . . . . .
8.3.1 Central Integrated Control System . . . . . . . . . .
8.3.2 Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.4 Water Supply and Drainage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.4.1 Water Source Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.4.2 Water Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.4.3 Research on the Water Consumption of Cruises
8.4.4 Water Supply Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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8.4.5 Water Supply Design Essentials
8.4.6 Drainage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.4.7 Water Supply for Firefighting . .
8.4.8 Project Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.5 Environmental Protection Facilities . . .
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction . . . . . . . . . .
9.1 Shekou Prince Bay International Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen
9.1.1 Construction Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.1.2 Design Proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.2 Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port . . . . . . . . . .
9.2.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.2.2 Design Proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prospect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Chapter 1
As the head of the book, this chapter introduces the general situation of the world’s
major cruise and cruise lines, and summarizes the development of the cruise economy
and cruise ports.
1.1 Cruise and Cruise Line
The cruise originated in the early twentieth century and was used as an intercontinental transoceanic or overwater means of transporting long distance mail. At
that time, the English name of the cruise ship was OCEAN LINER. As a means of
transportation, traditional OCEAN LINER has been popular on the sea for more than
a hundred years. With the emergence and development of the aviation industry, this
traditional transoceanic OCEAN LINER, which is mainly engaged in transportation,
has basically withdrawn from the historical stage and evolved into a modern cruise
ship with the English name of CRUISE, which has developed into a marine vessel
with fixed route on a regular basis. It is equipped with more comprehensive accommodation facilities, catering facilities, entertainment facilities, health care facilities
and shopping facilities. It integrates transportation, entertainment, accommodation,
catering, business, fitness and shopping, and it is specially used for travel, leisure
and holiday of tourists.
Taking a modern cruise is a relatively relaxed, free and leisurely way to travel,
and the cruise is a leisure place that is similar to a land resort but better than it.
The cruise itself is a destination for travel and leisure, offering all-day, all-inclusive
entertainment and leisure services and consumer services. Luxurious and diverse,
high-quality entertainment facilities have become the main part of the leisure of
tourists. Cruise tourism not only provides visitors with enough leisure space and
facilities on board, but also can be attached to scenic harbors and cities along the way.
Visitors can enrich and adjust the content of the tour through sightseeing, shopping
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive
license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
Z. Cheng et al., Design and Practice of Cruise Ports, Springer Series on Naval
Architecture, Marine Engineering, Shipbuilding and Shipping 4,
1 Introduction
and activities, which makes the cruise tourism have the advantage of spaces both on
the land and the ocean. In addition, the advantage also lies in that tourists do not
need to carry heavy luggage in travel, so it is easier to travel by cruise, suitable for
both young and old, and having high tourist satisfaction, which makes cruise travel
the fastest growing category of tourism industry.
The cruise is the service object of the cruise port terminal. The size of the cruise
and number of tourists included determine the design scale of the relevant facilities
such as the cruise terminal. Driven by scale economy effects, cruises are developing
to full-featured, well-equipped giant cruises in both design and construction. Looking
back at the history of the development of cruises, it can be clearly seen that cruises
are constantly moving towards large scale, driven by the development of the cruise
The representative ages and ships of large-scale development of cruises are as
(1) In 1968, Queen Elizabeth II of 70,327 gross tons, carrying 1778 passengers,
ordered by Cunard Line was put into operation and became the world’s largest
luxury cruise ship at that time;
(2) In 1996, Carnival Cruise Line ordered the Carnival Destiny with a total gross
tonnage of 101,353 tons. Since then, the first large-scale luxury cruise ship of
100,000 gross tons has come on the scene;
(3) At the beginning of 2004, Queen Mary II was delivered, with a total gross
tonnage of 151,400 tons, carrying 3,056 passengers and a speed of 30 knots,
became the world’s largest luxury cruise ship at that time;
(4) In 2009 and 2010, Oasis of the Seas and Allure of the Seas with gross tonnage
of 225,000 tons were put into operation;
(5) In May 2016, Harmony of the Seas of 227,000 GT that was officially delivered
to Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and Symphony of the Seas of 230,000 GT that
was just delivered refreshed the record of the super giant cruise ship again, as
shown in Fig. 1.1.
The cruise line is the operator of the cruise. It determines the arrangement of the
cruise service route and the location of the cruise port. It is the main driving force for
the large-scale development of the cruise. At present, the world’s cruise routes are
mainly operated by a few major cruise lines. Since cruises originated in the West,
Fig. 1.1 Harmony of the
1.1 Cruise and Cruise Line
major cruise lines in the world are mainly located in Europe and the United States.
The world’s major cruise lines include: Carnival Corporation & plc, Royal Caribbean
Cruise Lines, Star Cruises, MSC Cruises, etc.1
(1) Carnival Corporation & plc. The Carnival Corporation & plc is the world’s
largest cruise operator. Founded in 1972, it is headquartered in Miami. In addition to Carnival Cruise Lines, it also owns the Holland America Line and the
Costa Cruises, Princess Cruises, Seabourn Cruise Line, Windstar Cruises, AIDA
Cruises, Cunard Line, Ocean Village, P&O Cruises, Swan Hellenic and P&O
Cruises Australia. The fleet sails all the year round in the Caribbean, Mexico,
and Panama. The seasonal routes operate in Alaska, Hawaii, the Panama Canal,
and the Canadian waters. There are cruise ports in various parts of the world.
(2) Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines is the world’s
second largest cruise line. Founded in 1969, it is a major brand with new types
of ships, large tonnages and diverse facilities. Its operations span the Americas
and Europe, and its business in the Caribbean is very prosperous. It owns cruise
ship brands such as Royal Caribbean International, Celebrity Cruises, Azamara
Club Cruises, Pullmantur and CDF (Croisieres de France). The Royal Caribbean
International has the world’s largest super-luxury cruise ship, “Freedom of the
Seas”, which can be berthed at cruise ports at 65,000 locations around the world.
(3) Star Cruises. Star Cruises is the world’s third largest alliance cruise line. Founded
in 1993, it is the leading fleet in the Asia-Pacific region. It is part of the
Genting Group and mainly operates in the Asia-Pacific waters such as Singapore, Malaysia, Tailand, Japan, Korea and China. In 2000, Star Cruises controlled the NCL America and the luxury brand Crystal Cruises of the United
States. The brand of Star Cruises has cruises named after the constellations,
such as the Star Pisces, the Megastar Aries, the SuperStar Gemini, the SuperStar Leo, the Superstar Virgo, and so on. As a luxury cruise brand originating
from Asia, the Star Cruises has newly established the brand of Dream Cruises.
The brand inherits the essence of regional and international cruises and is specially designed for the huge and promising high-end cruise market in China and
Asia, committed to becoming a model of the industry in the region, the brand
perfectly integrates Chinese and Western elements to meet the needs of the
rich Asian tourists who are confident and have independent thinking, bringing
passengers a unique luxury experience on the sea.
Dream Cruises is specially designed for the Chinese and Asian markets.
Its first cruise ship, “Genting Dream”, debuted in November 2016, and its sister cruise “World Dream” was launched in November 2017. Star Cruises has
offices in 20 locations around the world, with routes throughout the Asia Pacific,
North and South America, the Caribbean, Alaska, Europe, the Mediterranean,
Bermuda and the South Pole. The main business areas are in Asia and the
(4) MSC Cruises. MSC Cruises is the largest Italian cruise line, the “leader” of the
European cruise market, with a unique Italian style. The enthusiastic reception,
1 Quoted
From the Investigation Data for Design Code for Cruise Terminals.
1 Introduction
theatre decoration, design, hospitality, food and atmosphere on board reflect the
company’s idea of “Made in Italy”. All of its cruises are world class and offer
a variety of routes and product options. It offers a year-round Mediterranean
route, as well as Nordic, transatlantic, Caribbean, South American and South
African routes. MSC Cruises’ sales and marketing operation center are located
in Naples, and it is headquartered in Geneva, with offices in Milan, Venice,
Genoa, Rome, Palermo, Bari and 26 countries around the world.
Due to the late start of cruise economy in China, there are currently no largescale, special-purpose cruise lines. Cruise lines and cruises arriving at Chinese
ports are basically operated by the above-mentioned cruise lines. However, it
can be believed that with the development of the economy, the demand for cruise
tourism is continuously growing. In the near future, China will definitely have
its own cruise operating company and cruise lines.
1.2 Cruise Economy and Cruise Ports
The cruise economy refers to the overall economic effects generated from the development of related industries driven by cruise tourism as the core product. The basic
development model of the cruise economy is to build ports and related facilities to
attract cruises. In this model, the main source of revenue for the cruise economy is
the consumption of products and services purchased by cruise lines in port cities
and surrounding areas. These consumptions constitute the direct economic effects of
cruise tourism; and the indirect economic effect of cruise tourism is: for the companies that provide products and services directly to cruise lines and their passengers
and crew, cruise lines must purchase the products and services produced by these
companies in order for their operating activities, this indirect effect is transmitted
through industry linkages.
1.2.1 Cruise Economy
The cruise economy first emerged in the Caribbean in the mid-1960s, when it was
the world’s largest cruise tourism destination for nearly half of the world’s passenger
load. Since the mid-1960s, the cruise economy has been the economic model for the
Caribbean to depend on. In the past 20 years, cruise tourism has maintained an average
annual growth rate of 8%, far exceeding the overall growth rate of international
According to the statistics of the CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association)
(source from, the total number of passengers participating
in the cruise holiday in 2016 was approximately 24.7 million, and the total number of
1.2 Cruise Economy and Cruise Ports
cruises and their passengers has reached 300 ships and about 600,000 persons respectively. The global market’s year-on-year growth rate in 2016 once again reached a
high of 6.5%, much higher than the level of world economic development. According to global authoritative cruise agencies and organizations (CLIA, ECC, PSA), the
global cruise market will continue to grow in the next five to ten years. It is expected
that global cruise passengers will reach 30 million in 2020 and the growth rate in
the Asian market will be more obvious, and the planning and construction of cruise
ports are very necessary.
According to the distribution of the global cruise market, the global cruise market
can be divided into several major sectors in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific
and other regions of the world. The cruise market in these regions has a good
correspondence with economic development.
(1) North American Market. The North American cruise tourism market is the most
mature area for the operation of global cruise tourism. The region is economically developed, with a large number of well-operated cruise ports, a wide
range of cruise product sales network and extensive knowledge and acceptance
of cruise products. In recent years, the situation shows that the North American
market share is still the highest in all regions of the world, but the growth rate
has gradually tended to be flat.
(2) European Market.2 The European market is the second largest cruise market
in the world following the North American market. Among them, the British
market plays a leading role in the European market, and the development of the
German market has become the second largest cruise market area in Europe after
the United Kingdom. In terms of market conditions, Europe has a population of
500 million, the United States has less than 400 million people, and Europeans
have longer holidays and more abundant and close destinations to choose from.
Therefore, the European market has greater development potential.
(3) Asia-Pacific Market. With the continued prosperity of the Asian economy, the
scale of the middle class has expanded rapidly, which has brought great opportunities for the development of the cruise economy. At the same time, large-scale
new port construction, strong government support and the expansion efforts of
cruise lines have made more and more Asian people interested in the emerging
tourism form of cruise tourism, which will promote the continuous development of the Asian cruise market. China and India are seen as the main driving
areas for the recovery of the Asian tourism market, and the Japanese and Korean
markets have also maintained steady growth. According to statistics, in 2016,
the Asian tourism market grew by 9.5%, while the world average was 6.5%.
This shows that Asia has become the leading force in the international tourism
market, mainly in the following aspects:
(1) The cruise economy in Northeast Asia has developed rapidly. The scope
of Northeast Asia includes China, Japan and South Korea and the port
2 Quoted
from World cruise industry development and its spatial structure characteristics.
1 Introduction
cities of the Pacific coast in Russia such as Vladivostok. Since the beginning of the new century, with the successive arrival of cruise lines such as
Costa, Princess Cruise, MSC, Norwegian Cruise Line, Royal Caribbean,
etc., the international cruises currently operating the homeport routes in
China have grown from one ship 10 years ago to 12 ships and 30,000
passengers today. At the same time as the rapid development of China’s
cruise market, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Sanya,
Qingdao, Dalian, Zhoushan and other cities have successively built professional cruise ports; the attraction of Japanese cruise ports and shore
destinations has been further enhanced, the cruise tourism market in the
Northeast Asian region has become increasingly active and has achieved
rapid development.
(2) The Southeast Asian cruise economy continues to prosper. Southeast Asia
is the earliest development area of the Asia-Pacific cruise market. For a
long time, the tropical islands of Southeast Asia have always been synonymous with Asian cruise destinations. The good operation of Singapore’s
cruise homeport provides a lasting impetus for the development of the
cruise economy in Southeast Asia. Singapore has now developed into an
important gateway port and transit point for the Asian cruise areas, with
about hundreds of international cruises calling or departing each year. It
is praised by the world cruise organization as “the most efficient cruise
terminal operator in the world”. At the same time, the number of berthing
vessels in Vietnam and the Philippines can reach more than 400, which
also reflects the demand for the development of local cruise ports.
(3) The cruise economy in the Middle East is hot. The cruise market in the
Middle East has seen new developments in Dubai tourism. Dubai is one of
the fastest growing cruise destinations in Asia. The cruise terminal at Port
Rashid was put into use in March 2001. In January 2010, the new cruise
terminal in Dubai was completed and put into use. Dubai is expected to
receive approximately 100 cruise ships and more than 383,000 passengers.
At present, the world’s major cruise lines have settled in Dubai cruise port.
The development of the cruise market in the Middle East is first of all to
promote the expansion of the Asian cruise areas. Secondly, it will drive
the development of the cruise market in the cruise undeveloped countries
connecting the Middle East and Southeast Asia waters such as India and
Myanmar. In the end, the development of the Middle East market will also
promote the regional integration of cruise tourism in Asia and Africa.3
(4) The development positioning of cruises in Japan and South Korea is destinations. The Japanese cruise market started earlier, but due to the limitations of its narrow domestic market, the local cruise line did not have much
development. However, Japan has become one of the most important destinations for East Asian cruise tourism with its unique cultural atmosphere
and mature travel services. In recent years, the port city such as Naha has
3 Quoted
from World cruise industry development and its spatial structure characteristics.
1.2 Cruise Economy and Cruise Ports
actively built a new cruise terminal to provide facilities for the development of cruise tourism. The Korean cruise market is also facing a narrow
market problem, but the Korean government’s fostering of tourism and the
support of correct tourism industry policies, complete tourism regulations
and sound tourism institutions have made it an emerging tourist destination in Asia, and also attracting the call of more cruises. The short-distance
cruise routes connecting Shanghai, Fukuoka, Cheju and other port cities in
China, Japan and South Korea have become the most representative routes
in East Asia at the start of the market currently.
(5) China has gradually become the center of the East Asian cruise economy.
At present, the strategies of major cruise lines for the layout of mainland
China are very obvious, that is, targeting emerging markets such as China,
exploring new products and new routes, and promoting the development
of cruise tourism in Asia. Nowadays, the East Asian region has formed
a pattern of China’s tourist market as the core, co-development of cruise
destinations in China, Japan and Korea and radiation to Southeast Asia and
the Middle East. The development of the cruise economy in China continues to heat up. On the one hand, China is regarded as the most important
cruise tourist market in Asia. The world’s two major cruise group Carnival Cruise Lines and Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines have opened China’s
domestic homeport routes since 2006 and 2009 respectively. The capacity
layout has increased year by year. China has established its position as a
regional core market; on the other hand, China has become an important
cruise destination in Asia with its unique oriental cultural charm, and is a
“must stop” for cruises in the Asian region, along with the construction of
professional cruise ports in Shanghai, Tianjin, Xiamen, Sanya and other
port cities, the number of visiting cruises will increase in China.4
Although the cruise economy in Asia is still at a stage of development compared
with Europe and the United States, the development potential of the cruise economy
in Asia is great. Over the past decade, the number of cruise passengers has more than
doubled. It can be expected that the scale of the Asian cruise economy will further
expand with the opening of new routes suitable for the characteristics of the Asian
market. Some port cities that have the conditions to develop the cruise economy
must seize the opportunity to develop and construct cruise ports, develop the cruise
economy, and plan and build themselves into cruise cities.
1.2.2 Cruise Port
The cruise port is a key infrastructure for the development of the cruise economy.
One of the purposes of studying the cruise economy is to determine the necessity
4 Quoted
from Study on the Cruise Market Access Index System of Nanhai Islands.
1 Introduction
of planning and construction of the cruise port, so as to rationally arrange the cruise
port and arrange the appropriate scale to provide services for cruises and cruise lines.
The cruise terminal is a shore facility for berthing by cruises, embarkation and disembarkation of tourists and cruise crew, loading and unloading of luggage, cargo and
garbage. Since cruises usually sail across borders, in general, cruise terminals must
be equipped with security check facilities such as entry and exit, customs, inspection
and quarantine facilities, in addition to embarking and disembarking facilities, terminal building, parking lots, collection and distribution facilities, and water, electricity
and communications.
The port where the cruise terminal is located can be divided into two types: port
of call and port of turnaround.5 Its location is related to the geographical location of
the port, the socio-economic status of the hinterland, tourism resources, and route
The Port of Call is a port mainly for cruises calling. It has basic functions such
as cruise mooring, embarkation and disembarkation of passengers and crew, and is
usually located in coastal cities or islands with abundant tourism resources, such as
the Nassau Cruise Port in the Bahamas and the Zhoushan Cruise Terminal in China.
The Port of turnaround is a port mainly for cruises starting or ending the voyage
and also for cruises calling. It has the functions of cruise mooring, embarkation
and disembarkation of passengers and crew, cruise replenishment, waste and sewage
disposal, passenger clearance, baggage check-in and crew service, usually located in
port cities with a dense population in hinterland, high level of economic development,
abundant tourists and convenient traffic. The cruise homeport is a kind of port of
turnaround. It has comprehensive service facilities and equipment required for several
large cruises to berth and enter and exit. It can provide full and comprehensive services
and supports for the development of cruise economy. It is the base of cruises, the cruise
is here for replenishment, waste disposal, maintenance and repair, and the cruise
line establishes a regional headquarters or company headquarters at the homeport.
Corresponding to major cruise lines, the main cruise homeports are also located
in North America, Europe and Southeast Asia, including Boston, New York and
Miami in the United States, Vancouver in Canada, London in England, Copenhagen
in Denmark, Amsterdam in the Netherland, Barcelona in Spain, Singapore, Hong
Kong and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.
There is certain difference in the allocation of resources and facilities between
the terminal at the port of call and the cruise terminal at the turn around port or
the homeport.6 According to the Design Code for Cruise Terminals (JTJ170-2015),
according to the actual use requirements, the cruise terminal facilities located in the
port of call shall be designed in line with the principle of economy and applicability,
the scale and configuration of the facilities can be appropriately reduced to avoid
unnecessary waste. For the general port of call, the tourists embark and disembark
without carrying the baggage, so the functions of the terminal, terminal building,
parking lot, etc. can be relatively simple, e.g. only configured with the simple berth,
5 Quoted
6 Quoted
from Design Code for Cruise Terminals.
from Study on Evaluation Index System of International Cruise Terminal Construction.
1.2 Cruise Economy and Cruise Ports
gangway for passengers embarkation and disembarkation, and the terminal building
with simple security check facilities; for the port of turnaround, due to the characteristics of starting the voyage, it has higher requirements for water and land resources
and facilities configuration, e.g. the fully functional berth, the gangway, the fully
functional and comfortable terminal building, parking lot, rapid collection and distribution system, etc. Some cruise ports even set up cruise maintenance facilities and
cruise real estate development at the rear of the terminal. In fact, because the cruise
homeport has the functions and features of the turn aroun port, there is basically no
difference in functions, resources and facility configuration for the terminal at the
port of turnaround and the terminal at the cruise homeport.
For some cities, the local port does not have a dedicated cruise terminal in combination with route density, tourist number, economy and other factors. The arrival
cruise can only be docked on container or multi-purpose terminals. In this case,
the port must be equipped with suitable facilities to meet the needs of cruise safe
operation and customs clearance, collection and distribution.
Due to the large investment in the construction of the cruise terminal, the main
operating income for the port operators is the cruise calling and departing, tourists
embarking and disembarking, baggage check-in, cruise replenishment, etc., so generally the revenue of a cruise port is not good. However, the overall economic effects
of the development of related industries driven by the cruise tourism as the core product. The benefits brought by the arrival of cruises mainly include: consumption for
local transportation, dining, accommodation, sightseeing and shopping of tourists;
the replenishment, maintenance and berthing fees of the cruise line, while the consumption at the homeport is much larger than that at the port of call. Research shows
that the economic benefits of the homeport are 10–14 times those of the port of call.
1.3 Development of Cruise Ports
Cruises originated in Europe and the United States, so the cruise economy promoted
the early development of European and American cruise ports, and the development
and construction of cruise ports are basically in a relatively stable state. In recent
years, the Asian cruise economy has developed rapidly, and the construction of
cruise ports is on the rise. The world’s major cruise ports are mainly located in North
America, Europe and Asia Pacific. The main features of cruise ports are:
(1) The cruise ports present a development trend of specialization, large-size and
scale. Cruise operation has high service quality requirements for cruise ports.
Convenient transportation, comfortable terminal building, expedient customs
clearance procedures and safe embarking and disembarking procedures are all
requirements for specialized cruise terminals. In particular, for the development
of the cruise economy, the requirement for large-size cruises is more obvious, and the corresponding cruise port facilities must adapt to the development
requirements of large-size cruises. Due to the different natures of cruise ports,
1 Introduction
for the port of turnaround or the homeport of cruises, the scale development can
bring more cruise routes to the port, which will bring greater cruise economic
benefits to the city. The specialization, large-size and large-scale of cruise ports
is an obvious feature of the development of cruise ports today.
(2) The old port area is transformed into a cruise port. From the perspective of
the relationship between port and urban development, the development space
of the city surrounds the port, and the operation of the port is restricted by
urban resources. The transformation of the old port area into a modern cruise
port can not only provide space for urban development, but also provide new
landscapes and new windows for the city, save resources, reduce investment,
greatly enhance the appreciation of surrounding urban plots, and provide new
growth point for urban development. There are many such cases in the global
cruise ports.
(3) Plan a new cruise port in conjunction with the rear commercial function. Considering the large investment of a new cruise port, many owners combine the
nature of the port and the supply of the land to plan and arrange the cruise terminal and rear facilities as a whole, such as commercial real estate, to further
expand the value chain of the cruise industry.
The development and construction of specialized cruise ports in China started
late. With the continuous improvement of the living standards of our people, the
demand for outbound tourists has grown rapidly, and cruise tourism is well known
and accepted by more and more people. On April 22, 2015, the Ministry of Transport promulgated the National Coastal Cruise Port Layout Planning Proposal and
issued the layout proposal for the coastal cruise ports in China: Dalian Port is the
key development of Liaoning coast, Tianjin Port is the port of turnaround of TianjinHebei coast, and Qingdao Port and Yantai Port are the port of turnarounds of Shandong coast, Shanghai Port is the port of turnaround of Yangtze River Delta, develop
Ningbo Zhoushan Port correspondingly, Xiamen Port is the port of turnaround of
the southeast coast, the Pearl River Delta recently focuses on the development of
Shenzhen Port, correspondingly develop Guangzhou Port, and Sanya Port is the
port of turnaround of the southwest coas, correspondingly develop Haikou Port and
Beihai Port (Source: National Coastal Cruise Port Layout Planning Proposal). The
cruise economy of China has also entered a new round of rapid development track,
cruise ports with reasonable layout and appropriate scale have been formed, which
have played an important supporting role in the development of the cruise economy, showing the new characteristics of water transport engineering construction
and development in China.
(1) The size of the cruise market is constantly expanding. According to the analysis
of the current situation, the penetration rate of cruise products in the Asia-Pacific
region is less than 0.05% at present, but the Asia-Pacific region has a population
of 3.5 billion, and the development speed of the cruise industry is 30% higher
than the world’s average speed. It is foreseeable that the market will be huge in
the future, and as the most important tourist source market in the Asia-Pacific
region, with the continuous growth of the economy, the gradual expansion of
1.3 Development of Cruise Ports
the middle class, the market penetration of cruise products will also increase
significantly in the next decade in China, reaching or surpassing the Asia-Pacific
average. Under the premise of the potential of developing cruise tourism, the
expansion of the cruise market is mainly driven by the increasing deployment of
cruise capacity. In the next few years, the cruise ports arranged by foreign cruise
lines for the Chinese market will increase year by year. Many cruise lines such
as Costa Cruises and Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines have opened up routes with
Chinese ports as their homeports, which have greatly boosted the development
of the cruise market. MSC Cruises and Star Cruises also entered the Chinese
market, and the operation of cruises with Chinese ports as their homeports will
gradually increase. In 2016, the international cruise liners, which are based
on the coastal cities of China, have nearly 1000 voyages throughout the year,
increasing by 68% from the previous year. In addition, in the whole year of
2016, international cruises to the coastal cities in China have reached a total of 90
voyages. At the same time, the domestic cruise fleet will be gradually developed
and established, and participate in market competition through differentiated
products, further driving the development of domestic cruise market in China.
(2) The setting of cruise routes is further enriched. In addition to the regular ChinaJapan-Korea cruise routes, China government has specially approved Hong
Kong’s “cross-strait one-voyage multi-station cruise route via Hongkong to
Taiwan policy”, Vietnam, the Philippines, the special case of chartering cruise
from the mainland to Taiwan directly and coastal multi-ports of call routes, etc.,
further enriched the domestic cruise product spectrum.
(3) The new cruise port has begun to take shape. After several years of construction
and development, three major cruise port groups have been initially formed
in the Bohai Bay region, the Yangtze River Delta region and South China for
the coastal cruise ports, of which the cruise terminals in Shanghai, Tianjin,
Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xiamen and Sanya have been able to accept the calling
of 100,000 GT-200,000 GT cruises or above. The rapid development of cruise
ports will remove barriers to the facilities of the cruise economy and further
promote market prosperity.
(4) The development of cruise ports has boosted the value of surrounding areas. In
recent years, China has entered the development stage of vigorously building
specialized cruise ports. All major coastal port cities with suitable conditions
have taken building cruise ports and developing the cruise economy as a new
growth point for economic planning in the new era. The development of cruise
ports will promote the revitalization and prosperity of surrounding urban areas.
The local authorities of cruise ports shall seize the opportunity of constructing
cruise ports, scientifically plan the development planning of surrounding areas,
introduce advanced international planning and design concepts, and combine
the city’s urban style to create a new urban cultural landmark with the cruise
homeport as the core.
1 Introduction
1.4 Main Contents of This Book
The cruise terminal is a key facility to ensure that cruises are safely berthed and
unberthed and it is convenient for passengers to embark and disembark. The basic
development model of the cruise economy is to build ports and related facilities to
attract cruises. The cruise economy has driven the development and construction of
cruise terminals. In order to adapt to the new situation of China’s water transport
development, effectively guide the design of cruise terminals, better display and
improve the service image of our country, make the design of the cruise terminal
people-oriented, technically reliable, safe and applicable, economical and reasonable,
and quality guaranteed. This book was written in combination with the Design Code
for Cruise Terminals (JTJ170-2015).
The main contents include: cruises, cruise terminal site selection and overall layout, cruise process, cruise terminal building, cruise terminal structure and supporting
facilities, and cruise terminal construction cases, etc.
Chapter 2
The cruise is the main service target of the cruise terminal. The parameters such as
the tonnage and scale of the cruise ship determine the main scale of the approach
channel and the cruise terminal, the selection of process equipment, and the scale of
the terminal building.
2.1 Cruise Tonnage
2.1.1 Development History
Cruises are the core of cruise industry. The activities of various industries are carried
out around cruises, such as cruise design and construction in the upstream industry,
cruise operation and management in the middlestream, cruise tourism promotion and
ticket sales in the downstream, cruise supply and waste disposal and so on. Looking
back at the development history of cruises, almost from the date of birth of the cruise,
it has continued to develop in the direction of large-scale. So far, the world’s cruise
industry giant Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines has built the “Harmony of the Seas” of
227,000 GT and put it into operation, in 2018, it launched the world’s largest modern
cruise “Symphony of the Seas” with a displacement of 230,000 tons (see Fig. 2.1).
The parameters of the representative cruises in the history of cruise development
are shown in Table 2.1.
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive
license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
Z. Cheng et al., Design and Practice of Cruise Ports, Springer Series on Naval
Architecture, Marine Engineering, Shipbuilding and Shipping 4,
2 Cruise
Fig. 2.1 Symphony of the Seas under construction
Table 2.1 Parameters of the representative cruises in the history of cruise development
Queen Elizabeth II
Gross tonnage (GT)
Overall length (m)
Beam (m)
Load draft (m)
Carnival Destiny
Navigator of the
Queen Mary II
Freedom of the
Allure of the Seas
Harmony of the
2.1.2 Gross Tonnage
The Gross Tonnage (GT) is a key parameter in determining the grade of a cruise
terminal. According to the database of Clarkson Research Services which is the
international shipbuilding and shipping industry authoritative consultancy, and the
data of 247 cruises more than 10,000 tons (more than 7500 GT) provided by more
than 30 well-known cruise lines around the world and the famous international cruise
industry organization-Cruise Lines International Association, etc., analysis shows:
The number of 10,000–30,000 GT cruises accounted for 24.3%, the number of
50,000 GT cruises accounted for 10.9%, the number of 80,000 GT cruises accounted
for 20.2%, and the number of 100,000 GT cruises accounted for 27.1%, the number of
150,000 GT cruises accounted for 15.4%, and 200,000 GT or more (that is, 225,000
2.1 Cruise Tonnage
GT and 227,000 GT cruises) accounted for 2%. From the number of cruises, the
number of 80,000 to 150,000 GT cruises has accounted for 62.8% of the number of
cruises above 10,000 GT. The specific distribution is shown in Fig. 2.2.
From the perspective of development trend, the global cruise order volume is
mainly concentrated in 10,000–50,000 GT and 120,000–150,000 GT; from the perspective of the large-scale cruise, the economical and luxurious 150,000 GT has a
rapid growth in the number of cruises. It is the main development direction of the
future world cruise fleet. The specific distribution is shown in Fig. 2.3.
In addition, from the construction year of cruises, cruises of 80,000 GT and above
were mainly built in the twenty-first century, and most of the 20,000–50,000 GT
cruises were built in the 1980s and 1990s.
4, 2%
38, 15%
67, 27%
1, 0% 16, 7%
10000 7501~12500GT
20000 12501~27500GT
30000 27501~45000GT
27, 11%
50000 45001~65000GT
27, 11%
100000 85001~125000GT
80000 65001~85000GT
150000 125001~175000GT
50, 20%
Fig. 2.2 Distribution of the number of cruises above 10,000 GT
Fig. 2.3 Construction time and gross tonnage (GT) distribution of cruises above 10,000 GT
2 Cruise
2.1.3 Tonnage of Cruises in Major Cruise Lines
In the fleet of famous cruise lines in the world, such as Carnival Cruise Lines and
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, the tonnage classification of cruises is shown in
Tables 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 below. Most of the cruises owned by the Carnival Cruise
Lines, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and Princess Cruises are above 80,000 GT.
The Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines has the world’s largest cruise, “Harmony of the
1. Carnival Cruise Lines
2. Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines
3. Princess Cruises
Table 2.2 Cruises of carnival
cruise lines
Ship name
Fantasy class
Carnival Fantasy
Carnival Imagination
Carnival Inspiration
Carnival Elation
Carnival Paradise
Spirit class
Triumph class
Conquest class
Tonnage (GT)
Carnival Ecstasy
Carnival Fascination
Carnival Sensation
Carnival Miracle
Carnival Pride
Carnival Spirit
Carnival Legend
Carnival Sunshine
Carnival Triumph
Carnival Victory
Carnival Conquest
Carnival Glory
Carnival Valor
Carnival Freedom
Carnival Liberty
Splendor class
Carnival Splendor
Dream class
Carnival Magic
Carnival Breeze
Carnival Dream
2.1 Cruise Tonnage
Table 2.3 Cruises of royal
caribbean cruise lines
Ship name
Vision class
Legend of the Seas
Splendour of the Seas
Grandeur of the seas
Sovereign class
Brilliance class
Voyager class
Freedom class
Oasis class
Tonnage (GT)
Vision of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Enchantment of the Seas
Monarch of the Seas
Majesty of the Seas
Brilliance of the Seas
Jewel of the Seas
Radiance of the Seas
Serenade of the Seas
Adventure of the Seas
Voyager of the Seas
Explorer of the Seas
Mariner of the Seas
Navigator of the Seas
Freedom of the Seas
Independence of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Allure of the Seas
Oasis of the Seas
Harmony of the seas
2.1.4 Division of Cruise Tonnage
According to current Design Code for Cruise Terminals (JTS170-2015), the division
of cruise tonnage is as Table 2.5.
2.2 Main Dimensions of Cruises1
Cruise construction and shipping indicators, including overall length, beam, draft,
age, etc., are the most frequently involved parameters in cruise construction, maritime
navigation, port berthing and ship transactions. In the design of the cruise terminal,
the total tonnage, overall length, beam, draft, passenger capacity and number of crew
1 Quoted
From the Investigation Data for Design Code for Cruise Terminals.
Table 2.4 Cruises of
princess cruises
2 Cruise
Ship name
Explorer class
Ocean Princess
Pacific Princess
Dawn Princess
Sun Princess
Sea Princess
Coral Princess
Sun class
Coral class
Grand class
Super grand class
Diamond class
Royal class
Table 2.5 Division of cruise
Tonnage (GT)
Grand Princess
Golden Princess
Star Princess
Caribbean Princess
Crown Princess
Emerald Princess
Ruby princess
Diamond Princess
Sapphire Princess
Royal Princess
Tonnage (GT)
Scope (GT)
225,282 (Oasis of the Seas)
Notes ➀ GT refers to the gross tonnage of cruises
➁ The design of the cruise terminal is based on the size of the
design cruise corresponding to the ship’s tonnage (GT), and the
number of passengers is for reference
➂ The size and passenger capacity of the 225,282 GT cruise is
based on the data of an actual ship
of the design cruise are the basis for the design of facilities such as the cruise terminal,
channel, harbor basin, process and the terminal building.
2.2 Main Dimensions of Cruises
2.2.1 Overall Length and Beam
In the statistical parameters of cruise type, the overall length and beam are the important basis for selecting the port of berthing in the design of the cruise route, and also
an important reference for the planning and construction of the cruise terminal.2
According to the statistical analysis of cruise samples of fleets in more than 30
international cruise lines such as Carnival Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean Cruise
Lines and Star Cruises with a total of more than 2.47 million tons, the overall length of
cruises above 10,000 GT is between 113.7–362.0 m; under the premise of guarantee
rate of 85%, the overall length of cruises ranges from 141.9 to 362.0 m, of which the
overall length of 150,000 GT cruises is more than 300 m, see Table 2.6.
From the perspective of ship beam, the 247 cruises more than 10,000 GT have a
beam between 17.2 m and 47 m. Under the premise of guarantee rate of 85%, the
beam of cruises varies from 20 to 47 m, see Table 2.7.
Table 2.6 Statistics of the overall length of cruises above 10,000 GT
Cruise tonnage (GT)
Overall length (m)
Number of cruises
85% guarantee rate
10,000 (7501–12,500)
Note The dimensions and passenger numbers of 225,282 GT and 227,700 GT cruises are the data
of actual ships, for reference
2 Quoted
From Study on the Enlargement Trend of Cruise Ship Types.
2 Cruise
Table 2.7 Statistics of the beam of cruises above 10,000 GT
Cruise tonnage (GT)
Beam (m)
Number of cruises
85% guarantee rate
10,000 (7501–12,500)
2.2.2 Load Draft
The load draft of the cruise is an important indicator for determining the depth of the
approach channel of the cruise port and the water depth at the front of the terminal.
The load draft of 247 cruises above 10,000 GT is between 2.7 and 9.3 m. Under the
premise of guarantee rate of 85%, the load draft of cruises varies from 5.2 to 9.3 m,
and the load draft of cruises above 20,000 GT is between 7.2 and 9.3 m, as shown in
Table 2.8.3
2.2.3 Passenger Carrying Capacity
The passenger capacity is another important indicator to characterize the size of the
cruise. It is the main basis for the design of facilities such as the terminal building
and parking lot of the cruise terminal. The passenger capacity of 247 cruises more
than 10,000 GT is between 188 and 6400 persons, and the difference of passenger
capacity between different cruises is very large. Under the premise of guarantee rate
of 85%, the passenger capacity of cruises varies from 488 to 6400 persons. The
passenger capacity of cruises more than 30,000 GT has exceeded 1500 persons, the
3 Quoted
from Present Situation and Development Trend of Rules and Regulations Concerning
Cruise Ships.
2.2 Main Dimensions of Cruises
Table 2.8 Statistics of the load draft of cruises above 10,000 GT
Cruise tonnage (GT)
Load draft (m)
Number of cruises
85% guarantee rate
10,000 (7501–12,500)
passenger capacity of cruises more than 50,000 GT has exceeded 2000 persons, and
the passenger capacity of 220,000 GT cruises has reached 6360–6400 persons. See
Table 2.9.
Table 2.9 Statistics of the passenger capacity of cruises above 10,000 GT
Cruise tonnage (GT)
Passenger capacity (person)
Number of cruises
85% guarantee rate
2 Cruise
2.2.4 Crew Number
The configuration of the cruise crew is determined by two factors: cruise passenger
capacity and cruise service level. According to statistics, the number of crew members
of 247 cruises above 10,000 GT is between 59 and 2166. Under the premise of
guarantee rate of 85%, the number of cruise crew ranges from 159 to 2166, of which
for cruises above 100,000 GT, the number of crew members has exceeded 1000,
and the number of crew members of the 220,000 GT cruise has reached 2100–2166.
According to the table below, the average number of crew of each level of cruise
by tonnage (or the number of crew members under the guarantee rate of 85%) is
roughly in the distribution of arithmetic progression, that is, for every 10,000 GT
increase in the size of the cruise, the number of crew increases by 80–100 persons,
see Table 2.10.
According to statistics, the ratio of passengers to crew members of cruises above
10,000 GT is between 2.2 and 3.1, and the lower the ratio of passengers to crew,
the higher the service quality. From the relationship between the ratio of passengers
to crew and the tonnage of cruises, the difference of the ratio of passengers to crew
between cruises of different tonnage is small, as shown in Table 2.11.
Table 2.10 Statistics of the crew number of cruises above 10,000 GT
Cruise tonnage (GT)
Crew number (person)
Number of cruises
85% guarantee rate
2.2 Main Dimensions of Cruises
Table 2.11 Ratio of
passengers to crew for cruises
above 10,000GT
Cruise tonnage (GT)
Average ratio of passengers to
10,000 (7501–12,500)
20,000 (12,501–27,500)
30,000 (27,501–45,000)
50,000 (45,001–65,000)
80,000 (65,001–85,000)
100,000 (85,001–125,000)
150,000 (125,001–175,000)
2.2.5 Main Dimensions of Cruises
Cruises are the main service target of cruise ports, so the main parameters of cruises
are the basis for the planning and design of cruise ports. According to the collected
information of 247 cruises more than 10,000 GT, the statistics of the main parameters
are shown in Table 2.12.
Table 2.12 Design cruise scale list
Cruise tonnage
Design dimension (m)
draft T
Crew number
Length L
Beam B
Notes ➀ GT refers to the gross tonnage of cruises;
➁ The design of the cruise terminal is based on the size of the design cruise corresponding to the
ship’s tonnage (GT), and the number of passengers is for reference;
➂ The size and passenger capacity of the 225,282 GT cruise is based on the data of an actual ship
2 Cruise
At present, the world’s cruise lines mostly use the coastal ports such as Shanghai
in China as the port of turnaround to operate the Asian routes, with high concentration and stability of calling cruises. Considering that the scale of design cruise is a
statistical value, the port can also be planned and designed according to the actual
Table 2.13 lists the values of actual dimensions for typical cruises of the world’s
three major cruise lines for reference.
2.3 Development Trend of Cruises
The development of cruises is driven by the scale economies effect. The design
and construction of cruises are developing in a direction of complete functions,
rich facilities and perfect services, to meet the needs of tourists to integrate eating,
accommodation, transportation, entertainment, shopping, travel and leisure.4
From the history of the development of cruises, it can be clearly seen that, driven
by the development of the cruise economy, in order to make the cruise more functional
and achieve economies of scale, the cruise scale continues to develop in the direction
of large-scale. From 1996 to 2016, in the short span of 20 years, from the 100,000 GT
large luxury cruise, the total tonnage of the largest cruise experienced a large-scale
process of 150,000, 225,000 and 227,000 GT. In 2011–2012, the structure of the
world cruise fleet (in terms of gross tonnage) is mainly cruises more than 50,000 GT
(gross tonnage), accounting for about 80%, and more than 30% are above 100,000 GT.
At present, the largest operating cruise is the “Oasis of the Seas” of Royal Caribbean
Cruise Lines. The ship has reached 225,000 GT. The main scale of the cruise has
developed to 362.0 m in overall length, 47 m in beam and 9.3 m in load draft. In the
future, there will be many super-large cruises coming out.
From the relationship between the ratio of passengers to crew and the tonnage of
cruises, the difference of the ratio of passengers to crew between cruises of different
tonnage is small. The ratio of passengers to crew for cruises above 50,000 GT is
between 2.2 and 3.1 in average, the lower the ratio of passengers to crew ratio, the
higher the service quality, cruises also have a tendency to develop into ultra-luxury
4 Quoted
from Optimization of Costal Cruise Line Oriented to Requirements of Middle Class.
Ship name
Pride of
Voyager of
the Seas
Mary 2
ton DWT (t)
length L
Beam B
Main dimensions (m)
Table 2.13 Acutal dimensions of typical cruises
above the
Load draft
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
2.3 Development Trend of Cruises
Ship name
Freedom of
the Seas
Quantum of
the Seas
Oasis of the
Table 2.13 (continued)
ton DWT (t)
length L
Beam B
Main dimensions (m)
above the
Load draft
2 Cruise
Chapter 3
Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
Global cruise routes are mainly concentrated in the Mediterranean, the Caribbean
and the Asia-Pacific region, and cruise ports are also concentrated in these areas.
This chapter mainly introduces the distribution of global cruise ports.
3.1 North America
North America is one of the most concentrated areas of cruise ports in the world.
According to the geographical location, it can be divided into Northeast, Southeast,
Northwest and Southwest, as shown in Fig. 3.1.
3.1.1 Northeast
Cruise ports in Northeast of North American are mainly located in the following
cities: Baltimore, Boston, Brooklyn, Cape Liberty in NJ, Manhattan, Montreal,
Norfolk and Quebec.
(1) Baltimore Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.2). Baltimore Port is on the bank of the
Patapsco River, one of the busiest ports on the US East Coast. The Baltimore
Cruise Terminal is only 4 km from the city centre and 180 m to the right of
Highway I-95.
(2) Boston Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.3). Built on the waterfront of southern
Boston, the Boston Cruise Terminal is one of the most popular cruise terminals in North America, with routes to major cruise destinations and is rated by
most cruises as the most worthwhile cruise terminal on the route.
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive
license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
Z. Cheng et al., Design and Practice of Cruise Ports, Springer Series on Naval
Architecture, Marine Engineering, Shipbuilding and Shipping 4,
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
Fig. 3.1 Distribution of Cruise ports in North America
(3) Brooklyn Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.4). The Brooklyn Cruise Terminal in
New York is located in the Red Hook area. It began receiving cruise tours in
2006. It has a terminal building with a total of 17,700 m2 of two-story and can
accommodate 4000 tourists. The Brooklyn area is rich in tourist attractions such
as the New York Aquarium and Brooklyn Botanic Garden, or Central Park a
little further away.
(4) Cape Liberty in NJ Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.5). The cruise terminal of Cape
Liberty in NJ is located at Pier 14 in Bayonne, New Jersey, 11 km from Manhattan. It used to be a military terminal. Today it is the exclusive cruise terminal for
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Aamara Cruises, and Elite Cruises. On average,
5–6 cruises are berthed every day.
(5) Manhattan Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.6). The Manhattan Cruise Terminal,
which has served as a passenger terminal since the 1930s, is now the fourth
largest cruise terminal in the United States. In 2004, it received 845,778 cruise
passengers. The Manhattan Cruise Terminal is the main cruise homeport for
transatlantic travel in Europe. The famous cruise lines such as Carnival Cruise
Lines, Norwegian Cruise Line and Princess Cruises have set up their homeports
here. The cruise terminals are located at berths 88, 90 and 92 respectively. Due
to its proximity to the central district of Manhattan, the port is surrounded by
hotels, restaurants, entertainment facilities and shopping places.
(6) Montreal Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.7). The Montreal Cruise Terminal on the
St. Lawrence River has always been known for its cleanliness and safety, serving North American tourists. The cruise terminal has a full range of facilities,
including restaurants, clothing stores, shopping malls, historic buildings, theaters and more. The Iberville Pier in the old port district is a dedicated passenger
terminal that receives thousands of tourists every year.
(7) Norfolk Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.8). The Norfolk Cruise Port is located in
3.1 North America
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.2 Baltimore Cruise terminal
the reconstructed city centre’s half-moon cruise center. It is the homeport of
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Carnival Cruise Lines and Hollande Cruises. It
is only 20 min drive from Norfolk International Airport. In recent years, the
port has become the gateway to Bermuda, the Bahamas and the Caribbean, is
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.3 Boston Cruise terminal
one of the fastest growing US cruise ports. From the cruise port, you can walk
to commercial malls, restaurants and other art shops near the terminal.
(8) Quebec Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.9). Located in the Port of Quebec next to the
St. Lawrence River, there are two dedicated cruise berths with a total length of
530 m, and number of passengers entering and leaving the Quebec Cruise Port
is currently close to 100,000 persons. Visitors take a cruise along the beautiful
river to enjoy the magnificent scenery of the glacial fjord. From the beginning
of May to mid-November, it is the best time to watch whales.
3.1 North America
(a) Waterside birdview
(b) Landside birdview
Fig. 3.4 Brooklyn Cruise terminal
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.5 Cape Liberty in NJ Cruise terminal
3.1.2 Southeast
Cruise terminals in Southeastern of North America are mainly located in the following cities: Charleston, Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Miami, Mobile, New Orleans,
Port Canaveral, Tampa, San Juan, etc.
3.1 North America
(a) Waterside birdview
(b) Landside birdview
Fig. 3.6 Manhattan Cruise terminal
(1) Charleston Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.10). The Charleston Cruise Terminal is
based on the well-known Charleston city famous for business in the history of
the United States, and today it has prospered with the cruise industry. In walking
distance to all the famous scenic spots in the city, Charleston is ideally located
for cruise tourism.
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.7 Montreal Cruise terminal
3.1 North America
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.8 Norfolk Cruise terminal
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.9 Quebec Cruise terminal
(2) Fort Lauderdale Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.11). The geographic location of the
terminal is good, only a few minutes drive from the city centre and the airport,
making it the second busiest cruise port in the world. With more than 430 km of
coastal lines, there are 12 cruise ship berths serving all major cruises, receiving
approximately 3 million cruise passengers each year.
(3) Jacksonville Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.12). The Jacksonville Cruise Terminal
3.1 North America
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.10 Charleston Cruise terminal
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.11 Fort Lauderdale Cruise terminal
in Florida is built on the beautiful scenery of Jacksonville. The cruise terminal
is fully equipped with beautiful beaches, beautiful natural scenery, world-class
golf courses, top billiards facilities, and regular festivals celebration. The Jacksonville cruise berth is 390 m long and has a water depth of 11.6 m. It is equipped
with a modern terminal building of nearly 6000 m2 .
(4) Miami Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.13). Miami, which enjoys the reputation of
“World Cruise Capital”, has 12 cruise terminals with a berth coastline of 2 km.
Nearly 20 cruises use it as its homeport. The port ranks first in the world in
terms of cruise berthing turnover, and it has complete supporting facilities, the
cruise terminal is only 15 min drive from the airport, there are large shopping
centers, hotels, dining areas nearby, and the customs clearance procedures are
convenient. Since the 1990s, Miami has partnered with cruise lines to start
building new terminals. Today, there are numerous cruise terminals and they
are in line with the personalized needs of people and logistics.
(5) Mobile Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.14). As an emerging cruise homeport in US,
3.1 North America
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.12 Jacksonville Cruise terminal
Mobile Cruise Terminal is located in the urban area. It has a two-story 6100m2 terminal building and complete passenger facilities. The terminal is at the
traffic junction and has good accessibility. The surrounding facilities are also
relatively complete, with a large number of hotels, restaurants and attractions.
A year-round route for the Carnival Cruise Lines takes this port as the port of
(6) New Orleans Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.15). With the port of New Orleans as
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Plan layout
Fig. 3.13 Miami Cruise terminal
the port of call, the cruise routes can integrate different kinds of tour styles. The
attractions surrounding the New Orleans cruise terminal are rich and varied,
such as the Mississippi River, French style, and world-class restaurants. The
Port of New Orleans has two cruise terminals and three cruise berths, and it is
planned to build a new cruise terminal.
(7) Port Canaveral Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.16). The Canaveral Cruise Terminal
is the gateway to the tropics and a must-go for Orlando’s tourist attractions.
3.1 North America
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.14 Mobile Cruise terminal
The terminal is conveniently located within a 50-min drive from Orlando International Airport and the theme park and local hotels. In addition, the pilotage
conditions of the port are also world-class. The famous Disney Cruise Line uses
the port as the port of turnaround.
(8) Tampa Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.17). Many years ago, Tampa began to build
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.15 New Orleans Cruise terminal
a cruise port, and now Tampa has three tightly connected cruise berths. The
hotels and restaurants near the terminal are fully equipped and it is close to the
surrounding scenic spots. For example, the Florida Aquarium is located between
Tampa Cruise Terminal berths 2 and 3, and there are also entertainment and
public facilities such as Busch Park, Art Museum, IMAX theater nearby.
(9) San Juan Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.18). San Juan (Spanish: San Juan) is located
in the eastern part of the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean. It is the capital and
largest city of Puerto Rico, the autonomous territory of USA, and the 42nd
largest city under the jurisdiction of USA. The port is one of the busiest cruise
terminals in the Caribbean and the second largest cruise terminal in the Western
3.1 North America
(a) Top view of the south wharf
(b) Top view of the northwest cruise harbor basin
Fig. 3.16 Port Canaveral Cruise terminal
Hemisphere. More than 700 cruises from 16 companies arrive at the port each
year, with a total of 1.4 million cruise passengers.
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.17 Tampa Cruise terminal
3.1.3 Northwest
The main cruise port cities in northwestern North America include Anchorage,
Honolulu, San Francisco, Seattle, and Vancouver.
3.1 North America
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.18 San Juan Cruise terminal
(1) Anchorage cruise terminal (see Fig. 3.19). The port of Anchorage, located on
the Resurrection Strait of the Kenai Peninsula, hosts at least 90 cruises a year.
One of Alaska’s most famous cruise ports in Alaska, 200 km from the Seward
Peninsula, is a picturesque tourist destination known as the “gateway of the
Kenai Strait National Park”.
(2) Honolulu Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.20). The Honolulu Cruise Terminal on
Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands is the most famous cruise terminal in the Hawaiian
region. Tourist attractions are gathered in the cruise terminal, including Waikiki,
Pearl Harbor and Punchbow volcanoes. There is a tower market in the port,
which operates Hawaiian native products and is now one of the landmarks.
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
Fig. 3.19 Anchorage Cruise terminal
(3) San Francisco Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.21). The Port of San Francisco is
a world-class cruise port in a city of famous tourist destinations. Each year,
about 20 cruises call more than 45 times and bring in 80,000 visitors. There are
complete facilities near the cruise terminal, including museums, theaters, opera
houses, shopping malls, and scenic spots. In addition, there are about 30 top
restaurants in the cruise city of San Francisco to build their dining base.
(4) Seattle Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.22). The Port of Seattle, one of the bridgeheads of the North American Land Bridge, has two cruise terminals, the Bell
Street Cruise Terminal and No. 30 Cruise Terminal. The Bell Street Cruise Terminal has a double-decked dock of 5200 m2 . It is 488 m long from north to south
and 122 m long from east to west. The No. 30 Cruise Terminal is 610 m long and
has two cruise berths. The Norwegian Cruise Line, the Royal Caribbean Cruise
Lines and the Celebrity Cruises are based on the Bell Street Cruise Terminal.
The Holland America Line and Princess Cruises use the No. 30 Cruise Terminal
as the port of turnaround. The traffic on both terminals is very convenient. In
2017, there were 200 cruises calling in the Port of Seattle.
(5) Vancouver Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.23). The Vancouver Cruise Port is one of
the world’s most famous cruise ports. It is the cruise homeport of the VancouverAlaska route. It receives 300 cruises a year and receives 1 million visitors. The
Vancouver Cruise Port is also the port with the most cruise routes to Alaska. It
has 2 cruise terminals and is only 30 min drive from the airport.
3.1 North America
(a) Southeast of the cruise terminal
(b) Northwest of the cruise terminal
Fig. 3.20 Honolulu Cruise terminal
3.1.4 Southwest
The main cruise port cities in southwestern North America include Galveston, Long
Beach, Los Angeles, and San Diego.
(1) The Galveston Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.24). The Galveston Port is located at
the mouth of the Galveston Strait in Texas, a 30-min voyage from the sea. The
Galveston Cruise Terminal is the perennial homeport for the cruises of Carnival
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.21 San Francisco Cruise terminal
Ecstasy and Canival Conquest. In addition, other cruise lines also have routes
to call this port.
(2) Long Beach Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.25). The Port of Long Beach is the
second busiest port in the United States. It used to be the homeport of the US
Pacific Fleet. Today it is the cruise homeport of the Carnival Cruise Lines. Some
of the cruises arrive and leave here.
(3) Los Angeles Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.26). Located in San Pedro Bay, the
Los Angeles Cruise Center is about 2 km from the city centre and is one of
3.1 North America
(a) North
(b) East
Fig. 3.22 Seattle Cruise terminal
the busiest and largest coastal ports in the world. The cruise terminal has a 70km coastline and the three berths are berths 91, 92, 93A/B. The refurbishment
plan will enable it to accommodate cruises with capacity of more than 3000
passengers. Entertainment facilities near the Port of Los Angeles are like the
Aquarium of the Pacific, Maritime Museum and Disneyland, Universal Studio
Hollywood, and plant farms.
(4) San Diego Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.27). The San Diego Cruise Terminal is
located in the heart of the city and there are many nearby attractions. Each year,
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.23 Vancouver Cruise terminal
it receives more than 140 cruises. The Holland America Line and the Celebrity
Cruises use this terminal as the cruise homeport. In addition, Princess Cruises,
Norwegian Cruise Line, Crystal Cruises, etc. also use this terminal as a port of
call. Cruises on the Caribbean, Mexico, Hawaii, and Tahiti routes all take the
San Diego Cruise Terminal as a node.
3.2 Europe
(a) Top view
(b) Layout Plan
Fig. 3.24 Galveston Cruise terminal
3.2 Europe
3.2.1 Mediterranean Region
The Mediterranean region is one of the areas with most densely populated routes in
the world. There are many cruise ports, developed regional economy, rich tourism
resources and a large number of tourists. The distribution of main cruise ports is
shown in Fig. 3.28.
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.25 Long Beach Cruise terminal
The main cruise port cities in the Mediterranean are: Barcelona, Athens, Istanbul,
Lisbon, Nice, Rome, Venice, etc.
(1) Barcelona Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.29). Barcelona Port is the main cruise port
in the Mediterranean. It has 7 specialized cruise terminals, which can accommodate several cruises at the same time. It is a 25-min drive from the airport. Its
convenience in hotels, restaurants and transportation is leading in the Mediterranean cities. Receiving one or two million cruise passengers a year, Barcelona
is one of the most popular destination ports for cruise passengers and cruise
3.2 Europe
(a) Birdview of the landside
(b) Birdview of the waterside
Fig. 3.26 Los Angeles Cruise terminal
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.27 San Diego Cruise terminal
lines around the world. According to statistics from Lloyd’s Cruise International, Barcelona is the most popular cruise destination port in Europe and the
Mediterranean. Among them, the cruise terminal B has an area of 6500 m2 ,
and the berth with a length of 700 m can accommodate cruises of 140,000 tons
with a passenger capacity of 3600; The cruise terminal D has a 824-m long
berthing shoreline for the south and north berths, of which the south berth can
accommodate 2 cruises at the same time, with the longest cruise of 253 m.
(2) Athens Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.30). 8 km southwest of Athens, the Port of
Piraeus, which is the port city of southeastern Greece next to the Saronic Gulf,
is the outer port of Athens. The Port of Piraeus is an important cruise port in the
3.2 Europe
Fig. 3.28 Map of main cruise ports in the Mediterranean Region
Mediterranean region, the cruise terminal has a 1685-meter-long shoreline, and
12 berths can simultaneously receive cruises, once 11 cruise ships were berthed
at the same time, including the world’s largest cruise-Queen Mary II of 340 m
long. There are 7 specialized cruise berths, where cruises can stay for 48 h.
There are foreign currency exchange, ship repair, baggage, duty-free shops and
other services on the berths.
Istanbul Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.31). Istanbul stretches across Europe and
Asia, and has a long history. The Istanbul Cruise Terminal is an important
homeport for the cruise routes of Greek islands and Turkey. The terminal is
close to the old town of ancient cultures and is surrounded by large hotels and
restaurants, and the transportation is also very convenient.
Lisbon Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.32). Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, is a
famous tourist destination. Lisbon Cruise Terminal is close to the city center
and only 6 km away from the old city. The surrounding services are complete,
with convenient acess to hotels and restaurants; it is not far from the airport and
has convenient transportation.
Nice Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.33). The number of cruises calling Nice which
is a typical Mediterranean port city has increased year by year. The Nice Cruise
Terminal has convenient transportation and is 10 min drive from the airport.
There are many fashion stores, museums and restaurants nearby. The port
consists of 3 berths and can accommodate 5 cruises at the same time.
Rome Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.34). Rome, the world famous tourist desti-
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) The jetty type berth on the northwest
(b) The coastwise berth on the southeast
Fig. 3.29 Barcelona Cruise terminal
nation, has rich tourist attractions, shopping places, and the world’s top luxury brands. The cruise terminal in Rome is not in the city of Rome, but in
Civitavecchia, about 60–90 min drive from Rome.
(7) Venice Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.35). Venice in Italy is known as the entrance
to Europe, and its exquisite scenery is full of artistic features. There are 3 specialized cruise berths in the Terminal Crociere–Venezia Marittima. The terminal
building of 9000 m2 with features of modern architecture provides a full range
of services for visitors. The port can accommodate 9 cruises of various sizes at
the same time.
3.2 Europe
(a) Cruise berths on the north
(b) Cruise berths on the south
Fig. 3.30 Athens Cruise terminal
3.2.2 Northern Europe
Main cruise ports in Europe include: Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Oslo, Rotterdam,
Stockholm, etc.
(1) Amsterdam Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.36). The Port of Amsterdam is the largest
city in the Netherlands and the second largest port. The Port of Amsterdam is
one of the most popular cruise ports for tourists, receiving an average of 100,000
marine cruise tourists and 60,000 river cruise tourists per quarter. The cruise
terminal is located in the port area of Handelskade. The cruise terminal covers
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.31 Istanbul Cruise terminal
3.2 Europe
(a) Coastwise cruise berth I
(b) Coastwise cruise berth II
(c) Jetty type cruise berth
Fig. 3.32 Lisbon Cruise terminal
a sea area of 6900 m2 and a land area of 35,000 m2 . The shoreline is 600 m
long and 10.5 m deep. It can provide services for arriving and leaving of three
cruises at the same time. The cruise of 330 m long can be freely turned, and the
tourist reception room provides complete catering and fast customs clearance
(2) Copenhagen Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.37). The Port of Copenhagen is a leading cruise port in Northern Europe. It is popular among cruises because of its
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.33 Nice Cruise terminal
world-advanced cruise port and efficient operation. In 2016, there were approximately 300 cruises carrying approximately 400,000 passengers to Copenhagen.
The Langelinie Pier and the Freeport Terminal are 9–10 m deep and 150 m
wide. They are suitable for sailing during both the day and night. The traffic of
the terminal is also very convenient. It is about 15 km from the airport and only
5 min drive from the city center.
3.2 Europe
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.34 Rome Cruise terminal
(3) Oslo Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.38). The Port of Oslo is one of the earliest ports
in Europe and is the largest cargo and passenger port in Norway. The facilities
of the cruise terminal are advanced, and the number of tourists is increasing
year by year. It is expected that in 2018, 250,000 tourists and 150 cruises will
be received; especially the large cruises will be concentrated in the peark tourist
season from April to October. A survey in 2016 showed that cruise passngers
were very satisfied with the Oslo Cruise Terminal.
(4) Rotterdam Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.39). The Port of Rotterdam, the world’s
largest port, is known as the “European Gateway”. The cruise terminal is 2 km
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.35 Venice Cruise terminal
from the city center. The shoreline of the terminal is 698 m long. The water depth
around the terminal is 12 m. The top-class cruise port service can accommodate
up to 3000 people at the same time. The auxiliary facilities near the cruise
terminal include tourist information center, foreign exchange, public telephone,
restaurant/bar, taxi service.
(5) Stockholm Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.40). Stockholm is the most popular
cruise destination in the Baltic Sea in Europe. There are about 260 cruises
and 280,000 international tourists visiting the port every year. The port has a
3.2 Europe
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.36 Amsterdam Cruise terminal
specialized berth for cruises and a berth for small yachts; No. 165–167 berths
are specialized cruise berths with a length of 414 m and a water depth of 8–9 m.
In addition, there are also some berths for small yachts, such as No. 4–6 berths
with a length of 137 m and a water depth of 5 m, and No. 106–107 berths with
a length of 2106 m and a water depth of 6 m.
3.2.3 U.K
The main cruise ports in the U.K. include: Southampton, Dover, Dublin, Cork, and
(1) Southampton Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.41). The Port of Southampton is a
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.37 Copenhagen Cruise terminal
port city of southern England and is the busiest cruise port in the UK. It is
known as the “Cruise Centre in the UK” and is about 129 km from central
London. It has a total of 4 cruise berths such as Queen Elizabeth II Cruise
Terminal, City Cruise Terminal and Mayflower Cruise Terminal, etc., which
receives more than 240 cruises per year and become the homeport of Princess
Cruises and Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, in addition, world-famous cruises
such as Crystal Cruises, Costa Cruises and Silversea Cruise all take this port as
the port of call all the year round. The Port of Southampton has complete tourist
facilities and a full range of cruise facilities.
(2) Dover Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.42). Dover is a port city in the southeast of
3.2 Europe
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.38 Oslo Cruise terminal
the UK and the gateway to the rest countries of Europe. The Dover cruise port is
the second busiest in the UK and the eighth busiest cruise port in Europe, hosting 170,000 cruise passengers a year. The cruise center has complete building
facilities and complete tourist services. It is only 1.5 km from the city center
and the cruise center has convenient transportation.
(3) Dublin Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.43). The Port of Dublin, Ireland is located
in the heart of the city, at the main thoroughfare of the city. It has 7 cruise berths
and can accommodate the longest cruise of 300 m. It receives about 1.3 million
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.39 Rotterdam Cruise terminal
cruise passengers every year. The largest cruise berthed in the port is the Grand
Princess Cruise in 2004, which is 290 m long.
(4) Cork Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.44). The Cork Cruise Port in Ireland is located
on the picturesque island of Cork and is a famous cruise port in Northern Europe.
3.2 Europe
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.40 Stockholm Cruise terminal
With 3 cruise berths, it can accommodate the longest cruise of 320 m, and provide
good service.
(5) Edinburgh Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.45). The Edinburgh Cruise Terminal is
located in Edinburgh of Scotland with a strong cultural atmosphere and has 3
cruise berths (Queensferry, Leith, Rosyth).
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
Fig. 3.41 Southampton Cruise terminal
3.3 Oceania and Southeast Asia
The main cruise ports in the Oceania and Southeast Asia include: Auckland, Brisbane,
Melbourne, Sydney, Singapore, Port Klang, Langkawi Cruise Terminal, Swettenham
Pier Cruise Terminal, etc.
(1) Auckland Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.46). In 2007, the Auckland Cruise Port
received 73 cruises and 112,000 tourists. In February 2007, Queen Mary arrived
in New Zealand via the Auckland Cruise Terminal.
(2) Brisbane Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.47). Located in the Brisbane River estuary,
an important holiday resort in Australia, the Port of Brisbane is a fast-growing
port in Australia. Brisbane has a coastline of 7700 m and 27 berths, one of which
is a specialized berth for cruises. It has convenient transportation, and is only
30 min drive from the airport.
(3) Melbourne Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.48). The Port of Melbourne is the largest
port in Australia, 15 min drive from the city centre. It has a total of 4 cruise berths,
up to 223 m long and 10.9 m deep. The cruise terminal receives 61,000 overseas
tourists each year, and provides a full range of services such as maintenance
and repair for cruises.
(4) Sydney Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.49). Sydney Harbour is an important cruise
destination and the only port with two cruise terminals in Australia. The Darling
Harbor Wharf 8 and the International Cruise Terminal of the Circular Quay are
both located in the heart of Sydney and close to the main tourist area. During
the peak cruise season in November and April of each year, the Sydney cruise
port receives more than 30 international cruises, of which the Princess Cruises
use it as the cruise homeport.
(5) Singapore Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.50). The Port of Singapore spent 50 million Singapore dollars to build a cruise terminal in 1991. In 1998, the government
3.3 Oceania and Southeast Asia
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.42 Dover Cruise terminal
invested another 23 million Singapore dollars to rebuild the terminal and extend
it to the coastline. In 2001, it was praised by the world cruise organization as
“the most efficient cruise terminal operator in the world”. Marina Bay Cruise
Terminal in Singapore is the newly constructed international cruise terminal
with 2 cruise berths, reaching a natural depth of 12 m and a length of 400 m
(6) Port Klang Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.51). Port Klang, the largest port in
Malaysia, was opened in 1995, 45 min drive from Kuala Lumpur, and won the
“Best Port Equipment in the World” award in the magazine of “Dream World
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Coastwise berth
(b) Jetty type berth
Fig. 3.43 Dublin Cruise terminal
Cruise Destination” in 1997. The Klang Cruise Terminal has three cruise berths
with a total length of 660 m and a water depth of 12 m. It can accommodate
cruises with an overall length of 300 m and a tonnage of 50,000 tons. It mainly
operates the routes of Star Cruises.
(7) Langkawi Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.52). The terminal was built by Star Cruises
and the terminal is about 12.9 km west of Kuah. There is virtually no public
3.3 Oceania and Southeast Asia
(a) Birdview of the waterside
(b) Birdview of the landside
Fig. 3.44 Cork Cruise terminal
transport on the island, and visitors generally choose to use a taxi or rent a car,
motorcycle/scooter or bicycle. There is a shuttle bus from the terminal to the
duty-free shops of the underwater aquarium, and the travel takes about 15 min.
There are fewer tourist facilities on the terminal. Star Cruises takes the priotity
for use of the terminal.
(8) Swettenham Pier Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.53). The Swettenham Pier Cruise
Terminal opened after a major redevelopment in 2010. There is a main platform
of 400 m long, with water depth of 12 m, which can accommodate the world’s
largest cruise. It has 2 inner berths, the north inner berth is 248 m long (berthing
160 m long ship to the maximum), the depth is 6.5 m, the south inner berth is
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Birdview of the landside
(b) Birdview of the waterside
Fig. 3.45 Edinburgh Cruise terminal
3.3 Oceania and Southeast Asia
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.46 Auckland Cruise terminal
219 m long (berthing 100 m long ship to the maximum), and the depth is 5.5 m.
A main terminal building and a fast and safe boarding corridor were built on
the terminal. In 2010, the terminal received 1.1 million passengers. In 2013, it
received 1.29 million passengers, with an increase of 17.6%.
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
Fig. 3.47 Brisbane Cruise terminal
3.4 Japan, South Korea and Northeast Asia
The main cruise ports in Japan and South Korea include: Yokohama International
Terminal Building, Naha International Cruise Port, Fukuoka Hakata International
Cruise Port, Cruise Terminal Tempozan Wharf, Garden Cruise Pier and Cruise Kinjo
Pier, Kanazawa Port, Vladivostok sea terminal building, Busan International Cruise
Terminal, Sokcho Cruise Terminal, Jeju Cruise Terminal, Incheon Cruise Terminal,
Yokohama International Passenger Terminal (see Fig. 3.54). The terminal
building is built on the Osanbashi Yokohama International Passenger Terminal.
The terminal is 100 m wide and 480 m long. The building is more than 70 m
wide, 470 m long and 15 m high. The building mainly consists of two floors,
the first floor is the parking lot and the machine room, the second floor is the
entry and exit hall, the waiting hall, the multi-purpose hall, etc. The roof is
an undulating park. The whole building is mainly made up of three materials:
steel, wood and glass. The new port berth is 450 m × 2, with a water depth of
10–12 m and a width of 20 m. It can accommodate 4 cruises of 30,000 tons.
Naha International Cruise Port (see Fig. 3.55). The Naha International Cruise
Port is located in the southern part of Okinawa Prefecture, 600 km southwest
of Japan. The cruise terminal began operation on April 1, 2014. It is a 20min walk from the Naha Cruise Terminal passenger station to the International
Street. This street is full of souvenir shops, restaurants and so on. It takes about
15 min walk from the port to the Miebashi Monorail Station, 10 min drive to
Naha Airport, and about 20 min drive to famous sightseeing spots such as
Shuri Castle.
Fukuoka Hakata International Cruise Port (see Fig. 3.56). Fukuoka Hakata
Port is a port transportation hub in Kyushu, Japan. Since ancient times, it has
3.4 Japan, South Korea and Northeast Asia
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.48 Melbourne Cruise terminal
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.49 Sydney Cruise terminal
had frequent exchanges with the Korean Peninsula and the Chinese mainland,
about 200 km to Busan, South Korea, and 900 km to Shanghai, China. In
recent years, the Fukuoka Hakata Cruise Terminal has welcomed a number
of international cruises. At the same time, Hakata Port has a liner passenger
service to connect to Busan. Hakata Port is located in Fukuoka City and the
waterway is in good condition. Tourists like to visit temples or shop and taste
Cruise Terminal Tempozan Wharf (see Fig. 3.57). The Cruise Terminal Tempozan Wharf is located at the mouth of the Ajikawa River. The terminal is
370 m long and has a water depth of 11 m. It has entry and exit facilities and a
boarding bridge. Behind it is the Tempozan Harbor Village on the waterfront,
with a number of entertainment and leisure facilities such as aquarium, hotel,
Tempozan Park and shopping center, etc.
Kobe International Cruise Port (see Fig. 3.58). The Kobe Port has two large
3.4 Japan, South Korea and Northeast Asia
(a) Top view I
(b) Top view II
Fig. 3.50 Singapore Cruise terminal
cruise passenger terminals named “Kobe Port Terminal” and “Naka Pier Cruise
Kobe Port Terminal has a coastline of 649 m, water depth of 12 m, and
can accommodate 160,000-ton cruises (Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines) to the
Naka Pier Cruise Terminal has a coastline of 305 m, water depth of 9 m,
and can accommodate 70,000-ton cruises to the maximum.
Garden Cruise Pier and Cruise Kinjo Pier (see Fig. 3.59). The Garden Cruise
Pier occupies 2# and 3# berths. The total length of the shoreline is 395 m, the
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.51 Port Klang Cruise terminal
water depth is 10 m, the front edge width is 20 m, and the air draft limit is
51 m.
The Cruise Kinjo Pier occupies 80# and 81# berths. The total length of the
shoreline is 400 m, the water depth is 10 m, and the front edge width is 20 m.
There is no limit on the air draft.
Kanazawa Port (see Fig. 3.60). Kanazawa Port is located in the northern center
of Japan, with easy access to routes from South Korea, Russia and China. This
makes it a good destination for sailing along the Sea of Japan. Kanazawa has
three terminals that can accommodate cruises of 140,000. It is only 5 km (4.5
miles) from the city centre and 20 min walk from the bus station.
Vladivostok sea passenger terminal (see Fig. 3.61). The Vladivostok sea pas-
3.4 Japan, South Korea and Northeast Asia
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.52 Langkawi Cruise terminal
senger terminal has 2 consecutive berths, #1 berth has a length of 235.7 m,
water depth of 9.0 m; #2 berth has a length of 255.6 m, water depth of 9.1 m;
total shoreline length of the two berths is 491.3 m. The terminal building has
a total floor area of 14,622 m2 . There are transportation facilities such as the
railway station and bus stop on the land area.
Busan International Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.62). The service at Busan International Cruise Terminal was to build a two-story 2200-m2 terminal building
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.53 Swettenham Pier Cruise terminal
(a) Top view
Fig. 3.54 Yokohama international passenger terminal
(b) Site view
3.4 Japan, South Korea and Northeast Asia
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.55 Naha international Cruise port
in Dongsam, Yeongdo District. The terminal has an immigration office, customs, quarantine facilities, passenger waiting rooms and recreational facilities
on the first floor, as well as a public service office on the second floor.
(10) Sokcho Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.63). On September 21, 2017, the terminal
building of Sokcho Cruise Terminal was put into use. The three-storey building has an area of 9984 m2 and features an immigration office, convenience
facilities and duty-free shops. Sokcho Port can accommodate 1275,000 GT
(11) Jeju Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.64). The geographical location of Jeju Island
is 126°08 −126°58 E, 32°06 −33°00 N, 452 km from Seoul, 310 km from
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.56 Fukuoka Hakata international Cruise port
Busan, 989 km from Osaka, Japan, 499 km from Shanghai and 1030 km from
Hong Kong, China. The berths in the northern part of Jeju Island are arranged
on the north and east sides inside the harbour, and there are breakwaters. The
terminal is arranged in the north-south direction. The total size of the harbor
basin is about 970 m × 650 m.
(12) Incheon Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.65). The geographic position of the temporary berthing location of Incheon Port is 37°20’0”N, 126°38’0”E. Incheon
Port is the largest port on the west coast of South Korea and also the outer
3.4 Japan, South Korea and Northeast Asia
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.57 Cruise Terminal Tempozan Wharf
port of Seoul, the capital of South Korea, at a distance of less than 40 km. The
north side of the berthing coastline is the port land area, which is planned to
be a specialized container terminal for temporary berthing of cruises.
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.58 Kobe International Cruise port
3.5 China
Fig. 3.59 Garden Cruise Pier and Cruise Kinjo Pier
3.5 China
3.5.1 Mainland China
At present, specialized cruise ports in Shanghai, Xiamen, Sanya, Tianjin, Haikou,
Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Qingdao and Dalian have been established in mainland China.
In addition, cruise ports in some areas are under planning and construction. The basic
information is shown in Table 3.1.
Shanghai Port Cruise Terminal (see Figs. 3.66, 3.67). Including Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal and Shanghai Port International Cruise Terminal. Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal is
located in the waters of Wusongkou Paotai Bay in Baoshan District, Shanghai.
The original designed tourist reception capacity is 600,000 persons per year.
The second phase project extends 380 m upstream, 446 m downstream, and
the total length of the terminal is 1600 m, four cruises can be berthed at the
same time, and the reception capacity has reached nearly 3.6 million persons
per year. The terminal can accommodate cruises of 220,000 tons. The investors
are Baoshan District Government and Shanghai Changjiang Shipping Co., Ltd.
of Sinotrans&CSC.
Shanghai Port International Cruise Terminal is located on the bank of
Huangpu River in Hongkou District, Shanghai. The shoreline is nearly 1200 m
long and can park three 70,000-ton cruises at the same time. The investor is
Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.60 Kanazawa port
Tianjin International Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.68).1 Tianjin International
Cruise Port is located in the Dongjiang area of Tianjin Port, Tianjin Free
Trade Zone. It is the only cruise port in China that is located in the free trade
zone. The shoreline is 625 m long. The terminal has a reception capacity
1 Quoted
from Determination of Plane Design Parameters for Tianjin Port International Cruise
3.5 China
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.61 Vladivostok sea passenger terminal
of 500,000 persons/year, and it can accommodate 220,000-ton cruises. The
investors are Tianjin Port (Group) Co., Ltd. and China Merchants Shekou
Industrial Zone Co., Ltd.2
Dalian International Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.69).3 At present, the cruises
use the Dalian Port Group Dagang District Passenger Terminal.
2 Quoted
3 Quoted
from Study on sediment siltation for international cruise terminal project of Tianjin Port.
from Optimization of plane dimension in Dalian Port international cruise terminal.
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.62 Busan international Cruise terminal
Qingdao Cruise Terminal (See Fig. 3.70).4 It is located at terminal No. 6
of old port area, Qingdao Port. It has 3 berths with a total shoreline length
of more than 1000 m and a building area of 59,000 m2 . The annual tourist
4 Quoted
from Analysis on Design of Handling Process for Cruise Terminal in Old Harbor of
3.5 China
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.63 Sokcho Cruise terminal
capacity is 1.5 million passengers per year, and it can accommodate cruises of
220,000 tons. The investor is Qingdao Port (Group) Co., Ltd.5,6
Zhoushan Islands International Cruise Port (see Fig. 3.71). Located in Xi’ao
5 Quoted
6 Quoted
from Research on Plan Layout of Cruise Channel of Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center.
from Study on wave condition simulation of Qingdao Port cruise terminal.
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.64 Jeju Cruise terminal
of Zhujiajian, Zhoushan Islands, it has a joint inspection hall of 6200 m2 . The
cruise terminal is 356 m long and 36 m wide, and can accommodate cruises
of 100,000–150,000 tons. The investors are Zhoushan Port Group Co., Ltd.,
Zhoushan Putuo District State-owned Assets Investment Management Co.,
Ltd. and Zhoushan Islands Tourism Investment Development Co., Ltd.
3.5 China
(a) Top view
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.65 Incheon Cruise terminal
Cruise Port
Cruise Terminal
Shanghai Port
Cruise Terminal
Number of
Port name
11.5 m for all
No. 1 + No. 2,
625 m total
No. 3 + No. 4,
487 m total
No. 3, No. 4,
11 m
No. 3, No. 4,
826 m
No. 5, 11 m
No. 5, 288 m
No. 2, 11 m
No. 4, 11 m
No. 4, 288 m
No. 2, 354 m
No. 3, 11 m
No. 3, 288 m
No. 1, 13 m
No. 2, 6 m
No. 2 (small
harbor basin),
70 m
No. 1, 420 m
No. 1, 9 m
Water depth
No. 1, 263 m
Berth length
Table 3.1 Basic information of Cruise Terminals in Mainland China
225 thousand for
all 4 berths
No. 3, No. 4,
No. 2, 150
No. 1, 250
80 thousand
80 thousand
80 thousand
20 thousand
Tonnage of
cruises (GT)
No. 3, No. 4,
Aug., 2014
No. 1, No. 2,
June, 2010
Beginning of
No. 2, Oct.,
No. 1, Oct.,
Year 2008
cruises at the
same time
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
Port name
Dalian port
Qingdao Cruise
Cruise Port
Cruise Terminal
Cruise Center
Table 3.1 (continued)
Number of
No. 0, 10.5 m
No. 1, 9.19 m
No. 1, 166 m
16 m
13.15 m
No. 0, 510 m
340 m
356 m
The other two
berths, 490 m
No. 10,12 m
No. 11,10.7 m
No. 10 + No.
11, 430 m
Berth C1,
13.5 m
No. 8, 9.8 m
No. 9,10.3 m
No. 8 + No. 9,
478 m
Berth C1, 476 m
Water depth
Berth length
No. 1, 30
No. 0, 150
100 thousand
100 thousand
and 150
80 thousand
Berth C1, 220
No. 10 + No.
11, designed
100 thousand
No. 8 + No. 9,
designed 150
Tonnage of
cruises (GT)
No. 1, 1984
No. 0, June,
Jan., 2018
Oct., 2014
May, 2015
No. 10 + No.
11, July, 2016
No. 8 + No. 9,
cruises at the
same time
3.5 China
Port name
Cruise Port
Prince Bay
Cruise Home
Haikou Xiuying
Sanya Phoenix
Cruise Port
Table 3.1 (continued)
Number of
No. 2, 9.6 m
No. 3, 11.6 m
No. 3, 432 m
10.2 m
290 m
No. 2, 370 m
13.2 m
10 m
288.5 m
470 m
12 m
17 m
Water depth
409.2 m
346 m
Berth length
No. 3, 150
No. 2, 80
12.5 thousand
45 thousand
120 thosuand
220 thousand to
the maximum
150 thousand
Tonnage of
cruises (GT)
No. 3, Aug.,
No. 2, Nov.,
Dec., 2016
Jan., 2016
cruises at the
same time
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
3.5 China
Fig. 3.66 Shanghai Wusongkou international Cruise terminal
Fig. 3.67 Shanghai Port international Cruise terminal
Wenzhou International Cruise Terminal (See Fig. 3.72).7 The construction of
the project started in June 2016, and the MSC Lirica made its maiden voyage
on December 9, 2017. The existing 7# berth in Wenzhou Port Zhuangyuan’ao
area was used to build a large cruise berth. The tonnage of the cruise berth is
100,000 GT, and the designed passenger throughput is 220,000 persons per
7 Quoted
from Preliminary Design of Wenzhou Zhuangyuan’ao International Cruise Terminal
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
Fig. 3.68 Tianjin international Cruise port
year. At the same time, the relevant road network was set up and the passenger
joint inspection hall, parking lot and other supporting facilities were newly
built. It is a typical case of the old port being converted into a cruise port.
Xiamen Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.73).8 Located on the south side of Xiamen
Haicang Bridge, the total length of the coastline is 1419 m, and the tourist
reception capacity is 800,000 persons/year. It can accommodate one 150,000ton and two 80,000-ton cruises at the same time, and can accommodate cruises
of 220,000 tons. The investor is Xiamen Port Holdings Group Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Port International Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.74).9 Located in
Nansha, Guangzhou, a 225,000-ton and a 100,000-ton cruise berth will be built
in the future. The coastline of the terminal is 770 m long and it will receive
790,000 passengers per year. The Guangzhou Port Nansha Port Area Cruise
Port in use currently was previsouly Guangzhou Nansha Port Area Phase 3
Freight Terminal, which has been reconstructed. The investor is Guangzhou
Port Group Passenger Transport Service Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen China Merchants Shekou International Cruise Home Port (see
Fig. 3.75). It is located in the south of Nantou Peninsula in Shenzhen. The
total length of the coastline is about 1509 m. There is one 220,000-ton cruise
berth, one 120,000-ton cruise berth, one 20,000-ton passenger and cargo ro-ro
berth and 3 passenger terminals. The building area is 136,600 m2 . The investors
are China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen
China Merchants Investment Development Co., Ltd.
8 Quoted
9 Quoted
from Preliminary Design of Xiamen Cruise Terminal Project.
from Cruise Terminal Layout Plan in Guangdong Province.
3.5 China
(a) Passenger hall
(b) Site view
Fig. 3.69 Dalian international Cruise terminal
(10) Haikou Xiuying International Cruise Port (See Fig. 3.76). It is the port used for
accommodating cruises in Haikou at present, with a berth tonnage of 50,000–
100,000 GT. In addition, Haikou South Sea Pearl International Cruise Port
(under construction) is located in Haikou Bay South Sea Pearl Artificial Island,
with a coastline of 800 m, a 250,000-ton cruise berth, a 150,000-ton cruise
berth, and a reception capacity of 1 million passengers/year.
(11) Sanya Phoenix Island International Cruise Port (see Fig. 3.77).10 Located near
Phoenix Island in Sanya, there is only one cruise berth now, in the second
phase of the project, one 30,000-ton and one 100,000-ton berth, two 150,000ton berths and one 250,000-ton berth will be built, with capacity up to 2 million persons/year. The investors are China Communications Construction Co.,
Ltd., Sanya Phoenix Island Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Sanya Yusheng
Investment Co., Ltd.
10 Quoted
from Research of Key Plane Sizes in Design of Cruise Terminal.
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
Fig. 3.70 Qingdao Cruise terminal (Quoted from Design and study on permeable superstructure
of cruise wharf in Qingdao Port.)
Fig. 3.71 Zhoushan islands international Cruise terminal
3.5 China
Fig. 3.72 Wenzhou international Cruise terminal
3.5.2 Hongkong and Taiwan
For the cruise terminals in Hongkong and Taiwan, see Table 3.2.
(1) Hongkong
There are four terminals that can accommodate cruises in Hong Kong: Ocean Terminal (see Fig. 3.78), China Merchants Terminal, Container Terminal and Kai Tak
Cruise Terminal (see Fig. 3.79). The Ocean Terminal in the Tsim Sha Tsui area of
the Kowloon Peninsula is a specialized cruise terminal. The terminal is a three-storey
building and is part of the Harbour City shopping centre. Due to the expansion of the
market, the Hong Kong Government has built a new Kai Tak Cruise Terminal at the
former Kai Tak Airport site in Kowloon. It provides two cruise berths to accommodate the world’s largest cruises, which were commissioned in mid-2013. The China
Merchants Terminal and Container Terminal are located in the west of Hong Kong
Island, which are conveniently located, with just 10 min drive from the city centre
of Sheung Wan. They are container terminals for temporary berthing of cruises.
(2) Taiwan
There is no specialized cruise port in Taiwan. Cruises are mostly berthed at the
passenger terminals of four major commercial ports in Keelung (see Fig. 3.80),
Kaohsiung (see Fig. 3.81), Taichung and Hualien Port (see Fig. 3.82). With the launch
of the cross-strait cruise market, Kaohsiung and Hualien of Taiwan are planning to
build new specialized cruise terminals.
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
Fig. 3.73 Xiamen Cruise terminal
3.6 Analysis of Cruise Port Status
For the regional distribution, cruise ports are mainly distributed in Europe, North
America and Asia-Pacific. They are directly related to the degree of regional economic development. The development of cruises in North America is the most prosperous, and Europe is the second largest cruise market in the world, with many cruise
ports; the cruise economy in Asia is developing rapidly, and the construction of cruise
ports is in the ascendant and has become a hot spot in port construction.
For the scale of cruise ports, the cruise homeport has a large number of cruise terminals, large scale berths, a large number of berths, good port supporting conditions
and complete facilities; the port of call is small and the facilities are simple.
For the location in the city, most cruise terminals are located in the city center,
or close to the city or attractions, with convenient transportation for tourists to reach
their destinations.
3.6 Analysis of Cruise Port Status
Fig. 3.74 Guangzhou Port international Cruise terminal
Fig. 3.75 Shenzhen China Merchants Shekou international Cruise Home Port
For the construction methods, most cruise terminals are formed by technical transformation of existing terminal facilities, the terminal buildings are reconstructed from
buildings such as former warehouses, saving resources and reducing investment as
much as possible; some cruise terminals and related facilities are newly built, some
terminal buildings have been built into landmark buildings.
For the equipped facilities, specialized cruise terminals are generally equipped
with specialized boarding facilities, such as boarding bridges; non-specialized
terminals are equipped with simple boarding facilities.
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
Fig. 3.76 Haikou Xiuying international Cruise port
Fig. 3.77 Sanya Phoenix island international Cruise port
For the relationship with economic development, cruise ports have great support
for the cruise economy, and cruise ports are closely related to regional economic
development, interact with the rich tourism resources in the hinterland and increase
the number of regional tourists.
For the terminal buildings, the passenger terminal buildings of overseas cruise
terminals are generally simple, and some cruise terminals are transformed from
warehouses, which is worth learning.
2018 (planned)
Kaohsiung Port
and Cruise
Service Center
Keelung Port
Passenger and
Freight Center
2013 (2 berths)
Kai Tak Cruise
Ocean terminal
Cruise port
Table 3.2 Cruise terminals in Hongkong and Taiwan
850 m
380 m
Coastline length
220 thousand tons
−12 to −13 m
berthing capacity
Water depth
Keelung Port
west No. 2 berth
Kaohsiung city
Site of former
Kai Tak Airport,
Peninsula Tsim
Sha Tsui
3.6 Analysis of Cruise Port Status
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
Fig. 3.78 Hongkong Harbour City international Cruise port
Fig. 3.79 Hongkong Kai Tak international Cruise terminal
3.6 Analysis of Cruise Port Status
Fig. 3.80 Cruise port in Keelung, Taiwan
Fig. 3.81 Proposed homeport in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Fig. 3.82 Cruise Berthed in Hualien, Taiwan
3 Basic Situation of Global Cruise Ports
Chapter 4
Site Selection of Cruise Terminals
The location of a cruise terminal shall take into account the orientation and scale of
the cruise port, the planning of the city, the construction conditions, collection and
distribution and other supporting conditions, and be determined by comprehensive
comparison and demonstration. This chapter mainly introduces the functional orientation of a cruise port, urban planning, construction conditions and other factors
closely related to the location of the cruise terminal, as well as the site selection
method of a cruise terminal.
4.1 Orientation and Site of a Cruise Port
The orientation of a cruise port is closely related to the site selection. The aim of
orientation of a cruise port is to determine whether it is a port of call or a port of
turnaround (including cruise homeport) and its development scale. For the orientation
of a cruise port, through collecting relevant basic data and targeting the development
trajectories of relevant cruise ports and cities at home and abroad, forecast on the
development of cruise tourism market, route arrangement and density of the cities
where the ports are located, and the arrangement of potential cruise companies for
arriving ships can be put forward in the light of economic and social development
requirements, location conditions, construction conditions and resource conditions.
The above indicators are the main parameters to refine the port orientation and determine the construction scale of a cruise port; regional location, water conditions, rear
land areas and other conditions belong to the port’s own resource endowment, and are
objective restrictive factors, which are closely related to the investment cost, recovery
cycle, construction difficulty and other engineering parameters of port construction.
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive
license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
Z. Cheng et al., Design and Practice of Cruise Ports, Springer Series on Naval
Architecture, Marine Engineering, Shipbuilding and Shipping 4,
4 Site Selection of Cruise Terminals
The orientation of a cruise port determines the status of cruise terminal construction and the mode of operation and service. It is determined comprehensively according to regional economic and industrial development, urban development, tourism
resources and construction planning, geographical location, route distribution and
other factors. For different orientations of cruise ports, there are also differences in
the service function of cruise terminals, the scale of related facilities and the land
and water resources needed for the siting of a cruise port. Therefore, this factor must
be taken into account in the design of the location of a cruise port.
The port of turnaround for cruises mainly runs on the cruise departure routes,
generally the starting and ending point of the cruise routes. It has the functions of
cruise berthing, passenger and crew embarking and disembarking, cruise supply,
waste water treatment, passenger clearance, baggage checking and crew service, etc.
It is mainly distributed in the port cities with dense hinterland population, high level
of economic development, abundant tourist resources and convenient traffic, such as
Shanghai Port. Some Chinese ports, which mainly rely on the business of call and
are supplemented by cruise turnaround business, shall also be incorporated into the
ports of turnaround in the design.
Tourist scale and industrial agglomeration effect of a port of turnaround are different from those of a port of call in terms of water conditions, hinterland, collection
and distribution and other demands. The purpose of differentiating cruise port orientation is mainly for cruise terminals located in different types of ports, there are
some differences in the allocation of resources and facilities. For example, the waiting facilities, baggage checking and custom facilities in the terminal building of a
port of call need not to be the same standard and scale as the port of turnaround,
otherwise it will cause unnecessary waste.
A port of call is a cruise port mainly connected with calling routes. It has the basic
functions of cruise berthing, passengers and crew embarking and disembarking. It
is generally distributed in cities or islands with rich tourism resources. As a transit
point of cruise routes, it mainly serves tourists to go ashore for sightseeing. Because
the baggage of tourists does not need to go ashore, the demand for resources and the
corresponding facilities of the terminal are relatively simple.
For the site of a cruise port, the requirements for the construction conditions of
approach channels, water areas, shorelines, land areas and supporting conditions
are basically the same as those of general ports. However, for cruises, due to the
high requirement of berth availability, which cannot wait for tide as the general
requirement for approach channels. When it has to wait for tide, the location shall
be fully demonstrated. In addition, cruise ports also need to focus on the different
orientations of cruise ports and the demand for local resources.
4.1 Orientation and Site of a Cruise Port
4.1.1 Site Selection Considerations for Ports of Turnaround
(1) The region has certain comprehensive economic strength
According to the layout of the global cruise industry center, the ports of turnaround
for cruises are all located in regions with strong economic comprehensive strength,
whether in the Caribbean region of North America, the Mediterranean region of
Europe, or the Northeast Asia region of Asia.
In recent years, great breakthroughs have been made in the economic restructuring of coastal cities in China. In the eastern coastal areas, finance, trade and real
estate are becoming the mainstay industries in the tertiary industry. Furthermore,
tourism, exhibition and information service industries have accelerated the pace of
development. At the same time, the development of international cruise economy will
further promote the prosperity of tourism, finance, insurance and other industries,
improve the establishment of relevant tertiary industry factor market, and promote
the development of modern service industry.
For example, Shanghai, as an important economic center of China, is the largest
commercial and financial center in China, and is also an important international port
city in the Western Pacific region. An all-round opening pattern has basically taken
place. Therefore, in recent years, the development of cruise industry in Shanghai
has initially formed a cruise economic industry chain and increased a large number of jobs. At the same time, the upstream and downstream industries of cruises,
including luxury cruise manufacturing, repair and maintenance, berthing and so on,
will certainly stimulate the development of port service industry centered on ship
manufacturing, maintenance and repair.
(2) Cruise passenger market is vast
Passenger source is the basis to ensure the normal operation of the relevant routes
of a port of turnaround. This is reflected in North America, the Mediterranean and
In 2016, 11 cruise ports (Dalian, Tianjin, Qingdao, Yantai, Shanghai, Zhoushan,
Xiamen, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Haikou and Sanya) received 1010 cruises (a yearon-year increase of 61%), 4,567,370 cruise passengers (a year-on-year increase of
84%); 927 homeport cruises (a year-on-year increase of 72%) and 83 cruises at ports
of call (a year-on-year decrease of 8%); 4,289,780 passengers (93% up year on year)
from the home ports, mainly Chinese tourists, and 277,590 passengers (8% up year
on year) from the ports of call, mainly overseas tourists. China has become the second
largest cruise passenger market in the world, and Shanghai has become the largest
cruise port city in Asia.
Shanghai is one of the cities with the greatest potential for economic development
in China. Its per capita GDP is 4.3 times the national average. In 2016, Shanghai’s
per capita GDP reached RMB 113,731, and there are many middle-income people
in Shanghai. In the past decade, Shanghai has bred the demand and habit of holiday leisure consumption; population of tourism consumption accounts for 15% of
the total population, 17 times the national average. In addition, the unique location
4 Site Selection of Cruise Terminals
advantage of Shanghai has induced great potential of local outbound cruise tourism
in the Yangtze River Delta region.
Over the past two decades, the rapid development of Shanghai’s economy and
the abundant tourism resources in its surrounding areas has attracted more and more
tourists from all over the world. With the acceleration of the construction of international economic, financial, trade and shipping centers, Shanghai has become a
hotspot of all kinds of international exhibitions, and will also attract more domestic
and foreign tourists. The huge actual and potential consumption power has laid a
solid foundation for Shanghai to develop the international cruise economy.
(3) Have a perfect transportation system
The port of turnaround requires the city to provide fast and convenient passenger
gathering and evacuation services. As far as many ports of turnaround for cruises
built in China, the hinterland road network extends in all directions, and there are
large airports and railway stations, all of which may provide related services.
For example, Shanghai is located at the midpoint of China’s north-south coastline,
the third largest port in the world and the hub of China’s land and water transportation.
Shanghai has two international airports. More than 10 domestic airlines and more
than 20 international airlines have established Shanghai routes. Land transportation
is developed. Railways, national highways and expressways connect the surrounding
cities. With the construction of the Chongming River-Crossing Bridge and Hangzhou
Bay Bridge, access to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces is more convenient. In addition,
Shanghai Port has the unique advantage of integrating ocean shipping with coastal
shipping and inland waterway shipping.
(4) Good customs clearance environment for cruises
Customs inspection service is one of the necessary facilities and services for foreign cruise ports. Good passage environment is the basic guarantee for the normal
operation of a cruise port.
EU integration management measures are adopted in Europe. As long as the routes
are within the EU, the relevant customs procedures are very simple, and there is no
need for border inspection.
North America is also relatively simple. Customs inspections on cargo are mainly
carried out during the period of departure, and identity inspections are required during
the period of entry.
At present, China’s cruise customs procedures are basically in accordance with
the general travel inspection procedures, through customs, inspection and quarantine as well as border checkpoints, customs clearance speed generally meets the
requirements of cruise operations. Generally, a cruise with about 2000 passengers
needs to complete customs clearance within two hours at the international level. Since
February 2007, the Shanghai immigration inspection department has launched a new
measure to ensure that inbound tourists have “zero waiting” for border inspection
and customs clearance. In the future, the visa formalities will be further eased, and
the ideal mode of multi-tour on one entry-exit line will be basically realized.
4.1 Orientation and Site of a Cruise Port
4.1.2 Site Selection Considerations for Ports of Call
The relationship between the port of call and the port of turnaround is not either/or.
A cruise port can be both a port of call and a port of turnaround, or just a port of call.
Therefore, the requirements for ports of call are generally lower than those for ports
of turnaround, but there are also special requirements.
A port of call is mainly to attract tourists as its basis, generally need three
(1) Cruise port cities have certain tourism attractions, including high city popularity,
unique cultural resources and tourism landscape resources;
(2) It has certain geographical advantages, and its adjacent regions or national cruise
terminals or related industries are well developed, so it is easy to join the world
cruise routes.
(3) Basic hardware and software facilities, including good waterways, water conditions for the construction of cruise terminals, port customs clearance facilities,
According to the above requirements, cruise ports of call in Asia include Pusan
Port and Incheon Port in Korea, Bodo Port in Fukuoka, Japan, Keelung Port in
Taiwan, etc.
Shanghai Wusongkou Cruise Port and International Cruise Terminal are both
the port of call and the port turnaround. Mainly because of the modernization and
scale of Shanghai’s urban construction, it has become a world-recognized symbol
of the international metropolis. Whether day or night, the newly developed areas of
Shanghai are all landscapes; the wharf along the Huangpu River in Shanghai is an
inland port, and the comparative landscape of classical and modern buildings on both
sides of the Huangpu River is a unique resource for attracting international tourists.
Hangzhou Bay, Yangtze River, Taihu Lake, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Shaoxing, Ningbo
and other well-known tourist landscapes near Shanghai are high-quality resources
for the development of cruise industry. There are abundant tourism resources around
Shanghai; there are Suzhou, Hangzhou and other places on land for one or two days’
tour, which have a great attraction for international tourists. From the world and
Asian maps, with Shanghai as the center, luxury cruises can reach Korea, Japan and
so on within 48 h. This location advantage is unique in the coastal cities of China.
4.2 Urban Planning and Site Selection1
As an important node of cruise tourism and an important infrastructure of cruise
economy, the location of a cruise port is closely related to the city planning. Urban
spatial planning shall reserve corresponding water and land resources for the location
of the cruise terminal.
1 Quoted
from Discussion on Several Problems in the Construction of a Cruise Center.
4 Site Selection of Cruise Terminals
4.2.1 Distribution of Coastal Resources of Cruise Terminals
in Urban Planning
In the development planning of regional or urban economy and tourism industry, it
is generally clear whether cruise tourism will be one of the directions of future urban
economic development and tourism industry development. Generally, coastal cities
with developed economy and abundant tourism resources have abundant reserves
of passengers, and have the conditions of developing cruise economy and building
cruise terminals. The selection of shoreline resources is the precondition in the site
selection of cruise terminals, which is basically the same as the general port location
requirements. It is necessary to consider comprehensively the water depth condition,
water area condition, land area condition, supporting conditions outside the port area
and the surrounding environment of the port site. The terminal site should choose
the location with open water area, suitable water depth, good shelter from waves and
less sediment movement.
In urban planning, it is necessary to allocate coastline resources, plan and arrange
the location of cruise terminals according to the demand of cruise port construction,
provide necessary coastline resources, land use, convenient transportation conditions
and supporting conditions for the development of cruise terminals, and at the same
time, leave appropriate room for development in urban planning to meet long-term
development and cruise economic development needs.
4.2.2 Land Use Scale of Cruise Terminals
According to the tonnage of arrival cruises, the berths of cruise terminals can be
divided into several grades. Such as 80,000 GT, 100,000 GT, 140,000 GT, 220,000
GT cruise berths, etc. The land use scale of cruise terminals shall be based on the type
of cruise port and the construction scale of cruise terminals. The scale and land use
of terminal building, parking lot, road and greening shall be determined reasonably.
The land use scale of urban planning and cruise terminals should take full account
of the demand of cruise terminals.
4.2.3 Impact of Cruise Terminal Location on Urban
Functional Planning and Layout
Cruise industry is a new tourism industry, which will have a great economic pull on the
upstream and downstream industries. The development of cruise industry has brought
great flow of people, goods and commerce, greatly promoted the development of
urban logistics, finance, tourism, insurance and other industries, played a supporting
role in urban economic development, and caused the adjustment of the functional
4.2 Urban Planning and Site Selection
layout of the surrounding industries and land of cruise terminals. Especially when
an old terminal is transformed into a cruise terminal or cargo and cruise sharing
terminal, the original port industry and city layout structure which mainly supports
cargo transportation will be adjusted to the city layout which mainly serves the flow
of people and tourism.
However, the economic development direction of the region or city, the main functions of the city endowed by the region, the actual occurrence of various commercial
formats of cruise terminals and the actual supply of land and shoreline resources of
the proposed site, etc., have different driving effects on the cruise industry and its
surrounding industries.
For example, the Phoenix Island International Cruise Terminal in Sanya has established its leading position in real estate development in Sanya; the Shenzhen Prince
Bay Cruise Terminal plans to integrate the Shekou Port Prince Bay area with the
functions of international cruise terminal, Hong Kong-Macao passenger terminal
supporting area and coastal entertainment and leisure area, as the new city business
card and “sea portal” of Shenzhen. The Xiamen cruise terminal is the renovation of
the original cargo terminal, the original cargo port area and the surrounding supporting logistics and industries were wholly relocated, and the urban layout was adjusted
to mainly serve cruises, which has promoted the overall adjustment of the functional
layout of the port and its surrounding areas, as well as the collection and distribution
planning, and has promoted the development of the local cruise economy.
Foreign countries such as Miami, Fort Lauderdale in North America, Barcelona
and Rotterdam in Europe, Yokohama in Japan and Singapore in Asia have directly or
indirectly led to the development of regional real estate, commerce and other related
industries. Australian Sydney Cruise Terminal, Malaysian Pulau Langkawi Port,
Thailand’s Laem Chabang Port, Kyushu and Fukuoka of Japan, Jeju and Incheon of
South Korea and other cruise terminals are all ports with calling as the main mode
of cruise berthing. The construction of above cruise terminals has provided a large
impetus for the local tourism industry and related service industries.
4.2.4 Impact of Cruise Terminal Location on Urban Traffic
The service object of cruise terminals is tourists. Therefore, the site selection of
cruise terminals shall be combined with cruise routes, rear tourism resources and
passenger sources, and the inbound and outbound passenger flow of cruise ports is
large and concentrated. Therefore, the convenience of transportation transfer shall be
taken into account. Generally speaking, for a port of call, it is reasonable to choose
as close as possible to the central city, or to the famous scenic spots or commercial
centers of the city, considering the short stay time of ships in the port. The port of
turnaround can be far away from the central city according to the needs of urban
planning, but it is necessary to build a water and land transport distribution center
4 Site Selection of Cruise Terminals
in combination with the scale of the cruise port to provide convenient conditions
for passenger gathering and evacuation. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out urban
transportation planning in combination with the location of the cruise terminal.
4.3 Construction Conditions and Site Selection of Cruise
The site selection of a cruise terminal must take into account the construction conditions of cruise operation standards, meteorology, hydrology, geology and supporting
4.3.1 Reference Standards for Cruise Operation
When choosing the location of a cruise terminal, the number of working days is an
important indicator. The number of working days shall be determined according to
the design ship type, working standard, hydrological and meteorological conditions
after comprehensive analysis.
Among them, when choosing the location of a cruise terminal, the cruise operation
standards can be determined in accordance with the following provisions.
(1) When a cruise ship enters or leaves the port, the allowable criteria for factors
affecting navigation safety, i.e. wind speed, wave height, visibility and current
velocity should meet the following requirements:
Wind force is not greater than Beaufort Scale 8;
Wave height: H4% ≤ 2.0 m for beam seas, H4% ≤ 2.5 m for head seas;
Visibility: not less than 1000 m;
Current velocity: less than 1.0 m/s for beam current, less than 2.5 m/s for
longitudinal current.
(2) Allowable wind speed, wave height and visibility in the operation of cruise
berthing/unberthing and passenger embarkation/disembarkation should be in
accordance with those specified in Table 4.1.
(3) When the cruise has to leave the terminal, if affected by disastrous winds or
waves, the wave height for the cruise to unberth may be determined in view
of the water area conditions of the port, the capacity of terminal structure and
availability of work boats in combination, and can be taken as 1.2–2.0 m. The
terminal not for cruises to be moored in a windstorm may be designed under
the condition of the cruise leaving when the wind speed is larger than Beaufort
scale 9.
4.3 Construction Conditions and Site Selection of Cruise Terminals
Table 4.1 Operation criteria for cruise berthing/unberthing and passenger embarkation/
Wave height
H4% (m)
30,000–50,000 GT
50,000–100,000 GT
10,000–30,000 GT
100,000–150,000 GT
>150,000 GT
Notes ➀ When the included angle between longitudinal axis of the cruise and wave propagation direction
is less than 45°, the wave is of head seas, otherwise the wave is of beam seas
➁ Average period of the waves in above table: ≤6 s, if GT ≤ 50,000 t; ≤8 s, if GT > 50,000 t
➂ H4% is the wave height with the accumulative frequency of 4% in the wave train
The cruise operation criteria are formulated in order to determine some specific
design parameters during the design stage of a cruise terminal. It is only used for site
selection and design of cruise terminals, not for operation management standard.
The safety conditions of ships entering and leaving the port are mainly based on
the actual operation of the port, and by the comprehensive analysis in combination
with cruise handling performance. The investigation of several major coastal ports
shows that the wind control standards exceed the wind scale for ship’s safe navigation
or the ship’s safe sailing restrictions stipulated by the Ministry of Transport and the
competent local government departments, and generally enter the stage of gale safety
supervision when the wind reaches the Beaufort scale of 6; the navigation of each
port is mostly restricted for visibility between 500 and 1000 m.
When a cruise is berthing/unberthing or mooring at a terminal, motions of surge,
sway, heave, pitch, rolling and turning will be produced under the action of wind,
wave and current. All motions of a cruise mooring at a terminal shall meet the
requirements of safe motion. At present, there is no systematic model test research
for the allowable motion of a large cruise mooring operation. The standards for cruise
berthing/unberthing and passenger embarkation/disembarkation refer to the relevant
standards for container ships and Ro-Ro ships in the Design Code of General Layout
for Seaports (JTS 165-2013).
According to the design standards of ports at home and abroad and the investigation on the pilots and captains of the port, the wave height allowing berthing at the
front of the terminal is generally not more than 2 m.
Table 4.2 Wind standards
for cruise berthing/unberthing
and passenger
4 Site Selection of Cruise Terminals
Wind (Beaufort Scale)
Berthing and departing
4.3.2 Wind Conditions
According to the Design Code for Cruise Terminals, it is required that the wind
speed for inbound cruises not exceed Beaufort scale 8 (62–74 km/h), and that
the allowable wind speed for cruise berthing/unberthing and passenger embarkation/disembarkation shall meet the requirements of the following Table 4.2.
According to the requirements of Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses (PIANC2 ), the design wind speed of terminal structures shall not
be less than 80 km/h (Beaufort Scale 9). If the wind speed is greater than 46 km/h
(Beaufort Scale 6) when a cruise is operating in the port area, tugboat assistance shall
be considered. See Fig. 4.1.
4.3.3 Water Area Conditions
The water area conditions that need to be considered in cruise terminal site selection
include size of water area, seabed, tide level, current, sediment, wave and other
The site of a cruise terminal should choose the location of seabed or river with
stable river regime and little sediment movement.
For cruise terminals, different ranges of tidal levels are generally feasible for
design and construction, but it needs to pay attention to the following points:
(1) In areas where tidal levels change too much, there are higher requirements for
mooring cables and loading and unloading operations on the terminal. Especially, it is necessary to consider the operation method of cruise hatch doors
lower than the deck of the terminal. Seasonal and special weather-induced sea
level wave set-up should be considered in the design process.
(2) It is generally required that the approach channel meet the all-weather access
requirements of cruises. When a cruise needs to enter the harbor by tide level,
considering the rule that the cruise usually arrives in the morning and departs
in the afternoon, it is necessary to conduct a special demonstration study on the
matching of tide level and ship schedule.
2 Quoted
from Guidelines for Cruise Terminals, PIANC Secrétariat Général Maritime Navigation
Commission, 2016.
4.3 Construction Conditions and Site Selection of Cruise Terminals
Fig. 4.1 Auxiliary operation of Tugboats in Windy Weather at Phoenix Island Cruise terminal in
4.3.4 Geology
According to geological conditions, gravity type, open-piled type or sheet-piled type
can be selected for the structure of solid cruise terminals. The structure of the terminal shall be determined after comprehensive technical and economic comparison in
accordance with ship type and operation requirements.
4.3.5 Others
According to the relevant requirements of PIANC,3 it is suggested to set up a standby
terminal in bad weather during the operation period of the routes at the port of
3 Quoted
from Guidelines for Cruise Terminals, PIANC Secrétariat Général Maritime Navigation
Commission, 2016.
4 Site Selection of Cruise Terminals
turnaround. The terminal shall have the passenger embarking capacity in bad weather
or meet the passenger embarking requirements to avoid bad weather. There are no
relevant requirements for routes of ports of call.
4.4 Site Selection Method of Cruise Terminals
Considering the above factors, the site of a cruise terminal can be selected according
to the following methods.
(1) A cruise terminal can be constructed at a new site or technically transformed
from existing terminal facilities.
The difference of the cruise terminal from the general cargo wharf in location is
that its service object is tourists, and has high requirements on safety, comfort and
convenience. Therefore, it is required that the urban transportation system where the
port is located can be conveniently connected with the cruise terminal, and the water
and land area conditions and the surrounding supporting conditions are good, which
can provide convenient and comfortable services for cruises and tourists.
According to the requirements of resource saving and environment-friendly in
water transport engineering construction, combined with the current situation of
port and city development and the characteristics of cruise transportation, it is one
of the economically feasible options to make use of existing terminal facilities for
technical transformation. This is mainly because the rapid development of the city
has made the old terminal located in the urban area. Considering that loading and
unloading of other goods will have a great impact on the urban environment and
life, the social, economic and environmental benefits can be further improved by
changing its functions. Secondly, the old supporting facilities in the urban area are
well equipped, and the hotels, shopping malls and tourist leisure area are close to
the ports, and the traffic is convenient. Making full use of existing facilities such as
old terminal structures and warehouses to transform them into cruise terminals and
terminal buildings is an important way to realize resource conservation, such as Los
Angeles cruise terminal, Fort Lauderdale cruise terminal of the United States, and so
on. The design of cruise terminals must renew the concepts. Through investigation,
it is found that, compared with putting emphasis on building terminal buildings as
urban landmarks or large-scale demolition of old terminals to develop commercial
facilities in China, in foreign countries, some old buildings are transformed into
terminal buildings, museums, businesses, tourism, restaurants and cultural office
facilities, which not only adapt to the needs of developing large-scale cruise and
create new waterside spaces, but also retain the imprinting of a city’s port, which is
worth learning from.
(2) The site of a cruise terminal shall be determined by comprehensive demonstration on the planning of supporting city, overall plan of the port, scale of the cruise
4.4 Site Selection Method of Cruise Terminals
terminal, water and land area conditions, transport conditions of collecting and
distributing, etc.
Regional economic and tourism industry development planning will generally confirm whether cruise tourism is one of the directions of urban economic development and tourism industry development in the future. Usually, coastal cities with
well-developed economy and abundant tourism resources have relatively abundant
passenger resources, and have the conditions to develop cruise economy and build
cruise terminals. The cruise industry in China is a new tourism industry at the present
stage, which has a great economic pulling effect on the upstream and downstream
industries. However, the economic development direction of the region or city, the
main urban functions conferred by the region, the actual occurrence of various commercial formats of the cruise terminal and the actual supply of land and shoreline
resources at the proposed site are of different pulling effects on the cruise industry
and its surrounding industries.
For example, the Shanghai International Cruise Terminal has greatly promoted
the commercial development of the Hongkou District. Sanya Phoenix Island International Cruise Terminal has established its leading position in the Sanya area for
its real estate development. The commercial development of Shanghai Wusongkou
International Cruise Terminal is being carried out; Zero Square with a covered area
of about 38,100 m2 , building area of about 37,600 m2 has been built; and the surrounding area of about 120,000 m2 has been reserved for the long-term development
of cruise related industries. Shenzhen Prince Bay Cruise Terminal is proposing to
transform Shekou port area Prince Bay zone into one of Shenzhen’s new city card
and “Sea Portal”, which includes the international cruise terminal, Hong Kong and
Macao passenger terminal supporting area, the coastal entertainment area and other
Miami and Fort Lauderdale in North America, Barcelona and Rotterdam in
Europe, Yokohama in Japan and Singapore in Asia have directly or indirectly led to
the development of regional real estate, commerce and other related industries. Australian Sydney Cruise Terminal, Malaysian Pulau Langkawi Port, Thailand’s Laem
Chabangc Port, Kyushu and Fukuoka of Japan, Jeju and Incheon of South Korea and
other cruise terminals are all ports with calling as the main mode of cruise berthing.
The construction of above cruise terminals has provided a large impetus for the local
tourism industry and related service industries.
Therefore, the location of cruise terminals should be closely linked to regional
economic and tourism development planning and other urban planning, as well as
port planning.
(3) The site of a cruise terminal should be selected in the area with open waters,
appropriate water depth, good wave sheltering condition and weak sediment
(4) The land area of a cruise terminal shall be provided with the conditions for
furnishment of cruise terminal facilities, entry/exit of passengers, traffic transfer and layout of parking lot, for different ports of call or turnaround and
construction scale of the terminal.
4 Site Selection of Cruise Terminals
The cruise terminal mainly provides a safe and convenient service for tourists to
enter and leave. The land area of the cruise terminal shall be determined according to
the requirements of the port of call or port of turnaround, scale of proposed terminal,
so as to meet the needs of the corresponding terminal, terminal building, parking lot,
and transportation facilities.
(5) The site of a cruise terminal should be close to the scenic spot or commercial
center of the city, and priority should be given to renovating the old terminal
meeting the conditions for site selection.
The service object of the cruise terminal is tourists. Therefore, the location of cruise
terminals should be combined with factors such as cruise routes, tourism resources
and tourists. Considering the large and concentrated passenger flow and the development of urban social vehicles, it is necessary to consider the convenience of traffic
transfer. Generally speaking, considering the short stay time of cruises at the port of
call, it is more reasonable to choose the place as near as possible to the central city
or the famous scenic spots or commercial centers.
For the cruise terminal reconstructed from the old terminal, it has good supporting
conditions, is close to the city center, with short construction cycle, low cost of
reinforcement and reconstruction of old facilities, is the direction for construction
and development of resource-saving port. There are many similar projects in China,
such as Shanghai International Cruise Terminal, and so on.
(6) The site of a cruise terminal shall not be adjacent to the workplaces of dangerous and hazardous goods and flying dusts. The spacing between the cruise
terminal and above workplaces shall conform to related provisions on safety,
environmental protection and hygiene of current national standards.
At present, specialized cruise terminals built in China are all independently arranged,
except for the Xiamen Dongdu International Cruise Terminal which is adjacent to a
container terminal. For foreign cruise terminals, it has not been found that specialized
cruise terminals are adjacent to the workplaces of dangerous goods such as oil,
hazardous goods and flying dusts, but some container terminals or multi-purpose
terminals are also temporarily used for the berthing of cruises. To sum up, it is
considered that the cruise terminal cannot be arranged adjacent to the workplaces of
dangerous and hazardous goods and flying dusts. Even if arranged independently,
the distance between the cruise terminal and the above places must conform to the
safety, environmental protection, hygiene and other relevant standards.
(7) The site of a cruise terminal shall be provided with the conditions for smooth
connection with the city traffic, and related supporting facilities and capabilities
including water supply, power supply, communication, and so on.
4.5 A Typical Example—Cruise Port of Barcelona
4.5 A Typical Example—Cruise Port of Barcelona
Barcelona Port, with its good geographical location and excellent port facilities, has
become the gateway to the Mediterranean, the home port of many Mediterranean
routes, and the leader of the European cruise terminal industry.
From the location of the cruise port, the port is not far from the center of the city,
there are business centers, entertainment and leisure places nearby. It is convenient
and quick to the airport and the railway station from the cruise port. Cruise passengers
can take subway, tourist bus and intercity railway for traffic. 7 special cruise terminals
has been planned and constructed at the port, which can accommodate 11 large
cruises at the same time, and match with the status of the Mediterranean cruise
homeport. The cruise terminals are arranged inside the breakwater, and the water area
is well sheltered from waves. The city is just behind the port, with good supporting
The layout of the cruise port is shown in Figs. 4.2 and 4.3.
The parameters of cruise terminals of Barcelona Port are shown in Table 4.3.
As shown above, the cruise terminals are located in the central area of the city
with good supporting facilities. To meet the needs of cruise tourists for shopping
and leisure, the rear of the cruise terminals are adjacent to a large shopping street.
The shopping street is very prosperous, with abundant commercial categories and
local characteristics, which can meet different shopping needs of cruise passengers.
Fig. 4.2 Layout plan 1 of Cruise Port of Barcelona
4 Site Selection of Cruise Terminals
Fig. 4.3 Layout plan 2 of Cruise Port of Barcelona
Table 4.3 List of cruise terminals in Barcelona Port
Covered area of passenger
facilities (m2 )
Berth length (m)
Berth depth (m)
Terminal A, Moll Adossat
Terminal B, Moll Adossat
Terminal C, Moll Adossat
D—Palacruceros, Moll
North and South
Terminals, Moll Barcelona
Nord Terminal
Sud Terminal
East Mooring
No terminal
Terminal M-Port Vell
Sant Bertran, Terminal T
−8 to −12
In addition to the shopping street, the vicinity of the cruise terminals is similar to
that of Miami, where a waterside leisure and sightseeing place is built, as shown in
Fig. 4.4.
Due to the rapid growth of passenger flow and the large-scale trend of cruises,
Creuers del Port de Barcelona, S. A. decided to rebuild Terminal A, Moll Adossat.
The rebuilt terminal is expanded from 3600 to 6200 m2 , as shown in Fig. 4.5.
Terminal B, Moll Adossat covers an area of 6500 m2 , as shown in Fig. 4.6. Since
4.5 A Typical Example—Cruise Port of Barcelona
Fig. 4.4 Waterside facilities
and places near the Cruise
terminals of Barcelona
Fig. 4.5 Site view of
Terminal A, Moll Adossat
Fig. 4.6 Site view of
Terminal B, Moll Adossat
4 Site Selection of Cruise Terminals
April 2005, the terminal has been operated by Creuers del Port de Barcelona, S. A.,
and designed for large cruises with a maximum capacity of 3600 passengers. The
terminal is equipped with two gangways and four baggage conveyors.
Terminal C, Moll Adossat is jointly reconstructed by Creuers del Port de
Barcelona, S. A. and the port authority of Barcelona, covering an area of 4000 m2 . In
addition to berthing cruises, the terminal can also provide cruise circulation services,
as shown in Fig. 4.7.
Terminal D—Palacruceros, Moll Adossat covers an area of 10,000 m2 . The
terminal building is a two-storey building, as shown in Fig. 4.8.
North and South Terminals, Moll Barcelona are very close to downtown, and it
takes only 5 min to walk to the Columbus Square. The total berth length of the two
terminals is 824 m. North terminal is suitable for medium cruises; south terminal can
berth two cruises at the same time, the length of longest cruises to be berthed is 253
meters; in addition, at the east of the terminals, there is a berth which can be used by
both North and South terminals, as shown in Fig. 4.9.
Fig. 4.7 Site view of
Terminal C, Moll Adossat
Fig. 4.8 Terminal D
4.5 A Typical Example—Cruise Port of Barcelona
Fig. 4.9 Site view of North and South Terminals, Moll Barcelonat
Terminal M-Port Vell is the smallest cruise terminal in Barcelona Port. Due to the
large-scale trend of cruises, the terminal has been rarely used recently, and is only
used for parking small cruises.
Sant Bertran, Terminal T is a ferry terminal, but its terminal facilities are complete,
and it is also used to berth cruises in the peak tourist season, as shown in Fig. 4.10.
In addition, Terminal Z—Drassanes, a ferry terminal, is occasionally used to berth
Fig. 4.10 Site view of Sant Bertran, Terminal T
4 Site Selection of Cruise Terminals
The location of the cruise terminal take full consideration of the orientation and
development of the cruise port, urban and port planning, construction conditions and
other factors. It has been developed in an orderly way, has become a cruise homeport
in the Mediterranean region, and the cruise terminals are in good operation.
Chapter 5
General Layout of Cruise Terminals
The general layout of cruise terminals is mainly based on the port planning, cruise
terminal function requirements, to reasonably arrange the functional layout and water
and land space resources, and determine the size and location of each facility.
The general layout of a cruise terminal shall have the following basic information:
(1) Natural conditions such as local meteorology, hydrology, topography, and
(2) Environmental conditions such as the use state of structures and the layout of
surrounding structures;
(3) Information on cruise routes, ship type, and cruise access passage and hatch
(4) Supporting facilities such as urban support, power supply, water supply,
communication, traffic collection and distribution capacity and emergency
(5) Social, cultural and other conditions.1
This chapter mainly introduces the functional requirements of the cruise terminal
related to the layout of the cruise terminal, the determination of the designed passenger capacity, the layout of the water facilities, and the layout of the land facilities, etc.
5.1 Functions of Cruise Terminals
The main functions of cruise terminal facilities shall include:
(1) Cruise entry and exit function. That is the navigation channel, turning basin and
berthing area for the cruise entering and leaving the port, and the tugboats that
assist the cruise to berth and unberth.
1 Quoted
from Planning and Design of Cruise Ship Homeport.
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive
license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
Z. Cheng et al., Design and Practice of Cruise Ports, Springer Series on Naval
Architecture, Marine Engineering, Shipbuilding and Shipping 4,
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals
(2) Terminal function. Terminal facilities for cruise berthing and facilities for oil
supply, water supply, power supply, fire protection, and garbage collection of
(3) Cruise function for embarkation and disembarkation of tourists and crew, and
handling of cargo and garbage, etc. That is the handling equipment for embarkation and disembarkation of tourists and crew, loading and unloading of cargo
and garbage, etc.
(4) Terminal building function. That is the facilities for passengers such as ticket
check, waiting for ships, entry and exit, inspection, baggage claim, dining,
notice, and other facilities.
(5) The function for passengers entering and leaving the port and parking lot. That
is the road, stop, parking and other facilities for passengers to get on and off.
(6) Other functions. That is, commercial, catering, hotel, maintenance, warehouse
and other facilities.
For different types of cruise ports, cruise terminals can have different functional
For example, for a general port of call, it is a cruise port based on the calling routes.
It has basic functions such as cruise mooring, passengers and crew embarking and
disembarking, and is generally distributed in cities or islands with abundant tourism
resources. As a stopover of the cruise route, the port of call is mainly for shore
excursion of passengers, because the baggage does not need to go ashore, the terminal
facilities are relatively simple. Cruises’ stay time in the port is relatively short, such as
Ensenada in Mexico and Nassau Cruise Terminal in the Bahamas, etc., the terminal
can have no functions of commercial, catering, hotel, maintenance, warehouse and
other facilities.
The functions of a port of turnaround are generally more comprehensive, basically
covering the above main functions. It is mainly based on the originating routes of
cruises, generally the starting or ending point of the cruise route, with the functions of
cruise mooring, passenger and crew embarking and disembarking, cruise replenishment, garbage sewage treatment, passenger clearance, baggage check-in and crew
service, it is mostly distributed in port cities with dense population, high level of
economic development, rich tourism resources and convenient transportation, such
as Shanghai Port, etc. For some ports in China that are mainly based on the calling
and supplemented by the originating of cruises, they shall also be incorporated into
the ranks of cruise port of turnarounds in the design.
For the port of turnaround, the demands of passenger capacity and industrial
agglomeration effect on the conditions of water area, rear land and transportation
are different from those of the port of call. The purpose of distinguishing the type of
cruise ports is mainly considering there are certain differences in the configuration
of resources and facilities for cruise terminals located in different types of ports, for
example, the waiting facilities, baggage check-in and port facilities of the terminal
building for the port of call do not have to be under the same standard and scale as the
port of turnaround, otherwise unnecessary waste will be caused. Therefore, the type
of a cruise port shall be determined in accordance with the geographical location
5.1 Functions of Cruise Terminals
of the port, the social and economic conditions of the hinterland, tourism resources,
route distribution and other basic conditions to avoid unnecessary waste.
5.2 Designed Passenger Capacity
The design of cruise terminals involves the determination of the main design scale
of various functional zones of the terminal building and the parking lot and curbside.
The total design number of passengers received one-way by the cruise terminal once
is directly related to the determination of the main design parameter of the functional
zones of the terminal building and the parking lot and curbside. Therefore, the concept
of designed passenger capacity is proposed, which means the total design number of
passengers that can be received one-way by the cruise terminal once. It is a design
setting value. It is related to the passenger number of the largest design ship type
accommodated one-way by the cruise terminal once, and it is the main parameter
for design of the functional zones of the terminal building and facilities such as the
parking lot and curbside, etc.
The cruise terminal has its own special rules for accommodating cruises. Generally, the cruise arrives at the port and the passengers disembark in the morning, and
the passengers embark from noon to afternoon. One berth only serves one cruise a
day. The so-called “total design number of passengers that can be received one-way
at one time” is the total design number of passengers embarking or disembarking a
cruise accommodated by the terminal. The selection of this parameter in the design of
the cruise terminal is very important, basically determining the scale of the terminal
facilities, and is one of the main service indicators declared by the cruise terminal
operators for their operations.
Usually, the designed passenger capacity is selected according to the following
two situations:
(1) The value of the designed passenger capacity of the cruise terminal with a single
berth, that is, the passenger number of the largest design ship type + the number
of crew members who may disembark.
(2) The value of the designed passenger capacity in the multi-berth cruise terminal,
that is, the passenger number of the largest design ship type combination ×
the reduction factor + the number of crew members who may disembark. The
reduction factor is a reduction in the likelihood that multiple largest design
ships will be in the port at the same time. The scales of functional zones of the
terminal building and facilities such as the parking lot and curbside determined
according to this value correspond to the total scale required for multi-berth
cruise terminal facilities.
When there is a terminal building corresponding to each berth of the cruise terminal, the designed passenger capacity of the terminal building is the passenger number
of the largest design ship type of the berth + the number of crew members who may
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals
For example:
(1) Designed passenger capacity of Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise
Terminal (1#, 2# berths) in China is 10,000 persons;
(2) Designed passenger capacity of Shenzhen Prince Bay International Cruise
Terminal in China is 8500 persons;
(3) Designed passenger capacity of Pier 93 in Los Angeles, USA is 3310 persons;
(4) Designed passenger capacity of Pier 27 in San Francisco, USA is 2600 persons;
(5) Designed passenger capacity of Pier 18 in Fort Lauderdale, USA is 6300
(6) Designed passenger capacity of Pier 1 in Port Canaveral, USA is 6300–7000
5.3 General Layout of Water Area
The water area layout of the cruise terminal includes the layout form of the terminal,
the length of the terminal, the width of the apron, the elevation of the terminal,
the turning basin, the approach channel and so on. The relationship between the
location of the cruise terminal and the layout of other cargo wharves, bridges and
river-crossing buildings shall also be considered.
5.3.1 Layout of Cruise Terminals
The layout of a cruise berth may adopt the pattern of a quay, pier or jetty with an
approach bridge (Fig. 5.1). When the quay pattern is adopted, the terminal building
shall be arranged close to the cruise berth. When the pier pattern is adopted, the
terminal building should be arranged on the pier, directly corresponding to the berths
on both sides of the pier. When the jetty pattern with an approach bridge is adopted,
the terminal building shall be arranged by comprehensive demonstration on the length
of approach bridge, construction conditions of the working platform behind the berth
and land area condition. The width of approach bridge and number of lanes shall be
determined based on the traffic volume.
Due to the different construction conditions of ports, the layout of cruise terminals
at home and abroad is varied.
(1) Pier
According to the survey on the main cruise terminals in Europe and America, it can
be seen that because cruises will stay in port for a long time and are affected by tourist
routes and seasons, there is a large demand for berths and a long shoreline, so the
layout of piers can effectively utilize the relevant facilities, save land and shoreline
resources, and improve the utilization rate of port facilities.
5.3 General Layout of Water Area
(a) Quay
(c) Jetty with a short approach bridge
(b) Pier
(d) Jetty with a long approach bridge
2-Terminal building 3-berth 4-Short approach bridge( 100m)
5-Long approach bridge
Fig. 5.1 Layout pattern of Cruise Berths
The Fort Lauderdale Cruise Terminal in the US and the Nassau Cruise Terminal in
Bahamas of South America use the layout pattern of piers. The Qingdao International
Cruise Port adopts the layout of piers as a whole, as shown in Fig. 5.2, but it is about
600 m away from the terminal building, which is similar to the layout of jetty with
a short approach bridge.
Fig. 5.2 Layout of Qingdao
International Cruise Port
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals
Fig. 5.3 Satellite image of
Los Angeles Cruise center
(2) Quay
The first phase of Sanya Phoenix Island Cruise Terminal adopts the layout pattern of
a quay with large operation platform plus mooring dolphins. The length of the large
operation platform is about 50% of the designed ship length. The second phase still
adopts the pattern of a quay.
The Hongkong Kai Tak Cruise Terminal adopts the pattern of a quay, with 2 berths
arranged, a total length of 700 m, and a rear platform of 100 m wide. The apron is
35 m wide and the terminal building is 65 m wide at the bottom.
The Terminals A–D of Port of Barcelona, Spain, adopt the pattern of quays.
Port of Los Angeles and Port of Miami, etc. adopt the layout pattern of quays, as
shown in Fig. 5.3.
The berth length of No. 93 wharf in Los Angeles is about 384 m. The berth depth is
11.3 m. The tidal range of the berth waters is 2 m. The design ship is Royal Caribbean
138,000 GT Voyager Series. The apron width in front of the berth is 11.1 m. The
width of No. 93 berth basin is only 170 m, which is smaller than that of others. The
width of the water surface in the approach channel is about 290–320 m, including
the berthing waters of wharves on both sides.
There is a terminal building behind the berth, which was formerly a warehouse
in the 1960s. In 2002, the port authority of Los Angeles spent 15 million US dollars to rebuild it. The projection area of the terminal building is about 21,000 m2
(70 × 310 m), which is a 2-story building. The terminal building has the function of
simultaneous processing disembarkation and ticketing for embarkation. The baggage
claim area in the terminal building is about 3251.6 m2 .
5.3 General Layout of Water Area
Fig. 5.4 Jetty with a short
approach bridge of Zhoushan
International Cruise terminal
(3) Jetty with a short approach bridge
The Zhoushan International Cruise Terminal adopts the pattern of a jetty with a short
approach bridge. The terminal building is on the land area, the length of the approach
bridge is about 190 m, and the length of the rear road is about 400 m. See Fig. 5.4.
(4) Jetty with a long approach bridge
In the first phase of Wusongkou Cruise Terminal, the pattern of a jetty with a long
approach bridge is adopted considering the water depth near shore. In the second
phase, the pattern of a jetty with a long approach bridge with a large platform and
mooring dolphins is adopted. The length of the large platform is about 40–50% of
the designed ship length.
5.3.2 Berth Length of a Cruise Terminal
The berth length of a cruise terminal shall conform to relevant provisions of current
professional standard Design Code of General Layout for Sea Ports (JTS165-20132 ).
When the working platform is arranged in combination with the mooring dolphin,
the dimension of the platform shall meet the operational requirements for passengers embarking/disembarking, baggage loading/unloading, provisions and garbage
collecting when the design vessel is berthing.
The length of a cruise terminal is similar to that of a general cargo port, and its
additional length can be taken with reference to relevant specifications. However,
considering the importance of ships, it is suggested that the additional lengths be
enlarged appropriately.
2 Quoted
from Design Code of General Layout for Sea Ports.
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals
Fig. 5.5 Additional length of a terminal according to PIANC (Quoted from Guidelines for Cruise
Terminals, PIANC Secrétariat Général Maritime Navigation Commission, 2016.)
The meteorological and hydrological environment of the berthing waters of some
foreign cruise terminals is very good. There is no wind, wave and current, the length
of some berth structures is shorter than the ship length.
According to the requirements of PIANC3 documents, the additional length of
cruise terminals is taken as 10% of ship length and controlled between 15 and 30 m.
As shown in Fig. 5.5.
5.3.3 Apron Width of a Cruise Terminal
The width of the apron area (excluding the boarding corridor) of a cruise terminal
mainly meets the requirements of boarding process, shipping process, water and
electric operation, vehicle running and waterfront structure. Its width varies greatly
according to different functions. The width of working platform on the cruise terminal
shall be determined by comprehensive demonstration based on the boarding process,
passage of fire engines and ambulances, provisions for cruise ships, baggage handling
and other use requirements. If gangway is used in the cruise terminal, the width of
apron area shall meet the requirement that the operation of gangway must not affect
the traffic when the cruise berths at low water level.
According to the requirements of PIANC documents, the apron width of cruise
terminals is between 6 m and 30 m, as shown in Fig. 5.6.
3 Quoted
from Guidelines for Cruise Terminals, PIANC Secrétariat Général Maritime Navigation
Commission, 2016.
5.3 General Layout of Water Area
Fig. 5.6 Apron width of a
terminal according to PIANC
5.3.4 Turning Basin of a Cruise Terminal
According to the requirements of PIANC documents, it is generally recommended
that the diameter of the turning basin abroad is twice the ship length, as shown in
Fig. 5.7.
However, in actual operation, the scale of the corresponding turning basin varies
according to the environment and different ship capabilities.
For sheltered waters, with tugboat assist or self-propelled side thruster, the diameter of the turning basin can be 1–1.5 times the ship length, while without tugboat
or without side thruster, the diameter of the turning basin can be 1–2 times the ship
For unsheltered waters, with tugboat assist or self-propelled side thruster, the
diameter of the turning basin can be 1.5–2 times the ship length, and 1.5–2.5 times the
ship length without tugboat assist or side thruster. For example: The Fort Lauderdale
Fig. 5.7 Requirement for turning basin according to PIANC (Quoted from Guidelines for Cruise
Terminals, PIANC Secrétariat Général Maritime Navigation Commission, 2016.)
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals
harbor is a sheltered water area. According to the visual observation, the length of
the turning basin is about 1 times the ship length, as shown in Fig. 5.8.
The Port of Barcelona, Spanish, is also of sheltered waters. According to the
visual observation, the length of the turning basin is about 1 times the ship length,
as shown in Fig. 5.9.
Singapore Marina Bay Cruise Center is of the sheltered waters. According to the
visual observation, the length of the turning basin is about 1 times the ship length.
See Fig. 5.10.
Fig. 5.8 Turning basin in Fort Lauderdale Harbor
Fig. 5.9 Turning basin in Barcelona Port, Spain
5.3 General Layout of Water Area
Fig. 5.10 Turing basin of Singapore Marina Bay Cruise Center
Cruise Terminal at Northern Jeju Island, South Korea, is of sheltered water area.
According to the visual observation, the length of the turning basin is about 1 times
the ship length, as shown in Fig. 5.11.
The first phase cruise terminal of Sanya Phoenix Island is of sheltered water area.
According to the visual observation, the length of the turning basin is about 1.5 times
the ship length, as shown in Fig. 5.12.
Fig. 5.11 Turning basin of Cruise Terminal at Northern Jeju Island, South Korea
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals
Fig. 5.12 Turning basin of
Sanya Phoenix Island Phase
I Cruise Terminal
5.3.5 Cruise Approach Channel
1. Approach Channel Width
Approach channel dimensions of cruises are generally in accordance with the relevant provisions of the national professional standard Design Code of General Layout for Seaports (JTS165-2013), which generally meets the requirements of all-tide
navigation of cruises.
When determining the width of the approach channel, the influence of the protruding part of the upper cruise platform on the width of the channel shall also be taken
into account. Considering that the top operating platform and the middle lifeboat are
protruding from the hull, the width at the above positions is larger than the molded
breadth of the cruise, so the influence of the extra-wide part of the cruise superstructure shall be considered in the design of the channel, etc. When determining the
width of the approach channel for cruises, for two-way navigation, the influence of
the protruding part of the upper cruise platform on the channel width need to be taken
into account in the design of the channel width. For example, the breadth of Ocean
Oasis is 47 m, and the maximum width is 65.7 m when considering the protruding
part of the upper cruise platform. Therefore, for two-way navigation, the calculation
width of the channel shall take into account the influence of the protruding part of
the upper cruise platform on the channel width.4
2. Study on Entering and Leaving by Tide
When the conditions of approach channel cannot meet the all-tide navigation requirements of cruises, special study is needed when cruise entering and leaving the port
by tide is considered for the approach channel. For example, if it is necessary to
specify the berthing time (for example, 6 a.m., etc.), then it has to ensure that the tide
level in the period for the entering of the ship before this time meet the requirement
4 Quoted from Analysis of Safety and Practical Pilotage Operation in Inland River for Large Cruise
5.3 General Layout of Water Area
of the tide level for navigation. Assuming that the period of entering the port by tide
is 3–4 h and the required tide level is 3 m, then it is necessary to ensure that the tide
level in the 3 h–4 h before a fixed berthing time is no less than 3 m.
When cruises need to enter and leave the port by tide, the following work needs
to be carried out:
(1) Shipping companies shall rationally adjust the operation time of ships in port
according to tidal level forecast data.
(2) According to the tidal level forecast data and voyage cycle arrangement, the
shipping company chooses the dates with good tidal level time to arrange the
ship schedule.
(3) If the density of cruise arrival is high in peak season, the shipping company
can adjust the speed and organize the voyage reasonably according to the
relationship between the first and last ports of call and the port of turnaround.
(4) If the arrival time cannot be coordinated with the peak tide time, the operation
time can be adjusted by arriving at the anchorage before the tide.
3. Clearance requirements
When designing an approach channel of cruises, the safety distance between a
cruise terminal and bridges, the navigation clearance between cruises and seacrossing(river-crossing) structures, the safety distance from sea-crossing(rivercrossing) high-voltage wires, and from sea(river) bottom pipeline shall conform
to related provisions of current national standards Bridge Navigation Standard
for Seagoing Vessel (JTJ311-1997) and Technical Code for Designing 110–500
kV Overhead Transmission Line (DLT 5092-1999) and relevant national laws and
Accidents due to inadequate approach channel clearance for cruises have occurred.
In July 2012, the first unpowered luxury cruise, “Bright Pearl No. 7” cruise ship,
which cost more than RMB 200 million in the construction, hit the Wenzhou Bridge
just after launch. It led to a visible crack on the girder of the bridge. The two chimneys
on the top of the cruise were also “cut off “. The main reason for the collision is due
to the fact that the height of “Bright Pearl No. 7”, orally provided by the ship owner,
Wenzhou Bright Peal Yacht Co., Ltd., not includes the height of the mast, so that the
total height is more than 2 meters above the main navigation clearance of the bridge.
According to the briefing, the height of the ship, orally provided by the “Bright Pearl
No. 7” ship owner, was 30 meters, and the data was used by Wenzhou port pilot
center for towing task. However, after the accident, the ship inspection department
found that the height of “Bright Pearl No. 7” plus the top decorative mast and the
ventilator was 32.33 meters, exceeding the navigable clearance height of 30 meters
of the main navigation hole of the bridge, resulting in the accident. See Fig. 5.13.
In design, clearance requirements for buildings across cruise routes can be found
in Table 5.1.
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals
Fig. 5.13 “Bright Pearl 7” Hit Against Wenzhou Bridge
Table 5.1 Suggested clearance requirements for Cruise channels of different tonnage
Ship tonnage (GT)
Height above waterline (m)
Clearence (m)
5.3.6 Elevation of a Cruise Terminal
The cope level of the cruise terminal can be determined through comprehensive
demonstration by referring to related provisions of current professional standard
Design Code of General Layout for Sea Ports (JTS165), in view of the convenience
of passenger embarking and disembarking, cargo handling and other conditions.
According to the actual situation of existing ships of major cruise companies, the
location of auxiliary hatches such as baggage and supply is low. Generally, it is 1–3 m
above the cruise water line. In most of coastal areas or estuaries in China, the water
level difference or tidal range is large. If the cope level of the terminal is too high,
the baggage hatch and supply hold of cruises will be located below the deck, and the
vertical distance is too large, which is not conducive to baggage and material handling
operations. Therefore, the deck level of cruise terminals shall be as low as possible
under the premise of safety, which can facilitate passenger embarking/disembarking,
and make the cruise cargo and supply hatches above the cope level of the terminal,
so as to facilitate cargo loading and unloading.
The cope levels of several typical cruise terminals in China are as follows:
5.3 General Layout of Water Area
Shanghai Wusongkou international cruise terminal (Wu Song zero datum). The
design high water level is 4.01 m; the extreme high water level is 5.87 m; the design
wave H1% of the main wave direction is 2.97 m under the 50-year recurrence period;
and the extreme high water level H1% is 3.17 m. Considering the influence of existing
waterfront structures, the cope level of the terminal is determined to be 7.5 m.
Hainan Sanya Phoenix Island Cruise Terminal Second Phase (the lowest theoretical level datum). The design high water level is 1.84 m; the extreme high water
level is 2.66 m; the design wave H1% of the main wave direction is 5.81 m under the
50-year recurrence period; and the extreme high water level H1% is 5.97 m. The cope
level of the terminal is determined to be 5.0 m.
Shenzhen Prince Bay International Cruise Terminal (1956 Yellow Sea datum).
The design high water level is 1.59 m; the extreme high water level is 2.69 m; the
design wave H1% of the main wave direction is 2.30 m under the 50-year recurrence
period; and the extreme high water level H1% is 2.46 m. The cope level of the terminal
is determined to be 3.5 m.
Zhoushan International Cruise Terminal (1985 national datum). The design high
water level is 1.76 m; the extreme high water level is 3.35 m; and the design wave
H1% of the main wave direction is 2.76 m under the 50-year recurrence period. The
cope level of the terminal is determined to be 3.85 m.
5.3.7 The Relationship Between Layout of Cruise Terminals
and Other Terminals
In order to ensure good safety and hygiene conditions, the cruise terminal shall
be arranged in the upwind direction of all-year prevailing winds of dangerous and
hazardous goods, or dry bulk terminals. The protection distance between a cruise terminal and dangerous cargo berths must be considered. The safety distance between
a cruise terminal and dangerous cargo berths is not stipulated in the current professional standard Design Code of General Layout for Sea Ports (JTS 165-2013).
However, considering that both cruise terminals and passenger terminals serve human
beings, the safety distance between passenger terminals and dangerous cargo berths
can be used by referring to the Design Code for General Layout of Sea Ports (JTS
5.3.8 Example 1—Layout of Water Area for Phase I
of Wusongkou International Cruise Port
(1) Arrangement pattern
The phase I of the Wusongkou International Cruise Port is a port of turnaround. The
wharf part is rebuilt from the structure of the original Paotaiwan Breakwater to berth
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals
large cruises. There are two cruise berths. Because the Paotaiwan Breakwater has
east and west sections, the angle between the two sections is 7°, and the access point
of the platform and the approach bridge is located at the intersection of them. The
east and west sections are used to arrange the cope line of the berths.5
At the project location, the berthing and unberthing operation of ships occupies
much of the Baoshan branch waterway, and the navigation density of the vessels in
this area is relatively large. In order to avoid the waterway as far as possible, the
berths are closely aligned to the Breakwater. Based on the water depth, a 100,000
GT berth is arranged on the east section and a 200,000 GT berth is arranged on the
west section. An approach bridge with a radius of 1955 m and a length of 513 m is
constructed. The overall shape of the waterfront structure is of “T” shape.
The terminal building and corresponding platforms are arranged at the junction
of the berths and approach bridge. In addition, boarding corridors are arranged on
the terminal to facilitate passenger embarking and disembarking. See Fig. 5.14.
(2) Terminal size
Combined with the existing coastline and water area resources of the Paotaiwan
Breakwater, 2 large cruise berths are arranged on the eastern section of the Breakwater. The berths are combined into one 100,000 GT berth and one 200,000 GT berth,
with a total length of 774 m.
The width of cruise terminal shall meet the requirements of boarding process
and traffic, etc. According to the selected boarding mode of the boarding bridge +
boarding corridor, the boarding bridge and the front parking area of the terminal
Boarding Gallery
Car U-turn
Original “PTW" breakwater
Fig. 5.14 Water area layout of Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port Phase I
5 Quoted
from Comprehensive evaluation of China’s cruise terminal based on DEA model.
5.3 General Layout of Water Area
occupies a width of 17 m, which mainly include the following: the width of the
seaside telescopic docking port + docking follow-up ferry plate is 4 m, the track
gauge of the cart running mechanism is 10 m, and the landside track is 3 m away
from the rear corridor. The boarding corridor is 5 m (no automatic walkway) plus
2.5 m (fire staircase) wide in accordance with the structure width of the process.
The corridor adopts single-column structure. The shore side is equipped with 7 m
wide lane and 0.5 m kerb and railing auxiliary area to meet the needs of terminal
supervisors and vehicles, and passengers getting on and off during the period of
berthing. Therefore, the total width of the cruise terminal is 32 m.
The main functions of the customs clearance platform are to arrange the terminal building, pick-up and drop-off area, traffic lane and parking lot, so as to meet
the requirements of passengers entering and leaving the terminal building, overall
supervision and landscape layout. According to the process requirements of customs clearance and the connection with the approach bridge, the customs clearance
platform is arranged in the middle of the cruise berths. The platform connects the
terminal and approach bridge, which is an inverted triangle with arc radius of 250 m
on both sides. Since the connection needs to cross the Paotaiwan Breakwater, the
terminal structure is appropriately widened, and its structural width is 49 m.
The alignment direction of the approach bridge is arc with a radius of 1955 m
and a length of 513 m to the customs clearance platform. Three lanes are designed
and arranged, totaling 10.5 m wide. Walkways and kerbs are set on both sides of
the lane. The total width of both sides is 4.5 m, so the width of the approach bridge
is 15 m. There are 16 small circular arc landscape platforms with radius of 1.5 m
on both sides of the piers of the approach bridge, which can be used as scenic and
recreational sites for tourists.
At the connection between the terminal and the platform, except some of the old
breakwater pile foundation which is treated in the lower part of the terminal building,
other areas have maintained the same structure as the original breakwater. Therefore,
it is necessary to adopt the long-span structure across the Paotaiwan Breakwater, and
the cope level of the cruise terminal is 7.5 m.
The 200,000 GT berth is designed based on the for 150,000 GT Queen Mary II
which has a deep draft and the design mudline level at the front of the berth is −
11.0 m. The mudline level at the front of 100,000 GT berth is −9.7 m.
(3) Berthing area and turning basin
The berthing area of cruise berths is 75–94 m wide, the mudline level of the 200,000
GT berth is −11.0 m, and that of the 100,000 GT berth is −9.7 m.
The scale of the cruise berth turning basin: 720 m × 1080 m, and the mudline
level of the turning basin is −11.0 m. Most of the turning basin occupies the Baoshan
branch channel.
(4) Approach Channel
Large cruises can reach the port area by the Yangtze Estuary Deep Water Channel,
Waigaoqiao channel and Baoshan branch channel.
Table 5.2 Navigation
dimension of ships
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals
Design ship
Navigation width(m)
Single way
Two way
Queen Mary II
100,000 GT
220,000 GT
Genesis Cruise
The effective widths of the channels for various design ships are shown in
Table 5.2.
The water depth of the Baoshan branch channel is mostly above 10 m or slightly
shallow partly.
Waigaoqiao channel has a water depth of above 11.4 m, which can meet the
navigation requirements of large cruises.
The Yangtze Estuary Deep Water Channel has a water depth of 12.5 m, which
can meet the navigation depth requirements of large cruises.
The navigable width of the Yangtze Estuary Deep Water Channel is 350–400 m,
which can meet the requirements of one way navigation for the largest design ship
type. The navigation width 750–920 m of Waigaoqiao channel can meet the requirement of two-way navigation of the design ship type, and the width 310–630 m of
Baoshan branch channel is enough to meet the requirements of one way navigation
for the largest design ship.
(5) Tugboat
Two berths are actually equipped with two tugboats and one pilot management ship.
5.3.9 Example 2—Layout of Water Area Arrangement
for the Cruise Port at Northern Jeju Island
(1) Water Area Layout
The cruise port at Northern Jeju Island is a port of call, it is arranged in a harbor,
and the breakwater is built on the north side and the east side. The terminal is in
north-south direction, and the total size of the harbor basin is about 970 m × 650 m.
The terminal and the north breakwater, the north internal channel and the south
terminal are all L-shaped. See Fig. 5.15.
(2) Terminal Dimension
The berth is a ro-ro berth and also for cruise berth. A downward slope is set on the
south side of the berth. The length of the terminal above the waterline is about 370 m,
and the berth length of the cruise terminal is about 340 m. See Figs. 5.16 and 5.17.
The width of cruise terminal is about 30–32 m.
5.3 General Layout of Water Area
Fig. 5.15 General layout of the Cruise Port at Northern Jeju Island
Fig. 5.16 Site view of the terminal structure
(3) Layout of turning basin and approach channel
The Costa Atlantica is pushed to shore by bow and stern propulsion and its turning
basin is approximately circular, the diameter of which is estimated to be about 1.5
times the ship length, about 440 m. The layout of turning basin and approach channel
is shown in Fig. 5.18.
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals
Fig. 5.17 Site view of terminal operation platform
Fig. 5.18 Layout of turning basin and approach channel
The total width at the entrance of the approach channel is about 270 m and that
of the cruise is about 32.2 m.
The width of one-way channel is estimated to be 150–160 m and that of two-way
channel is about 290–300 m. Considering the actual situation at the entrance and the
number of berths in the harbor basin within the entrance, this is a one-way channel.
(4) Tugboat
No auxiliary ship is equipped.
5.4 General Layout of Land Area
5.4 General Layout of Land Area
According to the scale and functioning requirements of different ports of call or
turnaround, in the land area of a cruise terminal, the corresponding terminal building,
baggage drop area for embarking passengers, curbside, parking lot, road, greening
and other supporting facilities may be set up. This section mainly introduces the
terminal building of the cruise terminal, curbside, parking lot, the cruise terminal
transportation, and the layout of functional zones.
5.4.1 Representative Functional Zones of Cruise Terminals
The layout of the functional zones in the land area of the cruise terminal is closely
related to the designed passenger capacity and service level of the cruise terminal. The
scales of general terminal buildings, baggage drop areas for embarking passengers
(including curbsides), parking lots, roads and greening are as Table 5.3.
5.4.2 Terminal Building
The terminal building is a building that provides comprehensive services for cruise
passengers such as entry and exit and waiting for ships. The terminal building of the
cruise terminal should be arranged near the cruise berth. The baggage drop area for
embarking passengers entering the terminal building should be close to the cruise
terminal building and next to the curbside.
The terminal building located in the port of turnaround may be divided into the
following functional zones for serving passengers: the functional zone inside the
customs, the functional zone for baggage, the functional zone for a port of entry, and
the functional zone outside the customs.
The functional zone inside the customs shall facilitate the following functions:
security screening, ticket sales, check-in, waiting lounges, ticket check, warehouse,
office, commerce and comprehensive service; The functional zone for baggage shall
facilitate the following functions: baggage handling and baggage claim; The functional zone for port of entry shall facilitate the following functions: customs clearance, immigration control, inspection and quarantine; The functional zone outside
the customs shall facilitate the functions of embarkation and disembarkation, commerce and comprehensive service. The overall layout and internal layout of each
functional zone shall be consistent with the process of passenger flow and baggage
delivery, and shall be compact, to reduce the walk distance of passengers between
the terminal building and the cruise terminal.
The terminal building located in the port of call shall be configured with the
corresponding functional zones according to the actual needs. The terminal building
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals
Table 5.3 Representative functional zones of cruise terminals
Terminal building
drop area
Parking lot
Phase I
About 22,000 m2
1300 m2 ,
30 bus
spaces, 30
car parking
spaces in the
front; 100
car parking
spaces at the
15 m,
10,000 m2 (underground)
600 m2
620 car
Island Cruise
Phase I
About 13,000 m2
20 bus
spaces, 30
car parking
projects, less
inside the
About 20,000 m2
1000 m2
20 bus
spaces, 80
car parking
There is also
parking lot
Terminal A
About 3600 m2
About 500
+ 500 m2 ,
22 bus
Jeju Cruise
Terminal of
South Korea
50 bus
spaces, 30
car parking
Terminal of
South Korea
Can park
buses (open
Kai Tak
Terminal of
About 40,000 m2
1000 m2
Can park
100 cars, 40
Less, indoor
inside the
5.4 General Layout of Land Area
Table 5.3 (continued)
Terminal building
drop area
Parking lot
Marina Bay
Terminal of
About 40,000 m2
1000 m2
Can park
250 cars, 30
four to
Less, indoor
inside the
is relatively simple for the port of call, and it is mainly equipped with simple customs
inspection facilities. Some foreign ports of call do not even set up inspection facilities.
The size of the terminal building shall be determined according to the designed
passenger capacity, the nature of the cruise terminal, and the functional arrangements
within the terminal building. The scale of each functional zone in the terminal building shall be determined according to the designed passenger capacity, the designed
duration for passenger embarking or disembarking, etc. The passenger assembly area
of each functional zone may be taken with a reference to Table 5.4.
Various functional zones in the terminal building should be arranged in accordance
with the principle of separation of passengers from cargo and separation of spaces.
When several berths share one terminal building, a separate passenger route should
be set for each berth respectively to avoid cross-interference. When the terminal
building is designed with several floors, the functional zone for baggage should be
set up on the ground floor and close to the curbside and apron area. Stairs, escalators
and elevators shall be set up in the terminal building and appropriate space shall be
reserved for its future development.
Facilities in the functional zone for a port of entry shall be designed according to
the actual needs of immigration, customs, goods inspection and quarantine authorities
and the principle of resource conservation.
Meanwhile, the site and space for anti-explosion and security screening equipment shall be reserved at the entrance of the terminal building, the function of safe
Table 5.4 Reference standard for the passenger assembly area
Functional zone
Passenger assembly area
Area (m2 /person)
Inside the customs
Check-in, waiting lounges,
ticket verification and
security screening
Outside the customs
Embarkation and
Baggage area
Baggage handling, baggage
1.6–1.8 (disembarking
passengers in one time)
Area for administration of a
port of entry
Customs, immigration,
inspection and quarantine
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals
Building facade
Pick-up and drop-off of taxies, buses and shuttles
Transfer lane
Traffic lane
Fig. 5.19 Suggested curbside width (Similar to the terminal building standard of IATA)
evacuation for passengers shall be furnished, for which the fire prevention and evacuation shall conform to the relevant provisions of the current national standard for
fire protection design for civil buildings.6
The architectural space layout and the structural selection of terminal building
shall be flexible and versatile, and shall adapt to the functional needs of temporary separation and etc. The architectural design of the terminal building may be
performed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the current professional
standard Code for Passenger Transportation Building Design (JGJ/T60).
If possible on the site, facilities for embarkation and disembarkation, security
screening, waiting lounges etc. for staff on shore and crew on board shall be set
separately in the cruise terminal.
5.4.3 Curbside Area
The curbside is an area for passenger pick-up and drop-off of buses, taxies and other
social vehicles outside the terminal building of the cruise terminal. The curbside area
shall be placed close to the terminal building, and rain-proof and sunshade facilities
shall be arranged in the curbside and baggage drop area for embarking passengers.
The curbside shall include sidewalk and roadway. The sidewalk shall be located
between the terminal building and the roadway. The scale of roadway shall be determined by the design traffic volume. The width of sidewalk can be taken as 4.0–6.0 m,
and the width of each lane in the roadway can be taken as 3.25–3.75 m.
The curside area mainly refers to the area at the edge of the terminal building
used for the conversion of people and vehicles. The layout of the curbside outside
the terminal building of the cruise terminal is as shown in Fig. 5.19.
All kinds of motor vehicles, such as buses, shuttle buses, taxies, and private cars
entering the cruise terminal, pick up and drop off passengers in the curbside area
to realize the conversion of pedestrian flow in the terminal building and peripheral
traffic flow. And related bulky baggage collection is also in the area. Therefore,
6 Quoted
from Simulation and verification of passenger ship emergency evacuation under emer-
5.4 General Layout of Land Area
Table 5.5 Length of the curbside required by different vehicles
Vehicle type
Private car
Bus, shuttle bus
Average vehicle length
4.5 m
4.5 m
12–15 m
Minimum safe clearance for parking
1.5–2 m
1.5–2 m
6–6.5 m
6–6.5 m
15–18 m
the people and vehicles in the curbside area are mixed, and the traffic behavior is
complicated. It is one of the places where the “bottleneck” is most likely to form in
the land transportation system of the cruise terminal.
The length of the curbside area can be calculated based on the peak-hour number
of passengers in the curbside, the length of the curbside required by different vehicles,
the proportion of passengers taking different vehicles, the duration of stay of different
vehicles in the curbside, and the average number of passengers of different vehicles.
The length of the curbside required for different vehicles is taken as follows in
Table 5.5. The proportion of passengers taking different vehicles, the duration of
stay of different vehicles in the curbside, and the average number of passengers
of different vehicles can be determined by investigation and analysis on passenger
terminals (such as airports) that have been operated in the same city, of the same
type or scale. Among them, the determination of the proportion of passengers taking
different vehicles also needs to consider the surrounding transportation conditions.
The peak-hour number of passengers in the curbside is related to designed passenger capacity, design duration for passenger disembarkation, unbalance coefficient
for passenger disembarkation, design duration for passenger embarkation, unbalance coefficient for passenger embarkation, overlap coefficient of embarkation and
disembarkation time, etc.
According to the survey, when the cruise arrives at the port, the design duration
for passenger disembarkation lasts between 2.5 and 3.75 h; when the cruise leaves
the port, the design duration for passenger embarkation lasts between 3 and 5 h. For
Pier 93 in Los Angeles, USA, the designed passenger capacity is 3310 persons,
design duration for passenger disembarkation is 2.5 h; design duration for passenger
embarkation is 3 h.
Pier 27 in San Francisco, USA, the designed passenger capacity is 2600 persons,
design duration for passenger disembarkation is 3 h; design duration for passenger
embarkation is 3 h.
Pier 18 in Fort Lauderdale, USA, the designed passenger capacity is 6300 persons,
design duration for passenger disembarkation is 3.5 h; design duration for passenger
embarkation is 5 h.
Pier 1 in Port Canaveral, USA, the designed passenger capacity is 6300–7000
persons, design duration for passenger disembarkation is 3.75 h; design duration for
passenger embarkation is 5 h.
According to the above statistics, since the ship basically adopts the strategy of
passenger disembarking in batches, the passenger flow of disembarkation is relatively
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals
stable, and the unbalance coefficient for passenger disembarkation is between 1.0
and 1.2. Due to the randomness of the arrival time of passengers, the passenger flow
of embarkation is very uneven. Usually, the peak passenger flow mainly occurs in
the earlier time, which is mainly caused by 10–40% of passengers who arrive early.
Therefore, the unbalance coefficient for passenger embarkation is 1.1–1.4.
There is a certain overlap between the disembarkation time and the embarkation
time of passengers, which usually take place between 9:00 and 11:00 in the morning.
During this period of time, there are two types of passenger flow in the curbside,
that is, the passengers leaving the port and those arriving at the port. Therefore, in
the calculation of the length of the curbside, it is necessary to consider the overlap
coefficient of embarkation and disembarkation time, and the value is 1.0–1.2.
As for the layout, the curbside shall be reasonably divided into parking areas for
buses, taxies and other vehicles, to reduce the mutual interference among various
vehicles. The length of curbside and number of parking spaces for various vehicles
can be estimated by the formulas from (5.1) to (5.4).
li = m i si (i = 1 . . . N )
qpi ti
(i = 1 . . . N )
60n i
kD, kE k
q = max
mi =
L—the length of the curbside (m);
N—the number of types of vehicles parking in the curbside;
li —the total length of curbside needed by the parking of the ith type of vehicles
mi —the number of parking spaces needed by the ith type of vehicles;
si —the length of a parking space for the ith type of vehicles (m), taking 6–6.5 m
for small cars, and 15–18 m for buses and others;
q—the number of peak hour passengers in the curbside (persons/h);
pi —the proportion of passengers taking the ith type of vehicles (%);
ti —the average stay time of the ith type of vehicles in the curbside (min);
ni —the average passenger number of the ith type of vehicles (persons);
D—the designed passenger capacity (persons);
tD —the design duration for passenger disembarkation (h);
kD —the unbalance coefficient for passenger disembarkation, taking 1.0–1.2;
tE —the design duration for passenger embarkation (h);
kE —the unbalance coefficient for passenger embarkation, taking 1.1–1.4;
5.4 General Layout of Land Area
Fig. 5.20 Curbside of the Pier 93 in Los Angeles, USA
k—the overlap coefficient of embarkation and disembarkation time, taking 1.0–
1.2 (Fig. 5.20).
5.4.4 Parking Lot
The layout of parking lot in the cruise terminal shall be beneficial to passengers
entering and exiting the terminal building and vehicles entering and leaving the port.
Parking areas for large and medium buses and for cars shall be reasonably classified
in the parking lot of a cruise terminal. The parking areas for freight trucks and
administrative vehicles of the cruise terminal should be arranged separately.
The design of the parking lot shall conform to related provisions of current national
standards Construction Standard for Urban Public Parking Projects (JS 128) and
Code for Fire Protection Design of Garage, Motor Repair Shop and Parking Area
(GB 50,067).
For the parking lot of a cruise terminal located in the port of turnaround, the scale
of parking spaces for large and medium buses and cars can be estimated by Formula
(5.5) and (5.6) respectively. For the parking lot of a cruise terminal located in the
port of call, the scale of parking spaces for large and medium buses can be estimated
by Formula (5.5).
V1 kE
M2 = V2 ε2 2
M1 =
Vi =
D × pi
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals
M1 —the number of parking spaces needed by large and medium buses;
V1 —the total traffic volume of large and medium buses, calculated by Formula
(5.7), and i is1;
tE —the design duration for passenger embarkation (h);
kE —the unbalance coefficient for passenger embarkation, taking 1.1–1.4;
1 —the redundancy factor of parking spaces for large and medium buses, taking
M2 —the number of parking spaces needed by cars;
ε2 —the parking ratio of cars, taking 0.4–0.8;
2 —the redundancy factor of parking spaces for cars, taking 1.0–1.5;
V2 —the total traffic volume of cars, calculated by Formula (5.7), and i is 2;
D—the designed passenger capacity (persons);
ni —the average passenger number of vehicles (persons), i is 1 for large and
medium buses, and i is 2 for cars;
pi —the percentage of passengers taking vehicles (%), i is 1 for large and medium
buses, and i is 2 for cars;
The redundancy factor of parking spaces for large and medium buses is to appropriately enlarge the scale of the parking lot for large and medium buses in consideration
of the special cases such as combined parking arrangement for multiple berths and
ship delay operation, and provide ample parking spaces for passengers and port area
The redundancy factor of parking spaces for cars is within a relatively large range.
Apart from the special cases such as multi-berth combined parking arrangement for
multiple berths and ship delay operation, the main consideration is that the difference
of domestic and international cruise ticketing systems has brought about a large
difference in the proportion of traffic modes for passengers arriving at the port. It is
suggested that the redundancy factor of parking spaces for cars and the parking ratio
of cars in the design period of foreign cruise ports be determined according to actual
conditions, or take larger values.
The indicators for the parking lot of the cruise terminal in the coastal port of
turnaround in China can also refer to Table 5.6.
Table 5.6 Indicators for the parking lot of the cruise terminal in the coastal port of turnaround in
Tonnage of Cruise (GT)
Number of parking spaces for
cars in a cruise berth
Number of parking spaces for
large and medium buses in a
cruise berth
50,000 (45,001–65,000)
100,000 (85,001–125,000)
150,000 (125,001–175,000)
5.4 General Layout of Land Area
Table 5.7 Reference for the demand for increased traffic volume of a single berth in the coastal
cruise terminal of China
Cruise tonnage (GT)
10,000 (7501–12,500)
Demand for increased traffic volume of a single cruise berth
20,000 (12,501–27,500)
30,000 (27,501–45,000)
50,000 (45,001–65,000)
80,000 (65,001–85,000)
100,000 (85,001–125,000)
150,000 (125,001–175,000)
5.4.5 Collection and Distribution
The collecting and distributing system of a cruise terminal shall be designed to be
convenient for the passengers to enter and exit safely and quickly, and the main road
in the port shall be connected to the main road outside the port smoothly.
According to the survey, the demand for increased traffic volume of a single berth
in the coastal cruise terminal of China is shown in Table 5.7.
The access road of the cruise terminal connects the main road outside the port,
and is mainly for the traffic of buses, taxies, social vehicles and trucks that provide
goods transportation for cruises. It connects the main road and funcational zones in
the port area such as the parking lot, etc.
5.4.6 Other Functional Zones
The area for supporting facilities, e.g., the stockpiling and distributing for provisions
of cruises also needs to be arranged in the land area of the cruise terminal, and
the supporting facility area should be located next to the terminal, with a smoothly
organized traffic.
The scale of stockpiling and distributing area for provisions of cruises shall meet
the provisions demand of cruises for fresh vegetables and fruits, foods and drinks,
consumables, medicines, refrigerated items, bonded goods, and so on.
The reserved parking spaces, transport passage and temporary storage area for
provisions shall be arranged in the cruise terminal.
The entry, storage, handling and transportation of provisions for cruises shall meet
the supervision requirement of the port of entry.
The waste water and wastes of the cruise terminal shall be collected and disposed
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals
In the plan layout of land area for the cruise terminal, the functional requirement
of passenger evacuation in emergency must be taken into account, and an emergency
management system must be equipped.
5.4.7 Land Area Layout of Shanghai Wusongkou
International Cruise Terminal Phase I Project (Port
of Turnaround)
(1) Passenger throughput capacity
The designed comprehensive throughput capacity of the terminal is 608 thousand
persons/year, and the passenger throughput of the terminal exceeded 2500 thousand
persons (486 voyages) in 2017.
(2) Scale of the parking lot
There were about 30 bus parking spaces and 40 car parking spaces on the terminal,
and 100 car parking spaces on the land area. At this stage, 50 new car parking spaces
have been added.
(3) Terminal building
The total floor area of the terminal building is about 19,553 m2 , including a total of
2.5 floors. The first floor is for baggage check-in and claim, check-in, and access to
3 exits, with a total area of 9402 m2 (Fig. 5.21).
The second floor is for the customs clearance, which is divided into the entry and
exit areas. The two areas cannot be shared, including some management rooms. The
total area is 7020 m2 .
The 1.5th floor and 2.5th floor are management rooms. The total area is 3131 m2 .
Fig. 5.21 Baggage inspection area in the terminal building
5.4 General Layout of Land Area
(4) Functional zones of customs clearance
Queuing area for check-in: about 700 m2 .
Baggage handling area (exit and entry): about 2000 m2 .
Exit inspection and quarantine inquiry area: about 400 m2 .
Exit customs inspection area: about 400 m2 .
Exit immigration control hall: about 2000 m2 .
Entry inspection and quarantine inquiry area: about 200 m2 .
Entry immigration control hall: about 2000 m2 .
Entry customs inspection area: about 400 m2 .
The total area of functional zones above is about 8000 m2 , accounting for 40.9%
of the total terminal building, and the ratio is low.
5.5 Layout of the Site Behind the Land Area
After several years of development, the port planning and construction of China has
gradually formed a “Port-Park-City” model, that is, industrial parks are arranged
behind the port area, such as logistics parks, processing zones, and horbor industry,
etc., and then urbanized functional zones are arranged further behind. The development and construction of the port will take the first, the industrial parks will follow
up, and then the urban function development will be carried out to form a linkage
of the whole area. This development model of port planning and construction has
achieved great economic development effects.
The cruise terminal is the core facility of the cruise economy. In terms of the operation of the cruise terminal, the main operating income of the operator comes from
cruise berthing service, embarkation and disembarkation services for passengers,
baggage and cargo handling, etc. It is obvious that for a cruise terminal without many
tourists, its operational benefit is not high. However, as the window and business card
of the city, the cruise terminal has greatly improved the urban environment around
the port and the value of the surrounding real estate and business. With reference to
the model of “Port-Park-City”, the construction mode has emerged with the cruise
port going ahead, the tourist service park following up, and supported by the development of the urban new district behind to achieve the overall linkage development
of the region. Through the linkage of ports, parks and cities, the government, enterprises and various resources can be coordinated as an important measure for urban
transformation and upgrading. The basic model is shown in Fig. 5.22. Therefore,
in the general layout of the cruise terminal, taking together with the arrangement
of the urban functional zone behind, is undoubtedly of great significance for the
development of the cruise economy.
The planning and layout of Prince Bay Cruise Terminal in Shekou, Shenzhen is
planned to adopt the model of “Port-Park-City” to revitalize the surrounding urban
areas of the cruise terminal and enhance the value of cruise economy in the city.
5 General Layout of Cruise Terminals
Cruise Operation: Management on board, route management
Cruise Sales: Cruise ticketing, other tickets sales
Cruise Homeport: Port service, property
operation and terminal operation
Commercial Estate
Shipbuilding and repair: Cruise
design and research, assembly and
integration, repair and maintenance
Tourism Estate
Elderly-care Estate
Industrial Estate
Cruise Finance: Cruise rental,
Cruise Supply: Trade and
purchase, inspection and
quarantine, logistics
distribution, warehousing, etc.
Direct Correlation
Attractions, theme park, cultural
activity experience and commercial
show, etc.
Others: Port service, cruise education and
training, exhibition and exposition, networ k
communications, etc.
Catering and
Accommodation: Hotel,
apartment, resort
Travel: Bus, airplane, train
and car rental services
Shopping: Taxable shopping and tax-free shopping
(Including jewelry, crafts, clothing, etc.)
Fig. 5.22 Building the “Port-Park-City” Cruise ecosphere
Land Acquisition
Property Appreciation
Assets Management
Indirect Correlation
Chapter 6
Cruise Terminal Process
Process designof cruiseterminal contains embarkationanddisembarkationequipment
and process of passengers, customs inspection process, checked baggage handling process, provisions and waste handling process, passenger capacity and traffic organization. The process layout of cruise terminals shall ensure that passenger and cargo routes
are separated, and the intersections between passengers and cargo are reduced, boarding equipment that is safe and convenient, energy saving and environment protective
shall be chosen.
6.1 Embarkation and Disembarkation Equipment
and Process of Passengers
Cruise terminal is the main facility to provide services for cruise, and the core content
is to provide passengers with comfortable and convenient embarkation and disembarkation service. On the basis of the domestic and international cruise terminals,
currently gangway and boarding bridge are the two types of process for passenger
embarkation and disembarkation.
6.1.1 Gangway
Gangway is a passage facility for passenger embarking on anddisembarking from
the cruise. One end of the gangway is connected to the edge of the cruise deck or
cabin door, and the other end is laid on the terminal deck surface. Generally gangway
(see Fig. 6.1) is also called ship ladder, gangway ladder and shore ladder, etc.
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive
license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
Z. Cheng et al., Design and Practice of Cruise Ports, Springer Series on Naval
Architecture, Marine Engineering, Shipbuilding and Shipping 4,
Fig. 6.1 Cruise terminal gangway
6 Cruise Terminal Process
6.1 Embarkation and Disembarkation Equipment and Process …
Gangway is made of aluminum alloy or stainless steel. The bottom is with selfadjusting horizontal steps, and both sides are with safety rails. In order to improve
the ability of the gangway to resist wind and waves, it is usually equipped with hooks
on its sea side and rollers on the land side.
This process is mainly applicable to some non-specialized cruise terminals and
smaller cruise terminals, mainly used in the port of call or in the initial operation
stage of some specialized cruise terminals, where the professional equipment is not
ready and the boarding deck location is close to the deck elevation of the terminal
This process has low investment cost and can quickly possess a reception capacity
for cruise passengers in a short time, which are the main advantages. Also there are
three disadvantages. The first one is that the process is not very user-friendly. It can not
meet the requirements of barrier-free passage, the embarkation and disembarkation
of the passenger in a wheelchair requires the crew’s participation. The second one is
that the process is with a small adaptive range. When the ship is large and the tidal
level is high, the gangway will bring great inconvenience to the passengers due to
the large lap angle and poor sense of safety. The third one is that the process is with
poor operational convenience. Generally speaking, when a cruise is connected to a
gangway, a mobile crane or a forklift is required to assist the operation, the operation
efficiency is low and is time-consuming.
6.1.2 Boarding Bridge1
The boarding bridge is a special access facility for passenger embarking on and
disembarking from the cruise. One end of the access is connected to the terminal
building directly or through the corridor, and the other end of the access is automatically controlled to lift up and down and move left and right to connect with the deck
edge of the cruise or the cabin door.
Types of Bording Bridges2
There are many classifications for boarding bridges.
(1) According to the relative position between the main body of the passenger
channel in the boarding bridge and the terminal cope line, the boarding bridges
can be classified into three types including bording bridge perpendicular to
terminal cope line (see Fig. 6.2), boarding bridge parallel to terminal cope line
(see Figs. 6.3, 6.4) and combination type boarding bridge (see Fig. 6.7).
(2) According to the passengers’ path in the boarding bridge, the boarding bridges
can be classified into four types including straight linear type (see Fig. 6.2),
1 Quoted
2 Quoted
from Cruise Terminal Boarding Bridge.
from Modern Cruise Terminal Boarding Technology and Process Characteristics.
6 Cruise Terminal Process
Fig. 6.2 Bording Bridge perpendicular to terminal cope line (straight linear type)
Fig. 6.3 Bording bridge parallel to terminal copeline (L-Shaped linear type)
folded linear type (see Fig. 6.4), L-shaped linear type (see Fig. 6.3) and spiral
type (see Fig. 6.5).
(3) According to the structure type of the passenger channel in the boarding bridge,
the bording bridges can be classified into the types of non-closed on both sides
and closed on both sides.
6.1 Embarkation and Disembarkation Equipment and Process …
Fig. 6.4 Bording bridge parallel to terminal copeline (folded linear type)
(4) According to the ground structure type of the passenger channel, the boarding
bridge can be classified into the types of steps and barrier free.
(5) According to the main structure type of boarding bridges, they can be classified
into gantry type and non-gantry type.
(6) According to the type of the gantry travelling mechanism, the boarding bridges
can be classified into rail-mounted type and rubber-tyred type.
(7) According to the movement track of the main mechanism, the boarding bridges
can be classified into overall translational type and rotary telescopic type (see
Fig. 6.6, similar to airport boarding bridge) (Fig. 6.7).
The passenger terminal building of berth 1 at Dover Terminal in the UK adopts
very complicated boarding equipment, as shown in Fig. 6.8. It has 5 sections in total.
It takes about 5 min to walk one way, which is inconvenient. The reason of adopting
this equipment is the requirement of traffic below the boarding bridge and tidal range
Fig. 6.5 Spiral boarding bridge (turning type)
Fig. 6.6 Rotary telescopic boarding bridge
6 Cruise Terminal Process
6.1 Embarkation and Disembarkation Equipment and Process …
Fig. 6.7 Combination type bording bridge
In Design Code for Cruise Terminals (JTS 170-2015), the boarding bridge is
classified into straight linear type, folded linear type, turning type and L-shaped
linear type. See Fig. 6.9a–e.
In the design of the cruise terminal, the selection of the boarding bridge and the
corresponding embarkation and disembarkation process shall be based on the factors
such as the boarding height of the cruise, the dimension of the terminal, the landscape
effect and tide, as well as the safety, convenience and comfort of passengers.
Commonly Used Boarding Bridge Process for Cruise
(1) Rotary Telescopic Boarding Bridge Process
Cruise terminals adopting this process include Shanghai International Cruise Terminal (located in the North Bund) and Tianjin International Cruise Terminal. Rotary
telescopic boarding bridge is generally arranged between the cruise and the boarding
building, which is similar to the airport boarding bridge. One end of the boarding
bridge is a fixed end (connected with the terminal building or the boarding corridor),
and the other end is a mobile end (connected with the passenger cabin door). The
mobile end can move in circles within a certain range around the fixed end, and
3 Quoted
from Borarding technology of cruise ship.
6 Cruise Terminal Process
Fig. 6.8 Boarding equipment for terminal building of berth 1 at dover terminal in the UK
6.1 Embarkation and Disembarkation Equipment and Process …
(a) Passenger boarding bridge with
a straight linear access
(b) Passenger boarding bridge with a
folded linear access 1
(c) Passenger boarding bridge with a
folded linear access 2
(d) Passenger boarding bridge with a
turning access
(e) Passenger boarding bridge with an l-shaped linear access
Fig. 6.9 Common types of passenger boarding bridges. 1 Terminal building center or boarding
corridor; 2 center line of the landside rail; 3 center line of the seaside rail; 4 cope line; 5 cruise; 6
turning platform; 7 boarding access entrance; 8 liftable boarding access
6 Cruise Terminal Process
has the function of telescoping and changing amplitude to adapt to the position and
height of the entrances and exits of different cruises.
The process can be completely closed, barrier-free and humanized. However,
because one end of the boarding bridge is connected with the boarding building, the
effective servicing scope of the mobile end is small, and its adaptability to different
cruises is poor.
(2) Combination Type Bording Bridge Process
Xiamen international cruise terminal adopts the combination type bording bridge
process. The combined boarding bridge process refers to: The boarding equipment is
composed of a straight linear boarding bridge and a rotary telescopic boarding bridge,
and the two parts are independent of each other, detachable and reconfigurable. The
linear boarding bridge is near the offshore side. One end is connected with the
passenger cabin door of the cruise, and the other end is connected with the boarding
gate at the head of the rotary telescopic boarding bridge. The linear boarding bridge
adopts the rail mechanism, which can move parallel to the terminal cope line. The
lifting mechanism and the telescoping mechanism inside can realize the lifting and
telescoping of the passenger channel.
The rotary telescopic boarding bridge is close to the land side. One end is the
mobile end, which is connected with the land side of the linear boarding bridge.
The other end is the fixed end, which is connected with the terminal building or
the boarding corridor. The rotary telescopic boarding bridge is similar to the airport
boarding bridge. The whole of which can swing around the fixed end. The mobile
end is designed by special mechanism, which can realize the telescoping, swinging
and lifting of the passenger channel.
The reason why Xiamen International Cruise Terminal adopts this special technological method (mobile lifting boarding bridge and rotary telescopic boarding bridge
can be completely separated) is mainly: The terminal is converted from a professional
container terminal, and the cruise berths in the tourist off-season still bear the container loading and unloading task. At that time, mobile lifting boarding bridge will
be shifted to the berth end, and the container cranes at the adjacent berth will move
to this berth. The berth is immediately converted from a cruise berth to a container
It can be seen that this process method has a great application advantage in multipurpose terminals (cruise terminal needs to take into account the handling of other
cargos), and its “detachable and reconfigurable” feature can well adapt to the change
of function of the terminal. However, as a professional cruise terminal, it has disadvantages such as large investment, complex equipment control and small scope of
serving vessels.
(3) Alongshore Type Embarkation and Disembarkation Process
Alongshore type embarkation and disembarkation process means that the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers are jointly completed by the alongshore type
mobile boarding bridge and the alongshore boarding corridor. The two parts are
6.1 Embarkation and Disembarkation Equipment and Process …
interdependent and indispensable, and the core is the mobile boarding bridge. The
mobile boarding bridge is located between the cruise and the boarding corridor, the
whole of which can move along the rail arranged paralleled to the cope line, and its
two ends are connected vertically with the passenger cabin door of the cruise on the
sea side and the boarding corridor on the land side respectively. According to the
walking path of passengers in the boarding bridge, the mobile boarding bridge of
large cruise terminals usually adopts the following structure types:
(a) Folded Linear Type
The walking path of passengers on the “folded linear type” boarding bridge is the
“straight folded linear type “route, and the specific route is: perpendicular to cope
line—paralleled to cope line—perpendicular to cope line—paralleled to cope line—
perpendicular to cope line, see Fig. 6.9b, c. The “straight folded linear type” boading
bridge adopts the whole frame structure. The two ends of the boarding bridge are
connected vertically with the passenger cabin door of the cruise and the boarding
corridor respectively. One end connected to passenger cabin door on the seaside is the
boarding access of the boarding bridge (with the help of screw lifting mechanism,
the access can be lifted up and down to adapt to the position and height of cabin
doors of different ships). The other end conneted to the boarding corridor on the
land side is the landing access of the boarding bridge. Between the boarding access
and the landing access is the passenger channel with glass sidewall. The passenger
channel adopts the structure form of multi-folded structure type, including straight
linear segment—folded linear segment—straight linear segment, in which the folded
linear segment or straight linear segment can be the lifted up and downwith the help
of the screw lifting mechanism, so as to achieve the purpose of adjusting the angle
and slope of the straight linear segment of the boarding bridge.
(b) L-shaped type
The walking path of passengers on the L-shaped boarding bridge is L-shaped, and
the specific route is: perpendicular to cope line—paralleled to cope line—perpendicular to cope line, see Fig. 6.9e. The two ends of the boarding bridge are connected
vertically with the passenger cabin door of the cruise and the boarding corridor
respectively. One end connected to passenger cabin door on the seaside is the boarding access of the boarding bridge (with the help of screw lifting mechanism, the
channel can be lifted up and down to adapt to the position and height of cabin doors
of different ships). The other end conneted to the boarding corridor is the landing
access (supported by triangular trusses). Between the boarding access and the landing
access is the passenger channel with glass sidewall. The passenger channel adopts
the linear telescopic structure, and the angle and slope of the linear section can be
adjusted through the telescoping of the linear section. This technology has been used
for the first time in Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal project, and
achieved good engineering results, and continues to be used in the second phase of
the project.
6 Cruise Terminal Process
Table 6.1 Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of folded linear type and L-shaped
boarding bridges
(1) The whole equipment is a whole
structure, and the design of mechanism
and electrical control system is simple
(2) In order to obtain the same slope
requirements within the same servicing
height scope, the overall machine size
is required to be smaller. The boarding
bridge is not easy to interfere with the
loading and unloading of baggage and
(1) The passenger walking route is
(2) Requirements are higher for the
corridor parallel to the cope line. The
corridor is required to open the side wall
at any position to connect with the
landing access of the boarding bridge
(1) The passenger walking route is
(2) It adopts the split type frame
structure. Because the whole machine
has the telescopic function, the
equipment has a lower requirement for
the corridor parallel to the cope line.
The corridor can open the side wall at
some relatively fixed points to connect
with the landing access of the boarding
(1) The supporting structure and the
driving mechanism of the boarding
access and the landing access are
relatively independent. The design of
machine mechanism and electrical
control system is relatively complex
(2) In order to obtain the same slope
requirements within the same servicing
height scope, the overall machine size is
required to be larger. The boarding
bridge may interfere with the loading
and unloading of baggage and provisions
(c) Comparison of Advantages and Disadvantages
The above two types of mobile boarding bridges also have advantages and
disadvantages in practical application, and the comparison is shown in Table 6.1.
No matter which form of the alongshore type boarding bridge is adopted, the
embarkation and disembarkation process has the following significant characteristics
compared with the rotary telescopic boarding bridge process and combination type
boarding bridge process.
(1) It has stronger adaptability to cruise type. Due to the great difference of cabin
door position of various cruises, the alongshore type boarding bridge with larger
servicing height scope and non-blind area when servicing the ship in horizontal
scope has better adaptability. For example, the servicing height scope of rotary
telescopic boarding bridge adopted in Shanghai North Bund Cruise Terminal
is 1.3–1.7 m, and the horizontal servicing scope is ±25.9 m. The servicing
height scope of alongshore boarding bridge adopted in the Shanghai Wusongkou
International Cruise Terminal is 1.4–11 m, and the horizontal servicing scope
covers the whole length of the berth.
(2) The terminal width required by the alongshore type boarding bridge is small,
so the overall cost of the project can be effectively reduced. Different from the
descending direction of the passenger corridor which is basically orthogonal
or oblique to the terminal cope line in rotary telescopic and combination type
6.1 Embarkation and Disembarkation Equipment and Process …
boading bridges, the descending direction of the passenger corridor in alongshore boarding bridge is parallel or perpendicular to the terminal cope line.
Therefore, on the premise of reaching the same servicing height, the terminal
width required by the alongshore type boarding bridge is small, thus effectively
reducing the total project investment. For example, in order to achieve the servicing height of 6 m, the vertical distance from the cope line to the rear corridor
for the rotary telescopic boarding bridge needs at least about 40 m, while for
the alongshore boarding bridge it only needs about 15 m.
(3) By increasing the number of mobile boarding bridges, the capacity of the alongshore type embarkation and disembarkation system can be improved, which is
simple and easy. But for rotary telescopic boarding bridge system, if the capacity
is to be improved, increasing the number of boarding bridges and remoulding
the corresponding corridor at the fixed end must be combined. That is complex
and tedious, and also will affect the daily operation of the terminal.
The alongshore type process system is with better mobility and interchangeability.
Even if one of the boarding bridges breaks down, it can be quickly replaced by
adjacent equipment without causing a breakdown of the operating line. But for rotary
telescopic boarding bridge process, it is the so-called “one radish, one hole”. Each
operating line is unique and irreplaceable. When there is a problem with a boarding
bridge, it is necessary to completely remove its fault before the normal operation of
the boarding route can be resumed. It has no mobility and interchangeability.
The specific design of the boarding bridge shall not only refer to the relevant provisions of the current professional standard Seaport Passenger Boarding Bridge (JT/T
805), but also shall focus on the following:
(1) The servicing scope of the boarding bridge shall be able to adapt to the variation
of boarding deck locations of different design cruises and the change of tides at
the berths of call.
(2) The boarding access of boarding bridge shall have the functions of adaptive
overlapping, automatic docking with the decks of cruises to adapt to different
boarding positions due to the tidal fluctuations.
(3) The minimum clear width of the passenger channel provided by the boarding
bridge shall be no less than 1.50 m; the clear height shall be no less than 2.10 m;
the slope should be no greater than 10%, shall not exceed 12.5% if under limited
conditions, and also shall meet the requirements for accessibility.
(4) Equipment for wind/typhoon resistance and lightning protection shall be
equipped on the boarding bridge.
(5) Emergency access directly to the apron area shall be provided on the boarding
(6) The distance from center line of seaside rail of boarding bridge to the cope
line of the berth shall be determined by the dimensions of characteristic vessel
6 Cruise Terminal Process
of call and the arrangement requirement of some relevant terminal facilities.
The rail gauge of boarding bridge shall be determined according to the berth
tonnage, process layout, and equipment selection, to ensure that the equipment
have sufficient stability.
No less than two boarding bridges should be furnished on a single berth when the
design cruise has a rated capacity exceeding 2500 passengers.
6.1.3 Tender Lighterage Boarding
Some ports are unable to berth large cruises due to multiple reasons such as channel,
berth structure and depth of harbour basin, so cruise companies use their own lifeboats
or tenders to transport cruise passengers for embarkation and disembarkation.
Tender lighterage boarding is generally used in the port of call. Passengers do not
carry large baggage when lightering. Many cruise companies in the United States
use the tender lighterage boarding on exclusive islands and ports.
For example, the Port of Santa Barbara in U.S. is a port of call with no cruise
terminal facilities, passengers is transported by tenders. Each tender carries about 50
passengers and runs every 15 min. The first one lands at 8:00 am and the last one
returns at 4:30 pm. Three boarding access will be opened on the side of the ship to
facilitate tenders’ operation, as shown in Fig. 6.10.
Dedicated berths for tenders are set up in the harbour of Santa Barbara yacht
harbour, as shown in Fig. 6.11. Management and queuing corridors are set on the
Fig. 6.10 Tender operation
6.1 Embarkation and Disembarkation Equipment and Process …
Fig. 6.11 Tenders berthing in the harbour basin
land for confirming the identity of the embarking passengers.
This process has been adopted in Hainan Sanya Phoenix Island International
Cruise Terminal. On January 12 and 24, February 2 and 7, 2014, “Victoria” of Costa
Cruises and “SuperStar Gemini” of Star Cruises opened their cruise routes from
Sanya as their home port. The arrival and departure of the two vessels coincided,
while Phoenix Island International Cruise Terminal had only one cruise berth. So on
each of these four trips, the “Victoria” cruise had to transfer about 1500 passengers
by lightering at the sea anchorage.
The “Victoria” cruise is equipped with 6 qualified tenders which are used for
lighterage boarding operation. Each tender is required to carry no more than 100
passengers. As shown in Fig. 6.12.
Fig. 6.12 Tender launching and lightering
6 Cruise Terminal Process
Fig. 6.13 Sanya maritime safety administration is ensuring the safety of cruise lightering
During the lighterage, Sanya Maritime Safety Administration sent “Haixun
11301” and “Haixun 11302” to carry out whole-course alert and emergency standby
to ensure the navigation safety in the sea area. As shown in Fig. 6.13.
6.2 Customs Inspection Process
Since cruise travelling involves entry and exit, the entry and exit of relevant personnel
and goods must pass the “one customs and two inspections” by the port administration
department. The “one customs” means the customs, and “two inpsections” means
immigration inspection and national entry and exit inspection and quarantine.
The main duties of the customs are to combat smuggling and financial crimes that
may occur in cruise terminals, detect drug smuggling, inspect prints (newspapers,
books, etc.) carried by tourists, confiscate products infringing intellectual property
rights, seize cases of endangered animals and plants, and seize knives and other
prohibited items.
The duties of immigration inspection mainly include: inspection of entry and exit
personnel and their baggage, transportations and the goods carried; supervising the
entry and exit transportations in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state;
guarding the restricted areas of the port and maintaining the order of entry and exit;
carrying out the tasks assigned by the competent authorities and prescribed by other
laws and administrative regulations.
The main duties of national entry and exit inspection and quarantine are to inspect
and quarantine the goods, personnel, vehicles, containers, baggage and postal parcels,
6.2 Customs Inspection Process
Fig. 6.14 Exit flow chart
etc. entering and exiting the country, so as to ensure the safety and health of personnel,
animals and plants, and the quality of goods.
6.2.1 Exit Flow
After arriving at the cruise terminal, passengers generally drop baggage at the curbside of the terminal building, and then carry their carry-on baggage into the terminal
building for security check, ticketing, inspection and quarantine, customs inspection,
immigration inspection, waiting and embarking. Meanwhile the checked baggage
shall be collected by related staff for security screening, inspection and quarantine,
customs inspection, then be collected into cage and loaded onto the vessel. Provisions are also subject to security check, quarantine and customs inspection before
The exit flow chart is shown in Fig. 6.14.
6.2.2 Entry Flow
Passengers with carry-on baggage disembark through the boarding bridge and enter
the terminal building for quarantine (temperature measurement), immigration inspection, baggage claim, baggage inspection and quarantine, and customs inspection
6 Cruise Terminal Process
Fig. 6.15 Entry flow chart
berfore leaving the cruise terminal. In addition, the entry of cruise wastes and cargo
also needs inspection and quarantine and customs inspection.
Entry flow chart is shown in Fig. 6.15.
6.2.3 Customs Inspection Facility
Equipment for security check, such as hand-held explosive detector, carry-on baggage X-ray machine, walk-through metal detector, etc. shall be furnished in the
passenger security screening channel.
The facilities in the inspection and quarantine channel shall meet the actual needs
of the relevant authorities of port of entry. The following facilities shall be configured:
billboard, bulletin board, health information desk, card filling desk, infrared temperature measurement equipment, nuclear and radiation detection equipment, inspection
desk, litter bin for items prohibited from entry and exit, video surveillance and other
The facilities in the customs clearance corridor shall meet the actual needs of
the customs. The following facilities shall be furnished: declaration area, passenger
check channel, inspection area and other facilities.
Each facility shall meet the following requirements, respectively:
(1) Declaration desks shall be set up in the declaration area.
(2) Red channel, green channel shall be set up in the passenger check channel.
6.2 Customs Inspection Process
(3) Carry-on baggage X-ray machine, walk-through metal detector shall be
equipped in the emigration control channel.
(4) Oversized baggage X-ray machine shall be equipped at the entrance of the
baggage handling area in the terminal building.
(5) Large baggage X-ray machine shall be equipped at the exit of the baggage
handling area in the terminal building.
The facilities in the immigration control area shall meet the actual needs of the
customs. The following facilities shall be furnished: guidance board, notice board,
sign board, card filling desk, queuing area for immigration control, immigration
control channel, etc.
Different from the airport immigration inspection channel, the cruise does not
generally carry out the inbound and outbound process at the same time. So to save
on resource allocation, immigration control channel should be a two-way channel
for exit and entry of passengers.
The scale of the customs inspection facilities can be estimated according to the
following formulas.
(1) The number of immigration control channels can be estimated by Formulas
(6.1) and (6.2).
N = 1.1(dt)/60
d = max
kD, kE
the number of immigration control channels;
the average processing time per passenger (min/person);
the peak hour number of passengers in the immigration control channel (person);
the designed passenger capacity (person);
the designed duration for passenger disembarkation (h), taking 2.5–3.75;
the unbalanced coefficient for passenger disembarkation, taking 1.0–1.2;
the designed duration for passenger embarkation (h), taking 3.0–5.0;
the unbalanced coefficient for passenger embarkation, taking 1.1–1.4.
(2) The queuing area for immigration control can be estimated by formulas (6.3)
and (6.4).
6 Cruise Terminal Process
d = max
kD, kE
the queuing area for immigration control (m2 );
the peak hour number of passengers in the immigration control channel (person);
the space required by each passenger (m2 /person), taking 1.0–1.2;
the average queuing time for passengers in the immigration control area (min.);
the designed passenger capacity (person);
the design duration for passenger disembarkation (h), taking 2.0–3.75;
the unbalanced coefficient for passenger disembarkation, taking 1.0–1.2;
the designed duration for passenger embarkation (h), taking 3.0–5.0;
the unbalanced coefficient for passenger embarkation, taking 1.1–1.4.
6.2.4 Inspeciton at One Station
The so-called “Inspeciton at One Station” means that both the customs and the inspection and quarantine departments conduct simultaneous joint inspection of import and
export goods in the inspection site shared by them.
“Inspeciton at One Station” can avoid repeated queuing of tourists in the customs inspection area and the national inspection area, reduce the unpacking times
of carry-on baggage, shorten customs clearance time and improve customs clearance efficiency, which will become the new development trend of cruise customs
inspection technology in the future.
6.3 Checked Baggage Handling Process
The transfer of checked baggage between the cruise terminal and the cruise is
mainly completed with the standard baggage cage provided by the cruise companies
(Fig. 6.16). The size of a baggage cage is generally 1,400 mm (length) × 800 mm
(width) × 1,600 mm (height). In order to facilitate baggage handling, the top and the
length direction of one side is an open structure and there are 4 wheels at the bottom,
among which 2 are fixed wheels and 2 are universal wheels. The standard baggage
cage is the basic operation unit for the embarkation and disembarkation of checked
baggage. It can greatly improve the handling efficiency of checked baggage.
Baggage cages can be moved horizontally in the cruise terminal by manual labor,
platform truck or forklift.
When the cruise is berthed at the terminal, affected by the tide level and the
baggage cabin door position of the cruise, the handling conditions would be different,
as described below.
6.3 Checked Baggage Handling Process
(a) Empty Folding Baggage Cage
(b) Folded Baggage Cage
(c) Loaded Baggage Cage
Fig. 6.16 Baggage cage
Fig. 6.17 Minitype belt conveyor for baggage transport
6.3.1 Handling Process for Baggage Cabin Door Bottom
Flush with or Higher Than the Terminal Deck
In this working condition, two methods of handling process can be adopted:
One is to lay a ramp between the terminal and the cabin, and push the baggage
cage directly into or out of the baggage cabin manually (Fig. 6.17).
The other is to use a forklift to move the luggage cage directly into or out of the
baggage cabin (Fig. 6.18).
6.3.2 Handling Process for Baggage Cabin Door Bottom
Lower Than the Terminal Deck
Since the baggage cabin of the cruise is generally about 1.1–3.8 m above the water
line, and coastal terminals in China have a relatively high elevation due to the large
tidal range, such condition is basically encountered in the coastal cruise terminals of
6 Cruise Terminal Process
Fig. 6.18 Forklift for baggage transport
When the baggage cabin of the calling cruise is equipped with an automatic lifting
platform, ordinary forklift can be used for handling the baggage cage, as shown in
Fig. 6.19.
When the baggage cabin of the calling cruise is not equipped with an automatic
lifting platform, the special handling equipment must be used. The following is
an introduction of a common process at cruise terminals in China-special baggage
forklift process, as shown in Fig. 6.20.
The special baggage forklift is generally converted from the ordinary 10-ton internal combustion balanced forklift, which is composed of the forklift body, baggage
hanger and baggage hanging cage. The baggage hanger is mainly used for connecting forklift and baggage hanging cage, which is composed of steel support frame,
rotating opening and locking mechanism, position sensor and so on. The baggage
Fig. 6.19 Baggage operated by lifting platform
6.3 Checked Baggage Handling Process
Baggage hanger
hanging cage
Fig. 6.20 Sunken forklift operation
hanging cage is mainly used for temporary storage of baggage cages, which is composed of the main structural framework, lock hole fixing device, roof, bottom plate
and surrounding safety protection net. In general, a single baggage hanging cage can
accommodate two standard baggage cages. The entry and exit of baggage cages in
the baggage hanging cage shall be by manual labor or ordinary forklift.
The connection between the forklift and the hydraulic system of the baggage
hanger adopts the quick connection. When not in operation, the forklift, baggage
hanger and baggage hanging cage can be separated from each other. When in operation, the forklift shall first be connected with the baggage hanger, and then the
baggage hanger and the baggage hanging cage shall be connected. By starting the
hydraulic system, the baggage hanger can be locked to the baggage hanging cage, so
as to ensure a firm connection between the baggage hanger and the baggage hanging
cage. Therefore, the forklift, baggage hanger and baggage hanging cage can start the
normal handling operation in a trinity.
Wusongkou cruise terminal uses special baggage forklift under different operating
conditions, as shown in Fig. 6.21.
It should be noted that this mode of operation requires a space of about 2.5 m
or more between the fender surface of the cruise and the cope line of the terminal
so that the baggage forklift can handle smoothly below the elevation of the terminal
6.3.3 Handling Process of Belt Conveyor Transport Baggage
The Pier 1 of Port Canaveral in U.S. can accommodate two large cruises at the same
time. During the berthing period of the two ships, the curbside of the terminal building makes use of two mixed receiving points for checked baggage. The horizontal
transportation between the receiving point and the check room of outbound checked
baggage adopts the belt conveyor, as shown in Figs. 6.22 and 6.23.
Baggage is sent to the baggage check room adjacent to terminal apron by the belt
conveyor for security check. After passing through the security check, the baggage
6 Cruise Terminal Process
Terminal deck
Highest cabin
Lowest cabin
High tide
Low tide
Fig. 6.21 Using special baggage forklift used in Wusongkou cruise terminal (unit: mm)
Fig. 6.22 Belt conveyor for baggage
6.3 Checked Baggage Handling Process
Fig. 6.23 Double belt conveyor baggage checking system
will be manually sorted and loaded into cages. Finally, the stevedores carry the
baggage cage to the baggage cabin of the cruise by the forklift.
6.4 Provisions and Waste Handling Process
6.4.1 Cruise Provisions
The provisons of the cruise mainly refer to all kinds of goods, articles or materials
for the purpose of meeting the needs of cruise passengers, crew, and cruise facilities
6 Cruise Terminal Process
and equipment, including fuel, fresh water, food, beverage, hotel supplies, furniture,
spare parts and so on.
The cruise has a special hatch for delivery of provisions, usually located at the
stern of the ship. Provisions in the form of general cargo such as food, beverage, hotel
supplies, furniture, spare parts, etc., are usually transported by container trucks or
vans from the transportation passage to the apron of the cruise terminal, and finally
transferred to the cruise hatch for provisions through the lifting equipment in cabin
or forklifts. Since the height of the hatch for provisions is basically equal to that
of the baggage hatch, the handling process of provisions also needs to consider the
working condition that the bottom elevation of the hatch is lower than that of the
terminal deck. The treatment method is the same as the checked baggage boarding
process as above. See Figs. 6.24 and 6.25.
Although modern cruises are equipped with advanced desalination equipment,
when berthing at the terminal, the cruises generally still need a certain amount of
fresh water supply through the water supply system of the cruise terminal.
Fig. 6.24 Provisions loading and provisions transport vehicle
Fig. 6.25 Provisions loading by lifting machine and water supplying
6.4 Provisions and Waste Handling Process
Fig. 6.26 Liquid and solid wastes collection
Fig. 6.27 Collection of wastes from cruise terminal operations
6.4.2 Wastes
The wastes of cruises mainly include sanitary sewage, bilge oil sewage, domestic
garbage, biosolids, solid waste and so on.
Sanitary sewage can be discharged by the receiving barge or terminal sewage
receiving device and corresponding hose fittings, pipes and other facilities.
Bilge oil sewage can be discharged through the tank car, receiving barge, and
corresponding hose fittings, pipes and other facilities, as shown in Fig. 6.26.
Domestic garbage, biosolids, solid waste and other items are generally discharged
into garbage trucks or garbage ships by forklifts or other handling equipment in the
form of general cargo, as shown in Fig. 6.27.
6.4.3 Fuel Supply
Refueling barges are generally used for refuelling of cruises. Refueling barges are
usually berthed at the outer side of the cruises, as shown in Fig. 6.28. Fuel is generally
6 Cruise Terminal Process
Fig. 6.28 Fuel supply operation of the refuelling barge with the assistance of the tugboat
supplied at the ports of turnaround, and also available at some ports of call with better
price concessions and service.
The fuel supply quantity at a time is determined comprehensively according to
the ship’s scale and oil supply demand, generally 500–1000 tons.
The fuel supply time shall be determined comprehensively according to the fuel
supply capacity of the refueling barge, the operation time of customs and commodity
inspection, as well as the berthing/unberthing time of the refueling barge and the
preparation time.
6.5 Passenger Capacity
Passenger capacity is the main technical parameter of a cruise terminal.
Annual passenger capacity for one berth of cruise terminals can be estimated by
the following formula:
Ps = 2Ty ρT
the annual passenger capacity for one berth of cruise terminals (person);
the berth operation weeks in a year (week);
the average passenger seat occupancy rate of design cruise (%);
the number of berthing and unberthing vessels per week (vessels/week);
the passenger capacity of design cruise (person);
the unbalanced coefficient for the berth operation.
One-way passenger capacity per hour in the cruise terminal can be estimated by
the following formula:
6.5 Passenger Capacity
Ph = min{q A , d, q1 }
Ph the one-way passenger capacity per hour (person);
q A the peak hourly number of passengers in the security screening channel
d the peak hourly number of passengers in the immigration control channel;
q1 the peak hourly number of passengers in the baggage claim area (person/h).
For example, a port has a 150 thousand GT large cruise berth. The passenger
capacity of design cruise is 3600 persons, the average passenger seat occupancy
rate of design cruise is 70%, the berth operation weeks in a year is 50 weeks, the
number of berthing and unberthing vessels is 4 vessels per week, the unbalanced
coefficient for the berth operation is 1.5. According to this formula, the estimated
annual passenger capacity of this berth is 670,000 persons.
In view of the relative independence of the facilities used by passengers during the
operation of the berths of the cruise terminal, therefore for the passage capacity of
passengers in a multi-berth cruise terminal, the value of each berth can be calculated
separately, and then the sum is the annual passenger capacity of the cruise terminal.
As there are many passenger gathering points in the cruise terminal, such as
passenger security check point, ticketing point, passenger customs clearance point
and baggage claim point, etc., and the equipment and facility configuration of each
gathering point are different. Therefore, it is difficult for each gathering point to
achieve a unified passenger capacity. The ideal cruise terminal design shall make the
passenger capacity of each gathering point basically consistent with the minimum
mean square deviation.
The passenger capacity per hour in the cruise terminal defined in this chapter is
actually the minimum number of passenger traffic in the peak hour of the passenger
gathering point mentioned above.
In the actual design, the passenger capacity of the ticketing point is generally
larger than that of the security check point. Therefore, the passenger capacity of the
ticketing point during peak hours is not considered in formula (6.6).
6.6 Traffic Organization
The traffic organization design is an important part of the overall design of a cruise
terminal. Whether the traffic organization is reasonable or not directly affects the
service level of the cruise terminal, and is even closely related to the smooth operation
of the traffic network around the cruise terminal. Reasonable traffic organization of
a cruise terminal is an important guarantee for rapid concentration and evacuation
of passengers and efficient operation of the cruise terminal, as well as an effective
impetus for regional land development. According to different spatial locations, the
traffic organization design of a cruise terminal can be divided into three parts: internal
6 Cruise Terminal Process
traffic organization, external traffic organization and internal and external traffic
organization. Among them, the internal traffic organization refers to the organization
of passenger and traffic flow within the boundary of the cruise terminal, while the
external traffic organization refers to the traffic organization on the surrounding road
network outside the boundary of the cruise terminal, while the internal and external
traffic organization mainly refers to the setting of the entrance and exit and the
connection of the internal and external traffic flow. The following content mainly
discusses the internal traffic organization of a cruise terminal.
The traffic flow and passenger flow are the main objects of the internal traffic
organization of a cruise terminal. Therefore, the internal traffic organization of a
cruise terminal can be generally divided into motor vehicle traffic organization and
non-motor vehicle traffic organization. Among them, motor vehicle traffic organization can be divided into static traffic organization and dynamic traffic organization.
Static traffic organization mainly solves the problem of traffic resource allocation,
which mainly refers to the parking layout and scale of various motor vehicles in
the area. The main task of dynamic traffic organization is traffic flow distribution,
as well as command and guidance, to ensure the maximum efficiency of the road
network, mainly refers to the organization of various vehicles in and out of the flow
line and operation scheduling. Non-motor vehicle traffic organization mainly solves
the problem of walking traffic for passengers in the district, which mainly involves
streamline design, passive design and barrier-free design.
6.6.1 Organization Principle
Traffic organizationof the cruise terminal usually follows the following design
(1) People-Orientation
Establish the people-oriented purpose, center on the needs of cruise terminal passengers, and reasonably arrange various facilities, to provide the maximize convenience
for the distribution of passengers.
(2) Seperated Pedestrians and Vehicles
Separation of pedestrians and vehicles is the most basic principle to guarantee the path
safety. In any process of departure or arrival of passengers, the passenger channel
and passenger gathering area must be kept effectively separated from the vehicle
lane. Effective measures shall also be taken at the curbside and parking lot to avoid
interweaving of passenger and vehicles.
(3) Seperated Entry and Exit
In order to avoid the conflict between different flow lines, the entry and exit of both
passenger flow and traffic flow shall be separated. If not possible, a distance should
6.6 Traffic Organization
be kept appropriately on the same side to minimize the conflict between different
flow lines.
(4) Continuous Traffic
Continuous traffic is an effective guarantee for efficient traffic operation. Therefore,
in the traffic organization of a cruise terminal, the continuity of people flow and traffic
flow shall be ensured, and the junction of people and vehicles shall be reasonably
arranged to make the internal traffic connect smoothly.
(5) Long-Term and Short-Term Combination
The traffic organization design shall combine the short-term with the long-term
and leave room for development to ensure the seamless connection of the phased
6.6.2 Traffic Organization Design Process
The traffic organization design usually follows the process shown in Fig. 6.29.
6.6.3 Commonly Used Methods
Because traffic organization is a complex dynamic process, it is difficult to accurately
predict the final effect with deterministic mathematical methods. With the continuous
development of computer simulation technology, the use of computer simulation
means in the design process to obtain quantitative and visual technical support has
become a new way of scientific planning and design of traffic organization at domestic
and abroad.
The microscopic traffic simulation system software VISSIM is adopted to model
and simulate the traffic organization scheme of the cruise terminal, so that we can
intuitively understand whether the road planning and layout of each functional area
of the terminal are reasonable and provide reference for the decision of the scheme.
VISSIM is a traffic simulation system software developed by the German PTV
company which is microscopic, based on the time interval and driving behavior, and
is used for modeling and analysis of various traffic conditions (traffic lane, traffic
composition, traffic signal, bus stops, etc.), the operation situation of city traffic
and public transport, and it is an effective tool for the evaluation of transportation
engineering design and urban planning scheme, as shown in Fig. 6.30.
VISSIM software system is composed of traffic simulator and signal state generator: they exchange detector data and signal state information through the interface,
that is, they can generate visualized traffic running conditions online or output various
statistical data offline.
6 Cruise Terminal Process
Fig. 6.29 Process flow of traffic organization design
VISSIM software is used to simulate the traffic organization of the cruise terminal
by following steps.
Parameter Setting
VISSIM has good graphics input interface, signal induction model, vehicle behavior
model and road network distribution model and powerful 3D reproduction function.
In particular, the description of traffic system behavior is very detailed, so a lot of
parameters need to be set in the use process of the system.
6.6 Traffic Organization
Fig. 6.30 VISSIM software
The specific contents are as follows:
(1) Road network data
Road network plan diagram includes road section type and connection, lane number
and lane width, parking position and size, etc.
(2) Traffic flow data
(a) Traffic composition: including various vehicle types and their relative
proportions in the input traffic flow, as well as a list of speed distribution;
(b) Vehicle input: define the traffic flow entering the road network at different
(c) Driving path decision: from the starting point of path decision to the end
point of path decision;
(d) Routing decision for parking lots: defining the distribution of dwell times
and the proportion of vehicles that shall be parked in the relevant parking
(e) Priority setting for conflicting traffic flows at intersections.
6 Cruise Terminal Process
(1) Establish road network
Link is the basic component of the VISSIM road network, representing a section of
road with one or more lanes and a specific traffic flow. The road links are connected
with each other via connectors to form a road network.
(2) Create vehicle traffic
Based on the establishment of the road network, VISSIM defines the traffic flow
into the road network at different time and the route allocation of vehicles in the
road network by creating vechile traffic (including vehicle input and driving path
(3) Establish parking lot
The parking mode of the cruise terminal is generally divided into two types: parallel
parking and back-in parking. Except the buses, all the other vehicles adopt parallel
parking. VISSIM sets up the parallel parking lot and back-in parking lot with several
parking stalls through the parking lot mode.
(4) Set conflict zone
There are inevitably conflicting traffic flows at road intersections, and VISSIM can
specify the right of way for conflicting traffic flows by setting up conflict zones.
Evaluation Data
VISSIM offers a variety of evaluation functions. For the cruise terminal, the
evaluation data of traffic flow and delay are mainly involved.
(1) Statistics of the Traffic Flow
The traffic flow reflects the busy degree of the road, and its statistics are from data
collection points.
(2) Delay Statistics
Vehicle delays reflect the degree of congestion on the road, and the measure of delay
time is defined by one or more travel time.
Animation Output
VISSIM can make 3D animation in AVI format. Compared with general simulation
software, the simulation results are more intuitive and realistic.
6.6 Traffic Organization
In the follow-up project of Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal,
VISSIM software was used to simulate the traffic organization design of the project.
The application of this technology played a vital role in optimizing the plan layout
and traffic streamline.
Chapter 7
Terminal Buliding
As one of the main facilities of the cruise terminal, the terminal building is a building
that provides integrated services for cruise terminal passengers, such as entry and
exit, waiting for vessels and so on. This chapter mainly introduces the functional
zones inside and outside the customs and the arrangement.
7.1 Functional Zone Inside the Customs
The function zone inside the customs mainly contain passenger security screening
area, team leader handover area, ticket/room card service area, waiting lounges and
so on.
7.1.1 Security Screening Area
Passengers entering the terminal building shall accept security check through the
passenger security screening channel before the relevant procedures. Equipment
for security check, such as hand-held explosive detector, carry-on baggage X-ray
machine, walk-through metal detector, etc. shall be furnished in the passenger
security screening channel.
The number of carry-on baggage X-ray machines is related to the peak hour
number of passengers in the security screening channel, the passenger baggage coefficient, the capacity of carry-on baggage X-ray machine and the utilization factor of
carry-on baggage X-ray machine.
The number of carry-on baggage X-ray machines can be estimated by the formulas
(7.1) and (7.2).
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive
license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
Z. Cheng et al., Design and Practice of Cruise Ports, Springer Series on Naval
Architecture, Marine Engineering, Shipbuilding and Shipping 4,
7 Terminal Buliding
qA =
kE A
kE A
the number of carry-on baggage X-ray machine;
the peak hour number of passengers in the security screening channel
the passenger baggage coefficient (1 pc./person ~2 pcs./person);
the capacity of carry-on baggage X-ray machine (pcs./h);
the utilization factor of carry-on baggage X-ray machine, 0.80–0.95;
the designed passenger capacity (person);
the design duration for passenger embarkation (h), which may be taken as
the unbalance coefficient for passengers arriving in the security screening
channel, taking 1.1–1.4.
The peak hour number of passengers in the security screening channel mainly
happens in the process of passenger embarkation. Its value is mainly related to the
designed passenger capacity, the design duration for passenger embarkation and
the unbalance coefficient for passengers arriving in the security screening channel.
According to the research, the design duration for passenger embarkation is between
3 and 5 h. For example, for Pier 27 in San Francisco, USA, the designed passenger
capacity is 2600 persons and the design duration for passenger embarkation is 3 h. For
Pier 18 of Fort Lauderdale, USA, the designed passenger capacity is 6300 persons and
the design duration for passenger embarkation is 5 h. For terminal No. 1 of Caraville,
USA, the designed passenger capacity is 6300–7000 persons and the design duration
for passenger embarkation is 5 h. The unbalance coefficient for passengers arriving
in the security screening channel is generally 1.1–1.4, taking into account that the
early arrivals before the opening of the terminal building accounts for about 10–40%
of the designed passenger capacity.
The passenger baggage coefficient mainly refers to the number of carry-on bags
of each passenger. It is mainly related to local tourists’ travel habits, travel season,
length of cruise route and other factors, and the value is usually 1–2 pieces/person.
The belt conveyor speed of X-ray machine is about 0.2 m/s, and the check speed
is about 480 pieces/h.
The utilization factor of X-ray machine mainly takes into account the attendance
rate of inspection personnel and the failure rate of X-ray machine equipment, which
is generally 0.80–0.95.
For example, for Pier 27 in San Francisco, USA, the designed passenger capacity
is 2600 persons and the design duration for passenger embarkation is 3 h, the passenger baggage coefficient is 1.5, the utilization factor of carry-on baggage X-ray
machine is 0.9, the capacity of carry-on baggage X-ray machine is 480 pieces/h, the
7.1 Functional Zone Inside the Customs
unbalance coefficient for passengers arriving in the security screening channel is 1.2.
The calculated result is 3.6 and actually 4 X—ray machines are arranged.
The actual scenes of the security screening area are shown in Figs. 7.1, 7.2 and
Fig. 7.1 Security screening area of terminal building of Pier 18 in Fort Lauderdale
Fig. 7.2 Security screening area on the second floor of Port of San Francisco
7 Terminal Buliding
Fig. 7.3 Security screening area of Pier 93 in Port of Los Angeles (behind the ticketing area)
7.1.2 Tour Leader Handover Area
For inbound and outbound tourism in China, it is required that tourists be managed
by a tour leader, while there is no relevant requirements for the ports of turnaround.
According to article 36 of the Tourism Law of the People’s Republic of China,
travel agencies that organize groups for outbound tours or that organize or receive
groups for inbound tours shall arrange tour leaders or tour guides to accompany the
tourists throughout the journey according to regulations. The setting of tour leaders
is not only the embodiment of service function, but also the demand of management.
In the process of cruise travel, the leader is responsible for the embarkation procedures of the departure port, the recommendation of activities on the ship, organization
of shore sightseeing at the port of call, and the reminder of safety precautions on the
ship. Therefore, on the shore, the leader’s main job is to cooperate with tourists to
complete the embarking and customs procedures.
Due to the changes in the work content and handover requirements of the tour
leader according to the requirements of different cruise companies, this section discusses the relatively complex work requirements of the leaders of Royal Caribbean
Cruises at the port of turnaround in Shanghai.
The main duties of the tour leader at the cruise terminal are as follows.
The tour leader shall obtain the passports of all or part of the passengers and stick
the barcode of passport number on the back of the original passport. The leader takes
all or some of the passports of the team to the check-in counter for boarding passes.
After that, the leader goes back to the passengers to give out the passports and the
boarding passes. The tour leader assists the passengers to check in their baggage.
After informing the main matters needing attention on the ship and the terminal, the
leader takes tourists to queue up in the hall to apply for the boarding passes, and then
7.1 Functional Zone Inside the Customs
Fig. 7.4 Tour leader handover area of Tianjin International Cruise Port
embark according to the steps. Figure 7.4 is the tour leader handover area of Tianjin
International Cruise Port.
Baggage check-in: If the cruise provides the baggage tags in advance, the baggage
tags can be fastened by the passengers at home or at the tour leader handover area.
If the cruise does not prepare baggage tags, the passengers shall take the baggage to
the staff and report the room number or scan the bar code, and the staff will fill in
the baggage tag, tie on the baggage and check-in.
The working time of a tour leader is usually 1–1.5 h (including relevant work and
waiting for the passengers who have not arrived), while some team leaders wait for
the passengers who arrive late, and their working time is about 3–4 h.
According to the situation of cruise terminals in China, the statistics are shown in
Table 7.1.
7.1.3 Ticket/Room Card Service Area
Ticket or room card service area is one of the main contents of cruise terminal
operation. The area mainly consists of counters and serpentine lines.
The number of check-in counters in the cruise terminal is related to the designed
passenger capacity, the design duration for passenger embarkation, the unbalance
coefficient for passenger embarkation and the number of check-in passengers per
hour per counter. Due to the different situation of cruise ticketing system at home
7 Terminal Buliding
Table 7.1 Statistics of tour leader handover area in Cruise Terminals of China
Terminal name
Cruise tonnage
Tour leader
handover area
(m2 )
Together with
Shanghai Port
Cruise Terminal
Cruise Terminal
(Phase 1)
220,000t +
Crowded during
the rush hour
2 × 225,000t
Dalian Port
100,000t +
Qingdao Cruise
220,000t +
Cruise Port
Cruise Terminal
Cruise Center
150,000t +
Cruise Terminal
Low service
Shekou Cruise
50,000t +
about 3500
Crowded during
the rush hour
Haikou Xiuying
Low service
Sanya Phoenix
Cruise Port
80,000t +
about 200
Crowded during
the rush hour
7.1 Functional Zone Inside the Customs
Table 7.2 Reference table of the number of check-in counters
Cruise Scale (GT)
Number of check-in counters
Length of serpentine line (m)
50,000 (45,001–65,000)
100,000 (85,001–125,000)
150,000 (125,001–175,000)
and abroad, there are certain differences in the number of check-in passengers per
hour per counter.
The number of check-in counters in the cruise terminal can be estimated by the
formula (7.3):
T =
Dk E
tE D P
the designed number of counters;
the designed passenger capacity (person);
the unbalance coefficient for passenger embarkation, taking 1.1-1.4;
the design duration for passenger embarkation (h), which may be taken as
the number of check-in passengers per hour per counter (person/h), taking
It can also be determined by referring to Table 7.2.
The actual scenes of the check-in areas are shown in Figs. 7.5 and 7.6.
7.1.4 Waiting Lounge
The waiting lounge is the area (including catering, business, services, currency
exchange and other facilities) where passengers enter to wait for embarking after
the procedures of security screening, check-in and baggage check-in. This area
is required to accommodate the maximum passenger flow formed by the waiting
passengers during the operation period of the cruise terminal.
Therefore, the maximum load of passengers in the terminal building is the maximum load of the waiting lounge. Generally, the construction scale of each functional
zone of the terminal building can be determined appropriately according to 1.2–1.4
times the designed passenger capacity.
The area can also generally be used as a place for tourism culture promotion and
business of the cruise terminal and for tourism culture promotion and business of
cruise companies.
The actual scenes of waiting lounges are shown in Figs. 7.7 and 7.8.
7 Terminal Buliding
Fig. 7.5 Check-in hall of pier 93 in L.A
Fig. 7.6 Check-in hall on the first floor of Fort Lauderdale
7.2 Functional Zones at the Port of Entry and Outside
the Customs
The functional zones at the port of entry and outside the customs contain customs
inspection area, embarkation and disembarkation corridor, baggage area and so on.
7.2 Functional Zones at the Port of Entry and Outside the Customs
Fig. 7.7 Waiting Lounge of Pier 93 in L.A
Fig. 7.8 Waiting Lounge on the second floor of Fort Lauderdale
7.2.1 Customs Inspection Area1
The customs inspection area is the exclusive area of entry and exit administration in
China, which has clear regulations on administration and construction. The design
of customs inspection area for the cruise terminal is mainly based on the following
1 Quoted
from Specification for tourist service of international curise ports and Construction
standard for national port inspection infrastructure.
7 Terminal Buliding
Fig. 7.9 Customs inspection area of Haikou Xiuying Cruise Terminal
• Regulations on construction administration of entry and exit inspection and
quarantine facilities for the national open port
• Standards for customs passenger inspection channel layout
• Standards for the establishment of customs supervision sites of the People’s
Republic of China
• Construction standard for the border inspection on-site facilities of national open
The actual scenes of the customs inspection areas are shown in Figs. 7.9 and 7.10.
(1) Europe
Europe basically belongs to the EU. Therefore, during the exit, goods are mainly
monitored by the customs without relevant requirements of border inspection. The
entry shall follow the normal customs procedures. See Fig. 7.11.
(2) Caribbean Countries
Caribbean ports are mostly ports of call, so entry and exit procedures are simplified.
Many terminals allow entry and exit with the boarding passes, that is, the ships
instead of local customs carry out the relevant inspection.
7.2 Functional Zones at the Port of Entry and Outside the Customs
Fig. 7.10 Customs inspection area of Tianjin Cruise Terminal
Fig. 7.11 Entry customs inspection area of Folkestone Cruise Terminal
7 Terminal Buliding
Fig. 7.12 Entry customs inspection area of pier 1 at port Canaveral, USA
(3) North America
During the exit, the goods are mainly monitored by the customs, and there are no relevant requirements for border inspection. The entry shall follow the normal customs
inspection procedure, as shown in Fig. 7.12.
(4) Crew channel
The crew channel is designed to facilitate the entry and exit of the crew, while
reducing the impact on the normal passenger channel. Security check, identity and
cargo verification are the main tasks in the channel, as shown in Fig. 7.13.
Layout of Customs Inspection Area
The following requirements shall be complied with when port joint inspection
facilities are furnished in the cruise terminal.
(1) The facilities in the inspection and quarantine channel shall meet the actual
needs of the relevant authorities of port of entry. The following facilities shall be
configured: billboard, bulletin board, health information desk, card filling desk,
infrared temperature measurement equipment, nuclear and radiation detection
equipment, inspection desk, litter bin for items prohibited from entry and exit,
video surveillance and other facilities.
(2) In the customs clearance corridor, the following facilities shall be furnished with
declaration area, passenger check channel, inspection area and other facilities.
Each facility shall meet the following requirements, respectively:
7.2 Functional Zones at the Port of Entry and Outside the Customs
Fig. 7.13 Crew channel of pier 1 at Port Canaveral, USA
(1) Declaration desks shall be set up in the declaration area.
(2) Red channel, green channel shall be set up in the passenger check channel.
(3) Carry-on baggage X-ray machine, walk-through metal detector shall be
equipped in the emigration control channel.
(4) Oversized baggage X-ray machine shall be equipped at the entrance of the
baggage handling area in the terminal building.
(5) Large baggage X-ray machine shall be equipped at the exit of the baggage
handling area in the terminal building.
(6) The number of oversized baggage X-ray machines can be estimated by the
formulas (7.1) and (7.2).
(3) In the immigration control area, the following facilities shall be furnished with
guidance board, notice board, sign board, card filling desk, queuing area for
immigration control, immigration control channel, etc. The immigration control
channel should meet the following requirements:
(1) Immigration control channel should be a two-way channel for exit and
entry of passengers.
(2) A special channel should be set up for crew and staff.
(3) The number of immigration control channels can be estimated by formulas
(7.4) and (7.5).
N = 1.1dt/60
7 Terminal Buliding
d = max
kD, kE
the number of immigration control channels;
the average processing time per passenger (min/person);
the peak hour number of passengers in the immigration control channel (person);
the designed passenger capacity (person);
the designed duration for passenger disembarkation (h), taking 2.5–3.75;
the unbalanced coefficient for passenger disembarkation, taking 1.0–1.2;
the designed duration for passenger embarkation (h), taking 3.0–5.0;
the unbalanced coefficient for passenger embarkation, taking 1.1–1.4.
(4) The queuing area for immigration control can be estimated by Formulas (7.6)
and (7.7).
d = max
k D, k E
the queuing area for immigration control (m2 );
the peak hour number of passengers in the immigration control channel (person);
the space required by each passenger (m2 /person), taking 1.0–1.2;
the average queuing time for passengers in the immigration control area (min.);
the designed passenger capacity (person);
the design duration for passenger disembarkation (h), taking 2.0–3.75;
the unbalanced coefficient for passenger disembarkation, taking 1.0–1.2;
the designed duration for passenger embarkation (h), taking 3.0–5.0;
the unbalanced coefficient for passenger embarkation, taking 1.1–1.4.
(5) The corresponding rooms for on-the-spot law enforcement shall be configured
in the joint inspection area according to actual needs of relevant administration
at the port of entry.
7.2.2 Embarkation and Disembarkation Channel Area
This area is the connection channel for embarkation & disembarkation of the cruises.
There is no special requirement, but it belongs to the exit area, which generally only
7.2 Functional Zones at the Port of Entry and Outside the Customs
need to meet the demand of passengers to walk through. Passenger flow is controlled
by the border inspection and cruises, so the area is generally free of mass congestion.
Some cruise companies will set up boarding service facilities such as photography
in this area, which will occupy part of the channel width.
The actual scenes of the embarkation and disembarkation channels are shown in
Figs. 7.14, 7.15, 7.16 and 7.17.
Fig. 7.14 Embarkation and disembarkation channel of pier 93 in L.A
Fig. 7.15 Embarkation and disembarkation channel of pier 1 at Port Canaveral
7 Terminal Buliding
Fig. 7.16 Embarkation and disembarkation channel of terminal A in Barcelona
Fig. 7.17 Embarkation and disembarkation channel of Qingdao Cruise Terminal
7.2.3 Baggage Area
Whether or not there is a baggage handling area at the cruise terminal depends on
the nature of the cruise terminal and whether or not the passengers end the voyage.
7.2 Functional Zones at the Port of Entry and Outside the Customs
There is basically no baggage area for the port of call, such as Nassau, COCOCAY,
Cheju, Inchon, Penang, Kelang cruise terminals, etc.
Space required for the baggage claim area is related to the peak hourly number
of passengers in the area, the space required by each passenger, the average stay
time per passenger in this area, the factor for checked baggage of passengers, the
total pieces of checked baggage in the baggage claim area and the space required
for stacking each piece of baggage. The peak hourly numbers of passengers in the
baggage claim area is related to the designed passenger capacity, the design duration
for passenger embarkation and the unbalanced coefficient for passengers arriving at
the baggage claim area. The total pieces of checked baggage in the baggage claim
area is related to the number of disembarkation times for the checked baggage and
the unbalanced coefficient for the quantity of checked baggage off the vessel each
Space required for the baggage claim area can be estimated by the following
formulas (7.8), (7.9) and (7.10):
q L1 t L1 a
+ q L2 b
q L1 =
q L2 =
k D1
k D2
q L1
q L2
t L1
k D1
k D2
the space required for the baggage claim area (m2 );
the peak hourly number of passengers in the baggage claim area (person/h);
the total pieces of checked baggage in the baggage claim area (pcs.);
the space required by each passenger (m2 /person), taking 1.6–1.8;
the space required for stacking each piece of baggage (m2 /pc.), taking 0.3–0.5;
the average stay time per passenger in this area (min), taking 5–15;
the designed passenger capacity (person);
the design duration for passenger disembarkation, taking 2.5–3.75;
the unbalanced coefficient for passengers arriving at the baggage claim area,
taking 1.0–1.2;
the factor for checked baggage of passengers (piece/person), taking 1–2;
the number of disembarkation times for the checked baggage, taking 1–3;
the unbalanced coefficient for the quantity of checked baggage off the vessel
each time, taking 1.0–1.5.
According to the research, the design duration for passenger disembarkation can
take 2.5–3.75 h, and the unbalance coefficient for passenger disembarkation can take
1.0–1.2, the unbalanced coefficient for passengers arriving at the baggage claim area
can take 1.0–1.2. The average stay time per passenger in this area is generally no
more than 15 min. The factor for checked baggage of passengers is generally 1 or 2
7 Terminal Buliding
Fig. 7.18 Baggage claim area of San Francisco Cruise Terminal
pieces per person. Passengers in the cruise terminal have a large amount of baggage.
The cruise terminals generally do not use the baggage turntable similar to that in the
airport for passengers to claim their baggage. Instead, the baggage is pre-stacked in
the baggage claim area before passengers get off the ship for them to collect baggage
by themselves. The number of disembarkation times for the checked baggage is
generally 1–3. The unbalanced coefficient for the quantity of checked baggage off
the vessel each time is generally 1.0–1.5.
Take the Pier 27 of San Francisco for example, the designed passenger capacity is 2600 persons, the design duration for passenger disembarkation is 3 h, the
unbalanced coefficient for passengers arriving at the baggage claim area takes 1.2,
the space required by each passenger takes 1.8 m2 /person, the average stay time per
passenger in this area takes 8 min, the factor for checked baggage of passengers
taks 2 pieces/preson, the number of disembarkation times for the checked baggage
takes 3, the unbalanced coefficient for the quantity of checked baggage off the vessel each time taks 1.2, the space required for stacking each piece of baggage takes
0.5 m2 /piece. The calculated result is 1290 m2 , and the actual area is about 1450 m2 .
See Fig. 7.18.
7.3 Terminal Building Construction
The terminal building is one of the main facilities of the cruise terminal. From the
construction situation of terminal buildings at home and abroad, the construction
basically shows two main ideas:
One is that the terminal building of the cruise terminal becomes a landmark
with magnificent architectural modeling, which makes the cruise terminal become
a window and business card of the city image. There are many cases in mainland
China, such as Shanghai Port International Cruise Terminal, Shenzhen Prince Bay
International Cruise Terminal, etc.
7.3 Terminal Building Construction
The other is to use the existing building such as the warehouse, in line with the
principle of resource saving to reinforce and transform into a terminal building, and
meet the functional requirements, there are many cases in Europe and America. The
basic idea is that, no matter how spectacular the terminal building is, it cannot match
the appearance of modern cruises. On the contrary, the grand terminal building will
weaken the beauty of cruises to some extent.
Therefore, what shall be adopted in the design of a cruise terminal building shall
be adapted to local conditions instead of blindly pursuing appearance.
The following is a brief introduction of a few examples of terminal building
construction at home and abroad.
7.3.1 Shenzhen Prince Bay International Cruise Terminal
See Fig. 7.19 for the layout of terminal building of Shenzhen Prince Bay International
Cruise Terminal.
The architectural design of Shenzhen Prince Bay International Cruise Terminal
is inspired by the bow wave. The track of the ship and the waves it raised were
subtly symbolized and embodied. The undulating roof outside the building and the
curving terrace inside the building reproduce the ship tracks and the rolling waves.
See Figs. 7.20 and 7.21.
Fig. 7.19 Layout of Shenzhen prince Bay International Cruise Terminal
7 Terminal Buliding
Fig. 7.20 Creative picture 1 of Shenzhen Prince Bay International Cruise Terminal
Fig. 7.21 Creative picture 2 of Shenzhen Prince Bay International Cruise Terminal
The carved geometric shape of the facade sunshade refers to the element of “marine coral”, which further embodies the organic combination of the building with the
ocean and brings the imagination of the building sailing into the ocean. The whole
building extends to the sky, as if inviting us to sail, travel and explore. At the same
time, it symbolizes the enterprising and energetic enterprise spirit. The pure and
unique shape of the building naturally becomes a landmark. At the same time, the
“static” fluctuation of the building makes it “alive”.
The overall shape of the building is naturally triangular, fully reflecting the respect
for the environment and the site. The right angle edge on the seaside serves the cruises
and the other one serves the fast ships. The hypotenuse on the landside serves as the
main entrance of the central hall. The compact shape of the building makes the
organization of the interior space clearer. The central hall bears the main passenger
flow. The two wings are both independent and connected by air corridors,which is
easy to use.
The overall layout provides a seashore leisure promenade that takes full advantage
of the sea view and rich cultural and leisure activities. The cruise terminal building
is the focal point of the entire promenade, which extends to the waterfront to the
tidal park. The maritime museum or maritime theatre recreating maritime historical
scenes complement and echo it, supplemented by seaview restaurants and leisure
activities. It will become a cultural and recreational destination for residents and
visitors. The building provides multiple pedestrian passages and entrances and exits,
laying the foundation for the future organization of the whole area on a pleasant
7.3 Terminal Building Construction
The architectural design sketch of the terminal building is shown in Fig. 7.22.
The total construction area of the terminal building of Shenzhen Prince Bay International Cruise Terminal is about 135,000 m2 , of which the commercial area is 14,821
m2 , the office area is 37,883 square meters, the cultural and art area is 7453 m2 , and
the storage area is 12,135 m2 . Business is mainly concentrated in floors 3–4, and
office is mainly concentrated in floors 5–8. As shown in Fig. 7.23.
The whole building consists of 13 floors, one underground, one semi-elevated, one
interlayer and 10 above ground. It is divided into 12 main floors and one interlayer.
Floors organized in the form of terraces can be flexibly connected by stairs and
escalators as needed. The integrated functions are distributed vertically, including
underground parking area, overhead transportation hub area, baggage handling and
Fig. 7.22 Design sketch of Shenzhen Prince Bay International Cruise Terminal
Comprehensive hall
Joint inspection (departures)
Joint inspection (arrivals)
Baggage handling
Equipment room
Fig. 7.23 Section of the Terminal Building
Traffic transfer
7 Terminal Buliding
storage area, port function area, business area, office area and aerial view scenic area.
The office area is located on the upper floor (floors five to eight), facing the sea and
taking advantage of natural light and ocean views. The fourth floor is equipped with
sea viewing gallery, the ninth and tenth floors are viewing platforms, and the third
and fourth floors are equipped with sky viewing restaurants. At this place, people
can fully enjoy the city scenery, sea view, the busy and interesting dynamic scene of
fast ships and cruises.
The overall shape of the building is naturally triangular. The right angle edge on
the seaside serves the cruises and the other one serves the fast ships. The hypotenuse
on the landside serves as the main entrance of the central hall. See Fig. 7.24.
The functional zones of terminal service are divided vertically to fully realize the
vertical separation of entry passengers from exit passengers. All baggage service and
handling is completed on the first floor and the underground interlayer, minimizing
the vertical movement of baggage. According to the design requirements, the office
area and inspection area of customs shall be concentrated in one place and serve the
cruises and fast ships at the same time. There are duty-free shops in the international
departure and arrival areas, which are accessible on both sides of the fast ships
and cruises. The commercial floor can be accessible in a variety of ways, and the
space organization is flexible and rich, such as indoor space, outdoor space, sea view
corridor and small squares. The function of the floor adjacent to the office area may
be changed as needed.
The terminal building has been the landmark and landscape of Shekou in
Viewing platform
Customs office
Public hall/platform
Joint inspection
Duty-free shop
Fig. 7.24 Layout of ground floor of the terminal building
7.3 Terminal Building Construction
7.3.2 Shanghai Wusong International Cruise Terminal
Phase 1 Terminal Building—The Oriental Eye
Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal is an important functional project for
Shanghai to build an international shipping center and a world-famous tourist city.
The terminal building of the first phase is built on a platform above water, connected
to land by a 500-m approach bridge, covering an area of 24,000 m2 . The terminal
building is shaped like a giant silver shell in the water, just like a pearl at the confluence of the three rivers. It is also known as the “Oriental Eye”. See Figs. 7.25 and
The modeling of the building puts forward high requirements on the structural
design. It is not only necessary to realize the smart and unique modeling of the
building, but also to ensure the safety of the structure and to control the project cost
as much as possible. The structure adopts the single layer rib ring reticulated shell
structure system of ellipsoid after demonstration. The length of the ellipsoid in the
east-west direction is 158 m, the width in the north-south direction is 87 m, the rise
is 22 m, and it is a long-span spatial structure. All radial and circular rods are set
according to the texture of the architectural intention and integrated into the modeling.
In the vicinity of the top, due to the gradual densification of radial members, the form
of “pruning members” is adopted to maintain the overall coordination. Roof support
connection is added at the change of radial members to ensure the transfer of force
and improve the overall performance of the roof. The structural model is shown in
Fig. 7.27.
Fig. 7.25 Site view of Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal Phase 1
7 Terminal Buliding
Fig. 7.26 Actual scene of the “Oriental Eye”
Fig. 7.27 3D structural model of the single layer rib ring reticulated shell structure system
7.3 Terminal Building Construction
In order to achieve the shape of “eye” and “eyelashes”, two opposite oval holes
need to be opened at the length of the reticulated shell. For the reticulated shell
structure, the short span direction is the main force direction, and two large holes are
opened along the length direction, which is equivalent to truncating the main force
members. Therefore, it is necessary to install large arch beams at the holes around
the openings to strengthen the members. Three arch beams are set in combination
with the architectural modeling. The arch beams are directly connected with each
other by connecting beams spaced 2.5 m apart. A steel canopy shaped like eyelashes
is extended from the top two arch beams. The arch beams need not only landing
on the ellipsoid, but also curving with the direction of “eye” and “eyelashes”. The
three arch beams are all shaped by spatial distortion, which also puts forward high
requirements for structural calculation, factory processing and on-site installation.
See Fig. 7.28.
In order to reduce the section height of components and make the whole roof
structure lighter, 8 concrete columns are set inside the roof as the fulcrum of the
reticulated shell. Each column is connected with the upper single-layer reticulated
shell by a number of tree-branch steel tube members, and the horizontal force transferred to the top supports of the 8 frame columns is minimized by adjusting the layout
of roof members so as to make them bear the vertical load, which is conducive to the
structural stress of the concrete frame. The tree structure of steel tubes is modeled
after the tree branches in nature, with different lengths, good arrangement, reasonable
structural stress and high bearing capacity, which reflects the beauty of the mechanics
of the building.
Most of the indoor structural members are exposed. The structural members
arranged according to certain rules have a strong sense of beauty. The dome of
Fig. 7.28 Photo of the “Oriental Eye”
7 Terminal Buliding
large space is composed of radial and annular members and supports gives people a
grand and broad feeling. As shown in Fig. 7.29.
The terminal building in the reflection of cruises is shown in Fig. 7.30.
Fig. 7.29 Second floor of the “Oriental Eye”
Fig. 7.30 Terminal building in the reflection of cruises
7.3 Terminal Building Construction
7.3.3 Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal
Phase 2 Terminal Building—Sea Scroll
According to the prediction on passenger throughput and berthing vessels of
Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal in 2020, it is planned to build two large
cruise berths. Located at the intersection of the river and the sea, the base is the northern gateway to Shanghai of cruises. As the sea tourists’ first impression of Shanghai,
this important position makes the case a window to show the city’s image and a
microcosm of Shanghai culture and the international city. As shown in Fig. 7.31.
As a whole, starting from the coordination relationship of the building group, fully
echoing the existing architectural form of the “Oriental Eye”, the three buildings are
integrated, harmonious and grand. With the “Oriental Eye” as the center of the whole,
two new terminal buildings as two wings, the overall shape presents a posture of “two
dragons frolicking with a ball”; In terms of architectural functions, the three buildings
interact with each other to form a functional whole to serve the tourists of the whole
terminal. As shown in Fig. 7.32.
“Sea Scroll” is not only an important carrier of traditional Chinese art, but also has
the intention of “blueprint”, implying the booming development and bright future of
the city and cruise industry in Shanghai. This design uses the intention of landscape
painting as the content of the scroll. The landscape itself not only represents the Oriental civilization, but also symbolizes the beautiful scenery. A huge urban landscape
scroll spreads out on the river, blending with the nature to form a whole. The tourists
embark from here, just like opening a wonderful picture scroll, to start a wonderful
journey. See Figs. 7.33 and 7.34.
Fig. 7.31 Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal Phase 2 terminal building—sea
Fig. 7.32 Overall curve of the three terminal builidngs
7 Terminal Buliding
Fig. 7.33 Creative sea scroll
1#2# 客运大楼及海事瞭望塔建筑概念性设计
Fig. 7.34 Structure dimension of sea scroll
The buildings of Sea Scroll have a total floor area of 55,408 m2 , but the proportion
of prefabricated structure is 23.80%. The prefabricated building area is 13,190 m2 .
About 2700 m2 of each terminal building adopt prefabricated structure, totalling
5400 m2 . The floor area of the plane area with prefabricated steel structure is about
2000 m2 . All the stairs in the buildings are made of steel, with a total floor area of
about 700 m2 .
New boarding corridor: The upper structure of boarding corridor is steel structure,
with the total area of 4590 m2 , using prefabricated structure.
New storm shelter corridor: The upper structure of new storm shelter corridor is
an all-steel prefabricated structure, with a total area of 3200 m2 .
7.3 Terminal Building Construction
7.3.4 Restoring the Old as the Old—No. 1 Terminal Building
of Dover Cruise Terminal, UK
The No. 1 terminal building of Dover Cruise Terminal seems to cover a large area,
but the actual part for passenger transport only accounts for 20% of the building,
and the rest is the reserved part of the original Marine Railway Station. The station
was Dover’s main train ferry terminal in the last century. The renovation project also
maintains the British government’s requirements of restoring the old as the old for
the historic buildings. See Figs. 7.35 and 7.36.
Fig. 7.35 Aerial view (the dark part on the right side is the new cruise terminal building area)
Fig. 7.36 Site view of the original railway station after restoring and no. 1 terminal building
7 Terminal Buliding
7.3.5 Terminal Building of Tilbury Cruise Terminal, London,
The port was first opened in 1854 as a railway and ferry shared station in Tilbury,
London, UK. The building on the east side of the port was built at that time. When
the 348 m floating pier was completed in 1930, Prime Minister MacDonald attended
the unveiling ceremony. The completion of the port marks the upgrade of the site
from a river port to a sea port. See Figs. 7.37, 7.38 and 7.39.
From 1948, the port started the Caribbean-Britain route. The opening of the route
is a part of Britain’s multiculture.
Fig. 7.37 Actual scene completed in 1930
Fig. 7.38 Real photo of Tilbury Cruise Terminal from Google Earth
7.3 Terminal Building Construction
Fig. 7.39 East side baggage hall during the sharing period
Train operations were suspended at the site around 1970, when ferry services along
the river Thames ceased. Around 1995, the local port administration department
arranged the cruise operation in this port and repaired and maintained the rear area
in combination with the then emerging cruise business along the river and at sea.
The site is built with two adjacent terminal buildings, which are interlinked inside
and can be separated or combined according to the arrival of vessels. The east side
building is the baggage hall and the west side building is the ticketing and waiting
Chapter 8
Marine Structures and Other Facilities
The marine structures, power supply and distribution (shore power), communication
control, water supply and drainage, and environmental protection are important components of the cruise terminal. The arrangement of these facilities has a great impact
on the construction cost of the port. At the same time, the relevant facilities directly
dock with the cruises and directly serve the cruises, the regulatory authorities and
tourists, which play an important role in the operation of the cruise port.
8.1 Marine Structures
8.1.1 Structural Type
For a new cruise terminal, there is no fundamental difference in selection of berth
structural type between cruise and other functional terminals. The berth structure may
be gravity type, open-piled, sheet piled, etc., which is determined by comprehensive
technical and economical comparisons considering ship types, service requirements,
natural conditions and construction capability, etc.
For example, Shanghai Wusongkou Cruise Terminal adopts open-piled beam-slab
structure, Incheon Cruise Terminal in South Korea adopts gravity quay structure, and
London Tilbury Cruise Terminal adopts floating pier. See Figs. 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3.
London Tilbury Cruise Port was built in 1930. Because of the tidal range of Thames
River up to 10 m, the berth structure adopts floating pier, such that all kinds of river
and oversea cruises can berth and operate conveniently. The pier adopts several
floating devices at intervals supporting overhead steel boxes with wood pavement.
It should be noted that, due to the high level requirement on comfort to accommodate cruises, the design should pay more attention to the convenience of passenger
embarking/disembarking, loading/unloading of goods and mooring conditions.
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive
license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
Z. Cheng et al., Design and Practice of Cruise Ports, Springer Series on Naval
Architecture, Marine Engineering, Shipbuilding and Shipping 4,
Fig. 8.1 Wusongkou open-piled wharf
Fig. 8.2 Incheon gravity quay
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
8.1 Marine Structures
Fig. 8.3 Floating pier of London Tilbury Cruise port, steel bridge and braces connecting to the
8.1.2 Structural Calculation
The calculation of marine structures shall be in line with current relevant codes of
water transport engineering.
8.1.3 Fender
Since the hatches of cruises are low, arrangement of berthing structure and fender
selection for the cruise terminal shall comply with the requirements of handling
operation at hatches for delivery of the cargo at different elevations. Thus the design
and arrangement of fenders for cruise terminals are very important.1
(1) Cylindrical airbag fender
Overseas cruise terminals are generally located in water areas of good hydrologicconditions. Some areas have little tidal ranges, such as in the Mediterranean Sea, the
tidal range is below 0.5 m and in the Caribbean Sea it is about 1 m, where cylindrical
airbag fender is one of the common types. This type of fender is very flexible in
berthing process and has minimum influence on painting of outer hull of the cruise.
Especially for multi-functional terminals, if there is no cruise, the berth structure can
be used to load/unload cargoes when the airbag fenders are lift up to the apron area.
1 Quoted
from Test of mooring impact energy of cruise ships using two simulating method of wind
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
A design sketch is shown in Fig. 8.4 and applications are shown in Figs. 8.5, 8.6,
8.7, 8.8 and 8.9.
(2) Protruding Fender Lengthening Structure
At a cruise homeport, there are lots of luggage, food and other goods that need to be
loaded or unloaded using handling equipment. In order to adapt to the hatches for
Quay Along
breast wall
New inflatable
rubber fende
DemoliƟon of
original breast wall
Original dock
unloading plate
Fig. 8.4 Section of typical airbag fender structure
Fig. 8.5 Wooden and airbag
fender at Los Angeles 93#
Backfilling block
8.1 Marine Structures
Fig. 8.6 Fender at Fort
Fig. 8.7 Fender at Shanghai
International Cruise
delivery of the cargo at different elevations, especially when the hatch is below the
deck, the space with proper width shall be left between the ship and the berth, so that
the cargo can be lift up or down.
For example, at Wusongkou Cruise Terminal, Forklifts are used to carry cargo to
the position opposite the hatch at the berth deck level, then lower or lift the cargo to
the hatch level. See Fig. 8.9.
Therefore, protruding fender lengthening structures are used in areas with large
tidal ranges, cell fenders are used to control the position of berthing force on cruises
at different water levels, and the protruding lengthening structure is used for the space
between the ship hull and the berthing structure. There are generally two installation
methods as following.
(a) Modified protruding fender structure. See Fig. 8.10.
(b) New installed protruding fender structure. See Figs. 8.11 and 8.12.
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
Fig. 8.8 Airbag rubber
fender at Dover Cruise
Terminal, UK
Fig. 8.9 Vertical
transportation at Wusongkou
Cruise Terminal
(3) Barge Fender
For an existing berth structure with densely arranged vertical fenders (DA Fender,
etc.), small barges are used to space out the ship hull from the cope line of the berth.
8.1 Marine Structures
Fig. 8.10 Protruding Fender
lengthening structure at
Wusongkou Cruise Terminal
Fig. 8.11 Fenders on Sanya
Phoenix Island Cruise
Outside and inside of these barges are equipped with small rubber fenders and
PE plastic panels. The length is required to span 3 vertical fenders continuously; the
width shall be reduced as possible. See Figs. 8.13 and 8.14.
Fig. 8.12 Fenders on
Malaysia Penang Cruise
Fig. 8.13 Actual view of a
Barge Fender
Fig. 8.14 Barge fenders
adopted in Seattle Cruise
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
8.1 Marine Structures
8.1.4 Design Considerations
(1) Anti-scour protection
Transverse thrusters of cruises are generally powerful. Necessity of anti-scour protection shall be determined in accordance with flow velocity by transverse thrusters,
sea bed property in berthing area and other conditions, and relevant design shall be
(2) Net fixing ring
Safety net shall be hung below the cargo hatches and below the connections between
the ship board and gangway or stairway, etc. to prevent falling down of goods, so net
fixing ring shall be installed at the cope line of the berth such as kerbs.
(3) Gangway
When gangways are used for passenger embarking/disembarking on a cruise terminal (Fig. 8.15), the length of the gangway shall be determined in accordance
with comprehensive factors, such as tidal variation, safe pedestrian slope grade, and
passing-through efficiency, etc.; the gangway shall not be too short and too deep for
safe passage and shall not be too long for efficiency. The arrangement of the gangway
shall be considered when deciding the terminal width, especially for situations of
large cruises and high water level.
(4) Apron Arrangement
Fittings such as mooring bollards, power connecting boxes, ditch covers, etc. are
located in the apron area where is also the goods loading/unloading area; unreasonable arrangement of these fittings will influence the handling operation, and these
fittings are prone to be damaged.
For that cruises are usually moored only by the bow and stern lines, more bollards
shall be arranged along both ends of the berth, while fewer bollards are needed in
Fig. 8.15 Gangway on
Incheon Cruise Terminal
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
the middle of the berth. Fewer fittings, ditches and openings shall be arranged in mid
berth; if there must be some ditches and openings, the covers shall be strengthened.
8.2 Power Supply and Lighting
8.2.1 Power Supply and Lighting
Design of power supply and lighting in a cruise terminal shall mainly includes power
supply and distribution system, shore-to-ship power supply system, lighting system of the terminal and square, electrical design inside the terminal building, lightning protection and grounding system, etc. The characteristics of the cruise terminal
servicing cruises shall be considered in the design of each system.
8.2.2 Power Supply and Distribution System
Load Classification
In the design of power supply and distribution systems, load classification of the
power supply must be determined first, and then a series of designs such as the
number and type of power supplies, the number of transformers, and the main line
of the system, etc. can be determined.
Load classification of the power supply for a cruise terminal shall be determined
according to the scale, designation and importance of the terminal. According to the
codes, power supply load for the port of turnaround shall be classified as the second
class, that for the port of call the third class, and that for facilities related to port
inspection, communication, navigation and security surveillance the first class.
With the development of large-scale cruises, most cruises carry more than 2000
passengers and some very large cruises can carry over 6000 passengers. At the
port of turnaround, embarking on each cruise lasts approximately 3–5 h, with an
average of about 1000 people per hour embarking through the terminal facilities,
and more during peak hours. Therefore, the power supply for main facilities such
as port inspection, baggage check-in, and supplies replenishment, etc. cannot be
interrupted for a long period of time. Otherwise, there will be a backlog of passenger
flow, affecting the cruise schedule, and seriously, it will also cause safety incidents.
It should be pointed out that the terminal building is generally set up in the port of
turnaround, in addition to meeting the above requirements, the load classification
of the firefighting power must also be determined according to the requirements of
Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings and Code for Electrical Design of
Transportation Buildings.
Load classification of the cruise terminal is as shown in Table 8.1.
8.2 Power Supply and Lighting
Table 8.1 Load classification of the cruise terminal
Facility or place
Electrical equipment
or system
Load classification
Terminal building
Public area lighting
Second class
Lighting and
equipment of
management room
Second class
Elevator, escalator
Second class
Port inspection
First class
Firefighting facilities
(including fire
First class/second
General office area
Third class
Other ancillary
Third class
HVAC equipment
such as air
Third class
Terminal lighting
Second class
Passenger boarding
Second class
Passenger corridor
Second class
Other terminal
auxiliary facilities
Third class
navigation and
security monitoring
First class
Terminal, approach
bridge (embankment)
ELV system
according to code for
fire protection design
of buildings
Other ancillary
facilities or buildings
Third class
Fire load is
determined according
to relevant codes
Shore-to-ship power
supply system
Second class/third
See the notes below
the table
Technical Code of Shore-to-Ship Power Supply System (JTS 155-2012) requires “the power load of
Shore-to-Ship power supply system should be supplied with power according to the requirements
of secondary class load”. Due to the large scale of shore-to-ship power supply system of the
international cruise terminal, if there is no step-down substation in the port area, the power supply
should be directly provided by the external area substation. To meet the power requirements of
the secondary class load, the investment and increase the daily operation cost will be increased.
Considering that the ship itself is equipped with auxiliary power generation equipment, once the
shore power is lost, it can also be powered by the ship itself, so it can be considered to supply power
according to the third class load
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
Power Supply of Cruise Terminal
The cruise terminal shall implement and determine the amount of external power
supply based on its load classification and local grid power supply. For the port
of turnaround, when external conditions permit, two 10 or 20 kV power supplies
should be introduced by two external independent substations. When the cruise terminal building has a large volume or other large-scale buildings, and the calculation
load of the entire project is greater than 6–8 MVA (excluding shore-to-ship power),
then a higher level voltage power supply can be adopted after technical comparison.
When some terminals do not have the conditions to introduce two independent power
sources, or the capacity of first class load is small, it is economically unreasonable to
introduce two independent power sources from the outside, so self-supplied generators can be used as backup power for the first and second class loads. Or two external
power lines of the same regional substation will be introduced to meet the needs of
the second class load, and a small-capacity self-supplied generator will be set as the
backup power for the first load.
An onshore power supply system shall be installed for the new, renovated or
expanded cruise terminal and the berths of other types of terminals which are also
used for cruise berthing. It must be executed when designing the cruise terminal.
Considering the capacity of the cruise power is large, the onshore power supply
facilities of the international cruise terminal should not be less than 16 MVA. Mainly
considering the trend of large-scale cruises, there should be some forward looking
and reserved quantities in the design stage, and relevant international standards also
have this requirement. The power supply for onshore power supply facilities shall be
dedicated. If the load of other facilities other than the shore-to ship power can use an
external power supply of 10 (20) kV voltage level, the external power supply of the
shore-to-ship power facility can be directly introduced from the regional substation.
Voltage level, number of circuits, capacity power of per loop, etc. should need to be
determined with the local power supply department.
When the scale of the cruise terminal is large, or the terminal building has other
functions, or the cruise terminal is connected with other terminals, and the total load
exceeds the capacity of local 10 (20) kV voltage level, the step-down substation
needs to be set for the project. The external power supply shall select 35 or 110 kV
voltage level. The step-down substation shall have two independent external power
supplies, and set no less than two main transformers. At this time, the capacity of
the main transformer shall take into account the shore-to ship power demand of the
cruise terminal, and the power supply to the onshore power supply facilities can be
provided according to the requirements of second class load.
8.2.3 Onshore Power Supply Facility
According to Design Code for Cruise Terminals (JTS 170-2015) and Technical Code
of Shore-to-Ship Power Supply System (JTS 155-2012), the cruise terminal design
8.2 Power Supply and Lighting
must be equipped with facilities to provide shore power to the cruise. At present,
many domestic and international cruise terminals have also set up or are setting up
onshore power supply systems, especially cruise terminals in North America, many
of which have been put into practical use.
Implementation of Onshore Power Supply Facilities
at International Cruise Terminals2
The world’s current cruise terminals that provide shore power to cruises are mainly
concentrated on the Pacific coast of North America (USA and Canada). The Atlantic
coast has also begun to build onshore power supply facilities in recent years. The
main reasons may be as follows:
• Cruise routes on the North American Pacific coast are relatively dense, and local
requirements for environmental protection are high.
• Cruise lines pay more attention. The North American Pacific coast cruise routes are
mainly operated by Princess Cruise and Holland America Line. Both companies
are involved in the construction of the onshore power supply facilities, and some
cruises have already been equipped with facilities for receiving shore power.
The distribution system of large cruises is 6.6 or 11 kV, 60 Hz, which is consistent
with the grid voltage and frequency in North America. The onshore power supply
facilities are simple and the relative investment is relatively low.
1. North American Pacific Coast
Most of the large-scale cruise onshore power supply systems currently in use in the
world are built at the Pacific coast of North America, distributed in the United States
and Canada.
(a) Juneau Port Cruise Terminal, Alaska, USA
Juneau Port is located on the Pacific coast of Juneau, Alaska. The cruise terminal at the
port is the first cruise terminal to provide high-voltage shore power to large cruises.
The onshore power supply facility was completed in 2001. The grid provides 6.6 or
11 kV power through the double secondary windings for ships of different grades. A
specially designed cable gantry was set up on the terminal to accommodate the 6.1 m
tidal range. The terminal mainly accommodates the cruises of Princess Cruise. The
company has cooperated with the terminal to renovate the cruises, install the shore
power receiving device, and has a power management system on board to achieve
synchronization of the ship and onshore power supply system, parallel operation and
load transfer. The total cost was $4.5 million, of which the terminal rebuilding cost
$2.5 million, and the ship rebuilding cost $500,000 each. A total of four cruises were
2 Quoted
from Large cruise terminal onshore power supply design concept.
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
(b) Port of Seattle, USA
Since 2005, Seattle has begun to upgrade the onshore power supply facilities for
the 30# terminal (cruise berth). The terminal was mainly used by Princess Cruise
and Holland America Line. Both companies participated in the renovation of their
respective berths and correspondingly modified their respective cruises. Princess
Cruise has invested a total of $2.7 million, of which $1.7 million for onshore facilities
and $1 million for ship rebuilding (2 ships). The Holland America Line invested a
total of $4.8 million, of which $1.5 million for onshore facilities and $3.3 million
for ship rebuilding (3 ships).
(c) Port of Vancouver, Canada
In 2009, as Canada’s most famous cruise port, Vancouver Metro Port began to install
onshore power supply facilities, and ended in May 2011 with a total investment of $9
million, co-invested by the Canadian government, the Department of Transportation
and Infrastructure of the British Columbia, Holland America Line, Princess Cruise
(American Carnival Cruise Group) and Vancouver BC Hydro and Metro port.
(d) Port of San Francisco, USA
The San Francisco Port cruise onshore power supply system is California’s first
cruise onshore power supply facility, completed in early 2010, with 11 and 6.6 kV
dual voltage outputs, with two fixed cable positioning devices (CPD) to accommodate
different berthing positions for cruises. The total cost is $5.2 million, shared by San
Francisco Port ($1 million), San Francisco Public Affairs Commission ($1.3 million),
Bay Area Air Quality Management District ($1.9 million), National Environmental
Protection Agency ($1 million), and Holland America Line and Princess Cruise.
(e) Port of Los Angeles, USA
The World Cruise Center of Los Angeles port is located on the west coast of North
America. The cruise onshore power supply system was completed by the port operator
in cooperation with Carnival Cruise Lines. The system was commissioned in 2011,
using a system similar to Seattle port. The dual output transformer is used to reduce
the high voltage of the regional grid to 6.6 and 11 kV. The system is also equipped
with a cable positioning device (CPD) with an outrigger to better accommodate
different cruises, as shown in Fig. 8.16. The total cost is approximately $8 million,
of which 50% is provided by the “Carl Moyer Program”.
The Los Angeles Long Beach Port was put into use in 2012. It is one of the ports
with the most frequent use of shore power. It has been connected for about 100 times.
The total connection time is 800 h and the power consumption is 3.6 million kWh.
(f) Port of San Diego, USA
The Port of San Diego is located on the Pacific coast of California, USA. Since 2008,
it has been renovating its cruise onshore power supply facilities. In 2010, it completed
and began to supply shore power to cruises. The total investment is $7.1 million, of
which part of the investment ($2.4 million) was provided by the Carl Moyer grant
8.2 Power Supply and Lighting
Fig. 8.16 Vehicles for onshore power supply system of Los Angeles Pier 93
2. North American Atlantic Coast
The onshore power supply facilities in the North American Atlantic coast are started
relatively late, and the number of ports that have implemented onshore power supply
facilities is relatively small.
(a) Port of New York, USA
The Port of New York began preparations for the construction of terminal onshore
power supply facilities at the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal in January 2012. It was
completed in 2016 and provides shore power to cruises of Queen Mary 2 of Carnival
Cruise Lines and cruises of other cruise lines. The onshore facility investment is
about $10 million, and the cost of rebuilding each boat is about $1 million.
(b) Port of Halifax, Canada
The Port of Halifax, Canada, is also undergoing construction of the cruise onshore
power supply facility with an investment of approximately $10 million, which is
shared by the Government of Canada, the province of Nova Scotia and the Halifax
port authorities. It was completed in October 2014 and began to provide shore power
to cruises.
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
(c) Port of Montreal, Canada
The Port of Montreal, Canada announced in August 2017 that it has completed the
construction of cruise onshore power supply facilities. The onshore power has two
functions. One is to provide shore power for ships which stayed on the terminal in
winter. The second is to provide shore power for cruises which are berthed. In 2016,
the installation of 4 sets of onshore power stations at 25, 27, 29 and M2 berths was
completed. By July 2017, the installation of the onshore power supply facilities at
cruise berths was completed, and for the first time it began to provide shore power
to MS Veendam of Holland America Line. The onshore facility investment is $11
million, with Canadian government providing $5 million, Quebec province providing
$3 million, and the Montreal Port Authority contributing $3 million.
3. Europe
The onshore power supply system of the European cruise terminal is not developing
fast. In addition to the small number of Northern Europe terminals serving offshore
routes and ferries which have already equipped with onshore power supply facilities
(mainly small-capacity 50 Hz power supplies), shore power technology for cruise
terminals serving ocean routes is just started in recent years. The main reason may
(a) Countries in Europe are small, large cruise routes involve more countries, and
countries’ policies are not uniform.
(b) The frequency of the European power grid is mostly 50 Hz. It is necessary to
set up a frequency conversion device for a large cruise to provide a 60 Hz largecapacity shore power supply. The investment is large, the economic benefits are
difficult to guarantee, and financing is difficult.
At present, in some countries in Northern Europe, such as Norway, Sweden, the
Netherlands, etc., some onshore power supply facilities are installed on some river
cruise terminals and ferry terminals, but they are all 50 Hz power supplies. For example, the Port of Oslo, Norway, built a set of 11 kV/50 Hz/4,500 kVA onshore power
supply facilities in 2010 to supply power to Color Line’s cruises. The connection
of onshore power supply facilities is special, with the specially designed connection
equipment without manual assistance, and the time required is less than 5 min per
In June 2015, Hamburg Port Authority signed a contract with Siemens to build
the first European cruise onshore power supply facility with frequency conversion
for the Altona cruise terminal in the Port of Hamburg, with a capacity of 12 MVA,
planned to operation in the spring of 2015. But there has not been the actual running
news so far. The total investment is e8.5 million.
4. Other regions
Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal announced in July 2016 that it
has built a 16MVA/60 Hz/50 Hz cruise onshore power supply facility that can serve
two berths.
8.2 Power Supply and Lighting
There have been no reports of setting up cruise onshore power supply facilities in
other parts of Asia.
Cruise Terminal Onshore Power Supply System
1. Cruise shore power capacity demand
The Design Code for Cruise Terminals stipulates that the shore capacity of each berth
should not be less than 16 MVA, which is based on the investigation.
(a) International regulatory requirements
According to Clause 4.7 of Appendix C of IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1: Utility Connection in Port—Part 1: High Voltage Shore Connection (HVSC) System—General Requirements, the HVSC system shall be rated for at least 16, and 20 MVA is
recommended where practical.
(b) Actual demand of cruises
Early international cruises had smaller tonnages, such as the Crystal Cruises of the
Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK). The gross tonnage (GT) of ships was about
48,000 tons, the number of passengers was 940, and the capacity of marine generators
was 8640 kW. After entering the twenty-first century, the international cruise has a
large-scale ship type. The ship gross tonnage is mostly over 75,000 GT, the largest is
220,000 GT, the number of passengers is 2000–6000, and the crew is nearly 1000 to
about 2000. The installed capacity of marine generators is getting larger and larger.
For example, the Sun Class cruises of Princess Cruise has the gross tonnage of about
77,000 GT, the rated passenger capacity of about 2300, the crew of 900, and the ship
generator capacity of 11,650 kW. At present, except for Princess Cruise which still
has some 30,000-ton cruises, other cruises of the major cruise lines in the world are
basically above 70,000 tons, and the ship generator capacity is above 10 MW.
(c) Implemented cases
The frequency of the grid in North America is 60 Hz, which is consistent with
the marine power of the cruise. The onshore power supply system does not need
the frequency conversion units, so generally it is relatively large. For example, the
capacity of the onshore power supply system of the Los Angeles cruise terminal
reaches 40 MW, and shore power of 20 MW can be provided to each of the two
In most countries in Europe and Asia, the frequency of the power system is 50 Hz,
and the shore power supply system needs to use a frequency converter to convert the
frequency to 60 Hz. The power inverter has a large investment. When designing the
onshore power supply system, it is necessary to carry out economic and technical
comparisons for the design ship. On the basis of the design ship, it is necessary to
leave a certain margin for future development. The first set of cruise onshore power
supply systems in Europe which is implemented in Hamburg Port has a capacity of
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
12 MVA. The first set of cruise onshore power supply systems in Asia—Shanghai
Wusongkou Cruise Terminal has an onshore power supply system capacity of 16
2. Cruise onshore power supply system
In 2012, IEC in conjunction with IEEE and ISO, issued general requirements for high
voltage shore power supply systems: IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1: Utility Connection in
Port—Part 1: High Voltage Shore Connection (HVSC) System – General Requirements. The ship-shore interface of the cruise shore power supply system is specified
in Appendix C. The schematic diagram of the shore power supply system is as shown
in Fig. 8.17.
In 2016, the IEC in conjunction with IEEE and ISO, issued data communication
requirements for monitoring the onshore power supply system: IEC//IEEE 800052: High and Low Voltage Shore Connection Systems—Data Communication for
Monitoring and Control. The content and format of information exchange between
onshore power supply facilities and cruises are clearly defined.
In order to ensure the versatility of the cruise onshore power supply system, and it
is possible to connect all cruises that have been modified according to international
standards, the above two international standards shall be strictly implemented when
implementing the cruise onshore power supply system.
Fig. 8.17 General system layout of cruise shore power system
8.2 Power Supply and Lighting
3. Cable Management System (CMS)
The high-voltage cable of the cruise onshore power supply system is on the terminal
side. In order to send the cable to the ship and protect the cable, a cable management
device must be installed on the terminal (Cable Positioning Devices, CMS), also
known as cable positioning devices (CPD). The CMS must be designed to be flexible
enough to accommodate the effects of displacement and shaking on the cable during
the connection to the cruise due to the effects of tidal waves and wind waves. The
type of CMS mainly depends on the location of the power receiving, the layout of the
apron of the terminal, and the local tidal changes. Generally designed for the special
situation of each cruise terminal, there is almost no identical CMS in the current
cruise onshore power supply system in the world. There are mainly the following
(a) Travelling hoist, as shown in Fig. 8.18.
(b) Mobile trolley, as shown in Figs. 8.19, 8.20, 8.21, 8.22 and 8.23.
In order to adapt to different cruises, some cruise terminals use mobile trolley, such as Los Angeles, Hamburg, Shanghai Wusongkou and other cruise
(c) Fixed facility, as shown in Figs. 8.24 and 8.25.
If the position of the cruise’s powered cabin is fixed, a fixed CMS can be
LNG Power Supply Equipment
In December 2014, the first LNG-powered barge “Hummel” from Becker Marine,
Germany, arrived in Hamburg. The Germanischer Lloyd and the participating departments will jointly test the LNG engine of “Hummel” at the Port of Hamburg. The
LNG-powered barge “Hummel” is said to provide low-emission electricity for cruises
berthing at the Port of Hamburg after loading the LNG fuel tank.
The powered barge “Hummel” operates in a similar manner to a floating power
plant, using low-emission LNG fuel to power the cruises. Compared to the traditional
0.1% sulfur marine diesel, the barge is able to block sulfur oxides and soot emissions
while significantly reducing nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide emissions. In the
spring of 2015, the cruise season began, and the “Hummel” was officially put into
operation, as shown in Fig. 8.26.
8.2.4 Lighting Design of Cruise Terminals
The lighting design of the cruise terminal shall focus on the lighting of the terminal
building, the terminal (including the approach bridge) and other areas, including
illuminance, uniformity ratio, color rendering index and other indexes. The terminal
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
Fig. 8.18 Travelling hoist of Juneau Cruise Terminal, Alaska
8.2 Power Supply and Lighting
Fig. 8.19 Mobile trolley rendering of Siemens
Fig. 8.20 Mobile trolley of Los Angeles port, USA
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
Fig. 8.21 Mobile trolley of Hamburg port, Germany
Fig. 8.22 Mobile trolley of Wusongkou port, Shanghai
building belongs to the passenger transportation building and has functions similar
to the airport terminal building, the passenger railway station and the water transport
passenger transportation station. Its internal lighting design takes Code for Electrical
of Design Transportation Building and Standard for Lighting Design of Buildings as
8.2 Power Supply and Lighting
Fig. 8.23 Onshore power supply facility of Wusongkou port, Shanghai
Fig. 8.24 Fixed facility of San Diego port, USA
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
Fig. 8.25 Fixed facility of Seattle port, USA
a basis. There are Lighting Design Handbook and other related manuals available,
as well as many books and practical examples about buildings lighting design for
reference, so there is no need to discuss it in detail here.
During the berthing of the cruise, in addition to a large number of people embarking and disembarking, there are a large number of items that need to be replenished and the garbage needs to be cleared. The international cruise terminal is also
a restricted area of the port of entry, and the requirements for security are also
high. Therefore, compared with other terminals, the frontier of the cruise terminal
has higher requirements for lighting. The code requires an average illumination of
30 lx and the color rendering index of 20. The design standard can be appropriately
increased when the conditions permit.
The lighting form of the terminal area is generally concentrated lighting with
medium and high poles. If there is a passenger corridor on the terminal, the luminaires
8.2 Power Supply and Lighting
Fig. 8.26 Barge “Hummel”
can be installed on the side of the corridor. The approach bridge lighting can use
commonly used street light poles, and the height is determined according to the
width of the approach bridge. If the terminal building is set up in the terminal area
and connected to the land through the long approach bridge, there will be a large
number of large and small vehicles passing through the approach bridge. At this
time, the lighting of the approach bridge can be designed as the secondary road
according to Standard for Lighting Design of Urban Road (CJJ 45-2015). LEDs are
recommended for light sources, which are energy efficient and can achieve better
lighting effects.
8.3 Communication and Information System
The design of communication, control and information system shall take into account
the type, scale and other factors, and the corresponding functions shall be arranged.
8.3.1 Central Integrated Control System
A central integrated control system shall be set for the port of turnaround, which
generally includes: information application system, intelligent integrated system,
information facility system, building management system, public safety system and
equipment room engineering. Each system can include a corresponding subsystem
depending on the type and scale of the port. The structure of the central integrated
control system can be seen in Fig. 8.27.
Information application
Information network
Clock system
Wireless intercom
indoor signal
covering system
Information guidance and
distribution system
Public address
Cabling system
Telephone switch
Cable television
IInformation access
Integrated information
application system
Intelligent information
integration platform system
business system
General business
Information security
management system
Information facility operation
management system
IProperty management
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
Intelligent card
application system
Public service
Information facility
Intelligent integrated
Central integrated control
Equipment room
response system
Integrated security
management platform
Public safety sytem
Security technology
protection system
Building energy
efficiency supervision
Building equipment
monitoring system
Building equipment
management system
Fig. 8.27 Structure of the central integrated control system
Information Application System
The information application system includes subsystems such as public service system, intelligent card application system, property management system, information
facility operation management system, information security management system,
general business system (basic business office system), professional business system
(public information inquiry system, departure system, passenger guidance display
systems, ticket selling and checking system), etc.
Intelligent Integrated System
The intelligent integrated system includes subsystems such as intelligent information
integration platform system and integrated information application system, etc.
Information Facility System
The information facility system includes subsystems such as information access
system, wiring system, mobile communication indoor signal covering system, private
8.3 Communication and Information System
telephone switch system, wireless intercom system, information network system,
cable television system, public address system, conference system, public notice
system, clock systems, etc.
Building Equipment Management System
The building management system includes subsystems such as building equipment
monitoring system and building energy efficiency supervision system, etc.
Public Safety System
The public safety system includes subsystems such as automatic fire alarm and
linkage control system, security and technical protection system (including intrusion alarm system, video surveillance and control system, access control system,
electronic inspection system, security inspection system, parking garage management system), integrated security management platform system, emergency response
system, etc.
Equipment Room Engineering
The equipment room engineering includes subsystems such as information access
computer room, CATV access equipment room, main distribution room of information facility system, intelligent center control room, information network room,
private telephone switch room, fire control room, security monitoring center, emergency response center, intelligent equipment room, computer room security system,
and computer room integrated management system, etc.
8.3.2 Design Considerations
The following contents shall be noted in the design of the cruise terminal:
(1) Information access system
It should be noted that the information access system not only needs to meet the
requirements of the terminal building, but also meets the information communication
requirements of customs, border control, national inspection, public security, state
security and other institutes. The corresponding private network system shall be
configured according to the requirements of each institute.
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
(2) Automatic fire alarm and linkage control system
The automatic fire alarm and linkage system generally adopts the control center
mode. Automatic fire alarm system consists of fire detector, manual call point,
smoke/heating fire detector, audible and visual fire alarm, fire emergency broadcast, fire telephone, graphic annunciator, fire alarm controller, fire linkage controller (including automatic sprinkler system, fire hydrant system, smoke control
and exhaust system, fire door and fire shutter system, fire emergency lighting and
evacuation indicating system, elevator linkage control and related linkage control),
etc. At the same time, the action signals of fire hydrant button, alarm valve, pressure
switch, water flow indicator, smoke prevention system, smoke exhaust system and
signal valve shall be monitored.
The principle of fire linkage control is that for the alarm signals provided by
various fire alarm detectors, in principle, the mode of “one signal alarm, two signals
linkage” is adopted to avoid frequent system malfunction caused by false alarms.
For manual call points, fire hydrant alarm buttons and other alarm signals that need
to be triggered manually, after one single alarm, the fire protection facilities shall be
linked to speed up the system response.
(3) Video surveillance and control system
The video surveillance and control system shall consider the use of intelligent video
surveillance systems and set up a dedicated network. The intelligent video surveillance system consists of control center, intelligent video mobile detection host, and
integrated information platform. The intelligent video surveillance system can realize
the intelligent functions of active alarm and rapid disposal for key area protection,
item loss/legacy detection, crowd focus detection, personnel detection, fight, riot
detection and video anomaly detection and etc., so that the personnel in the monitoring center can be timely detect the abnormal situation and deal with it in time,
effectively protecting the safety of passengers.
(4) Public announcement system
The public area shall be equipped with high-definition electronic bulletin screen that
displays image information and information distribution (including notifications and
clock publishing). According to the situation of each announcement place, it is mainly
installed at entrance and exit of the elevator on each floor, and entrance and exit of
the lobby, and it publish all kinds of notification information. Pay attention to the
specific installation position and size of the electronic bulletin screen, so as not to
affect the future use and meet the design requirements.
(5) Building equipment monitoring system
The building equipment monitoring system includes the following scope: equipment
control automation, meeting the requirements of operation, safety, energy saving,
etc. of the various types of electromechanical equipment in the building, and can
achieve real-time automatic monitoring, control and management of various types
of equipment.
8.3 Communication and Information System
The system performs process control on physical quantities such as temperature,
humidity, flow, liquid level, electric energy, illuminance, and harmful gas concentration. The system has a distributed computer monitoring and management function, and the application of local area network technology is the basic model. For
large-scale electromechanical facilities such as heat pump units, the second-level
networking method shall be integrated into the building management system.
(6) Building energy efficiency supervision system
The system should be set according to relevant national energy conservation provisions and measures. The building energy efficiency supervision system mainly analyzes the energy consumption of the building’s electricity (The power sub-metering in
the building energy efficiency supervision system is realized by the electric energy
management system (EMS), and the system obtains the power consumption data
through the network connection with the EMS main server), water consumption,
central heating (cold) power consumption, central hot water supply, and renewable
resources, etc., achieve comprehensive energy management, energy cost management, bill management, energy consumption analysis of power equipment, comprehensive energy consumption calculation per unit area, energy conservation inspection. Through real-time monitoring of energy consumption in the building, achieve
energy consumption exceeding warning, energy saving potential analysis, equipment
operating condition analysis, equipment maintenance optimization program analysis,
etc., in order to achieve the purpose of building energy efficiency. At the same time,
the classified energy consumption data can be uploaded to the higher authorities.
(7) Energy consumption data collection
The energy consumption monitoring system consists of data acquisition subsystem
and data transfer station. The collected and analyzed data can be uploaded to the
city-level data center via the network. The data acquisition subsystem consists of
monitoring devices, data collectors, and data acquisition software systems in the
building. The data transfer station receives and caches the energy consumption data
of the monitored buildings in its management area and uploads it to the upper-level
data center.
(8) Equipment room engineering
Due to the large content of the ELV equipment rooms, the number of ELV equipment
rooms shall be considered comprehensively according to the scale, and the ELV
equipment rooms shall be combined as much as possible to facilitate the management
of the ELV equipment rooms.
(9) Emergency response system
An emergency response system is required for the design of the cruise terminal. The
system has the following functions:
• Real-time local alarms for all types of events that endanger public safety.
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
• Adopt multiple communication methods to achieve local alarms and off-site
alarms for natural disasters, major safety accidents, public health events and social
security incidents
• Emergency command and dispatch in the cruise terminal.
• Emergency evacuation and escape emergency call and guidance
• Accident emergency disposal, etc.
In addition, it should be noted that when an emergency response system is installed
in a public building with a total construction area of more than 20,000 m2 , a communication interface interconnected with the information of the emergency response
system of the upper level must be configured to ensure smooth communication of
8.4 Water Supply and Drainage
8.4.1 Water Source Selection
There are living and entertainment facilities on the cruise, just like a mobile ocean
hotel, and the water supply and drainage facilities on the cruise are indispensable.
A cruise carries a large number of tourists, plus the crew and necessary service
personnel required for the cruise, the number of people on a cruise ship ranges
from a few hundred to several thousand, so it needs to consume a lot of fresh water
Although the large cruises are generally equipped with desalination plants, due to
the large power consumption of the desalination plant, 1 ton of seawater can produce
about 0.35–0.45 ton of fresh water, and the water production rate is not high and
waste is high. From the perspective of water production costs, the use of seawater
desalination to obtain fresh water is much more expensive than the use of water from
the port. Moreover, due to the mechanism of water production, this type of water
quality has a poor taste and cannot be used as drinking water.
Therefore, cruise operating companies generally try to obtain fresh water from
the port, and only use the desalination device to obtain fresh water in emergency
when the cruise is out of water during the voyage. Therefore, port terminals that
serve cruises need water supply utilities with sufficient capacity.
8.4.2 Water Demand
The so-called water supply facility with sufficient capacity is the water supply system
of a cruise port, the water supply volume and water pressure of which must meet
8.4 Water Supply and Drainage
the requirements of the arriving cruises for water consumption of vessels, domestic water consumption, water consumption for environmental protection and water
consumption for firefighting, etc.
The water consumption of vessels is mainly the water supply volume required in
the water supply pipe network to meet the water demand of the vessels.
The domestic water consumption is mainly the water supply volume required
in the water supply pipe network to meet the requirements of the domestic water
consumption of the cruise port facilities.
The water consumption for environmental protection is mainly the water supply
volume required in the water supply pipe network to meet the requirements for
greening and roads sprinkling by the cruise port.
The water consumption for firefighting is mainly the water supply volume required
in the water supply pipe network to meet the requirements of the water consumption
for firefighting of the cruise port itself and supporting facilities.
The water volume of domestic water consumption, water consumption for environmental protection and water consumption for firefighting of the cruise port itself
and supporting facilities can be determined by the layout, scale and building function
of the port, and according to the relevant provisions in the standards such as Design
Code of General Layout for Sea Ports, Code for Design of Building Water Supply and
Drainage, Technical Code for Fire Protection Water Supply and Hydrant Systems.
As for the water consumption of cruises, since the relevant provisions in the current
standard Design Code of General Layout for Sea Ports only clearly stipulate for container carriers, oil tankers, and general cargo vessels, there is no clear explanation
on the water consumption of cruises, therefore, for cruise port designers, it is necessary to combine the characteristics of cruises to calculate the water consumption of
Figure 8.28 shows the actual area of the cruise with large water consumption.
8.4.3 Research on the Water Consumption of Cruises
How to calculate the water consumption of cruises? In fact, the cruise is a mobile
premium hotel on the water, where everything is available such as guest rooms,
dining and entertainment facilities, and it consumes a lot of fresh water every day.
Figures 8.29 and 8.30 are the actual water supply facilities for the cruise terminal.
According to the research, the design of the water supply of the cruise terminal can
refer to the water consumption of the hotel room in the current national standard Code
for Design of Building Water Supply and Drainage. According to the current national
standard Code for Design of Building Water Supply and Drainage, the maximum
daily volume of domestic water consumption for passengers is 250–400L/(bed day),
and the maximum daily volume of domestic water consumption for crew is 80–
100L/(person day). For the number of passengers and crew, refer to the data on the
number of passengers and crew members of cruises described in Chap. 2 of this book.
In addition, according to the operating experience of major cruise lines, the cruise
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
Fig. 8.28 Dining area and guest room area with large water consumption
will be replenished by the cruise terminal within 1–2 days in the voyage, therefore,
when considering the water consumption of the cruise, the designer can consider it
for one day. If there is a special demand, the cruise line will generally make a request.
For the designers of the cruise terminal, if the number of people and the water
consumption are determined, the water consumption of the cruise in one day and
water needs to be supplied to the cruise can be determined according to the following
formula. As for the water consumption required for the water sports and recreational
facilities such as swimming pools on the cruise, as well as for deck washing, it can
basically be solved by direct seawater.
The formula for calculating the water consumption of a cruise is shown in (8.1).
8.4 Water Supply and Drainage
Fig. 8.29 Terminal water supply belt
Fig. 8.30 Terminal water supply well
Q = (N1 × M1 + N2 × M2 )/1000
Daily water consumption of the ship (m3 /day);
Total number of passengers (person);
Passenger water consumption (L/person day);
Total number of crew (person);
Crew water consumption (L/person day).
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
According to the standard Code for Design of Building Water Supply and
Drainage, since the above water consumption does not include water for canteens,
it is recommended that M1 and M2 take the upper limit.
8.4.4 Water Supply Conditions
The water source required for the cruise port generally uses the fresh water resources
provided by the urban water pipe network, rarely uses its own water source, which
is mainly due to the large demand for fresh water resources by the cruise. The selfcontained water source of the port generally uses groundwater. The self-contained
water source of the cruise is generally obtained by seawater desalination. The water
production is small and the water production cost is high, which is difficult to meet
the requirements.
However, some cruise terminals are located in remote locations, and of course
some are located in the central area of the city. Even if the water pressure provided
by the urban water pipe network is generally about 0.16 MPa, the water consumption
agencies are usually provided with backflow preventers, water meters, valves, etc.
from the municipal water supply pipe network, and considering frictional and local
head losses of the water supply pipe network, the water pressure at the water supply
inlet of the ship is less than 0.1 Mpa.
According to the current operating rules of Chinese cruise terminals, to maximize
the benefits, the cruises of the cruise lines are on the voyage most of the time. The stay
time of the arriving cruises is not long, generally about 8 h. Except for the preparation
time for the ship to berth and leave, there is only about 6 h to supply water to the
cruise. The position of the cruise’s water inlet is usually at the bow or stern, and
there are generally only 2 water inlets. Usually, the water supply outlets installed
on the terminal basically uses the indoor fire hydrant of SN65 as an interface. Some
terminals have only one outlet of fire hydrant, and some have two outlets of fire
According to the operating experience of Shanghai Wusongkou International
Cruise Terminal, such terminal facilities and municipal water supply conditions cannot meet the needs of cruises for short-term water supply. In order to meet the needs
of cruise water replenishment, the Wusongkou Cruise Terminal uses water supply
vessels to supply water to cruises for a period of time. See Figs. 8.31 and 8.32.
Water supply vessels may be large or small, the small boat can carry hundreds of
tons of fresh water, and the large ship can carry thousands of tons of fresh water. The
water supply vessel is provided with a pressurized water pump and the water supply
pipeline is generally 1–3 DN150 water belts, which can meet the water replenishing
requirements of the cruise ship in a short time. However, the water supply cost by the
water supply vessel is much higher than the terminal water supply system. Therefore, cruise lines are generally reluctant to adopt water supply vessels to replenish
water, and hope that the terminal water supply system can provide urban water that
meets the sanitary standards for drinking water. In fact, for the terminal management
8.4 Water Supply and Drainage
Fig. 8.31 Water supply vessel
Fig. 8.32 Personnel operating valves on the water supply vessel
companies, they are still very happy to provide fresh water for the cruises, because
the water supply to cruises can also get a lot of income.
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
8.4.5 Water Supply Design Essentials
Water Supply Scheme
The water supply system of cruise terminals must meet the total water demand
required by the cruises, and also meet the hourly flow requirements for completing
the fresh water supply within the specified time. The flow rate of the water supply
outlet for vessels can be calculated according to formula (8.2).
π D2 √
2G H
Flow rate of outlet (m3 /s);
Flow coefficient, ranged 0.60–0.62;
Diameter of outlet (m);
Gravity acceleration, 9.8 m/s2 ;
Pressure of outlet (m).
Therefore, a SN65 water supply outlet for vessels has a flow rate of 103.7 m3 /h
when the pressure is 10 m at the outlet. In order to meet the needs of the cruise
during the berthing time at the terminal, the water supply flow rate of the water
supply outlet for vessels is generally required to reach 100–150 m3 /h, that is, the
water supply outlet pressure shall be 10–20 m or higher. For some cruise terminals
away from the urban area and far from the municipal infrastructure, the pressure of the
municipal water supply network cannot meet the direct water supply requirements of
the cruise. In this case, the water supply adjustment station needs to be set up to store
a certain amount of fresh water in advance. Through the water supply equipment with
frequency conversion to increase the pressure, the purpose of supplying water to the
cruise ship in a short time can be achieved. As for the appropriate quantity of fresh
water to be stored, that is, how to determine the volume of the reservoir, according
to the calculation of the daily water consumption of the cruise, and the water supply
capacity of the urban water supply pipe network the appropriate reservoir volume
can be determined.
Water Supply System
In terms of water use, the cruise port mainly includes four aspects of water use,
such as fresh water for berthing cruises, domestic water consumption required for
living facilities set up within the port, water consumption for environmental protection required for landscape greening and road sprinkling within the port, and water
consumption for firefighting system set up within the port according to relevant
regulations. Therefore, in the design of the terminal water supply system, some use
one integrated water supply system for water consumption of vessels, domestic water
8.4 Water Supply and Drainage
consumption, water consumption for firefighting and water consumption for environmental protection. Some use two water supply systems, one for water consumption
of vessels and domestic water consumption, and the other one for water consumption
for firefighting and for environmental protection. Some also use three water supply
systems, one for water consumption of vessels and domestic water consumption, one
for water consumption for firefighting, and another one for environmental protection
water consumption.
The advantage of using an integrated water supply system is that the type and
quantity of the water supply network to be arranged on the terminal is small, the
arrangement is convenient, fast, and the cost is low. The disadvantage is that due to
the possibility of simultaneous use of water for each system, mutual interference is
large, the quality of domestic water is difficult to guarantee, and there is the possibility
of secondary pollution.
The advantage of using two water supply systems is that it is convenient to set
up the pipe network of different water systems separately, and the systems interfere
less with each other when using water. The disadvantage is that the type and quantity
of the pipe network are relatively large, and affected by the limited space of the
terminal, it is not very convenient to be arranged, and the cost is relatively high.
The advantage of using three water supply systems is that the water quality of
each system can be effectively guaranteed, and systems do not interfere with each
other. The disadvantage is that the type and quantity of the pipe network are large,
and the arrangement in the limited space of the terminal is inconvenient and the cost
is high.
For the water provided by the urban water supply pipe network, the water quality
can meet the requirements of the current national standard Standards for Drinking
Water Quality. To ensure the quality of water consumption for vessels and domestic
water consumption for the terminal and terminal building in the cruise port area, it is
recommended that the water supply system for vessels and domestic water consumption be separately set up during the design of the cruise terminal, and be provided
separately from the water supply system for water supply for the port firefighting,
environmental protection and other non-potable water. This can completely avoid
the influence on water quality of water consumption for vessels and domestic water
due to improper operation or setting, and ensure the safety of the water supply.
For areas where freshwater resources are scarce, especially in northern China,
the water quality of water consumption for firefighting and environmental protection
only needs to meet the standard The Reuse of Urban Recycling Water-Water Quality
Standard for Urban Miscellaneous Water Consumption (GB/T18920). Therefore, the
water provided by the urban reclaimed water system, or the reusing water provided
by the rainwater or the sewage collected in the cruise terminal and returned to the
standard after treatment, can be fully utilized for road sprinkling, landscape greening
and fire extinguishing water. It should be emphasized here that in determining the
water supply pipe diameter of each water supply system, the overall planning of
the cruise port shall be considered, and the possibility of terminal expansion shall
be fully taken into account. The water supply pipe diameter shall be determined by
calculation according to the water flow of each system, which shall consider the
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
economic rationality of current stage, avoid unnecessary waste, and also consider
meeting the requirements of expansion, making full use of the existing facilities and
avoiding redundant construction.
Other Considerations
The setting of water supply facilities for vessels shall be determined based on the
requirements of the arriving cruises and the services and utilities of the port. In the
design stage of the cruise terminal, when the cruise operator provides operational
requirements, it is possible to understand the specific situation of the cruise water
supply according to the actual arriving cruises, such as water supply quantity and
water supply time, water supply points and water quality, etc. This makes the designer
more targeted in the design work, objective-oriented, and provide accurate services
for the berthing cruises.
The water supply facilities of the terminal refer to both the urban water supply
pipe network and the water supply facilities inside the port. If the water quantity and
water pressure of the urban water supply pipe network can meet the requirements of
the cruise, the direct water supply mode by the urban water supply pipe network can
be adopted, which is simple and energy-saving. If one or both of the water quantity
or water pressure of the urban water supply network cannot meet the requirements
of the cruise, it is necessary to set up the reservoir and the pressurized equipment at
the cruise port.
It is worth mentioning that, due to the relatively large amount of water that the
cruise ship needs to replenish at one time, the reservoir capacity of the port is also
large. If the water in the reservoir is stored for a long time, it will cause the degradation
or deterioration of water quality. Therefore, in order to ensure the water quality for
the cruises and the water use safety of passengers, the best method is to inform the
terminal management company by the cruise line in advance according to the berthing
time of the operating cruise. The terminal management company will store the water
12 h or 24 h in advance according to the berthing time of the cruise to ensure that
the water storage renewal period in the reservoir is not more than 48 h. The volumes
of the reservoirs of several typical cruise terminals are shown in Table 8.2.
In addition, according to the current relevant regulations in China, it is required
to set up a disinfection device at the exit of the secondary pressurized equipment
Table 8.2 Reservoir volume statistics
Phoenix island international cruise terminal, Sanya, Hainan
1000 m3
Wusongkou international cruise terminal phase I and phase II, Shanghai
1500 m3 × 2
Klang cruise terminal, Malaysian
570 m3
Tianjin port international cruise terminal
300 m3
8.4 Water Supply and Drainage
to sterilize and inactivate the effluent from the reservoir again, and provide safety
guarantee again for the water quality.
8.4.6 Drainage
Drainage System
China attaches great importance to environmental pollution. For urban drainage, it
adopts rainwater and sewage diversion system, that is, rainwater and sewage use separate drainage systems. The drainage capacity and treatment capacity of the drainage
facilities provided by the port for the cruise terminal must meet the drainage demand
of rainwater and sewage in the cruise port.
As the cruise terminal is close to the water body, if the sewage is directly discharged
into the water body, the long-term discharge will inevitably lead to eutrophication of
the water body, which will lead to deterioration of the water quality. Therefore, for
the newly built cruise terminal, two drainage systems for rainwater and sewage shall
be used. If the old terminal is to be rebuilt or expanded, and the old terminal uses a
single drainage system, the original single drainage system shall be modified. The
two drainage systems for rainwater and sewage are set up to protect the ecological
China’s cruise terminal design code stipulates that rainwater and sewage shall be
discharged into the urban rainwater and sewage pipe network system when conditions
permit. For rainwater, when there is no dust or other pollutants in the cruise terminal
area, the rainwater is relatively clean, and the cruise port area is large, and the amount
of rainwater generated is not small. It can be collected by pipe network or ditch. After
that, it can be directly discharged into the water body. This type of treatment can
reduce the drainage load of the urban rainwater pipe network, and it can ensure the
rainwater be discharged in time and reduce the possibility of urban water logging.
When the surrounding environment of the cruise terminal is complex and there are
productions or operations that generate dust or other pollutants, the rainwater is often
mixed with pollutants. It needs to be discharged into the urban pipe network and then
discharged into the water body after treatment.
Drainage Outlet Elevation
When the top level of the water outlet is lower than the water level of the water body
and is in a submerged state, the water flow at this time belongs to the submerged
outflow, the drainage pipe of the water outlet is in the water body, and the pipeline
is filled with water, which affects the discharge capacity of the pipeline. If the top
level of the water outlet is higher than the water level of the water body, the water
flow directly flows into the air, and the water flow at this time belongs to the free
flow and does not affect the discharge capacity of the pipeline. It is recommended in
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
the standard Design Code for Cruise Terminals that the top elevation of the outlets
should not be lower than the average high water level of rainy season. This is to
allow the rainwater drainage system to be in free-flowing state as much as possible,
and the drainage is smooth, ensuring rapid removal of rainwater from the cruise port
area. The average high water level in the rainy season is mainly due to the fact that
the number of drainage times in the rainy season is large and the drainage volume
is large, which is not easy to discharge. In other seasons, the amount of drainage
and the number of drainage times are small and easy to discharge. In addition, the
reason why the average high water level is used instead of the highest water level
is to consider that if the highest water level is adopted, restricted by the length of
pipe network and the depth of the soil cover, it is difficult for the underground pipe
discharge to meet the requirements of being above the maximum water level. In fact,
according to the engineering design experience, the cruise port is basically located
beside the sea or the river water body. Under the condition of calculating the rainwater
drainage volume and the pipe diameter according to the relevant national codes, there
is no possibility that the port will be submerged, and the rainwater can be quickly
and effectively discharged. Unless the values of the land area elevation and the deck
level of the terminal are unreasonable, or the sea water overtops the terminal and
land area is inundated by the storm surge, the rainwater drainage system is filled
with water, and the surface water cannot be discharged.
Sewage Treatment and Reuse of Reclaimed Water
For the sewage generated by the cruise terminal itself, if there is an urban sewage
pipe network around the port, it shall be included in the urban sewage pipe network,
and the municipal sewage treatment plant will be centralized and unified to help save
energy and reduce consumption and manage it in a unified manner. If the terminal
is far away from the town and there is no urban sewage pipe network around, the
sewage treatment facilities shall be set up within the port area, and the treatment
process suitable for the type of sewage shall be adopted to discharge the sewage into
the water body after meeting the discharge standard. For water-deficient areas, it is
recommended to return the treated water to landscape greening and road sprinkling,
etc. to save water resources.
For domestic sewage and oily water from cruises, in accordance with the requirements of Chapter IV Annex VI in International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships, 1973/1978, the governments of the parties to the treaty shall
provide facilities to receive domestic sewage that meet the needs of the ships loading
and unloading at their ports. Before arriving at the port, the ship is discharged in the
permitted waters as required. When the port berthed by the cruise has no pollutant
receiving ship and other facilities, it is configured by the port or terminal, and the
receiving mode can be by tank truck, work boat or pipeline.
In fact, cruises are generally equipped with domestic sewage treatment equipment.
After being treated to meet emission requirements, they will be discharged in the
permitted waters. During the berthing at the terminals, domestic sewage is generally
8.4 Water Supply and Drainage
not discharged. If the cruise does need to discharge domestic sewage during the
berthing, and the terminal is provided with a domestic sewage pipe network receiving
system, after the inspection and quarantine is completed, it can be directly discharged
into the terminal domestic sewage pipe network. If the terminal does not have a
designed and configured domestic sewage pipe network, the domestic sewage can
be sent to the domestic sewage treatment station for treatment by tank truck. The
domestic sewage can also be received by the sewage receiving ship and transported
to the sewage treatment station for treatment.
Drainage Volume
Cruise terminal drainage includes rainwater drainage and sewage drainage.
The determination of rainwater drainage is relatively simple. It is only necessary
to select the design return period and runoff coefficient according to the relevant
provisions of the current national standard Code for Design of Outdoor Wastewater
Engineering, and then according to the local storm intensity formula and the cruise
terminal catchment area, to calculate the rainwater drainage flow. If there is no storm
intensity formula in the local area, it is recommended to use the storm intensity
formula in the vicinity to calculate. Due to the frequent extreme weather currently,
the values of the design return period and the runoff coefficient shall select the upper
limit and certain surplus shall be reserved properly.
Regarding the domestic sewage discharge, if only the domestic sewage discharge
volume of the cruise port itself is considered, the domestic sewage quantity standard
and the hourly change coefficient may be selected according to the current national
standard Code for Design of Building Water Supply and Drainage, and it is calculated and determined in combination with the number of port operating personnel.
If needing to consider the domestic sewage discharge capacity of the cruises, the
coefficient of 0.85–0.95 can be multiplied according to the calculation of the above
water supply.
According to statistics, the types and quantities of pollutants generated per day by
a total of 3000 passengers and crew on a cruise are: Domestic sewage, about 110 m3
black water and 1,000 m3 grey water, and solid waste, about 7 tons of garbage and
other solid wastes, oily sewage, about 140 m3 bilge oily sewage.
The maximum daily drainage (black water + grey water) of a 220,000 GT berth
is about 2040 m3 , and the maximum daily drainage of a 50,000 GT berth is about
813 m3 .
If the domestic sewage of the cruise needs to be discharged through the sewage
pipe network of the terminal, when designing the sewage treatment equipment, the
cruise port needs not only consider the total amount of domestic sewage discharged
from the cruise but also consider the hourly flow of the domestic sewage discharge
pump, in order to determine the size of the sewage drainage pipe and volume of the
sewage receiving tank.
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
8.4.7 Water Supply for Firefighting
The main codes used in fire protection design of cruise port and terminal building
include Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings, Technical Code for Fire Protection Water Supply and Hydrant Systems, Code for Design of Sprinkler System,
and Code for Design of Extinguisher Distribution in Buildings, etc. When carrying
out the fire protection design of the cruise terminal and the terminal building, first,
the fire type shall be determined according to the layout, function and construction
scale of the cruise terminal and the terminal building, and the provisions of standard
Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings. Then the fire water supply measures
to be adopted shall be determined according to the relevant provisions of the standard Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings. An outdoor fire hydrant system
shall generally be set up for the terminal and a certain number of fire extinguishing
appliances shall also be equipped. The terminal building is equipped with an indoor
fire hydrant system, an automatic sprinkler system and fire extinguishing appliances,
etc. according to the scale of the building. If the building has a large space, an intelligent fire monitor extinguishing system may need to set up. Because the cruise itself
is equipped with a complete fire water supply system, such as indoor fire hydrant
system, automatic sprinkler system and portable fire extinguishers. Therefore, it is
not necessary to consider providing fire water or other fire rescue facilities to the
cruise in case the cruise is on fire.
8.4.8 Project Cases
Water Supply
The first phase of the Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal has two
berths, with a 220,000-ton (GT) cruise berth upstream and a 100,000-ton (GT) cruise
berth downstream. The first phase of the project is equipped with two water supply
systems: domestic water supply system for vessels and water supply system for
firefighting. The domestic water supply system for vessels is directly supplied by
the municipal water supply network, and a DN250 water pipe is introduced from the
municipal water supply pipe network to each water supply point. The distance from
the access point of municipal water supply pipe network to the most unfavorable
water supply outlet for vessels is about 1200 m. The water supply outlet for vessels
designed in the first phase of the project is the SN65 double-valve and double-outlet
indoor fire hydrant. There is a DN80 water meter in front of the outlet, as shown in
Fig. 8.33.
Due to the limitation of the layout of Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal,
Shanghai, the installation of the pressure pump and the storage tank was not considered for the water supply system. Instead, the direct supply of water from the
8.4 Water Supply and Drainage
Fig. 8.33 Design of ship water supply outlet for the first phase of Wusongkou International Cruise
Terminal, Shanghai
municipal water supply network was proposed and the water pressure of the municipal water supply network was required to be above 0.3 MPa. However, due to a
variety of factors, municipal water pressure can only reach 0.16 MPa. Because the
terminal pipeline is long, the loss along the path is very large, plus the water head
loss such as valves and water meters, etc., the water pressure is seriously insufficient,
which cannot meet water supply demand of the vessels. Later, the water supply
system was rebuilt. Considering that the terminal fire protection system does not
need to use the fire pool below the terminal platform, the fire pool of the original
design was transformed into a water tank for the water supply for vessels. Tiles were
laid inside the pool and the water supply equipment with frequency conversion was
set up in the pump room. It basically can meet hourly flow requirements for water
replenishment of the cruise. However, due to the small capacity of the fire pool,
which is only about 400 m3 , and the demand for freshwater resources of cruises
is very large, ranging from seven to eight hundred tons to more than one thousand
tons. In addition, the municipal water pressure is low, and there is not enough time
for the pool to replenish water. It can’t meet the replenishment requirements of the
cruise during the berthing in the port. The terminal building of the first phase of the
project—the Oriental Eye, due to the high building height, is equipped with a set of
frequency conversion equipment for domestic water supply system on the ground
floor to meet the needs of various domestic water points. In order to ensure the water
quality of the water supply, the terminal water supply main pipeline is made of steel
pipes plastic coated inside and galvanized outside. Due to the low winter temperature
in Shanghai and the location at the estuary of the Yangtze River, in order to avoid
freezing and cracking of the water supply pipeline, insulation measures were taken
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
for the water supply pipeline. Since the cruise berth and the approach bridge are
long, the marine structures are provided with expansion joints and settlement joints
at regular intervals. In order to ensure the normal operation of the water supply pipe
network, the water supply pipeline is provided with an expansion joint at the place
passing through the expansion joint or the settlement joint to ensure the safety of
water supply.
The follow-up project of Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal, Shanghai, is
to extend a new 150,000-ton (GT) berth based on the upstream berth of the first phase
of the project, and to extend a new 220,000-ton (GT) berth based on the downstream
berth of the first phase. The total length of the berths at the entire cruise terminal in
Wusong Terminal is 1,600 m, and it is possible to berth two 220,000-ton cruises and
two 150,000-ton cruises at the same time. In view of the low water pressure of the
municipal water supply and the small volume of the reservoir in the first phase of
the project, the water supply requirements of the cruises cannot be met, so the water
supply system of the follow-up project comprehensively considers the demand for
cruise water supply of four berths. A 1500 m3 reservoir is installed at the upstream
end of the terminal. The diameter of the main water pipe is DN250, and the water
supply equipment with frequency conversion is set. The flow rate of the water supply
equipment is 0–300 m3 /h, the head is 60 m, and the diameter of the water supply
pipe of the frequency conversion equipment is DN200. The reservoir and the water
supply equipment with frequency conversion together can meet the water supply
requirements of two cruises on the upstream side. Similarly, reservoir of the same
size and the water supply equipment with frequency conversion are installed at the
downstream end of the terminal, which can meet the water supply requirements
of two cruises on the downstream side. In addition, the water supply pipes of the
upstream and downstream are connected to each other and controlled by valves.
Once the water supply equipment on one side fails, the water supply equipment on
the other side can supply water to any berth in the port.
Xiamen International Cruise Center is located at 0#-4# berth in Dongdu Port,
Xiamen. It was originally designed as a general cargo terminal and is now converted
into a cruise terminal. In the upgrading and rebuilding, the water supply network
also uses two water supply systems: the domestic water supply system for vessels
and the water supply system for firefighting. A 1500 m3 reservoir was installed at
the rear of the terminal, and the water supply equipment with frequency conversion
was also installed.
The Sanya International Cruise Port Project, Hainan, also uses the water supply
method of the reservoir plus water supply equipment with frequency conversion.
The entire project of Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal, Shanghai, is located
in the water body. The marine structure adopts the approach bridge type piled beamslab structure, and its rainwater drainage system adopts the method of directly discharging into the water body. The domestic sewage from the three terminal buildings
8.4 Water Supply and Drainage
located at the terminal is collected by the pipeline and discharged into the sump below
the terminal, then lifted by the submersible sewage pump and discharged into the
municipal sewage pipe network through the drainage pipe, centralized and processed
by municipal sewage treatment plants.
Xiamen International Cruise Center is located on the seashore. The marine structure adopts the gravity caisson structure. The rainwater drainage system of the terminal deck adopts the method of collecting by the rainwater outlet and directly
discharging into the water body. The domestic sewage generated by the terminal
building located in the land area is collected by the pipeline and discharged into
the sewage pipe network, and after being collected into the municipal sewage pipe
network, it will be centralized and processed by the municipal sewage treatment
Sanya International Cruise Port, Hainan, is located on the seashore. The marine
structure adopts a berthing platform and pier structure, and the rainwater is directly
discharged into the water body. The domestic sewage generated by the terminal
building located in the land area is collected by the pipeline and discharged into the
sewage pipe network. After being collected into the municipal sewage pipe network,
it will be centralized and processed by the municipal sewage treatment plant.
The rainwater drainage system of the Prince Bay Cruise Homeport Project, Shenzhen uses the method of direct discharge into the water body. However, the project
has set up a sewage discharge pipe network in the terminal area to meet the needs of
ship sewage discharge.
In the fire protection design of the first phase of the Wusongkou International Cruise
Terminal, Shanghai, the outdoor fire hydrant system was mainly installed in the
terminal area. The outdoor fire hydrant system is directly supplied by the municipal
water supply network with two-way water inlets. The terminal area is equipped with
a certain number of portable fire extinguishers according to the current national
standard Code for Design of Extinguisher Distribution in Buildings. The terminal
building of the first phase - the Oriental Eye is equipped with an indoor fire hydrant
system, automatic sprinkler system and intelligent fire monitor extinguishing system,
as well as portable fire extinguishers. According to the provisions of Shanghai local
fire regulation, when the outdoor fire water supply pipe network adopts two-way
water inlets, the fire pool may not be provided, and the indoor firefighting water
may be directly extracted from the fire water supply pipe network by using a fire
pump. Therefore, although the first phase of the project set up a fire pool at the
design stage, but in the fire system installation and acceptance stage, the fire pool
was not used. Only the indoor fire pump unit and the spray pump unit were installed
in the fire pump room, and the water supply source is respectively extracted from the
outdoor firefighting pipe to indoor fire hydrant system and the automatic sprinkler
system. It should be noted that the water supply source of the intelligent fire monitor
extinguishing system also comes from the indoor fire hydrant pump unit. In addition,
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
according to the requirements of the fire department, in order to ensure the water
supply for firefighting, two water intake openings are set at the terminal platform,
and the water intake opening size is 60 cm × 60 cm, which can meet the need for
the fire truck to directly pump the river water when necessary.
On the basis of the first phase of Wusongkou Cruise Terminal, Shanghai, a new
berth and a terminal building were built in the upstream and downstream respectively
for the follow-up project. Since the new berth and terminal building are far away from
the municipal water supply pipe network, in order to meet the water supply pressure requirements of the indoor and outdoor fire hydrant systems and the automatic
sprinkler system, a fire pump station and a fire pool were set up respectively in the
terminal platforms below the two newly built terminal buildings. The outdoor fire
hydrant system of the new berth and the outdoor and indoor fire hydrant systems of
the terminal buildings adopt one water supply system, and the water source is supplied by the indoor fire hydrant pump set in the fire pump room from the fire pool and
then pressurized. The automatic sprinkler system in the terminal building is supplied
by the spray pump set in the fire pump room from the fire pool and then pressurized.
Portable fire extinguishers are installed in the new berths and terminal buildings as
required by the codes. In order to ensure the fire water supply source, two water
intake openings are set at the upstream and downstream platforms of new berths
respectively. The water intake opening size is 60 cm × 60 cm, which is convenient
for the fire truck to directly pump the river water if necessary.
8.5 Environmental Protection Facilities
The design of the cruise terminal shall implement the national laws and regulations
on environmental protection, and implement the “three simultaneous” requirements.
The environmental protection measures of the cruise terminal shall be considered in
many aspects from the beginning of design. For example, when selecting a site for a
cruise port, try to choose a place that has less impact on the ecological environment,
especially the marine environment. When designing a marine structure, whether it is
a pipe pile structure or a caisson structure, it should be emphasized that the materials
used cannot affect aquatic organisms. When considering the excavation of the harbor
basin or channel, try to avoid the impact on important benthic organisms. Due to
the serious pollution of fuel locomotives and others, when selecting the passenger
boarding bridge and supply transportation equipment, try to choose the electric drive
facilities with no pollution, low energy consumption and low noise. For the winter
heating of the terminal building with a large volume in the cruise terminal, it is
necessary to fully consider the requirements of environmental protection. For areas
with central heating conditions in northern China, the use of urban central heating
system is conducive to saving energy and protecting the environment. For individual
cruise terminals that are far from the municipality, they shall also use fuel or gas
boilers for winter heating to avoid coal-fired boilers. As for the use of air conditioning
systems for heating or cooling, frequency conversion equipment shall be used when
8.5 Environmental Protection Facilities
selecting equipment to facilitate energy conservation and environmental protection.
This section focuses on environmental protection measures for wastewater and solid
According to the provisions of Design Code for Cruise Terminals, Waste water
and wastes receiving and disposal facilities shall be furnished or the ones in the
port shall be used in an integrated manner, to receive the wastes produced by the
cruise terminal and the vessels, and the disposal of waste water and wastes should
be incorporated into the local urban sewage and solid waste treatment system.
In accordance with the requirements of Chapter IV Annex VI in International
Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973/1978, the governments
of the parties to the treaty shall provide facilities to receive domestic sewage that meet
the needs of the ships loading and unloading at their ports. When the port berthed by
the cruise has no pollutant receiving ship and other facilities, it is configured by the
port or terminal, and the receiving mode can be by tank truck, work boat or pipeline.
In fact, cruises are generally equipped with domestic sewage treatment equipment.
After being treated to meet emission requirements, they will be discharged in the permitted waters. During the berthing at the terminals, domestic sewage is generally not
discharged. If the cruise does need to discharge domestic sewage during the berthing,
and the terminal is provided with a domestic sewage pipe network receiving system,
it can be directly discharged into the terminal domestic sewage pipe network. If the
terminal does not have a designed and configured domestic sewage pipe network, the
domestic sewage can be sent to the domestic sewage treatment station for treatment
by tank truck. The domestic sewage can also be received by the sewage receiving
ship and transported to the sewage treatment station for treatment. For the sewage
generated by the cruise terminal itself and land area personnel, if there is an urban
sewage pipe network around, it can be directly discharged into the urban sewage pipe
network, and will be centralized and treated by the municipal sewage treatment plant.
If there is no urban sewage pipe network around, the sewage treatment facilities shall
be set up within the port area, in order to deal with the domestic sewage generated
by the port itself.
Due to the large number of people on the cruise, there are also a lot of solid wastes
produced. If randomly discarded into the sea, they will cause serious pollution to the
marine environment and bring disaster to marine life. We often see news that large
and small fishes have died after swallowing materials such as foam plastic, which are
damages caused by human to the marine ecology. Therefore, with the enhancement of
people’s awareness of environmental protection, there are also solid waste treatment
facilities on the cruise, which collect and classify the garbage generated by passengers
and crew on board, compress and pack for reduction treatment, and deliver the
garbage in time according to the garbage storage conditions. As for the delivery
method, first, after receiving by the water garbage ship, the garbage will be sent to
the waste incineration plant or landfill as shown in Figs. 8.34 and 8.35. Second, after
receiving by garbage truck, the garbage will be sent to the waste incineration plant
or landfill for treatment. See Figs. 8.36 and 8.37. The solid waste generated by the
personnel on the terminal and land area shall be collected and classified by garbage
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
Fig. 8.34 Solid waste lifting at Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal, Shanghai
Fig. 8.35 Solid waste collection ship of Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal, Shanghai
bins, and then sent to the urban garbage disposal station for centralized treatment by
garbage trucks.
At present, in several major cruise ports of Shanghai, Tianjin, Xiamen, Shenzhen,
Hainan and other major cruise ports of China, Shanghai cruise port shall be the
busiest one, it is understood that its business has been scheduled for the next few
years. The first phase of the Shanghai International Cruise Terminal project and
8.5 Environmental Protection Facilities
Fig. 8.36 Garbage collection trailer on the terminal of Nassau Port
Fig. 8.37 Packed garbage in the garbage collection trailer of Nassau Port
8 Marine Structures and Other Facilities
subsequent projects have not provided a sewage collection system for cruise vessels.
The main consideration is that, first, the domestic sewage and bilge oil of the cruise
can be discharged in the permitted sea area after the treatment to reach the standard,
without the need for onshore receiving facilities. Second, the supporting facilities
of Shanghai are relatively complete and there are more sewage collection vessels.
Therefore, it is possible to rely on the sewage collection vessels for treatment if it
is unavoidable. In addition, for ship solid wastes, the garbage trucks will pollute the
terminal environment when receiving solid wastes at the terminal, affect the port
sanitation, and cause inconvenience to the people involved, thus it is more suitable
to use garbage boats for transshipment and treatment.
The Hainan Sanya International Cruise Port Project is located in the beautiful
Phoenix Island. The domestic sewage pipe network is not designed. For the cruises
berthing in the port, the domestic sewage receiving vessels are used to receive domestic sewage. For the solid wastes generated by the cruise, garbage trucks are used for
transportation for a period of time from the beginning. Later, since the odor generated by the solid wastes seriously affected the air quality of the Phoenix Island,
the method of using garbage boats for transshipment and treatment has significantly
improved the air quality of the cruise terminal area.
Due to insufficient construction of local supporting facilities during the development and construction period of Shenzhen Prince Bay Cruise Homeport Project,
there are no domestic sewage collection vessels, and no corresponding sewage collection and treatment agencies in the surrounding area. Therefore, when designing
the terminal, according to the requirements of the owner, the domestic sewage pipe
network was set up, to collect and treat the domestic sewage of the cruises berthing
at the terminal, and discharge it after meeting the discharge standard.
Chapter 9
Construction Practice of Cruise Port
In recent years, with the rapid development of China’s cruise industry, the construction of cruise ports is also changing with each passing day. More than ten specialized
cruise ports have been built in China. The construction of each port is not the same due
to different regional conditions and construction ideas. This book lists the relevant
construction practice cases of Shekou Prince Bay International Cruise Homeport,
Shenzhen and Wusongkou International Cruise Port, Shanghai that is the “World
No. 4, Asia No. 1” cruise port, to provide valuable experience for other similar
9.1 Shekou Prince Bay International Cruise Homeport,
9.1.1 Construction Background2
Shekou Prince Bay, Shenzhen, is a characteristic area with traditional cultural origins.
According to legend, the little emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty took refuge
in the sea, and there are the names of Prince Road and Prince Mountain (Microwave
Mountain) in the surrounding areas. The Prince Bay area is located in the southern
part of the Nantou Peninsula in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, and located in the Shekou
area (see Fig. 9.1). The area faces the sea with mountains behind, and faces Yuen
Long and Lau Fau Shan in the New Territories of Hong Kong and Zhuhai Special
1 Quoted
from Preliminary design of cruise home port and reclamation project in Prince Bay area
reconstruction project of Shekou Port Area, Shenzhen Port.
2 Quoted from Planning Ideas for the construction of International Cruise Home Port at Shekou
Ferry Terminal, Shenzhen Port.
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive
license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
Z. Cheng et al., Design and Practice of Cruise Ports, Springer Series on Naval
Architecture, Marine Engineering, Shipbuilding and Shipping 4,
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
Fig. 9.1 Location map
Economic Zone across the sea. The area is 25 km from the center of Shenzhen and
150 km from Guangzhou by land, and it is 20 nautical miles from the central area
of Hong Kong and 80 nautical miles from Guangzhou by waterway. The east side
of the area is adjacent to the Nanhai Hotel and the Sea World, the west side is the
second jetty of cargo terminal of Shekou Port, the north side is connected with the
Da Nanshan Whale Hill Villa, the south side is the Shenzhen Bay Sea Area.
Founded in 1979, Shekou Port Area, Shenzhen is the earliest port area developed
by Shenzhen Port. After more than 20 years of construction, it has formed the functional layout of “East Passenger West Goods” and the three large and three small
jetty-type terminal layout.
The three small jetties in the east are Hong Kong, Macao, domestic passenger
transport and the ferry terminal area. The first and second jetties and the coastwise
berths mainly operate bulk cargo such as ore, steel and grain, etc., and transport a small
amount of containers. The third jetty is the Shekou Container Terminal. The main
port enterprises in Shekou port are Shekou Ferry Terminal, China Merchants Port
Service (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. and Shekou Container Terminal (SCT) (see Fig. 9.2).
Prior to the renovation, the second jetty in the Shekou port area was mainly
based on bulk cargo operations. The outdated facilities, various kinds of loading
and unloading cargoes and the proximity to the urban area made the problem of
environmental pollution more prominent, and it was not compatible with the urban
landscape and has not adapted to the further development of the city (see Fig. 9.3).
In addition, due to the low utilization rate of facilities in the Shekou freight port
area, with the development of the surrounding specialized port areas, the goods have
been gradually diverted to other port areas. The traffic pressure on the city from the
collection and distribution of the port area is also increasing.
9.1 Shekou Prince Bay International Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen
Fig. 9.2 Planning map of Shekou port area
Fig. 9.3 Shekou port before the transformation
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
With the development of the city, the boundary between the city and the port is
becoming more and more blurred, and the contradiction between the port and the
city is becoming more and more prominent. The retreat from port to city and the
integration of port and city have become an important way for the port to develop
and upgrade.
With the acceleration of development, the contradiction between the port of
Shekou and urban development is particularly prominent. The transformation of
ports to urban functions and symbiosis with the city has become the common road of
urban development and port development. Therefore, the construction of the Shekou
cruise Homeport is the need for China to accelerate its integration into the world
cruise economy. It is the need to promote the economic transformation of Shenzhen and transform the economic development mode of Shenzhen. It is an important
industrial development direction for Shenzhen to explore a new development path.
It is an important opportunity and a grasp for accelerating Shenzhen’s urbanization
process and enhancing Shenzhen’s international image.
In this context, the China Merchants Group proposed in 2007 the strategic planning
for the development of the Shenzhen cruise industry economy. That is to realize the
port transformation and development through the integration function transformation
of the port and city in Shekou port area. The Shekou port area will be built into a
cruise economic zone of a “sea, land, air and railway” hub, an international cruise
port, a coastal characteristic entertainment and leisure area, and a commercial real
estate area. To better serve regional economic and social development and promote
the second take-off of Shekou, making it a new maritime gateway to Shenzhen Port.
In 2013, President Xi Jinping successively proposed the strategic initiative of
building the “New Silk Road Economic Belt” and the “twenty-first Century Maritime
Silk Road”, Shenzhen is in the key position of “the Belt and Road” initiative, and
with the advantages of Shenzhen Free Trade Zone policy, Shenzhen port has the
conditions and ability to play a greater role in regional economic development. The
construction of the Shekou cruise Homeport has actively responded to the country’s
development strategy and opened a new direction for Shenzhen to become the leader
of “the Belt and Road”.
9.1.2 Design Proposal
1. Construction mode of “Port-Park-City”
The new integrated construction mode of “Port-Park-City” by China Merchants
Group in Shekou cruise Homeport, Shenzhen, integrates traffic transfer, terminal
distribution, port joint inspection, business office, experiencing business, leisure and
sightseeing, and innovatively realizes the spatial development model that combines
city, park and port. It has completely changed the problem that most port terminals
in the world only have port distribution and embarking functions, with poor economic vitality, many environmental problems, and poor sustainable development,
9.1 Shekou Prince Bay International Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen
Fig. 9.4 Construction mode of “Port-Park-City”
and the mode has great construction innovation (see Fig. 9.4). The new upscale
tourism service area, which is built with tourism real estate, Homeport economy and
cruise industry, has been officially awarded the “China Cruise Tourism Development
Experimental Zone” by the National Tourism Administration.
In the development process of Shekou Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen, the sea, shoreline and land resources are fully utilized. It will take the international cruise Homeport
as the core, strengthen the port functions, establish a water passenger transport center, and develop the supporting business such as the cruise port duty-free, terminal
property operation, tourism resource development and supporting commercial real
estate, etc. It will form four functional groups, including cruise center, residential
life, business commerce, and cultural arts. It will be built into a coastal city center integrating industry, ecology and city. It will enhance the image of Shenzhen’s
modernized international coastal city.
The Prince Bay comprehensive development project is an innovative development
of the “Port-Park-City” model in the new era. It is based on the cruise Homeport,
and through the linkage development of “ship, port, city, tourism, purchase and
entertainment”, the three sectors promote each other, with port first, business parks
follow-up, to support the development of new urban areas, and create an interactive
development strategy model of “Port-Park-City”.
• Port—Homeport Construction Cruise economy
“Port” is based on the Homeport and focuses on “ships and ports”. It develops
the functions of cruise construction, maintenance, cruise operation, cruise Homeport, logistics and warehousing, port services, etc., focusing on the operation of
cruise berthing including port services, terminal operations and property management
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
• Park—Innovation and entrepreneurship Free trade
“Park” is based on “purchasing, entertainment” to develop import and export trade,
duty-free commodities, electronic commerce, cultural experience, commercial performances, catering, industrial real estate and other functional formats, focusing on
the cultural elements of cruises, providing cruise-featured entertainment, cultural
theme hotels, display experience, etc., to create a cruise-featured tourism and leisure
culture zone.
• City—Green community Smart city
“City” is based on “city and tour”, developing commercial real estate, accommodation, travel agencies, scenic spot development, theme parks and resorts, and improving the city functions of the districts, gathering high-end customers, promoting the
real estate business with each other, sharing scarce resources and cost advantages,
promoting the development of local characteristic businesses.
2. Construction plan
(1) Construction scale
Shekou Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen is built according to the standard of “Hardware
is not lower than Shanghai, software is not lower than Hong Kong”. The construction
includes supporting facilities such as cruise terminal, cruise center and corridor, etc.
There is one cruise berth of 220,000 GT and one cruise berth of 100,000 GT, one
20,000 GT ro-ro berth, and twelve 800 GT high-speed passenger ferry berths. The
land area for development of the cruise industry is 37.75 ha. With a total construction
area of 138,000 m2 , the total height of the terminal building is 64 m, it is the world’s
tallest cruise terminal complex. It is the largest cruise Homeport in Asia and is the
“sea gateway” to Shenzhen. The annual design passenger throughput is 6 million
passengers, including 300,000 cruise passengers and 5.7 million other passengers3 .
(2) Construction conditions
Shekou Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen is located in the eastern part of the Pearl
River Estuary, close to Hong Kong, backed by the Pearl River Delta, east of the
Lingding Ocean, overlooking Zhuhai and Macao, with complete water, land and air
transportation network.
The area belongs to the southern subtropical maritime monsoon climate zone. The
climate is mild and pleasant, with an average temperature of 22.7 °C per year, the
seasonal variation of precipitation is very obvious, and the rainy season is from April
to September. The wind direction and wind speed have seasonal characteristics, and
the multi-year average wind speed is 3.6 m/s. The annual average windy days of not
less than Beaufort Scale 6 is 34.8 days, the annual average windy days of not less
than Beaufort Scale 7 is 8.9 days, and the annual average windy days of not less than
Beaufort Scale 8 is 2.4 days (see Fig. 9.5).
3 Quoted
from Development Prospect and Passenger Traffic Forecast of Cruise Tourism in
Guangdong Province.
9.1 Shekou Prince Bay International Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen
Fig. 9.5 Wind rose map of
Chiwan meteorological
station (1992–2006)
Maximum wind
wind speed
Wind frequency
The Pearl River Estuary where the Shekou Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen located is
located is a weak tide estuary. It features irregular semi-diurnal tides, and the diurnal
inequality of tides is obvious. Due to the trumpet shape of the Lingding Ocean, the
tidal range is increased from the outer sea to the bay, and the annual average tidal
range is 0.97–1.70 m.
Design high water level 1.59 m (High water cumulative frequency 10%)
Design low water level −0.91 m (Low tide cumulative frequency 90%)
Extremely high water level 2.69 m (high tide of 50 years’ return period)
Extremely low water level −1.61 m (low tide of 50 years’ return period).
Shenzhen Bay is similar to a cecal bay. When the tides of the Lingding Ocean
rise and fall, Shenzhen Bay receive and discharge the tidal water. The tidal current
is basically reciprocating flow, and the maximum design current velocity at the front
of the terminal is 0.5 m/s.
The baymouth area of Shenzhen Bay is dominated by stormy waves throughout
the year, with few pure surges. The annual average wave height of the sea area is
0.2 m, the maximum wave height is 1.92 m, the average wave period is 3.1 s, and
the maximum period is 4.6 s (see Fig. 9.6).
For the Shekou Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen, to accommodate 50,000 GT–220,000
GT cruises, the terminal operating standards are as follows (Table 9.1).
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
Fig. 9.6 Wave rose map
Table 9.1 Terminal permissible operation standard
Berth influencing factor
50,000 GT–220,000 GT cruises
≤Beaufort scale 6
<Heavy rain (50 mm/day)
Horizontal visibility ≥ 1 km
Do not work during strong thunderstorm days
Following sea
H4% ≤ 1.5 m, T ≤ 8 s
Beam sea
H4% ≤ 1.2 m, T ≤ 8 s
Taking into account the impact of rain, wind, fog and wave on the terminal operations, deducting the number of overlapping days, the number of working days per
year for 50,000–220,000 GT cruise berths is about 335 days.
(3) General layout
The original jetty is used to extend to the seaside to form a 20,000 GT ro-ro berth,
a 100,000 GT and a 220,000 GT cruise berths. The total length of the shoreline is
about 940 m. Among them, the 100,000 GT cruise berth is 345 m long and 30 m
wide, the 220,000 GT cruise berth is 409 m long and 30 m wide. The included angle
between the cope lines of the two cruise berths is 210° (see Fig. 9.7).
The 20,000 GT passenger and cargo ro-ro berth shares part of the shoreline with
the 100,000 GT cruise berth. The new passenger terminal consists of three 124 m
long jetties and a rear revetment. The passenger terminal has a coastline of 625 m.
There are two pending berths on the northeast side of the harbor basin. The total
coastline length of the passenger terminal and the pending berths is 800 m.
9.1 Shekou Prince Bay International Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen
Cruise Industrial City
Second Jetty
Turning basin of
220,000 GT cruise
Fig. 9.7 General layout
The local design high water level is 1.59 m (Huanghai Vertical Datum of 1956),
the wave H1% is 2.30 m, and the extreme high water level is 2.69 m. Considering the
local tidal level and wave conditions, the terminal deck elevation is taken as 3.5 m.
The turning basin is located in the waters in front of the 220,000 GT cruise berth
and the second jetty. According to the scale of the 220,000 GT cruise (1.8 times
360 m which is the length of the 220,000 GT cruise), the diameter of 650 m is taken
for the turning basin, and the design mudline level is −12.0 m.
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
The east side of the cruise port is the revetment of the living landscape. The
shoreline is 1300 m long and seamlessly connected with Shenzhen Bay Park.
The Shekou Cruise Center is located about 20 m behind the 220,000 GT cruise
berth, which greatly shortens the passenger’s walk distance for embarking and transit
(4) Passenger process
Passengers can disembark and enter the boarding corridor at the rear of the terminal
through three mobile passenger boarding bridges at the front of the terminal, and walk
to the Shekou cruise center to complete the arrival. Passenger baggage is transported
by baggage carrier and forklift to the baggage drop area in the terminal building
(see Fig. 9.8). Embarking passengers first enter the boarding corridor at the rear of
the terminal through the terminal building and embark through the mobile passenger
boarding bridges. The baggage is transported to the cruise through the baggage carrier
and forklift from the baggage drop area in the terminal building (see Fig. 9.9).
Passengers on high-speed ferries can enter and exit the passenger terminal through
hydraulic lift bridges.
After the completion of the Shekou Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen, it can accommodate 6 million passengers per year. Among them, the cruise terminal will receive
300,000 passengers per year, and the passenger terminal (including high-speed ferry
Fig. 9.8 Mobile passenger boarding bridge and passenger boarding corridor
9.1 Shekou Prince Bay International Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen
Fig. 9.9 Baggage handling forklift and baggage conveyor belt
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
01 Main building
02 Main entrance
03 Seaview corridor
04 Jihang steps
05 Fulang square
06 Footbridge
07 Zhulang hillock
08 Coral garden
09 Talang corridor
10 Bolang square
11 Nongchao slope
12 Prince Bay Road
13 Prince Bay Road
14 Walk gallery
15 Customs check rest area
16 Terminal
17 Jetty
18 Purple flower slope
Fig. 9.10 Top view of Shekou Cruise Center
berths to Hong Kong and Macao, domestic high-speed ferry berths) will receive 5.7
million passengers per year.
(5) Terminal building
The Shekou venter is the passenger transportation center of Shekou Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen. It is located about 20 m behind the 220,000 GT cruise ship berth.
The building adopts the form of “bow wave”, which symbolizes the time spirit of
overcoming all obstacles and ceaseless self-improvement of the China Merchants
Group (see Fig. 9.10).
Shekou Cruise Center is a scenic city complex with the functions of customs
clearance services, traffic hub, business and commercial facilities, and international
coastal leisure. The overall shape of the building is naturally triangular, which fully
reflects the building’s respect for the environment and the land: The right angle side
at the seaside serves the cruise, the other one serves the high-speed ferry, and the
hypotenuse on the land is the main entrance to the central hall. The overall layout
provides a beachfront leisure walkway that takes full advantage of the seascape and
cultural and leisure activities. The terminal building is the focal point of the entire
walkway, which extends to the Tidal Park.
The covered land area of the building is about 42,000 m2 in total, and the total
floor area is about 138,000 m2 , of which the above-ground floor area is 78,000 m2 .
The total height of the terminal building is 64 m (the distance between the highest
point of the roof and the terminal deck). The number of floors is 10 floors above
ground and 2 floors underground plus 1 interlayer (see Fig. 9.11).
9.1 Shekou Prince Bay International Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen
Comprehensive hall
Joint inspection (departures)
Joint inspection (arrivals)
Baggage handling
Equipment room
Traffic transfer
Fig. 9.11 Vertical layout of the terminal building
• The second floor underground: parking garage (also used as a second-class defense
shelter for persons), equipment room.
• The first floor underground: traffic transfer (bus, taxi, social car transfer, cruise
bus storage), service room, equipment room.
• The interlayer of the first floor underground: baggage sorting and claim, storage,
equipment room.
• The first floor: comprehensive hall, port joint inspection and customs clearance
(arrivals), ticketing (domestic high-speed ferry), supporting port office, duty-free
shop, and passenger service room.
• The second floor: port joint inspection and customs clearance (departures),
ticketing (cruise, Hong Kong and Macao high-speed ferry), baggage check-in,
international transfer, supporting port office, duty-free shop, passenger service
• The third floor: supporting commercial.
• The fourth floor: supporting commercial, sea view corridor (open to the public).
• The fifth to eighth floors: office.
• The ninth floor: viewing platform (office).
• The tenth floor: equipment platform (spotlights).
The integrated functions are vertically distributed, followed by underground parking areas, overhead transportation hubs, baggage handling and storage areas, port
function areas, commercial areas, office areas, and aerial viewing areas.
The vertical division of the port function areas fully realizes the vertical diversion
of departing and arriving passengers. The service and handling of all baggage is
done at the first floor and interlayer of the first floor underground, minimizing the
vertical transport of baggage. According to the design requirements of the project,
the office area and the inspection areas of customs are concentrated in one place, and
it serves cruises and high-speed ferries at the same time. There are duty-free shops
in the international departure area and the arrival area. Both Hong Kong and Macau
high-speed ferries and cruises can be accessible.
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
Boarding Gallery
Fig. 9.12 First floor layout
(a) Passengers arrival and departure
The first floor is for cruise arrivals. According to the customs clearance capacity of
300,000 passengers per year at the Shekou Cruise Homeport, 30 passenger arrival
channels are arranged on the first floor, and functional areas such as passenger waiting
area, customs supervision passenger waiting area, customs inspection area, customs
and national inspection desk which uses one machine for two inspections are arranged
(see Fig. 9.12).
The second floor is for cruise departures, and 27 passenger departure channels are
arranged, and functional areas such as passenger waiting area, customs supervision
passenger waiting area, customs inspection area, passenger transfer area, baggage
check-in area and ticket counter are arranged (see Fig. 9.13).
Departure flow: Cruise passengers depart from the isolated passage of joint inspection and customs clearance area on the second floor of the main terminal building,
and then embark through the corridor bridge to the second floor corridor of the cruise
boarding bridge.
The high-speed ferry passengers depart from the isolated passage of joint inspection and customs clearance area on the second floor of the main terminal building,
pass through the corridor bridge to the second floor waiting hall of the jetty structure,
and then embark through the elevator, escalator and stairs down to the empty space
of the first floor (see Fig. 9.14).
Arrival flow: Cruise passengers disembark from the second floor corridor of the
cruise ship boarding bridge, and then enter through the corridor bridge to the isolated
passage of joint inspection and customs clearance area on the second floor of the main
9.1 Shekou Prince Bay International Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen
Check In
Check In
Check In
Check In
Fig. 9.13 Second floor layout
Passenger security
Domestic departures
Customs declaration
and inspection
National inspection
Border control
Macao flow
International departures
Domestic flow
Fig. 9.14 Departure flow
terminal building. The high-speed ferry passengers disembark from the empty space
of waiting corridor of the jetty structure, and then enter through the corridor bridge
to the isolated passage of joint inspection and customs clearance area on the second
floor of the main terminal building (see Fig. 9.15).
(b) Baggage check-in
Departure baggage flow: The baggage of the cruises and the Hong Kong and Macau
high-speed ferry will be checked by the check-in counter at the second floor of the
main terminal building. After the baggage handling system, the baggage will be
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
Domestic arrivals
Customs declaration
and inspection
National inspection
Border control
International arrivals
Macao flow
Domestic flow
Fig. 9.15 Arrival flow
sorted on the interlayer of the first floor underground (at the same level with the
deck) and loaded onto the deck.
Arrival baggage flow: The arrival baggage of the cruises will be passed through
customs (national inspection, border control) first, and then sent to the interlayer of
the first floor underground for baggage claim before entering the port (customs). The
baggage of the Hong Kong and Macau high-speed ferries enters on the open space
of the first floor of the jetty and then enters the port through customs (see Fig. 9.16).
(6) Terminal structure
The structure of the 220,000 GT cruise berth and the 100,000 GT cruise berth are
both open piled beam-slab structures with good permeability. The width of the berth
structure is 30 m and the rear is connected to the land revetment. The spacing between
the lateral bents of the berths is 9 m, and 5–6 φ1200 mm prestressed concrete pipe
piles are arranged for each bent. The upper structure uses prefabricated cast-in-place
composite beams and slabs (see Fig. 9.17).
The Shekou Cruise HomeportTerminal is closely adjacent to the land area, and
is fully arranged in a whole area. According to the geological report, a layer of
mucky silty clay is generally distributed between the part of 220,000 GT cruise berth
near the passenger terminal and the entire passenger terminal revetment area. The
depth is shallow and thickness is large, and the maximum layer thickness is 20.60 m.
The physical and mechanical indexes of the soil layer are poor. If the ground is
not reinforced or other measures are not taken, the stability of the revetment in
construction period and use period are not satisfactory.
In the design, the marine structure was creatively used to resist the lateral pressure
of the soil, and the form of the open piled berth structure plus scattered pipe piles plus
the riprap barge was adopted to combine the berth structure with the rear retaining
cofferdam together. The combination structure of the open piled berth and the shoreconnecting structure was formed, and the overall stability problem of the revetment
9.1 Shekou Prince Bay International Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen
Departure high-speed
ferry baggage
Departure cruise baggage
Arrival high-speed ferry baggage
Arrival cruise baggage
Passenger flow
Baggage claim and
handling area
Second floor
First floor
Fig. 9.16 Baggage check flow diagram
Land area
Riprap revetment
Design mudline
Fig. 9.17 Cruise terminal structure
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
Bent pile
Scattered pipe pile
along the coast
silty clay
Fig. 9.18 Schematic diagram of combined structure of open piled terminal and shore-connecting
was completely solved without reinforcing the ground. The combined structure was
adopted for the first time in the terminal projects at home and abroad, and obtained
the international utility model patent (see Figs. 9.18 and 9.19).
The front part is an open piled beam-slab terminal with a bent spacing of 9 m, and
the scattered prestressed concrete pipe piles arranged along the coast at the rear are
used as a retaining structure to improve the overall stability of the bank. The scattered
pipe piles adopt φ1200 mm prestressed concrete structure, the pile spacing is 1.8 m,
the pile top is cast with guide beam, and is formed into a whole structure together
with the bent frame of the terminal. In order to increase the structure’s ability to resist
the horizontal force of the rear soil, the top node of the pile is connected with the
rear guide beam and the bent frame of the terminal to form a whole structure.
(7) Foundation pit of the terminal building
The Shekou Cruise Center is located behind the completed 220,000 GT cruise terminal and passenger terminal. According to the functional requirements, the second
floor underground is parking garages and supporting facilities.
The enclosed area is about 38,200 m2 , the circumference is about 894 m. The depth
of the pit is 6.49–6.80 m, and part area is 10.95 m deep. The enclosed boundary of
the foundation pit is only 12.9 m away from the completed terminal structure. The
Cope line of the
9.1 Shekou Prince Bay International Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen
Scattered pipe pile
along the coast
Bent pile
Land area
Fig. 9.19 Pile position layout diagram of combined structure of open piled berth and shoreconnecting structure
horizontal displacement of the terminal structure during construction did not exceed
10 mm (see Fig. 9.20). The foundation pit structure is located on the riprap revetment.
The thickness of the riprap layer is about 15 m, the weight of the stone is 10–300 kg,
and the particle size is large, which is loose with high permeability. The construction
of the retaining wall will be affected by the dynamic water environment such as waves
and currents at any time. It is a strong permeable layer, connected with seawater, and
has good hydraulic connectivity. It is difficult to design and implement the deep
foundation pit.
The design creatively proposed: the seaside mainly adopts the secant boring pile
plus cantilever retaining, and the landside mainly adopts the plastic concrete secant
boring pile plus grading excavation (see Fig. 9.21).
Among them, the A and B piles are used for the seaside secant boring piles. The
diameters of the A and B piles are all 1200 mm and the spacing is 900 mm, which
are arranged alternatively. Among them, the A piles are made of plastic concrete, the
B piles are made of reinforced concrete, and the top beam is used to connected the
piles to strengthen the integrity.
The landside anti-seepage wall adopts plastic concrete secant boring piles, and
the piles have a diameter of 1200 mm and a spacing of 900 mm (see Fig. 9.22).
(8) Supporting facilities
The voltage level of the power supply of Shekou Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen is
380 V/220 V. The low-voltage power outlet circuit is provided by the substation in
the Shekou Cruise Center, which leads to the distribution equipment of the terminal
and the distribution room of the waiting gallery.
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
220,000 GT
cruise berth
Fig. 9.20 Location of foundation pit
Secant bored piles
in row
bored piles
Fig. 9.21 Schematic diagram of occlusion pile foundation pit
9.1 Shekou Prince Bay International Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen
Waterstop of the
foundation pit
Construction site of the Shekou
Cruise Center, Shenzhen
Fig. 9.22 Foundation pit excavation site
A set of shore-to-ship power system devices (Alternative Maritime Power, abbreviated as AMP) is installed on the cruise terminal. A 10 kV 50 Hz dedicated power
supply is provided from the rear to the AMP room of the land area. Two cruise berths
are provided with power after the power supply is transformed, frequency converted
and distributed. Now according to the standard of 5000–7000 kVA for each cruise,
the total power supply capacity does not exceed 7500 kVA. Separate power metering
devices are provided for both cruise berths.
The domestic water for the terminal includes water for cruises, water for passenger
ships and water for ro-ro ships and domestic water for passenger waiting areas, which
totals 2800 m3 . A number of ship water supply outlets are arranged at the front of
the terminal to provide water services for the ships.
According to the relevant maritime regulations, the domestic sewage and oily
sewage on the ships shall be equipped with relevant sewage treatment equipment,
and discharged after being processed to meet the standard. If the sewage needs to
be discharged during the berthing period, the application may be submitted to the
relevant department in advance, received through the sewage pipes installed on the
terminal, and sent to the local sewage treatment plant for disposal. Sewage receiving
pipes are set up on the terminal and arranged along the terminal.
The domestic sewage in the waiting areas above the passenger terminal is collected
by the terminal sump and lifted, then through the domestic sewage pipe, is discharged
into the municipal sewage pipeline of the land area and sent to the Shekou wastewater
treatment plant for treatment.
(9) Operational effect
On November 12, 2016, Shekou Cruise Homeport, Shenzhen was successfully
opened, marking the official entry of Shenzhen into the era of cruises (see Fig. 9.23).
In the year of trial operation, the young homeport accommodated 109 cruises and
the passenger throughput was more than 200,000 persons. The operation of the cruise
entering and leaving the port is safe and reliable, the terminal facilities are running
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
Fig. 9.23 Overall field photo
well, the facilities are complete and the degree of intelligence is high, and arrivals
and departures of passengers are quick and convenient (see Fig. 9.24).
In the first year of the opening of the port, the “two cruises berthing at the same
time” has come true, (see Fig. 9.25), which is the first time for the first year of the
opening of cruise ports in the Asia-Pacific region. And ushered in the berthing of 10
cruises of 9 major cruise lines, was named “Shenzhen people’s favorite cruise travel
port.” The cruise echoes the city and has become a part of the urban landscape. It is
the first choice for the citizens to enjoy leisure and sightseeing. The Shekou Cruise
Homeport, Shenzhen has become the city card of Shenzhen.
Fig. 9.24 Underground parking garage and customs clearance facilities
9.2 Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port
Fig. 9.25 Two cruises berthing at the same time
9.2 Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port4
9.2.1 Background
Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port, as the key of radiating Yangtze River
Delta region and realizing the cruise regional economic integration in cruise industry,
can bring strong impetus to the development of cruise related economic industries
in Shanghai.
Cruise industry has a huge potential tourist market for cruises in the Yangtze
River Delta region, and it is an emerging market for leisure and holiday tourism in
the Yangtze River Delta, with broad prospects. Through the development of cruise
tourism industry, Shanghai’s urban tourism will be deepened, and the huge potential
of high-end tourism consumption will be explored. It is the main breakthrough point
for Shanghai to realize the “China Cruise Tourism Development Experimental Zone”
and one of the important windows for Shanghai to face the international market (see
Fig. 9.26).
The combined development pattern of “two mains and one standby” in Shanghai
includes Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port and North Bund International Cruise Terminal as two major ports, as well as Waigaoqiao Haitong Standby
Terminal (see Fig. 9.27).
Under this background, according to the development trend of international
tourism, cruise industry is a sunrise industry leading a new round of tourism boom.
In the process of developing the Yangtze River Delta metropolitan area, the cruise
4 Quoted from Preliminary Design Document for Follow-up Project of Shanghai Wusongkou Cruise
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
New York
New Town
Tai Lake
New Town
New Town
Jiashan New Town
New Town
Yangshan Deep
Water Port
Fig. 9.26 Regional layout of Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port in the Yangtze River
Delta and Asia-Pacific
International Cruise Port
Haitong Standby
Shanghai International
Cruise Terminal
Shanghai Station
Hongqiao Station
Hongqiao Airport
South Railway
Pudong Airport
Fig. 9.27 Regional relations of Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port
industry will effectively dock with and serve the surrounding cities. The development
of cruise industry will be an opportunity for Shanghai to build a world famous tourist
city. Baoshan is the leading area for Shanghai to create cruise industry.
The spatial structure determines that the riverside area of Baoshan is the key area
for the transformation and development of Baoshan District.
9.2 Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port
The strategic orientation of Baoshan Riverside Area is that, with Shanghai
Wusongkou International Cruise Port as its core, it will form the core functional
section along the Huangpu River together with Lujiazui Area, World Expo Area,
Xuhui Riverside Area and Yangpu Riverside Area, so as to become a regional public
service center and urban landmark (see Fig. 9.28).
Taking the development of cruise port as an opportunity, the region focuses on
the development of cruise economic industry along Baoshan Riverside (Huangpu
River and Yangtze River), and effectively promotes the transformation and development of the whole region through the development of cruise industry along Baoshan
Riverside. The main functions of the core area of cruise homeport are: Shanghai
Wusongkou International Cruise Port, supporting projects such as administrative
and operational office facilities, large shopping mall, duty-free shops, star hotels,
seamen’s club, yacht center, yacht terminal and others.
9.2.2 Design Proposal
(1) Construction scale
It is predicted that the cruise passenger throughput of Wusongkou International
Cruise Port will be 3.4 million in 2020 and 450 cruises will be received. According
to the above requirements, two new large-scale cruise berths are to be built, together
with the existing cruise berths, there will be a total of four large-scale cruise berths.
Meanwhile, working platforms, approach bridges, passenger transport and boarding
facilities are to be constructed (see Fig. 9.29).
(2) Basic construction parameters of this project
• The overall scale of two 150,000 GT and two 225,282 GT cruises berthed at
the same time at the terminal;
• Total passenger transportation capacity demand of a single operation;
The total passenger flow is about 19,000 persons;
The total number of crew is about 7000 persons;
The designed passenger flow is 19,000 persons (calculated by 100%);
The designed flow of crew is about 5000 persons (calculated by 70%);
The number of passengers disembarking each time during the entry period
is 4000 persons (6 times)5 ;
• Scale of the approach bridge meets the traffic capacity of each business type
under design conditions.
(3) Construction conditions
The follow-up project of Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal is
located along the Paotai Bay Breakwater on the north side of Wusongkou, Baoshan
5 Quoted
from Random queuing system on arrival process of cruise homeport customers.
Pier No.9/10 of
Shanghai Port
Wusong Ferry Terminal
Wetland Park
Paotai Bay
International Cruise Port
Fig. 9.28 Riverside area relations of Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port
Military shoreline
Living shoreline
Ecological shoreline
Public shoeline
Municipal traffic shoreline
Industrial warehousing
Public Shoreline
to be Developed
Baoyang Road
Sandao Terminal
Riverside Park
Pier No.14 of
Shanghai Port
Development axis
Yacht center
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
9.2 Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port
Fig. 9.29 Effect picture of overall layout
District, Shanghai. The project is located about 2 km north of Wusongkou and south
of Baoshan Branch Channel. The water, land and air transportation network is very
The prevailing wind direction is ESE and frequency is 9.3%, followed by the
direction of E, ENE and NNE, with frequencies of 8.8% and 8.6%, respectively. The
winds from NE and NW direction are prevalent in winter, SE direction is prevalent in
summer, and ENE direction is the strong wind direction with maximum wind speed
of 16.0 m/s. As the proposed project is located on the Yangtze River, the wind speed
along the river is generally 1–2 higher in Beaufort Scale than that at land stations
(see Fig. 9.30).
The Yangtze Estuary belongs to a moderate tidal estuary. The tides belong to
irregular semi-diurnal shallow sea tides. The tidal level rises and falls twice a day.
The diurnal inequality of tides is significant, especially the large difference between
high tide levels. The average duration of flood tide and ebb tide is about 4 h and
20 min, and 8 h respectively. The annual maximum tide level in the project area is
usually the result of the combination of astronomical tide and typhoon.
Design high water level (high tide cumulative frequency 10%) 4.01 m
Design low water level (low tide cumulative frequency 90%) 0.60 m
Extreme high water level (high water level in 50-year return period) 5.87 m
Extreme low water level (low water level in 50-year return period) −0.24 m.
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
Maximum wind speed
Average wind speed
Wind frequency (%):
Fig. 9.30 Wind rose map of Baoshan meteorological station
The annual distribution of runoff is uneven. The annual average monthly runoff
is the largest in July and the smallest in January. The ebb current in the project area
is the dominant current, and the ebb current speed is obviously faster than the ebb
current, and the flow time is longer. There is an angle between the main direction of
rising tide and that of ebb tide in the project area, and the direction of the terminal
is consistent with the main flow direction in general, but in the upstream section of
9.2 Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port
Berth 3 and the downstream section of Berth 4, there is an angle between the flow
direction of ebb tide and the direction of the terminal.
At the project area, the prevailing wave direction is ESE, frequency is 21.7% and
strong wave direction is N-NNW; and the frequency of wave height greater than
0.6 m is about 8.86%, the frequency of wave height greater than 1.0 m is only 0.14%,
the wave height over 2 m is very rare, and the frequency of calm sea accounts for
16.2% (see Fig. 9.31).
(4) General layout
The layout mode of cruise passenger service adopts land-water linkage and centers
on water area layout. The total length of the new berth in upstream section is 380 m
(280 m berth + 100 m mooring dolphins). Together with the existing berths, it
can accommodate one 225,282 GT and one 150,000 GT large cruises at the same
time. After completion, the total length of the upstream section of the terminal is
Wave Level
Fig. 9.31 Wave rose map (1981.12–1982.11)
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
Boarding Gallery
Maritime Watchtower
Boarding Gallery
Fig. 9.32 Layout plan
800 m. The total length of the new berth in the downstream section is 446 m (346 m
berth + 100 m mooring dolphins, including the position of the maritime watchtower
platform). It can accommodate one 225,282 GT and one 150,000 GT cruises. The
total length of the downstream terminal is 800 m after completion. According to the
force requirement of mooring cable, the axis of mooring dolphins is arranged at 10
m back along the cope line (see Fig. 9.32).
The total berth length after expansion is 1600 m. The selection of berth line is
consistent with the location of the breakwater. The position of the cope line of the
new berths extends along the cope line of the existing cruise berths. The direction
of upstream section is N113.5°-293.5°, and the direction of downstream section is
According to the requirements of terminal operation and combined with the
existing projects, the width of upstream and downstream cruise berths is both 32 m.
The original boarding corridor is extended and the track of boarding bridge is set
on the terminal to meet the requirements of passenger transportation process. The
upstream section is extended 354 m and the downstream Section 420 m, in a total
of 774 m. In this design, the normal operation of the existing terminal is guaranteed,
and the structure of terminal building is separated from that of the existing terminal
appropriately. At the same time, according to the traffic organization, vehicle parking
inside and outside the building and the operation process inside the building, the width
of the platform for passenger transport and traffic organization is 48 m.
The total length of the upstream platform is 616.7 m, the width of the west section
is 48 m, and the length is 491.7 m. The width of the east section is narrowed from
31 to 0 m, and the length is 125 m, with the west part connected with the existing
platform. The downstream platform is 402.4 m in length and 48 m in width. A new
approach bridge is built on the downstream side of the existing approach bridge.
The width of the new approach bridge is 15 m according to the requirements of 4
9.2 Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port
Fig. 9.33 Mobile boarding bridge and passenger boarding corridor
lanes. The total length of the new approach bridge is 654 m. The projected area of
the approach bridge structure is about 9800 m2 .
The new 1# and 2# terminal buildings are both 189 m × 40 m in size. The original
boarding corridor and the boarding bridge track are extended on the terminal.
(5) Passenger transport process plan
The recommended passenger moving route of this project is: cruise embarking and
disembarking ←→ mobile boarding bridge and baggage forklift (see Figs. 9.33 and
9.34) ←→ on-shore boarding corridor ←→ customs clearance center ←→ entry
and exit.
The passenger capacity of the cruise terminal is 3.578 million persons per year,
which meets the throughput demand.
(6) Traffic organization6
The condition of “exit from homeport” requires 30 parking spaces for social vehicles,
37 for taxies and 28 for buses; in fact, there are 13 parking spaces for social vehicles,
15 for taxies and 51 for buses.
The condition of “entry from homeport” requires 15 parking spaces for social
vehicles, 22 for taxies and 44 for buses; in fact, there are 12 parking spaces for social
vehicles, 16 for taxies and 51 for buses. The peak-hour traffic demand of the approach
bridge is 2609 PCU/h.
The approach bridge has seven lanes, four in and three out. After entering the
terminal area, it is divided into upstream and downstream operation areas. Each
6 Quoted
from Traffic Organization Design of Wusongkou Cruise Terminal.
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
Fig. 9.34 Baggage handling forklift
operation area is equipped with four lanes, two in and two out. The roads in the two
operation areas are arranged as circular roads with one-way traffic and no planar
(7) Terminal building
• Combination of the water and the land
Wusongkou Port cruise terminal combines the passenger transport center on land with
the waterborne terminal building, jointly serving the entry and exit of passengers,
giving full play to the respective advantages of land and water, and ensuring the
safety, convenience and comfort of the operation of the terminal (see Fig. 9.35).
• One eye with two wings, linkage of three points
With the Oriental Eye as the center of the whole project, two new terminal buildings
as two wings, the overall form presents a posture of “two dragons frolicking with
a ball”; for building functions, the three buildings are linked to form a functional
whole, to serve the passengers of the whole terminal.
• Four in one, integration of the functions
The four buildings of watchtower, two new terminal buildings and the Oriental Eye
have formed a complete belt-shaped building complex along the waterside, so the
four buildings are into consideration together in the design, four in one, the overall
7 Quoted
from Comprehensive Traffic Countermeasures of Multi-berth Cruise Ports.
9.2 Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port
Fig. 9.35 Effect picture of the cruise center
functions are integrated and optimized, and the skyline is considered in a unified
• Passenger public traffic line (taking upstream 1# Terminal Building as example,
2# Terminal Building has symmetrical layout)
Departure passengers check baggage at the east side of the baggage passage on the
first floor, enter the departure security-check hall through the main entrance, and take
the escalator (accessible elevator) to the waiting hall on the third-floor after security
check. After the arrival of the cruise, the passengers take the escalator (accessible
elevator) to the joint inspection hall on the second floor, and pass the inspection
and quarantine, customs and border inspection, and embark through the boarding
corridor after customs clearance.
After disembarking, the inbound passengers go to the entrance of the joint inspection hall on the second floor through the boarding corridor. After the entry inspection
and quarantine and border inspection, the passengers arrive at the baggage claim area
on the first floor by the east (or west) escalator (accessible elevator), then after the
customs inspection on the west side of the first floor, leave from the west exit.
Details are shown in the Figs. 9.36, 9.37 and 9.38.
• Logistics flow for baggage handling
Emergency checked baggage of passengers is transported to the ship by staff through
the first-floor baggage passage (The main passenger baggage check-in facilities are
located in the building of Oriental Eye.) After the arrival of the cruise, the baggage
is transported by the staff to the baggage area of the first floor for the passengers to
claim their own baggage.
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
Fig. 9.36 First floor plan
Fig. 9.37 Second floor plan
Check In
Check In
Fig. 9.38 Third floor plan
9.2 Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port
Dock Platform
Hydraulic Crossing
Base Platform
Traffic Function
Dock Connecting
Extension Section
Arc Section of
Bridge standard
Layout plan of hydraulic
Fig. 9.39 Waterfront structures divided into several zones
(8) Waterfront Structures
The waterfront structures mainly include: (1) cruise berths (including mooring piers)
in Area A; (2) rear platform (including the spanning structure); (3) foundation platform of terminal buildings in Area C; (4) traffic platform in Area E; (5) the approach
bridge and (6) foundation of maritime VTS station (see Fig. 9.39).
(1) Cruise berths in Area A
The cope line of the berth is parallel to the breakwater, and the width of the berth is
about 30 m. It is arranged close to the outer edge of the breakwater and serves as an
extension of the cruise terminal in first phase. The design deck elevation of the berth
is 7.5 m, and the mudline level in front of the berth is—11.00 m.
The upstream extension section of the terminal is 380 m in length, which is divided
into four structural segments (with shoreline length of 280 m), A1, A2, A3 and A4.
At the same time, three mooring piers (with shoreline length of 100 m) are built in
the upstream extension section. The original upstream shoreline is 420 m long, and
after extension, the total length of upstream terminal is 800 m. The berth structure
is designed to accommodate the large cruises of 200,000 tons (GT).
The downstream extension section of the terminal is 446 m long, which is divided
into five structural segments (with shoreline length of 346 m) of A5, A6, A7, A8 and
A9. At the same time, three mooring piers (with shoreline length of 100 m) are built
downstream of the extension section. The original downstream shoreline is 354 m
long, and the total length of downstream terminal is 800 m after the extension. The
berth structure is designed to accommodate the large cruises of 200,000 tons (GT).
(2) Rear platform in Area B (including spanning structure)
In Area B, the rear platform does not have the function of berthing function, which is
mainly for traffic services, with surface elevation of 7.5 m. New waterfront platforms
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
of 309.8 m (255.5 m + 54.3 m) and 221.1 m in length and 32 m in width are built
on the inner side of upstream and downstream breakwaters and on the back edge of
front cruise berths respectively.
The front cruise berth and the rear platform are connected by a 21 m-spanned
simply supported hollow slab spanning structure. The design deck elevation of the
berth is 7.5 m. The upstream platform is divided into five structural segments, B1, B2,
B3, B4 and B5 respectively. The downstream platform is divided into three structural
segments, B6, B7 and B8 respectively. The upstream B5 structure is connected with
the back edge of the original phase I terminal.
(3) Foundation platform of the terminal building in Area C
The foundation platform of upstream terminal building is 181.9 m long and 48 m
wide, and the elevation of platform is 7.5 m. The platform of downstream terminal
building is 181.3 m long and 48 m wide, and the elevation of platform is 7.5 m.
The terminal buildings (upstream and downstream) are adjusted, but the plane
scale remains unchanged, leading to the load level of the adjusted design far higher
than the original design, and the column foot load is increased from 8000 to 12,000 kN
locally. As the design scale and load level of terminal buildings increase significantly,
the foundation platforms of terminal buildings have been redesigned.
The redesigned upstream foundation platform is divided into C1 and C2 structural
segments, and downstream foundation platform is divided into C3 and C4 structural
(4) Traffic platform in Area E
Traffic platform does not have the function of berthing, which is mainly for traffic
services, and the top elevation is 7.5 m.
The upstream traffic platform is divided into two structural segments, E1 and E2,
with a length of 125 m and a width of 31 m, respectively. The downstream traffic
platform is divided into E3 and E4 structural segments, with a length of 125 m and
a width of 31 m, respectively.
(5) Approach bridge
The approach bridge is divided into two sections. The length of the first section is
424.375 m, and the west side of the second section is connected with the existing
customs clearance platform. The end of the approach bridge is connected with the
newly built platform of the follow-up project, which is about 227.475 m in length.
The first section of the approach bridge is arranged in the same type with the existing
bridge of Phase I, because the radius of the center line of the bridge is not consistent
with that of the existing bridge, the superstructure of the new bridge adopts continuous
box girders with a span of 30.307 m. The approach bridge of this section is arranged
in four links with a total length of 424.375 M. The second section of the approach
bridge is composed of prestressed concrete simple-supported slab girders spanned at
15.165 m-, and the deck of the bridge is a simple-supported to continuous structure,
which is divided into five spans in each link, totally three links, with a total length
of 227.475 m.
9.2 Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port
(9) Supporting facilities
The new buildings include: 1# terminal building, 2# terminal building, east boarding corridor, west boarding corridor, two substations, two fire pump houses, and a
maritime watchtower.
In this stage, the total installed power of electrical equipment is 40,509 kW, the
calculated active power is 24,870 kW, the calculated apparent power is 26,941 KA,
and the total demand coefficient is 0.61.
The project consists of four water supply systems: cruise potable water supply
system, outdoor hydrant water supply system, indoor hydrant water supply system
and automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system. The total water consumption is
5602 m3 /d. The drainage system of this project adopts the separated system, that is,
the rainwater and sewage are separately drained by independent drainage system.
The communication system includes cable communication, wireless communication, cable television system, public broadcasting system and security system.
The computer control includes information display and guidance system, departure control system, clock system, security check information system, automatic fire
alarm and linkage control system, computer network system.
There is one warning light beacon at the upstream and the downstream of the
terminal respectively (2 in total).
(10) Operation effect
The cruise port started construction on December 20, 2008. On April 27, 2010, the
“Diamond Princess” of 116,000 tons was successfully berthed as a test, and it is
formally opened for trial operation in October 2011. The port served 62 large cruises
in 2012, 127 in 2013, 217 in 2014, 283 in 2015, and nearly 500 in 2016 and 2017. It
has been ranked the first and become the busiest international cruise port in the Asia
Pacific region, and has surpassed New York and become the fourth largest cruise port
in the world (see Fig. 9.40).
The Wusongkou International Cruise Port is an important urban basic function
of Shanghai. It makes up for the deficiency of the large special cruise terminals in
Shanghai, and realizes the function complementation and dislocation development
with the North Bund International Cruise Terminal, both of which together form the
largest and most complete international cruise homeport in China, and become the
hub of China’s cruise industry (see Figs. 9.41, 9.42 and 9.43).
On July 13, 2018, Wusongkou International Cruise Port witnessed a lively scene
of “three ships berthing at the same time”. Three homeport cruises, the Majestic
Princess, the Norwegian Joy and the MSC Splendida, were berthed at Wusongkou
International Cruise Port at the same time (see Figs. 9.44 and 9.45).
On the day when the three ships berthed, it was also a critical moment to open
the new terminal buildings of Wusongkou Cruise Terminal. There was a short-term
overlap of large passenger flow at the cruise inspection site. In order to strengthen the
supervision of inbound and outbound passengers and baggage, Wusong customs, as
a branch of Shanghai customs, rationally allocated human resources and formulated
the customs clearance plan for the “three ships berthing at the same time”. The
Fig. 9.40 Overall view of the port
Fig. 9.41 Publicity inside the hall
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
9.2 Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port
Fig. 9.42 Ticketing area
Fig. 9.43 Border inspection area
cruise supervision team was set up by deploying the backbone of the staff, and
the work was arranged well in advance to optimize the mode of supervision, use
cruise broadcasting to enhance policy propaganda for passengers, set up passenger
clearance routes scientifically, and ensure stable and smooth customs clearance at the
port of entry. At the same time, access the berthing dynamics in real time, coordinate
and organize passengers to embark and disembark at intervals, prevent potential
congestion, and extend the supervision time to 12 h.
On the same day, Wusong customs supervised 21 thousand passengers inbound
and outbound. This is the first time in the history of China’s cruise homeport that the
number of inbound and outbound passengers exceeded 20 thousand in one day.
9 Construction Practice of Cruise Port Construction
Fig. 9.44 Site view of three ships berthing at the same time
Fig. 9.45 Site view of three ships berthing at the same time
With the rapid development of China’s economy, the continuous improvement of
infrastructure, and the further improvement of the tourism software and hardware
environment, especially the successful construction and operation of cruise terminals
in Shanghai and Sanya, the cruise tourism industry in China is developing rapidly,
and China has already felt the trend of world cruises moving eastward from the
European and American markets. It is foreseeable that in the near future, China is
expected to surpass the United Kingdom and Germany to become the world’s largest
cruise tourism market. The supply scale of cruise terminals in China is expected to
become the world’s Number One. It will form a Bohai Sea cruise port cluster and
a Yangtze River Delta cruise port cluster, West-strait cruise port cluster, Pearl River
Delta cruise port cluster, Beibu Gulf cruise port cluster, South China Sea cruise port
cluster, etc. Driven by the continuous warming of the international cruise tourism
business, the transformation and upgrading of the Chinese tourism industry, and the
demand for regional cruise economic development, many port cities along the coast of
China have obvious advantages and great potential in developing cruise tourism, and
all actively take the cruise economy as an important direction of high-end tourism
development, by attracting internationally renowned cruise lines to increase their
routes, vigorously develop domestic and international cruise routes, and strive to
enter a new era of China’s cruise economy.
The planning and design of cruise terminals is one of the key links to achieve the
development goal of the cruise economy. In the planning and design of cruise terminals, it is necessary to combine the economic, social, environmental, cultural, and
transportation conditions and development plans of the region where the cruise port
is located, as well as the port’s own conditions, etc., to comprehensively study and
determine the development orientation and model of the cruise economy, and it shall
be avoided to determine the development orientation of the cruise port by administrative order regardless of the law of development and enlarge the scale of construction,
cause unnecessary waste of port investment, and low benefit. The development of
the cruise economy involves local governments, transportation departments, tourism
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive
license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
Z. Cheng et al., Design and Practice of Cruise Ports, Springer Series on Naval
Architecture, Marine Engineering, Shipbuilding and Shipping 4,
departments, customs, inspection and quarantine and other government departments
and industries. It is necessary to coordinate and cooperate to promote the sound
development of the cruise economy.
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